Civil War Encyclopedia: Moc-Myr
Moccasin Creek, North Carolina through Myrick
Moccasin Creek, North Carolina through Myrick
MOCCASIN CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA, March 24, 1865. Foragers of the 102nd Illinois Infantry. A small foraging party was attacked about a mile and a half from the camp of the regiment by some of Wade Hampton's cavalry and driven back with a loss of 1 mortally wounded and 2 captured. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 605
MOCCASIN GAP, VIRGINIA, December 24, 1864. 8th Tennessee Cavalry; Stoneman's raid. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 605
MOCCASIN SWAMP, NORTH CAROLINA, April 10, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 20th Army Corps. On this date the corps took up the march from Goldsboro toward Smithfield, with Selfridge's brigade in advance. About a mile east of Moccasin swamp the enemy's cavalry was met, while several hundred of the enemy were concealed in the dense thickets on either side of the road, from which position they kept up a galling fire on the Union lines. The bridges had been destroyed, which made the progress of the army slow and kept the main body under fire. Winegar s New York battery was brought forward and threw a few shells into the woods, and Selfridge pushed forward the 123d New York infantry, under Colonel J. C. Rogers, as skirmishers, closely supporting the skirmish line with the rest of the brigade. Rogers' men steadily advanced, forcing the enemy back across the swamp, where the brigade formed in line of battle and drove the Confederates about a mile and a half, when Selfridge was ordered to encamp for the night. The Union loss was 1 man killed and 3 wounded. The enemy's loss was not learned. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 605
MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, April 11, 1865. Cavalry Division, Stoneman's Expedition. After surprising the guard at Shallow ford, Gillem's cavalry proceeded to Mocksville, near which place the advance came upon a small party of the enemy. The Confederates were immediately charged and dispersed. The affair was an incident of the expedition into southwestern Virginia and western North Carolina. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 606.
MOFFAT, Edward Stewart, mining engineer, born in Oxford, Ohio, 5 January, 1844, was graduated at Princeton in 1863, and at Columbia School of Mines in 1868, as a mining engineer, serving also during the Civil War as a lieutenant in the U. S. Signal Corps, in which he was brevetted captain. In 1868 he became adjunct professor of mining and metallurgy in Lafayette, where he remained until 1870, and he afterward held the superintendency of various iron-works till 1882, when he became superintendent of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company, of which corporation he was made general manager in 1886. Professor Moffat has attained a high reputation in his profession, and has held office in the American Institute of Mining Engineers, to whose transactions he has contributed papers. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 351.
MOFFAT'S STATION, ARKANSAS, September 27, 1863. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 606.
MOFFITT, Lemuel, Ohio Anti-Slavery Society, Manager, 1838-39
MOMBERGER, William, artist, born in Frankfort-on-Main, Germany, 7 June, 1829. He was the son of a merchant and received a liberal education, being graduated at the Frankfort Gymnasium in 1845. He was subsequently apprenticed to learn chromo-lithography, and in 1847 received the first prize from the of Frankfort for an original composition on stone. He also studied drawing and painting under Professor Jacob Becker, of the Dusseldorf school, and was taught modelling and anatomy by Van Der Launitz and Professor Zwerger of Frankfort. In 1848 Momberger was compelled to leave Germany on account of his participation in the revolutionary movements of that year, and came to the United States. Here he again turned his attention to chromo-lithography. Later he devoted much time to the illustration of newspapers and books, and also to making sketches and drawing vignettes for bank-notes. He assisted in illustrating works on the Civil War, made all the drawings for Duyckinck's "Cyclopaedia of American Literature," and the majority of those contained in the "Gallery of American Landscape Artists." He built a studio at Morrisania, New York, where he has painted several landscapes, among them "Sugar-Loaf Mountain, near Winona, Wisconsin, "A Recitation on Indian Rock, in the Catskills," "Through the Woods." " Harvest Moon," and " Island on the Susquehanna River." He was a founder of the Gotham Art Students' Club. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 354.
MONEY. The embezzlement or misapplication of public money intrusted to an officer for the payment of men under his command, or for enlisting men into the service, or for other purposes, punishable with cashiering and being compelled to refund the money. In case of a non- commissioned officer, reduction to the ranks and being put under stop- pages until the money is- refunded, and such corporeal punishment as a court-martial shall direct; (ART. 39.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 424).
MONDAY HOLLOW, MISSOURI, October 13, 1861. (See Wet Glaize, same date.)
MONETT'S BLUFF, LOUISIANA, April 23, 1864. (See Cane River Crossing, same date.)
MONETT'S FERRY, LOUISIANA, March 29-30, 1864. Cavalry Division, Department of the Gulf. The itinerary of the cavalry division for the Red River campaign states that the march to Monett's ferry on Cane river was made on the 29th and the time until noon of the 30th was spent in building a bridge. Several times small parties of Confederate cavalry appeared but were each time driven off. After the structure was completed the division moved forward to a short distance above Cloutierville, where the river was again bridged. Small parties of Confederates were driven before the advance, some 2 or 3 being killed and a number wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 606.
MONOCACY, MARYLAND, July 9, 1864. Middle Department, 8th Army Corps, and 3d Division, 6th Army Corps. During the operations in the Shenandoah Valley, Major-General Lewis Wallace left Frederick on the evening of the 8th and by a night march took position on the left bank of the Monocacy river. Early on the morning of the 9th the Confederates moved out from Frederick City and began the fight in skirmish order, a little later bringing their artillery into action. The enemy's cavalry and artillery then moved around to the Federal left and charged vigorously on the 3d division of the 6th army corps, but the attack was repulsed and a countercharge made, driving the enemy back. A second attack of Confederate infantry was repulsed, but with heavy loss to both sides. About 3:30 p. m. the enemy's batteries were brought into position to enfilade the Federal line and another assaulting force of four lines of infantry was moved into position. When Wallace saw the approaching column he ordered a retreat on the Baltimore pike, where Brigadier General E. B. Tyler had been skirmishing fiercely all day. The retreat was made in good order, Tyler form1ng the rear-guard. The Confederates followed for some distance, but darkness stopped the pursuit. The Federal loss amounted to 123 killed, 603 wounded and 568 captured or missing. The Confederate loss in killed and wounded was reported as being 700. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 606.
MONOCACY AQUEDUCT, MARYLAND, September 4, 1862. The report of Major General Daniel H. Hill, of the Confederate army, states of the Maryland campaign: "We drove away the Yankee forces near the mouth of the Monocacy" on the 4th. This is the only mention of the affair. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 606.
MONOCACY CHURCH, MARYLAND, September 9, 1862. (See Barnesville, same date.)
MONOCACY RIVER, MARYLAND, October 12, 1862. Cavalry of Army of the Potomac and 3d and 4th Maine Infantry. On learning that the Confederates were moving toward the mouth of the Monocacy river Brigadier-General Alfred Pleasonton, commanding the cavalry, moved out from that place to meet them. About a mile and a half out he encountered Stuart's cavalry and a general engagement ensued. Pleasonton was compelled to fall back to the mouth of the river, where with the assistance of the infantry guard of the place, he held the enemy in check until reinforcements came to his aid. The casualties were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 606.
MONOGAN SPRINGS, MISSOURI, April 25, 1862. Detachment of 1st Iowa Cavalry. A detail of 6 men under a corporal attacked 10 guerrillas on the north bank of the Osage river. The result was the killing of 1 of the enemy, the wounding of another and the capture of 8. Another band of 7 on the south bank of the stream escaped. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 607.
MONROE'S CROSS-ROADS, SOUTH CAROLINA, March 10, 1865. Cavalry Division, Sherman's Army of Invasion. During the campaign of the Carolinas Hampton's Confederate cavalry surprised the Federal camp of Brigadier-General Judson Kilpatrick at 2 a. m. The Union troops were driven back, the artillery captured and the whole command driven into a swamp. The enemy, however, failed to follow up his advantage promptly and Kilpatrick rallied his men in the swamp, ordered a countercharge, and recaptured the camp after a desperate struggle. Later in the day an infantry force came to Kilpatrick's aid. Kilpatrick's loss was 19 killed, 68 wounded and 103 captured. His report states that 80 of the Confederate dead were left on the field. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 607.
MONROE STATION, MISSOURI, July 9-11, 1861. Detachments of 16th Illinois, 3d Iowa and Hannibal Home Guards. Colonel Robert F. Smith, in command of the detachments, moved from Palmyra on the 9th and when a few miles from Monroe was fired into from ambush. The Union men charged the bushes, but the enemy being mounted were enabled to escape. On the 10th a few shots were fired from th» 1 piece of artillery into a party of Confederates approaching the town and quickly dispersed them. On the 11th the enemy had the town completely surrounded, and opened with 2 pieces of artillery. The Federal gun dismounted the smaller of the enemy's guns and later in the day reinforcements caused them to withdraw altogether. The casualties were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 607.
MONTAGUE, Robert L., statesman, born in Middlesex County, Virginia, 23 May, 1819; died 4 March. 1880. He received his education at William and Mary, where in 1842 he took the degree of LL. B. He began the practice of law in Middlesex County in 1844, was repeatedly a member of the Virginia Legislature, thrice a presidential elector, lieutenant-governor of the state for four years, and a member of the Virginia Secession Convention, and president at its last session. He served in the Confederate Congress from 1863 until it ceased to exist. In 1873 he was elected judge of the Eighth Judicial Circuit, and for several years he was president of the General Baptist Association of Virginia. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 363.
MONTEITH, John M., Elyria, Ohio, abolitionist. Manager and founding member of the American Anti-Slavery Society, December 1833. (Abolitionist, Vol. I, No. XII, December, 1833)
MONTEITH SWAMP, GEORGIA, December 9, 1864. 1st Division, 20th Army Corps. On this date the 20th corps, commanded by Brigadier-General A. S. Williams, was marching from Eden Station to Monteith on the Charleston railroad. At Monteith swamp the road was found obstructed for nearly a mile by fallen timber, while beyond the obstructions the enemy had thrown up two redoubts, where a force of some 500 infantry with a piece of artillery was posted to dispute the Federal advance. As this gun commanded the road and prevented the removal of the fallen trees. Brigadier-General New Jersey Jackson, commanding the advance division, determined on a flank movement to dislodge the Confederates. He therefore ordered Colonel Selfridge. with the 1st brigade, to engage the attention of the enemy in front, while Colonel Carman, with the 2nd brigade, moved to the right and Colonel Robinson, with the 3d brigade, to the left, in an endeavor to gain the rear of the redoubts. Owing to the character of the ground over which he had to move, Carman was unable to reach the desired position before the 3d brigade debouched from the woods and charged the enemy, who fled after the first volley, leaving their knapsacks and camp equipage. Robinson's loss was 1 killed and 7 wounded. The Confederate loss in killed and wounded was not reported, but 4 were captured. This opened the road for the corps to continue its march toward Savannah. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 607.
MONTEREY, KENTUCKY, June 11, 1862. Captain Blood's Mounted Provost Guards and 13th Indiana Battery. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 607.
MONTEREY, TENNESSEE, April 28, 1862. Scouting party of Pope's command. Five companies of cavalry sent out by Major-General John Pope met a foraging party of 150 Confederate cavalry near Monterey, and after a brisk skirmish routed them. The enemy lost 5 killed and 19 taken prisoners, while the Union forces suffered no casualties. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 607.
MONTEREY, TENNESSEE, April 29, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Cavalry : Division, Army of the Mississippi. During the operations incident to the siege of Corinth this brigade, forming the head of the column, met the enemy's pickets 2 miles from Monterey, rapidly drove them through their deserted camp and captured some 20 prisoners. The 2nd la. was detached to pursue on the Corinth road and while passing across a narrow bridge 4 guns were opened on the regiment, causing it to fall back with the loss of 1 killed and several wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 608.
MONTEREY, TENNESSEE, May 13, 1862. Portion of Brigadier-General M. L. Smith's Brigade. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 608.
MONTEREY, VIRGINIA, April 12, 1862. Brigadier-General R. H. Milroy's command. A despatch from General Milroy to Major-General John C. Fremont under date of April 12 says: "The rebels, about 1,000 strong, with two cavalry companies and 2 pieces of artillery, attacked my pickets this morning about 10 o'clock, and drove them in some 2 miles. I sent out reinforcements. The skirmishing was brisk for a short time, but the rebels were put to flight with considerable loss. The casualties on our side were 3 men badly wounded." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 608.
MONTEREY GAP, PENNSYLVANIA, July 4-5, 1863. Cavalry of the Army of the Potomac. During the pursuit of the Confederates after the battle of Gettysburg the cavalry under Brigadier-General Judson Kilpatrick came up with the enemy at Monterey gap, where the pickets were handsomely driven in by the 6th Ohio. Next morning the command came up w1th Ewell's train and after a skirmish captured 150 wagons, 1,500 prisoners, a large number of horses, mules, etc. When the Federals reached Sm1thburg, Maryland, shortly after the Confederates drove in the pickets and brought artillery to bear but a battery of the 3d U. S. light artillery soon effectually silenced the Confederate Suns and the enemy withdrew, leaving Kilpatrick free to move to Hagerstown. The casualties were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 608.
MONTEVALLO, ALABAMA, March 30-31, 1865. 4th Cavalry Division, Army of the Mississippi. During Wilson's raid two companies of the 4th la. cavalry skirmished with the enemy for several miles before entering the village of Montevallo, but the only casualty reported was 1 man slightly wounded. The next morning Wilson encountered the enemy at Six-mile creek, a short distance south of Montevallo, where his advance was suddenly attacked on the flank by a considerable force of Confederate cavalry. The attack was quickly repulsed by the 10th Missouri, and the 3d la. charged in turn, driving back the enemy and cutting off a portion of the command that had become separated from the main body, capturing several prisoners. No report of killed and wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 608.
MONTEVALLO, MISSOURI, April 14, 1862. Detachments of the 1st Iowa Cavalry and Missouri Home Guards. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles E. Moss of the 1st la. cavalry, after leaving the greater portion of his command at Centerville on the 13th, proceeded with 28 men to Montevallo, where about 4:30 a. m. the detachment was aroused by a band of 50 Confederates who demanded an immediate surrender. A few shots from the upper windows of a house where the Union troops were stationed sent the enemy back to the shelter of a store 50 yards away. Moss then formed ' his men outside, charged and drove them from the town. The casualties amounted to 2 k1lled and 4 wounded on the Federal side, while the Confederates lost a number killed and 7 wounded.
MONTEVALLO, MISSOURI, August 5, 1862. Detachment of 3d Wisconsin Cavalry. Colonel William A. Barstow with a portion of the 3d Wisconsin cavalry drove a party of Confederates from Montevallo and captured some horses, arms, the roster and records of Colonel Coffee's regiment, etc. The enemy appearing again in force Barstow was obliged to evacuate the town, skirmishing as he fell back. A few of his men were captured. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 608-609.
MONTEVALLO, MISSOURI, June 12, 1864. Detachment of 3d Wisconsin Cavalry. A detail of men under Lieutenant C. B. Willsey ran into 30 bushwhackers at Montevallo and after a short but sharp fight scattered them into the brush. One of the enemy was killed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 609.
MONTEVALLO, MISSOURI, October 19, 1864. Missouri Militia. Lieutenant M. M. Ehle of the 3d Wisconsin cavalry, reporting from Fort McKean, Kansas, states: "The guerrillas had a fight yesterday near Montevallo with the Stochler militia, in which 1 rebel was killed and several wounded." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 609.
MONTGOMERY, J. H., Augusta, Georgia, jurist, Supreme Courts of Georgia. Member, Augusta auxiliary of the American Colonization Society. (Staudenraus, P. J. The African Colonization Movement, 1816-1865. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961, p. 71)
MONTGOMERY, James, 1814-1871, Ashtabula County, Ohio, radical/militant abolitionist, Union Army Colonel in the Civil War. In 1854, became leader of a local Free State organization. In 1857, organized a “Self -Protective Company” to oppose pro-slavery settlers. (Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 369; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 7, Pt. 1, p. 97)
MONTGOMERY, James, pioneer, born in Ashtabula County, Ohio, 22 December, 1814; died in Linn County, Kansas, 6 December, 1871. He came with his family early in life to Kentucky, and taught, ultimately becoming a Campbellite preacher. Later he devoted himself to farming, but in 1854 went to southern Kansas, where he was one of the earliest settlers. His residence in Linn County was burned by the Missourians in 1856, and this resulted in his taking an active part in the disturbances that followed. The retaliatory visits into Missouri were frequently led by him, and his discretion, courage, and acknowledged ability gained for him the confidence and support of the southern counties. His enrolled company included nearly 500 men, all of whom were old residents of the territory, and consequently familiar with the peculiar mode of fighting that was followed on the border. Captain Montgomery was one of the acknowledged leaders of the free-state cause during 1857-'61. Next to John Brown he was more feared than any other, and a contemporary sketch of the “Kansas Hero,” as he was then called, says: “Notwithstanding every incentive to retaliate actuates them to demand blood for blood, yet Montgomery is able to control and direct them. He truly tempers justice with mercy, and he has always protected women and children from harm, and has never shed blood except in conflict or in self-defence.” In 1857 he represented his county in the Kansas Senate, and at other times he was a member of the legislature. At the beginning of the Civil War he was made colonel of the 10th Kansas Volunteers, but soon afterward was given command of the 1st North Carolina Colored Volunteers. These troops he led on a raid from Hilton Head into Georgia in July, 1863, and at the battle of Olustee, Florida, on 20 February, 1864, was one of the few officers that escaped with his life. Horace Greeley says of his regiment and the 54th Massachusetts: “It was admitted that these two regiments had saved our little army from being routed.” At the close of the war he returned to Kansas and passed the last years of his life at his home in Linn County. Appletons’ Cyclopædia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 369.
MONTGOMERY, John Berrien, naval officer, born in Allentown, New Jersey, 17 November, 1794; died in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 25 March, 1878. He entered the U.S. Navy as a midshipman in June, 1812, and participated in the attack on Kingston, Canada, and the capture of Little York, Fort George, and Newark. In August, 1813, he volunteered for service on Lake Erie, where he took part in Commodore Oliver H. Perry’s capture of the British fleet on 10 September, 1813. Montgomery received a sword and the thanks of Congress for his services in that action, and later was present during the blockade and attack on Mackinaw in August, 1814. He then was transferred to the " Ontario," under Commodore Stephen Decatur, with whom he took part in the Algerine War of 1815. In February, 1818, he was promoted lieutenant. In 1833-'5 he was on recruiting service in Philadelphia and New York, after which he was executive officer of the " Constitution," when that vessel was sent to convey Edward Livingston from France to the United States. He was promoted commander in 1839, and during the war with Mexico he permanently established the authority of the United States at various places along the coast of California, and also participated in the blockade of Mazatlan, Mexico, and the bombardment and capture of Guaymas on the Gulf of California. In April, 1849, he was made executive officer of the Washington U.S. Navy-yard, where he remained until 1851. He was commissioned captain in January, 1853, and in April, 1857, placed in command of the " Roanoke," in which he sailed to Aspinwall. and returned to New York in August with 250 of William Walker's filibusters. During the following two years he served on shore duty, and in 1856-"62 had command of the Pacific Squadron, with the "Lancaster" as his flag-ship. On his return to New York he was placed on waiting orders until May, 1862, when he was given the command of various navy-yards. He was made commodore on the retired list in July, 1862, and rear-admiral. 25 July, 1865. See " A Genealogical History of the Family of Montgomery," compiled by Thomas Harrison Montgomery (printed privately, Philadelphia, 1863). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 370.
MONTGOMERY, Martin Van Buren, lawyer, born in Eaton Rapids, Michigan, 20 October, 1840. He received a common-school education, became a teacher at the age of seventeen, and about 1861 began the study of law. After serving for some time during the Civil War in the 2d Michigan Cavalry, he was admitted to the bar in 1865, and practised at Eaton Rapids, Jackson, and Lansing. During 1871-'2 he was a member of the Michigan Legislature, and was candidate for the office of attorney-general of Michigan in 1874. He was appointed commissioner of patents on 17 March, 1885, and on 1 April, 1887, was made associate justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 370.
MONTGOMERY, William Reading, soldier, born in Monmouth County, New Jersey, 10 July, 1801; died in Bristol, Pennsylvania, 31 May, 1871. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1825 and became 2d lieutenant in the 3d U.S. Infantry, with which regiment he served until 1838 on garrison and frontier duty, also performing the duties of disbursing officer during the removal of the Choctaw Indians from Mississippi to their reservation. After attaining a captaincy on 7 July, 1838, he served on the Canadian border during the disturbances of 1838-'46, in the Florida War of 1840-'2, and in the occupation of Texas in 1845. He took part in the war with Mexico. He was wounded at Resaca de la Palma and brevetted major, and at Molino del Rey he was again wounded, although not until after he had succeeded to the command of his regiment, which he led at Chapultepec and the capture of Mexico. His services again gained for him the further brevet of lieutenant-colonel, and he was promoted major in December. 1852. Meanwhile he served in garrisons, on the frontier, and on recruiting duty, until 1855, when he was removed from the army. He was stationed at Fort Riley, in Kansas, during the trouble in that territory, and there pursued a course of strict impartiality, although his personal feelings were in favor of the free-state men; but his actions failed to meet with the approval of his superiors, and he was dismissed from the service. At the beginning of the Civil War he organized the 1st New Jersey Volunteers, joined the Army of the Potomac, and aided in covering its retreat from Bull Run. He was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers on 17 May, 1861, and appointed military governor of Alexandria, Virginia Subsequently he held a similar office in Annapolis, Maryland, and then in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, until 1863, after which he served on a military commission in Memphis, Tennessee. Failing health caused his resignation on 4 April, 1864, and, after a brief interval of mercantile occupation in Philadelphia, he retired to his home in Bristol. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 370.
MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA, April 12, 1865. (See Columbus Road, same date.)
MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS, January 13-14, 1864. Lieutenant McCarty and 20 men sent out by Colonel Powell Clayton from Pine Bluff, captured 6 men and 2,000 bushels of corn at Monticello without the loss of a man. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 609.
MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS, March 18, 1864. 7th Missouri Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 609.
MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS, May 24, 1864. Detachment of 13th Illinois Cavalry. This affair was a skirmish between a detachment of the 13th Illinois under Captain John H. Norris and some Confederates, as Norris was entering Monticello. The enemy was driven from the town. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 609.
MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS, September 10, 1864. 13th Illinois, 5th Kansas and 1st Indiana Cavalry. Colonel Albert Erskine with 300 men, during an expedition from Pine Bluff toward Monticello, drove in the pickets at the latter place at daylight and captured 3 prisoners. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 609.
MONTICELLO, KENTUCKY, May 1, 1863. Expedition to Monticello. Brigadier General Samuel P. Carter, commanding the 4th division, 9th army corps, reporting from Monticello. says: "We drove the enemy through the town and beyond it in gallant style. We encountered them again 4 miles south of Monticello, near forks of road, one party on the Albany road and one on the Jamestown road, the latter trying to cut off our communication with the rear. We drove the enemy about 3 miles on Albany and 5 or 7 on Jamestown roads. Rebel loss, as far as discovered, 8 killed, more wounded and number of prisoners, and 2 commissioned officers. No loss on our side." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 609.
MONTICELLO, KENTUCKY, May 9, 1863. (See Alcorn's Distillery.) Monticello, Kentucky, June 9, 1863. Detachments of 2nd and 7th Ohio Cavalry, 45th Ohio Mounted Infantry. Law's Battery and 2nd Tennessee Mounted Infantry. This command under Colonel August V. Kautz advanced on Monticello on the morning of the 9th. Four or 5 miles beyond West's, whence the Confederate pickets had been driven some time before, the enemy was encountered drawn up in line of battle. The battery was brought into action and after a few rounds the Confederates were dispersed and pursued, leaving 2 dead and 10 wounded on the field. Some 20 prisoners were captured by the Federals, whose loss was 3 wounded. Between 4 and 5 p. m., after Kautz had left the town and had fallen back some distance, the rear-guard was attacked by an overpowering force of the enemy. A portion of the 2nd Tennessee was sent to reinforce it and found it retiring in some disorder. The reinforcements drove the enemy back through timber half a mile, where he rallied behind a stone wall, and in turn compelled the Federals to fall back out of range. An attack was then made by the reinforced Confederates, but it was repulsed by another detachment of the 2nd Tennessee and a portion of the 7th Ohio. Darkness nut an end to the fighting. The total loss of Kautz's force was 7 killed, 34 wounded and 6 missing. The enemy's loss was not ascertained, but 5 of their dead, 5 wounded and 16 prisoners fell into Federal hands. Monticello Road, Arkansas, June 17, 1864. Detachment of 5th Kansas Cavalry. About 1.30 p. m. the pickets on the upper Monticello road leading to Pine Bluff were driven in by Confederate cavalry. Lieutenant Colonel Wilton A. Jenkins immediately went to the assistance of the pickets and attacked, the enemy retreating rapidly. Jenkins followed as far as he safely could, killing and wounding a number of the fleeing enemy. The Federal loss was 2 or 3 slightly wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 610.
MONTPELIER SPRINGS, ALABAMA, April 20, 1865. (See Spring Hill, Georgia, same date.) Moon's Station, Georgia, October 4, 1864. Confederate reports state that as Hood was moving northward in an effort to draw Sherman from Atlanta, Reynold's brigade of Walthall's division attacked the Federal garrison at Moon's station on the Western & Atlantic railroad and captured about 80 prisoners, with a loss to Reynolds of 6 killed or wounded. Federal reports make no mention of the affair. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 610.
MOODY, Dwight Lyman, evangelist, born in Northfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, 5 February, 1837. He received a limited education, and worked on a farm till he was seventeen years old, when he became a clerk in a shoe-store in Boston. He united with a Congregational Church soon afterward, and in 1856 went to Chicago, where he engaged with enthusiasm in missionary work among the poor, and in less than a year established a Sunday-school with more than 1,000 pupils. During the Civil War he was employed by the Christian Commission, and subsequently by the Young Men's Christian Association of Chicago, as a lay missionary. A church was built for his converts and he became its unordained pastor. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 376.
MOODY, Granville, soldier, born in Portland, Maine. 2 January, 1812; died near Jefferson, Iowa, 4 June, 1887. His ancestor, William Moody, a native of Scotland, settled in the Plymouth Colony in 1632, and his father, William, was graduated at Dartmouth in 1798, and became principal in 1816 of the first female seminary established in Baltimore, Maryland. When four years of age Granville moved with his parents to Baltimore, and was educated there. In 1831 he became a clerk in his brother's store at Norwich, Ohio, and on 15 June. 1833, he was licensed as a local preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was received into the Ohio Conference, and, after holding various pastorates in that state, was appointed in 1860 to Morris Chapel (now St. Paul's Church), Cincinnati. In 1861 he was invited to take command of the 74th Ohio Regiment, and asked the advice of his colleagues in the church as to the propriety of resigning his pastorate to enter the military service. They approved of his acceptance, and he served till 16 May, 1863, when illness forced him to resign. By his bravery at the battle of Stone River he won the title of " the fighting parson." He was struck four times with bullets, and his horse was shot, but he refused to leave the field. On the recommendation of the Secretary of War, on 13 March, 1865, Colonel Moody was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers "for distinguished services at the battle of Stone River." After his return from the army he resumed his place in the itinerant ministry, and served with acceptance in various localities till 1882, when, on account of failing health, he took a supernumerary relation. Removing to his farm near Jefferson, Ohio, he resided there till his death, which was caused by an accident while he was on his way to preach a memorial sermon before a part of the Grand Army of the Republic at Jefferson. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 376.
MOORE, Samuel, Congressman, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 9 February, 1796; died in Lexington, Virginia, 17 September, 1875, was educated at Washington College (now Washington and Lee University), Virginia In 1823 he was elected to the Virginia Legislature, serving until 1833. He was a member of the Convention of 1829 to amend the constitution of Virginia, and was elected to Congress as a Whig, serving from 2 December, 1833, till 3 March, 1835. Subsequently he was again a member of the legislature. In 1861 he was elected to the Convention of Virginia, and actively opposed secession, for which he was threatened with violence in Richmond. Notwithstanding this, he signed the ordinance, and served in the Confederate Army. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 378.
