Civil War Encyclopedia: Nag-Nye
Nagle through Nye
Nagle through Nye
NAGLE, James, soldier, born in Reading, Pennsylvania, 5 April, 1822; died in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, 22 August, 1866. In 1842 he organized the Washington artillery Company, and, when war was declared against Mexico, he enlisted with it as the 1st Pennsylvania Volunteers. His regiment was stationed at Perote castle to keep open the communication with Vera Cruz during its siege. He assisted in routing a force of guerillas at La Hova, fought at Huamantla, Puebla, Atlixco, entered the city and was finally stationed at San Angel until the close of the war. He was mustered out of service with his company at Philadelphia on 27 July, 1848, and the inhabitants of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, presented him with a sword. In 1851 he was commissioned colonel of the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment, and in that year organized the 48th Pennsylvania, of which he was made colonel. He served at Fort Monroe, Hatteras Island, and Newborn, and commanded a brigade in the 9th Army Corps in the second battle of Bull Run. He was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers on 10 September, 1862, and at Antietam his brigade performed an important part in carrying Antietam bridge, which, according to General McClellan, saved the day. His appointment expired on 4 March, 1863, but was renewed on 13 March, and he served with his brigade in Kentucky until 9 May, when he resigned, owing to impaired health. When General Lee invaded Pennsylvania in June, 1863, General Nagle organized the 39th Regiment of Pennsylvania Militia, was commissioned its colonel, and commanded a brigade, but was mustered out on 2 August, 1863. In 1864 he organized the 149th Pennsylvania Regiment for 100 days' service, became its colonel, and guarded the approaches to Baltimore until the expiration of his service. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 475-476.
NAGLEE, Henry Morris, soldier, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 15 January, 1815; died in San Francisco, California, 5 March, 1886. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1835, and assigned to the 5th U.S. Infantry, but resigned his commission on 31 December of that year and became a civil engineer. At the beginning of the Mexican War he returned to military service, and on 15 August. 1846, became captain in the 1st New York Volunteers, serving through the war. At its close he engaged in banking in San Francisco, California, until the Civil War, when he was reappointed in the U. S. Army with the rank of lieutenant-colonel of the 16th Infantry, 14 May, 1861. He did not join his regiment, but resigned on 10 January, 1862, and was reappointed in the volunteer service with the rank of brigadier-general on 4 February of the same year, he participated in the defence of Washington in 1862, and in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign, being wounded at Fair Oaks. He then led a division in the Department of North Carolina and in the Department of the South at St. Helena Island, and in 1863 commanded the 7th Army Corps and the District of Virginia. On 4 April, 1864, he was mustered out of service. He then resumed banking in San Francisco, and also engaged in vine-culture. His vineyard at San Jose included more than fifty acres, and was devoted chiefly to the cultivation of Riesling and Charhonneau grapes, from which the Naglee brandy is made. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 476.
NAIL BALL is a round projectile with an iron pin projecting from it, to prevent its turning in the bore of the piece. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 428).
NAMOZINE CHURCH, VIRGINIA, April 3, 1865. 3d Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. In the pursuit of the Confederates after the battle of Five Forks, the division, commanded by Bvt. Major-General George A. Custer, moved out on the morning of the 3d on the road leading to Amelia Court House. At Winticomack creek the enemy was found strongly posted on the opposite bank and the bridge was destroyed. Under a heavy canister fire a dismounted force was thrown across the creek and the enemy dislodged from his position. The pursuit was then continued to Namozine Church, where a furious charge was made on Wells' brigade, which was in advance, but it was repulsed by the gallant conduct of the 8th' New York At the church the Confederates divided, Fitzhugh Lee taking the road toward Amelia Court House and W. H. Lee moving toward Bevill's bridge on the Appomattox. Custer directed Wells' brigade to follow the former and Capehart's the latter, while Pennington was ordered to send one regiment of his brigade in support of each and to hold the remainder of his brigade in reserve at the cross-roads. A running fight then ensued on each road, the enemy being driven at the gallop, while prisoners, guns, battleflags, etc., were captured all along the route. At Sweat House creek the enemy was reinforced and made a. stand, temporarily checking the Federal advance. Pennington was ordered up, but before he arrived the enemy retreated and could not be overtaken. Wells captured the greater part of Barringer's brigade. The Union loss was comparatively slight. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 627.
NANCY'S CREEK, GEORGIA, July 18, 1864. (See Buckhead, same date.)
NANSEMOND, RIVER, VIRGINIA, May 3, 1863. During the siege of Suffolk considerable fighting occurred along the Nansemond, the most important engagement occurring on the above date. (See Suffolk, siege of.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 627.
NARROWS, GEORGIA, October 11, 1864. Garrard's Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 627.
NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, March 8, 1862. 4th Ohio Cavalry. A detachment of the 4th Ohio under Major John L. Pugh, while in pursuit of Morgan after the latter had committed several depredations in the vicinity of Nashville, came up with the Confederates near Stone's river. After a short but sharp skirmish the enemy was defeated with a loss of 4 killed and their prisoners were liberated. The remainder swam the river to escape capture. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 627.
NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, July 21, 1862. Detachment of 2nd Kentucky Infantry. Brigadier-General N. B. Forrest, with 700 Confederates, while on a reconnaissance in the direction of Nashville attacked the guard at a railroad bridge, consisting of a portion of the 2nd Kentucky, and after killing 2 and wounding 1, captured the remainder, 80 in number. Later in the day he drove in the Union pickets at Nashville and attempted to draw out the garrison, but was unsuccessful. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 627-628.
NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, October 20, 1862. Union troops commanded by Colonel Miller. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 628.
NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, November 5, 1862. U. S. Forces under Brigadier-General James S. Negley. At 2 a. m. Forrest's Confederate cavalry, about 3,000 strong with 4 pieces of artillery, attacked the Federal pickets to the south of Nashville and simultaneously Morgan with 2,500 men and one piece of artillery made a dash on the 16th Illinois infantry on the north side of the river. After a sharp contest Morgan was repulsed with a loss of 5 killed and 19 wounded. The attack from the south was also repulsed and the enemy pursued for a distance of 7 miles, where Forrest made a stand and brought his artillery into action. The Federals slowly retired, the cavalry in the rear, and the infantry so disposed as to lead an anticipated attack of the enemy against the 14th Michigan. The object was accomplished, the cavalry deployed to allow the infantry to pour in a fire which drove the Confederates back. Negley lost 26 wounded and 19 missing. The Confederate loss, according to Forrest's report, was 21 killed, wounded and missing. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 628.
NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, May 24, 1864. 15th U. S. Colored Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 628.
NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, December 15-16, 1864. U. S. Forces commanded by General George H. Thomas. After the battle of Franklin on November 30, Major-General George H. Thomas, commanding at Nashville, ordered General Schofield to fall back to that city, where Thomas had been industriously engaged for some time in collecting an army of sufficient strength to drive the Confederate forces under General Hood out of the State of Tennessee. General A. J. Smith, with three divisions of the Army of the Tennessee, had been expected to arrive from Missouri in time to reinforce Schofield at Franklin, but he did not reach Nashville until the last day of November. At the time of the battle of Nashville Thomas' army numbered altogether about 55,000 men, though less than 45,000 were actually engaged. The 4th corps, temporarily commanded by Brigadier-General T. J. Wood, General Stanley having been wounded at Franklin, was composed of three divisions commanded respectively by Brigadier-Generals Nathan Kimball, W. L. Elliott and Samuel Beatty; the 23d corps, under Major-General John M. Schofield, consisted of two divisions, the 2nd commanded by Major-General D. N. Couch and the 3d by Brigadier-General J. D. Cox; (the 1st division of this corps was absent on detached duty); three divisions of the Army of the Tennessee, (Major-General A. J. Smith's command) the 1st commanded by Brigadier-General John McArthur, the 2nd by Brigadier-General Kenner Garrard, and the 3d by Colonel J. B. Moore; the provisional detachment of Major-General J. B. Steedman, consisting of one division under the immediate command of Brigadier General Charles Cruft; the post of Nashville, troops of the 20th corps, under command of Brigadier-General John F. Miller; the quartermaster's division, commanded by Bvt. Brigadier-General J. L. Donaldson; the cavalry corps under command of Bvt. Major-General J. H. Wilson, consisting of Croxton's brigade of the 1st division, the 5th division commanded bv Brigadier-General Edward Hatch, the 6th division under command of Brigadier-General R. W. Johnson, and the 7th division under Brigadier-General J. F. Knipe. With this force of infantry and cavalry were 40 batteries of light artillery. Hood's army was organized as follows: Lee's corps, Lieutenant-General S. D. Lee, was composed of the divisions of Johnson, Stevenson and Clayton; Stewart's corps, Lieutenant-General A. P. Stewart, consisted of the divisions of Loring, French and Walthall; Cheatham's corps, Lieutenant-General B. F. Cheatham, included the infantry divisions of Cleburne and Bate, and the cavalry division of General J. R. Chalmers. General Cleburne was killed at the battle of Franklin and his division was commanded at Nashville by Brigadier-General J. A. Smith. The strength of Hood's army has been variously estimated at from 30,000 to 39,000 men of all arms. Colonel Stone, who went into the subject somewhat exhaustively, fixes it at 37,937. Nashville is situated on the south side of the Cumberland river. In December, 1864, several turnpike roads radiated from the city between the southeast and southwest, all running through a country somewhat broken. Six miles due south are the Brentwood hills, along the east side of which ran the Franklin pike, while the Hillsboro pike ran along the western base. Two creeks rise in these hills, their sources being less than a mile apart. Brown's creek flows northeast, emptying into the Cumberland above the city, and Richland creek flows northwest into the river some distance below. Along the ridge between the two streams ran the Granny White pike. The Nolensville pike entered the city from the southeast, crossing Brown's creek not far from the Chattanooga railroad, while north of the railroad, and between it and the river, ran the Murfreesboro, Chicken and Lebanon pikes. Another range of hills near the city had been fortified by order of Thomas. Hood followed Schofield from Franklin and during the afternoon of December 2 his cavalry engaged the Union skirmishers in front of Nashville. The next day the whole Confederate force appeared, the Federal skirmishers were crowded back, and Hood proceeded to form his main line on the hills immediately south of the Union fortifications. The morning of the 4th found his salient on Montgomery hill, within 600 yards of the Union works. Cheatham's corps on the right occupied a position behind Brown's creek, extending from the railroad to the Franklin pike; Stewart's corps formed the center and lay across the Granny White pike, while Smith's corps on the left extended the line to the Hillsboro pike. From there to the river below, across the Hardin and Charlotte pikes, and from Cheatham's right to the river above the cavalry was posted. Having taken this position Hood did not attack the works in front of the city, but spent several days in reducing some of the smaller outlying garrisons and blockhouses along the railroad. This gave Thomas time to complete his preparations, to mount and equip his cavalry and thoroughly organize his troops. General Grant in Virginia and the authorities at Washington grew impatient at the delay, fearing that Hood would eventually elude Thomas, pass round Nashville, and invade Kentucky as Bragg had done in the summer of 1862. But Thomas was guarding the fords and bridges with his cavalry, and the gunboats of Fitch's squadron were patrolling the river above and below the city. General Lyon, with a detachment of Confederate cavalry, did succeed in crossing at Clarksville on the 9th, with a view to destroying the Louisville & Nashville railroad, but Thomas despatched General E. M. McCook, with two brigades of the 1st cavalry division, to look after Lyon, so that the latter's expedition proved fruitless. Grant, however, was of the opinion that Thomas should have given battle before the enemy had time to recover from the blow received at Franklin, and on December 2 he telegraphed Thomas to leave the defenses of Nashville to Donaldson's division and attack Hood at once. Although this telegram was not an official order, its language was scarcely less imperative, but Thomas was so anxious to increase his force of cavalry, and so certain that he could do so within a few days, he decided to wait until he could attack with every assurance of success. In reply to Grant's telegrams Thomas said: "I now have infantry enough to assume the offensive, if I had more cavalry; and will take the field anyhow as soon as the remainder of General McCook's division of cavalry reaches here, which I hope will be in two or three days. We can get neither reinforcements nor equipments at this great distance from the North very easily, and it must be remembered that my command was made up of the two weakest corps of General Sherman's army, and all the dismounted cavalry except one brigade; and the task of reorganizing and equipping has met with many delays, which have enabled Hood to take advantage of my crippled condition. I earnestly hope, however, in a few more days, I shall be able to give him a fight." This explanation was evidently not satisfactory, either to Grant or to Sec. of War Stanton, and Thomas was again urged to attack the enemy in his front. It was a case of the man at the desk a thousand miles away trying to direct the operations of the man in the field. The record of Thomas at Mill Springs and Chickamauga ought to have been a sufficient guarantee of his ability to command an army or to plan a campaign, yet that record availed him nothing now, when the secretary of war and the lieutenant-general of the Federal armies were "spoiling for a fight." On the 6th Grant sent another telegram to Thomas, directing him to attack at once, and to wait no longer to remount his cavalry. To this Thomas replied that he would make the necessary disposition and attack, "agreeably to your orders, though I believe it will be hazardous with the small force of cavalry now at my command." This elicited a sarcastic telegram from Stanton to Grant, in which he said: "Thomas seems unwilling to attack because it is hazardous, as if all war was any but hazardous. If he waits for Wilson to get ready, Gabriel will be blowing his last horn." To such sneers as this the hero of Chickamauga paid no attention, but went quietly ahead completing his arrangements for a battle that was to forever destroy the usefulness of Hood's army as a factor in the War of the Rebellion. By the 9th he was ready to attack, but a severe storm came on, covering the ground with a thick coating of sleet, over which it was impossible to move troops with that celerity so essential to success in making an assault on an enemy. On the 9th General Halleck telegraphed him as follows: "Lieutenant-General Grant expresses much dissatisfaction at your delay in attacking the enemy." To this Thomas replied: "I feel conscious I have done everything in my power, and that the troops could not have been gotten ready before this. If General Grant should order me to be relieved, I will submit without a murmur." He seems to have had a premonition of what was about to occur, for on the same day Grant asked the war department to relieve Thomas and turn over the command of the army at Nashville to Schofield. When notice of this order was received at Nashville, Thomas called a council of his corps commanders and asked their advice, informing them that he was ordered to give battle immediately or surrender his command. The council Was unanimous in the opinion that it was impracticable to make any attack until the ice should melt. The order relieving Thomas was then suspended, but on the 13th Grant again became impatient and ordered General Logan to proceed at once to Nashville, and the next day started for that place himself to assume command of the army in person. By noon on the 14th the ice had melted sufficiently to permit the movement of troops. At 3 p. m. Thomas called together his corps commanders and laid before them his plan of battle for the following morning. Steedman was to make a feint against the enemy's right, while Smith, with the three divisions of the Army of the Tennessee, was to form his troops on the Hardin pike and make a vigorous assault on Hood's left. In this movement Smith was to be supported by Wilson, with three divisions of cavalry, and one division of cavalry was to be sent out on the Charlotte pike to clear that road of the enemy and keep watch on Bell's landing. Wood was directed to leave a strong skirmish line in his works from Lawrens' hill to his right, form the remainder of the 4th corps on the Hillsboro road to support Smith's left, and at the same time move against the left and rear of the salient on Montgomery hill . Schofield, after leaving a strong line of skirmishers in the trenches from Lawrens' hill to Fort Negley, was to move with the rest of the 23d corps and cooperate with Wood, protecting his left against any attack by the enemy. The troops under Donaldson, Miller and Cruft were to occupy the inner line of works and guard the approaches to the city. At 4 a. m. on the 15th everyone within the Federal works was awake, and at daylight the several commands began to move to their assigned positions. A dense fog hung over the field during the early morning hours, completely concealing the movements of the Federal troops. Each officer seemed to feel the injustice of the imputation cast on Thomas, and all now moved as if determined to vindicate the valor of the Army of the Cumberland and the honor and judgment of its commander. At 6 o'clock Steedman moved out on the Murfreesboro pike and 2 hours later began his demonstration against Cheatham's right. This demonstration was so vigorous that it was virtually an assault. The roar of his artillery and the rapid fire of his musketry soon drew Hood's attention to that part of his line. Reinforcements were hurried to Cheatham and Steedman withdrew his men after they had carried part of the enemy's intrenchments, as they were subjected to an enfilading fire and the object of the feint had been gained, though toward noon Colonel Thompson, with three regiments of colored troops assaulted and carried the left of the front line of Confederate works on the Nolensville pike, holding his position there until the next morning. Smith had to move farther than anticipated, and the movements of his men were retarded by the fog and mud, so that it was 10 o'clock before he reached the first of the detached redoubts which Hood had built between his left flank and the river. This was between the Hardin and Hillsboro roads and was manned by a detachment of Walthall's infantry, with 4 pieces of artillery. Hatch and McArthur opened fire on it with their batteries, Coon's cavalry brigade dismounted and charged, carrying the redoubt and capturing the guns. At the same time McArthur charged from another direction and as the enemy was retiring captured 150 prisoners. The captured redoubt was under the fire of another and stronger one, and the two commands now turned their attention to its reduction. Again Coon's brigade, armed with repeating rifles, advanced up the hill, firing as they went, while McArthur was in such close support that the Confederates saw they were doomed to defeat and made the attempt to abandon the redoubt. Just then McArthur ordered a charge, which was successfully made, and 250 prisoners were added to those already taken. In the meantime Hatch had engaged a portion of French's division near Richland creek and driven it back beyond the Hardin house, where Colonel Spaulding, with the 12th Tennessee cavalry made a brilliant charge, capturing 43 prisoners and the headquarters train of Chalmers' division. As soon as Wood heard the sound of Smith's guns, he moved against Montgomery hill, swinging to the left as he advanced in an effort to uncover the enemy's flank. At 1 p. m. Post's brigade of Hearty's division dashed up the hill and over the intrenchments. He was promptly supported by the rest of the division, and the enemy's salient was in possession of the Federals. Wood then threw his reserve brigade of each division to his right and engaged the enemy with his entire corps. This movement of the 4th corps to the right caused Thomas to order Schofield to the right of Smith. In executing this movement Couch's division pushed beyond the second captured redoubt and carried the enemy's line on a. range of hills parallel to the Granny White pike. Cox's division moved st1ll farther to the right, driving the Confederates from the hills along Richland creek. As Schofield was thus moving to the right Smith bore to the left, assaulted Walthall's division behind a stone wall near the Hillsboro road, driving Reynolds' brigade on the left in confusion, and finally routed the entire division. At sunset the whole Confederate army had been driven from its original line and forced back to the Brentwood hills. During the night Hood formed a new line with his right resting on Overton's hill near the Franklin pike and extending from there along the base of the Brentwood hills, his left being refused a little west of the Granny White pike. The Union forces bivouacked on the field, and Thomas gave orders for each corps to move forward at 6 o'clock the next morning, not halting until the enemy should be met. If Hood showed a disposition to accept battle a general attack was to be made, but if he should retreat the whole army was to be pushed forward in pursuit. The battle on the 16th was opened by the advance of the 4th corps on the Franklin pike. The enemy's skirmishers were driven back and Wood pressed forward to the main line of works on Overton's hill. Steedman came up on the Nolensville road and formed on Wood's left, while Smith connected with Wood's right, forming a continuous line of battle. Schofield occupied a position facing east, perpendicular to Smith's line, and Wilson, on the right of Schofield, was directed to gain the enemy's rear with his cavalry. By noon Wilson had reached the rear and stretched his line across the Granny White pike. Thomas then ordered an assault on Overton's hill, in the hope of gaining the Franklin road, thereby cutting off the last avenue of retreat. Morgan's brigade of Steedman's command, with the left brigades of the 4th corps, moved forward to the assault, advancing in the face of a heavy fire of infantry and artillery until near the crest, when a line of reserves arose and opened such a destructive fire that the column was compelled to fall back. The heaviest losses sustained by the Union army was in this attack on Overton's hill. Immediately following Wood's repulse here Smith and-Schofield moved against the enemy's works in their front, carried everything before them, broke the line in a dozen places, captured all the artillery and several thousand prisoners. At the same time Wilson attacked the enemy in the rear, clinching his possession of the Granny White pike and completely shutting off retreat by that road. Wood and Steedman, hearing the shouts of victory on their right, now made another assault on Overton's hill, and although they were met by the same heavy fire as before, the onset was irresistible. As the Federal lines advanced the enemy broke in confusion, leaving all his artillery and many prisoners in the hands of the victorious assailants. On through Brentwood pass the Confederates fled, a disorganized mob, closely pursued by the 4th corps for several miles, or until darkness put an end to the chase for that day. The pursu1t was continued for ten days, but owing to the delays encountered m crossing Rutherford's creek and Duck river, both swollen by recent rains and the bridges destroyed, Hood got so far in advance that he crossed the Tennessee river at Bainbridge on the 26th and the chase was abandoned. The Union loss in the battle of Nashville was 387 killed, 2,562 wounded, and 112 missing. No detailed report of the Confederate losses was made. Hood reached Tupelo, Mississippi, with about 21,000 men. In his report of the campaign he says: "The official records will show that my losses, including prisoners, during the entire campaign do not exceed 10,000 men." On the other hand Thomas officially reports the capture of 13,189 prisoners, and it is known that the Confederate loss in killed and wounded at the battle of Franklin alone was about 5,000, to say nothing of Nashville and the other engagements of the campaign. In addition to the prisoners reported by Thomas, the Union army captured 72 pieces of artillery, and a large number of battleflags. Notwithstanding Grant's severe criticisms of Thomas' delay, he sent a telegram congratulating him on his victory, and Sec. Stanton ordered a salute of 100 guns to be fired on the 16th to celebrate the event. General Cullum, in speaking of the battle of Nashville, says: "The best tactical battle of the war, so decisive in results, was the last and crowning glory of Thomas' campaigns; but it sufficed to stamp him as one of the foremost soldiers of the great civil contest, a general who had never been defeated, and one whose victories had placed him among the greatest heroes of the Republic." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 628-633.
