Campaigns and Battles - B
B: Backbone Mountain, Arkansas, to Byram's Ford, Missouri
Source: The Union Army, Vol. V. Madison, Wisconsin: Federal Publishing Company, 1908.
Backbone Mountain, Arkansas, September 1, 186}. (See Devil's Backbone.)
Back Creek Bridge, West Virginia, July 27, 1864. Back River Road, Virginia, July 19, 1861. Federal troops surprised Confederate pickets guarding horses. The pickets fled and the horses were taken by the Unionists. Back Road, Virginia, October 7, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3d Division, Sheridan's Army. The brigade, consisting of the 2nd and 5th New York, the 18th Pennsylvania and Page 70 the 2nd Ohio cavalry and commanded by Colonel Pennington, marched from Dayton on the Back road, burning houses and collecting all the cattle that could be found. The enemy under General Rosser followed, but without attacking until the Federals were going into camp. Then near Brock's gap Rosser attacked the 5th New York and 18th Pennsylvania, and with the help of General Lomax cut off about 75 of the former, who came into camp later.
Bacon Creek, Kentucky, December 26, 1862. 2nd Michigan and 12th Kentucky Cavalry; 25th Michigan and 36th Indiana Infantry. Incidental to Morgan's second Kentucky raid, scouts at 9 p. m. on the 25th informed Colonel Hobson, commanding the Federal post at Munfordville, that Confederates in force were crossing Green river at Burnt Bridge ford and moving toward Hammondsville. Hobson ordered Captain Dickey of the 2nd Michigan cavalry to Bacon creek stockade and Colonel Shanks of the 12th Kentucky cavalry toward Hammondsville. Early next morning, Morgan sent Duke's regiment, Gano's 7th Kentucky cavalry and a section of Palmer's battery, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Hutcheson, to attack the stockade while he proceeded with the main body of his troops to Upton. About 11 a. m. Dickey was attacked and flanked. Having less than 80 effective men, he had to fall back on Munfordville, but fought all the way. Hobson covered Dickey's retreat with all but two companies of the 12th Kentucky, which after attacking the enemy, gradually fell back on Munfordville to draw him in and give play to the Federal skirmishers, consisting of the 25th Michigan infantry (Colonel Moore) on the right; the 36th Indiana (Lieutenant-Colonel Carey) in the center; the convalescent battalion and the 13th Kentucky (Major Hobson) on the left. This strategic disposition of the troops did not succeed. A few shots were fired by the 12th Kentucky, when the enemy fell back to Bacon creek. Hobson kept the 12th Kentucky in line of battle between that stream and Munfordville until after dark, when believing that an attack next morning would result in the destruction of the depot, he doubled his line of pickets and removed his stores within the fortifications. Bagdad, Kentucky, December 12, 1861. 6th Kentucky Volunteers.
Bailey's, Arkansas, January 21, 1864. Detachment of the 2nd Arkansas Cavalry. Lieutenant Phelps of the 3d U. S. cavalry, commanding the Arkansas regiment with 166 men, camped on the 21st at Rolling's farm, some 30 miles from Carrollton, where he was joined by 34 men of Companies A and B. At Bailey's, Company C, under command of Lieutenant Orr, surprised a guerrilla chief and 3 of his gang, killed 2 of the latter and left the other for dead. Bailey's Corners, Virginia, August 28-30, 1861. 2nd and 3d Michigan Infantry. On August 28, Captain Dillman, with a detachment of 250 men of the 2nd Michigan infantry, marched from Hunter's chapel to Bailey's cross-roads to occupy and hold that point against Confederate encroachments. He reached there at 10 a. m. and at once threw out pickets. The enemy's pickets maintained a fire until 10 p. m. and at daybreak on the 29th the firing was resumed, but was not returned by the Federals. Emboldened by the latter's silence, the enemy sent out a detachment of 80 to 100 men, apparently with the intention of driving in the pickets on the right of Dillman's line, thus cutting off his communication with his regiment. This movement was partially successful, but the pickets rallied and reinforced by 40 skirmishers under Captain Humphrey, drove back the Confederates, while Major Champlin of the 3d Michigan engaged the enemy's front with troops of Lieutenant Morris and Captain Judd. The Federal pickets were reestablished and the forces of both sides were in the positions they had occupied in the morning. The Federal loss was 1 mortally wounded; Confederate loss greater. Colonel Stuart (Confederate) informed General Longstreet of an "affair" here on the 27th. of which he related that at daylight on the 28th he had a piece of rifled cannon, Washington battery, brought clandestinely in Page 71 position to bear on Bailey's cross-roads and fired 4 shots, distance being by the shots 1,350 yards, which dispersed the Federals at that point and developed the fact that they had no artillery there, and added: "The fire of artillery dispersed also a long line of skirmishers." His loss was 1 killed, 6 wounded and he took some prisoners. He concluded with the information that the Federals at Bailey's cross-roads had reassembled. Connection of this affair with others reported above is not clearly apparent. Bailey's Creek, Virginia, August 16, 1864. The action at Bailey's creek on this date was a part of the operations about Deep Bottom, a full account of which is given under that head under date of August 13-20, 1864. Bainbridge, Tennessee, October 30, 1864. Bainbridge Ferry, Alabama, January 25, 1864. Johnson's brigade of Roddey's Confederate command crossed the Tennessee river at Bainbridge, 3 miles above Florence, and at Newport ferry, 6 miles below Florence, intending to make a junction with a brigade of infantry that was expected to cross the river at Lamb's and Brown's ferries and to proceed thence to Athens to capture the Federal troops there. A Federal force of Major-General Thomas' command, under Colonel Miller of the 18th Missouri infantry, engaged them near Florence and routed them, killing 15 and wounding and capturing others. Federal loss, 15 killed, 25 wounded.
Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. (See Champion's Hill.)
Baker's Creek, Mississippi, July 7, 1863. 9th Division, 13th Army Corps. As the division commanded by Brigadier-General Osterhaus was preparing to camp for the night, after a day's marching and skirmishing from camp near Vicksburg to Baker's creek, the Confederate cavalry formed again on a plantation about a mile beyond the Baker's creek bridge and dashed toward Osterhaus' pickets at the bridge. They fell back, however, without inflicting harm and that night the Federal cavalry occupied the plantation, establishing a line of patrols to Raymond. Baker's Creek, Mississippi, February 4, 1864. (See Champion's Hill.)
Baker Springs, Arkansas, January 24, 1864. 2nd and 6th Kansas Cavalry. A detachment of 100 men under Captain E. A. Barker marched from Waldron, Arkansas, toward Baker's Springs near Caddo gap and surprised Williamson's guerrillas, killing Williamson and 5 of his men, wounding 2 and taking 2 lieutenants and 25 men prisoners. On his return Barker captured 1 lieutenant and 1 man. Federal loss, 1 killed, 1 wounded.
Bald Hill, Georgia, July 22, 1864. (See Atlanta.) Bald Spring Canon, California, March 22, 1864. (See Red Mountain.)
Baldwin, Florida, August 10-12, 1864. 75th Ohio, 102nd United States Colored Infantry. The 102nd regiment U. S. colored troops, engaged in destroying the railroad near Baldwin on the 10th, was involved in skirmishes with the enemy's cavalry. On the 12th two Confederate cavalry companies, with a piece of artillery, advanced to a point within 3 miles of Baldwin, where, under the protection of a small detachment of the 75th Ohio, the 102nd regiment was again tearing up the railroad track. The Ohio troops charged the Confederates and 2 men who passed through the latter's line were cut off. Colonel Beecher, the Federal commander, fell back fighting. General Hatch, commanding the District of Florida, sent 100 cavalry and 2 pieces of artillery to Beecher's aid and the Confederates were driven back to St. Mary's Union. Loss. 1 killed, 4 captured.
Baldwin's Ferry, Mississippi, May 13, 1863. Detachment 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 13th Army Corps. Colonel McMillen, commanding the brigade, was ordered with the 95th Ohio to Hall's ferry, on the Black river, to guard that crossing, but was misdirected and marched to Baldwin's ferry, where he drove a few of the enemy's pickets across the river. The regiment rejoined its brigade on the evening of the 13th. Loss, 4 missing.
Baldwin's Ferry, Mississippi, September 11, 1863. Baldwyn, Mississippi, June 14, 1862. (See Clear Creek.)
Baldwyn, Mississippi, October 2, 1862. Cavalry of the Army of the Mississippi.
