History of the United States, v.3


History of the United States, v.3, by James Ford Rhodes, 1910 [c1892].

Click on the entries below to view the full text of the book, History of the United States; from the compromise of 1850 to the final restoration of home rule at the south in 1877, vol. 3:

Table of Contents

Chapter 12, part 1: Material Progress from 1850-1860 through Business Revival in 1860 (pp. 1-57)

Chapter 12, part 2: Morrill Tariff Bill through American Morals (pp. 57-114)

Chapter 13, part 1: Excitement in Charleston through Seward’s Course (pp. 115-159)

Chapter 13, part 2: Lincoln’s Course through Ordinance of Secession (pp. 159-203)

Chapter 13, part 3: Declaration of Causes through President Sustains Anderson (pp. 203-241)

Chapter 14, part 1: Jeremiah S. Black through Jefferson Davis (pp. 242-296)

Chapter 14, part 2: Two Established Governments through Anderson Evaluates Ft. Sumter (pp. 296-356)

Chapter 15, part 1: Outbreak of the Civil War through Unanimity of the Southern People (pp. 357-411)

Chapter 15, part 2: Robert E. Lee through Second Uprising of the North (pp. 411-457)

Chapter 16, part 1: Joseph E. Johnston through McClellan (pp. 458-502)

Chapter 16, part 2: English Sentiment through Pressure of the Blockade (pp. 502-548)

Chapter 16, part 3: Internal Affairs of the Confederacy through Surrender of Ft. Donelson (pp. 548-594)

Chapter 16, part 4: Ulysses S. Grant through Action of the President and Congress (pp. 594-638)

Index to Volume III - [coming soon - please check back]

Source: Rhodes, James Ford. History of the United States; from the compromise of 1850 to the final restoration of home rule at the south in 1877, v.3. New York: Macmillan, 1910 [c1892].