Civil War Encyclopedia: Lab-Lex
Labadieville, Louisiana through Lexington, Virginia
Labadieville, Louisiana through Lexington, Virginia
LABADIEVILLE, LOUISIANA, October 27, 1862. (See Georgia Landing, same date.)
LACEY'S SPRINGS, VIRGINIA, December 21, 1864. 3d Division of Cavalry, Army of the Potomac. At daylight the Confederate cavalry under Rosser attacked Custer's division while it was preparing to move from its camp during an expedition to Lacey's springs. The enemy expected to surprise a sleeping camp, but found the greater part of the command mounted and ready to move. The result was a complete defeat of Rosser, with a loss of several killed and wounded. The Union casualties were 22 wounded. Each side took about 30 prisoners. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 546.
LACLEDE, MISSOURI, June 18-19, 1864Detachment of Enrolled Missouri Militia. A band of 16 guerrillas dashed into Laclede and shot and killed 2 citizens on the 18th. The following day a pursuing force under Lieut . Lewis came upon and skirmished with the band, killing 1 and wounding several others. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 546.
LADD, William, Minot, Maine, peace advocate, philanthropist, opponent of slavery. Organized an auxiliary of the American Colonization Society (ACS) in Maine. Defended colonization to those who opposed it. Ladd stated that the ACS “deserves the patronage of all who are, from principle, opposed to slavery.”
(Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 585; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 5, Pt. 2, p. 527; Staudenraus, P. J. The African Colonization Movement, 1816-1865. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961, pp. 131, 210)
LADD, William, philanthropist ,born in Exeter, New Hampshire, 10 May, 1778; died in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 9 April, 1841. He was graduated at Harvard in 1797, and on leaving college embarked as a sailor on one of his father’s vessels, became a skilful navigator, and was captain of some of the finest ships that sailed from New England ports until he left the ocean at the beginning of the war of 1812. He resided at Minot, Maine, and took an active part in organizing the American peace Society, of which he was for many years president. The society was founded in 1828, and for a long period he was the only active and responsible officer. He gave his main attention to this society and the object it represented until the end of his life. In its interests he edited the “Friend of Peace,” established by Dr. Noah Worcester, and the “Harbinger of Peace,” which succeeded it as the organ of the society, and published a number of essays and occasional addresses on the subject of peace, including an “Address to the Peace Society of Maine” (1824), one to that of Massachusetts (1825), and “An Essay on the Congress of Nations” (Boston, 1840). He carried his views to the extent of denying the right of defensive war and caused this principle to be incorporated into the constitution of the society. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 585
LADD'S HOUSE, ALABAMA, February 3-4, 1865. Detachment of 68th New York Infantry. A scouting party of the 68th New York met and defeated a gang of bushwhackers near Ladd's house in Hog Jaw valley. One of the bushwhackers was killed. The affair occurred during the night of the 3d and 4th. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 546.
LADIGA, ALABAMA, October 28, 1864. Brigadier-General Kenner Garrard's Division, Army of the Cumberland. La Fayette, Georgia, June 24, 1864. 4th, 6th and 7th Kentucky Cavalry, and 4th Kentucky Mounted Infantry. About 3 a. m. Colonel Louis D. Watkins, commanding a brigade of Kentucky cavalry, was attacked by 2,000 cavalry under General Pillow, who drove in the pickets and compelled Watkins' men to take refuge in the public buildings. A summons to surrender was sent to Watkins, who refused to comply with it, and several attempts were then made to carry the buildings by assault, but each was repulsed with loss to the assailants, who upon the arrival of Colonel Croxton with the 4th Kentucky mounted infantry to reinforce Watkins, fell back in confusion. The Federal loss did not exceed 60 in killed and wounded, while the loss of the enemy in killed, wounded and prisoners was nearly 300. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 546.
LA FAYETTE, GEORGIA, October 12, 1864. During Hood's march to the north in his attempt to decoy Sherman from Georgia, the Confederate cavalry, 250 strong, occupied La Fayette. There is no mention of any fight, nor does the report state what Union force, if any, was in the town. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 546.
LA FAYETTE, TENNESSEE, May 11, 1863. Detachment of 14th Illinois Cavalry. Brigadier-General Edward H. Hobson sent the following despatch on May 11 to Brigadier-General Jeremiah T. Boyle, commanding the District of Western Kentucky: "Major (F. M.) Davidson, 14th Illinois cavalry, and 100 men had a fight with 125 of Morgan's men at La Fayette, Tennessee, last night. Our loss was 1 officer and 2 privates wounded, and 4 men taken prisoners. Rebel loss, 2 killed, 1 wounded left behind, and several wounded carried off, Davidson falling back to Barren river.'' The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 546.
LA FAYETTE, TENNESSEE, December 27, 1863. Detachments, 89th Indiana and 117th Illinois Infantry and 9th Illinois Cavalry. Learning that the enemy was moving westward, Brigadier-General B. H. Grierson, commanding at La Grange, ordered Colonel William H. Morgan, commanding the 3d brigade, cavalry division, 16th army corps, then stationed at Grand Junction, to embark his troops and move to La Fayette. Major Samuel Henry, with detachments of the 89th Indiana and 117th Illinois, was sent from Moscow to hold Grisson's bridge until the arrival of Morgan. The latter was delayed in getting started, and Henry's skirmishers were already engaged with the enemy when he arrived at the bridge. The skirmishers were kept out and Morgan's command disembarked and deployed, but so much time was consumed in getting the brigade into order that Henry's force and 300 men of the 9th Illinois cavalry, who had marched by wagon road from La Grange, drove the Confederates into and through La Fayette before Morgan could become engaged. The casualties were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 547.
LA FAYETTE, TENNESSEE, June 9, 1864. 7th Kansas Cavalry. Lafayette, Tennessee, June 23, 1864. 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 16th Army Corps. While the brigade was on a train between Memphis and Moscow it was fired into near La Fayette, and several men were killed or wounded. Some of the men who jumped or fell off the train were captured, and were afterward murdered. The attacking party was said to have been a band of guerrillas. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 547.
LA FAYETTE COUNTY, MISSOURI, March 12, 1862. Detachment of 1st Iowa Cavalry. Lieutenant J. D. Jenks with 30 men of Company D, 1st la., came upon a party of 25 Confederates posted in the buildings on the farm of one Greer and immediately engaged them. After a sharp fight, in which 9 of the enemy were killed, 3 wounded and 1 captured, Jenks drove the Confederates into the woods. The Union loss was 1 killed and 4 wounded. The affair occurred 15 miles from Lexington. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 547.
LA FAYETTE COUNTY, Missouri, September 22-25, 1863. Detachment of 1st Missouri State Militia Cavalry. While scouting in La Fayette county a force under Lieutenant—Colonel Bazel F. Lazear had two skirmishes with Confederates, resulting in the killing of 4, the capture of 6 and the wounding of others. Seventeen horses, a quantity of equipment, and some guns and ammunition were also taken. The Federal participants suffered but one casualty—the killing of the guide. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 547.
LA FAYETTE ROAD, GEORGIA, September 11, 1863. 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 21st Army Corps. Colonel G. C. Harker, commanding the brigade, was ordered to make a reconnaissance with his command on the La Fayette road. He had proceeded about three-quarters of a mile from the gap in Missionary ridge when his advance commenced skirmishing with the enemy. This was kept up lightly until about 3 miles from the gap, where it became more spirited, the enemy resisting with dismounted cavalry and 2 pieces of artillery. As soon as the Union artillery opened the Confederates withdrew. The reconnaissance was an incident of the Chickamauga campaign. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 547.
LA FAYETTE ROAD, GEORGIA, September 12, 1863. (See Chattooga River.)
LA FOURCHE, LOUISIANA, July 12-13, 1863. Portions of Weitzel's and Grover's Divisions, 19th Army Corps. At 3 p. m. of the 12th Colonel Nathan A. M. Dudley with the 3d brigade of Weitzel's division started down the right side of Bayou La Fourche. Besides his own command he had two sections of the 6th Massachusetts battery and a company of the 1st Louisiana cavalry. At the same time that Dudley moved, Colonel Joseph S. Morgan with the 1st brigade of the 4th division advanced down the left side of the bayou. The advance skirmishers of Dudley's brigade had not gone more than a mile before they were fired upon by the enemy's pickets, who were well supported. A section of artillery was used to dislodge them, and the column advanced to Cox's plantation, near Donaldsonville, where it bivouacked for the night. A simultaneous attack had been made upon Morgan, but had also been repulsed. At 4:30 a. m. of the 13th the Confederates advanced in considerable force, compelling the Union pickets to fall back a short distance. Observing that the enemy was about to flank him, Dudley asked for reinforcements and Paine's brigade, with the 1st Maine battery was sent to his assistance. There was a lull in the engagement until 1:30 p. m. when the Confederates opened a cross-fire which necessitated the retirement of the Federal command after a desperate resistance. In the retreat 1 gun was abandoned, the fire that caused its loss coming from a point on the opposite side of the bayou where Morgan had been, but who had, apparently without cause, fallen back before a smaller force of the enemy. His conduct was the subject of a court-martial, which found him guilty of needlessly abandoning his position, but the sentence was later suspended by Major-General Banks. The Federal loss in this engagement was 56 killed, 223 wounded and 186 captured or missing. The Confederate loss was equally as large. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 547-548.
LA FOURCHE CROSSING, LOUISIANA, June 20-21, 1863. U. S. Troops under Lieutenant-Colonel Albert Stickney. Early in the morning of the 20th Stickney learned that the enemy was advancing in force on La Fourche crossing and was ordered to proceed to that place from Brashear City with all his available force. He arrived about noon and deployed his men in line of battle. His force comprised detachments of the 23d Conn., 176th New York, 42nd Massachusetts and 26th Maine infantry, 1st Louisiana cavalry and 21st Indiana battery. At 5 p. m. the Federal pickets were driven in and the Confederates advanced until checked by a volley from the 23d Conn. and a few shots from a 12-pounder gun. During the night and the next morning detachments of the 26th Massachusetts infantry and the 25th New York battery arrived to reinforce Stickney and on Sunday morning (the 21st) the enemy made several reconnaissances along the Federal line but no organized attempt was made to attack. During the afternoon the outposts of the opposing forces became engaged. About 6:30 p. m. the Confederates again appeared on Stickney's front, this time in force. The Union pickets were obliged to fall back, and a 12-pounder howitzer was opened by the enemy, to which the 25th New York battery made reply and succeeded in silencing the piece. About 7 o'clock a charge was made on the guns, and it was only after a hand-to-hand encounter that the Confederates were repulsed, withdrawing an hour later toward Thibodeaux. Stickney had 8 men killed and 41 wounded. He estimated the Confederate loss at 300 killed and wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 548.
LAIDLEY, Theodore Thaddens Sobleski, soldier, born in Guyandotte, Virginia, 14 April, 1822; died in Palatka, Florida, 4 April, 1886. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1842, and was appointed 2d lieutenant in the Ordnance Corps. From 1842 till 1846 he served as assistant in various arsenals, and then in the war with Mexico, where he participated in the siege of Vera Cruz, battle of Cerro Gordo, and the siege of Pueblo. Just before the battle of Cerro Gordo, Lieutenant Laidley and Lieutenant Roswell S. Ripley were charged with the placing of an eight-inch howitzer on the summit of a hill on the south side of the Rio del Plan in such a manner as to enfilade the enemy's line of batteries from the right. The work was accomplished at night, over an almost impracticable route that was obstructed by rocks and tropical shrubbery. The gun was placed, and in the morning an effective fire was at once opened, and the enemy driven out of his works. The appearance of a gun of such calibre, with sufficient supports, in such a place, discouraged the Mexicans, and their forces surrendered. Laidley received the brevets of captain and major, and at the close of the war returned to Watervliet Arsenal as assistant ordnance officer. Subsequently for ten years he was engaged on ordnance duty at various stations, becoming captain in July, 1856. In 1858 he was assigned the duty of compiling a new ordnance manual, which became known as the "Ordnance Manual of 1861" and remained a standard for many years. During the Civil War he was inspector of powder in 1861-'2, and then was in command of Frankford Arsenal until 1864, when he became inspector of ordnance, and was given charge of the Springfield Armory until 1866. Afterward he had command of the New York Arsenal on Governor's Island, and later of that at Watertown, N. Y., becoming colonel in April, 1875. He served on several boards for making scientific tests and experiments, and was president of the commission to test the strength and value of all kinds of iron, steel, and other metals at the Watertown Arsenal in 1875-'81. Colonel Laidley was retired, at, his own request, in December, 1882, after over forty years of active service, being at the time of his retirement senior colonel in the Ordnance Department. He invented several valuable appliances that are now used in the department, including an igniter, a laboratory forge, an artillery forge, and a cavalry forge. Besides important government reports, he was the author of " Instructions in Rifle Practice" (Philadelphia, 1879). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 595.
LA GRANGE, Oscar Hugh, 1837-1915, abolitionist, soldier. LaGrange was active in the Bleeding Kansas conflict. He helped to free Sherman Booth from incarceration. He was a Union Army officer, serving in the Army of the Cumberland under General W. T. Sherman. (Eicher, 2001, p. 750)
LA GRANGE, ALABAMA, December 30, 1864. (See Russellville.) La Grange, Arkansas, September 26, 1862. 1st Missouri Cavalry. While on a scout from Helena Lieutenant William B. Dorsey with two squadrons of the 1st Missouri was fired upon from the brush. One of his men was killed and another wounded. Dorsey fell back and joined the main column of the expedition, composed of detachments of the 1st Missouri and the 4th la. cavalry under Captain James T. Drummond. On learning of the attack on Dorsey, Drummond proceeded to the point of action. Near the place he saw what he supposed was a body of the enemy drawn up in line of battle. The flankers and skirmishers of both forces had become engaged before it was discovered that the opposing commands were both Federal, Drummond's foes being detachments of the 5th Kansas and the 5th Missouri cavalry under Major Thomas W. Scudder. Scudder lost 1 man killed and 1 wounded before the mistake was discovered. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 548.
LA GRANGE, ARKANSAS, November 8, 1862. (See Marianna, Arkansas, same date.)
LA GRANGE, ARKANSAS, January 3, 1863. Portion of General Washburn's Cavalry Regiment. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 548.
LA GRANGE, ARKANSAS, May 1, 1863. Detachment of 3d Iowa Cavalry. Captain JQA. DeHuff with 160 men of the 3d la. was sent out from Helena to make a reconnaissance in the direction of La Grange. When within a mile of the town the enemy was discovered on foot, posted in the woods on either side of the road. Firing was opened by DeHuff's men, the successive volleys made the enemy waver, and De Huff was about to follow up his advantage and charge the Confederate line when his rear was assaulted. While his men were attempting to repulse this attack the enemy in the front rallied and attacked. The Federals became confused, but after an effort De Huff rallied them sufficiently to get a column formed and retired 3 miles into the timber on his left. The Union loss was 3 killed, 8 wounded and 30 captured or missing. The Confederate casualties were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 549.
LA GRANGE, TENNESSEE, November 8, 1862. Cavalry of the Army of the Tennessee. Major-General U. S. Grant reporting on a reconnaissance from La Grange toward Holly Springs states that "The cavalry, under Colonel Lee (Seventh Kansas), had two skirmishes yesterday, in which they took 102 prisoners and killed 17 that they know of. Our reported loss 2 wounded." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 549.
LAKE BRUIN, LOUISIANA, April 28, 1863. (See Choctaw Bayou.)
LAKE CHICOT, ARKANSAS, June 6, 1864. (See Old River Lake.)
LAKE CITY, FLORIDA, February 11, 1864. 40th Massachusetts Mounted Infantry, Independent Battalion Massachusetts Cavalry and Battery B, 1st U. S. Artillery. The advance of the Florida expedition, under Colonel Guy V. Henry, while pursuing the enemy after his defeat at Barber's plantation, came upon a strong force of Confederates in good position near Lake City. An hour's severe skirmishing ensued, when infantry reinforcements came to the Confederates and Henry retired. No casualties were reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 549.
LAKE PROVIDENCE, LOUISIANA, May 27, 1863. 47th U. S. Colored Troops. Lake Providence, Louisiana, June 9, 1863. 1st Kansas Mounted Infantry, 16th Wisconsin and 8th Louisiana Colored Infantry. An attack was made on the afternoon of the 9th by the Confederates, 600 in number, on the post of Providence. The enemy was first met 6 miles from town by two companies of the 1st Kansas, which slowly fell back to within a mile of the post, where the whole garrison had been drawn up in support. The mounted infantry crossed the bridge and then destroyed it. The Confederates brought up a 6-pounder piece and opened fire, but the effective fire of the Federal skirmishers soon silenced it. A heavy force of skirmishers finally caused the Confederate withdrawal to Floyd at dusk. The Federal loss was 1 man wounded; the Confederate, 2 killed and 5 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 549.
LAKE PROVIDENCE, LOUISIANA, June 28, 1863. U. S. Forces under Brigadier General Hugh T. Reid. C. A. Dana, assistant secretary of war, reporting to the head of the department from near Vicksburg says: "A rebel force, said to be 6,000 men, with 2 guns, attacked General H. T. Reid at Lake Providence on the 28th, and was repulsed. Reid had three regiments of white troops." Lake Saint Joseph, Louisiana, June 4, 1863. Major-General Richard Taylor, of the Confederate army, reports that a company of his command attacked the camp of a company of colored Federal soldiers on the morning of the 4th. The white captain and 12 negroes were killed and the remainder captured. Union reports make no mention of the affair.
LAKE VERRET, LOUISIANA, January 30, 1865. Detachment of 1st Louisiana Cavalry. Captain John H. Alexander reports that his company (K of the 1st Louisiana cavalry) came upon a party of Confederates just as they were embarking in a fishing boat on Lake Verret. One volley was fired by the enemy, wounding a sergeant. It is not known whether any of the Confederates were killed or wounded by the Union fire on the boat. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 549.
LAKE VILLAGE, ARKANSAS, June 6, 1864. (See Old River Lake.)
LAMAR, Gazaway B., banker, born in Georgia in 1798; died in New York City, 5 October, 1874. He was engaged in business for many years in Savannah, and was at one time a large slave-holder. In 1845 he moved to Brooklyn, was successful in business, and for several years president of the Bank of the Republic, New York. In anticipation of the Civil War in the winter of 1860-'l, he shipped large quantities of arms to Georgia. He also acted as financial agent of the Confederacy, and in that capacity procured the printing of its notes and bonds in New York. Soon after the beginning of the war he went to Georgia, and was largely concerned in cotton-speculations and blockade-running. After the occupation of Savannah he was arrested by order of the Secretary of War and confined in the old capital prison at Washington. A few months after his release he was tried by a military commission for attempted bribery of government officers, and was sentenced to several years' imprisonment and a large fine, but the sentence was remitted by President Johnson. This prosecution led to counter-suits by him against the government in the New York District. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 597-98.
LAMAR, Lucius Quintus Cincililiatus, statesman, born in Putnam County, Georgia, 1 September, 1825, was taken after his father's death to Oxford, Mississippi, where he received part of his education. He was graduated at Emory College, Gain 1845, studied law in Macon, Georgia, and was admitted to the bar in 1847. In 1849 he returned to Oxford, Mississippi, and held the place of adjunct professor of mathematics in the University of Mississippi for a year, when he resigned, and resumed the practice of the law in Covington, Georgia. He was elected to the legislature in 1853, and in 1854 again returned to Mississippi and settled on his plantation in Lafayette. Lamar was shortly afterward elected to Congress as a Democrat, and served from 1857 till 1860, when he resigned to take a seat in the Secession Convention of his state. He then entered the Confederate Army as lieutenant-colonel of the 19th Mississippi Regiment, of which he afterward became colonel. He shared in many of the engagements of the Army of Northern Virginia, but was compelled to leave active service on account of his health, and was sent as commissioner to Russia; but when he reached Europe, in 1863, circumstances had changed, and a successful mission was no longer possible. After the close of the war Colonel Lamar returned to Mississippi. He was elected professor of political economy and social science in the University of Mississippi in 1866, and in 1867 was transferred to the chair of law, but afterward returned again to the bar. He was elected again to Congress in 1872, when for the first time in many years a Democratic House of Representatives assembled, and he was selected to preside over the Democratic caucus, where he made a noteworthy address, outlining the policy of his party. He was re-elected in 1874, and then chosen to the U. S. Senate, taking his seat, 5 March, 1877. In both the house and senate Colonel Lamar spoke rarely, and not often at great length, but when he did it was usually on critical occasions, and with much power and effectiveness. He has insisted that, as integral members of the Federal Union, the southern states have equal rights with the other states, and hence that they were bound both by duty and interest to look to the general welfare, and support the honor and credit of a common country, he was also a zealous friend of public improvements, especially the Mississippi River improvement and the Texas Pacific Railroad. He has great independence of thought and action, and at one time, when he was instructed by the legislature of his state to vote on the currency question against his convictions, he refused to obey, appealed to the people, and was sustained. On 5 March, 1885, Mr. Lamar became Secretary of the Interior in President Cleveland's cabinet. His course since has been consistent with his previous career. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 598.
LAMAR, MISSISSIPPI, August 14, 1864. Detachment of the 7th Indiana Cavalry. Lieutenant J. W. Skelton, with one company, was started from Hudsonville to Lamar, where he was to join a detachment of some 300 Federal infantry which was reported to be there. About 9 p. m. Skelton saw a train of 4 wagons, followed by about a dozen men in their shirtsleeves, whom he supposed to be guerrillas trying to capture the wagons, and sent a part of his company to cut them off and capture them. A little later he came in sight of some troops, part in line and part in column, and, thinking it was the infantry he had been sent to join, rode boldly forward until within a short distance of the line before he discovered that they were Confederates. Their line swung round and gained his rear, but Skelton ordered a charge and cut his way out. His men were badly scattered in the darkness, some finding their way to La Grange, Skelton and 6 men reached Hudsonville about daylight on the 15th, and a few were supposed to have been killed or captured. With a stronger force Skelton returned to the scene on the 15th, but the enemy had disappeared in the direction of Salem, leaving 2 men badly wounded and the tools with which he was destroying the track. From a citizen living near it was learned that a large number of dead and wounded had been carried away. The Confederate troops were the 7th Tennessee and Forrest's old regiment, and numbered about 700 men. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 550.
LAMAR, MISSOURI, November 5, 1862. Detachment of 8th Missouri Cavalry Militia. Captain Martin Breeden of the 8th Missouri reports that between 200 and 300 Confederates attacked his men at Lamar on the night of November 5. The fight lasted for over two hours, during which time about a third of the town was destroyed by fire. Three members of the garrison were killed and 3 wounded, while the enemy lost 6 killed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 550.
LAMAR, MISSOURI, May 20, 1864. Missouri Militia. At 4 a. m. a Confederate force attacked the post at Lamar, garrisoned by 25 men of the Missouri militia. The enemy penetrated to the center of the city in a short time, but at 10:30 the militia rallied and drove them out. No casualties are mentioned. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 550.
LAMB'S CREEK CHURCH, Virginia, September 2, 1863. (See Port Conway, same date.)
LAMB'S FERRY, ALABAMA, May 13, 1862. (See Rogersville, same date.)
LA MINE BRIDGE, MISSOURI, October 10, 1863. While Confederate General Shelby was raiding in Arkansas and Missouri he despatched a force to burn the La Mine bridge. The movement was successfully accomplished, the garrison being captured after a brief fight. The only mention of the affair is in Shelby's report, so there is no way of ascertaining who the Federal participants were. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 550.
LANCASTER, KENTUCKY, October 14, 1862. 19th Brigade, Army of the Ohio. In the pursuit of the Confederates from Perryville, after the battle at that place on the 8th, Hazen's brigade encountered Wheeler's cavalry near Lancaster. Wheeler says that in the fight he "disabled a battery and prevented the enemy from approaching nearer than to within 2 or 3 miles of the town." The next day Hazen forced Wheeler back through Crab Orchard, skirmishing all day and continuing the pursuit to within 2 miles of Mount Vernon. No report of casualties. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 550.
