Civil War Encyclopedia: Mah-Maz
Mahan through Mazzard’s Prairie, Arkansas
Mahan through Mazzard’s Prairie, Arkansas
MAHAN, Asa, 1799-1889, Ohio, clergyman, abolitionist, president of Oberlin College 1835-1850. Vice President, American Anti-Slavery Society, 1834-1835.
(Dumond, 1961, p. 165; Mabee, 1970, pp. 218, 403n25; Sinha, 2016, p. 466; Appletons’, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 176; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 6, Pt. 2, p. 208; Abolitionist; Minutes, Convention of the Liberty Party, June 14, 15, 1848, Buffalo, New York)
MAHAN, Asa, clergyman, born in Vernon, New York, 9 November, 1800. He was graduated at Hamilton College in 1824, and at Andover theological seminary in 1827. On 10 November, 1829, he was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church in Pittsford, New York, and in 1831 he was called to the pastorate of a Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. He accepted the presidency of Oberlin in 1835, with the chair of intellectual and moral philosophy, and the assistant professorship of theology, but after fifteen years was chosen president of Cleveland University, Cleveland, Ohio, and professor of mental and moral philosophy there. In 1855 he resumed pastoral work, and had charge of Congregational Parishes at Jackson in 1855-'7 and at Adrian in 1857-60. He was president of Adrian College, Michigan, in 1860-'71, and since then has resided in England. President Mahan has received the degree of D. D. from Hillsdale in 1858, and that of LL.D. from Adrian in 1877. He has been an active advocate of the religious views that are known as Perfectionist, and has published "Scripture Doctrine of Christian Perfection " (Boston, 1839). His other works include ' System of Intellectual Philosophy" (New York, 1845): "The Doctrine of the Will" (Oberlin, 1846): "The True Believer: his Character, Duties, and Privileges" (New York, 1847); "The Science of Moral Philosophy" (Oberlin, 1848); "Election and the Influence of the Holy Spirit" (New York, 1851); "New York, 1857); "Science of Natural Theology" (Boston, 1807); "Theism and Anti-Theism in their Relations to Science" (Cleveland, 1872): "The Phenomena of Spiritualism scientifically Explained and Exposed (New York, 1876); "Critical History of the late American War" (1877); "A System of Mental Philosophy" (Chicago, 1882); and ' Critical History of Philosophy" (New York, 1883). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 176.
MAHAN, Dennis Hurt, engineer, born in New York City, 2 April, 1802; died near Stony Point, New York, 16 September, 1871. He spent his boyhood in Norfolk, Virginia, and was appointed from that state to the U. S. Military Academy, where he was graduated in 1824, at the head of his class. During his third year he was appointed acting assistant professor of mathematics at the academy, and he continued as such after his promotion as 2d lieutenant into the Corps of Engineers until 1825, when he became principal assistant professor of engineering. In 1826 he was sent abroad, by order of the War Department, to study public engineering works and military institutions, and he spent some time, by special favor of the French government, at the Military School of Application for Engineers and Artillerists in Metz. While in Paris he was frequently the guest of Lafayette. He returned to West Point in 1830, and resumed his duties as acting professor of engineering, which chair he accepted permanently in 1832, vacating his commission in the Corps of Engineers. This office he continued to hold, with that of dean, after 1838, until his death, which was by suicide during a fit of insanity that resulted from his distress on learning that the Board of visitors had recommended that he be put on the retired list, although assured by the president that he should be retained. Professor Mahan was appointed in 1850 by the governor of Virginia a member of the board of engineers to decide the controversy between the city of Wheeling and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company as to the proper route of the railroad to Wheeling. He received the degree of LL. D. from William and Mary in 1852, from Brown in 1852, and from Dartmouth in 1867, and, besides being a member of many scientific societies in the United States, was one of the corporate members, of the National Academy of Sciences in 1863. As an engineer he acquired a world-wide reputation by his text-hooks, which were used in the military academy and in many universities. They include "Treatise on Field Fortifications" (New York. 1836); “Elementary Course of Civil Engineering" (1837; rewritten in 1868); "Elementary Treatise on Advanced Guard, Outposts, and Detachment Service of Troops" (1847; improved ed., 1862); "Elementary Treatise on Industrial Drawing" (1853); "Descriptive Geometry, as applied to the Drawing of Fortifications and Stereometry" (1864); and "Military Engineering," including "Field Fortifications, Military Mining, and Siege Operations" (1865); and "Permanent Fortifications" (1867). He also edited, with additions, an American reprint of Mosely's "Mechanical Principles of Engineering and Architecture " (1856). See the sketch by General Henry L. Abbot in vol. ii. of the "Biographical Memoirs" of National Academy of Sciences (Washington, 1886). His portrait, painted by Robert W. Weir, is included in the collection of professors to be seen in the library of the U. S. Military Academy.—His son, Frederick Augustus, engineer, born in West Point, New York, 28 March, 1847, was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1867, and promoted into the Corps of Engineers as 2d lieutenant, becoming 1st lieutenant in 1869 and captain in 1881. He has served principally on engineering work and on duty as instructor at the military academy. Captain Mahan was associated in the editorship of the latest edition of his father's "Civil Engineering" (1880), and has translated from the French Krantz's "Study on Reservoir-Walls" (New York, 1882). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 176.
MAHAN, John B., Brown County, Ohio, Ohio Anti-Slavery Society, Manager, 1835-39
MAHONE, William, senator, born in Southampton County, Virginia, 1 December, 1820. He was graduated at Virginia Military Institute in 1847, and until the beginning of the Civil War engaged in engineering, and was the constructor of the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad. He joined the Confederate Army in 1861, took part in the capture of Norfolk U.S. Navy-yard in April of that year, raised and commanded the 6th Virginia Regiment, was engaged in most of the battles of the Peninsular Campaign, those on the Rappahannock, and those around Petersburg, where he won the sobriquet of the "hero of the Crater." and was throughout his career noted as a fighting commander. He was commissioned brigadier-general in March, 1864, and major-general in August of the same year. He subsequently led a division in Ambrose P. Hill's corps, and at Lee's surrender was at Bermuda Hundred. At the close of the war he returned to engineering, and became president of the Norfolk and Tennessee Railroad. He also engaged in politics, was the leader of the movement that elected Gilbert C. Walker governor of Virginia, and, after failing to secure the nomination for that office in 1878, organized and became the leader of the Readjuster Party, which advocated conditional repudiation of the state debt. He was elected U. S. Senator in 1880, served till March, 1887, and was defeated at the next election. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 177.
MAJOR. Rank between captain and lieutenant-colonel. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 395).
MAJOR-GENERAL. Rank between brigadier-general and lieutenant-general. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 395).
MALINGERER. A soldier who feigns illness in order to avoid his duty. Any soldier, in the English army, convicted of malingering, feigning or producing disease or infirmity, or of being detained in hospital in consequence of materially injuring his health by his own vice or intemperance, and thereby rendering himself unfit for the service; or of absenting himself from an hospital whilst under medical treatment; or of being guilty of a gross violation of the rules of the hospital; or of intentionally protracting his cure; or of wilfully aggravating his disease, is liable to be tried by a court-martial for “ disgraceful conduct,” and to suffer the punishments attached to that crime. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 396).
MALLERY, Garrick, jurist, born in Middlebury, Connecticut, 17 April, 1784; died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,'6 July, 1866. He was graduated at Yale in 1808, and studied law at the Litchfield Law-School and at Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, where he was admitted to the bar in 1811. He was elected to the Pennsylvania legislature in 1827, and three times re-elected, and was largely instrumental in developing the internal improvements and establishing the penitentiary system of the state. He was president judge of the 3d District in 1831-'6, and subsequently practised law in Philadelphia till his death.—His son, Garrick, ethnologist, born in Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, 23 April, 1831, was graduated at Yale in 1850, in 1853 received the degree of LL. B. from the University of Pennsylvania, and the same year was admitted to the bar of Philadelphia, where he practised law and engaged in editorial work until he entered the volunteer service as 1st lieutenant of Pennsylvania troops, 15 April, 1861. He rose to the rank of lieutenant-colonel and brevet colonel, and at the reorganization of the regular army in 1870 was commissioned as a captain in the 1st U. S. Infantry, with the brevet rank of lieutenant-colonel. He was twice severely wounded, was kept for some time in Libby Prison, and received four promotions by brevet for gallantry in action. During the reconstruction period, while on military duty in Virginia in 1869-70 as judge-advocate on the staff of the successive generals commanding, he was appointed to the offices of Secretary of State and adjutant-general of Virginia, with the rank of brigadier-general. In August, 1870. he was the first officer that was detailed for meteorological service with the chief signal-officer of the army. He was long in charge of the Signal-Service Bureau, and was its executive officer until August, 1876, when he was ordered to the command of Fort Rice, Dakota territory. There he made investigations into the pictographs and mythologies of the Dakota Indians, which led to his being ordered, 13 June, 1877, to report to Major John W. Powell, then in charge of the geological and geographical survey of the Rocky mountain region, for duty in connection with the ethnology of the North American Indians, being, in July, 1870, retired from active military service on account of wounds received in action. He received the appointment of ethnologist of the Bureau of Ethnology on its organization at Washington in that year, which office he still (1888) holds, General Mallery was a founder and president of the Anthropological Society and of the Cosmos Club of Washington, and was chairman of the anthropological section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at its meeting in 1881. He has contributed largely to periodical literature, but his most important works, some of which have been translated, are " A Calendar of the Dakota Nation" (Washington, 1877); "The Former and Present Number of our Indians" Salem, 1878); "Introduction to the Study of Sign Language among the North American Indians as illustrating the Gesture Speech of Mankind" (Washington, 1880); "Gesture Signs and Signals of the North American Indians, with some Comparisons" (1880); "Sign Language among the North American Indians compared with that among -other Peoples and Deaf-Mutes" (1881); and "Pictographs of the North American Indians" (1886). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 183.
MALLET, John William, chemist, born in Dublin, Ireland, 10 October, 1832. He was graduated at Trinity College, and studied chemistry at the University of Gottingen, Germany, where he received the degree of Ph. D. for his researches on the tellurium ethers in 1852. Soon afterward he came to the United States, and was called to Amherst, where, during 1854-'6, he was assistant professor of analytical and applied chemistry. He was then given the chair of chemistry in the University of Alabama, where he remained until the beginning of the Civil War, and was also associated in the chemical work of the geological survey of Alabama. Professor Mallet took an active part in the war and attained the rank of colonel in the Confederate Army. He became professor of chemistry in the medical department of the University of Louisiana in 1865, and later engaged in the iron business near Vicksburg, Mississippi. He accepted in 1867 the professorship of analytical, industrial, and agricultural chemistry in the University of Virginia, which chair in 1872 became that of general and industrial chemistry and pharmacy. Professor Mallet continued this relation until 1883, when he became professor of chemistry and physics in the recently organized University of Texas, and the equipment of these departments was selected by him, but he resigned a year later to accept a similar chair in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. In 1885 he returned to the University of Virginia as professor of general and industrial chemistry and pharmacy, which post he still (1888) holds. Professor Mallet's researches in pure chemistry include valuable investigations on the atomic weights of aluminum and lithium, and improved methods of analysis. In the direction of mineral chemistry he has accomplished much, not only by making analyses of new minerals, but also in the " Laboratory Communications" from his students that have been published by him. separations of rare earths have been indicated. His specialty is industrial chemistry or chemistry applied to the arts and manufactures, and in this branch he has probably no superior in the United States. His extended knowledge of this subject led to his being called to lecture on the "Utilization of Waste Products" in 187980 at Johns Hopkins university, and at that time he published in the "American Chemical Journal" a review of the "Progress of Industrial Chemistry " for the decade of 1870-'80. At the request of the National board of health he undertook an elaborate investigation as to the chemical methods in use for the determination of organic matter in potable water, with a comparative study of the water-supply of different localities in the United States. This work has taken high rank in the literature of water analysis, and was published by the board in its annual report for 1882. In 1880 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of London, and in 1882 he was president of the American chemical Society. The honorary degrees of M. D. and LL. D. have been conferred on him. His publications have been entirely in the line of his profession, and have been confined to scientific journals. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 183.
MALLORY, Stephen Russell, statesman, born in Trinidad. W. I., in 1813; died in Pensacola, Florida, 9 November, 1873. He was the second son of Charles Mallory, a civil engineer of Reading, Connecticut. When he was about a year old his parents moved to Havana, and in 1820 they settled at Key West, Florida. He was educated at Mobile und at Nazareth, Pennsylvania, and at the age of nineteen was appointed by President Jackson inspector of the customs at Key West. While filling this post he studied law with Judge William Marvin, of the U. S. District Court at Key West, and was admitted to the bar about 1839. He soon attained a high reputation and enjoyed a large practice. He became judge for Monroe County, and judge of probate, and in 1845 was appointed collector of customs at Key West. During the Indian War in Florida he volunteered and served for several years in active operations against the Seminoles. In 1850 he was elected a delegate to the Nashville Commercial Convention, but declined. In 1851 he was elected to the U. S. Senate for six years. His opponent, David L. Yulee, contested his seat, but it was unanimously awarded to Mr. Mallory. He was re-elected in 1857, and continued to represent his state until the secession of Florida in 1861, when he resigned and at once took an active part with the southern states. He had moved from Key West to Pensacola in 1858. During the greater part of his service in the U. S. Senate he was chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs, and a member of the Committee on Claims. In 1858, President Buchanan tendered him the appointment of minister to Spain, which he declined. On the secession of Florida he was appointed chief justice of the admiralty court of the state, which office he also declined. Jefferson Davis was inaugurated president of the Confederate States on 18 February, 1861, and on the 21st he appointed Mr. Mallory Secretary of the Navy, which post he held during the war. He found himself at the head of a Naval Department on the eve of a great war, without a snip or any of the essentials of a navy. He had not only to organize and administer, but to build the ships and boats, provide as best he could their ordnance and machinery, and create a naval force in a country whose ports were rapidly blockaded and which possessed resources only in a crude state. The timber for his ships stood in the forest; the iron was in the mines, and there were neither furnaces nor workshops; the hemp for the ropes had to be sown, grown, and reaped, and then there were no rope-walks; he had no rolling-mill capable of turning out a 21-inch iron plate, nor a workshop able to complete a marine engine. Mr. Mallory left Richmond in company with Jefferson Davis on the abandonment of that city by the Confederate government in April.1865. At Washington, Georgia, they separated, Mr. Mallory going to La Grange, Georgia, where his family were then living. On 20 May, 1865, he was arrested and was taken to Fort Lafayette, New York Harbor, where he was confined ten months, and released on parole in March, 1866. He returned to Pensacola in July, 1866, still under parole, and resumed the practice of law, which he continued until his death. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 183-184.
MALLORY'S CROSS ROADS, VIRGINIA, June 12, 1864. 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. The division, commanded by Brigadier-General A. T. A. Torbert, with Davies' brigade of Gregg's division. was sent from Trevilian Station to make a reconnaissance on the Gordonsville road, and to secure a by-road leading to Mallory's ford on the North Anna river. At the junction of the Gordonsville and Charlottesville roads Torbert found the enemy strongly intrenched across both roads. One regiment and a section of artillery were placed in position to hold the Charlottesville road, Custer's brigade was advanced toward Gordonsville, and Merritt's brigade was thrown to the extreme right with instructions to turn the enemy's flank if possible. A general advance was then ordered and the Confederates were driven from their first line of intrenchments back to a position behind the railroad embankment, from which they could not be dislodged without severe loss, as they had been reinforced by two regiments of infantry from Gordonsville. Merritt therefore retired to Trevilian Station. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 582
MALONEY, Maurice, soldier, born in Ireland about 1812; died in Green Bay, Wisconsin, 8 January. 1872. He emigrated to the United States early in life, enlisted in the 4th U. S. Infantry about 1835, and was a non-commissioned officer from 1836 till 1840, serving through the Seminole War in Florida and in the Cherokee Nation, and afterward at. Fort Scott. In November, 1840, he was commissioned lieutenant. He was engaged at all the principal battles of the Mexican War, was brevetted for gallantry at Molino del Rey, where he was one of the storming party, and again for his conduct at Chapultepec, and was wounded at the taking of the city of Mexico, and promoted 1st lieutenant on 6 May, 1848. He received a captain's commission on 22 November, 1854, and served on the western frontier and in the war of secession till September, 1862, when he was promoted major in the 1st U. S. Infantry, and served as colonel of the 18th Wisconsin Volunteers, and afterward with his regiment in the field. He received the brevet of lieutenant-colonel for services at the siege of Vicksburg, and that of colonel for his record during the war. He was promoted lieutenant-colonel on 10 June, 1867, commanded for some time the barracks at Atlanta, Georgia, and was retired on 15 December, 1870. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 184.
MALTBY, Jasper Adalmorn, soldier, born in Kingsville, Ashtabula County, Ohio, 3 November, 1820; died in Vicksburg. Mississippi, 12 December, 1867. He served during the Mexican War as a private, and was severely wounded at Chapultepec. After his discharge he established himself in mercantile business at Galena, Illinois In 1861 he entered the volunteer service as lieutenant-colonel of the 45th Illinois Infantry, was wounded at Fort Donelson, and, after being promoted colonel on 29 November, 1862, received a severe wound at Vicksburg. He was commissioned as brigadier-general of volunteers on 4 August, 1863, served through the subsequent campaigns of the Army of the Tennessee, and was mustered out on 15 January, 1866. He was appointed by the military commander of the district mayor of Vicksburg on 3 September, 1867, and died while in the discharge of the duties of that office. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 184-185.
MALVERN HILL, VIRGINIA, July 1, 1862. The battle of Malvern Hill was the last of the engagements during the Seven Days' battles (q. v.). Malvern Hill, Virginia, August 5, 1862. Hooker's and Sedgwick's Divisions, Army of the Potomac. In order to ascertain the enemy's strength in the direction of Richmond and to carry out instructions from Washington, it was necessary that Malvern hill be taken. Accordingly at 5:30 a. m. of the 5th Major-General Joseph Hooker with his own division and Sedgwick's attacked a considerable Confederate force of artillery and infantry and drove it from the hill toward New Market, 4 miles distant, capturing 100 prisoners and killing and wounding several. Hooker's loss was 3 killed and 11 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 582.
MALVERN HILL, VIRGINIA, June 15, 1864. Detachment of the 2nd Brigade, 3d Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. Colonel George H. Chapman, commanding the brigade, with the 8th and 22nd New York, the 1st Vermont and a section of Fitzhugh's battery made a reconnaissance to Malvern hill, where he developed a considerable force of the enemy and engaged in a sharp skirmish. Finding himself greatly outnumbered, Chapman withdrew his men in good order and returned to his position at Philips' place. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 582.
MALVIN, John, 1793-1880, African American, abolitionist, community and civil rights activist. Active participant in the Underground Railroad in Ohio. Member of the Cleveland Anti-Slavery Society and Vice President of the Ohio Anti-Slavery Society. Active in the Negro Convention Movement. (Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., & Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, eds. African American National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2013, Vol. 7, p. 473)
MAMMOTH CAVE, KENTUCKY, August 17, 1862. Kentucky Home Guards. A detachment made up of five different companies of home guards pursued a party of guerrillas for about 40 miles and overtook them at Mammoth cave on the 17th. The entire party, numbering 66 men, were either killed or captured, together with their arms und equipments and 43 horses, most of which had been stolen from Kentucky farmers. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 583.
MANASSAS, VIRGINIA, July 21, 1861. (See Bull Run.) Manassas, Virginia, August 30, 1862. (See Bull Run, same date.) Manassas Gap, Virginia, November 6, 1862. Averell's Cavalry, Army of the Potomac. Major-General George B. McClellan, reporting to President Lincoln, on the operations in Loudoun county, states that General Averell encountered "a force of the enemy this morning at the mouth of Manassas gap, and drove them back into the pass, where they took up a position, supported by artillery." No casualties are reported. Manassas Gap, Virginia, July 21-22, 1863. Reserve Brigade Cavalry, Army of the Potomac. In the pursuit of Lee after the battle of Gettysburg, this brigade was detached from its division at Rectortown with orders to occupy Manassas gap. On the 21st the gap was taken and the summit held while the 1st U. S. cavalry pushed on toward Front Royal and engaged the enemy in superior numbers. The 5th and 2nd U. S. cavalry were sent to reinforce the 1st and in the skirmish which followed 27 of the enemy were captured. The following day there was continual skirmish1ng, although no concerted attempt was made to drive the Federals from their position. No casualties were reported. Manassas Gap, Virginia, July 23, 1863. (See Wapping Heights.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 583.