Ballahock, Virginia, February 29-March 1, 1864. February 29, 8 men patrolling the road from Ballahock Station to South Mills were driven back to Ballahock by Confederates. A detachment of 40 of the 5th Pennsylvania cavalry under Captain Lompe was sent from Deep creek by Lieutenant-Colonel Smith to reconnoiter. He reported having seen about 30 Confederate cavalry on the South Mills road, 4 miles from the Ballahock post. General Heckman, commanding the U. S. troops near Portsmouth, ordered Smith to make a cavalry reconnaissance to South Mills. At 4 a. m. on March 1, Lompe went toward South Mills, but early in the day was repulsed at the 16 mile stone and pursued by Confederates. He fell back over the northwest canal bridge and tore up parts of its roadway and after trying to make a stand there fell back toward Deep creek. About 2 miles from Ballahock Station he met Smith, in obedience to whose orders he halted and formed his men in line of battle, the enemy being then about a mile distant. Heckman sent forward 100 men of the 9th New Jersey, under Lieutenant Burnett, but before this reinforcement arrived, the enemy fell back and Smith with his force followed him. At a point on the Bear Quarter road the Confederates made a stand and fired on the Federal advance guard from a thicket on the left. The Federals returned the fire and entered the thicket, but discovered some 300 Confederates moving toward their rear, evidently bent on cutting them off. They retired by the left flank, firing as they went, and the Confederates relinquished their design. Later, with 2 pieces of artillery and his force augmented by 100 men of the 10th New Hampshire under Captain Simpson, Smith again engaged the enemy, but it was too late to fight effectively. He therefore retired a mile from the place of his last stand and bivouacked for the night. Loss, 1 killed, 1 wounded, 8 missing. Heckman assumed personal command the next day. Ball's Bluff, Virginia, October 21, 1861. Part of Stone's Division, Army of the Potomac. After the battle of Bull Run, General Patterson was superseded by General Banks, who took position at Harper's Ferry. From that point down the Potomac to Washington the Federal pickets lined the river to guard against any invasion of Maryland or an attempt to turn the right flank of the army which General McClellan was organizing at Washington. About half-way between Harper's Ferry and the national capital was Edwards' ferry. Five miles farther up was Conrad's ferry, at the head of Harrison's island. In front of these ferries, on the Virginia side of the Potomac, lay the town of Leesburg, some 4 or 5 miles from the river. General Beauregard stationed Brigadier-General N. G. Evans, with his brigade of four regiments, at Leesburg to keep watch on the ferries and guard against a flank attack on the Confederate left. Ball's bluff lay along the Virginia side of the river opposite Harrison's island, from which it was separated by a channel about 100 yards wide. The bluff varied in height, rising in some places to over 100 feet, and the front next to the river was difficult of ascent, being steep and covered with a thick growth of bushes. Almost opposite Edwards' ferry Goose creek flowed into the Potomac from Virginia and across this stream ran the Gum Spring road from Leesburg to Manassas. Toward the middle of October Banks' division was stationed at various points along the Potomac; Geary was at Sugar Loaf mountain on the Maryland side of the river, a short distance below the Point of Rocks, from which position he could observe the movements of the enemy; Stone's division was at Poolesville, Maryland, from which place a road ran to Leesburg, crossing the river at Edwards' ferry. These troops were all in favorable positions for cutting off Evans' brigade, but the Federal commanders were misled as to the strength of the enemy through a ruse to which Evans resorted of showing his men suddenly at various places at short intervals to give the impression that his force was greater than it really was. On the 19th McClellan ordered General McCall to occupy Page 73 Dranesville with his division. This move was successfully executed and the Gum Spring road thus fell into the hands of the Federals. Early the next morning the signal officer at Sugar Loaf mountain sent word that the enemy was moving out of Leesburg, and the following telegram was sent to Stone: "General McCall occupied Dranesville yesterday and is still there. Will send out heavy reconnaissances to-day in all directions from that point. The general desires that you keep a good lookout upon Leesburg to see if this movement has the effect to drive them away. Perhaps a slight demonstration on your part would have the effect to move them." Stone immediately moved Gorman's brigade, the 7th Michigan and part of his cavalry to Edwards' ferry; ordered Colonel Devens to occupy Harrison's island with five companies of the 15th Massachusetts; and sent Colonel Lee, with part of the 20th Massachusetts, the 20th New York (the Tammany regiment) and a section of Battery B, 1st Rhode Island artillery, to Conrad's ferry. A section of Bunting's battery was already at Conrad's ferry, and Ricketts' battery, commanded by Lieutenant Woodruff, was posted at Edwards' ferry. On Sunday afternoon (the 20th) three flatboats were brought from the canal to the river; Gorman displayed his brigade in view of the enemy, while shells and spherical case shot were thrown into the woods on the opposite side of the river, Stone's object being to create the impression that a crossing was to be made. The three boats, each loaded with 35 men from the 1st Minnesota, crossed and recrossed the river and at dusk Gorman's troops returned to camp. Stone has been criticised by some writers for not stopping his demonstration at this time, as McClellan's order had been carried out and the object of the movement had been accomplished. Instead of ceasing operations, however, he directed Devens to send Captain Philbrick, with 20 men, across the river at Harrison's island soon after dark, with instructions to move by a bridle path through the woods toward Leesburg and ascertain the position of the enemy. Toward midnight Philbrick returned with the information that he had discovered a camp of some 30 tents about a mile from Leesburg and had approached close to it without being challenged. When this was imparted to Stone he ordered Devens to cross over with four companies and take position to destroy the camp at daybreak, pursue the enemy as far as would be prudent and returned to the island, his withdrawal to be covered by part of the 20th Massachusetts In order to cover Devens' movement, Stone ordered Gorman to send over two companies of the 1st Minnesota, at Edwards' ferry, and sent Major Mix with a small detachment of the 3d New York cavalry along the Leesburg road until he should come to the vicinity of a battery known to be there and then turn to the left and reconnoiter toward Goose creek. Baker was directed to have his brigade in readiness to move from Conrad's ferry at daybreak, and the 15th Massachusetts was to be at Harrison's island at that hour ready to cross and support Devens if necessary. Devens made his reconnaissance and discovered that in the uncertain light Philbrick's scouts had mistaken openings in the woods for white tents. He therefore sent back word to Stone that no enemy was in sight in the vicinity of Leesburg. The reason he found no Confederates there was because Evans had withdrawn his brigade to a line of intrenchments along Goose creek to meet an attack from the direction of Dranesville. After reconnoitering in the direction of Leesburg and failing to find anything of the enemy, Devens concealed his force in a wood and took steps to hold his position. In the meantime Stone had directed Baker to use his judgment about withdrawing Devens or sending over reinforcements. Baker decided on sending over more troops, but the transportation was so inadequate that it was nearly noon before all of the 15th Massachusetts was on the Virginia shore. From the redoubt called "Fort Evans," to the eastward of Leesburg, the Confederate commander could see the Page 74 movement of the Federal troops and sent a detachment under Colonel Jenifer to hold them in check until his plan of attack could be fully developed. About 10 a. m. he sent the 8th Virginia under Colonel Hunton to the support of Jenifer, and a sharp skirmish occurred between these two Confederate detachments and the advance companies of the 15th Massachusetts A little after 12 o'clock the enemy appeared in force in front of Devens, who retired to prevent being outflanked, taking place in line with the troops brought over by Baker. By 2.00 the musketry firing became very brisk and Baker ordered 4 pieces of artillery to be sent over the river. One gun and 2 small howitzers were crossed and did effective service until Lieuts. Bramhall and French were both wounded, when the guns were dragged to the rear by hand to prevent their falling into the hands of the enemy. About 4 o'clock Baker fell while cheering on his men and the command devolved on Colonel Coggswell of the Tammany regiment, who ordered dispositions to be made to cut a way through to Edwards' ferry. Concerning this movement Coggswell says in his report: "I was followed by the remnants of my two companies and a portion of the California regiment, but, for some reasons unknown to me, was not joined by either the 15th or 20th Massachusetts regiments. We were overpowered and forced back to our original position, and again driven from that position to the river bank by overwhelming numbers. On the river bank I found the whole force in a state of great disorder. As I arrived, two companies of my own regiment, under Captains Gerety and O'Meara, landed from the large boat. I ordered these fresh companies up the bluff, and they instantly ascended and deployed as skirmishers to cover the passage to the island, while I took about a dozen men and moved to the left to check a heavy fire of the enemy which had opened on us from the mouth of a ravine near. We were almost immediately surrounded and captured." On the river bank the Union troops maintained for nearly half an hour a hopeless contest rather than to surrender. The smaller boat had gone, no one seemed to know where, and the larger boat swamped within 15 feet of the shore on account of being too heavily loaded. There was nothing left but to surrender, swim or die. Many of the men, while negotiations were being conducted, threw their arms and cartridge-boxes into the Potomac to prevent them from falling into the hands of the enemy. Some plunged into the swift current, others saved themselves on floating logs, and still others concealed themselves in the brush along the face of the bluff and after dark made their way to the Union lines. The Federal loss at Ball's bluff was 49 killed, 158 wounded and 714 missing. Evans reported his loss as 36 killed, 117 wounded and 2 missing. He claimed the capture of 710 prisoners, 1,500 stands of arms, 3 cannon and a flag.
Ball's Bridge, Virginia, March 4, 1865. Detachment 2nd North Carolina Mounted Infantry. Lieutenant-Colonel Bartlett with 103 men, reconnoitering from Cumberland gap, Tennessee, toward Jonesville, Virginia, was attacked in the morning at Ball's bridge, by 250 Confederates, but drove them back up the valley. High water made pursuit impracticable beyond 2 miles.
Ball's Cross Roads, Virginia, August 27, 1861. Two companies of the 23d New York Infantry. Ball's Ferry, Georgia, November 23-25, 1864. 17th Army Corps. Incidental to that part of the operations of the corps which had to do with its marching along the railroad to the Oconee river, in the campaign from Atlanta to Savannah, the 4th division commanded by General Giles A. Smith, with Colonel Spencer's battalion of the 1st Alabama cavalry, was sent to the railroad bridge between stations 14 and 15. The cavalry in advance crossed the river and drove the enemy's skirmishers from a stockade about 2 miles from the bridge. The ground near the bridge was so swampy that the latter could be approached only by railroad. McLaws' troops in strong force, commanded by Major Hartridge of the 27th Georgia battalion and the Page 75 Cobb Guards, infantry and artillery, were posted behind a second stockade. Colonel Potts, commanding the ist brigade, was ordered to detach 2 regiments and drive the Confederates across the river. A piece of artillery from the 1st Minnesota battery was taken down the track by hand to assist. Two miles of trestle and three miles of track were destroyed, but the enemy could not be dislodged from the opposite side on account of the swamp. The Federal loss was 21 killed and wounded. On the morning of the 24th General Blair moved his entire command and found the enemy entrenched at Ball's ferry. Effecting a crossing above the road, he sent over during the night about 200 men. This force reached the road about daylight on the 25th to find the enemy retiring.
Ball's Mill, Missouri, August 28, 1861.
Ball's Mill, West Virginia, August 27, 1863.