LANCASTER, KENTUCKY, July 31, 1863. U. S. Forces under Colonel W. P. Sanders. During the pursuit of Scott in his raid in eastern Kentucky the mounted force under Sanders, consisting of detachments of the 1st, 10th and 14th Kentucky, 2nd and 7th Ohio, 8th and 9th Michigan and 5th East Tennessee cavalry and 1st and 2nd East Tennessee, 45th Ohio and 112th Illinois mounted infantry, came up with the enemy at Lancaster, where he attempted to make a stand. A charge was made by Major J. M. Taylor, which completely routed the Confederates and resulted in the capture of 200 men. Pursuit was continued through Stanford, Scott several times attempting to check the pursuers with artillery, but without avail. The casualties of the affair were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 550-551.
LANCASTER, MISSOURI, November 24, 1861. 21st Missouri Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 551.
LANCE. The lance is composed of a sharp steel blade, from 8 to 10 inches long, grooved like a common bayonet with a socket at its base and two iron straps for attaching it to the handle. The handle is of strong light wood, with a tip of iron at its lower end and a leathern loop at its centre of gravity to support and guide the lance. It is usually from 8J to 11 feet long, and weighs about 4J lbs. This weapon is not used in the United States service. The Russians have their regular and irregular Cossacks armed with the lance. The Austrians, also, have lancers; but the Polish cavalry use the lance better than any other people. The lance, when not in use, rests in a leather boot attached to the stirrup, the right arm being passed through the leather loop of the lance; or by putting the lower end in the boot and strapping the handle to the pommel of the saddle. Lancers are more formidable than other cavalry because they are able to reach further. Skill in combating a lancer, consists in keeping to his left, in order to shun his lance. Pressed too nearly, the lancer must have recourse to his sabre and let his lance rest upon his arm. The moment in which he attempts to seize his sabre is dangerous to him. The Mexican cavalry are generally lancers. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 381).
LANDER, Frederick West, soldier, born in Salem, Massachusetts, 17 December, 1822; died in Paw Paw, Virginia, 2 March, 1862. He was educated at Dummer Academy, Byfield, and studied civil engineering at the Military Academy at Norwich, Vermont He practised that profession a few years in Massachusetts, and was then employed by the U. S. government in conducting important explorations across the continent. He made two surveys to determine the practicability of a railroad-route to the Pacific, and from the second, which was undertaken at his own expense, he alone, of all the party, returned alive. He afterward surveyed and constructed the great overland wagon-route. While engaged in 1858 on this work, his party of seventy men were attacked by the Pah Ute Indians, over whom they gained a decisive victory. He made five trans-continental explorations altogether, as engineer, chief engineer, or superintendent, and for his efficiency received praise in the official reports of the Secretary of the Interior. When the Civil War began in 1861 he was employed on important secret missions in the southern states, served as a volunteer aide on General McClellan's staff, and participated with great credit in the capture of Philippi and the battle of Rich Mountain. He led one of the two columns that set out, 3 June, 1861, to surprise the enemy at Philippi, and, after marching all night, opened the attack with an effective artillery fire, and soon put the Confederates to flight. He was made brigadier-general of volunteers on 17 May, and in July took an important command on the upper Potomac. Hearing of the disaster at Ball's Bluff, he hastened to Edward's Ferry, which he held with a single company of sharp-shooters, but was severely wounded in the leg. Before the wound was healed he reported for duty, and at Hancock, 5 January, 1862, he repelled a greatly superior Confederate force that besieged the town. Though much debilitated by his wound, he made a brilliant dash upon the enemy at Blooming Gap, 14 February, 1862, for which he received a special letter of thanks from the Secretary of War. The enemy retreated before the Union cavalry, but checked their pursuers in the pass, until General Lander called for volunteers and swept down on the Confederate infantry. Increasing ill health compelled him to apply for temporary relief from military duty; but, while preparing an attack on the enemy, he died of congestion of the brain. His death was announced in a special order issued by General McClellan on 3 March. General Lander wrote many stirring patriotic poems on incidents of the campaign. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 604.
LANDRAM, John James, soldier, born in Warsaw, Kentucky, 16 November, 1826. He obtained an English education, and at nineteen years of age enlisted in the 1st Kentucky Cavalry, under Colonel Humphrey Marshall, and led his company in the battle of Buena Vista. He was elected to the legislature in 1851, and was afterward circuit, clerk until 1858, being master-commissioner at the same time. He was then graduated at the law-school in Louisville, and settled in Warsaw, Kentucky, where he has since practised his profession. At the opening of the Civil War he aided in recruiting and organizing for the National government the 18th Kentucky Regiment, of which he became lieutenant-colonel. He was afterward transferred to the command of the post at Cynthiana, Kentucky, where large army supplies were stored. The garrison of several hundred home guards and recruits, and a squadron of artillery, was attacked by General John H. Morgan's cavalry, 23 July, 1862, and after a desperate struggle, with severe losses on both sides, was compelled to surrender. Colonel Landram escaped, with a slight wound, to Paris, where, on the next day, he rallied and united several detachments of National troops, and harassed Morgan on his retirement from Kentucky. On 30 August, 1862, he led his regiment in the battle of Richmond, Kentucky, where several horses were shot under him, and he received a serious wound in the head, which partially blinded him for life and compelled him to retire from the service. He had been recommended for promotion to the rank of brigadier-general. Colonel Landram was elected to the state senate in 1863, and served as chairman of the committee on military affairs through the remainder of the war. He was defeated as a Republican candidate for Congress in 1876 and 1884, and was a delegate to the Republican National Convention in the former year. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 605.
LANE, Charles, 1800-1870, transcendentalist, voluntarist, abolitionist, reformer, vegetarian advocate. Co-founded the utopian community of Fruitlands in Harvard, Massachusetts. Contributed letter to the abolitionist newspapers Liberator and Herald of Freedom. (Watner, 1982.)
LANE, James Henry, 1814-1866, lawyer, soldier, Union General, U.S. Senator from Kansas, 1861-1866. Elected Senator in 1861 and in 1865. Active in the abolitionist movement in Kansas in the 1850’s. A leader in the Jay Hawkers and Free Soil militant groups. Voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery.
(Appletons’, 1888, Vol. III, p. 606; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 5, Pt. 2, p. 576; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 13, p. 121; Congressional Globe)
LANE, James Henry, soldier, born in Lawrenceburg, Indiana, 22 June, 1814; died near Leavenworth, Kansas, 1 July, 1866, studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1840, and elected to the city council of Lawrenceburg. In May, 1846, he enlisted as a private in the 3d Indiana Volunteer Regiment, organizing for the Mexican War, was chosen colonel, and commanded a brigade at Buena Vista. He became colonel of the 5th Indiana Regiment in 1847, and in 1848 was chosen lieutenant-governor of Indiana. From 1853 till 1855 he was a representative in Congress, having been chosen as a Democrat, and voted for the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. In 1855 he went to Kansas, where he took an active part in polities as a leader of the Free-state Party, and was made chairman of the executive committee of the Topeka constitutional Convention. He was elected by the people major-general of the free state troops, and was active in driving out the Missouri invaders. In 1856 he was elected to the U. S. Senate by the legislature that met under the Topeka Constitution: but the election was not recognized by Congress, and he was indicted in Douglas County for high treason and forced to flee from the territory. In 1857 he was president of the Leavenworth Constitutional Convention, and again made major-general of the territorial troops. In 1858 he shot a neighbor named Jenkins in a quarrel about a well, for which he was tried and acquitted. On the admission of Kansas to the Union in 1861, he was elected to the U. S. Senate, serving on the committees of Indian Affairs and Agriculture. In May, 1861, he commanded the frontier guards that were organized for the defence of Washington, and on 18 December he was made brigadier-general of volunteers; but the appointment was cancelled, 21 March, 1862. He commanded the Kansas brigade in the field for four months, rendering good service in western Missouri. He narrowly escaped from the Lawrence massacre in August, 1863, and was an aide to General Curtis during General Sterling Price's raid in October, 1864. He was a delegate to the Baltimore Convention of 1864. He was re-elected to the United States Senate in 1865, but in the following year, while on his way home, he was attacked with paralysis, his mind became unsettled, and he committed suicide. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 606.
LANE, Ebenezer, jurist, born in Northampton, Massachusetts, 17 December, 1793: died in Sandusky, Ohio, 13 June, 1866. He was graduated at Harvard in 1811, studied law under his uncle, Matthew Griswold, of Lyme, Connecticut, in 1814 was admitted to the bar, and, after practising for three years in Connecticut, moved to Ohio and settled in Norwalk, Huron County. He became judge of the court of common pleas in 1824, and from 1837 till 1845 was judge of the Supreme Court of Ohio. After his retirement from the bench he resumed his profession, and was afterward engaged in various relations with the western railroads, withdrawing from active employment in 1859. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 606.
LANE, Joseph, soldier, born in Buncombe County, North Carolina, 14 December, 1801; died in Oregon, 19 April, 1881, moved with his parents to Henderson County, Kentucky, in 1804, and in 1816 he went to Warwick County, Indiana, where for several years he was a clerk in a mercantile house. He was elected to the legislature in 1822, continued in office till 1846, when he enlisted as a private in the 2d Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, was in a few weeks commissioned its colonel, and in June received from President Polk the appointment of brigadier-general. He was wounded at the battle of Buena Vista, was brevetted major-general for gallantry at Huamantla, commanded at Atlixco, took Matamoras, 22 November, 1847, captured Orizaba in January, 1848, and the next month fought the robber-chief Jaranta at Tchualtaplan. He was known as the " Marion of the Mexican Army." At the conclusion of the war he was appointed governor of Oregon by President Polk, was its delegate to Congress, being elected as a Democrat in 1851-'7, and in 1853 commanded the settlers in the campaign against the Rogue Indians, whom he defeated at the battle near Table Rock, in which he was severely wounded. On the admission of Oregon as a state he was elected U. S. Senator, served from 1859 till 1861. and in 1860 was nominated for vice-president on the John C. Breckinridge ticket. His defeat ended his political career, and he passed his old age in obscurity and poverty in a remote part of Oregon. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 606-607.
LANE, Henry Smith, 1811-1881, U.S. Senator. Voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery. (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. III, p. 607; Congressional Globe; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 5, Pt. 2, p. 574)
LANE, Henry Smith, senator, born in Montgomery County, Kentucky, 24 February, 1811; died in Crawfordsville, Indiana, 11 June, 1881, worked on a farm and attended school at intervals till he was sixteen years old. He began the study of law at eighteen, was admitted to the bar at twenty-one, and, removing to Indiana, practised his profession till 1854. He was in the legislature in 1837, and the next year was elected to Congress as a Republican, serving till 1843. The defeat of Henry Clay for the presidency retired Mr. Lane from political life for sixteen years. At the first National Republican Convention he made so effective a speech that, in June, 1856, he was elected permanent president of that body, and for several years he led the Republican Party in the state. The election of 1858 gave the Republicans the majority of both houses of the Indiana Legislature. In 1859, with the aid of the " Americans," they elected Mr. Lane to the U. S. Senate, hoping to annul the informal election of 1858 that gave the seat to Jesse D. Bright. The case was referred to the Congressional committee on elections, which reported in favor of the validity of the former election, and sustained Mr. Bright. Mr. Lane became governor of Indiana in 1860, and in February of that year was elected to the U. S. Senate, serving till 1867. He retired from politics at the end of his term, and, except as Indian peace-commissioner under General Grant, undertook no regular public service. He was a delegate to the Loyalists' Convention in 1866, to the Chicago National Republican Convention in 1868, and to that of Cincinnati in 1876. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 607.
LANE, Lunsford, 1803-1870, North Carolina, author, fugitive slave, abolitionist. Lunsford Lane was born a slave near Raleigh, North Carolina. He purchased his freedom for $1,000 and later purchased the freedom of his family. He went to New York in 1835. He was active in giving speeches on slavery and abolition. He was arrested and nearly lynched when he travelled to Raleigh to purchase the freedom of enslaved members of his family. He was saved by local sympathetic White residents. He then settled in Philadelphia. Published The Narrative of Lunsford Lane, Formerly of Raleigh, N.C., Embracing an Account of his Early Life, the Redemption by Purchase of Himself and Family from Slavery, and his Banishment from his Place of Birth for the Crime of Wearing a Colored Skin. 1842. His book was widely distributed and was used to promote the abolitionist cause. (Dumond, 1961, p. 330; Rodriguez, 2007, p. 30; Sinha, 2016, p. 468; Minutes, Convention of the Liberty Party, June 14, 15, 1848, Buffalo, New York)
LANE'S BRIDGE, SOUTH CAROLINA, February 6, 1865. 3d Division, 15th Army Corps. At 6 a. m. the corps broke camp at Moye's plantation and moved toward the Little Salkehatchie river, the 3d division, commanded by Bvt. Major General J. E. Smith, in advance, with the mounted infantry at the head of the column. About 2 miles from Lane's bridge the Confederate pickets were encountered and the skirmishing commenced. Two companies of the 10th la. were deployed and drove the enemy rapidly to the river, where the bridge was found destroyed and the narrow causeway leading to it obstructed by fallen timber, while on the north bank was a considerable Confederate force intrenched in a strong position, their front being protected by a swamp that extended for some distance below the bridge. Major-General J. A. Logan, commanding the corps, ordered General Woods to move up his division (the 1st) to the support of Smith; the 29th Missouri mounted infantry was sent to a crossing about 3 miles up the river and a detachment of the 7th Illinois was directed to move along the banks in search of a ford. Smith next ordered Colonel Wever, commanding the 2nd brigade, to send the 10th la. about three-fourths of a mile to the left and the 80th Ohio a similar distance to the right to protect the flanks, after which he prepared for a direct attack in front. A section of artillery was brought up and fired a few shots to develop the enemy's guns, but no reply being received the 56th Illinois plunged boldly into the stream, in places almost up to the armpits of the men, crossed the swamp, drove the enemy rapidly to a ridge some half mile from the river, and then hastily threw up a barricade of rails and logs to hold the position until supports could be brought over. The whole Confederate force formed on the ridge, but as soon as a sufficient number of Smith's men could be sent across the river skirmishers were deployed, the enemy was quickly routed and driven beyond Fishburn's plantation, where the division went into camp for the night. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 551.
LANE'S PRAIRIE, MISSOURI, NEAR ROLLA, July 26, 1861. Missouri Home Guards. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 551.
LANE'S PRAIRIE, MISSOURI, May 26, 1864. Detachment of 2nd Wisconsin Cavalry. A sergeant and 4 men of Company K, 2nd Wisconsin cavalry, were led into a woods by a band of 15 or 20 guerrillas dressed in Federal uniforms and murdered. The bodies were discovered next day by a party of the same company sent out to locate the detachment. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 551.
LANGSTON, Charles Henry, 1817-1892, Ohio, African American (Black mother, White father), abolitionist leader. He and his brother, Gideon, were the first African Americans to attend Oberlin College. Active in Ohio Negro Convention Movement. Helped found the Ohio Anti-Slavery Society in 1858. Active in Liberty, Free Soil and Republican parties. Involved in slave rescue in violation of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. Recruited Black troops for the Union Army. (Blue, 2005, pp. 5-6, 13, 65-67, 66-78, 83-84, 86-88, 118, 120, 156, 266-267; Sinha, 2016, p. 467; Minutes, Convention of the Liberty Party, June 14, 15, 1848, Buffalo, New York)
LANGSTON, Gideon, abolitionist, brother of Charles Henry Langston. He and his brother, Charles, were the first African Americans to attend Oberlin College. (Blue, 2005, pp. 65-67)
LANGSTON, John Mercer, 1829-1897, Ohio, free African American, lawyer, diplomat, educator, abolitionist, political leader. Brother of Charles Henry Langston. Graduate of Oberlin College. Langston aided fugitive slaves as a member of the Underground Railroad. Helped found the Ohio Anti-Slavery Society with his brother Charles in 1858. Recruited soldiers for the U.S. Colored Troops for the Union Army, enlisting soldiers for the 54th and 55th Regiments from Boston, Massachusetts. After the war, he was appointed Inspector General for the Freedman’s Bureau. Also worked for African American suffrage. First African American elected to Congress from Virginia. U. S. Congressman, Virginia, 4th District, 1890-1891. First Dean of Howard University law school, Washington, DC.
(Sinha, 2016, p. 467; Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 612; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 5, Pt. 2, p. 597; Blue, 2005, pp. 5-6, 65-66, 69, 72-76, 78, 79, 81, 85-88; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 13, p. 164; Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., & Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, eds. African American National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2013, Vol. 7, p. 162; Minutes, Convention of the Liberty Party, June 14, 15, 1848, Buffalo, New York)
LANGSTON, John Mercer, educator, born in Louisa County, Virginia, 14 December, 1829. He was by birth a slave, but was emancipated at the age of six years. He was graduated at Oberlin in 1849, and at the theological department in 1853. After studying law he was admitted to the bar of Ohio in 1854, and practised his profession there until 1869, during which time he was clerk of several townships in Ohio, being the first colored man that was elected to an office of any sort by popular vote. He was also a member of the board of education of Oberlin. In 1869 he was called to a professorship of law in Howard University, Washington, D. C, and became dean of the faculty of the law department and active in its organization, remaining there seven years. He was appointed by President Grant a member of the board of health of the District of Columbia, and was elected its secretary in 1875. In 1877-'85 he was U. S. minister and consul-general in Hayti. On his return to this country in 1885 he was appointed president of the Virginia Normal and Collegiate Institute in Petersburg, which office he now (1887) holds. In addition to various addresses and papers on political, biographical, literary, and scientific subjects, Mr. Langston is the author of a volume of selected addresses entitled " Freedom and Citizenship" (Washington, 1883). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 612.
L'ANGUILLE FERRY, ARKANSAS, August 3, 1862. Detachment of 1st Wisconsin Cavalry. At daylight the encampment of the detachment on L'Anguille river was attacked by 600 Texas Rangers under Parsons. The disparity in numbers made useless the resistance of the Wisconsin men. Eleven were killed, 33 wounded and 30 captured. The Confederates captured and burned a number of wagons, an amount of stores, etc. Their loss was not reported, but Major Henry S. Eggleston, commanding the Union force, estimated it at 5 dead and 2 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 551.
LANIER, Sidney, poet, born in Macon, Georgia, 3 February, 1842; died in Lynn, North Carolina, 7 September, 1881. When a child he learned to play many instruments almost without instruction, devoting himself especially to the flute. He was graduated at Oglethorpe College, Midway, Georgia, in 1860. He enlisted in the Confederate Army in April, 1861, and participated in the Seven Days' fighting near Richmond. Afterward he was transferred to the signal service, with headquarters at Petersburg. In 1863 his detachment served in Virginia and North Carolina, and afterward, while in command of a blockade-runner, he was captured, and for five months imprisoned in Point Lookout, Florida His experience is pictured in a novel that he wrote in three weeks entitled "Tiger-Lilies" (New York, 1867). He was a clerk in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1865-'7, afterward principal of an academy in Prattville, Alabama, and in 1868-'72 practised law with his father, Robert S. Lanier, in Macon. At the suggestion of his friend Bayard Taylor he was chosen to write the words of the cantata for the opening of the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876. In October, 1877, he settled in Baltimore and delivered lectures on English literature. In 1879 he was appointed lecturer on this subject at Johns Hopkins University. In December, 1880, he wrote his poem "Sunrise," one of a projected series entitled " Hymns of the Marshes." In the following summer he encamped in the mountains of North Carolina, where he died of consumption. His scholarship was wide and accurate, and his investigations in the scientific construction of verse are formulated in his "Science of English Verse" (New York, 1880). His other works are "Florida: Its Scenery, Climate, and History" (Philadelphia, 1876); "Poems" (1877); "The Boy's Froissart" (New York, 1878); "The Boy's King Arthur" (1880); "The Boy's Mabinogion" (1881); "The Boy's Percy" (1882); and "The English Novel and the Principles of its Development (1883). A collection of his poems, with a memorial by William Hayes Ward, was edited by his wife, Mary Day Lanier (1884).—His brother, Clifford Anderson, author, born in Griffin, Georgia, was educated at Oglethorpe College, but his studies were interrupted by the Civil War. He served in the Confederate Army, and was afterward signal officer on the steamer " Talisman," manning the blockade between Wilmington, North Carolina, and Bermuda until the vessel was wrecked in December, 1864. In 1885-'6 Mr. Lanier was superintendent of the city schools, Montgomery, Alabama He is the author of occasional poems and essays and of a novel entitled "Thorn-Fruit" (New York. 1867). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 613.
LANIER'S MILLS, ALABAMA, April 6, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Military Division of the Mississippi. During the course of operations in Wilson's raid Croxton's brigade reached Lanier's mills on Sipsey creek. After burning the mills Croxton turned back and had proceeded about 2 miles toward Tuscaloosa when his rear was attacked and the 6th Kentucky driven in on the 2nd Michigan Together the two regiments repulsed several assaults losing in the movement 34 men and officers. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 551.
LANMAN, Joseph, naval officer, born in Norwich, Connecticut, 11 July, 1811; died there. 13 March, 1874. He entered the U.S. Navy as a midshipman, 1 January. 1825, and passed that grade on 4 June, 1881. His first years of service were spent on the Brazil, West India, and Pacific Squadrons. He was commissioned lieutenant, 3 March. 1835, and served in the West India Squadron in 1840, on ordnance duty in 1845-'6, and in the Pacific Squadron in 1847-'8. He was on special duty from 1849 till 1851, and in 1852 in the sloop-of-war " San Jacinto," of the Mediterranean Squadron. He was commissioned commander, 14 September. 1855. and stationed in the Washington U.S. Navy-yard in 1855-'6, after which he commanded the steamer " Michigan " in the great lakes from 1859 till 1861, when he became captain. He commanded the steam-sloop " Saranac." of the Pacific Squadron, in 1862. On 29 August of that year he was made commodore and assigned to the steam-sloop "Lancaster," of the Pacific Squadron, in 1863, and the frigate "Minnesota," of the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, in 1864-"5. Commodore Lanman commanded the 2d Division of Admiral Porter's squadron at the two attacks on Fort Fisher, and was commended in the admiral's official report. He became rear-admiral, 8 December, 1867, and was made commandant of the Portsmouth U.S. Navy-yard, after which he commanded the South Atlantic Squadron on the coast of Brazil. On his return to the United States in May, 1872, he was retired, and resided in Norwich until his death. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 614.
LANSING, Dirck Cornelius, 1758-1857, New York, clergyman, abolitionist. Vice president, 1833-1835, and founding member of the American Anti-Slavery Society, December 1833. Executive Committee, American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, 1851-1855. (Abolitionist, Vol. I, No. XII, December, 1833; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 615)
LANSING, Dirck Cornelius, clergyman, born in Lansingburg, Rensselaer County, New York, 3 March, 1785; died in Walnut Hills, Ohio, 19 March, 1857. He was graduated at Yale in 1804, became a Presbyterian clergyman, and was a trustee of Auburn seminary from 1820 till 1830, its vice-president from 1820 till 1824, and professor of sacred rhetoric and pastoral theology from 1821 till 1826, serving without salary and raising large sums for the seminary. Williams gave him the degree of D. D. in 1826. He published “Sermons on Important Subjects” (Auburn, 1825). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III. p. 615.
LARCOM, Lucy, poet, born in Beverly, Massachusetts, in 1826. As a child of seven years she wrote stories and poems for her own amusement. When she was ten years old her father died, and her mother established a factory boarding-house at Lowell, where, after spending two or three years in school, Lucy entered the mills. While working as a cotton-operative she contributed largely to the "Lowell Offering," writing for the first volumes a series of parables that attracted attention. John G. Whittier then conducting a Free-Soil paper in Lowell, encouraged her literary efforts. When about twenty years of age she went to Illinois with a married sister, taught there for some time, and was for three years a pupil in Monticello Female Seminary. On her return to Massachusetts she was employed for six years in a seminary at Norton, but desisted on the failure of her health, only taking classes occasionally in Boston schools. During the Civil War she wrote many patriotic poems. When " Our Young Folks" was established in Boston in 1865, she became an assistant and in the following year chief editor, conducting the magazine till 1874. Miss Larcom has subsequently resided at Beverly, Massachusetts. Her published works are "Ships in the Mist, and other Stories" (Boston, 1859); "Poems" (1868): "An Idyl of Work, a Story in Verse " (1875); "Childhood Songs " (1877); and "Wild Roses of Cape Ann. and other Poems (1880). A complete collection of her "Poetical Works" appeared in 1884. She has edited several collections of poetry, including " Breathings of a Better Life" (Boston, 1867); "Hillside and Seaside in Poetry" (1876); and "Roadside Poems for Summer Travellers" (1877). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 617.