MANASSAS JUNCTION, VIRGINIA, October 24, 1862. 1st Vermont and 3d Virginia Cavalry. This affair was a skirmish between a cavalry reconnoitering party and some Confederate cavalry. Neither details nor casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 583.
MANCHESTER, TENNESSEE, March 17, 1864. 5th Tennessee Cavalry. Manchester Pike, Tennessee, January 5, 1863. Cavalry Corps, Army of the Cumberland. During the Stone's River campaign the cavalry in the advance encountered the Confederate pickets a mile out of Murfreesboro. After crossing a small creek 2 miles from the town the enemy commenced shelling the advancing column and Brigadier General D. S. Stanley, commanding the Union cavalry, deployed his men and advanced. Skirmishing was kept up for a distance of 6 miles, where the Confederates were found posted in force, but after a sharp fight they were driven from the field and Stanley returned to with1n a mile and a half of Murfreesboro to bivouac. The casualties were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 583.
MANCHESTER PIKE, Tennessee, February 22, 1863. Detachments of 1st Middle Tennessee and 4th Michigan Cavalry. A picket of 30 men of the 1st Middle Tennessee cavalry was about to be relieved by 30 men of the 4th Michigan when an attack was made by a considerable force of Confederate cavalry. Lieutenant D. R. Snelling of the Tennessee regiment ordered the Michigan men to act as a reserve while his detachment was deployed across the road to check the enemy. The disposition had not been made when the Tennessee troops broke and fled in confusion, carrying the larger part of the Michigan men with them. Corp. John R. Ketchum of the Michigan regiment then rode to the front, and calling upon the men who were willing to help him, succeeded in rallying 4 from his own regiment and 2 of the Tennesseeans, with which small force he checked the enemy's advance. The enemy had 3 men wounded. No casualties were reported on the Union side. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 583.
MANDERSON, Charles Frederick, senator, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 9 February, 1837. He was educated in the schools of his native city, moved to Canton, Ohio, in 1856, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1859, and in 1860 elected city solicitor. He raised a company of three months' volunteers in April, 1861, was commissioned as captain in the 19th Ohio Infantry, served in western Virginia in the summer of 1861, and when mustered out re-enlisted for the war, and was afterward attached to the Army of the Cumberland, and rose through the various grades to be colonel of his regiment, of which he took command during the battle of Shiloh. At the battle of Lovejoy Station he was so severely wounded that in April, 1865, after receiving the brevet of brigadier-general, he resigned his commission. Resuming the practice of law at Canton, Ohio, he was twice elected district attorney. He moved to Omaha, Nebraska, in November, 1869, was city attorney for six years, and in 1871 and 1874 received the votes of both parties as a member of the Constitutional Conventions of those years. He was elected as a Republican to the U. S. Senate for the term of six years beginning on 4 March, 1883. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 186-187.
MANGUM, Willie Person, senator, born in Orange County, North Carolina, in 1792; died in Red Mountain, North Carolina, 14 September. 1861. He was graduated at the University of North Carolina in 1815, studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1817, elected to the North Carolina House of Commons in 1818, and in 1819 chosen a judge of the superior court. In 1823 he was elected to Congress as a Whig, and in 1825 was re-elected, serving from 1 December, 1823, till 18 March, 1826, when he resigned, and was again elected a judge of the superior court. He was elected to the U. S. Senate, and served from 5 December, 1831, till 1836, when, under instructions from the legislature, he resigned. He declined a nomination for Congress in 1837, and in the same year received the electoral vote of South Carolina for the presidency. When the Whigs again came into power in his state he was sent to the Senate a second time, on the resignation of Bedford Brown, and he was re-elected at the expiration of the term, serving from 9 December 1840, till 3 March, 1853. During the greater part of his congressional career he was one of the leaders on the Whig side. He was chosen President Pro Tempore of the Senate, 31 May, 1842, on the resignation from that body of Samuel L. Southard, of New Jersey, and served during that and the succeeding congress. At the close of his last term in the senate he retired from public life. His death was hastened by nervous depression, which had been caused by the death of his only son at the first battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 187.
MANIGAULT, Arthur Middleton, soldier, born in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1824; died 16 August, 1886, was prepared for college, but entered business in Charleston. In 1846 he was elected 1st lieutenant of the Charleston Company in the Palmetto Regiment. He served through the Mexican War under General Scott, and was present in all the battles in which his regiment participated. Returning, he resumed his occupation, which he continued until he inherited a rice-plantation on Santee River, South Carolina. At the beginning of the Civil War he served as inspector-general on Beauregard's staff, and, having been elected colonel of the 10th Regiment of South Carolina Infantry, he commanded the 1st Military District. Early in 1862 he was ordered to Mississippi, and served continuously in the western army under Bragg, Johnson, and Hood, and was made brigadier-general in 1863. His brigade was frequently engaged, and did severe fighting in the retreat before Sherman. He was wounded twice, the second time severely in the head, at the battle of Franklin, Tennessee. At the close of the war he attempted rice-planting again, but without success, and in 1880 he was elected adjutant-general of the state, serving in that post six years, and being the candidate of the Democratic Party for re-election at the time of his death, which was hastened by the consequences of the wound that he received at Franklin. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 188.
MANLEY, Henry De Haven, naval officer, born in Chester, Pennsylvania, 20 December. 1839. He was graduated at the U. S. Naval Academy in 1860, promoted master, 19 September, 1861, and was on board the frigate "Congress" when she was destroyed by the "Merrimac" at Newport News. He was favorably mentioned in the reports of that action, and promoted lieutenant on 16 July, 1862. In the first attack on Morris Island he commanded the boats of the "Canandaigua," aiding in the capture of the lower end of the island. He participated in all the subsequent attacks on Fort Sumter and other works in Charleston Harbor, and commanded the "Canandaigua" and four other vessels in the blockade of Charleston, South Carolina. He was promoted lieutenant-commander on 25 July, 1866, served on the flag-ships of the European and Brazilian Stations, was commissioned as commander on 5 April, 1874, circumnavigated the globe in command of the "Ranger" and the "Alert" in 1878-'9, and was retired from active service on 31 January, 1883, on account of loss of hearing and failure of health caused by hard service. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 188.
MANN, Ambrose Dudley, diplomatist, born in Hanover Court-House, Virginia, 26 April, 1801. He was educated at the U. S. Military Academy, but resigned before he was graduated, was consul to Bremen in 1842, and was appointed to negotiate commercial treaties with Hanover, Oldenburg, and Mecklenburg in 1845, accredited to all the German states, except Prussia, for the same object in 1847, and became commissioner to Hungary in 1849. He was U. S. minister to Switzerland in 1850, and negotiated a reciprocity treaty. On returning home he became assistant Secretary of State, serving till 1856. Having devoted himself especially to the development of the material interests of the southern states, he was sent to Europe by the Confederate government on a special mission, in which he was subsequently joined by John Slidell and James M. Mason. Since the Civil War he has resided in France, where he has been engaged in the preparation of his "Memoirs," which are now ready for publication (1888). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 190.
MANN, Daniel, Princeton, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Abolition Society, Treasurer, 1844-45, Executive Committee, 1846
MANN, Horace, 1796-1859, Boston, Massachusetts, educator, political leader, social reformer. U.S. Congressman, Whig Party, from Massachusetts. Co-founder of the Young Men’s Colonization Society in Boston. Co-founded monthly paper, The Colonizationist and Journal of Freedom. He defended the American Colonization Society and its policies against criticism by William Lloyd Garrison. Opposed extension of slavery in territories annexed in the Mexican War of 1846. Said, “I consider no evil as great as slavery...” Argued against the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850. Reelected to Congress and served from April 1848 until March 1853.
(Mabee, 1970, pp. 64, 157, 160, 168, 170, 171, 261, 294, 409n9; Appletons’, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 190-191; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 6, Pt. 2, p. 240; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 14, p. 424; Staudenraus, P. J. The African Colonization Movement, 1816-1865. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961, p. 204)
MANN, Horace, educator, born in Franklin, Massachusetts, 4 May, 1796; died in Yellow Springs, Ohio, 2 August, 1859. His father was a farmer in limited circumstances, and the son was forced to procure by his own exertions the means of obtaining an education. He earned his school-books when a child by braiding straw, and his severe and frugal life taught him habits of self-reliance and independence. From ten years of age to twenty he had never more than six weeks' schooling during any year, and he describes his instructors as "very good people, but very poor teachers." He was graduated at Brown in 1819, and the theme of his oration, " The Progressive Character of the Human Race," foreshadowed his subsequent career. After his graduation he was tutor in Latin and Greek in Blown, entered the Litchfield, Connecticut, law-school in 1821, and in 1823 was admitted to the bar, opening an office in Dedham, Massachusetts He was elected to the legislature in 1827, and in that body was active in the interests of education, public charities, and laws for the suppression of intemperance and lotteries. He established through his personal exertions the State lunatic asylum at Worcester, and in 1833 was chairman of its board of trustees. He continued to be returned to the legislature as representative from Dedham till his removal to Boston in 1833, when he entered into partnership with Edward G. Loring. In the practice of his profession he adopted the principle never to take the unjust side of any cause, and he is said to have gained four fifths of the cases in which he was engaged, the influence that he exerted over the juries being due in a great measure to the confidence that all felt in his honesty of purpose. He was elected to the state senate from Boston in 1833, was its president in 1836-'7, and from the latter year till 1848 was secretary of the Massachusetts board of education. While in the legislature he was a member and part of the time chairman of the committee for the revision of the state statutes, and a large number of salutary provisions were incorporated into the code at his suggestion. After their enactment he was appointed one of the editors of the work, and prepared its marginal notes and its references to judicial decisions. On entering on his duties as secretary to the Massachusetts board of education he withdrew from all other professional or business engagements and from politics. He introduced a thorough reform into the school system of the state, procuring the adoption of extensive changes in the school law, establishing normal schools, and instituting county educational conventions. He ascertained the actual condition of each school by "school registers," and from the detailed reports of the school committees made valuable abstracts that he embodied in his annual reports. Under the auspices of the board, but at his own expense, he went to Europe in 1843 to visit schools, especially in Germany, and his seventh annual report, published after his return, embodied the results of his tour. Many editions of this report were printed, not only in Massachusetts, but in other states, in some cases by private individuals and in others by legislatures, and several editions were issued in England. By his advocacy of the disuse of corporal punishment in school discipline he was involved in a controversy with some of the Boston teachers that resulted in the adoption of his views. By his lectures and writings he awakened an interest in the cause of education that had never before been felt. He gave his legal opinions gratuitously, superintended the erection of a few buildings, and drew plans for many others. In his "Supplementary Report" (1848) he said: "From the time I accepted the secretaryship in June, 1837, until March, 1848, when I tendered my resignation of it, I labored in this cause an average of not less than fifteen hours a day; from the beginning to the end of this period I never took a single day for relaxation, and months and months together passed without my withdrawing a single evening to call upon a friend." In the spring of 1848 he was elected to Congress as a Whig, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John Quincy Adams. His first speech in that body was in advocacy of its right and duty to exclude slavery from the territories, and in a letter in December of that year he said: "I think the country is to experience serious times. Interference with slavery will excite civil commotion in the south. But it is best to interfere. Now is the time to see whether the Union is a rope of sand or a band of steel." Again he said: "I consider no evil as great as slavery, and I would pass the Wilmot proviso whether the south rebel or not." During the first session he volunteered as counsel for Drayton and Sayres, who were indicted for stealing seventy-six slaves in the District of Columbia, and at the trial was engaged for twenty-one successive days in their defence. In 1850 he was engaged in a controversy with Daniel Webster in regard to the extension of slavery and the fugitive-slave law. Mann was defeated by a single vote at the ensuing nominating convention by Mr. Webster's supporters; but, on appealing to the people as an independent anti-slavery candidate, he was re-elected, serving from April, 1848, till March, 1853. In September, 1852, he was nominated for governor of Massachusetts by the Free-Soil Party, and the same day was chosen president of Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. Failing in the election for governor, he accepted the presidency of the college, in which he continued until his death. He carried that institution through pecuniary and other difficulties, and satisfied himself of the practicality of co-education. His death was hastened by his untiring labors in his office. He published, besides his annual reports, his lectures on education, and his voluminous controversial writings, " A Few Thoughts for a Young Man" (Boston, 1850); "Slavery: Letters and Speeches" (1851); "Powers and Duties of Woman'' (1853); and "Sermons" (1861). See "Life of Horace Mann," by his wife (1865); "Life and Complete Works of Horace Mann " (2 vols., Cambridge, 1869); and "Thoughts selected from the Writings of Horace Mann " (1869). His lectures on education were translated into French by Eugene de Guer, under the title of "De l'importance de l'education dans une republique," with a preface and biographical sketch by Edouard R. L. Laboulaye (Paris, 1873).—His second wife, Mary Tyler (Peabody), author, born in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, 16 November, 1806; died in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. 11 February, 1887, was a daughter of Dr. Nathaniel Peabody. She resided in Salem during her youth, and afterward lived for the most part in or near Boston. During her husband's life she shared in all his benevolent and educational work, and her familiarity with modern languages enabled her to assist him greatly in his studies of foreign reforms. Her writings, especially those on the kindergarten system, with her sister, Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, are distinguished for vigor of thought and felicity of expression. She published " Flower People " (1838); "Christianity in the Kitchen, a Physiological Cook Book " (Boston, 1857); "Culture in Infancy," with Elizabeth Palmer Peabody (1863); " Life of Horace Mann " (1865); and " Juanita, a Romance of Real Life in Cuba." published after her death (1887. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 190-191.
MANNING, Richard Irvine, governor of South Carolina, born in Clarendon County, South Carolina, 1 May, 1789; died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1 May, 1836. He was a son of Lieutenant Lawrence Manning, who served in the Revolutionary Army, at first in the Regiment that was known as "Congress's own." and afterward in the corps of "Light-horse Harry" Lee. Interesting mention is made of him in Lee's "Memoirs "and in Johnson's "Traditions and Reminiscences of the American Revolution." The son was graduated in 1811 at South Carolina College, served in the war of 1812 as captain of a volunteer company for the defence of Charleston, was a member of the legislature, and in 1824-'6 governor of the state, and while holding the hitter office he entertained at his house General Lafayette on the occasion of his second visit to this country. He was subsequently defeated as a Union candidate for Congress, but in 1834 was elected as a Union Democrat and served till his death. His wife bore the unusual distinction of being the wife of a governor, the sister of a governor, the niece of a governor, the mother of a governor, and the aunt and foster-mother of a governor.—Their eldest son, John Lawrence, governor of South Carolina, born in "Hickory Hill," Clarendon County, South Carolina, 29 January, 1816, entered Princeton, but was recalled before graduation by the death of his father. He was afterward graduated at South Carolina College, and while a student there married Susan Frances, daughter of General Wade Hampton. He was engaged for many years in sugar-planting in Louisiana, and his works were among the first on the Mississippi River. He entered public life at an early age, served several years in the assembly and senate of South Carolina, when only thirty years old was defeated in a close contest for governor, and in 1852 was elected governor by an overwhelming majority. During his term he especially devoted himself to the advancement of education. He established scholarships in South Carolina College, and from his own ample private means aided the progress of many impecunious young men. He was a delegate to the Convention that nominated Buchanan for the presidency, and was one of the committee that was sent to wait on him at "Wheatlands" to inform him of his nomination. Mr. Buchanan tendered him the mission to St. Petersburg, which for private reasons he declined, suggesting for the place Governor Francis Pickens, who was afterward appointed. In the Civil War he served on the staff of General Beauregard, and in 1865 was chosen U. S. Senator, but with the other southern senators of that year was not allowed to take his seat. He is at present (1888) the only surviving ante-bellum governor of the state. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 193.
MANNING, Thomas Courtland, jurist, born in Edenton, North Carolina, in 1831; died in New York City, 11 October, 1887. His ancestor came from England to Virginia in the 17th century. He was graduated at the University of North Carolina, admitted to the bar, and practised for a time in his native town. Removing in 1855 to Alexandria, Louisiana, he took up his permanent residence there and built up a large practice. He was sent to the Secession Convention of 1861 as a state-rights Democrat, and when the convention adjourned was elected a lieutenant in a Louisiana Confederate Regiment. He served with the rank of lieutenant-colonel on the staff of Governor Moore, and in 1863 was appointed adjutant-general of the state, with the rank of brigadier-general. In 1864 he was appointed an associate justice of the Supreme Court of Louisiana, and served until the close of the Civil War. In 1872 he declined the nomination for governor and was a presidential elector, and in 1876 he was vice-president of the National Convention that nominated Samuel J. Tilden. In January, 1877, he was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, serving until 1880, when the adoption of a new constitution displaced the whole state government. While chief justice he was elected one of the trustees of the Peabody Educational Fund. In 1880 he was again presidential elector, and in the autumn of that year was appointed U. S. Senator, but was not admitted. In 1882 he was placed for the third time on the supreme bench, and served until the expiration of his term in 1886. He was then appointed by President Cleveland U.S. minister to Mexico, which office he filled until his death. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 193-194.
MANOEUVRE. For prescribed manoeuvres consult Cavalry Tactics; Infantry Tactics; Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics; Instruction for Field Artillery, horse and foot; and Instruction for Heavy Artillery, embracing Mechanical Manoeuvres.
The word manoeuvre signifies also movements of entire corps in war executed with general views; and by some writers it is confined to that signification, and the word evolution is made to designate the particular means, or the elements of manoeuvres; (JABRO.) Manoeuvres, according to Bardin, are operations in war whether really before an enemy, or simulated on a field of exercise. Their precision and aptness depend upon the skill of the general; the intelligence of his aides-de-camp; upon the chiefs of battalions and their adjutants, and the general guides. Evolutions and manoeuvres are, however, often applied in the same sense, and indeed it may well be questioned whether there be any propriety in retaining in books of instruction evolutions which are not used as manoeuvres against an enemy.
Manoeuvres of Infantry in battle. The vicious idea that tactical evolutions are not used in war is by no means uncommon, and has frequently caused the loss of battles. It is true that the number of manoeuvres used in combats is limited, and that those which are needed can only be judiciously applied by keeping in view moral and physical requirements. The judicious tactician will, therefore, in war eschew: deployments, which cause the soldier to turn his back towards an enemy; countermarches; forming a battalion on the right or left by file into line, and some other movements suited only to parades. One of the most hazardous manoeuvres is the formation of columns of great depth and deploying those columns when too near the enemy. Without giving names or places, (says Marshal Bugeaud.) I affirm that I have seen an entire division in column of regiments, which began its deployment within range of the enemy's guns, routed before it finished its manoeuvre.
The column is an order of march and manoeuvre, rarely an order of battle. When beyond the range of cannon, and at a distance from the line of battle to be occupied, if the enemy approach and time permits, it is necessary to close in mass, in order to hold the troops in hand for all possible dispositions.
