Civil War Encyclopedia: Sab-Scu
Sabine Cross-Roads, Louisiana through Scullyville, Indian Territory
Sabine Cross-Roads, Louisiana through Scullyville, Indian Territory
SABINE CROSS-ROADS, LOUISIANA, April 8, 1864. Banks' Red River Expedition. On the morning of the 8th the infantry of the expedition moved from its position at Pleasant Hill toward Mansfield and at Sabine crossroads the skirmishers became sharply engaged, the main body of the enemy being posted on a hill on both sides of the road, protected by a heavy growth of timber. The cavalry under General Albert L. Lee was thrown forward to hold the enemy in check until the 19th corps (Franklin) could take position. For some hours the opposing forces were stationary, but at 4:30 p. m. the enemy made a general attack, the heaviest assault being on the Federal right flank. Banks' report states that overwhelming numbers compelled the Union troops to fall back, several attempts to get to the rear being repulsed. At the edge of a strip of timber the 3d division of the 13th corps formed the basis of a new line. This second line was attacked with great impetuosity and the Federals again gave way, 10 pieces of artillery falling into the enemy's possession. The ground was badly obstructed by the supply train of the cavalry division, which rendered the movements of the infantry extremely difficult . Meanwhile Emory's division (1st of the 19th corps) had been pushed forward through the confused and fleeing Union troops to Pleasant Grove, 3 miles from the cross-roads, where the 161st New York was thrown out as skirmishers at the foot of the hill, on the crest of which the rest of the division was deployed, the 1st brigade to the front, the 3d to the left and the 2nd in reserve. The line had scarcely been formed when the skirmishers were driven in and the right of the position was seriously threatened. The 2nd brigade was hurried to its assistance, however, and the enemy was repulsed. This action lasted an hour and a half. During the night after the Federals had been rallied on Emory's line, a desperate attempt was made to turn the left flank, but it was defeated. This engagement marked the turning point of the Red River campaign, Banks' movement from this time on being backward instead of forward. The Union casualties in the affair were 74 killed, 331 wounded and 1,397 captured or missing. The Confederate losses were not definitely reported, but were probably not so heavy. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 763.
SABINE PASS, TEXAS, September 24-25, 1862. For an account of the bombardment of the Confederate works at Sabine pass on this date see operations of the Gulf blockading squadron in the Naval volume. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 763.
SABINE PASS, TEXAS, October 29, 1862. U. S. Steamer Dan. According to Confederate reports the Dan came up through the channel with a schooner in tow, when she was fired upon by a battalion of cavalry, which then withdrew before the vessel could get her guns trained upon the shore. The Dan then shelled the town for awhile, but without doing any material damage. No exact report of casualties was made, but the Confederate captain in command of the cavalry estimated that 25 or 30 on the boat were either killed or wounded by the fire from his carbines. Sabine Pass, Texas, April 18, 1863. Details from Gunboats Cayuga and New London. On the 17th a detail of 7 men from one of the gunboats lying off Sabine pass was landed on the Louisiana shore to make observations about the light-house. That night Lieutenant-Colonel Griffin, the Confederate commander at the pass, stationed 30 men of the 21st Texas infantry at the light-house and another house close by to prevent further maneuvers of that character. About 1 1 a. m. on the 18th two small boats, containing 13 men, left the gunboats and landed about 600 yards from the light-house. The Confederates immediately attacked and the boat from the Cayuga, with 8 men, was captured, the captain of the boat being mortally wounded. The boat from the New London managed to escape, though every man on board but one was wounded. One of the enemy was known to have been killed. Sabine Pass, Texas , September 8, 1863. Detachment of the 19th Army Corps. The expedition to Sabine Pass was led by Major-General W. B. Franklin, accompanied by the gunboats Clifton, Sachem, Arizona and Granite City. It was intended to surprise the Confederate fort, just inside the pass, but the fleet of transports arrived some time before the gunboats, and the Confederates were thus apprised of the intended attack. After consultation with Captain Crocker, commanding the gunboats, Franklin decided on the following plan of assault: Three of the gunboats were to move up the channel to the point of separation, where the Sachem and Arizona were to take the right hand channel and pass the fort, drawing its fire; the Clifton was to take the left hand channel and move up (lowly until within a half a mile of the fort, when she was to go forward at full speed and engage the enemy at close range with grape and canister; General Weitzel was to keep near the Clifton with a boat carrying 500 infantry, who were to land as soon as the Clifton began to go at full speed and advance upon the enemy's works deployed as skirmishers. The Granite City was held in the rear to support the movements of Weitzel's skirmish line. At 3 p. m. the gunboats moved forward and within 30 minutes were under the fire of the fort. It had been reported that the Confederate battery mounted but 2 guns, but instead of that it carried 6, all of heavy caliber. Early in the action the Sachem received a shot through her boilers, killing and wounding a number of her men, and she hoisted the white flag. The Arizona ran aground and for a time was wholly useless. The Clifton carried out her part of the plan, but had barely turned her broadside to the fort to deliver her fire when she received a shot through her steam-pipe, which disabled her, though the crew fought gallantly for about 10 minutes, when the vessel was compelled to surrender. When Weitzel attempted to land his men the shore was found to be too marshy, and the landing place designated was under the direct fire of the enemy. After the surrender of the Clifton and Sachem the other two vessels withdrew to the outside of the bar. Besides the loss of the two gunboats, General Weitzel reported a loss of 97 men in killed, wounded and missing. Of the 2 officers and 75 men of the 75th New York on board the Clifton as sharpshooters, only 6 escaped, The Confederate loss was not ascertained, but it was comparatively light. Sacramento, Kentucky, December 28, 1861. Detachment of the 3d Kentucky Cavalry. Major Eli H. Murray, with 168 men, was sent out from Calhoun to make a reconnaissance toward South Carrollton and as he was returning he was attacked near Sacramento by 40o or 50o of Forrest's cavalry. The vanguard was driven back and the Confederates pursued for some distance, when Murray rallied his men and engaged the enemy in a hand-to-hand conflict, with a fair prospect of repelling the whole force, until some one unauthorized called out "Retreat to Sacramento !" This threw the men into confusion and they could not again be rallied. Murray lost 8 killed and 13 captured or missing. The enemy took away three wagon loads of dead and wounded. Colonel J. S. Jackson, commanding the regiment, went out with 500 men for the purpose of punishing the Confederates, but they had hastily left the neighborhood. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 763-764.
SABOT, in field-guns, when firing solid shot, the charge is usually about 1/5th the weight of the shot. For spherical case and canister, the charge is less. These projectiles are always fixed to a block of wood, called a sabot, (Fig. 206,) to which the cartridge is also attached; forming what is called a round of fixed ammunition;, (Fig. 207.) In the 12-pdr. field-howitzer, also, the ammunition used is fixed, A, (Fig. 206 ;) but with the other howitzers the projectile and charge are separate; the latter being attached to a block of wood called a cartridge-block, (Fig. 208,) the object of which is to give a finish to the cartridge and fill the chamber, the dimensions of the block being so calculated for each different charge as to reach to the mouth of the chamber. The sabots used with these heavy howitzers are conical in shape to fit the connecting surface between the chamber and bore. Care should be taken in loading to put the seam of the cartridge to the sides, so that it will not come under the vent. In loading the 32 and 24-pdr. howitzer, the cartridge is first pushed carefully into the chamber without ramming, and the shell is then sent home, also without ramming. Shot. Canister. 12-PDB. HOWITZER. FIG. 207. Shell. Bound Shot fixed. Canister. FIG. 208. Cartridge Block. Canister fixed.
When sabots cannot be obtained, place upon the powder a layer of tow, about 0.2 in. thick, forming a bed for the shot; tie the bag over the shot and around the tow; the bag requires to be one inch longer than for strapped shot; (GIBBON.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, pp. 537-538).
SABRE. The cavalry sabre blade has shoulder, back, edge, bevel point, curvature, large groove, small groove, tang reveting. The HILT has a brass surmounting (gilt for officers) guard, and steel scabbard. The blade of the mounted artillery sabre has but one groove; the guard but one branch, (cavalry sabre guard has three;) steel scabbard. Officers of mounted artillery, and mounted officers of artillery and infantry use the sabre for mounted artillery with gilt mounting. (See SWORD.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 538).
SABRETASCHE. From the German, Sabel, & sabre, and Tasche, a pocket. The sabretasche is part of the accoutrements of a cavalry or staff officer, consisting of a leathern case or pocket, suspended at the left side from the sword belt by three slings, corresponding with the belt. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, pp. 538-539).
SACK. An expression used when a town has been taken by storm, arid given up to pillage. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 539).
SACKET, Delos Bennet, soldier, born in Cape Vincent. New York, 14 April, 1822; died in Washington, D. C, 8 March, 1885. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1845, assigned to the 2d Dragoons, and served in the Mexican War, being brevetted 1st lieutenant, 9 May, 1846, for gallant and meritorious conduct at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Texas. On 30 June, 1846, he became 2d lieutenant, and he was made 1st lieutenant on 27 December,1848. He was engaged in scouting in 1850, and was assistant instructor of cavalry tactics in the U.S. Military Academy from 10 December, 1850, till 16 April. 1855. On 3 March.1855, he became captain of 1st U.S. Cavalry, he was a member of the board to revise the army regulations in Washington in 1856-'7, served on frontier duty in the Kansas disturbances in 1856-'7, and on the Utah and Cheyenne Expedition in 1858. He was appointed major of 1st U.S. Cavalry on 31 January, 1861, lieutenant-colonel of 2d U.S. Cavalry on 3 May, 1861, and inspector-general on 1 October, 1861. Joining the Army of the Potomac, he served on the staff of the commanding general in the Virginia Peninsula and the Maryland and Rappahannock Campaigns, participating in the chief engagements. He was in charge of the inspector-general's office in Washington. D. C, from 10 January till 26 May, 1863, and afterward a member of the board to organize invalid corps and treat for retiring disabled officers. From 1 April, 1864, till August, 1865. he was on inspection duty in the departments of the Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, and New Mexico. On 13 March, 1865, he was brevetted brigadier-general and major-general for gallant and meritorious services in the field and during the Civil War. After the war he was inspector-general of the Department of the Tennessee and of the divisions of the Atlantic and the Missouri. On the retirement of General Randolph B Marcy on 2 January, 1881, he became senior inspector-general of the army with the rank of brigadier-general. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 364.
SACKETT, William Augustus, 1811-1895, New York, lawyer, politician. Elected to U.S. House of Representatives from New York as a member of the Whig Party. Served in Congress two terms from 1849-1853. Opposed extension of slavery into the New territories and the fugitive slave laws. Early member of the Republican Party. (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 364-365)
SACKETT, William Augustus, Congressman, born in Aurelius, Cayuga County, New York, 18 November, 1812. His ancestors came from England in 1632, settled in Massachusetts, and continued to live in New England until 1804, when his father moved to Cayuga County, New York. He received an academic education, studied law in Seneca Falls and Skaneateles, was admitted to the bar in 1834, and soon secured a lucrative practice. Elected to Congress as a Whig, he served from 3 December, 1849, till 3 March, 1853. He took part in the controversy in relation to the admission of California as a free state, and both spoke and voted for admission. He earnestly opposed the Fugitive-Slave Law, and was uncompromisingly in opposition to slavery and the admission of any more slave states. From the committee on claims he made a report on the power of consuls, which had an influence in the final modification of those powers. He moved to Saratoga Springs in 1857, where he still resides. In 1876-'8 he travelled extensively in Europe, Egypt, and the Holy Land, and wrote letters describing his journeys that were published. He has been a Republican since the organization of the party, and has been active as a public speaker.—His son, WILLIAM, was colonel of the 9th New York Cavalry, and was killed while leading a charge under General Sheridan at Trevillian Station, Virginia. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 364-365.
SACRAMENTO MOUNTAINS, NEW MEXICO, August 25, 1864. 1st New Mexico Cavalry. On August 6, Captain Francis McCabe, commanding a detachment of the 1st New Mexico cavalry, with several Navajo Indians as guides and spies, started in pursuit of a band of Apache Indians who had recently committed various murders and robberies. A long and weary march was made to the Sacramento mountains, and on the 26th a detachment of 20 men, under Lieutenant Gilbert, encountered the Apaches near Rio Milagro. Gilbert was killed, 2 others were mortally, and 3 severely wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 763.
SADDLER. All acts of Congress previous to the Act of March 2, 1833, allowed one saddler to each company of dragoons. The omission to provide for saddlers in the present cavalry organization would seem to be accidental. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 539).
SAFEGUARD. Whosoever, belonging to the armies of the United States, employed in foreign parts, shall force a safeguard, shall suffer death; (ART. 55.) The men left with a safeguard may require of the persons for whose benefit they are so left, reasonable subsistence and lodging; and the neighboring inhabitants will be held responsible by the army for any violence done them.
The bearers of a safeguard left by one corps, may be replaced by the corps that follows; and if the country be evacuated, they will be recalled; or they may be instructed to wait for the arrival of the enemy, and demand of him a safe conduct to the outposts of the army. The following form will be used:
By authority of Major-general, (or Brig-general).
The person, the property, and the family of, (or such a college, and the persons and things belonging to it; such a mill, &c.,) are placed under the safeguard of the United States. To offer any violence or injury to them is expressly forbidden; on the contrary, it is ordered (hat safety and protection be given to him, or them, in case of need.
Done at the head-quarters of --- , this day of --- , 18 --- .
Forms of safeguards ought to be printed in blank, headed by the article of war relative thereto, and held ready to be filled up, as occasions may offer. A duplicate, &c., in each case, might be affixed to the houses, or edifices, to which they relate. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 539).
SAGE, Russell, financier, born in Oneida County, New York, 4 August, 1816. He received a public-school education, and then engaged in mercantile pursuits in Troy, in 1841 he was elected an alderman, and he was re-elected to this office until 1848, also serving for seven years as treasurer of Rensselaer County. He was then elected to Congress as a Whig, and served, with re-election, from 5 December, 1853, till 3 March, 1857. Mr. Sage was the first person to advocate, on the floor of Congress, the purchase of Mount Vernon by the government. Subsequently he settled in New York City and engaged in the business of selling " privileges " in Wall Street. At the same time he became interested in railroads, and secured stocks in western roads, notably the Milwaukee and St. Paul, of which he was president and vice-president for twelve years. By disposing of these investments, as the smaller roads were absorbed by trunk-lines, he became wealthy. In late years he has been closely associated with Jay Gould in the management of the Wabash, St. Louis, and Pacific, the Missouri Pacific, the Missouri, Kansas, and Texas, the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western and the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroads, the American Cable Company, the Western Union Telegraph Company and the Manhattan Consolidated System of Elevated Railroads in New York City, in all of which corporations he is a director. Mr. Sage was for many years closely connected with the affairs of the Union Pacific Railroad, of which he was a director. He has been a director and vice-president in the Importers and Traders' National Bank for the past twenty years, also a director in the Merchants' Trust Company and in the Fifth Avenue Bank of New York City. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 367.
SAGE CREEK, DAKOTA TERRITORY, April 22, 1865. Detachment of 11th Kansas Cavalry. A party of 35 men under Major Nathaniel A. Adams while in pursuit of a band of marauding Indians, was attacked about 9 p. m. by 75 or 100 Cheyennes and Sioux. After a brisk fight the Indians were repulsed, without loss to the troops. The Indians' casualties were not ascertained. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 765.
SAILOR'S CREEK, VIRGINIA, April 6, 1865. 2nd and 6th Army Corps and Cavalry, Army of the Potomac. The battle of Sailor's creek was an incident of the pursuit of the Confederate army under General Lee, after it had evacuated the trenches in front of Richmond and Petersburg. On the evening of the 5th the greater part of the Army of the Potomac encamped at Jetersville and early on the morning of the 6th moved out in the direction of Amelia Court House, where it was believed the Confederate forces were concentrating. After proceeding about 3 miles General Meade learned that Lee was moving toward Farmville. The direction of his march was therefore changed, the 6th corps, under General Wright, was thrown to the left of the army, the 2nd, under General Humphreys, was directed to move toward Deatonsville, and the 5th, under General Griffin, took the Pridesville road to the right of the army. Between 5 and 6 o'clock that morning General Sheridan had ordered Crook's division to move to Deatonsville, General Merritt to follow. Both Crook and Merritt moved parallel to Lee's column, attacking it and the wagon train whenever opportunity presented itself. At the forks of the road near the Atkinson farm, Crook tried to cut out the train, but found it too strongly guarded, after which he moved to Merritt's left and continued to harass the' retreating Confederates. Near Harper's farm, on Sailor's creek, Custer's division routed the train guard and captured over 300 wagons. Custer was soon afterward attacked by two divisions of infantry and a severe fight ensued, in which Custer was several times driven back. Devin's division was sent to Custer's assistance, arriving just as Capehart's brigade, supported by Pennington's, made a brilliant charge, capturing several hundred prisoners on the spot and more in the pursuit which followed. In the running fight the cavalry captured 15 pieces of artillery and 31 battleflags. In the meantime Seymour's division of the 6th corps had driven the enemy from Deatonsville and then, with Wheaton's division on the left, advanced down the road for about 2 miles to Sailor's creek, where Ewell's command was found strongly posted on the opposite bank. Anderson's corps lay across the road in the rear of Ewell, and Pickett occupied the road leading to Rice's station. Wright ordered his artillery into position and while it was coming up Seymour and Wheaton readjusted their lines on the north side of the creek for an assault. Getty's division was coming up at the double-quick, but without waiting for its arrival the other two divisions advanced under cover of a destructive artillery fire, the men wading the marsh and creek, the water in places coming above their waists. When the opposite bank was reached the line was in some disorder, but without waiting to reform the men rushed forward upon the enemy's slight intrenchments. In this advance not a shot was fired by the Union troops until they were within a few yards of the enemy's works. Then they opened a withering fire that caused Ewell's advance to give way, but he massed his troops and made a desperate charge upon the center of Wright's line, which gave way and the head of the Confederate column came pouring through the break. For a moment it looked as though the gallant 6th corps, that had won renown on so many victorious fields, was to be cut to pieces. But only for a moment Wright concentrated his artillery fire on the advancing column in the center, which with Getty's division, now in front, checked Ewell's further advance in that direction, while each wing, ignoring the disaster to the center, drove back the enemy in its front, and then wheeling on a pivot toward the center caught the enemy on both flanks. When the sound of Wright's guns was heard at the beginning of the action, Sheridan ordered the cavalry to attack on the right and rear. Stagg's brigade of Devin's division had been operating with the 6th corps and now struck Ewell's right flank, capturing about 300 prisoners. Crook dismounted the brigades of Gregg and Smith and ordered Davies to charge the works. In his report Crook says: "Davies made one of the finest charges of the war, riding over and capturing their works and its defenders." As the lines were closing around Ewell a countercharge was made by the marine brigade, 2,000 strong under command of Commodore Tucker. The Federals were already looking upon the entire Confederate force as prisoners, when Tucker made such a terrific onset that a large part of the 6th corps was driven back across the creek. There was some desperate hand-to-hand fighting and Tucker's men were overpowered, surrendering to Keifer's brigade of Seymour's division. The losses at Sailor's creek are somewhat problematical. In the tabulated statement in the official records of the war the Union losses from March 29 to April 9 are included, no detailed reports of the various engagements of the campaign being made. General Humphreys places the Confederate loss at Sailor's creek at 6,000 in killed, wounded and captured, and states the loss of the 6th corps as 442. Ewell, Kershaw, Custis Lee, DuBose, Barton and Corse, all generals, were among the prisoners, and only about 250 of Kershaw's division escaped. About 9 a. m. Humphreys discovered a column of the enemy's infantry (Gordon's corps) moving westward near Flat creek. General Mott, commanding the 3d division, was directed to send a brigade across the creek to develop the force, and General Miles, commanding the 1st division, brought up some artillery and opened fire. A little later the whole corps was put in pursuit of Gordon, Mott on the left, Miles on the right, and Barlow close in the latter's rear. For 14 miles a running fight was kept up, a number of prisoners being taken from time to time as the enemy attempted to make a stand. A little while before sunset Gordon made his last stand at Sailor's creek, a short distance above its mouth, taking position on a ridge that commanded the crossing of the stream. Miles ordered Scott's brigade to charge the enemy's line, which was admirably done, the Confederates being driven into and across the creek. MacDougall's brigade moved forward on Scott's right, crossed the creek, routed the enemy from his position, and took possession of the ridge. Darkness put an end to further pursuit. During the day the corps took 1,700 prisoners, 13 flags, 4 pieces of artillery, 300 wagons and 70 ambulances, with a total loss of 55 killed, 250 wounded and 85 missing. The enemy's loss in killed and wounded was doubtless equal to that of the 2nd corps, so that Gordon lost on this day at least 2,000 men. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 765-766.
SAINT AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA, March 9, 1863. 7th New Hampshire Infantry.' Some 80 Confederate cavalry, under Captain Dickison, drove in the Union pickets about 2 miles north of town and Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. Abbott, with 120 men, started in pursuit. He came within sight of the enemy about 3 miles from the Confederate camp, but was unable to bring them to a stand. A sergeant and 4 men were sent to reconnoiter the house of a man named Carrero, and this party was cut off and captured, which were the only casualties reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 766.
SAINT AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA, December 30, 1863. Detachment of 24th Massachusetts Infantry. A squad of 20 armed wood cutters and an escort of 30 men were attacked 2 miles outside of the Federal lines by Confederates concealed in the palmetto brush on the front and right flank. The men were being brought into line to face the enemy when a volley was poured into them from their left, wounding the officer in command. This and a movement of the enemy to get to their rear threw the Federals into some confusion and they started to retreat toward Saint Augustine. Before they reached the Union lines they had become well scattered and 24 of them were captured. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 767.
SAINT CATHERINE'S CREEK, MISSISSIPPI, July 31, 1863. Detachment of 17th Army Corps. Learning that some 1,500 Confederates were approaching Natchez, Brigadier-General T. E. G. Ransom, commanding the post, doubled his pickets and sent out a cavalry force under Major Asa Worden to reconnoiter. Worden encountered the enemy's pickets near Saint Catherine's creek and continued to drive them slowly until noon, when they made a stand and formed line of battle. Deeming the position too strong to attack, Worden fell back 3 miles, meeting and defeating a detachment that had been sent to his rear. The enemy lost 1 killed, 15 wounded and 45 taken prisoners, while the Federal casualties amounted to 2 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 767.
SAINT CHARLES, ARKANSAS, June 17, 1862. U. S. Gunboats St. Louis, Conestoga, Lexington and Mound City and 46th Indiana Infantry. As an incident of an expedition up the White river the 46th Indiana, under Colonel G. N. Fitch, was landed below the town and the gunboats moved up the river to silence the batteries. The first battery was silenced by the vessels, but a shot from the second exploded the boiler on the Mound City, compelling the crew to jump into the river to avoid being scalded to death. The Confederates immediately commenced firing upon the men in the water, and Fitch, seeing the treatment being accorded the sailors, stormed and captured the battery. The losses were not definitely ascertained, although 8 or 9 of the enemy's dead were buried by the Federals, and more than half the crew of the Mound City lost their lives. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 767.
SAINT CHARLES, ARKANSAS, September 12, 1862. Detachment of 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Army of the Southwest. An expedition under Colonel William Vandever came to the bank of the White river a mile above Saint Charles about noon. A party of Confederate soldiers at work unloading a flatboat on the opposite bank of the stream was dispersed by a shell from a howitzer and took refuge in a large mill. A few shells dropped into the mill drove the enemy from it, when 2 soldiers swam the river and destroyed the flatboat. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 767.
SAINT CHARLES, ARKANSAS, January 13, 1863. (See White River, Gorman's Expedition.)
SAINT CHARLES, ARKANSAS, October 22, 1864. 53d U. S. Colored Infantry. While the regiment was proceeding down the White river on board transports it was fired upon near Saint Charles from the south bank of the stream. Three of the men were killed and 17 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 767.
SAINT CHARLES COURT HOUSE, LOUISIANA, August 29, 1862. Detachment of the 8th Vermont Infantry and 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry. Colonel Stephen Thomas, with two companies of infantry, one of cavalry and a section of the battery belonging to the 8th Vermont, started from Algiers on the 28th on a reconnaissance. That night he encamped at St. Charles and early the next morning moved out on the road toward Bonnet Carre point, where it was reported there were some 300 to 500 of the enemy. A few miles from the court-house the cavalry advance encountered a small detachment of the enemy, who speedily withdrew out of rifle range. The artillery then threw a few shells and the cavalry charged capturing 5 prisoners. One of the Confederates was known to have been wounded. No casualties on the Union side. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 767.
SAINT FRANCIS COUNTY, ARKANSAS, April 8, 1863. Detachment of 4th Iowa Cavalry, and some other Troops. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 767.
SAINT FRANCIS ROAD, ARKANSAS, December 23, 1862. Outpost Picket of the District of Eastern Arkansas. The Confederate cavalry operating in the vicinity of Helena attacked and ambushed a Federal outpost on the Saint Francis road. Although none of the guard was captured, 2 were killed and 16 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 768.
