Civil War Encyclopedia: Bab-Bas
Babbitt through Bastion
Babbitt through Bastion
BABBITT, ELIHU BURR, soldier, born in Connecticut about 1802; died at Fort Monroe, 10 December 1881. He was appointed to West Point from Indiana, and was graduated in 1826. He became first lieutenant, 3d U.S. Infantry, 31 March, 1834, assistant quartermaster, 10 March, 1836, and captain, 3d U.S. Infantry, 1 July, 1839. He served in the Florida War of 1837-'8, and in the Mexican War during 1847-8. On 30 May, 1848, he was brevetted major " for meritorious conduct while serving in the enemy's country." He was made chief quartermaster of the Department of Oregon 14 November, 1860, and of the Department of the Pacific 13 September, 1861, serving there until 29 July, 1866, when he was retired from active service, being over sixty-two years old. He was brevetted brigadier-general for his services on 13 March, 1865. General Babbitt, notwithstanding his retirement, served as chief quartermaster of the Department of the Columbia from 1866 till 1867, and had charge of the clothing depot of the Division of the Pacific from 1867 till 1869. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 125.
BABBITT, ISAAC, inventor, born in Taunton, Massachusetts, 26 July, 1799; died in Somerville, Massachusetts, 26 May, 1862. He was a goldsmith by trade, and early turned his attention to the production of alloys, and in 1824 made in Taunton the first britannia ware manufactured in the United States. As this proved financially unsuccessful, he withdrew, and in 1834 moved to Boston, where he engaged with the South Boston Iron Company, better known as Alger's Foundries. While there employed, in 1839, he discovered the now well-known anti-friction metal that bears his name and is so extensively used in lining boxes for axles and gudgeons. For this invention he received in 1841 a gold medal from the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic's Association, and afterward Congress granted him $20,000. He subsequently patented this material in England and in Russia (1847). For some time he devoted his attention to the production of the metal, and he was also engaged in the manufacture of soap. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 125
BABCOCK, CHARLES A., naval officer, born in New York City, 12 June, 1833; died in New Orleans, 29 June, 1876. He was appointed from Michigan, as a midshipman, 8 April, 1850, became passed midshipman in 1856, lieutenant in 1859, lieutenant-commander in 1862, and commander in l869. From 1862 to 1864 he commanded the steamer " Morse," of the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron. While co-operating with the array on the James, York, and Pamunkey Rivers, he defeated the Confederates in several actions, and was highly commended by Rear-Admiral Lee, who in, when commanding the Mississippi Squadron, selected Babcock as his fleet-captain. In June, he superintended the erection of an ordnance depot at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. He was afterward attached to the Pensacola Navy-yard, and in 1868-'9 commanded the steamer " Nyack," of the South Pacific Squadron. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 125.
BABCOCK, JAMES FRANCIS, journalist, born in Connecticut in 1809; died in New Haven, Connecticut, 18 June, 1874. He began newspaper work at an early age, and in 1830 became editor of the New Haven " Palladium," which soon began to issue a daily edition and which he conducted for thirty-one years. He controlled the nominations of the Whig Party for many years, and, though hostile to the Free-Soil Party at its inception, he finally gave it a hearty welcome in 1854. He retained his prestige with the Republican Party for some years, took an active part in furthering the national cause during the war, and, shortly after his resignation as editor of the " Palladium," was appointed, by President Lincoln, collector of the port of New Haven. He retained that office under President Johnson, whose policy he supported; and, after the rupture between the president and the Republicans, Mr. Babcock acted with the Democratic Party, and, after an angry and excited contest, was nominated by them for Congress, but was defeated by the Republican nominee. He was elected by the Democrats to the state legislature in 1873. The legislature of 1874 elected him judge of the Police Court of New Haven. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 125.
BABCOCK, ORVILLE ELIAS, soldier, born in Franklin, Vermont, 25 December 1835 ; drowned in Mosquito Inlet, Florida, 2 June, 1884. He graduated at West Point, and entered the Engineer Corps as 2d lieutenant 6 May, 1861. Promoted, 17 November, 1861, to a first lieutenancy, he constructed, in February, 1862, a pontoon bridge at Harper's Ferry for Banks's movement to Winchester. He was made a captain in the Engineer Corps on 1 June, 1863, and was with the 9th Corps at the surrender of Vicksburg, and in the east Tennessee Campaign, taking part in the battle of Blue Lick Springs and subsequent actions, and at the siege of Knoxville. On 29 March, 1864, he was promoted lieutenant-colonel and appointed aide-de-camp to General Grant, in which capacity he served in the battles of the Wilderness and subsequent operations of the Army of the Potomac. On 13 March, 1865, he was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. At the surrender of Lee at Appomattox he selected the place where the generals met. He was promoted a colonel in the regular army on 25 July, 1866, and served as aide-de-camp to the general-in-chief until General Grant was inaugurated president, when he was assigned to duty with the president and acted as his secretary. He was appointed superintending engineer of public buildings and grounds in 1871, and supervised the construction of Washington Aqueduct, the Chain Bridge across the Potomac, Anacostia Bridge, and the east wing of the department offices, and also the plans for the improvement of Washington and Georgetown Harbors, in January, 1876, he was indicted by the grand jury of St. Louis for complicity in revenue frauds. He demanded a court martial, but was brought to trial in the civil court in February and acquitted, with the aid of a deposition by President Grant. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, pp. 125-126.
BACHE, ALEXANDER DALLAS, son of Richard, scientist, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19 July, 1806; died in Newport, Rhode Island, 17 February, 1867. He early showed an unusual aptitude for learning, and his first instruction was received at a classical school in Philadelphia. At the age of fourteen he was ap- pointed to the U. S. Military Academy, where, although the youngest member of his class, he was at Its head when graduated in 1825. His failure to receive a demerit during the four years is cited as one of the few instances of that character in the history of the academy, so noted for its rigid discipline. On his graduation he was appointed lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers, but was retained at the academy as assistant professor of engineering during 1826, when, until 1829, he served as assistant engineer in the construction of Fort Adams, at Newport, Rhode Island, under Colonel J. G. Totten. Here he met Miss Nancy Clarke Fowler, who afterward became his wife and also his associate in the production of much of his published material. In 1828 he was called to the chair of natural philosophy and chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania, which he occupied until 1841. His resignation from the army is dated 1 June, 1829. Soon after his arrival in Philadelphia he became a member of the Franklin Institute, and at once participated in work as its “Journal” between 1826 and 1836 abundantly testifies. His most important labor at this time was undoubtedly the investigations relating to the bursting of steam boilers. is valuable researches in various branches of physics and chemistry, published in the “Transactions of the American Philosophical Society,” of which he was a prominent member, belong to these years. and his first meteorological investigations date from this period. In 1836 he was intrusted with the organization of Girard College, Philadelphia, became its first president, and was sent to Europe to study the systems of education and methods of instruction and discipline adopted there. On his return in 1839 the results were embodied in a report made to the trustees, which did much to improve the theory and art of education in this country. Owing to the unfinished condition of the college, and in consequence of some delay in the adjustment of its funds, it was not deemed advisable to organize it at once for active operations: therefore Professor Bache offered his services to the municipal government. He became principal of the high school, and during 1841-2 was superintendent of the public schools. The system developed by him while in office has since been generally regarded as a model, and has been introduced in several cities of the union. While in Philadelphia he established, and for some years a magnetic and meteorological observatory, which was largely supported by the American Philosophical Society. In 1842, having satisfactorily completed his labors in the cause of public instruction, he returned to his chair at the university, where he remained until November, 1843, when he was appointed to succeed the late F. R. Hassler as superintendent of the Coast Survey, which place he held until his death. The survey was recommended to Congress by President Jefferson in 1807 was not definitely established until ten years later, when, by the appointment of Mr. Hassler as superintendent, its actual existence began. Under his direction it flourished at times, and the work, though limited in scope, continued until his death; but with the advent of Professor Bache the undertaking assumed larger proportions, and improved plans for extended operations were put into execution. During his able administration the practical value of the survey was thoroughly demonstrated. In the accomplishment of his designs he was not only aided by Congress, but his efforts were likewise greatly encouraged by the approval of scientific societies and their leaders. During the Civil War he greatly assisted the naval and military forces by placing the resources of the Coast Survey at their disposal, and from June to December, 1863, he was chief engineer for devising and constructing the defences of Philadelphia, when it was threatened by the invasion of Pennsylvania. In addition to his work on the Coast Survey, he was ex-officio superintendent of weights and measures, and served, until his death, on the Light-House Board. He was one of the incorporators of the Smithsonian Institute, 1846, and annually during his life was reëlected by Congress. He was active in its direction and in the shaping of its policy. During the Civil War he was elected a vice-president of the U.S. Sanitary Commission, and rendered efficient aid in its work. The University of New York in 1836, the University of Pennsylvania in 1837, and Harvard in 1851, conferred upon him the degree of LL.D.. He served as president of the American Philosophical Society, and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and was the first presiding officer of the National Academy of Sciences, as well as one of its incorporators and most active members. The Royal Society of London, the Institute of France, the Royal Academy of Turin, the Imperial Geographical Society of Vienna, and many similar organizations, included him among their honorary members. The excellence of his work on the Coast Survey was acknowledged by different foreign governments, and he was the recipient of several medals for his prominence in the field of science. His published papers include more than 150 titles and include various topics in physics, chemistry, and engineering. His most extensive work was the “Observations at the Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory at the Girard College” (3 vols., 1840-’7). His property, to the extent of $42,000, was left in trust to the National Academy of Sciences; the income is to be devoted to physical research. See the “Memoir of Alexander Dallas Bache,” by Joseph Henry, with a list of his papers published in Volume I of the “Biographical Memoirs” of the National Academy of Sciences. This memoir appears in the Smithsonian Report for 1870, and also as a special issue in the publications of the Smithsonian Institute. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 127.
BACH, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, great-grandson of Benjamin Franklin, surgeon, born in Monticello, Virginia, 7 February, 1801; died in New York City, 2 November, 1881. He was graduated at Princeton in 1819, and at the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1823, entered the U. S. Navy as assistant surgeon in 1824, and became surgeon in 1828. From 1832 to 1836 he was stationed at Pensacola U. S. Navy-yard, and, while on leave from 1838 to 1841, he was professor of natural science and natural religion in Kenyon College, Ohio. He was fleet-surgeon of the Mediterranean Squadron in 1841–4, and of the Brazil Squadron in 1847–50. From 1850 to 1854 he was at the New York Naval Hospital, and then organized at New York the laboratory that furnishes all medical supplies to the navy. He was director of this from 1853 to 1871, and in 1861 did great service to the government by restocking the laboratory on his own responsibility. In 1863 he was placed on the retired list, but continued to act as superintendent of the laboratory until 1871, when he was appointed medical director, with the relative rank of commodore, and retired from active service. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 128.
BACHE, HARTMAN, engineer, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1797; died there, 8 October, 1872. He was graduated at West Point in 1818, and made brevet captain of staff, and assistant Topographical Engineer. For forty-seven years he was constantly employed on topographical surveys and works of hydrographic and civil engineering, under the direction of the War Department, till 7 March, 1867, when he was placed on the retired list. He became brevet major of engineers, 24 July, 1828; major, 7 July, 1838; lieutenant-colonel, 6 August, 1861; colonel, 3 March, 1863; and on 13 March, 1865, he received the brevet of brigadier-general, the highest grade in the Engineer Corps, for long, faithful, and meritorious services. Among his engineering works of conspicuous merit were the construction of the Delaware Breakwater and the successful application of iron-screw piles for the foundation of light-houses upon sandy shoals and coral-reefs. He was engineer of the 4th Light-House District from 1859, and a member of the Light-House Board from 1862 to 1870. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 128.
BACKBONE MOUNTAIN, Arkansas, September 1, 186}. (See Devil's Backbone.)
BACK CREEK BRIDGE, WEST VIRGINIA, July 27, 1864. Back River Road, Virginia, July 19, 1861. Federal troops surprised Confederate pickets guarding horses. The pickets fled and the horses were taken by the Unionists. Back Road, Virginia, October 7, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3d Division, Sheridan's Army. The brigade, consisting of the 2nd and 5th New York, the 18th Pennsylvania and the 2nd Ohio cavalry and commanded by Colonel Pennington, marched from Dayton on the Back road, burning houses and collecting all the cattle that could be found. The enemy under General Rosser followed, but without attacking until the Federals were going into camp. Then near Brock's gap Rosser attacked the 5th New York and 18th Pennsylvania, and with the help of General Lomax cut off about 75 of the former, who came into camp later. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, pp. 69-70.
BACKUS, ELECTUS, born in New York in 1804; died in Detroit, Michigan., 7 June, 1862 was graduated at West Point in 1824. He was aide to General Hugh Brady from 1828 to 1837, and became captain, October, 1837. In 1838-’40 he served in the Seminole War, and afterward in the Mexican War, being brevetted major on 23 September, 1846, “for gallant and meritorious conduct at Monterey.” In 1847 he was in command of the fortress of San Juan d ’Ulloa. He became major in the 3d Infantry on 10 June, 1850, served in the Navajo Expedition in 1858, was made lieutenant-colonel 19 January, 1859, and colonel 6th Infantry 20 February, 1862. Just before his death, in the early part of the Civil War, he was mustering and disbursing officer at Detroit. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 129.
BACKUS, FRANKLIN T., lawyer, born in Lee, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 6 May, 1813; died in Cleveland, Ohio, 14 May, 1870. He lived on a farm near Lansing, New York, was graduated at Yale in 1836, studied law in Cleveland, and was admitted to the bar in 1839. He was elected prosecuting attorney of the county in 1841, and was sent to the Ohio House of Representatives in 1846, and to the state senate in 1848. He was a delegate to the Peace Congress at Washington in 1861. He supported McClellan for president in 1864, and was a delegate to the national convention that met at Philadelphia in 1866 to form a new party. He gained especial distinction in the early part of his career as prosecuting attorney at the trial of Brooks, who was sentenced to life-long imprisonment for wrecking a train, and as attorney for the Oberlin rescuers, who had assisted in the escape of a slave. In his later years he was much consulted in railroad cases, and was influential in settling the principles governing the Ohio courts regarding railroads. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 129.
BACON CREEK, KENTUCKY, December 26, 1862. 2nd Michigan and 12th Kentucky Cavalry; 25th Michigan and 36th Indiana Infantry. Incidental to Morgan's second Kentucky raid, scouts at 9 p. m. on the 25th informed Colonel Hobson, commanding the Federal post at Munfordville, that Confederates in force were crossing Green river at Burnt Bridge ford and moving toward Hammondsville. Hobson ordered Captain Dickey of the 2nd Michigan cavalry to Bacon creek stockade and Colonel Shanks of the 12th Kentucky cavalry toward Hammondsville. Early next morning, Morgan sent Duke's regiment, Gano's 7th Kentucky cavalry and a section of Palmer's battery, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Hutcheson, to attack the stockade while he proceeded with the main body of his troops to Upton. About 11 a. m. Dickey was attacked and flanked. Having less than 80 effective men, he had to fall back on Munfordville, but fought all the way. Hobson covered Dickey's retreat with all but two companies of the 12th Kentucky, which after attacking the enemy, gradually fell back on Munfordville to draw him in and give play to the Federal skirmishers, consisting of the 25th Michigan infantry (Colonel Moore) on the right; the 36th Indiana (Lieutenant-Colonel Carey) in the center; the convalescent battalion and the 13th Kentucky (Major Hobson) on the left. This strategic disposition of the troops did not succeed. A few shots were fired by the 12th Kentucky, when the enemy fell back to Bacon creek. Hobson kept the 12th Kentucky in line of battle between that stream and Munfordville until after dark, when believing that an attack next morning would result in the destruction of the depot, he doubled his line of pickets and removed his stores within the fortifications. Bagdad, Kentucky, December 12, 1861. 6th Kentucky Volunteers. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 70.
BACON, EDWIN MUNROE, journalist, born in Providence, Rhode Island, 20 October, 1844. He was educated in private schools, finishing his studies in the academy at Foxboro, Massachusetts At the age of nineteen he was appointed on the staff of the Boston “Advertiser,” and has since been connected as reporter, correspondent, managing editor, and editor-in-chief with various journals. He was chief editor of the Boston “Globe” during its career as an independent paper. In May, 1866, he assumed the editorial control of the Boston “Post.” The degree of A. M. was conferred on him by Dartmouth in 1879. He has edited several works, among them “King's Hand-Book of Boston ” and “Boston Illustrated,” and written a “Dictionary of Boston ” (Boston, 1883, new ed., 1886). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 131.
BACON, HENRY, artist, born in Haverhill, Massachusetts, in 1840. He volunteered in the 13th Massachusetts Infantry for the Civil War, and was wounded. In 1864 he went to Paris and entered the Ecole des Beaux Arts, studying also under Cabanel and Edward Frère. His best-known work is “Boston Boys and General Gage,” which was first exhibited in the Paris salon of 1875 and at the Philadelphia Centennial in 1876. His favorite subjects are figures so treated as to tell a story, historical or imaginative, in the most effective manner. His professional residence is for the most part in Paris, and he is a frequent exhibitor at the salon. The titles of some of his more important pictures are “Paying the Scot” (1870); “Franklin at Home” (1876); “Les Adieux” and “Land! Land!” (1878); “In Normandy” (Paris salon, 1878); “The Luck of Roaring Camp’ (1881); and “Lover's Quarrel” (1882); “Le Plainariste.” Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 131.
BACON, LEONARD, REVEREND, 1802-1881, Detroit, Michigan, clergyman, newspaper editor, author, opponent of slavery. Original supporter of the American Colonization Society in New England. Editor of the Christian Spectator, 1826-1838. He later edited the Journal of Freedom. Abraham Lincoln read and was influenced by Bacon’s writing on Colonization. Aided the Amistad captives during their trial. Bacon, with Lyman Beecher and William Fiske, founded the American Union for the Relief and Improvement of the Colored Race, which was supported by abolitionist Arthur Tappan. In 1843, helped establish The New Englander, where he wrote many anti-slavery articles. (Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, pp. 129-130; Staudenraus, P. J. The African Colonization Movement, 1816-1865. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961, pp. 77-79, 119-120, 126, 127, 130-131, 134, 161, 204, 205, 231)
BACON, Leonard, clergyman, born in Detroit, Michigan, 19 February, 1802; died in New Haven, Connecticut, 24 December, 1881. He was graduated at Yale in 1820, and studied theology at Andover. In March, 1825, he was ordained pastor of the 1st Church in New Haven, and continued in this office until his death—fifty-seven years. From 1866, being relieved of the main burden of pastoral work, he occupied the chair of didactic theology in Yale until 1871, and thereafter was lecturer on ecclesiastical polity and American church history. He was a representative of the liberal orthodoxy and historic polity of the ancient New England churches. His life was incessantly occupied in the discussion of questions bearing on the interests of humanity and religion. Probably no subject of serious importance that came into general notice during his long career escaped his earnest and active attention. A public question which absorbed much of his thought after 1823 was that of slavery. His constant position was that of resistance to slavery on the one hand, and of resistance to the extravagances of certain abolitionists on the other; and he thought himself well rewarded for forty years of debate, in which, as he was wont to say of himself, quoting the language of Baxter, that, “where others had had one enemy he had had two,” when he learned that Abraham Lincoln referred to his volume on slavery as the source of his own clear and sober convictions on that subject. He was a strong supporter of the union throughout the Civil War, and took active part in the various constitutional, economical, and moral discussions to which it gave rise. He was influential in securing the repeal of the “omnibus clause” in the Connecticut divorce law. In March, 1874, he was moderator of the council that rebuked Henry Ward Beecher's Society for irregularly expelling Theodore Tilton, and in February, 1876, of the advisory council called by the Plymouth Society. During his later years he was, by general consent, regarded as the foremost man among American Congregationalists. He became known in oral debate, in which he excelled, by his books, and preeminently by his contributions to the periodical press. From 1826 till 1838 he was one of the editors of the “Christian Spectator.” In 1843 he aided in establishing “The New Englander” review, to which he continued to contribute copiously until his death. In that publication appeared many articles from his pen denouncing, on religious and political grounds, the policy of the government in respect to slavery. With Drs. Storrs and Thompson he founded the “Independent” in 1847, and continued with them in the editorship of it for sixteen years. He had great delight in historical studies, especially in the history of the Puritans, both in England and in America. Besides innumerable pamphlets and reviews, He published “Select Works of Richard Baxter,” with a biography (1830); “Manual for Young Church-Members” (1833); “Thirteen Historical Discourses” on the 200th anniversary of the beginning of the 1st Church in New Haven (1839); “Views and Reviews; an Appeal against. Division” (1840); “Slavery Discussed in Occasional Essays” (1846); “Christian Self-Culture” (1862); “Four Commemorative Discourses” (1866); “Genesis of the New England Churches” (1874); “Sketch of Reverend David Bacon” (1876); and “Three Civic Orations for New Haven” (1879). Appletons’ Cyclopædia of American Biography, 1888.
BACON, JOHN EDMUND, lawyer, born in Edgefield C. H., South Carolina, 3 March, 1832. He was a grandson of Edmund Bacon, was graduated at South Carolina College in 1851, and studied afterward at Leipsic, Germany. He read law at Litchfield, Connecticut, and soon won distinction at the bar. His aptitude for the languages, ancient and modern, led to his appointment as secretary of legation to St. Petersburg in 1858, and he acted as chargé d'affaires until the arrival of the Hon. F. W. Pickens as U. S. minister. In 1859 he married at St. Petersburg Rebecca Calhoun, youngest daughter of Governor Pickens. While on his wedding tour he heard of the election of Mr. Lincoln and sent his resignation to the Department of State. In 1861 he returned to South Carolina, entered the Confederate Army as a private and rose to the rank of major. In 1866 he was sent with Governor James L. Orr to arrange with President Johnson for the restoration of South Carolina to the union. In 1867 he was elected district judge, but was soon afterward deposed by the federal general then in command of that department. In 1872 he was a Democratic nominee for Congress, but was defeated by R. B. Elliott, the able Negro politician. Judge Bacon has travelled extensively in Russia, and has occupied his leisure time in the collection and preparation of materials for a future history of that country. In 1886 he was appointed chargé d'affaires for the United States in Uruguay and Paraguay. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 131.
BADEAU, ADAM, author, born in New York City, 29 December 1831. His education was received through private instruction and at a boarding-school in Tarrytown, New York. He volunteered in the military service of the United States in 1862, and was appointed aide on the staff of Brigadier-General Thomas W. Sherman. In that capacity he served in Louisiana until 27 May, 1863, when he was severely wounded, almost at the same time with his commanding officer, in leading an assault on the Confederate works at Port Hudson. In March, 1864, he was appointed military secretary to General Grant, with the rank, first of lieutenant-colonel and afterward of colonel. On this duty he accompanied the general in the Wilderness and Appomattox Campaigns, and remained on his staff until March, 1869, when he was retired from the army with the full rank of captain and the brevet rank of Brigadier-General. He also received a similar brevet in the volunteer service. From May to December, 1869, he was secretary of legation at London. During 1870 he was sent to Madrid as a bearer of government despatches, and in May returned to London as consul-general, retaining that office until September, 1881. In 1877 and 1878 he was given leave of absence by the State Department to accompany General Grant on his tour round the world. He was consul-general at Havana from May, 1882, until April, 1884, and then resigned because he was not permitted by the State Department to substantiate charges of corruption of which he accused its administration. He had been appointed U. S. minister to Brussels in 1875, and to Copenhagen in 1881, but declined both appointments. He has published " The Vagabond,” a collection of essays (New York, 1859); "Military History of Ulysses S. Grant" (3 vols., 1867-81); “Conspiracy: a Cuban Romance " (1885); "Aristocracy in England" (1886); and "Grant in Peace" (1886). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 132.