LARDNER, James L. naval officer, born in Pennsylvania in 1802; died in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, 13 April, 1881. He entered the U. S. Navy as a midshipman on 10 May, 1820, and was commissioned as lieutenant on 17 May, 1828, while serving as navigating officer of the "Vincennes" in a cruise around the world. From 1845 till 1848 he commanded the receiving-ship at Philadelphia, and in May, 1850, sailed in command of the brig ''Porpoise " for the coast of Africa, where he remained three years. He was commissioned commander on 17 May, 1851, and captain on 19 May, 1861, assigned to the steam frigate " Susquehanna," of the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, and was present at the capture of Port Royal. For his services on that occasion, and in the blockade of South Carolina and Georgia, a vote of thanks was carried in the House of Representatives at the recommendation of President Lincoln, but it was lost in the senate. He commanded the Eastern Gulf Blockading Squadron from May, 1862, till the December following, when he was prostrated by yellow fever at Key West. In Mav, 1863, he took command of the West India Squadron, which was withdrawn in October, 1864. He was promoted to the rank of commodore on 16 July, 1862, and rear-admiral on 25 July, 1866, when he was retired from active service. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 618.
LAREDO, TEXAS, March 19, 1864. A Confederate report states that about 3 p. m. the town of Laredo was attacked by a force of Federals and that after several hours' fighting the Union troops were repulsed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 551-552.
LARIMER, William, politician, born in Westmoreland County. Pennsylvania. 24 October, 1809; died near Leavenworth, Kansas, 16 May, 1875. He moved to Pittsburg in 1834, and became a banker and merchant, treasurer of the Ohio and Pennsylvania, and afterward president of the Pittsburg and Connellsville, Railroad. He took an active part in the antislavery movement, assisted in the organization of the Liberty Party, and supported James G. Birney for president in 1840. After that he acted with the Whigs and was a political leader in Pennsylvania. In 1855 he went to Nebraska, was a zealous Republican, and served in the territorial legislature in 1856. He moved to Kansas in 1858, but in October of that year led a party of gold-seekers to the Pike's Peak Country. He built the first house in Denver, Colonel, and was U. S. commissioner and judge of probate. In the beginning of the Civil War he raised a regiment of volunteers in Colorado and was commissioned colonel, but resigned and returned to Kansas, where he re-entered the army as a captain of cavalry in 1863. He served in Kansas, Indian Territory, and Arkansas, and was mustered out in August. 1865. The remainder of his life was passed on a farm in the vicinity of Leavenworth. In 1872 he earnestly supported his friend Horace Greeley for the presidency. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 618.
LARNED, Edwin Channing, lawyer, born in Providence, Rhode Island.. 14 July, 1820; died in Lake Forest, Illinois., 18 September, 1884. His father was a merchant of Providence, and his grandfather. William Lamed, served in the war of the Revolution. Edwin was graduated at Brown in 1840. After graduation he was professor of mathematics for one year in Kemper college, Wis. He then studied law with Albert C. Greene, marrying one of the daughters of his preceptor, and in 1847 removing to Chicago. He was an enthusiastic anti-slavery man, and gained his first celebrity by a speech in 1851, in answer to one by Stephen A. Douglas, on the fugitive-slave law. It was published in pamphlet form, and was called by Mr. Douglas the best that had been made on that side of the question. In Chicago he was identified with many works of public interest. He was a warm friend of Abraham Lincoln, and in 1860 made speeches in his support. Afterward he was an active member of the Union Defence Committee, and by his writings and speeches did much to promote its objects. Mr. Lincoln appointed Mr. Larned U. S. District attorney for the northern District of Illinois in 1861, but he lost his health and was obliged to go to Europe for rest. After the war he continued his practice as a lawyer for a time, and then went to Cambridge, Massachusetts, to live while his son was in Harvard. Immediately after the Chicago fire in 1871 he returned to Chicago and devoted himself to the work of the Relief and Aid Society. In 1872-'3 he again visited Europe with his family. He wrote many letters from abroad for the press, and his published speeches and writings would fill a large volume. Failing health again obliged him to retire from active practice, but he continued to write, and produced a " Life of Swedenborg," not yet published, and many articles for the press. See " Memorial of Edwin Channing Larned (Chicago, 1886). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 619
LARNED, Benjamin Franklin, soldier, born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 6 September, 1794; died in Washington, D. C, 6 September, 1862, entered the U. S. Army as ensign on 21 October, 1813, was promoted to a first lieutenancy in the summer of 1814, and took part in the defence of Fort Erie, receiving the brevet rank of captain for gallant conduct. In January, 1815, he was appointed regimental paymaster, and on the reduction of the army retained as paymaster of the 5th U.S. Infantry, with rank and pay of major. In 1847, when two deputy paymaster-generalships were created, Major Larned was appointed to one of them with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and on the death of General Nathan Towson, in 1854, he succeeded to the paymaster-generalship by right of seniority, with the rank of colonel. At the beginning of the Civil War he thoroughly reorganized his department; but his health, which was already impaired, gave way under the strain. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 619
LARNED, Joseph Gay Eaton, lawyer, born in Thompson, Connecticut. 29 April, 1819; died in New York City, 3 June, 1870, was graduated at Yale in 1839, taught in Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina, for a year and a half, studied law, taught in Waterloo, New York, and in 1842 became a tutor at Yale. In 1847 he resigned the tutorship, was admitted to the bar, and began practice in New Haven. In 1852 he moved to New York City. He was especially familiar with the law of patents, and became interested in the development of certain inventions. In 1855 he engaged in the manufacture of steam fire-engines of a design that was invented mainly by himself, and was the first used in New York City. In introducing them he overcame strong opposition. In 1863 he was appointed by the U. S. government assistant inspector of iron-clads, and until the end of the war supervised the work in the Brooklyn U.S. Navy yard. He subsequently resumed legal practice. He was one of the founders of the Free-Soil Party in Connecticut, and in 1845 contributed to the ' New Englander" a series of articles on "Massachusetts vs. South Carolina." During the later years of his life he interested himself in genealogical subjects, and compiled records of his ancestors which formed the basis of "The Learned Family," by William L. Learned (Albany, 1882). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 620.
LARRABEE, Charles Hathaway, jurist, born in Rome, New York, 9 November, 1820; died in Tehachapi Pass, California. 20 January, 1883. He was taken to Ohio when a child, educated at Granville College (now Denison University), read law, then engaged in civil engineering, aiding in the construction of the Little Miami Railroad, the earliest work of the kind in Ohio, moved to Pontotoc, Mississippi, was there admitted to the bar, and was an unsuccessful candidate for the legislature. Moving to Chicago, Illinois, in 1844, he edited the " Democratic Advocate," was city attorney in 1846, and in 1847 founded Horicon, Wisconsin, where he erected mills for utilizing the water-power at that place. He was a delegate to the state constitutional convention in 1847, in which body he effectively advocated the homestead exemption clause, and judge of the Wisconsin Supreme Court from 1848 till 1858, when he resigned, and was elected to Congress as a Democrat, serving from 5 December, 1859, till 3 March, 1861. His prompt and energetic support of the National government did much to promote the enrolment of volunteers among the Democrats of Wisconsin. In April, 1861, he raised a company in the 1st Wisconsin Regiment, was commissioned lieutenant, and in the following month appointed major of the 5th Wisconsin Infantry. He served through the Peninsular Campaign, and was in General Winfield S. Hancock's brigade at Lewinsville, Lee's Mills, and Williamsburg, where he took part in a brilliant bayonet charge. He was appointed colonel of the 24th Wisconsin in August, 1862, fought with credit in General Philip Sheridan's division at Perryville, and served in the Army of the Tennessee and that of the Cumberland till 27 August, 1863, when he resigned on account of failing health and entered the invalid corps. He moved to California in the spring of 1864, practised law at Salem, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington territory, and finally settled at San Bernardino, California Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 620.
LASHES. A general court-martial may sentence a soldier to receive fifty lashes for desertion. No other crime is punishable with lashes. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 381).
LATIMAR'S MILL, GEORGIA, June 20, 1864. (See Noonday Creek, same date.) Lauderdale Springs, Mississippi, February 16, 1864. 25th Indiana and 32nd Wisconsin Infantry; Meridian Expedition. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 552.
LATROBE, John Hazlehurst Boneval, 1803-1891, Baltimore, Maryland, lawyer. Manager, American Colonization Society (ACS), 1833-1834. President of the ACS, appointed in 1853. Manager, Maryland State Colonization Society. Son of U.S. Capitol architect Benjamin Latrobe.
(Campbell, 1971, pp. 12, 18, 20-21, 54, 73, 135, 139, 141, 144, 148, 155, 165, 174, 192, 203-207, 212, 239, 241-242; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 6, Pt. 1, p. 27; Staudenraus, P. J. The African Colonization Movement, 1816-1865. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961, pp. 110-111, 112, 157-161, passim 189, 190-191, 232-233, 308)
LAUREL CREEK GAP, Tennessee, October 1, 1864. Detachment of U. S. Troops, District of Kentucky. This skirmish was between the advance of the Federal forces and the Confederates under Colonel Giltner during an expedition into southwestern Virginia. The Union troops were victorious, though the reports do not give a detailed account of the affair. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 552.
LAUREL HILL, VIRGINIA, May 10, 1864. (See Spottsylvania Court House.)
LAUREL HILL, VIRGINIA, September 29-30, 1864. (See Fort Harrison.)
LAUREL HILL, WEST VIRGINIA, July 8, 1861. (See Belington.)
LAUMAN, Jacob Gartner, soldier, born in Taneytown, Maryland, 20 January, 1813; died in Burlington, Iowa, in February, 1867. His early days were spent in York County, Pennsylvania, and he was educated at the academy there. In 1844 he moved to Burlington, Iowa, where he engaged in commerce. He was commissioned colonel of the 7th Iowa Regiment in July, 1861, served under General Grant in Missouri, and was severely wounded at Belmont, 7 November, 1861. At Fort Donelson, where he commanded a brigade, he was one of the first to storm and enter the enemy's works. For his services on this occasion he was made brigadier-general of volunteers on 21 March, 1862. General Lauman commanded a brigade in General Hurlbut's division at the battle of Shiloh, 6 and 7 April, 1862, and a division at the siege of Vicksburg. He was relieved by General William T. Sherman after the capture of Jackson, Mississippi, 16 July, 1863, and returned to Iowa. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 630.
LAVACA, TEXAS, October 31-November 1, 1862. Confederate reports by General H. P. Bee and Lieutenant G. E. Conklin state that two Federal gunboats appeared before Lavaca on the 31st and at 1 p. m. sent a boat ashore to demand the surrender of the town. This was refused and the Union officer then gave an hour and a half for the removal of the women, children and sick persons to a place of safety. At the end of that time the vessels opened fire on the town, keeping up the bombardment until dark. Early the next morning they again began throwing shells, but about 11 a. m. withdrew, taking a schooner that had been captured a few days before. These reports say that the town was considerably damaged, but that no lives were lost, and that the gunboats were struck several times by shot from the Confederate batteries. Federal reports do not mention the incident. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 552.
LA VALETTE, Elie A. F., naval officer, born in Virginia about 1790; died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 18 November, 1862. He entered the U.S. Navy as a sailing-master on 25 June, 1812, was commissioned as a lieutenant on 9 December, 1814, promoted commander on 3 March, 1831, and became a captain on 23 February, 1840. He was a favorite with Commodore Isaac Hull, and accompanied that officer when he took command of the Mediterranean Squadron in 1837. In accordance with the recommendation of the retiring-board he was made a rear-admiral on the retired list on 16 July, 1862. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 634.
LA VERGNE, TENNESSEE, October 7, 1862. U. S. Forces under Brigadier-General John M. Palmer and Colonel John F. Miller. Learning that several Confederate generals were concentrating a force at La Vergne, Brigadier-General James S. Negley, commanding at Nashville, sent Palmer with 400 infantry, 400 cavalry and 4 pieces of artillery via the Murfreesboro road, and Miller with 1,800 infantry to strike the town from the south. For 10 miles on both roads skirmishing was kept up with the enemy's pickets and before the Federals could reach the town the Confederates were drawn up in line and ready to receive them. At a distance of 300 yards the enemy opened an artillery fire, which was soon silenced, however, by the Union pieces. As the Confederates were preparing to move against Palmer's right Miller came in sight and skillfully deployed his men so as to cut off any retreat. The enemy held his ground for half an hour and then fled in the wildest confusion, having suffered a loss of 80 in killed and wounded and 175 prisoners. The Federal loss was 5 killed, 9 wounded and 4 missing. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 552.
LA VERGNE, TENNESSEE, December 9, 1862. (See Dobbin's Ferry.) La Vergne, Tennessee, January 1, 1863. 1st Michigan Engineers and Mechanics. A wagon train going north near La Vergne was attacked by some 3,000 or 4,000 Confederate cavalry under Wheeler. The guard was dispersed and about 30 wagons sacked and burned. The enemy then turned his attention to the camp of the 1st Michigan engineers and mechanics, and seven charges were made upon it but without avail. After his unsuccessful attempt to storm this position, Wheeler sent in a flag of truce demanding an immediate surrender. When it was refused the Confederates withdrew, having suffered a loss of 40 or 50 killed and wounded. The Federals suffered casualties to the extent of 2 killed, 9 wounded and 5 missing. La Vergne, Tennessee, September 1, 1864. Rousseau's pursuit of Wheeler. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 552.
LAW is a rule of action prescribed by a superior power.
Natural law is the rule of human action prescribed by the Creator, discoverable by the light of reason.
Divine law is the law of nature revealed by God himself.
The law of nations is that which regulates the conduct and mutual intercourse of independent nations with each other, according to reason and natural justice. (See WAR.)
Municipal or civil law is the rule of civil conduct prescribed by the supreme power in a State, commanding what is right, and prohibiting what is wrong.
The parts of a law are: 1. The declaratory; which defines what is right and wrong. 2. The directory; which consists in commending the observation of right, or prohibiting the commission of wrong. 3. The remedial; or method of recovering private rights, and redressing private wrongs. 4. The vindicatory sanction of punishments for public wrongs; wherein consists the most forcible obligation of human laws. To interpret a law, we must inquire after the will of the maker; which may be collected either from the words, the context, the subject matter, the effects and consequence, or the spirit and reason of the law. From the latter method of interpretation arises equity, or the correction of that wherein the law (by reason of its universality) is deficient; (BLACKSTONE'S Commentaries.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 381-382).
LAW, (MARTIAL.) By martial law is understood, not laws passed for raising, supporting, governing, and regulating troops, but “it is in truth and reality no law, but something indulged, rather than allowed as law; “(HALE and BLACKSTONE.) The Constitution of the United States has guarded against the effects of any declaration of martial law within the United States, by providing: “No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled, in any criminal case, to be witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation,” (ART. 5, Amendments;) and further, “ In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defence; “ (ART. 6, Amendments.)
Within the United States, therefore, the effect of a declaration of martial law would not be to subject citizens to trial by courts-martial, but it would involve simply a suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, under the authority given in the 2d clause of Sec. 9 of the Constitution, viz.: “The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended unless when, in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it.”
The universal practice of all nations has been to give supremacy to the military commander in all sieges. “Inter arma silent leges” is then a maxim universally admitted. The public safety in that case imperiously requires that the orders of the commander of the troops should be obeyed, and a commander in the United States is then only justified, ex necessitate rei, in suspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus.
The suspension of this privilege would enable a commander to incarcerate all dangerous citizens; but when brought to trial, the citizen would necessarily come before the ordinary civil courts of the land.
Beyond the United States, troops take with them the Rules and Articles of War, but not the municipal law, to which they are also subject at home. It is necessary, therefore, for a commander, in the absence of laws made by Congress, to declare his own will, commanding what is right, and prohibiting and punishing what is wrong, in the new relation established between his army and the citizens of the foreign country. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 382-386).
The following order was the declaration of martial law by Gen. Scott in Mexico:
National Palace of Mexico, Sept. 17, 1847.
The General-in-Chief republishes, with important additions, his General Orders, No. 20, of February 19, 1847, (declaring MARTIAL LAW,) to govern all who maybe concerned.
1. It is still to be apprehended that many grave offences not provided for in the act of Congress “establishing rules and articles for the government of the armies of the United States,” approved April 10, 1806, may be again committed by, or upon, individuals of those armies, in Mexico, pending the existing war between the two republics. Allusion is here made to offences, any one of which, if committed within the United States or their organized territories, would, of course, be tried and severely punished by the ordinary or civil courts of the land.
2. Assassination, murder, poisoning, rape, or the attempt to commit either; malicious stabbing or maiming; malicious assault and battery; robbery; theft; the wanton desecration of churches, cemeteries, or other religious edifices and fixtures; the interruption of religious ceremonies; and the destruction, except by order of a superior officer, of public or private property, are such offences.
3. The good of the service, the honor of the United States, and the interests of humanity, imperiously demand that every crime enumerated above should be severely punished.
4. But the written code, as above, commonly called the Rules and Articles of War, does not provide for the punishment of one of those crimes, even when committed by individuals of the army upon the persons or property of other individuals of the same, except in the very-restricted case in the 9th of those articles; nor for like outrages, committed by the same class of individuals, upon the persons or property of a hostile country, except very partially, in the 51st, 52d, and 55th Articles; and the same code is absolutely silent as to all injuries which may be inflicted upon individuals of the army, or their property, against the laws of war, by individuals of a hostile country.
5. It is evident that the 99th Article, independent of any restriction in the 87th, is wholly nugatory in reaching any one of those high crimes.
6. For all the offences, therefore, enumerated in the second paragraph above, which may be committed abroad in, by, or upon the army, a supplemental code is absolutely needed.
7. That unwritten code is Martial Law, as an addition to the written military code, prescribed by Congress in the Rules and Articles of War, and which unwritten code all armies, in hostile countries, are forced to adopt, net only for their own safety, but for the protection of the unoffending inhabitants and their property, about the theatres of military operations, against injuries on the part of the army, contrary to the laws of war.
8. From the same supreme necessity martial law is hereby declared as a supplemental code, in and about all cities, towns, camps, posts, hospitals, and other places, which may be occupied by any part of the forces of the United States in Mexico, and in and about all columns, escorts, convoys, guards, and detachments of the said forces, while engaged in prosecuting the existing war in and against the said republic, and while remaining within the same.
9. Accordingly every crime enumerated in paragraph No. 2 above, whether committed: 1. By any inhabitant of Mexico, sojourner or traveller therein, upon the person or property of any individual of the United States' forces, retainer, or follower ot the same; 2. By any individual of the said forces, retainer or follower of the same, upon the person or property of any inhabitant of Mexico, sojourner or traveller therein; or 3. By any individual of the said forces, retainer or follower of the same, upon the person or property of any other individual of the said forces, retainer or follower of the same, shall be duly tried and punished under the said supplemental code.
10. For this purpose it is ordered that all offenders in the matters aforesaid shall be promptly seized, confined, and reported for trial, before Military Commissions, to be duly appointed, as follows:
11. Every military commission, under this order, will be appointed, governed, and limited, as nearly as practicable, as prescribed by the 65th, 66th, 67th, and 97th of the said Rules and Articles of War, and the proceedings of such commissions will be duly recorded in writing, reviewed, revised, disapproved or approved, and the sentences executed; all, as near as may be, as in the cases of the proceedings and sentences of courts-martial, provided, that no military commission shall try any case clearly cognizable by any courts-martial, and provided, also, that no sentence of a military commission shall be put in execution against any individual belonging to this army, which may not be, according to the nature and degree of the offence, as established by evidence, in conformity with known punishments, in like cases, in some one of the States of the United States of America.
12. The sale, waste, or loss of ammunition, horses, arms, clothing, or accoutrements, by soldiers, is punishable under the 37th and 38th Articles of War. Any Mexican, or resident, or traveller in Mexico, who shall purchase of an American soldier either horse, horse-equipments, arms, ammunition, accoutrements, or clothing, shall be tried and severely punished by a military commission, as above.
13. The administration of justice, both in civil and criminal matters, through the ordinary courts of the country, shall nowhere, and in no degree, be interrupted by any officer or soldier of the American forces, except, 1. In cases to which an officer, soldier, agent, servant, or follower of the American army may be a party; and 2. In political cases, that is, prosecutions against other individuals on the allegations that they have given friendly information, aid, or assistance, to the American forces.
14. For the ease and safety of both parties in all cities and towns occupied by the American army, a Mexican police shall be established and duly harmonized with the military police of the said forces.
15. This splendid capital its churches and religious worship; its convents and monasteries; its inhabitants and property, are, moreover, placed under the special safeguard of the faith and honor of the American army.
16. In consideration of the foregoing protection, a contribution of $150,000 is imposed on this capital, to be paid in four weekly instalments of thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars ($37,500) each, beginning on Monday next, the 20th instant, and terminating on Monday the llth of October.
17. The Ayuntamiento, or corporate authority of the city, is specially charged with the collection and payment of the several instalments.
18. Of the whole contribution to be paid over to this army, twenty thousand dollars shall be appropriated to the purchase of extra comforts for the wounded and sick in hospital; ninety thousand dollars ($90,000) to the purchase of blankets and shoes for gratuitous distribution among the rank and file of the army, and forty thousand dollars ($40,000) reserved for other necessary military purposes.
19. This order will be read at the head of every company of the United States' forces serving in Mexico, and translated into Spanish for the information of Mexicans.
LAW, (MILITARY.) Under the Constitution of the United States, Congress is intrusted with the creation, government, regulation, and support of armies; and all laws passed by Congress for those purposes are military laws. Congress, being also invested with power “to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof,” is supreme in all military matters. The office of commander- in-chief, intrusted by the constitution to the President, must have its functions first defined by Congress. Such military powers only as Congress confers upon him can be exercised. Excepting that, being the commander-in-chief under the constitution, he of course exercises all authority that Congress may delegate to any military commander whatever, by reason of the axiom that the power of the greater includes that of the less.
