Campaigns and Battles - Z
Z: Zollicoffer, Tennessee, to Zuni, Virginia
Source: The Union Army, Vol. VI. Madison, Wisconsin: Federal Publishing Company, 1908.
Zollicoffer, Tennessee, September 20, 1863.
Detachment of 23d Army Corps. The itinerary of the corps for the East Tennessee campaign states that for 3 hours the Confederates engaged the advance two and a half miles from Zollicoffer. The Federals were finally compelled to withdraw to Blountsville. No casualties reported. (Skirmishes are also mentioned at Zollicoffer on September 24 and October 19, 1863.)
Zuni, Virginia, October 4, 1862. 1st New York Mounted Rifles. Major-General John J. Peck, commanding at Suffolk, reported as follows on the 9th: "On the 3d inst. several hundred of the enemy crossed the river in the vicinity of Zuni and occupied Windsor, having among other designs that of tearing up the Petersburg railroad. At dawn of the 4th Colonel Dodge was advanced with a portion of the New York 1st mounted rifles, who occupied the place and during the day forced the enemy across the Blackwater."
Zuni, Virginia, October 26, 1862. (See Blackwater, same date.) Zuni, Virginia, November 14, 1862. (See Blackwater Bridge.) Zuni, Virginia, December 12, 1862. Terry's Brigade. A despatch from Major-General John J. Peck, commanding at Suffolk, dated 11 a. m., says: "Firing is heard from ^he vicinity of Zuni, where the Petersburg railroad crosses the Blackwater." Confederate accounts state the Union loss in this action as "about too killed and wounded." Their own loss was given as 1 killed, 1 wounded and 11 missing.