BADGER, GEORGE EDMUND, statesman, born in Newbern, North Carolina, 13 April, 1795; died in Raleigh, North Carolina, 11 May, 1866. He was graduated at Yale in 1813, and studied law in Raleigh. In 1816 he was elected to the state legislature, and devoted the next four years of his life to law and legislation. From 1820 to 1825 he was judge of the North Carolina Superior Court at Raleigh. In 1840 he was a prominent advocate of the election of General Harrison to the presidency, and in March, 1841, was appointed Secretary of the Navy. On the death of President Harrison, and the separation of Mr. Tyler from the Whig Party, Mr. Badger resigned, giving the veto of President Tyler on the second bank bill as his reason. The Whigs of North Carolina returned him at the first opportunity to the Senate. He was elected to fill a vacancy in 1846, and in 1848 reelected for a full term. In 1853 President Fillmore nominated him as a judge of the U. S. Supreme Court, but the Senate refused to confirm the nomination. At the expiration of his senatorial term he retired from public life and devoted himself wholly to his profession. In February, 1861, when the proposition to hold a convention for the purpose of seceding from the union was submitted to the people of his state, he consented to serve as a union candidate if the convention should be called. The proposition was defeated by the people; but when, in May, 1861, the convention was finally called, he served in it as a representative from Wake County. He spoke ably in defence of the union, and after the ordinance of secession was passed was known as a member of the conservative party. Mr. Badger was a vigorous speaker, but wrote little. He excelled in debate and was a man of profound research. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 132
BADGER, OSCAR C., naval officer, born in Windham, Connecticut, 12 August, 1823; died in Concord, Massachusetts, 20 June, 1899. He entered the U.S. Navy as a midshipman, served on the steamer “Mississippi” on the eastern coast of Mexico during the war with that country, and participated in the attack on Alvarado in 1846. He was made passed midshipman 10 August, 1847, from that time until 1852 was on various ships of the Pacific Squadron, and in 1853-'4 at the Naval Observatory. On 15 September, 1855, he was made lieutenant, and, while attached to the sloop “John Adams” in 1855-'6, he commanded a party that attacked and destroyed the village of Vutia, Feejee Islands. In 1861-'2 he commanded the steamer “Anacostia,” of the Potomac Flotilla, and Lieutenant Wyman, the commander of the flotilla, often mentioned in his reports the precision of fire of Badger's vessel. He was made lieutenant-commander on 16 July, 1862, and commanded the iron-clads “Patapsco” and “Montauk” in the engagements with the forts and batteries in Charleston Harbor in 1863. In the night attack on Fort Sumter, 1 September, 1863, he was on the flag-ship “Weehawken,” as acting fleet captain, when he was severely wounded in the leg by a metallic splinter. After this he was on shore duty until 1866, and on 23 July of that year was made commander. From 1866 to 1867 he commanded the “Peoria,” of the North Atlantic Squadron, and received a vote of thanks from the legislatures of the islands of Antigua and St. Kitts for services rendered to the authorities. From 1868 to 1870 he was at the Portsmouth U.S. Navy-yard. In 1872 he was made captain, and on 15 November, 1881, commodore. In 1885 he was placed on the retired list. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 133.
BAGBY, GEORGE WILLIAM, author, born in Buckingham County, Virginia, 13 August, 1828; died in Richmond, Va., 29 November, 1883. He was educated at Edgehill School, Princeton, New Jersey, and at Delaware College, Newark, Delaware, leaving the latter at the end of his sophomore year. Subsequently he studied medicine and was graduated at the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania. In 1853 he became editor of the Lynchburg (Virginia) Daily “Express,” and was for some time the Washington correspondent of the New Orleans “Crescent,” Charleston “Mercury,” and Richmond “Dispatch.” From 1859 he was, until its suspension near the end of the war, editor of the “Southern Literary Messenger,” and at the same time associate editor of the Richmond “Whig,” and a frequent contributor to the “Southern Illustrated News.” From 1 January, 1870, to 1 July, 1878, he was state librarian of Virginia. He lectured frequently, and met with success as a humorist in many parts of Virginia and Maryland. He was the author of many humorous articles published under the pen name of “Mozis Addums.” His sketches were collected and published by Mrs. Bagby, as “The Writings of ''Bagby.” (3 vols. Richmond, 1884-'6). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 135.
BAGGAGE OF AN ARMY -- Called by the Romans impedimenta, and by Bonaparte embarras. No question is more important in giving efficiency to an army, than the regulation of its baggage. Nothing so seriously impairs the mobility of an army in the field as its baggage-train, but this baggage is necessary to its existence; and the important question therefore arises, How shall the army be sustained with least baggage? Sufficient attention is not paid by Government to this subject in time of peace, and in war the commander of the troops finds himself therefore obliged to use the unstudied means which his Government hastily furnishes. In respect to artillery and artillery equipments, the minutest details are regulated. It should be the same with other supplies. In the United States Army, the quartermaster's department has charge of transports, and some steps have been taken to regulate the subject; but legislation is required for the necessary military organization of conductors and drivers of wagons, and perhaps, also, unless our arsenals may be so used, for the establishment of depots, where a studied examination of field transportation may be made, which will recommend rules, regulating the kinds of wagons or carts be used in different circumstances; prescribing the construction of wagon and its various parts in a uniform manner, so that the corresponding part of one wagon will answer for another, giving the greatest possible mobility to these wagons consistent with strength; prescribing the harness, equipment, valises of officers, blacksmith forges, tool chests, chests for uniforms, bales of clothing, packing of provisions, and, generally, the proportion, form, substance, and dimensions of articles of supply; what should be the maximum weight of packages; the means to be taken for preventing damage to the articles; the grade, duties and pay of the quartermasters, wagon masters, and drivers should be properly regulated; rules for loading should be given; and, finally, a complete system of marks, or modes of recognition should be systematized. With such rules, and the adoption of a kitchen cart, (See WAGON,) together with small cooking utensils for field service which may be carried by the men, an army would no longer always be tied to a baggage train, and great results might be accomplished by the disconnection. (See CONVOY; WAGON.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, pp. 77-78).
BAILEY, GAMALIEL, MD, 1807-1859, Maryland, abolitionist leader, journalist, newspaper publisher and editor. Publisher and editor of National Era (founded 1847), of the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. Co-founded Cincinnati Anti-Slavery Society in 1835. Corresponding Secretary, Ohio Anti-Slavery Society, editor of the Cincinnati Philanthropist, the official newspaper of the Ohio State Anti-Slavery Society. Assistant and Co-Editor, The Abolitionist newspaper. Liberty Party. Publisher of Liberty Party paper, the Philanthropist, in Ohio. Published Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 1851-1852.
(Blue, 2005, pp. 21, 25-26, 28, 30, 34, 52, 55, 67, 148-149, 166, 192, 202, 223, 248; Dumond, 1961, pp. 163, 223, 264, 301; Filler, 1960, pp. 78, 150, 194-195, 245, 252; Harrold, 1995; Mitchell, 2007, pp. 4, 5, 14, 23, 24, 26, 27, 44, 46, 54, 61, 63, 69, 88-89, 91, 103, 106; Rodriguez, 2007, pp. 50, 185; Sinha, 2016, p. 466; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 136; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 1, Pt. 1, pp. 496-497; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 1, p. 881; Minutes, Convention of the Liberty Party, June 14, 15, 1848, Buffalo, New York)
BAILEY, Gamaliel, journalist, born in Mount Holly, New Jersey, 3 December, 1807; died at sea, 5 June, 1859. He studied medicine in Philadelphia, and after obtaining his degree in 1828 sailed as a ship's doctor to China. He began his editorial career in the office of the “Methodist Protestant” in Baltimore, but in 1831 he moved to Cincinnati, where he served as hospital physician during the cholera epidemic. His sympathies being excited on the occasion of the expulsion of a number of students on account of anti-slavery views from Lane Seminary, he became an active agitator against slavery, and in 1836 he associated himself with James G. Birney in the conduct of the “Cincinnati Philanthropist,” the earliest anti-slavery newspaper in the west, of which in 1837 he became sole editor. Twice in that year, and again in 1841, the printing-office was sacked by a mob. He issued the paper regularly until after the presidential election of 1844, when he was selected to direct the publication of a new abolitionist organ at Washington. The first number of the “National Era,” published under the auspices of the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, appeared 1 January, 1847. In 1848 an angry mob laid siege to the office for three days, and finally separated under the influence of an eloquent harangue by the editor. The “Era,” in which “Uncle Tom's Cabin” originally appeared, ably presented the opinions of the anti-slavery party. Dr. Bailey died while on a voyage to Europe for his health. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I. pp. 136.
BAILEY, GUILFORD DUDLEY, soldier, born in Martinsburg, New York, 4 June, 1834; killed in action, 31 May, 1862. He was graduated at West Point in 1856, and assigned to the 2d U.S. Artillery. He served on frontier and garrison duty. He was at Fort Leavenworth during the Kansas disturbances of 1857-'9, and at West Point as instructor for a short time in 1859. When the Civil War began he was stationed at Fort Brown, Texas, but, with his immediate superior, Captain Stoneman, refused to surrender when General Twiggs attempted to give up his entire command to the Confederates, and effected his escape into Mexico. Reporting for duty as soon as he could reach the north, he was sent with Hunt’s battery to the relief of Fort Pickens, Florida Returning on account of sickness, he organized and was appointed colonel of the 1st New York Light Artillery Volunteers (25 September, 1861), joined the Army of the Potomac. Bailey was detailed as chief of artillery in General Casey's division during the Peninsular Campaign, and was killed among his guns at the battle of Seven Pines. A monument has been raised to his memory in the cemetery at Poughkeepsie. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 136.
BAILEY, JAMES E., senator, born in Montgomery County, Tennessee, 15 August, 1822. He was educated at Clarksville Academy and at the University of Nashville, was admitted to the bar, and began the practice of law at Clarksville in 1843. In 1853 he was elected to the Tennessee House of Representatives. He served in the Confederate Army, though not an original secessionist. He was a member of the court of arbitration in 1874, by appointment of the governor of Tennessee, and was elected U. S. Senator from Tennessee in place of Andrew Johnson, taking his seat 29 January, 1877. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 137.
BAILEY, JAMES MONTGOMERY, author, born in Albany, New York, 25 September, 1841. He received a common-school education and became a carpenter. In 1860 he moved to Danbury, Connecticut, where he worked at his trade for two years, occasionally contributing to the newspapers, and then enlisted in the 17th Connecticut Regiment, with which he served until the end of the war. After his return he purchased in 1865, the Danbury “Times,” which he afterward consolidated with the “Jeffersonian,” acquired in 1870, under the name of the Danbury “News.” For this paper he wrote short, humorous articles, generally descriptive of every-day mishaps, which were reprinted in other journals throughout the country. In 1873 a demand for his paper was found outside of Danbury, and its circulation rose to 30,000 copies. His first printed book was “Life in Danbury” (Boston, 1873), a collection of articles from his newspaper. The same year he published “The Danbury News Man's Almanac.” In 1874 he visited Europe for his health, and after his return delivered a lecture which was published in a volume in 1878, with the title “England from a Back Window.” He published in 1877 “They All do it,” in 1879 “Mr. Phillips's Goneness,” and in 1880 “The Danbury Boom.’ Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography.
BAILEY, JOSEPH, farmer, born in Salem, Ohio, 28 April, 1827; killed near Nevada, Newton County, Missouri, 21 March, 1867. He entered the military service of the United States 2 July, 1861, as captain in the 4th Wisconsin Infantry. The regiment was ordered to Maryland and assigned to the expedition under General Benjamin. F. Butler, which occupied New Orleans after its reduction by Farragut's fleet, in April, 1862. Bailey was appointed acting engineer of the defences of New Orleans in December, 1862, and while so detailed was promoted to be major (30 May, 1863). A month later (June 24) he became lieutenant-colonel. In August, 1863, the regiment was changed from infantry to cavalry, and Lieutenant-Colonel Bailey was sent home on recruiting service, returning to duty with his regiment in February, 1864, in time to accompany the army of General N. P. Banks in the Red River Campaign. Here occurred the opportunity that enabled Lieutenant-Colonel Bailey to achieve one of the most brilliant feats ever accomplished in military engineering. The Expedition had been carefully timed to coincide with the regular annual spring rise in Red River, in order that the U.S. Navy might coöperate and the river serve as a base of supplies. The army, under General Banks, advanced south of the river, accompanied and supported by a fleet of twelve gun-boats and thirty transports. The advance suffered a defeat at Sabine Cross Roads on 8 April, and retreated to Alexandria, where it was found that the water had fallen so much that it was impossible for the fleet to pass below the falls. Rear-Admiral Porter, commanding the squadron, was reluctantly making preparations to save what stores he could and to destroy his gunboats, preparatory to retreating with the army, as he was advised that the land position was not tenable, when Lieutenant-Colonel Bailey proposed to build a dam and deepen the water in mid-channel so that the gun-boats could pass. The regular engineers condemned the project as impracticable; but Lieutenant-Colonel Bailey persevered, and, in the face of discouraging opposition and indifference on the part of the navy, finally, on 30 April, procured the necessary authority from General Banks. When the work was actually begun, there was no lack of men or of zeal. General Jas. Grant Wilson, then a member of General Banks's staff, strongly advocated the scheme, and aided in the construction of the dam. Details of 3,000 soldiers were kept at work night and day, and several hundred lumbermen from Maine regiments did good, service in felling and moving trees. The fatigue parties relieved one another at regular intervals, all working with remarkable endurance, often up to their necks in water, and under a semi-tropical sun. The rapids to be deepened were about a mile long and from 700 to more than 1,000 feet wide, with a current of ten miles an hour. On the north bank a tree dam was built, while on the south side, there being no timber, a series of heavy cribs were constructed from material obtained by demolishing several old mills, while the brick, iron, and stone required to sink and hold them in place were procured by tearing down two sugar-houses and taking up a quantity of railroad iron buried in the vicinity. The dams, thus built on both sides of the river, left an opening of sixty-six feet. So energetically and systematically was the work pushed that on the morning of 12 May the whole fleet passed safely down the falls without loss. The Mississippi Squadron was saved through the native engineering skill of a Wisconsin farmer. His services received prompt recognition, and on 7 June he was brevetted brigadier-general, and on 30 June was promoted to the full grade of colonel, and subsequently received the formal thanks of Congress. The officers of the fleet presented him with a sword and a purse of $3,000. After this feat General Bailey's military record was highly creditable. In November, 1864, he was promoted brigadier- general of Volunteers, and hail command of the engineer brigade of the military Division of the West Mississippi and of different cavalry brigades until he resigned, 7 July, 1865. After leaving the army he settled as a farmer in Newton County, Missouri, and was elected sheriff, an office which he filled with his accustomed firmness and daring. He met his death at the hands of two desperadoes, whom he had personally served warrants, and whom, with characteristic fearlessness, he was escorting to the county-scat without assistance. It is interesting to know that the main portion of the dam, constructed under such haste, was in place twenty-two years afterward, and bade fair to last indefinitely. It is still known as " Bailey's Dam." Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, pp. 137-138.
BAILLY, JOSEPH A., sculptor, born in Paris, France, in 1825. He began his career as a woodcarver, immigrated to Philadelphia in 1825, and pursued his occupation with success. Later he applied himself to marble sculpture, and became a professor in the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. He has produced a statue of Washington, which was placed in front of the Philadelphia State-House in 1869; a colossal statue of Witherspoon; the companion groups called “The First Prayer” and “Paradise Lost”; portrait busts of General Grant and General Meade; an equestrian statue of President Blanco of Venezuela, and “Spring.” Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 139.
BAILEY, RUFUS WILLIAM, educator, born in North Yarmouth, Maine , 13 April, 1793; died in Huntsville, Texas, 25 April, 1863. He was graduated at Dartmouth College in 1813, and taught in the academies at Salisbury, New Hampshire, and Blue Hill, Maine , then studied law with Daniel Webster, but at the end of a year entered Andover Theological Seminary, and on the completion of his studies was licensed, and began preaching at Norwich Plain, at the same time filling the place of teacher of moral philosophy in the military school. In 1824 he was installed pastor of the church in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, where he remained four years. He was then obliged to move to the south for the sake of his health, and subsequently taught for more than twenty years in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia, in the latter state travelling at one time extensively as agent of the Colonization Society. In 1854 he was elected professor of languages in Austin College, at Huntsville, Texas, and in 1858 became its president. He was the author of a series of newspaper letters on slavery, subsequently published in a volume under the title of The Issue "; also of a volume of sermons entitled "The Family Preacher"; of letters to daughters, entitled "The Mother's Request"; of a " Primary Grammar," and of a " Manual of English Grammar," used extensively in southern schools. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 138.
BAILEY, THEODORUS, senator, born in Dutchess County, New York, 12 October, 1758; died in New York City, 6 September, 1828. He was a representative in Congress from New York from 1793 to 1797. and from 1799 to 1803. In 1803 he was chosen a senator from New York, but resigned in the following year and accepted the postmastership of New York City, which office he held until his death.—His nephew, Theodorus, naval officer (born in Chateaugay, New York, 12 April, 1805; died in Washington, D. C, 10 February, 1877), was appointed a midshipman from New York. 1 January, 1818. and received his commission as lieutenant 3 March, 1827. His first cruise was on board the "Cyane," Captain Trenchard, which captured several slavers on the coast of Africa m 1820-'l. He then made a three years' cruise in the Pacific on the "Franklin." In 1833-36, he sailed on a cruise round the world on board the "Vincennes." After serving on the frigate "Constellation," in which he again sailed round the world, he was placed in command of the store ship " Lexington " in 1840, in which, on the breaking out of the Mexican War, he conveyed to California, by way of Cape Horn, an artillery company and several officers who afterward became famous, including Henry W. Hallock, William T. Sherman, and E. O. C. Ord. Lieutenant Bailey rendered efficient aid to the Pacific Squadron by fitting out and leading numerous expeditions. He made use of his vessel, an old razee, as an armed cruiser, and, after landing the troops at Monterey, blockaded and captured San Blas, and was actively employed with the land forces in the conquest of California. He was commissioned as commander 6 March, 1849, and as captain 15 December, 1855. On 6 September, 1853, he was assigned to the command of St. Mary's,” of the Pacific Squadron, and cruised for three years. Arriving opportunely at Panama during the riots, he took steps to suppress them that were successful and satisfactory alike to the citizens and the government. On the same cruise he was instrumental in restoring friendly relations with the inhabitants of the Fiji Islands. At the beginning of the Civil War he was placed in command of the frigate “Colorado,” of the Western Gulf Blockading Squadron, and on 2 May, 1861, coöperated with General Harvey Brown in the operations before Pensacola. He reconnoitered the position of the “Judah,” going up to her side in his gig on the night of 13 September, 1861, and matured the plan by which Lieutenant Russell cut out and burned that Confederate privateer a few hours later. Joining Farragut's squadron at New Orleans, as second in command, he led the attack in April, 1862, commanding the right column of the fleet in the passage of the forts St. Philip and Jackson, and leading the fleet in the capture of the Chalmette batteries and of the city. He led the attack in the gunboat “Cayuga,” passing up, ahead of the fleet, through the fire of five of the forts, sustaining unaided the attack of the Confederate vessels, rams, and fire, and passed through them to the city. Admiral Farragut sent Bailey to demand the surrender of New Orleans. Accompanied by Lieutenant George H. Perkins, he passed through the streets in the midst of a hooting mob, who threatened the officers with drawn pistols and other weapons. In his official report of the victory, dated 24 April, 1862, Captain Bailey used the famous phrase: “It was a contest of iron hearts in wooden ships against iron-clads with iron beaks —and the iron hearts won.” The important part actually taken by Bailey was not adequately recognized in the first official account, though Admiral Farragut commended his gallantry and ability in the official report, and sent him to Washington with the despatches announcing the victory. The mistake was afterward rectified by Admiral Farragut, and the correction appended to the report of the Secretary of the Navy for 1869. He was promoted commodore after the capture of New Orleans, receiving his commission 16 July, 1862, and was assigned to the command of the Eastern Gulf Blockading Squadron. Although his health was impaired, he displayed energy and perseverance in breaking up blockade-running on the Florida Coast, and runners were captured through his vigilance. After the war he was commandant of the Portsmouth Navy-yard from 1865 to 1867. On 25 July, 1866, he was commissioned as rear-admiral, and on 10 October, 1866, he was placed on the retired list. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, pp. 138-139.
BAILEY, WILLIAM S., newspaper editor of the Newport News in Newport, Kentucky. In the 1850s, his newspaper office was wrecked and his home burned down by angry mobs. Opposed slavery and said, “The system of slavery enslaves all who labor for an honest living.”
BAILEY'S, ARKANSAS, January 21, 1864. Detachment of the 2nd Arkansas Cavalry. Lieutenant Phelps of the 3d U. S. cavalry, commanding the Arkansas regiment with 166 men, camped on the 21st at Rolling's farm, some 30 miles from Carrollton, where he was joined by 34 men of Companies A and B. At Bailey's, Company C, under command of Lieutenant Orr, surprised a guerrilla chief and 3 of his gang, killed 2 of the latter and left the other for dead. Bailey's Corners, Virginia, August 28-30, 1861. 2nd and 3d Michigan Infantry. On August 28, Captain Dillman, with a detachment of 250 men of the 2nd Michigan infantry, marched from Hunter's chapel to Bailey's cross-roads to occupy and hold that point against Confederate encroachments. He reached there at 10 a. m. and at once threw out pickets. The enemy's pickets maintained a fire until 10 p. m. and at daybreak on the 29th the firing was resumed, but was not returned by the Federals. Emboldened by the latter's silence, the enemy sent out a detachment of 80 to 100 men, apparently with the intention of driving in the pickets on the right of Dillman's line, thus cutting off his communication with his regiment. This movement was partially successful, but the pickets rallied and reinforced by 40 skirmishers under Captain Humphrey, drove back the Confederates, while Major Champlin of the 3d Michigan engaged the enemy's front with troops of Lieutenant Morris and Captain Judd. The Federal pickets were reestablished and the forces of both sides were in the positions they had occupied in the morning. The Federal loss was 1 mortally wounded; Confederate loss greater. Colonel Stuart (Confederate) informed General Longstreet of an "affair" here on the 27th. of which he related that at daylight on the 28th he had a piece of rifled cannon, Washington battery, brought clandestinely in position to bear on Bailey's cross-roads and fired 4 shots, distance being by the shots 1,350 yards, which dispersed the Federals at that point and developed the fact that they had no artillery there, and added: "The fire of artillery dispersed also a long line of skirmishers." His loss was 1 killed, 6 wounded and he took some prisoners. He concluded with the information that the Federals at Bailey's cross-roads had reassembled. Connection of this affair with others reported above is not clearly apparent. Bailey's Creek, Virginia, August 16, 1864. The action at Bailey's creek on this date was a part of the operations about Deep Bottom, a full account of which is given under that head under date of August 13-20, 1864. Bainbridge, Tennessee, October 30, 1864. Bainbridge Ferry, Alabama, January 25, 1864. Johnson's brigade of Roddey's Confederate command crossed the Tennessee river at Bainbridge, 3 miles above Florence, and at Newport ferry, 6 miles below Florence, intending to make a junction with a brigade of infantry that was expected to cross the river at Lamb's and Brown's ferries and to proceed thence to Athens to capture the Federal troops there. A Federal force of Major-General Thomas' command, under Colonel Miller of the 18th Missouri infantry, engaged them near Florence and routed them, killing 15 and wounding and capturing others. Federal loss, 15 killed, 25 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 70-71.