Many of the functions, thus devolved by the constitution on Congress, in most governments belong to the executive. The king of Great Britain makes rules and articles for the government of armies raised by him with the consent of parliament. Congress, with us, both raises and governs armies. An army raised in Great Britain is the king's army; with us it is the army of the United States. These most essential distinctions should cause Congress to give more of its attention to the army. It should be borne in mind that our rules for the government of the army have been borrowed almost entirely from Great Britain; that the relation of the army to the people is in the two countries entirely distinct; therefore, that rules adapted to an aristocratic government may not be entirely suited to democratic forms. (See ACADEMY, (Military ;) ACCOUNTS; ACCOUNTABILITY, (System of;) ADMINISTRATION, and references; ALLOWANCES; APPOINTING POWER; APPROPRIATIONS; ARDENT SPIRITS; ARREARS OF PAY; ARMORIES AND ARSENALS; ARMY; ARMY, (Regular ;) ARMY REGULATIONS; ARTICLES OF WAR, and references under that head; ASYLUM, (Military ;) AUDITORS; AUTHORITY, ( Civil ;) BILLET; BOOTY; BONDS; BOUNTY; BREVET; BRIGADE; CADET; CALLING FORTH MILITIA; CAPTAIN; CLERKS; CLOTHING; COLONEL; COMMISSION; CONGRESS; CONSTITUTION; CONSCRIPTION; CONTRACTS; CORPOREAL PUNISHMENT; CORPS; COUNCIL OF ADMINISTRATION; COURT-MARTIAL, and references under that head; COURTS OF INQUIRY; CUSTOM OF WAR; DAMAGE; DEBT; DEFAULTERS ; LEV.] MILITARY DICTIONARY: DEFENCE, (National;) DEPARTMENT; DEPARTMENT OF WAR; DEPOT; DETACHMENT; DISBURSING OFFICERS; DISCHARGE; DISCIPLINE; DISMISSION; DIVISION; DRAGOONS; EMOLUMENTS; ENGINEER CORPS; ENGINEERS, (Topographical;) ENLISTMENTS; EVIDENCE; EXECUTION OF LAWS; EXEMPTS FROM MILITIA DUTY; EXTRA EXPENSES; EXTRA ALLOWANCES; FATIGUE DUTY; FIELD OFFICERS; FLAG; FORAGE MASTER; GARRISON; GENERAL; GENERAL OFFICERS; GOVERNMENT, and references under that head; INDEMNIFICATION; INDIAN; INSURRECTION; JURISDICTION; LAW; LAW, (Martial ;) LINE; LOSSES; MARINE CORPS; MARSHALS; MAY; MEDICAL DEPARTMENT; MESS; MILEAGE; MILITIA; OATH; OBEDIENCE; OFFICER; ORDERS; ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT; ORDNANCE SERGEANT; PAY; PAY DEPARTMENT; PAYMASTER-GENERAL; PENSION; PONTOON; POST; POSSE COMITATUS; PRESIDENT; PRIZE MONEY; PROMOTION; PURCHASING; QUARTERS; QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT; RAISE, and references under that head; RANK; RATION; RECRUITING; REDRESSING WRONGS; REGIMENT; REGULATIONS, and references under that head; REPRIEVE; RETAINERS; RETURNS; REVISION; SALE; SAPPERS; SECRETARY OF WAR; SERVANTS; SERVICE, and references under that head; STAFF; STANDARDS; STORES; STOREKEEPERS; STRIPES; SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT; SUIT; SUPERINTENDENT; SUPERNUMERARIES; SUTLERS; TRADE; TRANSFERS; TRAVELLING ALLOWANCES; UNIFORM; VICTUALS; VICE-PRESIDENT; VOLUNTEERS; WAGON-MASTERS; WAR; WARRANT; WASTE OR SPOIL; WHIPPING; WILLS, (Nuncupative;) WITNESS; WIDOWS AND ORPHANS; WOMEN; WORSHIP; WOUNDS; WRONGS.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 386-387).
LAWLER, Michael K., soldier, born in Illinois about 1820. He raised an independent company of volunteers at Shawneetown, IIIinois, in August, 1846, and served as its captain during the remainder of the Mexican War. At the beginning of the Civil War he joined the Union Army, and was commissioned colonel of the 18th Illinois Infantry on 20 May, 1861. He was promoted brigadier-general on l4 April, 1863. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 638.
LAWRENCE, Amos Adams, 1814-1886, merchant, philanthropist, anti-slavery activist. Principal manager and treasurer of the Kansas Emigrant Aid Society. Worked to keep Kansas a free state. Lawrence, Kansas, was named in his honor. (Lawrence, William, Life of Amos A. Adams, with Extracts from his Diary and Correspondence, 1888; Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 639; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 6, Pt. 1, p. 47)
LAURENCE, Amos Adams, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 31 July, 1814; died in Nahant, Massachusetts, 22 August, 1886, was graduated at Harvard in 1835, entered mercantile life, invested capital in cotton-manufactories, and became president or director of many banks and industrial corporations in Massachusetts; also an officer in numerous charitable institutions. In 1853-'4 he associated himself with Eli Thayer and others in the colonization of Kansas and its development into a free state, and was the treasurer and principal manager of the Emigrant aid association, which sent out parties of settlers from New England during the Kansas struggle. He was twice nominated by the Whigs and Unionists for governor of Massachusetts. In the beginning of the Civil War he aided in recruiting the 2d Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment. He built Lawrence hall, the Episcopal theological school in Cambridge, and was its treasurer for many years. In 1857-'60 he was treasurer of Harvard College, and in 1880 was chosen an overseer. The town of Lawrence, Kansas, and Lawrence University, at Appleton, Wisconsin, were named in his honor. A “Memoir” of him has been prepared by his son William (Boston, 1888). [Appleton’s 1892]
LAWRENCE, Cornelius Van Wyck, Congressman, born in Flushing. New York, 28 February, 1791 ; died there, 20 February, 1861. He received a common-school education, and was brought up on a farm. He went to New York City in 1812, engaged in mercantile pursuits, and was elected to Congress as a Jackson Democrat, serving from 2 December, 1833, till May, 1834, when he resigned in order to enter on the office of mayor of New York City, to which he was the first person chosen by popular suffrage. He served as mayor for two successive terms, and in 1836 was a presidential elector on the Van Buren ticket. He was also collector of the port of New York for two years. For twenty years he was president of the Bank of the state of New York, and an officer in various insurance companies. In 1856 he retired to his country-seat at Flushing. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 639-640.
LAWRENCE, George Washington, physician, born in Plymouth, Pennsylvania, 4 July, 1823. He was graduated at the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 184b, and then went to Baltimore, Ma., but later moved to Nicholas, California. Subsequently he returned to Maryland and located in Catonsville, but in 1859 settled in Hot Springs, Arkansas, where he was made medical examiner and resident physician. While in the west he was appointed assistant surgeon-general of California, and during the Civil War he served in the Confederate Army as inspector of hospitals in the Central Army of Kentucky, then as medical director of the 3d Corps of the Army of the Mississippi, and finally as chief surgeon of the bureau of conscription in the trans-Mississippi Department. Dr. Lawrence has made a specialty of chronic blood and nervous diseases and skin affections. He is a member of several medical societies, and, besides papers in professional journals, has published a "Report on the Climatology of Arkansas." Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 640.
LAWRENCE, William jurist, born in Mount Pleasant, Jefferson County, Ohio, 26 June, 1819. He was graduated at Franklin College, Ohio, in 1838, and two years later was admitted to the bar. He was appointed commissioner of bankruptcy for Logan County in 1842, in 1845 prosecuting attorney for the same County, and from 1845 till 1847 was editor and proprietor of the " Logan Gazette," subsequently conducting the " Western Law Journal." He was in the legislature in 1846-'7, in 1848 a member of the state senate, in 1851 was elected reporter for the supreme court of the state, and in 1853 again elected to the state senate, where he advocated and carried bills to quiet land titles. He was elected judge of the court of common pleas for five years in 1856, and re-elected in 1861, but resigned in 1864. He served as colonel of the 84th Ohio Regiment at Cumberland and New Creek in 1862, and in 1863 was tendered a U. S. judgeship in Florida, which he declined. He was then elected to Congress from Ohio as a Republican, serving from 4 December, 1865. till 3 March, 1871: and from 1 December, 1873, till 3 March, 1877. He was a delegate to the Philadelphia Loyalist Convention in 1866, and in 1880 was appointed first comptroller of the U. S. Treasury, which post he resigned, 20 March, 1885. Judge Lawrence is the only one of the first comptrollers whose decisions were regularly published. After his resignation he engaged in the practice of law in Bellefontaine, Ohio, and Washington. In addition to monographs and speeches on political and literary topics, he is the author of " Reports of Decisions of the Supreme Court of Ohio " (Columbus, 1852); "The Treaty Question" (Washington, 1871); "The Law of Religious Societies and Church Corporations " (Philadelphia, 1873-'4); "The Law of Claims against the Government" (Washington, 1875); "The Organization of the Treasury Department of the United States " (1880); and" Decisions of the First Comptroller in the Department of the Treasury of the United States" (6 vols., 1881-'5). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 641
LAWRENCE. William Beach, jurist, born in New York City, 23 October, 1800; died there, 26 March, 1881. His ancestor came from England about the middle of the 17th century, and received a patent of land on Long Island. His father, Isaac, was a wealthy merchant of New York. Beach was graduated at Columbia in 1818, studied law, went to Europe in 1821, and on his return to the United States in 1823 was admitted to the bar. In 1826 he was appointed secretary of legation in London, and in 1827 he was charge d'affaires there. From London he went to Paris, and on his return to New York, after an absence of four years, he formed a law partnership with Hamilton Fish, and delivered in Columbia College lectures on political economy, which were repeated before the Mercantile Library Association, and published. He attained eminence at the bar of New York, and promoted the construction of the Erie Railway, being a member of the executive committee. About 1845 he purchased Ochre Point, at Newport, Rhode Island., erected on it a summer residence, and resided there permanently after 1850. He was elected lieutenant-governor of Rhode Island in 1851, soon afterward became acting governor of the state, and in 1853 was a member of the state constitutional convention. During his term as governor he exerted himself to procure the abolition of imprisonment for debt, and was instrumental in defeating the passage by the legislature of the Maine liquor law. Governor Lawrence achieved distinction in appearing before the British and American international tribunal at Washington in 1873 in the case of the "Circassian." involving more than half a million dollars. He won the suit, obtaining for his clients the reversal of a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, the only instance of that character that has occurred in the country's history. Lawrence's argument in the case, on which the decision was rendered, is regarded, both in this country and in Europe, as an authoritative exposition of several important points of international law. He was a lecturer on international law in 1872-'3 in the law-school of Columbian College, Washington, D. C. and was an original member of the " Institute of the Law of Nations." For thirty years he was noted for the generous hospitality that he dispensed at Ochre Point, where he had collected one of the most valuable private libraries in the land. He was an active member of the New York Historical Society, and from 1836 till 1845 its vice-president. At the annual meeting on 3 January, 1882, James Grant Wilson delivered an address on Governor Lawrence, at the same time presenting to the society a marble bust by Dunbar, the gift of his eldest son, Isaac; and also an unfinished address on "The Life, Character, and Public Services of Albert Gallatin," which had been prepared for the society. Mr. Lawrence published "Address to the Academy of Fine Arts" (New York, 1825); "The History of Louisiana," by Barbe Marbois, translated, with notes (Philadelphia, 1830); "Bank of the United States" (Boston, 1831); "Institutions of the United States "(New York, 1832); "Lectures on Political Economy" (1832); " Discourses on Political Economy " (1834); "Inquiry into the Causes of the Public Distress" (1834); "History of the Negotiations in Reference to the Eastern and Northeastern Boundaries of the United States" (1841); "Biographical Memoir of Albert Gallatin" (1843); "The Law of Charitable Uses" (1845); a new edition of Wheaton's "Elements of International Law," with annotations and a notice of the author (1855); "Visitation and Search " (Boston, 1858); "Commentaire sur les elements du droit international" (4 vols., Leipsic, 1868-'80); "fitude de droit international sur le manage" (Ghent, 1870); "The Treaty of Washington (Providence, 1871): "Disabilities of American Women married Abroad" (New York, 1871); "The Indirect Claims of the United States under the Treaty of Washington of May 8, 1871, as submitted to the Tribunal of Arbitration at Geneva" (Providence, 1872); "Belligerent and Sovereign Rights as regards Neutrals during the War of Secession" (Boston, 1873); "Administration of Equity Jurisprudence " (1874); and " Etudes sur la juridiction consulaire et sur l'extradition" (Leipsic, 1880). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 641-642.
LAWRENCE, Albert Gallatin, soldier, born in New York City in 1834; died there, 1 January, 1887, received his early education at the Anglo-American academy, Vevay, Switzerland, entered Harvard on his return, and was graduated in 1850. He then studied in the law-school at Harvard, and, after graduation in 1858, entered the office of a New York attorney, but soon afterward went to Vienna as an attaché of the U. S. legation. When the Civil War began he returned, joined the volunteer army, was commissioned as lieutenant in the 54th New York Infantry, and served through the Maryland and Virginia Campaigns. In 1864 he was made a captain in the 2d U. S. Colored Cavalry. He was brevetted lieutenant-colonel for bravery at Fort Fisher, where, in leading the forlorn hope, he lost his right arm, and on 25 March, 1865, was given the brevet of brigadier-general. He was appointed minister to Costa Rica on 2 October, 1866, but was recalled in 1868 in consequence of a duel that he fought with a Prussian attaché who had disparaged the United States. He subsequently served as a commissioner to investigate the grievances of Sitting Bull and his tribe and other difficulties with the Indians. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 642.
LAWRENCE, KANSAS, August 21, 1863. About 4:30 a. m. the guerrilla leader Quantrill with 300 men entered Lawrence. The town was robbed and burned and some 150 citizens murdered in cold blood. No resistance was offered. There were no Union troops engaged. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 552-553.
LAWRENCEBURG, KENTUCKY, October 8, 1862. 2nd Division, 1st Corps, Army of the Ohio. This engagement was a smart skirmish with the Confederate cavalry as the division was entering Lawrenceburg. The result was the driving out of the enemy, the Union force suffering a loss of 3 killed, 12 wounded and 13 missing. The Confederate loss was not reported, but was undoubtedly as heavy. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 553.
LAWRENCEBURG. O., July 14, 1863. 105th Indiana Minute Men firing into each other; Morgan's raid. Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, November 4, 1863. 14th Michigan Mounted Infantry. Owing to some delay the 14th Michigan under Major Thomas C. Fitz Gibbon was unable to reach Lawrenceburg in time to surprise the Confederates there under Cooper. The skirmishers and pickets were driven in after a stiff resistance, and part of the Union force broke the enemy's right. The front, which had been doing the skirmishing, gave way when the right was broken and Fitz Gibbon was left in possession of the town. Fearing ambuscade, he immediately commenced to retire toward Columbia, and when about 2 miles out from Lawrenceburg the rear was attacked. The command was halted, wheeled about, charged up a hill upon which the enemy was posted, and after a desperate hand-to-hand contest the Confederates were driven from the field. The loss on the Confederate side was rather heavy, 8 of their dead being left on the hill from which they were driven. The Union casualties were 3 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 553.
LAWRENCEBURG, TENNESSEE, November 22, 1864. 5th Cavalry Division, Military Division of the Mississippi. At noon the enemy's pickets commenced skirmishing with the pickets of the Federal force encamped at Lawrenceburg. Captain Jacob F. Bandy, with a battalion of the 2nd la. cavalry, was sent to ascertain their force. He drove their pickets until he came upon the main body stationed on bluffs and behind rail barricades, and after an hour's skirmishing fell back to the picket-line. About 2 p. m. the enemy moved up in heavy force and encamped within sight of the Federal bivouac. An artillery duel was kept up for an hour or more, when the Union troops were ordered to fall back on the Pulaski road. There were no casualties reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 553.
LAWRENCE'S MILL, TENNESSEE, January 5, 1864. Detachment of 2nd Cavalry Brigade, Department of the Cumberland. Colonel O. H. LaGrange, commanding the 2nd brigade, reported that the forage detail of his command attacked a Confederate picket at Lawrence's mill, 5 miles east of Mossy creek, and captured 12 men with their arms and 9 horses. None of the Federals was injured. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 553.
LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA, October 27, 1864. (See Trickum's cross-roads, Expedition to.)
LAW'S LANDING, ALABAMA, July 28, 1862. (See Guntersville.)
LAWTON, Alexander Robert, soldier, born in Beaufort County, South Carolina, about 1818. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1839, commissioned 2d lieutenant m the 1st U.S. Artillery, and stationed on the northern frontier till 1841, when he resigned. He then studied law at Harvard, and in 1842 was admitted to the bar at Savannah, Georgia. He was president of the Savannah and Augusta Railroad in 1849-'54, state senator in 1854-'61, and president of the Georgia Democratic Convention in 1860. When the Civil War began he was colonel of the only volunteer regiment in Georgia, and seized Fort Pulaski under Governor Joseph E. Brown's orders. He retained command at Savannah till April, 1861, when he became brigadier-general in the Provisional Confederate Army, and was put in command of the coast of Georgia. In June, 1862, he was transferred to Virginia, and served in several campaigns. He received the command of a division, was severely wounded at Antietam, and after his recovery served as quartermaster-general till the close of the war. Afterward he resumed the practice of law in Savannah, and was in the legislature in 1875. In 1885 he was appointed by President Cleveland minister to Russia, but the disabilities that he had incurred by taking part in the Civil War against the United States government had not been moved, and the appointment could not be confirmed. Subsequently he was appointed United States minister to Austria. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 643.
LAWTONVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, February 2, 1865. 3d Division, 20th Army Corps. This engagement was an incident of Sherman's campaign through the Carolinas. At 7 a. m. the 3d and part of the 1st division broke camp at Robertsville and moved toward Lawtonville, Case's brigade of the 3d division having the advance. About 2:30 p. m. a considerable force of the enemy was encountered a mile from the town, barricaded in a dense swamp and provided with artillery. Major-General W. T. Ward, commanding the 3d division, deployed two brigades to support the 105th and 129th Illinois and four companies of the 70th Indiana, which were thrown forward as skirmishers. The whole line was then advanced and after a short but sharp skirmish the enemy was dislodged and driven back through the town, where the division encamped for the night. The loss was 2 killed and 12 wounded; that of the enemy 8 killed and about 40 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 553-554.
LAY'S FERRY, GEORGIA, May 14-15, 1864. 16th Army Corps. While Sherman was engaging Johnston about Resaca the 16th corps was sent to lay a pontoon bridge across the Oostanaula at Lay's ferry and thus gain a position in the Confederate rear. On the afternoon of the 14th the 2nd division reached the ferry. Battery H, 1st Missouri light artillery, was planted on a commanding ridge on the north bank of the river and opened a brisk fire of solid shot and shell on the Confederate batteries on the other side. Under cover of this fire the 66th Illinois and 81st Ohio infantry were pushed across the river, drove the enemy from his rifle pits and captured a number of prisoners and a battle flag. The two regiments remained on the south bank until dark when they were recalled. Early on the following morning the 1st brigade, 2nd division, Colonel E. W. Rice commanding, crossed the river, but were hardly in position when a furious attack was made by Walker's division of Hardee's corps. Rice, by an admirable maneuver, caught the enemy on the flank, while the Federal batteries on the north bank poured a direct and deadly fire on Walker's front. The 3d brigade was now hurried across the pontoon to Rice's assistance and the enemy was driven from the field, leaving a large number of dead and wounded. The two brigades immediately intrenched their position and held it until the remainder of the command could be brought over. The total Federal loss in killed and wounded was about 200. This movement was the principal cause of Johnston's evacuating Resaca on the night of the 15th. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 554.
LAZELLE, Henry Martyn, soldier, born in Enfield, Massachusetts, 8 September, 1882. He was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1855, assigned to the infantry, served on the frontiers of Texas and New Mexico against the Apaches, and in February, 1859, was severely wounded in a skirmish with the latter in the Sacramento Mountains. While stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas, he was captured by the Confederates on 8 May, 1861, and held as a prisoner of war until he was exchanged on 28 July, 1862. He was promoted captain on 11 June, 1861, and served in 1862-'3 as assistant commissary of prisoners at Washington, D. C, and in August, 1862, was agent for the exchange of prisoners of war in the west. He was appointed colonel of the 16th New York Cavalry on 23 October, 1863, commanded that regiment in operations against Mosby's guerillas, and was afterward placed in command of a cavalry brigade. He was brevetted major in the regular army on 19 September, 1864, for gallantry in the action near Culpeper, Virginia, resigned his volunteer commission on 19 October, 1863, and served subsequently as provost-marshal-general of the Military Division of West Mississippi. He took part in the Yellowstone Expedition against the Sioux Indians in 1872, being engaged in the action on Powder River, Dakota; also in the Yellowstone expedition of the autumn of 1873, and in the operations against the Sioux in 1874, and was promoted major on 15 December, 1874. In 1877 he served in the field against the Indians in Montana. He was commandant of cadets at the U. S. Military Academy in 1879-'82, was promoted lieutenant-colonel on 26 June, 1882, represented the United States at the military Manoeuvres in India in 1885, and served as assistant inspector general of the Department of the Columbia till June, 1887, when he was placed in charge of the Bureau of Publication of War Records at Washington, D. C, succeeding Colonel Robert N. Scott. Lieutenant-Colonel Lazelle has contributed to various magazines, and has published "One Law in Nature (New York, 1872), and a prize essay on 'Improvements in the Art of War' (1882). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 645.
LEA, John M., jurist, born in Knoxville, Tennessee., 25 December, 1818, was graduated at the University of Nashville in 1837, admitted to the bar in 1840, and began the same year the practice of his profession in Nashville. He was appointed U. S. District Attorney in 1842, and in 1850 elected mayor of Nashville. During a cholera epidemic in the following year he was constantly among the sick and the dying in the hospitals, and by his judicious measures contributed largely to the stay of the pestilence. He was an ardent Unionist, and when Nashville fell into the hands of the government troops he was able, from his influence with the authorities, to do much to lighten the hardships which were necessarily felt by the families of the refugee Confederates. In 1865, at the urgent request of the bar of Nashville, he accepted from Governor William G. Brownlow the appointment of judge of the circuit court, but resigned in the following year, and also declined a seat on the supreme bench of the state. When a bill to remand Tennessee to military control was before the reconstruction committee of Congress, his opposition prevented a report in its favor, and secured the defeat of the measure. In 1875 he was elected to the state senate, where he opposed every suggestion for repudiation of the public debt. He has been a liberal benefactor to the Tennessee School for the Blind, the Woman's Mission Home, and other public charities, and is president of the Tennessee Historical Society. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 645.
LEACH, De Witt Clinton, journalist, born in Clarence, Erie County, New York, 22 November, 1822. He is a descendant of Lawrence Leach, noticed below. His great-grandfather, Samuel Leach, was killed in the French and Indian War, and his grandfather, Samuel Leach, served in the Revolution. He received his education in the public schools, and on reaching manhood began teaching. He then moved with his parents to Michigan, and in 1849 was chosen to the legislature of that state. In 1850 he was a member of the Constitutional convention, and made a speech before it urging the granting of the right of suffrage to the colored race. In 1854 he was appointed state librarian, in 1855 he became editor of a Republican paper at Lansing, and in the following year he was elected to Congress, serving till 1861. He was commissioned by President Lincoln as Indian Agent for Michigan, retaining the office four years. In 1867 he was for the second time chosen a member of a Constitutional convention of the state. About this time he purchased the " Herald," Traverse City, Michigan, which he published and edited for nine years. He has since published the " Patriot Advertiser," Springfield, Missouri, and the "Northwest Farmer," Traverse City, Michigan. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 646.
LEACH, James Madison, member of Congress, born in Lansdowne, Randolph County, North Carolina, in 1824. He received a College education, but was not graduated, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1842. He was for ten years in the House of Representatives of North Carolina, six years in the state senate, and was a presidential elector on the Fillmore ticket in 1856. He was then elected to Congress from North Carolina as a Whig, and served from 3 December 1859, till 3 March, 1861. He opposed secession till the beginning of hostilities, but was for one year a field-officer in the Confederate Army and a member of the Confederate Congress in 1864-'5. After the war he served twice in the state senate, and was elected to Congress for two consecutive terms as a Conservative, serving from 4 March, 1871, till 3 March, 1875. He was a presidential elector in 1876 and 1880. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 646.
LEACH, Josiah Granville, lawyer, born in Cape May, N. .1.. 27 July, 1842. His father. Reverend Joseph S. Leach, a descendant of Lawrence Leach ( q.v.) became in 1855 editor of the "Ocean Wave, the first newspaper in Cape May County, New Jersey. The son entered journalism in I860, and in August. 1862, enlisted in the army, and served as sergeant, sergeant-major, and lieutenant in the 25th New Jersey Regiment. In 1866 he was graduated in law at the University of Pennsylvania, and admitted to the Philadelphia bar. He has been active in politics since he was nineteen years old, has served in the legislature of Pennsylvania, and in 1881-'2 was one of the leaders of the independent Republican movement in Pennsylvania. He is now (1887) commissary-general of Pennsylvania. He has written largely for biographical publications, and is preparing genealogies of the Leach and Manning families in the United States. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 646-647.
LEAD BALLS are now generally made by compression, by means of machinery, either at arsenals or at private establishments. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 387).