MOORE, Andrew Barry, governor of Alabama, born in Spartanburg District, South Carolina, 7 March, 1800; died in Marion, Alabama, 5 April, 1873. He moved to Perry County, Alabama, in 1826, and after teaching for two years studied law in Marion, and was enrolled as an attorney in 1833. He was many times in the legislature after 1839, and served three terms as speaker. He was a Whig presidential elector in 1848, and a state circuit judge from 1852 till 1857, when he resigned to accept the Democratic nomination for governor. He was elected and chosen again in 1859. In 1861 he directed the seizure of U. S. forts and arsenals before the secession of the state, and aided greatly in the equipment of state troops. At the close of his term he was appointed special aide-de-camp to the new governor, John G. Shorter. He was confined in Fort Pulaski in 1865, and after his release practised law in Marion till his death. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 378.
MOORE, Bartholomew Figures, Lawver, born in Halifax County, North Carolina, 29 January, 1801 ; died in Raleigh, North Carolina, 27 November, 1878. He was graduated at the University of North Carolina in 1820, licensed to practice law in 1823, and, after residing first in Nashville, Tennessee, and subsequently in Halifax, North Carolina, settled in Raleigh, where he afterward resided. He was in the legislature in 1836-'44, and, declining a renomination in 1840, devoted himself to his profession. He was Attorney-General of North Carolina in 1848, and was appointed to revise the laws of that state in 1846-'54. During the Civil War he was a strong Unionist, was a member of two constitutional conventions, and was one of the commissioners from North Carolina to confer with President Lincoln in 1865 as to the best mode of restoring the state to the Union. He was called the father of the North Carolina Bar. Mr. Moore was a friend of public instruction, and left bequests to be applied to that purpose. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 378.
MOORE, Clara Jessup, author, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 10 February, 1824. Her father, Augustus E. Jessup, was the scientist of Major Stephen H. Long's Yellowstone Expedition of 1816. Her parents were residents of Massachusetts. She was educated in New Haven. Connecticut, and on 27 October, 1842, married Bloomfield H. Moore, of Philadelphia. She has occupied herself with literary and philanthropic labors. During the war she established the woman's Pennsylvania branch of the U. S. Sanitary Commission, and the special relief committee for Hospital work, and she projected and aided in founding the Union Temporary Home for Children in Philadelphia. Several of her early stories were successful in competition for prizes, and she wrote at first under the pen-name of " Mrs. Clara Moreton." Mrs. Moore's husband died in 1878. and she is now (1888) a resident of London, England. She has obtained the legal right to write her surname, Bloomfield-Moore. Her works include "The Diamond Cross" (Philadelphia, 1857); "Mabel's Mission"; "Master Jaeky's Holiday"; "Poems and Stories " (1875); "On Dangerous Ground," a novel, which was translated into French and Swedish (1876); "Sensible Etiquette"(1878); "Gondaline's Lesson" (1881); "Slander and Gossip" (printed privately, 1882); and "The Wardens Tale and Other Poems. New and Old " (London, 1883). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 379.
MOORE, E.D., Kingston, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Abolition Society, Vice-President, 1839-40.
MOORE, Edward Mott, surgeon, born in Rahway, New Jersey, 15 July, 1814. He is the son of Lindley Murray Moore, a prominent member of the Society of Friends and an early leader in the anti-slavery movement, and Abigail Mott, a descendant of a Huguenot family that came to this country after the siege of Rochelle. His early years were spent in New York and its neighborhood, but the family moved to Rochester, New York, in 1830, and that place has since been his home. He pursued his professional studies in New York and Philadelphia, being graduated as a physician from the University of Pennsylvania. He served as resident physician at Blockley Hospital and the Frankford Lunatic Asylum for one year in each, and then began the practice of his profession at Rochester. In 1842 he was chosen professor of surgery in the medical school at Woodstock, Vermont, and continued to give lectures during the sessions of the college for eleven years. He occupied afterward the same chair in Berkshire, Massachusetts, Medical College and in Starling Medical College of Columbus, Ohio. He filled the chair of surgery in the Buffalo Medical College for twenty-five years till 1883, when he resigned, after having been a lecturer for about forty years. He has been president of the Medical Society of the State of New York, and was one of the founders of the Surgical Association of the United States, and was the first successor of Dr. Gross in its presidency. He was president of the State Board of Health from its organization till 1886, and took a deep interest and exerted a strong influence in the constitution of the new body. He was a delegate to the International Congress of Physicians at Copenhagen in 1884, has been for many years a trustee of the University of Rochester, and is prominent in many movements of local interest. He has confined his professional writing to papers on certain subjects in regard to which he considered standard authorities incomplete or in the wrong, in each case aiming to contribute some new fact or thought to the existing store of knowledge, or advocating some new departure in medical practice, basing his action on original experiment and observation. These papers have been published in various medical journals and in the transactions of medical societies, but have never been collected in book-form. Among his discussions of original views and methods of treatment may be mentioned papers on fractures and dislocations of the clavicle; on fractures of the radius, accompanied with dislocation of the ulna; on fractures, during adolescence, at the upper end of the humerus; and a treatise on transfusion of blood based on original investigations. Shortly after graduation. Dr. Moore made at Philadelphia a series of important experiments on the heart's action, in connection with Dr. Pellock, of that city. Two years earlier the subject had been investigated in Dublin, but these were the first experiments of the kind on this continent, and in the following year the work done in Dublin and Philadelphia was carefully tested by a committee of the London Medical Society appointed for that purpose and making investigation under the most favorable circumstances. Before this time an accurate knowledge of the diseases of the heart was impossible, but the observations then made at Dublin, Philadelphia, and London were so thorough as to render knowledge of diseases of the heart more accurate perhaps than that on which the treatment of diseases of any other internal organ is based. As a lecturer. Dr. Moore is fluent, but clear, natural, and entertaining; in the practice of his profession he has been eminently successful, having, in addition to wide knowledge and readiness of resource, a sustaining coolness and confidence in the most critical cases. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 379-380.
MOORE, Ester, Maryland native, abolitionist, original member of the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society (Yellin, 1994, pp. 69, 161)
MOORE, George W., New York, abolitionist, American Abolition Society (Radical Abolitionist, Vol. 1, No. 1, New York, August 1855)
MOORE. Jesse Hale, soldier, born in St. Clair County, Illinois. 22 April, 1817; died in Callao, Peru, 11 July, 1883. He was graduated at McKendree College in 1842, taught two years in Nashville, Illinois, and then became principal of Georgetown Seminary. He was licensed to preach in 1846, was pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Shelbyville, subsequently principal of Paris (Kentucky) Seminary, and president of Quincy College, Illinois, in 1854-'6. He resigned his pastorate at Decatur, Illinois. In 1862, he raised the 115th Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, which he commanded at Chickamauga and the subsequent battles of that campaign. He also participated in the pursuit of General John B. Hood, and a part of the time led the 2d Brigade of the Army of the Cumberland. He was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers in 1865 for services during the war, returned to the pulpit, and was presiding elder of Decatur, Illinois, District in 1868. At that date he was elected to Congress as a Republican, serving in 1869-'73, and was chairman of the Committee on Invalid Pensions in the 42d Congress. He was appointed U. S. consul in Callao in 1881, and held that office until his death. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 382.
MOORE, John, New York, abolitionist, American Abolition Society (Radical Abolitionist, Vol. 1, No. 1, New York, August 1855)
MOORE, John, surgeon, born in Indiana, 16 August, 1826. He entered the U. S. Army as assistant surgeon in June, 1853, and, after serving in Florida and on the Utah Expedition of 1857, was in the Cincinnati Marine Hospital in 1861-'2. He was promoted surgeon in June of the latter year, and assigned to the Army of the Potomac as medical director of the central grand division. He became medical director of the Department and Army of the Tennessee in May, 1863. accompanied General William T. Sherman on his march to the sea and through the Carolina, and received the brevets of lieutenant-colonel for the Atlanta Campaign, and colonel for services during the whole war. He was made assistant medical purveyor, with rank of lieutenant-colonel, 8 October, 1883, and on 18 November, 1886, was appointed Surgeon-General of the army, with the rank of brigadier-general. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 383-384.
MOORE, John, R. C. bishop, born in Castletown Delvin, County Westmeath, Ireland, 27 June, 1835. He came to Charleston, South Carolina, in 1848, and in 1849 entered the Collegiate Institute of this city. He afterward studied theology in France and Rome, and was ordained priest, 9 April, 1860. Before leaving Rome he underwent a public examination for the degree of doctor of divinity, and received the cap of doctor of theology, which is conferred only upon distinguished theologians. He returned to Charleston in October, and was appointed first assistant at the cathedral, and shortly afterward pastor. During the Civil War Dr. Moore was active in attendance at the hospitals, nursing the sick and wounded of both armies in many parts of the state, and especially at Florence. During the absence of Bishop Lynch in Europe he was appointed administrator of the diocese of Charleston. In 1865 he became pastor of St. Patrick's Church, and he was made vicar-general in 1872. His administration of the parish of St. Patrick's, which had become utterly disorganized during the war, was remarkably successful. He rebuilt the parish church and residence, revived the Sunday-school, which soon had more members than that of any other denomination in this city, and established a temperance society. He was consecrated second bishop of St. Augustine. Florida, by Bishop Lynch in the pro-cathedral," Charleston, on 13 May, 1877. The Roman Catholic Church in Florida has made rapid progress under the administration of Bishop Moore. He has taken great interest in colonization, and has also paid much attention to the spiritual advancement of the colored population, establishing several associations for t heir benefit. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 384.
MOORE, Joseph, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, abolitionist, American Anti-Slavery Society, Vice-President, 1857-1864.
MOORE, Lindley Murray, 1788-1871, New York, educator, abolitionist leader, temperance activist, Society of Friends, Quaker. Married to abolitionist, reformer, Abigail Lydia Mott. Co-founded and was first president and recording secretary of the Rochester Anti-Slavery Society. Wrote abolitionist book, Autographs of Freedom, 1853. (Sorin, 1971)
MOORE, Risdon, Speaker of the Illinois State Legislature. Abolitionist, manumitted his slaves. Highly criticized for anti-slavery advocacy. (Dumond, 1961, p. 93)
MOORE, Walter Burritt, editor, born in Bristol, Vermont, 25 September, 1836. He was graduated at the University of Rochester, New York, in 1861, In that year, became a captain in the 100th New York Volunteers. He was wounded at Fair Oaks, 31 May, 1862, taken prisoner, and confined in Libby Prison, Richmond, Virginia After his exchange, he studied law, and was admitted to the bar of Chicago in 1864. Subsequently he moved to New York. With Paul A. Chadbourne he edited "The Public Service of the State of New York " (3 vols., Boston, 1881). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 384.
MOOREFIELD, VIRGINIA, November 9, 1862. 1st New York, Ringgold and Washington Cavalry, and 23d Illinois Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 610.
MOOREFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA, December 3, 1862. Ringgold Pennsylvania Cavalry, and detachment of 1st Virginia Cavalry. This command under Lieutenant H. A. Myers charged into Moorefield, where two companies of Confederate cavalry were stationed. The result was the rout of the enemy with a loss of 2 killed, a number wounded and 10 captured. The charging force sustained no loss. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 610.
MOOREFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA, January 3, 1863. Troops of Middle Military Division, under Colonel James Washburn. The post of Moorefield, occupied by Federal troops in an expedition to Moorefield and Petersburg, was attacked on the morning of the 3d by the Confederate forces under Brigadier-General William E. Jones. After 2 hours' fighting, chiefly an artillery duel, the enemy withdrew. No casualties were reported.
Moorefield, West Virginia, AUGUST 6, 1863. (SEE AVERELL'S RAID.) MOOREFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA, September 4, 1863. 1st West Virginia Infantry, 23d Illinois Infantry and Battery L, 1st Illinois Artillery. The "Record of Events" of the 5th brigade of the Department of West Virginia contains the following: "September 4, the 23d regiment Illinois volunteers by order of Colonel Mulligan marched (from Petersburg, West Virginia) toward Moorefield, to reinforce Major Stephens, commanding a detachment of the 1st West Virginia volunteers and a section of Mulligan's battery, which were attacked at that place. When the regiment had advanced about 3 miles it was attacked by the enemy in Petersburg gap. By order of Colonel Mulligan the regiment fell back, and marched to the assistance of Major Stephens via Williamsport." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 610.
MOOREFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA, September 11, 1863. Detachment of 1st West Virginia Infantry and Ringgold Cavalry. About 80 men of O'Neill's Confederate cavalry surprised the Federal camp of Major Edward W. Stephens, Jr., and captured practically the whole force. Some 146 officers and men were taken, besides a quantity of commissary and quartermaster's stores. About 30 of the Federals (according to the Confederate report) were killed or wounded, while the attacking party lost but 3 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 610.
MOOREFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA, February 4, 1864. Detachment of troops of the Department of West Virginia. On the morning of the 4th Colonel James A. Mulligan, with about 1,000 cavalry and 2 pieces of artillery advanced upon Moorefield. The artillery was placed in position and under its efficient firing the Confederate front was steadily pressed until it gave way, the Federals pursuing through and beyond the town. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 610.
MOOREFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA, June 6, 1864. Detachment of 22nd Pennsylvania Cavalry. A scouting party of 80 men of the 22nd Pennsylvania cavalry commanded by Captain James P. Hart was attacked by 200 Confederates on the Greenland gap road near Moorefield, but succeeded in repulsing the enemy and driving them in confusion. The Union loss was 4 killed and 6 wounded; the Confederate loss was not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 611.
MOOREFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA, November 7, 1864. Detachments of the 5th and 6th West Virginia Cavalry. Colonel George R. Latham, with 225 men of the two West Virginia regiments and one gun of Battery L, 1st Illinois, left New creek on the 6th to surprise a party of about 100 Confederates known to be at Moorefield. Latham reached Moorefield before daylight on the 7th, but could not distinguish the location of the enemy's camp. He quietly surrounded the town, however, and waited until it was light enough to move with certainty. In the meantime the Confederates discovered the presence of the Union troops and commenced firing. In the skirmish which ensued 1 of the enemy was wounded and 8 were captured, together with their horses, 46 beef cattle and 460 sheep, without casualty. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 611.
MOOREFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA, February 4-6, 1865. Detachment of the 1st brigade, 3d Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. Lieutenant-Colonel E. W. Whitaker, of the 1st Connecticut, with 300 men selected from his own regiment, the 2nd Ohio, 8th New York, 1st New Hampshire and 22nd New York was sent out from Winchester to scout through the country toward Moorefield and gain information concerning the enemy's movements. Small parties of Confederates were encountered at various places along the road and a few slight skirmishes ensued. At a Mr. Randolph's, about 3 miles from Moorefield, Major Gilmor was found in bed and captured by Major Young with a party of his scouts. The expedition returned to Winchester on the morning of the 6th, having ridden about 140 miles in a little over 48 hours, bringing in 12 prisoners without the loss of a man. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 611.
MOORESBURG, TENNESSEE, December 10, 1863. Cavalry of the Army of the Ohio. Moore's Ford, Mississippi, September 29, 1863. Cavalry of the 15th Army Corps. Colonel Winslow with detachments from the 4th, 5th and 11th III., 4th la. and 10th Missouri cavalry, 900 men in all, with 2 mountain howitzers, moved from Messinger's ford on Big Black river to Yazoo City. On the 28th he marched to Moore's ford and encamped his command a mile and a half from there in the direction of Benton, leaving a detachment with a howitzer to guard the crossing. At 4 a. m. on the 29th the enemy vigorously attacked this detachment with 4 pieces of artillery supported by dismounted cavalry. The howitzer was soon disabled and after fighting about an hour, the Federals withdrew toward Benton, where they halted for dinner. That night they encamped 2 or 3 miles below Yazoo City. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 611.
MOORE'S MILLS, MISSOURI, July 28, 1862. Detachment of Missouri Militia Cavalry and 3d Iowa Cavalry. This force, under Colonel Odon Guitar, came in contact with 900 Confederates during the pursuit of Porter. The advance was fired into from ambush but returned the fire vigorously after dismounting until the rest of the column was deployed and the 1 gun in the Federal command was brought into action. The -whole Union line was steadily advanced for some distance and then halted. After a short lull the enemy charged, making a desperate effort to capture the gun, but this charge and two others which followed immediately after were repulsed with loss. About 4 p. m. the Federals charged and drove the enemy from the field. The Union loss was 13 killed and 55 wounded, while the enemy, by Guitar's estimate, had 52 killed and from 125 to 150 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 611.
MOORE'S PLANTATION, LOUISIANA, May 3, 1864. U. S. Troops, Department of the Gulf. The report of Confederate Major-General Richard Taylor of May 4, states: "For two days past the fighting has been principally on the Bayou Robert road between the Chambers plantation and Alexandria. Last evening the enemy was driven beyond Gov. Moore's plantation." This is the only official mention of the place on this date. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 612.
MOORHEAD, James Kennedy, 1806-1884. Republican Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In Congress from December 1859-March, 1869. Voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery. (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 385; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 7, Pt. 1, p. 147; Congressional Globe)
MOORHEAD, James Kennedy, Congressman, born in Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 7 September, 1806; died in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 6 March, 1884. He received a limited education, spending his youth on a farm, and was apprenticed to a tanner. He was a contractor for building the Susquehanna Branch of the Pennsylvania Canal, became superintendent of the Juniata Division, and was the first to place a passenger packet on this line. In 1836 he moved to Pittsburg and established there the Union Cotton-Factory. In 1838 he was appointed adjutant-general of the state, and in 1840 he became postmaster of Pittsburg. He was elected to Congress as a Republican, holding his seat from 5 December, 1859, till 3 March, 1869, and serving on the Committees on Commerce, National Armories, Manufactures, Naval Affairs, and Ways and Means. In 1868 he was a delegate to the National Republican Convention at Chicago. He was identified with the principal educational and charitable institutions of Pittsburg, was president of its chamber of commerce, of the Monongahela Navigation Company, and several telegraph companies, and was a delegate to the Pan-Presbyterian Council in Belfast, Ireland, in 1884. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 385.
MORDECAI, Alfred, soldier, born in Warrenton, North Carolina, 3 January, 1804; died in Philadelphia, 23 October, 1887. He was graduated first in his class at the U. S. Military Academy in 1823, assigned to the Corps of Engineers, and was assistant professor of natural and experimental philosophy in 1823-'4 and principal assistant professor of engineering in 1824-'5. From 1825 till 1828 he was assistant engineer in the construction of Fort Monroe and Fort Calhoun, Virginia. and he was assistant to the chief engineer in Washington, D. C, from 1828 till 1832. He became captain of ordnance on 30 May, 1832, and in 1833-'4 was on leave of absence in Europe. In 1842 he became assistant to the chief of ordnance in Washington, D. C, and from 1839 till 1860 he was a member of the Ordnance Board. In 1840 he was a member of a commission to visit the arsenals and cannon-foundries of the principal powers of Europe, and in 1842 was assistant inspector of arsenals and engaged in constructing ballistic pendulums. He was a member of a military commission to the Crimea in 1855-'7, and his observations, particularly on military organization and ordnance, were published by order of Congress (Washington, 1860). He was a member of the board to revise the course of instruction at the military academy in 1860. He was brevetted major on 30 May, 1848, for services during the war with Mexico, and became major of ordnance, 31 December, 1854. He resigned on 5 May, 1861, and from 1863 till 1866 was a railway engineer in Mexico. From 1867 till his death he was treasurer and secretary of the Pennsylvania Canal Company. He was the author of a "Digest of Military Laws" (Washington, 1833); "Ordnance Manual for the Use of Officers in the U. S. Army" (1841; 2d ed., 1850); "Reports of Experiments on Gunpowder" (1845 and 1849); and "Artillery for the U. S. Land Service, as devised and arranged by the Ordnance Board," with plates (1849). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 389.
MOREAU BOTTOM, Missouri, October 7, 1864. 6th and 8th Cavalry, Missour1 State Militia. This affair occurred during Price's Missouri Expedition, when he was approaching Jefferson City. The 6th and 8th regiments were stationed at the bridge across Moreau creek and annoyed the enemy for some time, thereby delaying his advance. The use of Confederate artillery compelled the militia to fall back to a strip of timber where another detachment of the same two regiments was drawn up and repulsed the enemy for the time. Later, however, the whole command withdrew within the intrenchments of Jefferson City. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 612.
MOREAUVILLE, LOUISIANA, May 17, 1864. Cavalry and Corps d'Afrique; Banks' Red River Expedition. When the Confederates under General Dick Taylor were driven from Mansura on the 16th, the cavalry pursued to Moreauville, where the 4th brigade was attacked early on the next morning. The 5th brigade soon came up and the skirmishing continued throughout the day with slight losses on both sides. The Corps d'Afrique also became engaged, but finally repulsed the enemy, losing 2 killed, 8 wounded and 2 missing. The Confederate loss was not ascertained, but must have been much heavier. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 612.
MOREHEAD, Charles Slaughter, governor of Kentucky, born in Nelson County, Kentucky, 7 July, 1802; died near Greenville, Washington County, Mississippi, 23 December 1868. He was educated at Transylvania, studied law, which he practised in Frankfort, and was elected to the legislature in 1828. From 1830 till 1835 he was Attorney-General of Kentucky, and he served again in the legislature in 1838-'45, officiating as speaker in the last three years. He was then elected to Congress as a Whig, serving from 6 December, 1847, till 3 March. 1851, He was again a member of the legislature in 1853, was governor of Kentucky from 1855 till 1859, and was one of the most devoted friends and supporters of Henry Clay. He then moved to Louisville, where he practised law, and was a delegate to the Peace Convention in Washington in 1861, and also a member of the border state convention which met in Frankfort in that year. His endeavors to bring about the secession of Kentucky occasioned his arrest in 1861, but after imprisonment, in Fort Lafayette his friends secured his release and he went to England, where he resided during the remainder of the Civil War. He then returned to the United States and moved from Kentucky to a plantation near Greenville, Mississippi, where his health failed. In connection with Judge Mason Brown he published a "Digest of the Statute Laws of Kentucky, etc., to 24 February, 1834," which was in use until the adoption of the new constitution (4 vols., Frankfort, 1834). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 390-391.
MOREL, Junius C., c. 1806, African American, former slave, educator, reformer, civil rights activist, editor. Wrote numerous articles for African American papers. Served as an agent for Frederick Douglass’s Northern Star. Member of Young Men’s Anti-Slavery Society. (Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., & Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, eds. African American National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2013, Vol. 8, p. 271)
MORELL, George Webb, soldier, born in Cooperstown, New York, 8 January, 1815; died ill Scarborough, New York., 12 February, 1883. He was graduated first in his class at the U. S. Military Academy in 1835, assigned to the Corps of Engineers, and served in the improvement of Lake Erie Harbors. He was made 2d lieutenant of engineers, 31 October, 1836, and was engaged in the Ohio and Michigan Boundary Surveys and in the construction of Fort Adams, Newport Harbor, Rhode Island, in 1836-'7. On 30 June, 1837, he resigned his commission and engaged in railroad construction in North and South Carolina and Michigan until 1840, when he moved to New York, studied law, and was admitted to the bar. From 1854 till 1861 he was commissioner of the U. S. Circuit Court for the Southern District of New York. In 1861 he was colonel and chief of staff to General Edward S. Sanford in organizing regiments and forwarding them to the seat of war, and engaged in the defences of Washington and in operations around Harper's Ferry, Virginia. He was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers on 9 August, 1861, and assigned to a brigade in General Fitz-John Porter's division in the Army of the Potomac. He participated in the siege of Yorktown, and he took General Porter's Division when that officer was promoted to the command of the Fifth Army Corps, 18 May, 1862. He was engaged in the battles of Hanover Court-House, Mechanicsville, Gaines's Mills, and Malvern Hill, and was promoted major-general of volunteers; but his name was not sent to the Senate, and his commission expired on 4 March, 1863. He commanded the forces that guarded the upper Potomac from 30 October till 16 December, 1862, and the draft rendezvous at Indianapolis. Indiana, from 15 December, 1863, till 29 August, 1864. He was mustered out of service on 15 December, 1864, and subsequently resided on a farm near Tarrytown, New York. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 391.
MORGAN, Charles, merchant, born in Killingworth (now Clinton), Connecticut, 21 April, 1795; died in New York City, 8 May, 1878. His uncle, John Morgan, of Hartford, was the owner of the first ship that carried the American flag to China. Charles was entirely self-educated, and in 1809 went to New York, where he was a clerk, and afterward opened a shop in Peck slip for the sale of ship-stores and chandlery. Subsequently he imported goods from the West Indies and southern ports, and became sole owner of a line of sailing vessels in the West India trade. He ran the first steamer between New York and Charleston, South Carolina, and built, with other merchants, the "William Gibbons," the "Columbia," and the " New York." In 1836 he sent the first steamer from New Orleans to Texas, and in that year he became the proprietor of a large foundry and machine-shop in New York, known as the Morgan Iron-Works, which manufactured steam-engines, boilers, and machinery for many of the heaviest marine engines in the American merchant and naval service. During the Civil War the greater part of his fleet was chartered by the U. S. government. Subsequently he established the Morgan Line of Steamers in the Gulf of Mexico, and soon had almost a monopoly of the trade of the Gulf ports. He was also sole owner and director of the old Opelousas, afterward known as Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad, which he supplemented by building a road from Indianola to Cuero, Texas, and, in order to perfect his line of communication, he dredged a steamboat channel through Atchafalaya Bay. He constructed at Indianola the finest wharf in the southern states, which was 2,500 feet in length. He also purchased and built steamers for the California trade, which were used on the Panama and Nicaragua routes. His enterprises were managed entirely by himself. Morgan City, Louisiana, was named in his honor. Mr. Morgan gave $50,000 for the endowment of the Morgan School in Clinton, Connecticut, which was erected at a cost of $60,000, and dedicated on 7 December 1871. His second wife gathered a large and costly collection of paintings and other art objects, which, after her death, was sold in New York City in 1886. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 395.
MORGAN, Charles Hale, soldier, born in Manlius, New York, 6 November, 1834; died on Alcatraz Island, California, 20 December, 1875. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1857, assigned to the 4th U.S. Artillery, and took part in the Utah Expedition of 1859. He became 1st lieutenant on 1 April, 1861, and was engaged in the western Virginia operations and in the defences of Washington from December of that year till March, 1862. He served in the Army of the Potomac during the Peninsular Campaign, was promoted captain on 5 August, 1862, and in October appointed chief of artillery of the 2d Corps. He held a volunteer commission as lieutenant-colonel on the staff from 1 January, 1863, till 21 May, 1865. He engaged in the Rappahannock Campaign, and was brevetted major for services at Gettysburg, lieutenant-colonel for the action at Bristoe Station, Virginia, colonel for Spottsylvania, colonel of volunteers, 1 August, 1864, for the Wilderness Campaign, and brigadier-general of volunteers, 2 December 1864, for services as chief-of-staff of the 2d Army Corps during the campaign before Richmond, Virginia. He assisted in organizing an army corps of veterans in Washington, D. C. in 1864-'5, and was assistant inspector-general and chief-of-staff to General Hancock, commanding the Middle Military Division from 22 February till 22 June, 1865. From that date till 7 August. 1865, he was a member of the board to examine candidates for commissions in colored regiments. He was brevetted brigadier-general, U. S. Army, 13 March, 1865, for services in the field during the war, and made full brigadier-general of volunteers on 21 May, 1865. He was mustered out of the volunteer service, 15 January, 1866, and from 10 March to 26 June, 1866, served on a board of officers to make recommendations for brevet promotions in the army. He was on recruiting service from 9 August, 1865, till 15 April, 1867, and became major of the 4th U.S. Artillery on 5 February, 1867. He then served in the Artillery-School at Fortress Monroe and other stations on the Atlantic Coast, and at the time of his death commanded Alcatraz Island, California. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 395-396.
