Civil War Encyclopedia: Jac-Jew
Jacksboro, Tennessee through Jewett
Jacksboro, Tennessee through Jewett
JACKSBORO, TENNESSEE, March 14, 1862. (See Big Creek Gap.) Jack's Fork, Missouri, August 14, 1863. Detachment of 5th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. Sergt. Thomas J. McDowell with 26 men started in pursuit of a band of guerrillas who had taken 3 Union men prisoners. After a chase of two days the band was overtaken and 2 of its members captured, but the captured prisoners were not released. Jackson, Louisiana, August 3, 1863. Detachments of 3d Massachusetts Cavalry, 2nd Vermont Battery, 1st, 3d and 6th U. S. Colored Infantry. On Sunday, August 2, Lieutenant M. Hanham with about 325 men left Port Hudson for the purpose of collecting negroes for the 12th regiment of infantry, Corps d'Afrique, then being mustered. On Monday, after collecting about 50, his command was attacked by the Confederates under Logan. After several hours of fighting, Hanham started to withdraw, but the loss of a guide caused him to take a wrong road and he was obliged to abandon his artillery. The enemy followed closely for some hours. The Federal loss was 78 in killed, wounded and missing, 6 wagons and 24 mules. The enemy lost 12 in killed and wounded and 6 prisoners. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 516.
JACKSON, Claiborne Fox, statesman, born in Fleming County, Kentucky, 4 April, 1807; died in Little Rock, Arkansas, 6 December, 1862. He emigrated to Missouri in 1822, raised a volunteer company, and served as its captain in the Black Hawk War. For twelve years he was a member of the legislature, was speaker of the house for one term, was one of the originators of the present banking-house system of Missouri, and for several years was bank commissioner. In 1860 he was elected governor, and, his sympathies being with the south, he endeavored to draw Missouri into secession. When General Nathaniel Lyon broke up the secessionist rendezvous at Camp Jackson, Governor Jackson called out 5,000 militia and ordered them " to defend the state from invasion." On the approach of Lyon and his command, Jackson was forced to quit St. Louis, and in July, 1861, was deposed by the legislature. He then entered the Confederate Army with the rank of brigadier-general, but was soon compelled by failing health to resign. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 385.
JACKSON, Conrad Faeger, soldier, born in Pennsylvania, 11 September, 1813; died in Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13 December, 1862. Before the Civil War he had been connected with the Pennsylvania and Reading Railroad. He joined the army early in 1861, was appointed colonel of the 9th Regiment of Pennsylvania reserves, which he commanded at the battle of Dranesville. Virginia. and served under General George A. McCall in the Peninsula Campaign. In July, 1862, he was made brigadier-general, and commanded the 3d brigade of McCall's division, participated in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, and was killed at Fredericksburg while at the head of the column of attack. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 385
JACKSON, Edward Payson, author, born in Erzeroum, Turkey, 15 March, 1840. His parents were American missionaries in Turkey. Edward came to the United States in 1845, and was graduated in 1870 at Amherst, where he was poet of his class. During the Civil War he served in the 45th Massachusetts Regiment. Since 1877 Mr. Jackson has been master in the Boston Latin-school. He has published ' Mathematic Geography" (New York, 1873); "A Demi-God" (Boston, 1886); and "The Earth in Space " (1887). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 386.
JACKSON, Francis, 1789-1861, Boston, Massachusetts, merchant, social reformer, abolitionist. President of the Anti-Slavery Society. Supported the Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society (BFASS). Generously supported abolitionists William Lloyd Garrison and Isaac Knapp and their anti-slavery newspaper, the Liberator. American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS) Member, Executive Committee, 1840-1861, Vice President, 1840-1861, Treasurer, 1844-1861. Vice President, 1836-1837, and President, 1839-1860, of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. Boston Vigilance Committee. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 386. The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, Vol. II. New York: James T. White, 1892, p. 318.
JACKSON, Francis, reformer, born in Newton, Massachusetts, 7 March, 1789; died in Boston, Massachusetts, 14 November, 1861. His father, Major Timothy Jackson, who died in 1814 at the age of fifty-eight, was an officer in the Revolution. The son became a well-known citizen of Boston, was at one time a member of the city government, for many years was president of the Anti-Slavery Society, and was the originator of various public improvements in Boston. He published a "History of Newton " (Newton, 1854). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 386.
JACKSON, James Caleb, 1811-1895, New York, abolitionist leader. Member, Executive Committee, 1840-1841, Corresponding Secretary, 1840-1842, American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS). Sorin, 1971, pp. 95-96, 130-131; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 5, Pt. 1, p. 547; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 11, p. 752
JACKSON, William, 1783-1855, Massachusetts, newspaper publisher, abolitionist, temperance activist. U.S. Congressman, Whig Party. Vice president, 1833-1836, and founding member of the American Anti-Slavery Society, December 1833. Founding member, Liberty Party. President of the American Missionary Society from 1846-1854.(Dumond, 1961, p. 286; Abolitionist, Vol. I, No. XII, December, 1833; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III; Biographical Dictionary of the United States Congress; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 5, Pt. 1, p. 561.
JACKSON, William Hicks., soldier, born in Tennessee about 1835, was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1856, and assigned to the mounted riflemen. He served at the cavalry school for practice, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, in 1856-'7, and afterward, among other services, was engaged in a skirmish with the Kiowa Indians near Fort Craig, N. M., 7 December, 1857, in scouting in the Navajo country in 1859 and in the Comanche and Kiowa Expedition in 1860. He resigned, 16 May, 1861, and entered the Confederate Army. During the Civil War he served in the southwest, fought against Grant at Vicksburg and Sherman at Atlanta, and attained the rank of brigadier-general. Since the war he has been mainly engaged in stock raising, and is the proprietor of the Belle Meade stock farm, in the blue-grass region of Tennessee. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 387.
JACKSON, Henry Rootes, soldier, born in Athens, Georgia, 24 June, 1820, was graduated at Yale in 1839. He was admitted to the bar of Georgia in 1840, appointed U. S. District Attorney for the state in 1843, and was colonel of a Georgia regiment in the Mexican War. In 1848-'9 he was editor and part owner of the Savannah "Georgian." He was judge of the superior court of Georgia from December, 1849, till the summer of 1853, when he resigned to become U. S. charge d'affaires at the court of Austria, and was minister resident there from the summer of 1854 till the summer of 1858, when he resigned. Shortly after his return to Savannah he was appointed by the U. S. government associate counsel with the district attorney for Georgia in the prosecution of the persons connected with the importation of slaves on " The Wanderer,' and was actively engaged for two years in this work. In December, 1858, he was elected chancellor of the University of Georgia, but after some correspondence retired from the office. He was appointed major-general to command the forces of Georgia after the passage of the Ordinance of Secession, and was judge of Confederate courts from 20 March, 1861, till 17 August, 1861, when he retired to accept the commission of brigadier-general in the Confederate Army. In December, 1861, he was appointed major-general of a division of Georgia troops in the field, was reappointed brigadier-general in the Confederate Army in 1863, and assigned a command on the upper Potomac. He was under Hood in his expedition to Tennessee in the autumn of 1864. participated in the battles of Franklin and Nashville, and was taken prisoner, with his entire command, at the latter place. As a prisoner of war he was taken first to Johnson's Island, and then to Fort Warren, where he remained till the end of the war. After his liberation he resumed the practice of law at Savannah. He was appointed U. S. minister to Mexico on 23 March, 1885, but resigned, 30 June, 1885, and withdrew from office in the following October. He has been president of the Georgia Historical Society. Savannah, trustee of Telfair Academy of Arts and Sciences in that city, and on 8 October, 1875, was made a trustee of the Peabody education fund. He is the author of "Tallulah, and Other Poems" (Savannah, 1851). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 387-388.
JACKSON, James, jurist, born in Jefferson County, Georgia, 18 October, 1819; died in Atlanta, Georgia, 13 January, 1887, was graduated at the University of Georgia in 1837, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1840. He was in the legislature in 1840-'l, and was elected secretary of the senate of Georgia, which office he held for one year. He was elected judge of the superior court in 1846, and remained on the bench till 1859, when he resigned, having been chosen as a Democrat to Congress, where he served until Georgia withdrew from the Union. He was then made judge-advocate of Stonewall Jackson's corps of the Confederate Army, and served until the close of the Civil War. He afterward practised law at Macon, was appointed associate justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia in August, 1875, and chief justice in 1879, which office he held till his death. He was a delegate to every conference of the Methodist Church after the admission of lay delegates, and was a delegate to the ecumenical conference in London. Judge Jackson was a strong advocate of the union of the northern and southern Methodist Churches. He was for many years a trustee of the University of Georgia. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 388.
JACKSON, James Streshley, soldier, born in Fayette County, Kv.. 27 September. 1823: died in Perryvilie, Kentucky, 8 October, 1802. He was graduated at Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, and in law at Transylvania University, in 1845, and began practice. At the beginning of the Mexican War he raised a regiment of volunteers, and served for a time as lieutenant. While in Mexico he had a difficulty with Colonel Thomas F. Marshall, which resulted in a duel, and he resigned to avoid trial by court-martial. He then resumed practice first at Greenupsburg, and afterward at Hopkinsville, Kentucky, and in 1860 was elected to Congress as a Unionist, but resigned his seat in autumn, 1861, and organized for the National government the 3d Kentucky Cavalry, of which he became colonel. He took an active part in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, Iuka, and Athens, and on 16 July, 1862, was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers. He commanded a division of McCook's corps, of the Army of the Ohio, at the battle of Perryville, where he was killed. General Jackson possessed great personal attractions, and his impetuosity led him into several duels in addition to the one above mentioned. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 388.
JACKSON, John Davis, physician, born in Danville, Kentucky, 12 December, 1834; died there, 8 December, 1875. He was graduated at Centre College in 1854, and at the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1857, and began to practise in Danville, he entered the Confederate Army as a surgeon, served with the Army of Tennessee during the first year, and subsequently with the Army of Northern Virginia. During this service he made a report on vaccination among the troops, which was published, by order of the surgeon-general, at Richmond. At the close of the war he resumed practice at Danville, and was eminently successful. In 1872 he visited England as a delegate from the American Medical Association to the British Association. In 1873, while engaged in an autopsy, he made an abrasion on his finger, which finally resulted in his death. Dr. Jackson was a member of various medical organizations, and was to deliver the address before the alumni of the University of Pennsylvania at the date of his death. He translated Farabeuf's " Manual on the Ligation of Arteries" (Philadelphia, 1874); and was the author of a biography of Dr. Ephraim McDowell, the first operator for ovariotomy (1873); and various contributions to medical literature. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 388-389.
JACKSON, John King, soldier, born in Augusta, Georgia, 8 February, 1828; died in Milledgeville, Georgia, 27 February, 1866. He was graduated with honors at the Columbia University, South Carolina, in 1846, and practised law till the beginning of the Civil War. He then raised the 1st Georgia Infantry and the Augusta Volunteer Battalion for the Confederate Army, was made colonel of the 5th Georgia Regiment in 1861, and subsequently brigadier-general. He commanded a brigade in Bragg's corps at Shiloh, and in August, 1864, took charge of the Department of Florida. After the war he resumed his law practice in Augusta. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 389.