So, in marches near the enemy the columns should march at half distance, when roads permit, in order that they may be less elongated, and all the troops be ready to act promptly. If. surprised in this order by the necessity of forming immediately forward into line of battle, or, if without being under this pressing necessity, there is between us and the enemy ground admitting an easy march in line of battle, the column ought to execute forward into line, according to the principles of the tactics. This movement is more prompt and greatly better than closing column in mass, in order to deploy afterwards. In the first case troops only pass over one side of the triangle, whilst by massing the column to deploy afterwards, they must pass over two sides by a complicated manoeuvre, which is dangerous from the beginning. In general, it is necessary to shun as much as possible the deployment of great massed columns, for this movement is badly executed even in exercises. It can only be performed far from the enemy, and it is even there inconvenient. It should be renounced in all formations whose object is to take the enemy in flank or reverse, if he be sufficiently near to take measures to prevent success. In that case, the formation of the' close columns in mass upon the right or left into line of battle is a necessary manoeuvre. This movement, as Marshal Bugeaud suggests, is most important in war; (Fig. 151.) It would have an influence upon battles by the simplicity and rapidity of its execution, and accidents of ground would often be found to conceal the movement from the enemy. It admits of an attack in echelons of battalions against an enemy being commenced as soon as one battalion or the half of a battalion has formed on the right or on the left of the line of the enemy. It also offers the advantage of giving to the line, with the greatest facility, every form that may be wished, and protecting the successive formations by a mass that may be disposed of at pleasure, whether at the extremity of the line to form square against cavalry, or to occupy in advance upon the right or left a commanding position, protecting the flanks of our line. When circumstances, then, compel a march in heavy mass, it is better to present to the enemy a flank of columns, in order to deploy them by formations on the right or on the left into line of battle.
When a line has to pass over a great distance, it is commonly formed into columns of attack. The formation by company in column, in rear of the grenadiers of each battalion, is preferred by Marshal Bugeaud, because it is thus easier to make good dispositions against cavalry. The grenadiers of each battalion make a half wheel, and each battalion, after
being closed in mass, forms square. But neither the column by companies or divisions ought to be used within range of cannon, whenever there is a possibility of marching in line of battle. It is time that the fact should be admitted, that although the moral effect of the column may be considerable, yet this may be paralyzed by a little manoeuvring on the part of the enemy's line, which would necessarily obtain great advantage from the superiority of its fire. Small columns, at distances of three battalions from each other marching under cover of the line, may render great services. They would be ready promptly to fill the holes made in the line of battle, and the best means of doing this would be to take the enemy in flank who had pierced them, whenever they could. It is desirable that these columns should each not exceed a half battalion, and be commanded by energetic officers.
The depth of the column adds nothing to the strength of the first battalion composing it, and diminishes that of the mass. It is, then, vicious to employ more than one battalion, except in the small number of cases where it is necessary to fight in mass, as in carrying a bridge, a defile, an entrenchment, a breach, &c. The other battalions ought to follow at such a distance that they may sustain the attacking battalion without sharing in its disaster or rout, if such should take place. With an interval the chiefs of battalions have time to prepare their troops, and make necessary dispositions; with a single mass the disorder at the head of the column is communicated to the rear almost as readily as an electric spark.
Flank marches, in presence of the enemy, ought always to be made in open column. In this order we are always ready to fight by a simple wheel of each subdivision of the column. Nothing is deranged in the order of battle, whatever may be the strength and number of the lines. Without derangement an excellent disposition may also be made against cavalry. The column will be halted, and each battalion will be closed in mass upon its grenadiers, who make a half wheel. The field-officers, staff, and the officers of grenadiers will be previously warned. Each battalion will form then Marshal Bugeaud's square. The first order will be resumed by taking distances by the head of each battalion; the grenadiers retaking their direction at once.
If deep columns are condemned as an order of attack, those barbarous columns employed in some of the last battles of Napoleon, and particularly at Waterloo, ought to be condemned still more. That column, which appeared to announce the decline of art, consisted in employing all the battalions of a division one behind the other, and thus marching towards the enemy.
Every column has for its object to pass rapidly, and without confusion, into the order of battle, to pass over lightly a given space, and to make prompt dispositions against cavalry. The column against which these remarks are made does nothing of that kind, and if it be attacked upon its flanks, whether by cavalry or infantry, it cannot fail to be destroyed.
Order of battle, march in line of battle, and changes of front. The line of battle is the true order of battle. It is also the best order of march when in range of cannon, and not exposed to cavalry. It is only in this order that infantry can make use of its fire. If battalions consist of 800 men they will, in a formation of two ranks, be too much extended for most chiefs of battalions. Two companies of each battalion ought then to be formed as columns of reserve. The order in two ranks is beyond question best suited, in oblique attacks, for that part of the line not to be engaged; and with rifle muskets now used the two-rank formation will be found better for that part of the line which is to strike also. Even with old muskets the two-rank formation was used by the British very successfully at Waterloo in squares against cavalry. The fire in two-rank formation is made with more order, more easily, and is better aimed. The march in line of battle ought to be employed whenever the ground permits it, within 1,000 yards of the enemy. Wo lose then fewer men by cannon, and even if it be desirable to approach the enemy in column, (which is very rare, and should even then be in columns of single battalions,) the march ought still to be in line of battle until within two hundred yards, and then the column of attack ought to be formed while marching. Troops cannot be too much exercised in marching in line of battle. This march is no more difficult than the march of many heads of columns upon the same line, perhaps even less so, for it is difficult to maintain between the columns the intervals necessary for deployments.
Changes of front very near the enemy are rarely perpendicular. The new front nearly always forms with the line of battle an acute angle. In this case, it is necessary to guard against breaking the battalions into column. It is better to use the changes of direction for the line of battle prescribed by the tactics. The two pivot battalions may be thrown upon the new line by companies half faced to the right or left. The other battalions ought to be directed upon the new line by changes of direction which would least expose them to artillery. If, however, we have to guard against cavalry during the execution of the movement, it will be better to break into column the battalions of the leading wing. They will thus form the stem of the battery, and would rapidly make good dispositions against cavalry, as they would only be obliged to close in mass upon the grenadiers and form square.
Changes of front forward are possible under fire, but changes of front to the rear are not so. I believe, (says Marshal Bugeaud,) that the loss of one of our battles in Spain may, in great part, be attributed to a change of front in rear of the left wing, which was attempted at a moment when warmly engaged. The movement rapidly degenerated into a rout; and it could not be otherwise. There are no troops with sufficient sang-froid and self-possession to make that movement under the fire of ball and grape. To make the movement, it is necessary first to stop the enemy, and the means of doing that vary with circumstances, and the resources within our command. Charges of cavalry above all if they threaten the flanks of the enemy's line, would cover the change of front to the rear. If cavalry be not at hand, there is no better means than to advance the second line to the position that it is desired that the front should occupy after its change of front, and withdraw the first line at a run, directing it to form the second line, passing through the intervals of the battalions, now become the first line. If a line is about coming up with the enemy at the moment of receiving the order to change front, it would be better to finish the charge, by putting the first line of the enemy in rout before executing the movement to the rear. This last principle is applicable to retreats generally: it is often necessary to overthrow an enemy who is too nigh before retiring.
Running movements may, in many cases, save us from destruction. It is necessary, then, to exercise troops in such movements, and make them run in disorder, and re-form at some given point.
Echelons. The order in echelons is the manoeuvre of oblique attacks. By that means we approximate those troops only who are to fight. The remainder are at once threatening and defensive. They hold in check one or many parts of the order of battle of the enemy, and present the best possible protection to the attacking portion. Some echelons to the right and left of that which attacks, are greatly better than any other support. They render, if not impossible, at least very difficult, an attack upon the flank of the attacking portion, as that cannot be assailed without the enemy in turn being taken in flank by echelons. And the latter cannot be turned, except by strong movements, which must weaken the army executing them, and also afford necessary time to guard against them.
Instead of placing flank brigades in advance of the front of the columns or lines that they protect, it is better to place them in rear. Besides the physical advantages of this disposition, there are moral advantages, inasmuch as the latter position enables the echelons to assail, whereas, if they were immediately on the flank of the attack, they might be assailed.
In theory, echelons are placed at regular distances. In practice, the distance is determined by circumstances, and, above all, by the formation of the ground. The regularity of echelons can, therefore, only exist in broad plains. The greater or less distance between echelons depends upon the number of troops, the distances between those of the enemy, and the ulterior views of the general-in-chief; but in general they ought to be within mutual succor, and if cavalry is to be repulsed, they ought to cross fire at about 150 paces after having formed square. The different movements of echelons, the changes of front in each echelon, with the same angle, are very useful in war; it is necessary, therefore, that troops should be exercised in such movements. (See BATTLE; CHARGE; CONVOY; DEFILE; INFANTRY; SQUARES. suit Apergus sur quelques Details de la Guerre, par MARSHAL BUGEAUD; Tactique des Trois Armes, par DECKER.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 396-402).
MANSCOE CREEK, TENNESSEE, August 20, 1862. (See Louisville & Nashville R. R.)
MAN'S CREEK, MISSOURI, October 14, 1863. Detachment of 5th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. The detachment, under Lieutenant M. S. Eddleman, while acting as escort for an enrolling officer had quite a skirmish with some 25 or 30 Confederates, the fight lasting about 10 minutes, during which time 2 of the enemy were killed and 2 others were badly wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 584
MANSFIELD, Edward Deering, author, born in New Haven, Connecticut, 17 August, 1801; died in Morrow, Ohio, 27 October, 1880, was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1818, but, instead of entering the army, pursued a classical course at Princeton, where he was graduated in 1822. He was admitted to the bar in Connecticut in 1825, and, removing to Ohio, practised in Cincinnati until 1835. when he accepted the professorship of constitutional law and history in Cincinnati College. Retiring from the practice of the law, he was editor of the "Cincinnati Chronicle" from 1836 till 1849, of the " Atlas" from 1849 till 1852, and of the " Railroad Record " from 1854 till 1872. While editing the "Chronicle" and "Atlas" he introduced to the public many young writers, among whom was Harriet Becher Stowe. During the last twenty-five years of his life he was a regular contributor to the Cincinnati "Gazette." He was long the correspondent of a New York journal, under the pen-name of ' A Veteran Observer." He served as commissioner of statistics for Ohio from 1859 till 1868, and was an associate of the French “Society de statistique universelle." He wrote many treatises on mathematics, politics, education, and the early history of Ohio. His most interesting production is a volume of "Personal Memories," extending to the year 1841 (1870). He received the degree of LL. D. from Marietta College. Ohio, in 1854. He was also the author of " A Discourse on the Utility of Mathematics"; "A Treatise on Constitutional Law " and "A Political Grammar of the United States " (Cincinnati, 1835); "The Legal Rights, Duties, and Liabilities of Married Women" (Salem, 1845); "The Life of General Winfield Scott" (New York, 1848); "The History of the Mexican War" (1849); "American Education" (1851); "The Memoirs of Daniel Drake " (Cincinnati. 1855); and "A Popular Life of General Ulysses S. Grant" (1868). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 195.
MANSFIELD, John Brainard, author, born in Andover, Windsor County, Vermont, 6 March, 1826; died in Effingham, Atchison County, Kansas, 29 October, 1886. He received an academic education, and was for several years engaged in canvassing for books and maps. He published, with Austin J. Cooledge, the first volume of a "History of the New England States," embracing Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont (Boston, 1860), but the Civil War prevented the appearance of the second and remaining volume, which had been prepared for the press. After establishing a weekly paper called the "New England Meridian," in each number of which the muster-roll of one of the New England regiments was published, he acted as war correspondent for that journal, and subsequently served twenty months as hospital steward, until December, 1864, when he was mustered out of the service for disability. In 1866 he published in Washington, D. C., "The American Loyalist." in which were printed biographies and speeches of members of the 39th Congress. After publishing a campaign paper in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1867, he returned to Washington and was employed in the government printing office for several years. In 1882 he moved to Kansas on account of impaired health. While in Washington he began the preparation of "A Sketch of the Political History of the United States of America " from the settlement of Jamestown to the present time, which he completed, but it still remains in manuscript. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 195.
MANSFIELD, Joseph King Fenno, soldier, born in New Haven, Connecticut, 22 December, 1803; died near Sharpsburg. Maryland, 18 September, 1862. He was appointed to the U. S. Military Academy, where during part of the fourth year he acted as assistant professor of natural philosophy, and was graduated in 1822, standing second in a class of forty. He was assigned to the Engineer Corps, and for the next three years was an assistant to the Board of Engineers, then assembled in New York and engaged in planning fortifications for the defence of the harbors and cities on the coast. In 1832 he was promoted 1st lieutenant, and on 7 July, 1838, he was appointed captain. He served in the Mexican War as chief engineer under General Taylor, was brevetted major for gallant and distinguished services in the defence of Fort Brown, Texas, which he built, in 1840, and the following September was brevetted lieutenant-colonel for gallant and meritorious conduct in the engagements at Monterey, where he received seven severe wounds. In 1847 he was brevetted colonel for meritorious services at Buena Vista. On 28 May, 1853, he was appointed inspector-general of the U. S. Army, with the rank of colonel, and in May, 1861, he was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers and placed in command of the Department of Washington with earthworks. On the return of General Wool to Fortress Monroe he was sent to Hatteras, and afterward to Camp Hamilton and Newport News. On 10 May he marched with a division to the attack on Norfolk, and, after the capture of that place, was assigned to the command of Suffolk, Virginia, where he acted as military governor. After the second battle of Bull Run he was summoned to the court of inquiry at Washington, and during the delay, becoming impatient for active duty, he was assigned to the command of the corps formerly under General Nathaniel P. Banks. At the battle of Antietam he fell mortally wounded early in the day while cheering on his troops in a charge. On the 18th of the previous July he had been promoted major-general of volunteers. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 195-196.
MANSFIELD, LOUISIANA, April 8, 1864. (See Sabine Cross Roads.)
MANSURA, LOUISIANA, May 16, 1864. Banks' Red River Expedition. As Banks' army was retiring from Alexandria the enemy was encountered in force at Smith's plantation on Bell prairie, not far from Mansura, drawn up in a position covering three roads, one of Which it was necessary should be cleared so the column could advance. The Federals got possession of a wood where a destructive fire could be poured into the Confederates, and after a fight of four hours, chiefly with artillery, Emory's division broke the enemy’s line on the right. Soon after this a detachment of the Army of the Tennessee under Brigadier-General A. J. Smith succeeded in turning the left, forcing the enemy from his position and driving him back through Moreauville and Simsport. No casualties reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 584.
MANSON, Mahlon D., soldier, born in Piqua, Miami County, Ohio, 20 February, 1820. He received a common-school education, studied pharmacy, and settled in Crawfordsville, Indiana. He served during the Mexican War as captain of the 5th Indiana Volunteers, sat in the legislature in 1851-'2, and, enlisting as a private at the beginning of the Civil War, was at once made colonel of the 10th Indiana Regiment, which he commanded at the battle of Rich Mountain, West Virginia, in July, 1861. He led the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, of the Army of the Ohio into action at Mill Springs, Kentucky, in January, 1862, and was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers in the following March. In August of the same year he commanded the National forces at Richmond, Kentucky, where he was wounded and taken prisoner, but was exchanged in December. He was again in command during the Morgan raid in Indiana and Ohio in July, 1863, and in September was placed at the head of the 23d Army Corps. He took part in the siege of Knoxville, Tennessee, and in various engagements in that state. He was severely wounded at the battle of Resaca and compelled to resign. On his return home, after being nominated as lieutenant-governor and Secretary of State, he was elected to Congress as a Democrat, serving from 4 March, 1871, till 3 March, 1873. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 197
MANTLET is a musket-proof shield, which is sometimes used for the protection of sappers or riflemen during the attack of a fortress. (See PENETRATION.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 402).
MANUAL. Exercise of arms; books of reference, as Ordnance Manual, &c. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 402).
MAPLE LEAF, U. S. S., June 10, 1863. The steamer left Williamsburg, at 1:30 p. m. for Fort Delaware, with 97 Confederate officers on board. On the way 67 of the prisoners overpowered the guard, took possession of the vessel and landed a little below Cape Henry, where they made their escape. The other 30 prisoners refused to take part in the affair and were returned to Fort Monroe. Cavalry was started in pursuit of those who escaped. The officer in charge of the guard was severely censured by General Dix for his negligence. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 584.
MAPLESVILLE, ALABAMA, April 1, 1865. (See Ebenezer Church.)
MARAIS DES CYGNES, MISSOURI, September 27, 1863. Detachment of 9th Kansas Cavalry. While on a scout in Bates county, Captain G. F. Earl with a detail of the 9th Kansas, encountered the enemy at the crossing of Marais des Cygnes and a brief skirmish ensued, the result being the killing of 2 of the Confederates and the wounding of 2 of Earl's men. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 584.
MARAIS DES CYGNES, KANSAS, October 25, 1864. Provisional Cavalry Division, Department of the Missouri. In the pursuit of Price on his Missouri expedition, the cavalry under Brigadier-General Alfred Pleasanton, after marching 60 miles, caught up with him at Marais des Cygnes late on the 24th. Early the next morning the Confederates opened with artillery, but after a sharp fight of 2 hours the enemy was routed. A running fight was kept up to the crossing of the Little Osage river, or Mine creek, where the Confederates took up a strong position. So rapid had been the pursuit that but two brigades. Philips' and Benteen's, were within range when the enemy halted, but w1thout hesitation they charged and routed the Confederates, capturing Generals Marmaduke and Cabell and 1,000 of their men, besides 8 pieces of artillery, a quantity of arms, ammunition, etc. The losses in killed and wounded were not reported. Marianna, Arkansas, November 8, 1862. 3d and 4th Iowa and 9th Illinois Cavalry. As an incident of the expedition from Helena to Moro, Arkansas, Captain Marland L. Perkins with 560 men was detached from the main column at Moro and directed to proceed to Marianna. About 10 miles out from Moro about 100 Confederates fired on the party from ambush and at Marianna another band of 100 were drawn up across the road, but a charge of four companies easily drove them from their position. Near Anderson's plantation 50 of the enemy opened fire from the top of a hill, but the 4th la. charged and dispersed them. While the Union troops were feeding their horses at La Grange 500 mounted Confederates attacked, coming within 100 yards of the camp before the howitzers could be brought into action, but as soon as the guns opened they retreated in disorder. The Confederate losses for the day were 50 killed and wounded, while the Union loss was 23 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 584-585.
MARBLE, Manton, journalist, born in Worcester. Massachusetts, 16 November, 1835. He was graduated at the University of Rochester in 1855, soon afterward became connected with the Boston "Journal," and subsequently edited the " Traveller." He moved to New York City in 1858, joined the staff of the "Evening Post," and in 1859 went to the Red River country as its correspondent, contributing also three papers, descriptive of his journey, to " Harper's Magazine." He was connected with the " New York World " on its establishment in 1860, and in 1862 became its proprietor and editor, making it a free-trade Democratic journal. He retired from the editorial management of the paper in 1876. In 1885 he was sent to Europe as a delegate to the Bi-metallic Congress. He has published “A Secret Chapter of Political History; the Electoral Commission; the Truth concerning Samuel J. Tilden, President de jure, disclosed and stated against some False Representations of his Action, Advice, and Conduct, during the Winter of 1876-'7 " (New York, 1878). Mr. Marble is now (1888) president of the Manhattan Club. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 199.
MARCH. Recruits are taught to march by explaining the principles of the cadenced step in common, quick, and double-quick time. The march in line of battle is the most difficult and most important of the tactical marches. A regiment which can pass over two hundred paces in line of battle without losing its alignment, is well instructed. Marches may be divided into: marches in time of war; marches in route, in time of peace; and tactical marches. Those in time of war are either movements to pass over ground, or else manoeuvres to obtain an advantageous position. When an army moves forward to meet an enemy who is still very distant, it will be sufficient to have advanced and rear guards, some flankers, and march in parallel columns over the best routes, each column having its squadrons of cavalry, batteries of artillery, and wagon trains. If the enemy is, however, in the neighbor-hood, if we march along the front of his camp, or his line of posts, every precaution must be redoubled to gain information of his movements and guard against surprise.