NASHVILLE & CHATTANOOGA R. R., TENNESSEE, December 2-5, 1864. Detachments of the Army of the Cumberland. As the Confederates under General Hood were advancing upon Nashville, they made several attacks on the garrisons at the various blockhouses along the line of the Nashville & Chattanooga railroad. Blockhouse No. 2, located 5 miles from Nashville, was garrisoned by Lieutenant George D. Harter and a small detachment of the 115th Ohio infantry. On the morning of the 2nd a force of the enemy, most of whom wore the Federal uniform, began surrounding the stockade. Before the movement was completed a train came up from Murfreesboro, having on board the 44th and part of the 14th U. S. colored infantry. While the train was still on the Mill creek trestle it was fired upon by the Confederate battery, disabling the locomotive and injuring several men Colonel Lewis Johnson, commanding the colored troops, hurried his men to the blockhouse, where they received ammunition from Harter and joined in the defense of the post. From 10 a. m. until dark an incessant fire of artillery was kept up by the enemy, nearly 500 rounds of solid shot from 10 and 20-pounders being discharged against the garrison. Several times the fire from the blockhouse compelled the enemy to change the position of his guns, but at dark the building was in a state of wreck . The north wing was destroyed, the west wing badly damaged, the main support of the roof had been shot away and the other supports were much weakened. Under the circumstances Harter decided to evacuate the stockade, and accordingly at 3 a. m. on the 3d quietly withdrew and marched with his own detachment and the colored troops to Nashville, where they arrived safely about daylight. The Union loss in this action was 12 killed, 46 wounded and 57 missing. No. 1 blockhouse, 4 miles from Nashville, garrisoned by a few of the 115th Ohio, under Lieutenant J. N. Shaffer, was attacked on the morning of the 3d by artillery. The firing lasted all d-.y and five times the Confederates sent in a flag of truce to demand a surrender, but each time it was refused. Toward evening the ammunition of the garrison was exhausted and Shaffer was unable to continue the fight, so there was nothing left for him but to surrender. On the same day blockhouse No. 3, near Antioch, commanded by Captain D. N. Lowrey, was attacked by a large force of the enemy. Artillery was brought to bear on the garrison and the cannonade was kept up for 36 hours, during which time no less than 90 shots from 10 and 20-pounder guns struck the stockade. At the end of that time, as the enemy showed no signs of withdrawing, Lowrey surrendered the garrison. The blockhouse at Overall's creek, about 4 miles north of Murfreesboro, was attacked on the 4th by Bate's division, with several pieces of artillery. General Rousseau sent General Milroy, with the 8th Minnesota, 61 st Illinois and 174th Ohio, from Murfreesboro to the relief of the garrison. The timely arrival of this reinforcement enabled the garrison to hold its position, as Bate was driven off with a loss of several in killed and wounded and about 20 prisoners. Milroy stated the total number of his casualties as 64, many of whom were only slightly wounded Four miles below Murfreesboro was blockhouse No. 7, garrisoned Dy Company E, 115th Ohio, commanded by Lieutenant H. H. Glosser. This post was attacked on the 4th by General Forrest, with a large force of cavalry and artillery. Of the 76 artillery shots fired at the blockhouse, 32 struck it, though the structure was but slightly damaged. In his report of the affair Glosser says: "General Forrest sent in a flag of truce four times, demanding the surrender of this house, promising to treat me well, and threatening to burn me with Greek fire it I refused. I resolved to believe nothing but such things as I could see; and as I could not see the Greek fire, I thought I would wait until I did." Forrest finally withdrew, but left some sharpshooters, who kept the garrison hemmed in for thirteen days. No casualties here, either during the attack or the siege. General George H. Thomas, commanding the Army of the Cumberland, sent out an order on the 4th to evacuate all the blockhouses between Nashville and Murfreesboro. As soon as this order was received at Murfreesboro couriers were started to notify the commanders of the blockhouses. Sergt. William McKinney, commanding at No. 4, received the order on the 5th, and was preparing to carry it out, when he was attacked by overwhelming numbers and compelled to surrender. Nos. 5 and 6, commanded respectively by Captain W. M. McClure and Lieutenant J. S. Orr, received the order late on the 4th and evacuated early the next morning, just as straggling parties of the enemy had began to make their appearance. Both garrisons were compelled to move by circuitous routes, but reached Murfreesboro that afternoon without casualty. At blockhouse No. 9, near Bellbuckle, the Confederates appeared and sent in a flag of truce to Lieutenant M. S. Hurd, the commander of the garrison, demanding a surrender. Hurd replied: "If you want this blockhouse, come and take it." The enemy evidently had no artillery here, and after firing a few volleys of musketry withdrew. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 633-634.
NAST, Thomas, caricaturist, born in Landau, Bavaria, 27 September, 1840. He was brought to the United States by his father in 1846. When a boy of fourteen he spent about six months in the drawing classes of Theodore Kaufmann, and then, with no other preparatory art-instruction, was engaged as a draughtsman on an illustrated paper. In 1860 he went to England as special artist of a New York weekly paper, and thence he went, to Italy, where he followed Garibaldi, making sketches for the “New York Illustrated News," the "London Illustrated News." and " Le Monde Illustre" of Paris. He returned to New York in 1861, and in July, 1862, began drawing war sketches for "Harper's Weekly." His very first political caricature, an allegorical design that gave a powerful blow to the Peace Party, was a success; it brought him at once into public notice, and he immediately became popular. Besides his work for "Harper's Weekly,'' by which he is best known, he has drawn for other comic papers, has illustrated several books, notably those of "Petroleum V. Nasby," and for several years after 1872 he issued "Nast's Illustrated Almanac." In 1866 he executed a series of sixty caricatures of well-known men in water-colors for " Bal d'opera," and in 1873 he lectured in the principal cities of the United States, drawing caricatures on the stage, by way of illustration, in black and white, and also with colored crayons. He appeared again on the lecture platform in 1885, executing landscapes in oil and other sketches with extreme rapidity, and a third time in 1887. In his particular line, pictorial satire, Nast stands in the foremost rank, and his talent in that respect has been productive of some excellent results, as in the overthrow of the Tweed ring in New York City. He has always been a Republican, but in 1884 he gave the Democratic candidate his support. Mr. Nast's friends in the U. S. Army and Navy presented him in 1879 with a testimonial in the shape of a silver cup. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 480-481.
NATCHEZ, MISSISSIPPI, July 31, 1863. (See Saint Catherine's creek.)
NATCHEZ, MISSISSIPPI, November 11, 1863. 58th U. S. Colored Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 634.
NATCHEZ, MISSISSIPPI, December 7, 1863. Mississippi Marine Brigade. Brigadier-General Wirt Adams, of the Confederate army, in his report of operations about Natchez, states that at about daylight on the 7th he attacked the Union position near the city and after one regiment had skirmished for a short time the Federals retired. No casualties were reported. Adams' report is the only one found in the official records, so that it is not definitely known what Union troops were engaged, but as the Marine brigade was in the vicinity at the time it was probably the participant. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 634.
NATCHITOCHES, LOUISIANA, March 31, 1864. Cavalry Division, Department of the Gulf. The itinerary of the cavalry division during the Red River campaign contains the following: "March 31.—The command moved forward at an early hour, and met with no resistance until about 1 p. m., when a small force of rebels was encountered about 6 miles from Natchitoches. The rebels, 1,000 strong, with 4 pieces of artillery, were driven rapidly through the town, losing several killed and wounded and 35 prisoners." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 634.
NATCHITOCHES, LOUISIANA, April 6, 1864. 19th Army Corps. When the 19th corps moved out of Natchitoches on the 6th there was slight skirmishing in the Federal front with no casualties reported. The movement was an incident of the Red River campaign. Natchitoches, Louisiana, April 19, 1864. 4th Brigade, Cavalry Division, Banks' Red River Expedition. During the Red River campaign this brigade was commanded by Colonel Nathan A. M. Dudley, who made no report of his operations. On the 20th he was relieved by the 1st brigade, 1st division, 16th corps. (See article following.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 634.
NATCHITOCHES, LOUISIANA, April 20-22, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 16th Army Corps. On the 20th this brigade broke camp at Grand Ecore and marched 5 miles to Natchitoches, where a line of battle was formed and continuous skirmishing kept up until the morning of the 22nd, when the balance of the 16th and all of the 17th corps arrived and the enemy was forced back across Cane river. No casualties reported on either side. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 634.
NATURAL BRIDGE, FLORIDA, March 6, 1865. 2nd and 99th U. S. Infantry, Colored. At daylight Major Benjamin Lincoln with two companies of the 2nd U. S. colored infantry drove the advanced pickets of the Confederates over the Natural bridge, further pursuit being stopped by a deep slough. Learning that there was no other way of crossing it was determined to force a passage and while three companies attempted a direct assault three others were to attempt to turn the Confederate right. The enemy fled from their works on Lincoln's approach, and again the slough stopped further progress. No casualties were reported. The affair was one of the incidents of the operations about Saint Mark's. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 635.
----------------------------- January 2, 1865. Cavalry Detachment, Army of the Cumberland. Colonel W. J. Palmer, of the 15th Pennsylvania cavalry, with his own regiment and detachments of the 2nd Tennessee, 10th, 12th and 13th Indiana cavalry, was in pursuit of the Confederates as they retreated from Tennessee, after Hood's decisive defeat at Nashville. The enemy's pontoon train was captured near Russellville on December 31, and Palmer pushed on through Nauvoo after the supply train. From Nauvoo he turned westward on the Aberdeen road and came up with the train about 10 p. m., just across the state line in Itawamba county, Mississippi The Confederates after a slight resistance fled in confusion, leaving 110 wagons and over 500 mules as spoils to the victorious pursuers. No casualties reported. (Although this action is given as Nauvoo, Alabama, it really occurred about 40 miles from that place in a northwesterly direction.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 635.
NEABSCO CREEK, Virginia, December 19, 1862. (See Occoquan, same date.)
NEW MATTER. It is not proper that the prosecutor should be allowed to introduce new matter, neither should it be admitted on the defence. There is a great difference between new matter of accusation and facts proved by evidence to mitigate the sentence. The latter are not new matter in its strict sense; (HOUGH'S Military Law Authorities.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 428).
NEAL, Elizabeth, delegate to the (Garrisonian) Anti-Slavery Society, Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, Eastern Branch, Philadelphia. Attended the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London in June 1840. (Dumond, 1961, p. 286)
Neal Dow Station, Georgia, July 4, 1864. (See Ruff's Station.) Neal's Gap, Alabama, September 1, 1863. Negro Head Cut, Kentucky, April 27, 1863. Detachment, 102nd Illinois and mth Ohio Infantry. This detachment, under command of Colonel Benjamin J. Sweet of the 21st Wisconsin, acting as guard for a passenger train between Franklin and Woodburn, had a rather sharp skirmish in Negro Head cut. The engineer noticed a rail removed for the purpose of throwing the train off the track and brought the train to a stop. The troops on board were at once disembarked and formed under cover of the railroad embankment on the opposite side from the Confederates. After brisk firing for a few minutes the enemy broke and fled, pursued for 2 miles by a company of the mth Ohio. The casualties were 5 wounded, 2 mortally, on the Union side; 4 Confederate dead and 4 wounded were left on the field. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 635
NEALL, Elizabeth, abolitionist leader, women’s rights activist. Executive Committee of the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (PFASS). Officer, Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society (PASS). Attended World’s Anti-Slavery Convention in London, 1840. Wife of abolitionist Daniel Neall. (Sinha, 2016, pp. 288-289; Yellin, 1994, pp. 84, 301-302, 307, 316, 332-333)
NEALL, Rebecca Bunker, abolitionist, member of the New England Non-Resistance Society (Yellin, 1994, pp. 292-293)
NEEDLES, John, Baltimore, Maryland, abolitionist, American Anti-Slavery Society, Vice-President, 1838-1840, 1840-41
NEEDLES, Mary, abolitionist, Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society (PFASS), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Yellin, 1994, pp. 74, 80)
NEGLEY, James Scott, soldier, born in East Liberty, Alleghany County, Pennsylvania, 20 December, 1826. He was educated at Western University, enlisted as a private in the 1st Pennsylvania Regiment in 1846, and served in most of the important engagements during the Mexican War, at the conclusion of which becoming a fanner and horticulturist. He raised a brigade of three months' volunteers at the beginning of the Civil War, was commissioned brigadier general of volunteers in April, 1861, served in Alabama and Tennessee with the Army of the Ohio, and at the battle of Lavergne, 7 October, 1862, was in command, defeating the Confederates under General Eichard H. Anderson and General Nathan B. Forrest. He was promoted major-general for gallantry at Stone River, 29 November, 1862, was engaged in the Georgia Campaign, and at the battle of Chickamauga, 19-20 September, 1863, held Owen's Gap. He settled in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, after the war and represented that city in Congress in 1869-'70 and in 1885-'7, being elected as a Republican. He then moved to New York City. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 487.
NEILL, John, physician, born in Philadelphia, 9 July, 1819; died there, 11 February, 1880. His father, Henry, was a well-known physician of Philadelphia. The son was graduated in arts at the University of Pennsylvania in 1837 and in medicine in 1840. He began practice in Philadelphia, spent a short time in the West Indies in 1841, and in 1842 was appointed assistant demonstrator of anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania, where in 1845 he became demonstrator. In 1847 he was elected surgeon to Wills Hospital and lectured on anatomy at the. Medical Institute of Philadelphia, and in 1849 he was appointed physician to the Southeastern Cholera Hospital, where his method of treatment formed the basis of a report that was published by the College of Physicians and Surgeons. He was elected professor of surgery in Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, in 1854, surgeon to the Philadelphia Hospital in 1855, surgeon in charge of military hospitals in Philadelphia in 1861, and organized the first eight general hospitals of that city. In 1862 he was commissioned surgeon of U. S. Volunteers, and in 1863 appointed medical director of the forces from Pennsylvania. The same year he was brevetted lieutenant-colonel for meritorious services. Dr. Neill established the hospital at Dickinson College after the bombardment of Carlisle, also the hospitals at Hagerstown, and was afterward appointed port surgeon at Philadelphia. In 1874 he became professor of clinical surgery in the University of Pennsylvania, which chair he resigned in May, 1877. In addition to many articles in medical journals he wrote " Neill on the Veins" (Philadelphia. 1852): and. in connection with Professor Francis G. Smith, "Neill and Smith's Compend of Medicine" (Philadelphia, 1848). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 487.
NIELL, Edward Duffield, author, born in Philadelphia, 9 August, 1823. after studying at the University of Pennsylvania, was graduated at Amherst in 1842. He studied theology at Andover and Philadelphia, was a Presbyterian minister in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1849-'60, and has been pastor of the Reformed Episcopal Church of that city since 1884. He was superintendent of public instruction, and chancellor of the University of Minnesota in 1858-'61; chaplain of the 1st Minnesota Regiment, and hospital chaplain in 1861-4: secretary to the president of the United States for signing land patents in 1864-'9; and U. S. consul at Dublin, Ireland, in 1869-70. He was president of Macalester College, Minneapolis, in 1873-'84, and since 1884 has been professor of history, literature, and political economy in that institution. He has received the degree of D. D. from Lafayette College. His principal works are, "History of Minnesota" (Philadelphia, 1858); "Terra Maria;, or Threads of Maryland Colonial History" (1867); "Virginian Company of London" (Albany, 1808): "English Colonization of America " (London, 1871); "Founders of Maryland" (Albany, 1876): "Virginia Vetusta, the Colony under James the First" (1885); "Virginia Carolorum" (1886); and " Concise History of Minnesota" (Minneapolis, 1887). He has written many articles for historical magazines, and has been a frequent contributor to the publications of the Minnesota Historical Society. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 487-488.
NIELL, Thomas Hewson, soldier, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 9 April, 1826; died there, 12 March, 1885, passed two years in the University of Pennsylvania, and was then appointed to the U. S. Military Academy, where he was graduated in 1847. He was assigned to the infantry, and served on frontier duty till the Civil War, with the exception of the years 1853-'7, when he was assistant professor of drawing at West Point. He was promoted 1st lieutenant, 31 July, 1850, and captain, 1 April, 1857, and, after doing duty in the mustering and organization of regiments early in the Civil War, became, on 17 February, 1862, colonel of the 23d Pennsylvania Volunteers. He served through the Peninsular Campaign, where he was brevetted major. U. S. Army, for gallantry at Malvern Hill, commanded a brigade in the Maryland Campaign, where he guarded the crossings of the Potomac in September and October, 1862, and on 29 November was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers. He was in the Rappahannock Campaign, received the brevet of lieutenant-colonel for his services at the battle of Chancellorsville, was engaged at Gettysburg after a forced march of thirty-five miles, and took part in the succeeding operations of the Army of the Potomac till the autumn of 1864, being brevetted colonel for gallantry at Spottsylvania. He was acting inspector-general in Sheridan's Shenandoah Campaign, and at the close of the war received the brevets of brigadier-general, U. S. Army, and major-general of volunteers. He then served in various capacities till 1869, when he was made lieutenant-colonel of the 1st U.S. Infantry and commanded the general recruiting depot at Governor's Island, New York, till 1871, when, having been transferred to the 6th U.S. Cavalry, he commanded that regiment on the frontier, operating against the Cheyenne Indians in 1874-'5. He was commandant of cadets at the U. S. Military Academy from 1875 till 1879, when he became colonel of the 8th U.S. Cavalry, and on 2 April, 1883, he was retired for "disability in the line of duty." He was a very handsome man, and was popularly known as " Beau Neill." Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 488.
NELL, Lavinia, African American, abolitionist (Yellin, 1994, p. 58n40)
NELL, Louisa, African American, abolitionist (Yellin, 1994, p. 58n40)
NELL, William Cooper, 1816-1874, African American, abolitionist leader, author, civil rights activist, community leader. Wrote Services of Colored Americans in the Wars of 1776 and 1812. First African American to be appointed a clerk in the U.S. Post Office. Active in equal rights for African American school children in Boston, Massachusetts.
Mabee, 1970, pp. 98, 105, 116, 124, 126, 150, 157, 164, 165, 166, 171-181, 291n24, 295, 337; Rodriguez, 2007, p. 54; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 489; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 7, Pt. 1, p. 413; Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., & Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, eds. African American National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2013, Vol. 8, p. 429)
NELL, William Cooper, author, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 20 December, 1816; died there, 25 May, 1874. He was of African descent. He was graduated at Boston Grammar-School, winning a medal for scholarship, read law with William I. Bowditch, and was prepared for admission to the bar, but by advice of Wendell Phillips would not take the oath of allegiance to the constitution with slavery. He became a clerk in the Boston Post-Office in 1861, being the first colored man to hold a post under the National government, and remained there till his death. Mr. Nell was active in his efforts for the improvement of his race, obtaining equal school privileges for the colored youth of Boston, and forming many literary societies. Besides several pamphlets, he published “Services of Colored Americans in the Wars of 1776-1812”; and “Colored Patriots of the American Revolution,” with an introduction by Harriet Beecher Stowe (Boston, 1855). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 489.
NELSON, Daniel Thurber, physician, born in Milford, Massachusetts, 16 September, 1839. He was graduated at Amherst in 1801, and at Harvard Medical school in 1865. Meanwhile, in 1861-'2, he was a medical cadet at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and in 1863-'5 acting assistant surgeon in the armies of the James and of the Potomac. Dr. Nelson then established himself in Chicago and engaged in general practice, giving special attention to gynecology. In 1866 he was elected professor of physiology and histology at Chicago Medical College, which chair he then held until 1880, and in 1881 he was made adjunct professor of gynecology at Rush Medical College. He is also attending physician at Mercy Hospital. Dr. Nelson has invented an improved trivalve speculum and other surgical instruments. His publications have been restricted to contributions to the medical journals. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 490.