JACKSON, Patrick Tracy, merchant, born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, 14 August, 1780; died in Beverly, Mass, 12 September, 1847, was apprenticed to a merchant of Newburyport, and subsequently established himself in Boston in the India trade, in which he acquired a large fortune. In 1812, at the invitation of his brother-in-law, Francis C. Lowell, who had examined the process of cotton-manufacture in England, he engaged in a project to introduce into the United States the power-loom, then newly invented, and also its mode of construction, which was kept secret. As communication with England was prevented by the war, they were forced to invent a power-loom themselves, and after many failures succeeded, in the latter part of 1812, in producing a model from which a machine was constructed by Paul Moody, an ingenious machinist. In 1813 they built a mill in Waltham, near Boston, which is said to have been the first that combined all the operations for converting raw cotton into finished cloth. He made large purchases of land on the Merrimack River, near Pawtucket Canal, in 1821, and several mills were constructed there by the Merrimack manufacturing company, which was organized under his auspices. This settlement formed the nucleus of the city of Lowell. He superintended the formation of another company in the same place, and in 1830 procured a charter for a railroad between Lowell and Boston, the construction of which he directed till its completion in 1835. This was then one of the finest works of its kind in the country. Having met with pecuniary losses in 1837, he took charge of the locks and Canal Company of Lowell, and subsequently of the Great Falls Manufacturing Company at Somersworth, New Hampshire He labored zealously to promote the moral and intellectual improvement of the operatives in his mills. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 389.
JACKSON, Joseph Cooke, lawyer, born in Newark, New Jersey, 5 August, 1835. He was graduated at Yale in 1857, and subsequently studied law at Newark and at the law-schools of Harvard and New York University. He was admitted to the bar in 1860, and began practice in New York City, but at the beginning of the Civil War was appointed aide-de-camp to General Robert Anderson, and ordered to Kentucky. Subsequently he was commissioned 2d lieutenant in the 1st New Jersey Regiment, and appointed aide to General Philip Kearny. While serving on the latter's staff he declined the colonelcy of the 61st New York Regiment. In December, 1861, he was ordered to join the division staff of General William B. Franklin. In the summer of 1862 he was promoted to captain for gallant conduct during the seven days' conflict before Richmond, and assigned to the staff of the 6th Corps of the Army of the Potomac. In the following December he was promoted lieutenant-colonel of the 6th New Jersey Volunteers, and was brevetted colonel for "meritorious conduct" at the battle of Fredericksburg, in the same month. He was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers on 13 March, 1865. At the close of his term of service, he was appointed by the War Department a commissioner of the U. S. naval credits, and succeeded in having 1,900 naval enlistments from New Jersey credited to the quota of troops enlisted from that state, thus rendering a draft unnecessary. Governor Joel Parker said, in a message to the legislature, that the state had in consequence been saved the expenditure of nearly $1,000,000. General Jackson resumed the practice of law in New York City, and in 1870 was appointed assistant district-attorney for the Southern District of New York. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 389-390.
JACKSON, Mortimer Melville, jurist, born in Rensselaerville, Albany County, New York. 5 March, 1814. He was educated in Flushing and New York City, and entered a counting-house, where he remained several years, also studying law. In 1838 he moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and in the following spring he settled in Mineral Point, Iowa County, where he acquired a good law practice. He was a member of the territorial convention that was held in Madison soon after the election of Harrison to the presidency, when the Whig Party was first organized in Wisconsin. As chairman of the committee, he prepared and reported the resolutions embodying the platform of that organization, and strongly opposed the extension of slavery in the territories. From 1842 till 1847 he was attorney-general, and during his term conducted many important cases. He was a member of the committee that was appointed by an educational convention in Madison in 1846, and prepared a plan for improvement in common-school education, a part of which was subsequently incorporated in the state constitution. He was interested in the efforts made in western Wisconsin to have the reserved mineral lands, which were held by the U. S. government, brought into market, and addressed a memorial to President Polk on this subject, which was adopted by the legislature. On the admission of Wisconsin to the Union, he was elected the first circuit judge for the 5th Judicial Circuit, serving also in the supreme court till the organization of a separate supreme court in 1853, when he resumed his law practice. He subsequently united with the Republican Party, and in 1861 was appointed by President Lincoln U. S. consul at Halifax, Nova Scotia. While there he caused the seizure from Confederates of about $3,000,000 worth of war material, and advised the government of suspected vessels. In 1870, at the request of the Secretary of State, he made a report to Congress on the fisheries and fishery laws of Canada, in which he examined and discussed the controversy between Great Britain and the United States. Judge Jackson also addressed a communication to the Secretary of State, reviewing the action of the fishery commission in 1877, and saying that the sum of $5,500,000 that had been awarded to Great Britain was unwarranted and excessive. He resigned his consulship in 1882 and returned to Madison, Wis. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 390.
JACKSON, Nathaniel James, soldier, born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, about 1825. He became colonel of the 1st Maine Regiment in June. 1861, and afterward was made colonel of the 5th Maine Regiment. He was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers on 24 September, 1862, commanded the 2d brigade, 2d Division of the 12th Corps, and served through the campaigns of McClellan and Pope in Virginia, being wounded at Gaines's Mills. In the autumn of 1864 he commanded the 1st Division of the 20th Corps, taking part in Sherman's march to the sea and in the invasion of the Carolinas. He was brevetted major-general of volunteers at the close of the war, and mustered out, 24 August, 1865. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 390.
JACKSON, Robert Montgomery Smith, physician, born in Pennsylvania about 1820; died in Chattanooga, Tennessee, 28 January, 1865. He was a resident of Cresson, Pennsylvania, where he practised medicine for several years, and was known for his scientific attainments, especially as a botanist and geologist. He was medical inspector of the 23d Army Corps, and acting medical director of the Department of the Ohio. He was a member of the Pennsylvania Geological Commission, of the American Philosophical Society, and other learned bodies. Dr. Jackson was an enthusiastic mountaineer, and published a work entitled " The Mountain " (Philadelphia, 1860). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 390.
JACKSON, Thomas Jonathan, soldier, born in Clarksburg, West Virginia, 21 January, 1824; died at Chancellorsville, Virginia, 10 May, 1863. His great-grandfather emigrated from London in 1748 to Maryland. Here he married Elizabeth Cummins, and shortly afterward moved to West Virginia, where he founded a large family. At seven years of age Thomas Jonathan, whose father had been a lawyer, became an orphan, and he was brought up by a bachelor uncle, Cummins Jackson. Young Jackson's constitution was weak, but the rough life of a West Virginia farm strengthened it, and became constable for the county. He was appointed a cadet at the U. S. Military Academy at the age of eighteen. His preparation was poor, and he never reached a high grade. On his graduation in 1846 he was ordered to Mexico, became a lieutenant in Magruder's battery, and took part in General Scott's campaign from Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico. He was twice brevetted for good conduct at Churubusco and Chapultepec. After the Mexican War he was for a time on duty at Fort Hamilton, New York harbor, and subsequently was sent to Fort Meade. Florida. He resigned from the army in 1851, on his election as professor of philosophy and artillery tactics in Virginia Military Institute. He was noted for the faithfulness with which he performed his duties and his earnestness in matters of religion (he was a member and officer of the Presbyterian Church); but his success as a teacher was not great. He took much interest in the improvement of the slaves and conducted a Sunday-school for their benefit, which continued in operation a generation after his death. A few days after the secession of Virginia he took command of the troops that were collecting at Harper's Ferry, and, when Virginia joined the Confederacy a few weeks later, he was relieved by General Joseph E. Johnston, and then became commander of a brigade in Johnston's army, which rank he held at the battle of Bull Run. In that action the left of the Confederate line had been turned and the troops holding it driven back for some distance. Disaster to the Confederates was imminent, and Johnston was hurrying up troops to support his left. Jackson's brigade was the first to get into position, and checked the progress of the National forces. The broken troops rallied upon his line, other re-enforcements reached the left, the Confederates took the aggressive, and in a short time gained a victory. In the crisis of the fight, General Bernard E. Bee, in rallying his men, said: "See, there is Jackson standing like a stone wall; rally on the Virginians!" Bee fell a few moments after, but his exclamation gave Jackson a new name. For his conduct at Bull Run, Jackson was made major-general, and in November, 1861, was assigned to the command of the district that included the Shenandoah valley and the portion of Virginia northwest of it. In the course of the winter he drove the National troops from his district, but the weather compelled him to return to winter quarters at Winchester. Early in March he was at Winchester with 5,000 men, while General Nathaniel P. Banks was advancing against him from the Potomac. Jackson's instructions were to detain as large a hostile force as possible in the valley, without risking the destruction of his own troops. He fell back forty miles before Banks; but as soon as the latter returned to Winchester and began to send his troops away, Jackson with 3,500 men made a forced march toward Winchester, and on 23 March attacked the troops still left in the valley with great vigor. In this battle (at Kernstown) he was defeated; but so fierce and unexpected was the attack that Banks, with all the troops within reach, returned to the valley. Jackson retreated up the Shenandoah and took position at Swift Run Gap in the Blue Ridge Mountains. At the end of April, 1862, he entered upon a new campaign in the valley. While McClellan's great army was pushing up the peninsula toward Richmond, General Irvin McDowell with 30,000 men lay on the Rappahannock and threatened Richmond from the north. Banks with 20,000 men occupied Harrisonburg and was watching Jackson, while Fremont was gathering a column of 15,000 men on the upper Potomac and moving toward Staunton. Jackson was given control of all the Confederate troops in northern Virginia, with instructions to do the best he could to hamper the operations of the National armies in that region. His troops consisted of his own division of 8,000 men, General Richard S. Ewell's division of about the same number, and General Edward Johnson's brigade of 3,000 men, which was in Fremont's front. Jackson, having united his own division with Johnson's brigade by a circuitous march, struck the head of Fremont's column at the village of McDowell on 8 May, and damaged it so as to paralyze it for some weeks. He then returned rapidly to the Shenandoah Valley and concentrated all his forces against Banks, who, having sent half his troops to General McDowell on the Rappahannock, had taken position at Strasburg and Front Royal. Jackson surprised him, overwhelmed the detachment at Front Royal on 23 May, and on the 25th defeated Banks at Winchester and drove him beyond the Potomac, making large captures of prisoners and stores. The National government took possession of the railroads, and recalled McDowell from Fredericksburg and Fremont from West Virginia to fall upon Jackson's rear, while Banks and Sigel were to move from the Potomac. On the night of 30 May, Jackson at Winchester seemed about to be surrounded; but, making a rapid march next morning, he placed himself at Strasburg directly between his principal antagonists, McDowell and Fremont, and kept one of them at bay by a show of force, and bewildered the other by the rapidity of his movements, until his prisoners and captured stores had been sent to the rear. He then retreated up the valley, pursued by Shields's division of McDowell's forces and by Fremont, whom he kept apart by burning the bridges over the Shenandoah. He turned at bay at Port Republic on 8 June, repelled Fremont at Cross Keys, and, crossing the Shenandoah during the night and the early morning, threw himself unexpectedly upon the head of McDowell's column near Port Republic, which he routed and drove from the battle-field before Shields with the main body of his division could get up or Fremont could render assistance from the other side of the river. The National forces retreated to the lower Shenandoah. Jackson now hastened by forced marches to Richmond to unite with General Lee in attacking McClellan. Here, on 27 June, Jackson turned the scale in the battle of Gaines's Mills, where Fitz-John Porter was overthrown. He also took part in the subsequent operations during McClellan's retreat. About the middle of July, Lee detached Jackson to Gordonsville to look after his old adversaries of the Shenandoah valley, who were again gathering under General John Pope. On 9 August, Jackson, having crossed the Rapidan, defeated Banks at Cedar Run. A week later Lee arrived with Longstreet's corps, and the campaign against Pope began in earnest. On 25 August, Jackson was sent from the