LEARY, Lewis Sherrard, free African American man with John Brown during his raid at the U.S. Arsenal at Harpers Ferry, (West) Virginia, October 16, 1859; hanged with John Brown, December 1859 (see entry for John Brown). (Rodriguez, 2007, pp. 62, 327)
LEASBURG, MISSOURI, September 29-30, 1864. 14th Iowa Infantry, and detachments of 47th Missouri Infantry, 3d Missouri Militia Cavalry, and section of Battery H, 2nd Missouri Light Artillery. The command of Brigadier-General Thomas Ewing, Jr., retreating before Price in the latter's Missouri expedition, arrived at Leasburg after several hours' constant skirmishing on Thursday morning, September 28. At daybreak next morning the Confederates appeared in force and during the day kept up a heavy skirmish fire. At night an assault was made on the works the Federal troops had thrown up during the day, but owing to the darkness it was unsuccessful. Saturday morning the Confederates, reinforced during the night, thoroughly reconnoitered the Federal position and all morning kept up an incessant fire with the skirmishers. About 2 p. m. Price drew off his command. The casualties were not reported. This affair is sometimes called Harrison, or Harrison's station. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 554.
LEATHERWOOD, KENTUCKY, November 6, 1862. Captain Ambrose Powell's Company. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 554.
LEAVE. (See ABSENCE.) LEGION. A variable number of men in the Roman army, from four to six thousand, but which always retained its distinctive characteristic of combining all the elements of a separate army. (Consult BARDIN, Dictionnaire de l’Armee de Terre, and ARNOLD'S Rome for a full account of the Roman legion.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 387).
LEAVITT, Hart, 1809-1881, Massachusetts, legislator, prominent abolitionist. Brother to abolitionist Roger Hooker Leavitt and Joshua Leavitt. Active in abolitionist organizations and in the Underground Railroad.
LEAVITT, Harvey F., Vergennes, Vermont, abolitionist. American Anti-Slavery Society, Manager, 1837-40, 1840-41.
LEAVITT, Humphrey Howe, jurist, born in Suffield, Connecticut, 18 June, 1796; died in Springfield, Ohio, in March, 1873. He went with his father to Ohio in 1800, received a classical education, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1816. He settled at Cadiz, but soon moved to Steubenville, and, after being appointed prosecuting attorney, was chosen successively a member of both branches of the Ohio legislature in 1825-'6 and '7. He was then elected, as a Jackson Democrat, to Congress, serving from 6 December, 1830, till 18 June, 1834, when he resigned, having been appointed by President Jackson judge of the U. S. Court for the District of Ohio. This office he held for nearly forty years. His opinions are contained in Bond's and McLean's reports and in Fisher's "Patent Cases," in which latter branch of the law he was deemed an authority. Judge Leavitt decided the Vallandigham Case during the Civil War, which Mr. Lincoln said was worth three victories to him. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and sat as a delegate during eleven sessions of the general assembly. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 649.
LEAVITT, Joshua, 1794-1873, New York, reformer, temperance activist, editor, lawyer, clergyman, abolitionist leader. Active supporter of the American Colonization Society. Helped in raising funds for the Society. Founder of the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS), New York, 1833. Manager, AASS, 1833-1837. Executive Committee, AASS, 1834-1840. Recording Secretary, AASS, 1838-1840. Executive Committee, American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society (A&FASS). Advocated political action to end slavery, which led him to help found the Liberty Party. Edited the newspaper, The Evangelist, which was founded by abolitionists Arthur and Lewis Tappan. He later became editor of The Emancipator, which was founded by Arthur Tappan in 1833. Leavitt toured extensively, lecturing against slavery. His speeches were edited into a pamphlet entitled, “The Financial Power of Slavery.” It was one of the most widely circulated documents against slavery.
(Blue, 2005, pp. 20, 25, 34, 45, 50, 54, 94, 119, 122; Davis, 1990; Dumond, 1961, pp. 159, 175, 179, 266, 286, 301; Filler, 1960, pp. 24, 63, 101, 132, 142, 150, 168, 172, 174, 177, 189, 194, 266-267; Mitchell, 2007, pp. 1, 7-8, 17, 20, 28-30, 36, 45-49, 167, 217; Rodriguez, 2007, pp. 42, 363-364; Sorin, 1971, pp. 51, 68-71, 96, 131, 132; Wilson, Henry, History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1872, 345; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 649-650; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 6, Pt. 1, p. 84; American Reformers: An H.W. Wilson Biographical Dictionary, New York, 1985, pp. 518-519; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 13, p. 339; papers in the Library of Congress; Staudenraus, P. J. The African Colonization Movement, 1816-1865. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961, pp. 129-130, 214, 219)
LEAVITT, Joshua, reformer, born in Heath, Franklin County. Massachusetts, 8 September, 1794; died in Brooklyn, New York, 16 January, 1873. He was graduated at Yale in 1814, admitted to the bar in 1819, and began to practise in Putney, Vermont, in 1821. In 1823 he abandoned his profession for the study of theology, and was graduated at Yale divinity school in 1825. He settled the same year at Stratford, Connecticut, where he had charge of a Congregational Church until 1828. In 1819, while a student of law in Heath, Mr. Leavitt organized one of the first Sabbath-schools in western Massachusetts, embracing not only the children, but the entire congregation, all of whom were arranged in classes for religious instruction. He also became interested in the improvement of the public schools. Before he entered the theological seminary he prepared a new reading-book, called "Easy Lessons in Reading" (1823), which met with an extensive sale. He subsequently issued a " Series of Readers " (1847), but these were not as popular. When the American Temperance Society was formed he became its first secretary, and was one of its travelling agents, in many places delivering the first temperance lecture the people had heard. In 1828 he moved to New York City as secretary of the American Seamen's Friend Society and editor of the "Sailor's Magazine." He established chapels in Canton, the Sandwich Islands, Havre, New Orleans, and other domestic and foreign ports. He also aided in founding the first city temperance society, and became its secretary. He became in 1831 editor and proprietor of the newly established "Evangelist," which under his management soon grew to be the organ of the more liberal religious movements, and was outspoken on the subjects of temperance and slavery. Mr. Leavitt bore a conspicuous part in the early antislavery conflict. His denunciation of slavery cost his paper its circulation in the south and a large proportion of it in the north, well-nigh compelling its suspension. To offset this loss he undertook the difficult feat of reporting in full the revival lectures of Charles G. Finney (q. v.), which, though not a short-hand reporter, he accomplished successfully. The financial crisis of 1837 compelled him, while erecting a new building, to sell out the "Evangelist." In 1833 he aided in organizing the New York Anti-Slavery Society, and was a member of its executive committee, as well as of that of the National Anti-Slavery Society in which it was merged. He was one of the abolitionists who were obliged to fly for a time from the city to escape mob violence. In 1837 he became editor of the " Emancipator," which he afterward moved to Boston, and he also published in that city " The Chronicle," the earliest daily anti-slavery paper. In the convention that met at Albany in 1840 and organized the Liberal Party, Mr. Leavitt took an active part, and he was also chairman of the national committee from 1844 till 1847. In 1848 Mr. Leavitt became office-editor of the New York "Independent," and was connected editorially with it until his death. Mr. Leavitt was an earnest and powerful speaker. In 1855 Wabash College conferred on him the degree of D. C. Dr. Leavitt's correspondence with Richard Cobden, and his " Memoir on Wheat," setting forth the unlimited capacity of our western territory for the growth and exportation of that cereal, were instrumental in procuring the repeal of the English corn laws. During a visit to Europe he also became much interested in Sir Rowland Hill's system of cheap postage. In 1847 he founded the Cheap Postage Society of Boston, and in 1848-'9 he labored in Washington in its behalf, for the establishment of a two-cent rate. In 1869 he received a gold medal from the Cobden Club of England for an essay on our commercial relations with Great Britain, in which he took an advanced position in favor of free-trade. Besides the works already mentioned, he published a hymn-book for revivals, entitled the "Christian Lyre " (1831). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 649-650.
LEAVITT, Roger, Heath, Massachusetts, abolitionist. Father of abolitionists Roger Hooker Leavitt and Joshua Leavitt.
LEAVITT, Roger Hooker, 1805-1885, Claremont, Massachusetts, abolitionist leader, landowner, industrialist, temperance activist, soldier. President, Franklin County Anti-Slavery Society. Vice President, Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, 1838-1840, 1840-1841. Gubernatorial candidate for Massachusetts on the Liberty Party ticket. Brother of abolitionist leader Joshua Leavitt. Stationmaster on the Underground Railroad.
LEBANON, ALABAMA, February 3, 1864. Detachment of the Army of the Cumberland. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 554.
LEBANON, KENTUCKY, July 11-12. 1862. 33d Ohio Infantry. As an incident of Colonel J. H. Morgan's first Kentucky raid, Brigadier-General J. T. Boyle, commanding at Louisville, sent the 33d Ohio, under Colonel Moore, to intercept Morgan's advance on Lebanon. Moore tore up the flooring of the bridge over Rolling Fork, about 6 miles from Lebanon, and stationed a guard there, while the main body of the regiment was sent some distance nearer the town. About 11 p. m. on the 11th Morgan reached the bridge, attacked and dispersed the guard, and after repairing the bridge proceeded on until he encountered the rest of the regiment, about 2 miles from Lebanon. Here his forces were routed with a loss of 1 killed and several wounded, but he moved by a roundabout way and reached Lebanon the following morning, burning a good portion of the town and then moved toward Springfield. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 554.
LEBANON, KENTUCKY, July 5, 1863. 20th Kentucky Infantry. Morgan's force, during his Ohio raid, approached Lebanon on the forenoon of this date, the garrison there consisting of about 380 men, including some recruits. About 6:30 a. m. the Confederates deployed, forming a line 2 miles in length, and after firing with artillery for a short time Morgan sent forward a flag of truce to demand a surrender. This was immediately refused, the fighting then commenced in earnest, and until 1 p. m. the battle raged, Morgan twice during that time demanding a surrender. Seeing that it was useless to attempt further resistance Lieutenant-Colonel Charles S. Hanson, commanding the garrison, acceded to the last demand. The Union loss in the engagement was 4 killed and 15 wounded. The Confederate casualties were not reported, but were estimated by Hanson to be 51 killed and 120 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 554-555.
LEBANON, KENTUCKY, July 30, 1864. One company of the 12th Ohio Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 555.
LEBANON, MISSOURI, March 12, 1862. The official report of Major-General H. W. Halleck mentions a skirmish near Lebanon on this date, but gives no information as to troops engaged, casualties, etc. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 555.
LEBANON, TENNESSEE, May 5, 1862. U. S. Forces under Brigadier-General Ebenezer Dumont. At 4 a. m. General Dumont surprised the Confederates under Colonels Morgan and Wood. The result was a victory for the Federal troops after a hard-fought engagement of an hour and a half and a running fight of 15 miles. Some 150 Confederates, 150 horses and 100 stands of arms were captured. The casualties in Dumont's command were 6 killed and 25 wounded. Lebanon, Tennessee, November 9, 1862. 1st Kentucky and 4th Michigan Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 555.
LEBANON, TENNESSEE, December 6, 1862. 93d Ohio Infantry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 555.
LEDLIE, James Hewett, soldier, born in Utica, New York, 14 April, 1832; died in New Brighton, Staten Island, New York, 15 August, 1882. He studied at Union College, became a civil engineer, and at the beginning of the Civil War was commissioned major of the 19th New York Infantry, which in the autumn of 1861 became an artillery regiment. He was made chief of artillery on the staff of General John G. Foster late in 1862, and on 24 December promoted to brigadier general of volunteers. He served in North and South Carolina, and subsequently in the Army of the Potomac, where his brigade made the assault on the crater after the mine-explosion at Petersburg. On 23 January, 1865, he resigned, declining a commission in the regular army, and returned to his profession. He took the entire contract for the construction of bridges, trestles, and snow-sheds on the Union Pacific Railroad, built the breakwaters of Chicago Harbor, and was engaged in railroad construction in the west and south. At the time of his death General Ledlie was chief engineer of railways in California and Nevada, and president of the Baltimore, Cincinnati, and Western Railroad Construction Company. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 654.
LEE, Albert Lindley, soldier, born in Fulton, Oswego County, New York, 16 January, 1834. He was graduated at Union College in 1853, studied law, and moved to Kansas, where he was judge of the state supreme court in 1861. He became major of the 7th Kansas Cavalry in that year, was made colonel in 1862, and on 29 November was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers. He commanded the cavalry in the Red River Expedition of 1864, and was in the advance when the Confederate attack was made at Sabine Cross-roads, after which he was superseded by General Richard Arnold. He resigned on 4 May, 1865, and since the war has passed much of his time in Europe. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 656.
LEE, Benjamin, physician, born in Norwich, Connecticut, 26 September, 1833, was graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1852, and at the New York Medical College in 1856, receiving a prize for his thesis on " The Mechanics of Medicine." After studying abroad he established himself in practice in New York City, in 1863 edited the "American Medical Monthly," and in 1863-'3 was surgeon of the 22d New York Regiment. In 1865 he moved to Philadelphia. Dr. Lee has made a specialty of orthopedic surgery and the treatment of nervous diseases. He is the inventor of the method of self-suspension as a means of treating spinal affections, tie is a member of various medical associations, has been treasurer of the Pennsylvania Medical Society since 1873, and in 1884 was president of the American Academy of Medicine. In 1885 he was appointed a member of the newly created State board of health, of which he is now (1887) secretary and executive officer. As a member of the committee on medical legislation of the State Medical Society, he has been instrumental in securing the passage of laws for regulating the practice of medicine, and for the registration of physicians. Besides contributions to medical literature, he has published "Correct Principles of Treatment for Angular Curvature of the Spine" (Philadelphia, 1867); and "Tracts on Massage," original and translated (1885-'7). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 657.
LEE, Luther, 1800-1889, clergyman, Methodist congregation, Utica, New York, abolitionist leader. Began his abolitionist career in 1837. Helped create Wesleyan Anti-Slavery societies. In 1843, co-founded the anti-slavery Wesleyan Methodist Connection of America, of which he became president. Lecturer for New York Anti-Slavery Society (NYASS) and agent for the American Anti-Slavery Society. Member, Executive Committee of the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, 1846-1852. Luther was attacked on a number of occasions by pro-slavery advocates. In 1840, Lee helped to co-found the Liberty Party.
(Filler, 1960, p. 123; Sernett, 2002, pp. 57-58, 59, 80-83, 299n8, 300n16; Sorin, 1971; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, 603; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 6, Pt. 1, p. 115; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 13, p. 384)
LEE, Luther, clergyman, born in Schoharie. New York, 30 November, 1800. He joined the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1821, soon began to preach, and in 1827 entered the Genesee conference, becoming an itinerant missionary, preacher, and successful temperance lecturer. He began to preach against slavery in 1836, was mobbed several times, and in 1841 established and edited " The New England Christian Advocate," an anti-slavery journal, at Lowell, Massachusetts He subsequently edited "The Sword of Truth," and in 1842 seceded from the Methodist Church, began a weekly journal, "The True Wesleyan," and when the Wesleyan Methodist connection was organized, became pastor of that church in Syracuse, New York. He was the first president of the first general conference of the new church, was editor of the organ of that body, "The True Wesleyan," till 1852, and after that date was successively pastor of churches in Syracuse and Fulton, New York. In 1854-'5 he edited a periodical entitled " The Evangelical Pulpit." He became president and professor of theology in the Michigan union College at Leoni in 1856, resigning the next year to officiate in churches in Ohio. From 1864 till 1867 he was connected with Adrian College, Michigan, and at the latter date returned to the Methodist Episcopal Church, slavery, which was the cause of the organization of the Wesleyan connection, having ceased to exist. Since 1867 he has been a member of the Michigan Conference, and is now (1887) superannuated. His publications include " Universalism Examined and Refuted" (New York, 1836); "The Immortality of the Soul" (1846); "Revival Manual" (1850); "Church Polity" (1850); "Slavery Examined in the Light of the Bible" (1855); and "Elements of Theology " (1856). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 603.
LEE, Robert Edward, soldier, born in Stratford, Westmoreland County, Virginia, 19 January, 1807; died in Lexington, Virginia, 12 October, 1870. He was the son of the Revolutionary general Henry Lee (q. v.), known as " Light-Horse Harry," was graduated from the U. S. Military Academy at West Point in 1829, ranking second in a class of forty-six, and was commissioned as a 2d lieutenant in the engineers. At the beginning of the Mexican War he was assigned to duty as chief engineer of the army under General Wool, his rank being that of captain. His abilities as an engineer, and his conduct as a soldier, won the special admiration of General Scott, who attributed the fall of Vera Cruz to his skill, and repeatedly singled him out for commendation. Lee was thrice brevetted during the war, his last brevet to the rank of colonel being for services at the storming of Chapultepec. In 1852 he was assigned to the command of the Military Academy at West Point, where he remained for about three years. He wrought great improvements in the academy, notably enlarging its course of study and bringing it to a rank equal to that of the best European military schools. In 1855 he was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the 2d Regiment of U.S. Cavalry, and assigned to duty on the Texan frontier, where he remained until near the beginning of the Civil War, with the exception of an interval when, in 1859, he was ordered to Washington and placed in command of the force that was sent against John Brown at Harper's Ferry. On 20 April, 1861, three days after the Virginia Convention adopted an ordinance of secession, he resigned his commission, in obedience to his conscientious conviction that he was bound by the act of his state. His only authenticated expression of opinion and sentiment on the subject of secession is found in the following passage from a letter written at the time of his resignation to his sister, the wife of an officer in the National Army: "We are now in a state of war which will yield to nothing. The whole south is in a state of revolution, into which Virginia, after a long struggle, has been drawn; and though I recognize no necessity for this state of things, and would have forborne and pleaded to the end for redress of grievances, real or supposed, yet in my own person I had to meet the question whether I should take part against my native state. With all my devotion to the Union, and the feeling of loyalty and duty of an American citizen. I have not been able to make up my mind to raise my hand against my relatives, my children, my home. I have therefore resigned my commission in the army. and. save in defence of my native state—with the sincere hope that my poor services may never be needed—I hope I may never be called upon to draw mv sword." Repairing to Richmond, he was made commander-in-chief of the Virginia state forces, and in May, 1861, when the Confederate government was moved from Montgomery to Richmond, he was appointed a full general under that government. During the early months of the war he served inconspicuously in the western part of Virginia. In the autumn Lee was sent to the coast of South Carolina, where he planned, and in part constructed, the defensive lines that successfully resisted all efforts directed against them until the very end of the war. He was ordered to Richmond, and on 13 March, 1862, assigned to duty "under the direction of the president," and "charged with the conduct of military operations in the armies of the Confederacy." The campaign of the preceding year in Virginia had embraced but one battle of importance, that of Bull Run or Manassas, and the Confederate success there had not been followed by anything more active than an advance to Centreville and Fairfax Court-House, with advanced posts on Mason's and Munson's hills. Meantime McClellan had been engaged in reorganizing the National Army, and converting the raw levies into disciplined troops. When he was finally ready to advance, the Confederates retired to the south side of the Rappahannock, and when McClellan transferred his base to Port Monroe and advanced upon Richmond by way of the peninsula, General Joseph E. Johnston moved his army to Williamsburg, leaving Jackson's division in the valley and Swell's on the line of the Rappahannock. Johnston fell back in May to make his stand in defence of Richmond immediately in front of the town. McClellan advanced to a line near the city with his army of more than 100,000 men, and, under the mistaken impression that Johnston's force outnumbered his own, waited for McDowell, who was advancing with 40,000 men from the neighborhood of Fredericksburg to join him. To prevent the coming of this re-enforcement, Lee ordered Ewell to join Jackson, and directed the latter to attack Banks in the valley of the Shenandoah, drive him across the Potomac, and thus seem to threaten Washington City. Jackson executed the task assigned him with such celerity and success as to cause serious apprehension in Washington. McDowell was recalled, and the re-enforcement of McClellan was prevented. The latter now established himself on the Chickahominy, with a part of his army thrown across that stream. A flood came at the end of May, and, believing that the swollen river effectually isolated this force, General Johnston attacked it on 31 May, hoping to crush it before assistance could reach it from the northern side of the river. Thus resulted the battle of Seven Pines, or Pair Oaks, in which Johnston was seriously wounded and rendered unfit for further service for a time. McClellan fortified his lines, his left wing lying near White Oak Swamp, on the south of the Chickahominy, his right extending up the river to Mechanicsville, and his depot being at the White House on the York River railroad and the Pamunkey River. Now, for the first time, General Lee had direct command of a great army confronting an enemy strongly posted, and his capacity as a strategist and commander was first demonstrated in that bloody and brilliant, but only in part successful, series of manoeuvres and contests known as " the seven days' battle." He determined to adopt that offensive defence which was always his favorite method. Instead of awaiting McClellan's attack, he resolved to defend Richmond by dislodging the foe that threatened it. His plan was secretly to bring Jackson's force to his aid, and, while holding McClellan in check on the south side of the river with a part of his force securely intrenched, to transfer the rest of it. to the north side, turn the enemy's flank, and move down the river in his rear, threatening his communications and compelling him to quit his intrenchments for a battle in the open, or to abandon his position altogether and retreat. The first necessity was to fortify the lines south of the river and when that was done, General J. E. B. Stuart, with a cavalry column, was sent to march around McClellan's position, ascertain the condition of the roads in his rear, and gather such other information as was needed. Jackson, with his entire force, was brought to Ashland, on the Fredericksburg railroad, from which point he was to move on 25 June to the neighborhood of Atlee's Station, and turn the enemy's positions at Mechanicsville and Beaver Dam on the next day. A. P. Hill's division was to cross the river at Meadow Bridge as soon as Jackson's movement should uncover it, and Longstreet and D. H. Hill were to cross in their turn when the passage should be clear. There was a delay of one day in Jackson's movement, however, so that he did not turn the position at Beaver Dam until the 27th. A. P. Hill, after waiting until the afternoon of the 26th for the movement of Jackson to accomplish the intended purpose, pushed across the river at Meadow Bridge and drove out the force that occupied Mechanicsville. Longstreet and D. H. Hill also crossed, and the next morning the works at Beaver Dam were turned and the Confederates pushed forward in their march down the river, Jackson in advance with D. H. Hill for support, while Longstreet and A. P. Hill were held in reserve, and upon the right, to attack McClellan in flank and rear, should he seriously oppose Jackson's advance toward the York River Railroad. There was some miscarriage of plans, due to a mistake in Jackson's movement, and, in consequence, Longstreet and Hill encountered the right wing of McClellan's force in a strong position near Gaines's Mills before the advance under Jackson was engaged at all. The resistance of the National troops was stubborn, and it was not until after Jackson came up and joined in the conflict that the position was forced. The National troops suffered severely, and were finally driven across the river. Lee now commanded McClellan's communications, and no course was open to the National general but to save his army by a retreat to the James River, during which severe battles were fought at Savage's Station and Frazier's Farm. The series of manoeuvres and battles ended in a fierce conflict at Malvern Hill, where the Confederates suffered terribly in a series of partial and ill-directed assaults upon a strong position taken by the retreating foe. The bloody repulses thus inflicted consoled the retreating army somewhat for their disaster, but could not repair the loss of position already suffered or do more than delay the retreat. The operations outlined above had brought McClellan's movement against Richmond to naught, and their moral effect was very great; but Lee was convinced that he had had and lost an opportunity to compel the actual surrender of his enemy, though stronger than himself in numbers, and regarded McClellan's escape upon any terms as a partial failure of his plans, due to accidental miscarriages. (For a further account of this campaign, see McClellan, George Brinton.) Having driven McClellan from his position in front of Richmond, and having thus raised what was in effect the siege of that city, General Lee's desire was to transfer the scene of operations to a distance from the Confederate capital, and thus relieve the depression of the southern people which had followed the general falling back of their armies and the disasters sustained in the west. McClellan lay at Harrison's Landing, below Richmond, with an army that was still strong, and while the Confederate capital was no longer in immediate danger, the withdrawal of the army defending it would invite attack and capture unless McClellan's withdrawal at the same time could be forced. For effecting that, Lee calculated upon the apparently excessive concern felt at the north for the safety of Washington. If he could so dispose of his forces as to put Washington in actual or seeming danger, he was confident that McClellan's army would be speedily recalled. In the meantime, General John Pope, in command of another National Army, had advanced by way of the Orange and Alexandria railroad, with the purpose of effecting a junction with McClellan, and it was necessary to meet the danger from that quarter without exposing Richmond, as already explained; for if the people of the north laid excessive stress upon the preservation of Washington from capture, the people of the south held Richmond in a like sentimental regard. Jackson was ordered, on 13 July, to Gordonsville with his own and Ewell's divisions, and he moved thence to Orange Court-House, where A. P. Hill was ordered to join him at the end of the month. With this force Jackson crossed the Rapidan, attacked a part of Pope's army at Cedar Mountain on 9 August, and gained an advantage, holding the ground until Pope advanced in force two days later, when he retired to the south of the river. Lee now hurried troops forward as rapidly as possible, and on 14 August took personal command on the Rapidan. His force was slightly superior to Pope's, and, as the National commander seemed at that time unaware of the presence of the main body of the Confederate Army. Lee hoped, by a prompt attack, to take him somewhat unprepared. The movement was planned for 19 August, but there was a delay of a day, and in the meantime Pope had become aware of his danger and withdrawn behind the Rappahannock, where he had posted his army in a strong position to oppose a crossing. Finding the advantage of position to be with the enemy, Lee moved up the river. Pope keeping pace with him until a point near Warrenton Springs was reached. There Lee halted and made a demonstration as if to cross, on 24 August, while Jackson, crossing about eight miles above, made a rapid march around Bull Run Mountain and through Thoroughfare Gap, to gain the enemy's rear. The movement was completely successful, and on the 26th Jackson reached Manassas Junction, capturing the supply depots there. As soon as Pope discovered the movement he withdrew to protect his communications. Longstreet at once marched to join Jackson, following the same route and effecting a junction on the morning of 29 August, on the same field on which the first battle of Manassas or Bull Run was fought in 1861. Pope's army, re-enforced from McClellan's. was in position, and battle was joined that afternoon. The National assaults upon Lee's lines on that day and the next were determined but unsuccessful, and on 30 August the Confederates succeeded in driving their enemy across Bull Run to Centreville. Lee, re-enforced, turned the position on 1 September, and Pope retired toward Washington.