NELSON, David, Quincy, Illinois, abolitionist. American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS), American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society (AFASS).
NELSON, David, 1793-1844, Tennessee, abolitionist leader, Army surgeon, clergyman. Pastor in the Presbyterian Church, Danville, Kentucky, in 1828. Slaveholder who freed his enslaved persons. President of Marion College, Palmyra, Missouri. Advocate of compensated emancipation. Agent for the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS). (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 491; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 7, Pt. 1, p. 414; Dumond, 1961, pp. 92, 135, 199, 223; Mabee, 1970, p. 35; Rodriguez, 2007, p. 617)
NELSON, David, clergyman, born near Jonesborough, Tennessee, 24 September, 1793; died in Oakland, Illinois, 17 October, 1844. He was educated at Washington College, Virginia, and studied medicine at Danville, Kentucky, and Philadelphia, where he was graduated. He went to Canada with a Kentucky regiment as surgeon in the war of 1812, subsequently accompanied the Army of General Andrew Jackson to Alabama and Florida, and after the establishment of peace settled in practice in Jonesborough. He had early in life made a profession of religion, but had relapsed into infidelity. Becoming convinced anew of the truth of Christianity, he left a lucrative professional career to enter the Presbyterian ministry, and was licensed in April, 1825. He preached for nearly three years in Tennessee, and at the same time was connected with the “Calvinistic Magazine” at Rogersville. In 1828 he succeeded his brother Samuel as pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Danville, Kentucky, and in 1830 he moved to Missouri and established Marion College, twelve miles from Palmyra, of which he became president. In 1836, in consequence of the slavery question, Dr. Nelson, who was an ardent advocate of emancipation, moved to the neighborhood of Quincy, Illinois, and established an institute for the education of young men. In addition to articles for the religious press, he published “Cause and Cure of Infidelity” (New York, 1836), which has been republished in London and elsewhere. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 491.
NELSON, Homer A., Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery (Congressional Globe)
NELSON, Samuel, jurist, born in Hebron, Washington County, New York, 10 November, 1792; died in Cooperstown, New York, 13 December, 1873. He was of Scotch-Irish lineage; his ancestor emigrated to this country in 1760, settling in Salem, New York. Samuel was graduated at Middlebury in l813, studied law in Salem under Chief Justice Savage, and in 1817 was admitted to the bar of Madison, New York. In trying his first suit in the court of common pleas he detected an error in practice on the part of his opponent, procured a stay of proceedings, and ultimately gained his cause. This success gave him reputation and clients. His first appearance in politics was in 1820, when he was a presidential elector, he was a delegate to the state constitutional convention in 1822, in which he advocated the excision of the property qualification of voters, was circuit judge in 1823-'31, at the latter date became associate justice of the supreme court of New York, and in 1837 was elevated to the chief justiceship, presiding for eight years. he was a member of the state constitutional convention in 1844 which made the office of judge elective, and in 1845 was appointed by President Tyler to succeed Judge Smith Thompson on the Supreme Court of the United States. In this court his decisions commanded the respect of bar and bench. In the famous Dred Scott case he concurred with the decision of Chief-Justice Taney, urging that if congress possessed power under the constitution to abolish slavery, it must necessarily possess the like power to establish it. During the Civil War his conservatism as well as his life-long political affinities led him to regret what he considered the encroachments of the military on the civil power, but his relations with the administration were harmonious, and his loyalty was unquestioned. In 1871 he was appointed by President Grant to serve on the joint high commission to arbitrate the "Alabama" claims on the part of the United States. This duty required a temporary cessation of his attendance on the bench, and exposure during the meetings of the commission caused an illness that compelled his resignation in October, 1872. Judge Nelson was of a grave and dignified appearance, slow in forming his judgments and reluctant to express them if they were unfavorable. He received the degree of LL. D. from Columbia in 1841. —His son, Rensselaer Russell, jurist, born in Cooperstown, New York, 12 May, 1826, was graduated at Yale in 1846, studied law, and in 1849 was admitted to the New York City bar. He moved to St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1850, became associate justice of the supreme court of the territory in 1857, and in 1858 U. S. District Judge of the state of Minnesota, which office he still (1888) holds. In 1875 an opinion that he delivered on the civil rights bill attracted attention from the liberality of its views. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 490-491.
NELSON, Thomas Amos Rogers, Congressman, born in Roane County, Tennessee, 19 March, 1812: died in Knoxville, Tennessee, 24 August, 1873. He was graduated at. East Tennessee College in 1828, admitted to the bar in 1832, and appointed U. S. District Attorney for the 1st District of Tennessee the next year. He canvassed this district as a candidate for elector on the Clay ticket in 1844 and for General Taylor in 1848. Mr. Nelson was appointed U. S. minister to China in 1851, but declined, and in 1858 was elected to Congress as a Democrat, serving in 1859-'61. During the Civil War he adhered to the Union, and at its close he did much to conciliate conflicting factions. He was one of the counsel that defended President Johnson on his impeachment in 1868, and in 1870 was elected a judge of the state supreme court, but resigned after one year's service. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 482.
NELSON, Thomas Henry, diplomatist, born in Mason County, Kentucky, 12 August, 1824. He studied law in Maysville, Kentucky. and moved to Rockville and subsequently to Terre Haute, Indiana. where he was a leader of the Whig Party and afterward a founder of the Republican Party. He served several times in state and national conventions and was a candidate for Congress, but was defeated. In 1861-'6 he was U. S. minister to Chili, and won great personal popularity by his bravery in the rescue of numerous persons at the burning of the Santiago Cathedral, 6 December, 1864. He also took an active part as mediator in the war between Chili and Spain in 1864-'6. He was U. S. minister to Mexico in 1869-'73. Since the expiration of his term of office he has practised law in Washington, D. C, and in Terre Haute, Indiana [Brother of General William Nelson]. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 492-493.
NELSON, William, soldier, born in Maysville, Kentucky, in 1825; died in Louisville, Kentucky, 29 September, 1862, entered the U. S. Navy in 1840, commanded a battery at the siege of Vera Cruz, and afterward served in the Mediterranean. He became master in 1854, lieutenant in 1855, and in 1858 was ordered to the "Niagara," in which he carried back to Africa the Negroes that were taken from the slaver "Echo." He was on ordnance duty in Washington, D. C, at the beginning of the Civil War, was promoted lieutenant-commander in 1861, and was in charge of the gunboats on Ohio River, but soon exchanged the naval for military service, and in September became brigadier general of volunteers. He organized Camp Dick Robinson, between Garrardsville and Danville, Kentucky, and another in Washington, Mason County, Kentucky, was successful in several engagements in eastern Kentucky, raised several regiments, commanded the 2d Division of General Don Carlos Buell's army, which was the first to join General Grant at the battle of Shiloh, and was wounded at Richmond, Kentucky. He was in command at Louisville when that city was threatened by General Braxton Bragg, and in July, 1862, was appointed major-general of volunteers. He was shot to death by General Jefferson C. Davis in an altercation with that officer at the Galt house, in Louisville, Kentucky [Brother of Thomas Henry Nelson]. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 493.
NELSON'S BRIDGE, LOUISIANA, October 4, 1863. (See New Iberia.)
NELSON'S FARM, VIRGINIA, June 30, 1862. This is one of the names given to the battle of Glendale, for a full account of which see Seven Days' Battles. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 635.
NEOSHO, MISSOURI, July 5, 1861. Detachment of 3d Missouri Infantry. On hearing cannonading outside the town, Captain Joseph Conrad, commandant of the post, despatched a patrol of 20 men to learn the cause. About 2 hours later the patrol returned followed by five companies of Confederate soldiers, who demanded an unconditional surrender of the garrison of 80 men. It was made without the firing of a shot. Neosho, Missouri, April 26, 1862. Detachment of 1st Missouri Cavalry. Lieutenant-Colonel C. B. Holland reporting from Cassville on May 1, says: "Major Hubbard, commanding 1st Missouri cavalry, with 146 of his men, fought and routed Colonels Coffee and Stand Watie and 200 Indians at Neosho on the 26th, killed and wounded 30, and took 62 prisoners and 70 horses and a large quantity of arms." Stand Watie's report puts the Confederate loss at 2 killed and 5 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 635.
NEOSHO, MISSOURI, May 31, 1862. Detachments of 14th Missouri Infantry (Militia) and 10th Illinois Cavalry. This force under Colonel John M. Richardson was attacked about 8 a. m. by Confederates and Indians under Colonels Stand Watie and Coffee. Richardson formed his troops and ordered a charge, but instead of advancing toward the enemy the men turned and fled, followed by the Confederate cavalry for some distance. Richardson's loss was 8 wounded and 3 captured or missing, while the Confederates had 1 man killed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 635-636.
NEOSHO, MISSOURI, August 21, 1862. 6th Missouri Cavalry. This affair was the driving out of a Confederate detachment in a hasty retreat. The Federal cavalry followed until the enemy had passed Pineville. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 636.
NEOSHO, MISSOURI, October 4, 1863. Detachments of the 6th and 8th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. Captain Charles B. McAfee, with a detachment of the 6th regiment, entered the town of Neosho, just as Captain Coffee's Confederate company entered it from another. McAfee attacked with such vigor that the enemy was soon driven from the town, but he was reinforced by a large detachment of Shelby's cavalry and returned, forcing the Union men to take shelter in the court-house, which place was defended for an hour and a half, when the ammunition was about exhausted and McAfee surrendered. While this was going on a scouting party of the 8th regiment, under Captain Milton Burch, overtook some 30 Confederates at Widow Wheeler's place, near Neosho, routed and pursued them for some distance, killing 10 and capturing 2 without any loss to the Federals. These affairs were incidents of Shelby's Missouri raid. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 636.
NEOSHO, MISSOURI, November 4-6, 1863. Detachment of 8th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. When this detachment entered the town on the 4th it skirmished with and drove out a band of bushwhackers, killing 1 of the number and losing 1 killed. On the 6th about 70 of the Union troops attacked 30 bushwhackers on Butler's creek, near Neosho, killing 8 of them. The Federals were commanded by Captain James J. Akard. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 636.
NEOSHO, MISSOURI, June 3, 1864. Detachment of 8th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. A band of 20 bushwhackers fired upon 2 men of Company L, 8th Missouri, 3 miles from Neosho. One man was killed and the other captured. A rescuing party was immediately sent out from Neosho and overtook the guerrillas 10 miles out. In the fight which ensued 4 of the enemy were killed and the rest of the band scattered. One of the attacking Federals was killed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 636.
NESMITH, James Willis, 1820-1885, jurist, lawyer. U.S. Senator from Oregon. U.S. Senator 1861-1867. Voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery. (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 494-495; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 7, Pt. 1, p. 430; Congressional Globe)
NESMITH, James Willis, senator, born in New Brunswick, Canada, 23 July, 1820; died in Polk County, Oregon, 17 June, 1885. He was left an orphan at an early age, received no education, and was forced to earn his livelihood. He moved to the United States, and in 1843 went with the first emigrants to Oregon, where he took an active part in forming the provisional government. He was made a judge in 1845, having studied law during two years in Oregon City. He commanded as captain two expeditions against the Indians during the Cayuse War of 1848, and the Yakima War in 1855. In 1853-'5 he was U. S. Marshal for Oregon. He was appointed superintendent of Indian Affairs for Oregon and Washington Territories in 1857, and was elected U. S. Senator for the term from 1861 till 1867, serving on the committees on Military and Indian affairs, a special committee that was appointed to visit the Indian tribes of the west, and those on Commerce and Revolutionary Claims. He was a delegate to the Philadelphia Union Convention of 1866, and subsequently was appointed U. S. minister to Austria, but was not confirmed. While engaged in farming in Oregon he was elected to Congress as a Democrat to fill a vacancy, serving from 1 December, 1873, till 3 March, 1875. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 494-495.
NESMITH, John, manufacturer, born in Londonderry, New Hampshire, 3 August, 1793; died in Lowell, Massachusetts, 15 October, 1869. After serving an apprenticeship in a country store he entered into business with his brother Thomas, and, removing to New York, became a successful merchant. In 1831 he settled in Lowell, Massachusetts, and invested largely in real estate, Purchasing the Gedney estate in Belvidere with its large mansion, the Old Yellow House, which was erected in 1750, and is still in possession of his family. He then laid out several streets, giving his name to one of them, and his purchase, being made soon after the formation of the Merrimac Manufacturing Company, secured him much wealth. He was a large owner in the Merrimac Woollen-Mills Company, and made a large sum by obtaining the supply of water in Winnipiseogee and Squam Lakes as reservoirs for the Lowell Mills in dry seasons. He secured the site for the city of Lawrence, and also the control of water-power there. Mr. Nesmith invented a machine for making wire-fences, and another for making shawl-fringe. He held various political offices in Lowell, and contributed largely to the pecuniary support of the anti-slavery movement. He served as an elector on the Lincoln tickets of 1860 and 1864, was lieutenant-governor of Massachusetts in 1862, declined a re-election in 1863, and was appointed collector of internal revenue for his district in 1863, holding this office until a few days before his death. He provided in his will for the foundation of a "Nesmith Fund" for the support, education, and maintenance of the indigent blind of New Hampshire, and also bequeathed money for a public park in Franklin, New Hampshire. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 498.
NEUCES RIVER, TEXAS, August 10, 1862. A party of 04 Confederates under Lieutenant C. D. McRae lay in ambush near the camp of 70 Federal loyalists during the night of the 9th and at daylight next morning attacked from two sides. Though the Federal participants put up a stiff resistance they were overpowered, and those not killed fled in confusion. Thirty-two Union men were left dead on the field and the enemy lost 2 killed and 18 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 636.
NEVIN, John Williamson's, William Wilberforce, editor, born in Alleghany, Pennsylvania, 1 March, 1836, was graduated at Franklin and Marshall College in 1853, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1807. He served as captain and assistant adjutant-general of U. S. volunteers in 1861-'5, was editor of the "Philadelphia Press " and president of the " Press" Publishing Company from 1867 till 1878, and since 1880 has been a director in various railroad companies. He has been largely engaged in railway building in Mexico. He is the author of " Vignettes of Travel" (Philadelphia, 1880). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 500.
NEW, John Chalfant, financier, born in Vernon, Jennings County, Indiana, 6 July, 1831. He was graduated at Bethany College, Virginia, in 1851, studied law, and in 1856 was appointed clerk of Marion County Courts. In 1861 he became quartermaster-general of Indiana, and served through the Civil War until his election to the state senate. He was also financial secretary to Governor Oliver P. Morton, and in 1865 became cashier in the First National Bank of Indianapolis, of which he was afterward president. In 1875-'6 he was U. S. treasurer, and he served as assistant Secretary of the Treasury from 1882 till his resignation in 1884. Since 1874 he has been a member of the Republican National Committee, and was chairman of the Republican State Committee of Indiana during the presidential canvasses of 1880 and 1884. In 1878 he became editor and proprietor of the Indianapolis " Daily Journal." Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 500.
NEW ALBANY, MISSISSIPPI, April 18-19, '8636th and 7th Illinois and 2nd Iowa Cavalry. As an incident of Colonel Benjamin H. Grierson's raid from La Grange, Tennessee, while a battalion of the 6th Illinois was attempting to cross the bridge across the Tallahatchie river near New Albany, it was fired on by a squad of the enemy stationed on the farther bank. A charge across the bridge sent them back toward the town. The next day a detachment of Grierson's command came upon 200 Confederates near the town, and engaged them, killing and wounding several. The Federals suffered no loss in either skirmish. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 636.
NEW ALBANY, MISSISSIPPI, June 19, 1863. Detachments of 9th Illinois Mounted Infantry, 18th Missouri Infantry, 5th Ohio Cavalry, 1st Missouri Light Artillery. As an incident of operations in northeastern Mississippi this command, under Lieutenant-Colonel Jesse J. Phillips, encountered some 200 or 300 Confederates, who attempted to check Phillips' progress, but they were driven a mile beyond New Albany, where they were dispersed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 636.
NEW ALBANY, MISSISSIPPI, October 5, 1863. 3d Michigan Infantry. This regiment under Colonel Eugene Moyers formed line of battle on approaching New Albany, but the panic among the Confederates there was so great that they were withdrawn without offering any resistance. Moyers pursued for several miles, killing 2 and capturing 11. The Union loss was 1 killed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 637.
NEW ALBANY, MISSISSIPPI, February 23, 1864. 3d Illinois and 5th Kentucky Cavalry. When Smith's column on its retreat from before West Point during the Meridian expedition was between Pontotoc and New Albany the 3d Illinois and the 5th Kentucky were placed as rear guard. For some distance they kept up a running skirmish with the enemy and then at a creek 9 miles from New Albany put an effectual stop to the Confederate attacks by a decisive defeat of the harassing force. No casualties reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 637.
NEWARK, MISSOURI, July 7, 1862. Detachment of 2nd Missouri Cavalry (Militia). Captain C. A. Lewis with a portion of the 2nd Missouri encountered Confederate pickets about 3 miles from Newark. The enemy made an attempt to outflank the Federals and cut off their horses, thereby compelling Lewis to fall back to his camp. A demand for a surrender was sent in but it was immediately refused. By the time the remainder of the 2nd Missouri arrived to reinforce Lewis the Confederates had withdrawn. Lewis reported 2 men wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 637.
NEWARK, MISSOURI, August 1, 1862. 73 men of the 11th Missouri State Militia. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 637.
NEW BALTIMORE, VIRGINIA, November 5, 1862.
NEW BALTIMORE, VIRGINIA, October 19, 1863. (See Buckland Mills.)
NEW BALTIMORE, VIRGINIA, October 26, 1863. Major John S. Mosby with 50 men attacked a Union wagon train and captured the teams of some 40 or 50 wagons, together with 20 of the guard. The only mention of the affair is in Mosby's report, so there is no way of knowing who the Union participants were. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 637.
NEW BERNE, NORTH CAROLINA, March 14, 1862. Expedition under Major-General A E. Burnside. The brigades of Brigadier-Generals John G. Foster, Jesse L. Reno and John G. Parke and the unattached commands of the 1st New York Marine artillery and Company B, 99th New York infantry, all of the department of North Carolina under Major-General Ambrose E. Burnside, embarked on transports at Roanoke island on the morning of the 11th and at daybreak on the morning of the 13th landed at the mouth of Slocum's creak on the Neuse river. By the time the last of the troops were disembarked the head of the column had reached Otter creek, where it was discovered the Confederates had deserted their intrenchment. From this point Foster proceeded up the main county road and Reno up the railroad toward New Berne, while Parke followed Foster as a reserve. At 8 p. m. the troops bivouacked in the order of march and during the night some more of the Federal artillery was landed. At daylight on the 14th Captain Robert S. Williamson of the topographical engineers was sent forward with an escort to reconnoiter the Confederate position, while the brigades formed for battle. Foster, with Parke in his rear as a reserve, was to attack the enemy's front and left from the county road, and Reno was to attempt to turn the enemy's right from the railroad. The heads of the columns had gone but a short distance before they were within range of the Confederate artillery. Foster immediately placed the 24th and 25th Massachusetts on the right of the road, 6 navy boat howitzers and 2 other naval batteries on the road, and the 23d and 27th Massachusetts on the left. Reno, on arriving near the line of intrenchments, ordered a charge up the railroad on a brick-kiln well within the enemy's line. The move was successfully executed by part of the 21st Massachusetts, but the Confederate right extended some three-quarters of a mile beyond the railroad, so that Reno was kept busy and was unable to send support to the advanced detachment of the 21st, which was obliged to fall back to the main line of the brigade, now disposed with the remainder of the 21st Massachusetts, the 51st New York and the 9th New Jersey, on the left of the railroad and the 51st Pennsylvania in reserve. By this time the engagement had become general. Parke was ordered across the railroad to strike the extreme Confederate right from a strip of timber. While he was crossing the railroad he was met by Lieutenant-Colonel William S. Clark with the detachment of the 21st Massachusetts which had been compelled to fall back and was informed that by regaining possession of the brick-kiln with a sufficient force the Confederate rear could be gained. Parke immediately ordered a charge, which was made by the 4th Rhode Island, supported by his whole brigade, and the Union colors were planted on the parapet. The column then turned to the right and while it was thus fighting the enemy behind his own intrenchments Foster charged, clearing the whole line of the breastworks from the railroad to the river of Confederates. Parke then reversed his command and a similar movement was executed on the left of the railroad, Reno charging in front while Parke attacked the enemy behind his works. By the time this coup was completed Foster had succeeded in getting one regiment to the Confederate rear, cutting off the retreat of 200 men who surrendered unconditionally. Burnside then quietly took possession of the city. His loss was 90 killed, 380 wounded and 1 captured or missing, while the Confederates suffered casualties to the extent of 64 killed, 101 wounded and 413 captured or missing. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 637-638.
