American Slavery As It Is
American Slavery As It Is, by Theodore Dwight Weld, 1839.
To facilitate the use of the Index, some of the more common topics are arranged under one general title. Thus all the volumes which are cited are classed under the word, BOOKS; and to that head reference must be made. The same plan has been adopted concerning Female Slave-Drivers, Laws, Narratives, Overseers, Runaways, Slaveholders, Slave-Murderers, Slave-Plantations, Slaves, Female and Male, Testimony and Witnesses. Therefore, with a few emphatical exceptions only, the facts will be found, by recurring to the prominent person or subject which any circumstance includes. All other miscellaneous articles will be discovered in alphabetical order.
ABSOLUTE power of slaveholders 116
Absurdity of slaveholding pretexts 7
Abuse of power 115
Acclimated slaves 161
Adrian 119
Adultery in a preacher's house 180
Advertisement for slaves 41
Advertisement for slaves to hire 34, 136, 137
Advertisements, 62, 63, 77-82, 83, 152, 164, 167, 168, 172
Affray 201, 203
African slave-trade 8, 113
Aged slaves uncommon 38
Alabama 39, 177, 192
Alexander the tyrant 127, 92
Allowance of provisions 13, 47, 98
Amalgamation 11, 51, 97, 107
American Colonization Society 60
"Amiable and touching charity!" 114
Amusements of slave-drivers 107, 186
Animals and slaves, usage of, contrasted 112
Antioch, massacre at 120
"Arbitrary," 115
Arbitrary power, cruelty of 117
Arbitrary power, pernicious 115
Ardor in betting 171
Arius 120
Arkansas 188
Atlantic Slaveholding Region 206
Auctioneers of slaves 174, 181
Auctions for slaves 167, 174
Augustine 103
Aurelius 119
Aversion between the oppressor and the slave 116
Babbling of slaveholders 9
Backs of slaves carded 46
Backs of slaves putrid 54
"Ball and chain" men 108
Baptist preachers 97
Battles in Congress 184
Beating a woman's face with shoes 26
Bedaubing of slaves with oil and tar 27
Begetting slaves for pay 16
"Bend your backs" 47
Benevolence of slaveholders 125
Betting on crops 38, 103
Betting on slaves 176
Beware of Kidnappers 140
Bibles searched for 51
Blind slaves 133, 136
Blocks with sharp pegs and nails 104
Blood-bought luxuries 55
Bodley, H. S. 149
Bones dislocated 77
African Observer 155
American Convention, minutes of 60
American Museum 155
American State Papers 59
Andrews' Slavery and the Slave Trade 167
Bay's Reports 155
Benezet's Caution to Britain and her Colonies 57, 112
Blackstone's Commentaries, by Tucker 123
Book and Slavery irreconcilable 52
Bourgoing's Spain 125
Bourne's Picture of Slavery 178
Brevard's Digest of the Laws of South Carolina 35, 40, 116, 143, 144, 145, 147
Brewster's Exposition of Slave Treatment 30
Buchanan's Oration 58, 112, 118
Carey's American Museum 55
Carolina, History of 35
Channing on Slavery 38, 127
Charity, "amiable and touching!" 114
Childs' Appeal 124, 140
Civil Code of Louisiana 116
Clay's Address to Georgia Presbytery 30
Colonization Society's Reports 60
Cornelius Elias, Life of 161
Davis's Travels in Louisiana 35, 36, 134
Debates in Virginia Convention 183
Devereux's North Carolina Reports 143, 149
Dew's Review of Debates in the Virginia Legislature 182
Edwards' Sermon 28, 58, 118
Emancipation in the West Indies 129
Emigrant's Guide through the Valley of Mississippi 135
Gales' Congressional Debates 164
Harris and Johnson's Reports 133
Haywood's Manual 29, 144, 148
Hill's reports 143
Human Rights 93
James' Digest 143
Jefferson's Notes 117
Josephus' History 119
Justinian, Institutes of 117
Kennet's Roman Antiquities 119
Laponneray's Life of Robespierre 121
Law of Slavery 149
Laws of United States 32
Leland's necessity of Divine Revelation 127
Letters from the South, by J. K. Paulding 76, 89
Life of Elias Cornelius 161
Louisiana, civil code of 116
Louisiana, sketches of 42
Martineau's Harriet, Society in America 139
Martin's Digest of the laws of Louisiana 40, 143, 146, 149, 163
Maryland laws of 155
Mead's Journal 59
Mississippi Revised Code 143, 144
Missouri Laws 144
Modern state of Spain by J F. Bourgoing 125
Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws 118
Necessity of Divine Revelation 127
Niles' Baltimore Register 60
North Carolina Reports by Devereaux, 128, 143, 149
Oasis 160
Parrish's remarks on slavery 30, 155
Paulding's letters from the South 76, 89
Paxton's letters on slavery 144
Presbyterian Synod, Report of 117
Picture of slavery 178
Prince's Digest 116, 144, 150
Prison Dicipline Society, reports of 33, 35
Rankin's Letters 60
Reed and Matheson's visit to Am. churches 39
Review of Nevins' Biblical Antiquities 128
Rice, speech of in Kentucky convention 112
Robespierre, Life of 121
Robin's travels 39, 59
Roman Antiquities 119
Slavery's Journal 30, 65
Slavery and the Slave Trade 167
Society in America 131
Sewall's Diary 113
South Carolina, Laws of 116, 121, 143, 144
South vindicated by Drayton 110
Spirit of Laws 118
Swain's address 60
Stroud's Sketch of the Slave Laws 143, 144, 148, 149, 150, 155
Taylor's Agricultural Essays 35, 138
Travels in Louisiana 35, 36, 134
Tucker's Blackstone 123
Tucker's Judge, Letter 117
Turner's Sacred History of the world 121
Virginia Legislature, Review of Debates in 182
Virginia Revised Code 143, 144
Virginia Negro-raising state 182
Visit to American churches, 39
Western Medical Journal 60
Western Medical Reformer 31
Western Review 35
Wheeler's Law of slavery 60, 163
Wirt's Life of Patrick Henry 109
Woolman John, Life of 58, 113
Books of slaves stolen 51
Borrowing of slaves 55
Bourne, George, anecdote of 52
Boy killed 97
Boys fight to amuse their drivers 107
Bowie Knives 190
Boys' retort 57
Brandings 77, 108
Branding with hot iron 21
Brassos 102
"Breeders" 110
Breeding of slaves prevented 39
"Breeding wenches" 15, 175
Breeding wenches comparative value of 167
Bribes for begetting slaves 16
Brick-yards 18
"Broken-winded" slaves 38
Brutality to slaves 148, 149
Brutes and slaves treated alike 106
Burial of slaves 5
Burning of McIntosh 157
Burning slaves 26, 72, 86, 93, 155, 157
Burning with hot iron 26
Burning with smoothing irons 68
Butchery 193, 196
Cabins of slaves 11, 19, 41, 43, 101, 106
Cachexia Africana 31, 43
Caligula 121, 149
Can't believe 114
Capital Crimes 149
Captain in the U. S. navy, tried for murder 26
Carding of Slaves 46
Cat-hauling 21, 88
Cato the Just 8, 126
Causes of the laws punishing cruelty to slaves 147
Chained slave 13
Chains 72
Changes in the market 134
Character of Overseers 72, 95, 169
Character of Romans 118
Character of Slave-drivers 109
Charleston 22, 44
Charleston Infirmary at 170
Charleston Jail 23
Charleston Slave auctions 174
Charleston Surgery at 170
Charleston Work-house 23, 171
Chastity punished 15
Child-bearing prevented 57
Child-birth of slaves 12
Childhood unprotected 167
Children flogged 20
Children naked 19