SAINT FRANCISVILLE, MISSOURI, February 25, 1862. Reconnaissance from Greenville. Major Clendenning, of the 1st Indiana cavalry, with two companies of his regiment, and two of Missouri volunteers and militia, left Greenville on the 23d. On the 25th, when near St. Francisville, they were surprised by a party of Confederates, variously estimated from 200 to 2,000 men. All the Union troops stampeded except Captain Leeper's company of militia, which dismounted and fought the Confederates until they were compelled to retire, having lost 1 killed, several wounded and 6 captured. Leeper's loss was 1 killed and 2 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 768.
SAINT GAUDENS, Augustus, sculptor, born in Dublin. Ireland, 1 March, 1848. When six months of age he was brought to New York, and in that city he subsequently followed the profession of a cameo-cutter. He began to draw at Cooper Institute in 1861, and in 1865-'6 was a student at the National Academy, modelling also in his leisure hours. In 1867 he went to Paris, where he studied under Francois Jouffroy at the Ecole des Beaux Arts until 1870. He next went to Rome, and there produced, in 1871. his first figure. " Hiawatha." In the next year he returned to New York, where he has since resided. Mr. Saint-Gaudens has been president of the Society of American Artists. His more important works are the bas-relief " Adoration of the Cross by Angels," in St. Thomas's Church. New York; statues of Admiral David G. Farragut (1880), in New York, of Robert R. Randall (1884). at Sailor's Snug Harbor, Staten Island, New York, and of Abraham Lincoln (1887), in Chicago: a fountain (1886-7), in Chicago; "The Puritan." a statue of Samuel Chapin (1887), in Springfield, Massachusetts: portrait busts of William M. Evarts (1872-3), Theodore D. Woolsey (1876), at Yale, and General William T. Sherman (1888): and medallions of Bastien Le Page (1879) and Robert L. Stevenson (1887). Mr. Saint-Gaudens assisted John La Farge in the decoration of Trinity Church. Boston, and the monument to Le Roy King, at Newport, Rhode Island, is also the joint work of those two artists. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 370.
SAINT JAMES, MISSOURI, June 10, 1864. Detachment of 3d Missouri State Militia Cavalry. Captain George L. Herring and Lieutenant James M. Roberts while riding out near their camp at St. James were attacked by 25 Confederates and the captain was mortally wounded. The enemy was pursued and scattered. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 768.
ST. JOHN, Isaac Munroe, engineer, born in Augusta, Georgia, 19 November, 1827; died in Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, 7 April, 1880. After graduation at Yale in 1845, he studied law in New York City, and moved to Baltimore in 1847, where he became assistant editor of the "Patriot," but chose civil engineering for a profession, and was engaged on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. In 1855 he moved to Georgia, and was employed on the Blue Ridge Railroad until the beginning of the Civil War, when he entered the Engineer Corps of the Confederate Army at Richmond, Virginia, and was assigned to duty under General John B. Magruder. He rendered valuable service in constructing fortifications during General George B. McClellan's first campaign. In May, 1862, he was made major and chief of the mining and nitre bureau, which was the sole reliance of the Confederacy for gunpowder material. He was promoted through the various grades to the rank of brigadier-general, and in 1865 was made commissary-general, and established a system by which supplies for the army were collected directly from the people and placed in depots for immediate transportation. After the war he resumed his profession in Kentucky, became chief engineer of the Louisville, Cincinnati, and Lexington Railroad, and built the short-line to Cincinnati, which was considered a great feat in civil engineering. He was city engineer of Louisville in 1870-'l, made the first topographical map of that city, and established its system of sewerage. From 1871 until his death he was consulting engineer of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, and chief engineer of the Lexington and Big Sandy Railroad. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 371.
ST. JOHN, John Pierce, governor of Kansas, born in Franklin County, Indiana, 25 February, 1833. In early years he was employed on his father's farm, and was clerk in a grocer's store. In 1853 he went to California, worked in various capacities, and made voyages to South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Sandwich Islands, and served in wars with the Indians in California and Oregon. In 1860 he moved to Charleston, Illinois, to continue the study of law, which he had begun in his miner's cabin. Early in 1862 he enlisted as a private in the 68th Illinois Volunteers, in which he became a captain. At Alexandria, Virginia, he was detached from his command, and assigned as acting assistant adjutant-general under General John P. Slough. In 1864 he was placed in command of the troops at Camp Mattoon, Illinois, and on the organization of the 143d Regiment he was elected its lieutenant-colonel, serving chiefly in the Mississippi valley. At the close of the war he resumed practice in Charleston, but moved afterward to Independence, Missouri, where he practised law four years with success, and won a reputation as a political orator. He moved to Olathe, Kansas, in 1869, served in the state senate in 1873-'4, and was elected governor of Kansas, as a Republican, in 1878, serving until 1882, when he was defeated as a candidate for a third term. He was the candidate of the Prohibition Party for president of the United States in 1884, and received a vote of 151,809. During the canvass he delivered addresses in various parts of the United States. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 371.
SAINT JOHN, C S. S., April 18, 1863. Brigadier-General J. H. Trapier, of the Confederate army, stated in a report from Fort Moultrie, South Carolina, on the 19th that the steamer St. John was chased ashore at 6 a. m. the day before at Light House island, where she was abandoned by officers and crew, and was then "taken possession of by the Yankees and towed off at high tide." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 768.
SAINT JOHN'S BLUFF, FLORIDA, September 11, 1862. Union Gunboats. According to the reports of Brigadier-General Joseph Finnegan, of the Confederate army, he placed a battery of 6 guns on St. John's bluff, the action not being discovered by the Federals until the battery was completed. On the 11th two gunboats (names not given), shelled the position for over 4 hours. Finnegan says one of the boats was crippled and both were driven off, the Confederate loss being 1 killed and 8 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 768.
SAINT JOHN'S BLUFF, FLORIDA, September 17, 1862. Union Gunboats. On this date, according to the reports of Brigadier-General Finnegan, of the Confederate army, five gunboats shelled the battery on St. John's bluff for 5 hours, when they withdrew. The Confederate loss was 2 killed and 3 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 768.
SAINT JOHN'S BLUFF, FLORIDA, October 3-4, 1862. Expeditionary Forces. After the engagements at St. John's bluff on September 11 and 17, an expedition was sent out from Hilton Head, South Carolina, for the purpose of reducing the Confederate batteries on the bluff. This expedition was commanded by Brigadier-General J. M. Brannan, and consisted of the 7th Connecticut and 47th Pennsylvania infantry, a detachment of the 1st Massachusetts cavalry, and a section of the 1st Connecticut light battery, about 1,600 men in all. On the afternoon of September 30 Brannan embarked his men on transports at Hilton Head, and accompanied by the gunboats Paul Jones, Cimarron, Water Witch, Hale, Uncas and Patroon, under command of Captain Charles Steedman, set sail for the St. John's river. The troops were landed on the night of October 1 at Mayport mills, a short distance above the mouth of the river, and with great difficulty made their way through the 40 miles of swamps to the bluff. On the afternoon of Friday, the 3d, the infantry and artillery were in position about 2 miles from the enemy's works. Three of the gunboats were then sent up the river to feel the enemy, when the batteries were found to be evacuated. The next day Brannan removed all the guns, ammunition and equipage of the abandoned position on board the transports, the gunboats in the meantime moving on up the river, dispersing several small detachments of the enemy and capturing the steamer Milton, which was concealed in a creek near the town of Enterprise. The expedition then returned to Hilton Head without having lost a man. Saint Louis, Missouri, May 11, 1861. Some newly organized Union troops, under command of Captain Callender and Lieutenant Saxton, were marching through the streets toward the U. S. Arsenal, when they were fired on by a mob and 2 of the soldiers were killed. The fire was returned by the troops, killing and wounding 10 citizens, when the mob dispersed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 768-769.
SAINT MARY'S CHURCH, VIRGINIA, June 24, 1864. 2nd Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. While the Army of the Potomac was moving to the James river, Major-General Sheridan, commanding the cavalry corps, ordered General Gregg to move with his division to St. Mary's church and there take position. About a mile from the church Gregg's advance found a small mounted force of the enemy, which was driven away and the lines of the division established, the batteries being placed in commanding positions. Skirmishing was kept up all morning and during the early hours of the afternoon. Between 3 and 4 p. m. the Confederates in great force made an attack on the right of the line, extending it to the left. The two batteries—Randol's and Dennison's—met the enemy's advance with heavy charges of canister, staggering his lines, but without completely repulsing the attack. Again and again they assaulted until every one of Gregg's men was engaged, while the Confederates were constantly receiving reinforcements. After 2 hours of this contest it became evident that the forces were too unequal to continue it longer and Gregg gave the order to withdraw. The wounded, the led horses and the caissons were sent forward on the road to Charles City Court House, followed by the division, the men dismounting from time to time and fighting on foot to repel the attacks on the rear-guard. Gregg reported his loss in killed, wounded and missing at 357. Some of the wounded fell into the hands of the enemy, but a portion of them were afterward recovered. The loss of the enemy was not ascertained, but it must have been much heavier, as he was the attacking party. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 769.
SAINT MARY'S TRESTLE, FLORIDA, July 26, 1864. 75th Ohio Mounted Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 769.
SAINT PETER'S CHURCH, VIRGINIA, June 21, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. After the Confederate cavalry under General Wade Hampton had been driven from the White House landing, Brigadier-General Thomas C. Devin was ordered to take three regiments of his brigade and a section of Heaton's battery and move toward St. Peter's church. About a mile from the church Devin met the enemy and immediately engaged him. After a sharp skirmish the Confederates fell back to the church, where they made a stand. Although his supply of ammunition was running low, and the enemy vastly outnumbered his own force, Devin dismounted the 9th and part of the 6th New York and was preparing to attack when he received orders not to advance until directed to do so. While awaiting orders to that effect he learned that the enemy was retiring, when he assumed the responsibility of moving forward. The church and cross-roads were occupied without opposition, and a few shots were fired upon the Confederate rear-guard to accelerate its retreat. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 769.
SALE. The President is authorized to cause to be sold unserviceable ordnance or stores of any kind, but the inspection or survey of unserviceable stores shall be made by an inspector-general, or such other officer or officers as the Secretary of War may appoint for that purpose; and the sales shall be made under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War; (Act March 3, 1825.) In all cases where lands have been, or shall hereafter be, conveyed to or for the United States, for forts, arsenals, dock-yards, light-houses, or any like purpose, or in payment of debts due the United States, which shall not be used, or necessary for the purposes for which they were purchased, or other authorized purpose, it shall be lawful for the President of the United States to cause the same to be sold, for the best price to be obtained, and to convey the same to the purchaser by grant or otherwise; (Act April 28, 1828.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, pp. 539-540).
SALEM, ARKANSAS, MAY 29, 1864. Detachment of the 2nd Wisconsin Cavalry. Captain B. F. Crocker, with 70 men, was sent out from Rolla, Missouri, to Jacksonport, Arkansas, to escort a train of refugees within the Union lines. At Salem the train was attacked by about 300 guerrillas. The wagons were burned and about 80 of the refugees were killed, no discrimination being made between men and women. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 769.
SALEM, MISSISSIPPI, October 8, 1863. 2nd Cavalry Brigade of 16th Army Corps. At noon Colonel L. F. McCrillis, with his brigade, arrived at Salem by the eastward approach. The enemy was encountered in force, but a battalion of the 6th Tennessee cavalry drove him through the town to the protection of some outbuildings at the farther side, where the howitzer battery of the 9th Illinois cavalry shelled him out, the 6th Tennessee and the 3d Illinois following more than a mile beyond the village. At 1 p. m. McCrillis learned that the Confederates were advancing against him from three directions and he immediately took position on a ridge 600 yards east of Salem. About this time Lieutenant-Colonel J. J. Phillips came up with 400 men of the 9th Illinois mounted infantry, increasing the Federal strength to 1,250 men. The enemy opened on McCrillis' front, skirmishing meantime on both flanks. After an hour's fighting Phillips gained possession of the few buildings composing the town, but was immediately compelled to retire by attacks on his flanks. About 4 p. m. the enemy withdrew to long range, and in this position kept up the fight until 5:30, when McCrillis found his ammunition running low and quietly retired, the Confederates not detecting the movement until he was well started. In the first mile of the march the enemy attacked three times, but was each time repulsed. No report of casualties was made by the 9th Illinois infantry, but aside from that regiment the Federals lost 2 mortally wounded, 8 seriously wounded and 1 missing. The enemy's loss was 1 killed and 27 wounded, according to a Confederate report, but McCrillis states that they left 11 dead on the field. The affair was an incident of Chalmers' raid. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 770.
SALEM, MISSOURI, December 3, 1861. Detachment of the 1st Missouri Cavalry. Major William D. Bowen, commanding a detachment from the 1st Missouri cavalry, attached to the 13th Illinois infantry, was sent from Rolla to Salem, and under date of December 3 he reported as follows: "I was attacked this morning at 4 o'clock by 300 rebels, under command of Colonels Freeman and Turner. They dismounted some 2 miles from town and by coming through the woods they got inside of my outer pickets. They first commenced firing on Company A's quarters, killing 1 and wounding others. Companies B and C, being quartered some 500 yards from them, rallied on foot to the rescue of Company A. After a hard fight of 20 minutes Company D came up mounted. I ordered Captain Williams to charge on the rebels, who were then retreating, which was promptly done, dispersing them in every direction." The Union loss was 2 killed, 2 mortally, and 8 slightly wounded. Bowen's entire force comprised only 120 men. The Confederate loss was 6 killed, 10 mortally wounded, and 20 slightly wounded. Several guns also were taken. Salem, Missouri, July 6 and August 9, 1862. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 770.
SALEM, MISSOURI, July 3, 1863. Detachment of 5th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. The detachment, under Lieutenant William C. Bangs, after following a trail for 12 miles, came upon 12 bushwhackers, and in the charge which followed 10 of the outlaws were killed. The affair occurred not far from Salem. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 770.
SALEM, MISSOURI, September 13, 1863. Detachment of 5th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. At 3 a. m. the Confederates under Colonel Freeman attacked the pickets at Salem, but were repulsed with a loss of 1 killed and several wounded. At 6 a. m. Lieutenant Charles Koch started in pursuit and after a chase of 3 hours came upon the enemy drawn up in line. Charges were made simultaneously on the front and flank and after a fight of 20 minutes the enemy gave way in confusion, having lost 14 killed and a good many wounded. The Federal loss was 3 soldiers and 1 citizen wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 770.
SALEM, TENNESSEE, March 21, 1863. This affair was a skirmish between a small detachment of Confederate cavalry and the Federal pickets stationed just outside of Salem, in which the pickets were driven in. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 770.
SALEM, TENNESSEE, May 20, 1863. Detachments of 2nd Iowa Cavalry and 6th Iowa Infantry. Two companies from each of the above regiments encountered some 300 Confederates at Salem. In the skirmish which ensued the enemy was able to outrun the Federals and escaped with the loss of a horse. The Union troops sustained no casualties. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 770-771.
SALEM, VIRGINIA, November 5, 1862. Salem, Virginia, December 16, 1863. 1st Separate Cavalry Brigade, Department of West Virginia. This place was the objective point of Averell's raid on the Virginia & Tennessee railroad. The advance of the main column reached the town about 10 a. m. and entered without molestation. On learning of the approach of a trainload of Confederates Averell brought his artillery to bear and after firing a few shots drove the train back. When the column arrived parties were sent 4 miles to the eastward and 12 miles to the westward to destroy railroad property, and in 5 hours Averell destroyed 3 depots containing 2,000 barrels of flour, 10,000 bushels of wheat, 100,000 bushels of shelled corn, 50,000 bushels of oats, 2,000 barrels of meat, several cords of leather, 1,000 sacks of salt, 31 boxes clothing, 20 bales cotton, a large amount of harness, shoes and saddles, equipments, tools, oil, tar, and other stores, and 100 wagons. The telegraph wire was cut, coiled and burned for half a mile; the water station, turn-table and 3 cars were burned, and the rails torn up for some distance. Five bridges and several culverts were destroyed and a large quantity of bridge timber and repairing materials were destroyed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 771.
SALEM, VIRGINIA, June 21, 1864. Army of West Virginia. While Major-General David Hunter was retiring from before Lynchburg in the campaign against that place he reached Salem about sunrise of the 21st and at 9 a. m. the Confederates made a demonstration against his rear-guard. While the Union troops were engaged in repelling the enemy at that point some Confederate cavalry fell upon the artillery, which had inadvertently been sent off without a proper escort, and two batteries were captured and the guns spiked before the Federal cavalry succeeded in driving the enemy off, with a loss of 30 in killed, wounded and missing. The Union casualties were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 771.
SALEM, VIRGINIA, October 4, 1864 . The only mention of this affair in the official records of the war is in a report by Confederate General R. E. Lee, who states that Mosby attacked about 1,000 Federals, "capturing 50 prisoners, all their baggage, camp equipage, stores, &c., and killed and wounded a considerable number. His loss 2 wounded." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 771.
SALEM CEMETERY, TENNESSEE, December 19, 1862. (See Jackson.)
SALEM CHURCH, VIRGINIA, May 3, 1863. (See Chancellorsville.)
SALEM CHURCH, VIRGINIA, May 27, 1864. The engagement at Salem Church was an incident of the operations of the Army of the Potomac along the North Anna and Pamunkey rivers in the advance upon Richmond. No detailed report of the affair was made, so it is impossible to tell what troops were engaged or give any statement of casualties. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 771.
SALEM PIKE, TENNESSEE, March 21, 1863. 3d Tennessee Cavalry.
SALIENT. The salient angle of a fortification is an angle projecting towards the country. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 540).
SALINE COMPANY, MISSOURI, July 29-August 2, 1863. Detachment of the 6th Missouri Cavalry, Enrolled Militia. Captain George W. Murphy, commanding the detachment, received orders on July 29, to scour the country along the Blackwater, in Saline county, which he promptly proceeded to do. His command routed several bands of guerillas, took several prisoners and effectually covered the territory from the Blackwater to Marshall Rock and along the Missouri river bottom as far as Waverly. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 771.
SALINEVILLE, OHIO, July 26, 1863. Morgan's Raid. Salineville is a little town in the southern part of Columbiana county, about 10 miles south of New Lisbon. It was near this place that Morgan's famous raid ended. Major W. B. Way, of the 9th Michigan cavalry, reported as follows from Salineville: "I engaged Morgan at about 8 o'clock this morning, about one and a half miles from this town, and, after a severe fight, routed him, killing 20 or 30, wounding about 50, taking 200 prisoners, 150 horses, and 150 stands of small arms. Have delivered the prisoners and horses to Colonel Gallagher, 54th Pennsylvania infantry." Later in the day Major G. W. Rue, of the 9th Kentucky cavalry, telegraphed from Salineville to General Burnside: "I captured John H. Morgan today at 2 p. m., taking 336 prisoners, 400 horses, and arms. Morgan presented me his fine sorrel mare." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 772.
SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA, April 12, 1865. (See Grant's creek, same date.)
SALKEHATCHIE RIVER, SOUTH CAROLINA, February 1-4, 1865. 15th and 17th Army Corps. Major-General Oliver O. Howard, commanding the right wing of Sherman's army in the campaign of the Carolinas, moved his forces forward to break the enemy's line along the Salkehatchie river. The 17th corps, commanded by General F. P. Blair, was ordered to carry Rivers' bridge, and the 15th corps, under General C. R. Woods, was sent against the Confederate position at Buford's bridge. At daylight on February 2, the 1st and 4th divisions of the 17th corps moved up the river road from Whippy swamp, driving the enemy before them to Broxton's bridge, where a reconnaissance developed a long skirmish line, a battery of artillery and breastworks. The 13th la. and 53d Indiana were left to keep up a demonstration of crossing, while the rest of the 4th division, led by General Giles A. Smith in person, moved up to a point about half-way to Rivers' bridge, where the river was forded, the men wading in water from 2 to 4 feet deep across a swamp about a mile and a half in extent. Upon gaining the opposite side of the river the enemy's skirmishers were soon driven in and the fighting was continued until dark. During the night the Confederates evacuated their position and Smith turned his attention to Rivers' bridge, where the 1st division, under General Mower, had moved the preceding day. In the meantime the 3d division, with the 9th Illinois mounted infantry in advance, moved up the west side of Whippy swamp to Angley's post office and thence to Rivers' bridge. On the way it was joined by Mower's division, and the enemy was driven slowly back to a cross-road, one road leading to Rivers' and the other to Buford's bridge. Colonel Tillson, with two regiments of infantry and a detachment of cavalry, was left at the cross-road, with instructions to drive the Confederates a mile up the Buford road and hold the position until relieved. Mower then ordered the 25th Wisconsin forward as skirmishers, closely followed by the remainder of the division, and drove the enemy so rapidly that he had no time to destroy the bridges (16 in number) along the causeway. The Confederates then took a position where their artillery commanded the road and the swamp on either side of it, and Mower, finding this position too formidable to carry by assault, withdrew all his command except a strong skirmish line, placing his main body to work constructing a road through the swamp with a view to crossing the river above the bridge. By noon on the 4th this road was completed and Tillson's brigade was sent over to assault the enemy's works, the brigades of Fuller and Montgomery being pushed up close to bridge ready for any emergency. The 43rd Ohio made a dash for Rivers' bridge, and although unable to effect a crossing the diversion caused the enemy to concentrate the greater part of his force behind the earthworks at the bridge. This gave Fuller an opportunity to cross the river and gain the enemy's rear, and after one volley the Confederates evacuated their works, thus placing the Salkehatchie in possession of the Federal troops. Salt Lick Bridge, West Virginia, October 14, 1863. Detachment of the 3d Brigade, 2nd Division, Department of West Virginia. The detachment, with its complement of cavalry and infantry, proceeded from Bulltown to Salt Lick, where slight skirmishing ensued and where reinforcements were received. The enemy retreated without noteworthy casualties on either side. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 772-773.
SALLY. A sally or sortie is a movement made by strong detachments from a besieged place to attack the besiegers or destroy their works. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 540).
SALLY-PORTS. Openings to afford free egress to troops for a sortie. They are cut in the faces of the re-entering places of arms, and in the middle of the branches of the covered-ways. When sally-ports are not in use, they are closed by strongly constructed gates of timber supported by bars of iron. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 540).
SALM SALM, Prince Felix, soldier, born in Anholt, Prussia, 25 December, 1828; died near Metz, Alsace, 18 August, 1870. He was a younger son of the reigning Prince zu Salm Salm, was educated at the cadet-school in Berlin, became an officer in the Prussian Cavalry, and saw service in the Schleswig-Holstein War, receiving a decoration for bravery at Aarhuis. He then joined the Austrian Army, but was compelled to resign, extravagant habits having brought him into pecuniary difficulties. In 1861 he came to the United States and offered his services to the National government. He was given a colonel's commission and attached to the staff of General Louis Blenker. In November, 1862, he took command of the 8th New York Regiment, which was mustered out in the following spring. He was appointed colonel of the 68th New York Volunteers on 8 June, 1864, serving under General James B. Steedman in Tennessee and Georgia, and toward the end of the war was assigned to the command of the post at Atlanta, receiving the brevet of brigadier-general on 15 April, 1865. He next offered his services to the Emperor Maximilian, embarked for Mexico in February, 1866, and on 1 July was appointed colonel of the general staff. He became the emperor's aide-de-camp and chief of his household, and was captured at Queretaro. Soon after Maximilian's execution he returned to Europe, reentered the Prussian army as major in the grenadier guards, and was killed at the battle of Gravelotte. He published, “My Diary, in Mexico in 1867, including the Last Days of the Emperor Maximilian, with Leaves from the Diary of the Princess Salm Salm” (London, 1868).—His wife, Agnes, born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1842; died in Coblentz, Germany, about 1881, is said to have been adopted when a child in Europe by the wife of a member of the cabinet at Washington, but, after receiving a good education in Philadelphia, to have left her home and become a circus-rider and then a rope-dancer. Afterward she acquired a reputation as an actress under the name of Agnes Leclercq, and lived several years in Havana, Cuba. She returned to the United States in 1861, and married Prince Salm Salm on 30 August 1862. She accompanied her husband throughout his military campaigns in the south, performing useful service in connection with the field-hospitals, and was with him also in Mexico. After the fall of Queretaro she rode to San Luis Potosi and implored President Juarez to procure the release of Maximilian and of his aide, who underwent imprisonment with him. She also sought the intervention of Porfirio Diaz and of Mariano Escobedo, and arranged a conference between the latter general and the archduke. After the death of her husband she raised a hospital brigade, which accomplished much good during the Franco-Prussian War. Subsequently she married Charles Heneage, an attaché of the British embassy at Berlin, but soon separated from him. She published “Ten Years of My Life” (New York, 1875). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 378.
SALOMON, Frederick, soldier, born near Halberstadt, Prussia, 7 April, 1826. After passing through the gymnasium, he became a government surveyor, later a lieutenant of artillery, and in 1848 a pupil in the Berlin School of Architecture. Emigrating soon afterward to the United States, he settled in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, as a surveyor. He was for four years county register of deeds, and in 1857-'9 chief engineer on the Manitowoc and Wisconsin Railroad. He entered the volunteer service in the spring of 1861 as a captain in the 5th Missouri Volunteers, and served under General Franz Sigel, being present at Wilson's Creek. After the three months' term of service had expired he was appointed colonel of the 9th Wisconsin Infantry, which he commanded in the southwest until he was made a brigadier-general, 16 June, 1862, and assigned to the command of a brigade in Kansas. On 30 September he made an unsuccessful attempt to capture Newtonia, Missouri. He served through the war, receiving the brevet of major-general in March, 1865, and was mustered out on 25 August, 1865. General Salomon was subsequently for several years surveyor-general of Utah Territory, where he now (1888) resides.—His brother, Edward, born near Halberstadt, Prussia, in 1828, came with him to this country, became a lawyer, was governor of Wisconsin in 1862-'3, and now practices in New York City. He has gained a high reputation as a political speaker, especially in the German language. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 379.