MORGAN, Edward Barber, philanthropist, born in Aurora, Cayuga County, New York, 2 May, 1806; died there, 13 October, 1881. He received a public-school education and early engaged in mercantile pursuits, from which he ultimately retired with a large fortune. He was an original share-holder in the “New York Times," and a founder of the Wells and Fargo and United States Express Companies, of which corporations he was for many years an officer. He was elected and twice re-elected to Congress as a Republican, serving from 8 December, 1853, till 8 March, 1859. With William E. Dodge he erected, at a cost of 140,000, the Dodge-Morgan Library building of the Auburn, New York, Theological Seminary, of which institution he was long a trustee. Subsequently Mr. Morgan gave to the seminary a dormitory building that is now called "Morgan Hall." He was a charter trustee of Wells College, Aurora, to which he not only devoted his personal supervision for a long period, but gave over a quarter of a million dollars. His wife built for the college the new " Morgan Hall." He was also a trustee of Cornell University, and sent Professor Charles P. Hartt, of that institution, on a scientific journey to Brazil. His donations to individuals and to other institutions besides those named above were very large. He helped many young men to acquire an education and establish themselves in business. On one occasion, when a gentleman of wealth complained that he found it difficult to employ his capital profitably, he replied: "Why not invest in some worthy charities if I have found them the best investments."—His brother, Christopher, lawyer, born in Aurora, Cayuga County, New York, 4 June, 1808; died in Auburn, New York, 3 April, 1877, was graduated at Yale in 1838, studied law with William H. Seward, and, after being admitted to the bar, became his partner at Auburn, New York. He was elected and re-elected to Congress as a Whig, serving from 2 December, 1839, till 3 March, 1843. He was Secretary of State of New York from 1848 till 1852, and many years a trustee of the State Lunatic Asylum at Utica. He was at one time engaged in mercantile pursuits in Aurora, New York. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 397-398.
MORGAN, Edwin Dennison, 1811-1883, merchant, soldier, statesman. Member of the Whig Party, Anti-Slavery Faction. Republican U.S. Senator from New York. Chairman of the Republican National Committee, 1856-1864. Governor of New York, 1858-1862. Commissioned Major General of Volunteers, he raised 223,000 troops for the Union Army. U.S. Senator, 1863-1869. Voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery. (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 398; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 7, Pt. 1, p. 168; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 15, p. 825; Congressional Globe)
MORGAN, Edwin Dennison, governor of New York, born in Washington, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 8 February, 1811; died in New York City, 14 February, 1883. At the age of seventeen he moved to Hartford, Connecticut, where he entered the store of his uncle, Nathan Morgan, and became a partner in 1831. He was a member of the city council there in 1832. Removing to New York in 1836, he established himself in business and became a successful merchant. During the cholera epidemic he remained in the city to assist the poor. From 1850 till 1863 he was a member of the state senate, serving at one time as president pro tempore. He was vice-president of the National Republican Convention that met in Pittsburg, 22 February, 1856, and from 1856 till 1864 was chairman of the Republican National Committee. In 1858 he was elected governor of New York, which office he held until 1862. During his term the state debt was reduced, an increase in canal revenue was made, 223,000 troops were sent from New York to the army, and New York Harbor was put in a state of defence. On 28 September, 1861, he was made a major-general of volunteers, the state of New York being created a military department under his command, and for his services under this commission he declined compensation. On the expiration of his term he was elected to the U. S. Senate as a Republican, serving from 4 M arch, 1863, till 3 March, 1869. He opened the proceedings of the Baltimore Convention of 1864, and was a delegate to the Philadelphia Loyalists' Convention of 1866, but took no part in its action. In 1865 he declined the office of Secretary of the U. S. Treasury, which was offered him by President Lincoln. In 1872 he was chairman of the National Republican Committee, and conducted the successful campaign that resulted in the second election of General Grant. He was a Republican candidate for U. S. Senator in 1875, and in 1876 for governor of New York. In 1881 President Arthur offered him the portfolio of Secretary of the Treasury, which he declined, owing to his advanced age. Governor Morgan gave more than $200,000 to the New York Union Theological Seminary and to Williams College Library buildings, and $100,000 for a dormitory. His bequests for charitable and religious purposes amounted to $795,000. In 1867 he received the degree of LL. D. from Williams. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 398.
MORGAN, George Nelson, born on Messina Island, St. Lawrence River, N. F., 7 September, 1825; died in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 24 July, 1866. He moved from Canada to Minnesota in 1856, and, settling at St. Anthony, assisted in erecting the first foundry and machine-shop at the falls. At the beginning of the Civil War he enlisted in the 1st Minnesota Regiment, was elected captain of a company in 1861, was promoted major, and became lieutenant-colonel in 1862. Immediately after the battle of Antietam he succeeded to the colonelcy of the same regiment, and held that command until May, 1863, when, his health failing entirely, he was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, and became colonel of the 2d Regiment of that corps, which post he held until within a few days of his death, he was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers, 13 March, 1865. General Morgan participated with the 1st Regiment in all its battles, from Bull Run to Fredericksburg, inclusive. He was brave and cool in action and a strict disciplinarian. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 398-399.
MORGAN, George Washington, soldier, born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, 20 September, 1820. His grandfather, Colonel George N. Morgan, was the first to give Jefferson information regarding Aaron Burr's conspiracy. In 1836 he left college, and, enlisting in a company that was commanded by his brother, went to assist Texas in gaining her independence. Upon his arrival there he was commissioned a lieutenant in the regular Texan Army, but, after attaining the rank of captain, he retired from the service. In 1841 he entered the U. S. Military Academy, but left in 1843, and, removing to Mount Vernon, Ohio, began to practice law there in 1845. At the beginning of the war with Mexico he was made colonel of the 2d Ohio Volunteers, and he was subsequently appointed colonel of the 15th U. S. Infantry, which he led with ability under General Scott, receiving for his gallantry at Contreras and Churubusco, where he was severely wounded, the thanks of the Ohio legislature and the brevet of brigadier-general. He afterward practised law until 1856, and was then appointed U. S. consul to Marseilles, where he remained until he was made minister to Portugal, which post he held from 1858 till 1861. He returned to this country, and on 21 November, 1861, was made brigadier-general of volunteers and assigned to duty under General Don Carlos Buell. In March, 1862, he assumed the command of the 7th Division of the Army of the Ohio, with which he was ordered to occupy Cumberland Gap, in southeast Kentucky, then held by the Confederates. He forced the enemy to retire on 18 June, 1862, but in September of that year he retreated toward the Ohio, being harassed by constant attacks from Colonel John H. Morgan's guerillas, and in November he was with Major-General Jacob D. Cox in the valley of the Kanawha. He was with General William T. Sherman at Vicksburg, was afterward assigned to the 13th Army Corps, and commanded at the capture of Fort Hindman, Arkansas. Owing to failing health, he resigned in June, 1863. While in favor of maintaining the Union at any cost. General Morgan was opposed to interference with the state institution of the south. In 1865 he was the unsuccessful Democratic candidate for governor of Ohio, and in 1866 was elected to Congress as a Democrat, serving on the Committee on Foreign Affairs. His seat was contested by Columbus Delano, who supplanted him on 3 June, 1868; but he was again elected, and held his seat from 4 March, 1869, till 3 March, 1873, serving on the Committees on Foreign Affairs, Military Affairs, and Reconstruction. He was a delegate-at-large to the National Democratic Convention at St. Louis in 1876. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 399.
MORGAN, James Dady, soldier, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 1 August, 1810. At the age of sixteen he went to sea in the ship "Beverley" for a three years' trading voyage. When the vessel was thirty days out a mutiny occurred, and shortly afterward the ship was burned. Morgan escaped to South America, and, after enduring many hardships, returned to Boston. In 1834 he moved to Quincy, Illinois, and engaged in mercantile pursuits. He aided in raising the "Quincy Grays," and at the time of the difficulties with the Mormons in 1844-'5 he was captain of the " Quincy Riflemen," and was ordered with his company to Hancock County to preserve order. During the Mexican War he served as captain in the 1st Illinois Volunteers. In 1861 he became lieutenant-colonel of the 7th Illinois Regiment, and for meritorious services at New Madrid and Corinth was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers, 17 July, 1862. In November, 1862, he commanded a brigade at Nashville, Tennessee, and for gallantry at Bentonville, North Carolina, he was brevetted major-general of volunteers, 19 March, 1865. He was mustered out of the army on 24 August, 1865. He is now (1888) vice-president of a bank in Quincy. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 401.
MORGAN, John Hunt, soldier, born in Huntsville, Alabama, 1 June, 1826; died near Greenville, Tennessee, 4 September, 1864. In 1830 he settled near Lexington, Kentucky. He served in the war with Mexico as 1st lieutenant in a cavalry regiment. At the opening of the Civil War he was engaged in the manufacture of bagging. He entered the Confederate Army as captain of the Kentucky volunteers, and joined General Simon B. Buckner at the head of the Lexington Rifles. During the winter of 1862-'3 he commanded a cavalry force in General Braxton Bragg's army, and greatly annoyed General William S. Rosencrans's outposts and communications. He soon began a series of raids in Kentucky, in which he destroyed many millions of dollars' worth of military stores, captured and burned railroad-trains filled with supplies, tore up railroad-tracks, burned bridges, and destroyed culverts in the rear of the National Army, and made it necessary to garrison every important town in the state. Moving with the utmost celerity, and taking a telegraph-operator with him, he misled his foes and at the same time acquainted himself with their movements. In 1862 he was appointed major-general. In 1863 he headed a bold and extensive raid into Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana, but with nearly all of his company he was captured and imprisoned in the Ohio Penitentiary. He escaped by digging in November, 1863, and then undertook a raid in Tennessee. While at a farm-house near Greenville, Tennessee, he was surrounded in the night by National troops under General Alvan C. Gillem, and in attempting to escape was killed. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 402
MORGAN, John Tyler, senator, born in Athens, Tennessee, 20 June, 1824. In 1833 his parents moved to Calhoun County, Alabama, and, after receiving a good education, he studied law in Talladega, and was licensed to practice in 1845. In 1860 he was a presidential elector on the Breckinridge ticket, and obtained in the canvass of that year a reputation for eloquence. In 1861 he was a member of the state convention that passed the Ordinance of Secession. He joined the Confederate Army in 1861 as a private, and subsequently became major and lieutenant-colonel, serving in Virginia, he was afterward commissioned as colonel, and, returning to Alabama, raised the 51st Regiment, which he liberally aided in equipping, he went to the front in Tennessee, but was soon assigned to the head of the Conscript Bureau in Alabama, at the request of the state delegation in the Confederate Congress. In 1863 he was appointed brigadier-general by General Robert E. Lee, but declined promotion. He was again commissioned brigadier-general in November, 1863, and commanded a division in the winter of 1863-'4, operating with General James Longstreet in eastern Tennessee, and with General Joseph E. Johnston and General John B. Hood. After the war he resumed his law practice in Selma. In 1876 he was again a presidential elector, and was also elected to the United States Senate as a Democrat, being re-elected in 1883. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 402.
MORGAN, Junius Spencer, banker, born in West Springfield (now Holyoke), Massachusetts, 14 April, 1813. He began his business career in 1829 by entering the employ of Alfred Welles, of Boston, with whom he continued until he became of age. In July, 1834, he joined the banking-house of Morgan, Ketchum and Company of New York, but he returned to Hartford about eighteen months later. He then became junior partner in the dry-goods house of Howe, Mather and Company, which in 1850 became Mather, Morgan and Company. A year later he was invited by James M. Beebe to form a co-partnership in Boston, which, under the style of J. M. Beebe, Morgan and Company, became one of the largest dry-goods establishments in the United States. Mr. Morgan visited England in 1853, and was offered a partnership in the firm of George Peabody and Company, which he accepted on 1 October, 1854, and ten years later, on the retirement of Mr. Peabody, the firm became J. S. Morgan and Company. Under this name the house has grown in strength and influence until at present it ranks among the great banking-houses of the world. During his residence in Hartford, Mr. Morgan was active in the affairs of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and also in various charitable enterprises. He has been a liberal donor to Trinity College, and in 1886 presented to the Hartford Orphan Asylum a generous contribution, known as the Sarah Morgan fund, in memory of his mother, Mrs. Sarah Spencer Morgan. In 1887 he gave a large and valuable painting, by Sir Joshua Reynolds, which he had purchased for that purpose, to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. He married in 1836 Juliet, daughter of John Pierpont, the poet (q. v.).—His son, John Pierpont, banker, born in Hartford, Connecticut, 17 April, 1837, was educated at the English High-School in Boston, and then studied at the University of Gottingen, Germany. He returned to the United States in 1857, and entered the banking-firm of Duncan, Sherman and Company, of New York. In 1860 he became agent and attorney in the United States for George Peabody and Company of London, which relation he has since held with that firm and its successor. He became the junior partner of the banking-firm of Dabney, Morgan and Company in 1864, and that of Drexel, Morgan and Company in 1871. This house is among the chief negotiators of railroad bonds, and was active in the reorganization of the West Shore Railroad and its absorption by the New York Central Railroad. In 1887 it was conspicuous in the reorganization of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, which a syndicate of capitalists formed by Mr. Morgan placed on a sound basis. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 402.
MORGAN, Michael Ryan, soldier, born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 18 January, 1833. He was appointed from Louisiana to the U. S. Military Academy, where he was graduated in 1854, assigned to the artillery, and served in garrison, and against Indians till the Civil War, during which he was in the Subsistence Department. He was chief of commissariat of the 10th Army Corps in May and June, 1864, and of the armies operating against Richmond in 1864-'5, receiving all the brevets to brigadier-general in the regular army for his services in the campaigns of those two years. On 17 November, 1865, he became commissary of subsistence with the rank of major, and since the war he has been the Commissary-General of various departments. He is now (1888) serving in that capacity in San Francisco, California. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 403.
MORGAN, William, artist, born in London, England, in 1826. After studying in the government art-school at Havre, Prance, he came to this country in early life, and received his education in the schools of the National Academy, to which he sent his first work in 1851, and of which he became an associate in 1865. He is a member of the American Art Union and the Artists' Fund Society. His works include "Emancipation" (1868); "'the Legend" (1875); "Song without Words" (1876); "Motherhood"; "Reverie"; "In the Hay-Loft" (1882): "Summer" (1883); "The Sortie (1884); "Andante" (1885); "Blowing Bubbles" (1886); and "La Maudolinata" (1887). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 404.
MORGANFIELD, KENTUCKY, July 14, 1864. 52nd Kentucky Infantry. While scouting in Webster and Union counties Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel F. Johnson encountered 150 Confederates at Morganfield. In the skirmish 5 were killed and 2 captured, the Kentucky regiment suffering no casualties. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 612.
MORGAN'S FERRY, LOUISIANA, September 7, 1863. 2nd Division, 13th Army Corps. The division, commanded by Major-General F. M. Herron, arrived at Morgan's Bend of the Atchafalaya river on the evening of the 6th, and learned that the main body of the enemy, some 3,000 strong, under General Green, was at Morgan's ferry. A portion of one brigade, commanded by Colonel Day, was sent out to look after a party of Confederates in the neighborhood of the bend. Day skirmished all afternoon with the enemy, driving the detachment back upon the main body. The Union loss was 6 wounded. The enemy lost 2 killed, 10 or 12 wounded, and about the same number captured. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 612.
MORGAN'S FERRY ROAD, LOUISIANA, July 28, 1864. Part of Lawler's Brigade. Learning that the Confederates were planning an attack on Morganza, General Lawler sent out a detachment under General Ullman to make a reconnaissance toward the Atchafalaya river on the Morgan's Ferry road. Ullman encountered a party of about 200 of the enemy and soon engaged them in a skirmish. The enemy scattered, losing 5 killed, 2 captured and a number wounded. Ullman then pushed on to the Atchafalaya and found a considerable force of the enemy on the opposite side, with 3 pieces of artillery in position. Owing to the shape of the ground Ullman could not use his artillery to advantage and retired to Morganza. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 612.
MORGAN'S FERRY ROAD, LA., August 25, 1864. Detachments of Lawler's Brigade. Lieut.-Colonel Gurney with 50 men, made a reconnaissance to Morgan's ferry on the Atchafalaya river and found Confederates in some force encamped on the other side, with 4 pieces of artillery in position. Two miles from the river he encountered a picket guard of 6 men under a lieutenant, drove them in and though they fought from a protected spot, captured them at the water's edge, under the fire of the enemy's cannon. The same day Captain Yeaton of the 1st Louisiana cavalry, with 100 men, went to the Atchafalaya at the mouth of the Mamie bayou, via the New Texas road, Bayou Latenache and Robinson's plantation and on the road captured the horses and equipments of 4 Confederates who escaped to the woods. At the Mamie bayou they captured a Confederate and by firing across the bayou, dispersed a company encamped on the other side. Lieutenant Emmons and 4 men of the 1st Louisiana cavalry crossed over and destroyed rifles, saddles and other equipments left by the fleeing Confederates.
MORGAN'S MILL, ARKANSAS, February 9, 1864. Detachments of 11th Missouri and 1st Nebraska Cavalry. Lieutenant-Colonel John W. Stephens with about 110 men left Batesville on the 7th to break up a Confederate camp. On the morning of the 9th, just after he had detached 40 men of his command under Captain Thomas J. Majors, Stephens encountered a large force of Confederates at Morgan's mill and was immediately surrounded. After a desperate fight he cut his way out, but was followed and harassed for a distance of 8 miles. Majors on hearing the firing came to Stephens' assistance, but was also surrounded and obliged to cut his way out. The Federal loss was 6 killed, 8 wounded and 8 captured. Stephens estimated the enemy's casualties as 22 killed and as many wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 613.
MORGANSVILLE, KENTUCKY, September 2, 1862. Detachment of the Army of the Ohio, commanded by Colonel J. M. Shackelford, of the 8th Kentucky Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 613.
MORGANTON, NORTH CAROLINA, April 17, 1865. (See Catawba River.)
MORGANTOWN, KENTUCKY, October 31, 1861. Kentucky Cavalry under Colonel J. H. McHenry, Jr. This affair was a skirmish between about 20 Union men and some Confederate pickets. The latter were first encountered at the outskirts of the town and were driven through it. Subsequently the enemy reinforced to about 60 strong, was again met a mile beyond Morgantown and was routed. The Federals had 1 man wounded and the Confederates lost 3. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 613.
MORGANZA, LOUISIANA, May 30-June 5, 1864. (See Atchafalaya River.)
MORO, STEAMER, February 3, 1863. (See A. W. Baker, steamer.)
MORO BOTTOM, ARKANSAS, April 25-26, 1864. (See Camden, Arkansas, Expedition to.)
MORRILL, Anson Peaslee, statesman, born in Belgrade, Kennebec County, Maine, 10 June, 1803; died in Augusta, Maine, 4 July, 1887. He received a common-school education and devoted himself to mercantile pursuits in his native town. He soon bought an interest in a woollen-mill, and subsequently became connected with several extensive manufactories. In 1833 he was elected as a Democrat to the legislature, in 1839 he was made sheriff of Somerset County, and in 1850 he became land-agent. In 1853, when the Democratic Convention decided to oppose prohibition, he cut loose from that party, and was a candidate for governor on the Free-Soil and Prohibition tickets, but was defeated. The following year he was again a candidate, and, although there was no choice by the people, he was elected by the legislature, being the first Republican governor of Maine. He was an unsuccessful candidate for re-election, being defeated in the legislature through a coalition between the Whigs and Democrats. The party that Governor Morrill had formed served as the nucleus for the movement in 1856 when the National Republican Party first took the field, and he was a delegate to the convention that nominated John C. Fremont for president. He was elected to Congress in 1860, and served from 4 July, 1861, till 3 March, 1863. Declining a re-election, he became largely interested in railroads in his native state, and remained out of politics until 1881, when he was sent to the legislature. He moved to Augusta in 1876. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 408.
MORRILL, Justin Smith, 1810-1898, abolitionist. Republican Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Vermont. Served as Congressman December 1855-March 1867. U.S. Senator 1873-1891. Voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery. (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 409; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 7, Pt. 1, p. 198; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 15, p. 882; Congressional Globe)
MORRILL, Justin Smith, senator, born in Strafford, Orange County, Vermont, 14 April, 1810. He received a common-school education, and engaged in mercantile pursuits until 1848, when he turned his attention to agriculture. He was elected to Congress as a Republican, and five times re-elected, serving from 3 December, 1855, until 3 March, 1867. He was the author of the “Morrill” Tariff of 1861, and acted as chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means in 1864-'5. He was elected U.S. Senator from Vermont in 1867, and re-elected in 1873, 1879, and 1886. His present term will expire in 1891. He is the author of a Self-Consciousness of Noted Persons” (Boston, 1886). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 409.
MORRILL, Lot Myrick, 1813-1883, lawyer, statesman, temperance advocate, opposed slavery, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, 1876, two-term Republican Governor of Maine, U.S. Senator, 1861-1869. Joined the Republican Party due to his position against slavery and its expansion into the new territories. Supported the bill in Congress that emancipated slaves in Washington, DC. Voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery. After the war, he supported higher education for African Americans. In 1866, he supported voting rights for African Americans in Washington, DC. (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 408-409; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 7, Pt. 1, p. 149; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 15, p. 884; Congressional Globe; Biographical Directory of the United States Congress)
MORRILL, Lot Myrick, Secretary of the Treasury, born in Belgrade, Kennebec County, Maine, 3 May, 1813; died in Augusta, Maine, 10 January, 1883, entered Waterville College (now Colby University) in 1835, but did not remain through the year. He then studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1839. He moved to Augusta, established himself in practice, and was an active member of the Democratic Party in Maine. In 1854 he was elected to the legislature, and on his re-election in 1856 he was chosen President of the Senate. Subsequently Mr. Morrill denounced the course of his party on the question of slavery in Kansas, severed his connection with his former associates, was nominated in 1857 by the Republicans for governor, and elected by over 15,000 majority. He was twice re-elected. In 1860 Governor Morrill was chosen to the U. S. Senate to fill the vacancy caused by Hannibal Hamlin's election to the Vice-Presidency. He entered the Senate, 17 January, 1861, was placed on important committees, and attended the Peace Conference of that year. During the two that followed he took an active part in public affairs, and in 1863 was elected senator for the term that ended in 1869. In the Republican caucus for a successor, Mr. Morrill was defeated by a single vote: but, as William P. Fessenden died in 1869, Morrill was appointed to serve out the remainder of Fessenden's term. In 1871 he was again elected senator, and in the discharge of his duties devoted much attention to financial questions. He opposed the bill for inflating the currency, which was vetoed by President Grant, and was in favor of the Resumption Act of 1875. He was noted as being a hard worker in committee-rooms, and was especially familiar with Naval and Indian Affairs. On Secretary William W. Belknap's resignation, President Grant asked Senator Morrill to take a seat in the cabinet, but he declined. In June, 1876, he was made Secretary of the Treasury. In November, 1876, he made an address to the moneyed men of New York from the steps of the Sub-Treasury Department, and in his annual report in December he urged immediate and yet gradual contraction of the currency, and declared that specie payments could be resumed in 1879. When Mr. Hayes became President in 1877 he offered Mr. Morrill a foreign mission, but it was declined. He was appointed in March collector of customs for Portland District, Maine, which post he held at the time of his death. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 408-409.
MORRIS, Charles, naval officer, born in Woodstock, Connecticut, 26 July, 1784; died in Washington, D. C, 27 January, 1856. He entered the U.S. Navy, being made midshipman, 1 July, 1799, and, during the war with Tripoli in 1801-5, served in the squadron under Commodore Edward Preble, he took part in the expedition under Decatur that destroyed the frigate "Philadelphia" in the harbor of Tripoli on the night of 15 February, 1804, and subsequently captured a French privateer. In January, 1807, he was promoted to a lieutenancy, and he was executive officer of the "Constitution" in July, 1812, when she was chased for sixty hours by a British fleet. In the following month, in the engagement between that vessel and the "Guerriere," he was severely wounded. On 5 March, 1813, he was promoted captain, Missing the intermediate grade, and in 1814 was appointed to the command of the "John Adams," twenty-eight guns, in which vessel he cruised off the coasts of the United States and Ireland, greatly injuring British commerce. In August of the same year, when Captain Morris had run up the Penobscot River, Maine, for repairs, a strong British force followed him with the design of effecting his capture. A detachment of militia that was sent to his relief having abandoned him, he was compelled to scuttle the vessel, while the crew made the best of its way in small parties over 200 miles of thinly settled country to Portland. In 1816-'17 he commanded the naval forces in the Gulf of Mexico, and in 1819-'20 a squadron on the coast of Buenos Ayres. From 1823 till 1827, and again from 1832 till 1841, he was navy commissioner, as such having a vote upon every important question of naval administration. In September and October, 1825, he was in command of the "Brandywine," in which Lafayette returned to France. He was afterward employed in inspecting the dock-yards of England and France, he had for many years supervision of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, and from 1851 until his death he was chief of the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography. Entering the navy at the most trying period of its history, when it had little support or encouragement from the government, when it was almost unknown to the country at large, and when its internal organization was loose and imperfect, Captain Morris lived to see it in the height of its prosperity. For more than fifty years all his time, his thoughts, and his energies were devoted to promoting the growth and well-being of the service. As remarkable for judgment and self-control as he was for courage and zeal, he is regarded by many as the foremost man of the navy as it existed prior to the Civil War. See his "Autobiography," published by the U. S. naval Institute (Annapolis, 1880). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 411.
MORRIS, Daniel, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery (Congressional Globe)
MORRIS, William Hopkins, soldier, born in New York, 22 April, 1826, was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1851, but resigned from the army in 1854, and engaged in literary pursuits in 1855-'61. He was commissioned as staff captain and assistant adjutant-general of the U. S. volunteers in 1861, served in the Peninsular Campaign of 1862, on 1 September of that year resigned, and became colonel of the 135th New York Regiment of Infantry, which was changed into the 6th New York Artillery. He was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers, 29 November, 1862, served in the Pennsylvania and Rapidan and Richmond Campaigns, and was wounded near Spottsylvania. In March, 1865, he was brevetted major-general of volunteers for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, May, 1864. He invented a repeating carbine in 1869, and is the author of "A System of Infantry Tactics" (New York, 1865) and "Tactics for Infantry, armed with Breech-loading or Magazine Rifles'" (1882). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 413.
MORRIS, George Upham, naval officer, born in Massachusetts, 3 June, 1830; died in Jordan Alum Springs, Virginia, 15 August, 1875. He entered the U.S. Navy and was commissioned midshipman, 14 August, 1846, lieutenant, 16 September, 1855, and commander, 25 July, 1866. He distinguished himself by his defence of the "Cumberland," of which he was in temporary command, when attacked by the iron-clad ram “Merrimack" in Hampton Roads, Virginia, 8 March, 1862. "As her guns approached the water's edge," said the Secretary of the Navy in his report for that year, "her young commander, Lieutenant Morris, and the gallant crew stood firm at their posts and delivered a parting fire, and the good ship went down heroically with her colors flying." Many of the officers and men, Lieutenant Morris among them, were able to reach the shore, but a large number perished with the vessel. In the following May, while in command of the steam gun-boat "Port Royal," he took part in an engagement with a nine-gun battery on James River, and he was subsequently wounded at Fort Darling. He also participated in the attack on Fort Powell, at Grant's Pass, in February, 1864. He was retired from active service, 21 October, 1874. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 413.
MORRIS, Lewis Owen, soldier, born in Albany, New York, 14 August, 1824; died in Cold Harbor. Virginia. 3 June, 1804, received a commission as 2d lieutenant in the U. S. Army, 8 March, 1847, and took part in the siege of Vera Cruz, and the subsequent advance on the city of Mexico. At the beginning of the Civil War he had attained the rank of captain in the 1st U.S. Artillery. During the winter of 1860-'l he was stationed in Texas, and his battery was the only one that did not surrender to the Confederates. In the winter of 1861-'2 he was designated to direct the operations against Fort Macon, North Carolina, which he captured and afterward commanded. The following summer he was appointed colonel of the 113th New York Volunteers, which, reaching Washington when the city was menaced by General Robert E. Lee, was converted into a heavy artillery regiment. It was stationed at Fort Reno, one of the works defending the National Capital, but the inactive life did not suit Colonel Morris, and he pleaded repeatedly to be sent to the field. At the beginning of the campaign of 1864 his wish was gratified, and during all the engagements from Spottsylvania till his death he commanded a brigade. He fell in the battle of Cold Harbor when, like his father, he was cheering his men in an assault. He was greatly Moved and admired as an officer. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 416.