Choking of slaves 23
Chopping of slaves piecemeal 93
Christian females tortured 119
Christian martyr 24
Christian slave-hunting 108
Christian slave-murderer 50
Christian, slave whipped to death 50
Christians, persecutions of 119
Christians, slavery among 45, 176
Christians, treat their slaves like others 42, 177
Christian woman kidnapped 52
Chronic diseases 44
Churches, abuse of power in 115
Church members 47
"Citizens sold as slaves" 41
Civilization and morality 188
Clarkson, Thomas 8
Claudius 121
Clemens 119
Clothing for slaves 13, 19, 40, 47, 95, 98, 105, 106
Cock-fighting 186
Code of Louisiana 116
Collars of iron 72, 74
Columbia, district of 67
Columbia, fatal affray at 201
Comfort of slaves disregarded 55, 56
Commodus 121
Condemned criminals 150
Condition of slaves
Confinement at night
Congress of the United States 114
Congress of a bear garden
Connecticut, law of, against Quakers 113
Constables, character of
Constantine the Great 120
Contempt of human life 198
Contrasts of benevolence 126
Conversation between C. and H 104
Converted slave 23
Cooking for slaves 18
Correction moderate 148
Corrupting influence of slavery 16
Cotton-picking 96
Cotton-plantations 105
Cotton seed mixed with corn for food 29
Council of Nice 120
Courts, decrees of 164
Cowhides, with shovel and tongs 104
Crack of the whip heard afar off 107
Crimes of slaves, capital 149
Criminals condemned 150
Cringing of Northern Preachers 16
Cropping of ears 20, 83
Crops for exportation 135
Cruelties, common 87
Cruelties, inflicted upon slaves 57, 87
Cruelties, of Cortez in Mexico 8
Cruelties, Ovando in Hispaniola 8
Cruelties, Pizarro in Peru 8
Cruelties, of slave-drivers incredible 110
Cruel treatment of slaves the masters' interest 138
Cultivation of rice 106
Cutting of A. T.'s throat by a Presbyterian woman 47
D'Almeydra, Donna Sophia 123
Damaged negroes bought 171
Darlington C. H., South Carolina 25
Dauphin Island, Mobile Bay 85
"Dead or Alive" 21, 23, 156
Dead slave claimed 178
Deaf slaves 133, 136
Death at child birth 45, 90
Death-bed, horrors of a slave driver 23
Death by violence, 197
Death of a slave murderer 94
Decrees of Courts 164
Decisions, judicial 144
Declarations of slaveholders 28
Deformed slaves 133
Delivery of a dead child from whipping 46, 90
Description of slave drivers, by John Randolph 173
Despair of slaves 102
Desperate affray 193
"Despot" 115
"Dimensum" of Roman slaves 34
Diseased slaves 133
Dislocation of bones 77
District of Columbia 67
District of Columbia prisons in, 163
Ditty of slaves 13
"Doe-faces"--"Dough-faces" 114
Dogs provided for 19
Dogs to hunt slaves 15
Domestic slavery 164
Domitian 121
Donnell, Rev. Mr. 70
"Dough-faces" 114
"Drivers" 110
Driving of slaves 89, 92
Droves of "human cattle" 76
Droves of slaves 69, 70, 167
Duelling 185
Dumb slaves 133, 136
Dwellings of slaves 43
Dying slaves 45
Dying young women 44
Ear-cropping 20, 77, 83
Early market 134
Ear-notching 83, 84
Ear-slitting 23
Eating tobacco worms 88
Effects of public opinion concerning slavery 144
Emancipation society of North Carolina 60
English ladies and gentlemen 123
Enormities of slave drivers 114
Evenings in the "Negro quarter" 20
Evidence of slaves vs. white persons null 12, 71
Ewall, Merry 162
Examples pleaded in justification of cruelty to slaves 104
Exchange of slaves 168
Exportation of slave from Virginia 182, 184
Eyes struck out 20, 77
Faith of objectors who "can't believe" 113, 114
Fatal rencontre 193
"Fault-finding" 54
Favorite amusements of slaveholders 186
Fear, the only motive of slaves 108
Feast for slaves 87
Feeding insufficient 30
Feeble infants 133
Felonies on account of slavery 113
Felonies perpetrated with impunity 113
Female hypocrite 22, 53
Females in brick yards 18
Female slave deranged, 97, 106
Burford, Mrs. 180--Carter, Mrs. Elizabeth L. 79, 172--Charleston, 22, 23--Charlestown, Va. 181--Galway, Mrs. 12--Harris, Mrs. 26--H. Mrs. throat cutter, 47--Laurie Madame La, 91--Mallix Mrs. 65--Mann Mrs. 71--Mabtin Mrs. 81--Maxwell Mrs. 1--McNeil Mrs. 68--Morgan Mrs.--Newman Mrs. B. 172--Pence Mrs[.] 178--Phinps Mrs. 70--Professor of religion, 44, 53--Ruffner Mrs. 50--South Carolina, 24--Starky Mrs. 68--Swan Mrs. 14--Teacher at Charleston, 54--T. Mrs. 101--Trip Mrs. 52--Truby, Mrs. 100--Turner Mrs. 87--Walsh, Sarah, 172.
Female slave starved to death 23
Female slave whipped to death by a Methodist preacher 173
Female stripped by order of her mistress 14
Fetters 21, 72, 74
Field-hands 130
Fighting of boys to amuse their drivers 107
'Fine old preacher who dealt in slaves' 180
Fingers cut off 77
Flogging for unfinished tasks 12
Flogging of children 20
Flogging of pregnant women until they miscarry 20
Flogging of slaves 20, 25, 26, 53, 107
Flogging of young man 106
Floggings 26, 62
Florida 38
Food, kinds of 28
Food, of slaves 18, 27, 47, 95, 101, 105, 106
Food, quality of 30
Food, quantity of 29, 98
Free citizens stolen 162, 164
Free woman 56
Free woman kidnapped 52
Frequent murders 46, 204, 208
Friends, emorial of 164
Front-teeth knocked out 83
Fundamental rights destroyed 150
Gadsden Thomas N. Slave Auctioneer 174
Gagging of slaves 75
Galloway flogging Jo. 14
Gambling on crops 38
Gambling slaveholder 46
Gang of slaves 76
Generosity of slaveholders 123
Georgia 61, 206
Girls' backs burnt with smoothing irons 68
Girls' toe cut off 181
Good treatment of slaves 123
Governor of North Carolina 24
Governor of Shiraz 122
Grand Jury presentment of, 202, 202
Guiltiness of Slavery 17
Gun shot wounds 77
Habits of slave-drivers 53
Hampton Wade, murderer of slaves 29
Handcuffs 72
"Hands tied" 16
Hanging of nine slaves 158
Harris Benjamin, slave murderer 26
Head found 169
Head of a runaway slave on a pole 23
Health of slaves 161
Heart of slaveholders 47
Herding of slaves, 47
Hilton James, slave murderer 46
Hired slaves 133, 136
Hiring of slaves 55
"Horrible malady" 31
'Horrid butchery' 193
Horrors of a slave-driver at death 23
Horrors of the "middle passage" 113
Horse-racing 186
Horses more cared for than slaves 19
Hospitality of slaveholders 123
Hours of rest 36
Hours of work 13, 14, 36, 103, 105, 108
Hospital at New Orleans 161
House-slaves 52
Houses of slaves 19
"House-wench" 48
Hovels of slaves 47
Huguenots, persecution of 8
"Human cattle," 76, 110
Human rights against slavery 7
Hunger of slaves 28
Hunter of slaves 21
Hunting men with dogs 155, 160
Hunting of slaves 21, 97, 108, 155, 159, 160
Hunt, Rev. Thomas P. 16
Husband whipping his wife 85
Hunts of slaves 11, 19, 41, 43, 101, 106
Hymn-books searched for 51
Hypocrisy of vice 8
Idiot slaves 133
Ignatius 10
Ignorance of northern citizens of slavery 102
Ignorance of slaveholders 107
Impunity of killing slaves 21, 46, 47, 50, 54, 91, 92
Inadequate clothing 41
Income from hiring slaves 55
Incorrigible slaves 133