Rappahannock with 25,000 men to pass around Pope's right flank, seize his depot at Manassas, and break up his communications; and this movement was successful, and Pope was forced to let go the Rappahannock. Jackson kept his opponent at bay by stubborn fighting, and kept him on the ground until Lee with the rest of the Confederate Army arrived, when Pope was defeated in the battle of 30 August, 1862, known as the second battle of Manassas, Groveton, or Bull Run. In the Maryland Campaign two weeks later General Jackson had charge of the operations that resulted in the investment and capture of the post at Harper's Ferry, 15 September, with 13,000 prisoners and seventy cannon, while Lee held back McClellan at South Mountain and along the Antietam. By a severe night march, Jackson reached Sharpsburg on 15 September, and the next day commanded the left wing of the Confederate army, against which McClellan hurled in succession Hooker's, Mansfield's, and Sumner's corps. With thinned lines, Jackson maintained himself throughout the day near the Dunker Church, while one of his divisions—A. P. Hill's, which had been left at Harper's Ferry— reached the field late in the day and defeated Burnside's corps, which was making rapid progress against the Confederate right flank. At Fredericksburg, 13 December, 1862, Jackson, who meantime had been promoted to the rank of lieutenant-general, commanded the right wing of the Confederate Army, which repelled the attack of Franklin's division. When, in the spring of 1863, Hooker's movement upon Chancellorsville was fully developed, Lee ordered Jackson's corps to move up to meet him. On the morning of 1 May, Jackson met Hooker emerging from the wilderness that surrounds Chancellorsville. and at once assumed the aggressive so fiercely that Hooker withdrew into the wilderness and established lines of defence. As these offered no favorable opportunity for attack, Lee ordered Jackson to make a flank movement around the right of the National Army. At sunrise, 2 May. Jackson was on the march, and all day he pursued his way through the wilderness. When his movement was discovered, and General Daniel E. Sickles attacked some of his trains. Jackson sent back a brigade to cover his rear and continued his march. Late in the evening he had reached the old turnpike, upon the flank and rear of General O. O. Howard's corps, which held the right of Hooker's army. Quickly forming his command into three lines of battle. Jackson attacked furiously. He routed Howard's corps in half an hour, and pressed the troops sent to its assistance back to the vicinity of Chancellorsville, when his own forces were checked by a powerful artillery fire from batteries hastily brought into line. (See Pleasonton, Alfred.) Between eight and nine o'clock Jackson with a small party rode forward beyond his own lines to reconnoiter. As he turned to ride back, his party was mistaken for National Cavalry, and a volley was poured into it by Lane's brigade. Several of the party were killed, and Jackson received three wounds, two in the left arm and one through the right hand. When he had been assisted from his horse and the flow of blood stanched, it was some minutes before he could be conveyed within his own lines, so fierce was the artillery fire that swept the field. This fire struck down one of the litter-bearers, and the general was badly injured by the fall. His left arm was amputated, and for some days he seemed to be doing well: but on 7 May he was attacked by pneumonia, which left him too exhausted to rally. His remains were taken to Richmond, whence, after a public funeral, they were moved to Lexington. Jackson was a tall, spare man, of polite but constrained address and few words. He was twice married, first to Miss Eleanor Junkin, and secondly to Miss Mary Ann Morrison. The latter, with one daughter, survives him. A bronze statue of General Jackson, paid for by English subscriptions, was unveiled in Richmond. Virginia, in 1875. His life has been written by Robert L. Dabney (New York. 1863) and by John Esten Cooke (1866). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 391-392.
JACKSON, William, financier, born in Newton, Massachusetts, 2 September, 1783; died there, 20 February, 1855. He received a common-school education, and was trained to mercantile life. He was a member of the state house of representatives from 1829 till 1832, and in the latter year was elected to Congress as a Whig. He was re-elected for the following term, but declined a second re-nomination. He was one of the earliest promoters of railroads in Massachusetts, delivering an address to the legislature in favor of the new method of locomotion, which was derisively received. Subsequently he delivered the address in various cities of New England, awakening an interest in railroads, and when their construction was begun superintended the works on the Boston and Worcester, Boston and Albany, and other lines. He was a pioneer in the temperance movement and an early opponent of slavery, being one of the founders of the Liberty Party, which was afterward merged into the Free-Soil Party. From 1848 till his death he was the president of the Newton Bank. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 393.
JACKSON, William Lowther, soldier, born in Clarksburg, Virginia, 3 February, 1825. He was admitted to the bar in 1847, and practised until the war. Before this time he had served as commonwealth's attorney, was twice in the Virginia House of Delegates, twice second auditor and superintendent of the State Literary Fund, once lieutenant-governor, and was elected judge of the 19th Judicial District of the state in 1860. In 1861 he entered the Confederate Army in command of the 31st Virginia Regiment, and in 1862 became one of the staff of his cousin, "Stonewall" Jackson, whom he followed through the campaign and battles around Richmond, Cedar Run, Harper's Ferry, and Antietam. With the rank of brigadier-general, he recruited in northwestern Virginia a brigade of cavalry, which he led in the subsequent campaigns of Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. In May, 1865, he disbanded his troops at Lexington, being among the last to give his parole. He retired to Mexico for a time, and on his return, finding that a statute of West Virginia debarred him from the practice of his profession, moved to Louisville, Kentucky. and pursued the law until 1872, when he was elected judge of the circuit court. He has since been re-elected from term to term. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 393.
JACKSON, LOUISIANA, March 3, 1864. Detachment of 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, Department of the Gulf. The record of events for this brigade states that on the 3d "a small force went to Jackson; had a skirmish at that place; killed 1 rebel and took 1 prisoner. In the afternoon the same party encountered a superior force, and in charging them lost 3 men prisoners."
JACKSON, LOUISIANA, October 5, 1864. (See Thompson's Creek.)
JACKSON, LOUISIANA, November 21, 1864. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 516.
JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI, May 14, 1863. 15th and 17th Army Corps. After the occupation of Raymond the Federals moved on Jackson, Sherman's corps (the 15th) moving by way of Mississippi Springs and McPherson's (the 17th) advancing on the Clinton road. During the early morning the rain came down in torrents, making the roads heavy and in some places almost impassable. By 10 a. m. Sherman was within 3 miles of the city and the sound of McPherson's guns was heard on the left. The enemy was discovered in the front of Sherman at a small bridge, and as the head of the Federal column appeared opened with art1llery. The 2nd and 3d brigades of Tuttle's division were deployed to the right and left of the road and Waterhouse's and Spoor's batteries, placed on commanding ground, soon silenced the enemy's pieces, the whole Confederate force retiring about half a mile into a skirt of woods in front of Jackson. Mower's brigade (2nd) followed closely until the enemy took refuge in his intrenchments. The banks of the stream at this point were high bluffs, and the river could be crossed only at the bridge which the enemy did not attempt to destroy. As far as could be seen on either side were the Confederate intrenchments and a steady artillery fire which enfiladed the road was kept up from all points. The 95th Ohio was taken from the reserve and sent to feel the enemy's flanks. It was soon discovered that the intrenchments were abandoned where they crossed the railroad and Steele's division was pushed into the city that way, the rest of the column following on the main road. McPherson, meantime, had also been fighting severely, but entered the city almost simultaneously with Sherman. The Federal loss was 42 killed, 251 wounded and 7 captured or missing. Brigadier-General John Gregg, commanding the Confederate forces at Jackson, roughly estimates his loss at 200 killed, wounded and missing; Union reports make it over 800. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 516-17.
JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI, July 10-17, 1863. Sherman's Expeditionary Army. After the capitulation of Vicksburg, General Grant ordered Major-General William Sherman to take part of the army and move against General J. E. Johnston, who had been marching to Pemberton's relief. Sherman's forces consisted of the 9th corps, under Major-General John G. Parke and composed of the divisions of Welsh and Potter; the 13th corps, commanded by Major-General E. O. C. Ord, including the infantry divisions of Osterhaus, A. J. Smith and Hovey, and Fullerton's cavalry brigade; the 15th corps, under Major-General Frederick Steele and consisting of the divisions of Thayer, Blair and Tuttle. W. S. Smith's division (1st) of the 16th corps and Bussey's cavalry brigade were temporarily attached to Parke's command, and Lauman's division (4th) of the same corps was attached to Ord's. Sherman marched from Vicksburg on the night of July 4th, crossed Big Black river at Messinger's and Birdsong ferries and on the railroad bridge on the 6th, and gradually forced Johnston to take refuge in the intrenchments at Jackson. Sherman approached the city in three columns, Ord on the right, Steele in the center and Parke on the left, and disposed his troops to hold the Confederates in their works while detachments could destroy the Great Central railroad. At the same time Ord was directed to extend his line across the railroad and threaten Pearl river south of the city, while Parke on the left extended his line to approach the river on that flank, thus threatening the enemy's only line of communication to the rear. One brigade of each corps was kept constantly employed in destroying the railroad; Bussey was dispatched to Canton, 26 miles north, to burn cars and tear up the track; and Fullerton was sent to the south to burn the railroad bridges for a distance of 15 miles. The remainder of the army was set to work constructing parapets and rifle-pits, and by the 11th the city was fairly invested. In his report Sherman says: "It was no part of the plan to assault the enemy's works, so that the main bodies of infantry were kept well in reserve, under cover, whilst the skirmishers were pushed forward as close as possible, leading to many brisk skirmishes, which usually resulted in the enemy taking refuge within his works." On the morning of the 12th, through some misunderstanding of orders, Lauman assaulted the enemy's works with Pugh's brigade and one regiment, followed by another regiment and a battery. Ord reported that the point of attack was not selected by any reconnaissance or previous examination, and that the attack itself was unsupported and unknown to the other division commanders until after it had been made. Of the 880 men in Pugh's brigade, 465 were killed, wounded or captured, besides nearly all the men and horses belonging to the battery, the guns being brought off by hand by the 53d Indiana infantry. Ord relieved Lauman and placed the division under command of General Hovey, and a fresh brigade was sent to occupy that part of the line. That night two batteries were planted on the hill and the position thus made secure. During the 12th and 13th the batteries of 10 and 20-pounder Parrott guns and 12-pounder Napoleons threw about 3,000 rounds into the city, all of which did great execution. On the 14th Sherman was reinforced by McArthur's division of McPherson's corps, the lines were strengthened and pushed forward at all points, but the cannonading was lessened, owing to the short supply of ammunition. Ord pushed a strong party to the river on the morning of the 15th, the Confederates there retiring into their works. The trenches and skirmishers were then advanced and batteries brought up to hold the new position. During the day the enemy made sallies against each of Ord's divisions, but all were repulsed, and toward evening Osterhaus planted a battery of 20-pounder Parrotts which covered his advance and held the Confederates to their trenches. The next day Parke advanced his whole line with a view of ascertaining the location and strength of the Confederate batteries. The movement was executed in gallant style, but was attended by severe losses, especially in W. S. Smith's division. During the night of the 16th it was noticed that the enemy was busy with a movement of some sort, and when the line again advanced, early on the morning of the 17th, it was discovered that Johnston had evacuated the city. Ferrero's brigade of Potter's division moved into town and established guards and patrols, capturing a lieutenant and 137 men. By the 19th over 15 miles of railroad track was rendered totally unfit for service; 20 platform cars and about 50 box and passenger cars were burned in the city, and all the wheels broken; 4,000 bales of cotton were burned; 2 heavy rifled-guns and a large quantity of ammunition were thrown into Pearl river; Steele moved to Brandon. 13 miles east of the city, where he tore up about 3 miles of track; during the siege Fullerton made two raids to the south, destroying about 2 miles of track, 4 locomotives and 52 cars and burning the depots at Byram, Byhalia, Crystal Springs, Gallatin and Hazlehurst. Jackson was evacuated just in time, as Sherman's ammunition train came up late on the 16th and arrangements were made to open a furious cannonade on the city, when it was learned that the Confederates had retired, burning the bridges behind him to avoid pursuit. The Union loss in the operations about Jackson was 129 killed, 762 wounded and 231 captured or missing. The Confederate casualties were not officially reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, pp. 517-18.
JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI, February 5, 1864. 16th and 17th Army Corps. After the 17th corps had driven the Confederates through Clinton, orders were received to move by a plantation road on Jackson while the 16th corps advanced on the main Jackson and Clinton road. The cavalry of the 17th corps, under Winslow, came upon the enemy's cavalry flank as it was slowly retiring before Hurlbut's (16th corps) advance. A charge was made by the 11th Illinois cavalry which resulted in the capture of a gun, caisson and limber. A disposition was shown by the Confederates to make a stand in the center of the town, but a few shots from the artillery supporting the cavalry dispersed them and they retreated across Pearl river. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 518-19.
JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI, July 7, 1864. U. S. Forces of District of Vicksburg. On the 2nd of July Major-General Henry W. Slocum with 2,200 infantry, 600 cavalry and 6 pieces of artillery left Vicksburg for the purpose of destroying the bridge over the Pearl river. This was accomplished and Slocum entered Jackson on the 6th. While there the enemy took position about 3 miles from Jackson, on the road leading to Clinton, and when Slocum left the town next day for Vicksburg he encountered the Confederates at 4 a. m. disputing the passage of the road. After a sanguinary engagement which lasted over two hours the enemy was compelled to retire and Slocum moved on toward Clinton, being unable to pursue the retreating foe because of a scarcity of supplies. The Union troops lost 33 men killed, about 156 wounded and 30 captured or missing. The Confederate loss was not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 519.
JACKSON, MISSOURI, April 26-27, 1863. 2nd Division, Army of the Frontier. As the Confederates under General Marmaduke fell back from Cape Girardeau after their attack on that place, they were closely pursued by the division, commanded by Brigadier-General William Vandever. About 9 p. m. on the 26th Vandever came up with the enemy near Jackson. The 1st la. cavalry charged the camp and drove the enemy through the town. killing and wounding several and capturing a large number of horses and other property, without casualty. At 6 o'clock the next morning the division occupied the town and soon discovered the enemy in force posted about a mile out on the Bloomington road. Vandever opened fire with his artillery, to which Marmaduke did not reply, but hastened off in the direction of the White Water river with the Federals in close pursuit. (See White Water.) Jackson, Tennessee, December 19, 1862. Detachments of 11th Illinois, 5th Ohio and 2nd West Tennessee Cavalry, 43d and 61st Illinois Infantry. On the morning of this day Brigadier-General Mason Brayman sent out the cavalry detachments to a point about three and a half miles from Jackson, where the enemy attacked in force. Colonel A. Engelmann, commanding, ordered the cavalry to fall back slowly toward Jackson. At the Salem cemetery the 43d and 61 st Illinois infantry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Dengler and Major Ohr, were concealed and when the Confederates came within close range they were met with a deadly fire, which killed and wounded a large number of horses and men, threw the column into confusion, and before it could be rallied it was driven from the field by the Federal cavalry. The losses were not reported. Jackson, Tennessee, July 13, 1863. (See Forked Deer River, same date.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 519.
JACKSONBORO, GEORGIA, December 10, 1864. Detachment of the 8th Indiana Cavalry. Lieutenant McManaman, with a small foraging party, met and charged a detachment of Confederate cavalry near Jacksonboro, causing them to seek safety in the swamps. McManaman captured 12 horses and destroyed 12 stands of arms. The affair was an incident of the Federal advance upon Savannah in the march to the sea. Jackson County, Missouri, September 15, 1863. Detachment of 9th Kansas Cavalry. Captain C. F. Coleman. commanding a portion of a Federal force scouting in Jackson county, came upon the camp of one of Quantrill's bands and attacked it. The result was the dispersal of the guerrillas with a loss of 2 men killed, 40 horses and an amount of commissary stores captured. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 519.
JACKSON CROSS ROADS, LOUISIANA, June 20, 1863. Detachments of the 6th and 7th Illinois and 2nd Rhode Island Cavalry, 52nd Massachusetts Infantry, and a section of Artillery. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 520.
JACKSONPORT, ARKANSAS, November 21, 1863. Detachment of 3d Missouri Cavalry. During a scout of the 3d Missouri cavalry a detachment was sent forward to get possession of the ferry-boat at Jacksonport. When the Federal troops appeared on the opposite bank of the river a fire was immediately opened upon them and a rush was made for the boat which was on the Jacksonport side. The fire of the Federals kept the enemy away from the boat, however, while two non-comm1ssioned officers of Company C crossed in a yawl and brought the boat over. The whole detachment was then crossed and the Confederates driven from the town with a loss of 3 wounded.
JACKSONPORT, ARKANSAS, December 23, 1863. 3d Missouri Cavalry. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 520.
JACKSONPORT, ARKANSAS, April 24, 1864. Squadron M, 11th Missouri Cavalry. On the return of an expedition to Augusta, the 11th Missouri cavalry, commanded by Captain George W. Weber, having the advance, met a body of Confederates who opened fire on them. A charge led by Weber caused the enemy to break and flee, Weber pursuing for 7 miles and capturing 4 men. The Confederates also lost 1 man killed. The Union force suffered no loss. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 520.
JACKSON FORD, ALABAMA, July 13, 1864. 8th Indiana Cavalry. Clanton's brigade of Confederate cavalry and the 8th Indiana came together at Jackson's ford, on the Coosa river, the enemy losing 21 killed, a number wounded and 25 captured. The affair was an incident of the raid on the West Point & Montgomery railroad. The Federal loss was not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 520.
JACKSON'S RIVER, VIRGINIA, December 19, 1863. Expedition under Brigadier-General William W. Averell. As an incident of the expedition to destroy or cut the line of the Virginia & Tennessee railroad General Averell with the 2nd, 3d and 8th West Virginia mounted infantry, the 14th Pennsylvania and Gibson's battalion of cavalry, and Ewing's battery, attacked the Confederate force under Jackson and drove it so rapidly across two bridges over Jackson's river, one about 5 miles from Covington and the other near that town, that there was no time to set fire to the structures. Later the enemy attempted to retake one of the bridges but was repulsed. As a measure of safety Averell destroyed the bridges, swam his force across the stream and the next day made his way across the mountains. Averell's loss was 6 men drowned, 5 wounded and 93 missing. The prisoners taken by the Confederates were mostly the sick in the ambulances. The enemy's loss was not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 520.
JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, EXPEDITION TO, March 23-31, 1863. 8th Maine, detachments of 6th Connecticut and Higginson's Colored Troops. On March 13 the expedition embarked at Beaufort for Jacksonville on board the transports Delaware and General Meigs and ten days later landed at Jacksonville, having been delayed by rough weather. On their arrival a Confederate battery mounted on a platform car was shelling the town, but was soon forced to retire by the gunboat Norwich, which accompanied the expedition. The following night the enemy again approached with the same battery and shelled the city. On Wednesday, the 25th, a portion of the troops made a reconnaissance in force for about 4 miles along the railroad, driving in the Confederate pickets. On the same day the platform car battery appeared a third time and shelled the city, killing 2 men and wounding 1, the only casualties suffered by the Union troops during the operations. Colonel Montgomery with 120 men, accompanied by gunboat Paul Jones, made a successful expedition, 75 miles up the river to Palatka, capturing 15 prisoners and a quantity of cotton, rifles, horses, etc., and on the 31st the expedition re-embarked on the transports and left Jacksonville. A portion of the city was fired before the troops left. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 520-21.
JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, May 1, 1864. 7th U. S. Colored Troops. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 521.
JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, May 28, 1864. 7th U. S. Colored Troops. Jacksonville, North Carolina, January 20, 1862. 3d New York Cavalry. While on a reconnaissance from New Berne to Pollocksville this regiment, under Colonel Simon H. Mix, found its progress checked at Big Northeast run, five miles from Jacksonville, by the destruction of the bridge. On the opposite side and about 100 yards from the stream was a stockade from which the Confederates poured a volley on the Federal advance. A howitzer was brought to bear, the stockade was cleared, the bridge repaired and the command crossed. The Union loss in the affair was 1 killed and 1 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 521.
JACOB, Richard Taylor, soldier, born in Oldham County, Kentucky, in 1825. He studied law, and travelled in South America. Visiting California in 1846, he raised a company of cavalry, and joined General John C. Fremont in his military operations there until its conquest. Returning home, he was soon afterward called to Washington as a witness for General Fremont, and while there married Sarah, third daughter of Thomas H. Benton. He has filled the offices of legislator and judge for his county, and has been active in politics. Though a supporter of Breckinridge and Lane in 1860, he resisted with boldness and efficiency the effort to take Kentucky out of the Union, in the legislature and before the people. In 1862, at the request of General Boyle, military commandant, he opened camp at Eminence, Kentucky, in ten days had raised a regiment of 1,244 cavalry, and in ten days more was mounted and in the field. He rendered active and valuable services, especially to Buell's army in Kentucky, and was engaged in several severe skirmishes and battles, receiving two disabling wounds. His regiment was engaged in resisting Morgan's raid, and followed him until his capture at Buffington Island. In 1863 Colonel Jacob was elected lieutenant-governor on the ticket with Thomas E. Bramlette. Colonel Jacob fiercely assailed the emancipation proclamation as an act of violated faith toward the friends of the Union cause, and of injustice to the owners of property in slaves in a loyal state, he advocated the election of General McClellan to the presidency in 1864, and censuring the administration in unsparing terms, while canvassing the state, was arrested by order of General Burbridge, and sent through the Confederate lines to Richmond. He afterward received an unconditional release from Mr. Lincoln, and returned to Kentucky, where he now (1887) resides in Oldham County. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 393-394.