NEW BERNE, NORTH CAROLINA, May 22, 1862. Company I, 17th Massachusetts Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 638.
NEW BERNE, NORTH CAROLINA, November 11, 1862. 24th and 25th Massachusetts Infantry and 3d New York Cavalry. Two detachments of 50 men each, under Lieuts. James M. Drennan and Charles F. Tew, were sent out from New Berne on foraging expeditions. On the return of Drennan's party it was followed by a force of Confederates with artillery. Drennan made a stand at the Jackson creek bridge, where reinforcements, reached him and for some time a sharp skirmish fire was kept up, the Federals falling back at dark to New Berne with the loss of 1 wounded. Meantime the enemy had attacked two companies of the 24th Massachusetts at the Neuse river bridge, but was driven back by the railroad monitor. The Union loss in this latter affair was 1 killed and 2 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 638.
BERNE, NORTH CAROLINA, February 27, 1863. Detachment of the 3d New York Cavalry under Captain Jacobs. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 638.
NEW BERNE, NORTH CAROLINA, March 14, 1863. (See Deep Gully, same date.) New Berne, North Carolina, February 1-3, 1864. Army of North Carolina. New Berne is located on the point of land at the junction of the Neuse and Trent rivers, and in the winter of 1864 was a place of some strategic importance. The Confederate plan of attack on the town and its surrounding defenses was as follows: General Pickett, with some 6,000 men,, was to move directly upon the town from the direction of Kinston; General Barton, with about 5,000 men, was to gain possession of the Federal works on the south side of the Trent river, beginning at Brice's creek and extending westward; and General Martin, with 4,000 men, was to attack Newport, some 20 miles south of New Berne, in the sub-district of Beaufort, destroy the railroad, and thus break the communication with the coast. The defenses of New Berne were commanded by Brigadier-General I. N. Palmer, whose effective force numbered less than 4,000 men of alt arms. On the east side of the Neuse were Forts Chase and Anderson, garrisoned by small detachments under the command of Colonel Hiram Anderson, of the 92nd New York infantry. Colonel T. J. C. Amory, of the 17th Massachusetts infantry, had been placed in command of the intrenchments on the south side of the Trent, and Colonel P. J. Claassen, of the 132nd New York infantry, was in command of the outposts along Batchelder's creek to the north and west of the town. The sub-district of Beaufort was under command of Colonel James Jourdan, of the 158th N. Y., whose forces consisted of his own regiment, the 9th Vermont and 2nd North Carolina infantry, rt of the 2nd Massachusetts heavy artillery, and Mix's (23d New York) cavalry battalion. At 2:30 a. m. on the 1st Pickett, with his own division and Hoke's brigade of Early's, attacked the outpost at the crossing of the Neuse road over Batchelder's creek. This outpost was held by 13 men under Lieutenant Haring, of the 132nd New York, but in the darkness the Confederates could not determine the strength of the force opposed to them. Having posted his men behind a light breastwork and for over an hour kept Pickett's entire army in check. He was then reinforced by Company D, 132nd New York, composed mostly of Indians, who threw themselves into the breastwork and so effectually did they resist the enemy that he had to bring up artillery to continue the attack, at the same time sending a detachment across at another place to threaten their flank. At 5:30 Claassen sent word to Palmer that the enemy was attacking in force and asked for a section of artillery. An hour later, finding himself unable to drive the Confederates back, he gave the order to retire toward New Berne. In the fog signals could not be used, the order failed to reach an outpost at Beech Grove on the Washington road, and it was cut off and captured. This detachment, under Lieutenant Leith, consisted of 14 men of the 132nd New York and Company F, 2nd North Carolina A section of artillery moving to the assistance of the post was also captured. Palmer sent a small detachment of infantry and a section of artillery, under Lieutenant-Colonel Fellows of the 17th Massachusetts to check the advance of the enemy on Neuse road, and also sent out a railroad train from New Berne, which enabled Claassen to save his stores. About noon the enemy appeared on all sides of New Berne. Barton had crossed the Trent river on pontoon bridges and appeared in front of Amory's works on Brice's creek with three brigades of infantry, Baker's cavalry and several pieces of artillery. The fight here was opened by a field battery of the 3d New York light artillery and after a short time the Confederates retired beyond the range of the guns. Another attack was expected and Amory placed his men in the best positions to resist it, but for some reason the enemy did not renew the assault. When Pickett appeared in front of the line running from the Neuse to the Trent the guns of Fort Totten opened fire, the 12th New York cavalry, under Colonel J. W. Savage, with 2 mountain howitzers, remained in front of the line, and this position was maintained until sunset, the Confederates making no attempt to assault. Pickett had sent three regiments of infantry and 4 pieces of artillery to the east side of the Neuse, with instructions to attack Forts Anderson and Chase as soon as the assault commenced against Fort Totten, but nothing was done on that side of the river, further than to assume a threatening attitude. About midnight Pickett gave up the fight and began to withdraw his forces. About 3 a. m. of the 2nd some 250 men of the Confederate navy, under Captain J. T. Wood, embarked in small boats and surprised the U. S. gunboat Underwriter lying in the Neuse. The greater part of the crew escaped, but the vessel was captured. As soon as this fact became known the guns oi Fort Stevenson opened on the gunboat, and the enemy, finding it impossible to get the steamer away, set fire to her and escaped to shore. Six of the attacking party were taken prisoners. In the Beaufort district the Confederates led by Martin performed their part of the program better. Early on the 2nd the picket station at Gales' creek was attacked by infantry, cavalry and artillery. Two attacks were repulsed, but the superior numbers of the enemy finally compelled the pickets to fall back to Bogue Sound blockhouse. The enemy then set fire to the Gales' Creek station and followed the Union troops to the blockhouse, which was garrisoned by a company of the 9th Vermont infantry. This company, reinforced by the pickets from Gales' creek, put up a gallant resistance for nearly an hour, when the blockhouse was carried by assault, the garrison retiring to Morehead City. Martin then advanced on Newport barracks, throwing his right across the railroad to cut off the retreat of the garrison. Here the remainder of the 9th Vermont, commanded by Captain S. H. Kelley, met the advance of the Confederates with well-directed volleys of musketry, while Mix's cavalry did effective service by harassing the enemy at various points. The light was maintained with unabated vigor for over an hour, and it was not until there was great danger of all retreat being cut off that the order was given to burn the stores and abandon the place. The fort at Newport village was occupied by a detachment of the 2nd Massachusetts heavy artillery and some infantry under Lieutenant-Colonel Barney, who was also commandant at the post. After Kelley was driven from the barracks, Barney deemed it inexpedient to try to hold his position, and gave the order to retire toward Beaufort under cover of darkness. One of the heavy guns was brought off, another stuck in the mud, and the others were rendered unfit for service. During the night Jourdan concentrated his forces behind a line of intrenchments at Morehead City, where he made preparations to resist an attack. All the roads leading to the places were barricaded, a line of rifle-pits was thrown up, artillery placed in position, etc. During the 3d his cavalry reconnoitered the country in front of his works and reported the enemy in force at the railroad crossing, 6 miles from Morehead. But no attack was made, either because Jourdan's position was deemed too strong to assault, or Pickett's failure to carry the works at New Berne led Martin to regard it as inexpedient. On the 4th he withdrew and the next day Jourdan reoccupied his old positions and reestablished his lines. The Union losses in all the operations about New Berne were 13 killed, 26 wounded and 364 captured or missing. The enemy's casualties were not ascertained. Pickett reported "about 45 killed and wounded," and promised a more detailed report, but if he ever made one it does not appear in the official records of the war. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 638-640.
NEW BRIDGE, VIRGINIA, May 24, 1862. (See Mechanicsville, same date.)
NEW BRIDGE, VIRGINIA, June 5, 1862. Battery B, 1st Maryland Light Artillery. This affair was an artillery duel between a Federal force commanded by Captain Alonzo Snow and four batteries of the enemy, posted on the opposite side of the Chickahominy river. After expending 630 rounds of case shot and shell Snow succeeded in silencing the Confederate guns. The Union loss was 2 wounded, while that of the enemy was not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 640.
NEW BRIDGE, VIRGINIA, June 20, 1862. 1st New York and 5th U. S. Artillery. While General McClellan's army was lying in front of Richmond the several camps were annoyed by shells thrown by the enemy. On the 20th 3 horses and 1 man belonging to Battery B, 1st New York, were killed. Captain Weed, commanding Battery I, 5th U. S. artillery, placed 2 guns near New Bridge and replied to the enemy's fire, killing 2 men and wounding 4. After 8 rounds had been fired the Confederate guns were silenced. Later they commenced again from an enfilading position, but their shells went wild and no damage was done. Newburg, Indiana, July 18, 1862. On this date some of Morgan's raiders, commanded by Adam R. Johnson, captured Henderson, Kentucky, and some of the guerrillas crossed the Ohio river to Newburg, Indiana, where they captured a hospital with about 80 wounded and convalescent soldiers. The inmates of the hospital were armed and wanted to fight, but the surgeon in charge ordered them to lay down their arms. The surgeon was arrested by the state authorities. Two citizens of Indiana, who brought the Confederates across the river, were killed by citizens of Newburg after Johnson's men had left. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 640-641.
NEWBY'S CROSS-ROADS, VIRGINIA, November 9, 1862. Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. During the operations of the cavalry under Brigadier-General Alfred Pleasonton in Loudoun county, Virginia, the enemy attacked at Newby's cross-roads. The affair resulted in the repulse of the Confederates. No losses were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 641.
NEWBY'S CROSS ROADS, VIRGINIA, July 24, 1863. (See Battle Mountain.)
NEW CARTHAGE, LOUISIANA, April 5, 1863. Detachment of 3d Illinois Cavalry. In an effort to secure a flat-boat to cross Bayou Vidal so as to get to New Carthage, Brigadier-General P. J. Osterhaus sent Captain Carnahan and 20 men of the 3d Illinois down the bayou. The boat was secured and the party had started back to the main body when the Confederates opened fire from the bank. After a few minutes of fighting the enemy was driven back, having lost 1 killed and 1 badly wounded. The Illinois men suffered no losses. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 641.
NEW CREEK, WEST VIRGINIA, June 19, 1861. At 5 a. m. Confederates under Colonel John C. Vaughn attacked the Federals guarding the bridge across the Potomac river. The Union troops withdrew in confusion, firing only a few scattering shots. The only mention of the affair is that made by Vaughn, so there is no way of ascertaining what Federal troops participated. The Confederates had 1 man wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 641.
NEW CREEK, WEST VIRGINIA, August 4, 1864. U. S. Troops of the Department of West Virginia. The garrison of New Creek, under Colonel Robert Stevenson, and consisting of the 154th Ohio National Guard, detachments of the 6th West Virginia infantry, 2nd Maryland Potomac Home brigade, 1st Illinois, light artillery and Battery H, 1st West Virginia light artillery, was attacked by a large Confederate force under Generals McCausland and Bradley T. Johnson. The fort was subjected to a heavy artillery and musketry fire for several hours, but after the arrival of a detachment of the 11th West Virginia infantry as a reinforcement, the Confederates were driven back. Stevenson's command suffered a loss of 8 killed and 29 wounded or missing. The Confederate loss was not reported, but was fully as heavy. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 641.
NEW CREEK, WEST VIRGINIA, November 28, 1864. Detachments of 5th and 6th West Virginia Cavalry, Battery L, 1st Illinois and Battery H, 1st West Virginia Artillery. About 11:30 a. m. of the 28th the garrison of Fort Kelly at New Creek was surprised by about 2,000 Confederates under Rosser. The surprise was so complete that no organized resistance was made, only a few scattering shots being fired by the stampeded troops. Rosser captured 7 pieces of artillery and some 443 prisoners, 100 of whom later escaped. The Federals also had 4 men wounded. The enemy's loss, if any, was not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 641.
NEW HAVEN, KENTUCKY, August 2, 1864. Detachment of 40th Kentucky Mounted Infantry. Captain J. B. Nipp, with Company C of the 40th Kentucky, came upon a few Confederates while on a scout in the vicinity of New Haven. Seven of the enemy were captured, 2 of whom were later shot while attempting to escape. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 641.
NEW HOPE, KENTUCKY, July 11, 1862. 33d Ohio Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 641.
NEW HOPE CHURCH, GEORGIA, May 25-26, 1864. (See Dallas.)
NEW HOPE CHURCH, VIRGINIA, November 27, 1863. (See Mine Run, Virginia, November 26-December 2. 1863.)
NEW HOPE STATION, KENTUCKY, July 25, 1863. Detachment of 12th Ohio Cavalry. Brigadier-General Edward H. Hobson sent the following despatch from Lebanon on the 25th: "Captain Dubois, 12th Ohio cavalry, with detachment from his company, attacked rebels near New Hope Station. Kilted rebel Captain Alexander, wounded several, and scattered the band in every direction. Had 1 man wounded."
NEW IBERIA, LOUISIANA, October 4, 1863. The only official mention of an action at New Iberia on this date is the report of Confederate General Mouton, who says: "I have the honor to report the enemy at New Iberia. We left the town at sundown. Colonel Vincent ambuscaded them at Nelson's bridge, and their advance driven in, leaving the road full of dead and wounded." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 641-642.
NEW KENT COURT HOUSE, VIRGINIA, May 9, 1862. (See Slatersville.)
NEW KENT COURT HOUSE, VIRGINIA, August 28, 1863. (See Slatersville, same date.)
NEW LISBON, OHIO, July 26, 1863. 9th Kentucky Cavalry and Ohio Home Guards. It was near New Lisbon that Brigadier-General John H. Morgan, with the remnant of his command, surrendered to Major Rue with a force of home guards and cavalry. It marked the end of his Ohio raid. (See Salineville.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 642.
NEW LONDON, VIRGINIA, June 16, 1864. 2nd Cavalry Division, Army of West Virginia. Brigadier-General William W. Averell, commanding the 2nd division, in his report of the operations of the division in the Lynchburg campaign, states: "Attacked McCausland at New London about dark. He had been reinforced by Imboden with 400 men and 2 guns, but relinquished his position after a short action, in which he lost about a dozen men. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 642.
NEW MADRID, MISSOURI, February 28 to April 8, 1862. Army of the Mississippi and Foote's Fleet of Gunboats. Immediately upon the fall of Fort Donelson Confederate General Polk was ordered to evacuate Columbus and fall back down the river to the works on Island No. 10 and at New Madrid, Missouri, the former 25 and the latter 35 miles below Columbus. This move was part of the plan to retreat down the river step by step, thus preventing Foote from joining Farragut's fleet at the mouth of the Mississippi. Earthworks mounting 70 heavy guns had been constructed on the island, and at New Madrid two forts had been erected. The one about half a mile below the town was a bastioned earthwork, with 14 heavy siege guns, and the other, at the upper end of the town, was an irregular intrenchment, sheltering a battery of 7 guns of various caliber. About the middle of February Brigadier-General John Pope was summoned to St. Louis and directed to organize and take command of a force to cooperate with Commodore Foote's fleet in the reduction of these fortifications. Pope went to work and in a few days had the Army of the Mississippi ready to move against the enemy. This army was made up as follows: Infantry,—1st division, Brigadier-General David S. Stanley, consisted of the brigades of Colonels John Groesbeck and J. L. Kirby Smith; 2nd division, Brigadier-General Schuyler Hamilton, included the brigades of Colonel W. H. Worthington and Colonel Nicholas Perczel; 3d division. Brigadier General John M. Palmer, included the brigades of Colonel James R. Slack and Colonel G. N. Fitch; 4th division, Brigadier-General E. A. Paine, consisted of the brigades of Colonels James D. Morgan and G. W. Cumming; 5th division, Brigadier-General J. B. Plummer, included the brigades of Colonels John Bryner and J. M. Loomis. Cavalry,—one division. commanded by Colonel Gordon Granger. Artillery,—seven batteries under command of Major W. L. Lothrop. The infantry brigades consisted of two regiments each, and the cavalry division of three regiments. There were also some organizations that were not assigned to any particular command. Notable among these were the 64th Illinois sharpshooters and the engineer regiment of the West. In addition to these land forces there were the flotilla brigade, commanded by Colonel N. B. Buford; the gunboats Benton (flag-ship), St. Louis, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Mound City and Carondelet, under command of Commodore A. H. Foote, and 11 mortar-boats in charge of Captain H. E. Maynadier. The Confederate forces, commanded by Major-General John P. McCown, consisted of twelve regiments and three battalions of infantry, four companies of cavalry; eight companies of heavy artillery; two light batteries; the engineer corps, and a company of sappers and m1ners. The Confederate gunboats, commanded by Flag Officer G. N. Hollins, were the McRae (flagship), Livingston, Polk, Pontchartrain, Maurepas, Jackson and New Orleans. Pope selected Commerce, 30 miles up the Mississippi from Cairo, as a base of operations. Here his command was assembled and organized, and on the last day of February the army took up its march against New Madrid, which was to be first attacked, as possession of this point would give the Union forces control of the river below Island No. 10, thus cutting the principal line of supplies for the island garrison. On March 1 Jeff. Thompson's body of Confederates were driven out of Sikeston, and two days later Pope appeared before New Madrid. Hamilton, whose division was in advance, deployed the 27th and 39th Ohio as skirmishers, drove the enemy's pickets back into the works and occupied the town. Hollins came up with the gunboats and participated in the action, the water in the river being high enough to bring his guns above the bank. This condition of affairs showed the necessity of having siege-guns to repel the fleet after the intrenchments might be carried by assault, which Hamilton's reconnaissance had shown to be feasible. The army therefore retired about 2 miles from the town and went into camp to wait until the heavy guns could be brought down from Cairo. While waiting Pope sent Plummer, with three regiments of infantry, three companies of cavalry, and a battery of 10-pounder -rifled and Parrott guns, to Point Pleasant, 12 miles below, under instructions to establ1sh his artillery in such a position as to cover any steamboat that might try to ascend the river, and to line the banks with rifle-pits for 1.000 men. Plummer moved on the 5th and the morning of the 7th found his guns in position, well protected by works thrown up during the night. The gunboats shelled him for some time without effect, and Plummer held to his position during the entire siege. On the 12th the siege-guns arrived and during the night were placed in battery within 800 yards of the main Confederate work. At daylight the next morning fire was opened on the fort. The enemy's batteries and gunboats answered promptly and the cannonading lasted all day by the enemy, but without producing any impression on the Federals, except the disabling of a 24-pound«r gun. A little while after daylight on the morning of the 14th a flag of truce approached the Un10n lines, the bearer bringing the information that the enemy had evacuated his works during the night. Hamilton sent a detachment to ascertain the truth of this statement and to take possession if it turned out to be true. On every hand could be seen evidences of a hasty departure. Their dead were left unburied; food on the tables appeared to be untouched; private baggage of the officers was left behind, and neither provisions nor ammunition had been taken away. Tents for 10,000 men. a large number of horses and mules, 33 pieces of artillery, several thousand muskets and a large number of cartridges fell into the hands of the Federals. The fort was occupied in force, the guns being turned on the river. New Madrid had been captured more easily than had been anticipated, but there still remained a way for the garrison on Island No. 10 to receive supplies from below. The river from Island No. 8 to Tiptonville, Tennessee, forms a letter S. Island No. 10 is in the southern bend and New Madrid on the northern. Although Tiptonville is 27 miles from the island by water it is only 5 miles by land. After the fall of New Madrid boats landed at Tiptonville, whence supplies were conveyed across the narrow neck of the peninsula. Just below Tiptonville the banks of the river on both sides become so marshy as to be impassable for loaded wagons. By intercepting the navigation of the river at the lowest point of solid ground, Pope could cut off the resources of the garrison and also close the principal avenue of escape. He therefore extended his line down the river, his lowest battery being just below the little village of Riddles Point, which is nearly opposite Tiptonville. This battery was established on the night of the 16th and mounted two 24-pounder siege-guns and two 10-pounder Parrotts, supported by Palmer's division. Rifle-pits for 500 sharpshooters were dug on the flanks of the battery and close to the river bank. The battery was discovered at daylight on the 17th and was immediately assailed by 5 of the enemy's gunboats, which ran up to within 300 yards and opened a fierce cannonade. The fight lasted for an hour and a half, in which time one gunboat was sunk, others badly damaged, and a number of men were picked off by the sharpshooters. The Union loss was 1 man killed. That night McCown, with a considerable portion of the forces, left for Fort Pillow, General W. W. Mackall succeeding him in command. Pope was now in full possession of the right bank of the river, and the river itself, both above and below the island, but in order to effect the capture of the garrison it was necessary to cross the river. To cross above the island was useless, as the country there was under water, the only dry ground being the narrow neck on the south, between the enemy's works and Tiptonville. On the 17th Pope suggested to Foote that he run the batteries with his gunboats and transfer the land forces to the Tennessee side. Foote replied that it was impracticable, as the vessels were armored only at the bows, and were consequently fitted for fighting up stream. Hamilton suggested a canal from near Island No. 8 to connect with Wilson's bayou, which entered the Mississippi just above New Madrid. Colonel Bissell, of the engineer regiment, reported this plan feasible, and Pope sent to Cairo for the necessary tools and light draft steamers to convey his command across the river. The canal was about 12 miles long and for half its length ran through heavy timber, the trees having to be sawed off several feet under water. It was completed on April 4, the water continuing at a high stage all the time it was under construction. and on the 5th 4 small steamers, bringing a number of barges for floating batteries, dropped down the bayou to New Madrid, but kept out of sight of the river until the floating batteries, or mortar boats, were ready. On the night of the 4th the Carondelet ran the batteries on the island, and the Pittsburg followed on the night of the 6th. That day the Carondelet made a reconnaissance down the river, silenced the batteries opposite Point Pleasant, a small infantry force going ashore and spiking the guns. During this period of three weeks daily bombardments occurred at some point in the field of operations. As the enemy's gunboats passed Plummer's batteries at Point Pleasant shots were exchanged. On March 16 Foote engaged at long range the batteries on Island No. 10 and the left bank of the river. The next day he advanced a little nearer and kept up the bombardment until the redan at the upper end of the island was practically destroyed. The cannonading was then continued from day to day, keeping the enemy busy in repairing damages and changing the position of his puns. Early on the morning of April 7, Captain Williams' 1st U. S. battery and the 2 gunboats opened on the enemy's works at the proposed landing place and continued until noon, when the Confederate guns were silenced. Paine's division was then sent over and pushed with all possible speed toward Tiptonville, word having been brought in by a spy that the enemy was retreating in that direction. Morgan's brigade occupied the town that evening, and during the night over 300 prisoners were brought in by the pickets of this brigade. Stanley's and Hamilton's divisions followed Paine's, but were overtaken by darkness and bivouacked a few miles from Tiptonville. Colonel Elliott, with the 2nd la. cavalry, was sent over soon after dark and at daylight on the 8th took possession of the enemy's encampments on the mainland opposite the island, together with the deserted stores, all the steamboats in good condition, 6 in number, and about 200 prisoners Before Elliott accomplished this the force left on the island, 385 officers and men, was surrendered to Foote. When Mackall found that Morgan was in the way at Tiptonville, and that the island was in possession of the Federals, he surrendered at discretion. Pope says in his report: "Three generals, 273 field and company officers, 6.700 privates, 123 pieces of heavy artillery, 35 pieces of field artillery (all of the very best character and latest patterns), 7,000 stands of small arms, tents for 12,000 men, several wharf-boat loads of provisions, an immense quantity of ammunition of all kinds, many hundred horses and mules, with wagons and harness, etc., are among the spoils." For a movement of such magnitude the losses in killed and wounded were very slight. On the Union side, including the two killed and 13 wounded by the bursting of a gun on the St. Louis, the total was 17 killed, 34 wounded and 3 missing. The Confederate loss was estimated at about 30. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 642-645.