BAIRD, ABSALOM, 1824-1905, abolitionist leader, Washington Society (Basker, 2005, p. 225; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 1, Pt. 1, p. 504)
BAIRD, Absalom, soldier, born in Washington, Pennsylvania, 20 August, 1824. He was graduated at Washington College in 1841 and studied law. In 1845 he entered the West Point Academy, was graduated in 1849, and served as second lieutenant in the Florida hostilities from 1850 to 1853. He was promoted first lieutenant 24 December, 1853, and from 1853 to 1859 was stationed at West Point as assistant professor of mathematics. In March, 1861, he took command of the light battery for the defence of Washington, and on 11 May was brevetted captain and appointed assistant in the adjutant-general's department. In July, 1861, he served as adjutant-general of Tyler's division in the defence of Washington and in the Manassas Campaign, being present at Blackburn's Ford and at Bull Run. He was promoted captain 3 August, 1861, served as assistant adjutant-general and was promoted major 12 November, 1861, and served as assistant inspector-general and chief of staff of the Fourth Army Corps in the Peninsular Campaign, where he was engaged in the siege of Yorktown and the battle of Williamsburg. He commanded a brigade of the Army of the Ohio from May to September, 1862, and was engaged in the capture of Cumberland Gap. From October, 1862, to June, 1863, he commanded the 3d Division of the Army of Kentucky about Lexington and Danville and in the operations of General Rosecrans in Tennessee, he engaged at Tullahoma, the capture of Shelbyville, Dutch Gap, Pigeon Mountain, and Chickamauga. For gallant and meritorious services in the last action he received the brevet of lieutenant-colonel. In operations about Chattanooga he commanded a division of the 14th Army Corps and gained the brevet rank of colonel. He was engaged in the battle of Missionary Ridge, was in numerous skirmishes in pursuit of the enemy in the invasion of Georgia, and was present at the surrender of Atlanta. He was brevetted major-general of Volunteers for services in the capture of Atlanta, in the pursuit of Hood's Army and the march to the sea, and the capture of Savannah. He participated in the march through the Carolinas, was engaged at Bentonville and Raleigh, and was present at the surrender of Johnston's Army at Durham Station. For his services in the Atlanta Campaign he received the brevet rank of brigadier-general in the regular army on 13 March, 1865, with that of major-general for services during the rebellion. He served as inspector-general of the Department of the Lakes from 1866 to 1868, of the Department of Dakota till 1870, of the Division of the South till 1872, and subsequently as assistant inspector-general of the Division of the Missouri. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 142.
BAIRD, ROBERT, REVEREND, 1798-1863, Princeton, New Jersey, clergyman. Officer, New Jersey auxiliary of the American Colonization Society. (Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, pp. 142-143; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 1, Pt. 1, p. 511; Staudenraus, P. J. The African Colonization Movement, 1816-1865. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961, p. 55)
BAIRD, Robert, clergyman, born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, 6 October, 1798; died in Yonkers, New York, 15 March, 1863. He was graduated at Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, in 1818, and taught a year at Bellefont, where he began his career as a newspaper writer. He studied theology at Princeton, 1819-'22, and taught an academy there for five years, preaching occasionally. In 1827 he became agent in New Jersey for the American Bible Society, engaged in the distribution of Bibles among the poor, and also labored among the destitute churches of the Presbyterian denomination as an agent of the New Jersey Missionary Society. In 1829 he became agent for the American Sunday-School Union, and travelled extensively for the society. In 1835 he went to Europe, where he remained eight years, devoting himself to the promotion of Protestant Christianity in southern Europe, and subsequently to the advocacy of temperance reform in northern Europe. On the formation of the Foreign Evangelical Society, since merged in the American and Foreign Christian Union, he became its agent and corresponding secretary. In 1842 he published “A View of Religion in America” in Glasgow. In 1843 he returned home, and for three years engaged in promoting the spread of Protestantism in Europe. In 1846 he visited Europe to attend the World's Temperance Convention in Stockholm and the meeting of the Evangelical Alliance in London, and on his return he delivered a series of lectures on the “Continent of Europe.” In 1862 he vindicated in London before large audiences the cause of the union against secession with vigorous eloquence. Among his other published works are a “View of the Valley of the Mississippi” (1832); “History of the Temperance Societies” (1836); “Visit to Northern Europe” (1841); “Protestantism in Italy” (Boston, 1845); “Impressions and Experiences of the West Indies and North America in 1849 (Philadelphia, 1850), revised, with a supplement, in 1855; “History of the· Albigenses, Waldenses, and Vaudois.” French, Dutch, German, Swedish, Finnish, and Russian translations were made of the “History of the Temperance Societies,” and French, German, Dutch, and Swedish translations of the “View of Religion in America.” See “Life of the Reverend R. Baird,” by H.M. Baird (New York, 1865). Appletons’ Cyclopædia of American Biography, 1888.
BAKER, EDWARD DICKENSON, soldier, born in London, England, 24 February, 1811; killed at the battle of Ball's Bluff, 21 October, 1861. He came to the United States at the age of five with his father, who died in Philadelphia while Edward was yet a youth. The boy supported himself and his younger brother by working as a weaver, and occupied his leisure hours in study. Impelled to seek his fortune in the far west, he moved with his brother to Springfield, Illinois, where he studied and soon began the practice of law. His genius for oratory rapidly gained him distinction and popularity, and, entering the political field as a Whig. He was elected a member of the legislature in 1837, of the state senate in 1840, and representative in Congress in 1844. When the Mexican War began he raised a regiment in Illinois and marched to the Rio Grande. Taking a furlough to speak and vote in favor of the war in the U.S. House of Representatives, he returned and overtook his regiment on the march from Vera Cruz. He fought with distinction in every action on the route to Mexico, and after the wounding of General Shields at Cerro Gordo commanded the brigade and led it during the rest of the war. On his return to Galena, Illinois, he was again elected to Congress; but, becoming interested in the Panama Railroad, he declined a renomination in 1850. In 1851 he settled in San Francisco, where he took rank as the leader of the California Bar and the most eloquent orator in the state. The death of Senator Broderick, who fell in a duel in 1859, was the occasion of a fiery oration in the public square of San Francisco. He received a Republican nomination to Congress, but failed of election. Moving to Oregon, he was elected to the U. S. Senate in 1860 by a coalition of Republicans and Douglas Democrats. The firing upon Fort Sumter prompted him to deliver a passionate address in Union Square, New York, in which he pledged his life and his declining strength to the service of the union. He raised the California regiment in New York and Philadelphia, but declined a commission as general of brigade. In the disastrous assault at Ball's Bluff he commanded a brigade, and, exposing himself to the hottest fire, fell mortally wounded while leading a charge. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 144.
BAKER, HENRY BROOKS, surgeon, born in Brattleborough, Vermont, 29 December, 1837. He received a common-school education, and studied medicine at the University of Michigan in 1861–2. He served through the Civil War with the 20th Michigan Infantry, and from July, 1864, was its assistant surgeon. He was graduated at Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1866, and then began to practise in Lansing, Michigan, where he has since performed important operations. In 1870 he took charge of the vital statistics of Michigan, and in 1873 he became secretary of the State Board of Health. In his official capacity he has edited and published “Statistics of Michigan” (Lansing, 1870), “Vital Statistics of Michigan,” registration reports (1870–’6), and the “Reports of the State Board of Health” (1872–85). His own papers, which are quite numerous, principally on sanitary subjects, have appeared in various medical journals, chiefly those of Detroit. Dr. Baker has devoted much time to studies relative to the causation of typhoid fever, cholera, and pneumonia. The results thus far obtained have appeared in the “Transactions of the American Public Health Association” and “Transactions of the American Climatological Association,” 1886. He is a member of the American Climatological Association, the Royal Meteorological Society of England, and the French Society of Hygiene. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 145.
BAKER, JAMES H., soldier, born in Monroe, Butler County, Ohio, 6 May, 1829. He was educated at Wesleyan University in Ohio. Subsequently he became a teacher, and took charge of a female seminary at Richmond, Indiana In 1853 he purchased the “Scioto Gazette”, and became its editor. He was elected Secretary of State for Ohio in 1855, and afterward Secretary of State for Minnesota. He served as a colonel in the army in 1862-'3, was appointed a provost-marshal for the Department of Missouri, and served in this capacity until the close of the war, receiving the brevet of brigadier-general of volunteers. After the war he was appointed register of public lands at Booneville, Missouri, and retained the office two years, after which he retired to his farm in Minnesota. From 1871 to 1875 he was commissioner of pensions. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 145.
BAKER, LAFAYETTE C. chief of the U.S. Secret Service, born in Stafford, Genesee County, New York, 13 October, 1826; died in Philadelphia, 2 July, 1868. His grandfather, Remember Baker, was one of Ethan Allen's captains. Baker's father inherited the curious baptismal name of the Green Mountain Boy, as well as his adventurous spirit, and in 1839 moved to Michigan and settled where Lansing, the capital, now stands. Young Baker took part in the work of making a home in the wilderness, but in 1848 went to New York and Philadelphia, and in 1853 to San Francisco, in each of these cities working as a mechanic. When the lawless element became dominant in San Francisco in 1856, Mr. Baker joined the vigilance Committee and took an active part in the summary proceedings that restored order in the city. He went to New York on business in 1861, expecting to return at once, but the Civil War intervened, and he went to Washington and offered his services. At the suggestion of General Hiram Walbridge, of New York, he was introduced to General Scott, and, as a result of the interview, he started on foot for Richmond, where, in spite of arrest, imprisonment, and several interviews with Jefferson Davis, while under suspension as a spy, he succeeded in collecting much information and returning to Washington after an absence of three weeks. This was but the first of a series of adventures involving high executive ability and a wonderful talent for tracing conspiracy and frustrating the designs of Confederate spies and agents. As soon as his abilities were demonstrated to the satisfaction of the government, he was placed at the head of the Bureau of Secret Service, with almost unlimited resources at his command, and in February, 1862, the bureau was transferred to the War Department. Mr. Baker was commissioned colonel, and subsequently brigadier-general. His duties naturally made him enemies in influential quarters, and charges of a serious nature were several times preferred against him, but were never substantiated. When President Lincoln was assassinated, Colonel Baker organized the pursuit of the murderer, and was at his capture and death. His agents effected the capture of the other participants in the plot. General Baker published a “History of the United States Secret Service ’’ (Philadelphia, 1868), which is necessarily semi-biographical, and touches authoritatively many disputed passages in the secret history of the Civil War. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 145.
BAKER, NATHANIEL BRADLEY, governor of New Hampshire, born in Hillsborough (now Henniker), New Hampshire, 29 September, 1818; died in Des Moines, Iowa, 11 September, 1876. He was educated at Phillips Exeter Academy and Harvard College, being graduated in 1839, studied law in the office of Franklin Pierce, and admitted to the bar in 1842. For three years he was joint proprietor and editor of the “New Hampshire Patriot." In 1845 he was appointed clerk of the court of common pleas, and in 1846 clerk of the superior court of judicature for Merrimac County. He was elected to the legislature in 1851, was chosen speaker of the house, and served two terms. He was a presidential elector in 1852, and in 1854 was elected governor of the state on the Democratic ticket. His term expired in 1855, and in 1856 he moved to Clinton, Iowa, and engaged in the practice of law. He was elected to the legislature in 1850, and acted with the Republicans in the session of 1860 and the extra session of 1861. In July, 1861, he was appointed adjutant-general of Iowa, which office he held until the time of his death. In this capacity he was noted for his efficiency during the war, and was very popular with the soldiers, to whose comfort and welfare he greatly contributed. When grasshoppers devastated large portion of the northwest, and many families were threatened with starvation, General Baker's measure for their relief were energetic and effective. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, pp. 145-146.
BAKER'S CREEK, MISSISSIPPI, May 16, 1863. (See Champion's Hill.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, pp. 71.
BAKER'S CREEK, MISSISSIPPI, July 7, 1863. 9th Division, 13th Army Corps. As the division commanded by Brigadier-General Osterhaus was preparing to camp for the night, after a day's marching and skirmishing from camp near Vicksburg to Baker's creek, the Confederate cavalry formed again on a plantation about a mile beyond the Baker's creek bridge and dashed toward Osterhaus' pickets at the bridge. They fell back, however, without inflicting harm and that night the Federal cavalry occupied the plantation, establishing a line of patrols to Raymond. Baker's Creek, Mississippi, February 4, 1864. (See Champion's Hill.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 71.
BAKER SPRINGS, ARKANSAS, January 24, 1864. 2nd and 6th Kansas Cavalry. A detachment of 100 men under Captain E. A. Barker marched from Waldron, Arkansas, toward Baker's Springs near Caddo gap and surprised Williamson's guerrillas, killing Williamson and 5 of his men, wounding 2 and taking 2 lieutenants and 25 men prisoners. On his return Barker captured 1 lieutenant and 1 man. Federal loss, 1 killed, 1 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 71.
BAKING. Troops bake their own bread, and the saving of 33 per cent, thus made in flour is carried to the credit of the Post Fund. (See OVENS.) (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 78).
BALCH, GEORGE B., naval officer, born in Tennessee, 3 January, 1821. He became a midshipman, by appointment from Alabama, 30 December, 1837, and was assigned to the sloop “Cyane,” of the Pacific Squadron. He was promoted to passed midshipman, 29 June, 1843, and remained on special duty until the war with Mexico, when he was assigned to active duty, and engaged in the first attack on Alvarado by Commodore Connor, 1 November, 1846. Throughout this war he was with the naval squadron, serving at the successful attack upon Vera Cruz and in the “mosquito fleet” under Commodore Tatnall. In 1849–50 he was at the Naval Observatory, Washington, and was promoted lieutenant, 16 August, 1850. While with the sloop “Plymouth,” in the Pacific Squadron, he was wounded during a fight between Chinese imperialists and rebels, and from this date until the outbreak of the Civil War he was on duty with the various home and foreign squadrons. In 1860, while in command of the frigate “Sabine,” he fell in with the U.S. transport “Governor” in a sinking condition, and rescued nearly 400 marines under Lieutenant-Colonel Reynolds, the transport sinking just after the transfer was made. In 1861–’2 he was in command of the “Pocahontas,” in the south Atlantic Squadron, and volunteered to command boats taking possession of Tybee Island. Commissioned as commander, 16 July, 1862, he was actively engaged along the South Atlantic Coast, and effectively coöperated with the land forces on various occasions, especially on 16 July, 1862, when, in command of the “Pawnee,” he repelled an attack by two batteries of artillery. In this affair the “Pawnee” was struck forty-six times. While in command of this vessel, Commander Balch captured two Confederate guns, and was engaged in the combined operations of the U.S. Navy under Rear Admiral Dahlgren and the army under General Foster in Stone River, and on 9 February, 1865, with two other vessels ascended Togoda Creek, South Carolina, and silenced three batteries. On 25 July, 1866, he was promoted captain. He was with the North Atlantic Squadron in 1868–'9, and on shore duty at Washington until 1872. He became commodore 13 August, 1872, rear admiral 5 June, 1878, and was superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy until 1880, when he went on his last cruise, terminating in January, 1883, and was placed on the retired list, having attained the limit of age for active service. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 147.
Bald Hill, GEORGIA, July 22, 1864. (See Atlanta.) Bald Spring Canon, California, March 22, 1864. (See Red Mountain.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 71.
BALDWIN, CHARLES H., naval officer, born in New York City, 3 September, 1822. He entered the U.S. Navy as midshipman 24 April, 1839, and became passed midshipman 2 July, 1845. In the war with Mexico he served on the frigate "Congress," and was in two shore engagements near Mazatlan while that place was occupied by the U. S. forces. In November, 1853, he was made lieutenant, and on 28 February, 1854, he resigned. He reentered the service in 1861, and commanded the steamer "Clifton," of the mortar flotilla, at the passage of forts Jackson and St. Philip, 24 April, 1862, and at the first attack on Vicksburg, 28 June, 1862. On 18 November, 1862, he became commander, and in 1868 and 1869 was fleet-captain of the North Pacific Squadron. He was made captain in 1869, and in 1869 and 1871 was ordnance inspector at Mare Island, California on 8 August, 1870, he was made commodore, and from 1876 to 1879 was a member of the board of examiners. On 31 January, 1883, he was raised to the rank of rear admiral, and assigned to the command of the Mediterranean Squadron. He attended officially the coronation of the Emperor of Russia, and in 1884 was placed on the retired list Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 148.
BALDWIN, FLORIDA, August 10-12, 1864. 75th Ohio, 102nd United States Colored Infantry. The 102nd regiment U. S. colored troops, engaged in destroying the railroad near Baldwin on the 10th, was involved in skirmishes with the enemy's cavalry. On the 12th two Confederate cavalry companies, with a piece of artillery, advanced to a point within 3 miles of Baldwin, where, under the protection of a small detachment of the 75th Ohio, the 102nd regiment was again tearing up the railroad track. The Ohio troops charged the Confederates and 2 men who passed through the latter's line were cut off. Colonel Beecher, the Federal commander, fell back fighting. General Hatch, commanding the District of Florida, sent 100 cavalry and 2 pieces of artillery to Beecher's aid and the Confederates were driven back to St. Mary's Union. Loss. 1 killed, 4 captured. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 71.
BALDWIN, JOHN DENISON, 1809-1883, journalist, clergyman, Republican Member of the U.S. House of Representatives 1863-1867, voted for Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery. Editor of the anti-slavery journal, Republican in Hartford, Connecticut. Owner, editor of Free-Soil Charter Oak at Hartford, Connecticut. In 1852 became editor of the Commonwealth in Boston. Supported Negro causes. (Appletons’, 1888, Vol. I, pp. 148-149; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 1, Pt. 1, p. 537; Congressional Globe)
BALDWIN, John Denison, journalist, born in North Stonington, Connecticut, 28 September, 1809; died in Worcester, Massachusetts, 8 July, 1883. He supported himself from the age of fourteen, pursued academical, legal, and theological studies in New Haven, and received the honorary degree of master of arts from Yale College. He was licensed to preach in 1833, was pastor of a church in North Branford, Connecticut, for several years, and made a special study of archaeology. He became editor of the “Republican,” an anti-slavery journal, published in Hartford, and subsequently of the “Commonwealth,” published in Boston. From 1859 he owned and edited the “Worcester Spy.” He was elected to Congress in 1863, and reelected twice. He published “Raymond Hill,” a collection of poems (Boston, 184 7); “Prehistoric Nations” (New York, 1869, and “Ancient America” (1872). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I. pp. 148-149.
BALDWIN, MATHIAS WILLIAM, 1795-1866, abolitionist, American inventor, machinery manufacturer, industrialist. Founder, Baldwin Locomotive Works. Founder, Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Strong supporter of the abolition movement in the United States. (Brown, 1995; Kelly, 1946; Westing, 1966; Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I. p. 149; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 1, Pt. 1, p. 542)
BALDWIN, Matthias William, manufacturer, born in Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 10 December, 1795; died in Philadelphia, 7 September, 1866. Having a natural inclination for mechanical contrivances, he was apprenticed at the age of sixteen to a firm of jewelers in Frankford, Pennsylvania. On the expiration of his service he became a journeyman, and in 1819 he established his own business. While thus occupied he devised and patented a process for plating with gold, which has since been universally adopted. He then undertook the manufacture of book-binders' tools and calico-printers' rolls, and his factory was the first to render this country independent of foreign supply. About 1828 his attention was directed to the manufacture of steam-engines, and at this time he constructed a five-horse-power engine, which was employed in his own works. The commendations that the new engine received induced him to enter into the manufacture of stationary engines, and his business became extensive and profitable. In the latter part of 1830 he was permitted to see a locomotive which had just been received from England, and after four months' labor he succeeded in producing a beautiful model, which was exhibited in Philadelphia. His first locomotive, called the “Ironsides,” was made for the Philadelphia and Germantown Railway, and was placed on the road 23 November, 1832. It was a success, and “Paulson's American Advertiser” of that period contains the following notice: “The locomotive-engine, built by M. W. Baldwin, of this city, will depart daily, when the weather is fair, with a train of passenger-cars. On rainy days horses will be attached.” During the next three years he received orders for nine or ten locomotives, and in 1835 he moved to the corner of Broad and Hamilton Streets. His inventions and improvements in the construction of locomotives are very numerous, and among these perhaps the most important was the flexible truck locomotive, patented in August, 1842. His works have acquired a world-wide reputation, and his locomotives have been sent to nearly every foreign country. It is estimated that over 1,500 locomotives left these works completed prior to his death. Mr. Baldwin was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1837, and in 1853 of the state legislature. He was also for several years president of the Horticultural Society of Philadelphia. An extended sketch of his life, by the Reverend Wolcott Calkins, has been privately printed. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I. pp. 149.