When the march is only a manoeuvre, it is often made across fields; through by-roads; then it is necessary to reconnoitre in advance, clear away obstacles, and sometimes even construct little bridges; guides are taken, and information gained from them as well as by reconnaissances. Armies are collected together by routes of march, the troops usually marching about 17 miles a day. In general, the marches are made by battalions echeloned at intervals one day's distance from each other. Cavalry ordinarily marches alone and follows the least direct roads, but it is difficult to subsist a numerous cavalry without retarding military operations. Artillery follows the cavalry, or if it has a large convoy, it marches by another route alone. The troops begin to concentrate on the base of operations. Still advancing, the echelons converge, and the troops are cantoned together by lines one day's march from each other. The nearer we approach the enemy, the more columns are used; if the country offers parallel debouches, it is always advantageous to march an army corps on many routes, if they are within distance for deployments; but if there is only one means of communication, the different arms are kept 200 yards distant from each other, and the cavalry marches in rear of the column.
On these marches, when a defile is to be passed, the successive passage of each echelon is commanded in advance; and it is a general rule never to crowd troops, so as to paralyze their action, or even render movements difficult; but care must be taken always to keep troops within easy supporting distance of each other.
Sometimes an army is collected very near the enemy. It is necessary then nicely to calculate distances, &c., in order to combine marches for a simultaneous convergence of columns on the offensive point.* To bring troops suddenly together, forced marches are made by some of the troops; relays and railways are also used. By forced marches the ordinary day's march is doubled, but under extraordinary circumstances 62 miles have been made in 26 hours. Relays are the use of wagons, &c., obtained by requisition. 250 wagons may carry from 2,000 to 2,300 men. Sometimes the march is made entirely in wagons, and each echelon passes over three days' march in 8 hours. This is done by the troops taking new wagons twice, the old returning empty for other troops.
It is but seldom that any one arm is exclusively employed when near the enemy; it is usual to operate with a combined force of cavalry, infantry, and artillery, so that it may be always possible to employ one or the other arm, according to circumstances and locality. If the main body of the army is composed of the different arms, then the advanced guard is similarly constituted, that it may be able to act in all localities.
The composition of such an advanced guard depends
1st. Upon the object and nature of its intended operations. During marches in pursuit, it is reinforced by cavalry; but if it is to make an obstinate resistance, it is strengthened with much infantry and artillery. In general, light cavalry are the best for advanced guards, wherever the nature of the ground permits them to operate, but infantry are necessary to support them. Mounted rifles and mounted engineer troops are of great service in advanced guards.
*To calculate exactly the time T necessary for the execution of a march: A column of infantry will generally pass over about five miles in two hours, halts included. A column of cavalry at a walk and trot alternately makes about six miles per hour. Let D then be the distance to be accomplished, d the distance that the men comprising the column pass over in an hour, halts included; I the length of the column; o the delay caused by obstacles; then t will be the d time that passes until the left arrives at its destination, and the formula T = t + o + D will give the time Bought. One of the elements of o is the lengthening I' of a column in a defile; it is considered by introducing into the formula; o is also the delay caused by marching across fields. These elements may all be estimated and introduced into the formula.
2nd The composition of the advanced guard depends also upon the locality; if the ground is broken, much infantry is required; if it is open, much cavalry; and, in general, light troops.
The order of march of an advanced guard depends principally upon its composition, the order of march of the main body, the locality, &c. The main rule is, that it should never be too much divided, so that there may always be a considerable force in hand to seek the enemy more boldly, and detain him longer. Therefore, even when the main body moves in several columns, the principal part of the advanced guard marches on the main road, sending only small parties on the others to watch the enemy and detach patrols as far as possible in all directions. In an open, level country, the cavalry marches at the head; in a broken country, there is only a small detachment of cavalry at the head, to furnish advanced detachments and patrols. An advanced detachment of cavalry, which sends out patrols in front and on its flanks, moves at the distance of a few miles in front of the advanced guard. Small detachments of cavalry move in a line with it on the other roads; also others on the flanks of the main advanced guard, to secure it against being turned. All the front and flank detachments maintain constant mutual communication by means of patrols, and thus guard the whole space in front of the main body over a great extent. But if the flank columns of the main body march at a great distance from the main road, followed by the advanced guard, then, in addition to this last, each flank column detaches a small advanced guard for its own security.
If the advanced guard is composed of different arms, its distance from the main body depends not only upon its strength, but also on the following circumstances: 1. On its composition. Cavalry may advance much further than infantry. 2. Upon the locality. The more fully the nature of the country secures the advanced guard against being turned, the further may it move from the main body. 3. Upon the object in view. Prior to defensive combats in position, it is advantageous to have the advanced guard as far from the main body as possible, in order to secure time for making the necessary arrangements; but if the main body is already concentrated for a decisive attack upon the enemy, it is sometimes well to be entirely without an advanced guard; during a pursuit, the main body should follow the advanced guard as closely as possible. 4. Upon the order of march of the main body. The longer the time needed by the main body to form in order of battle, on account of the intervals between the columns, the nature of the ground between them, the length of the columns, &c., so much further forward should the advanced guard be pushed. In general, the distance of the advanced guard from the head of the main body should be a little greater than the interval between the outside columns of the main body.
Fig. 152 gives an example of the arrangement of an advanced guard composed of one brigade of light cavalry, 8 battalions of infantry, one battalion of sappers, 6 pieces of horse artillery, and 12 pieces of foot artillery; the main body following in 3 columns.
Whatever slight changes may be made necessary by the nature of the country, can easily be made with the aid of a map and the special information obtained in other ways.
If the country is partially broken and obstructed, it is advantageous to have four or five companies of infantry just behind the leading detachment of cavalry to examine places that are difficult or dangerous for the latter.
Upon the plains, the patrols are of cavalry; in a mountainous region, of infantry. In the latter case, not only the advanced detachments and patrols are of infantry, but also the head and rear of every column; the cavalry and artillery march in the middle, under the protection of the infantry.
In passing through a village, the infantry enter it first, if there are any with the advanced guard; the cavalry either ride rapidly around it or, according to circumstances, halt a little before reaching the village, and wait until the infantry have passed through.
The passage of important bridges, ravines, and defiles, should be effected in the same manner, the infantry examining them. As soon as the infantry have crossed and formed on the other side, the cavalry send out patrols to a great distance to examine the ground in front before the main body of the advanced guard begins to cross.
The advanced guard having crossed rapidly, forms in front of the passage, to cover the debouche of the main body. The distance of such a position from the passage should be such that, in the event of being attacked, the advanced guard may not be too quickly forced back upon the main body while debouching, and that the latter may have ample time to form without disorder.
Since attacks should be most expected when passing through defiles, or when issuing from them, they should be traversed rapidly, and with the most extended front possible, to prevent the column from stretching out.
An advanced guard possessing a certain degree of independence, without neglecting any of the precautions here laid down, should not be too apprehensive, and, in examining the country, ought not to be detained by objects which cannot conceal the enemy in sufficient force to make him dangerous to the advanced guard.
In very mountainous regions, it is necessary to rely upon the infantry alone; the cavalry and train remaining in rear, and not entering the defiles until they have been occupied. Here 'the infantry patrols are sent out as far as possible, and occupy the heights from which the direction of the columns may be seen, until relieved by the patrols of the rear guard, which is also of infantry. In this manner the cavalry, which the enemy would attack in such places in preference, is protected. Not a gorge or defile should be left unexamined, for in the mountains an attack may be expected at any moment.
In a wooded country, the commander of the advanced guard takes nearly the same precautions as in the mountains.
If the forest is deep but not broad, detachments of cavalry ride along the skirts, which are occupied by infantry skirmishers as supports; if the forest is dense, but not deep, the infantry lead. The infantry place themselves along the skirts of the wood on both sides of the road; the cavalry then passes through at a fast trot, forms on the plain beyond, and there awaits the rest of the column.
When the road passes through a country but little obstructed by defiles, villages, or other obstacles to the movements of cavalry, and there is 'no infantry with the advanced guard, mounted rifles are very useful; finally, the enemy, in retreating through such a country, leaves infantry at these obstacles to arrest the pursuit of the cavalry, and delay until the arrival of the infantry; in such cases, mounted rifles or dismounted dragoons will produce sure results by acting against the enemy's infantry.
The main body. It remains to be said, in reference to this, that the nature of the country must determine its order of march, whether cavalry or infantry are to lead. If the country is broken, particularly if it is wooded, there is great danger in placing the cavalry at the head; for it may not only be unable to act, but, if forced to retreat, may carry disorder into the infantry following.
The artillery should march in the midst of the other troops, but a few pieces may move with the head of the column, to protect it in case of meeting the enemy suddenly.
Infantry, in traversing extensive forests, in which parties of the enemy may easily conceal themselves, replace the flank detachments and patrols of cavalry. (Consult Aide Memoire Etat Major; McCLELLAN'S Military Companion.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 402-407).
MARCHAND, John Bonnett, naval officer, born in Greensborough. Pennsylvania, 27 August, 1808; died in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 13 April, 1875. He entered the U. S. navy in 1828 as midshipman, and was promoted lieutenant in 1840, commander in 1855, captain in 1862, and commodore in 1866. He commanded the steamer " Van Buren " in the operations against the Seminole Indians in 1841-'2, participated in the bombardment of Vera Cruz and the capture of Tuspan in 1847, and had charge of the steamer "Memphis" in the Paraguay Expedition of 1859-'60. During the Civil War he commanded the steamer "James Adger" in the South Atlantic blockading squadron in 1862, participated in the capture of Fernandini, and was slightly wounded while reconnoitering in Stone River in March of that year. He had charge of the sloop "Lackawanna," of the Eastern Gulf Squadron, in 1863-'4, and participated in the battle of Mobile Bay, 5 August, 1864, during which he twice rammed the iron-clad "Tennessee." In August, 1870, he was retired from active service. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 201.
MARCY, Randolph Barnes, soldier, born in Greenwich. Massachusetts, 9 April, 1812; died in Orange, New Jersey, 22 November, 1887. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1832, and served in the Black Hawk Expedition of that year, also on frontier duty with the 5th U.S. Infantry. During the war with Mexico he participated in the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, and was made captain in May. 1846, after which he served on recruiting service. Subsequently he was engaged in the exploration of the Red River country in 1852-'4, in the Florida hostilities against the Seminole Indians in 1857, and in the Utah Expedition of 1857-'8, having command of a detachment that was sent to New Mexico in November, 1857, and returning in March, 1858, after great suffering. In 1859 he was promoted major on the staff and served as paymaster of the northwestern posts in 1859-61, becoming inspector-general with the rank of colonel on 9 August, 1861. During the Civil War he served as chief of staff to his son-in-law, General George B. McClellan, and acted in that capacity in McClellan's campaigns of western Virginia, in the Peninsular Campaign, and in the Maryland Campaign until November, 1862. He had been made brigadier-general of volunteers on 23 September, 1861. He was then assigned to inspection duties in the departments of the Northwest, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, and the Gulf until 1865, when he became inspector-general of the Military Division of the Missouri. In 1869 he was transferred to Washington, and became inspector-general of the U. S. Army with the rank of brigadier-general, to date from 12 December, 1878, continuing in that office till his retirement on 2 January, 1881. He received the brevets of brigadier-general and of major-general on 13 March. 1865, for services during the Civil War. He had the reputation of being a famous sportsman, spending much time in hunting in the Rocky mountains. General Marcy has contributed to magazines, and published "Exploration of the Red River in 1852" (Washington, 1853): "The Prairie Traveller, a Handbook for Overland Emigrants" (New York, 1859); "Thirty Years of Army Life on the Border" (1866); and " Border Reminiscences " (1871). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 202-203.
MARCY, William Learned, 1786-1857, New York, statesman. American Colonization Society, Vice-President, 1837-1840. U.S. Senator and Governor of New York.
(Staudenraus, P. J. The African Colonization Movement, 1816-1865. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961; Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 203; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 6, Pt. 2, p. 274)
MARCY, William Learned, statesman, born in Southbridge, Massachusetts, 12 December, 1786; died in Ballston, Spa, New York, 4 July, 1857. He was graduated at Brown in 1808, and then studied law in Troy, New York, where, after being admitted to the bar, he opened an office. The war with Great Britain soon began, and young Marcy, holding a lieutenancy in a light-infantry company, tendered the services of his command to the governor of New York. This offer was accepted, and the company was sent to French Mills, on the northern frontier. On the night of 23 October, 1812, he surprised and captured the Canadian forces that were stationed at St. Regis. These were the first prisoners taken on land, and their flag was the first captured during the war. This exploit gained for him recognition from General Henry Dearborn, and his command was attached to the main army, but. after serving the time for which he had enlisted, he returned to his practice, having attained the rank of captain. In 1816 he was appointed recorder of Troy, but his opposition to De Witt Clinton led to his removal from office, and remains as one of the earliest cases of political proscription in the history of New York. He then became editor of the " Troy Budget," a daily newspaper, which he soon made a well-known organ of the Democratic Party. The earnest support that he gave to Martin Van Buren resulted in his affiliation with the division of the Democratic Party of which Van Buren was leader, and in 1821 he was made adjutant-general of the state militia. He was a member of the " Albany Regency." (See Cadger, Peter.) His political capabilities showed themselves to advantage in the passage of the act that authorized a convention to revise the constitution. He became in 1823 comptroller of the state, an important office at that time, owing to the large expenditures on the Erie and Champlain Canals, and the increase of the stale debt. In 1829 he was appointed one of the associate justices of the supreme court of New York, and in that capacity presided over numerous important trials, among which was that of the alleged murderers of William Morgan (q. v.). He continued on the bench until 1881, when he was elected as a Democrat to the U. S. Senate, serving from 5 December 1881, and becoming chairman of the judiciary committee. His maiden speech was in answer to Henry Clay's aspersions on Martin Van Buren, and was followed soon afterward by his answer to Daniel Webster's speech on the apportionment. His career as a senator gained for him a strong hold on the confidence of the people of his state and elsewhere. He resigned in 1833 to fill the governorship of New York, to which he had been elected, and held that office through three terms, until 1839. For a fourth time he was nominated, but he was defeated by William H. Seward. In 1839 he was appointed by Martin Van Buren one of the commissioners to decide upon the claims against the government of Mexico, under the convention of that year, and was so occupied until 1842. He presided over the Democratic state convention at Syracuse in September, 1843. and during the subsequent canvass he used his influence in causing the state of New York to cast its votes for James K. Polk, by whom, after his election, he was invited to become Secretary of War. The duties of that office were performed by him with signal ability, especially during the Mexican War. The difficulties of his task were somewhat increased by the fact that the two victorious generals, Winfield Scott and Zachary Taylor, were of the opposing political party, and charged Mr. Marcy with using his official power to embarrass and retard their military operations. These accusations were made so persistently and openly that it became necessary for him to defend himself against such attacks, which he did with so much force that he completely silenced all censure. During his term of office he exerted his diplomatic powers to advantage in the settlement of the Oregon boundary question, also advocating the tariff of 1846, and opposing all interference on the slavery question. At the close of his term of office he retired to private life, but in 1853 he returned to Washington as Secretary of State under Franklin Pierce. While in this office he carried on a correspondence with the Austrian authorities in reference to the release of Martin Koszta by Captain Duncan N. Ingraham (q. v.). The questions that were involved were in a measure new, and affected all governments that recognized the laws of nations. His state papers on Central American affairs, on the enlistment question, on the Danish sound dues, and on many other topics of national interest, still further exhibited his ability as a writer, statesman, and diplomatist. On the close of Pierce's administration, he again retired to private life, and four months afterward he was found dead one evening in his library with an open volume before him. Mr. Marcy had the reputation of being a shrewd political tactician, and probably has never been surpassed in this respect by any one in New York except Martin Van Buren. He was regarded among his countrymen of all parties as a statesman of the highest order of administrative and diplomatic ability. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 203
MARIANNA, FLORIDA, September 27, 1864. Detachments of 2nd Maine, 1st Florida cavalry and 82nd and 86th U. S. Colored Infantry. As an incident of an expedition from Barrancas the Confederates at Marianna were drawn up in front of the town to oppose the Federal advance. A charge by a battalion of the 2nd Maine was repulsed but a second attempt by a larger force succeeded in breaking the enemy's line. The Union troops then entered the town, where some 80 prisoners, 95 stands of arms, a considerable quantity of commissary stores and 400 head of cattle were taken. The Federal loss was 15 or 20 killed and wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 585.
MARIETTA, GEORGIA, June 3-28, 1864. Sherman's Armies. Marietta is on the Western & Atlantic railroad, about 25 miles north of Atlanta. As General Sherman was driving the Confederate army under General J. E. Johnston back to the south side of the Chattahoochee river the country around Marietta was the scene of some sharp fighting, including the engagements at Gilgal Church, Lost mountain, Kolb's farm, Olley's creek. Kennesaw mountain, Smyrna Station, etc. Several cavalry skirmishes occurred near the town, though detailed reports of these minor engagements are lacking, from which to compile a full account. Marietta, Mississippi, August 19, 1862. Detachment of 7th Kansas Cavalry. Three hundred men of the 7th Kansas cavalry, under Colonel Albert L. Lee, came upon the Confederate pickets half a mile from Marietta. The enemy fired one volley and then retreated, but were so closely pressed that when they were joined by others and attempted to make a stand they were again routed. The pursuit continued through the town and 3 miles beyond and the Confederate camp was destroyed. None of the Federals were wounded or killed and the enemy suffered a loss of but 1 wounded. The affair was an incident of an expedition from Rienzi to Marietta and Bay Springs. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 585.
MARINE CORPS when serving with the army, to be supplied by the several officers of the staff of the army; (Act Dec. 15, 1814.) The officers of the marine corps may be associated with the officers of the land forces for the purpose of holding courts-martial and trying offenders belonging to either; and in such cases the orders of the senior officer of cither corps, who may be present and duly authorized, shall be received and obeyed; (ART. 68.) The marine corps shall at any time be liable to do duty in the forts and garrisons of the United States on the sea-coast, or any other duty on shore, as the President, at his discretion, shall direct; (Act July 11, 1798.) The officers, nori-commissioned officers, privates, and musicians shall take the same oath and shall be governed by the same rules and articles as are prescribed for the military establishment of the United States and by the rules for the regulation of the navy heretofore, or which shall be established by law, according to the nature of the service in which they shall be employed, and shall be entitled to the same allowance in case of wounds or disabilities, according to their respective ranks, as are granted by the act to fix the military establishment of the United States; (Act July 11, 1798.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 408).
MARION, ARKANSAS, January 20-21, 1865. Expedition under Colonel Herman Lieb. The advance of the expedition was halted within a mile of Marion by two Confederate vedettes, but the latter were both captured and the Federals entered the town, skirmishing all the way, wounding 2 and capturing 1. The following day when the expedition started to return the enemy became bold and made a demonstration, but aside from a little skirmishing nothing was done. A detachment under Captain Moore joined the main command at 4 p. m., reporting a fight in which 1 of the enemy was killed, 1 wounded and 7 were captured. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 585.
MARION, MISSISSIPPI, February 15, 1864. Detachment of 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 16th Army Corps. The itinerary of this brigade from February 3 to March 31, 1864, during the Meridian campaign, states that on February 15 "The advance guard, three companies of the 25th Indiana, under Lieutenant-Colonel Rheinlander, was fired upon by the enemy's cavalry from the town of Marion in some force. Two companies of the 25th Indiana and three companies of the 32nd Wisconsin with battery, were ordered up. The enemy were driven out of town rapidly, with loss of 4 killed and a number wounded, and the town was occupied." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 585.
MARION, VIRGINIA, December 16, 1864. (See Wytheville, same date.) Marion, Virginia, December 17-18, 1864. Mounted forces under Major-General George Stoneman. During Stoneman's expedition into southwestern Virginia the reinforced command of Breckenridge was met at Marion on the 17th. General Burbridge with two brigades of Kentucky (Union) troops was in the advance and was obliged to call for reinforcements, which were promptly supplied by Stoneman. Darkness stopped the fighting for the day, but early the next morning, when the Federals attempted to advance, a spirited resistance was met, and brisk skirmishing was kept up all day, or until General Gillem got to the left of the enemy and cut him off from Saltville. That night the Confederates crossed the mountains into North Carolina. The casualties were not definitely reported, but were rather severe on both sides. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 585-586.
MARKER, Soldier who marks the direction of an alignment or pivot points. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 408).