The way was now clear for the further offensive operations that Lee contemplated. The transfer of McClellan's invading force to Washington had been made imperative, and Lee's army, encouraged by success, was again filled with that confidence in itself and its leader which alone can make an army a fit tool with which to undertake aggressive enterprises. He determined to transfer the scene of operations to the enemy's territory. The plan involved the practical abandonment of his communications so far as the means of subsisting his army was concerned, but the region into which he planned to march was rich in food and forage, and, with the aid of his active cavalry under Stuart, he trusted to his ability to live upon the country. The movement was begun at once, and on 5 September the army, 45,000 strong, crossed the Potomac and took up a position near Frederick, Maryland, from which it might move at will against Washington or Baltimore or invade Pennsylvania. A strong garrison of National troops still held Harper's Ferry, to Lee's surprise and somewhat to the disturbance of his plans, as it was necessary for him to have the route to the valley of Virginia open to his ammunition trains. On 10 September, therefore, he directed Jackson to return to the south side of the river and advance upon Harper's Ferry from the direction of Martinsburg, while McLaws should seize Maryland Heights, Walker hold Loudon Heights, and D. H. Hill post himself at Boonsboro' Pass to prevent the escape of the garrison. Having made these dispositions, Lee moved to Hagerstown to collect subsistence and to await the capture of Harper's Ferry by his lieutenant, after which the several divisions were to unite at Boonsboro' or Sharpsburg, as occasion should determine. McClellan was at this time advancing at the head of the National Army from Washington, but with unusual deliberation. By one of those mishaps which play so large a part in military operations, a copy of Lee's order, giving minute details of his dispositions and plans, fell into McClellan's hands, and that general, thus fully apprised of the exact whereabouts of every subdivision of Lee's temporarily scattered forces, made haste to take advantage of his adversary's unprepared situation. Making a rapid march, on 14 September he fell upon D. H. Hill's division at Boonsboro' Pass. Hill resisted stubbornly and held his ground until assistance arrived. During the night Lee withdrew to Sharpsburg, where news soon reached him of the surrender of Harper's Ferry with about 11,000 men and all its stores. By the 16th the army was again united, except that A. P. Hill's division had remained at Harper's Ferry to care for the prisoners and stores. Meantime McClellan had reached Sharpsburg also, and on the 17th battle was joined. (For an account of the battle, see McClellan.) Neither side having gained a decisive victory, neither was disposed to renew the contest on the 18th, and the day was passed in inactivity. During the night following Lee recrossed the Potomac and marched to the neighborhood of Winchester, where he remained until late in October, the enemy also remaining inactive until that time, when Lee retired to the line of the Rappahannock. The conflict at Sharpsburg or Antietam is called a drawn battle, and it was such if we consider only the immediate result. Neither army overcame the other or gained a decisive advantage, and neither was in condition, at the end of the affair, to make effective pursuit should the other retire. But McClellan had had the best of it in the fight, and Lee's invasion of northern territory was brought to an end; the batttle was thus in effect a victory for the National arms. On the other hand, if we include the capture of the garrison at Harper's Ferry, Lee had inflicted greater loss upon the enemy than he had himself suffered. So far as the definite objects with which he had undertaken the campaign were concerned, it had been successful. Richmond had been relieved of present danger. The moral situation had been reversed for a time. From standing on the defensive, and hard pressed in front of their own capital, the Confederates had been able to march into their enemy's country, overthrowing an army on their way, and to put the National capital upon its defence. The spirits of the southern army and people were revived, and from that time until the last hour of the war the confidence of both in the skill of their commander was implicit and unquestioning. Lee was thenceforth their reliance and the supreme object of their devotion. General Burnside, having succeeded McClellan in command of the National Army, adopted a new plan of campaign that should threaten Richmond by an advance over a short line, and at the same time keep Washington always covered. He made his base upon the Potomac at Acquia Creek, and planned to cross the Rappahannock at Fredericksburg. The head of his column reached Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburg, on 17 November Lee moved promptly to meet this new advance, and occupied a line of hills in rear of the town, which commanded the plain below and afforded excellent conditions for defence. Here he posted about half his army, under Longstreet, while D. H. Hill was at Port Royal, twenty miles below, and Jackson lay between, prepared to support either wing that might be attacked. Lee's total force numbered about 80,000 men of all arms; Burnside's about 120,000, of whom 100,000 were thrown across the river on the day of the battle. The crossing was made on 12 December in two columns, the one at Fredericksburg and the other three miles below. No serious opposition was made to the crossing, it being Lee's plan to await attack in his strong position on the crests of the hills rather than risk an action in the plain below. Burnside spent the 12th in preparation, and did not advance to the assault until the next morning about ten o'clock. Two points of attack were chosen, one upon the Confederate right, the other upon the left. The attack upon the Confederate right was for a time successful, breaking through the first line of defence at a weak point, but it was quickly met and repelled by Jackson, who had hurried to the point of danger. The National troops were forced back and pressed almost to the river, where a heavy artillery fire checked Jackson's pursuit, and upon his return to the original line of defence the battle in that quarter ended in Confederate success, but with about equal losses to the two armies. On the other side of the field the assaults were repeated and determined, and resulted in much graver loss to the assailants and much less damage to the Confederates. The nature of the ground forbade all attempts to turn Lee's left, and the National troops had no choice but to make a direct advance upon Marye's Heights. Here Lee was strongly posted with artillery so placed as to enfilade the line of advance. A little in front of his main line, and on the side of the hill below, lay a sunken road, flanked by a stone wall running athwart the line of the National advance, and forming a thoroughly protected ditch. Into this road about 2.000 infantry had been thrown, and Burnside's columns, as they made their successive advances up a narrow field, swept by the artillery from above, came suddenly upon this concealed and well-protected force, and encountered a withering fire of musketry at short range, which swept them back. The nature of the obstacle was not discovered by the National commanders, and assault after assault was made, always with the same result, until the approach of night put an end to the conflict. The next day Lee waited for the renewal of the assault, which he had repelled with a comparatively small part of his force, but, although Burnside remained on the Confederate side of the river, he made no further attempt to force his adversary's position. He had lost nearly 13,000 men, while Lee's loss was but a little more than 5,000. The National Army recrossed the river on the 15th, and military operations were suspended for the winter. (For a further account of this battle, see Burnside, Ambrose Everett.) General Joseph Hooker, who succeeded Burnside in command of the Army of the Potomac, planned a spring campaign, the purpose of which was to force Lee out of his intrenched position at Fredericksburg and overcome him in the field. His plan of operations was to throw a strong detachment across the river below Fredericksburg, threatening an assault upon the works there, while with the main body of his army he should cross the river into the region known as the Wilderness above the Confederate position, thus compelling Lee to move out of his intrenchments and march to meet his advance at Chancellorsville. Lee's army had been weakened by detachments to 57,000 men, while Hooker's strength was about 120,000, and the National commander hoped to compel the further division of his adversary's force by occupying a part of it at Fredericksburg. The plan was admirably conceived, and no operation of the war so severely tested the skill of Lee or so illustrated his character as did the brief campaign that followed. About the end of April, 1863, the plan was put in operation. Sedgwick, with 30,000 men, crossed below Fredericksburg, while Hooker, with the main body, crossed at the fords above and marched through the Wilderness to gain a position upon the Confederate flank. Leaving about 9,000 men in the works at Fredericksburg, Lee marched on 1 May to meet Hooker's advance, which he encountered near Chancellorsville. He attacked the advance force at once, and it retired upon the main body, which occupied a strong position and seemed disposed to act upon the defensive. Notwithstanding the great inferiority of his force (48,000 men), Lee decided upon the hazardous experiment of dividing it. Retaining about 12,000 or 14.000 men with whom to make a demonstration in front, he sent Jackson with the remainder of the army to march around Hooker's right flank and strike him in the rear. The manoeuvre was extremely hazardous, but was made necessary by the situation, and was fully justified bv its success. Jackson made his march without discovery of his purpose, and, late in the afternoon of 2 May, came upon Hooker's rear with a suddenness and determination that threw a part of the National Army into confusion and gave the Confederates a great advantage. The contest lasted until after nightfall, and the armies lay upon their arms throughout the night. Jackson having received a mortal wound from the fire of his own men. the command of his force devolved upon Stuart, who renewed the attack early next day and pressed it with vigor until about ten o'clock, when a junction was formed with the troops under Lee, operating from in front. The whole line then advanced with great impetuosity, under the immediate command of General Lee. and the enemy was driven with great loss from the field, retiring to the works that defended the river crossings. Meantime Sedgwick had carried the position at Fredericksburg, and was advancing on Lee's right flank. He had reached a point within six miles of Chancellorsville before forces detached for the purpose could check his advance. On the next day Early came up, and Lee succeeded in driving Sedgwick across the river. A storm interfered with plans for pressing Hooker's retreat, and by the 6th he had withdrawn completely from the southern side of the river, and was resuming his position opposite Fredericksburg. Lee also returned to his works, facing the enemy, with the river between. It was now incumbent upon General Lee to determine, so far as the matter was within his control, where and how the campaign of the approaching summer should be carried on. His policy was in a general sense defensive, but it was open to him to choose between a rigid adherence to that policy and the adoption of offensive measures with a defensive intent. He wished to avoid the depressing moral effect of a second near approach of the enemy to Richmond, and, notwithstanding the inferiority of his force to that which he was likely to encounter, he resolved to risk another attempt to transfer operations to northern soil. His army now consisted of three corps, under Longstreet, Ewell, and A. P. Hill. Early in June Ewell was sent into the valley of Virginia with orders to drive out General Milroy's small force and advance toward the Potomac. As soon as he had cleared the lower valley, Longstreet took up his march, moving northward east of the Blue Ridge, and, in exact fulfilment of General Lee's expectation, Hooker withdrew from in front of Fredericksburg and retired to cover and defend Washington, establishing his army south of the Potomac, near Leesburg, to await the further development of his adversary's plans. A. P. Hill now followed Ewell's line of march, and Longstreet also passed into the valley. Ewell had crossed the Potomac, and Lee followed with the other two corps, arriving at Chambersburg on 27 June, Ewell being then at Carlisle. Stuart, in command of the cavalry, had been left to observe the enemy, with orders to cross the river and place himself on Ewell's right as soon as possible after the National Army should have left Virginia. Some discretion was given to him, however, and in the exercise of it he made a successful march around the National Army, but meantime left Lee without cavalry in an enemy's country, and without that information of the enemy's movements which was indispensable to the wise ordering of his own. Moreover, Stuart's absence misled Lee. Confident that his cavalry commander, who was a marvel of alertness and promptitude, would not delay to join him after the passage of the river by the adversary, Lee argued from his absence that the main body of the enemy was still south of the river, and perhaps planning a counter-operation against Richmond, while in fact the entire army under Meade was hastening toward Gettysburg, where Lee encountered its advance on 1 July, unexpectedly and under a complete misapprehension as to its strength. Heth's division, which constituted Lee's advance, met the enemy first, and was directed to ascertain his strength, with orders to avoid a general engagement if he should find anything more than cavalry present. Heth undertook to feel of the force in his front, and, as it consisted of infantry and artillery in large bodies, he was soon hotly engaged in spite of his endeavor to confine his operation to a reconnoissance. When Lee arrived on the field, it was evident that a general engagement was not to be avoided, and he ordered up such re-enforcements as were at hand, at the same time sending directions for the remainder of his forces to hasten forward. Two divisions of Hill's corps and two of Ewell's were brought into action, and during the afternoon, after a sharp contest, the enemy was driven to a position south of the town, where he occupied a line of hills and awaited a renewal of the attack. In the absence of his cavalry, Lee was without any other information as to the strength or the purposes of his enemy than that which he could get from the prisoners taken, from whom he learned that Meade s entire army was approaching. It was important, if possible, to seize the position held by the enemy before further bodies of Meade's troops should arrive, as the line of hills afforded many advantages to the commander who could occupy it, and Lee directed Ewell to gain possession of it if possible, leaving him certain discretion, however, in the exercise of which Ewell delayed the attempt, to await the arrival of his remaining division, and so the opportunity was lost. It was Lee's intention to attack with his whole available force on the morning of the 2d, but it was not until late in the afternoon that Longstreet, whose troops had been some miles in the rear, was ready to bear his important part in the assault, and in the meantime the greater part of Meade's force had arrived and taken position. The assault was made at four o'clock, with Ewell on the left, Hill in the centre, and Longstreet on the right. The plan was for Longstreet to carry the position occupied by the enemy's left, Ewell and Hill making demonstrations on the left and centre, but converting their operations into a real attack should it appear that troops from their front were withdrawn to aid in opposing Longstreet. This was done, and a part of the enemy's works was carried by the Confederate left, but relinquished because of Rhodes's inability to render support to Early as promptly as had been intended. Meantime Longstreet had forced back the enemy's left for some distance, and gained a favorable position for further operations. The day came to an end with no decisive result, but Lee was encouraged to believe that by a carefully concerted assault on the next day he might win a victory that would go far to decide the issue of the war in favor of the Confederates, or at any rate to compensate for the continued disasters suffered by the Confederate arms in the west, and perhaps compel the withdrawal of the National forces from that quarter for the defence of the middle and eastern states. The value of such a victory, if he could achieve it, would be incalculable, and, as Longstreet has declared, the army under Lee's command at that time " was in condition to undertake anything." It was therefore decided to make a supreme effort on the next day to carry the enemy's position and put him to rout. Longstreet, strengthened by three brigades under Pickett, and additionally re-enforced from Hill's corps, was to make the main assault upon the enemy's right, while Ewell should attack his left and Hill menace his centre. There was some slight miscarriage in preparation, however, which resulted in Ewell's becoming engaged before Longstreet advanced to the assault. Moreover, for reasons that have since been the subject of somewhat acrimonious controversy, and the discussion of which would be manifestly improper in this place, Longstreet's attack was not made with his entire force, as had been intended; and although by that charge, which has become historically famous as perhaps the most brilliant feat of arms performed by Confederates on any field, Pickett's division succeeded in carrying the hill in their front and entering the enemy's lines, it was left without adequate support and was quickly hurled back, broken, and almost annihilated. This in effect ended the battle of Gettysburg. As at Antietam, so on this field, no decisive victory had been won by either army, but Lee's supreme effort had ended in a repulse, and the advantage rested with the National arms. "It is with an invading army as with an insurrection: an indecisive action is equivalent to a defeat." Lee was not driven from the field, and his army was still unbroken; but he had failed to overthrow his adversary, and his project of successful invasion of the enemy's country was necessarily at an end. He tarried a day in inactivity, and then retired without serious molestation to Virginia, whither Meade followed. The two armies having returned to the line of the Rapidan, and neither being disposed to undertake active operations, the campaign of 1863 ended in August. The campaign of 1864 was begun by the advance of the National Army under General Grant, who crossed the Rapidan on 4 May with about 120,000 men, including non-combatants, teamsters, etc. Lee's force at that time was about 66,000 men, not including commissioned officers, teamsters, and other non-combatants, but he determined to attack his adversary as quickly as possible. There followed a succession of stubbornly contested battles and movements by flank from the Wilderness, where the adversaries first met, bv way of Spottsylvania Court-House and Cold Harbor, to Petersburg, for an account of which, and of the siege of Petersburg, see Grant, Ulysses S. Grant sat down before Petersburg about the middle of June, and prepared for a patient siege of that place and of Richmond, to which it afforded a key. By extending his lines farther and farther to the south, and pressing his left forward, he forced Lee to stretch his own correspondingly, until they were drawn out to dangerous tenuity, there being no source from which the Confederate commander could draw re-enforcements, while his already scant force was slowly wasting away under the operations of the siege. Grant was gradually enveloping the position, and pushing back the Confederate right, so as to secure the lines of railway leading to the south, and it was manifestly only a question of time when Petersburg, and Richmond with it, must fall into the hands of the enemy. By all military considerations it was the part of wisdom for the Confederates to withdraw from the obviously untenable position while there was yet opportunity for them to retire to the line of the Roanoke, and there is the best authority for saying that if he had been free to determine the matter for himself, Lee would have abandoned Richmond many weeks before the date of its actual fall, and would have endeavored, by concentration, to win important advantages in the field, where strategy, celerity of movement, and advantages of position might offset disparity of forces. But the Confederate government had decided upon the policy of holding Richmond at all hazards, and Lee was bound by its decision. The end of his power of resistance in that false position came early in the spring of 1865. Grant broke through his defences, south of Petersburg, and compelled the hasty evacuation of the entire Richmond line on 2 April. Meantime Sherman had successfully transferred his base from northern Georgia to Savannah, and was following Johnston in his retreat toward North Carolina and Virginia. Lee made an ineffectual attempt to retreat and form a junction with Johnston somewhere south of the Roanoke; but the head of Grant's column was so far in advance on his left as to be able to beat him back toward the upper James River, capturing a large portion of his force, and the small remnant, in a state of actual starvation, was surrendered on 9 April, at Appomattox Court-House, its total strength being fewer than 10,000 men. The war being at an end, Lee withdrew at once from public affairs, betaking himself to the work of a simple citizen, not morosely, or in sullen vexation of spirit, but manfully, and with a firm conviction of duty. He frankly accepted the result, and used his great influence for the restoration of friendly relations between the lately warring sections, for the prompt return of his soldiers to peaceful pursuits, and for the turning of their devotion to the southern cause into a patriotic pride of American citizenship. He became president of Washington College, at Lexington, Virginia (now Washington and Lee University), and passed the remainder of his life in earnest work as an educator of youth. Physically, intellectually, and morally, Lee was a man of large proportions and unusual symmetry. Whether or not he possessed the highest order of genius, he had a mind of large grasp, great vigor and activity, and perfect self-possession. He was modest in his estimate of himself, but not lacking in that self-confidence which gives strength, his mind was pure, and his character upright in an eminent degree. His ruling characteristic was an inflexible devotion to duty, as he understood it, accompanied by a perfect readiness to make any and every sacrifice of self that might be required of him by circumstance. In manner he was dignified, courteous, and perfectly simple; in temper he was calm, with the placidity of strength that is accustomed to rigid self-control. He was a type of perfectly healthy manhood, in which body and mind are equally under the control of clearly defined conceptions of right and duty. Descended from men who had won distinction by worth, and allied to others of like character, he was deeply imbued with a sense of his obligation to live and act in all things worthily. As a military commander he had thorough knowledge of the art of war, and large ability in its practice. His combinations were sound, and where opportunity permitted, brilliant, and his courage in undertaking great enterprises with scantily adequate means was supported by great skill in the effective employment of such means as were at his command. The tasks he set himself were almost uniformly such as a man of smaller courage would have shrunk from, and a man of less ability would have undertaken only to meet disaster. His military problem was so to employ an inferior force as to baffle the designs of an enemy possessed of a superior one. His great strength lay in that form of defence which involves the employment of offensive manoeuvres as a means of choosing the times, places, and conditions of conflict. A military critic has said that he lacked the gift to seize upon the right moment for converting a successful defence into a successful attack, and the judgment appears to be in some measure sound. In the seven days' fight around Richmond his success was rendered much less complete than it apparently ought to have been by his failure so to handle his force as to bring its full strength to bear upon his adversary's retreating column at the critical moment. At Fredericksburg he seems to have put aside an opportunity to crush the enemy whom he had repelled, when he neglected to press Burnside on the river bank, and permitted him to withdraw to the other side unmolested. After his victory at Chancellorsville a greater readiness to press his retreating foe would have promised results that for lack of that readiness were not achieved. A critical study of his campaigns seems also to show that he erred in giving too much discretion to his lieutenants at critical junctures, when his own fuller knowledge of the entire situation and plan of battle or campaign should have been an absolutely controlling force. It is no reflection upon those lieutenants to say that they did not always make the wisest or most fortunate use of the discretion thus given to them, for with their less complete information concerning matters not immediately within their purview, their decisions rested, of necessity, upon an inadequate knowledge of the conditions of the problem presented. Instances of the kind to which we refer are found in Stuart's absence with the cavalry during all that part of the Gettysburg campaign which preceded the battle, and in Ewell's failure to seize the strong position at Gettysburg while it was still possible to do so. In both these cases Lee directed the doing of that which wisdom dictated; in both he left a large discretion to his lieutenant, in the conscientious exercise of which an opportunity was lost. Three days after General Lee's death his remains were buried beneath the chapel of the University at Lexington. In accordance with his request, no funeral oration was pronounced. For a view of General Lee's residence. "Arlington House," see Custis, George W. P., vol. ii., p. 45. The corner-stone of a monument to his memory was laid in Richmond, Virginia, on 27 October, 1887. There is a recumbent statue by Valentine over his grave, and a bronze statue on a column in New Orleans. A portrait of him was painted from life by John Elder, for the commonwealth of Virginia, which is now in the senate chamber at Richmond; another by Elder, for the city of Savannah, is in the council chamber of that city; and still another is at the University of Virginia. The vignette is copied from an early portrait, while the steel engraving is from a photograph taken in Richmond, during the last year of the war. General Lee edited, with a memoir, a new edition of his father's "Memoirs of the Wars of the Southern Department of the United States" (New York, 1869). See "Life and Campaigns of Robert Edward Lee," by E. Lee Childe (London, 1875); "Life of Robert E. Lee," bv John Esten Cooke (New York. 1871); "Life and Times of Robert E. Lee," by Edward A. Pollard (1871); "Personal Reminiscences of Robert E. Lee," by John W. Jones (1874); "Four Years with General Lee," by Walter L Taylor (1877); and "Memoirs of Robert E. Lee," by General A. L. Long (1886). A life of General Lee is now (1887) in preparation by Colonel Charles Marshall, aide decamp on his staff, 1861-'5, to whom the original papers of General Lee have been committed by the family. — His wife, Mary Randolph, born at Arlington House, Alexandria County, Virginia. in 1806; died in Lexington, Virginia, 6 November, 1873, was the only daughter of George Washington Parke Custis, the adopted son of Washington, and the grandson of his wife. In June, 1831, she married Robert E. Lee, by which event he came into possession of Arlington, on the Potomac River, and of the White House, on the Pamunkey. Mrs. Lee had strong intellectual powers, and persistently favored the Confederate cause. She was in Richmond during the Civil War, and afterward accompanied her husband to Lexington, where she resided until her death.—His eldest son, George Washington Custis, soldier, born at Arlington, Virginia, 16 September. 1832, was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1854 at the head of his class. He was commissioned 2d lieutenant of engineers and assigned to the engineer bureau at Washington. In the spring of 1855 he was assigned to duty on Amelia Island. Florida, where he was engaged in constructing the fort at the mouth of St. Mary's River, and in the autumn of 1857 was ordered to San Francisco, California, for the construction of the works at Fort Point. In October, 1859, he was promoted 1st lieutenant and ordered to the engineer bureau at Washington, where he remained until the beginning of the Civil War, when he resigned his commission and entered the Confederate service. He was commissioned major of engineers of the provisional Army of Virginia, 10 May, 1861, and on 1 July was appointed captain in the Confederate Corps of Engineers. He located and constructed the fortifications around Richmond, and on 31 August, 1861, was appointed aide-de-camp to Jefferson Davis, with the rank of colonel of cavalry. On 25 June, 1863, he was commissioned brigadier-general and assigned to a brigade organized for local defence around Richmond. In the autumn of 1864 he was commissioned major-general and given the command of a division in the Army of Northern Virginia, which he led bravely and skilfully till he was captured at Sailor's Creek. In October, 1865, he became professor of military and civil engineering and applied mechanics in Virginia Military Institute, and in February, 1871. succeeded his father as president of Washington College (now Washington and Lee University). Tulane University gave him the degree of LL. D. in 1887.—His brother, William Henry Fitzhugh, soldier, second son of Robert E. Lee, born at Arlington, Virginia, 31 May, 1837, was graduated at Harvard in 1857, and in the same year appointed 2d lieutenant in the 6th U.S. Infantry, U. S. Army, and served in the Utah Campaign of General Albert Sidney Johnston, and afterward in California. Early in 1859 he resigned his commission and took charge of his farm, the historic White House, on the Pamunkey. In the spring of 1861 he raised a cavalry company for the Confederate service, was made captain, and was soon promoted major and made chief of cavalry to General Loring in the West Virginia Campaign. In the winter of 1861-'2 he was ordered to Fredericksburg and was made lieutenant-colonel. In the spring of 1862 he was made colonel, and not long afterward was attached to the brigade of General J. E. B. Stuart, in most of whose campaigns he participated. On 3 October, 1862, he was made brigadier-general, to date from 15 September At Brandy Station, 9 June, 1863, he was severely wounded, and was afterward captured by a raiding party and carried to Fortress Monroe, where he was held for some time as a hostage. In the early spring of 1864 he was exchanged, on 23 April was promoted major-general of cavalry, and led his division in the fights from the Rapidan to Appomattox, where he surrendered. He soon went to work at the White House, rebuilding the dwelling, and became a farmer. For some years he was president of the Virginia agricultural Society. In 1875 he was j elected to the state senate, and in 1886 to Congress. I — Robert Edward's nephew, Fitzhugh, soldier, born I in Clermont, Fairfax County, Virginia, 19 November, 1835, was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1856, and commissioned 2d lieutenant in the 2d U.S. Cavalry. He was severely wounded in a fight with Indians, and in May, 1860, was ordered to report at West Point as instructor of cavalry. At the beginning of the Civil War in 1861 he resigned his commission and entered the Confederate service. He was first placed on staff duty, and was adjutant-general of Ewell's brigade until September, 1861, when he was made lieutenant-colonel of the 1st Virginia Cavalry, and later was promoted colonel, and he participated in all the campaigns of the Army of Northern Virginia. On 25 July, 1862, he was made brigadier-general, and on 3 September, 1863, major general. In the battle of Winchester, 19 September, 1864, three horses were shot under him, and he was disabled by a severe wound, which kept him from duty for several months. In March, 1865, he was put in command of the whole cavalry corps of the Army of Northern Virginia, and a month later he surrendered to General Meade at Farmville, after which he retired to his home in Stafford County. In 1874 he made a speech at Bunker Hill which attracted wide attention. In the winter and spring of 1882-'3 he made a tour through the southern states, in the interest of the Southern Historical Society. He was elected governor of Virginia in 1885. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 668-675.