Incredibility of evidence against slavery 110
Incredulity discreditable to consistency 112
Incredulity discreditable to intelligence 115
Indecency of slave-drivers 153
Indiana Legislature, resolutions of 59
Infant drowned 12
Infant slaves 133
Infirmary at Charleston 170
Infliction of pain 55
Inspection of naked slaves 154
Intercession for slaves 12
Interest of slaveholders 132
Introduction 7
Iron collars 21, 72, 74, 75
Iron fetters 21, 72, 74
Iron head-front, 76
Israelites in Egypt, 142
Jewish law 54
Joe flogged 14
Jones, Anson, Minister from Texas 102
Judicial decisions 144
Kentucky 66, 202
Kentucky Sunday morning 160
Kicking of slaves 97
Kidnappers 140
Kidnapping 140, 141, 164
Kindness of slaveholders 125
Kinds of food 28
Kind treatment of slaves. 8
Knives, Bowie 199
Knocking out of teeth, 13, 20, 83
Labor, hours of 36, 108
Labor of slaves 18, 35
Ladies Benevolent Society 44
Ladies flog with cowhides 104
Ladies, public opinion known by 172
Ladies use shovel and tongs 104
Law concerning slavery 143, 144
Law-making 151
Laws, Georgia 40
Laws, Louisiana 40, 116, 143, 163
Laws, Maryland 40, 155
Laws, Mississippi 143
Laws, North Carolina 31, 128, 143, 144
Laws, South Carolina 40, 116, 143, 144, 155
Laws, Spirit of 151
Laws, Tennessee 148
Laws, United States 32
Laws, Virginia 40, 143
Law, safeguards of taken from slaves 116
Law suit for a murdered slave, 71
Legal restraints 116
Licentiousness 16
Licentiousness encouraged by preachers 180
Licentiousness of slave drivers 70, 97
"Lie down" for whipping, 107
Life in the South-west, 197
Lives of slaves unprotected 155
Lodging of slaves 43
Long, his cruelty 50
'Loss of property' 169
Louisiana 39, 198
Louisiana law of, 40
Louisiana sketches of, 42
Louis XIV. of France 8
Lovers severed, 56
Lunatic slaves 133
"Lynchings" in the United States 113
Lynch Law, 199
Maimed slaves 133
Maimings 77
Malady of slaves 31
Manacling of slaves 21
Maniac woman 97, 106
Man sold by a Presbyterian elder 52
Man-stealing paid for 90
Marriage unknown among slaves 47
Martyr for Christ 24
Maryland Journal 29, 58
Maryville Intelligencer 61, 114
Massacre at Antioch 120
Massacre at Thessalonica 120
Massacre at Vicksburg 146
Masters grant no redress to slaves 95
McIntosh, burning of 157
Maximin 121
Meals number of 31
Meals of slaves 18, 19, 55
Meals time of 31
"Meat once a year" 29
Mediation for slaves 12
Medical attendance 55
Medical college of South Carolina 169
Medical Infirmary at Charleston 171
Medicine administered to slaves 14
Members of churches 47
Memorial of friends 164
Menagerie of slaves 182
Men and women whipped 107
Methodist colored preacher hung. 96
Methodist girl whipped for her chastity 15
Methodist preacher, a slave dealer 180
Methodist preacher, a slave driver 11
Methodist woman cut off a girl's toe 181
Method of taking meals 18, 19
"Middle passage" 8, 113
Miscarriage of women at the whipping post 20
Mississippi 39, 194
Missouri 191
Mistresses flog slaves, 55
Mobile 68
"Moderate correction" 21, 148
Moors, repulsion of 8
Morgan, William 113
Mormons 191
Mothers and babes separated 164, 165
Mothers of slaves 96
Mulatto children in all families 51
Multiplying of slaves 139
Murderers of slaves tried and acquitted 26, 90
Murder of slaves by law 90
Murder of slaves by bad feeling 29
Murder of slaves by piece-meal 34
Murder of slaves every seven years 39
Murder of slaves frequent 46, 97, 176
Murder of slaves with impunity, 21, 46, 47, 50, 54, 91, 92, 96, 97, 100, 102, 108, 176
Murders in Alabama, 192
Murders in Arkansas, 188
Naked children 19, 41, 95
Naked "Dave" 16
Naked females whipped 14, 103
Naked females inspected 154
Naked Men and women at work in a field 101
Nakedness of slaves 19, 40, 41, 95, 101
Nantz, edict of 8
'National slave-market' 76
Natchez 107, 196
Nat Turner 96
'Negro Head Point, 161
'Negroes for sale, 167, 175
'Negroes taken 159
Nero 121
'Never lose a day's work' 174
New England, witches of 113
New Orleans 91
New Orleans Hospital 161
New York, thirteen persons burnt at 113
Nice, council of 120
'Nigger put in the bill' 172
Night-confinement 22
Night at a slaveholder's house 97
Night in slave huts 19, 25
Nine slaves hanged 158
No marriage among slaves 47
North Carolina 11, 23
North Carolina Governor of 24
North Carolina Legislature of 115, 164
North Carolina Kidnappers 164
Northern visitors to the slave states, 128
Nothing can disgrace slave-drivers 53
Novel torture 104
Nudity of slaves 40, 41, 47, 95
Nursing of slave-children 12
Objections considered 110
Ocra, a slave-driver, 106
Oiling of a slave 27
Old age uncommon among slaves 38
Old age unprotected 167
Old dying slaves 12
"Old settlement" 99
Old slaves 133
Oppressor aversion of to his slave 116
Outlawry of slaves 156
Outrageous Felonies on account of slavery 113
Outrageous Felonies perpetrated with impunity 113
Overseers, character of 72, 95, 96, 109
Overseers, generally armed 11, 12, 72
Overseers, no appeal from 95
Alabama, 95--Alexander killed, 102--Bellemont, 53--Bellows, 72--Blocken's, 47--Bradley, 70--Cormick's, 86--Cruel to a proverb, 105--Farr, James, 99--Galloway, 11--Gibbs, 70
Goochland, 26--Methodist preacher, 11--Milligan's Bend, 75--Nowland's, 92--Tune, 45--Turner's cousin, 46--Walker, 47--Overworking of slaves, 35, 37--Ownership of human beings destroys their comfort, 109.
"Paddle" torture 71
Paddle whipping 20, 46, 103
Pain, the means of slave drivers 109
"Pancake sticks" 53
Parents and children separated 56
Parlor-slaves 130
Parricide threatened 97
Patrol 14
Pay for begetting mulatto slaves 16
Periodical pressure 134
Persecution of Huguenots
Persecution for religion 113, 18
PERSONAL NARRATIVES, 11, 17, 22, 25, 26, 44, 45, 48, 51,
Philanthropist 66
Philip II. and the Moors 8
Physicians not employed for slaves 176
Physicians of slaves 44, 47
Physician's statement 104
Pig-sties more comfortable than slave-huts, 101
Plantations 94
Pleas for cruelty to slaves 104
Ploughs and whips equally common 104
Pliny 119
Poles, Russian clemency to 8
Polycarp 119
"Poor African slave" 14
Portuguese slaves 8
Pothinus 119
Prayer of slaves 17
Praying and slave-whipping in the same room 53
Praying slaves whipped 88
Preacher claims a dead slave 178
Preacher hung, 96
Preachers, cringing of 16
Preacher's "hands tied" 16
Preachers silenced 51
Pregnant slaves 12, 90
Pregnant slaves whipped 20, 90, 106
Presbyterian Elders at Lynchburg 181
Presbyterian minister killed his slave 96
Presbyterian slave-trader 97
Presbyterian woman desirious to cut A. T's throat 47
Presentment of the Grand Jury at Cheraw 155
Pretexts for slavery absurd 7
Prisons in the District of Columbia 163
Prison slave 23
Clothing, 40--Dwellings, 43--Food, 27--Kinds of food, 28--Labor, 25--Number of meals, 31--Quality of food, 30--Quantity of food, 29--Time of meals, 31.