MARKHAM, VIRGINIA, November 4, 1862. Detachment of Pleasonton's Cavalry. The detachment, commanded by Brigadier-General W. W. Averell, was sent out toward Markham, and there became so heavily engaged with a superior force of the enemy that Averell was obliged to call for reinforcements. Pleasonton despatched Gregg's brigade to Averell's assistance and the Confederates were compelled to withdraw from the contest. The losses were not reported, but were severe on both sides. The fighting was continued the next day at Barbee's cross-roads. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 586.
MARKS' MILLS, ARKANSAS, April 5, 1864. (See Camden, Arkansas, Expedition to.)
MARLING'S BOTTOM BRIDGE, WEST VIRGINIA, December 11, 1863. The only mention in the official war records of this affair, which was an incident of the Federal raid on the Virginia & Tennessee railroad, is contained in the report of Colonel William L. Jones of the Confederate army, which says, "On the evening of the 11th instant, the enemy appeared in my front at Marling's Bottom bridge, driving in my p1ckets and scouts, with a force variously estimated from 2,000 to 3,000." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 586.
MARKSMAN. Good shot; sharp-shooter. (See RIFLEMEN; TARGET.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 408).
MARKSVILLE, LOUISIANA, May 15, 1864. (See Avoyelles Prairie.)
MARMADUKE, John Sapington, soldier, born near Arrow Rock, Missouri, 14 March, 1833; died in Jefferson City, Missouri, 28 December, 1887, was brought up on his father's farm till the age of seventeen, when he entered Yale College. After studying two years there and one year at Harvard, he was appointed a cadet in the U. S. Military Academy, where he was graduated in 1857. In the spring of 1858 he joined the expedition that was sent under General Albert Sidney Johnston to quell the Mormon revolt. He served for two years in Utah, and was then stationed in New Mexico, where he was serving when the secession troubles began. Obtaining leave of absence, he returned home, resigned his commission on 17 April. 1861, raised a company of state guards, and was soon afterward elected colonel of a regiment. Disapproving both the military and the political course of Governor Claiborne F. Jackson, he resigned his commission, and went to Richmond to tender his services to the Confederate government. Jefferson Davis gave him a commission as 1st lieutenant, and he joined the command of General William J. Hardee in southeastern Arkansas, was promoted lieutenant-colonel a few weeks later, and in the autumn was made colonel of the 3d Confederate Infantry. His regiment at Shiloh bore the guiding colors of the battle-line, and captured the first prisoners of the day. He fought with conspicuous gallantry in the front until he was wounded in the second day's fight. While in hospital he was promoted brigadier-general. In August, 1862, he was transferred to the trans-Mississippi department, commanded in northwestern Arkansas and Missouri for six months, and made frequent raids, engaging the National forces with varying fortune until finally he compelled General Blunt's withdrawal to Springfield, Missouri. In 1863 he entered Missouri with 4,000 men and extricated General Carter near Cape Girardeau, but was pursued and brought his force away with difficulty. He took part in the unavailing attack on Helena in July, 1863, and subsequently, with his cavalry division, contested in daily combats the advance of General Frederick Steele on Little Rock, and after its fall covered General Sterling Price's retreat. In an attack on Pine Bluff he captured the National camp and stores. When General Steele was marching in the spring of 1864 to co-operate with General Banks against Kirby Smith, Marmaduke harassed and delayed him by repeated attacks, and enabled General Smith to overtake and defeat Steele's command at Jenkin's Ferry. For these services Marmaduke was made a major-general. In the following summer he had an indecisive encounter with General Andrew J. Smith at Lake Village, Arkansas, and in the autumn took part in Price's invasion of Missouri, but after several battles and skirmishes was surrounded and compelled to surrender near Fort Scott, 24 October. He was confined as a prisoner of war at Fort Warren till August, 1865. After a journey in Europe for the restoration of his health, he returned to Missouri in May, 1866, and engaged in the commission business, and in 1809-'71 in that of life insurance. He then became part proprietor of the " Journal of Commerce,' established in St. Louis the " Evening Journal." and also carried on the ' Illustrated Journal of Agriculture." In June, 1873, he retired from journalism, and became secretary of the state board of agriculture. In 1875 he was appointed railroad commissioner, and in 1876 was elected to that office for four years. In 1884 he was elected governor of Missouri. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 211-212.
MARMITON, MISSOURI, October 25, 1864. (See Charlot.) Marrowbone, Kentucky, July 3, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 3d Division, 23d Army Corps. Brigadier-General H. M. Judah, in his report of operations during Morgan's Ohio raid, says: "On the 3d instant, a portion of General Morgan's forces attempted to force the position at Marrowbone, held by my 2nd brigade, under Brigadier-General Hobson, and were handsomely repulsed." There is no mention of the casualties on either side. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 586.
MARRIOT, Charles, Athens, New York, Society of Friends, Quaker, radical abolitionist. Member of the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS), member of the Executive Committee, 1840-1842, Manager, 1834-1838. (Drake, 1950, pp. 160, 162; Mabee, 1970, pp. 186, 387n11; Abolitionist)
MARSH, Charles, 1765-1849, Vermont, attorney, U.S. Congressman. Life member, original charter member, and supporter of the American Colonization Society (ACS). Officer, Vermont auxiliary of the ACS. (Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 216; Staudenraus, P. J. The African Colonization Movement, 1816-1865. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961, pp. 70, 76)
MARSH, Charles, lawyer, born in Lebanon, Conn., 10 July, 1765; died in Woodstock, Vermont, 11 January, 1849. He settled with his parents in Vermont before the Revolutionary war, and was graduated at Dartmouth in 1786. After studying law he was admitted to the bar and practised at Woodstock, Vt., for about fifty years, becoming the senior member of the profession in Vermont. In 1797 he was appointed by President Washington to the office of district attorney of his state, and later was elected as a Federalist to Congress, serving from 4 December, 1815, to 3 March, 1817. While in Washington he was a founder of the American Colonization Society, and he was a liberal benefactor of various missionary and Bible societies. He was prominent in the Dartmouth College controversy, a trustee in 1809-'49, and received the degree of LL. D. from that college in 1828. Mr. Marsh was president of the Vermont Bible Society and vice-president of the American Bible Society and of the American Education Society. Appletons’ Cyclopædia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 216.
MARSHALL, Edward Channcey, author, born in Little Falls, Herkimer County, New York, 8 July, 1824. His ancestor, Thomas, from whom Marshall street in Boston was named, settled in that city in 1834. Edward was graduated at Geneva (now Hobart) College in 1843 and while a student there invented the arctic rubber overshoe. He also invented the register of fares with a dial-plate which is now in use on several street-car lines. From 1845 till 1847 he was tutor of mathematics in Geneva and of mathematics under Professor Charles Davies at West Point. From 1848 till 1852 he was a tutor in the New York Free Academy, and in 1852-'5 a professor in the Episcopal High-School, Alexandria, Virginia. In 1871 he held an office in the New York Customhouse. From 1875 till 1885 he was connected with the New York ' Star" and the "Evening Telegram," and he is now (1888) the financial agent of the American Protective Tariff league. He is the author of "Book of Oratory" (New York, 1852); "History of the U. S. Naval Academy" (1862); "Ancestry of General Grant" (1869); and a pamphlet, "Are the West Point Graduates Loyal?” the statistics of which were quoted in Congress and aided in preventing the military academy from being closed at this time by its enemies (New York, 1862).—His brother, Elisha Gaylord, soldier, born in Seneca Falls, New York, 26 January, 1829; died in Canandaigua, New York, 3 August, 1883, was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1850, assigned to the 6th U.S. Infantry, and served on frontier duty and in the Utah Expedition of 1858. He was promoted captain on 14 May. 1861, and on 20 April, 1862, became colonel of the 13th New York Regiment. He was engaged in the various campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, being severely wounded at Fredericksburg, Virginia, and receiving the brevet of lieutenant-colonel, 13 December, 1862. He was on sick leave of absence from that date until 23 May, 1863, when he was mustered out of the volunteer service and appointed mustering and disbursing officer at Rochester, New York. In May, 1864, he engaged in the Richmond Campaign, commanding a brigade in the Army of the Potomac, and was wounded at Petersburg, 17 June, 1864. He was one of the leaders in the assault after the mine explosion, and was captured after holding the crater during most of the day. He was a prisoner in Columbus, Georgia, from 30 July, 1864, till April, 1865, and from May till July of that year commanded a brigade. He was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers and brigadier-general, U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services, 13 March, 1865. He mustered out of the volunteer service on 16 August, and on 12 June became major of the 5th U.S. Infantry. He was retired as colonel on 11 September, 1867. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 220.
MARSHAL, Charles Alexander, soldier, born in Mason County, Kentucky, 2 May, 1809, was educated in Woodford by his uncle, Dr. Louis Marshall, and served in the legislature in 1840, 1855, and 1857. He was a determined friend of the Union, recruited the 16th Kentucky Infantry in 1861, at the head of that regiment led the advance of General William Nelson in his campaign in eastern Kentucky in the autumn of 1861, and bore the brunt of the fight at the battle of Ivy Creek. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 225.
MARSHAL, Charles, lawyer, born in Warrenton, Virginia, 3 October, 1830, is the son of Alexander John, a lawyer of Virginia. He was graduated in 1849 at the University of Virginia, was professor of mathematics from 1849 till 1852 in the University of Indiana. Afterward he practised law in Baltimore, and upon the secession of Virginia entered the Confederate Army and served on the staff of his kinsman, General Robert E. Lee, as assistant adjutant and inspector-general, until the close of the Civil War, and was charged with the duty of preparing the official reports of the Army of Northern Virginia from 1862 till 1865, and was directed by General Lee to prepare a general order, embodying his farewell address to his army, dated 10 April, 1865. He now (1888) practices law in Baltimore. He was requested by General Lee's family to prepare a biography of him, which work is practically ready for publication. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 225-226.
MARSHAL, Humphrey, soldier, born in Frankfort, Kentucky, 18 January, 1812; died in Louisville, Kentucky, 28 March, 1872. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1832, assigned to the mounted rangers, and served on the Black Hawk Expedition. He resigned on 30 April, 1833, studied law, and practised in Frankfort and Louisville. He became captain in the Kentucky militia in 1830, major in 1838, and lieutenant-colonel in 1841. In 1830 he raised a company of volunteers and marched to defend the Texas frontier against the Indians, but his force disbanded on hearing of General Houston's victory at San Jacinto. He became colonel of the 1st Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, 9 June, 1846, served in the war with Mexico, won great distinction at the Battle of Buena Vista, and afterward retired to his farm in Henry County, Kentucky. He was subsequently elected to Congress as a Whig, serving from 3 December, 1849, till 4 August, 1852, and supported Clay's compromise measures. From 1852 till 1854 he was U. S. minister to China, and on his return he was elected to Congress from Kentucky as an American, serving from 3 December, 1855, till 3 March, 1859. In 1856 he was a member of the National American Council in New York City, where he was instrumental in abolishing all secrecy in the political organization of his party. In 1860 he canvassed Kentucky for John C. Breckinridge, and he afterward recruited in that state a large body of men for the Confederate Army, in which he accepted a commission as brigadier-general. He was placed in command of the Army of Eastern Kentucky, with which it was designed to invade the state through the mountain-passes. In January, 1862, he fought the battle of Middle Creek, in Floyd County, with General James A. Garfield (q. v.). In May, 1862, General Marshall surprised General Jacob D. Cox at Princeton, Virginia, the result of the action being the relief of the Lynchburg and Knoxville Railroad, for which service he received the thanks of General Lee. He resigned his commission soon afterward, practised law in Richmond, and was elected to the Confederate Congress, serving on the Committee on Military Affairs. Subsequently he moved to Louisville, Kentucky, and acquired a large law-practice. He was one of the first Confederates whose disabilities were removed by Congress. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 226-227.
MARSHALL, William, surgeon, born in Milton, Delaware, 23 May, 1827. After attending Milton Academy he was graduated at Jefferson Medical College in 1847, and practised in Milton, Philadelphia, Placerville, California, and Georgetown, Delaware, until the opening of the Civil War. He served in the National Army as surgeon of the 3d Delaware Regiment, and after the battle of Antietam was discharged for disability, but he subsequently led a company in the 6th Delaware Regiment, and also acted as surgeon until the close of the war. Since that time he has practised in Milford. He has been president of the Delaware Medical Society, and was secretary of the State Board of Health from 1879 till 1887. He performed the first successful resection of the humerus in the Civil War, at Winchester in 1862, and discovered the pathognomonic sign of malarial poisoning. His specialties are surgery and obstetrics, and he has contributed numerous articles to medical publications. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 227.
MARSHALL, William Edgar, artist, born in New York City, 30 June, 1837. At the age of twenty-one he began bank-note engraving, at which he worked for several years, and then turned his attention to the engraving of larger plates in line. A few years later he went to Boston and painted many portraits, including that of Oliver Wendell Holmes. He went abroad in 1864, and remained in Europe about two years, living mostly in Paris, where he painted portraits and exhibited in the salons of 1865-'6. On his return he began to engrave again, chiefly portraits. Having executed a head of Christ, after Da Vinci, for Henry Ward Beecher's " Life of Jesus" (1871), he conceived the plan of painting an ideal head of Christ that would please him better than those hitherto produced. He first modelled the head in clay, and made also a cartoon sketch that met with much praise, and in 1880 he produced his " Head of Christ," of colossal proportions. Of this he also executed a very large line engraving. Mr. Marshall is best known by his portrait engravings, of which the admirable heads of Washington (1862), Lincoln (1866), and Grant (1868) were especially successful. He made six portraits of General Grant, the last one (considered by the artist the best) just before the general's death. Among others whose portraits he engraved were Henry W. Longfellow, James G. Blaine. Winfield S. Hancock, James A. Garfield, Henry Ward Beecher, and James Fenimore Cooper. Most of the engravings were after paintings by himself. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 227.
MARSHALL, William Rainey, governor of Minnesota, born in Boone County, Missouri, 17 October, 1825. His father, Joseph M. Marshall, moved to Missouri, and thence to Quincy, Illinois, where William received a common-school education. At the age of sixteen he worked in the lead-mines of Galena, Illinois, and in 1847 he went to Minnesota (then part of Wisconsin Territory) and engaged in the survey of public lands. In 1849 he established with his brother the first store of general merchandise in the Falls of St. Anthony (now Minneapolis). In 1848 he served in the legislature of Wisconsin, and in 1849 was elected a member of the first territorial legislature of Minnesota. He established the first iron store in Minnesota at St. Paul in 1852, and in 1855-'7 engaged in banking in that place. He presided at the meeting that organized the Republican Party in Minnesota, and in 1855 was a Republican candidate for Congress, but was defeated. He engaged in dairy-farming in 1857, and imported fine stock into the state. In 1861 he founded "The Daily Press" (now the "Pioneer Press"), and in the following year enlisted in the 7th Minnesota Regiment, of which he became colonel, taking active part in two campaigns against the Indians. In 1868 he was assigned to the 10th Army Corps, and participated in several battles, he commanded a brigade at the battle of Nashville, 15 and l6 December, 1864. On 13 March,1865, he was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers for gallant and meritorious conduct. He was wounded at the siege of Mobile. From 1865 till 1869 he was governor of Minnesota, and he subsequently served as a railroad commissioner. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 227-228
MARSHALL, MISSOURI, July 28, 1863. 4th Missouri Militia Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 586.
MARSHALL, MISSOURI, October 12-13, 1863(See Merrill's Crossing, same date.)
MARSHALS. The marshals of the several districts and their deputies shall have the same powers in executing the laws of the United States, as sheriffs and their deputies, in the several States, have by law, in executing the laws of the respective States; (Act Feb. 28, 1795.) (See OBSTRUCTION OF LAWS; POSSE COMITATUS.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 408).
MARSHFIELD, MISSOURI, February 9, 1862. Detachment of troops of Southwestern District of Missouri. Lieutenant-Colonel Clark Wright with a battalion of cavalry entered Marshfield at 4 a. m., routing and pursuing a small party of the enemy that was running the mill. The pursuit resulted in the killing of 2, the wounding of 3 and the capture of 3 more with equipments, etc. The Federals suffered no casualties. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 586.
MARSHFIELD, MISSOURI, February 14, 1862. 6th Missouri and 3d Illinois Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 586.
MARSHFIELD, MISSOURI, October 20, 1862. 10th Illinois Cavalry. On learning that a party of Confederates was moving up Niangua creek, making for a point 8 miles east of Marshfield, Lieutenant-Colonel James Stuart with 105 men moved at 5 p. m. to intercept them. At 8:30 the enemy's pickets were driven in and the main body at once attacked, killing 4, wounding several more and capturing 27. The loss in Stuart's command was 1 killed and 1 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 586.
MARSTON, Gilman, legislator, born in Orford. Grafton County, New Hampshire, 20 August, 1811. He was graduated at Dartmouth in 1837, and at Harvard Law-School in 1840. The year following he was admitted to the bar and began practice at Exeter, where he has since resided. He was a member of the state house of representatives in 1845-'6-'7 and 1848, subsequently in 1872-'3-'6 and 1877. and during the biennial terms of 1879-80, '81-82, '83-'84. '85-'86, and '87-88. In 1850 and 1870 he was a delegate to the state constitutional Convention, he was elected as a Republican to Congress, and re-elected, serving from 5 December 1859 until 3 March, 1863. He also took part in the Civil War as colonel of the 2d New Hampshire Regiment, being promoted brigadier-general of volunteers, 29 November, 1862, and receiving severe wounds. On his return home at the end of the war he was again elected to Congress, serving from 4 December, 1865, till 3 March. 1867. He was also the Republican candidate for election to the 45th Congress, but was defeated by 43 votes. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 228.
MARSTON, John, naval officer, "born in Boston, 12 June, 1795; died in Philadelphia. 7 April, 1885. He carried the first news of Commodore Isaac Hull's capture of the "Guerriere" to John Adams at Quincy, and through the ex-president's influence was appointed a midshipman, his commission being dated 15 April, 1813. He saw some service during the war of 1812-'15, and later was on board the "Constitution" when Lord Byron visited the famous frigate. In 1825 he was promoted to the grade of lieutenant, and was on board the "Brandywine" when she conveyed Lafayette to France. In 1827-'9 he served in the Pacific Squadron, and again in 1833 and 1834. In 1840 he was assigned to the frigate " United States," and in the following year was commissioned commander. In 1850 he was assigned to the command of the " Yorktown," on the coast of Africa, and he was in charge of the Philadelphia U.S. Navy-yard from 1853 till 1855, being in the latter year made captain. Although placed on the retired list in December, 1801, he was assigned to the "Cumberland," of the Brazil Squadron, in which service he continued for a year, when he was commissioned commodore, 10 July, 1802, and was in command of the frigate " Roanoke" at Hampton Roads when the "Merrimac" destroyed the " Congress " and " Cumberland." He was afterward made rear-admiral, and for several years after the war was in charge of the U.S. Navy-yards at Portsmouth and Philadelphia, and of the naval station at Key West. He also acted as a lighthouse-inspector. In his many voyages he had served under Commodores Rodgers, Hull, Pony, and Chauncey, of the old navy, and had seen altogether, before his retirement, half a century of active service. His tastes were scholarly, and he was a fine specimen of a gentleman of the old school. He was a communicant of the Protestant Episcopal Church. His eldest son, Matthew R., entered the regular army, and was brevetted major for gallant conduct during the siege of Vicksburg. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 228.
MARSHALS. The marshals of the several districts and their deputies shall have the same powers in executing the laws of the United States, as sheriffs and their deputies, in the several States, have by law, in executing the laws of the respective States; (Act Feb. 28, 1795.) (See OBSTRUCTION OF LAWS; POSSE COMITATUS.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 408).
MARTELLO TOWERS are buildings of masonry, generally circular, and of various dimensions. They are chiefly placed on the sea- coast, having a gun on their summit, mounted on a traversing platform, by which it can fire in any direction. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 408).
MARTIAL LAW. (See LAW, Martial.)