JACOBS, Ann Harriet, 1813-1897, author, former slave (Rodriguez, 2007, pp. 64, 184, 348-349, 372, 684-685)
JACOBS, Ferris, soldier, born in Delhi, New York, 20 March, 1836; died in White Plains. New York, 31 August, 1881. He was graduated at Williams in 1856, studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1859, and practised in Delhi. Joining a New York regiment of volunteer cavalry, he served through the Civil War, rising to the rank of colonel, and at its close was brevetted brigadier-general. He subsequently served two terms as district attorney of Delaware County, New York, and in 1880 was elected to Congress as a Republican. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 394.
JACOBS, John S., 1815-1873, African American, fugitive slave, abolitionist, author of slave narrative, “A True Tale of Slavery,” in 1861. (Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., & Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, eds. African American National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2013, Vol. 6, p. 288)
JAMES, Charles Tillinghast, senator, born in West Greenwich, Rhode Island., in 1804; died in Sag Harbor, New York, 17 October, 1862. He received a limited education, learned the trade of a carpenter, and in 1823 began to study mechanics, at the same time learning, as a workman in the machine-shops, the construction of cotton-machinery. He afterward moved to Providence, became superintendent of Slater's steam cotton-mills, and was chosen major-general of Rhode Island militia. After a few years' residence in Providence, he moved to Newburyport, Massachusetts, where he erected the Bartlett and James Mills; subsequently built cotton-mills in Salem, Massachusetts, and in the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Tennessee, and, returning in 1849 to Rhode Island, erected the Atlantic Delaine-Mill at Olneyville. He was U. S. Senator from Rhode Island from 1851 till 1857, and after his retirement from the senate devoted his attention to the perfection of several inventions, among which was a rifled cannon and a new projectile. He was an excellent marksman, and thoroughly versed in the use and construction of fire-arms. In 1838 Brown University conferred upon him the honorary degree of M. A. General James died of wounds that he received from the explosion of a shell of his own manufacture, with which he was experimenting. He wrote a series of papers on the culture and manufacture of cotton in the south. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 397.
JAMES CITY, VIRGINIA, October 10, 1863. (See Russell's Ford, same date.)
JAMES CREEK, MISSOURI, April 27, 1865. Detachment of 15th Missouri Cavalry. Lieut . J. P. Boyd with 13 men started in pursuit of 2 guerrillas who had robbed a citizen. Four miles west of James creek he located them and after a brisk skirmish killed both of them. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 521.
JAMES ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA, June 3, 1862. (See Legare's Point, same date.)
JAMES ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA, June 10, 1862. Detachments of 97th Pennsylvania, 45th Pennsylvania, 47th New York Infantry and Company E, 3d U. S. Artillery. While six companies of the 47th New York were doing picket duty on the afternoon of the 10th they were attacked by a superior force of the enemy and compelled to retire. A few minutes later a picket guard consisting of the 97th Pennsylvania and two companies of the 47th New York were attacked, but held the enemy in check until the arrival of the artillery and reinforcements. The Federal loss was 3 killed and 13 wounded. The Confederate casualties were not reported, but the Union troops buried 16 of their dead and captured 6 of their wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 521.
JAMES ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA, June 13, 1862. Organizations not recorded, The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 521.
JAMES' PLANTATION, LOUISIANA, April 6-8, 1863. Portion of the 9th Division, 13th Army Corps. While advancing on New Carthage it became necessary for the troops under Brigadier-General P. J. Osterhaus to dislodge the enemy from the gin-house on James' plantation. The grounds, 20 acres in all, were the only dry land for several miles outside of the levee, and the levee was commanded by the gin-house. An attack was made and in about an hour the building was in Federal hands, the enemy leaving 1 man dead on the field! On the 8th at 11 a. m. the Confederates attacked, bringing two 12-pounder howitzers within 800 yards and cannonading for three-quarters of an hour, but without inflicting any injury on the Union troops or forcing them from their position. James River, Virginia. During the Peninsular campaign of 1862 and the siege of Richmond and Petersburg in 1864-5 the Union gunboats were frequently engaged, sometimes in cooperation with the land forces and sometimes in shelling the Confederate fortifications along the river. For a full account of these operations see the Naval Volume. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 521.
JAMESON, Charles Davis, soldier, born in Gorham, Maine, 24 February, 1827; died in Oldtown, Maine, 6 November, 1862. In his youth his parents moved with him to Oldtown, where, after receiving a limited education, he embarked in the lumber-trade, and became one of the largest manufacturers and shippers of lumber on the Penobscot. In 1860 he was a delegate to the Charleston National Democratic Convention, and at the beginning of the Civil War he was placed in command of the 2d Maine Regiment, the first that left that state for the seat of war. He led his regiment at Bull Run, and with his command protected the rear of the army in its retreat to Centreville. For his services on this occasion he was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers, 3 September, 1861. He participated in the seven days' fight about Richmond, but after the battle of Fair Oaks was attacked with camp fever, and returned home to die. In 1861-2 he was the Democratic candidate for governor of Maine. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 400.
JAMESON, Patrick Henry, physician, born in Monroe, Jefferson County, Indiana, 18 April, 1824. He was graduated at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1849, and established himself in practice in Indianapolis. He was commissioner of the Indiana Hospital for the Insane from 1861 till 1866, and also surgeon in charge of state and National troops in quarters at the several camps, and in hospital at the soldiers' home, Indianapolis. From January, 1863, till March, 1866, he was acting assistant surgeon in the U. S. Army, and from 1861 till 1869 physician to the Indiana Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. He has contributed occasionally to medical journals, and has written eighteen consecutive annual reports of the Indiana Hospital for the insane. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 400.
JAMESON, William, naval officer, born in Virginia in 1791; died in Alexandria, Virginia, 7 October, 1873. He was appointed a midshipman from the District of Columbia in 1811. During the war of 1813—'14 he was in several engagements, and received his commission as lieutenant in 1817, commander in 1837, and as captain in 1844. He adhered to the cause of the Union at the beginning of the Civil War, and was commissioned commodore, 16 July, 1862. He was invalided, and remained in Alexandria during the war, and was subsequently placed on the retired list. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 400.
JAMESTOWN, KENTUCKY, June 2, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Army Corps. While on a march the brigade had just stacked arms to make breakfast, when the cavalry picket was driven in, closely pursued by the Confederate cavalry. The infantry was immediately put under arms and the enemy, seeing these preparations, broke and fled across the Cumberland river. No casualties are mentioned in the report. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 521.
JARRATT'S STATION, VIRGINIA, May 8, 1864. (See Kautz's raid in Virginia, May S to 17, 1864.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 522.
JARVIS, Thomas Jordan, governor of North Carolina, born in Jarvisburg, Currituck County, North Carolina, 18 January, 1836. His youth was spent on a farm, laboring for the support of his family, and his college education was obtained by a loan from a friend. He was graduated at Randolph-Macon in 1860, and in the following year entered the Confederate Army as a private. He soon became 1st lieutenant in the 8th North Carolina Regiment, and in 1863 was promoted captain, but on 14 May, 1864, his right arm was shattered by a bullet, and he was compelled to retire from the service. He was a member of the state constitutional convention in 1865, became a merchant, and while engaged in business studied law, and was admitted to the bar. He began to practise in 1868, was a presidential elector in that year, elected to the legislature, and re-elected in 1870, becoming speaker of the house. He was again a presidential elector in 1872, in 1875 was a member of the state constitutional convention, and in the following year was elected lieutenant-governor of North Carolina. In 1879 he became governor, by the election of Governor Zebulon B. Vance to the U. S. Senate, and in 1880 he was elected to the office, which he held till 1884. In 1885 he was appointed U. S. minister to Brazil. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 407.
JASPER, TENNESSEE, June 4, 1862. (See Sweeden's Cove.)
JAY, William, 1789-1858, Bedford, NY, jurist, anti-slavery activist, abolitionist leader, anti-slavery Liberty Party. Son of first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Jay. In 1819, he strongly opposed the Missouri Compromise, which allowed the extension of slavery into the new territories. Drafted the constitution of the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS). Corresponding Secretary, 1835-1838, Executive Committee, 1836-1837, AASS. Vice President, American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society (AFASS). He was moved as a judge of Westchester County, in New York, due to his antislavery activities. Supported emancipation of slaves in the District of Columbia and the exclusion of slavery from new territories, although he did not advocate interfering with slave laws in the Southern states.
Dumond, 1961, pp. 47, 159, 226, 286, 301; Mabee, 1970, pp. 73, 107, 199, 251, 253, 295; Sorin, 1971, pp. 51, 77-81, 96, 132; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 5, Pt. 2, p. 11; American Reformers: An H.W. Wilson Biographical Dictionary, New York, 1985, pp. 473-475; Jay, W., Life and Writings of John Jay, 1833; Jay, W., An Inquiry into the Character and Tendency of the American Colonization and American Anti-Slavery Societies, 1834; Jay, W., A View of the Action of the Federal Government in Behalf of Slavery, 1837; Jay, W., War and Peace, 1848; Jay, W., Review of the Causes and Consequences of the Mexican War, 1849.