Promiscuous concubinage 85
"Property" 110
"Property" 'loss of' 169
Protection of slaves 143
Protestants in France 8
Provisions, allowance of 13
Public opinion destroys fundamental rights, 150
Public opinion diabolical 152
Public opinion protects the slave 143, 144
Punishment of slaves 19, 20
Punishments 62, 103
Purchasing a wife 179
Puryer, "the devil" 47
Putrid backs of slaves 54
Quality of food 30
Quantity of food 13, 29
Race of slaves murdered every seven years 39
Randolph John will of 42, 58
Randolph John description of slave drivers 173
Randolph John description of Doe faces" 114
Rations 33
Rearing of slaves 182
Relaxation, no time for 106
Religious persecutions 113
Respect for woman lost 153
Rest, hours of 36
Restraints, legal 116
Retort of a boy 57
Rhode Island, kidnappers and pirates of 113
Rice plantations 106
Richmond Whig 110
Rio Janeiro slavery at 8
Riot at Natchez 196
Riots in the United States 113
Robespierre 121
Romans 118-126
Roman slavery 8
Runaways 21-133-136
Advertisements for 62-63
Baptist man and woman 88
Buried alive 15
Chilton's 27
Converted 23
"Dead or alive" 21
Head on a pole 23
Hung 46
Hunting of 21-97
Intelligent man 22
Jim Dragon 47
Luke 14
Man buried 15
Man dragged by a horse 85
Man maimed 85
Man murdered 76-100
Man severe punishments of 103
Man shot 15, 21, 46, 91, 96, 100, 102, 107
Man shot by Baptist preacher 181
Man taken from jail 16
Man tied and driven 92
Man to his wife 23
Man whipped to death 87
Many, annually shot 108
Stallard's man 89
White Peter 91
Young woman 24, 88
Sabbath, a nominal holiday, 106
Safeguards of the law taken from slaves, 116
Sale of a man by a Presbyterian elder, 52
Sale of slaves, 167
Savannah, Ga., 17
Savannah slave-hunter, 21
Save us from our friends, 193
Scarcity, times of 134
Scenes of horror, 20
Search for Bibles and Hymn books, 51
Secretary of the Navy, 76, 89
Separation of slaves, 56, 101, 164
Shame unknown among naked slaves, 101
Shoes for slaves, 19
Sick, treatment of 161
"Six pound paddle," 71
"Slack-jaw," 97
Slave-breeders, 143
Slave-breeding, 182
Slave-drivers acknowledge their enormities, 114
Slave-drivers character of 109
Adams, 69, 159
Baptist preachers, 97, 177
Barr, 46
Baxter, George A 179
Baxter, John 179
Bloeker, Colonel 47
Blount, 65
Britt, Benjamin W. 91
Burbecker, 88
Burvant, Mrs. 173
C. A., Rev. 179
Casey, 69
Chilton, Joseph 27
Clay, 71
C., Mr. 103
Cooper, Charity 173
Curtis, 64
Davis, Samuel 90
Dras, Henry 175
Delaware, 172
Female hypocrite, 22
Gautney, Joseph 99
Gayle, Governor 172
Governor of North Carolina, 24
Green, 157
Hampton, Wade 29
Harney, William S. 89
Harris, Benjamin James 26
Hayne, Governor 166
Hedding, 51
Henrico county, Va., 26
Heyward, Nathaniel 174
Hughes, Philip O. 100
Hutchinson, 86
Hypocrite woman, 22
Indecency of, 153
Jones, 47
Jones, Henry 89
Lewis, Benjamin, 178
Lewis, Isham, 93
Lewis, Lilburn, 93
Lewis, Rev. Mr. 181
Long, Lucy 173
Long, Reuben 50
L., of Bath, Ky., 90
Maclay, John 71
Martin, Rev. James 181
Matthews' Bend, 69
M'Coy, 99
M'Cue, John 178
Methodist, 42
Methodist Preachers, 180
M'Neilly, 155
Moresville, 90
Morgan, 85
Mosely, William 46
Murderer, 21
Mushat, Rev. John 177
Nansemond, Va., 84
Natchez planter, 87
Nelson, Alexander 51, 179
Nichols, of Connecticut, 27
North Carolina, 24, 161
Owens, Judge, 69
Painter, 65
Physician, 55
Pinckney, H. L. 172
Presbyterian, 97
Presbyterian minister, Huntsville, 47
Presbyterian minister, North Carolina, 96
Presbyterian preacher, 180
Professing Christian, 23
Puryar, "the Devil," 47
Randolph, John 42
Reiks, Micajah, 152
Rodney, 87
Ruffner, 50
Shepherd, S. C. 29
Sherrod, Ben 47
Slaughter, 65
Smith, Judge 45, 176
Sophistry of 9
South Carolina, 23, 25
Sparks, William 91
Stallard, David 89
Starky, 68
Swan, John 11
Teacher at Charleston, 54
Thompson, 47
Thorpe, 71
Trabue, Charles 71
Tripp, James 25
Truly, James 100
Turner, Fielding S. 87
Turner, uncle of 46
Virginian, 44
Wall, 91
Watkins, Billy 47
Watkins, Robert H. 45, 47, 176
Watson, A. 175
W., Colonel 103
Webb, Carroll 105
Webb, Pleasant 187
West's uncle, 68
Widow and daughter, Savannah river, 98
Willis, Robert 180
Wilson, William 178
Woman, 23, 24
Woman, professor of religion, 22, 44, 53
Slaveholders justify their cruelties by example, 104
Slaveholders possess absolute power, 116
Slaveholders sophistry of 9
Slaveholding amusements, 107, 186
Slaveholding brutality, 149, 153
Slaveholding indecency, 153
Slaveholding murderers, 189, 190
Slaveholding religion, 54
Slave-mothers, 90
Slave-mothers, plantations second only to hell, 114
Slavery among Christians, 45
Slave-auctions, 167
Slave-blocks with nails, 104
Slave-boys fight to amuse their drivers, 107
Slave-branding, 21, 77, 108
Slave-breeding, 39, 85, 182
Slave-burner, 26
Slave-burning, 72, 155
Slave-cabins, 11, 16, 19, 41, 43, 101, 106
Slave-cabins, at night, 19, 22, 25
Slave-children nursed, 12
Slave-choking, 23
Slave-clothing, 13, 19, 40, 47, 95, 98, 105, 106
Slave-collars, 21, 72, 74, 75
Slave-cookery, 18
Slave-ditty, 13
Slave-dogs, 15, 21
Slave-driver's death, 23, 94
Slave-driver's licentiousness of 70
Slave-driving, 85, 92
Slave-fetters, 21, 72, 74
Slave-food, 18, 27, 47, 95, 101, 105, 106
Slave-gagging, 75
Slave-gangs, 76
Slave-handcuffs, 72
Slave-herding, 19, 47
Slaveholders, civilization and morality of 188