MORRIS, Henry W., naval officer, born in New York City in 1800: died there, 14 August, 1863, was the son of Thomas, a member of the New York bar, and at one time U. S. Marshal for the Southern District of the state of New York. He entered the U.S. Navy, 21 August, 1819, and from 1828 till 1838, under the commission of lieutenant, served in various posts. From 1839 till 1845 he was on special duty in New York City, passing through six degrees of official promotion during the term of six years. He was then appointed to the command of the store-ship "Southampton," at that time belonging to the African Squadron. In 1846 he was again ordered to the Brooklyn U.S. Navy-yard, where for the next five years he was awaiting orders. In the meantime he was promoted commander, and in 1851 was appointed to the charge of the rendezvous in New York until 1858, when he was ordered to the sloop-of-war "Germantown," of the Brazilian Squadron. In 1855 he was transferred to the Mediterranean Station, where he served as fleet-captain under Commodore Stringham. Upon his return to the United States, in 1856, he received his commission as captain. Toward the close of 1861 he superintended the construction of the steam sloop-of-war " Pensacola" at Washington U.S. Navy-yard. In January, 1862, that vessel, under his command, successfully passed the line of Confederate batteries on the Potomac, and, after anchoring a short time in Hampton roads, set sail to join the blockading squadron in the Gulf of Mexico. The "Pensacola” played a brilliant part in all the attacks upon Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip, and upon the Chalmette batteries. After the capture of New Orleans, Commodore Morris was intrusted with the duty of holding the city and guarding the adjacent coasts. But his health became seriously affected, and he was persuaded to come to the north to recruit his strength, and died soon after his arrival. He was made commodore, 16 July, 1862. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 417.
MORRIS, Thomas, 1776-1844, Cincinnati, Ohio, Virginia, first abolitionist senator, 1833, vice president of the Liberty Party, abolitionist, Ohio lawmaker 1806-1830, Chief Justice of the State of Ohio 1830-1833, U.S. Senator 1833-183?. Executive Committee, American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society (A&FASS), 1840-1844. Vice President of the American Colonization Society (ACS), 1839-1841. Fought for right to petition Congress against slavery.
(Dumond, 1961, pp. 92, 135, 243, 244, 286, 300; Mitchell, 2007, pp. 11, 18, 23-24, 27; Rodriguez, 2007, p. 48; Staudenraus, P. J. The African Colonization Movement, 1816-1865. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 15, p. 916; Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 418; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 7, Pt. 1, p. 226)
MORRIS, Thomas, senator, born in Augusta County, Virginia, 3 January, 1776; died in Bethel, Ohio, 7 December, 1844. His father was a Baptist clergyman of Welsh descent. The son moved to Columbia, Ohio, in 1795, entered the service, as a farm-hand, of Reverend John Smith, first U. S. Senator from Ohio, and in 1800 settled in Clermont County. While engaged in farming be studied law, and in 1804 was admitted to the bar. He was elected to the legislature in 1806, was continuously a member for twenty-four years, became eminent in his profession, was a judge of the Supreme Court, and was chosen U. S. Senator in 1832. He was an ardent opponent of slavery, engaged in important debates with John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay in defence of the right of petition and the duty of the government to favor abolition, and was active in support of the freedom of the press. His anti-slavery sentiments being distasteful to the Democratic Party, by whom he was elected, he was not returned for a second term, and in March, 1839, he retired. He was nominated for vice-president by the Liberal Party at the Buffalo Convention in August, 1844. His death occurred a month after the election. Mr. Morris was an energetic politician, and a fearless champion of liberty and the right of individual opinion. See his “Life and Letters,” edited by his son, Benjamin F. Morris (Cincinnati, Ohio, 1855). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 418.
MORRIS, Thomas Armstrong, soldier, born in Nicholas County, Kentucky, 26 December, 1811. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1834, resigned in 1836 to follow the profession of civil engineering, and was appointed in that year resident engineer of canals and railroads in the state of Indiana. He was chief engineer of two railroads in 1847-52, engineer in 1852-'4. and president in 1854-'7 of the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad, and president of the Indianapolis, Pittsburg and Cleveland Railroad in 1859-'61. In April, 1861, he was appointed brigadier-general by the governor of Indiana, and served in the West Virginia Campaign of that year, but, declining the commissions of brigadier-general and major-general of volunteers, he was mustered out of service in July, 1861. He then resumed the office of chief engineer of the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad, was president of the Indianapolis and St. Louis Railroad in 1867-'70, and in 1870-'3 was receiver of the Indianapolis, Cincinnati, and Lafayette Railroad. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 419.
MORRIS, William Walton, soldier, born in Ballston Springs, New York, 31 August, 1801; died in Baltimore, Maryland, 11 December 1865. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1820, became 1st lieutenant in 1823, participated in the attack on the Indian towns in the Arickaree Expedition in that year, and in 1824 was transferred to the artillery. During the Seminole War he commanded a battalion of Creek volunteers, with the rank of major, formed the advance of General Thomas S. Jessup's command, and, marching into Florida to the assistance of the state troops and those under Colonel Zachary Taylor, participated in the battle of Wahoo Swamp, 26 November, 1836. For his conduct on that occasion he was promoted captain. His services in the subsequent engagements of this campaign won him the brevet of major in 1837. He served on the Canadian frontier in the border disturbances of 1839, during the Mexican War was major of the artillery battalion of the army of occupation, and was engaged at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. He had devoted much study to military law between 1839 and 1846, and in the latter year was appointed military governor and alcalde of the city of Tampico, subsequently assuming the same duties in Puebla, where he remained until the close of the war. He was promoted major in 1853, engaged in the Seminole War of 1856-'7, was on frontier duty the next year, and also served in quelling the Kansas disturbances. He became colonel in 1861, and during the Civil War he was stationed at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland. By training his guns on the insurgents, he quelled the riots that occurred in that city, 19 April, 1861. Shortly after assuming command at Fort McHenry, he refused to obey a writ of habeas corpus that was granted by a Maryland judge, to obtain possession of a soldier of the Fort McHenry garrison, resisting the execution of the writ on the ground that the habeas corpus act had been suspended by the beginning of hostilities. From 1 February, 1865, till his death he commanded the Middle Department and the 8th Army Corps. He received the brevets of brigadier-general and major-general in the regular army on 9 June, 1862, and 10 December 1865, respectively. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 420.
MORRISON. George Washington, Congressman, born in Fairlee, Vermont. 16 October, 1809. He was educated at Thetford. Vermont, admitted to the bar in 1835, settled in Manchester, New Hampshire, soon afterward, and quickly won a high place at the bar, which he maintained for many years, till impaired health, in 1872, obliged him to retire. He was a member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives several times between 1840 and 1850, and solicitor of his county in 1845-'7. He was chosen to Congress as a Democrat to fill a vacancy, and re-elected, serving in 1850-'l and in 1853-'5. During his last term he opposed, by speech and note, the Kansas-Nebraska bill, notwithstanding his personal friendship for President Pierce.—His cousin. Charles Robert, jurist, born in Bath, New Hampshire, 22 January, 1819, was educated at Newbury, Vermont, admitted to the bar in July, 1842, and was circuit justice, court of common pleas, from 1851. He was adjutant of the 11th New Hampshire Regiment in 1862-'4. and was wounded thrice in the service. After the war he continued the practice of law at Manchester till 1887, when he moved to Concord, New Hampshire. He is the author of "Digest of New Hampshire Reports" (Concord, 1868); "Probate Directory" (1870); "Justice and Sheriff and Attorney's Assistant" (1872); "Town Officer" (1876); -'Digest of Laws relating to Common Schools" (1881); and "Proofs of Christ's Resurrection, from a Lawyer's Standpoint" (Andover, Massachusetts, 1880; revised ed., 1885). In 1880 he prepared a history of his branch of the Morrison family, which was embodied in the general history of the family by Leonard A. Morrison (Boston, 1880). He has now (1888) in preparation a " Digest of all New Hampshire Reports." Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 420.
MORRISON, Pitcairn, soldier, born in New York City, 18 September, 1795; died in Baltimore, Maryland, 5 October, 1887. He was commissioned 2d lieutenant of artillery in the U. S. Army in October, 1820, promoted 1st lieutenant in 1826, and captain in 1836, and received the brevet of major for gallant conduct at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma in the war with Mexico. He was made major of infantry in 1847. commanded his regiment in 1848-'9, and the post of Fort Lincoln, Texas, in 1850-'l, and became lieutenant-colonel in 1853 and colonel in 1861. He was retired in October, 1863, "for disability incurred in the line of duty," and brevetted brigadier-general in the regular army "for long and faithful services." After this he resided in Baltimore, Maryland, and at the time of his death he was the oldest officer by commission in the army, with the exception of General William S. Harney. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 421.
MORRISON, William Ralls, Congressman, born in Monroe County, Illinois, 14 September, 1825. He was educated at McKendree College, served as a private in the Mexican War, and subsequently studied law and was admitted to the bar. He was clerk of Monroe County in 1852-'6, served in the legislature for the next three years, and was Speaker of the House in 1859. He organized the 49th Illinois Regiment at the beginning of the Civil War, and was wounded at Fort Donelson. While in command of that regiment in the field, he was elected to Congress as a Democrat, and served in 1863-'5, but was defeated for the 39th and 40th Congresses. He was again chosen in 1872, serving from 1873 till 1887, and in 1873-'5 was chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means. In 1886 he was an unsuccessful candidate for re-election. He was a delegate to the National Union Convention in 1866, and to the New York Democratic Convention in 1868. In March, 1887, he was appointed by President Cleveland a member of the Interstate Commerce Commission for a term of five years. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 422.
MORRIS' FORD, TENNESSEE, July 2, 1863. Cavalry of the Army of the Cumberland. During the Middle Tennessee campaign Brigadier-General John B. Turchin's division moved toward Decherd from Hillsboro, by way of Morris' ford, 10 miles above Hillsboro. When within a mile and a half of the ford the Confederate cavalry pickets were encountered and driven back across the Elk river. Two companies of the 4th Ohio, who were following closely, were fired into by the Confederate sharpshooters on the opposite bank, which was a steep bluff, rendering any attempt to cross under fire an exceedingly hazardous undertaking. Another ford, a mile and a half above, was reconnoitered by Turchin's escort, but was also found to be well guarded. While considering the advisability of sending a mounted force across the stream the Federals were opened upon by a battery of 4 guns just below the ford. Turchin withdrew his battery to a more sheltered position and sent word to Stanley that he dared not cross. About 2 p. m. Mitchell's division came up and it was directed to cross the river at the ford a mile and a half above (called Shallow ford) while Turchin's effected a crossing at Morris' ford. Long's brigade of Turchin's division, ascertained that the enemy had retreated from the ford and crossed, followed by the remainder of the division and soon engaged the enemy's cavalry. By the time Turchin had advanced 3 miles Mitchell had succeeded in crossing at Shallow ford and the two divisions pushed forward, skirmishing until dark, the enemy by that time having brought four regiments into the action. Turchin lost 2 killed and 8 wounded, and his men found and buried over 20 of the enemy's dead. Morris Island, South Carolina, September 7, 1863. On this date the Confederates evacuated Morris island. For a full account of the event, with the preceding bombardment, see Naval Volume. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 613-614.
MORRISTOWN, MISSOURI, September 17, 1861. Detachment of Kansas Brigade. An expedition of 600 men with 2 mountain howitzers attacked a camp of the enemy near Morristown and succeeded in routing him with a loss of 7 killed and a number wounded. The entire Confederate camp, equipage, etc., was captured. The Federals lost 2 killed and 6 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 614.
MORRISTOWN, TENNESSEE, December 1, 1861. Morristown, Tennessee, December 10, 1863. Garrard's Brigade, Cavalry corps, Army of the Ohio. In the pursuit of Longstreet, after he had raised the siege of Knoxville, General Garrard dashed into Morristown, drove the enemy from his fortifications and the town. Shackelford's report of the affair says that between 40 and 50 of the enemy were killed or wounded, while Garrard lost but 6 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 614.
MORRISTOWN, TENNESSEE, August 2, 1864. Detachment of 10th Michigan Cavalry. Lieutenant-Colonel Luther S. Trowbridge with 250 men and a mountain howitzer left Strawberry plains on the 1st and the following day met a party of 110 Confederates at Morristown. After a short fight the enemy retired with the loss of an officer mortally and 5 men slightly wounded. There were no casualties among the Federals. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 614.
MORRISTOWN, TENNESSEE, October 28, 1864. 8th, 9th and 13th Tennessee Cavalry and Battery E, 1st Tennessee Light Artillery. About 9 a. m. this force, under Brigadier-General Alvan C. Gillem, came upon the Confederate pickets, which the advance regiment, the 9th Tennessee, charged and drove back upon their main line drawn up in strong position before the town. The battery was brought forward and placed on an eminence commanding the enemy's center, which was at once charged by one of Gillem's regiments and badly routed. Noticing the enemy preparing to charge the right flank, Gillem ordered a forward movement by the 8th Tennessee on that part of his line. By that time the 9th had been reformed, and simultaneously with the charge of the 8th attacked the Confederate right. After a short but desperate resistance the Confederates turned and fled, leaving (according to Union reports) 85 dead on the field. Some 224 were captured and a quantity of arms, ammunition, etc. Gillem lost 8 killed and 18 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 614.
MORROW, James, Jefferson County, Indiana, abolitionist, American Anti-Slavery Society, Vice-President, 1839-1840.
MORSE, David Appleton, physician, born in Ellsworth, Ohio, 12 December, 1840. He was graduated at Cleveland Medical College in 1862, and began practice in Edinburgh, Ohio. In 1862-'5 he served in the U. S. Army as surgeon, at first under General William S. Rosecrans in Tennessee, and then under General William T. Sherman in Georgia. After his resignation he returned to Edinburgh and subsequently moved to Alliance, Ohio, but in 1867 settled in Madison County, where he remained for ten years. In 1877 he was called to Columbus, Ohio, where he has since held the professorship of nervous disorders and insanity in Starling Medical College and the post of physician to Columbus Hospital for the Insane. More recently he accepted the superintendency of the Oxford Retreat for Nervous and Mental Diseases. Dr. Morse is a member of the American, the Ohio, and other medical societies. He is editor of the department of nervous disorders and insanity in the ' Lancet and Observer," to whose columns, as well as to the transactions of societies to which he belongs, he has contributed papers on medical topics. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 422.
MORSE, Henry Bagg, soldier, born in Eaton, New York, 2 July, 1830; died there, 20 June, 1874. He received an academic education, and then assisted his father in various farming and manufacturing enterprises. In 1862 he was authorized by Governor Edwin D. Morgan to raise a company for the Chenango and Madison Regiment, and successively attained the ranks of captain, major, and lieutenant-colonel. His regiment was sent to the Department of the Gulf, took part in the combat at Fort Bisland, Louisiana, and led in the charge on Port Hudson, where he was severely wounded. Subsequently he had charge of a brigade at Sabine Crossroads, and received the brevet of brigadier-general of volunteers on 13 March, 1865. He was one of the Board of Prison-Inspectors for the Department of the Gulf in New Orleans, and acting chief quartermaster of the 19th Army Corps during the latter part of his service. After the war he studied law in Syracuse, New York, and then settled in Arkansas, where he held the office of U. S. Revenue-Collector. On the reorganization of the state government he was appointed probate judge, and he was afterward circuit judge for six years. Failing health led to his returning to the north, but in March, 1874, he went again to Arkansas in the heat of the Brooks-Baxter excitement (see Baxter, Elisha), and took an active part in state matters as chairman of the Jefferson County Republican Committee. This again prostrated him, and he returned to the north to die. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 423
MORSE, Samuel Finley Breese, founder of the American system of electro-magnetic telegraph, born in Charlestown, Massachusetts, 27 April, 1791; died in New York City, 2 April, 1872. was graduated at Yale in 1810, and in that institution received his first instruction in electricity from Professor Jeremiah Day, also attending the elder Silliman's lectures on chemistry and galvanism. In 1809 he wrote: "Mr. Day’s lectures are very interesting; they are upon electricity; he has given us some very line experiments, the whole class, taking hold of hands, form the circuit of communication, and we all received the shock apparently at the same moment. I never took an electric shock before; it felt as if some person had struck me a slight blow across the arms." His college career was perhaps more strongly marked by his fondness for art than for science, and he employed his leisure time in painting. He wrote to his parents during the senior year: "My price is five dollars for a miniature on ivory, and I have engaged three or four at that price. My price for profiles is one dollar, and everybody is willing to engage me at that price." When he was released from his college duties, he had no profession in view, but to be a painter was his ambition, and so he began art studies under Washington Allston, and in 1811 accompanied him to London, where soon afterward he was admitted to the Royal Academy. He remained in London for four years, meeting many celebrities and forming an intimate friendship with Charles R. Leslie, who became his room-mate. Under the tuition of Allston and Benjamin West he made rapid progress in his art. and in 1813 exhibited a colossal "Dying Hercules" in the Royal Academy, which was classed by critics as among the first twelve paintings there. The plaster model that he made to assist him in his picture gained the gold medal of the Adelphi Society of Arts. This was given when Great Britain and the United States were at war, and was cited as an illustration of the impartiality with which American artists were treated by England. The first portrait that he painted abroad was of Leslie, who paid him a similar compliment, and later he executed one of Zerah Colburn. He then set to work on an historical composition to be offered in competition for the highest premium of the Royal Academy, but, as he was obliged to return to the United States in August, 1815, this project was abandoned. Settling in Boston, he opened a studio in that city, but, while visitors were glad to admire his "Judgment of Jupiter," his patrons were few. Finding no opportunities for historic painting, he turned his attention to portraits during 1816-'17, visiting the larger towns of Vermont and New Hampshire.
Meanwhile he was associated with his brother, Sidney E. Morse, in the invention of an improved pump. In January, 1818, he went to Charleston, South Carolina, and there painted many portraits, his orders at one time exceeding 150 in number. On 18 October, 1818, he married Lucretia Walker in Concord, New Hampshire. but in the following winter he returned to Charleston, where he wrote to his old preceptor, Washington Allston: " I am painting from morning till night, and have continual applications." Among his orders was a commission from the city authorities for a portrait of James Monroe, then President of the United States, which he painted in Washington, and which, on its completion, was placed in the city hall of Charleston. In 1823 he settled in New York City, and after hiring as his studio "a tiny room on Broadway, opposite Trinity churchyard, he continued his painting of portraits, one of the first being that of Chancellor Kent, which was followed soon afterward by a picture of Fitz-Greene Halleck, now in the Astor library, and a full-length portrait of Lafayette for the city of New York. During his residence there he became associated with other artists in founding the New York Drawing Association, of which he was made president. This led in 1820 to the establishment of the National Academy of the Arts of Design, to include representations from the arts of painting, sculpture, architecture, and engraving. Morse was chosen its president, and so remained until 1842. He was likewise president of the Sketch Club, an assemblage of artists that met weekly to sketch for an hour, after which the time was devoted to social entertainment, including a supper of "milk and honey, raisins, apples, and crackers." About this time he delivered a series of lectures on "The Fine Arts " before the New York Athenaeum, which are said to have been the first on that subject in the United States. Thus he continued until 1829, when he again visited Europe for study, and for three years resided abroad, principally in Paris and the art centres of Italy.
During 1826-'7 Professor James F. Dana lectured on electro-magnetism and electricity before the New York Athenaeum. Mr. Morse was a regular attendant, and, being a friend of Professor Dana, had frequent discussions with him on the subject of his lectures. But the first ideas of a practical application of electricity seem to have come to him while he was in Paris, James Fenimore Cooper refers to the event thus: "Our worthy friend first communicated to us his ideas on the subject of using the electric spark by way of a telegraph. It was in Paris, and during the winter of 1831-'2." On 1 October, 1832, he sailed from Havre on the packet-ship "Sully " for New York, and among his fellow-passengers was Charles T. Jackson (q. v.), then lately from the laboratories of the great French physicists, where he had made special studies in electricity and magnetism. A conversation in the early part of the voyage turned on the recent experiments of Ampere with the electro-magnet. When the question whether the velocity of electricity is retarded by the length of the wire was asked, Dr. Jackson replied, referring to Benjamin Franklin's experiments, that " electricity passes instantaneously over any known length of wire." Morse then said : " If the presence of electricity can be made visible in any part of the circuit, I see no reason why intelligence may not be transmitted instantaneously by electricity." The idea took fast hold of him, and thenceforth all his energy was devoted to the development of the electric telegraph. He said: "If it will go ten miles without stopping, I can make it go around the globe." At once, while on board the vessel, he set to work and devised the dot-and-dash alphabet. The electro-magnetic and chemical recording telegraph essentially as it now exists was planned and drawn on shipboard, but he did not produce his working model till 1835 nor his relay till later. His brothers placed at his disposal a room on the fifth floor of the building on the corner of Nassau and Beekman streets, which he used as his studio, workshop, bedchamber, and kitchen. In this room, with his own hands, he first cut his models; then from these he made the moulds and castings, and in the lathe, with the graver's tools, he gave them polish and finish. In 1835 he was appointed professor of the literature of the arts of design in the University of the City of New York, and he occupied front rooms on the third floor in the north wing of the university building, looking out on Washington Square, where he made his apparatus, "made as it was," he says, "and completed before the first of the year 1830. I was enabled to and did mark down telegraphic intelligible signs, and to make and did make distinguishable signs for telegraphing; and, having arrived at that point, I exhibited it to some of my friends early in that year, and among others to Professor Leonard D. Gale. His discovery of the relay in 1835 made it possible for him to re-enforce the current after it had become feeble owing to its distance from the source, thus making possible transmission from one point on a main line, through great distances, by a single act of a single operator. In 1836-'7 he directed his experiments mainly to modifying the marking apparatus, and later in varying the modes of uniting, experimenting with plumbago and various kinds of inks or coloring matter, substituting a pen for a pencil, and devising a mode of writing on a whole sheet of paper instead of on a strip of ribbon. In September, 1837, the instrument was shown in the cabinet of the university to numerous visitors, operating through a circuit of 1,700 feet of wire that ran back and forth in that room. At this time the apparatus, which is shown in the accompanying illustration, was described by Professor Leonard D. Gale as consisting of a train of clock-wheels to regulate the motion of a strip of paper about one and a half inches wide; three cylinders of wood. A, H, and C, over which the paper passed, and which were controlled by the clock-work that was moved by the weight E. A wooden pendulum, F, was suspended over the centre of the cylinder B. In the lower part of the pendulum was fixed a case in which a pencil moved easily and was kept in contact with the paper by a light weight. At h was an electromagnet, whose armature was fixed on the pendulum. The wire from the helices of the magnet passed to one pole of the battery I, and the other to the cup of mercury at K. The other pole of the battery was connected by a wire to the other cup of mercury, J. The portrule represented below the table contained two cylinders connected by a band. M shows the composing-stick in which the type were set. At one end of the lever 0 0 was a fork of copper wire, which was plunged when the lever was depressed into the two cups of mercury J and K, while the other end was kept down by means of a weight. A series of thin plates of type metal, eleven in number, having one to five cogs each, except one which was used as a space, completed the apparatus. His application for a patent, dated 28 September, 1837, was filed as a caveat at. the U. S. Patent-Office, and in December of the same year he made a formal request of Congress for aid to build a telegraph line. The Committee on Commerce of the House of Representatives, to which the petition had been referred, reported favorably, but the session closed without any action being taken. Francis O. J. Smith, of Maine, chairman of the committee, became impressed with the value of this new application of electricity, and formed a partnership with Mr. Morse. In May, 1838. Morse went to Europe in the hope of interesting foreign governments in the establishment of telegraph-lines, but he was unsuccessful in London. He obtained a patent in France, but it was practically useless, as it required the inventor to put his discovery into operation within two years, and telegraphs being a government monopoly no private lines were permissible. Mr. Morse was received with distinction by scientists in each country, and his apparatus was exhibited under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences in Paris, and the Royal Society in London.
After an absence of eleven months he returned to New York in May. 1839, as he writes to Mr. Smith, "without a farthing in my pocket, and have to borrow even for my meals, and, even worse than this. I have incurred a debt of rent by my absence."' Four years of trouble and almost abject poverty followed, and at times he was reduced to such want that for twenty-four hours he was without food. His only support was derived from a few students that he taught art, and occasional portraits that he was commissioned to paint. In the meantime, his foreign competitors—Wheatstone in England, and Steinheil in Bavaria—were receiving substantial aid. and making efforts to induce Congress to adopt their systems in the United States, while Morse, struggling to persuade his own countrymen of the merits of his system, although it was conceded by scientists to be the best, was unable to accomplish anything. He persisted in bringing the matter before Congress after Congress, until at last a bill granting him $30,000 was passed by the house on 23 February, 1842, by a majority of eight, the vote standing 90 to 82. On the last day of the session he left the capitol thoroughly disheartened, but found next morning that his bill had been rushed through the Senate without division on the night of 3 March, 1843. There were yet many difficulties to be overcome, and with renewed energy he began to work. His intention was to place the wires in leaden pipes, buried in the earth. This proved impracticable, and other methods were devised. Ezra Cornell (q. v.) then became associated with him, and was charged with the laying of the wires, and after various accidents it was ultimately decided to suspend the wires, insulated, on poles in the air. These difficulties had not been considered, as it was supposed that the method of burying the wires, which had been adopted abroad, would prove successful. Nearly a year had been exhausted in making experiments, and the congressional appropriation was nearly consumed before the system of poles was resorted to. The construction of the line between Baltimore and Washington, a distance of about forty miles, was quickly accomplished, and on 11 May, 1844, Mr. Morse wrote to his assistant. Alfred Vail, in Baltimore, "Everything worked well.'" Among the earliest messages, while the line was still in an experimental condition, was one from Baltimore announcing the nomination of Henry Clay to the presidency by the Whig Convention in that city. The news was conveyed on the railroad to the nearest point that had been reached by the telegraph, and thence instantly transmitted over the wires to Washington. An hour later passengers arriving at Washington were surprised to find that the news had preceded them. By the end of the month communication between the two cities was complete, and practically perfect. The day that was chosen for the public exhibition was 24 May, 1844, when Mr. Morse invited his friends to assemble in the chamber of the U. S. Supreme Court, in the Capitol, at Washington, while his assistant, Mr. Vail, was in Baltimore, at the Mount Claire Depot. Miss Annie G. Ellsworth, daughter of Henry L. Ellsworth, then commissioner of patents, chose the words of the message. As she had been the first to announce to Mr. Morse the passage of the bill granting the appropriation to build the line, he had promised her this distinction. She selected the words "What hath God wrought,"' taken from Numbers xxiii., 23. They were received at once by Mr. Vail, and sent back again in an instant. The strip of paper on which the telegraphic characters were printed was claimed by Governor Thomas H. Seymour, of Connecticut, on the ground that Miss Ellsworth was a native of Hartford, and is now preserved in the archives by the Hartford Athenaeum. Two days later the national Democratic Convention met in Baltimore and nominated James K. Polk for the presidency. Silas Wright, of New York, was then chosen for the vice-presidency, and the information was immediately conveyed by telegraph to Morse, and by him communicated to Mr. Wright, then in the Senate Chamber. A few minutes later the convention was astonished by receiving a telegram from Mr. Wright declining the nomination. The despatch was at once read before the convention, but the members were so incredulous that there was an adjournment to await the report of a committee that was sent to Washington to get reliable information on the subject.