Ball Town, Missouri, August 8, 1863. (See Clear Creek.) Baltimore, Maryland, April 19, 1861. 6th Massachusetts Infantry. The authorities at Washington had become alarmed for the safety of the national capital. It was flanked on one side by Virginia, on the other by Maryland. Richmond was the heart of the secession movement and Baltimore was a volcano under which smoldered the fires of revolt. Washington was the objective point of newly organized U. S. forces. To reach it, Baltimore must be passed. On this date the 6th Massachusetts regiment, about 1,000 men, commanded by Colonel Jones, passed through the city. Accompanying the train that brought it were about 1,200 unarmed soldiers from Philadelphia under Colonel Small. The want of precaution for the latter's safety showed how slight was the apprehension of danger. Singularly enough, it was on the anniversary of the battle of Lexington that the stones which had echoed to the feet of the brave defenders of Washington in 1814 were to resound to the tread of Americans attacked and killed by Americans as they hastened to the defense of their national capital. After leaving Philadelphia, Jones received an intimation that there would be trouble in Baltimore. He immediately provided for the distribution of ammunition, the loading of arms, and issued the following order: "The regiment will march through Baltimore in column of sections, arms at will. You will undoubtedly be insulted, abused and perhaps assaulted, to which you must pay no attention whatever, but march with your faces square to the front and pay no attention to the mob, even if they throw stones, bricks or other missiles; but if you are fired upon and anyone of you is hit, your officers will order you to fire. Do not fire into any promiscuous crowds, but select any man whom you may see aiming at you and be sure you drop him." But Jones was proposing and Baltimoreans were disposing. They had decided that his men should not march through the open streets. As soon as the train reached Baltimore the cars were uncoupled, horses were hitched to them and singly, each with its human freight, they were driven rapidly across the city. After the cars containing 7 companies had reached the Washington depot, the track behind them was barricaded. Cars containing companies C, D, I and L, and the musicians were vacated. The band dispersed, the troops formed and began their march through the mob. They were immediately attacked by a shower of missiles that came faster as they proceeded. Their officers urged them to a double quick, and their evident haste was accepted by the mob as evidence either that they were afraid or that they were without ammunition. Pistol shots were fired into their ranks and one soldier fell dead. The order to fire was now given and it was promptly obeyed. Several of the mob fell and the soldiers hastened their advance. Mayor Brown of Baltimore placed himself at the head of the column beside Captain Follansbee, who had been chosen to lead it, assured that officer that he would protect the troops and besought him to keep them from firing. Before he had marched far, however, other missiles fell and his Page 76 patience with the mob gave out. Seizing a musket from the grasp of a soldier, he fired at and brought down one of the rioters, and a policeman who was at the head of the column shot another. There the mayor's personal participation in the melee began and ended. Police marshal (Chief) Kane with about So policemen at this juncture rushed to the rear of the column, formed a line across the street, and with drawn revolvers checked the mob while the troops got to the depot. About 130, including the band and field musicians, were missing. As the men went into the cars Jones caused the blinds at the windows to be closed and took precautions to prevent even seeming offence to the people of Baltimore, but still the missiles came thick and fast into the train and it was only with the utmost difficulty that he prevented the soldiers from leaving it and avenging the death of their comrades. After a volley of stones a soldier fired and killed a man who had been seen to hurl a missile into the car. Obstructions were placed on the track to delay the departure of the train, but they were removed by the police. Meantime the city authorities learned that the Pennsylvania troops had arrived at the Philadelphia depot, unaware of what had occurred and intending to march through the streets. The marshal of police hastened thither and as it was impossible for the troops, unarmed though they were, to cross the town without a general and bloody conflict he protected them with a force of police until they were sent back by rail to Havre de Grace. But they were not permitted to leave without a hostile demonstration by a part of the exultant mob as it returned from the pursuit of the Massachusetts regiment. These scenes were enacted between 10 a. m. and 12 noon. Five of the 6th Massachusetts were killed, 7 were too severely wounded for removal, about 30 wounded were taken to Washington. The city of Baltimore sent to claimants the were left there.
Baltimore Cross-Roads, Virginia, May 13, 1862.
Baltimore Cross-Roads, Virginia, July 1-2, 1863. Part of the 4th Army Corps. Major-General Keyes commanding the corps left White House on the morning of July 1, with nearly 6,000 infantry, cavalry and artillery to engage and detain the enemy near Bottom's bridge over the Chickahominy river, while General Getty, with another column, would attempt to destroy the bridges across the South Anna and cut the railroads above Richmond. Colonel West with 3 regiments of infantry, 150 cavalry and a 4-gun battery started well in advance at 5 o'clock. Keyes followed later with Terry's and Porter's brigades, 2 of McKnight's batteries and detachments of the 5th Pennsylvania and 6th New York cavalry. The 10-mile march over muddy roads to Baltimore Cross-roads was fatiguing. The force was halted in line of battle, with videttes and skirmishers thrown out a mile in advance of the main line. As soon as his men were refreshed, West pushed forward his advance and at night bivouacked about a mile from Bottom's bridge, where his skirmishers became involved with those of the enemy. Keyes threw forward 2 batteries and 3 infantry regiments and advanced his skirmishers to develop the enemy's position and strength, at the same time changing the line of a portion of Terry's brigade. Finding the enemy stubbornly maintaining a strong position in advance, he ordered his command to take up its position for the night at and in advance of the cross-roads, his outposts holding to within about 3 miles of Bottom's bridge. Early in the morning of the 2nd, to guard against a flank or rear attack, he withdrew his main line 3 miles to Baltimore Store, leaving West to hold his position for 2 hours if possible after the departure of the last of the principal column. Later, under orders from General Dix, department commander, to hold his ground, he halted and ordered West to stay as long as he could. Colonel Grimshaw, with the 4th Delaware and a section of artillery was at a cross-roads a mile beyond Baltimore Store. At sunset West was bodies of the soldiers who were
wounded who Page 77 attacked by a greatly superior force at and in front of Baltimore Crossroads. Learning that he was retiring, Keyes ordered Colonel Porter and his 2 regiments to Quail's to cooperate with Grimshaw, with instructions to resist the enemy's advance step by step, and if forced to retire to fall back down the New Kent road. Keyes' main line was formed nearly parallel with that road and about 600 yards from it. The Confederates followed West up and attacked Porter determinedly. While the latter kept near enough to the enemy to hear his officers urging on their men, he met with no loss. Not a shot was fired from Keyes' line of battle and the Confederates, fighting for five hours just out of range of it, were not aware of its presence and retired without coming onto the field where Keyes reported he had planned to fall on them in full force. (Also called Crump's Cross-roads.)
Baltimore Store, Virginia, July 2, 1863. (See Baltimore Cross-roads.)
Baltimore Store, Virginia, February 7, 1864. General Wistar's Expedition. Brigadier-General Wistar, having been checkmated in an attempt on Richmond, was falling back. His command consisted of three white regiments, brigaded under Colonel West of the 1st Pennsylvania, some light artillery, three colored regiments under Colonel Duncan of the 4th U. S. colored troops, and a cavalry detachment of five regiments under Colonel Spear. At Baltimore Store the enemy overtook and attacked his rear guard, but was repulsed with the help of Belger's battery of 2 pieces, the guns being fired alternately and retired to new positions. Banks' Ford, Virginia, May 4, 1863. (See Chancellorsville.) Banks' Ford, Virginia, February 29, 1864. (See Albemarle County, Custer's Expedition.)
Banshee (Blockade-runner), November 20, 1863. Major Bailey of the 3d Rhode Island artillery, with a conscript guard of 6 officers and 25 enlisted men, was returning on the steamer Fulton from Hilton Head to New York, when about 7:30 a. m. on the 20th the pilot at the masthead sighted the steamer Banshee, a Confederate blockade-runner, with a general cargo, bound for Wilmington, Delaware, that being her fifth trip that season. Captain Watton of the Fulton ordered chase. The Banshee got up steam and tried to escape. At 9 a. m. the Fulton was gaining on her and when within range her gunners opened fire. The first shot missed the Banshee, the second struck her forward, the third struck her aft. She rounded to and was put in charge of a prize crew. Barataria (U. S. Steamer), April 7, 1863. For the destruction of the steamer Barataria on this date see Amite River, Louisiana Barbee's Cross-Roads, Virginia, November 5, 1862. Pleasonton's Cavalry Brigade, Army of the Potomac. At Upperville and in its vicinity, General Pleasonton, with his brigade, had for several days been skirmishing, almost constantly, with the enemy's cavalry, which at times was supported by infantry. At Barbee's cross-roads about noon on the 5th, with about 1.500 men, he met and attacked a portion of General Stuart's command, under General Hampton, consisting of some 3,000 cavalry, with 4 pieces of artillery. Colonel Gregg, of the 8th Pennsylvania, with that regiment and the 6th regular cavalry, moved on the right of the enemy and turned his position. Colonel Davis of the 8th New York, with his regiment, attacked the enemy's left, and Colonel Farnsworth, with the 8th Illinois, moved against his center. In the meantime Pennington's battery engaged him by sections. The 8th New York gallantly repulsed a greatly superior force, and a section of artillery opened on the fugitives. The Federal loss was 5 killed, 8 wounded; Confederate loss, 10 killed, 20 captured. Barbee's Cross-Roads, Virginia, July 25, 1863. 1st Michigan Cavalry. Major Brewer, with a portion of this regiment, which belonged to Custer's brigade of Kilpatrick's cavalry division, had a slight brush here on this date with a small body of Confederates. The affair is barely mentioned in the official reports of the war.
Barbee's Cross-Roads, Virginia, September 1, 1863. Detachment of the 6th Ohio Cavalry. The detachment, numbering 50 men, under Major Cryer, was attacked by about 150 men of the 35th Virginia battalion, under Lieutenant-Colonel White, on the Barbee and Orleans road, a mile and a half from Barbee's cross-roads. The Confederates were deployed in ambush the whole length of the column and attacked from both sides of the road simultaneously. On falling back, the Federals were attacked by another force, who tried to cut off their retreat. They cut their way through, however, with a loss of 31 killed, wounded and missing.
Barber's Creek, Virginia, December 19, 1863. (See Scott's.) Barber's Cross-Roads, Virginia, May 23, 1863. At the moment of the attack on the Federal advance at Antioch church, a demonstration was made at Barber's cross-roads. The approaches to this point were watched by a Federal regiment, a part of the reserve brigade, Department of Virginia, under Brigadier-General Wistar, sent by Major-General Peck, commanding at Suffolk, to assist in the protection of working parties engaged in tearing up railway tracks between Suffold and Blackwater.
Barber's Ford, Florida, February 9-10, 1864. 40th Massachusetts Mounted Infantry and Independent Battalion Massachusetts Cavalry. The Federal troops under command of Colonel Henry, after having captured and destroyed at Baldwin & Johnson's Station much property belonging to or likely to become useful to Confederates, continued their advance. At Barber's ford, on the south fork of the St. Mary's, their passage was disputed by 2 companies of cavalry, dismounted and occupying a strong position. Henry forced the crossing with a loss of 3 killed and 10 wounded. The Confederates were completely disorganized and their loss was much greater. Barboursville, Kentucky, September 18, 1861. Camp Andrew Johnson, at Barboursville, was attacked and destroyed and the Federal force of 300 there was dispersed by a detachment of 800 men from General Zollicoffer's brigade at Camp Buckner, under command of Colonel Battle. Some Federals were wounded and about 25 weapons were taken by the enemy. The Confederates lost a lieutenant killed and 3 men wounded, one fatally. Barboursville, Kentucky, September 8, 1862.