MARTIN, Carless Cyril, civil engineer, born in Springfield, Pennsylvania. 30 August, 1831. He was graduated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1856, and then for a year was assistant in geodesy. His first professional appointment was as rodman on the Brooklyn Water-Works, from which place he advanced steadily until within two years he became assistant engineer. On the completion of this work, Mr. Martin entered the employ of the Trenton Locomotive Machine Manufacturing Company, in order to become familiar with iron-work and particularly with the construction of bridges. At the beginning of the Civil War he was engaged in building an iron bridge across Savannah River on the Savannah and Charleston Railroad. Subsequently he became superintendent of a factory of arms, and then was engaged as an expert in conducting a series of experiments for the purpose of determining the respective merits of horizontal and vertical tubular boilers in the U.S. Navy. Mr. Martin superintended the laying of the forty-eight inch water-main along Atlantic Avenue to the Ridgewood Reservoir, through which the water supply of Brooklyn has since been obtained. He then became chief engineer of Prospect Park, and there introduced a system of road-building and sub-drainage sewers that has proved eminently successful, also bringing to a completion the great park well, then the largest in the world. On the accomplishment of this work he became first assistant engineer of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge, and after the structure was thrown open to the public, in May, 1883, was made chief engineer and superintendent, which office he still (1888) holds. Mr. Martin is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and has published reports in connection with his work. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 229.
MARTIN, Henry Austin, physician, born in London. England, 23 July, 1824; died in Boston, Massachusetts, 7 December, 1884. He came to this country at an early age, was graduated at Harvard Medical School in 1845, and practised in Boston. At the beginning of the Civil War he was appointed staff surgeon, and rose to be surgeon-in-chief of the 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, which post he held till near the close of the war. On his resignation he received the brevet of lieutenant-colonel for "gallant and meritorious services." Afterward he paid particular attention to surgery, and gained I great repute in the treatment of diseases of the rectum. He early made a thorough study of small pox and vaccination, and in 1870 first introduced into this country the practice of true animal vaccination, and it was largely owing to his writings and labors that the method was so soon and so universally adopted. He was an authority on the subject in this country. In 1877, as chairman of the committee on animal vaccination of the American Medical Association, he made a full report on that subject, which appeared in the published volumes of the "Transactions," and was widely quoted from and reviewed here and abroad. In 1877 he introduced to the profession the treatment of ulcers of the leg, and many other kindred troubles, by the use of the pure rubber bandage that he had invented. The Martin bandage has been generally adopted, and has given its inventor a wide reputation in this country and abroad. In 1878 Dr. Martin announced to the profession his operation of tracheotomy without tubes, which he many times successfully performed. In 1881 he attended the International Medical Congress at London, and delivered a paper on treatment of synovitis of the knee-joint by aspiration and subsequent use of the Martin bandage, a method original with himself. Dr. Martin has contributed largely to medical journals, notably to the London "Lancet," the " British Medical Journal." and other magazines in England, as well as to the ' North American Review " and many other journals in this country. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 230.
MARTIN, James Green, soldier, born in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, 14 February, 1819; died in Asheville, North Carolina, 4 October, 1878. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1840, and assigned to the artillery. As 1st lieutenant of a light battery he fought in the Mexican War, and lost his right arm at Churubusco. He had meanwhile been commissioned as captain of staff, and was now brevetted major. When the Civil War began he was quartermaster at Fort Riley. Resigning his commission on 14 June, 1861, he offered his services to his state, was appointed adjutant-general of North Carolina, and applied himself to the task of organizing, equipping, and clothing the troops. At his suggestion blockade-running ships were first employed to bring supplies from Europe. On 28 September, 1861, he was appointed general-in-chief of the state forces, with the rank of major-general. Anticipating the need of more troops, he raised 12,000 men beyond North Carolina's quota, which were hastily called into the field when General McClellan advanced on Richmond, and performed effective service in the defence of the Confederate capital. When he had accomplished the duty of fitting the North Carolina troops for the field, he was commissioned as brigadier-general in the Confederate Army in 1862, and on reaching the field in 1863 was assigned to the command of a brigade and ordered to Petersburg. Not long after his arrival at the scene of operations General Lee requested him to go back and resume the duties of adjutant-general of North Carolina, where the conscription law had provoked a dangerous state of disaffection. After spending nine months at Raleigh in the discharge of this trust, he again-asked for service in the field, was assigned to the command of a brigade, and was made commander of the District of North Carolina. His brigade was often spoken of as the best-disciplined in Lee's army, and he won additional praise by his ability in handling his command in action. He surprised the National camp at Newport, was ordered to Petersburg in May, 1864, and at Bermuda Hundred carried by assault the earthworks on the extreme left of the National line. He afterward was engaged in severe fighting at Cold Harbor and in the battles before Petersburg. At the close of the war he was stationed at Asheville in command of the District of western North Carolina and southwestern Virginia. The considerable property that he once possessed had been swept away, and, though his health was impaired by hard service, he studied law, was speedily called to the bar, and practised in Asheville during the remainder of his life. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 231.
MARTIN, James Stewart, soldier, born in Scott County, Virginia, 19 August, 1826. He received a public-school education, moved to Salem, Illinois, in 1846, and during the Mexican War served as a non-commissioned officer. He was clerk of the Marion County Court from 1849 till 1861, in the mean time studying law and being admitted to the bar. For several years he was a member of the Republican State Committee. He entered the National Army as colonel of an Illinois regiment in 1862, and served till the end of the war, taking part in all the important battles of the Atlanta Campaign and in the march to the sea, and receiving the brevet of brigadier-general on 28 February, 1865. After his return to Illinois he was elected judge of the Marion County Court, and in 1868 was appointed a pension-agent, resigning the judgeship. He resigned that office on being elected as a Republican to Congress in 1872. After his service in Congress he was for some years commissioner of the Southern Illinois Penitentiary, and subsequently a banker in Salem and president of a coal-mining company. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 231.
MARTIN, John Alexander, governor of Kansas, born in Brownsville, Pennsylvania. 10 March, 1839. He learned the printer's trade in the office of the Brownsville "Clipper." and became foreman of the composing-room, and subsequently local editor. Removing in 1857 to Atchison, Kansas, he purchased the "Squatter Sovereign" in February a powerful influence on the political development of the state. In July, 1859, he was secretary of the Wyandotte Convention, at which the state constitution was framed, in October of that year was a delegate to the Republican Convention, and in December was elected a state senator. He was a member of the National Republican Convention in 1860, and after the admission of Kansas to the Union in 1861 was postmaster at Atchison. He served during one session in the state senate, on 27 October joined the National Army as lieutenant-colonel of the 8th Kansas Infantry, and was for some time provost-marshal of Leavenworth. On 1 November, 1862, he was promoted colonel of the regiment, and a month later appointed provost-marshal at Nashville, Tennessee, in which capacity he served six mouths. He took part in the principal engagements of the Army of the Cumberland, commanding a brigade at Chickamauga, and also for several months before he was mustered out, 17 November, 1864. He was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers for services during the war. Returning to Atchison, he resumed the management of his newspaper, which he converted into a daily, and in 1865 was elected mayor. He was a delegate to the Republican National Conventions of 1868, 1872, and 1880, a member of the National Committee of the party from 1868 till 1884, also of the U. S. Centennial Commission in 1870, and since 1878 has been a manager of the National Soldiers Home. He was elected governor of Kansas in 1884, and in 1886 was re-elected. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 231-232.
MARTIN, John Mason, member of Congress, born in Athens, Limestone County, Alabama. 20 January. 1837, was graduated at Centre College, Danville, Kentucky, in 1856, studied law. was admitted to the bar in 1858, and established himself in practice at Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He served four years in the Confederate Army, was elected a state senator in 1871 to fill a vacancy, reelected for a full term the following year, and chosen president pro tempore. In 1875 he became professor of equity jurisprudence in the University of Alabama. He was elected to the National House of Representatives as a Democrat, and served from 7 December, 1885. till 3 March. 1887. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 232.
MARTIN, John Sella, 1832-1876, African American, former slave, clergyman, abolitionist, orator and lecturer against slavery. Agent for newspaper, Provincial Freeman. Wrote articles in the Liberator. Endorsed African Civilization Society colonization plans. (Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., & Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, eds. African American National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2013, Vol. 7, p. 530)
MARTIN CREEK, KENTUCKY, July 10. 1863. Detachment of 25th Michigan Mounted Infantry. Colonel Orlando H. Moore of the 25th Michigan infantry reports from Lebanon under date of July 11:— "The party of mounted infantry commanded by Captain George W. Drye, 1st Kentucky cavalry, whom I despatched last night after rebels, attacked Lieutenant Bullitt and 11 men on Martin creek; captured 9 men, horses, arms, etc., and mortally wounded Lieutenant Bullitt.” The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 587.
MARTINDALE, Henry Clinton, member of Congress, born in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 6 May, 1780; died in Sandy Hill, Washington, New York, 22 April, 1860. He was graduated at Williams in 1800, studied law, and established himself in practice at Sandy Hill. After filling various local offices, he was elected to Congress as a Whig, and reelected for the throe succeeding terms, serving from 1 December 1823, till 3 March, 1831. After an interval of one term he was returned for the fifth time, and served from 2 December, 1833, till 3 March, 1835.—His son, John Henry, soldier, born at Sandy Hill, New York, 20 March. 1815; died in Nice. France, 13 December, 1881, was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1835, and attached to the 1st Dragoons, but resigned on 10 March. 1836, and, after a brief employment as engineer in the construction of a railroad, studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1838, and began practice in Batavia, New York. He held the office of district attorney of Genesee County by appointment of the court in 1842-'5. and in 1847-'51 by election under the new constitution of 1846. In the spring of 1851 he moved to Rochester, New York, and there followed his profession until the Civil War. On 9 August, 1861, he was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers. He won credit by the skilful handling of his brigade during the Peninsular Campaign. At Hanover Court-House, with about 1,000 men, he bore the attack of 4,000 until General Fitz-John Porter came up, and thus enabled the National forces to achieve a complete victory. His brigade was prominently engaged at Gaines's Mills and at Malvern Hill. In the retreat he exclaimed that he would rather stay and surrender than desert the wounded. For this expression General Porter brought charges against him, and after recovering from a severe illness he demanded a court of inquiry, which fully exonerated him. He was appointed military governor of Washington in November, 1862, where he remained until he was relieved at his own request in May, 1864, joined General Benjamin F. Butler's army, and in the operations south of Richmond and the siege of Petersburg led a division. He subsequently commanded the 18th Corps, and held the advanced line on the Appomattox until he was compelled by sickness to leave the field. He resigned his commission on account of disability on 13 September, 1864. For gallant conduct at Malvern Hill he was given the brevet of major-general of volunteers. He resumed the practice of law in Rochester, and in 1866-'8 was Attorney-General of New York State. He was for many years vice-president of the board of managers for soldier's homes. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 234-235.
MARTINEAU, Harriet, 1802-1876, Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society (BFASS), delegate of the (Garrisonian) Anti-Slavery Society, Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society (Dumond, 1961, p. 286; Mabee, 1970, p. 53; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 14, p. 613 Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 235.
MARTINEAU, Harriet, English author, born in Norwich, England, 12 June. 1802; died in Ambleside, 27 June, 1876. She was descended from a family of French Huguenots that settled in Norwich on the revocation of the edict of Nantes. Her father was a manufacturer and died early, leaving eight children unprovided for. Harriet received a good education under the supervision of her uncle, an eminent surgeon, but was compelled to earn her own livelihood. Being afflicted, when still young, with a constantly increasing deafness and a total lack of the sense of smell, she found her chief amusement in literary composition, and ultimately decided to depend upon her pen for support. In 1834-'6 she travelled extensively in the United States, and on her return recorded her impressions of American life and institutions in a work entitled "Society in America" (3 vols., London, 1837). She also published "Retrospect of Western Travel" (3 vols., 1838), which gave more of her personal experiences. Her health became so seriously affected in 1839 that she was long obliged to desist from all literary occupation. On recovering, through the agency, as she believed, of animal magnetism, she published in 1844 an account of the treatment in a letter which excited much attention. In 1852 Miss Martineau formed a connection with the London " Daily News," to which she contributed leading articles and biographical and other papers. At her death she left in the office of the above-mentioned journal an "Autobiography." written in 1855. which was published posthumously (London, 1876; Boston, 1877). Miss Martineau's writings are very numerous and include travels, works on history, political economy, and philosophy, and stories for children. Besides those already mentioned, she published two books referring to the United States, "The Martyr Age" (London, 1838) and "History of the American Compromises " (1856). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 235.
MARTIN CREEK, KENTUCKY, July 10. 1863. Detachment of 25th Michigan Mounted Infantry. Colonel Orlando H. Moore of the 25th Michigan infantry reports from Lebanon under date of July 11:— "The party of mounted infantry commanded by Captain George W. Drye, 1st Kentucky cavalry, whom I despatched last night after rebels, attacked Lieutenant Bullitt and 11 men on Martin creek; captured 9 men, horses, arms, etc., and mortally wounded Lieutenant Bullitt.” The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 587.
MARTINSBURG, MISSOURI, July 17, 1861. 1st Missouri Reserves (one company). The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 587.
MARTINSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA, July 2, 1861. (See Falling Waters.)
MARTINSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA, September 11-12, 1862. (See Harper's Ferry, same date.)
MARTINSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA, June 14, 1863. Detachments of 126th Ohio, 106th New York Infantry, Potomac Home Brigade, 1st New York and 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry, and Maulsby's West Virginia Battery. About 8 a. m. the vedettes at Martinsburg were driven in and Colonel Benjamin F. Smith, commanding the garrison, took position on the Winchester pike, but later changed to higher ground near the cemetery. About noon General A. G. Jenkins, commanding the Confederates, sent in a demand for a surrender, which was immediately refused by Smith. The Federal artillery managed to hold the enemy in check until the wagon train was well on the road to Williamsport and at sunset the order was given to withdraw. Just as the troops commenced to form for the march the Confederate guns secured the range and the fire caused some confusion in the Union ranks, resulting in some 200 men being captured. The Confederates lost 7 killed. The affair was an incident of the Gettysburg campaign. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 587.
MARTINSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA, July 19, 1863. Detachment of 4th Separate Brigade, 8th Army Corps. While marching toward Martinsburg this brigade, under Brigadier-General William W. Averell, came upon and engaged the Confederate pickets until they were reinforced about noon, when Kelley ordered Averell to retire. The enemy followed for some distance but was dispersed by Ewing's battery. Eight Union men were wounded, and the enemy lost 5 killed and a few prisoners. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 587.
MARTINSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA, August 19, 1864. One company of Cavalry of Averell's command. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 587.
MARTINSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA, August 31, 1864. 2nd Cavalry Division, Army of West Virginia. The division, commanded by Bvt. Major-General W. W. Averell, was attacked by Rodes division of Breckenridge's corps and after a spirited skirmish fell back to Falling Waters, with a loss of 48 in killed and wounded. The Confederate loss was not learned. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 587.
MARTINSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA, September 18, 1864. 2nd Cavalry Division, Army of West Virg1nia. Concerning this affair Bvt. Major-General W. W. Averell, commanding the division, says in his report: "The enemy, under Early in person, advanced a division of infantry, with a brigade of cavalry and 16 pieces of artillery, supported by a division of infantry at Bunker Hill, to Martinsburg, driving my 1st brigade across the Opequan after an obstinate resistance, in which several of the enemy were killed and captured." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 587.
MARTIN'S CREEK, ARKANSAS, January 7, 1864. 11th Missouri Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 587.
MARTIN'S HOUSE, INDIAN TERRITORY, May 6, 1863. The report of Major T. R. Livingston, Confederate, states that a force under his command, scouting from the Creek agency, met a Federal scouting party near the house of Captain Martin on Cabin creek. The Union troops took shelter behind the buildings and all efforts on the part of the enemy to draw them out were unavailing and the Confederates retired at dusk. The Federals had 1 man killed and 1 wounded; the enemy 3 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 587-588.
MARTIN'S LANE, LOUISIANA, February 15, 1865. Detachment of 16th Indiana Mounted Infantry. Captain J. R. S. Cox, commanding a detachment of the 16th, reports that with 55 men he "met a party of rebels in Dr. Martin's lane. Pursued them until they scattered in the swamp." One Confederate captured was the only loss to either side. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 588.
MARTINSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, April 8. 1865. 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, Stoneman's Expedition. Colonel William J. Palmer joined the main cavalry division with his brigade on the 9th and reported having had a skirmish the day before with 300 Confederates at Martinsville. The result was the repulse of the enemy, of whom several were killed and wounded, and the capture of 20 horses. Palmer had an officer killed and 5 men wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 588.
MARTYN, Grace, abolitionist, first director of the Ladies New York City Anti-Slavery Society (LNYCASS), founded New York City, 1835 (Yellin, 1994, p. 34)
MARTYN, Reverend J. H. (Yellin, 1994)
MARTYN, Sarah Towne Smith, 1805-1879, author, reformer, temperance activist, abolitionist Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 238. Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 6, Pt. 2, p. 352; American Reformers: An H.W. Wilson Biographical Dictionary, New York, 1985, pp. 579-580)
MARTYN, Sarah Towne, author, born in Hopkinton, New Hampshire, 15 August, 1805; died in New York City, 22 November, 1879. She was the daughter of Reverend Ethan Smith, by whom her education was directed. She married in 1841 Reverend Job H. Martyn, a clergyman of New York City, where she resided for twenty-five years. She established the "Ladies' Wreath," which she edited from 1840 till 1851, but which she resigned on the removal of her husband to Waukesha, Wisconsin. On her return to New York she began writing for the American Tract Society, which within a few years published more than twenty of her books. She wrote fictions of a semi-historical character, illustrating important personages and events in church history, notably those connected with the Reformation, of which period she had made a special study. She also contributed many essays and short stories to Periodicals. Mrs. Martyn was an active advocate of the anti-slavery and temperance reforms, and her residence in New York City was a centre for those that labored in their behalf. Among her books are "Evelyn Percival," "Allen Cameron," "Happy Fireside," "Huguenots of France," and "Jesus in Bethany" (New York, 1805); "Effie Morrison " and "Sybil Grey" (1800); "Hopes of Hope Castle," "Lady Alice Lisle," " Margaret of Navarre," and " William Tyndale" (1807); "Daughters of the Cross," "Nettie and her Sister," "Wilford Parsonage," and "Women of the Bible " (1808); "The Crescent and the Cross" (1869); "Dora's Mistake" (1870); and "Hillside Cottage" (Boston, 1872). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 238.
MARVIN, James M., Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery (Congressional Globe)
MARVIN, Joseph Dana, naval officer, born in Bazetta, Ohio, 2 October, 1839; died in Yokohama, Japan, 10 April, 1877. He entered the U.S. Navy as acting midshipman, 25 September, 1850, and became midshipman. 15 June, 1860, and was promoted master, September, 1861, lieutenant, 16 July, 1862, lieutenant-commander, 12 April, 1866, and commander, 12 December, 1873. He served as executive officer of the "Mohican" at both attacks on Fort Fisher, and superintended the fire of that vessel with much coolness and skill. He was associated with Commodore Simpson in 1870 in his mission to Europe “to inspect its principal foundries, ordnance establishments, dock-yards, and powder-magazines." In 1871 he was placed in command of a battery at Annapolis, Maryland, and subsequently ordered to special ordnance duty as assistant to the chief of bureau. In September, 1875, he took command of the "Alert," on board of which, in May, 1876, he sailed for China, by way of the Suez Canal. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 238-239.
MARYLAND HEIGHTS, MARYLAND, September 12-13, 1862. (See Harper's Ferry, same date.)
MARYVILLE, TENNESSEE, November 14, 1863. (See Huffs Ferry.)
MASH, Joseph, Sandwich, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Abolition Society, Vice-President, 1839-1840
MASKED BATTERY is when the battery is so concealed or disguised, as not to be seen and recognized by the enemy, until it opens its fire. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 408).