Morse offered his telegraph to the U. S. government for $100,000, but, while $8,000 was voted for maintenance of the initial line, any further expenditure in that direction was declined. The patent then passed into private hands, and the Morse System became the property of a joint-stock company called the Magnetic Telegraph Company. Step by step, sometimes with rapid strides, but persistently, the telegraph spread over the United States, although not without accompanying difficulties. Morse's patents were violated, his honor disputed, and even his integrity was assailed, and rival companies devoured for a time all the profits of the business, but after a series of vexatious lawsuits his rights were affirmed by the U. S. Supreme Court. In 1846 he was granted an extension of his patent, and ultimately the Morse System was adopted in France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, and Australia. The following statement, made in 1869 by the Western Union Telegraph Company, the largest corporation of its kind in the world, is still true: "Nearly all the machinery employed by the company belongs to the Morse System. This telegraph is now used almost exclusively everywhere, and the time will probably never come when it will cease to be the leaning system of the world. Of more than a hundred devices that have been made to supersede it, not one has succeeded in accomplishing its purpose, and it is used at the present time upon more than ninety-five per cent of all the telegraph-lines in existence." The establishment of the submarine telegraph is likewise due to Morse. In October, 1842, he made experiments with a cable between Castle Garden and Governor's Island. The results were sufficient to show the practicability of such an undertaking. Later he held the office of electrician to the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Company, organized for the purpose of laying a cable across the Atlantic ocean. While in Paris during March, 1839, Morse met Daguerre, and became acquainted with his process of reproducing pictures by the action of sunlight on silver salts. he had previously experimented in the same lines while residing in New Haven, but without success. In June of the same year, after the French government had purchased the method from Daguerre, he communicated the details to Morse, who succeeded in acquiring the process, and was associated with John W. Draper (q. v.) in similar experiments. For some time afterward, until the telegraph absorbed his attention, he was engaged in experimenting toward the perfecting of the daguerreotype, and he shares with Professor Draper the honor of being the first to make photographs of living persons. Morse also patented a machine for cutting marble in 1823, by which he hoped to be able to produce perfect copies of any model. In 1847 he purchased property on the east bank of the Hudson, near Poughkeepsie, which he called "Locust Grove," where, after his marriage in 1848 to Sarah E. Griswold, he dispensed a generous hospitality, entertaining eminent artists and other notable persons. Soon afterward he bought a city residence on Twenty-Second Street, where he spent the winters, and on whose front since his death a marble tablet has been inserted, bearing the inscription, " In this house S. F. B. Morse lived for many years and died."
He had many honors. Yale gave him the degree of LL. D. in 1846, and in 1842 the American Institute gave him its gold medal for his experiments. In 1830 he was elected a corresponding member of the Historical Institute of France, in 1837 a member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Belgium, in 1841 corresponding member of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science in Washington, in 1845 corresponding member of the Archaeological Society of Belgium, in 1848 a member of the American Philosophical Society, and in 1849 a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The sultan of Turkey presented him in 1848 with the decoration of Nishan Iftichar, or order of glory, set in diamonds. A golden snuff-box, containing the Prussian golden medal for scientific merit, was sent him in 1851; the great gold medal of arts and sciences was awarded him by Würtemberg in 1852, and in 1855 the emperor of Austria sent him the great gold medal of science and art. France made him a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor in 1856, Denmark conferred on him the Cross of the Order of the Dannebrog in 1856, Spain gave him the honor of knighthood and made him commander of the Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic in 1859, Portugal made him a Knight of the Tower and Sword in 1860, and Italy conferred on him the insignia of Chevalier of the Royal Order of Saints Lazaro Mauritio in 1864. In 1856 the telegraph companies of Great Britain gave him a banquet in London. At the instance of Napoleon III., Emperor of the French, representatives of France, Austria. Sweden, Russia, Sardinia, the Netherlands, Turkey, Holland, the Papal States, and Tuscany, met in Paris during August. 1858, to decide upon a collective testimonial to Morse, and the result of their deliberations was a vote of 400,000 francs. During the same year the American colony of France entertained him at a dinner given in Paris, over which John S. Preston presided. On the occasion of his later visits to Europe he was received with great distinction. As he was returning from abroad in 1868 he received an invitation from his fellow-citizens, who united in saying: "Many of your fellow countrymen and numerous personal friends desire to give a definite expression of the fact that this country is in full accord with European nations in acknowledging your title to the position of the father of the modern telegraph, and at the same time in a fitting manner to welcome you to your home." The day selected was 30 December, 1868, and Salmon P. Chase, Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court, presided at the banquet in New York. On 10 June. 1871, he was further honored by the erection of a bronze statue of himself in Central Park. Voluntary contributions had been gathered for two years from those who in various ways were connected with the electric telegraph. The statue is of heroic size, modelled by Byron M. Pickett, and represents Morse as holding the first message that was sent over the wires. In the evening of the same day a reception was held in the Academy of Music, at which many eminent men of the nation were present. At the hour of nine the chairman announced that the telegraphic instrument before him, the original register employed in actual service, was connected with all the wires of the United States, and that the touch of the finger on the key would soon vibrate throughout the continent. The following message was then sent: "Greeting and thanks to the telegraph fraternity throughout the land. Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will to men." At the last click of the instrument, Morse struck the sounder with his own name, amid the most extravagant applause. When the excitement had subsided, the chairman said: "Thus the father of the telegraph bids farewell to his children." The last public service that he performed was the unveiling of the statue of Benjamin Franklin in Printing House Square, on 17 January, 1872, in the presence of a vast number of citizens. He had cheerfully acceded to the request that he would perform this act, remarking that it would be his last. It was eminently appropriate that he should do this, for, as was said: "The one conducted the lightning safely from the sky; the other conducts it beneath the ocean, from continent to continent. The one tamed the lightning, the other makes it minister to human wants and human progress." Shortly after his return to his home he was seized with neuralgia in his head, and after a few months of suffering he died. Memorial sessions of Congress and of various state legislatures were held in his honor. "In person." says his biographer, "Professor Morse was tall, slender, graceful, and at tractive. Six feet in stature, he stood erect and firm even in his old age. His blue eyes were expressive of genius and affection. His nature was a rare combination of solid intellect and delicate sensibility. Thoughtful, sober, and quiet, he readily entered into the enjoyments of domestic and social life, indulging in sallies of humor, and readily appreciating and enjoying the wit of others. Dignified in his intercourse with men. courteous and affable with the gentler sex, he was a good husband, a judicious father, a generous and faithful friend." He was a ready writer, and, in addition to several controversial pamphlets concerning the telegraph, he published poems and articles in the "North American Review." He edited the " Remains of Lucretia Maria Davidson" (New York, 1829), to which he added a personal memoir, and also published " Foreign Conspiracy against the Liberties of the United States" (1835); "Imminent Dangers to the Free Institutions of the United States through Foreign Immigration, and the Present State of the Naturalization Laws, by an American," originally contributed to the "Journal of Commerce" in 1835, and published anonymously in 1854; "Confessions of a French Catholic Priest, to which are added Warnings to the People of the United States, by the same Author" (edited and published with an introduction, 1837); and "Our Liberties defended, the Question discussed, Is the Protestant or Papal System most Favorable to Civil and Religious Liberty!" (1841). See "Life of Samuel F. B. Morse, by Samuel Irenaeus Prime (New York, 1875). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 424-428.
MORTAR. The following mortars are used in the United States service: The heavy 13-inch mortar, weighing 11,500 lbs., whole length 53 inches, length of chamber 13 inches, and superior diameter of chamber Fig 158.
SIEGE MORTAR. 1. Cheeks. 5. Cap square. 2. Manoeuvring bolt. 6. Cap straps, 3. Deck plank. 7. Bolster. 4. Sleeper. 8. Quoin. 9. Eye bolts.
9.5 inches; the heavy 10-inch mortar, weighing 5,775 lbs., whole length 46 inches, length of chamber 10 inches; the light 10-inch mortar, weighing 1,852 lbs., whole length of mortar 28 inches, length of chamber 5 inches; the light 8-inch mortar, weighing 930 lbs., whole length of mortar 22.5 inches, length of chamber 4 inches; brass stone mortar, weighing 1,500 lbs., diameter of bore 16 inches, whole length of mortar 31.55 inches, length of chamber 6.75 inches; brass coehorn 24-pounder, diameter of the bore 5.82 inches, weight 164 lbs., whole length 16.32 inches, length of chamber 4.25 inches; iron eprouvette, diameter of the bore 5.655 inches, weight 220 lbs., length of bore exclusive of chamber, 11.5 inches, length of chamber 1.35 inch. Mortars are mounted on beds, and when used, siege mortars are placed on a platform of wood made of 6 sleepers; 18 deck planks; and 72 dowels; fastened with 12 iron eye-bolts. (Consult Ordnance Manual and Instruction in Heavy Artillery for Mechanical Manoeuvres. See ARTILLERY; ORDNANCE.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, pp. 424-426).
MORTON, Elihu P., Massachusetts Abolition Society, Vice-President, 1841-44
MORTON, Levi Parsons, banker, born in Shoreham, Vermont, 16 May, 1824. He became a clerk in a country store, soon developed aptitude for business, and rose rapidly. In 1850 he was made a member of the firm of Beebe, Morgan and Company, merchants of Boston, and in 1854 he moved to New York, where he established the firm of Morton and Grinnell. In 1863 he founded the banking-house of Morton, Bliss and Company, in New York, and that of Morton, Rose and Company, in London. The latter were the fiscal agents of the U. S. government from 1873 till 1884. The firms of which Mr. Morton is the head were active in the syndicates that negotiated U. S. bonds and in the payment of the Geneva award of $15,500,000 and the Halifax fishery award of $5,500,000. Mr. Morton was appointed honorary commissioner to the Paris Exposition in 1878. In the same year he was elected to Congress as a Republican, and he was re-elected in 1880. In the latter year he declined the nomination for vice-president on the Republican ticket. President Garfield offered to nominate Mr. Morton for Secretary of the Navy or minister to France. He chose the latter post, and filled it from 1881 to 1885. Through his intercession the restrictions upon the importation of American pork were removed, and American corporations obtained a legal status in France. He was American Commissioner-General to the Paris Electrical Exposition, the representative of the United States at the Submarine Cable Convention, and publicly received, in the name of the people of the United States, the Bartholdi Statue of Liberty enlightening the world. Mr. Morton, in 1887, purchased "Ellerslie." the estate of William Kelly, at Rhinebeck on the Hudson. The degree of LL. D. was conferred upon him by Dartmouth in 1881 and by Middlebury in 1882. In 1887 he was a candidate for U. S. Senator. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 431.
MORTON, Marcus, jurist, born in Freetown, Massachusetts, 19 February, 1784; died in Taunton, Massachusetts, 6 February, 1864. He was graduated at Brown in 1804, studied at Litchfield, Connecticut, law-school, and was admitted to the bar in Taunton, Massachusetts He was clerk of the state senate in 1811—'13, elected to Congress as a Democrat in 1816, serving in 1817—'21, was a member of the executive council in 1823, and became lieutenant-governor the next year. He was on the state supreme bench in 1825-'39, was elected governor of Massachusetts by one vote over Edward Everett in 1840, and from 1845 until his resignation in 1848 was collector of the port in Boston, he left the Democratic Party about 1848 to become a Free-Soiler, and was a member of the state constitutional convention in 1853, and of the legislature in 1858. Harvard gave him the degree of LL. D. in 1840. He advocated the restriction of slavery, and throughout the Civil War was an ardent supporter of the National cause.—His son, Marcus, jurist, born in Taunton, 8 April, 1819, was graduated at Brown in 1838, studied two years at Harvard law-school, and was admitted to the bar in 1841. He practised in Boston, but since 1850 has resided in Andover. He was a member of the State Constitutional Convention in 1853, and in 1858 was in the legislature, and was appointed a justice of the Superior Court of Suffolk County. He was elevated to the superior bench in 1859, and became an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts in 1869, and chief justice in 1872. He received the degree of LL. D. from Princeton in 1870. and from Harvard in 1882. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 431.
MORTON, Oliver Perry, 1823-1877, statesman, lawyer, jurist, anti-slavery activist. Member of the Republican Party. U.S. Senator and Governor of Indiana, 1861. (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 431-432; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 7, Pt. 1, p. 262; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 15, p. 956)
MORTON, Oliver Perry, statesman, born in Saulsbury, Wayne County, Indiana, 4 August, 1823; died in Indianapolis, Indiana, 1 November, 1877. His father, a native of New Jersey, whose ancestors came from England with Roger Williams, dropped the first syllable in the family name of Throckmorton. At the age of fifteen the son was taken from school and indentured to a brother, who was a hatter. After working at this trade four years he determined to fit himself for the bar, spent two years at Miami University, studied law at Centreville, and began practice there in 1847. He soon attained professional eminence, and was elected a circuit judge in 1852, but at the end of a year, when his term expired by the adoption of a new state constitution, he willingly left the bench, and before resuming practice spent a year at a law-school in Cincinnati. Having been a Democrat with anti-slavery convictions, he entered into the people's movement in 1854, took an active part in the formation of the Republican Party, and was a delegate to the Pittsburg Convention the same year, and the candidate of the new party for governor. In a joint canvass with Ashbel P. Willard, the Democratic nominee, he established a reputation for political ability, but was beaten at the polls, and returned to his law practice. In 1860 he was nominated for lieutenant-governor on the ticket with Henry S. Lane, and during the canvass took strong ground in favor of exacting from the southern states obedience to the Constitution. Up on convening, the legislature elected Governor Lane U. S. Senator, and on 16 January, 1861, Mr. Morton took the oath as governor. He opposed every compromise with the Secessionist Party, nominated to the Peace Congressmen of equally pronounced views, began to prepare for the coming conflict before Fort Sumter was fired upon, and when President Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers he offered to send 10,000 from Indiana. The state's quota was raised at once. He reconvened the legislature on 24 April, obtained authority to borrow $2,000,000, and displayed great energy and ability in placing troops in the field and providing for their care and sustenance. He gave permission to citizens of Indiana to raise troops in Kentucky, allowed Kentucky regiments to be recruited from the population of two of the southern counties, procured arms for the volunteer bodies enlisted for the defence of Kentucky, and by thus co-operating with the Unionists in that state did much toward establishing the ascendency of the National government within its borders. When the question of the abolition of slavery arose, the popular majority no longer upheld the governor in his support of the National administration. In 1862 a Democratic legislature was chosen, which refused to receive the governor's message, and was on the point of taking from him the command of the militia, when the Republican members withdrew, leaving both houses without a quorum. In order to carry on the state government and pay the state bonds, he obtained advances from banks and county boards, and appointed a bureau of finance, which, from April, 1863, till January, 1865, made all disbursements of the state, amounting to more than $1,000,000. During this period he refused to summon the legislature. The supreme court condemned this arbitrary course, but the people subsequently applauded his action, and the state assumed the obligations that he incurred. The draft laws provoked the Secessionists in Indiana to form secret organizations and commit outrages on Union men. They plotted against the life of Governor Morton and arranged a general insurrection, to take place in August, 1864. The governor discovered their plans and arrested the leaders of the Knights of the Golden Circle, or Sons of Liberty, as the association was called. In 1864 he was nominated for governor, and defeated Joseph E. McDonald by 20,883 votes, after an animated joint canvass. He resigned in January, 1867, to take his seat in the U. S. Senate, to which he was re-elected in 1873. In the Senate he was chairman of the Committee on Privileges and Elections and the leader of the Republicans, and for several years he exercised a determining influence over the political course of the party. On the question of reconstruction he supported the severest measures toward the southern states and their citizens. He labored zealously to secure the passage of the 15th Amendment to the Constitution, was active in the impeachment proceedings against President Johnson, and was the trusted adviser of the Republicans of the south. After supporting the Santo Domingo Treaty he was offered the English mission by President Grant, but declined, lest his state should send a Democrat to succeed him in the Senate. At the Republican National Convention in 1876 Mr. Morton, in the earlier ballots, received next to the highest number of votes for the presidential nomination. He was a member of the Electoral Commission of 1877. After having a paralytic stroke in 1865 he was never again able to stand without support, yet there was no abatement in his power as a debater or in the effectiveness of his forcible popular oratory. Immediately after his return from Europe, whither he had gone to consult specialists in nervous diseases, he delivered, in 1866, a political speech of which more than 1,000,000 copies were circulated in pamphlet-form. After visiting Oregon in the spring of 1877 as chairman of a senatorial committee to investigate the election of Lafayette Grover, he had another attack of paralysis, and died soon after reaching his home. See “Life and Public Services of Oliver Perry Morton” (Indianapolis, 1876). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 431-432.
MORTON, James St Clair, soldier, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 24 September, 1829; died in Petersburg, Virginia, 17 June, 1864, was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1851, entered the Engineer Corps, and was assistant professor of engineering at the U. S. Military Academy in 1855-'7. He explored the Chiriquin country, Central America, for a railroad route across the isthmus in 1860 by authority of Congress, and on his return took charge of the work on the Washington Aqueduct. He superintended the fortifying of Tortugas, in March, 1861, was promoted captain in that year, and in May, 1862, reported to General Don Carlos Buell as chief engineer of the Army of the Ohio. In October he became chief engineer of the Army of the Cumberland, and commanded the bridge brigade of that army, becoming brigadier-general of volunteers, 29 November, 1862. He constructed the intrenchments about Murfreesborough, Tennessee, participated in the capture of Chattanooga, was wounded at Chickamauga, and superintended the engineering operations under General William S. Rosecrans. He was promoted major of engineers in July, 1863, was chief engineer of the 9th Army Corps in the Richmond Campaign of 1864, and was engaged in the battles of North Anna, Tolopotomy, Bethesda Church, and the assault on Petersburg, Virginia, where he was killed while leading the attack, he had received the brevet of lieutenant-colonel for gallantry at Stone River, and colonel for Chickamauga. and after his death was given that of brigadier-general, U. S. Army, for Petersburg. He published " An Essay on Instruction in Engineering'" (New York, 1856); "An Essay on a New System of Fortifications" (1857); "Memoir on Fortification" (1858); "Dangers and Defences of New York City" (1859); and "Life of Major John Saunders, of the Engineers " (1860). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 433.
MORTON, Thomas George, physician, born in Philadelphia, 8 August, 1835, was educated at the University of Pennsylvania, and graduated in the medical department there in 1856. He practised general surgery in Philadelphia for the next three years, actively engaged during the Civil War in the establishment of military hospitals, and was a surgeon at Satterlee Hospital, and consulting surgeon to the U. S. Army Hospital, Chesnut Hill, Pennsylvania. He has also held offices in numerous other hospitals, including the Orthopedic, of which he was the originator. In 1876 he was appointed a commissioner to erect the State Insane Asylum for the southern district of Pennsylvania, and was chairman of the committee on plans and buildings, he was chosen president of the Pennsylvania Society for the Restriction of Vivisection in 1880, and vice-president of the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children the same year, was appointed a commissioner of State Public Charities in 1883, and chairman of the Committee of Lunacy in 1886. He is a member of numerous foreign and domestic professional bodies, and has successfully performed numerous difficult surgical operations. He introduced the ward-carriage into the Pennsylvania Hospital in 1866, the bed-elevator and carriage in 1874, and in 1876 received the Centennial medal that was awarded for his hospital ward dressing-carriage. He has published numerous professional papers in the "American Journal of the Medical Sciences" and the " Pennsylvania Hospital Reports "; "Lecture on the Transfusion of Blood and its Practical Application" (New York, 1877); with Dr. William Hunt, "Surgery of Pennsylvania Hospital" (Philadelphia, 1880); and " Transfusion of Blood and its Practical Application " (New York, 1887). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 433.
MORTON, William Thomas Green, dentist, born in Charlton, Massachusetts, 19 August, 1819; died in New York City, 15 July, 1868. He early left home to enter business in Boston, but, being unsuccessful, went to Baltimore in 1840, and there studied dentistry. In 1841 he returned to Boston, where he introduced a new kind of solder by which false teeth could be fastened to gold plates. In his efforts to remove the roots of old teeth without pain he tried stimulants, opium, and magnetism, but without success. Meanwhile he attended medical lectures, and studied chemistry under Dr. Charles T. Jackson (o. v.), in whose laboratory he became acquainted with the anesthetic properties of sulphuric ether. After experimenting on himself with this agent, and becoming satisfied of its safety, he administered it to a patient on 30 September, 1846, producing unconsciousness, during which a firmly rooted bicuspid tooth was painlessly extracted. Other successful experiments followed, and he communicated the results to Dr. John C. Warren. This new anesthetic was first publicly administered on 16 October, 1846, to a patient in the Massachusetts General Hospital, from whose jaw a vascular tumor was removed by Dr. Warren. From this operation dates the introduction into general surgery of ethereal anesthesia. In November, 1846, Dr. Morton obtained a patent for its use, giving to it the name of "letheon," and a month later he secured a patent in England. He offered free rights to all charitable institutions throughout the country, but the government appropriated the discovery to its own use without compensation. Various claimants opposed his right of discovery, notably Dr. Jackson and Horace Wells, and the matter was investigated by the French Academy of Sciences, who decreed one of the Montyon prizes of 2,500 francs to Dr. Jackson, and a similar award of 2,500 francs to Mr. Morton, for the application of the discovery to surgical operations. His claims were so earnestly opposed in Boston that his business was entirely ruined. He applied to Congress for relief in 1846, and again in 1849, strengthened by the action of the trustees of the Massachusetts General Hospital, who conceded to him in 1848 the discovery of the power and safety of ether in producing anesthesia. In 1852 a bill appropriating $100,000 as a national testimonial for his discovery was introduced in Congress, with the condition that he should surrender his patent to the U. S. government, but it failed, and he was equally unsuccessful in 1853 and in 1854. Testimonials crediting him with the application of ether as an anesthetic were signed by the medical profession in Boston in 1856, in New York in 1858, and in Philadelphia in 1860. The last years of his life were spent in agricultural pursuits in Wellesley, Massachusetts, where he also raised and imported fine cattle. Mr. Morton received, in addition to the Montyon Medal, decorations from Russia and Sweden, which are now deposited in the rooms of the Massachusetts Historical Society. See " Trials of a Public Benefactor," by Dr. Nathan P. Weyman (New York, 1859). The illustration shows the monument that was presented by Thomas Lee to the city of Boston in 1868. It is placed in the Public garden and bears the following inscription: "To commemorate the discovery that the inhaling of ether causes insensibility to pain. First proved to the world at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, October, A.D. MDCCCXLVI." On each of the sides is a marble medallion representing the physician and the surgeon operating upon the sick and injured, who have been placed under the influence of ether. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 434.
MORTON, MISSISSIPPI, February 8, 1864. Cavalry of the 17th Army Corps. This affair was an incident of the Mer1dian campaign. After dark McPherson, whose corps was 4 miles and a half from Morton, sent his cavalry to reconnoiter in the direction of the town. By skirmishing a little it was ascertained that the enemy was retiring. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 614.
MORTON'S FORD, VIRGINIA, October 11, 1863. (See Brandy Station, same date.)
MORTON'S FORD, VIRGINIA, November 26, 1863. (See Mine Run, November 26 December 2, 1863.)
MORTON'S FORD, VIRGINIA, February 6, 1864. 2nd Army Corps. During a demonstration along the Rapidan river the 3d division of the 2nd corps moved out before daylight for Morton's ford, the remainder of the division following. The Confederates had a picket guard of about 30 men in rifle-pits on the farther bank and a brigade was sent across the river. After some resistance the whole picket was captured and the Federal brigade advanced to within three-quarters of a mile of the enemy's intrenchments. The other two brigades of the division were then pushed across the river and took position with the 1 st. The Confederates opened with artillery and the Federals could neither advance nor withdraw without becoming exposed to a deadly cross-f1re. There was nothing for them to do but to get what shelter they could until after dark, when they withdrew across the Rapidan. The Union loss was 11 killed, 204 wounded and 40 captured or missing. The enemy's casualties were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 615.
MOSBY, John Singleton, soldier, born in Powhatan County, Virginia, 6 December, 1833. He entered the University of Virginia, and before completing his course shot and seriously wounded a student who assaulted him. He was fined and sentenced to imprisonment, but was pardoned by the governor, and his fine was remitted by the legislature. He studied law during his confinement, and soon after his release was admitted to the bar, and practised in Bristol, Washington County, Virginia. At the beginning of hostilities in the spring of 1861 he enlisted in a company of cavalry, and served in the campaign of General Joseph E. Johnston in the Shenandoah Valley and the Manassas operations, and on picket duty on the Potomac during the winter. At the expiration of twelve months he and a friend were the only soldiers in his company that were willing to re-enlist without first receiving a furlough. On 14 February, 1862, he was made adjutant of his regiment, but two months later, when the colonel, William E. Jones, was displaced, he returned to the ranks. General James E. B. Stuart, the brigade commander, observed Mosby's abilities, and invited him to serve as a scout at his headquarters. He guided Stuart’s force in a bold raid in the rear of General George B. McClellan's position on the Chickahominy, 14 June, 1862. In January, 1863, he crossed the Rappahannock into northern Virginia, which had been abandoned the year before to the occupation of the National Army, and recruited a force of irregular cavalry, with which, aided by the friendly population of Loudoun and Fauquier Counties, he harassed the National lines, and did much damage by cutting communications and destroying supply-trains in the rear of the armies that invaded Virginia. His partisan rangers, when not on a raid, scattered for safety, and remained in concealment, with orders to assemble again at a given time and place. Several expeditions were sent to capture Mosby and his men; but he always had intelligence of the approach of the enemy, and evaded every encounter, though the district was repeatedly ravaged as a punishment to the people for harboring and abetting the guerillas. Many cavalry outposts were captured by them, and the National forces were compelled to strengthen their pickets, sometimes to contract their lines, and to use constant vigilance against stratagems, surprises, and nocturnal attacks. His force was made up of deserters from the Confederate ranks, of volunteers from civil life, and of furloughed cavalrymen who had lost their horses and joined him temporarily in order to obtain remounts captured from the enemy. One of his boldest lieutenants was a deserter from the National Army. At Chantilly, on 16 March, 1863, he made a counter-charge, and routed a cavalry force much larger than his own. At Dranesville, on 1 April, 1863, he defeated a detachment sent specially to capture him. While the armies were engaged at Chancellorsville he surprised a body of cavalry at Warrenton Junction, but was routed by a detachment that came to the rescue. He raised a new force, obtained a howitzer, passed to the rear of General Hooker's army, wrecked a railroad-train, inflicted severe damage on the troops that surrounded him, and finally cut his way through the lines. In May, 1864, Mosby captured a railroad transport near Aquia Creek, and compelled General Grant, while his army was engaged in the Wilderness, to detach a cavalry force to protect his communications. Mosby received a captain's commission in March, 1863, and two weeks later that of a major, and he reported to General Stuart till the time of that officer's death in May, 1864, and after that to General Robert E. Lee. Before the close of the war he was made a full colonel, he received several bullet wounds. His partisan rangers, under an act of the Confederate Congress, stood on the same footing as the cavalry of the line, and received the same pay, besides being allowed to retain captured spoils. On 21 April, 1865, he took leave of his partisans, saying: "Soldiers of the 43d Regiment: I have summoned you together for the last time. The vision we have cherished of a free and independent country has vanished, and that country is now the spoil of a conqueror. I disband your organization in preference to surrendering it to our enemies. I am now no longer your commander." Remaining in Fauquier County, where he was at the close of the war, he opened a law-office in Warrenton, and obtained a lucrative practice. In 1872 he incurred much obloquy in the south by publicly supporting the Republican presidential candidate, Ulysses S. Grant, who had extended his protection to Mosby's guerillas at the surrender in 1865. He defended his course on the ground that the south, which had already accepted the enfranchisement of the Negroes, might consistently support the Republican Party, and there by most quickly attain tranquillity and home rule. During President Grant's second term he exerted himself to appease the spirit of dissatisfaction in the south, but declined all favors from the administration. He supported the candidacy of Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876, in a letter to the New York " Herald," in which first appeared the phrase "the solid south." He was appointed consul at Hong Kong, introduced reforms in the consular service, and remained there more than six years, but was removed on the accession of President Cleveland. On his return to the United States he settled in San Francisco and resumed the practice of law. In December, 1886, he delivered in Boston a lecture on Stuart’s cavalry, which was repeated in other places, and published in a volume entitled "War Reminiscences" (Boston, 1887). See also "Partisan Life with Mosby," by John Scott (New York, 1867): and "Mosby and his Men," by J. Marshall Crawford (1867). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 434-435.
