Antislavery Measures of the 37th and 38th Congresses


History of the Antislavery Measures of the Thirty-seventh and Thirty-eighth United States Congresses, 1861-65, by Henry Wilson, 1865.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Slaves Used for Insurrectionary Purposes Made Free (pp. 1-16)

Chapter 2: Fugitive Slaves Not to be Returned by Persons in the Army (pp. 17-37)

Chapter 3: The Abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia (pp. 38-78)

Chapter 4: The President’s Proposition to Aid States in the Abolishment of Slavery (pp. 79-91)

Chapter 5: The Prohibition of Slavery in the Territories (pp. 92-109)

Chapter 6: Certain Slaves to be Made Free (pp. 110-174)

Chapter 7: Hayti and Liberia (pp. 175-183)

Chapter 8: Education of Colored Youth in the District of Columbia (pp. 184-194)

Chapter 9: The African Slave Trade (pp. 195-197)

Chapter 10: Additional Act to Abolish Slavery in the District of Columbia (pp. 198-202)

Chapter 11: Colored Soldiers (pp. 203-223)

Chapter 12: Aid to the States to Emancipate Their Slaves (pp. 224-248)

Chapter 13: Amendment of the Constitution (pp. 249-272)

Chapter 14: Repeal of Fugitive-Slave Laws (pp. 273-292)

Chapter 15: Pay of Colored Soldiers (pp. 293-312)

Chapter 16: To Make Free the Wives and Children of Colored Soldiers (pp. 313-327)

Chapter 17: A Bureau of Freedmen (pp. 328-336)

Chapter 18: Reconstruction of Rebel States (pp. 337-347)

Chapter 19: Confinement of Colored Persons in the Washington Jail (pp. 348-357)

Chapter 20: Negro Testimony (pp. 358-361)

Chapter 21: The Coastwise Slave-Trade (pp. 362-366)

Chapter 22: Color No Disqualification for Carrying the Mails (pp. 367-370)

Chapter 23: No Exclusion from the Cars on Account of Color (pp. 371-376)

Chapter 24: Amendment of the Constitution; Final Action (pp. 377-394)

Chapter 25: To Make Free the Wives and Children of Colored Soldiers; Final Action (pp. 395-404)

Chapter 26: A Bureau of Freedmen; Final Action (pp. 405-416)

Chapter 27: Conclusion (pp. 417-424)

Source: Wilson, Henry. History of the Antislavery Measures of the Thirty-Seventh and Thirty-Eighth United States Congresses, 1861-1865, Boston: Walker, Fuller, & Co., 1865.