MASON, Emily Virginia, born in Lexington, Kentucky, 15 October. 1815, was educated at Troy Female Seminary, New York. For several years before the Civil War she resided in Fairfax County, Virginia, and when hostilities began she left her home near Alexandria and offered her services in the Confederate hospitals. She served as matron at Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, and Richmond, Virginia, successively. In order to obtain money to educate the orphan daughters of Confederate soldiers, Miss Mason collected and arranged "Southern Poems of the War" (Baltimore, 1867), which met with a very large sale. After the war she spent fifteen years in Paris, France, most of the time acting as assistant principal of an American school for young ladies. Miss Mason has written a " Life of General Robert E. Lee" (Baltimore, 1871), and has also edited the "Journal of a Young Lady of Virginia in 1782 " (1871). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 243.
MASON, James Louis, soldier, born in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1817; died in San Francisco, California, 5 September, 1853. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1836, standing second in his class, and was made 2d lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers. During 1836-'46 he served as assistant in building Fort Adams, Newport, R. I., as superintendent engineer of the construction of the pier, dike, and light-house on Goat Island in Newport Harbor, and of the building of Fort Montgomery, New York. He participated in the war with Mexico, and was engaged at the siege of Vera Cruz and the battle of Cerro Gordo, becoming captain of engineers on 24 April. 1847. Subsequently he was present at the capture of San Antonio and the battles of Contreras, Churubusco, and Molino del Rey, receiving wounds that prevented his return to active service until 1850. Thereafter he served as superintending engineer of Fort Marion and Fort Clinch. Florida, and in the construction of the defences at Fort Point, San Francisco, California For his services in Mexico he received the brevets of major and lieutenant-colonel. Besides various military and scientific memoirs and reports, he published "An Analytical Investigation of the Resistance of Piles to Superincumbent Pressure " (1850). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 243-244.
MASON, John S., soldier, born in Steubenville, Ohio, 21 August, 1824. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1847, and assigned to the artillery, served in the war with Mexico, and acted as regimental quartermaster from 1854 till 1858. He was commissioned captain, 14 May, 1861, and was made colonel of the 4th Ohio Regiment on 3 October of the same year. He was made brevet lieutenant-colonel for gallantry at the battle of Fredericksburg, and became brigadier-general of volunteers, 29 November, 1862. He was promoted major, 14 October, 1864, and brevetted colonel and brigadier-general, in the regular army, 13 March, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, since which time he has been chiefly engaged in frontier duty with different regiments. He was made lieutenant-colonel, 11 December, 1873, and colonel, 9th U.S. Infantry, 2 April, 1883, a commission he still (1888) holds. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 245.
MASON, Melancthon Wells, inventor, born in Cheshire, Berkshire County,, Massachusetts. in 1805; died in Rochester, New York, 20 June, 1875. He possessed much mechanical ability, and early turned his attention to devising various novelties in machinery. He also devoted years of close study to the management of railways, and filled many important offices on several roads. While he was master mechanic of the Syracuse and Auburn Railway he invented many important improvements in locomotives that have since come into general use. He designed the lap-and-lead valve, which was put on the first engine in 1840. He also invented the four-driving-wheel locomotive, the first that was built being the "Phoenix." Mr. Mason is perhaps best known by his locomotive head-light, which he perfected in 1842. In recognition of this important addition to the safety of railway travelling, he received a silver medal from the New York State Agricultural Society. He also invented a snow-plough, and was the builder of the first four-cylinder engine, the "E. P. Williams." Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 248.
MASON'S BRIDGE, SOUTH CAROLINA, December 6-9, 1864. (See Deveaux's Neck.)
MASON'S NECK, VIRGINIA, February 24, 1862. 37th New York Infantry.
MATADEQUIN CREEK, VIRGINIA, May 30, 1864. (See Old Church, same date.)
MASTIN, Claudius Henry, surgeon, born in Huntsville, Alabama, 4 June, 1826. He received his collegiate education at the University of Virginia, was graduated at the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1849, went abroad in 1850, studying in Edinburgh, Paris, and London. On his return he settled in Mobile, where he has since practised, chiefly as a surgeon. During the Civil War he served in the latter capacity in the Confederate Army. In 1885 he presented a memoir to the American Surgical Association, then in session in Washington, D. C, which resulted in uniting the various special American Medical Associations into a common body, under the name and title of the "Congress of American Physicians and Surgeons," which organization was completed, 5 October, 1887. He was vice-president of the American Surgical Association in 1883. He has invented several surgical instruments and contributed largely to medical journals, especially on genito-urinary surgery. The University of Pennsylvania gave him the degree of LL. D. in 1875. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 250.
MATAGORDA PENINSULA, TEXAS, December 29-30, 1863. Detachment 13th Maine Infantry and Gunboats. Lieutenant-Colonel Frank S. Hesseltine, with 100 men of the 13th Maine, was landed from the gunboat Granite City 7 miles from the head of the Peninsula for a reconnaissance. Owing to a heavy sea the troops were unable to reembark, and were compelled to fortify themselves behind a rough barricade of driftwood, sand etc. This work the enemy assaulted but were unable to take it or make any impression upon it. Next day the Confederate gunboat John F. Carr threw some shells into the barricade but without effect. When the sea became more quiet the troops were taken off by the gunboat Sciota, which had assisted in repulsing the attacks. There were no casualties on the Union side and only 2 of the enemy slightly wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 588.
MATCH. Slow match is made of hemp, flax, or cotton rope, with three strands slightly twisted. Cotton rope well twisted forms a good match without any preparation, and burns 4 inches an hour. Quick match is made of cotton yarn such as is used in candle-wick, which, after preparation described in the Ordnance Manual, is dredged with meal powder. One yard burns in the open air 13 seconds. Quick match inclosed in tubes burns more rapidly than in the open air, and more so in proportion as the tubes are smaller. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, pp. 408-409).
MATHER, Fred, pisciculturist, born in Albany, New York, in August, 1833. In 1854 he became interested in the lead-mines of Potosi, Wisconsin, and afterward hunted and trapped in the Bad Axe country in that state. Here he learned enough of the Chippewa language to become interpreter to the government survey in northern Minnesota. During the political troubles in Kansas he served under General James Lane, and was one of Jennison's "Jayhawkers." He enlisted in the 113th New York Regiment in 1862, and became 1st lieutenant two years later. At the close of the Civil War he took a clerkship in the live-stock yards near Albany. In 1868 he bought a farm at Honeoye Falls, New York, and began to hatch fish of various kinds. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 251.
MATTHEWS, Stanley, 1824-1889, lawyer, jurist, newspaper editor, anti-slavery activist, soldier and U.S. Senator. Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1881-1889. Assistant editor of the anti-slavery newspaper, the Cincinnati Morning Herald, the first abolitionist paper there. Served in the Union Army, attaining the rank of Colonel, commanding both a regiment and a brigade. (Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 262; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 6, Pt. 2, p. 418)
MATTHEWS, Stanley, jurist, born in Cincinnati. Ohio, 21 July, 1824. He was graduated at Kenyon College in 1840, studied law, and was admitted to the bar, settling in Maury County, Tennessee. He shortly afterward returned to Cincinnati, early engaged in anti-slavery movements, and in 1846-'9 was an assistant editor of the "Cincinnati Herald," the first daily anti-slavery newspaper in that city. He became judge of the court of common pleas of Hanover County in 1851, was state senator in 1855, and in 1858-'61 was U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio. In March, of the last-named year, he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the 23d Ohio Regiment, and served in West Virginia, participating in the battles of Rich Mountain and Carnifex Ferry. In October, 1861, he became colonel of the 57th Ohio Regiment, and in that capacity commanded a brigade in the Army of the Cumberland, and was engaged at Dobb's Ferry, Murfreesborough. Chickamauga, and Lookout Mountain. He resigned from the army in 1863, to become judge of the superior court of Cincinnati, and was a presidential elector on the Lincoln and Johnson ticket in 1864, and on the Grant and Colfax ticket in 1868. In 1864 he was a delegate from the presbytery of Cincinnati to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Newark. New Jersey, and as one of the committee on bills and overtures reported the resolutions that were adopted by the assembly on the subject of slavery. He was defeated as Republican candidate for Congress in 1876, and in the next year was one of the counsel before the electoral commission, opening the argument in behalf of the Republican electors in the Florida case, and making the principal argument in the Oregon case. In March he was elected U. S. Senator in place of John Sherman, who had resigned. In 1881 he was appointed associate justice of the U. S. Supreme Court. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 262.
MATHIAS POINT, VIRGINIA, June 27, 1861. Colonel Daniel Ruggles of the Confederate army reports that the Federal steamer Freeborn attempted to land a detachment of troops on Mathias point under cover of the fire of guns on board the vessel. The Confederate pickets were driven back, a landing was effected and the Union men had begun the building of a sandbag breastwork before the Confederates rallied and drove them off. No casualties were reported. There is no Federal mention of the affair. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 588.
MATTHEWS' FERRY, Mississippi, June 20, 1863. (See Senatobia, same date.)
MATTISON, Hiram, 1811-1868, Norway, Herkimer County, New York, clergyman, reformer, abolitionist. Sought to exclude slaveholders from church membership in Methodist denomination. (Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 262; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 6, Pt. 2, p. 423)
MATTISON, Hiram, clergyman, born in Norway. New York, 11 February, 1811, died in Jersey City, New Jersey, 24 November, 1868. He entered the Methodist ministry in 1835, was appointed agent of the American Bible Society for the state of New Jersey in 1841, and, resuming pastoral work the next year, was successively stationed in Watertown and Rome, New York. From 1846 till 1860 he was largely employed in the preparation of works on astronomy and in lecturing. In 1856-'7 he was pastor of churches in Adams and Syracuse, New York, and took an active part in anti-slavery movements. By correspondence with the Methodists of Great Britain in 1859, he obtained the names of about 85,000 petitioners to the general conference of 1860, praying that body to extirpate slavery from the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a like paper from 45,000 petitioners in central New York was largely due to his efforts. In November, 1861, he withdrew from the Methodist Episcopal Church, because, as he affirmed, of its toleration of slave-holding, soon afterward becoming pastor of St. John's independent Methodist Church of New York City. He returned to his former connection in 1865, and was stationed in Jersey City, where he vehemently opposed the claims of the Roman Catholic Church, and published a tract on the case of Mary Anne Smith, a Methodist, whose father, a Roman Catholic, he alleged, had unjustly caused her arrest and detention in a Magdalen asylum, in New York City. His controversies with the Roman Catholics led to his appointment in 1868 as district secretary to the American and Foreign Christian Union. His numerous works include " The Trinity and Modern Arianism" (New York, 1843); "Tracts for the Times " (1843); "Elementary Astronomy, accompanied by Maps " (1846); Burritt's " Geography of the Heavens, edited and revised (1850); "High School Astronomy" (1853); "Spirit-Rapping Unveiled" (1854); ""Sacred Melodies" (1859); "Impending Crisis " (1859); "Immortality of the Soul" (1866); "Resurrection of the Body (1866); "Defence of American Methodism " (1866): and " Popular Amusements " (1867). See " Work Here, and Rest Hereafter, a Life of Reverend Hiram Mattison," by Reverend Nicholas Vansant, with an introduction by Reverend Edward Thomson (New York, 1870). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 262.
MATTOCK. A pioneer tool, resembling a pick-axe, but having two broad sharp edges instead of points. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 409).
MAURY, Matthew Fontaine, scientist, born in Spottsylvania County, Virginia, 14 January, 1800: died in Lexington, Virginia, 1 February, 1873. In his sixteenth year young Maury entered Harpeth Academy, then under the charge of Reverend James H. Otey, afterward bishop of Tennessee. On 1 February, 1825, he was appointed midshipman in the U. S. Navy, making his first cruise in the frigate "Brandywine," on the coast of Europe and in the Mediterranean. In 1820 the "Brandywine" returned to the United States, and Maury was transferred to the sloop-of-war "Vincennes," for a cruise around the world. After the expiration of the cruise he passed with credit the usual examination, and in 1831 was appointed master of the sloop-of-war " Falmouth," then fitting out for the Pacific. He did not complete his cruise in this vessel, being transferred to the schooner "Dolphin," serving as acting 1st lieutenant, until he was again transferred to the frigate "Potomac," in which he returned to the United States in 1834, and published his first work, "Maury's Navigation," which was adopted as a textbook in the navy. During this intermission of active service he married Miss Ann Herndon, of Virginia, a sister of Lieutenant William L. Herndon, of the navy, who was conspicuous on the occasion of the foundering of the "Central America," which he commanded. In 1837, after thirteen years of service, Maury was promoted to the grade of lieutenant and offered the appointments of astronomer and hydrographer to the exploring expedition to the South Seas, then preparing to sail under the command of Lieutenant Charles Wilkes, but declined. In 1839 he met with a painful accident by which he was lamed for life. Being unable for several years to perform the active duties of his profession, he devoted the time to study, to the improvement of the navy, and to other matters of national concern. His forcibly stated views were published first and mainly in the "Southern Literary Messenger," of Richmond, Virginia, over the pen-name of Harry Bluff, and under the general head of "Scraps from the Lucky Bag." These essays produced great reforms in the navy, and led to the foundation of a naval academy. He also advocated the establishment of a U.S. Navy-yard at Memphis, Tennessee, which was done by act of Congress. Under his direction, Lieutenant Robert A. Marr made at that point the first series of observations on the flow of the Mississippi. He proposed a system of observations that would enable the investigators to give information, by telegraph, as to the state of the river and its tributaries, to the captains of steamers and all others who might be interested. He advanced the enlargement of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, that vessels of war might pass between the Gulf and the lakes. For this he received the thanks of the Illinois Legislature. He suggested to Congress, through one of its committees, plans for the disposition of the drowned lands along the Mississippi belonging to the U. S. government. In the interest of commerce he brought forward and successfully advocated, in a series of papers, what is known as the warehousing system. In 1842 he was appointed superintendent of the depots of charts and instruments at, Washington, afterward known as the hydrographical office, and upon the organization and union with it of the National Observatory in 1844, he was made superintendent of the combined institutions. To his labors as astronomer of the Naval Observatory he added the task of determining the direction of the winds and currents of the ocean. In pursuance of these objects he collected from the log-books of ships of war, long stored in the government offices, and from all other accessible sources, the material for his purpose. In 1844 he made known his conclusions respecting the Gulf stream, ocean currents, and great-circle sailing, in a paper read before the National Institute, and printed under the title of "A Scheme for Rebuilding Southern Commerce " (1851). They were also embodied in the " Wind and Current Charts" and "Sailing Directions" issued by the observatory. With the accumulation of material the need was felt of systematizing the observations and records themselves, particularly as ships of different nations used different methods of observation and registry. Lieutenant Maury accordingly suggested a general maritime conference, which, at the request of the U. S. government, assembled at Brussels in 1853, and recommended a form of abstract log to be kept on board ships-of-war and merchant vessels. The first fruits of his investigations on the winds and currents of the sea, with its currents and its atmosphere, appeared in 1856 in his work "The Physical Geography of the Sea," which, translated into the languages of France, Germany, Holland, Norway, Spain, and Italy, mode its author well known throughout Europe. By Humboldt, Maury was declared to be the founder of a new and important science, and France, Austria, Prussia, Russia, Denmark, Belgium, Portugal, Sweden, Sardinia, Holland, Bremen, and the Papal States bestowed orders of knighthood and other honors upon him. The academies of science of Paris, Berlin, Brussels, St. Petersburg, and Mexico received him into membership. In his works he was the first to give a complete description of the Gulf Stream, and to mark out specific routes to be followed in crossing the Atlantic. Maury also instituted the system of deep sea sounding, and was the first to suggest the establishment of telegraphic communication between the continents by cable on the bed of the ocean, and the existing cable was laid along the line indicated by him. There are letters from him to Cyrus W. Field on this subject in the observatory at Washington, D. C. In 1855 he was promoted to the rank of commander. When Virginia seceded, Maury resigned his commission in the U. S. Navy, and was selected as one of a council of three to assist the governor, so serving until the army and navy of Virginia were incorporated with those of the Confederacy. When it became known in Europe that he had resigned from the U. S. service, he was invited to Russia and to France, to continue in either of those countries the work to which his life had been devoted. These offers, from a sense of duty, he declined. He entered the Confederate Navy on 10 June, 1861, served on the court-martial of Captain Josiah Tatnall, of the " Merrimac," and in October, 1862, established at Richmond the naval submarine battery service. Before the torpedo bureau was far advanced, Commander Maury was sent to Europe to continue his experiments. While abroad he invented an ingenious method of arranging and testing torpedo mines, which he was about to put into use at Galveston, Texas, against blockading vessels, when General Lee surrendered. He had been appointed one of the Confederate Navy agents in Europe, and while serving in this capacity purchased and fitted out armed cruisers abroad. At the close of the war, in anticipation of a large emigration from the southern states to Mexico, with the view of aiding his countrymen, he went to that country, and was cordially received by the Emperor Maximilian, who appointed him to a place in his cabinet. Thence he was sent on a special mission to Europe. The revolution terminating his relations with Mexico, he resumed, as a means of support, his scientific and literary labors. During this period the University of Cambridge gave him the degree of LL. D., and the emperor of the French invited him to the superintendency of the Imperial Observatory at Paris. He finally accepted the chair of physics in the Virginia Military Institute. While connected with the institute he prepared and published "The Physical Survey of Virginia" (Richmond, 1868) in connection with the establishment of through routes by rail, and of a great and free water-line uniting the east and west, and this again in connection with foreign commerce by his familiar pathways on the sea, the perfecting of a system of observations and reports of the crops of the world, tending to reduce the fluctuations and to destroy the oppositions of trade in the staple productions of agriculture. Subsequently, with William M. Fontaine, he published "Resources of West Virginia" (Wheeling, 1870). In September. 1872, he addressed the Agricultural Society of Norfolk, Massachusetts, and in October the State Agricultural Society of Missouri, at its annual fair at St. Louis. He reached the Virginia Military Institute on 23 October quite ill, and lingered until 1 February, 1873, when he died. Resides the works mentioned, he published " Letters on the Amazon and the Atlantic Slopes of South America" (Washington, 1853); "Relation between Magnetism and the Circulation of the Atmosphere," in the appendix to "Washington Astronomical Observations for 1846" (1851); "Lanes for Steamers Crossing the Atlantic" (1854); and a series of geographies; "Manual of Geography: Mathematical, Civil, and Physical Geography " (1870); a "Physical Geography of the Sea and its Meteorology (New York, 1853); and smaller works on geography. His life has been written by his daughter (London, 1888).— John Minor's son, Dabney Herndon, soldier, born in Fredericksburg, Virginia, 21 May, 1822, was graduated at the University of Virginia in 1841, and at the U. S. Military Academy in 1840, assigned to the Mounted Rifles, and brevetted 1st lieutenant for Cerro Gordo, Mexico, where he was severely wounded. For his services there he was also presented with a sword by the citizens of Fredericksburg and the legislature of Virginia. He was assistant professor of geography, history, and ethics at West Point from 1847 till 1850, assistant instructor of infantry tactics in 1850-'2, and then served on frontier duty in Texas. In 1858 he was made superintendent of the Cavalry-School for Practice, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He was assistant adjutant-general in New Mexico from 1 June. 1860, till 24 May, 1861, then became adjutant-general in the Confederate Army, and was sent to the Trans-Mississippi Department in February, 1862, as chief of staff to General Earl Van Horn, and promoted to brigadier-general after the battle of Pea Ridge. He led a division at Corinth, where he was made major-general, served in the operations around Vicksburg, and participated in the defence of Mobile, commanding the Department of the Gulf. On 12 May, 1865, General Maury and the Army of Mobile were paroled prisoners of war under the terms of surrender made by General Richard Taylor and General Edward S. Canby. He organized the Southern Historical Society in 1868, and originated the movement for the reorganization of militia of the nation in 1878. In 1880 he was appointed U. S. minister to Colombia He has published "Skirmish Drill for Mounted Troops" (Washington, 1859). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 264-266.