BALDWIN, ROGER SHERMAN, jurist, born in New Haven, Connecticut, 4 January, 1793; died there, 19 February, 1863. He affords an admirable instance of all that is best in the intellectual and moral life of New England. By descent and education he was of genuine Puritan stock. His father. Simeon Baldwin, was descended from one of the original New Haven colonists, and his mother was the daughter of Roger Sherman, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, both families being from the earliest times identified with the cause of civil and religious liberty. Roger Sherman Baldwin entered Yale at the age of fourteen, and was graduated with high honors in 1811. Beginning his legal studies in his father's office, he finished them in the then famous law school of Judges Reeve and Gould, at Litchfield, Connecticut. By the time that he was ready for admission to the bar, in 1814, he had developed a mastery of the principles of law that was considered very remarkable in so young a man. His habits of concentration, his command of pure and elegant English, the precision and definiteness of his methods, soon brought him into prominence in his profession, and at a comparatively early age he attained distinction at the bar. His preference was for cases involving the great principles of jurisprudence rather than those that depended upon appeals to the feelings of jurymen. Nevertheless, he commanded rare success as a jury lawyer, being gifted with a certain dignified and lofty eloquence that carried conviction and sustained the current belief that he would not undertake the defence of a cause of whose justice he was not personally convinced. One of the most famous cases in which he was engaged was that of the "Amistad captives" (1839), now well-nigh forgotten, but which assumed international importance at the time. A shipload of slaves, bound to Cuba, had gained possession of the vessel. They were encountered adrift on the high seas by an American vessel and brought into New York where they were cared for. The Spanish authorities claimed them as the property of Spanish subjects, and the anti-slavery party at the north, then becoming a formidable element in national politics, interested itself in their behalf. The ease was first tried in a Connecticut District court, decided against the Spanish claim, and carried to the Supreme Court of the United States. The venerable John Quincy Adams and Mr. Baldwin were associated as counsel, the latter practically conducting the case. His plea on this occasion showed such a grasp of the legal technicalities involved, that such men as Chancellor Kent rated him with the leading jurists of the time. After serving his own state in assembly and senate (1837- '41), he was elected governor in 1844, and reelected for the following term. In 1847 he was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Jabez W. Huntington as U. S. Senator. He at once took a leading place among the statesmen of the period, was reelected for a second term, and always advocated the cause of equal rights for all during the heated controversies preceding the outbreak of the Civil War. In 1860 he was one of the two electors "at large" for the choice of Mr. Lincoln, and in 1860 was appointed by Governor Buckingham a member of the Congress, said: "Connecticut, comes, I doubt not, in the spirit of Roger Sherman, whose name, with our very children, has become a household word, and who was in life the embodiment of that sound, practical sense which befits the great lawgiver and constructor of governments." The labors of the Congress came to naught, owing mainly to the precipitancy with which some of the southern states passed ordinances of secession. This was the last public service undertaken by Mr. Baldwin other than the personal assistance which every patriotic citizen lent to his country during the early years of Civil War. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, pp. 149-150.
BALDWIN'S FERRY, MISSISSIPPI, May 13, 1863. Detachment 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 13th Army Corps. Colonel McMillen, commanding the brigade, was ordered with the 95th Ohio to Hall's ferry, on the Black river, to guard that crossing, but was misdirected and marched to Baldwin's ferry, where he drove a few of the enemy's pickets across the river. The regiment rejoined its brigade on the evening of the 13th. Loss, 4 missing. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 71.
BALDWIN'S FERRY, MISSISSIPPI, September 11, 1863. Baldwyn, Mississippi, June 14, 1862. (See Clear Creek.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 71.
BALDWYN, MISSISSIPPI, October 2, 1862. Cavalry of the Army of the Mississippi. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 72.
BALKS are joist-shaped spars, which rest between the cleats upon the saddles of two pontoons, to support the chess or flooring. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 78).
BALL, CHARLES, born 1780, escaped slave, wrote Slavery in the United States: A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Charles Ball, 1837, a pre-Civil War slave narrative. (Mason, 2006, p. 169; Rodriguez, 2007, pp. 185-186, 428, 574-575)
BALL, EPHRAIM, inventor, born in Greentown, Ohio, 12 August, 1812; died in Canton, Ohio, 1 January, 1872. His education was of the most rudimentary character, and from his fifteenth year he supported himself, following the trade of carpentry. In 1840 he directed his energies toward the establishment of a foundry for making plough-castings and a shop for stocking ploughs. He had invented a plough, which later, under the name of “Ball's Blue Plough,” met with a large sale. But his first invention was a turn-top stove, which he himself made in Greentown and sold during several years. In 1851, having become associated with Cornelius Aultman and Lewis Miller, the little shop at Greentown was abandoned, and the great firm of Ball, Aultman & Company established their factories at Canton. “The Ohio Mower” was invented by Mr. Ball in 1854, and afterward he devised the “World Mower and Reaper,” and in 1858 the “Buckeye Machine” was brought out, all of which have sold extensively. Afterward the firm dissolved, and from 1858 Mr. Ball devoted his attention principally to the manufacture of his “New American Harvester,” which attained great popularity. In 1865 it was estimated that 10,000 of these machines were produced annually. During the later years of his life, although his inventions were used extensively, Mr. Ball was financially embarrassed, while the owners of his patents acquired great wealth. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 151
BALL, THOMAS, sculptor, born in Charlestown, Massachusetts, 3 June, 1819. In early life he was a singer of basso parts in oratorios, and a portrait painter in Boston. About 1852 he devoted himself to modelling, and made a miniature bust of Jenny Lind, another of Daniel Webster, and a life-size statue of the statesman. He studied in Europe for several years, executing there “Truth,” “Pandora,” and the “Shipwrecked Sailor-Boy,” and after his return to Boston made a bust of Rufus Choate, statuettes of Webster and Clay, and an equestrian statue of Washington. His later works are the statue of Forrest as “Coriolanus,” of heroic size; “Eve”; a statuette of Lincoln; a bust of Edward Everett; statues of Governor Andrew of Massachusetts, Webster, Sumner, Josiah Quincy, and the group called “Emancipation,” the original of which is in Washington, and a replica in Boston. His statue of Webster, in the Central Park, is his noblest work. It was placed there at an expense of about $60,000, through the munificence of a New York merchant. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 151.
BALL, LUCY, Boston, Massachusetts, leader, Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society (BFASS). (Rodriguez, 2007, p. 199; Yellin, 1994, pp. 45, 56-57, 56n, 57n, 60-61, 63-64n, 263, 280)
BALL, MARTHA VIOLET, leader, Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society. (Rodriguez, 2007, p. 199; Yellin, 1994, pp. 45, 56-57n, 60-61, 63-64n, 263, 280)
BALL, MASON, Amherst, Massachusetts, abolitionist, Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, Vice-President, 1836-38
BALLAHOCK, VIRGINIA, February 29-March 1, 1864. February 29, 8 men patrolling the road from Ballahock Station to South Mills were driven back to Ballahock by Confederates. A detachment of 40 of the 5th Pennsylvania cavalry under Captain Lompe was sent from Deep creek by Lieutenant-Colonel Smith to reconnoiter. He reported having seen about 30 Confederate cavalry on the South Mills road, 4 miles from the Ballahock post. General Heckman, commanding the U. S. troops near Portsmouth, ordered Smith to make a cavalry reconnaissance to South Mills. At 4 a. m. on March 1, Lompe went toward South Mills, but early in the day was repulsed at the 16 mile stone and pursued by Confederates. He fell back over the northwest canal bridge and tore up parts of its roadway and after trying to make a stand there fell back toward Deep creek. About 2 miles from Ballahock Station he met Smith, in obedience to whose orders he halted and formed his men in line of battle, the enemy being then about a mile distant. Heckman sent forward 100 men of the 9th New Jersey, under Lieutenant Burnett, but before this reinforcement arrived, the enemy fell back and Smith with his force followed him. At a point on the Bear Quarter road the Confederates made a stand and fired on the Federal advance guard from a thicket on the left. The Federals returned the fire and entered the thicket, but discovered some 300 Confederates moving toward their rear, evidently bent on cutting them off. They retired by the left flank, firing as they went, and the Confederates relinquished their design. Later, with 2 pieces of artillery and his force augmented by 100 men of the 10th New Hampshire under Captain Simpson, Smith again engaged the enemy, but it was too late to fight effectively. He therefore retired a mile from the place of his last stand and bivouacked for the night. Loss, 1 killed, 1 wounded, 8 missing. Heckman assumed personal command the next day. Ball's Bluff, Virginia, October 21, 1861. Part of Stone's Division, Army of the Potomac. After the battle of Bull Run, General Patterson was superseded by General Banks, who took position at Harper's Ferry. From that point down the Potomac to Washington the Federal pickets lined the river to guard against any invasion of Maryland or an attempt to turn the right flank of the army which General McClellan was organizing at Washington. About half-way between Harper's Ferry and the national capital was Edwards' ferry. Five miles farther up was Conrad's ferry, at the head of Harrison's island. In front of these ferries, on the Virginia side of the Potomac, lay the town of Leesburg, some 4 or 5 miles from the river. General Beauregard stationed Brigadier-General N. G. Evans, with his brigade of four regiments, at Leesburg to keep watch on the ferries and guard against a flank attack on the Confederate left. Ball's bluff lay along the Virginia side of the river opposite Harrison's island, from which it was separated by a channel about 100 yards wide. The bluff varied in height, rising in some places to over 100 feet, and the front next to the river was difficult of ascent, being steep and covered with a thick growth of bushes. Almost opposite Edwards' ferry Goose creek flowed into the Potomac from Virginia and across this stream ran the Gum Spring road from Leesburg to Manassas. Toward the middle of October Banks' division was stationed at various points along the Potomac; Geary was at Sugar Loaf mountain on the Maryland side of the river, a short distance below the Point of Rocks, from which position he could observe the movements of the enemy; Stone's division was at Poolesville, Maryland, from which place a road ran to Leesburg, crossing the river at Edwards' ferry. These troops were all in favorable positions for cutting off Evans' brigade, but the Federal commanders were misled as to the strength of the enemy through a ruse to which Evans resorted of showing his men suddenly at various places at short intervals to give the impression that his force was greater than it really was. On the 19th McClellan ordered General McCall to occupy Dranesville with his division. This move was successfully executed and the Gum Spring road thus fell into the hands of the Federals. Early the next morning the signal officer at Sugar Loaf mountain sent word that the enemy was moving out of Leesburg, and the following telegram was sent to Stone: "General McCall occupied Dranesville yesterday and is still there. Will send out heavy reconnaissances to-day in all directions from that point. The general desires that you keep a good lookout upon Leesburg to see if this movement has the effect to drive them away. Perhaps a slight demonstration on your part would have the effect to move them." Stone immediately moved Gorman's brigade, the 7th Michigan and part of his cavalry to Edwards' ferry; ordered Colonel Devens to occupy Harrison's island with five companies of the 15th Massachusetts; and sent Colonel Lee, with part of the 20th Massachusetts, the 20th New York (the Tammany regiment) and a section of Battery B, 1st Rhode Island artillery, to Conrad's ferry. A section of Bunting's battery was already at Conrad's ferry, and Ricketts' battery, commanded by Lieutenant Woodruff, was posted at Edwards' ferry. On Sunday afternoon (the 20th) three flatboats were brought from the canal to the river; Gorman displayed his brigade in view of the enemy, while shells and spherical case shot were thrown into the woods on the opposite side of the river, Stone's object being to create the impression that a crossing was to be made. The three boats, each loaded with 35 men from the 1st Minnesota, crossed and recrossed the river and at dusk Gorman's troops returned to camp. Stone has been criticised by some writers for not stopping his demonstration at this time, as McClellan's order had been carried out and the object of the movement had been accomplished. Instead of ceasing operations, however, he directed Devens to send Captain Philbrick, with 20 men, across the river at Harrison's island soon after dark, with instructions to move by a bridle path through the woods toward Leesburg and ascertain the position of the enemy. Toward midnight Philbrick returned with the information that he had discovered a camp of some 30 tents about a mile from Leesburg and had approached close to it without being challenged. When this was imparted to Stone he ordered Devens to cross over with four companies and take position to destroy the camp at daybreak, pursue the enemy as far as would be prudent and returned to the island, his withdrawal to be covered by part of the 20th Massachusetts In order to cover Devens' movement, Stone ordered Gorman to send over two companies of the 1st Minnesota, at Edwards' ferry, and sent Major Mix with a small detachment of the 3d New York cavalry along the Leesburg road until he should come to the vicinity of a battery known to be there and then turn to the left and reconnoiter toward Goose creek. Baker was directed to have his brigade in readiness to move from Conrad's ferry at daybreak, and the 15th Massachusetts was to be at Harrison's island at that hour ready to cross and support Devens if necessary. Devens made his reconnaissance and discovered that in the uncertain light Philbrick's scouts had mistaken openings in the woods for white tents. He therefore sent back word to Stone that no enemy was in sight in the vicinity of Leesburg. The reason he found no Confederates there was because Evans had withdrawn his brigade to a line of intrenchments along Goose creek to meet an attack from the direction of Dranesville. After reconnoitering in the direction of Leesburg and failing to find anything of the enemy, Devens concealed his force in a wood and took steps to hold his position. In the meantime Stone had directed Baker to use his judgment about withdrawing Devens or sending over reinforcements. Baker decided on sending over more troops, but the transportation was so inadequate that it was nearly noon before all of the 15th Massachusetts was on the Virginia shore. From the redoubt called "Fort Evans," to the eastward of Leesburg, the Confederate commander could see the movement of the Federal troops and sent a detachment under Colonel Jenifer to hold them in check until his plan of attack could be fully developed. About 10 a. m. he sent the 8th Virginia under Colonel Hunton to the support of Jenifer, and a sharp skirmish occurred between these two Confederate detachments and the advance companies of the 15th Massachusetts A little after 12 o'clock the enemy appeared in force in front of Devens, who retired to prevent being outflanked, taking place in line with the troops brought over by Baker. By 2.00 the musketry firing became very brisk and Baker ordered 4 pieces of artillery to be sent over the river. One gun and 2 small howitzers were crossed and did effective service until Lieuts. Bramhall and French were both wounded, when the guns were dragged to the rear by hand to prevent their falling into the hands of the enemy. About 4 o'clock Baker fell while cheering on his men and the command devolved on Colonel Coggswell of the Tammany regiment, who ordered dispositions to be made to cut a way through to Edwards' ferry. Concerning this movement Coggswell says in his report: "I was followed by the remnants of my two companies and a portion of the California regiment, but, for some reasons unknown to me, was not joined by either the 15th or 20th Massachusetts regiments. We were overpowered and forced back to our original position, and again driven from that position to the river bank by overwhelming numbers. On the river bank I found the whole force in a state of great disorder. As I arrived, two companies of my own regiment, under Captains Gerety and O'Meara, landed from the large boat. I ordered these fresh companies up the bluff, and they instantly ascended and deployed as skirmishers to cover the passage to the island, while I took about a dozen men and moved to the left to check a heavy fire of the enemy which had opened on us from the mouth of a ravine near. We were almost immediately surrounded and captured." On the river bank the Union troops maintained for nearly half an hour a hopeless contest rather than to surrender. The smaller boat had gone, no one seemed to know where, and the larger boat swamped within 15 feet of the shore on account of being too heavily loaded. There was nothing left but to surrender, swim or die. Many of the men, while negotiations were being conducted, threw their arms and cartridge-boxes into the Potomac to prevent them from falling into the hands of the enemy. Some plunged into the swift current, others saved themselves on floating logs, and still others concealed themselves in the brush along the face of the bluff and after dark made their way to the Union lines. The Federal loss at Ball's bluff was 49 killed, 158 wounded and 714 missing. Evans reported his loss as 36 killed, 117 wounded and 2 missing. He claimed the capture of 710 prisoners, 1,500 stands of arms, 3 cannon and a flag. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, pp. 72-74.
BALLARD, CHARLES, Worcester, Massachusetts, Church Anti-Slavery Society, Executive, Committee, 1859
BALLARD, JAMES, Bennington, Vermont, abolitionist, American Anti-Slavery Society, Vice-President, 1834-35, Manager, 1835-37
BALLISTICS is that branch of gunnery which treats of the Motion of Projectiles. The instruments used to determine the initial velocity of projectiles are the gun-pendulum, the ballistic pendulum, and the electro-ballistic machine. By the latter machine, the velocity of the projectile at any point of its trajectory is also determined. The initial velocity is determined by the gun pendulum, by suspending the piece itself as a pendulum, and measuring the recoil impressed on it by the discharge; the expression for the velocity is deduced from the fact, that the quantity of motion communicated to the pendulum is equal to that given to the projectile, charge of powder, and the air. The second apparatus is a pendulum, the bob of which is made strong and heavy to receive the impact of the projectile; and the expression for the velocity of the projectile is deduced from the fact, that the quantity of motion of the projectile before impact, is equal to that of the pendulum and projectile after impact. These machines have been brought to great perfection in France and in the United States. By the electro-ballistic machines wires are supported on target frames, placed in the path of the trajectory, which communicate with a delicate time-keeper. The successive ruptures of the wires mark on the time-keeper the instant that the projectile passes each wire, and knowing the distances of the wires apart, the mean velocities, or velocities of the middle points can be obtained by the relation velocity equals space over time. The electro-ballistic machine of Capt. Navaez of the Belgian service, has been found too delicate and complicated for general service; that devised by Capt. J. G. Benton, Ordnance Department, is used at the United States Military Academy. (For description, &c., consult BENTON'S Ordnance and Gunnery. Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, pp. 78-79).
BALLOU, ADIN, 1803-1890, Universalist and Unitarian, clergyman, reformer, temperance proponent, advocate of pacifism, writer, founder of Hopedale Community, opposed slavery. President of the New England Non-Resistance Society. Supporter of abolitionist leader William Lloyd Garrison. Anti-slavery lecturer in Pennsylvania and New York, 1846-1848. Vice President, Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, 1838-1840, 1840-1860. (Ballou, 1854; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 1, Pt. 1, pp. 556-557; American Reformers: An H.W. Wilson Biographical Dictionary, New York, 1985, pp. 48-50; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 2, p. 83)
BALLOU, MATURIN MURRAY, journalist born in Boston, Massachusetts, 14 April, 1820), was fitted for college in the Boston High School, and passed his entrance examination at Harvard, but did not join his class. In early life he was for five years a clerk in the Boston Post-Office, and subsequently for five years in the U. S. Treasury Department. In 1838 he became connected with the "Olive Branch," a weekly publication, and was remarkably successful in this and other literary undertakings. He was editor and proprietor of " Gleason's Pictorial" and "Ballou's Monthly." He became largely engaged in building operations in the business quarter of Boston. These undertakings included the St. James Hotel, at the time one of the most costly structures in Boston, and several of the finest stores on Winter Street. He has travelled extensively in both of the American continents, and in Africa, China, India, Japan, the Pacific Islands, and in the summer of 1886 undertook a voyage to the polar regions. In the intervals of travel his literary and journalistic labors have been unremitting. He became in 1872 one of the original proprietors, and was for many years chief editor, of the "Boston Daily Globe." He edited and owned, either in part or altogether, "Ballou's Pictorial," "The Flag of our Union," and the "Boston Sunday Budget." His connection with the Boston press has lasted more than forty years. He is the author of "Due West," "Due South," "The History of Cuba" (Boston, 1854); "Biography of the Reverend Hosea Ballou," and "Life Story of Hosea Ballou." He has edited and compiled "Pearls of Thought" (Boston, 1881); "Notable Thoughts about Women"; and "Edge Tools of Speech" (1886). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 152.
BALL'S BRIDGE, VIRGINIA, March 4, 1865. Detachment 2nd North Carolina Mounted Infantry. Lieutenant-Colonel Bartlett with 103 men, reconnoitering from Cumberland gap, Tennessee, toward Jonesville, Virginia, was attacked in the morning at Ball's bridge, by 250 Confederates, but drove them back up the valley. High water made pursuit impracticable beyond 2 miles. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 74.
BALL'S CROSS ROADS, Virginia, August 27, 1861. Two companies of the 23d New York Infantry. Ball's Ferry, Georgia, November 23-25, 1864. 17th Army Corps. Incidental to that part of the operations of the corps which had to do with its marching along the railroad to the Oconee river, in the campaign from Atlanta to Savannah, the 4th division commanded by General Giles A. Smith, with Colonel Spencer's battalion of the 1st Alabama cavalry, was sent to the railroad bridge between stations 14 and 15. The cavalry in advance crossed the river and drove the enemy's skirmishers from a stockade about 2 miles from the bridge. The ground near the bridge was so swampy that the latter could be approached only by railroad. McLaws' troops in strong force, commanded by Major Hartridge of the 27th Georgia battalion and the Cobb Guards, infantry and artillery, were posted behind a second stockade. Colonel Potts, commanding the ist brigade, was ordered to detach 2 regiments and drive the Confederates across the river. A piece of artillery from the 1st Minnesota battery was taken down the track by hand to assist. Two miles of trestle and three miles of track were destroyed, but the enemy could not be dislodged from the opposite side on account of the swamp. The Federal loss was 21 killed and wounded. On the morning of the 24th General Blair moved his entire command and found the enemy entrenched at Ball's ferry. Effecting a crossing above the road, he sent over during the night about 200 men. This force reached the road about daylight on the 25th to find the enemy retiring. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, pp. 74-75.
BALL'S MILL, MISSOURI, August 28, 1861. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 75.
BALL'S MILL, WEST VIRGINIA, August 27, 1863. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 75.
BALL TOWN, MISSOURI, August 8, 1863. (See Clear Creek.) Baltimore, Maryland, April 19, 1861. 6th Massachusetts Infantry. The authorities at Washington had become alarmed for the safety of the national capital. It was flanked on one side by Virginia, on the other by Maryland. Richmond was the heart of the secession movement and Baltimore was a volcano under which smoldered the fires of revolt. Washington was the objective point of newly organized U. S. forces. To reach it, Baltimore must be passed. On this date the 6th Massachusetts regiment, about 1,000 men, commanded by Colonel Jones, passed through the city. Accompanying the train that brought it were about 1,200 unarmed soldiers from Philadelphia under Colonel Small. The want of precaution for the latter's safety showed how slight was the apprehension of danger. Singularly enough, it was on the anniversary of the battle of Lexington that the stones which had echoed to the feet of the brave defenders of Washington in 1814 were to resound to the tread of Americans attacked and killed by Americans as they hastened to the defense of their national capital. After leaving Philadelphia, Jones received an intimation that there would be trouble in Baltimore. He immediately provided for the distribution of ammunition, the loading of arms, and issued the following order: "The regiment will march through Baltimore in column of sections, arms at will. You will undoubtedly be insulted, abused and perhaps assaulted, to which you must pay no attention whatever, but march with your faces square to the front and pay no attention to the mob, even if they throw stones, bricks or other missiles; but if you are fired upon and anyone of you is hit, your officers will order you to fire. Do not fire into any promiscuous crowds, but select any man whom you may see aiming at you and be sure you drop him." But Jones was proposing and Baltimoreans were disposing. They had decided that his men should not march through the open streets. As soon as the train reached Baltimore the cars were uncoupled, horses were hitched to them and singly, each with its human freight, they were driven rapidly across the city. After the cars containing 7 companies had reached the Washington depot, the track behind them was barricaded. Cars containing companies C, D, I and L, and the musicians were vacated. The band dispersed, the troops formed and began their march through the mob. They were immediately attacked by a shower of missiles that came faster as they proceeded. Their officers urged them to a double quick, and their evident haste was accepted by the mob as evidence either that they were afraid or that they were without ammunition. Pistol shots were fired into their ranks and one soldier fell dead. The order to fire was now given and it was promptly obeyed. Several of the mob fell and the soldiers hastened their advance. Mayor Brown of Baltimore placed himself at the head of the column beside Captain Follansbee, who had been chosen to lead it, assured that officer that he would protect the troops and besought him to keep them from firing. Before he had marched far, however, other missiles fell and his patience with the mob gave out. Seizing a musket from the grasp of a soldier, he fired at and brought down one of the rioters, and a policeman who was at the head of the column shot another. There the mayor's personal participation in the melee began and ended. Police marshal (Chief) Kane with about So policemen at this juncture rushed to the rear of the column, formed a line across the street, and with drawn revolvers checked the mob while the troops got to the depot. About 130, including the band and field musicians, were missing. As the men went into the cars Jones caused the blinds at the windows to be closed and took precautions to prevent even seeming offence to the people of Baltimore, but still the missiles came thick and fast into the train and it was only with the utmost difficulty that he prevented the soldiers from leaving it and avenging the death of their comrades. After a volley of stones a soldier fired and killed a man who had been seen to hurl a missile into the car. Obstructions were placed on the track to delay the departure of the train, but they were removed by the police. Meantime the city authorities learned that the Pennsylvania troops had arrived at the Philadelphia depot, unaware of what had occurred and intending to march through the streets. The marshal of police hastened thither and as it was impossible for the troops, unarmed though they were, to cross the town without a general and bloody conflict he protected them with a force of police until they were sent back by rail to Havre de Grace. But they were not permitted to leave without a hostile demonstration by a part of the exultant mob as it returned from the pursuit of the Massachusetts regiment. These scenes were enacted between 10 a. m. and 12 noon. Five of the 6th Massachusetts were killed, 7 were too severely wounded for removal, about 30 wounded were taken to Washington. The city of Baltimore sent to claimants the were left there. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, pp. 75-76.