NEW MADRID, MISSOURI, August 7, 1863. One company of the 24th Missouri Infantry. New Madrid Bend, Tennessee, October 22, 1863. 32nd Iowa Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 645.
NEW MARKET, ALABAMA, August 5, 1862. 3d Brigade, Army of the Ohio. A portion of the brigade—the 9th and 35th Ohio, and 2nd Minnesota— was on the march from Athens, Alabama, to Winchester, Tennessee Brigadier General R. L. McCook, who was in command, was sick and riding in an open carriage, accompanied by eleven members of his staff and escort, some distance in advance of the main column. When near New Market this advance party was fired upon by a party of guerrillas, estimated at from 100 to 200 men. The driver turned his horses as soon as possible, but before he could reach the main body one of the guerrillas rode alongside the carriage and fired two shots at the general. One ball passed through his hat and the other inflicted a mortal wound in the abdomen which produced his death some 24 hours afterward. When the troops heard of the dastardly murder of their commander they spread themselves over the country, burned several houses, and shot a Confederate lieutenant who was home on furlough before discipline could be restored. New Market, Alabama, October 12, 1863. 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland. During the pursuit of the Confederates under Wheeler and Roddey while they were attempting to cut the line of Rosecrans' communication, Brigadier-General Robert B. Mitchell's cavalry met Roddey about dark near Buckhorn tavern on the road between Huntsville and New Market. The fighting, which was done in a heavy rainstorm, was desperate for a time and continued until the enemy turned and retreated toward New Market. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 645.
NEW MARKET, ALABAMA, November 17, 1864. Detachments of the 12th Indiana and 4th Michigan Cavalry. The detachments, commanded by Colonel J. W. Hall, broke camp near Maysville and started in pursuit of the Confederates under Russell, Johnson and Mead. Two miles from Maysville the advance met the enemy's pickets to the main body. some 500 strong, which was found drawn up in line of battle. In a short but sharp skirmish the enemy's lines were broken and he was driven from the field, the Union troops pursuing to near New Market. The Confederates were known to have lost 9 killed and 3 wounded, while the Federal loss was nothing. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 645-646.
NEW MARKET, KENTUCKY, February 8, 1865. (See Bradfordsville, same date) New Market, Virginia, June 15, 1862. Detachment of the 3d Division, 4th Army Corps. A reconnaissance sent out by General Casey, commanding the division, encountered a Confederate picket near New Market and a slight skirmish ensued, which resulted in the enemy being driven from his position. One prisoner, 1 horse and some small arms were captured. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 646.
NEW MARKET, VIRGINIA, May 15, 1864. Portion of the Army of West Virginia. The effective force under Major-General Franz Sigel at New Market was 5,500 men, comprising the 1st infantry division under Brigadier-General Jeremiah C. Sullivan, whose two brigade commanders were Colonels Augustus Moor and Joseph Thoburn; the 1st cavalry division under Major-General Julius Stahel, the two brigades of which were commanded respectfully by Colonel William B. Tibbits and Colonel John E. Wynkoop; 5 batteries,—Battery B, Maryland light artillery, 30th battery, New York light artillery. Batteries D and G, 1st West Virginia light artillery and Battery B, 5th U. S. artillery. About 9 a. m. the Confederates under Breckenridge and Imboden moved on the Federal position. Sigel deployed h1s forces to meet the attack, but at 11 a. m. was compelled to fall back some 800 yards and form a new line. Some confusion attended this movement, owing to the mud and heavy rain. About 4 p. m. a general retrograde movement of the Union command was commenced, and that night the Rappahannock river was crossed. Sigel estimated the Confederate force at between 8,000 and 9,000 men. The Federal loss of the day was about 600 killed and wounded, and 50 taken prisoners. The enemy's loss in killed and wounded was fully as heavy. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 646.
NEW MARKET, VIRGINIA, September 24, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Shenandoah. On the forenoon of this date the Confederate forces under Early were driven from Rude's hill and Devin's cavalry brigade pressed forward in pursuit, overtaking the rear-guard at New Market. Taylor's battery was run to a ridge in front and opened with shell and case-shot, and the 1st New York was thrown forward as skirmishers, closely supported by the rest of the brigade. The enemy replied with a battery from a hill to the right, but Devin charged and drove through the town the force in his front, when he was subjected to a heavy infantry fire from the houses and garden walls and forced back. He then dismounted part of his command and drove the Confederates from their cover, after which he again took up the pursuit for some 6 miles until it became too dark to act with certainty, when he went into camp. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 646.
NEW MARKET BRIDGE, VIRGINIA, November 11, 1861. Brigadier-General John B. Magruder of the Confederate army, reporting under date of November 18, 1861, from near Fort Monroe, states that on the 11th a Confederate scouting party "was fired on by the enemy, and one of our men was wounded slightly. The fire was returned and after the third discharge from our artillery, the enemy, whose force proved to be a regiment, fled. I have reliable information that several of them were killed or wounded." The Federal reports make no mention of the affair. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 646.
NEW MARKET BRIDGE, VIRGINIA, December 22, 1861. 20th New York Infantry. Nothing definite can be gleaned from the official records of the war regarding this action, further than that it was at the New Market Bridge, near Newport News. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 646.
NEW MARKET CROSS ROADS, VIRGINIA, June 30, 1862. The battle of New Market Cross-roads is known by several other names and was one of the engagements of the Seven Days' Battles, (q. v.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 647.
NEW MARKET HEIGHTS, Virginia, September 29-30, 1864. (See Fort Harrison.)
NEW MARKET ROAD, VIRGINIA, October 7, 1864. (See Darbytown Road, same date.)
NEWNAN, GEORGIA, July 30, 1864. (See McCook's Raid.)
NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, (CAPTURE OF) April 18-28, 1862. (See Naval Volume.)
NEWBERRY, John Strong, geologist, born in Windsor, Connecticut, 22 December, 1822. He was graduated at Western Reserve College in 1840 and at Cleveland Medical College in 1848. after which he spent nearly two years in study and travel abroad. Early in 1851 he settled in Cleveland, and there began the practice of medicine, which he continued until 1855. In May of that year he was appointed acting assistant surgeon and geologist to the exploring party under Lieutenant Robert S. Williamson that was sent to examine the count between San Francisco and Columbia River, and his reports on the geology, botany, and zoology of northern California are contained in the sixth volume of the " Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the most Practical and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, made in 1853-6" (Washington, 1857). He accompanied Lieutenant Joseph C. Ives in the exploration and navigation of Colorado River. Entering at its mouth, the party ascended it by steamer 500 miles to the entrance of the great canon, and spent nearly a year in exploring the nation above this point. His observations formed the most interesting material that was gathered by the expedition, and fully half of the "Report upon the Colorado River of the West explored in 1857-'8" (Washington, 1861) was written by him. On the completion of this work Dr. Newberry was assigned to an expedition for the exploration of the San Juan and upper Colorado Rivers under the command of Captain John N. Macomb. In this service he spent the summer of 1859 in travelling over parts of southern Colorado, Utah, northern Arizona, and New Mexico, studying a large area of country that was before unknown, but has since proved to be rich in minerals and to be covered with the traces of an ancient civilization. This information, whose publication was long delayed, was incorporated in a " Report of the Exploring Expedition from Santa Fe to the Junction of the Grand and Green Rivers" (Washington, 1876). He was elected a member of the U. S. Sanitary Commission on 14 June, 1861, although still on duty in the War Department. His medical knowledge and experience in the army led to his becoming an important member of that commission. The first sanitary inspection of troops in the west was made at Cairo, Illinois, by him, in connection with Reverend Henry W. Bellows and Dr. William H. Mussey. In September, 1861, he resigned from the army and became secretary of the western department of the U. S. Sanitary Commission, having supervision of all the work of the commission in the valley of the Mississippi, with headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky. The first distributing depot in the west was opened in Wheeling, West Virginia, on 8 October, and was the source from which the hospitals at Wheeling, Clarksburg, Parkersburg, and other military points were supplied with a large part of their equipment. Dr. Newberry organized the whole of the comprehensive machinery of the commission in the large section that was committed to his care, and by his practical suggestions and enthusiasm stimulated the formation of the tributary societies. From 1 September, 1861, till 1 July, 1866, he expended more than $800,000 in money, and distributed hospital stores that wore valued at more than $5,000,000. During this time the names of more than 850,000 soldiers were collected and recorded in the hospital directory in Louisville, Kentucky, and food and shelter were given in the various homes of the commission to more than 1,000,000 soldiers, for whom no other adequate provision was made. A full account of this work is given in his report of "The U. S. Sanitary Commission in the Valley of the Mississippi" (Cleveland. 1871). After the war he was appointed professor of geology and paleontology at the Columbia College School of Mines, and took charge of that department in the autumn of 1866. This chair he has since continued to hold, and during his connection with this institution he has created a museum of over 100,000 specimens, principally collected by himself, which serve to illustrate his lectures in paleontology and economic geology. It contains the best representations of the mineral resources of the United States to be found anywhere, as well as many unique and remarkable fossils. In 1869 Dr. Newberry was appointed state geologist of Ohio, which office he filled during the continuation of the survey, and made reports on all of the counties of the state. The results of his work are given in nine volumes, of which six are on the geology, two on the paleontology, and one on the zoology of the state, with a large number of geological maps. Since the completion of this survey he has been associated in the work of the New Jersey Geological Survey, and has reported "On the Fossil Fishes and Plants of the Trias," and "On the Flora of the Amboy Clays" of that state. In 1884 he was appointed paleontologist to the U. S. Geological Survey, and has had charge of parts of the fossil botany and fishes, concerning which he has prepared a monograph on the " Paleozoic Fishes of North America," and on the fossil plants of the cretaceous and tertiary rocks of the far west. Dr. Newberry has been consulted as an expert with reference to raining property, and he has travelled extensively for this purpose through the mining districts of the United States. During the World's Fair in Philadelphia in 1876 he was one of the judges, and in 1867 he received the degree of LL. D., from Western Reserve College. In January, 1888, the Geological Society of London conferred on him its Murchison Medal. He is a member of scientific societies, both in the United States and Europe. In 1863 he was named by Congress one of the corporate members of the National Academy of Sciences, and in 1867 he was president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, delivering his retiring address on "Modern Scientific Investigation: its Methods and Tendencies." He has held the office of president of the New York Academy of Sciences since 1867, and is also president of the Torrey Botanical club. Besides the volumes that have been mentioned, Dr. Newberry's separate papers contributed to various sources include upward of 200 titles, chiefly in the departments of geology and paleontology, but also in zoology and botany. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 500-501.
NEWBERRY, John Stoughton, lawyer, born in Waterville, New York, 18 November, 1826; died in Detroit, Michigan, 2 January, 1887, was graduated at the University of Michigan in 1845, became a civil engineer, and engaged in the laying out and construction of the Michigan Central Railroad on its line west of Kalamazoo. He then studied law and entered on the practice of that profession in 1853 in Detroit, where he soon acquired a large practice in admiralty and maritime cases before the U. S. Courts. Eventually he made a specialty of that department of law, in which he acquired the distinction of being one of the foremost authorities in (he west. In 1864 he became associated with James McMillan (q. v.) in the organization of the Michigan Car Company, a corporation that ultimately became the largest firm of car-builders in the United States, controlling similar factories in St. Louis, Missouri, and London, Ontario. He held the office of president, vice-president, or director in more than a score of incorporated companies that gave employment to more than 5,000 men, thus materially aiding in the development of Michigan. His time became gradually absorbed in the care of these enterprises until he entirely relinquished his law-practice. In 1862 he was appointed provost-marshal for Michigan, and served for two years, during which time he had charge of two drafts, with the forwarding of conscripts and enlisted soldiers to the seat of war. He was elected to Congress as a Republican, and served from 18 March, 1879, till 4 March. 1881, but refused a renomination in order to give his attention more exclusively to his business enterprises. Mr. Newberry accumulated a large fortune, and gave $100,000 toward the building of a public hospital in Detroit. He bequeathed to various benevolent purposes $600,000 in addition to his other legacies. He edited " Reports of Admiralty Cases, 1842-'57 " (New York, 1857). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 502.
NEWCOMB, Harvey, 1803-1863, clergyman, strong advocate for Black and Native American rights. (Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 502; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 7, Pt. 1, p. 450; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 16, p. 328)
NEWCOMB, Harvey, clergyman, born in Thetford, Vermont, 2 September, 1803; died in Brooklyn, New York, 30 August, 1863. He moved to western New York in 1818, engaged in teaching for eight years, and from 1826 till 1831 edited several journals, of which the last was the “Christian Herald,” in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. For the ten following years he was engaged in writing and preparing books for the American Sunday-School Union. He was licensed to preach in 1840, took charge of a Congregational Church in West Roxbury, Massachusetts, and subsequently held other pastorates. He was an editor of the Boston “Traveller” in 1849, and in 1850-'1 assistant editor of the “New York Observer,” also preaching in the Park Street Mission Church of Brooklyn, and in 1859 he became pastor of a church in Hancock, Pennsylvania. He contributed regularly to the Boston “Recorder” and to the “Youth's Companion,” and also to a religious journal. He wrote 178 volumes, of which fourteen are on church history, the others being chiefly books for children including “Young Lady's Guide” (New York, 1839); “How to be a Man” (Boston, 1846); “How to be a Lady” (1846); and “Cyclopaedia of Missions” (1854; 4th ed., 1856). He also was the author of “Manners and Customs of the North American Indians” (2 vols., Pittsburg, 1835). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 502.
NEWCOMB, J., Braintree, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Abolition Society, Vice-President, 1839-40
NEWELL, William Augustus, governor of New Jersey, born in Franklin, Ohio, 5 September, 1819. He was graduated at Rutgers College grammar school in 1836, studied medicine, and settled in New Jersey. He was elected to Congress from that state as a Whig, serving from 6 December, 1847, till 3 March, 1851. From 1856 till 1860 he was governor of New Jersey, and he was a delegate to the National Republican Convention in Baltimore in 1864. He was elected to Congress as a Republican representative, serving from 4 December, 1865, till 3 March, 1867, on the committee on Revolutionary Claims, Foreign Affairs, and War Debts of the Loyal States, and was a delegate to the Philadelphia " Loyalists' Convention " of 1866. He originated and procured the first appropriation by Congress of $10,000 for the Life-Saving Stations on the New Jersey Coast, and was superintendent of Life-Saving Stations in New Jersey from 1861 till 1863. He was defeated as a candidate for governor of New Jersey in 1877, and in 1880 was appointed governor of Washington territory for a term of four years. He was Indian Commissioner in that territory in 1884-'6. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 504.
NEWHALL, Benjamin F., 1802-1863, abolitionist. Member, Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1842-1843. Member, Liberty and Free-Soil Parties. Active in Underground Railroad.
NEWMAN, William Henry, surgeon, born in Spencer County, Kentucky, 23 February, 1820; died in Pueblo, Colonel, 17 March. 1883. He was graduated at Jefferson Medical College in 1855, and practised in Bardstown, Kentucky, till 1863, when he moved to Louisville. Entering the National Army in 1862, he served as surgeon of the 3d and 10th Divisions of the Army of the Cumberland, and was in charge of hospitals in his native town until the end of 1863. He also held the rank of major and served on the staff of General James Jackson. In 1864 he was elected professor of obstetrics in the University of Louisville, but immediately resigned. In the autumn of 1865 he delivered a series of nine lectures on the surgical diseases of women, which, it is believed, were the first that were ever given on that subject. In performing ovariotomy in 1870 it is claimed that he first demonstrated the efficacy of carbolic acid as a local anesthetic. For three sessions, 1869-"70, he gave clinical lectures on the diseases of women at Louisville City Hospital. In 1872 he went to Denver, Colorado, on account of his health. He practised there and in Leadville for ten years, when he moved to Pueblo. He was an officer of several professional societies, contributed to medical periodical literature, and invented an obstetrical forceps. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 505.
NEWPORT BARRACKS, NORTH CAROLINA, February 2, 1864. (See New Berne, same date.)
NEWPORT BRIDGE, FLORIDA, March 5-6, 1865. Detachment of 2nd Florida Cavalry (Union). As an incident of the operations about St. Mark's, Florida, the command of Major Edmund C. Weeks arrived at the Newport bridge at 11 a. m. to find the structure on fire and the enemy posted behind intrenchments on the opposite side of the stream. A charge was unavailing and the Federal artillery was brought to bear, but Weeks finally withdrew to the town of Newport, leaving a small detachment as a guard, which skirmished with the Confederates practically all night and during the morning of the 6th. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 647.
NEWPORT CROSS-ROADS, LOUISIANA, June 17, 1864. Colonel John S. Scott of the 1st Louisiana cavalry (Confederate) in his report of June 19 states: "On my march the next day down the Baton Rouge road, at Mrs. Newport's cross-roads, with1n 7 miles of Port Hudson, a force of infantry and cavalry from that place was most handsomely repulsed by Major Ogden." This is the only official mention of the affair. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 647.
NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA, July 5, 1861. While a party of Federal cavalry was engaged in foraging in the vicinity of Newport News an attempt was made by Lieutenant-Colonel Charles D. Dreux, with a detachment of Confederate soldiers, to draw the Union troops into an ambush. Although the foragers were dispersed it was with considerable loss to the enemy, 2 men being killed, one of whom was Dreux, and their team ran away with the howitzer, which finally fell into the hands of the Federals.
NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA, July 12, 1861. Detachment of 7th New York Infantry. Twenty-two men of Company E, under Lieuts. Oscar von Heringen and Fred Mosebach, while on an expedition from the Federal camp for the purpose of obtaining wood, were surprised and captured by 80 Confederate cavalry. Little resistance was offered, but while the fight lasted 2 Union men were killed. The enemy suffered no casualties. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 647.
NEW PROVIDENCE, TENNESSEE, September 6, 1862. (See Clarksville, same date.)