Barboursville, Kentucky, April 27, 1863.
Barboursville, Kentucky, February 8, 1864.
Barboursville, West Virginia, July 16, 1861. 2nd Kentucky Volunteers. This regiment belonging to General Cox's command defeated and drove 600 of General Wise's men out of Barboursville. This was in furtherance of McClellan's plan to occupy and restore order, establish the provisional government and quell the secession feeling in a portion of West Virginia.
Bardstown, Kentucky, October 4, 1862. Advance Guard, Army of the Ohio. It had been General Thomas' intention to camp on Cox's creek, 4 miles from Bardstown, but cavalry of his command under Major Foster were drawn into a fight with that portion of General Polk's command known as Wharton's brigade of Wheeler's cavalry. It became necessary for Thomas to send Foster reinforcements and upon their arrival Wharton retired and yielded the town, Thomas then established his temporary headquarters there.
Bardstown, Kentucky, October 19, 1862. Bardstown, Kentucky, July 5, 1863. Detachment 4th U. S. Cavalry. Lieutenant Sullivan, with 25 men, struck the enemy's advance guard within 6 miles of Bardstown at 6:30 a. m. Unaware that Confederates were there in force, he pursued the guard through Bardstown and beyond until his horses began to fall from fatigue. Upon returning to the town he learned that it was surrounded by Morgan's men, some 300 or 400 strong. He quickly fortified himself in a livery stable, threw out pickets and awaited attack which came at 11:30 a. m. by three distinct columns, but was met Page 79 and repulsed. One Federal and 2 Confederates were killed. Surrender was demanded and refused. The attack then was resumed and was continued more or less determinedly till almost daylight the next morning. The Confederates obstructed the streets with ropes to prevent the beleaguered .Unionists from mounting their horses and making a dash through their lines. They tried to set fire to the stable, but desisted when the attempt had cost them 2 white men and a negro killed. At daylight another demand for surrender brought a defiant answer. The attack was again renewed and the Federals repelled it gallantly until they saw 4 pieces of artillery made ready to play upon them. Then under a flag of truce Sullivan offered surrender. Colonel R. C. Morgan denied his right to claim for himself and his men privileges as prisoners of war after having twice refused them and ordered him driven back within his own lines. While returning, still under the white flag, he was several times fired at but was not hit. On his arrival at the stable, he received a demand for unconditional surrender and accepted it. For nearly 24 hours that little band, imprisoned in that small place, had defended it against over-whelming odds. Bardstown, Kentucky, August 1, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, District of Kentucky. The 35th Kentucky mounted infantry, commanded by Colonel Starling, arrived at Bardstown and learned that a band of guerrillas had just cut the telegraph wires, robbed the operator and committed other depredations in the town. Lieutenant Good, with Company A, pursued and overtook the guerrillas about 5 miles from Bardstown, killed 2 and wounded 4 of them. The guerrillas fired 2 volleys at the Federals without injuring a man.
Bardstown Pike, Kentucky, October 1, 1862. The only official mention of actions on the Bardstown pike on this date is in Confederate correspondence. General Hardee, writing from Bardstown to Colonel Wheeler under date of October 2, said: "Colonel Wharton, writing from Mount Washington at 9 p. m. yesterday, states that he was attacked in force at Wilsonville, Shepherdsville, and in front of Mount Washington; that the force on his left flank was forced back, thereby rendering his position at Mount Washington hazardous. Major-General Polk has instructed him to fall back on the Bardstown pike to such position as he might deem advisable." As no Federal reports mention the affairs referred to in Hardee's letter, it is not known what Union troops were engaged.
Bardstown Road, Kentucky, October 9, 1862. In the morning General Wheeler was ordered to hold the Federals in check until the Confederate army had withdrawn from' the field of operations of the previous day and then follow toward Danville, obstructing the Federal advance as much as possible. In complying with that order his forces that day and the next frequently engaged the Federals at Bardstown and other points, besides keeping a detachment watching the road from Perryville to Harrodsburg. It does not appear that detailed reports of these several slight engagements were made.
Barhamsville, Virginia, May 7, 1862. (See West Point.) Barker's Mill, South Carolina, February 1-2, 1865. 17th Army Corps. On the 1st, the corps commanded by Major-General Frank P. Blair moved in the direction of Rivers' bridge, the 9th Illinois mounted infantry in advance, skirmishing heavily with Confederate cavalry. Whippy swamp was badly obstructed with fallen timber, its 5 bridges had been destroyed and at each end of the causeway was about 200 yards of water. The main body of the Confederate cavalry fell back toward Whippy swamp post office, followed by the 9th Illinois, which was supported by the 3d division, under General Force. This division took the road to the left of the swamp and crossed several smaller swamps, Corker's being the most formidable it had yet encountered. While getting his wagons through Corker's swamp, Force sent Captain Munson forward, with King's mounted 20th Illinois, pushing the Confederates Page 80 back to and over the bridge across Whippy swamp at Barker's mill. When the greater part of the train was over he ordered the advance guard to follow as swiftly as possible. Leaving the 12th Wisconsin and 45th Illinois to bring on the rest of the train, he urged the division forward with all dispatch. The 20th Illinois covered with its fire the bridge which the enemy had been kept too busy to destroy. On its arrival the advance guard was deployed as sharpshooters under cover along the stream above and below the bridge. The 2nd brigade under Colonel Wiles, found the stream not fordable. Force placed 2 guns of the 15th Ohio battery, commanded by Lieutenant Bailey, on an elevation overlooking the bridge, from which position their fire could be directed to the enemy on the other side, over the heads of the Federal infantry. It was now nearly dark. Confederates in some force fled from the farther end of the bridge, a small Federal column under cover of the sharpshooters and the 2 guns dashed over and the 2nd brigade followed. Force encamped one brigade at one end of the bridge and one at the other, to wait for morning. His objective point was Angley's post office, plainly enough marked on the map, but unknown to anyone he had questioned. When, at length, an old negro told him that post office had been discontinued 30 or 40 years before, he shrewdly guessed that the real object of the movement was to control the bridge for the use of the 15th corps. Meanwhile the balance of Blair's command, the 1st and 4th divisions, had gone skirmishing up the river road, driving the Confederate cavalry up to Broxton's bridge. Barnesville, Georgia, April 19, 1865. Detachment of the 4th Indiana Cavalry. The only official mention of a skirmish at Barnesville on this date is in the reports of General J. H. Wilson and Colonel O. H. La Grange, commanding the 2nd brigade of McCook's division during Wilson's raid, in both of which it is stated that the flag of the Dixie Rangers was captured by a detachment of the 4th Indiana in a skirmish near Barnesville.
Barnesville, ML, September 8-9, 1862. Detachments of Pleasonton's Cavalry. On the 8th, the 2nd brigade, commanded by Colonel Farnsworth and consisting of the 8th Illinois, 3d Indiana and a section of the horse artillery of company M, 2nd artillery, under Lieutenant Chapin, occupied Poolesville and picketed the roads to Conrad's and Edwards' ferries, Barnesville and the Monocacy. As Poolesville was approached the enemy's cavalry retreated on the road to Barnesville and a portion of the 3d Indiana followed. The enemy opened fire on the pursuers with guns posted on the right of the town. These guns were soon silenced, however, by Chapin's artillery, and were moved toward Barnesville. The 3d Indiana gallantly charged the Confederate battery and drove it and the Confederate cavalry more than 3 miles. Then they were joined by the 8th Illinois, under Major Medill, and the chase was kept up until after dark. Union loss, 1 killed, 12 wounded; Confederate loss, 8 killed, 16 wounded, 6 prisoners. Next day Farnsworth with his command advanced toward Barnesville. Noting a squadron of the enemy's cavalry near Monocacy church, he directed Captain Farnsworth's squadron of the 8th Illinois to gain its rear and cut it off. By this movement the enemy's force was divided and several prisoners and the battle flag of the 12th Virginia (Ashby's) cavalry were captured. The march was continued toward Barnesville, and, at the edge of the village, the advance, Captain Kelly's squadron of the 8th Illinois, encountered the enemy's videttes, routed them and pursued them 2 miles beyond the town, engaging in two hand-to-hand fights. Confederate loss, 4 killed, 5 wounded, 27 prisoners; no Federal loss. Barnett's Corners, Mississippi, September 19. 1862.
Barnett's Ford, Virginia, August 1, 1862. Bayard's Cavalry Brigade. 3d Army Corps. Brigadier-General Bayard was ordered by Brigadier-General Crawford, commanding the U. S. forces about Culpeper Court House, to make a demonstration at Barnett's ford, during the preparation of operations Page 81 against Orange Court House. There was a brisk skirmish in which a battalion of the 1st New Jersey cavalry under Major Beaumont, drove the advance picket of the enemy from its headquarters in a mill at the ford. After some hours' fighting, at too long range to inflict much injury on either side, the Confederates learned of Crawford's success at Orange Court House and withdrew from the field.
Barnett's Ford, Virginia, February 7, 1864. 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. Brigadier-General Merritt, commanding the division, crossed the Robertson river on the morning of the 6th and drove in the enemy's cavalry pickets, which retired with but little resistance to the Rapidan, where they arrived about 4 p. m. The Federal reserve brigade and battery could not be brought up in time to do anything that day. Colonel Chapman's command, parts of the ist and 2nd brigades, in approaching the ford were opposed only by Lomax's cavalry brigade of 3 regiments. That was driven across the river, and that night the banks were picketed by Federal troops. Early on the morning of the 7th the Federal artillery and a greater part of the cavalry moved on Barnett's ford. Skirmishing with small arms and lively practice between the artillery of Gibbs' brigade and that of the enemy were kept up until after noon. Not much Confederate infantry was developed until the Federals made a movement to cross the river, when a brigade estimated at five regiments moved down to the ford to support the skirmishers occupying the defenses on the south bank. Another camp of about a brigade, to the Federal right and looking toward the ford, did not display any infantry. Until forced into activity by the Federal artillery, the enemy made no unnecessary noise or demonstration; then with 2 batteries about a mile apart, one of them of heavy artillery, he fired rapidly. The demonstration continued for some time, when Merritt received orders to return and recrossed the Robertson. Five prisoners were taken. Federal loss, 3 killed, 12 wounded.