BALTIMORE CROSS-ROADS, Virginia, May 13, 1862. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 76.
BALTIMORE CROSS-ROADS, Virginia, July 1-2, 1863. Part of the 4th Army Corps. Major-General Keyes commanding the corps left White House on the morning of July 1, with nearly 6,000 infantry, cavalry and artillery to engage and detain the enemy near Bottom's bridge over the Chickahominy river, while General Getty, with another column, would attempt to destroy the bridges across the South Anna and cut the railroads above Richmond. Colonel West with 3 regiments of infantry, 150 cavalry and a 4-gun battery started well in advance at 5 o'clock. Keyes followed later with Terry's and Porter's brigades, 2 of McKnight's batteries and detachments of the 5th Pennsylvania and 6th New York cavalry. The 10-mile march over muddy roads to Baltimore Cross-roads was fatiguing. The force was halted in line of battle, with videttes and skirmishers thrown out a mile in advance of the main line. As soon as his men were refreshed, West pushed forward his advance and at night bivouacked about a mile from Bottom's bridge, where his skirmishers became involved with those of the enemy. Keyes threw forward 2 batteries and 3 infantry regiments and advanced his skirmishers to develop the enemy's position and strength, at the same time changing the line of a portion of Terry's brigade. Finding the enemy stubbornly maintaining a strong position in advance, he ordered his command to take up its position for the night at and in advance of the cross-roads, his outposts holding to within about 3 miles of Bottom's bridge. Early in the morning of the 2nd, to guard against a flank or rear attack, he withdrew his main line 3 miles to Baltimore Store, leaving West to hold his position for 2 hours if possible after the departure of the last of the principal column. Later, under orders from General Dix, department commander, to hold his ground, he halted and ordered West to stay as long as he could. Colonel Grimshaw, with the 4th Delaware and a section of artillery was at a cross-roads a mile beyond Baltimore Store. At sunset West was bodies of the soldiers who were wounded who attacked by a greatly superior force at and in front of Baltimore Crossroads. Learning that he was retiring, Keyes ordered Colonel Porter and his 2 regiments to Quail's to cooperate with Grimshaw, with instructions to resist the enemy's advance step by step, and if forced to retire to fall back down the New Kent road. Keyes' main line was formed nearly parallel with that road and about 600 yards from it. The Confederates followed West up and attacked Porter determinedly. While the latter kept near enough to the enemy to hear his officers urging on their men, he met with no loss. Not a shot was fired from Keyes' line of battle and the Confederates, fighting for five hours just out of range of it, were not aware of its presence and retired without coming onto the field where Keyes reported he had planned to fall on them in full force. (Also called Crump's Cross-roads.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, pp. 76-77.
BALTIMORE STORE, Virginia, July 2, 1863. (See Baltimore Cross-roads.)
BALTIMORE STORE, Virginia, February 7, 1864. General Wistar's Expedition. Brigadier-General Wistar, having been checkmated in an attempt on Richmond, was falling back. His command consisted of three white regiments, brigaded under Colonel West of the 1st Pennsylvania, some light artillery, three colored regiments under Colonel Duncan of the 4th U. S. colored troops, and a cavalry detachment of five regiments under Colonel Spear. At Baltimore Store the enemy overtook and attacked his rear guard, but was repulsed with the help of Belger's battery of 2 pieces, the guns being fired alternately and retired to new positions. Banks' Ford, Virginia, May 4, 1863. (See Chancellorsville.) Banks' Ford, Virginia, February 29, 1864. (See Albemarle County, Custer's Expedition.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 77.
BANCROFT, ELEAZER, New York, abolitionist leader (Sorin, 1971)
BANCROFT, GEORGE, born 1800, Hampshire County, historian. Member of the Hampshire County auxiliary of the American Colonization Society. (Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, pp. 154-156; Staudenraus, P. J. The African Colonization Movement, 1816-1865. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961, p. 196)
BANCROFT, George, historian, born in Worcester, Massachusetts, 3 October, 1800. He is a son of the Reverend Aaron Bancroft. He was prepared for college at Exeter, New Hampshire, was graduated at Harvard in 1817, and went to Germany. At Göttingen, where he resided for two years, he studied German literature under Benecke; French and Italian literature under Artaud and Bunsen; Arabic, Hebrew, and Scripture interpretation under Eichhorn; history under Planck and Heeren; natural history under Blumenbach; and the antiquities and literature of Greece and Rome under Dissen, with whom he took a course of Greek philosophy. In writing from Leipsic, 28 August, 1819, to Mrs. Prescott, of Boston, Dr. Joseph G. Cogswell remarks: “It was sad parting, too, from little Bancroft. He is a most interesting youth, and is to make one of our great men.”
In 1820 Bancroft was given the degree of Ph. D. by the University of Göttingen. At this time he selected history as his special branch, having as one of his reasons the desire to see if the observation of masses of men in action would not lead by the inductive method to the establishment of the laws of morality as a science. Removing to Berlin, he became intimate with Schleiermacher, William von Humboldt, Savigny, Lappenberg, and Varnhagen von Ense, and at Jena he made the acquaintance of Goethe. He studied at Heidelberg with the historian Schlosser. In 1822 he returned to the United States and accepted for one year the office of tutor of Greek in Harvard. He delivered several sermons, which produced a favorable impression; but the love of literature proved the stronger attachment. His first publication was a volume of poems (Cambridge, 1823). In the same year, in conjunction with Dr. Joseph G. Cogswell, he opened the Round Hill School at Northampton, Massachusetts; in 1824 published a translation of Heeren’s “Politics of Ancient Greece” (Boston), and in 1826 an oration, in which he advocated universal suffrage and the foundation of the state on the power of the whole people. In 1830, without his knowledge, he was elected to the legislature, but refused to take his seat, and the next year he declined a nomination, though certain to have been elected, for the state senate. In 1834 he published the first volume of his “History of the United States” (Boston). In 1835 he drafted an address to the people of Massachusetts at the request of the young men’s Democratic Convention, and in the same year he moved to Springfield, Massachusetts, where he resided for three years, and completed the second volume of his history. In 1838 he was appointed by President Van Buren collector of the port of Boston. In 1844 he was nominated by the Democratic Party for governor of Massachusetts, and received a very large vote, though not sufficient for election. After the accession of President Polk, Mr. Bancroft became Secretary of the Navy, and signalized his administration by the establishment of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, and other reforms and improvements. This institution was devised and completely set at work by Mr. Bancroft alone, who received for the purpose all the appropriations for which he asked. Congress had never been willing to establish a naval academy. He studied the law to ascertain the powers of the secretary, and found that he could order the place where midshipmen should wait for orders; he could also direct the instructors to give lessons to them at sea, and by law had power to follow them to the place of their common residence on shore. With a close economy, the appropriation of the year for the naval service would meet the expense, and the Secretary of War could cede an abandoned military post to the navy. So when Congress came together they found the midshipmen that were not at sea comfortably housed at Annapolis, protected from the dangers of idleness and city life, and busy at a regular course of study. Seeing what had been done, they accepted the school, which was in full operation, and granted money for the repairs of the buildings. Mr. Bancroft was also influential in obtaining additional appropriations for the Washington observatory and in introducing some new professors of great merit into the corps of instructors, and he suggested a method by which promotion should depend, not on age alone, but also on experience and capacity; but this scheme was never fully developed or applied. While Secretary of the Navy Mr. Bancroft gave the order, in the event of war with Mexico, to take immediate possession of California, and constantly renewed the order, sending it by every possible channel to the commander of the American Squadron in the Pacific; and it was fully carried into effect before he left the Navy Department. No order, so far as is known, was issued from any other department to take possession of California. See “Life of James Buchanan,” by G. T. Curtis, vol. i. During his term of office he also acted as Secretary of War pro tem. for a month, and gave the order to march into Texas, which caused the first occupation of Texas by the United States. From 1846 to 1849 Mr. Bancroft was minister to Great Britain, where he successfully urged upon the British ministry the adoption of more liberal laws of navigation and allegiance. In May, 1867, he was appointed minister to Prussia; in 1868 he was accredited to the North German confederation, and 1871 to the German empire, from which he was recalled at his own request in 1874. While still minister at Berlin he rendered important services in the settlement with Great Britain of the northwestern boundary of the United States. In the reference to the king of Prussia, which was proposed by Mr. Bancroft, the argument of the United States, and the reply to the argument of Great Britain, were written, every word of them, by Mr. Bancroft. Great Britain had long refused to concede that her emigrants to the United States, whether from Great Britain or Ireland, might throw off allegiance to their mother country and become citizens of the United States. The principle involved in this question Mr. Bancroft discussed with the government of Prussia, and in a treaty obtained the formal recognition of the right of expatriation at the will of the individual emigrant, and negotiated with the several German states a corresponding treaty. England watched the course of negotiation, resolving to conform herself to the principles that Bismarck might adopt for Prussia, and followed him in abandoning the claims to perpetual allegiance. After the expiration of the English mission in 1849, Mr. Bancroft took up his residence in the city of New York and continued work on his history. The third volume had appeared in 1840, and volumes 4 to 10 at intervals from 1852 to 1874. In 1876 the work was revised and issued in a centenary edition (6 vols., 12mo, Boston). Volumes 11 and 12 were published first under the title “History of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States” (New York, 1882). The last revised edition of the whole work appeared in six volumes (New York, 1884-'85).
Mr. Bancroft has been correspondent of the royal Academy of Berlin, and also of the French Institute; was made D. C. L. at Oxford in 1849, and Doctor Juris by the University of Bonn in 1868, and in September, 1870, celebrated at Berlin the fiftieth anniversary of receiving his first degree at Göttingen. His minor publications include “An Oration delivered on the 4th of July, 1826, at Northampton, Massachusetts” (Northampton, 1826); “History of the Political System of Europe,” translated from Heeren (1829); “An Oration delivered before the Democracy of Springfield and Neighboring Towns, July 4. 1836” (2d ed., with prefatory remarks, Springfield, 1836); “History of the Colonization of the United States” (Boston, 1841, 12mo, abridged); “An Oration delivered at the Commemoration, in Washington, of the Death of Andrew Jackson, June 27, 1845”; “The Necessity, the Reality, and the Promise of the Progress of the Human Race”; “An Oration delivered before the New York Historical Society, November 20, 1854” (New York, 1854); “Proceedings of the First Assembly of Virginia, 1619; Communicated, with an Introductory Note, by George Bancroft”; “Collections of the New York Historical Society,” second series, vol. iii., part i. (New York, 1857); “Literary and Historical Miscellanies” (New York, 1855); “Memorial Address on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at the request of both Houses of the Congress of America, before them, in the House of Representatives at Washington, on the 12th of February, 1866” (Washington, 1866); and “A Plea for the Constitution of the United States of America, Wounded in the House of its Guardians,” by George Bancroft, Veritati Unice Litarem (New York, 1886). Among his other speeches and addresses may be mentioned a lecture on “The Culture, the Support, and the Object of Art in a Republic,” in the course of the New York Historical Society in 1852; one on “The Office, Appropriate Culture, and Duty of the Mechanic”; and to the “American Cyclopædia” Mr. Bancroft contributed a biography of Jonathan Edwards. Among those the least satisfied with the historian have been some of the descendants of eminent patriots (Greene, Reed, Rush, and others), whose merits have not, in the opinions of his censors, been duly recognized by Mr. Bancroft. That there should be entire agreement as regards the accuracy and candor of the narrator of the events of so many years, and of those years full of the excitement of party faction, is not to be expected. The merits of the work are considered at length in a biography of Mr. Bancroft by the present writer (see Allibone’s “Dictionary of Authors”), where the following opinions of eminent critics are quoted: Edward Everett says: “A history of the United States by an American writer possesses a claim upon our attention of the strongest character. It would do so under any circumstances; but when we add that the work of Mr. Bancroft is one of the ablest of that class which has for years appeared in the English language; that it compares advantageously with the standard British historians; that as far as it goes it does such justice to its noble subject as to supersede the necessity of any future work of the same kind, and, if completed as commenced, will unquestionably forever be regarded both as an American and as an English classic, our readers would justly think us unpardonable if we failed to offer our humble tribute to its merit.” Professor Heeren writes: “We know few modern historic works in which the author has reached so high an elevation at once as an historical inquirer and an historical writer. The great conscientiousness with which he refers to his authorities, and his careful criticism, give the most decisive proofs of his comprehensive studies. He has founded his narrative on contemporary documents, yet without neglecting works of later times and of other countries. His narrative is everywhere worthy of the subject. The reader is always instructed, often more deeply interested than by novels or romances. The love of country is the muse which inspires the author, but this inspiration is that of the severe historian which springs from the heart.” William H. Prescott says: “We must confess our satisfaction that the favorable notice we took of Mr. Bancroft’s labors on his first appearance has been fully ratified by his countrymen, and that his colonial history establishes his title to a place among the great historical writers of the age. The reader will find the pages of the present volume filled with matter not less interesting and important than the preceding. He will meet with the same brilliant and daring style, the same picturesque sketches of character and incident, the same acute reasoning and compass of erudition.” George Ripley writes: “Mr. Bancroft is eminently a philosophical historian. He brings the wealth of a most varied learning in systems of thought and in the political and moral history of mankind to illustrate the early experiences of his country. He catalogues events in a manner which shows the possession of ideas, and not only describes popular movements picturesquely, but also analyzes them and reveals their spiritual signification.” Baron Bunsen says: “I read last night Bancroft with increasing admiration. What a glorious and interesting history has he given to his nation of the centuries before the independence!” Von Raumer remarks: “Bancroft Prescott, and Sparks have effected so much in historical composition that no living European historian can take precedence of them, but rather might be proud and grateful to be admitted as a companion.” Mr. Bancroft’s last address was given at the opening of the third meeting of the American Historical association, of which he was president, at Washington, 27 April, 1886. It was printed in the “Magazine of American History” for June. In a letter to the author of this article, dated Washington, D. C., 30 May, 1882, he wrote: “I was trained to look upon life here as a season for labor. Being more than fourscore years old, I know the time for my release will soon come. Conscious of being near the shore of eternity, I await without impatience and without dread the beckoning of the hand which will summon me to rest.” Appletons’ Cylcopædia of American Biography, 1888.
BAND. Musicians, as Regimental Band, Post Band, &c. They are enlisted soldiers, and form a band of musicians under the direction of the adjutant, but are not permanently detached from their companies, and are instructed in all the duties of a soldier. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 79).
BANKHEAD, JOHN PINE, naval officer, born in South Carolina, 3 August, 1821; died near Aden, Arabia, 27 April, 1867. He entered the U.S. Navy as a midshipman 6 August, 1838, and became lieutenant in 1852. During the Civil War he was on duty on the “Susquehanna,” and at the capture of Port Royal, 7 November, 1861. He commanded the “Pembina,” and also the “Florida” at the capture of Fernandina, 3 May, 1862. In the same year was made commander, and commanded the famous “Monitor” when she foundered off Cape Hatteras on the morning of 31 December, 1862, on which occasion he displayed much courage. The vessel was filling rapidly, and Bankhead ordered the crew to leave on the “Rhode Island's" boat, which was approaching. While the sea was breaking over the “Monitor's" deck, already partially submerged. Bankhead held the painter until the boat was full of men, and did not leave the vessel so long as he could do anything for the safety of the crew. He was made captain in 1866, and after the war commanded the “Wyoming,” of the East India Squadron. In March, 1867, ill-health compelled him to resign, and he died on board the steamer that was bringing him home. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 158.
BANKS, NATHANIAL PRENTISS, 1816-1894, Waltham, Massachusetts, statesman, anti-slavery political leader. Republican U.S. Congressman and Speaker of the House of Representatives. Union General. Governor of Massachusetts. Member of the Free Soil and, later, Republican parties. He was opposed to the Kansas-Nebraska Bill of 1854. He was also opposed to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, as this repeal favored the slave power. Banks was called, “the very bone and sinew of Free-soilism” (Scribner’s, 1930, p. 578) (Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. 1, pp. 158-159; Scribner’s, 1930, pp. 577-580; Wilson, Henry, History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1872, 348)
BANKS, Nathaniel Prentice, statesman, born in Waltham, Massachusetts, 30 January, 1816; died there, 1 September, 1894. He was early employed in a cotton factory, of which his father was superintendent, and learned the trade of a machinist. He was ambitious to fit himself for a wider field of work, and studied diligently during his leisure hours, securing engagements to lecture before meetings and assemblies at an early age. He became editor of the local paper at Waltham, studied law, was admitted to the bar, and in 1849 was selected to represent his native town in the legislature of Massachusetts. At this time the ancient power of the Whig Party was waning in New England, and the Free-Soil Party was making its influence felt. Mr. Banks advocated a coalition between the Democrats and the new party, and was elected speaker of the state assembly in 1851 and re-elected in 1852. In 1853 he was a delegate to the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention, and was selected to be its chairman. On the tide of success that attended this political combination, he was in 1853 elected to Congress as a Coalition-Democrat. During this term of service he withdrew from the Democratic Party and identified himself with the American or “Know Nothing” Party, and by an overwhelming vote, as against the Whig and Democratic candidates in his district, he was re-elected to Congress. In the preceding Congress he had demonstrated his ability, and he was now nominated for speaker of the House of Representatives. A contest lasting more than two months followed, and he was elected by a small majority on the 133d ballot, when the dead-lock had been broken by the adoption of the plurality rule. The American Party went out of existence, and Mr. Banks was elected to the 35th Congress as a Republican by a larger majority than before, and served until 4 December, 1857, when, having been elected governor of Massachusetts, he resigned his seat in Congress. He was re-elected governor in 1858 and 1859. In 1860 he accepted the presidency of the Illinois Central Railroad, succeeding General (then Captain) George B. McClellan in that capacity, but gave up the office when the Civil War began in the following year, and was commissioned a major-general of volunteers and assigned to the command of the 5th Corps in the Army of the Potomac. For this duty he was in a degree qualified by experience in the state militia. His first active service was on the upper Potomac and in the Shenandoah valley, where a part of his corps acquitted itself well at the battle of Winchester, 23 March, 1862. He was left in April and May to guard the Shenandoah with two divisions. The exigencies of the service caused the withdrawal of one of these (Shields's), and General Banks was left with about 8,000 men. Upon this force “Stonewall” Jackson made one of his sudden onslaughts with his whole corps, and the command only escaped capture by rapid and well-ordered marching and stubborn fighting. Through good generalship the bulk of the army crossed the Potomac at Front Royal on 26 May, and the Confederate leader failed to realize his apparently reasonable expectation of capturing the entire force. General Pope was placed in command of the Army of Virginia, 27 June, 1862, and concentrated his forces in the neighborhood of Culpepper Court-House early in August. General Banks's corps was ordered to the front on 9 August, and late in the afternoon of that day a severe fight took place, known as the battle of Cedar Mountain, which lasted well into the night. Banks's corps held the position against a largely superior force, was strengthened during the night, and before the morning of August 11th the Confederates retreated to the Rapidan. After participating in General Sigel's campaigns in September, General Banks was placed in command of the defences of Washington while preparations were secretly made to despatch a strong expedition by sea to New Orleans. He was assigned to the command of this expedition, which sailed from New York in November and December, and on reaching New Orleans he succeeded General Benjamin F. Butler in command of the department. Baton Rouge was occupied with a strong force, and during the winter rcconnoissances were made toward Port Hudson and other points in the vicinity. Early in April of 1863 he led the army up the Têche country, encountering no very formidable opposition, as far as the Red River. Thence he crossed the Mississippi and invested Port Hudson in connection with the fleet under Farragut. Several unsuccessful attempts were made to storm the works, involving heavy losses to the assaulting columns. In July the news of the surrender of Vicksburg was received, and on the 9th of that month the garrison of Port Hudson, 6,000 strong, capitulated, and the Mississippi River was once more open to the sea. No military movements of great importance were undertaken in the department until the succeeding spring, when General Banks's army, supported by a powerful fleet, was sent up the Red River with the intention of regaining control of western Louisiana. At the same time General A. J. Smith with 10,000 men descended the Mississippi, reaching the rendezvous first, and was joined by General Banks, who assumed command of the whole force at Alexandria. The army advanced along the south bank of Red River as far as Sabine Cross-Roads, when it suffered a defeat by the Confederates under General Richard Taylor, and was obliged to fall back to Pleasant Hill, having sustained heavy losses in men and material. Here on the following day the Confederates renewed the attack, but were repelled with great loss, and the national army retreated without further serious molestation to Alexandria, where a new complication arose in consequence of the subsidence of the Red River after the spring freshets. The gun-boats were unable to descend the river owing to shoal water, and were only saved by the engineering skill of Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Bailey (q. v.). The whole force then retreated to the Mississippi. General Banks has been censured for the failure of this expedition, but it was undertaken contrary to his advice and in spite of his protest. During his command of the Department of the Gulf he endeavored to reorganize the civil government of Louisiana, but did not accomplish it in a manner satisfactory to the inhabitants. He was relieved of his command in May, 1864, resigned his commission, and, returning to Massachusetts, was elected to Congress from his old district. He was reëlected to the successive Congresses until 1877, failing only in 1872, when he was active in behalf of Horace Greeley, the liberal-Democratic candidate for president. He served for a long time as chairman of the committee on foreign relations. He was again elected to Congress in 1888, and in 1891 he received a pension.—His daughter, Maud, after a course of study and training at the New York school of acting, went upon the stage in 1886, making her first appearance at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in the character of Parthenia in “Ingomar.”—His brother, Gardner, soldier, born in Waltham, Massachusetts; died there, 9 July, 1871. At the beginning of the Civil War he raised a company for the 16th Massachusetts Regiment, in which he rose to the rank of colonel in 1862. He was with his regiment at Fair Oaks, Glendale, Malvern Hill, Kettle Run, Chantilly, and Fredericksburg. Lieutenant Hiram H Banks, his brother, was killed by his side in the second Bull Run battle. General Hooker said, in a letter to Governor Andrew: “There is no doubt but at Glendale the 16th Massachusetts saved the army.” From constant exposure Colonel Banks contracted an inflammatory rheumatism, which completely disabled him for active service. The battle of Fredericksburg was the last he shared with his comrades of the 16th. In 1864, after an illness of several months at Waltham, he went as a planter to Louisiana, where he remained until his return home four days before his death. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, pp. 158-159.