JAY, William, jurist, born in New York City, 16 June, 1789; died in Bedford, New York, 14 October, 1858, studied the classics at Albany with the Reverend Thomas Ellison, of Oxford, England. Among his classmates was James Fenimore Cooper, with whom he formed a life-long friendship, and who inscribed to Jay "Lionel Lincoln" and some of his " Letters from Europe." Jay was graduated at Yale in 1808, and studied law with John B. Henry of Albany, but was compelled to relinquish the profession by weakness of the eyes. He retired to his father's home at Bedford, and in 1812 married Augusta, daughter of John McVickar, a lady "in whose character were blended all the Christian graces and virtues." In 1815 he published a "Memoir on the Subject of a General Bible Society for the United States," and in 1810 assisted Elias Boudinot and others in forming the American Bible Society, of which he was for years an active and practical promoter, and its principal champion against the vigorous attacks of the high-churchmen led by Bishop Hobart. The interest in the controversy extended to England, and Jay's numerous letters and pamphlets on the subject have been commended as models of that sort of warfare. In 1818 Jay was appointed to the bench of Westchester County by Governor De Witt Clinton. His office as first judge was vacated by the adoption of the new constitution in 1821, but he was subsequently reappointed, without regard to politics, until he was superseded in 1843 by Governor Bouck at the demand of a pro-slavery faction. In 1826, Jay, who in 1819, during the Missouri controversy, had written strongly against the extension of slavery, demanding that Congress should "stand between the living and the dead, and stay the plague," was instrumental in calling the attention of the New York legislature and of Congress to the necessity of reforming the slave-laws of the District of Columbia. A free colored man, Gilbert Horton, of Somers, Westchester County, who had gone to Washington, was there arrested as a runaway and advertised by the sheriff to be sold as a fugitive slave, to pay his jail fees, unless previously claimed by his master. Jay called a public meeting, which demanded the interposition of Governor DeWitt Clinton. This was promptly given, Horton was released, and a petition circulated for the abolition of slavery in the District. The New York assembly, by a vote of fifty-seven to thirty-nine, instructed their representatives in Congress to vote for the measure. Pennsylvania passed a similar bill, and upon the memorial presented by General Aaron Ward, the House of Representatives, after a prolonged debate, referred the subject to a special committee. In 1828-'9 the debate was renewed in Congress, and resolutions and petitions multiplied, from Maine to Tennessee. Among Jay's writings at this time were essays on the Sabbath as a civil and divine institution, temperance, Sunday-schools, missionary and educational efforts, and an essay on duelling, to which, in 1830, while the authorship was unknown, a medal was awarded by the Anti-duelling Association of Savannah, by a committee of which Judge James M. Wayne and Governor Richard W. Habersham were members. In 1833 he published the "Life and Writings of John Jay." Its careful sketch of the peace negotiations of 1782, and its exposition of the hostility of France to the American claims was questioned by Dr. Sparks, but their accuracy was certified by Lord St. Helens (Mr. Fitzherbert), and has since been confirmed by the Vergennes correspondence and the " Life of Shelburne." In October, 1832, President Jackson appointed Judge Jay a commissioner to adjust all unsettled matters with the western Indians; but the appointment, which was unsolicited, was declined. Judge Jay contributed a paper on the anti-slavery movement to the first number of the "Emancipator," published in New York, 1 May, 1833. In October of the same year the New York City Anti-Slavery Society was formed, and in December an Anti-slavery Convention met at Philadelphia to form the American Anti-Slavery Society. Each of these bodies, at Judge Jay's suggestion, disclaimed the right of Congress to interfere with slavery in the states, while claiming for Congress power to suppress the domestic slave trade and to abolish slavery in the territories under its exclusive jurisdiction. The significance of the principles and action of these societies is illustrated by the interesting historic facts: first, that nullification in South Carolina in 1832, when a medal was struck inscribed "John C. Calhoun, First President of the Southern Confederacy," was the precursor of the secession of 1861, showing that the pro-slavery policy during the interval was a part of the secession scheme; and next, that the antislavery movement, organized in 1833 on strictly constitutional grounds, culminated in the Republican Party, by which slavery was abolished and the republic preserved. The same year, 1833, was noted for the persecution and trial in Connecticut of Prudence Crandall (q. v.), and for the decision of Judge Daggett that colored persons could not be citizens. Judge Jay's review of that decision and his able enforcement of the opposite doctrine were approvingly quoted by Chancellor Kent in his "Commentaries." The years 1834 and 1835 were memorable for the attempt to arrest, by threats and violence, the expression of anti-slavery sentiments. Judge Jay, in a charge to the grand jury, called their attention to the prevailing spirit of lawless violence, and charged them that any law that might be passed to abridge in the slightest degree the freedom of speech or the press, to shield any one subject from discussion, would be null and void. He prepared also, for the American Anti-Slavery Society, an address to the public, restating their views and principles, which was widely published throughout America and Europe. In 1834 Judge Jay published his "Inquiry into the Character and Tendency of the American Colonization and American Anti-Slavery Societies," which was read "by scholars and statesmen and exerted a powerful influence!" "The work," wrote Prof. E. Wright, Jr., "sells faster than it can be printed," and it was presently reprinted in London. In December. 1835, President Jackson, in his message, assailed the character and designs of the anti-slavery movement, accusing the Abolitionists of circulating through the mails "inflammatory appeals addressed to the passions of the slaves, and calculated to stimulate them to insurrection and all the horrors of Civil War," and the president suggested to Congress a law forbidding the circulation through the mails of incendiary documents. On 28 December the executive committee addressed to the president what Henry Wilson called "an elaborate and dignified protest from the polished and pungent pen of Judge Jay," denying his accusations, and offering to submit their publications to the inspection of Congress. Judge Jay's next work, "A View of the Action of the Federal Government in Behalf of Slavery" (1837), made a deep impression, and had a rapid sale. This was followed in 1839 by a startling presentation of facts on "The Condition of the Free People of Color in the United States." in 1840 by an address to the friends of constitutional liberty on the violation by the House of Representatives of the right of petition, and a review from his pen of the case of the "Amistad" Negroes (see Cinque) was read by John Quincy Adams in Congress as a part of his speech on the subject. In 1842 Judge Jay reviewed the argument by Mr. Webster on the slaves of the "Creole." The two subjects to which Judge Jay's efforts were chiefly devoted were those of war and slavery. His writings on the first, both before and after he became president of the American Peace Society, had no little influence at home and abroad. In his volume entitled " War and Peace; the Evils of the First, with a Plan for Securing the Last" (New York, 1848), he suggested stipulation by treaty referring international disputes to arbitration, as a plan based upon obvious principles of national policy, and adapted to the existing state of civilized society. The suggestion met with the warm approval of Joseph Sturge, the English philanthropist, who visited Judge Jay at Bedford while the work was still in manuscript, and it was embodied by Mr. Sturge in a volume published by him on his return to England. The plan was heartily approved by Mr. Cobden, who wrote to Judge Jay: "If your government is prepared to insert an arbitration clause in the pending treaties, I am persuaded it will be accepted by our government." The main feature of the plan, arbitration, after approval by successive Peace Congresses in Europe (at Brussels in 1848, at Paris in 1849, at London in 1851) was virtually recommended by Protocol No. 23, of the Congress of Paris, held in 1856 after the Crimean war, which protocol was unanimously adopted by the plenipotentiaries of France, Austria. Great Britain. Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and Turkey. These governments declared their wish that the states between which any serious misunderstanding might arise should, before appealing to arms, have recourse, as far as circumstances might allow, to the good offices of a friendly power. The honor of its introduction in the Congress belongs to Lord Clarendon, whose services had been solicited by Joseph Sturge and Henry Richard, and it was supported by all of his colleagues in the Congress. It was subsequently referred to by Lord Derby as worthy of immortal honor. Lord Malmsbury pronounced it an act "important to civilization and to the security of the peace of Europe," and it was somewhat later approved by all the other powers to whom it was referred, more than forty in number. Among Judge Jay's other writings on this subject are his letter on the "Kossuth Excitement" (1852); an address before the American peace Society at Boston (1845), and a petition from the society to the U. S. Senate in behalf of stipulated arbitration (1853). Perhaps under this head should be included his historic and searching " Causes and Consequences of the Mexican War " (Boston, 1849). In 1846 Judge Jay republished, with an elaborate preface, the concluding chapter of Bishop Wilberforce's " History of the Church in America," which had been announced by two American publishers who relinquished the design when it was found to contain a reproof of the American church for its course on slavery. This was followed by a letter on the same subject to Bishop Ives, of North Carolina. "The Calvary Pastoral, a Tract for the Times," rebuked the attempt to convert the Episcopal Church into a popish church without a pope. In 1849 appeared " An Address to the Non-Slaveholders of the South, on the Social and Political Evils of Slavery." This was in part embodied in an address to the people of California, which was effectively circulated on the Pacific Coast in English and Spanish. In 1850 Judge Jay addressed a letter to William Nelson, on Clay's compromise measures; and this was followed by a review of Mr. Webster's declaration that slavery was excluded from California and New Mexico by the law of physical geography. Subsequent letters and addresses included one to Samuel A. Elliott, in reply to his apology for the fugitive-slave bill, an address to the Anti-Slavery Christians of the United States, and in 1853 several letters and reviews of the conduct of the American tract Society in the interest of slavery. The same year a volume of Judge Jay's miscellaneous writings on slavery was published in Boston. In 1854 he had the satisfaction of seeing the Republican Party founded on the anti-slavery principles that he had early advocated. Of his anti-slavery labors Horace Greeley said: "As to Chief-Justice Jay, the father, may be attributed, more than to any other man, the abolition of Negro bondage in this state [New York], so to Judge William Jay, the son, the future will give the credit of having been one of the earliest advocates of the modern anti-slavery movements, which at this moment influence so radically the religion and the philanthropy of the country, and of having guided by his writings, in a large measure, the direction which a cause so important and so conservative of the best and most precious rights of the people should take." He left in manuscript a commentary on the Bible.—Peter Augustus's son, John Clarkson, physician, born in New York City, 11 September, 1808, was graduated at Columbia in 1827, and at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1831. In addition to his practice of medicine he made a specialty of conchology, and acquired the most complete and valuable collection of shells in the United States. This and his costly library on this branch of science were purchased by Catherine Wolfe and presented, in memory of her father, to the American Museum of Natural History, where it is known as the Jay collection. In 1832 he became a member of the Lyceum of Natural History (now New York Academy of Sciences), and was its treasurer in 1836-'43. He took an active part in the efforts that were made during that time to obtain subscriptions for the new building, and bore the principal burden in planning and superintending its construction. He was one of the founders of the New York yacht-club, and for some time its secretary. From 1859 till 1880 he was a trustee of Columbia College. The shells collected by the expedition of Commodore Matthew C. Perry to Japan were submitted to him for examination, and he wrote the article on that subject in the government reports. Dr. Jay was the author of "Catalogue of Recent Shells'" (New York, 1835); "Description of New and Rare Shells" (1836); and later editions of his catalogue, in which he enumerates about 11,000 well-marked varieties, and at least 7,000 well-established species. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 411-413.
JAY, John, 1817-1894, New York, diplomat, lawyer. Grandson of Chief Justice John Jay. President of the New York Young Men’s Anti-Slavery Society in 184. Active and leader in the Free Soil Party and founding member of the Republican Party. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 413-414; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 5, Pt. 2, p. 10; Drake, 1950, pp. 95, 98.
JAY, John, diplomatist, born in New York City, 23 June, 1817, was graduated at Columbia in 1836, and then studied law in his native city. After his admission to the bar in 1839 he became well known by his activity in opposition to slavery, and by his advocacy of St. Philip's Colored Church, which was admitted to the Protestant Episcopal Convention after a nine years' contest. He was secretary of the Irish Relief Committee of 1847, and was counsel for many fugitive slaves, including George Kirk, two Brazilian slaves that were landed in New York, and the Lemmons (see Arthur, Chester Alan), also in the noted Du Lux case, which, after dividing the opinions of the judges of the New York Courts, was tried before the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1854 he organized the meetings at the Broadway Tabernacle that resulted in the state convention at Saratoga, on 10 August, and in the dissolution of the Whig and the formation of the Republican Party at Syracuse, 27 September, 1855. In 1869 he was sent as minister to Austria, where his diplomatic work included a naturalization treaty, the establishment of a convention on trademarks, and the supervision of the U. S. Commission to the World's Fair of 1873. He resigned and returned to the United States in 1875, and has since resided in New York City. In 1877 he was appointed by Secretary Sherman chairman of the commission known as the Jay Commission, to investigate the system of the New York custom-house. In 1883 he was appointed by Governor Cleveland as the Republican member of the State Civil service Commission, of which he is still (1887) president. Mr. Jay was active in the early history of the American Geographical and Statistical Society, and was long manager and corresponding secretary of the New York Historical Society, and an early member of the Union League club, and its president in 1866-70 and 1877. Re was also the first president of the Huguenot' Society organized in 1885 in New York. In connection with his political career, Mr. Jay has delivered numerous addresses on questions connected with slavery, and also bearing on its relation to the Episcopal Church, of which denomination he is one of the leaders among the laity. They have been printed as pamphlets and widely circulated. Among the most important of them are "The Dignity of the Abolition Cause, as compared with' the Political Schemes of the Day " (1839): ' Caste and Slavery in the American Church " (1843); "The Proxy Bill and the Tract. Society " (1859); ' The American Church and the American Slave-Trade" (1860); "The Great Conspiracy and England's Neutrality" (1861); "America Free, or America Slave "; and " The Memories of the Past" (1867). [Appleton’s 1900]
JAY, Peter Augustus, 1776-1843, lawyer, anti-slavery activist. Son of first Chief Justice of the United States and diplomat John Jay. President of the New York Manumission Society in 1816, and President of the Anti-Slavery New York Public School Society. Advocated for suffrage for free African Americans. Dumond, 1961, p. 103; Sorin, 1971, p. 77; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III , 411. Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 5, Pt. 2, p. 11.