Slaveholders, declarations of 28
Slaveholders, habits of 53
Slaveholders, heart of 145
Slaveholders, hospitality of 125
Slaveholders, interest of 132
Slaveholders, sophistry of 9
Slaveholders, "treat their slaves well," 121
Slaveholding professor, 50
"Slaveholding religion," 54
Slave-hovels, 47, 106
Slave-hunting, 21, 97, 108, 155, 160
Slave-hunting, by Christians, 108
Slave-hunting, in Texas, 102
Slave imprisoned, 23
Slave in chains, 13
Slave in the stocks, 12
Slave kicking, 97
Slave killed, and put in the bill, 172
Slave killing with impunity, 21, 46, 47, 50, 54, 91, 92, 96, 97, 100, 102 108
Slave labor, 18 35, 103, 105
Slave manacles, 21
Slave martyr, 24
Slave meals, 18, 19
Slave mothers, 96
Slave murderers, tried and acquitted, 26
Slave patrol, 14
Slave physicians, 44
Slave punishments of 19, 20, 62
Slave quarters, 16, 17
Slavery, code of law respecting, 143
Slavery, among Christians, 45, 176
Slavery, domestic, 164
Slavery, guilt of, 17
Slavery, of whites, 25
Slavery, public opinion and effects of, 143, 144
Slavery, unmixed cruelty, 108
Slave selling, 167
Slaves, aversion of to their oppressors, 116
Slaves, backs of, putrid 13
Slaves, blind, 133
Slaves, books of searched for, 51
Slaves, branded, 77, 108
Slaves, brutality to, 148
Slaves, burial of, 48
Slaves, carded, 46
Slaves, cat-hauling of, 21, 88
Slaves, comfort of disregarded, 55, 56
Slaves, deaf, 133
Slaves, dead or alive, 21, 23
Slaves, deformed, 133
Slaves, deprived of every safeguard of the law, 116
Slaves, described, 110
Slaves, diseased, 133
Slaves, dread to be sold for the South, 15
Slaves, dumb, 133
Slaves, dying, 45
Slaves, evidence of against white persons null, 12, 71
Slaves, exchanged, 168
Slaves, reported from Virginia, 192
Slaves, fear their only motive, 108
Slaves, feasted and flogged, 87
Slaves, hired, 133
Slaves, idiots, 133
Slaves, incorrigible, 133
Slaves, infant, 133
Slaves, in the stocks, 108
Slaves, in the U. S., treatment of, 9
Slaves, lunatics, 133
Slaves, maimed, 77, 133
Slaves, merchandise, 110
Slaves, multiply, 139
Slaves, murdered by cotton-seed, 29
Slaves, murdered by overwork, 37
Slaves, murdered by piece-meal, 34, 93
Slaves, murdered by starvation, 37
Slaves, murdered every seven years, 39
Slaves, murdered frequently, 46, 97, 100
Slaves, murdered with impunity, 21, 46, 47, 50, 54, 91, 92, 96, 97, 100, 102
Slaves, naked, 19, 40, 41, 47
Slaves, not treated as human beings, 46
Slaves, old, 133
Slaves, outlawed, 156
Slaves, overworked, 35
Slaves, prayers of, 17
Slaves, privations of, 27
Slaves, protection of, 143
Slaves, sale of, 167
Slaves, stock, 110
Slaves, surgeons of, 44
Slaves, taking medicine, 14
Slaves, tantalized, 56
Slaves, starvation of, 13, 14, 28, 29, 35, 105
Slaves, teeth of knocked out, 13, 20, 22, 83
Slaves, tied up all night, 20
Slaves, toe cut off, 101
Slaves, torments of, 145
Slaves, travelling in droves, 69, 70, 72
Slaves, treated worse as they are farther South, 15
Slaves, treatment of by Christians, 42
Slaves, under overseers, 133, 137
Slaves, watching of, 57
Slaves, without redress, 95
Slaves, without shelter, 43
Slaves, working animals, 110
Slaves, worn out, 133
Slaves, worse treated than brutes, 111, 112
Slaves, wounded by gun-shot, 77
Slave testimony excluded, 149
Slave torturing hypocrite, 22
Slave trade with Africa, 8
Slave trading, 49, 97
Slave trading, honorable, 174
Slave traffic, 97, 167
Slave Murderers, 21, 26, 29, 46, 50, 54, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 100, 101, 108, 157, 158, 159, 161, 173, 177, 179, 181.
Slave plantation, 11, 24, 25, 29, 38, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 53, 68, 70, 71, 72, 75, 76, 84, 85, 86, 92, 98, 99, 102, 105, 106, 207, 114, 174.
Slave usage contrasted with that of animals, 112
Slave whipping, 20, 25, 26, 27, 51, 59, 98, 106
Slave yokes, 74
Whipped 26, 47, 50, 70, 85, 98, 100
Whipped and burnt 26, 86, 92
Whipped to death 26, 50, 64, 67, 70, 72, 87, 90
Slaves, treatment of 9
Slave trade, 139, 140, 182, 184
Sleeping in clothes, 19
Slitting of ears, 23
Smoothing iron on girl's backs, 68
Sophistry of slaveholders, 9
South Carolina, laws of 40, 116
South Carolina, medical college, 169
Southern dogs and horses, 19
Spartan slavery, 8
Speece, Rev. Conrad, opposed to emancipation, 52
Spirit of laws, 151
Springfield, S. C. 25
Starvation of a female slave, 23
Starvation of slaves, 105
Statement of a physician, 104
State, abuse of power in 115
Stealing of freemen, 162
Stevenson, Andrew, letter by 182
St. Helena, S. C. 25
Stillman's, Dr. medical infirmary at Charleston, 171
Stocks for slaves, 11, 108, 175
"Stock without shelter," 71
"Subject of prayer," 54
Suffering of slaves, 57, 102, 105
Suffering of slaves, by hunger, 28, 105
Suffering of slaves, drives to despair and suicide, 102
Sugar-planters, 38
Suicide of slaves, 102
Suit for a dead slave, 178
Suit for a murdered slave, 71, 102
Sunday morning in Kentucky, 168
Surgeon of slaves, 44
Surgery at Charleston, 170
"Susceptibility of pain," 109
Tanner's oil poured on a slave 27
Tantalising of slaves 56
Tappan Arthur 47
Tarring of slaves 27
Taskwork of slaves 12
Teeth knocked out 13, 20, 83
Tender regard of slaveholders for slave 7, 8
Tennessee 200
Allen, Rev. William T. 45
Avery, George A. 44
Caulkins, Nehemiah 10