MAXEY, Samuel Bell, soldier, born in Tompkinsville, Monroe County, Kentucky, 30 March, 1825. His family was of Huguenot descent, and came to Kentucky from Virginia, and his father, Rice Maxey, was clerk of the circuit court and county court of Clinton County. Samuel was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1846, and assigned to the 7th U.S. Infantry. During the Mexican War he served at the siege of Vera Cruz and the battle of Cerro Gordo, was brevetted 1st lieutenant for gallant conduct at Contreras and Churubusco, and was also at Molino del Rey and the capture of the city of Mexico. He was made commander of a picked company in the city guard by General Winfield Scott. After the war he was stationed at Jefferson Barracks, but resigned on 17 September, 1849, and in 1850 began the practice of law at Albany, Clinton County, Kentucky. He married in 1853, and in 1857 moved to Paris, Texas, where he practised until 1861. He had been brought up a Whig, but voted for John C. Breckinridge, and afterward for the secession of the state. He was elected to the state senate, but never took his seat. He raised the 9th Texas Infantry, and joined General Albert Sidney Johnston in March, 1862, at Decatur, Alabama, whence he was sent to Chattanooga to collect and reorganize troops. In the meantime he had been made a brigadier-general. Maxey now served under Bragg, and assailed the rear of Buell's army on its retreat, driving it from Bridgeport, Battle Creek, and Stevenson, and making valuable captures. He was in the first siege of Port Hudson, when the National troops were repulsed, and was under General Joseph E. Johnston in the defence of Jackson, Mississippi, In 1863 he was assigned to the command of Indian Territory, he organized this military district, and put 8,000 or more men under arms. In 1864, with these troops, he assisted General Sterling Price at Prairie Danne, and at Poison Springs, 18 April, 1864, he fought General Frederick Steele, and captured his entire train of 227 wagons, thus compelling him to retreat. For these services he was made a major-general. He also acted as Indian Agent during this period, and directed important military movements. After the war General Maxey resumed the practice of law at his home, and was appointed a judge, but declined. In 1874 he was elected to the U. S. Senate, took his seat, 5 March, 1875, and was re-elected on 25 January, 1881. He has served on the Committee on Territories, Military Affairs, and on Labor and Education, and as chairman of that on Post-Offices. He has endeavored to protect the frontier and secure its peace and safety, to grant literal appropriations for rivers and harbors and other internal improvements, to procure greater postal facilities, and to increase our foreign trade by generous subsidies to steamship-lines. His bills first asserted the right of way through the Indian Territory, which was afterward obtained for the railroads through that region. General Maxey has favored revenue reform, and regards a protective tariff as unconstitutional and oppressive. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 267-268.
MAXWELL, Augustus Emmet, jurist, born in Elberton, Georgia, 21 September, 1820. After his graduation at the University of Virginia in 1841, he studied law. was admitted to the bar, and began to practice in Tallahassee, Florida. He was a member of the Florida House of Representatives in 1847, Secretary of State in 1848, and state senator in 1849. He was then elected to Congress from Florida as a Democrat, serving from 5 December, 1853, till 3 March, 1857, and from that date until 1861 he was navy agent at Pensacola. From 22 February, 1862, till the end of the Civil War he was a Confederate senator. In 1866 he was made president of the Pensacola and Montgomery Railroad, and in the same year a justice of the state supreme court, but held office only a short time. He became judge of the First Circuit of Florida in 1877, and chief justice in 1887. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 270-271.
MAXWELL, George Troupe, physician, born in Bryan County, Georgia, 6 August, 1827. He studied at the Chatham Academy in Savannah, Georgia, and was graduated at the medical department of the University of the City of New York in 1848. Dr. Maxwell practised in Tallahassee, Florida, until 1857, when he was appointed surgeon of the Marine Hospital in Key West, Florida In 1860 he moved to Savannah, as he had been elected professor of obstetrics and diseases of women and children in Oglethorpe Medical College, but a year later he enlisted as a private in the 1st Florida Regiment, and served for four months in the Confederate Army. He was then commissioned major of cavalry, and in 1862 promoted to colonel. Late in 1863 he organized the Florida Brigade in the Army of the Tennessee, and led it, under General Braxton Bragg, until the battle of Missionary Ridge, where he was captured. He was imprisoned on Johnson's Island in Lake Erie until March, 1865. Meanwhile he had been recommended for promotion to brigadier-general. On the close of the war he returned to Florida, and was elected a delegate from Leon County to the convention that was held for the purpose of remodelling the constitution and reorganizing the state government, and in 1860 he was elected to the legislature. In 1871 he moved to Delaware, and has since made Middletown his residence. Dr. Maxwell has held various offices in the Delaware Medical Society, including that of vice-president in 1874. He claims to have invented the laryngoscope independently several months before Professor Johann N. Czermack announced his discovery, and he was the first American physician to see the vocal cords of a living person. He had contributed professional papers to the medical journals, and published " An Exposition of the Liability of the Negro Race to Yellow Fever "; and a history of his invention of the laryngoscope (1872). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 271.
MAXWELL, Sidney Denise, statistician, born in Centreville, Montgomery County. Ohio, 23 December, 1831. He studied law, settled in Cincinnati in 1868, and in 1862-'3 was army correspondent of the Cincinnati "Commercial." also serving as a private in the 131st Ohio Regiment, and rising to the rank of colonel. In 1864-'5 he was aide-de-camp to the governor of Ohio. He was assistant city editor of the Cincinnati "Gazette " from 1868 till 1871, and agent of the Western Associated Press from 1870 till 1874. Since 1871 he has been superintendent of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, and is now (1888) its statistician. In addition to pamphlets and the annual reports of the chamber of commerce, he has published "The Suburbs of Cincinnati" (Cincinnati. 1870), and “The Manufactures of Cincinnati and their Relations to the Future Progress of the City" (1878). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 271.
MAY. To be permitted; to be at liberty; to have the power. Whenever a statute directs the doing of a thing for the sake of justice or the public good, the word may is the same as shall. For example, the 23 II. 6 says, the sheriff may take bail that is construed he shall, for he is compellable to do so; (Carth.,293. Salk., 609. &m., 370.) The words shall and may, in general acts of the legislature or in private constitutions, are to be construed imperatively, (3 Alk., 166 ;) but the construction of these words in a deed depends on circumstances; (3 Alk., 282, sec. 1; Vern. 152, Case 142; 9 Porter, R. 390.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 409).
MAY, Abby, 1800-1877, Boston, Massachusetts, abolitionist, temperance activist and women’s suffrage advocate. Wife of abolitionist and transcendentalist Amos Bronson Alcott. Mother of novelist Louisa May Alcott.
MAY, Samuel Joseph, Reverend, 1797-1871, reformer, abolitionist leader, temperance advocate, clergyman, early advocate of women’s rights. Unitarian minister. Organized local auxiliary of the American Colonization Society (ACS). May was won over to the abolitionist cause and became an advocate for immediate, uncompensated emancipation of slaves. He was Vice president, 1848-1861, and founding member of the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS), December 1833. He also was Co-founder, lecturer and agent of the New England Anti-Slavery Society (NEASS). He was an officer of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. May was opposed to both the annexation of Texas and the Mexican War. He adamantly opposed the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law and actively advocated resistance to it. He was active in Underground Railroad in Syracuse, New York. In 1851, he helped rescue a fugitive slave, Jerry McHenry, from the federal government. He was also an early supporter of William Lloyd Garrison. In 1856, he joined the anti-slavery Republican Party, supporting John Frémont for the presidency of the United States.
(Bruns, 1977, p. 456; Drake, 1950, p. 176; Dumond, 1961, pp. 182, 211-212, 273, 276; Filler, 1960, pp. 34, 44, 59, 65-66, 216; Mabee, 1970, pp. 12, 13, 20, 22-24, 26, 28, 29, 35, 37, 43-48, 78-79, 93, 124, 132, 149, 156, 168-170, 232, 272, 287, 289, 296, 300, 307, 308, 310, 359, 360, 368; Sernett, 2002, pp. 63, 102, 132, 134-144, 175, 176, 274-275, 312-313n39; Sinha, p. 222; Abolitionist, Vol. I, No. XII, December, 1833; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 273; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 6, Pt. 2, p. 447; American Reformers: An H.W. Wilson Biographical Dictionary, New York, 1985, pp. 585-586; The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, Vol. II. New York: James T. White, 1892, p. 313; May, Samuel Joseph. Memoir of Samuel Joseph May. Boston, 1873; May, Samuel Joseph, Recollections of the Anti-Slavery Conflict. Boston, 1868; Rodriguez, 2007, p. 169. Staudenraus, P. J. The African Colonization Movement, 1816-1865. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961, p. 127)
MAY, Samuel Joseph, reformer, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 12 September, 1797: died in Syracuse, New York, 1 July, 1871. He was graduated at Harvard in 1817, studied divinity at Cambridge, and in 1822 became pastor of a Unitarian Church at Brooklyn, New York. He was early interested in the anti-slavery cause, wrote and preached on the subject, and in 1830 was mobbed and burned in effigy at Syracuse for advocating immediate emancipation. He was a member of the first New England Anti-Slavery Society in 1832, and, when Prudence Crandall (q. v.) was proscribed and persecuted for admitting colored girls to her school in Canterbury, Connecticut, he was her ardent champion. He was also a member of the Philadelphia Convention of 1833 that formed the American Anti-Slavery Society, and signed the "Declaration of Sentiments." of which William Lloyd Garrison was the author. In 1835 he became the general agent of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, for which, by a union of gentleness and courage, he was peculiarly fitted, and in this capacity he lectured and travelled extensively. He was pastor of the Unitarian Church at South Scituate, Massachusetts, in 1836-'42, and became at the latter date, at the solicitation of Horace Mann, principal of the Girls' Normal School at Lexington, Massachusetts He returned to the pulpit in 1845, and from that date till three years previous to his death was pastor of the Unitarian Society in Syracuse, New York. Mr. May was active in all charitable and educational enterprises, and did much to increase the efficiency of the public-school system in Syracuse. He published "Education of the Faculties " (Boston. 1846): "Revival of Education" (Syracuse, New York, 1855): and "Recollections of the Anti-Slavery Conflict" (Boston, 1868). See "Memoir of Samuel Joseph May," edited by George B. Emerson, Samuel May, and" Thomas J. Mumford (Boston, 1873). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 273.
MAY, Samuel Jr., Leicester, Massachusetts, abolitionist. American Anti-Slavery Society, Executive Committee, 1849-1864, Corresponding Secretary, 1854-1860, Vice President, 1840-1848. Counsellor, Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society.
MAYER, Brantz, author, born in Baltimore, Maryland, 27 September. 1809: died there, 21 March, 1879. He was educated at St. Mary's College, Baltimore, and studied law during a long voyage to the East in 1827-'8. On his return home he entered the law department of the University of Maryland, and was admitted to the bar in 1829. After practicing for several years he visited Europe in 1833, and in 1843 was appointed secretary of legation in Mexico. When he returned home he published his first work, "Mexico as it Was, and as it Is" (Philadelphia, 1844), which was accused of unfairness and gave rise to animated controversy. In the winter of 1844 Mr. Mayer founded the Maryland Historical Society, the original object of which was "the collecting the scattered materials of the early history of the state, and for other collateral purposes. From a membership of twenty it has steadily increased to the present membership of two hundred, including many professional men as well as merchants. During the Civil War Mr. Mayer was an active Unionist, and in 1861 was appointed president of the Maryland Union State General Committee, and did much to aid the National cause. In February, 1863, he was appointed a paymaster in the U. S. Army, and was retained in the service after the close of the war. He served in Maryland, Delaware, and California until his sixty-second year, when he was retired from active service with the rank of colonel. Besides the work mentioned above, he published "Mexico. Aztec, Spanish, and Republican" (2 vols.. Hartford. 1851): "Captain Canot, or Twenty Years of an African Slaver." founded on fact (New York, 1854); "Observations on Mexican History and Archaeology" in "Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge''(Washington, 1856); "Mexican Antiquities" (Philadelphia, 1858); "Memoir of Jared Sparks" (1807); and " Baltimore as it Was and as it Is" (1871), and he contributed to the papers of the State Historical Society "The Journal of Charles Carroll during his Mission to Canada" (1844), and " Tah-gah-jute, or Logan and Captain Michael Cresap" (1851; Albany, 1867). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, pp. 273-274.
MAYER, Constant, artist, born in Besancon, France, 4 October, 1832. He studied in Paris in the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and under Leon Cogniet, and followed his profession in that city till 1857, when he moved to New York. Mr. Mayer is best known by his life-sized genre pictures, many of which have been photographed or engraved. He has contributed frequently to the Paris salon since 1865, and in 1869 was made a chevalier of the Legion of honor. He was elected an associate of the National Academy in 1866. and he is also a member of the American Art Union. Mr. Mayer's works include portraits of General Grant and General Sherman; "Beggar-Girl" (1863); "Consolation" (1864); "Recognition" (1865); "Good Words" (1866): "Riches and Poverty "; "Maud Muller "; "Street Melodies" (1867); "Early Grief" (1869): "Oracle of the Field "; "Song of the Shirt" (1875); "Song of the Twilight" (1879); "In the Woods " (1880); "The Vagabonds" (1881); " Lord's Day" and "Lawn Tennis" (1883); "Mandolin Player" (1884); "First Grief" (1885); and " The First Communion " (1880), which has been etched by Thomas Hovenden. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 274.
MAYES, Joel Bryan, Cherokee chief, born in the Cherokee reservation, Georgia, 2 October, 1833. His father was white, and his mother was of mixed blood and descended on the paternal side from James Adair, an Indian agent under George III. Joel was moved in his youth to the Cherokee Reservation in Indian Territory, was graduated at the Cherokee Male Seminary in 1856, and taught until the beginning of the Civil War, through which he served as quartermaster in the Confederate Army. He returned to his farm on Grande River in 1865, was county commissioner and chief clerk of the Cherokee Court for many years, and county judge for two terms. While holding the latter office he was chosen associate and subsequently chief justice of the Supreme Court. In August, 1887, he became chief of the Cherokee Nation. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 275.
MAYFIELD, KENTUCKY, January 12, 1864. 58th Illinois Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 588.
MAYFIELD CREEK, KENTUCKY, September 22, 1861. Pickets of 7th Iowa Infantry. The outposts of the regiment stationed at Elliott's mills on Mayfield creek (8 or 10 in number) were attacked by Confederate cavalry, but the enemy were repulsed with a loss of 4 in killed and wounded. No casualties among the Union troops. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 588.
MAYNAIDER, William, soldier, born in Maryland in 1806; died in Washington, D. C, 3 July, 1871. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1827, became 1st lieutenant in 1832, captain in 1838, major and lieutenant-colonel in 1861, colonel in 1863, and brevet brigadier-general in 1865. He was aide to General Winfield Scott in the Black Hawk War, and on similar duty under General Alexander Macomb during the early part of the Florida War. He was frequently assigned to ordnance duty while in the artillery, and in 1838, on the increase of that corps, became captain of ordnance, and was assigned to the Pikeville, Maryland, Arsenal, where he was in command, acting also as Chief of Ordnance till 1842, when he became principal assistant to the chief of ordnance. From this date he was closely associated in official connection with the successive chiefs of the Ordnance Bureau, by whom he was greatly valued for his ability and long experience. He was charged and acquitted in 1862 of disloyalty, as accessory to the alleged attempt of Secretary John B. Floyd to transfer U. S. cannon, munition, and arms to the south. In 1864 he was inspector of arsenals and depots. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 276.
MAYNARD, Edward, inventor, born in Madison, New York, 26 April, 1813. He entered the U. S. Military Academy in 1831, but resigned in the same year, and in 1835 became a dentist, which profession he has since followed. In 1857 he became professor of theory and practice in Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, and he now (1888) holds that chair in the dental department of the National University at Washington. He has devised many methods and instruments in connection with his profession, but is best known by his improvements in fire-arms. These include a system of priming to take the place of the percussion cap (1845), which has been applied to rifles and muskets by the U. S. government and abroad; the Maynard breech-loading rifle (1851—'9), which is now in use by nearly all civilized nations; a method of converting muzzle-loading arms into breech-loaders, which has also been adopted here and abroad (1860); a device for joining two gun-barrels so that they may expand or contract endwise independently; an indicator for showing the number of cartridges in the magazine of a repeating firearm at any time; and numerous minor inventions, all of which have been patented. Dr. Maynard has received many honors, both in the United States and from foreign governments. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 276.
MAYNARD, Horace, statesman, born in Waynesborough, Massachusetts, 13 August, 1814; died in Knoxville, Tennessee, 3 May, 1882. He was graduated at Amherst in 1838, and moved to Knoxville, Tennessee, where he was instructor in East Tennessee College in 1839-'43, and the next year was appointed professor there of mathematics and natural history. He was admitted to the bar in 1845, and practised with success till 1857, when he took his seat in Congress, having been elected as an American, and served till 1863. He returned to Knoxville after its occupation by General Ambrose E. Burnside in the autumn of that year, but his property had been confiscated and his family driven from east Tennessee. He was state attorney-general in 1864, a delegate to the Baltimore Republican Convention, and a presidential elector. He was returned to the 39th Congress as a Republican, but did not take his seat till 29 July, 1866, after which he served till 1875. In 1867 he was president of the Border State Convention. He was appointed U. S. minister to Russia in 1875, resigned in 1880, and in August of that year became Postmaster-General in President Hayes's cabinet, serving till March, 1881. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 276.
MAYO, Joseph, lawyer, born in Fine Creek Mills, Powhatan County, Virginia, 16 November, 1795; died in Richmond, Virginia, 9 August, 1872, studied medicine in Philadelphia, but left it for law, attaining high rank in his profession. He was commonwealth attorney in Richmond from 1823 till 1853, a member of the legislature, and mayor of Richmond from 1853 till the occupation of the city by the U. S. forces in April, 1865. Mr. Mayo was the author of a "Guide to Magistrates," a standard authority (Richmond; 2d ed., revised, 1860). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. IV, p. 277.
MAYSVILLE, ALABAMA, August 28, 1863. 4th Kentucky Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 588.
MAYSVILLE, ALABAMA, October 13, 1863. 1st Wisconsin Cavalry. Colonel Oscar H. La Grange in his report of the pursuit of Wheeler and Roddey states that his regiment "marched to Maysville, where the advance of the division had a slight skirmish with the advance of Roddey's command on the eve of the 13th." No other mention is made of the affair in the official records of the war. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 588.
MAYSVILLE, ALABAMA, November 17, 1864. Detachments 12th Indiana and 4th Michigan Cavalry. The Union troops, commanded by Colonel J. W. Hall, encountered the enemy's pickets about 2 miles from Maysville and drove them back to the town, skirmishing all the way. No casualties were reported. Maysville, Arkansas, October 22, 1862. (See Old Fort Wayne, same date.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 589.
MAYSVILLE, ARKANSAS, January —, 1863. Detachment of 3d Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Frontier. This affair was an attack by a Federal detachment under Captain H. S. Anderson upon some 200 Confederates, in which the Union force was successful, 25 or 30 of the Confederates being killed. No Federal casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 589.
MAYSVILLE, ARKANSAS, September 5. 1863. Detachments of 1st Arkansas and 2nd Kansas Cavalry. This detachment, acting as an escort for Captain John Gardner, bearing despatches between Federal commanders, was attacked in force near Maysville after having driven back several small parties of Confederates. At the enemy's charge a portion of the Federals turned and ran and the rest, on finding themselves about to be flanked, moved back to Hog-Eye and then to Round Prairie. It was finally necessary for them to surrender, after losing 1 man killed and 2 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 589.
MAYSVILLE, ARKANSAS, May 8, 1864. Detachment of 3d Indian Home Guard. Colonel C. W. Blair, commandant of the post of Fort Scott, Kansas, reports the receipt of the following from Colonel William A. Phillips of the 3d Indian Home Guard: "Captain Anderson, with a small command from this place, who was out on a reconnaissance after Adair, had n fight on the 8th with a portion of the rebel forces 10 miles northeast of Maysville. The rebels lost 6 killed. Anderson has 2 badly wounded." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 589.
MAZZARD'S PRAIRIE, ARKANSAS, July 27. 1864. (See Fort Smith.)