SALTER, William D., naval officer, born in New York City in 1794; died in Elizabeth, New Jersey, 8 January, 1869. He entered the navy as midshipman on 15 November, 1809, was attached to the frigate "Constitution " under Commodore Isaac Hull during the action with the British frigate "Guerriere," on 19 August, 1812, and was the last survivor of those who participated in that action. He became lieutenant on 9 December, 1814, was made master-commandant on 3 March, 1831, captain on 3 March, 1839, and commodore on the retired list on 16 July, 1862. He was in command of the Brooklyn U.S. Navy-yard in 1856-'9, and in 1863 was on a commission to examine vessels, from which duty he was relieved in 1866. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 379.
SALTVILLE, VIRGINIA, October 2, 1864. U. S. Troops, District of Kentucky. Bvt. Major-General S. G. Burbridge with the troops of his district, after driving the enemy from Clinch mountain and Laurel gap, met him three miles and a half from Saltville and forced him back into his intrenchments around the salt works. Burbridge then deployed and attacked, driving the Confederates from their works on their right and center and checking them on their left. A destructive artillery fire finally compelled the enemy to fall back to his main works, but the artillery ammunition had about given out by evening and during the night Burbridge withdrew, having suffered a loss of 54 killed, 190 wounded and 104 missing. The Confederate casualties, although not definitely ascertained, were undoubtedly as heavy. The engagement was an incident of a raid into southwestern Virginia. Saltville, Virginia, December 20, 1864. Stoneman's Expedition. In his raid from east Tennessee into southwestern Virginia Major-General George Stoneman, with the joint forces of Bvt. Major-General S. G. Burbridge and Brigadier General Alvan C. Gillem, ordered a movement on Saltville. Burbridge was sent on the direct road and Gillem took the road via Abingdon and Glade Springs, a distance of 13 miles. About 2 p. m. the pickets in front of the saltworks were driven in by Gillem, who found the works defended by a redoubt and rifle-pits on a high rugged hill to the right of the road. The 9th Tennessee cavalry was dismounted and sent to occupy the hill on the left of the road and the artillery was brought to bear against the redoubt. Soon afterward a battalion of the 8th Tennessee cavalry was sent to dislodge the enemy annoying the Federal artillerists from a wooded ravine, and after this was accomplished a battalion of the 13th Tennessee occupied a hill immediately to the right of the enemy's redoubt. Communication had by this time been opened with Burbridge, who reported that within half an hour he would assault the Confederate redoubt in his front. Lieutenant Colonel Stacy with two battalions of the 13th Tennessee was ordered to proceed by the main road around the base of the hill in Gillem's front and attack the redoubt in the rear, while Major Wagner, commanding the detachment on the hill at the right of the enemy's position, should attack in front. After dark Stacy dismounted his men and led his horses to within 100 yards of the Confederate work, where the men remounted and charged over the redoubt, capturing all its defenders who did not escape in the darkness. Burbridge failed to carry the work assigned him, but when the saltworks had been fired the Confederates evacuated and Stacy took possession. During the night and the next day the wells were put out of commission and the entire equipment of the place destroyed. Besides the prisoners taken 9 pieces of artillery were captured. The casualties for this single engagement were not reported. Salyersville, Kentucky, November 30, 1863. 14th and 39th Kentucky Infantry. Colonel George W. Gallup, commanding the Department of Eastern Kentucky, reports under above date as follows: "My outposts were attacked at Salyersville this morning and badly scattered. Their despatch to me is very indefinite. I have sent forward reinforcements." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 773.
SALUTE. A discharge of artillery in compliment to some individual; beating of drums and dropping of colors fur the same purpose; or by carrying or presenting arms according to the rank and position of an officer. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 540).
SAMARIA CHURCH, VIRGINIA, June 15, 1864. 3d Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 773.
SAMARIA CHURCH, VIRGINIA, June 24, 1864. 1st and 2nd Cavalry Divisions, Army of the Potomac. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 774.
SAM GATY, STEAMER, Attack on, March 28, 1863. (See Sibley's Landing, Missouri)
SAMPSON, John Patterson, author, born in Wilmington, North Carolina, 13 August, 1837. He is of mixed Scottish and African descent, was graduated at Comer's College, Boston. Massachusetts, in 1856. was for some time a teacher in New York City, and during the Civil War conducted a journal in Cincinnati, Ohio, called the "Colored Citizen," in which he advocated the enlistment of Negroes in the National army. In 1865 he was appointed assessor at Wilmington, N. C., and was superintendent of the Freedmen's School in 1866. In 1868-'9 he attended the Western Theological School at Alleghany, Pennsylvania. He took an active part in reconstruction, was a member of the North Carolina Constitutional Convention, was nominated by the Republicans for both the legislature and Congress, and for fifteen years held various posts under the state and U. S. governments. After completing his studies at the National Law University, Washington, D. C, he was admitted to the bar of the U. S. Supreme Court in 1873. In 1882 he relinquished the practice of law, and entered the ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He was appointed to a church near Trenton, New Jersey, was chosen chaplain of the state senate, and afterward took charge of a congregation at Trenton. He received the degree of D. D., from Wilberforce University, Ohio, in 1888. He was a delegate to the general conference in 1888, is known as a lecturer on social and scientific subjects, and has published in book-form "Common-Sense Physiology (Hampton, Virginia, 1880); "The Disappointed Bride" (1883); "Temperament and Phrenology of Mixed Races" (Trenton, 1884); "Jolly People(Hampton, 1886); and " Illustrations in Theology" (1888). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 382-383.
SAMPSON, William Thomas, naval officer, born in Palmyra, New York, 9 February, 1840. He was graduated at the U. S. Naval Academy in 1861, and attached to the frigate " Potomac” with the rank of master. In July, 1862, he was commissioned as lieutenant, and in 1862-'3 he served in the practice-sloop "John Adams." During 1864 he was stationed at the Naval Academy, and he then served in the " Patapsco" with the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron in 1864-'5, and was in that vessel when she was destroyed in Charleston Harbor in January, 1865. He served in the flag-ship " Colorado," of the European Squadron, in 1865-'7, and was at the Naval Academy in 1868-'71. Meanwhile he had been commissioned lieutenant-commander on 25 July, 1866. His next service was in the " Congress" on special duty in 1872, and on the European Station in 1873, after which, in 1875, he had the "Alert," and was commissioned commander on 9 August, 1874. During 1876-'9 he was at the Naval Academy, and in 1880 was given command of the "Swatara," of the Asiatic Squadron. He was assistant superintendent of the U. S. Naval Observatory in Washington in 1882-'3, and in September, 1886, was appointed superintendent of the U. S. Naval Academy. Commander Sampson was a member of the International Conference at Washington in October, 1884, for the purpose of fixing a prime meridian and a universal day, and in 1885 was appointed a member of the board to report upon the necessary fortifications and other defences for the coast. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 383.
SAMUELS, Samuel, seaman, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14 March, 1825. He shipped as cabin boy on a coasting-vessel at the age of eleven, studied navigation on shipboard, and after many voyages became at twenty-one captain of a merchantman. He commanded for several years the "Dreadnaught," the fastest of the sailing-packets. In 1863-'4 he was captain of the U. S. steamship “John Rice." In 1864 he was general superintendent of the quartermaster's department in New York City, having charge of the repairing, victualling, and dispatching of vessels. In 1865 he commanded the "McClellan" at the taking of Fort Fisher. He was captain of the "Fulton," the last of the American packet steamers between New York and Havre in 1866, and in the winter commanded the " Henrietta" yacht in her race from New York to Southampton, in 1870 the yacht "Dauntless" in her race with the "Cambria" from Queenstown to New York, making the voyage in twenty-one days, and again in 1887 in her race across the Atlantic with the "Coronet." In 1872 he organized the Samana Bay Company of Santo Domingo with a quasi-understanding that the U. S. government should acquire a part of the bay as a naval station. He was granted a concession by the Dominican executive, which was confirmed by a plebiscite, and took possession in March, 1873, but in 1874 was expelled by the new government. In 1876 he organized the Rousseau Electric Signal Company, and introduced the English system of interlocking switches and signals. He was general superintendent in 1878-'9 of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company at San Francisco, California, and in 1881 he organized the United States Steam Heating and Power Company in New York City. Captain Samuels has published a narrative of his early life and adventures in the merchant service under the title of " From Forecastle to Cabin" (New York, 1887). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 383-384.
SAN ANDRES MOUNTAINS, NEW MEXICO, January 26, 1864. Detachment of 5th California Infantry. An abstract from the record of events of the Department of New Mexico for January, 1864, reads: "January 26.—Lieutenant Thomas A. Young, 5th California volunteer infantry, with a detachment of 12 men, left Fort Craig, New Mexico, in pursuit of a party of Indians who had run off some stock belonging to the post. He overtook the Indians in the San Andres mountains, and was attacked by them during the night. In the morning the lieutenant was compelled to retreat, owing to the great number of Indians against him. The following is the result of the scout: Four men of the command wounded; Indian loss, 7 killed and several wounded." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 774.
SAN CARLOS RIVER, CALIFORNIA, May 27, 1864. Company K, 5th California Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 774.
SANBORN, Charles Henry, born 1822, Hampton Fall, New Hampshire, physician, lawmaker, anti-slavery activist, brother of Franklin Benjamin Sanborn. (Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 364-365)
SANBORN, Charles Henry, physician, born in Hampton Falls, New Hampshire, 9 October, 1822. He was educated in the common schools of New Hampshire, taught for several years, was graduated at Harvard Medical School in 1856, and has since practised medicine at Hampton Falls. He was active in the political revolt of the Independent Democrats of New Hampshire in 1845, which ended in detaching the state from its pro-slavery position. In 1854-'5 he was a member of the legislature. He published “The North and the South” (Boston, 1856). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 364-365.
SANBORN, Franklin Benjamin, 1831-1917, abolitionist leader, journalist, prison and social reformer, Secretary of the Massachusetts State Kansas Committee. Secretary of the Massachusetts Free Soil Association. Secretly supported radical abolitionist John Brown, and his raid on the U.S. Arsenal at Harpers Ferry, (West) Virginia, on October 16, 1859. Brother of Charles Sanborn. (Rodriguez, 2007, pp. 327, 338, 476, 478-479; American Reformers, pp. 715-716; Appletons’, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 384; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 8, Pt. 2, p. 326; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 19, p. 237)
SANBORN, Franklin Benjamin, reformer, born in Hampton Falls, New Hampshire, 15 December, 1831, was graduated at Harvard in 1855, and in 1856 became secretary of the Massachusetts State Kansas Committee. His interest in similar enterprises led to his active connection with the Massachusetts State Board of Charities, of which he was secretary in 1863-'8, a member in 1870-'6, and chairman in 1874-'6, succeeding Dr. Samuel G. Howe. In 1875 he made a searching investigation into the abuses of the Tewksbury Almshouse, and in consequence the institution was reformed. Mr. Sanborn was active in founding the Massachusetts Infant Asylum and the Clarke Institution for Deaf-Mutes, and has devoted much attention to the administration of the Massachusetts Lunacy System. In 1879 he helped to reorganize the system of Massachusetts charities, with special reference to the care of children and insane persons, and in July, 1879, he became inspector of charities under the new board. He called together the first National Conference of Charities in 1874, and was treasurer of the conference in 1886-'8. In 1865 he was associated in the organization of the American Social Science Association, of which he was one of the secretaries until 1868, and he has been since 1873 its chief secretary. With Bronson Alcott and William T. Harris he aided in establishing the Concord Summer School of Philosophy in 1879, and was its secretary and one of its lecturers. Since 1868 he has been editorially connected with the Springfield “Republican,” and has also been a contributor to newspapers and reviews. The various reports that he has issued as secretary of the organizations of which he is a member, from 1865 till 1888, comprise about forty volumes. He has edited William E. Channing's “Wanderer” (Boston, 1871) and A. Bronson Alcott's “Sonnets and Canzonets” (1882) and “New Connecticut” (1886); and is the author of “Life of Thoreau” (1882) and “Life and Letters of John Brown” (1885). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 384.
SANBORN, John, Indiana, abolitionist, American Anti-Slavery Society, Manager, 1844-1845.
SANBORN, John Benjamin, soldier, born in Epsom, New Hampshire, 5 December, 1826. He was educated at Dartmouth, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in July, 1854. In December of that year he moved to St. Paul, Minnesota, where he has since resided, engaged in the practice of the law when not in the public service. As adjutant general and quartermaster-general of Minnesota he organized and sent to the field five regiments of infantry, a battalion of cavalry, and two batteries of artillery in 1861, and in the spring of 1862 left the state as colonel of the 4th Minnesota Volunteers, remaining in active service in the field to the close of the war. At Iuka, his first battle, he commanded the leading brigade and was commended in the official report. About 600 of his men, out of 2,200, were killed and wounded in little more than an hour. For this he was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers, but the senate allowed this appointment to lapse, and after the Vicksburg Campaign, on the recommendation of General McPherson and General Grant, he was again commissioned to date from 4 August, 1863. This appointment was confirmed by the Senate. He participated in the battles of Corinth, Port Gibson. Raymond, Jackson, and Champion Hills, and in the assault and siege of Vicksburg. He was designated to lead the advance into the town after the surrender, and superintended the paroling of the prisoners of war and passing them beyond the lines. This honor was conferred on account of his gallant conduct and that of his command, especially at the battle of Jackson. After October he commanded the District of Southwest Missouri and a brigade and division of cavalry in the field in October and November, 1864, and fought the actions of Jefferson City, Booneville, Independence, Big Blue, Little Blue, Osage, Marias and Newtonia. He was never defeated by the enemy, and never failed of complete success except in the assault of 22 May at Vicksburg. He conducted a campaign against the Indians of the southwest in the summer and autumn of 1865, opened all the lines of communication to the territories of Colorado and New Mexico, and terminated all hostilities with the Comanche, Kiowa, Cheyenne, Arapahoe, and Apaches of the upper Arkansas, by the treaties that he concluded at the mouth of the Little Arkansas in October, 1865. After this, in the winter of 1865–6, under the direction of President Johnson, he adjusted amicably the difficulties growing out of the war between the Cherokees, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, and Seminoles and their slaves, and declared the slaves of these tribes free. In 1867 General Sanborn was designated by Congress as one of an Indian Commission, and with the other commissioners negotiated several treaties which have remained in force and, in connection with the report of that commission, have had a great influence in the amelioration of the condition of the Indians. He has been a member of the house and senate of Minnesota on various occasions. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 384-385.
SAND-BAGS. Bags filled with earth, usually from 12 to 14 inches wide, and about 30 inches long. They are employed sometimes in constructing batteries, and in repairing breaches and embrasures when damaged by the enemy's fire. (See REVETMENT.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 540).
SAND CREEK, COLORADO TERRITORY, November 29, 1864. Detachment of 1st and 3rd Colorado Cavalry. The detachment, under Colonel John M. Chivington of the 1st cavalry, surprised the camp of a band of Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians at Sand creek 40 miles from Fort Lyon. A charge separated the Indians from their herd and drove them out of their village, which was subsequently destroyed. The Indians rallied across the creek, but were attacked when they gave way and were pursued for a distance of 5 miles. Between 500 and 600 were left dead on the field. The troops had 8 men killed and 40 wounded, of whom 2 afterward died. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 774
SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA, November 26, 1864. Troops of the 14th and 20th Army Corps. In the march to the sea the two corps advanced on Sandersville by different roads. Carman's brigade, Jackson's division, 20th corps, began skirmishing with the enemy about 2 miles from the town, where the Confederates were found posted behind a small stream and the road obstructed by fallen trees. The 9th Illinois mounted infantry, under Colonel T. S. Hughes, was deployed and the enemy quickly dislodged. Hughes continued the pursuit to Sandersville, where the enemy made a stand and checked the regiment until the main body of Carman's brigade arrived. About the same time the advance of the 14th corps entered the town by a road farther to the left and the Confederates beat a hasty and disorderly retreat. No casualties reported on either side. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 774.
SAND MOUNTAIN, ALABAMA, April 30, 1863. (See Streight's Raid.)
SANDERSON, Jeremiah Burke, 1821-1875, African American, clergyman, abolitionist, anti-slavery leader. Minister, African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. Agent and lecturer for Garrison’s Liberator. Member of abolition groups in New Bedford area. (Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., & Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, eds. African American National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2013, Vol. 10, p. 52)
SANDTOWN, GEORGIA, August 15, 1864. 3d Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland. The division, commanded by Brigadier-General Judson Kilpatrick, was posted at Sandtown and threw out pickets toward Camp creek. A small force of the enemy was developed and a slight skirmish ensued, but without serious loss on either side. Sandtown Road, Georgia, July 4, 1864. 16th Army Corps. In the pursuit of the Confederates from Kennesaw mountain McPherson's Army of the Tennessee was moved to the extreme right. On the 4th the 16th corps, commanded by Major-General Grenville M. Dodge, was advanced on the Sandtown road, and with the rest of his command McPherson connected his line with that of Thomas near the Western & Atlantic railroad. Dodge found himself confronted by a strong line of rifle-pits, manned by Hood's corps, but after a fierce contest, in which the Union loss was heavy, he succeeded in driving the Confederates from their position. This brought Sherman's right flank closer to Atlanta than Johnston, and forced the latter to fall back to the Chattahoochee river for the purpose of guarding the various fords and ferries along the stream. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 774.
SANDY CREEK, MISSOURI, September 18, 1862. Detachment ot Enrolled Missouri Militia. Captain George H. Nettleton while on a scout with about 80 men came on a mounted Confederate picket 2 miles from the farm of Caleb Hurd on Sandy creek. The militia fired and alarmed the camp, and when the attacking column charged up the hill the enemy broke and fled. Two prisoners were taken by the militia. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 775
SANDY HOOK, MARYLAND, August 18, 1861, and July 8, 1864. Sandy River, West Virginia, October 27, 1863. The only definite information that can be gathered from the official records concerning this action is that it occurred near' Elizabeth. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 775.
SANDERS, William Price, soldier, born in Lexington, Kentucky, 12 August, 1833; died in Knoxville, Tennessee, 18 November, 1863. He was graduated at the U.S. Military Academy in 1856, became 1st lieutenant, 10 May, 1861, and on the 14th of that month captain of the 6th U. S. Cavalry. He engaged in the battles of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Mechanicsville, and Hanover Court-House during the Virginia Peninsular Campaign, became colonel of the 5th Kentucky Cavalry in March, 1863, was in pursuit of Morgan's raiders in July and August, was chief of cavalry in the Department of the Ohio in October and November, and participated in the actions at Blue Lick Springs, Lenori, and Campbell's Station, where he was mortally wounded. He became brigadier-general of volunteers, 18 October, 1863. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 386.
SANDERSON John Philip, soldier, born in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, 13 February, 1818: died in St. Louis, Missouri, 14 Oct, 1864. He was admitted to the bar in 1839, and served in the legislature in 1845, and in the state senate in 1847. He edited the Philadelphia " Daily News" in 1848-"56, and became chief clerk of the U. S. War Department in 1861, but resigned to become lieutenant-colonel of the 15th U. S. Infantry. He was appointed its colonel in July, 1863, and in February, 1864, became provost-marshal-general of the Department of the Missouri. His most important public service was the full exposition that he made during the Civil War of the secret political organization in the northern and western states, known as the " Knights of the Golden Circle" or the "Order of American Knights." He published "Views and Opinions of American Statesmen on Foreign Immigration" (Philadelphia, 1H43). and "Republican Landmarks" (1856). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 386
SANDS, Alexander Hamilton, lawyer, born in Williamsburg, Virginia, 2 Mav, 1828; died in Richmond, Virginia, 22 December, 1887. He studied at William and Mary in 1838-'42, but was not graduated, read law, and in 1843 became deputy clerk of the state superior court. In 1845-'9 he held the same office in the U. S. Circuit Court. He was a judge-advocate in the Confederate Army during the Civil War, and a short time before his death entered the Baptist ministry, serving congregations in Ashland and Glen Allan, Virginia. Besides contributions to periodicals, he published " History of a Suit in Equity" (Richmond, 1854); a new edition of Alexander Tate's "American Form-Book" (1857); "Recreations of a Southern Barrister" (Philadelphia, 1800); "Practical Law Forms" (1872): and "Sermons by a Village Pastor." He compiled " Hubbell's Legal Directory of Virginia Laws and was the editor of the "Quarterly Law Review" and the "Evening Bulletin" (1859), both in Richmond. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 387-388.
SANDS, Benjamin Franklin, naval officer, born in Baltimore, Maryland, 11 February, 1811; died in Washington, D. C, 30 June, 1883. He entered the U.S. Navy as midshipman, 1 April, 1838, and was commissioned lieutenant, 16 March, 1840. During the latter part of the Mexican War he was in the Gulf Squadron, and took part in the expedition up the Tabasco River and at Tuspan. He cruised in the sloop "Yorktown " and in command of the brig "Porpoise" off the coast of Africa, for the suppression of the slave trade, in 1848-51. He was attached to the U.S. Coast-Survey service in 1851-'9, during which period he was promoted to commander, 14 September, 1855. He was next attached to the Bureau of Construction in the Navy Department until the Civil War. He was commissioned captain, 16 July, 1862, commanded the steamer "Dacotah " on the blockade, participating in the engagement with Fort Caswell at the mouth of Cape Fear River. He was senior officer in command of the division on the blockade off Wilmington, North Carolina, in 1862-'5, and also took part in both attacks on Fort Fisher in command of the steamer " Fort Jackson." He had charge of the division on the blockade off the coast of Texas from February to June, 1865, and on 2 June, 1865, he hoisted the U. S. flag at Galveston, the last place that was surrendered by the Confederates, He was commissioned commodore, 25 July, 1866, and appointed superintendent of the Naval Observatory at Washington in 1867, where he remained until the latter part of 1873. He was commissioned rear-admiral, 27 April, 1871, placed on the retired list, 11 February, 1874, and was then a resident of Washington until his death. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 388.
SANDS, Joshua Ratoon, naval officer, born in Brooklyn, New York, 13 May, 1795: died in Baltimore, Maryland, 2 October, 1883. His father, Joshua Sands, was collector of the port of New York, and a representative in Congress in 1803-'5 and 1825-'7. The son entered the U.S. Navy as a midshipman, 18 June, 1812, and immediately entered upon his duties in Commodore Chauncey's squadron on Lake Ontario, He participated in the action with the "Royal George," 5 November, 1812. The next season he was attached to the "Madison," and in the action that resulted in the capture of Toronto he carried the orders of the commodore by pulling in a small boat to the different vessels until the enemy surrendered. In May, 1813, he served in the "Pike," and fought several engagements with the British Squadron under Sir James Yeo. In 1814 he was with a battery on shore and in the frigate "Superior" until pence was proclaimed in 1815. He was commissioned lieutenant, 1 April, 1818, and commander, 23 February, 1841. During the Mexican War he had charge of the steamer "Vixen," in which he assisted at the capture of Alvarado, Tabasco, and Laguna. He was governor of the last-named place until the investment of Vera Cruz, where he rendered service by taking the "Vixen" close under the batteries and to the castle of San Juan d' Ulloa. He co-operated in the capture of Tuspan, and in 1847 brought home the flags, trophies, and brass cannon, with a complimentary letter to the Navy Department for his creditable services. In 1851 he commanded the frigate "St. Lawrence" with the government exhibits for the World's Fair at London, and prior to his departure he was given a banquet and presented by the citizens of Brooklyn with a sword and epaulets, which he gave to the Historical Society of Brooklyn, together with a gold snuff-box inlaid with diamonds that had been presented to him by Queen Victoria. He assisted in laying the submarine cable in 1857, took part in the expedition to Central America against the filibusters, was promoted to captain, 25 February, 1854, and was flag-officer in command of the Brazil station in 1859-61. He was retired on 21 December, 1861 as he was more than sixty-two years of age, but was commissioned commodore, 16 July, 1862, and served as light-house inspector on the lakes until 1866. He was promoted to rear-admiral, 25 July, 1866, and was port-admiral at Norfolk from 1869 till 1872. After that he resided at Baltimore until his death, at which time he was the senior officer of the navy on the retired list. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 388-389.
SANFORD, Charles W., lawyer, born in Newark, New Jersey, 5 Mav, 1796; died in Avon Springs, Livingston County, New York, 25 July. 1878. He studied law in the office of Ogden Hoffman in New York City, and was admitted to the bar there, where he remained in continuous practice throughout his life. He was counsel for the Harlem Railroad for more than twenty year's, and became well known from his connection with several important suits. He was vice-president of the Bar Association and a member of the Law Institute. He enlisted as a private in the 3d New York Militia Regiment, and was promoted until he was placed in command of the 1st Division. In 1867 he was retired by Governor Reuben E. Fenton, after being at the head of the military organization in New York City for more than thirty years. On him devolved the responsibility of directing the troops that were called out to suppress the Astor Place, Flour, Street-preachers', and Draft Riots. At the beginning of the Civil War he responded to the first call for three-months volunteers, and was placed at the head of a division under General Robert Patterson. He was in command at Harper's Ferry during the battle of Bull Run. In his early life General Sanford had some experience as a manager, but having lost both of his theatres by fire, he abandoned that field of speculation. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 389-390.