BANQUETTE is the step of earth within the parapet, sufficiently high to enable the defenders, when standing upon it, to fire over the crest of the parapet with ease. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 79).
BANSHEE (BLOCKADE-RUNNER), November 20, 1863. Major Bailey of the 3d Rhode Island artillery, with a conscript guard of 6 officers and 25 enlisted men, was returning on the steamer Fulton from Hilton Head to New York, when about 7:30 a. m. on the 20th the pilot at the masthead sighted the steamer Banshee, a Confederate blockade-runner, with a general cargo, bound for Wilmington, Delaware, that being her fifth trip that season. Captain Watton of the Fulton ordered chase. The Banshee got up steam and tried to escape. At 9 a. m. the Fulton was gaining on her and when within range her gunners opened fire. The first shot missed the Banshee, the second struck her forward, the third struck her aft. She rounded to and was put in charge of a prize crew. Barataria (U. S. Steamer), April 7, 1863. For the destruction of the steamer Barataria on this date see Amite River, Louisiana Barbee's Cross-Roads, Virginia, November 5, 1862. Pleasonton's Cavalry Brigade, Army of the Potomac. At Upperville and in its vicinity, General Pleasonton, with his brigade, had for several days been skirmishing, almost constantly, with the enemy's cavalry, which at times was supported by infantry. At Barbee's cross-roads about noon on the 5th, with about 1.500 men, he met and attacked a portion of General Stuart's command, under General Hampton, consisting of some 3,000 cavalry, with 4 pieces of artillery. Colonel Gregg, of the 8th Pennsylvania, with that regiment and the 6th regular cavalry, moved on the right of the enemy and turned his position. Colonel Davis of the 8th New York, with his regiment, attacked the enemy's left, and Colonel Farnsworth, with the 8th Illinois, moved against his center. In the meantime Pennington's battery engaged him by sections. The 8th New York gallantly repulsed a greatly superior force, and a section of artillery opened on the fugitives. The Federal loss was 5 killed, 8 wounded; Confederate loss, 10 killed, 20 captured. Barbee's Cross-Roads, Virginia, July 25, 1863. 1st Michigan Cavalry. Major Brewer, with a portion of this regiment, which belonged to Custer's brigade of Kilpatrick's cavalry division, had a slight brush here on this date with a small body of Confederates. The affair is barely mentioned in the official reports of the war. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 77.
BARBADOES, James G., 1796-1841, Boston, Massachusetts. African American abolitionist, community activist. Helped organize the Massachusetts General Colored Association (MGCA). Manager and founding member of the American Anti-Slavery Society, December 1833. (Newman, 2002, pp. 100-102, 105, 114, 115, 126; Rodriguez, 2007, p. 161; Abolitionist, Vol. I, No. XII, December, 1833; American National Biography, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, Vol. 2, p. 127; Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., & Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, eds. African American National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2013, Vol. 1, p. 362)
BARBEE'S CROSS-ROADS, VIRGINIA, September 1, 1863. Detachment of the 6th Ohio Cavalry. The detachment, numbering 50 men, under Major Cryer, was attacked by about 150 men of the 35th Virginia battalion, under Lieutenant-Colonel White, on the Barbee and Orleans road, a mile and a half from Barbee's cross-roads. The Confederates were deployed in ambush the whole length of the column and attacked from both sides of the road simultaneously. On falling back, the Federals were attacked by another force, who tried to cut off their retreat. They cut their way through, however, with a loss of 31 killed, wounded and missing. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 78.
BARBER'S CREEK, Virginia, December 19, 1863. (See Scott's.) Barber's Cross-Roads, Virginia, May 23, 1863. At the moment of the attack on the Federal advance at Antioch church, a demonstration was made at Barber's cross-roads. The approaches to this point were watched by a Federal regiment, a part of the reserve brigade, Department of Virginia, under Brigadier-General Wistar, sent by Major-General Peck, commanding at Suffolk, to assist in the protection of working parties engaged in tearing up railway tracks between Suffold and Blackwater. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 78.
BARBER'S FORD, FLORIDA, February 9-10, 1864. 40th Massachusetts Mounted Infantry and Independent Battalion Massachusetts Cavalry. The Federal troops under command of Colonel Henry, after having captured and destroyed at Baldwin & Johnson's Station much property belonging to or likely to become useful to Confederates, continued their advance. At Barber's ford, on the south fork of the St. Mary's, their passage was disputed by 2 companies of cavalry, dismounted and occupying a strong position. Henry forced the crossing with a loss of 3 killed and 10 wounded. The Confederates were completely disorganized and their loss was much greater. Barboursville, Kentucky, September 18, 1861. Camp Andrew Johnson, at Barboursville, was attacked and destroyed and the Federal force of 300 there was dispersed by a detachment of 800 men from General Zollicoffer's brigade at Camp Buckner, under command of Colonel Battle. Some Federals were wounded and about 25 weapons were taken by the enemy. The Confederates lost a lieutenant killed and 3 men wounded, one fatally. Barboursville, Kentucky, September 8, 1862. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 78.
BARBETTE. Guns are said to be in barbette when they are elevated, by raising the earth behind the parapet, or by placing them on a high carriage, so that, instead of firing through embrasures, they can be fired over the crest of the parapet. In this position, the guns have a wide range, instead of being limited, as in firing through embrasures. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 79).
BARBOURSVILLE, KENTUCKY, April 27, 1863. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 78.
BARBOURSVILLE, KENTUCKY, February 8, 1864. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 78.
BARBOURSVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA, July 16, 1861. 2nd Kentucky Volunteers. This regiment belonging to General Cox's command defeated and drove 600 of General Wise's men out of Barboursville. This was in furtherance of McClellan's plan to occupy and restore order, establish the provisional government and quell the secession feeling in a portion of West Virginia. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 78.
BARDSTOWN, KENTUCKY, October 4, 1862. Advance Guard, Army of the Ohio. It had been General Thomas' intention to camp on Cox's creek, 4 miles from Bardstown, but cavalry of his command under Major Foster were drawn into a fight with that portion of General Polk's command known as Wharton's brigade of Wheeler's cavalry. It became necessary for Thomas to send Foster reinforcements and upon their arrival Wharton retired and yielded the town, Thomas then established his temporary headquarters there. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 78.
BARDSTOWN, KENTUCKY, October 19, 1862. Bardstown, Kentucky, July 5, 1863. Detachment 4th U. S. Cavalry. Lieutenant Sullivan, with 25 men, struck the enemy's advance guard within 6 miles of Bardstown at 6:30 a. m. Unaware that Confederates were there in force, he pursued the guard through Bardstown and beyond until his horses began to fall from fatigue. Upon returning to the town he learned that it was surrounded by Morgan's men, some 300 or 400 strong. He quickly fortified himself in a livery stable, threw out pickets and awaited attack which came at 11:30 a. m. by three distinct columns, but was met and repulsed. One Federal and 2 Confederates were killed. Surrender was demanded and refused. The attack then was resumed and was continued more or less determinedly till almost daylight the next morning. The Confederates obstructed the streets with ropes to prevent the beleaguered .Unionists from mounting their horses and making a dash through their lines. They tried to set fire to the stable, but desisted when the attempt had cost them 2 white men and a negro killed. At daylight another demand for surrender brought a defiant answer. The attack was again renewed and the Federals repelled it gallantly until they saw 4 pieces of artillery made ready to play upon them. Then under a flag of truce Sullivan offered surrender. Colonel R. C. Morgan denied his right to claim for himself and his men privileges as prisoners of war after having twice refused them and ordered him driven back within his own lines. While returning, still under the white flag, he was several times fired at but was not hit. On his arrival at the stable, he received a demand for unconditional surrender and accepted it. For nearly 24 hours that little band, imprisoned in that small place, had defended it against over-whelming odds. Bardstown, Kentucky, August 1, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, District of Kentucky. The 35th Kentucky mounted infantry, commanded by Colonel Starling, arrived at Bardstown and learned that a band of guerrillas had just cut the telegraph wires, robbed the operator and committed other depredations in the town. Lieutenant Good, with Company A, pursued and overtook the guerrillas about 5 miles from Bardstown, killed 2 and wounded 4 of them. The guerrillas fired 2 volleys at the Federals without injuring a man. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, pp. 78-79.
BARDSTOWN PIKE, KENTUCKY, October 1, 1862. The only official mention of actions on the Bardstown pike on this date is in Confederate correspondence. General Hardee, writing from Bardstown to Colonel Wheeler under date of October 2, said: "Colonel Wharton, writing from Mount Washington at 9 p. m. yesterday, states that he was attacked in force at Wilsonville, Shepherdsville, and in front of Mount Washington; that the force on his left flank was forced back, thereby rendering his position at Mount Washington hazardous. Major-General Polk has instructed him to fall back on the Bardstown pike to such position as he might deem advisable." As no Federal reports mention the affairs referred to in Hardee's letter, it is not known what Union troops were engaged. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 79.
BARDSTOWN ROAD, KENTUCKY, October 9, 1862. In the morning General Wheeler was ordered to hold the Federals in check until the Confederate army had withdrawn from' the field of operations of the previous day and then follow toward Danville, obstructing the Federal advance as much as possible. In complying with that order his forces that day and the next frequently engaged the Federals at Bardstown and other points, besides keeping a detachment watching the road from Perryville to Harrodsburg. It does not appear that detailed reports of these several slight engagements were made. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 79.
BARHAMSVILLE, VIRGINIA, May 7, 1862. (See West Point.)
BARKER, JOSEPH, 1806-1875, English clergyman, author, controversialist, lecturer, abolitionist. Supporter of abolitionist leader William Lloyd Garrison. Vice President of the Anti-Slavery Party, 1852-1859. Moved permanently to the United States in 1857. Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Massachusetts, opposed slavery in the House. (Larsen, 2006; Locke, 1901, pp. 93, 150; Annals of Congress; Dictionary of National Biography, London, 1885-1900)
BARKER'S MILL, SOUTH CAROLINA, FEBRUARY 1-2, 1865. 17th Army Corps. On the 1st, the corps commanded by Major-General Frank P. Blair moved in the direction of Rivers' bridge, the 9th Illinois mounted infantry in advance, skirmishing heavily with Confederate cavalry. Whippy swamp was badly obstructed with fallen timber, its 5 bridges had been destroyed and at each end of the causeway was about 200 yards of water. The main body of the Confederate cavalry fell back toward Whippy swamp post office, followed by the 9th Illinois, which was supported by the 3d division, under General Force. This division took the road to the left of the swamp and crossed several smaller swamps, Corker's being the most formidable it had yet encountered. While getting his wagons through Corker's swamp, Force sent Captain Munson forward, with King's mounted 20th Illinois, pushing the Confederates back to and over the bridge across Whippy swamp at Barker's mill. When the greater part of the train was over he ordered the advance guard to follow as swiftly as possible. Leaving the 12th Wisconsin and 45th Illinois to bring on the rest of the train, he urged the division forward with all dispatch. The 20th Illinois covered with its fire the bridge which the enemy had been kept too busy to destroy. On its arrival the advance guard was deployed as sharpshooters under cover along the stream above and below the bridge. The 2nd brigade under Colonel Wiles, found the stream not fordable. Force placed 2 guns of the 15th Ohio battery, commanded by Lieutenant Bailey, on an elevation overlooking the bridge, from which position their fire could be directed to the enemy on the other side, over the heads of the Federal infantry. It was now nearly dark. Confederates in some force fled from the farther end of the bridge, a small Federal column under cover of the sharpshooters and the 2 guns dashed over and the 2nd brigade followed. Force encamped one brigade at one end of the bridge and one at the other, to wait for morning. His objective point was Angley's post office, plainly enough marked on the map, but unknown to anyone he had questioned. When, at length, an old negro told him that post office had been discontinued 30 or 40 years before, he shrewdly guessed that the real object of the movement was to control the bridge for the use of the 15th corps. Meanwhile the balance of Blair's command, the 1st and 4th divisions, had gone skirmishing up the river road, driving the Confederate cavalry up to Broxton's bridge. Barnesville, Georgia, April 19, 1865. Detachment of the 4th Indiana Cavalry. The only official mention of a skirmish at Barnesville on this date is in the reports of General J. H. Wilson and Colonel O. H. La Grange, commanding the 2nd brigade of McCook's division during Wilson's raid, in both of which it is stated that the flag of the Dixie Rangers was captured by a detachment of the 4th Indiana in a skirmish near Barnesville. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, pp. 79-80.
BARKSDALE, WILLIAM, soldier, born in Rutherford County, Tennessee, 21 August, 1821; died at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2 July, 1863. He was educated at Nashville University, studied law in Columbus, Mississippi, and was admitted to the bar before he was of age. He soon became a successful practitioner, and was prominent as an advocate of state rights. He became editor of the Columbus "Democrat," and ably set forth his political views in its columns. His first military experience was as a member of the non-commissioned staff of the 2d Mississippi Volunteers in the Mexican War. In 1851 he served as a member of the state convention held to consider the compromise measures then before the country. Two years afterward he was elected to Congress, and at once became prominent among the pro-slavery Democrats. When Preston S. Brooks made his assault upon Charles Sumner in the Senate Chamber, Mr. Barksdale was present, and prevented the interference of bystanders. When his state seceded he left his seat in Congress and accepted the command of the 13th Regiment of Mississippi Volunteers, participated in the Campaigns of Virginia, and rose to the rank of brigadier in the Confederate service. He commanded the 3d Brigade of Early's division, during the second day's fight at Gettysburg, and fell while leading his men in the assault on the national left. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 165.
BARLOW, FRANCIS MANNING, soldier, born in Brooklyn, New York, 19 October, 1834. He was graduated at the head of his class at Harvard in 1855, studied law in the office of William Curtis Noyes, New York, and began practice in that city. For a time he was on the editorial staff of the "Tribune." In 1861 he enlisted as a private in the 12th Regiment New York State National Guard, and went to the front on the first call for troops to defend the capital. At the end of the three months' term of service he had been promoted lieutenant. He at once reentered the service as lieutenant-colonel of the 61st New York Volunteers, was promoted colonel during the siege of Yorktown, and distinguished himself at the battle of Fair Oaks or Seven Pines (31 May and 1 June, 1862), for which he was afterward (19 September) promoted brigadier-general. He brought his regiment in good form through the trying "change of base" from the Chickahominy to the James River. At Antietam (17 September) his command captured two sets of Confederate colors and 300 prisoners, but he was severely wounded, and carried apparently dead from the field. At Chancellorsville (2 May, 1863) he commanded a brigade in the 11th Corps, but was not involved in the discreditable surprise of its commanding officer, having been detached early in the day to harass "Stonewall" Jackson in his flank movement on the national right. At the battle of Gettysburg (1 July, 1863) he was severely wounded and taken prisoner during the first day's fight; but he was exchanged, and recovered in time to take the field again the following spring. At Spottsylvania Court-House, 12 May, 1864, the 2d Corps (General Hancock's) was ordered to storm the Confederate works at dawn. General Barlow commanded the 1st Division, which, with the 3d, formed the advance line. The works were carried with a rush, and 3,000 prisoners captured, comprising almost an entire division, with two general officers, D. M. Johnson and G. H, Stewart. This opened one of the most sanguinary and stubbornly contested engagements of the Civil War, and was the first substantial success won during the campaign. General Barlow participated in the final campaigns of the Potomac Army under General Grant, was present at the assault on Petersburg, and at the surrender of the Confederate forces in April, 1865, and was mustered out of the military service on the conclusion of peace. He was elected secretary of the state of New York in 1865, and served until 1868, when president Grant appointed him U. S. Marshal of the Southern District of the state. He resigned in October, 1869. In November, 1871, he was elected attorney-general of the state, serving through 1872-3. Since that date he has practised law in New York City. General Barlow married Miss Arabella Griffith, who, while her husband was in the field, was highly efficient in the hospitals as a member of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. She died 27 July, 1864, of fever contracted in the hospitals of the Army of the Potomac His second wife is a daughter of Francis G. Shaw. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 166.
BARNARD, JOHN GROSS, soldier, born in Sheffield, Massachusetts, 19 May, 1815; died in Detroit, Michigan, 14 May, 1882. He was graduated at West Point in 1833, standing second in a class of forty-three members, was ordered to duty at Newport, Rhode Island, as brevet second-lieutenant of the Corps of Engineers, and was soon sent to the Gulf Coast, where, as assistant and principal engineer, he was engaged on the fortifications of Pensacola and New Orleans. He was also employed on various harbor improvements, and had reached the grade of captain of engineers when the war with Mexico called him to active service. He superintended the construction of the defences of Tampico, and surveyed the battle-fields about the city of Mexico. For these services he was brevetted major 30 May, 1848. Two years afterward he was appointed by the president chief of a scientific commission to survey the isthmus of Tehuantepec, with a view to the construction of a railroad from ocean to ocean. His report of this commission, edited by J. T. Williams, was the first full topographical account of the isthmus. In 1852 he was engaged in surveying the mouths of the Mississippi River with a view to their permanent improvement. He was superintendent of the U. S. Military Academy from 1855 to 1856, and was then placed in charge of the fortifications of New York Harbor. He was promoted major of engineers 13 December, 1858. The foregoing list of his services before the Civil War includes only the more prominent; he was constantly detailed on minor works of importance—too many for enumeration here. At the outbreak of the war General Barnard served as chief engineer of the Department of Washington from April to July, 1861, and then as chief engineer to General McDowell in the first Bull Run Campaign. Next, with the rank of brigadier- general, he acted as chief engineer to the Army of the Potomac in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign of 1862. When the Confederate Army advanced into eastern Virginia, he was appointed chief engineer of the defences of Washington, and was promoted lieutenant-colonel of engineers 31 March, 1863. In January, 1864, he was appointed chief engineer, and was on the staff of General Grant in the Richmond Campaign. At the end of the war he was made brevet major-general, U.S. Army, “for gallant and meritorious services in the field,” and was promoted colonel of the Corps of Engineers 28 December, 1865. The president nominated him, on the death of General Totten, to succeed the latter as brigadier-general and chief of engineers in April, 1864; but, at General Barnard's request, the nomination was withdrawn before it came up for confirmation by the Senate. He was made a member of the joint board of army and navy officers on harbor defences, torpedoes, etc., and served as senior member of the Board of Engineers for Permanent Fortifications, as a member of the U. S. Lighthouse Board, and on other important duties connected with the engineering branch of the service, until shortly before his death. General Barnard was not only a brave soldier, but, like his brother, the president of Columbia College, an accomplished mathematician and author. The University of Alabama conferred the degree of A. M. in 1838, and in 1864 he received that of LL.D. from Yale. He was one of the original corporators of the National Academy of Sciences appointed by Act of Congress, 3 March, 1863. His works include “Survey of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.” (1852); “Phenomena of the Gyroscope” (1858); “Dangers and Defences of New York” (1859); “Notes on Sea-Coast Defence” : “The Confederate States of America and the Battle of Bull Run” (1862); “Reports of the Engineer and Artillery Operations of the Army of the Potomac" (1863); ' on General Totten” (1866); and many scientific and military memoirs and reports. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 169.
BARNES, JAMES, soldier, born about 1809; A m Springfield, Massachusetts, 12 February, 1869. He was graduated at West Point in 1829, standing fifth in his class. Among his classmates were Robert E. Lee, Joseph E. Johnston, O. McKnight Mitchell, Thomas Swords, and a dozen others distinguished in afterlife. He remained in the army seven years, advancing to the rank of first lieutenant of the 4th U.S. Artillery, when he resigned and became a railroad engineer and superintendent on the Western Railroad of Massachusetts from 1836 to 184S, and chief engineer of the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad from 1848 to 1852. He also constructed, either wholly or in part, the Rome and Watertown, the Sackett's Harbor and Ellisburg, the Buffalo, Coming, and New York, the Terre Haute, Alton, and St. Louis, and the Potsdam and Watertown Railroads, between 1848 and 1857. During the Civil War he was colonel of the 18th Massachusetts Volunteers from 26 July, 1861, to 29 November, 1862, participating in most of the battles of the Army of the Potomac during that period. He was promoted to be brigadier-general of volunteers 29 November, 1862, and was at Chancellorsville, the skirmishes of Aldie and Upperville, and the battle of Gettysburg, where he commanded a division and was severely wounded. Subsequently he was on court-martial duty or in command of posts until the close of the war, and was brevetted major-general of volunteers 13 March, 1865. He was mustered out of the service 15 January, 1866. His health was permanently impaired by wounds and exposure, and, though he interested himself somewhat in railroad affairs, he was never able to engage regularly in any business. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, pp. 170-171.
BARNES, JOSEPH K., surgeon-general U.S.A., born in Philadelphia, 21 July, 1817; died in Washington, D.C., 5 April, 1883. After preliminary schooling at Dr. Cogswell's “Round Hill” school at Northampton, he entered the academic department at Harvard, but was obliged, on account of his health, to leave college. He began his medical studies under Surgeon-General Harris, U.S.N., and was graduated in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1838, practicing for two years in his native city. In 1840 he was appointed an assistant surgeon in the army, and assigned to duty at West Point. At the close of the year he was transferred to Florida, where for two years he was with General Harney's expedition against the Seminoles. Thence, in 1842, he went to Fort Jessup, Louisiana, where he served four ears. When the Mexican War began, Surgeon Barnes was appointed chief medical officer of the cavalry brigade, and he was in active service throughout the war. He was assigned to duty again at West Point in 1854, and remained there for several years. At the beginning of the Civil War he was in Oregon, and was among the first summoned to Washington. In 1861 he was assigned to duty in the office of the surgeon-general, where his experience in field and hospital service was of great value. Two years later he was appointed to a medical inspectorship, with the rank of colonel, and in September, 1863, he was promoted at the request of the Secretary of War to fill a vacancy in the surgeon-general's department, with the rank of brigadier-general. In 1865 he was brevetted major-general. For the position of chief medical officer of the army he had been fitted by twenty years of experience under all the conditions afforded by our military service. Under his care the medical department, then organized on a gigantic scale, attained an admirable degree of efficiency and discipline. It was at his suggestion and through his influence that the army medical museum and the library of the surgeon-general's office were established, and the “Medical and Surgical History of the War” was compiled. He was present at the death-bed of Lincoln, attended Secretary Seward when he was wounded by the knife of a Confederate assassin, and attended Mr. Garfield through his long confinement. He was a trustee of Peabody educational fund, a commissioner for the Soldiers' Home, and the custodian of other important public trusts. The royal medical societies of London and Paris and Moscow made him an honorary member, as did also many of the other important European schools. He was buried at Oak-Hill Cemetery, Georgetown, D.C., with the military honors befitting his rank. He was placed on the retired list the year before his death. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 171.