LEED'S FERRY, VIRGINIA, December 2, 1862. Detachment of the 8th Pennsylvania Cavalry. A squadron of the regiment, doing outpost duty at Leed's ferry on the Rappahannock river, below King George Court House, was attacked just before daylight by about 200 dismounted Confederate cavalry. Although resistance was made, the strength of the outpost was not sufficient to repulse the enemy, who succeeded in capturing the reserve of 26 men. The remainder of the squadron was on detached duty and escaped. The Confederates lost 1 man wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 555.
LEESBURG, ALABAMA, October 21, 1864. Cavalry of the Army of the Cumberland. According to a Federal report, while the cavalry was operating in north Alabama and north Georgia in connection with Sherman's campaign, on the 21st "The 2nd division with 3d brigade, 1st division, marched to Leesburg, Alabama, attacked Wheeler, and drove him in disorder from his strong and selected position. He left his killed and wounded on the field, and threw away many arms in his flight; our loss slight." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 555.
LEESBURG, TENNESSEE, September 28, 1864. Detachment of 16th Kentucky Cavalry. A battalion of this regiment, the advance of Gillem's East Tennessee expedition, found the enemy's scouts at Leesburg and charged upon them, severely wounding 1 and capturing 5. No casualties were reported on the Union side. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 555.
LEESBURG, VIRGINIA, October 21, 1861. (See Ball's Bluff.)
LEESBURG, VIRGINIA, September 16-19, 1862. Detachment of Bayard's Cavalry. Lieutenant-Colonel Judson Kilpatrick, with six companies of the 2nd New York, two of the 9th Pennsylvania, and two of the 1st New Jersey cavalry, and a section of Buell's battery, left Upton's hill on the afternoon of the 16th for a reconnaissance to Leesburg. Dranesville was reached that night and the next morning the Confederates were encountered at Goose creek, where they had burned the bridge and posted a strong picket. This was driven away and, after a difficult crossing, Kilpatrick advanced with caution on Leesburg. Just outside that town some 200 dismounted cavalry were encountered, but Kilpatrick ordered a charge, which sent them flying back through the village, while at the same time his artillery routed a force of about 500 infantry. The Union loss was 2 killed, 12 wounded and 1 missing. The enemy's loss was not reported, but was much heavier. Leesburg, Virginia, August 21, 1864. Loudoun Rangers. Colonel Roger E. Cook, commanding the Federal forces at Sandy Hook, Maryland, sent Lieutenant Atwell with a scouting party across the river into Loudoun county, Virginia At Leesburg Atwell encountered a detachment of White's battalion, which was completely routed with a loss of 3 men mortally wounded. Lee's Cross-Roads, Georgia, May 2, 1864. Kilpatrick's Cavalry. During Kilpatrick's reconnaissance from Ringgold toward Tunnel Hill the enemy made a brief stand at this point, but was soon routed and compelled to retire toward Tunnel Hill. (See Stone Church.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 555-556.
LEE'S HOUSE, TENNESSEE, January 28, 1864. Detachment of 81st Ohio Infantry. A forage train with an escort from the 81st Ohio was fired upon near the house of a Mr. Lee on the Cornersville pike. Two teamsters were wounded, the rest were surrounded and captured and the wagons burned. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 556.
LEE'S HOUSE, VIRGINIA, January 29, 1862. Detachments of 37th New York Infantry and 1st New Jersey Cavalry. The only mention of this affair in the official records of the war is a congratulatory order of January 31 from Major-General George B. McClellan, which reads as follows: "The commanding general thanks Lieutenant-Colonel John Burke, 37th New York volunteers, and the handful of brave men of that regiment and the 1st New Jersey cavalry, under his command, for their services in the affair at Lee's house, or Belmont, on Occoquan bay, on the night of the 28th instant." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 556.
LEE'S MILL, VIRGINIA, April 5-7, 1862. 2nd Division, 4th Army Corps. During the operations at the beginning of the siege of Yorktown, General McClellan gave orders on the 4th for General Keyes, commanding the 4th corps, to "move forward Smith's division at 6 a. m. via Warwick Court House and the road leading near the Half-way House on the Yorktown and Williamsburg road." Pursuant to this order Smith moved promptly at the designated time from his camp at Young's mill. After advancing about 4 miles the enemy's pickets were encountered and driven back, and some 2 miles beyond Warwick Court House the advance came within sight of the Confederate works at Lee's mill. The 7th Maine was thrown forward as skirmishers and the rest of Davidson's brigade was ordered to deploy out of sight along the edge of the woods, Hancock's brigade supporting his right and Brook's brigade in reserve. Wheeler's battery was then brought up and opened fire on the enemy. An attempt was made to turn Davidson's left, but it was frustrated by the 49th New York, which was thrown back at an obtuse angle to the rest of the line. The division then remained in this position, under fire a good part of the time, until the 7th, when it was withdrawn about a mile to the rear. Davidson's brigade lost 3 men killed and 12 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 556.
LEE'S MILL. VIRGINIA, April 16, 1862. 2nd Division, 4th Army Corps. Brigadier-General William F. Smith with his division proceeded to Lee's mill (or Burnt Chimneys) at Dam No. 1 on a reconnaissance. The troops were deployed and the infantry to the right opened fire on the Confederates working on their intrenchments. The enemy's artillery at once replied, the Union pieces were brought into action, and after an hour the Confederate battery was silenced. About 3 p. m. the enemy's musketry fire slackened, when four companies of the 3d Vermont were pushed across the stream and up to the works. On arriving at the crest of the parapet they were met by the enemy in force, and as their ammunition had been dampened in the passage of the stream, they were obliged fall back. Later in the day another reconnaissance was made further up the stream, but with little success. The Federal loss in this engagement was 35 killed, 121 wounded and 9 missing. The Confederate casualties were not reported. This affair was an incident of the siege of Yorktown. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 556-557.
LEE'S MILL, VIRGINIA, July 12, 1864. 2nd Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. In the reports of the Richmond campaign mention is made of a skirmish at Lee's mill, near Ream's station, on this date. It was probably part of the action at Warwick swamp, (q. v.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 557.
LEE'S MILL, Virginia, July 30, 1864. 2nd Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. During the Richmond campaign this division marched from the Appomattox river to Lee's mill. On arriving at the latter place the Confederates were found posted in a strong position on the opposite side of the stream, but after a short time they were flanked and dislodged. Eleven of the Federal command were wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 557.
LEE'S MILL, VIRGINIA, November 16, 1864. Detachment of the 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Captain O'Reilly, with 50 men, left the reserve on the Lee's mill road at 4:30 a. m. and pushed across Warwick swamp to attempt the capture of a scouting party known to be in the vicinity. After proceeding about 2 miles he found 14 of the Confederates and charged them, killing 3 and wounding 1 and capturing 12 horses and equipments, without casualty. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 557.
LEESVILLE, VIRGINIA, May 5, 1863. (See Suffolk, siege of.)
LEEMAN, William H., radical abolitionist, accompanied John Brown in his raid on the Federal Arsenal at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, on October 16, 1859. Lee wrote to his mother, “We are now all privately gathered in a slave state, where we are determined to strike for freedom, incite the rebels to rebellion, and establish a free government.” (See entry for John Brown.) (Rodriguez, 2007, pp. 207, 327)
LEETOWN, WEST VIRGINIA, July 3, 1864. (See Darkesville, same date.) Leetown, West Virginia, August 28, 1864. 1st Cavalry Division, Army of West Virginia. On this date the division, commanded by Bvt. Major-General Wesley Merritt, moved from Shepherdstown toward Smithfield. At Leetown Lomax's division of Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry was met and a sharp skirmish ensued, which resulted in the Confederates being forced back to Smithfield and then across the Opequan creek. In reporting this affair General Sheridan says: "Our losses were not great; the enemy suffered severely. Several handsome cavalry charges were made by Merritt's command." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 557.
LEET'S TANYARD, GEORGIA, September 12, 1863. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 14th Army Corps. While the Union and Confederate armies were maneuvering for position just before the battle of Chickamauga, Colonel John T. Wilder's brigade of mounted infantry was making its way from Ringgold to Lafayette, when his advance encountered the enemy's pickets near Leet's Tanyard. About the same time the rear-guard reported the presence of a considerable force of Confederates in the rear. Wilder quickly formed the brigade in line of battle and advanced against Pegram's command, which occupied a strong position on a high, wooded hill. The skirmish was short but decisive, Pegram being driven back toward Lafayette by two regiments of the brigade, while the other two repulsed an attack by Armstrong on the left flank. No casualties reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 557.
LEET'S TANYARD, GEORGIA, March 5, 1864. 8th Indiana Cavalry. Wheeler's cavalry came through Nickajack gap and attacked the outpost of the Federal camp and then pressed the Union center, while a heavy force was sent to get to the rear. Colonel T. J. Harrison, commanding the Indiana regiment, fell back across a stream and destroyed the bridge. The enemy's left had meantime gotten to the rear of Harrison, who immediately faced his command about and cut his way out with a loss of 1 killed and 4 missing. The enemy lost 3 killed and 6 or 7 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 557.
LEFFERTS, Marshall, engineer, born in Bedford, Long Island, 15 January, 1821; died near Newark, New Jersey, 3 July, 1876. He was educated in the common schools, was first a clerk, and subsequently a civil engineer, and, returning to mercantile pursuits, became a partner in the importing-house of Monewood and Company, New York. In 1849 he became president of the New York, New England, and New York State Telegraph Companies, from which office he retired in 1860 and began a system of telegraph wires, which was worked on the automatic plan of transmission. These patents were subsequently purchased by the American (now the Western Union) Telegraph Company, of which he became electric engineer, and at the same time he was consulting engineer of the Atlantic Cable Company. He was the first in the United States to make and apply instruments for the detection of faults in electric cables, and to reduce the system of relays to common standards. He resigned his office with the Western Union Telegraph Company in 1867 to organize the commercial news department of that company, became president of the Gold and Stock Telegraph Company in 1869, and when, two years afterward, the latter purchased the commercial news department, he again assumed its control. He joined the New York 7th Regiment in 1851 as a private, became its lieutenant-colonel the next year, and its colonel in 1859. In 1861 this regiment, under his command, was the first to leave the city for the seat of war. It was again called out in 1862 and in 1863, and at the latter date was stationed in Frederick, Maryland, where Colonel Lefferts was military governor, returning to New York to protect the city in the draft riots of July, 1863. At the close of the war he resigned his command, and accepted that of commandant of the veteran corps of the 7th Regiment, holding office until his death, which occurred on the railroad train while he was going with his corps to the Fourth of July parade in Philadelphia in 1876. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 677.
LEGARE'S POINT, SOUTH CAROLINA, June 3, 1862. 28th Massachusetts, 8th Michigan and 100th Pennsylvania Infantry. A reconnaissance in force was made by three regiments on the morning of the 3d. 1 When near Legare's point, on James island, the Confederate skirmishers were encountered and an engagement ensued, the enemy driving the Federals back through a strip of timber to Legare's, where they took refuge in the buildings. After some firing the Confederates charged across an open field and succeeded in capturing 22 prisoners. The fire of the gunboats in the river, to which they were exposed, was sufficiently strong to prevent them holding the position and they withdrew. The enemy lost 1 killed and 16 wounded; the Union loss in killed and wounded was not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 557-558.
LEGAREVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, December 25, 1863. U. S. S. Marblehead and Pawnee. During the day and night of the 24th the Confederates placed batteries on Stono inlet and the Kiawah river and at daylight opened fire on the Marblehead lying off Legareville. The firing was continued about an hour, the Marblehead replying, but without effect on either side. In the meantime the gunboat Pawnee ran up the Kiawah river and opened fire on the flank and rear of the lower batteries, killing 1, wounding 5 others and killing 8 horses. The enemy then withdrew. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 558.
LEGGETT, Mortimer Dormer, soldier, born in Ithaca, New York, 19 April, 1831. He moved, in youth, with his parents, who were Friends, to Ohio, was graduated in medicine at Willoughby, Ohio, in 1844, and in 1846 organized the first system of union free schools in the state. He was admitted to the bar in 1845, and was professor of pleadings and practice in the Ohio Law College from 1855 till 1858, when he became superintendent of schools in Zanesville. At the beginning of the Civil War he raised the 78th Ohio Infantry, of which he was appointed colonel in January, 1862, and which he led at Fort Donelson, Shiloh, where he was wounded, and at Corinth. In June of this year he commanded a brigade, and captured Jackson, Tennessee, defended Olivia, Tennessee, against a largely superior force, and was slightly wounded. In November, 1862, he was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers. He was severely wounded at Champion Hills, and again at Vicksburg, commanded the 3d Division of the 7th Corps in General Sherman's march to the sea, and in July, 1864, was brevetted major-general. On 21 August, 1865, he was commissioned major-general of volunteers, and on 28 September resigned. In 1871 he was appointed U. S. Commissioner of Patents. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 679.
LEGGETT, William, author, born in New York City in 1802; died in New Rochelle, New York, 29 May, 1839. His father, Major Abraham Leggett, was a soldier of the Revolution. The son was educated at Georgetown College, D.C., and in 1819 moved with his father to Illinois. He entered the U.S. Navy as a midshipman in 1822, but resigned in 1826, and became editor of the "Critic," a weekly literary journal which was soon united with the "New York Mirror." In 1829 he became an editor of the "New York Evening Post," and was attached to that journal till 1836. At the outset he stipulated with William Cullen Bryant, the senior editor, that he should not be required to write political articles, as he had neither taste nor fixed opinions regarding politics; but before the year had passed he appeared to have found his true vocation in discussing them, and wrote vigorous editorial articles in favor of free trade and against the U. S. Bank. In 1835 the meetings of the Abolitionists in New York were dispersed by mobs. Leggett denounced these proceedings, and defended the right to free discussion in regard to slavery as well as all other subjects. Retiring from the "Post," he began the publication of "The Plain Dealer " in 1836, which attained a large circulation, but was discontinued in less than a year through the failure of its publisher. After this, his health being greatly enfeebled. Mr. Leggett left literary work and retired to New Rochelle, New York. He was appointed in 1839 by President Van Buren diplomatic agent to Guatemala, but died before the day of sailing. Mr. Leggett was remarkable among the journalists of his day. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 679.
LEGGETT'S HILL, GEORGIA, July 21, 1864. (See Atlanta, Siege of.)
LEIGHTON, ALABAMA, April 23, 1863. (See Courtland, Expedition to.)
LEIGHTON, ALABAMA, December 30, 1864. (See Russellville.)
LEIPER'S FERRY, TENNESSEE, October 28, 1863. 11th and 37th Kentucky and 112th Illinois Infantry. Lenoir's Station, Tennessee, June 19, 1863. Sanders' East Tennessee Raid. While on an expedition into east Tennessee Colonel W. P. Sanders encountered a detachment of Confederate artillerymen, 65 in number, at Lenoir's station and captured the whole party, together with three 6pounder iron guns, 2,500 stands of small arms, a large amount of ammunition and other military stores, most of which were destroyed. The enemy then withdrew. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 558.
LEMEN, James D., died 1870, New Design, Virginia, clergyman. Organized eight Baptist Churches on abolitionist principles. Worked against pro-slavery petitions. Sent to U.S. Congress. Leader of the anti-slavery cause in Indiana Territory. Organized The Baptized Church of Christ, Friends of Humanity, on Cantine Creek, whose constitution opposed slavery. Its members formed the Illinois Anti-Slavery League. (Dumond, 1961, p. 92)
LE MOYNE, Francis Julius, 1798-1879, Washington, Pennsylvania, physician, abolitionist leader. Le Moyne became active in the abolitionist movement in the 1830s. Was against the colonization movement. Le Moyne was a manager in the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS), 1837-1840, 1840-1841. Vice President of the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, 1840-1851. In 1840, ran as the vice-presidential candidate of the Liberty Party. Unsuccessfully ran on Pennsylvania abolitionist tickets, 1841, 1844, 1847. Was active in helping fugitive slaves in the Underground Railroad. Founded Le Moyne College in 1870 in Memphis, Tennessee.
(Blue, 2005, p. 25; Dumond, 1961, pp. 186, 266, 301; Rodriguez, 2007, p. 46; Sernett, 2002, pp. 109, 111; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 687; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 6, Pt. 1, p. 163)
LE MOYNE, Francis Julius, abolitionist, born in Washington, Pennsylvania, 4 September, 1798; died there, 14 October, 1879. His father was a royalist refugee from France, who practised medicine in Washington. The son was graduated at the college there in 1815, studied medicine with his father and at the Medical College in Philadelphia, and began practice in his native town in 1822. In 1835 he assisted in organizing an anti-slavery society in Washington, and from that time entered earnestly into the abolition movement. He was the first candidate of the Liberty Party for vice-president, his nomination having been proposed in a meeting at Warsaw, New York, 13 November, 1839, and confirmed by a national convention at Albany, 1 April, 1840. Though he and James G. Birney, the nominee for president, declined the nomination, they received 7,059 votes in the election of 1840. In 1841, 1843, and 1847 Le Moyne was the candidate of the same party for governor of Pennsylvania. At a later period he became widely known as an advocate of cremation. He erected in 1876, near Washington, Pennsylvania, the first crematory in the United States. Dr. Le Moyne founded the public library in Washington, gave $25,000 for a colored normal school near Memphis, Tennessee., and endowed professorships of agriculture and applied mathematics in Washington College. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 687.
LENOIR'S STATION, TENNESSEE, November 15, 1863. Detachments of 9th and 23d Army Corps. After Longstreet's advance on Knoxville had been effectually checked on the 14th at Huff's ferry, the Federals fell back to Lenoir's station. The move was accomplished in good order, notwithstanding the condition of the roads. At Loudon the enemy attacked while the artillery was with difficulty being drawn up a hill. The attack was repulsed with the loss of one caisson. Again at 10 p. m. when the Federal forces were in camp at Lenoir's station the Confederates attempted to drive in the skirmishers but were repulsed. The losses were not reported. Lewinsville, Virginia, September 10, 1861. Detachments 79th New York and 5th Wisconsin Infantry. Pursuant to orders from the brigadier-general commanding, Captain David Ireland with 160 men of the 79th New York left camp and proceeded in the direction of Lewinsville, where Ireland concealed his men in the woods on either side of the road. A body of Confederate cavalry coming from the direction of Falls Church was fired upon and made to retreat with a loss of 4 killed, 2 wounded and 1 taken prisoner. Ireland's loss was 1 killed. About the same time Captain E. C. Hibbard with three companies of the 5th Wisconsin passed to the rear of Lewinsville, where his command was discovered by the Confederate pickets. Hibbard deployed his force and one company charged, routing the enemy, who was pursued for some distance. The loss of the Confederates was 2 wounded and 1 captured. There were no casualties in Hibbard's command. The enemy then withdrew. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 558.
LERAY, Francis Xavier, archbishop, born in Chateau Giron, near Rennes, France, 20 April, 1825; died there, 23 September, 1887. He studied in the lyceum of Rennes in 1833-'43, and in the latter year came to the United States, where he taught for several months in Spring Hill College, near Mobile, Alabama, and then entered the Sulpitian College of Baltimore, where he finished his theological studies. He was next appointed prefect of St. Mary's College, near Baltimore, afterward travelled in the west as a missionary, and in 1852 was ordained priest and attached to the diocese of Natchez. At the end of six months he was sent to Jackson, Mississippi, where during the yellow-fever epidemic of 1853 and 1855 he was unceasing in his efforts to minister to the sick and dying. In 1857 he was sent to Vicksburg, where he formed a parish, and in 1860 established the Sisters of Mercy, whom he had obtained from Baltimore. In 1861,when the Civil War began, he placed them in the hospitals of Mississippi Springs, Jackson, and Shelby Springs, while he went to the front as chaplain in the Confederate Army. After the war he returned to Vicksburg, where he established many institutions for the general good. In 1867 Vicksburg was visited by the cholera, during which he showed the same fearlessness that he had exhibited during the yellow-fever epidemics. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 692.