SANFORD, Thaddeus, journalist, born in Connecticut in 1791; died in Mobile, Alabama, 30 April, 1867. He went to New York City in early life, and engaged in commercial pursuits until 1822, when he moved to Mobile, Alabama, and in 1828 became the editor and proprietor of the "Mobile Register." He continued to conduct that journal, with the exception of the period between 1837 and 1841, for twenty-six years. In 1833 he was elected president of the Bank of Mobile, and in 1853 he was appointed collector of the port by President Pierce, holding the office throughout Buchanan's administration. On the organization of the Confederate government he was reappointed, and subsequently, in addition, discharged the duties of "depositary" for the Confederate Treasury. Mr. Sanford was intimately connected with the progress and prosperity of his adopted city for nearly half a century. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 391.
SANGSTER'S STATION, VIRGINIA, March 9, 1862. Lieutenant-Colonel Bradley T. Johnson, of the 1st Maryland Infantry (Confederate), mentions a skirmish with some Federal cavalry at Sangster's station, in which he lost 13 men. Union reports say nothing of the affair. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 775.
SANGSTER'S STATION, VIRGINIA, November 25, 1863. Detachment of Corcoran's Brigade. About 9 a. m. some Confederates attacked a detail engaged in cutting and hauling wood near Sangster's station, and captured 23 teamsters and woodcutters and 50 mules. General Corcoran sent out two companies of cavalry from Fairfax to intercept the enemy, but they made their escape. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 775.
SANGSTER'S STATION, VIRGINIA, December 17, 1863. Detachment of Corcoran's Brigade. About 7 p. m. some 800 of Rosser's Confederate cavalry attacked the guard of 50 men at Sangster's station. The Union men put up a gallant fight, repulsing four attacks, and only retreated when the enemy got on their flank and set fire to the tents. Three ambulances were sent to the rear filled with Confederate dead and wounded. The Union loss was 3 or 4 men in all. Corcoran sent out Lieutenant-Colonel DeLacy, with the 164th New York infantry and some cavalry to punish the enemy. About 2 miles from Centerville he came up with the Confederates, but his cavalry fled at the first fire and the infantry could not overtake the enemy, who retreated somewhat precipitately in the direction of Aldie. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 775.
SANITARY PRECAUTIONS. Send troops where we may, they are destroyed by fevers. Is there any safeguard? None, but in the good keeping, good condition, physical and moral, of the troops. After a fever has been established, physic does little, but the battle is fought by the nurse; let that attendant be sagacious and vigilant, and the patient is saved; the contrary, and he dies. The most successful treatment (the necessary evacuations always being premised) is cold water, or, in other words, the regulation of the temperature. Fever, when once it has gained entry, is the most tenacious of all pre-occupants. Rhythm, the rule of number counting by day, as if it played upon the nervous chords, paroxysm, remission and crisis, proclaim its sway. Let the practitioner obviate evil tendencies whenever he can, but if he turn to his medical books he will find in the medical records of two thousand years always the same results, viz.: the futility of interfering with medicines of specific power, and the deaths of a given number, almost always the same, when the air is pure, and the patient has had any thing like fair play. Quinine is a specific in intermittent fever, but it is as futile as all other specifies in continued fevers. The practitioner must content himself with taking for his guides depletion at the outset, refrigeration during all the middle stages, and stimulation with support at the close of the disease. This course may be taken with very little aid from medicine, and the event will be more successful than if the patient had been drugged with all the stuff of an apothecary's shop.
Disinfectants. The best disinfectants are caloric, light, ventilation, and the operation of water, and a bountiful Providence has placed them all at our disposal. It is a matter of experiment that even the concentrated matter of small-pox, cow-pox, and the fomites of scarlatina are deprived of all infecting power on being subjected to a heat of 140 of Fahrenheit's thermometer. It may then be fairly inferred that if these could be so neutralized, gaseous factitious infectants, such as that of typhus fever, would be dissipated under a much inferior degree of heat, and it is accordingly found that typhus will not readily cross the tropic of cancer, and the plague of the Levant goes out at the same boundary. Boiling water, then, must be all-sufficient for the purification of whatever it can be made to touch; and a portable iron stove, filled with ignited charcoal, will infallibly disinfect any building or apartment. The infection constantly given out from a living body cannot, while it continues diseased, be so disposed of; but all that it has inhabited is easily rendered harmless.
Light is another sure disinfectant; the strongest poisons, as prussic acid, when exposed to its influence lose their power.
Ventilation comprehends all that the atmosphere can bring to the process of disinfection; and water is only a more concentrated application of the same principle. Chlorine fumigation is utterly useless, “ but the burning of a few handfuls of charcoal, with the aid of clean linen, will certainly disinfect the most saturated lazar that ever came out of a pest-house; but until that ceremony, or an equivalent to it, such as a hot bath, be performed, no one can answer for his being otherwise than dangerous.”
Dysentery is truly an army disease. In some services the soldiery in the field may escape fever, but never dysentery if they lie on the ground. Atmospherical vicissitudes, cold of the night, chill of the morning, after heat of preceding day, will cause it to spread. Heat is, however, uniformly the remote cause. The disease is purely inflammatory in the beginning; yet, because the acid and sub-acid fruits sometimes occasion griping when in health, these and vegetables of every kind are sometimes strictly prohibited. They are, however, amongst the best remedies. For the peculiar inflammation which dysentery sets up in the mucous linings of the intestines, there has been no remedy yet discovered at all comparable to mercury, (calomel.) The specific inflammations, such as the iritic, the hepatic, the pneumonic, the syphilitic, &c., all fall before its peculiar superseding stimulus. The habitual use of mercury is not fitted to all constitutions, and it has often been abused; but the discovery of its power to supersede inflammation is one of the happiest of the uncertain art of medicine.
Miasmata or marsh poisons, it has been supposed, are exhalations produced by the agency of vegetable or aqueous putrefaction. More general knowledge has, however, established the fact, that one condition only is necessary to the production of miasma on all surfaces capable of absorption, and that is, the paucity of water where it has previously and recently abounded. The greatest danger may exist, where there is no evidence of putrefaction, as every one can testify who has seen pestilence steam forth, to the paralyzation of armies, from the barren sands of the Alentyo in Portugal, the arid burnt plains of Estremadura in Spain, and the recently flooded table-lands of Barbadoes, which have seldom more than a foot of soil to cover the coral rock, and are therefore, under the drying process of a tropical sun, brought almost immediately after the rains into a state to give out pestilential miasmata. It is not known whether miasma is lighter or heavier than air, but it is established that the inhabitants of ground floors are affected by it in a greater proportion than those of upper stories; and that this is caused by its attraction by the earth's surface is proved by its creeping along the ground, and concentrating and collecting on the sides of adjacent hills, instead of floating directly upwards in the atmosphere. Miasma is certainly lost and absorbed by passing over a small surface of water. The rarefying heat of the sun, too, certainly dispels it, and it is only during the cooler temperature of the night that it acquires body, concentration, and power. All regular currents of wind have also the same effect. The leeward shore of Guadaloupe, for a course of nearly thirty miles, under the shelter of a very high steep ridge of volcanic mountains, never felt the sea breeze, nor any breeze but the night land wind from the mountains; and though the soil is a remarkably open, dry, and pure one, being mostly sand and gravel, altogether and positively without marsh in the most dangerous places, it is inconceivably pestiferous throughout the whole tract, and in no spot more so than the bare sandy beach near the high water mark. The colored people alone ever venture to inhabit it, and when they see strangers tarrying on the shore after nightfall, they never fail to warn them of their danger.
The chief predisposing causes of every epidemic, and especially of cholera, are: damp, moisture, filth, animal arid vegetable matters in a state of decomposition, and in general, whatever produces atmospherical impurity; which always have the effect of lowering the health and vigor of the system, and of increasing the susceptibility to disease. Attacks of cholera are uniformly found to be most frequent and virulent in low-lying districts, on the banks of rivers, in. the neighborhood of sewer mouths, and wherever there are large collections of refuse, particularly amidst human dwellings. The practical precautions given in Russia are “ to keep the person and dwelling-place clean, to allow of no sinks close to the house, to admit of no poultry or animals within the house, to keep every apartment as airy as possible by ventilation, and to prevent crowding wherever there are sick.” Next to perfect cleansing of the premises, dry ness ought to be carefully promoted, by keeping up in damp and unhealthy districts sufficient fires, and this agent will promote ventilation as well as warmth and dryness. If, notwithstanding these precautions, cholera break out, the premonitory symptom of looseness of the bowels almost universally precedes the setting in of the more dangerous state of the disease. This looseness of the bowels may be accompanied with some degree of pain, but in many cases pain is wholly absent, and for some hours or even days the bowel complaint may appear so slight, without previous knowledge of the importance of its warning, as to escape notice altogether. But when the Asiatic cholera is epidemic, never neglect the slightest degree of looseness of the bowels. If neglected only a few hours, it may suddenly assume the most fatal form. The most simple remedies will suffice, if given on the first manifestation of the premonitory symptom, and the following, which are within the reach and management of every one, may be regarded as among the most useful, namely: twenty grains of opiate confection, mixed with two tablespoonfuls of peppermint water, or with a little weak brandy and water, and repeated every three or four hours, or oftener, if the attack is severe, until the looseness is stopped; or an ounce of the compound chalk mixture, with ten or fifteen grains of the aromatic confection, and from five to ten drops of laudanum repeated in the same manner. From half a drachm to a drachm of tincture of catechu may be added to the last, if the attack is severe. Half these quantities should be given to young persons under 15, and still smaller doses to infants. It is recommended to repeat these remedies night and morning for some days after the looseness of the bowels has been stopped, and in all cases to have recourse to medical advice as soon as possible. Next in importance to the immediate employment of such remedies, is attention to proper diet and clothing. The most wholesome articles of vegetable diet are well-baked but not new bread, rice, oatmeal, and good potatoes. The diet should be solid rather than fluid, and with the means of choosing, it is better to live principally upon animal food, as affording the most concentrated and invigorating diet avoiding salted and smoked meats, pork, salted and shell-fish, cider, perry, ginger beer, lemonade, acid, liquors of all description, and ardent spirits. If, notwithstanding these precautionary measures, a person is seized suddenly with cold, giddiness, nausea, vomiting, and cramps, under circumstances in which instant medical assistance cannot be procured, the concurrent testimony of the most experienced medical authority shows that the proper course is to get as soon as possible into a warm bed; to apply warmth by means of heated flannel, or bottles filled with hot water, or bags of heated camomile flowers, sand, bran, or salt, to the feet and along the spine; to have the extremities diligently rubbed; to apply a large poultice of mustard and vinegar over the region of the stomach, keeping it on fifteen or twenty minutes; and to take every half hour a teaspoonful of sal volatile in a little hot water, or a dessert-spoonful of brandy in a little hot water, or a wine glass of hot wine whey, made by pouring a wine glass of sherry into a tumbler of hot milk; in a word, to do every thing practicable to procure a warm, general perspiration, until the arrival of the physician whose immediate care under such circumstances is indispensable.
(This article is an abstract from an article in the British Aide Memoire to the Military Sciences, under the head of Sanitary Precautions, and that article is taken entirely from the works of Dr. W. Ferguson, Inspector-general of Military Hospitals, and Reports of the General Board of Health, London, 1849.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 540-544). Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 545).
SANTA FE, MISSOURI, July 24, 25, 1862. 3d Iowa Cavalry. Santa Rosa, Island, Florida, October 9, 1861. Night attack on Fort Pickens. Santa Rosa is a long narrow island lying in front of Pensacola bay. At the western end stood Fort Pickens, which in the fall of 1861 was garrisoned by parts of the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th U. S. artillery and the 3d U. S. infantry, under command of Colonel Harvey Brown, of the 5th artillery. The 6th New York volunteer infantry, commanded by Colonel William Wilson, was encamped outside of and a short distance east of the fort. On the night of the 8th some 1,200 or 1,500 Confederates, commanded by Brigadier-General R. H. Anderson, landed about 3 or 4 miles above the fort and marched down the island in three columns, the object being to surprise and capture the garrison. About 3:30 a. m. on the 9th the pickets were suddenly attacked and driven in, and a terrific fire was opened on the camp of the 6th New York Colonel Wilson tried to rally his men, but the sudden and unexpected assault threw them into a panic and only a few answered the call. These, however, bravely stood their ground until reinforced by Major Arnold, of the 1st artillery, with a detachment of regulars from the fort, when the Confederates were driven back to their landing place, closely pressed by about one-fifth their number, who kept up the fire until the boats were out of range. The Union loss was 14 killed, 29 wounded and 24 captured or missing. General Bragg, commanding the Confederate forces at Pensacola, reported their loss as "30 or 40 killed and wounded," but a Confederate newspaper, found by Lieutenant Seeley a few days after the occurrence, gave the total casualties as 175. Major Vodges, of the 1st artillery, was captured, and on the Confederate side General Anderson was severely wounded. The camp of the 6th New York was partially destroyed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 775.
SAP. The sap is an apparently slow means of constructing trenches, but being continued by night as by day without cessation, its progress is soon felt. The work is executed by sappers rolling before them a large gabion, which shelters the workmen from musketry. In this manner one gabion after another is filled with earth and rolled in advance of its predecessor after that part of the trench already made has been well consolidated. A trench thus formed is called a sap. When the fire of the enemy is slack, so that many gabions may be placed and filled at the same time, it is called a flying sap. If two parapets, one on each side of the trench, be formed, it is then called a double sap. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 544).
SAP-FAGOTS are fascines three feet long, placed vertically between two gabions, for the protection of the sappers before the parapet is thrown over. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 544).
SAPPERS. There is attached to the corps of engineers a company of sappers, miners, arid pontoniers, called engineer soldiers The company is composed of ten sergeants or master workmen, ten corporals or overseers, two musicians, thirty-nine privates of the first class or artificers, and thirty-nine privates of the second class or laborers. The said engineer company shall be subject to the Rules and Articles of War, be recruited in the same manner and with the same limitation, and are entitled to the same provisions, allowances, and benefits, as are allowed to other troops constituting the present military peace establishment. The said company shall be officered by officers of the corps of engineers, shall perform all. the duties of sappers, miners, and pontoniers, and shall aid in giving practical instructions in those branches at the Military Academy; and shall, under the orders of the chief engineer, be liable to serve by detachments in overseeing and aiding laborers upon fortifications or other works under the engineer department, and in supervising finished fortifications as fort-keepers, preventing injury and applying repairs; (Act May 15, 1846.) In marches near an enemy, every column should have with its advance guard a detachment of sappers, furnished with tools to open the way or repair the road. It would be well if these sappers, as suggested by General Dembinski, were mounted, in order rapidly to regain the advance guard, after having finished their work. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 545).
SAP-ROLLER consists of two large concentric gabions, six feet in length, the outer one having a diameter of four feet, the inner one a diameter of two feet eight inches, the space between them being stuffed with pickets or small billets of hard wood, to make them musket-shot-proof. Its use is to protect the squad of sappers, in their approach, from the fire of the place. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 545).
SAPPONY CHURCH, VIRGINIA, June 28-29, 1864. (See Wilson's Raid, Petersburg, Virginia)
SARATOGA, KENTUCKY, OCTOBER 26, 1861. Detachment of 9th Illinois Infantry. Three companies of the 9th Illinois under Major J. J. Phillips proceeded up the Cumberland river to Eddyville to attack a Confederate camp. The gunboat Conestoga accompanied the expedition, the troops landed below Eddyville and after a march of 12 miles' partially surprised the camp of 160 Confederates at Saratoga. A volley was fired and Phillips ordered his men to charge with the bayonet, which resulted in the dispersal of the enemy. The Federals had 3 men wounded, and reported 7 of the enemy left dead on the field. The Confederate report of the affair as sent to Major-General Polk, stated that but 4 men were killed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 776.
SARGENT, Aaron Augustus, senator, born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, 28 September, 1827; died in San Francisco, California, 14 August, 1887. He learned the printer's trade, and when twenty years old was a reporter in Washington, D. C. He moved to California in 1849, where he engaged in mining, and established the "Nevada Journal." He studied law while editing that paper, was admitted to the bar in 1854, and elected district attorney of Nevada county two years later. He was vice-president of the Republican National Convention in 1860, the same year chosen to Congress, served by re-election till 1872, and the day following the expiration of his term in the House of Representatives took his seat in the U. S. Senate, which he held in 1872-9. In 1861 he was the author of the first Pacific Railroad Act that was passed in Congress. He was appointed United States minister to Germany in March, 1882, and held office till the action of the German authorities in excluding American pork from the empire made his incumbency personally distasteful. President Arthur offered him the Russian mission, but he declined it. Mr. Sargent was an able debater, and exercised much influence in the Republican Party. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 397.
SARGENT, Catherine, Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society (BFASS), Boston, Massachusetts (Yellin, 1994, p. 62)
SARGENT, Henrietta, leader, Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society (BFASS). (Yellin, 1994, pp. 51, 62, 64, 253n)
SARGENT, Horace Binney, soldier, born in Quincy, Massachusetts, 30 June, 1821, was graduated at Harvard in 1843, and at the law department there in 1845. At the opening of the Civil War he was senior aide on the staff of Governor John A. Andrew, was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the 1st Regiment, Massachusetts Cavalry, in 1861, became colonel of the same regiment in October, 1862, was on duty with the forces in South Carolina, in the Army of the Potomac and the Department of the Gulf, participating in the engagements of Secessionville, Culpeper, and Rapidan Station, and in the battles of Antietam, South Mountain, Chancellorsville, and in the Red River Campaign under General Banks, where he was wounded in action, 21 March, 1864, was brevetted brigadier-general for “gallantry and good conduct,” and 29 September, 1864, was mustered out on account of wounds received in action. He has been a frequent contributor to periodical literature and the press, and has delivered numerous addresses. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 398.
SARGENT, John T., Massachusetts, abolitionist, American Anti-Slavery Society, Executive Committee, 1862-1864. Counsellor, Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, 1852-1860.
SARGENT, Lucius Manlius, author, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 25 June, 1786; died in West Roxbury, Massachusetts, 2 June, 1867, studied two years at Harvard, and studied law, but did not practise, devoting himself to literary pursuits, to philanthropic work, and to the temperance cause, for which he wrote and lectured for more than thirty years. His earliest publication was “Translations from the Minor Latin Poets” (Boston, 1807), which was followed by the original poems “Hubert and Helen, and other Verses” (1812); an “Ode" (1813): “Three Temperance Tales,” that passed through 130 editions, and were translated into several languages (1848); “Dealings with the Dead” (1856); “Reminiscences of Samuel Dexter” (1858); and “The Irrepressible Conflict” (1861). He contributed to the “Boston Transcript” for many years under the signature of “Sigma,” and his writings were characterized by honesty of opinion and vigor of style. His papers on the coolie trade were subsequently collected and republished in England by the Reform Association. His numerous poems were never printed in book-form. He married a sister of Horace Binney. See “Reminiscences of Lucius M. Sargent,” by John H. Sheppard (Boston, 1869). -Lucius Manlius's son, Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 398.
SARGENT, Lucius Manlius, soldier, born in Boston, 15 September, 1826; died near Bellefield, Virginia, 9 December, 1864, was graduated at Harvard in 1848, and at the medical department there in 1857, becoming house surgeon and dispensary physician at the Massachusetts General Hospital. He was commissioned surgeon in the 2d Massachusetts Volunteers in May, 1861, but resigned in October of that year, and became captain in the 1st Massachusetts Cavalry, was ordered to the Army of the Potomac, and participated in the battles of Kelly's Ford, Antietam, South Mountain, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville. He became major in his former regiment, 2 January, 1864, lieutenant-colonel, 30 September, and was mortally wounded in an engagement on Meherrin River. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 399.
SARGENT, John Osborne, lawyer, born in Gloucester, Massachusetts, 20 September, 1811, is the grandson of the first Lucius Manlius's first cousin. He was graduated at Harvard in 1830, where he founded the "Collegian," in which he was aided by his brother Epes, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and other students. He then studied law in Boston, was admitted to the bar in 1833, and in 1834-'7 contributed the political articles to the "Boston Atlas." He moved to New York City in 1838 to become associate editor of the "Courier and Enquirer," but resigned after the election of President Harrison, resumed his profession of the law, taking charge, in 1848, as a volunteer for the Whig Congressional Committee, of the " Battery," a campaign paper published in Washington, to advocate General Zachary Taylor's election to the presidency. He subsequently founded the "Republic" with Alexander C. Bullitt, in which he supported the compromise measures, conducting the paper on the principle of opposition to both the Abolition and Secession Parties. He discontinued its publication at the close of President Fillmore's administration, and subsequently practised law in Washington and New York City. He resided abroad in 1861-'73, and since the latter date has lived in New York City. He declined the mission to China, which was offered him by President Fillmore. Mr. Sargent has done varied literary work, and his publications include a "Lecture on the Late Improvements in Steam Navigation and the Arts of Naval Warfare," with a biographical sketch of John Ericsson (New York, 1844), a version of Anastasius Grun's " Last Knight," founded on incidents in the life of the Emperor Maximilian (New York, 1872), three legal pamphlets reviewing " The Rule in Minot's Case" (New York, 1871), and four numbers of "Chapters for the Times, by a Berkshire Farmer," political (Lee, Massachusetts, 1884). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 399.
SARGENT, Epes, editor, born in Gloucester, Massachusetts, 27 September, 1813; died in Boston, Massachusetts, 31 December, 1880, accompanied his father to Russia when a lad, and, after studying at the Boston Latin-school and at Harvard, abandoned a collegiate course, devoting himself to literature. His earliest productions appeared in the "Collegian," and he subsequently connected himself with the " Boston Daily Advertiser" and the "Atlas," and in 1839 moved to New York to become an assistant editor of the " Mirror.'' He returned to Boston about 1846, and edited the " Evening Transcript" for several years, retiring from that charge to devote himself to editing a series of educational works. During his editorial career Mr. Sargent held pleasant relations with Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun, William C. Preston, and Henry Clay, and Mr. Clay said that Mr. Sargent's "Memoir" of him was the best and most authentic in existence. While a resident of New York he was a member of the Union Club, and a founder of the New York Club. He was a laborious student and worker, and engaged with success in almost every branch of literature. He began to write for the stage in 1836, and produced the "Bride of Genoa," a poetical drama in five acts, which was played with success at the Tremont Theatre, Boston, in February, 1837, and subsequently in New Orleans and New York. He produced "Velasco" the following November at the Tremont Theatre, Ellen Tree taking the part of Isidora. His other plays, " Change Makes Change," a comedy, and the " Priestess," a tragedy, were successfully received in this country and abroad. His novels and tales for the young include "Wealth and Worth " (New York, 1840); "What's to be Done, or the Will and the Way " (1841); "Fleet wood, or the Stain of a Birth " (1845); and " Peculiar, a Tale of the Great Transition," which pictures the social changes in the south during the early years of the Civil War (1863). His poems include " Songs of the Sea " (Boston, 1847); a second volume of " Poems" (1858); "The Woman who Dared " (1809); and numerous fugitive poems, of which the most popular are " Life on the Ocean Wave," the lyric on the death of Warren, and the lines beginning "Oh, ye keen breezes from the salt Atlantic." His miscellaneous works are " The Life and Services of Henry Clay" (Auburn, 1843; with additions by Horace Greeley, 1852); "American Adventure bv Land and Sea" (2 vols., Boston, 1847); "The Critic Criticised" (1856); "Arctic Adventures bv Sea and Land" (1857; with additions, 1860); "Original Dialogues" (1861). He edited the lives of Campbell, Collins, Goldsmith, Gray, Hood, and Rogers, with their poems (Boston, 1852-'65); "Select Works of Benjamin Franklin," with his autobiography and a memoir (Philadelphia. 1853); the "Works of Horace and James Smith" (New York, 1857); and the " Modem Drama " (15 vols., 1846-'58). Shortly before his death he completed a "Cyclopaedia of English and American Poetry " (New York, 1883). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 399.
SARGENT, Charles Sprague, arboriculturist, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 24 April, 1841, was graduated at Harvard in 1862, became lieutenant and aide-de-camp of U. S. volunteers in November of that year, aide-de-camp in 1863, and was brevetted major of volunteers in 1865. He was chosen director of the Botanic Garden and Arnold Arboretum of Harvard in 1873, and professor of arboriculture in 1879. Professor Sargent planned the Jesup collection of North American woods in the American Museum of Natural history, New York City, in 1880. He was chairman of a commission to examine the Adirondack Forests and devise measures for their preservation in 1885, and in 1888 became editor and general manager of "Garden and Forest," a weekly journal of horticulture and forestry. His publications include a "Catalogue of the Forest Trees of North America" (Washington, D.C., 1880); “Pruning Forests and Ornamental Trees,” translated from the French of Adolphe Des Cars (Boston, 1881); “Reports on the Forests of North America” (Washington, 1884); “The Woods of the United States, with an Account of their Structure, Qualities, and Uses” (New York, 1885); and “Report of the Forest Commission of the State of New York” (Albany, 1885). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 399-400.