Channing, Dr. 38, 44
Chapin Rev. William A. 105
Chapman, Gordon 84
Clergyman, 107
Cruelty to slaves 57
Dickey, Rev. William 93
Drayton, Colonel 110
Gildersleeve, William C. 50
Graham, Rev. John 25
Grimké, Sarah M. 22, 44
Hawley, Rev. Francis 94
Ide, Joseph 101 101
Jefferson, Thomas 110
Macy, F. C. 106
Macy, Reuben G. 98
Macy, Richard 98
Macy, T. D. M. 105
Moulton, Rev. Horace 17, 109
Nelson, John M. 51
New Orleans 35, 91
Of slaves excluded 49
Paulding, James K. 76, 89
Poe, William 26
Powel, Eleazar 99
Sapington, Lemuel 49
Scales, Rev. William 100
Secretary of the Navy 76, 89
Smith, Rev. Phineas 109
Summers, Mr. 110
Virginian 76
Westgate, George W. 30
Weld, Angelina Grimké 52
White, Hiram 51
Wist, Willam 109
Texas 102
Theodosius the Great 120
Thessalonica, massacre at 120
Thumb-screws 51
Tiberius 121
Time for relaxation, not allowed 106
Times of scarcity 134
Titus 119
Tobacco worms eaten 88
Toes cut off 77
Tooth knocked out 13, 20, 22
Tortures 72
Tortures eulogized by a professor of religion 104
Trading with negroes 209
Traffic in slaves 97
Trajan 118
Treatment of sick slaves 44
Treatment of slaves in the United States 9, 18
by professing Christians 42, 97, 180
by professing Christians little better than that of brutes 106
Trial of women, "white and black," 25
Trials for murdering slaves 46, 91, 94, 108, 173
Turkish slavery 8
Turner, Nat 96
Twelve slaves killed by overwork 97
Twenty-seven hundred thousands of free-born citizens in the United States 7
Tying up of slaves at night 20
"Tyrant" 115
"Uncle Jack," Baptist preacher 179
Under garments not allowed to slaves 13
United States, Laws of 32
University of Virginia 114
Untimely seasons 134
Usage of slaves and brutes contrasted 111, 112
Vapid babblings of slaveholders 9
Vice, hypocrisy of 8
Vicksburg, massacre of 146
Virginia, a slave menagerie 182
Virginia, exportation of slaves from 182
Virginia, University of 114
Visitors to slave states 128
Vitellius 120
Washing for slaves 95
Washington slavery 67
Washington the national slave market 76
West Indian slaves 142
Whip, cracking of heard at a distance 107
"Whipped to death" 72, 96, 102, 108
Children 20
Every day 106
Females 13, 14, 48, 53, 103, 107
On three plantations heard at one time 108
Pregnant women 20, 90, 179
Slaves 13, 20, 22, 25, 26, 50, 51, 88, 98, 102, [107
Slaves after a feast 87
Slaves for praying 88
With paddle 20, 46
Women with prayer 54
Whipping-posts 18, 20, 46
Whips equally common on plantations as ploughs 104
"White or black," trial of 25
Whites in slavery 25
White slave 48
Wholesale murders 200
Wife, purchase of a 179
Will of John Randolph 42
Wilmington, N. C. 11
Witches of New-England 113
Abbot, Jordan 73
Abdie, P. 153
Adams, Mr. 159
African Observer 155
Alexandria Gazette 150
Allan, James M., 45
Allan, Rev. William T. 45, 61, 180
Alston, J. A., Heirs of, 85
Alton Telegraph 157
Alvis, J. 164
Anderson, Benjamin 42
Andrews, Professor 167
Anthony, Julius C. 68
Antram, Joshua 80
Appleton, John James 90
Arkansas Advocate 162
Armstrong, William 64, 157
Artop, James 78
Ashford, J. P. 78, 153
Augusta Chronicle 165
Avery, George A. 42, 43, 127, 172
Aylethorpe, Thomas 83
Bahi, P. 154, 167
Baker, William 81
Baldwin, J. G. 64
Baldwin, Jonathan F. 75
Ballinger, A. S. 81
Baltimore Sun 163
Baptist Deacon 39
Bardwell, Rev. William 180
Barker, Jacob 141
Barnard, Alonzo 65
Barnes, George W. 84
Barr, James 81
Barr, Mrs. 46
Barr, Rev. Hugh 46
Barrer, B. G. 79
Barton, David W. 137
Barton, Richard W. 137
Bateman, William 78
Baton Rouge, Agricultural Society of 38
Bayhi, P. 74, 81
Beall, Samuel 168
Beasley, A. G. A. 84
Beasley, John C. 154
Beasley, Robert 63, 79
Beene, Jesse 63
Bell, Abraham 65
Bell, Samuel 169
Bennett, D. B. 63
Besson, Jacob 154
Bezon, Mr. 79
Bingham, Joel S. 81
Birdseye, Ezekiel 90, 157, 179
Birney, James G. 37, 47
Bishop, J. 78
Blackwell, Samuel 39
Bland, R. J. 63
Bliss Mayhew and Co 168
Bliss Philemon, 31, 35, 36, 37, 41, 43, 102, 138
Bolton, J. L. and W. H. 73
Boudinot, Tobias 28, 92
Bouldin, T. T. 40
Bourgoing, J. F. 125
Bourne, George 28, 52, 178
Bradley, Henry 157
Bragg, Thomas 166
Brasseale, W. H. 63
Brewster, Jarvis 30
Brothers, Menard 73
Brove, A. 81
Brown, J, A. 77, 82
Brown, John 47
Brown, Rev. Abel 88
Brown, Thomas 80
Brown, William 80
Bruce Mr. 182
Buchanan, Dr. 40, 58, 112, 118
Buckels, William D. 80
Burvant, Madame 77
Burwell 137
Bush, Moses E. 81
Buster, Mr. 70
Butt, Moses 168
Byrn, Samuel H. 162
Calvert, Robert 84
Carney, R. P. 77
Carolina, History of 35
Carter, Mrs. Elizabeth L. 79, 172
Caulkins, Nehemiah 11, 30, 31, 36
Channing, Dr. 38, 44, 127
Chapin, Rev. William A. 105
Chapman, B. F. 168
Chapman, Gurdon 84
Charleston Courier 153, 156, 165, 166
Charleston Mercury 84, 165, 171, 175
Charleston Patriot 169
Cherry, John W. 80
Child, David L. 90
Child, Mrs. 90, 124, 140
Choules, Rev. John O. 39
Citizens of Onslow 156
Clark, W. G. 166
Clarke, John 87
Clay, Henry 37, 183
Clay, Thomas 28, 29, 30
Clenderson, Benjamin 172
Clergyman 107
Coates Lindley 170
Cobb, W. D. 156
Colborn, J. L. 84
Cole, Nathan 61, 89
Coleman, H. 156
Colonization Society 60
Columbian Inquirer 168
Comegys, Governor 163
Congress, Member of 67
Connecticut, Medical Society of 135
Constant, Dr. 67
Cooke, Owen 73
Cook, Giles 137
Cook, H. L. 165
Cooper, Thomas 117