LEROY, William Edgar, naval officer, born in New York, 24 March, 1817. He became a midshipman, 11 January, 1832, and lieutenant. 13 July. 1843, served in the Mediterranean on Commodore Isaac Hull's flagship the "Ohio," was afterward attached to the steamer " Princeton," and took part in the engagement with Mexican soldiers at Rio Aribiqua in 1847. After promotion to commander. 1 July, 1861, he was assigned to the steamer "Keystone State," of the South Atlantic Squadron, with which he was at the capture of Fernandina, Florida. in 1862. and in an engagement with iron-clads off Charleston, S. C., in January, 1863. He commanded the steam-sloop " Oneida," of the Western Gulf Squadron, in 1864, and the "Ossipee" in the same year. In the latter vessel he received the surrender of the Confederate ram ' Tennessee." in the battle of Mobile Bay. He was made captain, 25 July, 1866, commodore in July, 1870, and rear-admiral, 5 April. 1874, and in 1876 commanded the South Atlantic Station. On 20 March, 1884, he was placed on the retired list. Admiral Leroy is familiarly known as " the Chesterfield of the Navy." Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 694.
LESLIE, Thomas Jefferson, soldier, born in London, 2 November, 1796; died in New York City, 25 November, 1874. was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1815, was paymaster of engineers from that date till 1838, was appointed 2d lieutenant in 1816,1st lieutenant in 1819, and brevetted captain for ten years' faithful service in 1829. He was major and paymaster in 1838, declined the appointment of deputy paymaster-general in 1847, and during the Civil War was chief of the paymaster's department of New York District. In 1865 he was brevetted colonel and brigadier-general for faithful performance of duty during a continuous period of fifty years' service. He was retired in 1869. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 696.
LESLIE, Frank, publisher, born in Ipswich, England, 29 March, 1821; died in New York City, 10 January, 1880. He was the son of Joseph Carter, a glove-manufacturer, and was christened Henry, educated in his native town, and placed in a wholesale dry-goods house in London at the age of seventeen. While at school he showed a strong taste for art, and before he left had become proficient in the use of the pencil and engraver's tools. On the establishment of “The Illustrated London News” he began sending in sketches signed “Frank Leslie,” a pen-name that he adopted to conceal his identity from his father. The prompt publication of his sketches led him to give up the dry-goods business, and he became superintendent of the engraving department of the paper before he was of age. He studied the various branches of the publication business, became an expert in the operation of “overlaying” wood-engravings, and was successful as an engraver on wood. In 1848 he came to the United States, assumed the name of Frank Leslie by legislative act, and secured employment on “Gleason's Pictorial” in Boston. Shortly afterward he became superintendent of the engraving department of “The Illustrated News.” In 1854 he began publishing on his own account, his first periodical being “The Gazette of Fashion,” and his second “The New York Journal.” On 14 December, 1855, he published the first number of “Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper,” in which his ideas of a pictorial newspaper were indicated by illustrations of Dr. Kane's arctic expedition that attracted wide attention. In 1865 he established “The Chimney Corner,” and followed it with German and Spanish editions of the “Illustrated Newspaper,” “The Boys' and Girls' Weekly,” “The Lady's Journal,” a weekly, “The Budget of Fun,” a monthly, “The New World,” a weekly, “Pleasant Hours,” “Popular Monthly,” and “Sunday Magazine,” monthlies, and “The Chatter-Box,” the “Illustrated Almanac,” and the “Comic Almanac,” annuals. Mr. Leslie received the medal of the American Institute for wood-engraving in 1848, was a commissioner to the Paris exposition of 1867, where he was presented with a prize medal in gold by Napoleon III. for his services on the jury on art, and president of the New York state centennial commission in 1876. He was a liberal patron of art and charitable interests. — His wife, Miriam Florence, after his death, by a legal process, assumed the name of Frank Leslie, and has since conducted the business of the publishing-house. She is the author of “From Gotham to the Golden Gate” (New York, 1877). [Appleton’s 1900]
LETCHER, John, governor of Virginia, born in Lexington, Virginia, 29 March, 1813; died there, 20 January, 1884. He was graduated at Randolph Macon in 1833, studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1839, and while practising edited a newspaper in Lexington, Virginia He was a member of the state constitutional convention in 1850, and in 1852 was elected to Congress as a Democrat, serving till 1859. At the latter date he became governor of Virginia, and was in office when the convention passed the Ordinance of Secession in 1861. Although he had opposed this policy, he sustained the action of the convention, and immediately placed all the state's forces at the disposition of the Confederate government, without waiting for the popular vote. After the failure of the Confederacy he resumed his profession, and retired from politics. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 699.
LEVER. The effective arm of a lever is the perpendicular distance from the fulcrum to the line of direction of the power or weight. The power is to the weight inversely as the effective arms of the lever: P D = wd. The pressure on the fulcrum is the resultant of the power and weight. The common balance is a simple lever, the arms of which are equal. If the balance is not accurate, the true weight of a body may be found by placing the body in one scale and counterpoising it by any weights in the opposite scale; then remove the body and replace it by known weights until the equilibrium is again restored. The sum of the latter weights will be the weight of the body; (Ordnance Manual.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 387).
LEVINGTON, William, 1793-1836, African American, political and community leader, lawyer, abolitionist, organized and led new African American Ohio State Anti-Slavery Society. (Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., & Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, eds. African American National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2013, Vol. 7, p. 256)
LEVY, Uriah Phillips, naval officer, born in Pennsylvania about 1795; died in New York City, 22 March, 1862. He entered the U. S. Navy on 29 March, 1812, and was an officer of the brig " Argus," which, escaping the blockade, took out William H. Crawford as minister to France, and destroyed in the English channel twenty-one vessels, one of which had a cargo worth $625,000. On the capture of the "Argus" he was made prisoner and retained for two years. He became lieutenant on 5 March, 1817, commander, 9 February, 1837, and captain, 29 March, 1844. His last cruise was in 1858, as flag officer of the Mediterranean Squadron. He was active in the movement to abolish flogging in the navy. He became the owner of "Monticello," the home of Thomas Jefferson, of whom he was an ardent admirer, and this valuable estate, with his stock, dwellings, pictures, etc., was confiscated during the Civil War by the Confederates, in consequence of Levy’s sympathies with the National government. He published a " Manual of Internal Rules and Regulations for Men-of-War" (3d ed., New York, 1861). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 701.
LEWINSVILLE, VIRGINIA, September 11, 1861. Expedition under Colonel Isaac I. Stevens. A reconnaissance under Colonel Stevens had been made in and around Lewinsville and his command, comprising the 79th N .Y., detachments of 1st U. S. Chasseurs, 3d Vermont, 19th Indiana, Griffin's battery, 50 regular and 50 volunteer cavalry, some 1,800 men, was preparing to return to Chain bridge when the enemy's skirmishers attacked. Stevens continued his march in good order and after a few miles out turned his artillery and shelled the pursuing foe. The Confederates then drew off, having suffered a loss of 4 killed. Two of Stevens' men were killed and 3 wounded at the first fire. The enemy then withdrew. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 558.
LEWIS, John Lawson, soldier, born in Lexington, Kentucky, 26 March, 1800; died in New Orleans, Louisiana, 15 May, 1886, moved to New Orleans in boyhood, and was educated in that city and at Litchfield, Connecticut. He served as courier to General Andrew Jackson at the battle of New Orleans, was admitted to the bar in 1821, became inspector-general and major-general of the first Division of Louisiana state troops in 1842, was sheriff in 1850, and mayor in 1855. During the Civil War he was major-general of state militia in the Confederate service, was severely wounded at Mansfield, and served throughout the campaign that ended in the retirement of General Nathaniel P. Banks from the Red River. After the war he held several public posts in New Orleans, including that of jury-commissioner. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 702.
LEWIS, Edmonia, sculptor, born near Albany. New York, 4 July, 1845. Her father was a Negro and her mother a Chippewa Indian. She was left an orphan at the age of three, and. after living for some time with the Indians, was sent by her brother to school, where she obtained a partial education. She early began to model in clay, and attracted attention by her portrait bust of Robert G. Shaw, colonel of the first Negro regiment in the National service, which was exhibited in Boston. In 1865 she went to Rome, where she studied, and has since resided. Her works, which show considerable ideality and talent, have found their chief patronage abroad. Among them are " The Freedwoman " (1867): "Death of Cleopatra," a vividly realistic work, sent to the Centennial exhibition of 1876; "The Old Arrow-Maker and his Daughter," "Hagar," "Rebecca at the Well," and portrait busts of Henry W. Longfellow, Charles Sumner, John Brown, and Abraham Lincoln. The last mentioned work is in the San Jose library, California. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 702.
LEWIS, Edward Parke Custis, diplomatist, born in Audley, Clarke County, Virginia, 7 February, 1837, was educated at the University of Virginia, and studied law, but subsequently engaged in planting. He served throughout the Civil War in the Confederate Army, rising to the rank of colonel, and for fifteen months was a prisoner of war. He settled in Hoboken, New Jersey, in 1875, served in the legislature in 1877, was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1880, and in 1885 was appointed by President Cleveland U. S. minister to Portugal. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp.
LEWIS, Enoch, 1776-1856, mathematician, educator, publisher, African Observer, Society of Friends, Quaker, Wilmington, Delaware, moderate abolitionist, editor, anti-slavery monthly, the African Observer. Organized Free Produce Society of Pennsylvania. (Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 703; Drake, 1950, pp. 118, 132, 145, 171-173; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 6, Pt. 1, p. 211)
LEWIS, Enoch, mathematician, born in Radnor, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 29 Jan., 1776; died in Philadelphia, 14 June, 1856. He belonged to the Society of Friends. He early exhibited a talent for mathematics, at the age of fourteen was usher in a country school, and at fifteen became principal. In the autumn of 1792 he moved to Philadelphia, studied mathematics, teaching half of each day to earn his support, and in 1795 was engaged as a surveyor in laying out towns in western Pennsylvania. He was in charge of the mathematical department in the Friends' academy in Philadelphia, in 1796-'9, subsequently was mathematical tutor at the Westtown, Pennsylvania, school, and in 1808 opened a private school for mathematical students, which he successfully taught for several years. He edited several mathematical works, with notes, and about 1819 published a treatise on arithmetic that was followed by one on algebra, and by a work on plane and spherical trigonometry. In 1827 he became editor of a monthly called “The African Observer,” which continued only one year, and from 1847 till his death he was in charge of “The Friends' Review.” His publications include a “Life of Penn” in the “Friends' Library,” treatises on “Oaths” and on “Baptism,” and a “Vindication of the Society of Friends,” in answer to Dr. Samuel H. Cox's “Quakerism not Christianity.” Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. II, p. 703.
LEWIS, Evan, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Wilmington, Society of Friends, Quaker, radical abolitionist. Vice president, 1833-1835, and founding member of the American Anti-Slavery Society, president of the Anti-Slavery Convention of 1833 (Drake, 1950, pp. 130, 140, 145; Abolitionist, Vol. I, No. XII, December, 1833)
LEWIS, Graceanna, 1821-1912, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, educator, naturalist, illustrator, social reformer. Society of Friends, Quaker, wrote “An Appeal to Those Members of the Society of Friends, who Knowing the Principles of the Abolitionist, Stand Aloof from the Anti-Slavery Enterprise,” 1846. Lewis was active in anti-slavery, temperance and women’s suffrage movements. Hid and protected fugitive slaves in her home in the Underground Railroad. (Drake, 1950, p. 179; National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1899)
LEWIS, John Francis, senator, born near Port Republic, Virginia, 1 March, 1818. He was engaged in planting for many years, was a delegate to the Virginia Convention of 1861, and the only member from east of the Alleghanies that refused to sign the ordinance of secession. He was an unsuccessful Union candidate for Congress in 1865, and in 1869 was nominated for lieutenant-governor by the True Republican Party on the ticket with Gilbert C. Walker, and elected by 20,000 majority. The same year he was elected to the United States Senate as a Republican, serving from 1870 till 1875. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 705.
LEWIS, William Berkeley, politician, born in Loudon County, Virginia, in 1784; died near Nashville, Tennessee., 14 November, 186. He moved to Tennessee early in life and settled near Nashville. He was quartermaster under General Andrew Jackson in the war of 1812, served through the Creek Campaign, and formed a friendship with Jackson (q. v.) that had much to do with bringing the latter forward as a candidate for the presidency in 1821. On his election, Lewis accompanied Jackson to Washington, prepared in part his inaugural address, and became one of his family, holding the office of auditor of the treasury. Lewis was conversant with all the purposes of the administration, assisted in establishing the " Globe " in 1830, and prepared accounts of the feud between Jackson and Calhoun, for which, with Amos Kendall, he was partially responsible, and of the removal of the bank deposits. After leaving Washington in 1845 he lived in retirement on his estate near Nashville until shortly after the Civil War, when he served one term in the legislature. He was a Union man, and after the occupation of Nashville by the National troops exercised a pacific influence there. See " Life of Andrew Jackson." bv James Parton (New York, 1861). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 707.
LEWIS, William David, soldier, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1828; died there, 19 January, 1872, was active in the Philadelphia militia previous to the Civil War, and at the first call for volunteers served three months as colonel of the 18th Pennsylvania Regiment, subsequently becoming colonel of the 110th Pennsylvania Volunteers. He participated in the battle of Winchester and others of that campaign, and in March, 1865, was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 707.
LEWISBURG, ARKANSAS, January 17, 1864/ Detachment of the 2nd Arkansas Cavalry. The enemy then withdrew. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 559.
LEWISBURG, ARKANSAS, February 12, 1865. Colonel A. R. Witt, with from 60 to 100 Confederates, attacked Captain Jeff Williams, a noted Federal scout, at his residence 20 miles north of Lewisburg, and Williams was killed in the skirmish. Lewisburg, West Virginia, May 23, 1862. 3d Provisional Brigade, Mountain Department. At 5 a. m. the pickets of the brigade, then encamped at Lewisburg, were driven in by Confederate skirmishers, and the enemy's advance was seen soon afterward on the crest of a hill beyond the town. Two companies of infantry were sent forward to hold him in check until the remainder of the force could be deployed. Meantime the Confederates had begun shelling the town and the camp. A steady advance was made up the slope where the enemy was posted and when the crest was reached he retired in confusion, abandoning 4 of his guns. Pursuit was given by the 2nd Virginia cavalry, but it was checked by a burned bridge. The Federal brigade, commanded by Colonel George Crook, captured about 100 men and 300 stands of arms and suffered a loss of 11 killed and 54 wounded. The Confederates left on the field 38 dead and 66 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 559.
LEWISBURG, WEST VIRGINIA, November 7, 1863. Union Troops under Generals Averell and Duffie. Two expeditions were started for Lewisburg at the same time—one under Brigadier-General W. W. Averell from Beverly and the other under Brigadier-General Alfred N. Duffie from Charleston. Duffie's command, which was the first to reach Lewisburg, consisted of the 34th Ohio mounted infantry, 2nd West Virginia cavalry, and a section of Simmonds' battery, and numbered 970 men. Lewisburg was reached at 9 a. m. on the 7th, but the enemy had already evacuated the town, leaving only a small cavalry detachment to watch Duffie's movements. The rear-guard was overtaken and a few prisoners captured, but the destruction of a bridge prevented a successful pursuit. Two caissons and 110 head of cattle were also captured, large quantities of quartermaster and commissary stores, and a number of tents and knapsacks were destroyed. Later in the day Averell arrived at Lewisburg and the pursuit was continued by the cavalry down the Greenbrier river. (For the organization of Averell's command see Droop Mountain.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 559.
LEWIS' FARM, VIRGINIA, March 29, 1865. 1st Division, 5th Army Corps. Early on the morning of the 29th the 2nd and 5th corps broke camp near the crossing of the Vaughan road and Hatcher's run, about 5 miles southwest of Petersburg, and moved toward Dinwiddie Court House. About noon Major-General G. K. Warren, commanding the 5th corps, ordered General Griffin to move with the 1st division down the Quaker road toward the Boydton plank road., Upon reaching the little stream called Gravelly run the enemy was discovered behind some works on the opposite bank. Chamberlain's brigade advanced in order of battle and drove the Confederates back to the Lewis house, where they were reinforced by part of Anderson's and Johnson's divisions and an engagement ensued which lasted for two hours, Chamberlain gallantly holding his ground against a largely superior force. At the end of that time part of Gregory's and Bartlett's brigades, and Battery B, 4th U. S. artillery, came to his support and the enemy was driven from the field with a heavy loss in killed and wounded and 200 captured. The division then took up a position along the Boydton road and intrenched. The Union loss was 53 killed, 306 wounded and 22 missing. Johnson reported the Confederate loss in Wise's brigade as 183, which was the only report of casualties made. Griffin, in his report, mentions the capture of the 200 prisoners above noted, and states that 130 Confederate dead were buried by his pioneers. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 559.
LEWIS' MILL, VIRGINIA, November 26, 1862. (See Cold Knob Mountain.)
LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, October 18, 1862. Detachments of 3d and 4th Ohio Cavalry. This engagement was an attack by Morgan's Confederate cavalry on portions of the 3d and 4th Ohio cavalry, commanded by Major Charles B. Seidel. After returning the Confederate fire for some time and suffering a loss of 4 killed and 24 wounded, Seidel was compelled to surrender to the greatly superior numbers of the enemy. The Confederate loss was not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 560.
LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, June 10, 1864. U. S. Forces of District of Kentucky. Brigadier-General S. G. Burbridge, in a despatch reporting his pursuit of Morgan in the latter's raid into Kentucky, says: "By stealing fresh horses he reached Lexington at 2 o'clock this a. m. Our forces held the fort and rebels did but little damage. He left here (Lexington) at 7 a. m. for Versailles." Morgan's own report says: "Moved on Lexington. Attacked the city about 2 a. m. and captured that place, with horses enough to mount my entire command. After burning the Government stables, depot, etc., moved, via Georgetown, to Cynthiana." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 560.
LEXINGTON, MISSOURI, August 29, 1861. Missouri Home Guards. Lexington, Missouri, September 12-20, 1861. U. S. Forces under Colonel James A. Mulligan. Major-General Sterling Price with the cavalry of his army approached Lexington on the 12th and encamped within 2 miles of the city. At daylight next morning Colonel Mulligan made a sortie from the fortifications and drove the Confederates back 2 or 3 miles, at which point their infantry and artillery came up and together drove Mulligan back within his intrenchments. The artillery was posted in a position to sweep the college, but late that night was withdrawn to the fair grounds. On the 18th Price again deployed his forces about the Union intrenchments and during the day several charges were made which put the Confederates in positions from which they could control the water supply. During the 19th and part of the 20th a continuous artillery fire was kept up on the Union position and about 2 p. m. of the 20th Mulligan surrendered, after having suffered a loss of 39 killed and 120 wounded. The Confederate casualties amounted to 25 killed and 72 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 560.
LEXINGTON, MISSOURI, October 16, 1861. Missouri Cavalry under Major Frank J. White. With 250 men Major White reached Lexington early on the morning of the 16th, drove in the pickets and took possession of the town. From 60 to 70 citizens and soldiers were made prisoners, 60 stands of arms, 25 horses, 2 steam ferryboats, a quantity of provisions, etc., were seized, and some 10 or 15 Union soldiers then prisoners were released. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 560.
LEXINGTON, MISSOURI, March 12, 1862. (See La Fayette County, same date.)
LEXINGTON, MISSOURI, July 30, 1863. Detachments of 1st Missouri Militia Cavalry. A detachment of 27 men under Captain H. F. Peery was attacked by about 100 guerrillas. After a sharp skirmish the Confederates were repulsed with a loss to them of 3 men mortally wounded. One of Peery's men was also mortally wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 560.
LEXINGTON, MISSOURI, November 4, 1863. Detachment of 1st Missouri State Militia Cavalry. Brigadier-General Ebgert B. Brown, reporting from Jefferson City on November 12, says: "Lieutenant David Groomer on the morning of the 4th instant, came up with a party of 8 bushwhackers (who had been passing themselves as Shelby's men) near the Sedalia road 12 miles east of Lexington, killing 2, capturing 4 horses and equipments, 2 guns and a lot of clothing. Casualties on our side, 1 horse wounded." The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 560.
LEXINGTON, MISSOURI, June 14, 1864. Detachment 1st Missouri Militia Cavalry. Companies F and I, returning from Warrensburg, Missouri, were attacked by 100 guerrillas when 12 miles from Lexington. After a short but sharp fight, in which the Federals lost 8 killed and 2 wounded, the attack was repulsed. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 560-561.
LEXINGTON, MISSOURI, October 19, 1864. 1st Division, Army of the Border. During Price's Missouri expedition his army approached Lexington. Major-General James G. Blunt had occupied the place on the 18th, driving out or capturing the few guerrillas then holding it. On the morning of the 19th Blunt's skirmishers and pickets were driven in and Price's army appeared before the town. It was useless to bring on a general engagement, but Blunt skirmished for 5 hours and then slowly fell back to the Little Blue river after developing the Confederate strength. The casualties were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 561.
LEXINGTON, MISSOURI, January 11, 1865. 1st Missouri State Militia Cavalry. A band of guerrillas made their appearance on the edge of the town, fired into the home of a citizen and then turned and left. A detail of 15 cavalrymen was immediately started in pursuit and came up with them 5 miles out. The Confederates charged, but their assault was repulsed and they were obliged to fall back for over a mile, when the Federal ammunition gave out and the detachment returned to town. No casualties were reported. Lexington, South Carolina, February 15, 1865. 2nd Division, 20th Army Corps. On this date the corps was moving on the Lexington and Orangeburg road toward Columbia, the 2nd division, commanded by General John W. Geary, having the advance. At several points on the march the enemy was encountered and slight skirmishing took place. About 2 miles from Lexington, where the Augusta and Columbia road crossed the one on which the corps was marching (sometimes called the Two League cross-roads), a body of Confederate cavalry made an effort to hold the cross-roads. Geary advanced a strong skirmish line, which fired one volley and then charged with such impetuosity that the cavalry scattered in confusion. most of them retreating toward Columbia. The division then prepared to go into camp when General Williams, commanding the corps, ordered Geary to move forward at least a part of his division and occupy the town. Barnum's brigade and Stephens' Ohio battery were advanced to a hill overlooking the town, when a large force of Confederate cavalry could be seen moving about the streets and on the outskirts. The battery was planted in an advantageous position, and under its fire a heavy skirmish line was pushed forward, the enemy retiring without making any opposition. Barnum then ordered the approaches to the town barricaded and his command went into bivouac for the night. No casualties reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 561.
LEXINGTON, TENNESSEE, December 18, 1862. (See Forrest's Expedition into West Tennessee.)
LEXINGTON, TENNESSEE, June 29, 1863. Detachments of 4th Missouri and 15th Kentucky Cavalry. Lieutenant-Colonel Gustav von Helmrich while scouting in the vicinity of Lexington learned of a considerable Confederate force in Lexington and that another detachment was moving from Jackson to attack him in the rear. He accordingly started to fall back to Spring creek to avoid being cut off and had proceeded but a short distance when his command was fired into from ambush by about 2,000 Confederates. Being too closely pressed to reach Columbus von Helmrich made a partially successful attempt to get to Fort Heiman. The total Union loss in killed, wounded and missing was 62. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 561.
LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, June 10-11, 1864. Detachments of the Army of West Virginia. During the advance on Lynchburg the infantry division of Brigadier-General George Crook and the cavalry of Brigadier-General William W. Averell were opposed on the Lexington road by McCausland's Confederate cavalry and a battery. He was easily driven and took refuge in the town of Lexington, across the North river. Next day when the Union forces arrived they found the bridge burned and the passage of the river disputed by sharpshooters and artillery, McCausland having posted his forces behind dwellings and the college buildings. Rather than destroy the town with artillery Major-General David Hunter sent Averell's cavalry to cross the river farther up and strike the enemy's rear and flank. McCausland got wind of the movement, however, and withdrew hastily. The casualties were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 561-62.