SARTAIN, John, artist, born in London, England, 24 October, 1808. He learned to engrave in the line manner, in which style he produced several of the plates in William Young Ottley's " Early Florentine School" (London, 1820). In 1828 he' began to practise mezzotints, and when he came to the United States in 1830 was one of the first to introduce that branch of engraving here. Subsequently he usually mingled both styles, with the addition of stippling. In England he had studied painting under John Varley and Henry Richter, and in Philadelphia he became the pupil of Joshua Shaw and Manuel J. de Franca. For about ten years after his arrival in this country he was also engaged in painting portraits in oil and miniatures on ivory. During the same time he found employment in making designs for bank-note vignettes, and also in drawing on wood for book illustration. In 1843 he became proprietor and editor of "Campbell's Foreign Semi-Monthly Magazine." and thereafter devoted himself entirely to engraving and to literary work. He had an interest at the same time in the " Eclectic Museum," for which, later, when John H. Agnew was alone in charge, he simply engraved the plates. In 1848 he purchased a one-half interest in the " Union Magazine." a New York periodical, which he transferred to Philadelphia. The name was changed to “Sartain's Union Magazine." and during the four years of its existence the journal became widely known. During this period, besides his editorial work and the engravings that had to be made regularly for the periodicals with which he was connected, Sartain produced an enormous quantity of plates for book-illustration. The framing prints from his studio include " The County Election in Missouri," after Bingham (about 1855); Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilmor, of Baltimore, two plates after Sir Thomas Lawrence; David Paul Brown, after John Neagle; “Christ Rejected," after Benjamin West (1862); "Men of Progress, American Inventors" (1862), 'Zeisberger preaching to the Indians at Gosgoshunk" (about 1862). and "The Iron-Worker and King Solomon " (1870). the last three after Christian Schuessele; "John. Knox and Mary, Queen of Scots," after Emmanuel Leutze; "Homestead of Henry Clay," after Hamilton: "Edwin Forrest" and "The Battle of Gettysburg" (1876-'7), after Peter F. Rothermel. Since he came to Philadelphia, Mr. Sartain has taken an active interest in art matters there. He has held various offices in the Artists' Fund Society, the School of Design for Women, and the Pennsylvania Academy, and has been actively connected with other educational institutions in the city. He has visited Europe several times, and on the occasion of his second visit in 1862 he was elected a member of the society "Artis et Amieitioe" in Amsterdam. In 1870 he had charge of heart department at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia. In recognition of his services there, the King of Italy conferred on him the title of cavaliere, and he has received also other decorations and medals. His architectural knowledge has been frequently called into requisition, and he has designed several monuments, notably that to Washington and Lafayette in Monument Cemetery, Philadelphia, for which he also modelled the two medallion heads. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 401.
SARTORI, Lewis Constant, naval officer, born in Bloomsbury, Burlington County, New Jersey, 3 June, 1812. He entered the U.S. Navy as a midshipman, 2 February, 1829, was promoted to lieutenant, 8 September, 1841, and during the Mexican War was attached to the bomb-brig “Stromboli,” in which he participated in the capture of Goatzacoalcas and Tabasco in 1847-'8. He next served in the Mediterranean Squadron, and was in the sloop "John Adams,” of the Pacific Squadron, in 1855–6, during which time he commanded an expedition, and had engagements with the Feejees. Upon his return from this cruise he was on duty at the Philadelphia U.S. Navy-yard in 1857-'8. He was promoted to commander, 7 April, 1861, and assigned to the steamer “Flag” on '. South Atlantic Blockade. He commanded the sloop-of-war “Portsmouth " in the Western Gulf Blockading Squadron in 1863–75, and the steamer “Agawam,” of the North Atlantic Squadron, in 1865–6. He was promoted to captain, 26 September, 1866, served in the North Pacific Squadron in 1868-'70, was made commodore, 12 December, 1873, and retired, 3 June, 1874. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 402.
SASH. A mark of distinction, worn by officers round the waist, and composed of silk. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 545).
SATARTIA, MISSISSIPPI, June 4, 1863. (See Mechanicsburg.) Satartia, Mississippi, June 5, 1863. Kimball's Division and Gunboats. Brigadier General Nathan Kimball, commanding the provisional division in Blair's expedition from Haynes' bluff, reported that on this date some 500 Confederate cavalry planted 2 pieces of artillery on the left of his encampment and dropped a few shells among the transports, but that the enemy was driven away by the fire of the gunboats. Satartia, Mississippi, February 7, 1864. Detachments of 11th Illinois Infantry and 8th Louisiana Colored Infantry. As an incident of a side expedition up the Yazoo river from the Meridian expedition Colonel James H. Coates landed his force a short distance below Satartia. The 8th Louisiana was deployed as skirmishers and with the Illinois men in reserve soon engaged the enemy, who rallied and moved by the left flank to the main Confederate body at Liverpool. No casualties reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 776.
SATELLITE, U. S. GUNBOAT, August 22-September 2, 1863. The Satellite was captured by some of the Confederate gunboats, under command of Lieutenant Wood, on the night of August 22, and was destroyed on September 2 by the Union forces commanded by General Kilpatrick. (See Port Conway, Virginia) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 776.
SAULSBURY, MISSISSIPPI, July 2, 1864. 3d Iowa Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 776.
SATTERLEE, Richard Sherwood, surgeon, born in Fairfield, Herkimer County, New York, 6 December, 1798: died in New York City, 10 November, 1880. His father, Major William Satterlee, served in the Revolutionary Army. After a collegiate course the son studied medicine, was admitted to practice, and in 1818 settled in Seneca County, New York, subsequently removing to Detroit. He became assistant surgeon in the U. S. army in 1823. served in the first and second Florida Wars, and in 1846 was assigned to duty under General William J. Worth, as chief surgeon of the 1st Division of regulars. After the capture of Mexico he became medical director on the staff of General Winfield Scott. He became U. S. Medical Purveyor in 1853, held that office till the close of the Civil War, and in 1864 was brevetted "lieutenant-colonel, colonel, and brigadier-general for diligent care and attention in procuring proper army supplies as medical purveyor, and for economy and fidelity in the disbursement of large sums of money." He became lieutenant-colonel and Chief Medical Purveyor in July, 1866, and was retired, 22 February, 1869. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 403.
SAULSBURY, Eli, senator, born in Kent County, Delaware. 29 December, 1817. He attended common and select schools, followed an irregular course at Dickinson, studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1845, and practised in Dover, Delaware. He was a member of the legislature in 1853-'4, and succeeded his brother, Willard, as U. S. Senator, having been elected as a Democrat in 1870. He was re-elected in 1876, and again in 1883 for the term that will expire on 3 March, 1889. He offered an amendment to the "force bill " in the 42d Congress, and in the same session opposed in two speeches and voted against the act "to enforce the provisions of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and for other purposes." He moved an amendment to the Specie-Payment Bill, and spoke and voted in the negative against military interference in the organization of the Louisiana Legislature in the 43d Congress. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 403.
SAULSBURY, TENNESSEE, August 1t, 1862. Detachment of the 11th Illinois Cavalry. On this date a detachment of the 11th Illinois attacked and dispersed a. guerrilla band organized at Saulsbury. The guerrilla captain was taken prisoner and a number of horses and mules were secured, together with equipments. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 776.
SAULSBURY, TENNESSEE, December 2, 1863. Detachment of the 16th Army Corps. Major-General S. A. Hurlbut, commanding the corps, reported from Memphis on the 3d: "The enemy under Lee, Forrest and Ferguson, broke into Saulsbury yesterday. We had no troops there. They destroyed track and bent rails. It will take 24 hours to repair." Brigadier-General J. M. Turtle moved with his command toward Saulsbury, and Colonel Geddes was ordered west by rail from Pocahontas to join him. The latter reported the next day that the Confederate force had been dispersed and was retreating southward. No detailed account of any action is to be found in the official records of the war. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 776.
SAULSBURY, Willard, senator, born in Kent County. Delaware, 2 June, 1820, was educated at Delaware and Dickinson Colleges, studied law, practised in Georgetown, Delaware, and in 1850-'5 was state attorney-general. In the meantime he took an active part in politics, and became known throughout the state as an orator, ne was chosen U. S. Senator as a Democrat in 1858. and served by re-election till 1871. During his first term of service in that body he devoted all his energies to the preservation of the Union, and the prevention of civil war. Among his important speeches was that on the state-rights resolution of Jefferson Davis, delivered 2 April, 1860; that on the resolution proposing to expel Jesse D. Bright (q. v.), delivered 29 January, 1862; that on the bill to prevent officers of the army and navy from interfering in elections in the southern states, delivered 24 March, 1864: and that on amending the Constitution of the United States, delivered 6 March, 1866. In the 36th Congress he closed the debate on disunion by calling attention to the fact that " as Delaware was the first to adopt the constitution of the United States, she would be the last to do any act looking to separation." He offered a resolution proposing a conference for the settlement of difficulties in the 37th Congress, and argued against the constitutionality of the bill on compensated emancipation in Missouri. He served on the Reconstruction Committee in the 39th Congress, voted in the affirmative on the 15th Amendment in the 40th Congress, and in the negative on the Virginia Bill in the 41st Congress. He was a delegate to the Chicago Democratic Convention in 1864. Since 1873 he has been chancellor of Delaware. [Brother of Eli Saulsbury]. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 403.
SAUNDERS, Alvin, senator, born in Fleming County, Kentucky, 12 July, 1817. His father, a native of Virginia, moved to Kentucky in early youth. The son went with his father to Illinois in 1829, and attended school in the intervals of farm work. He moved in 1836 to Mount Pleasant, in that part of Wisconsin Territory that is now Iowa, and was postmaster there for seven years. At the same time he studied law; but, instead of practising, he engaged in business as a merchant and banker. Mr. Saunders was a member of the convention that framed the constitution of Iowa in 1846, and a state senator for eight years. He sat in the first Republican Convention in the state, and in the National conventions of 1860 and 1868, was a commissioner to organize the Pacific Railroad Company, and served as governor of Nebraska Territory from 1861 till its admission into the Union in 1867. During his term of office the population of the territory was only about 30,000, yet he raised 3,000 men for the National armies, but successfully carried on operations against hostile Indians. Much of the prosperity of the state is due to his energy. He was instrumental in causing the Union Pacific Railroad to cross Missouri River at Omaha, instead of several miles below, thus insuring the rapid growth of that city. In 1877–83 he served in the U.S. Senate, where he secured for his state more than 600,000 acres of land by straightening the northern boundary-line. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 403-404.
SAUNDERS, Romulus Mitchell, statesman, born in Caswell County, North Carolina, 3 March, 1791; died in Raleigh, North Carolina, 21 April, 1867. His uncle, James Saunders, represented Orange County in the Provincial Congress of North Carolina which met at Halifax, 4 April, 1776, and also in the Congress held at the same place, 12 November, 1776, and was appointed colonel of the northern regiment of his County. James's younger brother, William, the father of Romulus, was an officer in the North Carolina line. The son was educated at the University of North Carolina, studied law in Tennessee, and was admitted to practice in that state in 1812, having been adopted by his uncle James on the death of his father. He returned to North Carolina and was elected to the house of commons from Caswell County from 1815 till 1820, serving as speaker of the house in 1819 and 1820. In 1821 he was elected as a Democrat to Congress, where he served until 1827, and in 1828 he was chosen attorney-general of the state. In 1833 he was appointed by President Jackson one of the board of commissioners to decide and allot the amounts that were due citizens of the United States for injuries by France, as settled by the treaty of 4 July. 1831. In 1835 he was elected by the legislature judge of the superior courts, which post he resigned in 1840 to become the candidate of the Democratic Party for governor, but he was defeated by John Moorehead. In 1844 he was again elected to Congress, and in the Democratic National Convention of that year he introduced the celebrated two-third rule, by which the votes of two thirds of all the members of the convention were made necessary for a nomination. The adoption of this rule resulted in the defeat of Martin Van Buren for the nomination and the selection of James K. Polk. He continued in Congress until 1845, when he was appointed minister to Spain. He was specially directed by President Polk to negotiate for the purchase of Cuba, and was authorized to offer $100,000,000 for that island. He returned home in October, 1849, and was elected to the house of commons from Wake County in 1850, where he was earnest in securing the construction of the North Carolina Railroad, in the reconstruction of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, and in the development of internal improvements by the state. He was elected judge of the superior courts in 1851, and one of the commissioners to revise and codify the laws of the state. He served as judge until 1865, when he was deposed bv Governor William W. Holden. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 405.
SAVAGE, John, journalist, born in Dublin, Ireland, 13 December, 1828. He was educated in his native city, and studied in the art school of the Royal Dublin Society, winning several prizes. He became active in revolutionary clubs, established two journals that were suppressed by the British government, and afterward organized and led armed peasants in the south of Ireland. When the cause was lost, he escaped to New York in 1848, and became a proof-reader for the New York “Tribune.” Afterward he was literary editor of “The Citizen,” wrote for the “Democratic Review” and “American Review.” In 1857 he moved to Washington, where he was chief writer for “The States.” the organ of Stephen A. Douglas, of which paper he became the proprietor. He was active in organizing the Irish Brigade and the Irish Legion for the National army during the Civil War, and served in the 69th New York Regiment. The degree of LL.D. was conferred on him by St. John's College, Fordham, New York, in 1875. Mr. Savage wrote several popular war-songs. including “The Starry Flag” and “The Muster of the North.” He is the author of “Laws of the Fatherland” (New York, 1850); “'98 and '48: the Modern Revolutionary History and Literature of Ireland” (1856); “Our Living Representative Men” (Philadelphia, 1860); “Faith and Fancy,” poems ' York, 1863): “Campaign Life of Andrew Johnson” (1864); “Life and Public Services of Andrew Johnson” (1866); “Fenian Heroes and Martyrs” (Boston, 1868); “Poems: Lyrical, Dramatic, and Romantic" (1870); “Picturesque Ireland” (1878–83); and several plays, including “Sybil,” a tragedy, which was produced in 1858 (1865); “Waiting for a Wife,” a comedy (1859); and “Eva, a Goblin Romance” (1865). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 406.
SAVAGE, John Houston, lawyer, born in McMinnville, Warren County, Tennessee, 9 October, 1815. He received a public-school education, and before he was of age served as a private under General Edmund P. Gaines on the Texas frontier, and also for six months against the Seminoles in Florida. Afterward he studied law, and began to practise in Smithville, Tennessee. He was made colonel of Tennessee Militia, and in 1841–’7 was attorney-general of the 4th District of his state. In 1844 he was an elector on the Polk ticket. In 1847 he was appointed major of the 14th Infantry, U. S. Army, and served in the Mexican War, being wounded at Chapultepec, was promoted lieutenant-colonel of the 11th U.S. Infantry, and, after the death of Colonel William M. Graham, commanded this regiment until the close of the war. On returning to Tennessee he resumed the practice of law, and was elected to Congress as a Democrat, serving from 3 December, 1849, till 3 March, 1853, and again from 3 December, 1855, till 3 March, 1859, being a member of the committee on Military Affairs. During the Civil War he was colonel of the 16th Tennessee Confederate Infantry, and was wounded at Perryville and at Murfreesboro’. He served in the legislature of Tennessee in 1877, 1879, and 1887, and now (1888) practices law in McMinnville. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 406.
SAVAGE, Minot Judson, clergyman, born in Norridgewock, Maine, 10 June, 1841. He was educated at Bowdoin, graduated at Bangor Theological Seminary in 1864, and became a Congregational missionary in California. He was pastor of churches in Framingham, Massachusetts, in 1867, and Hannibal, Missouri, in 1869. In 1873 he had charge of a Unitarian Church in Chicago, and since 1874 he has been pastor of the “Church of the Unity” in Boston. Among his publications are “Christianity, the Science of Manhood” (Boston, 1873); “The Religion of Evolution” (1876); “Bluffton, a Story of Today” (1878): “Life Questions” (1879): “The Morals of Evolution ” (1880); “Belief in God” (1881); “Beliefs about Man” (1882): “Poems” (1882); “Beliefs about the Bible” (1883); “The Modern Sphinx” (1883); “The Religious Life” (1886); “Social Problems” (1886); and “My Creed” (1887). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 406.
SAVAGE STATION, VIRGINIA, June 29, 1862. The action at Savage Station was an attack by the Confederates under General Magruder on McClellan's rear during the change of base to the James river, and was one of the Seven Days' battles, (q. v.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 776.
SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, December 10-21, 1864. 14th, 15th, 17th and 20th Army Corps and Kilpatrick's Cavalry. In the campaign of 1864 it fell to the lot of Major-General William T. Sherman to lead the hosts that were to sever the Confederacy. The plan was to capture or defeat the Confederate army under General J. E. Johnston (later under General J. B. Hood), after which Sherman was to press forward to some available point on the seacoast, establish a base of supplies, then move northward, unite his army with that of Grant and overcome Lee at Richmond. As soon as Hood was compelled to evacuate Atlanta he started his army northward in the hope of carrying the war back into Tennessee, or at least drawing Sherman after him and thus save the Confederacy from being cut in twain. Sherman did follow until after Hood had passed Decatur, Alabama, and then turned back to execute his original plan, leaving General Thomas to look after Hood. Early in November Sherman assembled his forces at Atlanta and organized his army into the right and left wings. The former, commanded by Major-General Oliver O. Howard, consisted of the 15th and 17th army corps, and the latter, under command of Major-General Henry W. Slocum, was composed of the 14th and 20th corps. The 15th corps was commanded by Major-General P. J. Osterhaus and was made up of four divisions, commanded by Brigadier-Generals C. R. Woods, William B. Hazen, J. E. Smith and J. M. Corse. The 17th corps, commanded by Major-General Frank P. Blair, was composed of three divisions, respectively commanded by Major General John A. Mower, Brigadier-General M. D. Leggett and Brigadier-General Giles A. Smith. In the left wing the 14th corps was under the command of Bvt. Major-General Jefferson C. Davis and was composed of three divisions, commanded by Brigadier-Generals William P. Carlin, J. D. Morgan and Absalom Baird. The 20th corps, under Brigadier-General Alpheus S. Williams, also included three divisions, commanded by Brigadier-Generals New Jersey Jackson, John W. Geary and William T. Ward. In addition to these infantry commands there were 16 light batteries and the cavalry division of Brigadier-General Judson Kilpatrick, composed of the two brigades commanded by Colonel E. H. Murray and Colonel S. D. Atkins, and numbering about 5,500 men. Sherman's whole army numbered about 62,000 men of all arms. Howard's wing retained the old name of the Army of the Tennessee, and Slocum's wing took the name of the Army of Georgia. On November 12, Sherman sent a telegram to Thomas at Nashville, cut the wires immediately afterward, and stood isolated in the heart of the enemy's country. Two days later the "March to the Sea" was begun, the different commands moving on parallel roads, but all under orders to reach Savannah without delay. Each division was accompanied by a train of supplies to be used in case of emergency, but the general instructions were to subsist by foraging to the greatest possible extent. Numerous skirmishes occurred on the march, each of which is herein treated under its proper title. On December 10 Sherman drew his lines about Savannah, which was at that time occupied by General Hardee, with a force of some 18,000 men. Slocum struck the Charleston railroad at the Savannah river, the 20th corps extending from the river to the Central railroad, where the 14th corps joined and extended the line some distance beyond the Ogeechee canal. From there the 17th and 15th corps (Howard's wing) completed the line to King's bridge on the Ogeechee river. While the army was on the march from Atlanta Major-General J. G. Foster had collected at Port Royal, South Carolina, 20 miles up the coast, a large store of supplies for Sherman's use when he reached the coast. The first problem was to open communications with Foster and get the supplies, as foraging near Savannah yielded but meager results, and some of the commands were already on short rations. Rear-Admiral Dahlgren's blockading squadron lay off the coast opposite the mouths of the Savannah and Ogeechee rivers, but in order to reach the fleet it was necessary to pass Fort McAllister, which commanded the Ogeechee river. The Confederates had destroyed King's bridge, a structure 1,000 feet long, but it was rebuilt under the direction of Howard's chief engineer, Captain Reese, and on the 13th was ready for use. Hazen's division was sent over and captured the fort. (See Fort McAllister.) This opened the river so that vessels could reach the right of Sherman's army, and the question of a base of supplies on the sea-coast was settled. Sherman's object was to capture Hardee's entire army. To this end the railroads running into the city were destroyed, cutting off this means of retreat, as well as Hardee's sources of supplies. One avenue of escape was still open to the Confederates, however, and that was to cross the Savannah river, and by means of the Union causeway reach the Charleston railroad, which was still in operation to Hardeeville, about 15 miles from Savannah. Foster had made an effort to cut this road near Grahamville, South Carolina, but it had met with failure, though he still held a position near the Coosawhatchie river where his guns commanded the road, compelling all trains to run at night. In the Savannah river, directly in front of the city, is Hutchinson's island and immediately above it is Argyle island. Part of Hutchinson's island was occupied by the enemy, but it was deemed feasible to throw a force across the river and gain the causeway. Sherman had sent to Hilton Head for some heavy ordnance, intending to carry the enemy's works by assault as soon as the causeway was in his possession. On the night of the 11th and the morning of the 12th Williams sent over the 3d Wisconsin infantry, under Colonel Hawley, to occupy Argyle Island, while Winegar's New York battery, supported by the 22nd Wisconsin, were moved up to the bank of the river to cover the channel between the island and the main land. Later in the day these troops drove back two gunboats that were coming down the river, and captured the armed steamer Resolute, which had been acting as tender, and which had been disabled during the action. This affair demonstrated that it was impracticable to move any considerable body of men across the river, as the enemy's gunboats could destroy the pontoons across the main channel and cut off any detachment on the island or the Caroline shore. Sherman now determined to reach the causeway via Port Royal. On the 17th several 30-pounder Parrott guns arrived at King's bridge, and the same day a formal demand was made for the surrender of the place. Upon receiving Hardee's refusal to surrender Sherman directed Slocum to get the siege guns in position and make all the preparations necessary for an assault, while he went in person to Port Royal to make arrangements to reinforce Hatch's division on the Coosawhatchie, carry the railroad and then move toward Savannah until the causeway was occupied. While these movements were under way Hardee forestalled Sherman's plans by evacuating the city on the night of the 20th, moving his army and light artillery over the river and gaining the causeway before the Union troops had time to reach it. At daybreak on the 21st Geary's division of the 20th corps occupied the town. About 250 heavy siege guns, 31,000 bales of cotton, large stores of ammunition, cotton, rice, etc., a number of locomotives and cars, 4 steamboats, and other valuable property fall into the hands of the Federal armies, though the escape of Hardee's army was a disappointment to Sherman, who felt confident of its capture or destruction. Notwithstanding skirmishing had been daily carried on during the ten days of investment, the Union losses were slight, the most serious being incurred in the capture of Fort McAllister. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 776-778.
SAVANNAH CREEK, SOUTH CAROLINA, February 15, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 15th Army Corps. The division broke camp in the morning at Sandy run and moved toward Columbia on the Orangeburg and Columbia road, with the 2nd brigade, commanded by Colonel R. F. Catterson, in advance. About a mile from the camp the enemy was encountered and the skirmishing commenced. Catterson deployed four companies as skirmishers and drove the enemy back to Savannah creek, where he made a stand, making it necessary to send four more companies to the front. Again the Confederates were forced back, but they made another stand at Congaree creek, where a considerable force was found behind a barricade and supplied with artillery. All of the 2nd and 3d brigades were now called into action. (See Bates' Ferry). Catterson reported a loss of 5 killed and 10 wounded in the action at Savannah creek. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 778-779.
SAW-MILL, (PATENT, UPRIGHT, PORTABLE.) It is composed of eight pieces of timber, from five to eight feet long; four pieces of plank, from four to six feet long; arid about fifteen hundred pounds of iron; besides two long bed-pieces, a carriage, some small wooden fixtures, pulleys, etc. The common up-and-down saw, six and one-half or seven feet long, is used without sash-gate or muley, and will saw timber of the largest or smallest size. It is so very simple in its construction that it has but few bearings, and consequently but little friction, and will therefore require much less power to drive it than the more complicated mills now in general use. As much of the cumbrous machinery of other mills, such as large, heavy frames, sash-gates, etc., is dispensed with in this, it is much less liable to get out of order; while its simplicity enables any one of ordinary mechanical ability to repair or build it. The amount of repairs required with fair usage is of insignificant import. The great advantage of such a mill for military purposes is its portability. The engines and boilers furnished with these mills are constructed specially for it. The first size is a boiler 10 feet long, 24 tubes 2J inches in diameter, and 7J feet long, shell over the fire-box 44 inches in diameter, shell over the tubes 34 inches in diameter, and engine of 7- inch cylinder and 15-inch stroke. This is a large eight-horse power, and is sufficient to drive the mill with any rapidity in the hardest and heaviest timber. It is sold with the mill the whole establishment weighing about 6,500 pounds for $1,250. The second size is a boiler 11-J- feet long, 25 tubes 2]- inches in diameter, and 7 feet long, shell over the fire-box 44 inches in diameter, shell over the tubes 34 inches in diameter, engine same as that described above, (7-inch cylinder and 15-inch stroke,) excepting that it has extra connections. It may be rated as good ten-horse, and is capable of driving the mill, together with some other machinery at the same time, such as circular-saw for sawing slabs, lath, and other light work. This power is recommended. It is sold with the mill the whole weighing about 7,500 lbs. for $1,400. In these prices smoke pipes, connections, and every thing necessary for running are included. The mill,, may be put up and at work in two or three days after its receipt at any given place. It is said to saw three thousand feet a day, and has been made to saw nine hundred feet per hour. With an exhaust pipe on the smoke stack the sawdust may be used for fuel. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862,p p. 545-546).