Barnum and Fawn (U. S. Steamers), November 5, 1864. (See Buffalo Shoals, West Virginia)
Barnwell, South Carolina, February 6, 1865. Kilpatrick's Carolina Campaign. General Kilpatrick with 3 brigades of cavalry, 6 pieces of horse artillery of the 10th Wisconsin battery, and a small brigade of dismounted men under Lieutenant-Colonel Way, in all about 5,000 men, struck the Salkehatchie river just below Barnwell, where he found the enemy about 300 strong, occupying a well-chosen position on the opposite side behind earthworks commanding the bridge. The bridge was on fire, but the 9th Ohio cavalry and the 92nd Illinois mounted infantry dismounted and gallantly dashed through the swamp, the men wading in the water up to their armpits, crossed the stream on trees felled by pioneers, and under cover of a rapid fire of artillery, carried the works, driving the enemy in confusion toward Barnwell. Only a portion of the bridge had been destroyed. It was quickly repaired and after a march of 21 miles and a hard, galling fight, Kilpatrick's men rode into Barnwell at 4 p. m.
Barnwell's Island, South Carolina, February 10. 1862. Detachment 2nd Brigade Expedionary Corps. From the headquarters of the brigade, at Beaufort, S. C., Brigadier-General Stevens reported that a party of the enemy landed on Barnwell's island and made a night attack on the Federal pickets. Lieutenant Foot of the 50th Pennsylvania infantry, who was in command of the pickets, held his ground until reinforced by Captain Dimock of the same regiment, with a portion of his command from Seabrook, when the whole force pushed forward and drove the enemy to his boats.
Barnwell's Island, South Carolina, July 30, 1863. Captain Kirk of the South Carolina Partisan Rangers, was ordered by Brigadier-General Walker, commanding the Third Military District, to attack the Federal pickets and penetrate the lines at some point near the Confederate outpost at Cunningham's bluff. With 40 of his own company, 25 of the Beaufort artillery and 25 of the Page 82 11th South Carolina infantry, he landed on Barnwell's island, and without resistance advanced half a mile toward its interior to the settlement of one Trescott, where he captured 31 negroes, 3 of whom were men, the others women and children. In retreating with his prisoners he was fired on by Federals from Hall's island. All of the negroes except one man were held subject to the order of their owners.
Barren Fork, Indian Territory, December 18, 1863. (See Sheldon's Place.) Barren Mound, Kentucky, October 15, 1862. 19th Brigade, Army of the Ohio. In the pursuit of the Confederates after the battle of Perryville, Hazen's brigade encountered Wheeler's cavalry near Barren Mound and drove it slowly back toward Crab Orchard, keeping up the pursuit to within 2 miles of Mount Vernon. No casualties reported.
Barre's Landing, Louisiana, May 22, 1863. U. S. Steamer Louisiana Belle. The steamer, loaded with cotton, was descending Bayou Teche, and when near Barre's landing was fired upon from the thick underbrush lining the banks. The pilot was obliged to abandon the pilot-house and for 4 or 5 miles the boat drifted helplessly, the guard of the vessel—50 men of the 4th Massachusetts infantry—replying with spirit to the constant fire from the banks. The captain of the steamer was killed and 11 men of the guard were wounded. The enemy's loss was not ascertained. After this chase of about 5 miles a place was reached where the low ground along the banks was overflowed, and this stopped the pursuit. The pilot then returned to his station and the vessel proceeded on her way without further molestation.
Barre's Landing, Louisiana, October 21, 1863. (See Opelousas, same date.)
Barry, Missouri, August 14, 1862. Missouri State Troops. Having learned of a camp of guerrillas, numbering 75 or 100 men, at the house of a Mrs. Elliott, about 3 miles south of Barry, Colonel Penick, with about 50 men of his regiment, the 5th militia cavalry, 150 Andrew county militia, under Colonel Heron and Lieutenant-Colonel Hobson, and 1 piece of artillery from Johnson's battery, descended on the gang, arriving near Mrs. Elliott's about daybreak. A man whom he arrested 2 miles from Barry served as a guide. Three men in Mrs. Elliott's house, one of them her son, denied knowledge of any camp or gathering of armed men within 3 miles of there. The ground round about was so rough and densely wooded that Penick failed to surround the camp, but by dismounting his men and deploying them as skirmishers he scouted the vicinity, routed and scattered the guerrillas. By his order, a squad of men took out and shot Zack Elliott and James H. Rollins, 2 of the 3 men at the house. The bedding in the house was confiscated arid the house and stables were burned, with 2 neighboring houses belonging to one of the Elliott’s and another guerrilla. Four negroes and some horses, the property of Mrs. Elliott, were also taken. Barry County, Missouri, October 8, 1864.
Barry County, Missouri, October 29, 1864. (See Upshaw's Farm.) Barton Station, Alabama, April 17, 1863. (See Courtland, Expedition to.)
Barton Station, Alabama, October 20, 1863. (See Barton's and Dickson's Stations.)
Barton's and Dickson's Stations, Alabama, October 20, 1863. 1st Division, 15th Army Corps. The division commanded by Brigadier-General Osterhaus in its advance found Confederate pickets near Dickson's station and drove them several miles to open fields at Barton's station. There Forrest's cavalry, 400 strong, under Forrest's personal command, was in position awaiting attack. Two companies of the 5th Ohio had made a brilliant saber charge upon it but had not been able to dislodge it. Osterhaus brought forward his cavalry and a section of horse artillery. As soon as these reinforcements were deployed, the 5th Ohio advanced gallantly, driving the Confederates to a second position on the east side of Cane creek and then from that. Posting his artillery, supported by the 3d Page 83 regulars, on a slight elevation commanding the road, Osterhaus pushed forward the 5th Ohio and scattered the enemy completely. This regiment was commanded by Colonel Heath and Major Smith. Osterhaus' cavalry and one section of artillery encamped in the enemy's abandoned camp. The Federal loss was 4 wounded, and 5 prisoners fell into Federal hands. (See Cane Creek.)
Batchelder's Creek, North Carolina, April 29, 1862. 23d Massachusetts Infantry. A detachment of this regiment, deployed as pickets for about a quarter of a mile on either side of the railroad at Batchelder's creek, was attacked at noon on the right flank by about 70 Confederate cavalry who passed between the extreme right group and the rest of the picket, thus cutting off a few men on the right and making them prisoners. The pickets opened fire on the enemy's advance and the Confederates replied with a volley of 20 or 30 shots, killing 1 man; 3 others were missing when the affair was over. Batchelder's Creek, North Carolina, February 10, 1863.
Batchelder's Creek, North Carolina, May 23, 1863. Troops of the 18th Army Corps. In the afternoon the Confederates attacked the outpost line of the corps, on Batchelder's creek, commanded by Colonel Jones of the 58th Pennsylvania infantry. Major-General Foster reinforced Jones with the 45th Massachusetts, and the Confederates were repulsed at every point, but with great loss to the corps in the death of Colonel Jones, who was shot through the heart as he was leading a detachment of his regiment to dislodge the enemy from a position that he had taken.
Batchelder's Creek, North Carolina, February 1, 1864. (See New Berne, same date.) Bates' Ferry, South Carolina, February 15, 1865. 15th Army Corps. Incidental to the advance on Columbia, S. G, the 15th corps passed Sandy run on the 14th and went into camp in the following order and position: 1st division under Bvt. Major-General Woods, near Wolf's plantation, with the 2nd division under General Hazen, in support; the 3d and 4th divisions under Bvt. Major- General Smith and Bvt. Major-General Corse, respectively, some 2 miles in the rear. The enemy having been reported in force and intrenched on Congaree creek these dispositions were made to force the passage and at the same time to demonstrate upon the Congaree river with a part of the corps. The demonstration was entrusted to Woods and the movement was begun at 7 a. m. on the 15th, the 1st division having the advance, supported by the 2nd and 4th. On the opposite side of the stream, at Bates' ferry 25 to 30 Confederate pickets were discovered in line. The Federal skirmishers opened fire on them about 1 p. m. and they replied, evidently determined to hold their ground. Smith got a section of Battery B, 1st Michigan artillery, in action and disposed his command as to make it look larger than it was. This caused the Confederate pickets to fall back and they did not again appear. The crossing at the point was practicable, but was scarcely desirable. At 7.30 p. m. Smith withdrew his command and marched forward to Tom's creek. The demonstration also extended to other points in the vicinity. Woods marched toward Columbia, but was stubbornly opposed through the day and was obliged to cover his advance with a skirmish line. In the afternoon the division had advanced only 5 miles to Congaree creek, where the enemy was developed in considerable force, his position being protected by 3 pieces of artillery. The 2nd brigade under Colonel Catterson, was deployed to the right of the road, to feel toward the left flank of the enemy's line and if possible to cross the creek below him. The 3d brigade commanded by Colonel Stone, was moved to the left of the road to feel toward the right flank of the enemy and effect a crossing above. Both brigades moved under cover of a strong connected line of skirmishers and the 1st brigade was held in reserve in the center. Hazen and Corse moved their divisions in support of Woods. Stone's skirmishers turned the enemy's left flank and drove his skirmishers Page 84 back beyond the creek. The 4th la. infantry, moving still further to the enemy's right and rear, crossed the stream above him, while Catterson obtained a foothold below. Skirmishers pressed the enemy hard in front and he fell back from his works along the creek to an inner line near the Congaree river, firing the bridge in his flight. The fire was extinguished and the bridge repaired. The works abandoned were strongly constructed and admirably adapted to the defense of the crossing. As the Confederates left this position, the 2nd brigade and the 12th Wisconsin battery moved over the partially burned bridge and pursued the enemy a mile beyond it. The remainder of the division was delayed in crossing until darkness prevented a further advance, when it encamped on a ridge, its left resting on the river bank, its right connecting with the 2nd division which also had crossed. During the night the Confederates shelled the Federal camps from beyond the river, but with little effect. On the advance of the Federal skirmish line next morning it was found that the enemy had abandoned its second line and the corps moved on Columbia.
Bates Township, Arkansas, November 2, 1863.
Batesville, Arkansas, May 3, 1862. Army of the Southwest. General Curtis' army reached Batesville at 5 a. m. and Colonel Coleman's Confederate cavalry fired on the Federal pickets from across the White river. The fire was returned with artillery and the cavalry was driven off. Several of the enemy were seen carried from the field. Curtis took a number of prisoners, about 100 stands of arms and considerable contraband property.