JAY, Peter Augustus, lawyer, born in Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 24 January, 1776; died in New York City, 20 Feb., 1843, was graduated at Columbia in 1794, and became his father's private secretary, and in that capacity accompanied him when he was sent as minister to England in 1794. On his return he studied law and achieved a high rank at the New York Bar. In 1816 he was a member of the assembly, being active in promoting legislation for the building of the Erie Canal, and with his brother William supported the bill recommending the abolition of slavery in New York State. He held the office of recorder of New York City in 1819-'21, and was a member of the New York Constitutional Convention in 1821. Mr. Jay was a trustee of Columbia in 1812-'17, and again in 1823-'43, being chairman in 1832. In 1840-'3 he was president of the New York Historical Society, and he was connected with several literary and charitable societies. He received the degree of LL. D. from Harvard in 1831, and from Columbia in 1835. His great learning and strength of intellect, his masterly reasoning, his wisdom and his pre-eminent moral excellence, combined with his thorough refinement and dignity as a man, made him a very marked and remarkable jurist and member of society. Mr. Jay was one of the members of the Kent Club, composed of prominent members of the bar, and was active in the social affairs of New York City. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 411.
JEFFCOAT'S BRIDGE, SOUTH CAROLINA, February 12, 1865. 2nd Division, 20th Army Corps. As Sherman's army was advancing upon Columbia the head of the 20th corps reached Jeffcoat's bridge over the north Edisto river at 2 p. m. on the 12th and found the bridge destroyed, while on the north bank was stationed a force of the enemy with a section of a battery, which opened fire as soon as the Federals appeared. The 2nd division, commanded by Bvt. Major-General John W. Geary, was in the advance and had been skirmishing with some of the enemy's pickets for some distance. Geary now pushed forward the 5th Ohio and 147th Pennsylvania as skirmishers, who made their way with great difficulty through the dense, swampy thickets, and drove the enemy away from the river bank. On the opposite side was a causeway leading through a swamp to the bridge, and the Confederates took up a position at the farther end of this causeway, from which their artillery commanded the bridge, and swept the road with frequent discharges of grape and canister. Geary's troops threw up a small earthwork at the bridge-site and held their position until after dark, when the enemy ceased firing and the 1st Michigan engineers went to work on a bridge to take the place of the one that had been burned. Shortly after midnight this bridge was finished and the skirmishers were pushed forward to find that the enemy had evacuated his position and taken up a new one at a bridge across a small mill stream about three-fourths of a mile from the river. Here a sharp skirmish ensued, which resulted in the complete defeat of the Confederates. Geary reported a loss in these two engagements of 3 killed and 10 wounded. The enemy's loss was not ascertained. Jefferson, Tennessee, December 30, 1862. 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 14th Army Corps. Just as a train of 64 wagons, loaded with camp equipage, stores, officers' baggage, knapsacks, etc., was entering Jefferson it was attacked in the rear and center by a portion of Wheeler's Confederate cavalry, while the remainder advanced on both sides of the highway to attack the brigade stationed there under the command of Colonel John C. Starkweather. The pickets, however, were able to hold the enemy in check until Starkweather formed his brigade in line of battle the 21st Wisconsin being sent to the front and rear of the train and the 1st Wisconsin deploying as skirmishers. The 24th Illinois moved to the bridge and 79th Pennsylvania with 2 sections of the 1st Kentucky battery was pushed to the front. The 21st Wisconsin soon became hotly engaged and took shelter in a number of log houses on a hill to the right. The 2nd Kentucky cavalry was advanced to the left to feel the enemy and was not long in becoming engaged. After a fight lasting over two hours the enemy was repulsed, the brigade following for a mile and a half. The casualties were 1 killed, 8 wounded and 113 missing on the Federal side, most of the missing being captured when the rear of the train was attacked. The Confederate loss was not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 522.
JEFFERS, William Nicholson, naval officer, born in Gloucester County, New Jersey, 6 October, 1824; died in Washington. D. C. 23 July, 1883. He entered the U.S. Navy as a midshipman, 25 September, 1840, took part in the capture of Upper California in 1842, and at the beginning of the Mexican War was ordered to the steamer " Vixen," and was present in all the naval actions in the Gulf of Mexico. He was promoted to master in June, 1854, and commissioned lieutenant in January, 1855, and while in command of the "Water Witch" rescued the Spanish steamer "Cartagena," for which service the queen of Spain presented him with a sword. He was also present at the engagement with the fort at Paso de la Patria, which caused the expedition under Commodore Shubrick to Paraguay. At the beginning of the Civil War he was on sick-leave at his home, but at once applied for service, and was detailed on ordnance duty at Norfolk. He commanded the "Philadelphia" on Potomac River in April and May, 1861, the "Underwriter" during the brilliant operations in the sounds of North Carolina during January and February, 1862, and the “Monitor” in the action with Fort Darling on 15 May of that year. He was commissioned commander in March, 1865, captain in July, 1870, and in April, 1873, became chief of the Bureau of Ordnance. He was made commodore, 26 February, 1878, and in 1875 introduced a system of bronze and steel boat howitzers. In 1876 he doubled the power of the Dahlgren 11-inch smooth-bore by converting it into an 8-inch rifle, and the details of a breach-loading system for every calibre up to 12-inch. He published "Short Methods in Navigation" (1849); "Theory and Practice of Naval Gunnery" (New York, 1850); "Inspection and Proof of Cannon" (1864): "Marine Surveying" (1871); "Ordnance Instructions for U. S. Navy" (1866, 1880), and numerous pamphlets on naval subjects. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 414.
JEFFERSON PIKE, TENNESSEE, December 27, 1862. Left Wing, Army of the Cumberland. As an incident of the Stone's river campaign General Crittenden, commanding the left wing, sent Hazen's brigade of Palmer's division, supported by a battalion of cavalry and a battery, to secure the bridge over Stuart's creek on the Jefferson pike. Near the creek Hazen encountered a force of some 300 Confederates. After a slight skirmish the enemy fell back across the bridge, closely followed by the cavalry, which turned the retreat into a rout. Several of the enemy were killed and wounded and a few were captured. Hazen reported a loss of 3 men missing. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 522.
JEFFERSONTON, VIRGINIA, October 12, 1863. 4th and 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry. At 10 a. m. Colonel J. Irvin Gregg, commanding the 2nd brigade, 2nd cavalry division, learned that the picket guard of the 13th 'a. cavalry, which had been left at Jeffersonton, was being driven back by a superior force of the enemy and the 4th Pennsylvania was immediately sent to reinforce the retreating regiment. One squadron, under command of Major Kerwin charged the enemy and reoccupied the town. About 3 p. m. Gregg gave the order to retire. On his retreat to the river he was attacked on the Bank and rear and it was only with great difficulty that the crossing was effected. The casualties were not reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 523.
Jeffersonville, Virginia, May 8, 1864. (See Abb's Valley.)
JEMISON, ROBERT, legislator, born in Lincoln County, Georgia, 17 September, 1802; died in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 16 October, 1871. He moved in 1821 to Alabama, where he became an active Whig, and was long in the legislature. He was president of the state senate in 1863, and soon afterward entered the Confederate Senate, though he had opposed secession in 1861. He did much toward improving the finances of his state, and was the founder of the Alabama Insane Asylum. The construction of the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad was largely due to his efforts. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 424.
JENCKES, Thomas Allen, 1818-1875, lawyer. Republican Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Rhode Island. Served as Congressman from 1863-1871. Voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 425-426; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 5, Pt. 2, p. 41; Congressional Globe)
JENCKES, Thomas Allen, Congressman, born in Cumberland, R.I., 2 November, 1818; died there, 4 November, 1875. He was graduated at Brown in 1838, and was a tutor in mathematics there in 1839-'40. He studied law, was admitted to the Rhode Island Bar in 1840, and attained note in his profession. He was for many years engaged in the important litigation of the Sickles and Corliss steam-engine patents, and the Day and Goodyear rubber suits. He had an office in New York for many years, as well as in Providence, and was retained by the U.S. government in their cases brought against parties to the Credit Mobilier. During the Dorr Rebellion of 1842 Mr. Jenckes served the constituted authorities in a civil and military capacity, and with his pen as well. He was a secretary of the Landholders' Convention of 1841, and of the convention that framed the constitution of 1842. When the governor's council was established he became its secretary. He served in both houses of the legislature, and in the case of Peckham vs. Burrows, involving the right of the legislature to direct a new trial, convinced that body, and carried it against its previously expressed opinion, and against all other obstacles. This is recorded as one of the greatest forensic triumphs in the annals of Rhode Island. In 1855 he was appointed one of the commissioners to revise the laws of the state. He was elected to Congress in 1862 as a Republican, and served from 1863 till 1871, being at the head of the Committee on Patents, and of the Judiciary Committee. His greatest services in Congress were the revision of the patent and copyright laws, the general bankrupt law of 1867, and the introduction and adoption of a law for improving and regulating the civil service. He took an active part in the deliberations of the house, and on legal questions was an acknowledged authority. He foresaw the Civil War, and urged upon the state and Federal governments active measures to meet it. Witnessing a torch-light parade in the political canvass of 1860, he said: "It will not take much to turn those men into soldiers." Mr. Jenckes became convinced of the necessity of a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the country, and to that end his labors, although they met with vigorous opposition, resulted in the Bankrupt Law of 1867. His services to frame a bill to secure reform in the civil service brought from him, as chairman of the Joint Select Committee on Retrenchment, an elaborate report on the civil-service laws of the world, 14 May, 1868. His bill met with intense and partisan opposition; but, convinced of its desirability, he forced it upon the attention of the country and of Congress, and, after a struggle, succeeded in securing its passage. His advocacy of the bankrupt and civil-service laws brought him before the New York Chamber of Commerce and Cooper Institute audiences, and elsewhere. In Congress he made the presentation address in behalf of his state when the statue of General Nathanael Greene was presented to the nation. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 425-426.
JENKINS, Albert Gallatin, soldier, born in Cabell County, Virginia, 10 November, 1830; died in Dublin, Virginia, 7 May, 1864. He was educated at the Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia, at Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, where he was graduated in 1848, and at Harvard law-school, where he was graduated in 1850. He was admitted to the bar, but never practised, devoting himself instead to agriculture, he was delegate to the National Democratic Convention in Cincinnati in 1856, a member of Congress from Virginia in 1857-'61, and a delegate from Virginia to the Provisional Confederate Congress in the latter year. He then entered the Confederate Army, and was appointed brigadier-general, 5 August, 1862. He commanded a brigade in A. P. Hill's division, and afterward in Stuart's cavalry corps, did good service at Gettysburg, and served in the Shenandoah valley and western Virginia. He was killed in action at Dublin, Virginia. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 426.