NEWSHAM, Joseph Parkinson, lawyer, born in Preston, Lancashire, England, 24 May, 1837. He came early to this country, and was educated in the public schools at St. Louis, Missouri studying law, he was admitted to the bar in Illinois and Missouri in 1860, and practised in St. Louis. Entering the National Army, he served on the staff of General John C. Fremont, and afterward on that of General Andrew J. Smith during the entire campaign of the latter from Paducah to Shiloh. He was then adjutant of the 32d Missouri Volunteers, and resigned, 4 July, 1864. The same year he moved to Louisiana and took an active part in the work of reconstruction. He was admitted to the Louisiana Bar in 1865, and was a member of the Reconstruction Convention of 1867-'8. He subsequently established and edited " The Feliciana Republican." the first Republican newspaper in that part of the state from 1868 till 1872. He sat in the 40th Congress, serving from 18 July, 1868, till 3 March, 1869, and was a candidate for re-election, but his opponent, Michael Ryan, Democrat, obtained the seat. On Mr. Newsham's asserting that fraud and intimidation had been used, the house, after investigation, declared the latter legally elected, and he consequently served from 25 May, 1870, till 5 December of the same year. Since then he has resided on his plantation at Bayou Sara, Louisiana, and served as parish judge and parish attorney. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 506.
NEWTON, Alexander Herritage, 1837-1921, African American, abolitionist, soldier, clergyman. Minister, African American Episcopal (AME) Church. Worked aiding fugitive slaves on the Underground Railroad. (Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., & Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, eds. African American National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2013, Vol. 8, p. 448)
NEWTON, Calvin, Thomaston, Maine, Waterville College, Maine, abolitionist. Manager, 1833-1840, and founding member of the American Anti-Slavery Society, December 1833. Member, Executive Committee, American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society (AFASS), 1840-1844. (Abolitionist, Vol. I, No. XII, December, 1833)
NEWTON, Isaac, naval architect, born in Schodack, New York, 16 January, 1794; died in New York City, 22 November, 1858. He was the son of Abner Newton, who served as an officer during the Revolutionary War. Early in life he turned his attention to the building of steamboats for navigation on Hudson River and the great lakes. Nearly ninety vessels for this purpose were constructed by him, including "Balloon," "Hendrick Hudson," " Knickerbocker," "North America," " Isaac Newton," and " The New World." The first anthracite coal used on a steam vessel was employed under his direction on the "North America." Mr. Newton was the founder of the People's Line of steamboats between Albany and New York, and he was also interested in the construction of many ocean steamers. He was associated in the development of the great transportation lines between New York and Chicago, including the New York Central and the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railways. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 507.
NEWTON, Isaac, civil engineer, born in New York City, 4 August, 1837; died there, 25 September, 1884, studied letters at Hamilton College, civil engineering at the University of the City of New York, and medicine at the medical department of the latter institution, but received no degree. His practical education as an engineer was acquired at the Novelty Iron-Works, and at the Delamater Works, in New York City, after which he served as assistant engineer on the People's Line, and as chief engineer on one of the Collins Line between New York and Liverpool. At the beginning of the Civil War he was appointed 1st assistant engineer in the U. S. Navy, and in 1861 assigned to the "Roanoke." Subsequently he was associated with John Ericsson (q. v.) in the building of the " Monitor." He accompanied this iron-clad to Hampton Roads, and participated in the fight with the "Merrimac," on 9 March, 1862, having special charge of the engines and turret during the conflict. On the trip from New York to Hampton Roads the ventilation-apparatus of the vessel became deranged, and the gas from the furnaces escaped into the boiler-room, nearly causing the death of the stokers. At the risk of his life he entered the boiler-room, dragged the men out, and performed their work till the immediate danger was past, when he was taken insensible from the place. In his report of the battle, John L. Worden said of Newton: "In the emergency which arose in the passage to Hampton Roads he showed great readiness in resources and quickness in the application of them; in the action with the 'Merrimac' he did his duty with coolness, skill, and energy, thereby contributing largely to the successful result of the combat." Later he became supervising constructor of iron-clads for the U S. government in New York, and in this capacity superintended the building, among others, of the "Puritan" and" Dictator." He resigned from the navy on 8 February, 1865, and thereafter followed his profession in various capacities, until 1869, when he was appointed by Congress to investigate the condition of the navy. Subsequently he assisted General George B. McClellan in the work of reconstructing the Stevens Battery, and in 1872 became his assistant, when General McClellan was chief engineer of the department of public works in New York City. After various private engagements he was appointed one of the Rapid Transit Commission to arrange plans for the transportation of passengers and freight in New York City, out of whose deliberations grew the present system of elevated roads. In 1881 he was appointed chief engineer of the Department of Public Works in New York City, and he was identified with the beginnings of the new Croton Aqueduct. Mr. Newton was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Society of Mechanical Engineers, and other scientific bodies. His professional articles contributed to current literature were many, and he was an accepted authority in certain directions. [Son of Issac Newton, 1794-1858]. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 507-508.
NEWTON, Isaac, commissioner of agriculture, born in Burlington County, New Jersey, 31 March, 1800; died in Washington, D. C, 19 June, 1867. He received a common-school education, and after his marriage settled on a farm in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Here he soon became known for the neatness, order, and productiveness of his land, and he eventually ranked among the model farmers of his state. He early became a member of its agricultural association, was frequently sent as a delegate to the meetings of the United States Agricultural Society, and introduced into the former organization a resolution urging Congress to establish a National Department of Agriculture. He also brought the plan to the attention successively of Presidents Harrison, Taylor, Fillmore, Buchanan, and Lincoln, whose personal acquaintance he enjoyed. To the last named he was indebted for the final adoption of his scheme. When the Agricultural Bureau had been authorized by Congress in 1862, Mr. Lincoln naturally offered the commissionership to Mr. Newton, to whose lot the organization of the department fell, and to whom its present efficiency is largely due. This office he held until his death. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 508.
NEWTON, John, soldier, born in Norfolk, Virginia, 24 August, 1823. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1842, standing second in the class that included Henry L. Eustis, William S. Rosecrans, John Pope, Seth Williams, Daniel H. Hill, Earl Van Dorn, James Longstreet, and others that held high commands during the Civil War. After being promoted into the Engineer Corps as 2d lieutenant, he served as assistant professor of engineering at the U. S. Military Academy, and then in the construction of various fortifications and other engineering works along the Atlantic and Gulf Sea-Coasts until 1860, except during 1858, when he was chief engineer of the Utah Expedition. He had attained the rank of captain on 1 July, 1850. At the beginning of the Civil War he was chief engineer of the Department of Pennsylvania, and then held a similar appointment in the Department of the Shenandoah, and from August, 1861, till March, 1862, was assistant engineer in the construction of the defences of Washington, D. C. He was made brigadier-general of volunteers, 23 September, 1861, and had charge of a brigade in the defence of the capital. During the Peninsular Campaign he served with the Army of the Potomac, and was engaged in the actions at West Point, Gaines's Mills, and Glendale. He continued with his command in the Maryland Campaign, participating in the forcing of Crampton Gap and the battle of Antietam. General Newton led a division in the storming of the Marye Heights in the battle of Fredericksburg, was made major-general of volunteers on 30 March, 1863, and then took part in the Chancellorsville Campaign and in the battle of Salem Heights. In the subsequent Pennsylvania Campaign he succeeded to the command of the 1st Corps on 2 July, 1863, after the death of John F. Reynolds, and commanded it in the last days of the battle of Gettysburg. He was brevetted colonel for services in this action, and engaged in the pursuit of the Confederate Army to Warrenton, Virginia, and in the Rapidan Campaign during October and December, 1863. He was placed in command of the 2d Division of the 4th Corps of the Army of the Cumberland, under General Oliver O. Howard, in May. 1864, and participated in the invasion of Georgia, taking active part in the engagements, including the battle of Peach Tree Creek, Georgia, that culminated in the capture of Atlanta in September, 1864. Subsequently he had command of various districts in Florida until he was mustered out of volunteer service in January, 1866, after receiving, on 13 March, 1865, the brevets of major-general in the volunteer army, and those of brigadier-general and major-general in the regular army. He received his regular promotion as lieutenant-colonel of engineers on 28 December, 1865, and in April, 1866, was made superintending engineer of the construction of the defences on the Long Island side of the Narrows entrance to New York Harbor; also of the improvements of the Hudson River and of the fort at Sandy Hook, New Jersey. He was also a member of the board of engineers to carry out in detail the modifications of the defences in the vicinity of New York. These and other similar engineering duties, principally in connection with the harbor of New York, occupied his attention until his retirement on 27 August, 1886. His well-known achievement of this kind was the removal of obstructions in Hell Gate Channel, the important water-way between Long Island Sound and East River. These, known as Hallett's Reef and Flood Rock, were duly mined and exploded on 24 September, 1876, and 10 October, 1885. All of the problems that were involved in the preliminary steps of this great work were completely and conscientiously studied, and the accuracy of his solutions was shown in the exact correspondence of results with the objects that he sought. The proposed enlargement, of Harlem River, the improvements of Hudson River from Troy to New York, and of the channel between New Jersey and Staten Island, and of harbors on Lake Champlain were likewise under his charge. He was advanced to the rank of colonel on 30 June, 1879, and to chief of engineers, with rank of brigadier-general, on 6 March, 1884. The office of commissioner of public works in New York City had been for some time awarded by political preferment, and it became necessary to secure for it a man of superior skill and scientific training. In accordance with these requirements, Mayor William R. Grace, on 31 August, 1887, appointed General Newton to that office, which he has since filled. His services as consulting engineer have been repeatedly sought, and he has invented steam-drilling apparatus that have been used in removing rocks in New York Harbor. He was elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences in 1876, and to honorary membership in the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1884. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 508-509.
NEWTON, Robert Crittenden, lawyer, born in Little Rock, Arkansas, 2 June, 1840; died there, 2 June, 1887. He was a descendant of Jared Newton, an Englishman, who emigrated to Westmoreland County, Virginia, in the 17th century. He was educated partly at the Western Military Institute, Tennessee, afterward studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1860, and began to practice in his native city. Enlisting in the Confederate Army as a private, he was successively commissioned lieutenant and assistant adjutant-general on the staff of General Thomas O. Hindman. Subsequently he was made major in the adjutant-general's department, and colonel of the 5th Regiment of Arkansas Cavalry. After the war he took an active part in the work of reconstruction. In 1866 he served as one of the commissioners that were sent by the Arkansas Legislature to Washington, D. C. to ascertain from the Federal authorities on what terms Congressmen from that state would be admitted to seats. In 1868 he canvassed the state against the constitution of that year, and in 1874 he was state treasurer pro tempore from 23 May till 12 November. In May, 1873, when Governor Elisha Baxter decided to reorganize the militia of the state, he appointed General Newton one of two major-generals to carry out the work: but. on the advice of President Grant, he determined to disband nil the military forces of the state. The following year, on the outbreak of the "Brooks-Baxter War" (see Baxter, Elisha), Newton was reappointed major-general in command of the state troops. On 19 May, 1874, the Brooks forces having evacuated the capitol under the proclamation of President Grant, General Newton occupied the yard and grounds, and the next day reinstated Governor Baxter in possession of the public buildings, property, and archives. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 509-510.
NEWTONIA, MISSOURI, September 13, 1862. 3d and 6th Missouri Militia Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 647.
NEWTONIA, MISSOURI, September 30, 1862. Detachment of the Army of Kansas. On the 29th Brigadier-General Frederick Salomon sent scouting parties to Newtonia, Granby and Neosho. The detachment sent to Newtonia encountered the enemy in the afternoon and reinforcements were sent. Early next morning it became apparent from the heavy cannonading that the force at Newtonia was heavily engaged and Salomon despatched the 6th Kansas cavalry and the 3d Indian home guard to the place at a trot, following with the artillery and infantry. When he arrived he found the troops already there disposed in line of battle and the reinforcements were added to strengthen the line. From that time until dark the Confederates were kept in check by the artillery, when Salomon withdrew, the brigade of Missouri militia, which he had been expecting to reinforce him, not having arrived. On its coming up later it was used to cover Salomon's retreat. The Federal loss was comparatively light, while the enemy suffered casualties to the extent of 12 killed, 63 wounded and 3 captured or missing. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 647-648.
NEWTONIA, MISSOURI, October 28, 1864. Army of the Border. Major-General James G. Blunt with his division had the advance of the Army of the Border in its pursuit of Price's army through Missouri. At Newtonia the Confederates had encamped near the Pineville road, but upon the appearance of the Federals on the hills to the northwest of the town they immediately began to move off, leaving some 2,000 men to cover the movement. Although Blunt had only two brigades with him he immediately attacked, deploying his men under cover of an artillery fire. By the fierceness of his attack he uncovered the whole of the enemy, and soon learned that he had engaged Price's whole army, which was four times as large as his own. Price pressed the Union flanks until they were compelled to fall back about 500 yards. A further withdrawal was about to be ordered when the division of Major-General John B. Sanborn appeared, took position on Blunt's left, charged the Confederate right, compelling it to fall back and at dark to abandon the field. The casualties for this single engagement were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 648.
NEWTOWN, VIRGINIA, May 24, 1862. Portion of the forces of the Department of the Shenandoah. During the operations in the Shenandoah valley while the Confederates were advancing, they were met near Newtown and a heavy fire opened on their column. The Federals then withdrew to a hill to the north of the town, whence an artillery fire was kept up for some time. The casualties were not reported, but were not very heavy. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 648.
NEWTOWN, VIRGINIA, November 12, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 19th Army Corps. The brigade made a reconnaissance to Newtown, where a small detachment of the enemy was stationed. This force was driven out, with a loss to the Union brigade of 2 men slightly wounded. The enemy's loss was not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 648.
NEW ULM, MINNESOTA, August 21-23, 1862. Minnesota Troops under General H. H. Sibley and Citizens. This was one of the points attacked by the Indians of the Sioux nation in their outbreak in 1862. The first attack was made on the 21st and on the 23d a more desperate and determined assault was repulsed by the citizens under Judge Flandrau. On the 24th troops under General Sibley drove the Indians off and relieved the besieged garrison. Nickajack Creek, Georgia, July 3-5, 1864. 14th Army Corps. As the Union forces pursued the Confederates in their retreat from Kennesaw mountain the 14th corps passed through Marietta and on the evening of the 3d went into bivouac on Nickajack creek, within sight of the enemy's works on the south side of the creek. Early the next morning the two batteries of Davis' division opened on the enemy and a heavy skirmish line was pushed through the swamp and across the creek. Shortly after noon Morgan's brigade crossed and after a short skirmish drove the Confederates into their trenches. The brigade bivouacked close to the enemy's works and at daylight on the 5th discovered that the Confederates had retreated during the night in the direction of the Chattahoochee river. The whole corps then crossed the Nickajack and the pursuit was continued, the 34th Illinois, which was in advance, skirmishing with the enemy's rear-guard almost to the Chattahoochee. No casualties reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 648.
NICHOLLS, Francis Tillon, governor of Louisiana, born in Donaldsonville, Ascension Parish, Louisiana, 20 August, 1834. His father, Thomas Clark (1790-1847). was a member of the general assembly of Louisiana, judge of a district court for many years, and in 1843 was appointed senior judge of the Louisiana court of error and appeals. His mother was a sister of Joseph Rodman Drake. The son was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1855, and assigned to the 3d U.S. Artillery. He served against the Seminole Indians, was on frontier duty in 1856, and resigned his commission on 1 October of that year. He then practised law in Napoleonville, Louisiana, until 1861, when he joined the Confederate Army as captain in the 8th Louisiana Regiment, of which he became lieutenant-colonel. In 1862 he was made colonel of the 15th Regiment and brigadier-general. He participated in Stonewall Jackson's movements, and lost an arm in the battle of Winchester, Virginia, and a foot at Chancellorsville. He was superintendent of the conscript bureau of the Trans-Mississippi Department in 1864-'5. and practised law in Ascension Parish from 1865 till 1876. He was elected governor of Louisiana as a Democrat, serving from 1877 till 1880, and in January, 1888, was again nominated for this office. He now (1888) practices law in New Orleans. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 512.
NICHOLS, Charles Henry, physician, born in Vassalborough, Kennebec County, Maine, 19 October, 1820. He was educated in the public schools and in the Friends' school. Providence. Rhode Island, taught from his seventeenth to his twentieth year, studied medicine at the University of New York, and was graduated at the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1843. He practised at Lynn, Massachusetts, from that date until 1847, when he became associate physician to the New York State Lunatic Asylum in Utica. He has since made a specialty of the treatment of mental diseases, and the architecture and hygiene of institutions for the insane. He was physician and superior officer in Bloomingdale Asylum, New York City, in 1849-'52. In October of the latter year he chose the site, subsequently built, organized, and equipped the U. S. government Hospitals for the insane in Washington, D. C, and he afterward enlarged the buildings three times, treated 4,000 patients, and procured the extension of the grounds from 195 to 420 acres. He was acting assistant surgeon during the Civil War, and, in connection with the general government hospital for the insane, conducted a general hospital for U. S. volunteers. During his service in Washington he was president of the first board of school commissioners, of the levy, and of the board of police commissioners for the District of Columbia, vice-president of the board of directors of the Columbia Hospital for women, and a member of many professional and benevolent societies. He was for several years president of the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane. At the meeting of the International Medical Congress in Philadelphia in 1870 he read a paper before the section on mental diseases on the ' Best Mode of providing for the Subjects of Chronic Insanity." He resigned the superintendence of the government asylums in Washington in 1877, and since that date has been superintendent of Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane. New York City. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 512.
NICHOLS, Clarina I. Howard, 1810-1885, Vermont, journalist, educator, reformer, active in abolition, temperance and women’s rights movements. Active in Kansas Free State movement, and in the Underground Railroad, aiding fugitive slaves. (Blackwell, 2010) Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 512.
NICHOLS, Clarinda Howard, reformer, born in Townsend, Windham County, Vermont, 25 January, 1810; died in Pomo, California, 11 January, 1885. She assisted her husband for ten years in editing and publishing the "Windham County Democrat," and in 1847 began to speak in public on the laws of Vermont in regard to the property liabilities of married women. The next year she was instrumental in securing the passage of the first bill in the Vermont Legislature that recognized the civil existence of wives. She afterward emigrated to Kansas, served one term as recording clerk of the state legislature, and moved to Pomo, California, in 1871. (Blackwell, 2010) Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 512.
NICHOL, Edward Tatnall, naval officer, born in Augusta, Georgia, 1 March, 1823; died in Pomfret, Connecticut, 12 October, 1886. He was appointed to the U. S. Naval Academy in 1830, became passed midshipman in 1842, lieutenant in 1850, and commander in 1862. At the beginning of the Civil War he was placed in command of the steamer "Winona" in the Western Gulf blockading squadron, participated in the bombardment of Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip, and received the surrender of the latter on 28 April, 1862. He also took part in the passage of the batteries at Vicksburg, and was commended for " ability, steadiness, and sound judgment." In June, 1864, while in command of the steamer "Mendote" he engaged the Confederate battery at Four Mile Creek, James River, Virginia. He became captain in 1866, commodore in 1872, rear-admiral in 1878, and was placed on the retired list in March, 1885. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 512.
NICHOLS, William Augustus, soldier, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 12 May, 1818; died in St. Louis, Missouri, 8 April, 1869. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1838, became 1st lieutenant in 1844, served throughout the Mexican War as aide to General John A. Quitman, and assistant adjutant-general under General John Garland, and received the brevet of major for bravery at Molino del Rey. He became assistant adjutant-general, with the rank of captain, in 1852, and lieutenant-colonel in 1861. During the Civil War he was adjutant-general of the Department of the East in June and November, 1861, and of the Department of New York in December, assistant in the office of the adjutant-general in Washington, D. C, in 1862-'4, became colonel and brevet brigadier-general in 1864, and brevet major-general in 1865 for meritorious service during the war. At the time of his death he was chief of staff and adjutant-general of the Military Department of Missouri. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 513.
NICHOLS, George Ward, author, born in Mt. Desert, Maine, 21 June, 1837; died in Cincinnati, Ohio, 15 September, 1885. He was a journalist in early life, but at the beginning of the Civil War in 1862 he became a member of General John C. Fremont's staff, and remained with him until the battle of Cross Keys. He was then attached to General William T. Sherman's staff, and went with him on his march to the sea. He had some skill as a painter, and excelled as a writer on art and musical subjects. He spent the last sixteen years of his life in Cincinnati, where he projected and accomplished the establishment and endowment of the Cincinnati College of music, of which he was president at the time of his death. He published " The Story of the Great March," of which 70,000 copies were sold in one year (New York, 1865); "Art Education applied" to Industry " (1877); and " Pottery, how it is Made." with a bibliography (1878). See a memorial address delivered by General Jacob D. Cox (Cincinnati, 1887). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 513.