Batesville, Arkansas, July 14, 1862. 4th Iowa Cavalry. Batesville, Arkansas, February 4, 1863. Waring’s Brigade, Davidson's Cavalry Division. Incidental to a foraging and reconnoitering expedition, the brigade reached Batesville in the night and with a charge led by Captain Rose of the 4th Missouri cavalry drove General Marmaduke's forces out of the town, killing and wounding many and taking some prisoners, among them Colonel Adams. In the flight such of the enemy as could not crowd upon the ferry boats swam the White river.
Bath, West Virginia, January 3-5, 1862. 39th Illinois, 84th Pennsylvania, and 13th Indiana Infantry. During the movement of troops from Frederick, Maryland, to Williamsport, Captain Linton, commanding Company D, 39th Illinois, divided his company at Bath on the 3d to scout the roads in order to learn the strength and position of the enemy. About a mile and a half from the town some of his men routed the Confederate advance guard of 8 mounted men. A little later two of the squads of Company D, one of them Linton's, under the partial protection of a fence, advanced up a bare hill and fought a formidable body of Confederate infantry and cavalry. An attempt was made to cut them off, but it was thwarted by an attack on a battalion of the enemy concealed in a ravine by a squad of Company D under Sergt. Snowden. After holding the enemy at the top of the hill as long as there was anything to be gained by so doing, Linton and his party retreated toward Warm Springs mountain and thence made their way by mountain paths to Bath, where they arrived about midnight. Sergt. Snowden and his men were hemmed in, but managed to escape in the darkness. A squad under Lieutenant Towner went up the west side of Warm Springs mountain and exchanged shots with a greatly superior force, reaching Bath at 11 p. m. About 3 a. m. on the 4th Linton and his men took position on the summit of Warm Springs mountain. The night before the attack on Bath Lieutenant Whipple, Company E, with 25 men, was detailed to go to Great Cacapon to the assistance of Captain Slaughter. The rest of the company was stationed at Sir John's run to guard the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. The attack on Bath was expected and the Federals planned to occupy a position on a commanding hill and put out a strong picket line. About noon some 10,000 Confederates attacked the town. Company D, Captain Linton, Company K, Captain Woodruff, and Company I, Captain Phillips, under command of Major Mann, Page 85 became engaged in a sharp skirmish, in which they fought gallantly but were forced back by large numbers, losing several prisoners. The 84th Pennsylvania, under Colonel Murray, came to their support, but its arms were new and unfit for service and Murray ordered a retreat to Sir John's run. There the troops crossed the river in boats en route for Hancock, where they arrived on the evening of the 4th. Meantime the 13th Indiana left the cars at Sir John's run and advanced toward Bath only to fall back upon warning of the Federal retreat from that place. The regiment then went by rail to Great Cacapon. All of the several companies of the 30th Illinois, except about a dozen men of Company E, under Captain Hooker, went to Hancock. Hooker with his little band skirmished all through that night and next day with Confederates who wanted to tear up the railroad track, killing 8 of them and preventing them from damaging the road. Meanwhile General Jackson had routed the Federal cavalry that had remained at Bath and sent Colonel Rust to destroy the railroad bridge. A portion of the Federal force there was seen and the Confederates started to charge upon it but fell back under a terrible fire from an ambuscade. Later Jackson ordered McLaughlin's battery to fire a few shells into Hancock. Rust with his own and Colonel Fulkerson's regiments, and a section of Shumaker's battery, engaged the Federals near the railroad bridge over the Big Cacapon and sustained some loss. On the morning of the 5th General Loring with his artillery, drove off the Union troops that had defended the railroad bridge against Rust, destroyed the bridge and railroad buildings and a considerable stretch of telegraph wire. Jackson menaced Hancock with an artillery attack and demanded its surrender, but his demand was refused. He cannonaded the town a short time without effect and then proceeded to construct a bridge for crossing the Potomac about 2 miles further up. He had already been joined by Lieutenant-Colonel Ashby, Major Paxton and Captain Colston and the force with which they had enlarged the break in Dam No. 5 at Bath. Having completed his work of destruction on the railway, Loring, with Gilham's and Rust's commands, rejoined Jackson at Hancock. On the 6th Federal reinforcements rendered an attack on that town impracticable.
Bath, West Virginia, September 6, 1863. 20th Pennsylvania Cavalry. On the night of September 6 two companies of the 20th Pennsylvania cavalry, 6-months' men, under Captain Hebble, were attacked by 26 of General Imboden's men under Captains Burke and Blackford. Hebble and several of his men were killed and 23 prisoners and 50 horses were taken by the Confederates.
Bath County, Kentucky, March 26, 1865. Detachment of 185th Ohio Infantry. Captain Robert W. Wilson and 60 men of his regiment sent out from Mount Sterling to arrest 2 Confederate sympathizers were attacked by 125 of the enemy. Wilson was compelled to fall back, losing 1 killed and 4 wounded in doing so. The Confederate casualties were estimated at 4 killed and 7 wounded. Bath Springs, Mississippi, January 1, 1863.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, August 5, 1862. Detached Forces under Brigadier-General Thomas Williams. In pursuance of a plan of the Confederate leaders at Vicksburg, Major-General John C. Breckenridge, with a force variously estimated at from 3,000 to 6,000 men, moved on Baton Rouge, while the newly built ram Arkansas was to go down the river and engage the Federal gunboats at the same time the fight was going on between the land forces. Williams learned of the movement and disposed his troops to meet it. The 4th Wisconsin was on the extreme left, on the right bank of Bayou Gross, on the opposite bank of which were 2 pieces of Manning's battery so placed as to sweep the ground on the left of the Badger regiment. To the right of the 4th Wisconsin was the 9th Connecticut, with 2 guns in the rear of the center and 2 more in rear of the right. Then came the 14th Me., posted behind the Bayou Sara road and to the left of the Greenwell Page 86 Springs road; then the 21st Indiana in the woods behind Magnolia cemetery with 4 pieces of Everett's battery on the Greenwell Springs road; then the 6th Michigan across the road to the right of Magnolia cemetery and the Clay Cut road, on the former of which were 2 pieces of Everett's battery; the 7th Vermont was posted in rear of the 21st Indiana and 6th Michigan on the right of the Catholic cemetery; and the 30th Massachusetts, supporting Nim's battery on the extreme right. The fight began at daylight. Breckenridge formed line of battle on the open ground near the Greenwell Springs road and attempted to draw Williams out. Failing in this the Confederates advanced on the ground between the Clinton and Clay Cut roads, thus throwing the brunt of the attack against the 14th Maine, the 21st Indiana and the 6th Michigan Williams ordered the 9th Conn, and the 4th Wisconsin with a section of artillery to support the left of the center and the 30th Massachusetts with a portion of Nim's battery to aid the right of the center, but the effort was unavailing. The Federals put up a desperate resistance but were slowly forced back and the Confederates captured the camps of the advanced regiments. Williams was killed just as the regiments commenced to fall back, and for a little time there was some confusion in the Union ranks. When the Confederates had forced the garrison back beyond Magnolia cemetery they were within range of the Federal gunboats in the river and the galling fire of the infantry, which was soon rallied, and the gunboats compelled Breckinridge to fall back. When he had destroyed the Federal encampment and had ascertained that the ram Arkansas was hard aground with her machinery disabled he hastily withdrew, leaving his dead and wounded on the field. The Union loss in this affair was 84 killed, 266 wounded and 32 captured or missing; Confederate reports make their losses 44 killed, 152 wounded and 6 missing, but a despatch from Lieutenant G. Weitzel, chief engineer of the Department of the Gulf, states that by the 8th the garrison at Baton Rouge had buried 250 of the enemy's dead. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, August 20-21, 1862. U. S. Troops under Colonel Paine. Victory in the battle at .Baton Rouge on August 5, had been claimed by both Federals and Confederates, and the latter have since reasoned that the Federal evacuation of Baton Rouge about 2 weeks later was a justification of their claim. On August 21, 1862, Major DeBaun (Confederate) reported to Brigadier-General Ruggles, commander of the 1st division department of Southern Mississippi and Eastern Louisiana: "On yesterday morning I drove in the Federal pickets and caused a general stampede of the forces in Baton Rouge, who, with the exception of those in the barracks, fled to the gunboats. They fired upon me with one company and afterward their gunboats shelled me for 2 hours." On the 16th, Major-General Butler, commanding Department of the Gulf, reported to Secretary of War Stanton: "I have ordered the evacuation and destruction of Baton Rouge, which will be effected unless an attack is made on it by Van Dorn before we can get away. In that case, we shall fight." On the 19th he wrote to Colonel Paine commanding at Baton Rouge: "Upon your representation, through Mr. Bates, of the state of the public, charitable and penal institutions at Baton Rouge, wherein the orphan, the insane and the helpless are confined and housed, so that the innocent and helpless must be so greatly the sufferers, I am inclined to countermand my order for burning the town. You will leave it as whole as you can, unless you are obliged to burn it as a matter of defensive action. I have not changed my opinion as to the great military advantage it will be to the enemy to have it, but I am impelled by a sense of just humanity to overlook that advantage. Its importance is not such as to justify that destruction upon the unoffending." On August 23, Brigadier-General Ruggles reported to Major-General Van Dorn: "The town was evacuated by the enemy on the 21st. The Essex and No. 7 remain before it. I expect to be in possession this Page 87 morning." On August 27, Butler reported from New Orleans to Major-General Halleck: "As indicated in my dispatch to the secretary of war of the 16th inst., finding a concentration of troops by the enemy, I withdrew at my leisure the troops at Baton Rouge and have them now encamped behind my lines at Carrollton. As the town of Baton Rouge is now held by 2 gunboats stationed in the river and if the enemy attempt to build batteries there it will be necessary to drive them out by shells I ordered the state library to be brought away, and Powers' statue of Washington from the state house. This has been safely accomplished. The library is stored with the city library here. I have sent the statue of Washington to the mayor of New York, to be held in trust for the people of Louisiana until they shall have returned to their senses. I deem the evacuation of Baton Rouge a matter of prudence, as the entire force at Vicksburg had been brought down to Jackson and Tangipahoa for the avowed purpose of an attack on New Orleans." The Federal gunboats commanded Baton Rouge, but the defense of the military position was not desirable. The enemy captured cattle and horses, no prisoners. The Confederate attack was not necessary as some writers have asserted it to have been, to save the town from destruction. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, September 8, 1863. 4th Wisconsin Cavalry.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, September 19, 1863.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, March 3, 1864. 118th Illinois Mounted Infantry. The record of events on the return of the 2nd brigade, cavalry division, Department of the Gulf, for March 1864, discloses the fact that on the 3d Lieutenant-Colonel Logan, 118th III. mounted infantry, went to Baton Rouge and was involved with his command in a skirmish, killing 1 Confederate and taking 3 prisoners.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, April 15, 1864. On this date Confederates approached to attack Baton Rouge. A Federal scouting detachment of 50 drove an equal number of the enemy 20 miles or further. Reports do not contain further details.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, July 29, 1864. Picket of the 14th New York Cavalry. Three men and a corporal of this regiment were attacked in the forenoon of this day, while on picket duty at Highland Stockade. Two of the men escaped unharmed; the corporal and the other man were severely wounded. Battery Huger, Alabama, April 9-11, 1865. Army of West Mississippi. After the fall of Spanish fort and Fort Blakely Batteries Huger and Tracy on the opposite shore of Blakely river still held out. It was necessary to reduce these posts in order that the navy might operate successfully in Blakely river. Spurling's cavalry was sent up the river to cut off communication between the forts and Mobile, and Lucas' cavalry was ordered to block the navigation of the Alabama river. On the 10th additional guns were brought to bear upon the batteries and a boat expedition for a night attack on Tracy was organized, but at 10 p. m. the Confederates evacuated both works, blowing up the magazines. Before daylight also Mobile had been evacuated. The casualties in the 2 days' bombardment of Batteries Huger and Tracy were not reported.