SAWTELLE, Charles Greene, soldier, born in Norridgewock, Maine, 10 May, 1834. His father, Cullen Sawtelle, was a member of Congress in 1845–’7 and 1849–’51. After graduation at the U.S. Military Academy in 1854, he served in quelling Kansas border disturbances, in the Utah Expedition in 1858, and on garrison duty in California in 1859–60. On 17 May, 1861, he became captain of the staff and assistant quartermaster. He superintended the forwarding of troops and supplies for the Army of the Potomac until 17 August, 1862, and the embarkation during the Maryland Campaign. He was chief quartermaster of the 2d Corps in the Rappahannock Campaign, and engaged on General Stoneman's raid toward Richmond in May, 1863. From 21 June till 6 August, 1863, he was assistant chief quartermaster of the Army of the Potomac, and forwarded supplies from Washington and Alexandria, Virginia, for the Pennsylvania Campaign. He was chief quartermaster of the cavalry bureau in Washington from 6 August, 1863, till 15 February, 1864, and then was transferred to Brownsville, Texas, and was in charge of the transports and supplies for General Nathaniel P. Banks's army on its return from Red River, which he met at Atchafalaya. He constructed a bridge of 900 feet across the river, using 21 steamers as pontoons. From 19 May till 6 June, 1864, he was in charge of steam transportation in the Department of the Gulf, and was chief quartermaster in the military Division of West Mississippi, from 6 June, 1864, till 2 July, 1865. He received the brevets of major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel, and brigadier-general, U.S. Army, on 13 March, 1865. In 1881 he attained the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and has since served in the quartermaster's departments of the Columbia and of the South, and of the military Divisions of the Atlantic and of the East, and is now (1888) in the Quartermaster's Department in Washington, D. C. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 406-407.
SAWYER, Frederick Adolphus, senator, born in Bolton, Massachusetts, 12 December, 1822. After serving as clerk in a store and teaching for several winters he was graduated at Harvard in 1844, and continued to teach in various towns in Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire till 1859, when he took charge of the normal school in Charleston, South Carolina. He passed through the lines to the National forces in 1864. and, going to New England, made many speeches in advocacy of the re-election of President Lincoln. In February, 1865, he went to Charleston again and took an active part in the reconstruction of South Carolina. He was appointed, on 30 May, collector of internal revenue for the 2d District of South Carolina—the first civil appointment in the state after the war—was elected to the State Constitutional Convention, but was unable to take his seat, and afterward chosen to the U. S. Senate for the term that ended in 1873. In that body he served on the committees on private land-claims, education in the District of Columbia, pensions, and appropriations. Mr. Sawyer was one of the leaders in opposition to the re-election of Governor Franklin J. Moses. On 19 March, 1873, he became assistant Secretary of the Treasury, which office he held till June. 1874. From that time till 1880 he was engaged in private business, being also connected with the coast survey for some time. Then he was a special agent of the War Department till 1887, and since that time he has conducted a preparatory school in Ithaca, New York. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 407.
SAWYER, Philetus, senator, born in Whiting, Vermont, 22 September, 1816. When he was a year old his father, who was a farmer and blacksmith, moved to Essex County, New York, where the son's youth was spent in manual labor and in attending the common schools at intervals. At seventeen years of age, by an arrangement with his father, he became the master of his own time, and in 1847, when he had saved about $2,000, he moved to Wisconsin. After two years of farming he went to Algoma (now part of Oshkosh) and engaged in the lumber business, in which he was very successful and won a reputation for integrity. He was chosen to the legislature in 1857 and 1861, served as mayor of Oshkosh in 1863-'4, and was a delegate to the Loyalists’ Convention of 1866. He was chosen to Congress as a Republican in 1864, and served by successive re-elections from 1865 till 1875, declining a renomination. In 1881 he was elected U. S. Senator, and he was re-elected in 1887. He has been a delegate to the National Republican Conventions of 1864, 1876, and 1880. In the lower house of Congress Mr. Sawyer served for some time as chairman of the committee on the Pacific Railroad, and as a member of the Committees on Commerce, Manufactures, and Invalid Pensions. Both there and in the Senate he has been known as a valuable working member, but he seldom takes the floor. He has given $12,000 toward a building for the Young Men's Christian Association in Oshkosh, and contributed liberally to other religious, benevolent, and educational enterprises. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 407-408.
SAWYER, Sylvanus, inventor, born in Templeton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, 15 April, 1822. His father was a farmer, mill-owner, and lumberman, and from childhood the son showed great mechanical ingenuity. While he was a lad he invented a reed organ that embodied many of the features of those that are now in use. From about his twelfth till his twenty-first year feeble health unfitted him for farm labor, and he occupied himself largely with carpenter's and smith's tools. In 1839 he went to Augusta, Maine, with a view of working with his brother-in-law, a gunsmith, and, though his health soon forced him to return, he gained knowledge that enabled him to repair fire-arms and do much similar work, in which he engaged till his majority. During this time he also made several inventions, including a steam-engine, a screw-propeller, and a car to be operated by foot-power. He went to Boston about 1843, and, while working in a machine-shop there, invented a machine for preparing chair-cane from rattan. Thousands of dollars has been spent in vain attempts to construct such a machine, but Mr. Sawyer's was successful, and after it was patented, in June, 1851, he and his brother Joseph established a shop at East Templeton, where they manufactured chair-cane by its means. In the following December the American Rattan Company was formed to use their machine, and '' large shop in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Mr. Sawyer devised several auxiliary machines, and, besides serving as director, was manager of the company's '' His inventions have entirely revolutionized the chair-cane business, transferring it from southern India, China, and Holland to this country. In the summer of 1853 he invented improvements in rifled cannon projectiles, which were patented in 1855. These embrace the placing of a coating of lead or other soft metal on the rear and sides of the shell, which is expanded laterally by the discharge and prevents the “windage” or passage of gas by the projectile, also filling the grooves of the rifling in the use of helical projections; and the arrangement of a percussion-cap so as to insure the explosion of the shell on impact. In 1857-8, with his brother Addison conducted experiments on his invention, at his own expense, for the benefit of the U.S. Ordnance Bureau, and after thorough tests it was approved, and the Secretary of War announced that the practicability of rifled cannon and projectiles had at last been demonstrated. It was recommended that four field guns be issued for practice, but before the order was carried into effect the Civil War had begun. The 42-pounders (rifle) columbiads were mounted at Newport News and upon the Rip Raps (Fort Wool), the latter being the only guns there that could reach Sewell's Point battery, a distance of three and one-half miles, which they did with great accuracy, and made fearful havoc with the railroad-iron-clad batteries. An 18-pounder Sawyer rifle also did great execution on board the steamer “Fancy.” Sawyer claims that he was treated unjustly by the ordnance officers during the Civil War. Notwithstanding the report in his favor, his guns were not extensively adopted, but his improvements were incorporated in others that, he says, were infringements on his patents. He was advised by government officials to wait till the war had ended and then prosecute the chiefs of ordnance of the army and navy; but they both died shortly after its close, and nothing has been done in the matter. But he received several orders for guns directly from department commanders, to whom he furnished the first batteries of cast-steel rifled guns made in this country. He made other improvements in projectiles in 1861–2, and in 1864–5 built a shop for the manufacture of ordnance; but the close of the wars in this country and South America caused it to be turned to other uses. He took out patents on dividers and calipers in 1867, a steam-generator in 1868, a sole sewing-machine in 1876, and a centering watchmaker's lathe in 1882. He has recently engaged in the manufacture of watchmakers' tools, but has now retired from business, and takes much interest in agriculture. He has served as an alderman in Fitchburg. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 408.
SAXTON, Rufus, soldier, born in Greenfield, Massachusetts, 19 October, 1824. He attended Deerfield Academy, worked on a farm until his twentieth year. Saxon entered the U. S. Military Academy, and was graduated in 1849. He entered the 3d U.S. Artillery, became 1st lieutenant in 1855, and in 1853–4 led a surveying party across the Rocky Mountains. In 1855–'9 he was employed in the U.S. Coast Survey, and made improvements in the instruments for deep-sea soundings, one of which, a self-registering thermometer, bears his name. In 1859 he became an instructor at the U. S. Military Academy. At the opening of the Civil War he was at St. Louis acting as quartermaster with the rank of captain, and was engaged in breaking up Camp Jackson. (See LYON, NATHANIEL.) He joined General George B. McClellan in western Virginia, afterward accompanied General Thomas W. Sherman to Port Royal as quartermaster, and on 15 April, 1862, was made brigadier-general of volunteers. For a short time after the retreat of General Nathaniel P. Banks from the Shenandoah, General Saxton commanded at Harper's Ferry, and successfully resisted an attack on his position by Confederate troops under General Ewell. He was military governor of the Department of the South in 1862–'5, and was appointed quartermaster with the rank of major in July, 1866. He was brevetted brigadier-general, U.S. Army, 13 March, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, and promoted lieutenant-colonel and deputy quartermaster-general, 6 June, 1872, and colonel and assistant quartermaster-general, 10 March, 1882. From 1883 till 1888 he was in charge of the Jeffersonville Department at Louisville, Kentucky. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 410.
SCALES, Alfred Moore, governor of North Carolina, born in Reedsville, Rockingham County, North Carolina, 26 November, 1827. He was educated at the University of North Carolina, but was not graduated. He afterward taught for a time, then studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1851, and in 1853 became solicitor of Rockingham County. He was a member of the lower house of the legislature in 1852, 1853, and 1856, and was then elected to Congress as a Democrat, serving from 7 December, 1857, till 3 March, 1859. He became clerk and master of the Court of Equity of Rockingham County in 1859, which office he held till the Civil War. In 1860 he was a presidential elector on the Breckinridge ticket, and at the beginning of the Civil War he entered the Confederate Army as a private. He was elected captain, subsequently promoted colonel, and then made brigadier-general. He took part in the battle of Williamsburg and in the engagements near Richmond, and, after General Pender was wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, took command of his brigade. He was severely wounded at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, and was present at most of the other battles till the close of the war. He resumed the practice of his profession after the war, was elected to the legislature of North Carolina in 1866–77, and served in Congress by successive elections from 1875 till 1885. On 4 November, 1884, he was elected governor of North Carolina for the term that will end in January, 1889. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 412.
SCAMMON, Jonathan Young, lawyer, born in Whitefield. Maine, 27 July, 1812. He studied at Waterville College (now Colby University), from which he received the degree of LL. D, in 1869, studied law in Hallowell, Maine, was admitted to the bar, and moved in 1835 to Chicago, where he began the practice of his profession. He prepared a new edition of the laws of Illinois ("Gale's Statutes "), was appointed reporter of the Supreme Court, and published “Scammon's Reports " (4 vols., 1832-43). He associated Ezra R. McCagg with him in 1847, and subsequently Samuel W. Fuller, in the firm of Scammon, McCagg, and Fuller. He took an important part in pioneer enterprises, was one of the main organizers and directors of the first railroad west of Lake Michigan, the Galena and Chicago (now the Northwestern), laid the foundation of the first successful public-school system in Chicago, and actively identified himself with many societies. He was one of the founders of the Chicago Astronomical Society and its first president, and built and maintained at his own expense for many years Dearborn Observatory, in which was placed the first grand refractor that was manufactured by A. Ivan Clark and Sons of Cambridge, Massachusetts. The observatory cost $30,000. He acquired wealth, most of which was lost in the great fire of 1871 and the panic of 1873. and he was at the head of several large and successful financial institutions. Mr. Scammon was a Whig, and is a Republican in polities. He was one of several gentlemen that established the "Chicago American " in 1844 to aid in the election of Henry Clay, and when, in 1872, the Chicago “Tribune" favored the election of Horace Greeley, he established the " Inter-Ocean" as a Republican paper. He is a Swedenborgian, was the first of that belief in Chicago, instituted the Chicago Society of the New Jerusalem and the Illinois Association of that church, and was for ten years vice-president of the general convention of his denomination in the United States. He was the first layman to introduce the homoeopathic system of medicine in Chicago, and founded the Hahnemann Hospital, of which and the Hahnemann Medical College he has been for many years a trustee. Many acts of the legislature have originated with him, especially those reforming the circulating medium and driving out of circulation the depreciated currency that inundated Illinois and the northwest, he has been officially connected with the city, county, and state government, and a member of the legislature, and of the Republican National Conventions of 1864 and 1872. Mr. Scammon has contributed largely to the periodical press.—His brother, Elihu Parker, soldier, born m Whitefield, Maine, 27 December, 1816, was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1837, and promoted 2d lieutenant of artillery. In 1838 he was appointed 2d lieutenant of Topographical Engineers, and he was assistant professor of mathematics at West Point from 1837 till 1838, and of ethics from 1841 till 1846. He was aide-de-camp to General Winfield Scott in Mexico in 1846-'7, engaged on the survey of the northern lakes in 1847-54, in 1853 became captain. In 1856 he was dismissed the army for "disobedience of orders." He was then professor in Mount St. Mary's College, Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1856-'8, and president of the Polytechnic College in that city from 1859-'61. He became colonel of the 23d Ohio Regiment in June, 1861, served in western Virginia and Maryland, and was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers, 15, October, 1862, for gallant conduct at the battle of South Mountain, Maryland. He commanded the District of Kanawha from November, 1862, till 3 February, 1864, was a prisoner of war from the latter date till 3 August, and then led a separate brigade at Morris Island, South Carolina. From November, 1864, till April, 1865, he was in charge of the District of Florida. He was U. S. consul in Prince Edward Island from 1866 till 1870, and afterward professor of mathematics and history in Seton Hall College, Orange, New Jersey.—Another brother. Charles Mellville, navigator, born in Pittston, Maine, 28 May, 1825, became a ship-captain and sailed to California in 1850. He engaged in the whale-fishery and discovered the habitat of the gray whale in a bay on the coast of California, which was named Scammon Lagoon. At the beginning of the Civil War in 1861 he became commander of a U. S. revenue cutter in San Francisco, and he was subsequently appointed captain in that branch of the service, in which he still remains. He is the author of a work on "The Marine Mammals of the Northwestern Coast of America and the American Whale Fishery " (San Francisco, 1874). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 413.
SCARCY CREEK, WEST VIRGINIA, July 17, 1861. U. S. Troops under J. D. Cox. Meager reports mention an affair at Scarey creek in the Kanawha valley, in which the Federal participants were defeated. Confederate accounts state that 6 Union officers and from 10 to 20 privates were captured, and some 30 men killed, their own loss being 1 killed and 2 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 779.
SCARP. (See ESCARP.) SCARP (To.) To cut down a slope, so as to render it inaccessible. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 546).
SCATES, Walter Bennett, jurist, born in South Boston, Virginia, 18 January, 1808; died in Chicago, Illinois, 26 October, 1887. His parents moved to Kentucky, where he remained till 1831, studied law, and was admitted to the bar. He settled at Frankfort, Illinois, was appointed attorney-general, and then resided at the capital, Vandalia. In 1836 he was made judge of the 3d Judicial District, and in 1841 he was called to the supreme bench of the state. In 1847 he resigned his post and resumed his law practice at Mt. Vernon, Illinois. In 1853 he was again elected to the supreme court bench, and again resigned, to return to his law-practice in Chicago. In 1862 Judge Scates was commissioned major on the staff of General McClernand, and before the close of the Civil War was assistant adjutant-general. When he was mustered out of service in 1866 he was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. On his return to Chicago he completed his revision of the statutes of Illinois and practised law till his death. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 414.
SCATTERVILLE, ARKANSAS, July 10, 1862. Detachment of 1st Wisconsin Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 779.
SCHARF, John Thomas, author, born in Baltimore, Maryland, 1 May, 1843. He entered the counting-house of his father, Thomas G. Scharf, of Baltimore, when sixteen years of age. In the beginning of the Civil War he joined a Confederate battery, was engaged in the battles around Richmond in 1862, was wounded at Cedar Mountain, at the second battle of Bull Run, and again at Chancellorsville, and on 20 June, 1863, was appointed a midshipman in the Confederate Navy. In January, 1864, he took part in the capture of the steamer “Underwriter,” near New Berne, North Carolina. He rejoined the army after all the ports were blockaded, and was captured in Maryland while on his way to Canada with despatches. After the war he engaged in mercantile business, then in journalism, and in 1874 was admitted to the bar. In 1878 he was a member of the legislature. Since 1884 he has been commissioner of the Land Office of Maryland. Georgetown College gave him the degree of LL.D. in 1885. He has been editor of the Baltimore “Telegram” and “Morning Herald.” Besides many historical addresses and magazine articles, he has published “Chronicles of Baltimore." (Baltimore, 1874); “History of Maryland” (3 vols., 1879); “History of Baltimore City and County.” (Philadelphia, 1881); “History of Western Maryland” (2 vols., 1882): “History of St. Louis” (2 vols., 1884): “History of Philadelphia” (3 vols., 1884): “History of Westchester County, New York.” (2 vols., 1886): “History of the Confederate States Navy from the Laying of the First Keel to the Sinking of the Last Vessel” (1887); and “History of the State of Delaware” (1888). He is now (1888) preparing a life of Jefferson Davis and a the first German monthly in this country, and, with “Biographical Dictionary of Maryland.” Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 416
SCHELL, Augustus, politician, born in Rhinebeck, New York, 1 August, 1812; died in New York City, 27 March, 1884. He was graduated at Union in 1830, studied at Litchfield Law-School, was admitted to the bar, and soon gained a lucrative practice in New York City. He was made chairman of the Tammany Hall General Committee in 1852, and was at the head of the Democratic State Committee in 1853-'6. During the administration of President Buchanan he was collector of the port of New York. He was chairman of the National Committee of the wing of the Democratic Party that supported John C. Breckinridge for the presidency in 1860, and in 1872 held the same office during the Greeley canvass. In 1867 he was an active member of the convention to revise the state constitution. After the trial of William M. Tweed and his associates Mr. Schell labored for the purification and rehabilitation of the Tammany Society, and in 1878 was its unsuccessful candidate for mayor. He was a director in many railroad and financial corporations, and was active in the management of philanthropic institutions. Several of Mr. Schell’s brothers have been well-known business men of New York City. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 417.
SCHENCK, James Findlay, naval officer, born in Franklin, Ohio, 11 June, 1807; died in Dayton, Ohio, 21 December, 1882. His ancestor, Roelof Martense Schenck, emigrated from Holland to New Amsterdam in 1650. He was appointed to the U. S. Military Academy in 1822, but resigned in 1824, and entered the U.S. Navy as midshipman, 1 March, 1825. He became passed midshipman, 4 June, 1831, and lieutenant, 22 December, 1835, and in August, 1845, joined the "Congress," in which he served as chief military aide to Commodore Robert F. Stockton at the capture of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and San Pedro, California. He also participated in the capture of Guaymas and Mazatlan, Mexico, and in October, 1848, returned home as bearer of despatches. He was commended for efficient services in the Mexican War. Lieutenant Schenck then entered the service of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company and commanded the steamer " Ohio" and other steamers between New York and Aspinwall in 1849-'52. He was commissioned commander, 14 September, 1855, and assigned to the frigate " St. Lawrence," 19 March, 1862, on the West Gulf Blockade. On 7 October, 1864, he was ordered to command the "Powhatan" in the North Atlantic Squadron, and he also received notification of his promotion to commodore to date from 2 January, 1863. He led the 3d Division of the squadron in the two attacks on Fort Fisher, and was highly commended for his services. Commodore Schenck had charge of the naval station at Mound City, Illinois, in 1865-'6, was promoted to rear-admiral, 21 September, 1868, and retired by law, 11 June, 1869. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 417.
SCHENCK, Robert Cumming, 1809-1890, diplomat, Union general. Member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Three-term Whig Representative to Congress, December 1843-March 1851. Re-elected December 1863, 1864, 1866, 1868. Voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery. Son of James Findlay Schenk, naval officer. (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 417-418; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 8, Pt. 2, p. 427; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 19, p. 370; Congressional Globe)
SCHENCK, Robert Cumming, diplomatist, born in Franklin, Ohio, 4 October, 1809, was graduated at Miami University in 1827, and remained as a resident graduate and tutor for three years longer, then studied law with Thomas Corwin, was admitted to the bar, and established himself in practice at Dayton, Ohio. He was a member of the legislature in 1841-'2, displaying practical knowledge and pungent wit in the debates, and was then elected as a Whig to Congress, and thrice re-elected, serving from 4 December, 1843, till 3 March, 1851. He was a member of important committees, and during his third term was the chairman of that on roads and canals. On 12 March, 1851, he was commissioned as minister to Brazil. In 1852, with John S. Pendleton, who was accredited to the Argentine Republic as chargé d'affaires, he arranged a treaty of friendship and commerce with the government of that country and one for the free navigation of the river La Plata and its great tributaries. They also negotiated treaties with the governments of Uruguay and Paraguay. He left Rio Janeiro on 8 October, 1853, and after his return to Ohio engaged in the railroad business. He offered his services to the government when the Civil War began, and was one of the first brigadier-generals appointed by President Lincoln, his commission bearing the date of 17 May, 1861. He was attached to the military department of Washington, and on 17 June moved forward by railroad with a regiment to dislodge the Confederates at Vienna, but was surprised by a masked battery, and forced to retreat. On meeting re-enforcements, he changed front, and the enemy retired. His brigade formed a part of General Daniel Tyler's division at the first Bull Run battle, and was on the point of crossing the Stone Bridge to make secure the occupation of the plateau, when the arrival of Confederate re-enforcements turned the tide of battle. He next served in West Virginia under General William S. Rosecrans, and was ordered to the Shenandoah Valley with the force that was sent to oppose General Thomas J. Jackson. Pushing forward by a forced march to the relief of General Robert H. Milroy, he had a sharp and brilliant engagement with the enemy at McDowell. At Cross Keys he led the Ohio troops in a charge on the right, and maintained the ground that he won until he was ordered to retire. General John C. Frémont then intrusted him with the command of a division. At the second battle of Bull Run he led the first Division of General Franz Sigel's corps. He was wounded in that action by a musket-ball, which shattered his right arm, incapacitating him for active service till 16 December, 1862, when he took command of the Middle Department and Eighth Corps at Baltimore, having been promoted major-general on 18 September After performing effective services in the Gettysburg Campaign, he resigned his commission on 3 December, 1863, in order to take his place in the House of Representatives, in which he served as chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs. He was re-elected in 1864, and was placed at the head of the same committee, where he procured the establishment of the National Military and Naval Asylum. In 1865 he was president of the board of visitors to the U. S. Military Academy, and was one of the Committee of Congress on the Death of President Lincoln, serving also on the Committee on Retrenchment. In 1866 he attended the Loyalists' Convention at Philadelphia and the Soldiers' Convention at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. He was re-elected to Congress in 1866 and in 1868, when his opponent was Clement L. Vallandigham, serving as chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means and of the Ordnance Committee. On 22 December, 1870, he received the appointment of minister to Great Britain. In 1871 he was one of the “Alabama” commission. He resigned his post in 1876 in consequence of the failure of the Emma Silver Mine Company, in which he had permitted himself to be chosen a director, and resumed the practice of law in Washington, D. C. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 417-418.
SCHIMMELPFENNIG, Alexander, soldier, born in Prussia in 1824; died in Minersville, Pennsylvania, 7 September, 1865. He served as an officer of the Prussian Army in Schleswig-Holstein in 1848, and soon afterward came to the United States. At the beginning of the Civil War he was elected colonel of a Pennsylvania regiment, which he commanded during General John Pope's campaign in Virginia. For his services at Bull Run he was nominated brigadier-general. The appointment was at first rejected, but, on being presented again, was confirmed in March, 1863, the commission dating from 29 November, 1862. At Chancellorsville he commanded a brigade in General Carl Schurz's corps, and served with credit at Gettysburg. In February, 1864, he was sent to St. John's Island, near Charleston, and thence crossed to James Island. When Charleston was evacuated on the approach of General William T. Sherman's army, General Schimmelpfennig entered and took possession, 18 February, 1865. He remained in command of the city for some time, but was finally relieved on account of sickness, the result of exposure, which in a short time terminated in his death. He was the author of “The War between Russia and Turkey” (Philadelphia, 1854). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p.
SCHLEY, Winfield Scott, naval officer, born in Frederick County, Maryland, 9 October, 1839. He was graduated at the U.S. Naval Academy in 1860, served on board the frigate “Niagara” in 1860–1, was attached to the frigate “Potomac" of the Western Gulf Squadron, in 1861–2, and subsequently took part, on board the gun-boat “Winona” and the sloops “Monongahela” and “Richmond,” in all the engagements that led to the capture of Port Hudson, being promoted lieutenant on 16 July, 1862. He served on the “Wateree' in the Pacific in 1864-6, quelling an insurrection of Chinese coolies on the Middle Chincha Islands in 1865, and later in the same year landing at La Union, San Salvador, to protect American interests during a revolution. He was instructor at the Naval Academy in 1866-'9, served on the Asiatic Station in 1869-'72, taking part in the capture of the Corean forts on Salee River, after two days of fighting, in June, 1871, and was again at the Naval Academy in 1874–’6, being promoted commander in June, 1874. In 1876–’9 he was on the Brazil Station, and during the cruise sailed in the “Essex” to the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands in search of a missing sealer, and rescued a shipwrecked crew on the islands of Tristan d' Acunha. In 1884 he commanded the relief expedition that rescued Lieutenant Adolphus W. Greely and six of his companions at Cape Sabine in Grinnell Land, passing through 1,400 miles of ice during the voyage. He was commissioned chief of the Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting at the Navy Department in 1885, and promoted captain in March, 1888. He published, jointly with James Russell Soley, a book entitled “The Rescue of Greely” (New York, 1886). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 420.