BARNESVILLE, ML, September 8-9, 1862. Detachments of Pleasonton's Cavalry. On the 8th, the 2nd brigade, commanded by Colonel Farnsworth and consisting of the 8th Illinois, 3d Indiana and a section of the horse artillery of company M, 2nd artillery, under Lieutenant Chapin, occupied Poolesville and picketed the roads to Conrad's and Edwards' ferries, Barnesville and the Monocacy. As Poolesville was approached the enemy's cavalry retreated on the road to Barnesville and a portion of the 3d Indiana followed. The enemy opened fire on the pursuers with guns posted on the right of the town. These guns were soon silenced, however, by Chapin's artillery, and were moved toward Barnesville. The 3d Indiana gallantly charged the Confederate battery and drove it and the Confederate cavalry more than 3 miles. Then they were joined by the 8th Illinois, under Major Medill, and the chase was kept up until after dark. Union loss, 1 killed, 12 wounded; Confederate loss, 8 killed, 16 wounded, 6 prisoners. Next day Farnsworth with his command advanced toward Barnesville. Noting a squadron of the enemy's cavalry near Monocacy church, he directed Captain Farnsworth's squadron of the 8th Illinois to gain its rear and cut it off. By this movement the enemy's force was divided and several prisoners and the battle flag of the 12th Virginia (Ashby's) cavalry were captured. The march was continued toward Barnesville, and, at the edge of the village, the advance, Captain Kelly's squadron of the 8th Illinois, encountered the enemy's videttes, routed them and pursued them 2 miles beyond the town, engaging in two hand-to-hand fights. Confederate loss, 4 killed, 5 wounded, 27 prisoners; no Federal loss. Barnett's Corners, Mississippi, September 19. 1862. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 80.
BARNETT'S FORD, VIRGINIA, August 1, 1862. Bayard's Cavalry Brigade. 3d Army Corps. Brigadier-General Bayard was ordered by Brigadier-General Crawford, commanding the U. S. forces about Culpeper Court House, to make a demonstration at Barnett's ford, during the preparation of operations against Orange Court House. There was a brisk skirmish in which a battalion of the ist New Jersey cavalry under Major Beaumont, drove the advance picket of the enemy from its headquarters in a mill at the ford. After some hours' fighting, at too long range to inflict much injury on either side, the Confederates learned of Crawford's success at Orange Court House and withdrew from the field. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, pp. 80-81.
BARNETT'S FORD, VIRGINIA, February 7, 1864. ist Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. Brigadier-General Merritt, commanding the division, crossed the Robertson river on the morning of the 6th and drove in the enemy's cavalry pickets, which retired with but little resistance to the Rapidan, where they arrived about 4 p. m. The Federal reserve brigade and battery could not be brought up in time to do anything that day. Colonel Chapman's command, parts of the ist and 2nd brigades, in approaching the ford were opposed only by Lomax's cavalry brigade of 3 regiments. That was driven across the river, and that night the banks were picketed by Federal troops. Early on the morning of the 7th the Federal artillery and a greater part of the cavalry moved on Barnett's ford. Skirmishing with small arms and lively practice between the artillery of Gibbs' brigade and that of the enemy were kept up until after noon. Not much Confederate infantry was developed until the Federals made a movement to cross the river, when a brigade estimated at five regiments moved down to the ford to support the skirmishers occupying the defenses on the south bank. Another camp of about a brigade, to the Federal right and looking toward the ford, did not display any infantry. Until forced into activity by the Federal artillery, the enemy made no unnecessary noise or demonstration; then with 2 batteries about a mile apart, one of them of heavy artillery, he fired rapidly. The demonstration continued for some time, when Merritt received orders to return and recrossed the Robertson. Five prisoners were taken. Federal loss, 3 killed, 12 wounded. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 81.
BARNUM AND FAWN (U. S. STEAMERS), November 5, 1864. (See Buffalo Shoals, West Virginia)
BARNUM, HENRY A., soldier, born in Jamesville, Onondaga County, New York, 24 September, 1833. He was educated in Syracuse, and in 1856 became a tutor in the Syracuse Institute. He then studied law and was admitted to the bar. He enlisted as a private in the 12th New York Volunteers in April, 1861, was elected captain of Company I, and went to the front with his regiment, which was the first under fire at Blackburn's Ford in the fighting preliminary to the battle of Bull Run. He was promoted to major in October, 1861, and, after being for a short time on General Wadsworth's staff, rejoined his regiment and served through the Peninsular Campaign. When on General Butterfield's staff at Malvern Hill, he received a wound from which he has never fully recovered, and was left for dead on the field. A body, supposed to be his was buried, and a funeral oration was delivered at his home. He was taken to Libby Prison, where he remained till 18 July, 1862. He was on leave till the following December, when he was commissioned colonel, and led his regiment at Gettysburg and at Lookout Mountain, where he was wounded again, and where his regiment captured eleven battle-flags. He was again wounded in the Atlanta Campaign, commanded a brigade on Sherman's march to the sea, and was the first officer to enter Savannah. He was brevetted major-general on 13 March, 1865. On 9 January, 1866, he resigned, having declined a colonelcy in the regular army, and became inspector of prisons in New York. He was deputy tax commissioner from 1869 till 1872, and was for five years harbor-master of New York. In 1885 he was elected as a Republican to the state assembly. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 172.
BARNUM, PHINEAS TAYLOR, exhibitor, born in Bethel, Connecticut, 5 July, 1810. His father was an innkeeper and country merchant, who died in 1825, leaving no property, and from the age of thirteen to eighteen the son was in business in various places, part of the time in Brooklyn and New York City. Having accumulated a little money, he returned to Bethel and opened a small store. Here he was very successful, especially after taking the agency for a year of a lottery chartered by the state for building the Groton Monument, opposite New London. When the lottery charter expired he built a larger store in Bethel, but through debts the enterprise proved a failure. After his marriage in 1829 he established and edited a weekly newspaper entitled “The Herald of Freedom,” and for the free expression of his opinions he was imprisoned sixty days for libel. In 1834 he moved to New York, his property having become much reduced. He soon afterward visited Philadelphia, and saw there on exhibition a colored slave woman named Joyce Heth, advertised as the nurse of George Washington, one hundred and sixty-one years old. Her owner exhibited an ancient-looking, time-colored bill of sale, dated 1727. Mr. Barnum bought her for $1,000, advertised her extensively, and his receipts soon reached $1,500 a week. Within a year Joyce Heth died, and a post-mortem examination proved that the Virginia planter had added about eighty years to her age. Barnum thus acquired a taste for the show business, Mr. Barnum travelled through the south with small shows, which were generally unsuccessful. In 1841, although without a dollar of his own, he purchased Scudder's American Museum, named it Barnum's Museum, and, by adding novel curiosities and advertising freely, he was able to pay for it the first year, and in 1848 he had added to it two other extensive collections, besides several minor ones. In 1842 he first heard of Charles S. Stratton, of Bridgeport, Connecticut, then less than two feet high and only sixteen pounds, who soon became known to the world, under Mr. Barnum's direction, as General Tom Thumb, and was exhibited in the United States and Europe with great success. In 1849 Mr. Barnum, after long negotiations, engaged Jenny Lind to sing in America for 150 nights at $1,000 a night, and a concert company was formed to support her. Only ninety-five concerts were given; but the gross receipts of the tour in nine months of 1850 and 1851 were $712,161 upon which Mr. Barnum made a large profit. In 1855, after being connected with many enterprises besides those named, he retired to an oriental villa in Bridgeport, which he had built in 1846. He expended large sums in improving that city, built up the city of East Bridgeport, made miles of streets, and therein planted thousands of trees. He encouraged manufacturers to move to his new city, which has since been united with Bridgeport. But in 1856–7, to encourage a large manufacturing company to remove there, he became so impressed with confidence in their wealth and certain success that he endorsed their notes for nearly $1,000,000. The company went into bankruptcy, wiping out Mr. Barnum's property; but he had settled a fortune upon his wife. He went to England again with Tom Thumb, and lectured with success in London and other English cities, returning in 1857. His earnings and his wife's assistance enabled him to emerge from his financial misfortunes, and he once more took charge of the old museum on the corner of Broadway and Ann street, and conducted it with success till it was burned on 13 July, 1865. Another museum which he opened was also burned. He then, in the spring of 1871, established a great travelling museum an menagerie, introducing rare equestrian and athletic performances, which, after the addition of a representation of the ancient Roman hippodrome races, the great elephant Jumbo, and other novelties, he called “P. T. Barnum’s Greatest Show on Earth.” Mr. Barnum has been four times a member of the Connecticut legislature, and mayor of Bridgeport, to which city he presented a public park. His other benefactions have been large and numerous, among them a stone museum building presented to Tufts College near Boston, Massachusetts, filled with specimens of natural history. He has delivered hundreds of lectures on temperance and the practical affairs of life. He has published his autobiography (New York, 1855; enlarged ed., Hartford, 1869, with yearly appendices), “Humbugs of the World” (New York, 1865); and “Lion Jack,” a story (1876). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, pp. 172-173.
BARNUM, WILLIAM H., senator, born in Connecticut, 17 September, 1818. He was educated at the public schools, and in 1836 went into business. He was for many years engaged in the manufacture of car-wheels, and in the production of iron from the ore. He was elected to the state legislature in 1852, was a delegate to the Union National Convention at Philadelphia in 1866, was sent to Congress as a Democrat in 1866, and retained his seat by successive reëlections till 1876, in which year he was elected to the U. S. Senate to fill the term of Orris S. Ferry, deceased, ending 4 March, 1879. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 173.
BARNUM, ZENAS, capitalist, b, near Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, 9 December, 1810; died in Baltimore, Maryland, 5 April, 1865. He was a civil engineer, but became proprietor of Barnum's Hotel in Baltimore, in the management of which he acquired a large fortune. Later he became president of the Baltimore Central Railroad, and devoted his entire energies to its reorganization, a task in which he was thoroughly Successful. Mr. Barnum was largely interested in the development of the telegraph, and was the first president of the American Telegraph Company. He was also president of the Magnetic Telegraph Company at the time of his death. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 173.
BARNWELL, ROBERT WOODWARD, statesman, in Beaufort, South Carolina, 10 August, 1801; died in Columbia, South Carolina, 25 November, 1882. After graduation at Harvard in 1821, he studied law, and practised in his native state. He was a representative in Congress from 1829 till 1833. In 1835 he was elected president of the South Carolina College. He resigned, on account of his health, in 1841. He declined reelection, but was appointed U. S. Senator in place of F. H. Elmore, deceased, and in this capacity he served in 1850-'51. In December, 1860, after the passage of the ordinance of secession by South Carolina, he was appointed one of the commissioners to go to Washington to treat with the national government for U. S. property within the state. He was a delegate to the convention of the seceding states at Montgomery, Alabama, and his was the casting vote that made Jefferson Davis president of the southern confederacy. He was also a member of the Confederate Senate. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, pp. 173-174.
BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA, February 6, 1865. Kilpatrick's Carolina Campaign. General Kilpatrick with 3 brigades of cavalry, 6 pieces of horse artillery of the 10th Wisconsin battery, and a small brigade of dismounted men under Lieutenant-Colonel Way, in all about 5,000 men, struck the Salkehatchie river just below Barnwell, where he found the enemy about 300 strong, occupying a well-chosen position on the opposite side behind earthworks commanding the bridge. The bridge was on fire, but the 9th Ohio cavalry and the 92nd Illinois mounted infantry dismounted and gallantly dashed through the swamp, the men wading in the water up to their armpits, crossed the stream on trees felled by pioneers, and under cover of a rapid fire of artillery, carried the works, driving the enemy in confusion toward Barnwell. Only a portion of the bridge had been destroyed. It was quickly repaired and after a march of 21 miles and a hard, galling fight, Kilpatrick's men rode into Barnwell at 4 p. m. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 81.
BARNWELL'S ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA, February 10. 1862. Detachment 2nd Brigade Expedionary Corps. From the headquarters of the brigade, at Beaufort, S. C., Brigadier-General Stevens reported that a party of the enemy landed on Barnwell's island and made a night attack on the Federal pickets. Lieutenant Foot of the 50th Pennsylvania infantry, who was in command of the pickets, held his ground until reinforced by Captain Dimock of the same regiment, with a portion of his command from Seabrook, when the whole force pushed forward and drove the enemy to his boats. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 81.
BARNWELL'S ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA, July 30, 1863. Captain Kirk of the South Carolina Partisan Rangers, was ordered by Brigadier-General Walker, commanding the Third Military District, to attack the Federal pickets and penetrate the lines at some point near the Confederate outpost at Cunningham's bluff. With 40 of his own company, 25 of the Beaufort artillery and 25 of the 11th South Carolina infantry, he landed on Barnwell's island, and without resistance advanced half a mile toward its interior to the settlement of one Trescott, where he captured 31 negroes, 3 of whom were men, the others women and children. In retreating with his prisoners he was fired on by Federals from Hall's island. All of the negroes except one man were held subject to the order of their owners. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, pp. 81-82.
BARRACKS from the Spanish barraca, are buildings erected by Government for lodging troops. Where the ground is sufficiently spacious, they are made to enclose a large area, for the purpose of exercising and drilling. Barracks should be very commodious, comprising mess-rooms, cooking-houses, guard-houses, magazines, &c. United States troops are generally badly quartered, sometimes in casemates of fortifications, and often in cantonments constructed by themselves. Officers and soldiers' quarters should be properly furnished by the Government; but in the United States, officers' quarters are bare of all conveniences when assigned to them for occupancy. The quarters of soldiers are provided with bunks, tables, &c. (Consult, for detailed information upon the proper construction of Barracks, and their necessary furniture, &c., (BARDIN'S Dictionnaire de L Armee de Terre; Spectateur Militaire, &c.; British Regulations. Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, pp. 79-80).
BARREN FORK, INDIAN TERRITORY, December 18, 1863. (See Sheldon's Place.) Barren Mound, Kentucky, October 15, 1862. 19th Brigade, Army of the Ohio. In the pursuit of the Confederates after the battle of Perryville, Hazen's brigade encountered Wheeler's cavalry near Barren Mound and drove it slowly back toward Crab Orchard, keeping up the pursuit to within 2 miles of Mount Vernon. No casualties reported. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 82.
BARRE'S LANDING, LOUISIANA, May 22, 1863. U. S. Steamer Louisiana Belle. The steamer, loaded with cotton, was descending Bayou Teche, and when near Barre's landing was fired upon from the thick underbrush lining the banks. The pilot was obliged to abandon the pilot-house and for 4 or 5 miles the boat drifted helplessly, the guard of the vessel—50 men of the 4th Massachusetts infantry—replying with spirit to the constant fire from the banks. The captain of the steamer was killed and 11 men of the guard were wounded. The enemy's loss was not ascertained. After this chase of about 5 miles a place was reached where the low ground along the banks was overflowed, and this stopped the pursuit. The pilot then returned to his station and the vessel proceeded on her way without further molestation. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 82.
BARRE'S LANDING, LOUISIANA, October 21, 1863. (See Opelousas, same date.)
BARRETT, EDWARD, naval officer, born in Louisiana in 1828; died in March, 1880. When thirteen years old he joined the sloop “Preble” as a mid-shipman, and served on foreign stations until February, 1846, when he was ordered to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis (established in 1845), and was graduated in August of the same year, in time to participate in the war with Mexico as a passed midshipman. He was present at the operations about Vera Cruz, took part in the expedition to Laguna, and was sent as master with a valuable prize to New Orleans. In 1848 he was placed in command of the sloop “Jamestown” and sent to the African Coast. In 1854 he acted as flag lieutenant to Commodore Breeze, was promoted lieutenant 14 September, 1855, and after further service on the African Coast and in the East Indies was appointed instructor of gunnery. In 1862 he was tried by court-martial for disloyalty, but was fully exonerated alike by the court and the reviewing authority. In July, 1862, he was promoted lieutenant-commander, and in 1863-'4 commanded the gun-boat “Massasoit.” In 1864–’5 he commanded the monitor “Catskill,” and captured the “Deer,” the only blockade-runner captured by a monitor. He was in the first expedition that ascended the Yang-Tse-Kiang River as far as Hangkow, and took the first man-of-war through the Eads jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 175.
BARRICADES. The following series of Barricades afford means of closing openings in various ways, most of them practicable under all circumstances: 1. Palisading; movable or fixed) Loopholed; the bottom of the 2. Stockade of trees. loophole not less than 8 feet 9 3. Stockade of squared baulk.) above ground outside. 4. Abatis; with or without parapet of earth and ditch behind. (See PALISADES; STOCKADE; AND ABATIS.) Fig. 64 represents a barricade in a street, with its means of communication. FIG. 65. Fig. 65. Barricade made in haste with tierces, boxes, wagon bodies, &c., and filled with earth or dung, avoiding parapets of paving stones. Fig. 66. Barricades made with bales of merchandise, barrels of sugar, with the approaches also obstructed. Sand-bag parapets may also be used as barricades. (See REVETMENT. Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, pp. 80-81).
BARRIER. Carpentry obstructions in fortifications. The purpose regulates the construction. If the barrier is to be permanently defensible, it should be musket-proof, and then becomes a Stockade. If occasionally defensible, palisading will suffice, with a sand-bag or other temporary parapet when required, behind and near enough to fire between the palisades. The gates in both the above should, if possible, be of palisading, as the heavy stockade gate is unwieldy. Barrier gates should never be left unprotected. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 81).
BARRIGER, JOHN WALKER, soldier, born in Shelby County, Kentucky, 9 July, 1832. he was graduated at West Point in 1856, and was commissioned second lieutenant of artillery. He participated in the Manassas Campaign in 1861, receiving the brevet of captain for gallantry at Bull Run, and subsequently served as chief of commissariat for Indiana and for West Virginia, and from 17 November, 1863, to 15 August, 1865, as chief commissary of the Army of the Ohio, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel in the staff of the volunteer army. On 13 March, 1865, he was brevetted brigadier-general for faithful and meritorious services. From 1867 to 1873 he served as chief of commissariat in the Department of the Platte, and subsequently as assistant commissary-general in Washington, with the rank of major. He is the author of "Legislative History of the Subsistence Department of the United States Army from June 16, 1875, to August 15, 1876." Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 176
BARRINGER, DANIEL MOREAU, diplomatist, born in Cabarras County, North Carolina, in 1807; died at White Sulphur Springs, Virginia, 1 September, 1873. He was graduated at the University of North Carolina in 1826, and admitted to the "bar in 1829. The same year he was elected to the state house of commons, and returned for several successive terms. He was a member of the state constitutional convention in 1835, and elected for three successive terms to Congress, 1843-'9. He received the appointment of minister to Spain from President Taylor in 1849, and served until 4 September, 1853, when he returned home and was reelected to the state legislature. In 1855 he declined renomination and retired to private life until chosen to represent his state at the Peace Congress in Washington (1861). Alter the war he was sent as a delegate to the national union Convention in Philadelphia, August, 1866. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 176.
BARRON, SAMUEL, naval officer, born in Virginia about 1802. He entered the U.S. Navy as midshipman in 1812. attained the rank of lieutenant 3 March, 1827, of commander 15 July, 1847, and of captain in 1855. He was appointed chief of the bureau of detail in the Navy Department when the southern fates seceded, but had already accepted a commission as commodore in the Confederate Navy. He superintended the defences of North Carolina and Virginia. Being present at the attack upon Forts Clark and Hatteras, 28 August, 1861, he assumed direction of the defence by request of the officers of the forts, and, after the surrender, was a prisoner of war in New York until exchanged in 1862. He then went to England, where he engaged in fitting out blockade-runners and privateers. After the war he became a farmer in Virginia. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 179.
BARROW, WASHINGTON, Congressman, born in Davidson County, Tennessee, 5 October, 1817; died in St. Louis, Missouri, 19 October, 1866. He received a classical education, studied law, and was admitted to the bar. He was American charge d'affaires in Portugal from 16 August, 1841, to 24 February, 1844, and was elected to Congress from Tennessee as a Whig, serving from 1847 to 1849. He edited the Nashville "Banner," was a state senator in 1860-'l, and was a member of the commission that on 4 May, 1861, negotiated a military league with the southern confederacy. He was arrested, 28 March, 1862, by order of Andrew Johnson, governor of Tennessee, on the charge of disloyalty, and was imprisoned in the penitentiary at Nashville, but was released in the following week, by the order of President Lincoln. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 179.
BARRY, HENRY W., soldier, born in New York City; died in Washington, D.C., 7 June, 1875. He was self-educated in the city of his birth, and so improved his opportunities that in early manhood he became principal of the Locust Grove Academy, Kentucky. He then studied law and was graduated at the Columbian Law College, Washington, D. C. He entered the Union Army as a private early in the Civil War, and organized the first regiment of colored troops raised in Kentucky. He commanded a brigade, and for a time a division, and was brevetted major-general of volunteers. As a member of the state constitutional convention of Mississippi in 1867, he was active during the reconstruction period and was chosen state senator in 1868, and elected to Congress the same year. Reelected for successive terms by the votes of the colored Republicans of Mississippi, he retained his seat in Congress until his death. During his last term he was chairman of the Committee on Postal Expenditures. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 180
BARRY, JOHN S., governor of Michigan, born in Vermont in 1802; died in Constantine, Michigan 14 January, 1870. He was educated in the schools of his native state, and, when a young man, went to Atlanta, Georgia, where he lived until 1832, and then moved to Michigan. He had studied law, but became a merchant at Constantine, Michigan, and was active in politics there. On the admission of Michigan into the union, in 1836, he was a member of the constitutional convention, and was also chosen a state senator, an office which he again held until 1840. In the latter year he became interested the cultivation of the sugar-beet, and went to Europe to study the best methods of preparing the sugar. He was elected governor in 1841, and as twice reelected, serving from 1842 to 1846 and from 1850 to 1852. He was again a candidate in 1860, but was defeated. In his successful campaign he sustained the “Wilmot Proviso,” intended to prohibit slavery in the territories. During the Civil War he was in sympathy with the ultra-wing of the Democratic Party, and was a member of the Chicago Convention of August, 1864, which nominated General McClellan to the presidency. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, pp. 180-181
BARRY, WILLIAM FARQUHAR, soldier, born in New York : 3 August, 1818; died in Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland, 18 July, 1879. He was graduated at West Point in 1838, and in that year assisted Major Ringgold to organize the first battery of light artillery formed in the U.S. Army. After doing garrison duty at different stations, he went with the army to Mexico, remaining there from 1846 to 1848. He was in the battle of Tampico, and served in General Patterson's division, and also as aide-decamp to General Worth. From 1849 to 1851 he was stationed at Fort McHenry, and was made a captain in the 2d U.S. Artillery on 1 July, 1852. He served in the war against the Seminoles in Florida in 1852–’3, and during the Kansas disturbances of 1857–’8 was stationed at Fort Leavenworth. During 1858 he was a member of the board to revise the system of light artillery practice, and the revision was adopted on 6 March, 1860. On the breaking out of the Civil War, he went into active service, assisting in the defence of Fort Pickens, Florida, as major of the 5th U.S. Artillery. He was chief of artillery in the Army of the Potomac from 27 July, 1861, to 27 August, 1862, and organized its artillery. On 20 August, 1861, he was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers, took a '' part in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign until August, 1862, being in the siege of Yorktown, at the battle of Gaines's Mill, the skirmish of Mechanicsville, the battle of Charles City Cross-Roads, the Malvern Hill contest, and at Harrison's Landing. From the end of that campaign until 1864 he was chief of artillery of the defences of Washington, D.C., having been appointed lieutenant-colonel of the 1st U.S. Artillery on 1 August, 1863. He was assigned to the command at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and Wheeling, West Virginia, against a threatened cavalry raid in May 1863, and was next appointed chief of artillery on General Sherman's staff, commanding the Military Division of the Mississippi from March, 1864, to June, 1866. From May to September, 1864, he was with the Army in Georgia, and took part in the siege of Atlanta, and also in the northern Georgia, Alabama, and Carolina Campaigns. On 1 September, 1864, he was made brevet major-general of volunteers, and colonel by brevet for gallant conduct at Rocky-Faced Ridge. On 13 March 1865, he was made brevet brigadier-general, U. S. Army, for his services in the campaign ending with the surrender of the army under General Joseph E. Johnston, and on the same day was made brevet major-general for gallant conduct in the field. On 11 December, 1865, he was appointed colonel in the 2d U.S. Artillery, and was in command of the northern frontier pending the Fenian raids of 1866. On 15 January of that year he was mustered out of the volunteer service. He served on the northern frontier to September, 1867, and then commanded the artillery school of practice at Fortress Monroe to 5 March, 1877, when he was appointed to the command at Fort McHenry. During the labor riots of 1877 he rendered valuable service at Camden Station. He was the author, in conjunction with General Barnard, of “Reports of the Engineer and Artillery Operations of the Army of the Potomac from its Organization to the Close of the Peninsular Campaign" (New York, 1863). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 181.