MOSCOW, ARKANSAS, April 13, 1864. (See Camden, Arkansas, Expedition to.)
MOSCOW, TENNESSEE, February 9, 1863. Detachment of 53d Illinois Infantry. Acting Lieutenant M. Dare with a squad of men while going from the reserve picket post to the advance picket was held up by 2 men in Federal uniforms, whom he took for members of his own party. He ordered his men to fire but before they could do so the 2 men fired on the party and fled. Dare and 1 of his men were wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 615.
MOSCOW, TENNESSEE, February 18, 1863. Detachments of 3d Iowa, 41st and 43d Illinois and 33d Wisconsin Infantry. This command, under Major Francis M. Long, comprised the escort of a forage train from Moscow. When on the return and not more than 3 miles from camp, the train was attacked in the center by 150 Confederate cavalry. The front and rear guards were immediately brought into action and succeeded in repulsing the attack after a sharp fight of a few minutes. The Federals sustained a loss of 1 man wounded and 16 missing, besides 42 mules and 2 horses,. The Confederate casualties were not ascertained. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 615.
MOSCOW, TENNESSEE, March 16, 1863. Detachment of 7th Kansas Cavalry. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas P. Herrick with a portion of his regiment attacked some Confederates on the Moscow road about 5:30 p. m. The enemy did not stop to fire even one volley, but fled toward the south, leaving 1 man wounded and 8 prisoners. Herrick's party suffered no loss. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 615.
MOSCOW, TENNESSEE, March 29, 1863. Following is an extract from a report of Major-General S. A. Hurlbut, dated March 30, at Memphis: "The passenger train was seized about 2 miles this side of Moscow by 12 guerrillas, although it had on board 25 soldiers, armed, and 3 or 5 officers, who yet made no attempt to defend themselves and the public property. The engineer when he discovered' the guerrillas started his engine with such suddenness as to break the coupling, ran up to Moscow, took down 100 soldiers and saved the train. The passengers were robbed, and the officers and soldiers carried off north." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 615.
MOSCOW, TENNESSEE, September 27, 1863. (See Locke's Mill, same date.)
MOSCOW, TENNESSEE, November 4, 1863. Cavalry Brigade, 16th Corps. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 615.
MOSCOW, TENNESSEE, December 4, 1863. (See Wolf River Bridge.)
MOSCOW, TENNESSEE, December 27, 1863. 9th Illinois Cavalry. During the Confederate advance from La Fayette, Major Henry B. Burgh with the 9th Illinois was ordered out from La Grange and about a mile and a half from Moscow encountered a Confederate force which he engaged and drove back to La Fayette. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 615.
MOSCOW, TENNESSEE, June 15, 1864. 55th U. S. Colored Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 615.
MOSELY'S PLANTATION, ALABAMA, August 7, 1862. Detachment of the 51st Illinois Infantry. About 200 men, guarding a convalescent train from Tuscumbia, were attacked at Mosely's plantation, near Decatur, by about 250 Confederate cavalry. The attack was a complete surprise and the Union troops were caught at a disadvantage. The loss was 2 killed, 2 wounded and about 100 missing. The enemy was pursued by Major Koehler nearly to the foot of the mountains, but could not be overtaken. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 616.
MOSES, Theodore P., New Hampshire, abolitionist, American Anti-Slavery Society, Manager, 1844-1845, Vice-President, 1854-1859.
MOSES, Thomas Freeman, physician, born in Bath, Maine, 8 June, 1830. He was graduated at Bowdoin in 1857, and, after attending lectures in New York, London, Paris, and Philadelphia, took his degree at Jefferson Medical College in 1861. During the Civil War he was acting assistant surgeon in the U. S. Army, in charge of government transports and hospitals, and after 1864 he settled in practice in Hamilton County, Ohio. He was elected professor of natural sciences in Urbana University, Ohio, in 1870, and in 1886 became acting president of that institution. Professor Moses is a member of several scientific societies, and has edited the " Proceedings of the Central Ohio Scientific Association " (Urbana, 1878), to which he contributed papers. He has also published an annotated edition of Emile Saigey's ' Unity of Natural Phenomena " (Boston, 1878). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 436.
MOSHER, Jacob Simmons, physician, born in Coeyman's, Albany County, New York, 19 March, 1834; died in Albany, New York, 13 August, 1883. He moved with his parents to New Brunswick, New Jersey, and in 1853 entered Rutgers College, but left it near the close of his junior year. Soon afterward he came to Albany and for a time was principal of a public school there. He was graduated at Albany Medical College in 1863, appointed instructor in chemistry and experimental philosophy in Albany Academy, and in 1865 made professor of chemistry in that institution, serving until 1870. In 1864 he was commissioned a volunteer surgeon, and subsequently he was appointed assistant medical director for the state of New York. In July, 1864, he had been appointed lecturer on chemistry in the Albany Medical College, and in December following he was appointed professor of chemistry and medical jurisprudence, serving also as registrar and librarian of the college from 1865. In 1870 he resigned his professorship, having been appointed deputy health and executive officer of the port of New York, but he resigned in 1876 and returned to Albany and again entered on the practice of his profession. In January of that year he had been appointed professor of medical jurisprudence and hygiene in Albany Medical College, and re-elected registrar, and in 1881 he was made professor of pathology, practice, clinical medicine, and hygiene, which post he held till his death. In 1878 he served as a member of the commission of experts, appointed by President Hayes, to study the origin and cause of the yellow fever epidemic of that year, and the effectual work of this board, though their report was not published by the government, resulted in the creation of the National board of health. He was one of the founders, trustees, and professors of Albany College of pharmacy, which was established in 1881, and the president of its faculty. He was a member of many medical societies, a fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine, and president of the Albany County Medical Society in 1882. Rutgers gave him the degree of Ph. D. in 1878. He was a member of the Albany Board of Health, and its chairman at the time of his death. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 436.
MOSLER, Henry, artist, born in New York City, 6 June, 1841. He went with his family to Cincinnati in 1851, and three years later to Nashville. Tennessee Here his talent for art was first shown by some engravings that he made on blocks of wood with crude tools. After this his father gave him what assistance he could toward perfecting his drawing, and he obtained later his first knowledge of painting in oils from George Kerr, an amateur. In 1855 he returned with his family to Cincinnati, where for a year he was a draughtsman for the ' Omnibus," a comic weekly, He then went to Richmond, whence he returned in 1857. In 1859 he became a pupil of James H. Beard, in whose studio he painted until 1861. In 1802-'3 he followed the western army as art correspondent for '"Harper's Weekly." He was appointed on General William Nelson's staff, and while the army was in camp painted portraits of that officer, General Richard W. Johnson, General Lovell H. Rousseau, and others. He went to Europe in 1863, studying for two and a half years under Mucke and Kindler in Dusseldorf, and for six months under Ernest Hebert in Paris. He returned to the United States in 1866, remaining eight years, during which time he produced numerous pictures, notably his "Lost Cause," which achieved for him a national reputation. On his return to Europe in 1874 he studied for three years under Piloty in Munich, where he won a medal at the Royal Academy. In 1877 he moved to Paris, where he has since resided, with the exception of a brief visit to this country in 1885, when he exhibited a collection of his works in New York and Cincinnati. His "Le retour," exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1879, was bought by the French government for the Musee du Luxembourg, and in 1885 he was the recipient at the exhibition of the American Art Association of one of the four cash prizes for his " Last Sacrament." He also won a medal at the International Exhibition at Nice in 1884. His best-known works include "Early Cares" and "Quadroon Girl " (1878); "The Return " and " Les femmes et les secrets" (1879); "Purchase of the Wedding Gown" and "Spinning Girl" (1880); "Night after the Battle" and " Return of the Fisherwomen" (1881): "Discussing the Marriage Contract" (1882); "Wedding Morning" and "Rainy Day" (1883); "Last Sacrament" and "Village Clockmaker " (1884); "Approaching Storm " (1885); and "Visit of the Marquise" (1886-'7). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 436.
MOSS, John Calvin, inventor, born near Bentleysville, Pennsylvania, 5 January, 1838. He received a common-school education in his native county, and became a printer, publishing during 1859-'60 "The Colleaguer" in Washington, Pennsylvania Meanwhile he became interested in photographic chemistry, and devoted considerable attention to the subject of photo engraving. He experimented for many years, and finally, while in Philadelphia, obtained a relief plate from which printed impressions could be made. In 1863 he came to New York and continued his experiments in perfecting the process. Having interested various persons in the enterprise, he founded the Actinic Engraving Company in 1870, and became its superintendent. In 1872 he became the superintendent of the Photoengraving Company, which office he held until 1880, when he established the Moss Engraving Company, of which he became president and superintendent. The present corporation owns the largest plant of its kind in the world, and its work is a substitute for wood-engraving, accomplished by chemical means. Mr. Moss was the first to make photo-engraving a practical business success, and while his methods have never been patented, he is known as the inventor of what is called the "Moss process," "Moss new process," and the "Moss-type process." Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 437.
MOSS, Lemuel, educator, born near Burlington, Kentucky, 27 December, 1829. He was a printer for nine years in early life, but, deciding to enter the Baptist ministry, was graduated at Rochester, New York, University in 1858, and at the theological school there in 1860. He was secretary of the U. S. Christian Commission in 1863-'5, and after holding theological professorships in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, and at Crozer seminary, near Philadelphia, was in 1874-'5 president of the University of Chicago, and in 1875-'84 of Indiana University. He received from Rochester the degree of D.D. in 1868 and that of LL. D. in 1883. Dr. Moss edited the " National Baptist" in Philadelphia in 1868-'72, and has written " Annals of the United States Christian Commission" (Philadelphia, 1866) and various articles on educational and religious subjects. He edited "The Baptists and the National Centenary" (1876). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 437.
MOSSY CREEK, TENNESSEE, December 24, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland. Colonel Oscar H. La Grange, commanding the 2nd brigade, was attacked by two small brigades of Confederates under General Armstrong. After a sharp fight the enemy was repulsed, leaving 17 dead on the field. La Grange's brigade suffered to the extent of 2 killed and 9 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 616.
MOSSY CREEK, TENNESSEE, December 26-27, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Ohio. Rain prevented more than slight skirmishing at Mossy creek, along which the Federals held a strong position, on the 26th. No casualties resulted. Late on the afternoon of the 27th the Federals attacked and drove the enemy from every position to within a short distance of Talbott's station, when the pursuit was stopped by darkness. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 616.
MOSSY CREEK, TENNESSEE, December 29, 1863. Cavalry Corps, Army of the Ohio. During the night of the 28th Brigadier-General S. D. Sturgis, commanding the cavalry, learned that the enemy was advancing on Dandridge and immediately sent off the greater part of his command to intercept him. About 9 o'clock the next morning the combined cavalry of Martin, Morgan and Armstrong, about 6,000 strong, advanced in line of battle, the main effort being directed against the Federal left, but the attack was repulsed by Campbell's brigade after a hard fight. During the day an artillery fire was kept up by the enemy with a hope of breaking the line so that a position could be secured on the bank of the stream. The attempt was unsuccessful and later in the day, when the detachments sent out during the night to Dandridge returned, the enemy was routed and driven off. Sturgis' loss was 17 killed, 87 wounded and 5 missing while that of the enemy was not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 616.
MOSSY CREEK, TENNESSEE, January 10 and 12, 1864. Detachments of 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army of the Ohio. Colonel Oscar H. La Grange, commanding the 2nd brigade, reports under date of January 10: "I have the honor to report that a scouting party from the 2nd brigade today surprised one of the enemy's outposts, on the Dandridge road about 6 miles from Mossy creek, and killed 4, including 1 l1eutenant, besides making 7 prisoners, without loss." Again on the 12th La Grange reports: "The forage detail from the 2nd brigade to-day drove back one of the enemy's outposts, for the purpose of foraging behind it. Killed 1 and captured 15 prisoners, without loss." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 616.
MOSSY CREEK, TENNESSEE, October 15, 1864. A report of Brigadier-General John C. Vaughn, of the Confederate army, states that 20 men of the 3d Tennessee cavalry surprised "the guard at Mossy creek of 30 men on night of 15th. killed 5, wounded 1 and brought in 12 prisoners, and think that 6 or 7 burned up in the brick store in which they were sleeping, and which they had pierced with port-holes for musketry.' This is the only mention of the affair, so there is no way of knowing who the Federal participants were. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 616.
MOSSY CREEK, TENNESSEE, October 27, 1864. U. S. Troops under Brigadier General Alvan C. Gillem. Gillem marched from New Market in the morning, met the Confederate pickets at Mossy creek and drove them back to Panther Springs, where a force of 250 opposed his further advance. A charge by the 13th Tennessee cavalry routed the enemy with a loss of 3 killed and 3 captured. No casualties were reported on the Union side. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 616-617.
MOTLEY, John Lothrop, historian and diplomatist, born in Dorchester, Massachusetts (now part of Boston), 15 April, 1814; died near Dorchester, England, 29 May, 1877. His father was a merchant, a man of wit and literary tastes, who inherited through his mother the blood of two much-respected Boston clergymen, the Reverend John Lothrop and the Reverend Samuel Checkley. John Lothrop was a rather delicate boy, but fond of skating and swimming, a great reader, with much liking for plays and declamation. Among the companions of his boyhood were Wendell Phillips and Thomas G. Appleton. He was excited to the highest point at finding the animus of the leading classes in England so largely in sympathy with the south at the beginning of the Civil War, and he did his best to uphold the cause of freedom and of the north at a time when the dearest interests of both were imperilled. His two letters to the London "Times remain as an imperishable record of his patriotism and his ability as the champion of liberty and humanity. No other American voice could probably have been as effective at that particular moment, and the country can hardly know all it owes to its prompt and spirited defender. In 1861 Mr. Motley was appointed by President Lincoln as minister to Austria. His daughter. Lady Harcourt, says of him: "In the first dark years the painful interest of the great national drama was so all-absorbing that literary work was entirely put aside, and with his countrymen at home he lived only in the varying fortunes of the day, his profound faith and enthusiasm sustaining him and lifting him above the natural influence of a by no means sanguine temperament. Later, when the tide was turning and success was nearing, he was more able to work." His successor at Vienna, Mr. John Jay, some two years after he left that post of official duty, said: "I had occasion to read most of his despatches, which exhibited a mastery of the subjects they treated, with much of the clear perception, the scholarly and philosophic tone and decided judgment which, supplemented by his picturesque description, full of life and color, have given character to his histories." But notwithstanding the acceptable manner in which he had performed services of great importance to his country, Mr. Motley resigned his office as minister to Austria in 1867 in consequence of an attack from an obscure source, which should have been ignored by his government and was not deserving of the importance he attached to it. In 1868 the two concluding volumes of the "History of the Netherlands " were published and sustained the reputation he had gained by his previous labors. In June, 1868, Mr. Motley returned to Boston and established himself at No. 2 Park Street. This same year he delivered two important addresses: "Four Questions for the People at the Presidential Election," an electioneering speech, as its title implies, but noble in thought and language: and one before the New York Historical Society, entitled "Historic Progress and American Democracy." Soon after the election of General Grant as president, Mr. Motley received the appointment of minister to England. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 438-440.
MOTT, Abigale Lydia, Albany, New York, abolitionist, American Anti-Slavery Society, Executive Committee, 1840-1841, Vice-President, 1858-1864. Co-founded Rochester Anti-Slavery Society. Sister of Lucretia Mott.
MOTT, Gershom, soldier, born near Trenton, New Jersey, 7 April, 1822; died in New York City, 29 May, 1884. He was the grandson of Captain John Mott, of the Continental line, who guided the army of General Washington down the Delaware River to the victory at Trenton. After leaving Trenton Academy at the age of fourteen he entered upon commercial life in New York City. At the beginning of the Mexican War he was commissioned as 2d lieutenant in the 10th U. S. Infantry. After the war he was collector of the port of Lamberton, New Jersey, and in 1855 became an officer of the Bordentown Bank. On 4 August, 1861, he was commissioned as lieutenant-colonel of the 5th New Jersey Volunteers, and afterward was made colonel of the 5th Regiment, and received a severe wound in the second battle of Bull Run. He was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers on 7 September, 1862, and again badly wounded at Chancellorsville. On 1 August, 1864, he was brevetted major-general for distinguished services during the war. On 6 April, 1865, he was severely wounded in the fight at Amelia Springs, Virginia After the army was disbanded he commanded for some time a provisional corps. He served on the Wirz Commission, was made a full major-general on 26 May, 1865, and resigned on 20 February, 1866. "When he returned to civil life he was made paymaster of the Camden and Amboy Railroad. On 27 February, 1873, he was appointed major-general commanding the National Guard of New Jersey. On 1 September, 1875, he became treasurer of the state, and in 1876-'81 was keeper of the state prison. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 440-441.
MOTT, James, 1778-1868, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, philanthropist, merchant, Society of Friends, Quaker, abolitionist, husband of Lucretia Mott. Manager and Vice President of the American Anti-Slavery Society. Co-founder, Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society. Free Produce Society of Pennsylvania. Association for Advocating the Cause of the Slave.
(Drake, 1950, pp. 118, 140, 154; Mabee, 1970, pp. 9, 131, 305, 345, 406n13; Rodriguez, 2007, pp. 387-388, 464; Yellin, 1994, pp. 69, 82, 276-278, 287, 294-295, 306, 313, 318-319, 333; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 441; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 7, Pt. 1, p. 288; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 16, p. 19)
MOTT, James, philanthropist, born in North Hempstead, L. I., 20 June, 1788; died in Brooklyn, New York, 26 January, 1868. At nineteen he became a teacher in a Friends' boarding-school in Dutchess County, N.Y. He moved to New York City, and in 1810 to Philadelphia, and became a partner of his wife's father in mercantile business, in which he continued more than forty years, retiring with a competency. He was a participant in the movement against slavery and one of the earliest friends of William L. Garrison. In 1833 he aided in organizing in Philadelphia the National Anti-Slavery Society, and in 1840 was a delegate from the Pennsylvania Society to attend the World's Anti-Slavery Convention at London, where he was among those who ineffectually urged the admission of the female delegates from the Pennsylvania and other societies. In 1848 he presided over the first Woman's Rights National Convention, at Seneca Falls, N.Y. He was a member of the Society of Friends, and in later life aided in maturing the plans of government and instruction for the Friends' College at Swarthmore, near Philadelphia. He published “Three Months in Great Britain.” Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 441.
MOTT, Lucretia Coffin (Mrs. James Mott), 1793-1880, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Society of Friends, Quaker, radical abolitionist, reformer, suffragist, co-founder and first president of the Philadelphia Female American Anti-Slavery Society, member of the Association of Friends for Advocating the Cause of the Slave, member of the Hicksite Anti-Slavery Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Wrote memoir, Life, 1884.
(Bacon, 1999; Drake, 1950, pp. 140, 149, 154, 156, 157, 172, 176; Mabee, 1970, pp. 3, 13, 31, 68, 77, 94, 186, 188, 189, 201, 204, 224, 225, 226, 241, 289, 314, 326, 350, 374, 378; Palmer, 2001; Rodriguez, 2007, pp. 42, 47, 157, 387-388, 416, 464, 519; Yellin, 1994, pp. 18, 26, 43, 74, 159-162, 175-176, 286-287, 301-302, 327-328; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 441; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 7, Pt. 1, p. 288; American Reformers: An H.W. Wilson Biographical Dictionary, New York, 1985, pp. 595-597; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 16, p. 21; The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, Vol. II. New York: James T. White, 1892, pp. 310-311; Cromwell, Otelia. Lucretia Mott. 1958; Minutes, Convention of the Liberty Party, June 14, 15, 1848, Buffalo, New York)
MOTT, Lucretia, reformer, born on the island of Nantucket, Massachusetts, 3 January, 1793; died near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 11 November, 1880, was descended through her father, Captain Thomas Coffin, from one of the original purchasers of the island. When she was eleven years old her parents moved to Boston, Massachusetts She was educated in the school where Mr. Mott was teaching, and became a teacher there at the age of fifteen. In 1809 she joined her parents, who had moved to Philadelphia, where she married in 1811. In 1817 she took charge of a small school in Philadelphia, and in 1818 appeared in the ministry of the Friends, and soon became noted for the clearness, refinement, and eloquence of her discourses. In the division of the society, in 1827, she adhered to the Hicksite branch. She early became interested in the movement against slavery, and remained one of its most prominent and persistent advocates until the emancipation. In 1833 she assisted in the formation at Philadelphia of the American Anti-Slavery Society, though, owing to the ideas then accepted as to the activities of women, she did not sign the declaration that was adopted. Later, for a time, she was active in the formation of female anti-slavery organizations. In 1840 she went to London as a delegate from the American Anti-Slavery Society to the World's Anti-Slavery Convention, but it was there decided to admit no women. She was received, however, with cordiality, formed acquaintance with those most active in the movement in Great Britain, and made various addresses. The action of the convention in excluding women excited indignation, and led to the establishment of woman's rights journals in England and France, and to the movement in the United States, in which Mrs. Mott took an active part. She was one of the four women that called the convention at Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848, and subsequently devoted part of her efforts to the agitation for improving the legal and political status of women. She held frequent meetings with the colored people, in whose welfare and advancement she felt deep interest, and was for several years president of the Pennsylvania Peace Society. In the exercise of her “gift” as a minister, she made journeys through New England, New York, Pennsylvania, and into Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, and Indiana, where she did not refrain from denouncing slavery. She was actively interested in the free religious associations formed in Boston about 1868, and in the Woman's Medical College in Philadelphia. See her “Life,” with that of her husband, edited by her granddaughter, Anna Davis Hallowell (Boston, 1884). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 441.
MOTT, Richard, 1804-1888, Mamaroneck, New York, abolitionist. Mayor of Toledo, Ohio. Anti-slavery Republican U.S. Congressman, 1855-1859. Brother of James Mott and brother-in-law of Lucretia Mott.
MOTT, Alexander Brown, surgeon, born in New York City, 31 March, 1826, went to Europe with the family in 1836, and received a classical education during their five years' residence abroad. Visiting Europe again in 1842, he travelled for five years and underwent many adventures. Returning to New York City, he studied medicine in his father's office and in the University Medical College, and afterward at the Vermont Academy of Medicine in Castleton, where he was graduated in 1850. He began practice in New York City, and at the same time attended lectures in the New York Medical College, from which he received a diploma in 1851. In 1850 he was appointed surgeon to the New York Dispensary. He also became in 1853 visiting surgeon to St. Vincent's Hospital, which he had assisted in founding in 1849, was attending surgeon in the Jewish Hospital in 1855-'63, and for fourteen years was surgeon to the Charity Hospital. In 1857 he obtained the degree of M. D. from the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania. In 1859 he was appointed attending surgeon at Bellevue Hospital, and subsequently consulting surgeon to the Bureau of Medical and Surgical Relief to the Outdoor Poor in New York City. In April, 1861, he undertook the organization of the medical corps of the militia regiments that were sent to the seat of war, subsequently acted as medical director in New York, and founded, with the co-operation of patriotic ladies, the U. S. Army General Hospital in New York, of which he was made surgeon in charge, receiving on 7 November, 1862, the commission of surgeon of U. S. volunteers, with the rank of major. Toward the close of 1864 he was made medical inspector of the Department of Virginia, and attached to General Edward O. C. Ord's staff. He was present at the conference between Generals Grant and Lee where the terms of surrender were arranged. He was mustered out of the service on 27 July, 1865, with the brevet rank of colonel. Dr. Mott was one of the founders of Bellevue Medical College, and was professor of surgical anatomy from its opening on 31 March, 1861, till 1872, and since that date has been professor of clinical and operative surgery. Among the important operations performed by Dr. Mott are the ligation of the common and internal carotid, the subclavian, the innominata. the common, internal, and external iliac, and the femoral arteries; resection of the femur; two amputations at the hip-joint: excision of the ulna: removal of the entire jaw for phosphor-necrosis twice; and numerous operations of lithotomy. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 443-444.
MOTT, Thaddeus Phelps, soldier, born in New York City, 7 December, 1831, was educated in the University of New York. In 1848-'9 he served as sub-lieutenant in Italy. In 1850, on account of ill health, he shipped before the mast on the clipper ship " Hornet for California, He was third mate of the clipper " Hurricane " in 1851, second mate of the ship "St. Denis" in 1852, mate of the "St. Nicholas" in 1854, and returned to California in 1855. He served in Mexico under Ignacio Comonfort in 1850-'7. In 1861 he became captain of Mott's battery in the 3d Independent New York Artillery. He was made captain in the 19th U. S. Infantry in 1862, lieutenant-colonel of cavalry in; 1863, and later colonel of the 14th New York Cavalry, and chief of outposts in the Department of the Gulf under General William B. Franklin. He resigned in 1864, and in 1867 was nominated as minister resident to Costa Rica, but declined. He went to Turkey in 1868, and was appointed in 1869 major-general and ferik-pacha in the Egyptian Army. In 1870 he was made first aide-de-camp to the khedive. In 1874, his contract with Egypt having expired, he refused to renew it, and in 1875 went to Turkey, where he remained during the Servian and Russo-Turkish Wars. In 1879 he settled in Toulon, France, on account of his health. In 1868 General Mott was named by the sultan grand officer of the imperial order of the Medjidieh. In 1872 he was made grand officer of the imperial order of the Osmanieh, and in 1878 he was given the war medal of the "Croissant Rouge" nominatif, of which but eighteen had been awarded, the sultan himself being one of the number. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 444.
MOULTON, ALABAMA, March 8, 1864. (See Courtland, same date.)
MOULTON, ALABAMA, May 29, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland. At 4 a. m. this command under Colonel Eli Long was attacked by the Confederate cavalry under Roddey, with 4 pieces of artillery. After a severe engagement of 2 hours, in which the enemy lost from 12 to 15 killed and a large number wounded. Long succeeded in driving him from the field in confusion. Long captured 16 prisoners and lost 3 killed and 14 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 617.
MOUNTAIN ARTILLERY. The mountain howitzer, weight 220 lbs., whole length 37.21 inches, diameter of bore 4.62 inches; length of chamber 2.75 inches, diameter of chamber 3.34; natural angle of sight, 37'; RANGE 500 yards, at an elevation of 2 30', with a charge of -J Ib. powder and shell; time of flight, 2 seconds; with same charge and elevation, the range of spherical-case is 450 yards. At an elevation of from 4 to 5 the range with canister is 250 yards. According to elevation the range varies from 150 to 1,000 yards; at the same elevation the range with shell being greater than spherical-case. A battery of six mountain howitzers requires 33 pack-saddles and harness, and 33 horses or mules. A mountain howitzer ammunition chest will carry about 700 musket ball-cartridges, besides eight rounds for the howitzer. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 426).
MOUNTAIN GROVE, MISSOURI, March 9, 1862. 4th Missouri Cavalry and Detachment of Home Guards. After a march of several miles over rough roads this detachment under Colonel George E. Waring, Jr., attempted to surround the camp of a band of Confederates at Mountain Grove. While the cavalry was moving into position a sharp fire was opened on it from a blacksmith shop and the enemy broke for the brush and a tavern near by. All who did not reach the tavern were killed, and after a sharp fight the building was taken. The Federals suffered no casualties, but 13 of the enemy were killed, 4 wounded and the rest, 21 in number, taken prisoners. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 617.
MOUNTAIN STORE, MISSOURI, July 25-26, 1862. Detachment of 3d Missouri Cavalry and of Battery L, 2nd Missouri Light Artillery. This command was sent out from Houston and came up with a band of Coleman's men on the Big Piney on the afternoon of the 25th. The enemy did not stop to return the volley fired by the Federal advance, but scattered into the woods and cornfields closely pursued by the Union cavalry. Next morning a move was made on Coleman's camp, at 6:30 the Confederate pickets were met about 2 miles from their camp and steadily driven back by a portion of the cavalry until the camp was reached, where a charge was ordered and the enemy routed. The remainder of the cavalry and the artillery were led to the right and were about to cross Big Piney creek when a fire was opened upon them, but after a short skirmish the enemy broke and fled. In the three skirmishes the Confederates lost 8 killed, 20 wounded and 17 captured. The assailants did not lose a man. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 617.