JENKINS, Charles Jones, jurist, born in Beaufort District, South Carolina, 6 January, 1805; died in Summerville. Georgia, 13 June, 1883. He moved with his parents to Jefferson County, Georgia, in 1816, and was educated at the State University and at Union College, where he was graduated in 1824. He became a member of the Georgia legislature in 1830, was attorney-general of the state in 1831, but resigning before the expiration of his term, and was again chosen to the legislature, where he remained from 1836 till 1850, serving as speaker of the house whenever his party was in a majority. He was brought up in the state-rights, Jeffersonian, school of politics, but supported Harrison for president in 1840, and Clay in 1844. He was a Union member of the Georgia Convention in 1850, and as its chairman was the author of the resolutions known as "The Platform of 1850," in which it was "resolved that the state of Georgia, even to the disruption of every tie which binds her to the Union, resist any act of Congress abolishing slavery." He declined the secretaryship of the interior which was offered him by President Fillmore in this year, was state senator in 1856, and in 1860 was appointed to the supreme bench of Georgia to supply the vacancy caused by the resignation of Linton Stephens. He held this office till the close of the war. In 1865 he was a member of the state constitutional convention that was called on the proclamation of President Johnson, and, being elected governor the same year under the constitution so formed, held office till he was superseded by General Thomas S. Ruger, of the U. S. Army, who was appointed provisional governor under the reconstruction act of Congress in 1868. He then retired to private life, but was president of the Georgia Constitutional Convention in 1877. For many years he was president of the board of trustees of the University of Georgia. See his " Life," by Charles Colcock Jones (Augusta, Georgia, 1884). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p.426.
JENKINS, David, 1811-1877, free African American, abolitionist leader, newspaper editor and publisher, writer, lecturer, community activist. Publisher of anti-slavery newspaper, Palladium of Liberty, in Columbus, Ohio. (Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., & Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, eds. African American National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2013, Vol. 6, p. 355)
JENKINS, Thornton Alexander, naval officer, born in Orange County, Virginia, 11 December, 1811. He was prepared for college, but entered the U.S. Navy as a midshipman, 1 November, 1828, and in the following spring sailed on the "Natchez " for Cuba, where he performed hazardous services in breaking up nests of pirates. In 1831 he assisted in suppressing Nat Turner's Negro insurrection in Virginia. He was commissioned as lieutenant on 9 December, 1839. and from 1834 till 1842 was employed as assistant to Prof. Ferdinand K. Hassler on the Coast Survey. In 1845 he was sent to Europe to examine lighthouse systems and other aids to navigation, but returned in about a year to prevent being detained in case war should occur with Great Britain. In 1846 he made an elaborate report of the illuminants, towers, light-ships, buoys, beacons, and other adjuncts of the light-house service in England, France, and other European countries. During the Mexican War he served as executive officer of the sloop "Germantown," and afterward in command of the store-ship "Relief," and of the supply and hospital station on Salmadena Island. In the capture of Tuspan and Tobasco he commanded the landing parties from the "Germantown." In 1848 -'51, when Prof. Alexander D. Bache was superintendent of the Coast Survey, he was engaged, while in command of the schooner "John Y. Mason " and the steamers "Jefferson" and "Corwin" in meteorological and hydrographic observations, and in taking deep sea temperatures in the gulf stream. The last-named vessel was built from his designs and under his superintendence. In October, 1852, he was appointed naval secretary to the Light-house Board, having for two years previous served as secretary to the temporary board. He was promoted commander on 14 September, 1855, and given the " Preble" in the Paraguayan Expedition of 1858-'9. Immediately on his return he was ordered to the Caribbean Sea in search of the filibuster William Walker, and thence to Vera Cruz, Mexico, where he took part in the capture of the "Miramon" and "Marquis of Havana," which he convoyed to New Orleans. In conjunction with Captain William F. Smith he was instrumental in saving the forts at Key West and Dry Tortugas from falling into the hands of an expedition that was sent from New Orleans before the Civil War was openly begun. In February, 1861, he was again appointed secretary to the Light-house Board, and during that year performed delicate and secret services at the request of President Lincoln, until he was attacked with serious illness in November. He was promoted captain, 16 July, 1862, and was the senior officer at the repulse of the enemy at Coggin's Point, James River, and at the attack on the U. S. forces at City Point in August, 1862. In the autumn of 1862 he was engaged in blockading Mobile and its approaches in command of the "Oneida," of the Western Gulf Blockading Squadron. He was fleet-captain and chief of staff of Farragut's squadron in the Mississippi, commanding the "Hartford" at the passing of the Port Hudson and Grand Gulf batteries. He had encounters with the enemy at various points on the river, and at the capture of Port Hudson was in chief command of the naval forces, Admiral Farragut having gone some time before on necessary business to New Orleans. In the blockade of Mobile in 1864 he commanded the " Richmond " and the 2d Division of Admiral Farragut's fleet, and he was left in command in Mobile bar till February, 1865, when he was ordered to the James River, and remained there until after the surrender of General Lee. He then went to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to investigate seamen's bounty claims, and was president of a board that awarded a large aggregate sum to enlisted men and their families. He was commissioned as commodore on 25 July, 1860. From 1855 till he resigned the office on the change of administration in 1859, he was chief of the Board of Navigation, and then secretary of the Light-house Board till 1871, being promoted rear-admiral on 13 July, 1870. Afterward he commanded the naval forces on the Asiatic Station until he was retired on 12 December, 1873. He had charge of the exhibit of the Navy Department at the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia in 1876. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 427-428.
JENKINS' FERRY, ARKANSAS, April 30, 1864. (See Camden, Arkansas, Expedition to.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 523.
JENKS' BRIDGE, GEORGIA, December 7, 1864. 15th and 17th Army Corps. When the Federal advance on Savannah reached the Ogeechee river on December 7, 1864, they found the bridge destroyed and the passage of the river disputed by a small force of Confederates on the east bank. The 19th Illinois infantry was left at the crossing, while the remainder of Hazen's division made a diversion in the direction of the Cannouchee river and Bryan Court House. When General Corse arrived at the river he found the 19th Illinois in a line of rifle-pits keeping up a hot fire on the Confederates on the other bank, but the fire was as hotly returned and every time a head appeared above the slight earthworks it was greeted by a Confederate bullet. Corse ordered up a battery and opened fire with artillery. Under protection of the guns a pontoon bridge was constructed and in the face of a galling fire some of the men made a dash across the bridge and gained the opposite side. Finding the numbers too strong to cope with, the Confederates fell back toward Eden and Pooler s Stations. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 523.
JENNIE'S CREEK, KENTUCKY, January 7, 1862. Detachment of the 2nd Virginia Cavalry. Colonel James A. Garfield, in command of the Union forces in eastern Kentucky, sent Colonel Boiles with 300 of his cavalry to attack the enemy on Jennie's creek, while he. with 1,000 men, moved against Humphrey Marshall at Paintville. Garfield discovered that Marshall had evacuated his camp, and moved to join Bolles, whose advance of 60 men had in the meantime attacked and routed 200 Confederate cavalry, killing 6 and wounding several, with a loss to the Union forces of 2 killed and 1 wounded. The whole command then went in pursuit of Marshall. (See Middlecreek and Prestonburg.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 523.
JERICHO BRIDGE, VIRGINIA, May 25, 1864. (See North Anna River.) Jerusalem Plank Road, Virginia, June 22, 1864. 2nd and 6th Army Corps. On the 21st,while the army was extending its lines around Petersburg, the two corps were moved to the west side of the plank road. The next day, in taking a more advanced position, the 6th corps failed to move promptly, leaving a gap in the line on the left of the 2nd. Into this opening the enemy pushed a considerable force, turning the left of Barlow s division and attacking Gibbon's in the rear. In the confusion 4 pieces of McKnight's battery and some prisoners were captured. The men were quickly rallied, however, and Colonel Blaidsell was sent forward with his brigade to recapture the guns. He was met by a galling fire from behind the breastworks lately held by the Union troops, but held his ground and the firing continued until 11 p. m. Blaidsell's men lay on their arms until daylight, when they advanced upon the works and captured a few prisoners, but found that most of the force had retired to the main line of intrenchments during the night, taking the captured guns with them. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 6, p. 523.
JESSUP, William, 1797-1868, Pennsylvania, jurist, abolitionist, temperance activist. Leader of the Republican Party. Wrote party platform for election of 1860. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 431.
JESSUP, William, jurist, born in Southampton, New York, 21 June, 1797; died in Montrose, Pennsylvania, 11 Sept., 1868. He was graduated at Yale in 1815, moved to Montrose in 1818, and was admitted to the bar there. From 1838 till 1851 he was presiding judge of the 11th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and in April, 1861, was one of the committee of three that was sent by the governors of Pennsylvania, New York, and Ohio to confer with President Lincoln relative to raising 75,000 men. He was a pioneer in the cause of education and temperance in northern Pennsylvania, and the chief founder of the County Agricultural Society. In 1848 Hamilton College conferred on him the degree of LL.D. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 431.
JETERSVILLE, VIRGINIA, April 5, 1865. (See Amelia Springs.)
JEWELL, James Stewart, physician, born near Galena, Illinois, 8 September, 1837; died in Chicago, Illinois, 19 April, 1887. He was graduated at Chicago Medical College in 1860, practised in Williamson County, Illinois, for two years, and then settled in Chicago, where he acquired a reputation as a specialist in nervous and mental diseases. During the Civil War he was a contract surgeon in General Sherman's command. He was professor of anatomy in Chicago Medical College from 1864 till 1869, and of nervous and mental diseases from 1872 till his death. In 1874 he began the publication of the "Quarterly Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease." Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 413.
JEWETT, John Punchard, publisher, born in Lebanon, Maine, 16 August, 1814; died in Orange, New Jersey, 14 May, 1884. He was employed when a boy in a book-store and bindery in Salem, Massachusetts, became a partner in the business, and about 1849 established himself in Boston. He was a member in 1835 of the first anti-slavery Society in New England, and wrote many controversial articles for the newspapers. His firm brought out in 1852 the first edition of Mrs. Stowe's " Uncle Tom's Cabin." They also published Maria S. Cummins's " Lamplighter," and other popular works. He was a personal friend of Charles Sumner, Wendell Phillips, Governor John A. Andrew, and John A. Whittier. After losing his property in the panic of 1857, he went to Europe in 1862 in order to introduce a patent, and there became interested in a process of making lucifer-matches, and on his return established a factory in Roxbury, Massachusetts In 1867 he moved to New York City. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 432.
JEWETT, Theodore Herman, physician, born in South Berwick, Maine, 24 March, 1815; died in Crawford Notch, White Mountains, New Hampshire, 20 September, 1878. He was graduated at Bowdoin in 1834, and at Jefferson Medical College in 1840. He was professor of obstetrics and diseases of women and children in the medical department of Bowdoin, consulting surgeon to the Maine General Hospital, surgeon of the first Maine District during the Civil War, and president of the Maine Medical Society, and made many important contributions to current medical literature. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. III, p. 433.