NICHOLSON, Alfred Osborn Pope, senator, born in Williamson County, Tennessee, 31 August, 1808; died in Columbia, Tennessee, 23 March, 1876. He was graduated at the University of North Carolina in 1827, and studied medicine, but, abandoning it for law, was admitted to the bar in 1831, and began practice at Columbia, Tennessee. He edited "The Western Mercury" at Columbia in 1832-'5, "The Nashville Union" in 1844-'6, and "The Washington Union" in 1853-'6. Mr. Nicholson was a member of the state house of representatives from 1833 till 1839, and was appointed a U. S. Senator from Tennessee, in place of Felix Grundy, as a Democrat, serving from 11 January, 1841, till 3 March, 1843. He was chancellor of the middle division of Tennessee in 1845-'51, president of the Bank of Tennessee in 1846-'7, and printer of the House of Representatives during the 33d Congress, and of the Senate during the 34th. He was a member of the convention that met at Nashville in 1850, and delivered there an eloquent address in favor of the compromise propositions that were then before Congress. He was a member of the Democratic National Convention of 1852, and was offered by President Pierce a cabinet appointment, which he declined. In 1857 Mr. Nicholson was elected to the U. S. Senate and served until 3 March, 1861, when he retired, and was formally expelled on 3 July of that year for his connection with the secession movement. During the war he was twice arrested at Columbia and imprisoned. In 1870 he was elected a member of the convention to revise the constitution of the state, and the same year he was appointed chief justice of the supreme court of Tennessee. He was the author of a letter to aspirants for the presidency in 1848, which became famous under the name of the "Nicholson letter." Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 514.
NICHOLSON, William Carmichael, naval officer, born in Maryland in 1800; died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 25 July, 1872. He was commissioned a midshipman from his native state, 18 July, 1812, and was on board the "President," under Decatur, in the desperate action off Long Island in January, 1815, when that vessel surrendered to the British Fleet. He was carried to England and not released till the end of the war. He was commissioned a lieutenant in March, 1821, and served on the frigate "United States" in the Pacific Squadron in 1827. He was on duty at the naval station in 1834, he came commander, 8 September, 1841, went out in the sloop "Preble" in the Mediterranean Squadron in 1843, served at the naval rendezvous at Boston in 1840-'6, was attached to the receiving-ship at New York in 1847-'8, and commandant at the U.S. Navy-yard in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1852-'3. He was commissioned as captain, 22 August, 1855, and in the same year acted as fleet-captain of the Pacific Squadron. From 1858 till 1861 he had in charge the steam frigate "Mississippi" in the East India Squadron. In 1861 he was in command of the steam frigate "Roanoke," and from 1861 to 1866 was on special duty. His commission as commodore was signed 16 July, 1862. His courage was manifested upon several occasions, and he was engaged in numerous duels. When the Civil War began he was the commander of the United States Marine Asylum in Philadelphia. [Son of James Nicholson]. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 515.
NICHOLSON, James William Augustus, naval officer, born in Dedham, Massachusetts. 10 March, 1821; died in New York City, 28 October, 1887, was the son of Nathaniel Dowse Nicholson (1792-1822), an officer in the navy, who served during the war of 1812 with Great Britain. The son entered the U.S. Navy, 10 February, 1838, as a midshipman, was promoted lieutenant in 1852, and in 1847-'8 was acting master in the Mexican War. In 1853-'5 he was lieutenant of the sloop "Vandalia," of the Japanese Expedition, under Commodore Matthew C. Perry. His first command in the Civil War was the " Isaac Smith," in the Port Royal Expedition, and he was commended by admiral Dupont for coolness and courage. In the winter of 1861-'2 he served in Florida, and in the spring of 1862 he was assigned the command of St. Augustine. In February, 1862, he had an engagement with a Confederate Flotilla in Savannah River. He was promoted commander in July, and in 1862-'3 was ordnance officer on the New York Station. In 1863-'4 he commanded the "Shamrock" in the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron before Charleston, and he had in charge the monitor "Manhattan," under Farragut, at the battle of Mobile Bay. He greatly aided in the capture of the Confederate ram "Tennessee," the only shots which penetrated her armor being fired from the 15 inch guns of the "Manhattan." Nicholson afterward attacked Fort Powell at intervals for twelve days, firing 100 shells into it, and bombarded Fort Morgan from 9 till 21 August, when it surrendered. He returned to New York in January, 1865. He commanded the steamer "Mohigan," of the Pacific Squadron, in 1865-'6, and in July of the latter year was made captain. In 1871—'2 he commanded the flag-ship " Lancaster," of the Brazil Squadron, and in 1873 he became commodore. He had charge of the New York U.S. Navy-yard in 1876-'80, and on 1 September, 1881, he was appointed to the command of the European Station, being commissioned rear-admiral on 1 October of that year. He was present during the bombardment of Alexandria, Egypt, by the British fleet, on 11 July, 1882, and on the 14th, after the firing had ceased, he landed 100 marines to protect the U. S. Consulate and to assist in restoring order. Throughout the bombardment and subsequently Admiral Nicholson's conduct was prompt, energetic, and efficient, and received general commendation in Europe, as well as in this country. On 10 March, 1883, he was retired, resigning the European Squadron to his successor, Admiral Baldwin. He received medals, decorations, and thanks from various European sovereigns. When Admiral Nicholson went on the retired list he was the last representative of a family that had been eminent in the naval history of the United States. Since 1755 eighteen of the name and family have been in the service. Three have worn broad pennants, and a fourth died just as he received an appointment to one. [Son of James Nicholson]. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 515.
NICKAJACK GAP, GEORGIA, March 9, 1864. 8th Indiana Cavalry. Brigadier General Absalom Baird reporting from Ringgold, Georgia, under date of March 9, says: "Colonel Thomas J. Harrison skirmished an hour with a large force of rebels near Nickajack, and then fell back here; has pickets out 4 miles." This is the only mention of the affair. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 648-649.
NICKAJACK GAP, GEORGIA, May 7, 1864. 3d Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland. In the advance on Tunnel Hill the division, under command of Brigadier-General Kilpatrick, moved through Taylor's ridge at Nickajack gap, drove back the Confederate cavalry there and then spent the day in covering the movements of the 20th army corps. No casualties reported. Nickajack Trace, Georgia, April 23, 1864. Detachment of 92nd Illinois Mounted Infantry. Sixty-four men of Company K, doing picket duty about 5 miles from Ringgold, were attacked by a regiment of Confederate infantry from the north, another from the east, and two regiments of cavalry from the south. Rather than surrender the men attempted to fight their way out, but 5 were killed, 7 wounded, and 20 reported as captured or missing. The others reached camp in a disorganized condition. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 649.
NICKERSON, Frank Stillman, soldier, born in Swanville, Maine, 27 August, 1826. He was educated at East Corinth Academy, Maine, and was a collector of customs at the beginning of the Civil War, when he resigned and became successively captain, major, and lieutenant-colonel of the 4th Maine Regiment. He was commended in general orders by General Oliver O. Howard for bravery at Bull Run, and on 31 December, 1861, was made colonel of the 14th Maine and sent to New Orleans under General Benjamin F. Butler. He was specially mentioned for his services at Baton Rouge, and on 29 November, 1862, was promoted to brigadier-general of volunteers. He then served in the Department of the Gulf till his resignation on 13 May, 1865. Since the war General Nickerson has resided in Boston, Massachusetts Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 516.
NICOLAY, John George, author, born in Essingen, Bavaria, 26 February, 1832. He came to the United States with his father in 1838, lived for some time in Cincinnati, where he attended the public schools, and then moved to Illinois. At the age of sixteen he entered the office of the "Pike County Free Press" in Pittsfield. and before he came of age he was proprietor and editor of the paper. He went to Springfield in 1857 as an assistant to the Secretary of State, and remained there until Abraham Lincoln was nominated for the presidency, when he became his secretary. After the election he was appointed private secretary to the president, and served in that capacity until Mr. Lincoln's death. From 1865 till 1869 he was U. S. consul at Paris, and on his return he edited for a time the Chicago " Republican." He was marshal of the U. S. Supreme Court from 1872 till 1887. He is the author, in collaboration with John Hay, of the "Life of Abraham Lincoln," now (1888) in course of publication in the "Century Magazine." He has also published "The Outbreak of Rebellion," in "Campaigns of the Civil War " (New York, 1881). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 516.
NILES, Hezekiah, editor, born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, 10 October, 1777; died in Wilmington, Delaware, 2 April, 1839. He learned printing, and about 1800 became a member of an unsuccessful publishing firm in Wilmington. He then moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where for six years he edited a daily paper. He is chiefly known as the founder, printer, and publisher of " Niles's Register," a weekly journal published in Baltimore, which he edited from 1811 until 1836, and which is considered so valuable as a source of information concerning American history that the first 32 volumes, extending from 1812 till 1827, were reprinted. The "Register" was continued by his son, William Ogden Niles, and others, until 27 June, 1849, making altogether 76 volumes. He advocated the protection of national industry, and was with Mathew Cary a champion of the “American system." In addition to a series of humorous essays entitled "Quill Driving," published in a periodical, he compiled a work entitled "Principles and Acts of the Revolution" (Baltimore, 1822). The towns of Niles, Michigan, and Niles, Ohio, were named in his honor. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 521.
NIOBRARA, NEBRASKA, December 4, 1863. Detachment of 7th Iowa Cavalry. Because a party of Ponca Indians had made a demonstration upon 2 white citizens of Niobrara a party of soldiers under a sergeant left the town to punish the red men. Upon overtaking the Indians the troops opened fire, and when the former fled the soldiers followed until 7 Indians had been killed. Nineveh, Virginia, November 12, 1864. (See Cedar Creek, same date.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 649.
NISBET, Eugenius Aristides, jurist, born near Union Point, Greene County, Georgia, 7 December, 1803; died in Macon, Georgia, 18 March, 1871. He was of Scotch descent, and his father, Dr. James Nisbet, was a pioneer of Georgia, a member of the Convention of 1798 that framed its constitution, and a representative in the state legislature. The son was educated at Columbia College, South Carolina, and at Franklin College, Athens, Georgia, where he was graduated in 1821. He studied law in Litchfield Law-School, Connecticut, was admitted to the bar by special act of the legislature before reaching the age of twenty-one, practised in Georgia, and represented his county in the legislature for many years. He was elected to Congress as a Whig, and served from 2 December, 1839, till 3 March, 1843, when he resumed his law-practice. In 1845 he was appointed a judge of the newly organized state supreme court. In polities he was a strict constructionist, but supported William H. Harrison in 1840 and Henry Clay in 1844. He was a leader of the American Party in 1855, and in 1860 supported the Bell-Everett ticket. He was a member of the State Secession Convention in 1861, and of the Confederate Provisional Congress. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 524.
NITRE. Saltpetre, or nitrate of potassa; 54 nitric acid, 48 potassa. It is spontaneously generated in the soil, and is a necessary ingredient of powder. It has occasionally been produced artificially in nitre beds, formed of a mixture of calcareous soil with animal matter; in these, nitrate of lime is slowly formed, which is extracted by lixiviation, and carbonate of potash added to the solution, which gives rise to the formation of nitrate of potassa and carbonate of lime; the latter is precipitated; the former remains in solution and is obtained in crystals by evaporation. Its great use is in the manufacture of gunpowder, and in the production of nitric acid. It is also employed in the curing or preservation of meat. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, pp. 428-429).
NIXON, John Thompson, jurist, born in Fairton, New Jersey, 31 August, 1830. He was graduated at Princeton in 1841, studied law, was admitted to the bar of Virginia in 1844, and to that of New Jersey in 1845, and began to practice in Bridgeton. New Jersey. In 1848-'9 he was a member of the New Jersey Legislature, acting as speaker in the latter year. He was elected to Congress as a Republican, serving from 5 December, 1859, till 3 March, 1863, and was an active member of the Committee on Commerce. In 1870 he was appointed by President Grant U. S. judge for the District of New Jersey. In 1863 he delivered the annual address before the two literary societies of Princeton on "Endurance, Individual and National," and in 1864 he was made a trustee of this college. He took an active part in the old-school assembly of the Presbyterian Church in 1869, in promoting the reunion of its two branches, and was a member of the general assembly's committee to revise the form of government and book of discipline. Mr. Nixon is one of the four residuary legatees designated by the late John C. Green, charged with the distribution to benevolent objects of an estate exceeding $7,000,000. He prepared the second, third, and fourth editions of Judge Lucius Q. C. Elmer's " Digest of the Laws of New Jersey.'" known as "Nixon's Digest" (4th ed., Newark, 1868); and also " Forms of Proceedings under the Laws of New Jersey" (3d ed., Trenton, 1856). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 526.
NOBLE, John Willock, lawyer, born in Lancaster, Ohio, 26 October, 1831. He was educated at Miami University, Ohio, and at Yale, where he was graduated in 1851, studied law, and was city attorney of Keokuk, Iowa, in 1850-'60. He became 1st lieutenant and adjutant in the 3d Iowa Cavalry in August, 1861, and took part in the battle of Athens, Missouri, as a private before he was mustered into service. He became judge-advocate of the Army of the Southwest, and afterward of the Department of Missouri, took part in the battle of Pea Ridge and the siege of Vicksburg, and served under General Andrew J. Smith against Forrest, and under General James H. Wilson in Alabama and Georgia. He was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers, 13 March, 1865, mustered out at Atlanta in August, and resumed the practice of law, serving as U. S. District Attorney at St. Louis in 1867-'70, and receiving the thanks of General Grant before the cabinet in 1869. He has won reputation in his profession, and has taken part in many important suits. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 528.
NOLAND'S FERRY, MARYLAND, July 5, 1864. (See Point of Rocks, same date.)
NOLENSVILLE, TENNESSEE, December 26, 1862. 1st Division, Right Wing, Army of the Cumberland. As the Army of the Cumberland was advancing on Murfreesboro Davis' division encountered the enemy's pickets near Nolensville and soon afterward saw a force of cavalry forming on the hills southwest of the town, as if to flank the Union troops. Pinney's battery was ordered forward to dislodge the cavalry, a few shells being sufficient for that purpose, while Carlin's brigade engaged some dismounted cavalry and drove them back through the town. Two miles beyond Nolensville, where the pike ran through Knob gap, the enemy took up a strong position on the heights commanding the road and opened on the Federal advance with artillery. Pinney's and Hotchkiss' batteries were brought up to reply to this fire, and Davis ordered Carlin to charge the battery. The charge was successfully made, Carlin carrying the heights and capturing 2 of the guns. At the same time Post's brigade carried the hills on the left of the road, Woodruff's brigade drove back the enemy on the right, and the division moved on toward Murfreesboro. The casualties in these engagements are included in the official reports of the battle of Stone's river, (q. v.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 649.
NOLENSVILLE, TENNESSEE, February 15, 1863. Detachment of 3d Division, 14th Army Corps. A forage train of 10 wagons, with an escort of two companies of infantry, was attacked by 150 Confederate cavalry about a mile and a half from Nolensville. The Federal troops took refuge in some outbuildings and repulsed the attack, wounding 5 men, (of whom 3 were captured) taking 3 horses, 7 saddles and 3 guns. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 649.
NOMENCLATURE. Technical designation. (See ARMS; ORD- NANCE.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 429).
NONCONNAH CREEK, Tennessee, April 4, 1863. 2nd Wisconsin Cavalry. The pickets of the 2nd Wisconsin near Memphis were struck about daylight, 2 of them wounded and 2 captured. Colonel Thomas Stephens w1th about 100 men pursued, crossing the Nonconnah and driving a Confederate picket a distance of 6 miles to where the enemy was found some 600 or 800 strong. Stephens returned and Lauman's brigade was ordered out, but failed to come up with the enemy. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 649.
NONCONNAH CREEK, TENNESSEE, October 29, 1864. Detachment of 7th Indiana Cavalry. Twenty-four men of this regiment under Captain Joseph W. Skelton while scouting in the vicinity of Nonconnah creek were fired into from the brush on their right flank. At the same time the advance guard, which had crossed to the other side of the creek, was cut off from the main body. Skelton ordered a charge, but the move on horseback was an impossibility and to dismount meant capture, so the command retreated up a high embankment on the left and halted. Part of the horses were unable to make the distance and their riders were obliged to dash back through the dismounted enemy. Skelton had l man mortally and 1 severely wounded, and 10 captured or missing. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 650.
NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICER. Grades between private and warrant officer, as corporal, sergeant, ordnance-sergeant, sergeant- major, and quartermaster-sergeant. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 429).
NONISTOWN, ARKANSAS, May 19, 1864. Brigadier-General Joseph O. Shelby, of the Confederate army, reporting his operations north of the Arkansas river, states that on the morning after he had occupied Norristown his pickets were fired into by Union troops, but upon reinforcements being sent out the Federals retired. No casualties were mentioned. North Anna River, Virginia, July 23, 1862. (See Carmel Church.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 651.
NOONDAY CREEK, GEORGIA, June 7-18, 1864. Army of the Tennessee. In forming his lines about Kennesaw and Lost mountains General Johnston extended his right on the 7th across the Marietta and Acworth road along the south bank of Noonday creek at the base of Brush mountain. Here Hood's corps intrenched itself and from the 7th to the 18th there was almost constant skirmishing, the Union troops advancing under successive lines of intrenchments, until on the night of the 18th Hood was withdrawn. The losses during this time were trifling on both sides. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 650.
NOONDAY CREEK, GEORGIA, June 20, 1864. Detachment of 2nd Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland. Just as Brigadier-General Robert H. G. Minty was moving across Noonday creek near Latimar's mill to camp for the night, he learned that the 7th Pennsylvania cavalry under Major William H. Jennings had been attacked from the north. Minty went to Jennings' relief and found him being slowly driven. He ordered Newlin's battalion to charge, which routed the enemy and drove him back a quarter of a mile to where Williams' (Confederate) brigade was stationed. Williams charged, but was repulsed by a countercharge of the 4th Michigan Three times two of the Confederate regiments charged, but each time were driven off, when a fresh detachment of the enemy appeared on the Federal right and Minty was obliged to fall back until reinforcements should come up. The Union line was in the shape of a horseshoe with the bridge across the creek directly in the rear. Upon the arrival of reinforcements Minty placed them in position, but before they could be fully disposed, the enemy charged both flanks. The Union left was easily driven back, but when the Confederates came within range of the artillery they were checked. The right flank repulsed the attack. When darkness came on the enemy retired and left Minty in possession of the field. The Federal loss in this engagement was 13 killed, 38 wounded and 16 captured or missing. The Confederate casualties were not reported, but were undoubtedly heavier. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 650.
NORDHOFF, Charles, journalist, born in Erwitte, Westphalia, Prussia, 31 August, 1830. In 1835 he came with his parents to this country, and attended school in Cincinnati, where he was apprenticed to a printer in 1843. In 1844 he went to Philadelphia and worked in a newspaper office, but he soon shipped in the U. S. Navy, where he served three years, making a voyage around the world. He remained at sea in the merchant, whaling, and mackerel fishery service until 1853, when he again became employed in newspaper offices, first in Philadelphia, and afterward in Indianapolis, Indiana. From 1857 till 1861 he was editorially employed by a publishing-house in New York. From 1861 till 1871 he was on the staff of the New York " Evening Post," and he subsequently contributed to the " Tribune." He travelled in California in 1871-'2, and visited the Hawaiian Islands in 1873. Since 1874 he has been the special Washington correspondent of the "New York Herald." He edited an American edition of Kern's "Practical Landscape Gardening" (Cincinnati, 1855),and is the author of " Man-of-War Life: a Boy's Experience in the U. S. Navy" (Cincinnati, 1855); "The Merchant Vessel" (1855); "Whaling and Fishing" (1856); "Nine Years a Sailor" (1857); "Stories from the Island World" (New York, 1857); "Secession is Rebellion: the Union Indissoluble" (1860); "The Freedmen of South Carolina: Some Account of their Appearance, Character, Condition, and Customs" (1863); "America for Free Working Men" (1865); "Cape Cod and All Along Shore," a collection of stories (1868); "California for Health, Pleasure, and Residence" (1872); "Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands " (1874); "Politics for Young Americans" (1875); "The Communistic Societies of the United States" (1875); "The Cotton States in the Spring and Summer of 1875" (1876); and "God and the Future Life " (1881). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 531.
NORFOLK, MISSOURI, September 10, 1861. U. S. Gunboats, and Detail of Cavalry under Captain Orlando Burrell. Two different reports of Brigadier General John A. McClernand state that during a reconnaissance toward Norfolk, in which Federal gunboats assisted, an encounter between the vessels of the contending forces occurred, the Union fleet being successful. Later' a squad of 15 cavalry under Captain Burrell were intercepted by 100 Confederate cavalry. In a running fight Burrell had 2 men wounded and 3 were lost in the woods, while 1 of the enemy was killed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 650.