MOUNT CARMEL, KENTUCKY, June 16, 1863. Home Guards. Captain P. M. Everett, reporting his raid into eastern Kentucky, mentions a skirmish with a party of home guards at Mount Carmel under Colonel Charles Marshall numbering 170. No casualties are reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 617.
MOUNT CARMEL, TENNESSEE, November 29, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 5th Cavalry Division, Military Division of the Mississippi. As Scofield’s army was falling back toward Franklin General Hatch was ordered to relieve Croxton's brigade of cavalry, then engaged in the rear. Hatch sent Coon's brigade to Mount Carmel, where the men were dismounted and stationed behind a barricade previously erected by order of Colonel Capron. Croxton passed to the front with his command and Coon engaged the enemy that was in close pursuit. A hot fight of an hour now ensued, when Coon was ordered to withdraw slowly, which was done by alternate numbers for 2 miles, when the brigade was mounted and orders given to withdraw by brigade in line of regiments, a small detachment of the 9th Illinois acting as rear-guard. In accordance with Coon's orders this detachment fell back, drawing the enemy between the flanking columns prepared for their reception, when a raking fire was poured into their ranks, throwing them into confusion and ending the pursuit for the day. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 617.
MOUNT CRAWFORD, VIRGINIA, June 5, 1864. (See Piedmont, same date.)
MOUNT CRAWFORD, VIRGINIA, October 2, 1864. 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Shenandoah Valley Campaign. This affair was a skirmish between Bvt. Major-General Wesley Merritt's division and the advance of the enemy during the Shenandoah Valley campaign. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 618.
Mount Crawford, Virginia, March 1, 1865. (See Petersburg, Sheridan's Expedition to.)
MOUNT ELBA, ARKANSAS, March 28-30. 1864. (See Camden, Arkansas, Expedition to.)
MOUNT ELON, SOUTH CAROLINA, February 27, 1865. Mounted Men under Captain William Duncan. This detachment, sent out from the garrison at Tiller's bridge to destroy the railroad bridge near Simonsville, was met by the enemy at Mount Elon and after a hand-to-hand conflict of some severity was forced to return without having accomplished its object, having suffered a loss of 3 wounded and 3 missing. The enemy's casualties were fully as heavy. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 618.
MOUNT IDA, ARKANSAS, November 13, 1863. Detachment of 1st Arkansas Infantry. Capts. J. R. Vanderpool and G. W. R. Smith attacked a Confederate camp at Mount Ida, killed and wounded several and captured 8 or 10. The victory included the capture of 15,000 pounds of bacon, 10,000 rounds of ammunition and a quantity of flour, all of which was destroyed. The enemy was driven for 5 miles. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 618.
MOUNT JACKSON, VIRGINIA, September 23-24, 1864. Army of the Shenandoah. In the pursuit of the Confederate army from the battlefield of Fisher's hill, General Devin's cavalry brigade engaged a detachment of the enemy's cavalry at a creek about 3 miles from Edenburg and drove it back to Mount Jackson, where a stand was made. Devin ordered Taylor's battery to open fire from a hill on the left of the pike and advanced the 9th New York, supported by the 6th New York, as skirmishers. About the time the two regiments became actively engaged General Averell came up with the 2nd cavalry division and assumed command. He deployed one of his brigades on Devin's left and the other on the right and in a short time drove the enemy from town and back on the main body, which was bivouacked on Rude's hill. As Averell advanced his line 5 pieces of artillery commenced firing on him and a division of infantry moved out to meet him. Seeing that he was outnumbered, Averell fell back across the creek, having taken a few prisoners, among them a Major Lady. On the morning of the 24th the 6th and 19th corps came up and discovered the Confederates in line of battle. General Wright ordered his batteries to shell the enemy's position and at the same time formed his men for an advance. Pursuant to orders from General Sheridan, Devin sent Colonel Gibbs, with the 1st New York, across the creek to develop the Confederate position on the right. Soon afterward he crossed the stream with his whole brigade and again the enemy broke in full retreat toward New Market. No casualties reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 618.
MOUNT JACKSON, VIRGINIA, October 3, 1864. Detachment of the 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry. The detachment, numbering 150 men and commanded by Captain Jackson, was on picket duty at the bridge over the Shenandoah river near Mount Jackson. About 4 a. m. the post was surprised by the 7th Virginia cavalry, 6 men were wounded, Jackson and 43 were captured, Lieutenant Hague, with 37 men, reported that night to Colonel Edwards at Winchester, some of the rest came in later, and some were never heard of. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 618.
MOUNT JACKSON, VIRGINIA, November 16. 1863. Expedition from Charlestown, West Virginia, to near New Market, Virginia. The expedition comprising detachments of the 1st New York, 6th Michigan, 1st Connecticut, and 21st and 22nd Pennsylvania cavalry, Cole's Potomac home brigade and the 1st West Virginia light artillery, under command of Colonel William H. Boyd, encountered Confederate skirmishers when within a mile of Mount Jackson and drove them rapidly for three-quarters of a mile to where a piece of artillery was planted. After a dozen shots had been fired by this piece it was compelled to abandon its position and with the force guarding it retired hastily through the town to the bridge. There the Confederates made a stand, but were again driven, this time to an eminence out of range of the Federal guns. Here the pursuit stopped. In his report Boyd mentions only one casualty. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 618-619.
MOUNT JACKSON, VIRGINIA, March 7, 1865. Escort under Colonel John L. Thompson. Some 1,200 men under Colonel Thompson convoying about 1,300 prisoners from Waynesboro to Winchester, arrived at Mount Jackson on the north fork of the Shenandoah on the afternoon of the 6th. The stream was so swollen that it was impossible to cross except at one ford guarded by the enemy. Early the next morning the water had gone down sufficiently to allow the 22nd New York and the 1st Rhode Island to cross at a ford farther up stream and these two regiments drove the enemy from the main ford. In the meantime the Confederates attacked Thompson's rear on Rude's hill, but they were repulsed. When the crossing was nearly completed Rosser again attacked but was again driven back with a loss of 10 killed, several wounded and 25 captured. The Union casualties amounted to 6 wounded and 2 captured. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 619.
MOUNT PLEASANT, ALABAMA, April 11, 1865. Cavalry Brigade of the Army of West Mississippi. Three miles beyond Mount Pleasant the cavalry under Brigadier-General T. J. Lucas encountered Confederate pickets which were driven back to the main line stationed on a piece of low ground. Here the enemy pressed the Federal center until a charge was ordered. The 1st Louisiana executed the movement and the Confederates broke and fled in all directions. The casualties in Lucas' brigade were 3 killed and 9 wounded, while the enemy lost 2 killed and 9 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 619.
MOUNT PLEASANT, MISSISSIPPI, May 22, 1864. Detachment of 4th Missouri Cavalry. The itinerary of the 1st brigade, cavalry division, 16th army corps, commanded by Colonel George E. Waring, Jr., contains the following: "May 22.—One scouting party of the 4th Missouri cavalry was attacked by a large party of rebels while passing over very broken ground near Mount Pleasant, Mississippi; lost 8 killed and 4 wounded and prisoners." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 619.
MOUNT PLEASANT, TENNESSEE, August 14, 1862. Brigadier-General James S. Negley in a despatch from Columbia, Tennessee. under date of August 14, says: "Major (F. H.) Kennedy attacked Williams' guerrillas 8 miles south of Mount Pleasant this morning at 7 o'clock, killing 2 and taking several prisoners. The enemy fled to the woods after the first fire. Our horses were too much exhausted to follow them." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 619.
MOUNT PLEASANT, TENNESSEE, November 23, 1864. Major-General Nathan B. Forrest (Confederate) reporting the operations of his command during the campaign in northern Alabama and middle Tennessee states that Colonel Edmund W. Rucker captured at Mount Pleasant 35,000 rounds of ammunition and the force guarding it. There is no way of ascertaining what Union troops were engaged. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 619.
MOUNT PLEASANT LANDING, LOUISIANA, May 15, 1864. Detachments of 118th Illinois Cavalry, 67th and 78th U. S. Colored Infantry and 12th Massachusetts Battery. The guard of 21 men of the 67th U. S. infantry was overpowered by a superior Confederate force, which attacked the stockade at daylight. Upon the alarm being given, portions of the 118th Illinois cavalry, the 78th U. S. infantry and the 12th Massachusetts battery immediately started in pursuit and overtook the enemy 3 miles out. After a sharp fight all but 2 of the prisoners were recaptured. The righting at the stockade and on the road resulted in a loss to the Confederates of 6 killed, several wounded and 2 captured. The Federal troops had 1 man killed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 619-620.
MOUNT STERLING, KENTUCKY, July 29, 1862. 18th Kentucky Infantry and Home Guards. Mount Sterling, Kentucky, March 22, 1863. U. S. Troops under Captain W. D. Ratcliffe. The ineffective men of a command pursuing the Confederate Colonel R. S. Cluke, having been left at Mount Sterling, were attacked by a portion of Cluke's force which had evaded the pursuing Federals. A demand for surrender was made, which was at first refused but was later co1nolied with, and the 200 men were surrendered to the enemy by Captain Ratcliffe. The enemy lost 1 man killed and 4 wounded. The Federal reports make no mention of any casualties, but Cluke in his report states that 10 of the garrison were shot and killed and some 8 or 10 were burned to death in the houses which the Confederates fired. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 620.
MOUNT STERLING, KENTUCKY, June 9, 1864. Cavalry of District of Kentucky. During Morgan's raid into Kentucky a portion of the Union forces under Brigadier-General S. G. Burbridge followed the Confederates until they occupied Mount Sterling on the morning of the 8th. Late on the afternoon of the same day Burbridge came up with the main body and at 4 a. m. on the 9th attacked. Owing to a misunderstanding of orders one of the howitzers was run to the front and became mired, completely blocking the movement of the troops in the center, but the two wings moved forward and charged, while the Confederates were enabled to move up and capture the howitzer. A charge by a company of the 12th Ohio recaptured the gun and after a two hours' fight along the whole line the Confederates were driven back. Later they rallied and attacked, but were again repulsed. The casualties were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 620.
MOUNT VERNON, ARKANSAS, May 11, 1863. 5th Kansas and 5th Illinois Cavalry, commanded by Colonel Powell Clayton. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 620.
MOUNTVILLE, VIRGINIA, October 31, 1862. (See Aldie, same date.)
MOUNT WASHINGTON, KENTUCKY, October 1, 1862. (See Bardstown Pike.)
MOUNT ZION CHURCH, KENTUCKY, August 30, 1862. (See Richmond.)
MOUNT ZION CHURCH, MISSOURI, December 27-28. 1861. Birge's Sharpshooters and Detachment of 3d Missouri Cavalry. Learning that some Confederates were encamped at Hallsville Brigadier-General S. M. Prentiss sent out a company of cavalry to drive them away. None of the enemy were found at Hallsville, but a little beyond were encountered in force and the company was compelled to retire after losing its captain and a private, captured by the enemy. At 2 a. m. next morning Prentiss started with his whole force and at 8 o'clock found a company of Confederates drawn up across the road leading from Hallsville to Mount Zion church. The sharpshooters were deployed as skirmishers and the enemy steadily retired to the church, where the main force was posted. After a fight of half an hour, which became a hand-to-hand contest, the Confederates fell back after having suffered a loss of 25 killed and 150 wounded (according to Prentiss' report) while the casualties sustained by the Union participants were 3 killed. 63 wounded and several captured or missing. Prentiss' men also took about 30 prisoners. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 620.
MOUNT ZION CHURCH, VIRGINIA, July 6. 1864. 2nd Massachusetts and r3th New York Cavalry. The detachment under Major William H. Forbes, while scouting in the vicinity of Mount Zion church near Aldie was attacked by a superior number of Mosby's men. Through some mistake in orders the Union troops became separated and Mosby, taking advantage of this, ordered a charge, which resulted in the dispersal or capture of Forbes' entire command, 12 being killed and many more wounded. Of the 150 men who started out only 34 returned to the camp. The Confederate loss was not known. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 620-621.
MOUNTED RIFLEMEN. There is one regiment of mounted riflemen in the United States army. (See ARMY for their organization.) The skirmish drill for mounted troops prepared by Capt. D. H. Maury, U. S. A., and used by mounted riflemen, differs from the system of cavalry exercise:
1st. In prescribing the formation in one rank instead of in two ranks. Besides extending the line of front, this change develops individual instruction, and enables the officer to bring his men from column into line, and the reverse, almost as quickly as in infantry. By it a mounted company may be brought from the full gallop into fighting order on foot, the true order for rifle-men, within six seconds after the command has been given.
2d. In giving no heed to inversions. The effect of this change is to bring men from marching into fighting order in the simplest and most rapid manner.
3d. The grouping together of men in sets of fours. This, besides being convenient for the purposes of police and guards in garrison and camp, teaches the men, when in action, to rely upon each other as near comrades. (See CAVALRY.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, pp. 426-427).
MOUNTING. The parade of marching on guard is called guard- mounting. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p.427 ).
MOUTON, Alexander (moo-ton), senator, born in Attakapas (now Lafayette) Parish, Louisiana, 19 November, 1804; died near Lafayette, Louisiana, 12 February, 1885. He was graduated at Georgetown College, D. G, studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1825, and began to practice in his native parish. The following year he was elected to the lower branch of the state legislature, and he was re-elected for three consecutive terms. In 1831-'2 he was speaker of that body. He was chosen presidential elector in 1828, 1832, and 1836, and was again sent to the legislature in the latter year. In January, 1837, he was elected to the U. S. Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Alexander Porter, and he was subsequently chosen for the full term of six years. On 1 March, 1842, he resigned to accept the nomination of governor of Louisiana, to which office he was elected, discharging its duties till 1846. He was president of the Southwestern Railroad Convention in January, 1853, and delegate to the National Democratic Conventions of 1856 and 1860, and to the Louisiana Secession Convention of 1861, of which latter body he was chosen president. At an election held to choose two senators to the Confederate Senate, 29 November, 1861, he was defeated, and he then retired to his plantation, where he afterward resided. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 449.
MOUTON, Jean Jacques Alexandre Alfred, soldier, born in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, 18 February, 1829; died in Mansfield. DeSoto Parish, Louisiana, 8 April, 1864, was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy, 1 July, 1850, but resigned in the following September. Returning to Louisiana, he was assistant engineer of the New Orleans, Opelousas and Great Western Railroad, 1852-'3, and brigadier-general of Louisiana Militia, 1850-'61. At the beginning of the Civil War he recruited a company among the farmers of Lafayette Parish, where he was then residing, and soon afterward accepted the colonelcy of the 18th Louisiana Regiment. He commanded it at the battle of Shiloh, and was severely wounded. He also took part in the expedition that captured Berwick Bay, Louisiana, in 1863, was in the engagement at Bisland on the Teche, and was killed at the battle of Mansfield, Louisiana, where he was in command of a division, when leading his men in an attack. He had been successively promoted brigadier and major-general in the Confederate service. [Son of Alexander Mouton] Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 449.
MOWER, Joseph Anthony, soldier, born in Woodstock, Vermont, 22 August, 1827; died in New Orleans, Louisiana, 6 January, 1870. He received a common-school education and became a carpenter. He enlisted as a private in a company of engineers during the Mexican War, was commissioned 2d lieutenant in the 1st U. S. Infantry, 18 June, 1855, and became captain, 9 September, 1861. He was engaged at the siege and capture of New Madrid, Missouri, and at Corinth. Mississippi, where he was severely wounded, and was for a time a prisoner in the hands of the Confederates. He had been elected colonel of the 11th Missouri Volunteers in May, 1862, and for his gallant defence of Milliken's Bend was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers in November of the same year. He led a brigade in the attack on Vicksburg in May, 1863, was at the head of a division under General Nathaniel P. Banks in Louisiana in April, 1864, and the following August was made major-general of volunteers. He was with General Sherman in the Georgia and Carolina Campaigns, and rose to the command of the 20th Army Corps. He was brevetted major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel, brigadier-general, and major-general in the regular army for gallantry at the battles of Farmington, Iuka, and Jackson, Mississippi. Fort de Russy, Louisiana, and Salkehatchie, Georgia, respectively. He was transferred to the 25th Infantry in 1868, then to the 39th, and at his death commanded the Department of Louisiana, comprising that state and Arkansas. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 450.
MOWRY, Sylvester, explorer, born in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1830; died in London, England, 16 October, 1871. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1852, and after a year of frontier duty in California was assigned to exploring work for the Pacific Railroad in 1853-'4. He marched through Utah to California in 1854-'5, and served at Benicia and Fort Yuma till 1857. He was 1st lieutenant, 3 March, 1855, and resigned from the army, 31 July, 1858. He then became interested in mining in Arizona, and was elected as delegate to the 35th Congress in 1860, but the bill creating a territorial government did not become a law, and he did not take his seat. In 1860 he was appointed by President Buchanan a commissioner to establish the boundary-line between California and Nevada, but he was removed in 1861 on political grounds. He was arrested and imprisoned at Fort Yuma on a charge of disloyalty, but established his innocence. He went to England subsequently for his health, and died there. He wrote on subjects connected with the far west in magazines and other periodicals, and published "The Geography and Resources of Arizona and Sonora" (3d ed., enlarged, New York. 1864). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 450-451.
MUD CREEK, GEORGIA, June 17, 1864. Army of the Ohio; 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Cumberland. When the Confederates were forced to abandon their line at Lost Mountain and Gilgal Church they fell back to an intrenched position behind Mud creek, their left resting on the Sandtown road. In their retreat they were closely pursued by McCook's cavalry and the army of the Ohio, commanded by Major-General John M. Schofield. Schofield planted his batteries in advantageous positions and opened fire on the enemy, while the infantry made preparations to cross the creek and turn the Confederate flank. A heavy rain put a stop to operations, and before the weather settled the enemy evacuated his works and fell back toward Kennesaw mountain. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 621.
MUD CREEK BOTTOM, MISSISSIPPI, June 20, 1863. 5th Ohio Cavalry and 9th Illinois Mounted Infantry. The rear-guard of the scouting party commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Jesse J. Phillips was attacked on the Rocky Ford road by a large force of Confederates. The 9th Illinois was dismounted and sent to support the skirmishers, who were ordered to hold the line of the first creek in the bottom until the column had moved out of range of the Confederate artillery. This was not done, however, without the loss of an ambulance and a caisson. When the skirmishers, after 3 hours, were withdrawn from the line of Mud creek, they took a position before the artillery, which had been placed on an eminence, and there awaited an attack, but the enemy failed to advance. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 621.
MUDDY CREEK, ALABAMA, March 26, 1865. 2nd Cavalry Brigade, Lucas' Division. When the brigade arrived at Muddy creek, in the course of its march to Pollard during the Mobile campaign, some of the planks of the bridge were missing and it was necessary to repair the structure before it could be used. A portion of the 2nd Illinois was dismounted and sent across the stream to locate the enemy, who fired one volley and then fled. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 621.
MUDDY RUN, VIRGINIA, April 5, 1863. 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry. This affair was a skirmish between the 1st Pennsylvania, under Colonel John P. Taylor, who was sent out on a reconnaissance toward Culpeper Court House, and the Confederates guarding the crossing of Muddy run. After an hour's rather severe fighting. Taylor withdrew without having lost a man, the enemy in the meantime having been strongly reinforced with cavalry, artillery and infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 621.
MUDDY RUN, VIRGINIA, November 8, 1863. 1st Division, Cavalry Corps. Army of the Potomac. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 621.
MUD LAKE, NEVADA, March 14, 1865. Detachment of 1st Nevada Cavalry. Twenty-nine men of the 1st Nev. and 2 citizens, under Captain A. B. Wells, surrounded at daylight the camp of a band of Indians wanted for stealing cattle. The Indians attempted to cut their way out, but before the fight was over they had lost 29 killed and only 1 managed to escape. Several of the attacking party were slightly wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 621.
MUD SPRINGS, NEBRASKA, February 4-6, 1865. 7th and 11th Ohio Cavalry. On learning that the telegraph station at Mud springs, 105 miles from Fort Laramie, had been surrounded and attacked by Indians 50 men of the nth Ohio were despatched from Camp Mitchell, some 55 miles distant from the scene of the attack, and 120 of the 7th Ohio under Lieutenant-Colonel William O. Collins started from Fort Laramie. The detachment from Camp Mitchell reached the place at daylight on the 5th, that from Fort Laramie on the morning of the 6th, and about 7 a. m. the Indians began coming over the hills in force. Owing to the nature of the ground it was necessary for the men to fight 1n Indian fashion, selecting hillocks, etc., behind which they took position and fired at the red men whenever one appeared. A charge was made on a point which the Indians had gained and from which they were enabled to shoot arrows into the camp. About 2 p. m. the enemy began withdrawing into the hills and by dusk all had gone. The loss of the white men was 7 wounded, while the casualties among the Indians amounted to probably 50 killed and wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 621-622.
MUD TOWN, ARKANSAS, August 24. 1864. 2nd Arkansas Cavalry. A detachment of this regiment, while guarding and escorting an ordnance and subsistence train to Fayetteville, was attacked at Mud Town by 95 guerrillas. The Union loss was 2 men mortally wounded. That of the enemy was not learned, as he retreated, taking his dead and wounded with him. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 622.
MULBERRY CREEK, GEORGIA, August 3, 1864. (See Stoneman's Raid to Macon.)
MULBERRY GAP, TENNESSEE, November 19, 1863. Detachment of 65th Indiana Infantry. Brigadier-General Orlando B. Willcox reporting under date of November 20. states: "A small scouting party, under command of Captain Hammond, 65th Indiana mounted, charged through the camp of a rebel regiment (64th Virginia) and scattered it at Mulberry gap last night, killing 3, wounding 1, capturing 1 prisoner, some horses and arms." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 622.
MULBERRY GAP, TENNESSEE, July 28, 1864. (See Long's Mills. same date.)
MULBERRY RIVER, ARKANSAS, February 3, 1863. Detachment of 1st Arkansas Cavalry. Seven men of the 1st Arkansas under Captain Robert E. Travis attacked 30 Confederates in a log house near the mouth of Mulberry river and fought them for nearly half an hour, when the enemy retreated, having lost several in killed and wounded. Travis' command was so badly crippled that it was unable to take advantage of the victory, having had 3 men killed, 1 wounded and 1 captured, though 12 of the Confederates were made prisoners. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 622.
MULBERRY ROAD, VIRGINIA, February 12, 1864. (See Jonesville Road.)
MULBERRY VILLAGE, TENNESSEE, December 23, 1863. Five men from post of Tullahoma. One wagon of a forage train operating near Mulberry village became separated from the remainder and Lieutenant Samuel D. Porter of 27th Indiana, and 4 men of that regiment. 2 from the 22nd Wisconsin and 2 from the 9th Ohio battery, were captured by guerrillas. After marching them several miles through fields and woods the men were placed in line and 4 of them shot. Porter broke and ran and after wandering in the woods for many hours was picked up by a Federal scout. Muldraugh's Hill, Kentucky, December 28, 1862. Brigadier-General John H. Morgan in the report of his second Kentucky raid mentions the shelling of a Federal stockade at Muldraugh's hill and subsequently the surrender of the garrison. The casualties were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 622.
MULLANY, James Robert Madison, naval officer, born in New York City, 20 October, 1818; died in Bryn Mawr, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 17 September, 1887. He was a son of Colonel James K. Mullany, quartermaster-general, U. S. Army, and entered the U.S. Navy as midshipman from New Jersey, 7 January, 1832. He was promoted passed midshipman, 23 June, 1838, and lieutenant, 29 February, 1844. He was actively engaged in the Mexican War, and took part in the capture of the city of Tobasco in June, 1847. Prior to the Civil War he saw much service at sea in almost every quarter of the globe. From January till March, 1861, he served on the frigate "Sabine" in the protection of Fort Pickens, and in April and May of that year, in command of the gun-boat " Wyandotte," occupied a position in the harbor of Pensacola, in rear of Fort Pickens, which was then threatened by an attack from the enemy, and he assisted in re-enforcing that fort on 12 April, 1861. He was commissioned commander, 18 October, 1861, and assigned to the steamer "Bienville“ in the North Atlantic and West Gulf Squadrons, where he remained from April, 1862, till May, 1865, except for a short time, including the battle of Mobile Bay, being frequently under the enemy's fire. Having volunteered his services for the battle of Mobile Bay, and the "Bienville " not being considered by Admiral Farragut as fit to engage the forts, he was in the action of 5 August. 1864, in command of the "Oneida." This ship, lashed to the "Galena," was on the side toward Fort Morgan and in the rear of the line of battle, and exposed to a very destructive fire from that fort. Later the "Oneida" was attacked by the ram "Tennessee," which was enabled to rake her. One shot inflicted severe loss on his ship and wounded Commander Mullany in several places, one wound rendering amputation of the left arm necessary. Until this moment he had directed the movements of both ships, and. stationed in a conspicuous place, encouraged his men as well by his example as by his words. After this the engagement, so far as the " Oneida" was concerned, was at an end. From April till September, 1863, he commanded a division of the West Gulf Squadron, and during the course of the war he captured eleven blockade-runners of a great aggregate value, and in addition cut out, with boats, two schooners laden with cotton in the harbor of Galveston, Texas From May, 1865, till May, 1868, he was inspector in charge of ordnance in the Brooklyn U.S. Navy-yard. He was commissioned captain in 1866, was one of the board of visitors to the naval academy in 1868, and commanded the sloop "Richmond" in the European Squadron from December, 1868, till November, 1871. He was commissioned commodore, 15 August, 1870, and was in charge of the Mediterranean Squadron from October, 1870, till November, 1871, and of the Philadelphia U.S. Navy-yard in 1872-'4. After receiving his rear-admiral's commission, 5 June, 1874, he commanded the North Atlantic Squadron till February, 1876, during a part of which time he co-operated efficiently with General William H. Emory and General Philip H. Sheridan, who were successively in command at New Orleans. He was governor of the Naval Asylum, Philadelphia, from 1876 till 1879, when he was retired from active service, and he made, to the close of his life, his home in the last-named city, dying at one of its suburban summer resorts. "No government or people," says one who knew him intimately and well, " ever had a more gallant or faithful public servant; and he was as modest, as genial, as gentle, and as kind as he was faithful and brave." Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 457.
MULLIGAN, James A., soldier, born in Utica, New York, 25 June, 1830; died in Winchester, Virginia, 26 July, 1864. His parents were Irish, and moved to Chicago in 1836. He was the first graduate, in 1850, of the University of St. Mary's of the Lake, and in that year began to study law. He accompanied John Lloyd Stephens on his expedition to Panama in 1851, and, returning to Chicago in the following year, resumed the study of law, and edited a weekly Roman Catholic paper entitled the “Western Tablet." He was soon admitted to the bar, and, after practicing in Chicago, became, in 1857, a clerk in the Department of the Interior in Washington. At the opening of the Civil War he raised the so-called Irish Brigade, which consisted of but one regiment, the 23d Illinois, of which he was made colonel. He conducted the defence of Lexington, Missouri, from July till September, 1861, holding the town for nine days against an overwhelming force under General Sterling Price, was captured on 20 September, exchanged on 25 November, 1861, and returned to Chicago as the hero of Lexington. He reorganized his regiment, and after a short lecturing tour in the eastern states took command of Camp Douglas and participated in several engagements in Virginia. Colonel Mulligan was offered the commission of brigadier-general, which he declined, preferring to remain with his regiment. He was fatally wounded during a charge on the Confederate lines at the battle of Winchester. His men attempted to carry him from the field, but, seeing that the colors of the brigade were endangered, he exclaimed. "Lay me down, and save the flag !" repeating the order when they hesitated. They obeyed, but before their return he was borne away by the enemy, and died in their hands. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 458.