Cornelius, Rev. Elias 161
Corner, Charles 73
Corner, L. E. 63
Cotton planters 38
Cowles, Mrs. Mary 85
Cowles, Rev. Sylvester 177
Craige, Charles 154
Crane, William 63
Crutchfield, Thomas 81
Cuggy, T. 73, 154
Curtis, Mr. 75
Curtis, Rev. John H. 64
Cuyler, J. 168
Daniel and Goodman 82
Darien Telegraph 207
Davidson, Rev. Patrick 179
Davis, John 35, 36
Davis, Benjamin 167
Davis, T. 166
Davis, Thomas 172
Dean, Jethro 68
Debruhl, Jesse 83, 84
Demming, Dr. 39
Densler, T. S. 155
Derbigny, Judge 163
Dew, Philip A. 84
Dew, President 182
Dickey, Rev. James H. 128
Dickey, William 93
Dickinson, Mr. 39
Dillahunty, John H. 80
Doddridge, Philip 183
Dorrah, James 62
Downman, Mrs. Lucy M. 164
Douglas, Rev. J. W. 184
Drake and Thomson 164
Drayton, Colonel 110
Drown, William 75
Dudley, Rev. John 74
Duggan, John 154
Dunn, John L. 165
Dunham, Jacob 177
Durell, Judge 131
Durett, Francis 73, 74
Dustin, W 66
Dyer, William 73
Eastman, Rev. D. B. 29, 62
Eaton, General William 127
Edmunds, Nicholas 77
Edwards, F. L. C. 79
Edwards, President 28, 118
Edwards, Junior President 11, 31, 58
Ellison, Samuel 42, 64
Ellis, Orren 80
Ellsworth, Elijah 65
Emancipation Society of N. C. 28, 60
English, Walter R. 80
Evans, R. A. 63
Everett, William 162
Faulkner, Mr. 182
Fayetteville Observer 169
Fernandez and Whiting 82
Finley, James C. 60
Finley, R. S. 183
Fishers, E. H. and I. 137
Fitzhugh, William H 117
Ford, John 82
Foster, Francis 154
Fox, John B. 82
Foy, Enoch 156
Francisville Chronicle 160
Franklin Republican 159
Frederick, John 83, 84
Friends, Yearly Meeting of 164
Fuller, Isaac C. 92
Fullerton, G. S. 69
Furman, B. 79
Gadsden, Thomas N. 165
Gaines, Rev. Ludwell, G. 92
Gales, Joseph 153
Garcia, Henrico Y. 67
Garland, Maurice H. 139
Gates, Seth M. 129
Gayle, John 172
Georgetown Union 178
Georgia Constitutionalist 160
Georgia Journal 167
Georgian 166
Gholson, Mr. 182
Giddings, Mr. 76
Gilbert, E. W. 84
Gildersterre, William C. 30, 35, 36, 37, 41, 44, 50, 124
Glidden, Mr. 69
Goode, Mr. 183
Gourden and Co. 80
Grace, Byrd M. 84
Graham, Rev. John 25
Graham, Rev. Dr. 183
Grand Gulf Advertiser 78, 136
Graham, Jehab 179
Gray, Abraham 80
Greene, R. A. 79
Green, James R. 73
Gregory, Ossian 137
Gridley, H. 73
Grimke, Sarah M. 22, 44, 62
Grosvenor, Rev. Cyrus P 178
Guex, D. F. 74
Gunnell, John J. H. 137
Guthrie, A. A. 45
Guyler, J. 77
Halley, Preston 80
Hall, Samuel 69, 75, 76, 92, 181
Han, E 81
Hand, John H. 63, 73
Hansborough, William 92, 78
Hanson, Peter 80
Harding, N. H. 61
Harman, Samuel 84
Harrison, General W. H. 117
Hart, F. A. 92
Hart, Rev. Mr. 86
Harvey, J. 164
Hawley, David 64, 91
Hawley, Rev. Francis 94
Hayne, General R. Y. 166
Henderson, John 73, 153
Henderson, Judge 128
Hendren, H. 137
Herring, D. 81
Herring, Dr. 84
Hitchcock, Judge 79
Hite, S. N. 81
Hodges, B. W. 74
Hodges, Rev. Coleman S. 87
Holcombe, John P. 82
Holmes, George, 159
Home, Frederick 169
Honerton, Philip 79
Hopkins, Rev. Henry T. 88
Horsey, Outerbridge 37
Hough, Rev. Joseph 181
Houstoun, Edward 165
Hudnall, Thomas 78
Hughes, Benjamin 162
Hunt, John 83, 164
Hunt, Rev. Thomas P. 16
Hussey, George P. C. 76
Huston, Felix 162
Hutchings, A. J. 83
Ide, Joseph 101
Indiana, Legislature of 59
Jackson, Stephen M. 79
Jackson, Telegraph 166
James, Joseph 78
Jarnett, James T. De 154
Jarvett, James T. 62
Jefferson, Thomas 110, 117
Jenkins, John 80
Jett, Marshall 82
Johnson, Bryant 62, 79
Johnson, Cornelius 36, 37, 43, 65
Johnson, Isaac 78
Johnson, Josiah S. 38
Jolley, J. L. 78
Jones, Alexander 39
Jones, Anson 102
Jones, Hill 165
Jones, James 156
Jones, R. H. 168
Jones, W. Jefferson 135
Jourdan, Green B. 82
Judd, D. 62
Judd, Mrs. Nancy 88
Keeton, G. W. 162
Kennedy, John 82
Kentucky, Synod of 61, 167
Kephart George 169
Kernin, Charles 74
Keyes, Willard 70
Kimball and Thome 129
Kimball George 171
Kimborough, James 79
King, Charles 169
King, John H. 82
King, Nehemiah 165
Knapp, Henry E. 36
Knapp, Isaac 70
Kyle, Frederick 178
Kyle, James 178
Lacy, Theodore A. 166
Ladd, William 29, 30, 40, 43, 86, 138
Lains, O. W. 77
Lambeth, William L. 73
Lambre, Mr. 73
Lancette, R. 81
Langhorne, Scruggs and Cook 137
Larrimer, Thomas 69
Latimer, W. K. 136
Lawless, Judge 157
Lawyer, Zadok 80
Ledwith, Thomas 78
Leftwich, William 28, 36, 41, 43, 48
Lemes, Ferdinand 73
Leverich and Co. 154
Lewis, Kirkman 164
Lexington Intelligencer 164
Lexington Observer 166
Little, Mrs. Sophia 75
Loflano, Hazlet 73
Long, Joseph 137
Loomis, Henry H. 86
Loring, R. 136
Loring, Thomas 152
Louisville Reporter 67
Lowry, Mrs. Nancy 50
Luminais, A. 78
Lyman, Judge 75
Lyman, Rev. H. 42, 65, 127, 177
Macoin, J. 73
Macon Messenger 165
Macon Telegraph 159
Macy, F. C. 30, 105
Macy, Reuben G 28, 41, 43, 98
Macy, Richard 30, 41, 98
Macy, T. D. M. 105
Magee, William 82, 162, 167
Males, Henry 71
Maltby, Stephen E. 41, 43, 64
Manning, P. T. 73
Marietta College, student of 69
Marks, James 81
Marriott, Charles 98
Marshall, John T. 166
Martineau, Harriet 149
Maryland Journal 29, 58
Maryville Intelligencer 61, 114
Mason, Samuel 78
Mathieson, Rev. James 39
May, Rev. Samuel J. 160
McCue, Moses 165
McDonnell, James 80
McGehee, Edward J. 156
McGregor, Henry M. 82
McMurrain, John 78, 83
Mead Whitman 59
Medical College of South Carolina 169
Memphis Gazette 168
Memphis Inquirer 163
Menefee, R. H.