BARRY, WILLIAM TAYLOR, statesman, born in Lunenburg, Virginia, 5 February, 1785; died in Liverpool, England, 30 August, 1835. He went to Kentucky in 1796, was graduated at William and Mary College in 1807, studied law, was admitted to the bar, and practised at Lexington, Kentucky, where his eloquence soon brought him into notice. He served in both branches of the Kentucky legislature, and, in December, 1810, was elected to Congress to fill a vacancy, serving until 3 March, 1811. In the war of 1812 he was aide to Governor Shelby, and was present at the battle of the Thames, 5 October, 1813. He was appointed to the U.S. Senate, in February, 1815, to fill a vacancy, and resigned, in 1816, to become a judge of the Kentucky Supreme Court. He was afterward lieutenant-governor, state secretary, and chief justice of the state. On 9 March, 1829, he was appointed Postmaster-General. The incumbent of this office was not then a cabinet minister. President Jackson elevated him to that rank in order to gratify his friend Major Barry. Much dissatisfaction was expressed with his management of the department, and he was severely denounced on the floor of the house by William Cost Johnson, of Maryland, and others. A son of Major Barry, then a lieutenant in the army, challenged Johnson, but the challenge was withdrawn after its acceptance. On 10 April, 1835, he resigned, to accept the office of minister to Spain, and died on his way to that country. His remains were brought home by order of the Kentucky legislature, and buried at Frankfort, 8 November, 1854. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, pp. 181-182.
BARRY, WILLIAM TAYLOR SULLIVAN, lawyer, born in Columbus, Mississippi, 10 December, 1821; died there, 29 January, 1868. He was graduated at Yale in 1841, then studied law, and practised in Columbus for a few years. From 1849 to 1851 he was a member of the legislature. He owned plantations in Oktibbeha and Sunflower Counties, and in 1853 moved to the latter place. He was elected to Congress as a Democrat, serving from 5 December, 1853, to March, 1855. On 18 December, 1854, he made an effective speech against the “Know-Nothing” Party. After the expiration of his term he devoted himself to his law practice in Columbus, and was again sent to the legislature, being speaker of the house in 1855. He was a member of the Charleston Democratic National Convention in April, 1860, and was one of those that withdrew because the convention did not expressly deny in its platform the power of the federal government to legislate against slavery. In 1861 he presided over the Mississippi Secession Convention, and was a member of the Provisional Confederate Congress until 1862, when he resigned to enter the army. In the spring of that year he raised the 35th Mississippi Regiment which he led until captured at Mobile, 9 April, 1865. Colonel Barry's regiment took an active part in the defence of Vicksburg, where it was surrendered, and afterward in the Georgia Campaign. After the war he practised law in Columbus until his death. See Lynch’s “Bench and Bar of Mississippi.” (New York, 1881). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 182.
BARRY, MISSOURI, August 14, 1862. Missouri State Troops. Having learned of a camp of guerrillas, numbering 75 or 100 men, at the house of a Mrs. Elliott, about 3 miles south of Barry, Colonel Penick, with about 50 men of his regiment, the 5th militia cavalry, 150 Andrew county militia, under Colonel Heron and Lieutenant-Colonel Hobson, and 1 piece of artillery from Johnson's battery, descended on the gang, arriving near Mrs. Elliott's about daybreak. A man whom he arrested 2 miles from Barry served as a guide. Three men in Mrs. Elliott's house, one of them her son, denied knowledge of any camp or gathering of armed men within 3 miles of there. The ground round about was so rough and densely wooded that Penick failed to surround the camp, but by dismounting his men and deploying them as skirmishers he scouted the vicinity, routed and scattered the guerrillas. By his order, a squad of men took out and shot Zack Elliott and James H. Rollins, 2 of the 3 men at the house. The bedding in the house was confiscated arid the house and stables were burned, with 2 neighboring houses belonging to one of the Elliott’s and another guerrilla. Four negroes and some horses, the property of Mrs. Elliott, were also taken. Barry County, Missouri, October 8, 1864. The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 82.
BARRY COUNTY, MISSOURI, October 29, 1864. (See Upshaw's Farm.)
BARSTOW, WILLIAM A., governor of Wisconsin, born in 1811; died in Leavenworth, Kansas, 14 December, 1865. He was governor of Wisconsin from January, 1854, to January, 1856. When the Civil War began he called upon General Frémont, then commander of the Western Department, and offered to raise a cavalry regiment in Wisconsin. After raising it he was made colonel, and the regiment served with credit in the southwest; but, owing to the failing health of Colonel Barstow, during most of his military term he was sitting on courts-martial at St. Louis, where he rendered valuable service. On 13 March, 1865, he was brevetted brigadier general of volunteers. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 182.
BARSTOW, WILSON, soldier, born in 1830; died in New York City, 16 March, 1869. During the early part of the Civil War he was successively on the staffs of Generals Dix and Hooker, and subsequently chief commissary of musters of the Department of the East. He served from the first year of the war until its close with zeal and ability, entering the service as a lieutenant, and, passing through the successive grades, attained the brevet rank of brigadier-general on 13 March, 1865. When mustered out he was appointed assistant appraiser of the port of New York under Mr. McElrath. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 182.
BARTHOLDI, FREDERIC AUGUSTE, French sculptor, born in Colmar, Alsace, 2 April, 1834. He studied painting with Ary Scheffer in Paris, but afterward turned his attention to sculpture, which has since exclusively occupied him. Among his works are “Francesca da Rimini” (1852); “Monument to Martin Schongauer” (1863): “Le Vigneron ” (1870); and “Vercingetorix” (1872). His statue of “Lafayette arriving in America” was executed in 1872, and in 1876 was placed in Union square, New York. He was one of the French commissioners in 1876 to the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, and there exhibited bronze statues of “The Young Vine-Grower”; “Génie Funèbre”; “Peace”; and “Genius in the Grasp of Misery,” for which he received a bronze medal. “Liberty Enlightening the World,” the colossal statue on Bedlow's Island, in New York Harbor, is his work. Soon after the establishment of the present form of government in France, the project of building some suitable memorial to show the fraternal feeling existing between the two great republics was suggested, and in 1874 the “French-American Union” was established. Among its members were Laboulaye, De Rémusat, Wad '' Henri Martin, De Lesseps, De Rochambeau, Lafayette, and Bartholdi. The plan of Bartholdi having been approved, more than 1,000,000 francs were raised by subscription throughout France for the building of the statue. On 4 July, 1880, it was formally delivered to the American minister in Paris, the event being celebrated by a great banquet. Meanwhile the United States had set apart Bedlow's Island as a site for the monument, and funds were collected throughout this country for the building of the pedestal, about $300,000 being raised. In October, 1886, the structure was presented to the nation as the joint gift of the French and American people. This statue is 151 feet and 1 inch high, and the top of the torch will be at an elevation of 305 feet 11 inches from mean low-water mark. It is the largest work of its kind that has ever been completed. The famous “Colossus of Rhodes,” according to the proportions which the legends attribute to it, was but a miniature in comparison. The “Lion of Belfort,” a colossal statue, erected in commemoration of the siege sustained by that city during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–71, was made by Bartholdi and exhibited in plaster at the salon of 1878. His “Gribeauval,” exhibited in the same year, is the property of the French nation, from whom he has received the cross of the legion of honor. See “Bartholdi and the Great Statue” (New York, 1886). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, pp. 182-183.
BARTHOLOW, ROBERTS, physician, born in Howard County, Maryland, 18 November, 1831. He Was graduated at Calvert College in 1850, and received his medical degree from the University of Maryland in 1852. Shortly after graduation he entered the regular army, where he remained until 1864. He served at the different army stations in the west, and during the Civil War was in charge of general hospitals in Baltimore, Washington, and elsewhere. After his resignation he settled in Cincinnati, where he practised, and also filled various chairs in the Medical College of Ohio from 1864 to 1878. In 1878 he became professor of materia medica and therapeutics in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. He is a member of various medical societies, among which are the American Medical Association, the Ohio State Medical Society, and the Cincinnati Academy of medicine. Dr. Bartholow's Medical works include the following: “Materia Medica and Therapeutics” (New York, 1874); “Practice of Medicine” : “Hermatic Medication” (1882); “Medical Electricity” (1881); and “Antagonism between Medicines and between Remedies. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 183.
BARTLETT, JOHN, editor, born in Plymouth, Massachusetts, 14 June, 1820. He was educated in his native town, and began business life as a publisher in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1836, succeeding to the management of the business there in 1849, and conducting it for ten years. He was appointed volunteer paymaster in the U. S. Navy in November, 1862, and served until July, 1863. A business connection was formed with the Boston publishing to the latter (1888). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, pp. 183-184.
BARTLET, JOHN RUSSELL, born 26 September, 1843, was appointed to the U.S. Naval Academy from Rhode Island in 1859, and in 1861 was attached to the steam sloop " Mississippi," in which he served at the passage of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, the capture of New Orleans, and the attack on Vicksburg in June, 1862. He became ensign 8 September, 1863, and lieutenant 22 February, 1864. While attached to the steam sloop "Susquehanna" he took part in both attacks on Fort Fisher, was one of the assaulting party of 15 January, 1865, and was specially mentioned in the reports of Commodore Godon and Lieutenant Commander Blake, he was commissioned as lieut.-commander 25 July, 1866, and spent two more years at the U.S. Naval Academy, from 1867 to 1869. He became commander on 25 April, 1877, and was afterward attached as hydrographer to the Bureau of Navigation in Washington, D. C. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 184.
BARTLETT, JOSEPH J., soldier, born about 1820. He was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers 4 October, 1, was brevetted major-general 1 August, 1864, and was mustered out 15 January, 1866. From 1867 till 1869 he was U. S. minister to Sweden and Norway. He is now employed in the pension-office at Washington, D.C. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 185.
BARTLETT, WILLIAM FRANCIS, soldier, born in Haverhill, Massachusetts, 6 January, 1840; died in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 17 December, 1876. Mr. Bartlett was a student at Harvard when the first call of the president came for troops in 1861. He at once left college, enlisted in the 4th Battalion of Massachusetts Volunteers, and learned his manual of arms and company drill in Fort Independence, Boston Harbor. Turning to college for a brief period, he was offered a captaincy in the 20th Massachusetts Volunteers. In September the regiment was in camp in front of Washington, and on 21 October the young captain was for the first time under fire at Ball's Bluff. His aptitude for military service was so evident that he was soon an acting field officer. In the spring of 1862 he was severely wounded at Yorktown, and suffered amputation of his leg. He recovered sufficiently to be present with his class when it graduated, and received a degree. In September, 1862, he accepted the duty of organizing the 49th Massachusetts Volunteers recruiting at Pittsfield, and was soon made its colonel in spite of his disability. The regiment was ordered to Louisiana with General Banks's expedition. Colonel Bartlett was obliged, owing to the loss of his leg, to remain mounted whenever his regiment needed his presence, and exposed himself on all occasions with the most reckless daring. It is even said that the Confederate officers, in admiration of his bravery, endeavored to prevent their men from aiming at him. He was, nevertheless, twice wounded in the assault on Port Hudson, 27 May. Returning to the north, he organized the 57th Massachusetts Volunteers in time to lead it in the Wilderness Campaign, where he was again wounded. He was promoted brigadier-general, and was in the field again as soon as he could sit his horse, but, exposing himself with his usual recklessness, was taken prisoner after the explosion of the mine before Petersburg, 30 July, 1864. After several weeks of suffering in Libby Prison and elsewhere, he was exchanged in September, placed in command of the 1st Division of the 9th Corps, and in 1865 was brevetted major-general. His military career is among the most brilliant on record. His frequent wounds testified to his bravery, and the success with which he managed his men so long as he remained unhurt marked him as a born leader. After the war he engaged for a time in business with the Tredegar Iron Works at Richmond, Virginia, but eventually returned to the north, and married a lady whose acquaintance he had formed while recruiting his regiment at Pittsfield, Massachusetts. In that city he engaged in business, and made his residence. In 1875 he won a sudden and deserved reputation as an orator by an address delivered at the battle-field of Lexington, on the centennial anniversary of the fight. See “Memoir of William Francis Bartlett,” by F.W. Palfrey (Boston, 1878). Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 185
BARTLEY, MORDECAI, governor of Ohio, born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, 16 December, 1783; died in Mansfield, Ohio, 10 October, 1870. He attended school, and worked on his father's farm until 1809, when he moved to Ohio. In the war of 1812 he served in the northwest, under General Harrison, as captain and adjutant. He settled in Richland County in 1814, and remained there till 1834, when he moved to Mansfield and engaged in mercantile pursuits. Mr. Bartley was elected to the Ohio Senate in 1817, and in 1818 was chosen, by the legislature, registrar of the land-office of Virginia Military District school lands. He resigned his registrar ship in 1823, having been elected member of Congress, where he remained until 3 March, 1831. In 1844 he was elected governor of Ohio on the Whig ticket. During the Mexican War, when the president issued his call for troops, Governor Bartley, though opposed to the war, promptly responded, superintending their organization in person. In 1846 he retired to private life, declining a renomination. He remained a Whig until the disruption of that party, and subsequently acted with the Republicans. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1887, Vol. I, p. 187.
BARTON, CLARA, philanthropist, born in Oxford, Massachusetts, about 1830. She is the daughter of Captain Stephen Barton, and was educated in Clinton, New York Early in life she became a teacher, and founded a free school in Bordentown, New Jersey. When this was opened it was attended by only six pupils; but when Miss Barton left it the attendance numbered more than 600. She entered the patent office as a clerk in 1854, and remained there until the war began, when she determined to devote herself to the care of wounded soldiers on the battlefield. In 1864 she was appointed by General Butler “lady in charge” of the hospitals at the front of the Army of the James. In 1865 she went to Andersonville, Georgia, to identify and mark the graves of the union prisoners buried there, and in the same year was placed by President Lincoln in charge of the search for the missing men of the union armies. She lectured during the years 1866 and 1867 on her war experiences, and afterward went to Switzerland for her health. At the beginning of the Franco-German War, in 1870, she assisted the grand duchess of Baden in the preparation of military hospitals, and gave the Red Cross Society much aid during the war. At the joint request of the German authorities and the Strasburg “Comité de Secours,” she superintended the supplying of work to the poor of that city in 1871, after the siege, and in 1872 had charge of the public distribution of supplies to the destitute people of Paris. At the close of the war she was decorated with the golden cross of Baden and the iron cross of Germany. In 1881, on the organization of the American Red Cross Society, she became its president. The treaty granting protection to red cross agents was signed 16 March, 1882. The American Society is modelled after its European namesake, and its object is stated by the constitution to be “to organize a system of national relief, and apply the same in mitigating suffering caused by war, pestilence, famine, and other calamities.” In 1884, as official head of the society, Miss Barton had charge of the expedition for the relief of the sufferers from the flood in the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and in the same year she was the representative of the government at the Red Cross Conference in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1883 Governor Butler appointed her superintendent, treasurer, and steward of the Reformatory Prison for Women at Sherborn, Massachusetts. Miss Barton was also delegate to the International Peace Convention at Geneva in 1884, and was special commissioner for foreign exhibits at the New Orleans Exhibition. In 1883, by request of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, she prepared a “History of the Red Cross,” which was published at the government printing-office, Washington. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, pp. 187-188.
BARTON STATION, ALABAMA, April 17, 1863. (See Courtland, Expedition to.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, p. 82.
BARTON STATION, Alabama, October 20, 1863. (See Barton's and Dickson's Stations.)
BARTON'S AND DICKSON'S STATIONS, Alabama, October 20, 1863. 1st Division, 15th Army Corps. The division commanded by Brigadier-General Osterhaus in its advance found Confederate pickets near Dickson's station and drove them several miles to open fields at Barton's station. There Forrest's cavalry, 400 strong, under Forrest's personal command, was in position awaiting attack. Two companies of the 5th Ohio had made a brilliant saber charge upon it but had not been able to dislodge it. Osterhaus brought forward his cavalry and a section of horse artillery. As soon as these reinforcements were deployed, the 5th Ohio advanced gallantly, driving the Confederates to a second position on the east side of Cane creek and then from that. Posting his artillery, supported by the 3d regulars, on a slight elevation commanding the road, Osterhaus pushed forward the 5th Ohio and scattered the enemy completely. This regiment was commanded by Colonel Heath and Major Smith. Osterhaus' cavalry and one section of artillery encamped in the enemy's abandoned camp. The Federal loss was 4 wounded, and 5 prisoners fell into Federal hands. (See Cane Creek.) The Union Army, 1908, Vol. 5, pp. 82-83.
BASCOM, HENRY BIDLEMAN, BISHOP, 1796-1850, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, clergyman. Methodist pastor educator, former President of Madison College in Uniontown, Pennsylvania. Successful Agent for the American Colonization Society in Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Kentucky and Tennessee. Wrote Methodism and Slavery, 1847. Chaplain of Congress. President of Madison College, Uniontown, Pennsylvania. Agent, Colonization Society, 1829-1831. (Henkle, Life of Bascom, 1856; Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, pp. 189-190; Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1936, Vol. 1, Pt. 2, pp. 30-32; Staudenraus, P. J. The African Colonization Movement, 1816-1865. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961, pp. 136, 141-142, 146)
BASCOM, Henry Bidleman, M. E. bishop, born in Hancock, Delaware County, New York, 27 May, 1796; died in Louisville, Kentucky, 8 September, 1850. He was descended from a Huguenot family. He had but little education, but before the age of eighteen he was licensed to preach, and admitted to the Ohio Conference, where he did hard work on the frontier, preaching in one year 400 times, and receiving a salary of $12.10. His style being too florid to suit the taste of those to whom he preached, he was transferred, in 1816, to Tennessee; but, after filling appointments there and in Kentucky, he returned to Ohio in 1822, and in 1823 Henry Clay obtained for him the appointment of chaplain to Congress. At the close of the session of that body he visited Baltimore, where his fervid oratory made a great sensation. He was first president of Madison College, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, in 1827-'8, and from 1829 till 1831 was agent of the American Colonization Society. From that time until 1841 he was professor of moral science and belles-lettres at Augusta College, Kentucky He became president of Transylvania University, Kentucky, in 1842, having previously declined the presidency of two other colleges. Dr. Bascom was a member of the general conference of 1844, which suspended Bishop Andrew because he refused to manumit his slaves; and the protest of the southern members against the action of the majority was drawn up by him. In 1845 he was a member of the Louisville Convention, which organized the Methodist Church South, and was the author of its report; and he was chairman of the commission appointed to settle the differences between the two branches of the church. In 1846 he became editor of the “Southern Methodist Quarterly Review,” and in 1849 he was chosen bishop, being ordained in May, 1850, only a few months before his death. Dr. Bascom was a powerful speaker, but was fond of strong epithets and rather extravagant metaphors. He was the author of “Sermons from the Pulpit,” “Lectures on Infidelity,” “Lectures on Moral and Mental Science,” and “Methodism and Slavery.” A posthumous edition of his works was edited by Reverend T. N. Ralston (Nashville, Tennessee, 1850 and 1856). See “Life of Bishop Bascom,” by Reverend Dr. M. M. Henkle (Nashville, 1854). Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I. pp. 189-190.
BASE OF OPERATIONS. That secure line of frontier or for tresses occupied by troops, from which forward movements are made, supplies furnished, and upon which troops may retreat, if necessary. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 81).
BASHFORD, COLES, governor of Wisconsin, born near Cold Spring, Putnam County, New York, 24 January, 1816; died 25 April, 1878. He was educated at the Wesleyan Seminary (now Genesee College), Lima, New York, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1841. He was elected district attorney for Wayne County, in 1847, and in 1850 resigned and moved to Algonia, now a part of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He was a member of the Whig State Convention in 1851, and in 1852 was chosen for the state senate, from which he resigned in 1855. He was the first Republican governor of the state, serving from 1855 to 1857, and declining a renomination. He practised law in Oshkosh till 1863, when he moved to Tucson, Arizona. From 1864 till 1867, he was president of the First Territorial Convention, and in 1866 was elected delegate and was attorney-general of the territory to Congress, serving from March, 1867, to March, 1869. He was appointed secretary of the territory in 1869, and served till 1876, when he resigned, and resumed the practice of his profession. Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1888, Vol. I, p. 190
BASTION. A work consisting of two faces and two flanks, all the angles being salient. Two bastions are connected by means: of a CUBTAIN, which is screened by the angle made by the prolongation of the corresponding faces of two bastions, and flanked by the line of defence. Bastions contain, sheltered by their parapets, marksmen, artillery, platforms, guards. They are protected by galleries of mines, and by demi-lunes and lunettes outside the ditch, and by palisades, if the ditch is inundated. Bastions should be large, and contain five or six hundred infantry, with the necessary artillery. The boyaux of the besiegers are directed towards the CAPITAL of the Bastion. The FACES of the BASTION are the parts exposed to being enfiladed by ricochet batteries, and also to being battered in breech. (See FORTIFICATION; SIEGES.)
Bastion (Demi) is that which has only one face and one flank, cut off by the capital like the extremities of horn and crown works.
Bastion (Empty). When the mass of rampart and parapet follows the windings of the faces and flanks, leaving an interior space in the centre of the bastion, on the level of the ground, it is called a hollow or empty bastion. In standing in a bastion, and looking towards the country, the face and flank on the right hand are called the right face and flank; and on the left hand, the left face and flank.
Bastion (Flat). When the demi-gorges and gorge are in the same line, and the former is half of the latter, the work is called a flat bastion.
Bastion (Forts) are the most perfect of closed field works, with reference to flanking defences, as each side or front consists of two faces, two flanks, and a curtain.
Bastion (Full]. When the interior space is filled up to the level of the terre plein of the rampart, the construction is called a full bastion. (Scott, Military Dictionary, Van Nostrand, 1862, p. 82).