Battery Huger, Virginia, April 19, 1863. Detachments of the 89th New York and 8th Connecticut Volunteers. This was an incident of the siege of Suffolk. About dusk Brigadier-General Getty, commanding the U. S. naval flotilla, executed successfully a plan for crossing the Nansemond river and capturing Battery Huger on Hill's point at the mouth of the west branch. Shortly before sunset gunboats on the river and 4 rifled guns, two 20-pounder Parrotts and two 3-inch ordnance guns, opened a terrific fire on the battery. Meantime the detachments mentioned embarked at Dr. Council's landing about a mile above the battery on the gunboat Stepping-Stones, commanded by Lieutenant Lamson. A canvas screen around Page 88 the deck effectually concealed the men as the boat steamed rapidly down stream and ran close to the shore about 300 yards above the battery. The vessel was headed inshore, but striking a pile she glanced off, and borne on the ebb-tide would have glided in front of the battery had not Lieutenant Lamson reversed her propelling works and backed her aground. From both ends of the boat the men jumped in mud and water up to their waists, scrambled hastily ashore and with cheers dashed upon the battery. By this time the gunboat's crew had landed 4 boat howitzers, placed them in position and opened with them on the works. The enemy opened a hot fire of musketry, and reversed and fired one of their guns. But, cut off and terrorized by discharges of canister from Lamson's batteries, they finally surrendered. The results of this brilliant achievement included the capture of 7 officers, 130 men and 5 guns, the liberation of 5 gunboats above the battery and the occupation of a point of vital importance to. the enemy and of much value to the Federals.
Battery Island, South Carolina, May 21, 1862. About 11 a. m. on this date a Federal gunboat came up the river, took a position where it could enfilade the bridge and causeway leading to James island. About the same time a detachment of troops was landed in small boats and moved to the rear of the Confederate pickets on Battery island. The gunboat opened on a causeway with grape and shrapnel, cutting off the retreat of the pickets, and the men who had gone ashore succeeded in capturing a sergeant, a corporal and 4 men near the old magazine on the north end of the island. The other picket posts managed to make their escape.
Battery Island, South Carolina, September 7, 1863. Brigadier-General Taliaferro, of the Confederate army, reported that he "attacked the enemy's pickets on Battery Island," and "drove them off and destroyed the bridge and landing." There is no mention of the affair in the Federal reports.
Battery Simkins, South Carolina, February 11, 1865. 52nd Pennsylvania Volunteers. This regiment lead by Major Hennesey, made a demonstration in boats against Battery Simkins and Fort Sumter. The Confederates opened a lively artillery fire from Battery Simkins and Sullivan's island and a musketry fire from Simkins and Sumter. General Hardee designated this as a "barge attack" and reported that it was repulsed.
Battery Tracy, Alabama, April 9-11, 1865. (Sec Battery Huger, same dates.)
Battery Wagner, South Carolina, July 10-i1, 1863. (See Fort Wagner.) Battle Creek, Tennessee, June 21, 1862. 2nd and 33d Ohio, 10th Wisconsin, and 24th Illinois Volunteers, 4th Ohio and 4th Kentucky Cavalry, and Edgarton's Battery. Battle Creek, Tennessee, August 27, 1862. Part of the 9th Brigade, 3d Division, 1st Army Corps. On the 21st, Colonel Harris of the 2nd Ohio infantry, occupied Fort McCook at the mouth of Battle creek, with his regiment, the 33d Ohio, Edgarton's Ohio batten', and no men of the 4th Ohio cavalry. Next day he sent four companies to Bridgeport to replace an infantry rc,'rirr.?r't withdrawn from there, and one regiment and the battery to General McCook. Six companies of the 33d Ohio and the cavalry remained at the fort. Early on the morning of the 27th, Brigadier-General Maxey, commanding Confederate forces in that vicinity, ordered part of his cavalry to ford the Tennessee river 2 or 3 miles below Bridgeport, cautiously approach the town and attack the Federals. When it became apparent that the Federal force there had been withdrawn the night before Maxey ordered the 32nd Alabama infantry, which was concealed on the bank of the river, to cross and Captain Rice was ordered to throw the cavalry well out on the Battle creek and Stevenson roads. That morning Harris learned that the enemy was crossing at Bridgeport. He ordered his cavalry to that point with instructions to attack the enemy at once if he had crossed and if possible to drive him into the Tennessee river. He also directed his cavalry on picket on the Jasper road to push forward as far Page 89 as Jasper and report promptly any advance of the enemy in that direction. Observing the approach of the Federal troops Maxey formed the 32nd Alabama in line of battle near the crest of the hill in the town and soon the Federal cavalry under Major Pugh, dashed up at full speed. When within 50 yards of the Confederate line it received a galling fire and fell back. Twice the Federals reformed and charged, first on the Confederate left and then on the center. A company of the 32nd Alabama under Lieutenant Sellers, ambushed in the center, arose as the Federals came up the hill and delivered a deadly volley at close range simultaneously with that of the wings, which were separated for cover, causing the Federals to fall back in confusion. While this portion of the fight was in progress, the Confederate artillery, consisting of Freeman's and Dure's batteries and one 24-pounder rifle gun, opened on the Federal fort and camp from the opposite bank of the Tennessee river about 800 yards distant, and shelled them for 12 hours without intermission except to let their guns cool. After taking precautions to protect his retreat, Harris ordered his wagons loaded with the most valuable stores at the fort and the balance were piled up ready to be burned. The tents were cut up and the wagon wheels were muffled with them. As soon as it was dark he began the withdrawal of the forces and the stores for which he had transportation. "This," he reported, "I succeeded in doing without loss. An hour after the last of the forces had been withdrawn, Captain Mathews, of the 4th Ohio cavalry, applied the torch to the stores, which were left behind, completely destroying them. I arrived with the command at Decherd on the 29th and reported to Major-General Buell."
Battle Mountain, Virginia, July 24, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 3d Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac. In the morning Brigadier-General Custer commanding the brigade moved from camp at Amissville, with the 1st, 5th and 6th Michigan cavalry and Battery M, 2nd U. S. artillery, toward Newby's cross-roads, where he expected to strike the enemy's column. His advance guard, the 5th Michigan, encountered Hill's 3d army corps, and Benning's brigade of Longstreet's corps. Custer attacked with both cavalry and artillery, compelling the enemy to halt his column and form in line of battle, when he became aware of the overwhelming force of the enemy and prepared to withdraw his command. An unlooked-for delay occurred in relieving his skirmishers and the enemy pushed 2 brigades of infantry to Custer's left and rear. By that movement the 5th and 6th Michigan and 2 guns of the battery were cut off, but bravely and skillfully extricated themselves with slight loss. Loss, 30 killed, wounded and missing.
Baxter Springs, Kansas, October 6, 1863. General Blunt and escort, and a Detachment of the 3d Wisconsin Cavalry. On the 4th, General Blunt left Fort Scott for Fort Smith, accompanied by a part of his staff and his clerks, orderlies and the brigade band, taking records and other property belonging to the headquarters of the District of the Frontier. His escort consisted of about 100 men of the 3d Wisconsin and 14th Kansas cavalry under command of Lieutenant Cavert. The train consisted of 8 wagons, carrying the band, the district headquarters property and company effects. At noon on the 3d day, Blunt and the advance guard halted near Baxter Springs. The garrison there consisted of parts of two companies of the 3d Wisconsin cavalry and one company of the 2nd Kansas colored regiment under command of Lieutenant Pond. The position was fortified and was provided with one howitzer, but was on low ground behind a slight intervening elevation which hid the fort from Blunt's view. In fact, he was not aware of his nearness to Pond's command, nor was the latter aware of Blunt's proximity. Colonel Quantrill, with a Confederate force variously estimated at from 600 to 1,000, was passing south on the Kansas-Missouri border, and had made a detour to attack Pond's camp. At the hour of the attack all the cavalry was absent with a forage train. The attack of the Confederates Page 90 was so sudden and impetuous that they were inside the rude breast-works firing pistol shots into the tents before the garrison realized its situation. Pond's men were at dinner and were obliged to break through the enemy's lines to secure arms. Pond fought his way in, rallied his men as best he could, and finally succeeded in dragging the howitzer outside the breastworks and getting it in action. With 3 murderous shots he repulsed the enemy's main force, which retreated over the hill north of the camp, where they first saw Blunt's little column. From the fact that they wore Federal uniforms. Blunt at first supposed the Confederates to be Pond's cavalrymen on drill, but formed 65 of his men in line of battle to be ready for any emergency and sent the wagons, with the band, clerks, orderlies, cooks and other non-combatants to the rear. Then accompanied by his staff, he made forward about 50 paces to learn definitely what the approaching force was. Not 200 yards separated the lines. The Confederates came slowly forward firing irregularly. Part of Blunt's force broke and fled and Quantrill's men charged along the whole line. A second line of about 200, which had been formed in the edge of the timber, dashed forward after the first. The Kansas troops broke and would not be rallied. The Wisconsin company fired a staggering volley into the enemy's right, but the left advanced and the right soon rallied and came forward unsteadily. The second line of Confederates, better mounted than the escort, soon closed in and when Blunt would have led his men in stubborn resistance he saw most of them in flight, after having emptied their revolvers at the advancing enemy until the latter had come within 20 feet. Pond, who had heard the firing when Blunt's men had been attacked, thought that his own cavalry had returned and engaged the Confederates. Shortly afterward he learned that Blunt's escort and brigade band had been massacred, that many of the bodies had been stripped, those of some of the musicians and others shamefully mutilated and some burned with the wagons. The Union loss was 80 killed and 18 wounded. Quantrill reported his casualties as "3 men wounded," though they were doubtless much greater.