SCHMUCKER, Samuel Mosheim, author, born in New Market, Shenandoah County, Virginia, 12 January, 1823; died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 12 May, 1863, wrote his name Smucker. He was graduated at Washington College, Pennsylvania, in 1840. After studying theology and being licensed to preach, he accepted a call from the Lutheran Church at Lewiston, Pennsylvania. In 1845 he became pastor of the 1st Church in Germantown, Pennsylvania. In October, 1848, he received an honorable dismissal from his synod, and studied law at the Philadelphia Law-Academy, where he served as secretary. In January, 1850, he was admitted to the bar, and at once began practice. In March, 1853, he moved to New York City, but after two years returned to Philadelphia, and thenceforth employed himself chiefly in writing. His publications include " Errors of Modern Infidelity” (Philadelphia, 1848); "Election of Judges by the People" and "Constitutionality of the Maine Liquor Law" (1852); "The Spanish Wife, a Play, with Memoir of Edwin Forrest" (New York, 1854); "Court, and Reign of Catherine II., Empress of Russia" (1855); "Life and Reign of Nicholas I. of Russia," " Life of John C. Fremont, with his Explorations," and "Life and Times of Alexander Hamilton" (Philadelphia, 1856); "History of the Mormons. Edited and Enlarged" (New York, 1856); "Life and Times of Thomas Jefferson" and "The Yankee Slave River" (Philadelphia, 1857); "Memorable Scenes in French History "and "Arctic Explorations and Discoveries" (New York, 1857); "Life of Dr. Elisha Kent Kane and Other American Explorers" and "History of Napoleon III." (Philadelphia, 1858); "History of the Four Georges" and "History of All Religions" (New York, 1859); "Life, Speeches, and Memorials of Daniel Webster" (Philadelphia, 1859); and " Life and Times of Henry Clay," "Life of Washington," " Blue Laws of Connecticut," and "History of the Modern Jews " (1860). At the time of his death he had published vol. i. of "A History of the Civil War in the United States" (1863). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 422.
SCHOEPF, Albin Francisco, soldier, born in Potgusch, Hungary, 1 March, 1822; died in Hyattsville, Maryland, 15 January, 1886. He entered the Military Academy at Vienna in 1837, became a lieutenant of artillery in 1841, and was promoted captain on the field for bravery. At the beginning of the Hungarian War for Independence in 1848 he left the Austrian service, enlisted as a private in Louis Kossuth's army, and was soon made captain, and afterward major. After the suppression of the revolution he was exiled to Turkey, served under General Józef Bern against the insurgents at Aleppo, and afterward became instructor of artillery in the Ottoman Service, with the rank of major. In 1851 he came to the United States, and received an appointment in the U. S. Coast Survey. In 1858 he became an assistant examiner in the Patent-Office. He was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers on 30 September, 1861. General Felix K. Zollicoffer, after a series of successes against the Kentucky Home Guards, attacked his fortified position, called Wildcat Camp, on the hills of Rock Castle County, Kentucky, and was defeated; but the prestige thus gained for the National arms was sacrificed by Schoepfs precipitate retreat, by order of his superior officer, a few weeks later from London to Crab Orchard, which the Confederates called the "Wild-Cat stampede." General George B. Crittenden, thinking to crush Schoepfs force at Fishing creek, or Mill springs, encountered General George Thomas's entire army, and suffered a disastrous defeat. General Schoepfs brigade led in the pursuit of the enemy to Monticello. At Perryville he commanded a division under General Charles C. Gilbert. He served through the war, and was mustered out on 15 January, 1866. Returning to Washington, he was appointed principal examiner in the Patent-Office, which post he continued to fill until his death. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 423.
SCHOFIELD, John McAllister, soldier, born in Chautauqua County, New York, 29 September, 1831. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1853, in the same class with Philip H. Sheridan, James B. McPherson, and John B. Hood. He was assigned to the 1st Regiment of U.S. Artillery and served in garrison in South Carolina and Florida in 1853-'5, and as assistant professor of natural philosophy at the U. S. Military Academy in 1855-'60, being commissioned 1st lieutenant, 31 August, 1855. and captain, 14 May, 1861. On his departure from West Point in 1860 he obtained leave of absence and filled the chair of professor of physics at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, until April, 1861. At the opening of the Civil War he entered the volunteer service as major of the 1st Missouri Volunteers, 26 April, 1861, and was appointed chief of staff to General Nathaniel Lyon, with whom he served during his campaign in Missouri, including the battle of Wilson's Creek, in which Lyon was killed. He was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers, 21 November, 1861, and a few days later brigadier-general of Missouri Militia, and he was in command of the latter from November, 1861, till November, 1862, and of the Army of the Frontier and the District of Southwest Missouri from that date to April, 1863. He was appointed major-general of volunteers, 29 November, 1862, and from May, 1863, till February, 1864, was in command of the Department of the Missouri. He was then assigned to the command of the Department and Army of the Ohio, and in April, 1864, joined the forces that were collecting near Chattanooga under General William T. Sherman for the invasion of Georgia. He took part in the Atlanta Campaign, being engaged at the battles of Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, and Atlanta. When Sherman left Atlanta on his march to the sea, Schofield, with the 23d Army Corps, was ordered back to Tennessee to form part of the army that was then being organized under General George H. Thomas to resist Hood's invasion of Tennessee. Schofield retreated skilfully before the superior forces of Hood, inflicted a severe check upon him in a sharp battle at Franklin, 30 November, 1864, and joined Thomas at Nashville, 1 December, 1864. For his services at the battle of Franklin he was made brigadier-general and brevet major-general in the regular army. He took part in the battle of Nashville and the subsequent pursuit of Hood's army. In January, 1865, he was detached from Thomas's command and sent with the 23d Army Corps by rail to Washington, and thence by transports to the mouth of Cape Fear River, the entire movement of 15,000 men with their artillery and baggage over a distance of 1,800 miles being accomplished in seventeen days. He was assigned to the command of the Department of North Carolina on 9 February, 1865, captured Wilmington on 22 February, was engaged in the battle of Kinston, 8-10 March, and joined Sherman at Goldsboro' on 22 March. He was present at the surrender of Johnston's army on 26 April, and was charged with the execution of the details of the capitulation. In June, 1865, he was sent to Europe on a special mission from the State Department in regard to the French intervention in Mexico, and he remained until May, 1866. In August he was assigned to the command of the Department of the Potomac, with headquarters at Richmond. He was in charge of the 1st military District (the state of Virginia) from March, 1867, till May, 1868. General Schofield succeeded Edwin M. Stanton as Secretary of War, 2 June, 1868, and remained in that office until the close of Johnson's administration, and under Grant until 12 March, 1869, when he was appointed major-general in the U. S. Army and ordered to the Department of the Missouri. He was in command of the Division of the Pacific from 1870 till 1876 and again in 1882 and 1883, superintendent of the U. S. Military Academy from 1876 till 1881, and in command of the Division of the Missouri from 1883 till 1886, when he took charge of the Division of the Atlantic. He is at present (1888) the senior major-general of the U. S. Army, and, under existing laws, will be retired, on reaching the age of sixty-four, in 1895. He was president of the board that adopted the present tactics for the army (1870), went on a special mission to the Hawaiian Islands in 1873, and was president of the board of inquiry on the case of Fitz-John Porter in 1878. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 424.
SCHOULER, William (skool'-er), journalist, born in Kilbarchan, Scotland, 31 December, 1814; died in West Roxbury, Massachusetts, 24 October, 1872. He was brought to this country in 1815, received a common-school education, and engaged in calico printing. He was the proprietor and editor of the Lowell " Courier " in 1841-7, in 1847-53 joint proprietor and editor of the Boston "Daily Atlas," in 1853-'6 one of the editors of the Cincinnati " Gazette," in 1856-'8 editor of the " Ohio State Journal," and in 1858 of the Boston " Atlas and Bee." He was four times elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives and once to the Senate. In 1853 he was a member of the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention, and was chosen clerk of the House of Representatives. In 1857 he was adjutant-general of Ohio, and from 1860 till 1866 held the same office in Massachusetts. He was the author of " History of Massachusetts in the Civil War" (2 vols., Boston, 1868-'71).—His son, James, lawyer, born in West Cambridge (now Arlington), Massachusetts, 20 March, 1839, was graduated at Harvard in 1859, studied law, and began to practise in Boston. In August, 1862, he joined the National army, and served for nearly a year as a lieutenant in the Signal Service. Since 1884 he has been a lecturer in the Boston University Law-School and in the National Law University, Washington. D. C. He has published legal treatises "On Domestic Relations" (Boston, 1870); "On Personal Property" (2 vols., 1873-'6); "On Bailments, including Carriers" (1880); "On Husband and Wife" (1882); "On Executors and Administrators " (1883): and "On Wills "(1887); also a " History of the United States under the Constitution," of which three volumes have been issued (Washington, 1880-'5), and two others, bringing the narrative down to 1861, are now (1888) ready for the press, and soon to be issued. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 427.
SCHRIVER, Edmund, soldier, born in York, Pennsylvania, 16 September, 1812. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1833, and assigned to the 2d U.S. Artillery. On 1 November, 1836, he became 1st lieutenant, and on 7 July, 1838, captain on the staff and assistant to the adjutant-general, serving in the Florida War of 1839. He held the rank of captain in the 2d U.S. Artillery from 17 August, 1842, till 18 June, 1846, resigned his commission on 31 July, 1846, and was treasurer of the Saratoga and Washington Railroad Company, New York, from 1847 till 1852, of the Saratoga and Schenectady Railroad from 1847 till 1861, and of the Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad from 1847 till 1861, being president of the last road from 1851 till 1861. He re-entered the army on 14 May, 1861, as lieutenant-colonel of the 11th Infantry, became aide-de-camp to Governor Edwin D. Morgan, of New York, recruited, organized, and instructed his regiment at Fort Independence, Massachusetts, and became colonel on the staff and additional aide-de-camp on 18 May, 1862, having been made chief of staff of the 1st Corps in the Army of the Potomac He served in the Shenandoah and the Northern Virginia Campaigns, and was appointed colonel on the staff and Inspector-General, U. S. Army, on 13 March, 1863, after serving as acting Inspector-General from January till March, 1863. He was at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, and afterward bore thirty-one battle-flags and other trophies to the War Department. He participated in the Richmond Campaign from the Rapidan to Petersburg, was on special duty under the orders of the Secretary of War from 22 March till 23 June, 1865, and was brevetted brigadier-general, U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services in the field on 1 August, 1864, and major-general, U.S. Army, on 13 March, 1865. From 10 December, 1865, till 15 April, 1871, he was on special duty in the Secretary of War's office and in charge of the Inspection Bureau, and in 1866-'71 was inspector of the U.S. Military Academy, was on a tour of inspection in Texas, New Mexico, and Kansas, and of the recruiting service in 1872–3, prepared reports in Washington, D.C., particularly upon the affairs of the Freedmen's Bureau in 1873, was on duty in the War Department in 1873-'6, and was made inspector of the Division of the Pacific on 29 May, 1876. From 16 November to 15 December, 1877, he was a member of the retiring board in San Francisco, and of the board to examine the case of Dr. William A. Hammond (q.v.), U.S. Army. He was retired in January, 1881. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 427-428.
SCHURZ, Carl, 1829-1906, abolitionist leader, political leader, journalist, lawyer, Union general, Secretary of the Interior. (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 428-429; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 8, Pt. 2, p. 466; American Reformers: An H.W. Wilson Biographical Dictionary, New York, 1985, pp. 726-729)
SCHURZ, Carl, statesman, born in Liblar, near Cologne, Prussia, 2 March, 1829. After studying at the gymnasium of Cologne, he entered the University of Bonn in 1846. At the beginning of the revolution of 1848 he joined Gottfried Kinkel, professor of rhetoric in the university, in the publication of a liberal newspaper, of which he was at one time the sole conductor. In the spring of 1849, in consequence of an attempt to promote an insurrection at Bonn, he fled with Kinkel to the Palatinate, entered the revolutionary army as adjutant, and took part in the defence of Rastadt. On the surrender of that fortress he escaped to Switzerland. In 1850 he returned secretly to Germany, and effected the escape of Kinkel from the fortress of Spandau. In the spring of 1851 he was in Paris, acting as correspondent for German journals, and he afterward spent a year in teaching in London. He came to the United States in 1852, resided three years in Philadelphia, and then settled in Watertown, Wisconsin. In the presidential canvass of 1856 he delivered speeches in German in behalf of the Republican Party, and in the following year he was an unsuccessful candidate for lieutenant-governor of Wisconsin. During the contest between Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln for the office of U. S. Senator from Illinois in 1858 he delivered his first speech in the English language, which was widely published. Soon afterward he moved to Milwaukee and began the practice of law. In 1859-'60 he made a lecture-tour in New England, and aroused attention by a speech in Springfield, Massachusetts, against the ideas and policy of Mr. Douglas. He was a member of the Republican National Convention of 1860, and spoke both in English and German during the canvass. President Lincoln appointed him minister to Spain, but he resigned in December, 1861, in order to enter the army. In April, 1862, he was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers, and on 17 June he took command of a division in the corps of General Franz Sigel, with which he participated in the second battle of Bull Run. He was made major-general of volunteers, 14 March, 1863, and at the battle of Chancellorsville commanded a division of General Oliver O. Howard's corps. He had temporary command of this corps at Gettysburg, and subsequently took part in the battle of Chattanooga. During the summer of 1865 he visited the southern states, as special commissioner, appointed by President Johnson, for the purpose of examining their condition. In the winter of 1865-'6 he was the Washington correspondent of the New York “Tribune,” and in the summer of 1866 he moved to Detroit, where he founded the “Post.” In 1867 he became editor of the “Westliche Post,” a German newspaper published in St. Louis. He was temporary chairman of the Republican National Convention in Chicago in 1868, where he moved an amendment to the platform, which was adopted, recommending a general amnesty. In January, 1869, he was chosen U. S. Senator from Missouri, for the term ending in 1875. He opposed some of the chief measures of President Grant's administration, and in 1872 took an active part in the organization of the Liberal Party, presiding over the convention in Cincinnati that nominated Horace Greeley for the presidency. After the election of 1872 he took an active part in the debates of the Senate in favor of the restoration of specie payments and against the continuation of military interference in the south. He advocated the election of Rutherford B. Hayes in the presidential canvass of 1876, and in 1877 President Hayes appointed him Secretary of the Interior. He introduced competitive examinations for appointments in the interior department, effected various reforms in the Indian Service, and adopted systematic measures for the protection of the forests on the public lands. After the expiration of the term of President Hayes he became editor of the “Evening Post” in New York City, giving up that place in January, 1884. In the presidential canvass of that year he was one of the leaders of the “Independent” movement, advocating the election of Grover Cleveland. He remained an active member of the Civil Service Reform League. Among his more celebrated speeches are “The Irrepressible Conflict” (1858): “The Doom of Slavery” (1860); “The Abolition of Slavery as a War Measure” (1862); and “Eulogy on Charles Sumner” (1874). Of his speeches in the Senate, those on the reconstruction measures, against the annexation of Santo Domingo, and on the currency and the national banking system attracted much attention. He has published a volume of speeches (Philadelphia, 1865) and a “Life of Henry Clay” (Boston, 1887). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 428-429.
SCHUSSELE, Christian, artist, born in Guebvillers, Alsace, 16 April, 1824; died in Merchantville, New Jersey, 20 August, 1879. He studied under Adolphe Yvon and Paul Delaroche in 1842-'8, and then came to the United States. Here, for some time, he worked at chromo-lithography, which he had also followed in France, but later he devoted himself almost, entirely to painting. His best-known works are "Clear the Track" (1851); "Franklin before the Lords in Council" (1856); "Men of Progress " (1857), in Cooper Institute, New York; "Zeisberger Preaching to the Indians" (1859); "The Iron-Worker and King Solomon" (1860); "Washington at Valley Forge" (1862); and " Home on Furlough " and " McClellan at Antietam " (1863). About 1863 he was attacked by palsy in the right hand, and in 1865 he went abroad, undergoing severe treatment, with no apparent benefit. On his return, in 1868, he was elected to fill the chair, then founded, of drawing and painting in the Pennsylvania Academy, which he held until his death. During this period he produced "Queen Esther denouncing Haman," owned by the academy (1869), and "The Alsatian Fair" (1870). Most of the paintings that have been named became widely known through the large prints by John Sartain and other engravers. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 429.
SCOFIELD, Glenni William, born 1817, lawyer, jurist. Republican Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania. Congressman December 1863-March 1875. Voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. V, p. 434; Congressional Globe)
SCOFIELD, Glenni William, jurist, born in Chautauqua County, New York, 11 March, 1817. After graduation at Hamilton College in 1840, he moved to Pennsylvania, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1843. He was a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1850-'l and of the state senate in 1857-'9, and in 1861 was appointed president judge of the 18th Judicial District. He was then elected to Congress as a Republican, and served from 7 December, 1863, till 3 March, 1875. He took an active part in the reconstruction measures, and served on important committees, being chairman of that on Naval Affairs. On 28 March, 1878, he was appointed register of the treasury, and he served until 1881, when he was appointed an associate justice of the U. S. Court of Claims. Hamilton gave him the degree of LL. D. in 1884. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 434.
SCOTT, Dred, slave, born in Missouri about 1810; died after 1857. He was a Negro slave, and about 1834 was taken by his master, Dr. Emerson, an army surgeon, from Missouri to Rock Island, Illinois, and then to Fort Snelling, in what was then Wisconsin Territory. Here he married, and two children were born to him. On his return to Missouri he sued in a local court in St. Louis to recover his freedom and that of his family, since he had been taken by his master to live in a free state. Scott won his case, but his master now appealed to the state supreme court, which, in 1852, reversed the decision of the lower tribunal. Shortly afterward the family were sold to a citizen of New York, John F. A. Sandford, and, as this afforded a ground for bringing a similar action in a Federal Court, Scott sued again for freedom, this time in the U. S. Circuit Court in St. Louis in May, 1854. The case was lost, but an appeal was made to the U. S. Supreme Court, and, the importance of the matter being realized by a few eminent lawyers, several offered to take part in the argument. Those on Scott's side were Montgomery Blair and George T. Curtis, while opposed to him were Reverdy Johnson and Henry S. Geyer. None of these asked for compensation. The case was tried in 1856, and the judgment of the lower court was affirmed. A brief opinion was prepared by Justice Nelson, but before its public announcement it was decided by the court that, in view of the importance of the case and its bearing on the whole slavery question, which was then violently agitating the country, Chief-Justice Taney should write a more elaborate one. Taney's opinion was read, 6 March, 1857, two days after the inauguration of President Buchanan, and excited intense interest throughout the country on account of its extreme position in favor of slavery. It affirmed, among other things, that the act of Congress that prohibited slavery north of latitude 36" 30' was unconstitutional and void. Thomas H. Benton said of this decision that it made a new departure in the working of the government, declaring slavery to be the organic law of the land, while freedom was the exception. The passage that was most widely quoted and most unfavorably commented upon, was that in which Taney described the condition of the Negroes at the adoption of the constitution, saying: "They had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the Negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit." Afterward Scott and his family passed by inheritance to the family of Calvin C. Chaffee, a member of Congress from Massachusetts, and on 26 May, 1857, they were emancipated in St. Louis by Taylor Blow, to whom Mr. Chaffee had conveyed them for that purpose. See Benjamin C. Howard's "Report of the Decision of the Supreme Court, and the Opinions of the Judges thereof, in the Case of Dred Scott" (Washington, 1857); Thomas H. Benton's "Historical and Legal Examination of the Decision in the Dred Scott Case" (New York, 1860); Joel Parker's "Personal Liberty Laws and Slavery in the Territories: Case of Dred Scott" (Boston, 1861); and " Abraham Lincoln, a History," by John Hay and John G. Nicolay. A portrait of Dred Scott, probably the only one in existence, painted from an old photograph, is in the possession of the Missouri Historical Society. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 435-436.
SCOTT, Gustavus Hall, naval officer, born in Fairfax County, Virginia, 13 June, 1812; died in Washington, D. C, 23 March, 1882. He entered the U.S. Navy as midshipman, 1 August, 1828, became passed midshipman, 14 June, 1834, and made two cruises in the West Indies in the " Vandalia" in 1835-6 and 1839-'40, in which he participated in the Seminole War. He was also present off Charleston, South Carolina, during the nullification excitement. He was commissioned lieutenant, 25 February, 1841, and was flag lieutenant of the Pacific Squadron in the frigate "St. Lawrence" in 1852-'3. He was commissioned commander, 27 December, 1856, and served as light-house inspector in 1858-'60. When the Civil War began he resisted the efforts of partisans in his native state to make him join the Confederates. In June, 1861, he commanded the steamer " Keystone State," went in pursuit of the Confederate privateer "Sumter," and capturing the steamer "Salvor" off Tampico, towed her to Philadelphia. He commanded the steamer "Marantanza" in the operations with the army in James River, rendered valuable service in saving stores that were left by the army at Acquia Creek, was on the blockade, and had numerous engagements with Confederate batteries in the sounds of North Carolina in 1862-'3. He was commissioned captain, 4 November, 1863, and commanded the steamer " De Soto," in which he captured several blockade runners in 1864. Subsequently he took charge of the steam sloop "Canandaigua" on the blockade, and was senior officer at the surrender of Charleston, South Carolina, in 1865. He was a member of the examining board for the admission of volunteer officers to the regular navy in 1868, served as light-house inspector in 1869-71, and was promoted to commodore, 10 February, 1869, and to rear-admiral, 14 February, 1873. He was then commander-in-chief of the North Atlantic Squadron until 13 June, 1874, when he was retired, having reached the age of sixty-two years. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 436
SCOTT, John, senator, born in Alexandria, Pennsylvania, 14 July, 1824. His father, of the same name, was a manufacturer and landholder in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, and a member of Congress in 1829-'31. The son received a common-school education, pursued a classical course with private tutors, and then studied law in Chambersburg, was admitted to the bar in 1846, and practised in Huntingdon. He was prosecuting attorney in 1846-'9, and a member of the board of revenue commissioners in 1851, served in the legislature in 1862, and from 1869 till 1875 sat in the U. S. Senate, having been chosen as a Republican. In the Senate, Mr. Scott, on 17 May, 1872, moved the "enforcement bill," authorizing the president to suspend the habeas corpus act in states where "Ku-klux" outrages should occur, and made a speech in its favor. On the expiration of his senatorial term he moved to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and became general counsel of the Pennsylvania Company, and subsequently he was made general solicitor of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in Philadelphia. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 437.
SCOTT, Julian, artist, born in Johnson, Lamoille County, Vermont, 14 February, 1846. At the opening of the Civil War, in 1861, he entered the National Army. Some of his sketches in a military hospital having attracted attention, he became a student at the National Academy, New York, in 1863, and he subsequently studied under Emmanuel Leutze until 1868. He first exhibited at the Academy of design in 1870, and was elected an associate the following year. He was chosen a life-fellow of the American Geographical Society in 1873. Among his works, mostly pictures of army life, are "Rear Guard at White Oak Swamp," owned by the Union league club (1869-'70); "Battle of Cedar Creek," in the state-house at Montpelier, Vermont (1871-'2); "Battle of Golding's Farm " (1871); "The Recall" (1872); "On Board the ' Hartford'" (1874); "Old Records" (1875); "Duel of Burr and Hamilton" (1870); "Reserves awaiting Orders" (1877); "In the Cornfield at Antietam " (1879): "Charge at Petersburg" (1882); "The War is Over" (1885); and " The Blue and the Gray " (1886). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 437.
SCOTT, Orange, 1800-1847, Springfield, Massachusetts, Methodist clergyman, anti-slavery agent, abolitionist leader. Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania. He became active in the anti-slavery cause in 1833. He influenced the Methodist paper, Zion’s Herald, in Boston to advocate for the abolition of slavery and wrote numerous articles on the subject. Scott lectured on abolition while traveling throughout New England. In 1839, he founded and published the American Wesleyan Observer, an anti-slavery publication. Scott withdrew from Methodist Church to co-found the Wesleyan Methodist Church in 1843 with Jotham Horton. He was Manager of the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS), 1838-1840, Executive Committee, 1847-1851, 1853-1855, Recording Secretary 1849-1855. He was a member of the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society.