Menzies, Judge 88
Mercer, Mr. 139,
Metcalf, Asa B. 77, 153
Middleton, Mr. 139
Miles, Lemuel 79
Milledgeville Journal 155
Milledgeville Recorder 168
Miller, C. 165
Minister from Texas, A. Jones 102
Minor, W. I. 168
Missouri Republican 158
Mitchell, Dr. Robert 86, 89
Mitchell, Isaac 81
M'Neilly 155
Mobile Advertiser 167, 172
Mobile Examiner 67
Mobile Register 162
Mongin, R. P. T. 166
Montesquieu 118
Montgomery, W. H. 168
Moore, Mr. Va. 60
Moorhead, John H. 66
Morris, E. W. 82, 16
Moulton, Rev. Horace 28, 30, 3, 45 88, 109 112, 136, 139
Moyne Dr. F. Julius Le 88
Muggridge Matthew 165
Muir J. G. 154
Murat A. 73
Murphy S. B. 63, 78
Napier T. and L. 168
Natchez Courier 162, 168
Natchez Daily Free Trade 169
National Intelligencer 154, 172
Nelson Dr. David 86, 127
Nelson John M. 51, 74, 124
Nesbitt Wilson 137
Newbern Sentinel 166
Newbern Spectator 156, 162
New Hampshire, legislature of 135
Newman Mrs. B. 172
New Orleans Argus 164
New Orleans Bee 36, 79, 84, 91, 150, 154, 162, 167
New Orleans Bulletin 154, 166
New Orleans Courier 91, 139, 183
New Orleans Kidnapping at 141
New Orleans Mercantile Advertiser 91
New Orleans Post 157
New York American 169
New York Sun 91
Neyle S. 78, 83
Nicholas Judge 117
Nicoll Robert 62, 153
Niles Hezekiah 60, 183
Noe James 63
Norfolk Beacon 139, 165, 166
Norfolk Herald 160
N. C. Literary and Commercial Standard 152
N. C. Journal 209
Nourse Rev. James 179
Nye Horace 64, 66, 74, 157
O'Byrne 166
O'Connell Daniel 182
Oliver Colonel 169
O'Neill Peter 165
Onslow, Citizens of 156
Orme Moses 78
O'Rorke John 165
Overstreet Richard 79
Overstreet William 77
Owen Captain N. F. 123
Owen John W 137
Owens J. G. 165
Parrish John 30, 40, 155
Parrott Dr. 102
Patterson Willie 81, 82
Paulding James K. 76, 89
Peacock Jesse 169
Perry Thomas C. 180
Petersburg Constellation 165
Philanthropist 66
Pickard J. S. 168
Pinckney H. L. 166, 172
Pinkney William 58
Planter's Intelligencer 162
Planters of South Carolina 39
Poe William 26, 181
Porter Mr. 66
Portsmouth Times 165
Powell Eleazar 28, 31, 36, 99
Presbyterian elder, 90, 169
President of the United States 139
Pringle Thomas 123
Pritchard William H. 160
Probate sale 38
Purdon James 84
Ragland Samuel 81
Raleigh Register 165
Ralston Samuel 163
Randall J. B. 80, 168
Randolph John 58
Randolph Thomas Mann 182
Rankin Rev. John 28, 40, 43, 60, 67, 92
Rascoe William D. 166
Rawlins Samuel 82
Raworth Egbert A. 83
Redden J. V. 137
Red River Whig 165
Reed, Rev. Andrew 39
Reed, William H. 75
Reese Enoch 164
Reins Richard 136
Reeves W. P. 73
Renshaw Rev. C. S. 30, 31, 41, 61, 88, 166, 168, 180
Rhodes Durant H, 156
Rice H. W. 73
Rice Rev. David 58, 112
Richardson G. C. 81
Richards James K. 137
Richards Moses R. 137
Richards Stephen M. 81
Richmond Compiler 165
Richmond Inquirer 166
Richmond Whig 165, 166, 182
Ricks, Micajah 77
Riley, W. 78
Ripley, George B. 84
Roach, Philip 137
Robbins, Welcome H. 80
Robarts, William 164
Roberts, J. H. 63
Robin, C. C. 39, 59, 118
Robinson, N. M. C. 81
Robinson, William 154
Roebuck, George 68
Rogers, N. P. 131, 171
Rogers, Thomas 71
Ross, Abner 153
Rowland John A. 63
Ruffin, Judge 60
Russel, Benjamin 79, 83
Russel, W. 160
Rymes, Littlejohn 81
Sadd, Rev. Joseph M. 43, 62, 64, 130
Salvo, Conrad 80
Sapington, Lemuel 41, 43, 49
Saunders, James 80
Savage, Rev. Thomas 76, 87
Savannah Georgian 156
Savannah Republican 165
Savory, William 30, 40, 65
Scales, Rev. William 68, 100, 105
Schmidt, Louis 80
Scott, Rev. Orange 181
Scott, William 99
Scrivener, J. 77
Seabrook, Whitmarsh B. 175
Secretary of the navy 76, 89
Selfer 84
Senator of the United States 79
Sevier Ambrose H. 79
Sewall Stephen 85, 112
Shafter M. M. 91
Sheith M J. 81
Shield and Walker 137
Shields Polly C. 166
Shropshire David 166
Simmons B. C. 78
Simpson John 163
Sizer R. W. 77
Skinner, W. 155, 164
Slaveholders 35
Smith, Bishop of Kentucky 204, 206
Smith, Gerrit 67, 86, 161
Smith, Professor 31
Smith, Rev. Phineas 31, 40, 45, 62, 101, 109, 112, 138
Smyth Alexander 28, 35, 135
Snow Henry H. 70
Snowden J. 168
Snowden Rev. Samuel 141
South Carolina, legislature of 35
South Carolina, Medical College of 169
South Carolina, Slaveholder of 117
Southern Argus 162
Southern Christian Herald 178
Southerner 161
Southmayd, Rev. Daniel S. 176
Spillman, Mr. 89
Stansell, William 79
Staughton, Rev. Dr. 178
Staunton Spectator 165
Stearns and Co. 79
Stevenson, Andrew 182
Stewart, Samuel 63
Stillman, Dr. 171
Stith, W. and A. 137
Stone, Asa A. 28, 35, 36, 62
Stone, Silas --167
Stone, William L. 155
Strickland, William 78
Stroud, George M. 140
Stuart, Charles 123
Summers, Mr. 110, 117
Swain, B. 60
Synod of South Carolina and Georgia 117
Tart, John 79
Tate, Calvin H. 88
Taylor, James H. 81
Taylor, John 138
Taylor, Lawton, and Co. 80
Texan minister, Anson Jones, 102
Thatcher, Colonel 171
Thome and Kimball, 129
Thome, James A 61, 158
Thompson, Henry P. 87
Thomson, Mr. 163
Thomson, Sandford 166
Todd, R. S. 137
Toler, William 73
Tolin, Cornelius D. 63
Townsend, Ely 78
Townsend, Samuel 84
Tucker, Judge 117, 123
Turnbull, Robert 28, 36, 44
Turner, John 63
Turner, John D. 79
Turner, L. 46
Turton, S. B. 82
Tuscaloosa Flag of the Union 163
Upsher, Judge 183
Ustick, William A. 69
Vance, John 65
Van Buren, Martin 139
Varillat, H. 63
Vicksburg Register 161, 162
Virginia Minister 179
Virginian 76
Walker, John 63
Walton, George 167
Walton, John W. 79
Walsh, Sarah 78, 172
Washington Globe 167
Waugh, Dr. Jeremiah S. 177
Weld, Angelina Grimké 52
Wells, Thomas J. 166
West, Eli 68
Western Luminary 76
Western Medical Journal 60
Western Medical Reformer 31, 40, 43
Western Review 35, 134
Westgate, George W. 30, 36, 37, 42, 43, 72
Whitbread, Samuel 118
Whitefield, George 28, 57,
Whitefield, Needham
Whitehead, C. C.
Whitehead, W. W.
White, Hiram 51
Wightman, Rev. William M. 175
Wilberforce, W. 118
Wilkins, C. W. 81
Wilkinson, Alfred 66, 75
Williams, George W.
Willis, Robert 180
Willis, William 91
Wilmington Advertiser
Wilson, Rev. Joseph G. 90
Winchester Virginian 168
Wirt, William 109
Winser, F. 83
Witherspoon, Dr. 29
Woodward, Jeremiah 82
Woolman, John 58
Wotton, John 63
Wright, Mr. 139
Yampert, T. J. De 73
Yearly meeting of Friends 164
Woman dying 44
Woman flogged because her child died 16
Woman maniac 97, 106
Woman no respect for 153
Women at childbirth 12
Women at the same labor with men 13
Women at work 18
Women miscarry under the whip 20, 90
Women not breeding 15
Women pregnant whipped 20, 90, 106
Women severe whippers of slaves 55, 59
Women slaves 12
Work-house at Charleston 23, 171
Working hours 13, 85, 103, 105, 108
Working of slaves 12, 85, 95
Worn-out slaves 12, 133
"Worse and worse" 120
Worship of God prohibited 51
Wounds by gunshot 77
Wright Isaac 163
Yokes for slaves 74
Source: Weld, Theodore Dwight. American Slavery As It Is. New York: The American Anti-Slavery Society, 1839.