Abolition and Anti-Slavery


American Abolitionist and Anti-Slavery Individuals, Organizations and Political Parties

See below for links to information from Scribner’s Dictionary of American biography about abolitionist and anti-slavery individuals, organizations and political parties.

Click HERE for Bibliography of Abolition and Anti-Slavery.

Please also visit our American Abolitionists website by clicking here. It is presently the largest online database of United States antislavery and abolitionist history.

Individual Abolitionists and Anti-Slavery Activists

See below, or click here, to view a comprehensive list of biographies of American abolitionists and anti-slavery activists. Sources: Scribner’s Dictionary of American Biography; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography; and others.

For a list that includes only biographies from Scribner’s Dictionary of American Biography, click here.

Abolitionist and Anti-Slavery Organizations

Click on the entries below to view information on American abolitionist and anti-slavery organizations. Source: Scribner’s Dictionary of American Biography.

[In progress - please check back]

Abolitionist and Anti-Slavery Political Parties

Click on the entries below to view information on American abolitionist and anti-slavery political parties. Source: Scribner’s Dictionary of American Biography.

Anti-Slavery Whigs * * NEW * *

Free Soil Party * * UPDATED * *

Liberty Party * * NEW * *

Anti-Slavery Radical Republican Political Leaders * * NEW * *

Members of Congress Who Voted for the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution

Anti-Slavery Members of the Thirty-Eighth Congress [In progress - please check back]

Anti-Slavery Members of the Thirty-Ninth Congress [In progress - please check back]

Anti-Slavery Members of the Fortieth Congress [In progress - please check back]

Comprehensive Biographies of Abolitionists and Anti-Slavery Activists

This is the largest database of abolitionists and anti-slavery activists available. It is presently more than 5,000 printed pages of biographies, with thousands of entries, from multiple scholarly sources.
Sources: Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, Scribner’s Dictionary of American Biography, and others.


Aar-Ada: Aaron through Adams, John
Ada: Adams, John Quincy, through Adams, William
Alc-And: Alcott through Andrus
Ant-Aye: Anthony through Ayers


Bab-Bal: Babbit through Ballou
Ban-Bay: Bancroft through Bayard
Bea-Bex: Beaman through Bexley
Bib-Bir: Bibb through Birney
Bla-Bol: Blackburn through Bolles
Bon-Boy: Bond through Boynton
Bra-Bro: Brackett through Brown
Bru-Buf: Bruce through Buffum
Bur-Buz: Burchard through Buzby


Cad-Cat: Cady through Catto
Cha: Chace through Chase
Che-Cin: Cheadle through Cinque
Cla: Claflin through Clayton
Cle-Col: Clement through Colwell
Com-Cow: Comings through Cowles
Cox-Cri: Cox through Crittenden
Cro-Cuy: Crocker through Cuyler


Dag-Day: Daggett through Dayton
Deb-Dic: DeBaptiste through Dickson
Dig-Dow: Digges through Downing
Dra-Dye: Drake through Dyer


Eam-Ell: Eames through Ellsworth
Emb-Ett: Embree through Etting
Eva-Ewi: Evans through Ewing


Fai-Fin: Fairbank through Finney
Fis-Fol: Fish through Follen
Fon-Fow: Fonerdon through Fowler
Fra: Frances through Fraser
Fre-Fus: Freeman through Fussell


Gad-Gan: Gadsen through Gano
Gar: Gardner through Garrison
Gas-Ger: Gasson through Gerry
Gib-Goo: Gibbons through Goodyear
Gor-Gra: Gordon through Gray
Gre: Greeley through Grew
Gri-Gut: Griffin through Guthrie


Hab-Hal: Habersham through Halstead
Ham: Hambleton through Hammond
Han-Haw: Hanby through Hawley
Hay-Haz: Hayden through Hazard
Hea-Hen: Hearn through Henson
Hep-Hit: Hepburn through Hitchcock
Hoa-Hor: Hoar through Horton
Hot-How: Hotchkiss through Howland


I: Ide through Ives


Jac-Jan: Jackson through Janney
Jay-Jes: Jay through Jessup
Joc-Jus: Jocelyn through Justice


Kag-Key: Kagi through Keys
Kil-Kor: Kilbourn through Korner


Lad-Lew: Ladd through Lewis
Lib-Lin: Libby through Lines
Lip-Lou: Lippencott through Louge
Lov: Love through Lovejoy
Low-Lym: Lowe through Lyman


Mac: McAboy through McPhail
Mad-Man: Madison through Mansfield
Mar: Marcy through Marvin
Mas-May: Mash through Maynard
Mea-Met: Meacham through Metcalfe
Mid-Mit: Middleton through Miter
Mof-Mor: Moffitt through Morris
Mor-Myr: Morrow through Myrick


Nea-New: Neal through Newton
Nic-Nye: Nicholas through Nye


O: O’Connor through Owen


Pac-Pal: Packard through Palmer
Par-Pay: Parker through Payne
Pea-Pho: Peabody through Phoenix
Pic-Plu: Picton through Plumly
Pol-Pyl: Poland through Pyle


Q: Quincy through Quinn


Rab-Ray: Rabun through Rayner
Rea-Rho: Read through Rhodes
Ric-Rob: Rice through Robinson
Roc-Row: Rock through Rowley
Rub-Ryl: Rublee through Ryland


Sac-Sca: Sackett through Scarlett
Sch-Scu: Schaff through Scuddy
Sea-Sey: Sears through Seys
Sha-Sis: Shadd through Sisson
Ski-Smy: Skinner through Smyth
Sno-Spr: Snow through Springstead
Sta: Stafford through Staughton
Ste: Stearns through Stewart
Sti: Stickney through Stillwell
Sto: Stocking through Stowe
Str-Sum: Stranahan through Sumner
Sun-Szo: Sunderland through Szold


Tab-Tha: Tabor through Thayer
Tho-Thr: Thomas through Throop
Thu-Tow: Thurston through Townsley
Tra-Tys: Tracy through Tyson


U: Underwood through Ury


Vai-Vau: Vail through Vaux
Ven-Vro: Venard through Vroom


Wad-Wan: Wade through Waner
War-Way: Ward through Wayne
Wea-Web: Weaver through Webster
Wee-Wet: Weed through Wetmore
Wha-Whi: Whaley through Whiting
Whi: Whitman through Whittlesay
Wil: Wilcox through Wiltenberger
Wim-Wit: Wimple through Wittson
Woo-Wyt: Wood through Wythe



Y: Yale through Young


Z: Zachos through Zane

Dictionary of American Biography, Volumes I-X, Edited by Dumas Malone, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1930.

Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, Volumes I-VI, Edited by James Grant Wilson & John Fiske, New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1888-1889.