NORFOLK, MISSOURI, September 27, 1861. Detachment of 22nd Illinois Infantry. A force sent out from Norfolk, to sustain some Federal cavalry out on a scout, met 400 Confederates at the Beckwith farm, 5 miles from Norfolk. The enemy fled at the first fire. No casualties were mentioned. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 650.
NORRIS, William Francis, born in Philadelphia, 6 January, 1839, was graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1858 and at its medical school in 1861, and in the latter year was appointed resident physician to the Pennsylvania Hospital. He was assistant surgeon in the U. S. Army in 1863-'5, and was brevetted captain for meritorious service. In 1865 he resigned and established himself in practice in Philadelphia, making a specialty of diseases of the eyes. Since 1873 he has been professor of ophthalmic surgery in the University of Pennsylvania. He is one of the surgeons to Wills Eye Hospital, fellow of the College of Physicians and of Pennsylvania Academy of Natural Sciences, and a member of numerous medical societies. His publications have been limited to contributions to professional periodicals and to the 'Transactions ' of the several societies of which he is a member. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 533.
NORRIS, Joseph P., abolitionist leader, Committee of Twenty-Four/Committee of Guardians, the Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery (PAS), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Nash, 1991, p. 129)
NORTH, John W., Northfield, Minnesota, American Abolition Society, Vice-President, 1855-57
NORTH, William, Freetown, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Abolition Society, Vice-President, 1839
NORTH ANNA RIVER, VIRGINIA, May 23-27, 1864. Army of the Potomac. The operations along the North Anna river on these dates constituted what is known as the Third epoch of the campaign from the Rapidan to the James. (For the organization of the Army of the Potomac at the beginning of that campaign see Wilderness.) On May 24, the 9th corps, commanded by Major-General Ambrose E. Burnside and composed of the divisions of Stevenson, Potter, Willcox and Ferrero, joined the Army of the Potomac, which was under command of Major-General George G. Meade, who was accompanied on the campaign by Lieutenant-General U. S. Grant. The 6th corps, which had been commanded by Major-General John Sedgwick until he was killed at the battle of Spottsylvania Court House, was now under command of Major-General Horatio G. Wright . On the night of May 22 Grant directed Meade to move his army south from Mount Carmel Church at 5 o'clock the next morning, and to follow across the North Anna river should it be found that the Confederates had crossed The 2nd corps was to move on the Telegraph road to the Chesterfield ford, near where the Fredericksburg & Richmond railroad crossed the river; the 9th corps to Jericho bridge, or mills, and the 5th corps, with the 6th in reserve, to a point west of Jericho mills. The distance between Jericho mills and the Chesterfield ford is about 4 miles. Before the orders were executed they were changed, making the destination of the 9th corps the Ox ford, about a mile above the Telegraph road bridge at Chesterfield ford, while the 5th and 6th corps, the former in advance, moved toward Jericho mills. At 1 p. m. Warren had reached the mills. No enemy was to be seen on the opposite bank and Bartlett's brigade of Griffin's division was pushed over to secure the crossing. By the time the entire division had waded across at the ford the bridge train came up and the remainder of the corps crossed on the pontoon bridge. Line of battle was formed half a mile beyond the river in a strip of timber. At 6 p. m. the Confederates assaulted Cutler, who had succeeded to the command of Wadsworth's division after the latter's death in the Wilderness. He was the last of the division commanders to cross the river and had not wholly formed his line when the enemy attacked. The division fell back in some confusion, the Confederates following until they were checked by Griffin's artillery and compelled to withdraw to the Virginia Central railroad, about a mile and a half south, when Warren intrenched his position. The 6th corps was hastened from Mount Carmel church at the beginning of the action, but the fighting had about ended when it arrived on the north bank of the river at Jericho mills and it was not crossed until the next morning. In the meantime Hancock formed his corps along the heights a mile north of the river, his left (Gibbon) resting on the Fredericksburg & Richmond railroad and his right (Birney) on the Telegraph road, Barlow occupying the center. The Confederates were intrenched on a hill on the north bank of the river to guard the approach to the Telegraph road 'bridge. Birney was of the opinion that he could capture the position and was ordered to attempt it. Egan's and Pierce's brigades, in a brilliant charge up the slope under cover of the 2nd corps artillery fire, successfully accomplished the movement, driving the enemy across the river, though the two brigades lost some 150 men. The Confederates still held the south end of the bridge and during the night made several attempts to burn it, but each time were driven back. Burnside proceeded to Ox ford, but found the enemy so strongly intrenched on the south bank he deemed it unwise to attempt a crossing. On the morning of the 24th it was found that the enemy in Hancock's front had abandoned his advanced works on the south side of the river, when the 2nd corps was at once crossed and took possession of them. Some reconnoitering was done during the day and it was discovered that the Confederate position was strongly intrenched in the shape of a V, the vertex resting on the river near Ox ford, one side opposite Hancock's corps, while the other faced the 5th and 6th corps to the west. About 6 p. m. Gibbon's division, occupying Hancock's extreme left, became briskly engaged and though its outposts were hard pressed no material advantage was gained by the enemy. The same day Burnside was ordered to seize Ox ford, but finding that it was impossible to make a direct attack as the salient of the V was directly opposite, he sent Crittenden's division (formerly Stevenson's) a mile and a half up the river, where it crossed at Quarles' mill. On the south side of the stream Crittenden formed a junction with Crawford's division of Warren's corps and advanced toward the Confederate position at Ox ford with a view of driving the enemy out so that Willcox's division could cross, but the enemy was too strongly intrenched. On the 25th the 5th and 6th corps with Crittenden's division of the 9th were thrown forward to within 600 or 800 yards of the Confederate line which was found to be well intrenched and traversed to protect it from the enfilading fire of the 9th corps artillery on the north bank of the river. The line extended from Ox ford on the North Anna to Anderson's mill on the Little river, a distance of a mile and a half. The rest of the 25th and 26th were spent by the Federals in tearing up portions of the Fredericksburg & Richmond and Virginia Central railroads and on the 26th Wilson's cavalry division was sent from the Federal right to demonstrate on the enemy's position. This led Lee to think that the Army of the Potomac was to be moved by the right flank. At nightfall of the 26th that part of the Federal army on the south side of the North Anna was started on a northward movement across that stream and by noon of the 27th the whole of the Army of the Potomac was north of the river. The Federal losses during the 4 days were 223 killed, 1460 wounded and 290 missing, though the report of Medical Director McParlin of the Army of the Potomac places the wounded at 2,100. The Confederate losses were not reported, but it is probable that they were somewhat lighter. (See Carmel Church.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 651-652.
NORTHEAST FERRY, NORTH CAROLINA, February 22, 1865. (See Smith's Creek.)
NORTH EDISTO RIVER, SOUTH CAROLINA, February 12-14, 1865. Sherman's Army. In the campaign of the Carolinas the crossing of the North Edisto river was one of the incidents connected with the advance on Columbia. The Confederates had stationed detachments at all the bridges and fords and the crossing was effected only by force of arms, skirmishing occurring at various points. The 15th corps, commanded by Major-General John A. Logan, crossed at Shilling's bridge; the 17th, Major-General Frank P. Blair, at Orangeburg; the 14th, Bvt. Major-General Jefferson C. Davis, at Hovey's bridge, and the 20th, Bvt. Major-General A. S. Williams, at Jeffcoat's bridge. The engagements at these several bridges are described in detail under their respective heads in this work. (See Carmel Church.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 652.
NORTH MOUNTAIN, WEST VIRGINIA, July 3, 1864. Outpost of the 135th Ohio Infantry.
NORTHPORT, ALABAMA, April 3, 1865. Detachment of 1st Cavalry Division, Military Division of the Mississippi; Wilson's Raid. The 1st brigade under Brigadier-General John T. Croxton moved at daylight from the Black Warrior river toward Tuscaloosa. At 9 p. m. the suburb Northport was reached, 150 picked men of the 2nd Michigan were taken close to the bridge to be hidden in ambush, and at daylight were to surprise the picket and capture the structure. As the detachment came up it was found that the enemy was already at work tearing up the planks, guarded by a force behind a barricade of cotton bales in the center of the bridge. A charge was ordered, the whole guard was either captured or killed and the 2 pieces of artillery taken. Several attacks of the Confederate militia and cadets upon the bridge during the night were repulsed by the Federals. Croxton captured some 60 prisoners, but no Federal casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 653.
NORTHROP, Lucius Bellinger, soldier, born in Charleston, South Carolina, 8 September, 1811. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1829, and was then appointed 2d lieutenant of U.S. Dragoons and stationed at Fort Gibson and other places in the west for eight years, he was severely wounded while following an Indian trail, After his recovery he returned to Charleston on sick-leave, never resuming active service. He studied medicine at Jefferson College, Philadelphia, and on his return to Charleston practised occasionally for charity only. The War Department, having been informed that he was practicing medicine, dropped him from the army, but when Jefferson Davis became Secretary of War he not only reinstated him, but promoted him to the rank of captain with full pay. When South Carolina seceded he was among the first, to resign his commission, and when a provisional government was established at Montgomery, Alabama, Jefferson Davis offered him the place of commissary-general, which, after declining twice, he accepted at the urgent solicitation of Mr. Davis, who had been his classmate at West Point and his friend ever since. When Richmond became the capital of the Confederacy he moved to that city and remained at the head of the commissary department until within a few weeks of the fall of the Confederacy. It is related that, after the first battle of Bull Run, on being requested to make some provision for feeding the prisoners then in Libby Prison, he replied: "I know nothing of Yankee prisoners; throw them all into the James River," and subsequently did all in his power to thwart the efforts of those who were humanely laboring to render the subsistence received by the prisoners less precarious. By the spring of 1864 Northrop had succeeded in having a law passed abolishing the office of commissary of prisons, thus leaving the whole matter of providing food for them in his own hands. "From this date," says Edward A. Pollard in his "Secret History of the Confederacy," " whatever there was of distress for food among the prisoners is to be properly and distinctly charged to one man in the Confederacy, Northrop." He was referred to in the Confederate Congress as "a certain commissary-general who is a curse to our country," " and has attempted to starve the prisoners in our hands." Senator Orr, of South Carolina, with the aid of several Congressmen, attempted to procure his removal from office, but was defeated by the opposition of Jefferson Davis, whose "affection for Northrop " is declared by Mr. Pollard to be " grotesque, inexplicable, insane." After the fall of Richmond, Northrop retired to North Carolina and engaged in farming, but in July, 1865, he was arrested by the National authorities and confined in Richmond until the following November, when he was released. He then bought a farm near Charlottesville, Virginia, upon which he has since resided. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 535.
NORTHRUP, A. T., New York, American Abolition Society (Radical Abolitionist, Vol. 1, No. 1, New York, August 1855)
NORTHUP, Solomon, born 1808, free African American man. Northup was kidnapped by slavers in Washington City in 1841 and illegally forced into slavery for 12 years. In 1853, he was rescued by Northern abolitionists and returned to his family in Washington. Northup wrote Twelve Years a Slave in that same year. He worked as a member of the Underground Railroad to help escaped slaves to flee to Canada. His book was published by Northern abolitionists, and was used prominently in the abolitionist cause. The date of his death is unknown. His book was made into a major motion picture by the same name in 2013. It was nominated and awarded the Best Picture Oscar in 2014. (Northup, 1853; Rodriguez, 2007, pp. 47, 55)
NORTON, Daniel Sheldon, senator, born in Mount Vernon, Ohio, 12 April, 1829; died in Washington, D. C, 14 July, 1870. He was educated at Kenyon College, and served one year in the war with Mexico in the 2d Ohio Regiment. He subsequently studied law, visited California and Nicaragua in 1850-'l, and on his return to Ohio was admitted to the bar in 1852, and began practice. In 1855 he moved to Minnesota, and in 1857 was elected to the state senate, and served in both branches of the legislature till 1865. He was elected U. S. Senator from Minnesota as a Union-Conservative to succeed Morton S. Wilkinson, and served from 4 March, 1866, till his death. Senator Norton was a delegate to the Philadelphia National Union Convention in 1866, and on most questions of national policy voted with the Democrats. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 536.
NORTON, Elihu P., Edgartown, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Abolition Society, Vice-President, 1842-
NORTON, Jesse O., Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery (Congressional Globe)
NORTON, Charles Ledyard, author, born in Farmington, Connecticut, 11 June, 1837, was graduated at Yale in 1859, and continued his studies in the direction of chemistry until the autumn of 1860. He enlisted as a private in the 7th Regiment, New York National Guard, in 1861, and served in Maryland. In September, 1862, he was appointed a lieutenant in the 25th Connecticut Volunteers and attached to an expedition to the Department of the Gulf under General Nathaniel P. Banks, becoming an aid to General Henry W. Birge. He was promoted captain in February, 1863, and participated in the first Red River Campaign and the siege of Port Hudson. In October, 1863, he was assigned to the 29th Connecticut Volunteers, and organized that regiment in New Haven, Connecticut. He was commissioned colonel of the 78th U. S. Colored Troops in December, 1863, and joined his regiment in Louisiana, serving in the Department of the Gulf until the end of the war, mainly in garrison and outpost duty. Colonel Norton was then given command of a wide district in western Louisiana during the early reconstruction period. In November, 1865, he was ordered to New Orleans and charged with the reception and despatch of troops in transit to the north for discharge. He was mustered out of service in January, 1866, and spent a year in cotton planting in Louisiana and in travel in Europe. On his return he entered journalism in New York City, and was on the staff of the " Christian Union" in 1869-'79, and was managing editor the last three years of that time. In 1881-'4 he was managing editor of the " Continent" magazine. He has since devoted his attention to literature, contributing to magazines on historical and out-of-door topics. He was one of the founders of the New York Canoe Club, and is the author, with John Habberton, of "Canoeing in Kanuckia " (New York, 1878). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 538.
NORTON, John T., Farmington, Connecticut, abolitionist, American Anti-Slavery Society, Vice-President, 1838-1840, 1840-1841. Vice President, American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society (AFASS).
NORTON, William Augustus, civil engineer, born in East Bloomfield, New York, 25 October, 1810; died in New Haven, Connecticut, 21 September, 1883. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1831, and his military duty included two Years' service as assistant professor of natural and experimental philosophy at the military academy, with the exception of a few months during 1832, when he was engaged in the Black Hawk Expedition, holding meanwhile the rank of 2d lieutenant in the 4th U.S. Artillery. He resigned from the army on 30 September, 1833, to accept the professorship of natural philosophy and astronomy in the University of the City of New York. This chair he held until 1839, when he was called to a similar office in Delaware College, Newark, Delaware, and in 1849 he became president of that institution. In 1850 he accepted the professorship of natural philosophy and civil engineering in Brown, and in 1852 he was given the chair of civil engineering in the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale, which he held until his death. His scientific work included researches in the domains of molecular physics, terrestrial magnetism, and astronomical physics, and appeared chiefly in the "American Journal of Science," or were read at the meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, or before the National Academy of Sciences. In 1842 he received the degree of A. M. from the University of Vermont. Professor Norton was a member of various scientific societies, and after 1873 of the National Academy of Sciences. Noah Porter said of him: "Norton was eminently a liberal student, and kept himself fully abreast of the speculations and science of the times." He published "An Elementary Treatise on Astronomy " (New York. 1839) and' " First Book of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy " (1858). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 539.
NORVELL, John, senator born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1790; died in Detroit, Michigan, 11 April, 1850. He was a printer by trade, and edited a paper in Philadelphia, but subsequently moved to Michigan, and was identified with the early history of the state. He was Postmaster of Detroit in 1828-'30, afterward U. S. District Attorney, and on the admission of Michigan into the Union as a state was elected to the U. S. Senate as a Democrat, serving in 1835-'41. Six of his seven sons served with credit in the National Army during the Civil War. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 539.
NORWOOD'S PLANTATION, LOUISIANA, May 18, 1864. (See Bayou de Glaize.)
NOTES. Members of courts-martial sometimes take notes. They are frequently necessary to enable a member to bring the whole body of evidence into a connected view, where the case is complex. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 429).
NOTTOWAY COURT-HOUSE, VIRGINIA, June 23, 1864. (See Wilson's Raid, Petersburg, Virginia)
NOYES, Edward Follensbee, soldier, born in Haverhill, Massachusetts. 3 October, 1832. After an apprenticeship of nearly five years in a printing-office in Dover, New Hampshire, he prepared for college, and was graduated at Dartmouth in 1857, and at the Cincinnati, Ohio, law-school in 1858, practising in that city till the beginning of the Civil War. He then turned his office into a recruiting headquarters, and on 27 July, 1861, was commissioned major of the 39th Ohio Infantry. He continued in this command during all its operations in Missouri, and was under General John Pope at the capture of New Madrid and Island No. 10. He was commissioned lieutenant-colonel and colonel, and while building bridges in Prospect, Tennessee, he also engaged in securing veteran enlistments, with the result of a larger addition of veterans to his regiment than to any other in the National Army from Ohio. He participated in all the important engagements of the Atlanta Campaign till after the battle of Buff Mills, where he was severely wounded, subsequently suffering the loss of a leg. On his recovery he was assigned to the command of Camp Dennison. He received the brevet of brigadier-general of volunteers in April. 1865, and was the same month elected city solicitor, and two years later judge of probate of Hamilton County, Ohio. He was chosen governor of Ohio in 1871, but was defeated at the next election, and in 1877 was appointed by President Hayes U. S. minister to France. During his service there he was sent on a special mission to the East, visiting all the countries that border on the Mediterranean. He resigned in 1881, and resumed practice in Cincinnati, Ohio. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 542.
NOYES, James Oscar, author, born in Niles, Cayuga County, New York, 14 June, 1829; died in New Orleans, Louisiana, 11 September, 1872. He was graduated at Hamilton College in 1850 and at the medical department of Harvard in 1853. He then went abroad, continued his studies in the University of Vienna, visited Wallachia, and was appointed on the medical staff of Omar Pacha, the commander of the Turkish forces. He was afterward correspondent in Turkey, Palestine, and Egypt of the New York "Tribune," the Detroit "Free Press," and other journals. On his return to New York he engaged in literary pursuits, and became proprietor and chief editor of the "Knickerbocker Magazine" in 1858. He went to Fort Monroe, Virginia, as a newspaper correspondent at the beginning of the Civil War, engaged in various army contracts, and subsequently in planting. He settled in New Orleans after the war, was appointed commissioner of immigration for the state of Louisiana, and in that capacity revisited Europe. He was the originator of an enterprise for connecting Mississippi River with the Gulf of Mexico by a ship-canal below New Orleans, and of one for draining that city. At the time of his death he was an active member of the New Orleans Academy of Arts and Sciences. He published "Roumania " (New York, 1857) and "The Gypsies" (1858). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 543.
NOYES' CREEK, GEORGIA, June 9-29, 1864. Sherman's Armies. As General Johnston fell back before General Sherman's advance on Atlanta, he established a line on June 9 with Kennesaw mountain as his salient, his right thrown back to cover Marietta and his left behind Noyes' (sometimes called Nose's) creek to cover the railroad back to Atlanta. While Sherman was flanking him out of his position several skirmishes occurred along the creek, but the reports of these operations do not give the details as to troops engaged or casualties. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 653.
NOYES' CREEK, GEORGIA, October 2-3, 1864. (See Powder Springs, same date.)
NYE, Charles, Sandwich, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, Vice-President, 1838-40
NYE, Horace, Muskingham County, Ohio, Ohio Anti-Slavery Society, Manager, 1835-39
NYE, James Warren, senator, born in De Ruyter, Madison County, New York, 10 June, 1814: died in White Plains, New York, 25 December, 1876. He was educated at Cortland Academy, Homer, New York, leaving it in 1832 to study law in Troy, N. Y. After being admitted to the bar, he practised in his native county, gained a reputation as an effective speaker before a jury, was chosen district attorney, and in 1840 was elected county judge, serving eight years, he was a Democrat in politics up to the time of the Barn-burner Campaign. In 1848 he was an unsuccessful candidate for Congress as a Free-Soil Democrat. Moving to Syracuse, New York, he practised there till 1857, when he went to New York City, having been appointed the first president of the Metropolitan Board of Police, which office he held till about 1860. He was a member of the Republican Party from its formation, and was identified with its Radical wing. He was a witty and eloquent platform orator, and during the canvass of 1860 did effective service for his party in a tour through the west in company with William H. Seward. In 1861 President Lincoln appointed him governor of Nevada Territory, where he counteracted the influence of the Pro-slavery Party and, with Thomas Starr King, of San Francisco, did much to keep the Pacific States and Territories in the Union during the early period of the Civil War. On the admission of Nevada as a state, in 1865, he was elected U. S. Senator, and drew the short term, and in 1867 was re-elected. He was noted for his humor and conversational powers. After he retired from public life his mind became impaired. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 547.