(Dumond, 1961, pp. 187, 285, 349; Locke, 1901, pp. 93, 140; Mabee, 1970, pp. 46, 228-229; Matlack, 1849, p. 162; Annals of Congress; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 438; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 8, Pt. 2, p. 497; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 19, p. 503; The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, Vol. II. New York: James T. White, 1892, p. 315)
SCOTT, Orange, clergyman, born in Brookfield, Vermont, 13 February, 1800; died in Newark, New Jersey, 31 July, 1847. His parents moved to Canada in his early childhood, and remained there about six years, but afterward returned to Vermont. The son's early education was limited to thirteen months' schooling at different places. He entered the Methodist ministry in 1822, and became one of the best-known clergymen of his denomination in New England. He was presiding elder of the Springfield District, Massachusetts, in 1830-'4, and of Providence District, Rhode Island, in 1834-'5. Mr. Scott was active as a controversialist. About 1833 he became an earnest anti-slavery worker, and his zeal in this cause brought much unpopularity upon him. His bishop preferred charges against him in 1838, before the New England Conference, but they were not sustained. Finally, with others, he withdrew from the church in 1842, and on 31 May, 1843, organized the Wesleyan Methodist Church in a general convention at Utica, New York, of which Mr. Scott was president. Till 1844 he conducted “The True Wesleyan,” in advocacy of the principles of the new church, which were opposed both to slavery and to the episcopal form of church government. In 1846 failing health forced him to retire from the ministry. Besides many contributions to the press, he was the author of “An Appeal to the Methodist Episcopal Church” (Boston, 1838). See his life, by the Reverend Lucius C. Matlack (New York, 1847). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 438.
SCOTT, Robert Kingston, soldier, born in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, 8 July, 1826. His grandfather fought in the Revolution, and his father in the War of 1812–15. The son received a good education, studied medicine, and began practice in Henry County, Ohio. In October, 1861, he became lieutenant-colonel of the 68th Ohio Regiment, of which he was made colonel in 1862. He served at Fort Donelson, Shiloh, and Corinth, led a brigade at Hatchie River, Tennessee, commanded the advance of General John A. Logan's division on the march into Mississippi, and was engaged at Port Gibson, Raymond, and Champion Hills. He was afterward at the head of a brigade in the 17th Corps, was made prisoner near Atlanta, but was exchanged on 24 September, 1864, and was in Sherman's operations before that city and in the march to the sea. He was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers, 12 January, 1865, and also received the brevets of brigadier and major-general in the volunteer army, to date from 26 January and 2 December, 1865, respectively. General Scott was assistant commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau in South Carolina in 1865–8, resigned from the army on 6 July of the latter year, and in 1868 became the first governor of the reconstructed state, having been chosen as a Republican. He was re-elected in 1870 by a majority of 33,534 in a total vote of 136,608. In the autumn of 1871 the governor and other state officers were openly charged with a fraudulent over-issue of state bonds. Governor Scott justified his course in a message to the legislature, and a resolution of impeachment was defeated in that body. Much excitement was also caused in this year by " Ku-klux " outrages, and Governor Scott's appeal to the president to aid in suppressing them, which was done by the use of U. S. troops. Governor Scott afterward moved to Napoleon, Ohio. On 25 December, 1880, he shot and killed Warren G. Drury, aged twenty-three years. Drury and a son of General Scott had been drinking together, and while searching for the boy General Scott met the former, when the shooting took place. He was tried, and acquitted on 5 November, 1881, the defence being that the discharge of the pistol was accidental. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, pp. 438-439.
SCOTT, Thomas Alexander, railroad-manager, born in Loudon, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, 28 Dee., 1824; died in Darby, Pennsylvania, 21 May, 1881. His father, Thomas, who died when the son was ten years old, kept a tavern on the turnpike between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. The boy worked on a farm, attended a village school, served in country stores, and became, on 1 August, 1841, clerk to Major James Patton, collector of tolls on the state road at Columbia, Pennsylvania. In 1847 he was made chief clerk to the collector of tolls at Philadelphia, and in 1850 he became connected with the partially constructed Pennsylvania Railroad, was appointed its general superintendent in 1858, and in 1859 was chosen vice-president. He soon became known as one of the most enterprising railroad men in the country. At the beginning of the Civil War he was appointed on the staff of Governor Andrew G. Curtin, and was very energetic in equipping volunteers and sending them forward to Washington. On 27 April, 1861, he was asked by the Secretary of War to open a new line from Washington to Philadelphia, which he did by way of Annapolis and Perrysville with surprising quickness. He was commissioned colonel of volunteers on 3 May, and on 23 May was given charge of all government railways and telegraphs. On 1 August he was appointed assistant Secretary of War, which office he was the first to hold. Colonel Scott was sent in January, 1862, to organize transportation in the northwest, and in March to perform the same duty on the western rivers. On 1 June he resigned to devote himself to his railway affairs, but on 24 September, 1863, he entered the government service again for a time, and superintended the transportation of two army corps to relieve General William S. Rosecrans at Chattanooga. This he did with remarkable speed, connecting different lines by improvised tracks, and sending out trains in great numbers by every available route. Colonel Scott was instrumental in furthering the policy by which the Pennsylvania Road secured control of its western lines. In 1871, when a separate company was chartered to operate these, he became its president. He was also president of the Union Pacific Railroad from March, 1871, till March, 1872, and in 1874 succeeded to the presidency of the Pennsylvania Road. Failing health forced him to travel abroad in 1878, and on 1 June, 1880, he resigned. To the energy, alertness, and sound business principles of Colonel Scott may be attributed much of the prosperity that has been attained by the road of which he was an officer. Besides his connection with the Pennsylvania system, he was the projector of the Texas Pacific Road, and for many years its president. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 439.
SCOTT, Walter, religious leader, born in Moffat, Dumfries-shire, Scotland, 31 October, 1796; d. in Mayslick, Kentucky, 23 April, 1861. He came of the same ancestry as the novelist. After an academic training he was graduated at the University of Edinburgh, and afterward sailed to the United States, where he arrived, 7 July, 1818. He pursued his studies and taught in New York and Pittsburg, and in the latter city in 1821 he formed an acquaintance with Thomas and Alexander Campbell, which soon became a lasting friendship. The three engaged in an earnest and critical examination of the Bible and of the earlier writers, by which they became convinced that the existing forms of Christianity were in wide departure from the simple discipline of the primitive church. In 1822 the Campbells and Scott had arrived at a harmonious agreement concerning a plan for the union of Christians; and, without desiring to form another sect, they endeavored to draw men together into the original denomination upon common grounds of orthodox religion. In pursuance of this plan, Alexander Campbell now began the publication of the " Christian Baptist," which obtained a large circulation. Scott wrote for this periodical, and at once took the pulpit and proceeded to point out what he considered the glaring defects in the modern manner of preaching the gospel. His powers of oratory were remarkable, and he lived to see an organized ministry preaching to many followers those views of Christianity which had engaged all the faculties of his life. Scott was deeply concerned at the opening of the Civil War, and published “The Union,” a pamphlet in the interest of peace (Cincinnati, 1860). The illness of which he died was intensified at hearing of the attack on Fort Sumter. is published works were “The Gospel Restored” (1854); and “The Messiahship, or the Great Demonstration” (1858), besides briefer contributions to the press explaining his religious views. His life has been written by William Baxter (1874). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 439-40.
SCOTT, Robert Nicholson, soldier, born in Winchester, Tennessee, 21 January, 1838; died in Washington, D.C., 5 March, 1887, attended school in Hartford, Connecticut, and New Orleans, Louisiana, and studied law in San Francisco, California , but was appointed from California 2d lieutenant of infantry, 21 January, 1857, and served on the Pacific Coast till the Civil War, commanding the U.S. steamer “Massachusetts” during the San Juan difficulties in 1859. He was promoted captain in September, 1861, and afterward served on staff duty in the adjutant-general's department. He was with the Army of the Potomac till June, 1863, receiving a major's brevet for gallantry at Gaines's Mill, where he was wounded, and in 1863–4 was senior aide-de-camp to General Henry W. Halleck. He continued to serve on staff duty till 1870, was professor of military science in a school at Faribault, Minnesota, in 1872–’3, and in 1873-'7 commanded Fort Ontario, New York. From 1877 till his death he was in charge of the publication of war records in Washington. He was promoted major in 1879, and lieutenant-colonel in 1885. In 1878 he served as military secretary to a congressional committee on the reorganization of the army. Colonel Scott published “Digest of the Military Laws of the United States” (1872). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 440.
SCOTT, Winfield, soldier, born in Dinwiddie County, near Petersburg, Virginia, 13 June, 1786; died at West Point, New York, 29 May, 1866. He was educated at William and Mary College, studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1806, and in 1808 entered the army as a captain of light artillery. While stationed at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 1809, he was court-martialed for remarks on the conduct of his superior officer, General Wilkinson, and was suspended for one year, which he devoted to the study of military tactics. In July, 1812, he was made lieutenant-colonel and ordered to the Canada frontier. Arriving at Lewiston while the affair of Queenstown Heights was in progress, he crossed the river, and the field was won under his direction; but it was afterward lost and he and his command were taken prisoners from the refusal of the troops at Lewiston to cross to their assistance. In January, 1813, he was exchanged and joined the army under General Dearborn as adjutant-general with the rank of colonel. In the attack on Fort George, 27 May, he was severely hurt by the explosion of a powder-magazine. In the autumn he commanded the advance in Wilkinson's descent of the St. Lawrence—an operation directed against Montreal, but which was abandoned. In March, 1814, he was made a brigadier-general, and established a camp of instruction at Buffalo. On 3 July, Scott's and Ripley's brigades, with Hindman's Artillery, crossed the Niagara River and took Fort Erie and a part of its garrison. On the 5th was fought the battle of Chippewa, resulting in the defeat of the enemy, and on 25 July that of Lundy's Lane, or Bridgewater, near Niagara Falls, in which Scott had two horses killed under him and was twice severely wounded. His wound of the left shoulder was critical, his recovery painful and slow, and his arm was left partially disabled.
At the close of the war Scott was offered and declined a seat in the cabinet as Secretary of War, and was promoted to be major-general, with the thanks of Congress and a gold medal for his services. He assisted in the reduction of the army to a peace establishment, and then visited Europe in a military and diplomatic capacity. He returned to the United States in 1816, and in 1817 married Miss Mayo, of Richmond, Virginia. A part of his time he now devoted to the elaboration of a manual of firearms and military tactics. In 1832 he set out from Fort Dearborn (now Chicago, Illinois.) with a detachment to take part in the hostilities against the Sacs and Foxes, but the capture of Black Hawk ended the war before Scott's arrival on the field. In the same year he commanded the Federal forces in Charleston Harbor during the nullification troubles, and his tact, discretion, and decision did much to prevent the threatened civil war. In 1835 he went to Florida to engage in the war with the Seminoles, and afterward to the Creek country. He was recalled in 1837 and subjected to inquiry for the failure of his campaigns, the court finding in his favor. In 1838 he was efficient in promoting the peaceful removal of the Cherokees from Georgia to their present reservation beyond the Mississippi. The threatened collision with Great Britain, growing out of the disputed boundary-line between Maine and New Brunswick, was averted in 1839, mainly through the pacific efforts of Scott, and the question was finally settled by the Webster Ashburton Treaty of 1842.
By the death of General Macomb in 1841 Scott became Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the United States. In 1847 he was assigned to the chief command of the army in Mexico. Drawing a portion of Taylors troops operating from the Rio Grande, and assembling his force at Lobos Island, on 9 March he landed 12,000 men and invested Vera Cruz. The mortar battery, opened on the siege-guns two days later, and on the 26th the city and the castle of San Juan d' Ulloa capitulated, after nearly 7,000 missiles had been fired. The garrison of 5,000 men grounded arms outside of the city on the 29th. On 8 April, Scott began his march toward Jalapa, and on the 17th reached the Mexican Army under Santa-Anna, which occupied the strong mountain-pass of Cerro Gordo, in a defile formed by the Rio del Plan. On the following morning at sunrise the Americans, 8.500 strong, attacked the Mexican army of more than 12,000, and at 2 p. m. had driven the enemy from every point of his line, capturing 5 generals, 8,000 men, 4,500 stand of arms, and 43 cannon, and killing and wounding more than 1,000, with a loss of less than 500. Paroling his prisoners and destroying most of the stores, Scott advanced on the next day to Jalapa, which he captured on 19 April. Perote was occupied on the 22d, and Puebla on 15 May. Here the army remained, drilling and waiting for re-enforcements till 7 August General Scott had vainly asked that the new troops should be disciplined and instructed in the United States before joining the army in Mexico, and the failure to do this gave Santa-Anna an opportunity to create a new army and fortify the capital. Scott began on 7 August to advance toward the city of Mexico by the National road, and, while diverting the attention of the enemy by a feint on the strong fortress of El Penon on the northwest, made a detour to San Augustin on the south. He then attacked and carried successively Contreras and Churubusco, and could have taken the capital, but an armistice till 7 September was agreed upon to allow the peace commissioner, Nicholas P. Trist, an opportunity to negotiate. At its close, operations were resumed on the southwest of the city, defended by 14,000 Mexicans occupying Molino del Rey, and General Worth's loss was in storming Molino del Rey before the attack on the wooded and strongly fortified eminence of Chapultepec. On 8 September, General Worth with 3,500 men attacked Molino del Rey, capturing much materiel and more than 800 prisoners, but losing one fourth of his command, including fifty-eight officers. On the 13th Chapultepec was stormed and carried, and on the morning of the 14th Scott's army marched into the city and occupied the national palace. There was some street-fighting and firing upon the troops from the buildings, but this was soon suppressed, order was established, and a contribution levied on the city of $150,000, two thirds of which General Scott remitted to the United States to found military asylums. Taxes were laid for the support of the army, and a civil organization under the protection of the troops was created. The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, negotiated by Mr. Trist and other commissioners, Judge Clifford, afterward of the supreme court, of the number, was signed on 2 February, 1848, and soon after Mexico was evacuated by the U. S. troops.
A court of inquiry into the conduct of the war only redounded to the fame of Scott. In 1852 he was the candidate of the Whig Party for the presidency, and received the electoral votes of Vermont, Massachusetts, Kentucky, and Tennessee, all the other states voting for the Democratic candidate, General Pierce. In 1859 General Scott as commissioner successfully settled the difficulty arising from the disputed boundary-line of the United States and British America through the Straits of Fuca.
Age and infirmity prevented him from taking an active part in the Civil War, and on 31 October, 1861, he retired from service, retaining his rank, pay, and allowances. Soon afterward he made a brief visit to Europe, and he passed most of the remainder of his days at West Point, remarking when he arrived there for the last time: "I have come here to die." Two weeks he lingered, and then fell for a short time into a stupor, from which he aroused, retaining entire possession of his mental faculties and recognizing his family and attendants to the last. A few minutes after eleven on the morning of 29 May he passed away so calmly that the exact moment of his death was not known. As Frederick the Great's last completely conscious utterance was in reference to his favorite English greyhound, Scott's was in regard to his magnificent horse, the same noble animal that followed in his funeral procession a few days later. Turning to his servant, the old veteran's last words were: "James, take good care of the horse." In accordance with his expressed wish, he was buried at West Point on 1 June, and his remains were accompanied to the grave by many of the most illustrious men of the land, including General Grant and Admiral Farragut.
General Scott was a man of true courage, personally, morally, and religiously brave. He was in manner, association, and feeling, courtly and chivalrous. He was always equal to the danger—great on great occasions, his unswerving loyalty and patriotism were ever conspicuous and of the loftiest character. All who appreciated his military genius regretted, when the war of the rebellion began, that Scott was not as he had been at the period of his Mexican victories. He had not the popularity of several of his successors among the soldiers. He was too stately and too exacting in his discipline—that power which Carnot calls " the glory of the soldier and the strength of armies." It was to these characteristics that Scott owed his title of “Fuss and Feathers,” the only nickname ever applied to him. Physically he was “framed in the prodigality of nature.” Not even Washington possessed so majestic a presence. As Suwarrow was the smallest and physically the most insignificant looking, so was Scott the most imposing of all the illustrious soldiers of the 19th century, possibly of all the centuries. The steel engraving represents him at upward of threescore and ten. The vignette is from a painting by Ingham, taken at the age of thirty-seven. A portrait by Weir, showing Scott as he was at the close of the Mexican War, is in the U.S. Military Academy. The statue by Henry K. Brown stands in Scott circle, Washington. General Scott was the author of a pamphlet against the use of intoxicating, liquors (Philadelphia, 1821); “General Regulations for the Army” (1825); “Letter to the Secretary of War” (New York, 1827); “Infantry Tactics,” translated from the French (3 vols., 1835): “Letter on the Slavery Question” (1843); “Abstract of Infantry Tactics” (Philadelphia, 1861): “Memoirs of Lieutenant-General Scott, written by Himself” (2 vols., New York, 1864). Biographies of him have been published by Edward Deering Mansfield (New '' 1846); Joel Tyler Headley (1852); and Orville James Victor (1861). See also “Campaign of General Scott in the Valley of Mexico,” by Lieut. Raphael Semmes (Cincinnati, 1852).—His son-in-law. Henry Lee, soldier, born in New Berne, North Carolina, 3 October, 1814; died in New York City, 6 January, 1886, was graduated at the U.S. Military Academy in 1833, and entered the 4th U.S. Infantry as 2d lieutenant. After three years' service in the Gulf States he took part in the war against the Seminoles, and in 1837–8 was engaged in removing Cherokees to the west, after which, until 1840, he served with his regiment as adjutant. In 1842 he was appointed aide-de-camp to General Winfield Scott, whose daughter, Cornelia, he had married, and accompanied him to Mexico in the capacity of chief of staff. He attained the rank of captain on 16 February, 1847, and for his gallantry in the siege of Vera Cruz, the battles of Cerro Gordo and Churubusco, and the capture of the city of Mexico, received the brevets of major and lieutenant-colonel. After the war he was acting judge-advocate of the eastern division in 1848–50, and senior aide-decamp to General Scott from 1850 till 1861. He had been made lieutenant-colonel on the staff on 7 March, 1855, was promoted colonel on 14 May, 1861, and was inspector-general in command of the forces in New York City until 30 October, 1861, when he was retired. Colonel Scott took no part in the Civil War, but was accused of disloyalty to the National cause in having communicated important military information to the enemy before Washington while on a visit to his father-in-law, General Scott. He tendered his resignation on 31 October, 1862, but it was not accepted until four years later. He was the author of “A Military Dictionary” (New York, 1861). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 440-442
SCOTT'S, VIRGINIA, December 19, 1863. 1st Separate Cavalry Brigade, Department of West Virginia. As General Averell was returning from Salem, where the object of the raid on the Virginia & Tennessee railroad had been accomplished, he drove in the Confederate pickets from Scott's, on Barber's creek, and followed them to the top of Middle mountain. No casualties reported. The only mention of the affair in the official records is contained in Confederate reports. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 779.
SCOTTSBORO, ALABAMA, January 8, 1865. 54 men of the 101st U. S. Colored Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 779.
SCOTT'S CROSS ROADS, VIRGINIA, April 2, 1865. 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac . Early in the morning the division, commanded by Brigadier General T. C. Devin, left its camp on the White Oak road and marched to the South Side railroad, striking it between Ford's and Sutherland's stations. Here W. H. F. Lee's division of Confederate cavalry was encountered, but a few rounds from Miller's battery were sufficient to cause the enemy to retire somewhat precipitately. Devin pursued, driving Lee from one barricade to another until Scott's cross-roads, 5 miles north of the railroad, was reached. Here a force of infantry, consisting of Pickett's and Bushrod Johnson's divisions, was found intrenched. The enemy opened with artillery and made several attempts to charge Devin's line, but Miller's battery, supported by Gibbs' brigade, repulsed every charge with considerable loss to the Confederates. At dark the division was drawn back about half a mile and encamped. During the night the enemy moved out several times and felt the line, but no real attack was made. By morning communication was opened with the 5th corps and the rest of the cavalry, but at daybreak on the 3d it was found that the enemy had retired. No casualties reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 779.
SCOTT'S MILLS ROAD, Tennessee January 27, 1864. 13th Kentucky and 23d Michigan Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 779.
SCOTTSVILLE, ALABAMA, April 2, 1865. (See Centerville, same date.) Scottsville, Kentucky, June 11, 1863. 11th Kentucky Infantry. The 11th Kentucky attacked Scottsville early on the morning of the 11th. They were repulsed, but with what loss is not stated. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 779.
SCOVILLE, Joseph A., journalist, born in Connecticut in 1811; died in New York City, 25 June, 1864. He engaged in journalism in New York, and afterward was for some years the private secretary of John C. Calhoun. During the Civil War he was New York correspondent of the London “Herald" and “Standard,” under the signature of “Manhattan,” and in their columns violently opposed the administration of President Lincoln. He published “Adventures of Clarence Bolton, or Life in New York” (London, 1860): “The Old Merchants of New York,” under the pen-name of Walter Barrett, Clerk (4 vols., 1861–6); “Vigor,” a novel (1864); and “Marion” (1864). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 442.
SCRANTON, George Whitefield, manufacturer, born in Madison, Connecticut, 11 May, 1811; d. in Scranton, Pennsylvania, 24 March, 1861. He settled in Oxford, New Jersey, in 1828, where he was a teamster and subsequently a clerk, engaged in the manufacture of iron in 1839, and the next year, with his brother Joseph, built furnaces for smelting ore with anthracite coal in the village of Slocum, Pennsylvania, which was subsequently named Scranton in honor of the brothers. For many years he was president of the Lackawanna and Western, and the Cayuga and Susquehanna Railroads, and in 1858–61 he was a member of Congress, having been elected as a Protectionist Republican. — His brother, Joseph Hand, capitalist, born in Madison, Connecticut, 27 June, 1813; died in Baden Baden, Germany, 6 June, 1872, began life as a clerk in New Haven, subsequently entered business in Augusta, Georgia, and in 1847 settled in the coal region of the Lackawanna Valley, Pennsylvania. With the aid of other members of his family he developed the vast coal and iron interests of that section, and lived to see Scranton, which was a hamlet of two or three houses, become a city with a population of 50,000. He was successively for twenty years the manager, superintendent, and president of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company, and president of several railways and manufacturing and banking institutions. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 442.
SCREWS. In screws the parts are -- the stem, the head, the slit, and the thread. The bottom of the slit of the larger screws of small-arms is concave; the base screw of the rear sight has two holes in the head instead of a slot, in order that it may not be removed by the ordinary screw-driver. The Screw is also a mechanical power. The power applied perpendicular to the axis, is to the weight, as the pitch of the screw s, or the distance between the two threads, is to the circumference described by the point to which the power is applied. Thus, if the power is applied by means of a lever I. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 546-547).
SCRIBNER, Charles, publisher, born in New York City, 21 February, 1821; died in Lucerne, Switzerland, 26 August, 1871. After a year at the University of New York he entered Princeton College, where he was graduated in 1840, and began the study of law, but was obliged by ill health to make a trip to Europe. On his return he formed a partnership in 1846 with Isaac D. Baker, under the firm-name of Baker and Scribner, and began the publishing business. A year or two later Mr. Baker died, and Mr. Scribner continued under the title of Charles Scribner, and later of Charles Scribner and Company. With Charles Welford (who died in May, 1885) he formed in 1857 the house of Scribner and Welford for the importation of foreign books, which is still carried on under the same firm-name. In 1865 he began the publication of "Hours at Home," a monthly magazine, which in 1870 was merged in "Scribner's Monthly," under the editorship of Josiah G. Holland, and which was published by a separate company, Scribner and Company, with Dr. Holland and Roswell Smith as part owners. On Mr. Scribner's death, the next year, the firm of Charles Scribner and Company was reorganized as Scribner, Armstrong, and Company. the partners being John Blair Scribner, Andrew C. Armstrong, and Edward Seymour, and in 1877 the publication-house was moved to 743 Broadway, its present site. Mr. Seymour died 28 April, 1877, and in 1878. when Mr. Armstrong retired, the firm-name was changed to Charles Scribner's Sons, under which form the business has been conducted since 1879 by Charles Scribner and Arthur H. Scribner, younger brothers of John Blair. In 1881 the firm sold out their interest in the magazine company, on the agreement that the name of the magazine and of the company should be altered, and the names were accordingly changed to the "Century Magazine" and the Century Company. Charles Scribner's Sons agreed also not to publish any magazine for five years, but after the expiration of that time, in January, 1887, they began the publication of a new monthly, entitled "Scribner's Magazine," edited by Edward L. Burlingame (7. v.). The house has been from the beginning solely a publishing firm as distinguished from a printing and publishing firm, and this has had an influence on the character of its publications, which have chiefly been confined to the works of contemporary authors. Besides its valuable list of literary and educational works, it has a large subscription department, from which have issued some of the most important and successful publications of the. time. —John Blair, eldest son of Charles, born in New York City, 4 June, 1850; died there, 21 January. 1879, studied at Princeton, and succeeded his father as head of the firm in 1871. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. V, p. 443.
SCULLYVILLE, INDIAN TERRITORY, August 30-31, 1863. 2nd Kansas Cavalry. The only official mention of this action is in the report of Brigadier-General W. L Cabell, of the Confederate army, who says: "On the 30th my scouts encountered the advance guard of General Blunt, 2 miles west of the San Bois, and skirmished with them until within 12 miles of Scullyville (and 20 miles of my camp), where they encamped, within 4 miles of my pickets. About 2 a. m. on the 31st, General Blunt's advance, under Colonel Cloud, attacked my pickets, and, after a brisk engagement (in which I lost 1 man killed and several wounded), drove them back to the main body, under Colonel Thomson, near Scullyville." Seabrook's Point, South Carolina, June 1, 1862. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 779.