MUNFORD'S STATION, ALABAMA, April 23, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Military Division of the Mississippi. This brigade under Brigadier-General John T. Croxton, after being detached from Wilson's main column in the latter's raid, encountered Hill's brigade of Confederates, 500 strong with a piece of artillery, at Munford's station. Croxton attacked and routed the enemy, capturing his artillery and dispersing the men in the woods. The casualties were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 622.
MUNFORDVILLE, KENTUCKY, December 17, 1861. (See Rowlett's Station, same date.)
MUNFORDVILLE, KENTUCKY, September 14-17, 1862. U. S. Forces under Colonel J. T. Wilder and Colonel Cyrus L. Dunham. On Saturday, September 13, the Confederates under Brigadier-General James R. Chalmers made their appearance before Munfordville and at daylight Sunday a furious attack was made on the pickets on the south side of the river. A company of the 74th Indiana was sent out as a reserve and only fell back when the pickets were being flanked. The advance line fought stubbornly for over an hour, but fell back when ordered to do so by Colonel Wilder, commandant of the post. By 5:30 a. m. the fighting had become general along the whole line and an hour later it became apparent that the enemy was about to storm the works. The Union troops fixed bayonets as the Confederates with a cheer rushed forward. When they were within 30 yards of the intrenchments Wilder opened fire from both artillery and infantry and so fierce was this volley that the Confederates not killed or wounded turned and ran to cover. They recovered promptly, however, and made another charge on the redoubts which met the same fate. The enemy was then content to remain under cover until about 9:30 a. m., when under a flag of truce Chalmers sent in a summons to surrender, which was peremptorily refused. Reinforcements in the shape of 6 companies of the 50th Indiana under Colonel Dunham had arrived at 9 a. m. and during the rest of the day a desultory firing was kept up by both sides. Dunham, being the senior officer, assumed command after nightfall, when work was resumed on the intrenchments and the next day Colonel Richard Owen with about 1,000 men of the 28th Kentucky, 60th and 68th Indiana infantry, and the 1st Ohio artillery, made his way to Munfordville from Lebanon Junction. Nothing more than skirmishing was done on this day. About 9:30 a. m. on Tuesday the Confederates attacked the pickets on the south side of the town and drove them in, but their further advance was resisted gallantly by 4 companies of Indiana troops, who retired only when about to be overcome by superior numbers. The enemy's object seemed to be to avoid the works on the Federal left where he had been so severely repulsed on Sunday, and to carry the redoubt on the right. This attempt was frustrated and by 11 a. m. the entire line had become engaged. Between 2 and 3 p. m. the fire slackened and the enemy apparently withdrew. To make sure of his whereabouts Dunham sent a company of the 50th Indiana to a strip of timber a quarter of a mile in advance of the works. This company soon became hotly engaged and with another company of the same regiment sent as a support was obliged to fall back. Between 5 and 6 a flag of truce was advanced from the Confederate lines with another demand for a surrender. Dunham again refused to consider the proposal but later asked for a cessation of hostilities while the proposition was considered. In the meantime Bragg had come up with his whole army and at a council of the Union officers it was decided to agree to his terms of surrender. Dunham had been relieved of the command during the evening and when on the 17th the Union forces surrendered Wilder was again in command. The 4,133 men who fell into the hands of the enemy belonged to the 17th, 50th, 60th, 67th, 68th, 74th, 78th and 89th Indiana, 28th, 33d and 34th Kentucky, and 18th U. S. infantry, 13th battery, Indiana light artillery, Battery D, 1st Ohio light artillery and 141 men from miscellaneous detachments. Fifty-seven of the captured were wounded and 15 had been killed before the surrender occurred. The Confederates lost, according to Chalmer's report, 35 killed and 253 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 623.
MUNFORDVILLE, KENTUCKY, September 31, 1862. The only report of this engagement is the mention made of it in Brigadier-General Joseph Wheeler's review of the operations of his cavalry in Tennessee and Kentucky. During the 20th the Federal commander occupied the whole day in deploying his troops and early the next morning advanced on Wheeler's pickets. About noon the main Confederate line became engaged and the Federals attempted to turn Wheeler's right flank. A charge of the 1st Alabama from the Confederate right wing was unavailing, and Wheeler was obliged to withdraw across the Green river. Later in the day the Union forces effected a crossing below and Wheeler was again obliged to withdraw. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 624.
MUNSON'S HILL, VIRGINIA, August 31, 1861. Detachment of 3d New Jersey Infantry. Colonel George W. Taylor of the 3d New Jersey infantry, with two companies of his regiment, started from his camp to dislodge some Confederates near Vanderburg's house, who had been annoying the Federal pickets. His course lay through a strip of woods to a cornfield, on the opposite side of which was the road which he intended to take. His men had just entered the cornfield when they were fired upon from ambush. The fire was immediately returned in the direction from which it kept coming and after a minute Taylor ordered his men to retire to the cover of the woods. The order was misunderstood by the men, who hastily retreated until they had gained the road three-quarters of a mile distant, having lost 2 killed and 3 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 624.
MURFREESBORO, TENNESSEE, July 13, 1862. 9th Michigan and 3d Minnesota Infantry; Detachments of 4th Kentucky and 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry, and Battery B, Kentucky Light Artillery. At daylight on the 13th Forrest's Confederate cavalry surrounded and captured the pickets stationed just outside of Murfreesboro without firing a shot and then rushed into the camp of the 7th Pennsylvania cavalry. After passing through this camp they attacked the 9th Michigan, which was ready to receive them. After 20 minutes of hand-to-hand fighting the Michigan men charged and drove the enemy out of the camp. A strong position was secured and Lieutenant-Colonel J. G. Parkhurst, commanding, sent word to Colonel Henry C. Lester, whose camp was on the other side of the town, that with reinforcements he could drive the enemy from the town. Lester failed to respond either to this or a second call for reinforcements and later in the day surrendered his whole command, together with the Kentucky battery, without offering any resistance. Meantime Forrest surrounded Parkhurst and at 11 a. m. the latter surrendered. Another company of the 9th Michigan, acting as provost guard and stationed in the court-house, kept up a stiff resistance until the building was set on fire about 1 p. m. and the occupants were obliged to surrender. Brigadier-General T. T. Crittenden, who with a few men had held his headquarters for several hours after the surrender at the court-house, was made a prisoner. Aside from the number captured the Federals lost 19 killed, 120 wounded and 143 missing, of an original force of 1.o40. Forrest's report states that about 25 of his men were killed and from 40 to 60 wounded. Colonel Lester was dismissed from the service for his disgraceful surrender. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 624.
MURFREESBORO, TENNESSEE, December 31, 1862.-January 3, 1863. (See Stone's River.)
MURFREESBORO, TENNESSEE, February 4-7, 1863. Foraging parties of the 20th Army Corps. Confederate cavalry attacked the foraging train of the 20th corps on the 4th and again on the 7th and each time it was necessary to send out a brigade to drive the enemy away. In the first attack 4 of the foraging party were wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 624.
MURFREESBORO, TENNESSEE, June 3. 1863. 1st Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland. At 1:30 p. m. a corporal from the picket on the Manchester pike came to Colonel Robert H. G. Minty and reported that the enemy was advancing in force on the Wartrace road. Major Frank W. Mix, with 100 men of the 4th Michigan, was sent out to hold the Confederates in check until the remainder of the brigade could be brought up. By the time Minty arrived the enemy had opened on Mix w1th 3 pieces of artillery from the opposite bank of Stone's river, to which they had been driven. A section of artillery with Minty's brigade soon silenced the enemy's guns and caused him to retire. The Federals had 1 man wounded, and the enemy was known to have carried off 4. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 625.
MURFREESBORO, TENNESSEE, June 6, 1863. 2nd and 8th Indiana Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 625.
MURFREESBORO, TENNESSEE, September 3, 1864. 100th U. S. Colored Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 625.
MURFREESBORO, TENNESSEE, December 7, 1864. Reconnaissance by Major-General Robert H. Milroy. Pursuant to orders from General L. H. Rousseau, commanding the District of Tennessee. Milroy organized a reconnaissance to feel the enemy in the vicinity of Murfreesboro. His force was divided into two brigades. The 1st, commanded by Colonel Minor T. Thomas of the 8th Minnesota infantry, consisted of that regiment, the 61st Illinois, 174th and 181st Ohio infantry, and a 6-gun battery under Captain Bundy of the 13th New York art1llery. The 2nd Brigade, commanded by Colonel Edward Anderson, of the 12th Indiana cavalry, was composed of the 177th and 178th Ohio infantry, the 12th Indiana cavalry (dismounted) and a detachment of the 5th Tennessee cavalry, the total strength of the expedition being 3,325 men. Milroy moved out on the Salem pike about 10 a. m., the cavalry detachment in advance. Half a mile from the Union picket line the enemy's cavalry was encountered and part of the 61st Illinois was thrown forward to assist the Tennesseeans in driving them. At Stone's river, 2 miles out, some 300 Confederate cavalry was discovered on the opposite bank and a section of artillery was brought up to dislodge them. A few shells served to do the work, and Milroy pressed on in pursuit for 2 miles, when he learned that two brigades of the enemy's cavalry— Jackson's and Armstrong's—were at Salem, a mile further on, and that Forrest and Bate, with a large force of infantry, cavalry and artillery were just north of him on the Wilkinson pike. Milroy turned his course in that direction and when within half a mile of the pike his skirmishers encountered those of the enemy, who soon afterward opened fire from a 6-gun battery stationed in the edge of a wood. Bundy's guns were brought to the front and replied with spirit, but his limited supply of ammunition was exhausted in 30 minutes. Finding that the enemy would not advance across the open field to attack, Milroy fell back until he had Fort Rosecrans in his rear, and sent the battery back to the fort for a new supply of ammunition. He then formed his command in two lines of battle, Thomas' brigade in the first and Anderson's in the second, with the 61 st Illinois deployed as skirmishers. The whole force then advanced and the skirmishing commenced, the enemy gradually falling back about a mile to a strong position in the edge of a wood with a cotton field in front. The Union skirmishers now fell back to the flanks of the first line of battle, which advanced and soon became engaged in a fierce contest for possession of the wood. As the line showed signs of wavering, Milroy directed Anderson to send the 178th Ohio on the double-quick to the left, and move the remainder of his brigade up in close support. Thus reinforced the line moved forward with a yell and drove the enemy from his position, capturing a Page 626 number of prisoners, 2 pieces of artillery (12-pounder Napoleons), and a battle flag. At this juncture Bundy returned with his battery and shelled a body of cavalry that was threatening Milroy's flank, causing them to join in the general retreat. The command was now halted to replenish ammunition, and while thus engaged an order was received from Rousseau, directing Milroy to return to the fort, as a large force of Confederates was advancing upon him from the north. The Union loss was 22 killed and 186 wounded. No report was made of the enemy's casualties, but Milroy reported 197 prisoners, and says: "From the number of dead and wounded observed on the field their loss must have been greater than mine." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 625-626.
MURFREESBORO, TENNESSEE, December 15. 1864. 61st Illinois Infantry, 1st Michigan Engineers and 12th Indiana Cavalry. A train bearing these troops from Stevenson to Murfreesboro was fired into near Christiana and it became necessary for the detachment to disembark and repair the road. Even then the progress of the train was very slow and when within 6 miles of Murfreesboro it became apparent that it would have to be abandoned and an attempt made to cut a way out, as by this time it was wholly surrounded. After a desperate fight about 8 p. m. the Federals managed to break through the enemy's line, but only after losing 85 men of the 61 st Illinois, including the colonel, the whole detachment of engineers and the larger portion of the 30 men of the 12th Indiana cavalry. Most of the men were captured. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 626.
MURFREESBORO, TENNESSEE, December 24, 1864. 12th U. S. Colored Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 626.
MURFREESBORO PIKE, TENNESSEE, December 27, 1862. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Left Wing, Army of the Cumberland. As the Union forces were advancing toward Murfreesboro it was discovered that the enemy had planted a battery on the hill overlooking the bridge over Stewart's creek on the Murfreesboro pike, and had loaded the bridge with combustible materials preparatory to burning it. A section of Estep's battery was ordered up to dislodge the enemy, but the fire was promptly returned, and during the artillery duel the Confederates managed to set fire to the bridge. General Hascall, commanding the advance brigade, called for volunteers to save the bridge, and the skirmishers of the 3d Kentucky, with Company B, 26th Ohio, rushed in and threw the burning rails into the stream. Finding that their scheme had not worked the enemy withdrew, but a l1ttle later attacked Hascall on the left flank. The 26th Ohio quickly changed front-and repulsed the attack. The enemy then tried to cut off Captain Munger's company of the 100th Illinois which had been stationed to guard the left, but Munger turned on them, drove them into a corner and captured 24 men, 12 horses and 12 guns, with a loss of 2 men wounded. In the action at the br1dge the 26th Ohio had 20 men wounded. The enemy's loss there was not learned. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 626.
MURFREESBORO ROAD, TENNESSEE, October 4, 1863. Second Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland. While pursuing Wheeler and Roddey in their raid on Rosecrans' communicat10ns, Brigadier-General George Crook's division caught up with their' rear-guard posted in a wood some 2 miles beyond McMinnville on the Murfreesboro road. The 2nd Kentucky made a charge which drove the Confederates back upon the main column and compelled the latter to turn and give fight. By the time the Union forces had been disposed the enemy was drawn up in the edge of a woods. The mounted infantry was dismounted and drove the Confederates from this strip of timber into another a short distance in the rear, where the fight lasted until darkness put an end to the hostilities. The casualties were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 626.
MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA, August 2, 1864. (See Athens, Tennessee, August 1.)
MURPHY, Henry Cruse, lawyer, born in Brooklyn, New York, 5 July, 1810; died there, 1 December, 1882. He was graduated at Columbia in 1830, and while studying law began to contribute to the press. He was admitted to the bar in 1833, became assistant corporation counsel in 1834, and soon afterward city attorney and counsel to the corporation. He became in 1835 a partner of John A. Lott and soon obtained a large practice, at the same time contributing to the " Democratic " and the " North American" reviews, and taking an active part in state politics as a Democrat. In 1841 he became a proprietor and one of the editors of the Brooklyn "Daily Eagle," and in the following year he was elected mayor of the city. In that office he effected important retrenchments in the financial administration, and introduced useful public improvements, especially the warehouse system on the water-front. Before the end of his term he was elected to Congress, and, taking his seat in that body on 4 December, 1843, took part in the debates in favor of free-trade, and in opposition to changes in the naturalization laws and the annexation of Texas. In 1840 he attended the convention for revising the state constitution, and was made chairman of the Committee on Corporations. The same year he was again sent to Congress, he was mentioned as a candidate for the presidency in 1852, was very active in the canvass of Franklin Pierce, and in that of James Buchanan in 1856, and on 1 June, 1857, was appoint where he remained until he was recalled by the succeeding administration, leaving on 8 June, 1861. On his return he was elected to the state senate, where he served six successive terms, and was instrumental in securing the repeal of the law on ecclesiastical tenures and the establishment of isolated quarantine. During the Civil War he supported the government in public speeches and contributions to the press, and exerted himself to promote enlistments. In 1867 he was a delegate from the state at large to the convention for remodelling the state constitution. Mr. Murphy was one of the founders of the new Long Island Historical Society and of the Brooklyn City Library, and was president of the East River Bridge Company, he was interested during his entire life in literary and historical subjects, and especially in the period of Dutch domination in New York, which he had opportunities to study during his residence in Holland. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 465-466.
MURPHY, John McLeod, civil engineer, born in Northcastle, Westchester County, New York, 14 February, 1827: died in New York City, 1 June, 1871. He entered the U. S. Navy as midshipman, 18 February, 1841, was promoted passed midshipman, 10 August, 1847, and resigned, 10 May, 1852. He served in the war with Mexico, and in 1851 was detailed as hydrographic assistant on Major John G. Barnard's survey of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. In 1853 he visited Mexico, and in 1855 he was surveyor of the city of New York. He was constructing engineer of the Brooklyn Navy-yard in 1856-'7, and in 1860-'l was a member of the New York State Senate. In the latter year he was commissioned colonel of New York engineers, and took part in the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac until the close of 1862, when he returned to the navy as acting lieutenant and was in command of the "Carondelet" during the Vicksburg Campaign. On 30 July, 1864, he again resigned and resumed his profession as a civil engineer. Lieutenant Murphy was a frequent contributor to the newspaper and periodical press on subjects connected with his specialty. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 466-467.
MURRAY, Alexander, naval officer, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1816; died in Washington, D. C., 10 November, 1884, entered the U. S. Navy in 1835, became lieutenant in 1847, commander in 1862, captain in 1866, commodore in 1871, and rear-admiral on the retired list in 1876. He was in service on the east coast of Mexico in 1846-'7, participated in the capture of Alvarado, where he was wounded, and fought at Tampico, Tobasco, Tuspau, and Vera Cruz. He commanded the steamer "Louisiana," of the North Atlantic Squadron, in 1861-'2, defeated the Confederate steamer "Yorktown" off Newport News, fought the battle of Roanoke Island, destroyed the Confederate fleet under Captain William F. Lynch, was in charge of the naval forces at Kingston, North Carolina, and the expedition up York and Pamunkey Rivers, destroying twenty-seven vessels in May, 1862. He was on duty in the North Carolina sounds in 1863, and on special service in 1866-7, was light-house inspector in 1873-6, and after retirement served on the naval board. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 467.
MURRAY, Eli Houston, governor of Utah, born in Breckinridge County, Kentucky, 12 September, 1844. He entered the U. S. Army as a volunteer at seventeen years of age, commanded a brigade in Kentucky in 1862-'3, and in 1865 received the brevet of brigadier-general of volunteers for services during the Civil War. He was appointed U. S. Marshal for Kentucky in 1866, and held office till 1876, when he became manager of the Louisville, Kentucky, 'Commercial." He was appointed governor of Utah by President Hayes in 1880, reappointed by President Arthur in 1884 for a term of four years, but resigned before its completion. Throughout his administration he opposed the encroachments of the Mormon Church and the advance of polygamy. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 467-468.
MURRAY, Joseph T., 1834-1907, Massachusetts, abolitionist, inventor. Worked with James N. Buffam, John Greenleaf Whittier and William Lloyd Garrison.
MURRAY, Robert, surgeon, born in Howard County, Maryland, 6 August, 1822. He was graduated at Jefferson Medical College in 1845, was appointed assistant surgeon in the United States Army in 1846, became captain and assistant surgeon in 1851, major and surgeon in 1860, and received the brevets of lieutenant-colonel and colonel in 1865 for meritorious service during the Civil War. He was assistant medical purveyor and lieutenant-colonel in 1866, colonel and surgeon in 1876, surgeon-general with the rank of brigadier-general in 1883, and was retired in 1886. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 470.
MUSCLE FORK, MISSOURI, August 13, 1862. (See Grand River.)
MUSCLE SHOALS, ALABAMA, October 30, 1864. U. S. Forces under General John T. Croxton. This affair was an attempt on the part of Croxton's troops to prevent the Confederates under General S. D. Lee from crossing the Tennessee river at Raccoon ford, 3 miles above Florence. Lee succeeded in attaining his object, with a loss (he states) to the Federals of AO in killed, wounded and prisoners. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 627.
MUSSEY, William Heberdon, surgeon, born in Hanover, New Hampshire, 30 September, 1818; died in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1 August, 1882, studied at Phillips Andover Academy and was graduated at Ohio Medical College in 1848, subsequently studying medicine in Paris. He returned to Cincinnati and made a specialty of general surgery. In 1855 he was surgeon to St. John's Hotel for Invalids, Cincinnati. He served in the Civil War as a surgeon, became medical inspector with the rank of lieutenant-colonel on 14 June, 1862, and resigned on 1 January, 1864. He was appointed surgeon of the Cincinnati Hospital on 15 April, 1864, and also in that year vice-president of the American Medical Association. In 1865 he was given the chair of operative and clinical surgery in Miami Medical College, which post he held until his death. In 1876 he became surgeon-general of Ohio and president of the Cincinnati Natural History Society. He was president of the Cincinnati Board of Education from 1879 till 1880. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp.471-472.
MUSTANG ISLAND, TEXAS, November 17, 1863. (See Aransas Pass, same date.)
MUSTER. At every muster, the commanding officer of each regiment, troop, or company there present, shall give certificates, signed by himself, signifying how long officers who do not appear at muster have been absent, and the reason of their absence. In like manner, the commanding officer of every troop or company shall give certificates, signifying the reasons of the absence of the non-commissioned officers and private soldiers, which reasons and time of absence shall be inserted in the muster-rolls, opposite the names of the respective absent officers and soldiers. The certificates shall, together with the muster-rolls, be remitted by the commissary of musters or other officer mustering, to the Department of War, as speedily as the distance of the place will admit; (ART. 13.) Every officer, who shall be convicted of having signed a false certificate, relating to the absence of either officer or soldier, or relative to his or their pay, shall be cashiered; (ART. f4.) Every officer, who shall knowingly make a false muster of man or horse, and every officer or commissary of musters, who shall willingly sign, direct, or allow, the signing of muster-rolls wherein such false muster is contained, shall, upon proof made thereof by two witnesses before a general court-martial, be cashiered, and shall be thereby utterly disabled to have or hold any office or employment in the service of the United States; (ART. 15.) Any commissary of muster or other officer, who shall be convicted of having taken money or other things by way of gratification, on mustering any regiment, troop, or company, or on signing muster-rolls, shall be displaced from office and shall be thereby utterly disabled to have or hold any office or employment in the service of the United States; (ART. 16.) Any officer, who shall presume to muster a person as a soldier who is not a soldier, shall be deemed guilty of having made a false muster, and shall suffer accordingly; (ART. 17.) Troops are mustered every two months. (See ARREARS OF PAY; CERTIFICATE; FALSE; PAY.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 427).
MUTINY. Any officer or soldier, who shall begin, excite, cause, or join in any mutiny or sedition in any troop or company in the service of the United States , or in any party, post, detachment, or guard, shall suffer death, or such other punishment as by a court-martial shall be inflicted; (ART. 7.) Any officer, non-commissioned officer, or soldier who, being present at any mutiny or sedition, does not use his utmost endeavor to suppress the same, or coming to the knowledge of any intended mutiny, does not, without delay, give information thereof to his commanding officer, shall be punished by the sentence of a court- martial with death, or otherwise, according to the nature of his offence; (ART. 8.) “ Mutiny is a combined or simultaneous resistance, active or passive, to lawful military authority.” The best authorities admit that a single person, without previous combination or concert with others, cannot commit mutiny. An overt act by one person, in pursuance of a combined plan or conspiracy, is, however, mutiny; and conspiracy or intended mutiny is, under the 8th article, punishable in the same degree as an overt act. Where an overt act, therefore, has not been committed, it is proper to base the charge on the 8th article. But all who have conspired in intended mutiny are alike guilty of mutiny, consisting in overt acts on the part of one or more of the conspirators. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 428).
MYER, Albert James, chief signal officer, born in Newburg, New York, 20 September, 1827; died in Buffalo. New York, 24 August, 1880. He was graduated at Hobart College in 1847 and at Buffalo Medical College in 1851. In September, 1854, he entered the U. S. Army as assistant surgeon and was assigned to duty in Texas. While so engaged he devised a system of army signals with flags and torches for day and night, by means of which messages could be sent as fully and accurately as with the electric telegraph, though less rapidly. In 1858-'60 he held command of the Signal Corps and was engaged in perfecting his system. He was commissioned major in 1860 and made chief signal officer of the U. S. Army. His first field-work with the new signal code was in New Mexico, but at the beginning of the Civil War he was ordered to Washington and assigned to duty in the Army of the Potomac. Throughout the Peninsular Campaign he served as chief signal officer to General George B. McClellan, participating in all of the battles from Bull Run to Antietam. He then returned to Washington, where he took charge of the U. S. Signal Office on 8 March, 1863, with the rank of colonel. At this time he introduced the study of military signals at the U. S. Military Academy and was a member of the central board of examination for admission to the U. S. Signal Corps. In December, 1863, he was assigned to reconnaissance on Mississippi River, between Cairo, Illinois, and Memphis, Tennessee, and later he became chief signal officer of the Military Division of West Mississippi under General Edward R. S. Canby, by whom he was commissioned to arrange the terms of surrender of Fort Gaines. He was relieved of his command at this time by the Secretary of War on the ground that his appointment had not been confirmed, and his appointment of chief signal officer was revoked on 21 July, 1864; but he was brevetted brigadier-general on 13 March, 1865. After his removal from the army he settled in Buffalo, and there devoted his time to the preparation of a " Manual of Signals for the U. S. Army and Navy" (New York, 1868). He was reappointed colonel and chief signal officer on 28 July, 1866. An act of Congress, approved 9 February, 1870, authorized provision for taking meteorological observations at the military stations in the interior of the continent and at other points in the states and territories of the United States, and for giving notice on the northern lakes and seaboard by telegraph and signals of the approach and force of storms; and the execution of this duty was confided to General Myer, as he had been interested previously in the subject of storm telegraphy. The preparatory work of organization was prosecuted with energy. Arrangements were made with the telegraph companies for transmitting the observations, and on 1 November, 1870, at 7.35 A. M., the first systematized simultaneous meteorological observations that were taken in the United States were read from the instruments at twenty-four stations and placed on the telegraphic wires for transmission. On the first day of the report weather bulletins were posted at each one of the twenty-four selected stations, and the practical working of the scheme was assured. The work of the weather bureau soon became popular and was rapidly extended. It had increased, at the date of General Myer's death, to more than 300 stations with a force of 500 men. In 1873 General Myer represented the United States at the International Congress of Meteorologists in Vienna. On 1 July, 1875, the Signal Service Bureau began the publication of a daily "International Bulletin," comprising the reports from all co-operating stations, and on 1 July, 1878, this was supplemented by a daily international chart. In 1879 he was a delegate to the Meteorological Congress at Rome. He was promoted brigadier-general on 16 June, 1880, as a special reward by Congress for his services in the line of his profession. General Myer established a system of cautionary day and night signals for the benefit of lake and ocean commerce and navigation, a system of reliable river reports for the benefit of interior commerce, and special series of reports for farmers and planters. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 473-474.
MYERS, Amos, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery (Congressional Globe)
MYERS, Harriet, died 1865, African American, abolitionist, member of the Underground Railroad in Albany, New York, wife of abolitionist and newspaper publisher Stephen Myers.
MYERS, Leonard, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery (Congressional Globe)
MYERS, Stephen, 1800-?, African American, newspaper editor and publisher, abolitionist, freed from slavery in his youth. Chairman of the Vigilance Committee of Albany, New York, which aided fugitive slaves. His home was a station on the Underground Railroad. Worked with leading African American abolitionist, Frederick Douglass. Community leader in Albany, New York. Publisher of the newspaper, The Elevator. Also published The Northern Star and Freeman’s Advocate.
MYERS, William, soldier, born in Reading, Pennsylvania, 4 December, 1830; died in New York City, 11 November, 1887. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1852, and served in various garrisons till the Civil War, when, on 17 May, 1861, he was made assistant quartermaster, with the staff rank of captain. He was chief quartermaster of the Department of the Missouri in 1863-'5, and at the close of the war was given for his services the brevet of brigadier-general of volunteers, and the same in the regular army. After the war he served as chief quartermaster of various departments, becoming lieutenant-colonel in 1881, and on 15 March, 1883, he was retired from active service. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 474.
MYERSTOWN, WEST VIRGINIA, November 18, 1864. Detachment of the 91st Ohio Infantry. Nahunta Station, North Carolina, April 10, 1865. 1st Division, 15th Army Corps. The division, commanded by Bvt. Major-General C. R. Woods, broke camp at Goldsboro at 5 a. m. and moved toward Pikeville, on the Weldon railroad. Near Nahunta a small force of Confederate cavalry was met and a slight skirmish ensued. Learning that Riddle's division of cavalry was encamped at a cross-road a short distance ahead. Woods pushed forward as rapidly as possible to engage him, but Riddle had abandoned his camp before the Federal advance came within striking distance. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 627.
MYRICK, Luther, Cazenovia, New York, abolitionist, American Anti-Slavery Society, Manager, 1841-1842.