Baxter Springs, Kansas, August 1, 1864. Detachment of the 7th Provisional Regiment, Enrolled Missouri Militia. Colonel John D. Allen, commanding at Mount Vernon, Missouri, sent out 80 men under Captains Sutherland, Roberts and Ritchey, to scout in the direction of Baxter Springs. When about 10 miles from the springs they came upon a small party of Confederates under Captains Taylor and Marchbanks. A slight skirmish ensued, in which the enemy was completely routed with a loss of 5 or 6 men killed and . several wounded. Union loss nothing.
Bayles' Cross-Roads, Louisiana, October 12, 1861. 79th New York Volunteers.
Baylor's Farm, Virginia, June 15, 1864. (See Petersburg, same date.)
Bayou Alabama, Louisiana, September 20, 1864. 2nd New York Veteran Cavalry. A detachment of 225 of this regiment, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Gurney, after a hard all-night march, reached and crossed Bayou Alabama at 7:30 a. m., on the 20th, and after a short skirmish captured the camp of a Captain Ratliff, taking 3 prisoners of war, 15 horses. 1 piece of artillery, some small arms and ammunition, a quantity of clothing, a large mail and other valuables. The gun was spiked, filled with shells and sunk in 50 feet of water. Gurney then marched to Fausse river, arriving there at 1 p. m. This movement was a part of the operations of General Lawler's command in the vicinity of Morganza.
Bayou Bernard, Indian Territory, July 27, 1862. 1st Regiment Kansas Indian Home Guards. This regiment, commanded by Major Phillips, was included in the 1st Indian brigade and attached to the expedition of Colonel Salomon. By forced and night marches Phillips proceeded some 40 miles to Tahlequah and Park Hill. He sent forward his command in three lines along three roads, forming a cross-roads at Bayou Bernard, 7 miles Page 91 from Fort Gibson. At the cross-roads Lieutenant Haneway's command, which formed the right, met the enemy moving toward Park Hill and fell back on the Park Hill road. The enemy pushing forward, encountered the Federal center but after a brief fight was utterly routed and fled to Fort Gibson. Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor, of Stand Waitie's regiment, Captain Hicks, a Cherokee, and 2 Choctaw captains were killed. The entire Confederate loss was about 125 in killed and wounded and 25 captured. Federal loss 1 wounded. "I was very much pleased with the conduct of the whole Indian force," said Phillips in his report. "The only difficulty was in restraining their impetuous charge and in keeping back a reserve and guard for the wagons."
Bayou Black, Louisiana, March 19, 1864.
Bayou Black, Louisiana, May 4, 1865. Captain Barker, with a detachment of the 75th U. S. colored infantry and 1st Louisiana cavalry under orders from headquarters, District of La Fourche, left Bayou Boeuf station to proceed to Bayou Chene to reconnoiter at the mouth of Bayou Black. In a little cut-off above the entrance of the bayou they fired on a skiff-load of negroes employed near by, mistaking them for a party of the enemy, and wounded 2 of them. (See also Black Bayou.)
Bayou Boeuf, Louisiana, April 22, 1863. 1st Brigade, Grover's Division. In Banks' operations in West Louisiana, Brigadier-General Dwight, commanding this brigade, was delayed at bridges over Bayous Cocodrie and Boeuf. Unforeseen difficulties in bridge construction arose. He crossed some cavalry at noon on April 22, and they went forward on the Bayou Boeuf road over 2 miles, when they were ambushed near Washington by about 200 Confederates, losing 1 man killed and 1 captured.
Bayou Boeuf, Louisiana, May 7, 1864. Portion of the 17th Army Corps. Incidental to the Red river campaign. The Federal line extending on the south side of Bayou Rapides from Gordon's to the Bayou Boeuf timber and appearing formidable from the north side of the stream, was much longer than the thin cavalry formation of the Confederates under Major-General Dick Taylor. The chief struggle was for the river, which was important to the Federals. Taylor had been massing his forces on the Bayou Boeuf and on the river below Alexandria. After several hours of heavy cannonading the Federals advanced. Their attack brought confusion to both flanks of the Confederate line, but they were charged by General Bagby and riven across the Lamourie. The Confederate artillery was used with great effect, one battery covering the movements of another, and finally the short range pieces of both covering the retreat of the other sections over a narrow bridge, holding a heavy infantry force in check by rapid discharges of grape and canister until the bridge was passed and a position taken on the other side. The Federals did not advance further, but retired during the night to a position about 7 miles from Alexandria, on a small bayou leading from Bayou Rapides to Bayou Boeuf, and remained there until about the time of the evacuation of Alexandria.
Bayou Bonfouca, Louisiana, November 21, 1862. The U. S. steamer, G. Brown, carrying 2 guns, while attempting to ascend the Bayou Bonfouca, was attacked at a point 60 miles from Ponchatoula and 10 miles from Fort Pike. Lieutenant Evans reported that 2 men were killed and 1 mortally wounded on the boat and that "after the first fire she backed down the river, shelling the woods as' she went."
Bayou Bonfouca, Louisiana, January 31, 1865. 74th U. S. Colored Troops. A party of 9 guerrillas boarded the schooner Perseverance engaged in carrying wood to New Orleans, robbed her crew of money and clothing and threatened to burn her unless the owner, Raymond Terence, gave them $1,000, with which demand he was unable to comply. The timely arrival of the sloop Rosetta from Fort Pike, with a corporal and 13 privates of the 74th U. S. colored troops, under Lieutenant Gallagher on board, brought Page 92 about an engagement between the troops and the guerrillas, resulting in the routing of the latter and the saving of the Perseverance from destruction. Bayou Bontecar, Louisiana, November 21, 1862. 31st Massachusetts Volunteers. Bayou Bourbeau, Louisiana, November 3, 1863. Troops of the 13th Army Corps. The position of the Federal troops in the morning was as follows: Brigadier-General Burbridge with 1 brigade of the 4th division, about 1,200 strong, a 6-gun battery of 10-pounder Parrotts, and Colonel Fonda, with about 500 mounted infantry and a section of Nim's battery, on the south of Muddy bayou; the 3d division under General Cameron, and Colonel Slack, 3,000 strong with a battery, at Carrion Crow bayou, 3 miles in the rear of Burbridge. The two bayous run easterly, nearly parallel, and between the two is a smooth, level plain called Buzzard's prairie. Along Muddy Bayou was a belt of timber about 150 yards wide. To the right of Burbridge's position was a large, dense wood, while before and to the left of it was high open prairie. Early in the morning Burbridge's outposts were driven in and the Confederates appeared in heavy force on his front and left. He formed his lines and a few well directed shots from his artillery caused the enemy to retire. At 10 a. m. few Confederates were in sight and Burbridge's troops retired to camp, though holding themselves in readiness to fall in ranks at an instant's notice. Major-General Washburn, commanding the corps, when informed of the attack, had ordered out the 3d division, but by the time it was in line word came that the enemy had withdrawn. Leaving the division under arms Washburn rode to the front for a conference with General Burbridge. As he was returning to his headquarters he heard a rapid cannonade and soon learned that Burbridge was assailed with terrible energy by an overwhelming force in front and on both flanks. The troops were broken and scattered and utter destruction or capture of the whole force seemed imminent. The Confederate infantry had approached through a ravine from the direction of Opelousas, while upon the left across the prairie, a heavy column of cavalry had moved forward in line of battle. Burbridge had placed in position on his left the 67th Indiana about 260 strong, a section of Nim's battery, a section of the 17th Ohio battery and 150 cavalry, directing the whole to guard against an attack on the rear and left. The 60th Indiana, 96th Ohio, 23d Wisconsin and 4 pieces of the 17th Ohio battery were posted so as to meet the Confederate infantry advance in the ravine. The 118th Illinois mounted infantry was posted to protect his right and the trains were moved to the rear. The Confederates pressed Burbridge so hard that he soon despaired of holding his position until he could be reinforced. After engaging the enemy a short time in front he saw that they were moving on his right flank and their cavalry was bearing down on his left. The Confederate line was about 3 times as long as his own, and to guard against being surrounded he had to extend his line to the right. He gave Colonel Buchler of the 67th Indiana charge of a movement to guard his left while he himself advanced his right. Buehler was delayed in the execution of the required movement with the result that he and his command were surrounded by Confederate cavalry and surrendered without a man being killed. The artillery played on the enemy until it was almost surrounded, but succeeded in withdrawing save one 10-pounder Parrott gun and caisson of the 17th Ohio battery, which were taken only after the horses had been killed. The 23d Wisconsin, 96th Ohio, 60th Indiana, and 17th Ohio battery fought with remarkable determination, holding the enemy in check for some time and protecting the Federal train and artillery from capture. The bringing off of the section of Nim's battery, after the surrender of the regiment sent to its support, won the admiration of every beholder. When Burbridge's left was gone and the enemy's cavalry in great force was charging through the narrow belt of timber and coming down on his rear, he Page 93 gradually fell back through the ravine in order to cover his train. The 3d division had come up on the double-quick, but by the time it was in the middle of the prairie a mile and a half from the scene of action, Burbridge's command had been driven out of the woods. Burbridge had noted its approach, which with the arrival of the 83d Ohio, ordered back from a foraging expedition, gave him renewed hope. He was now just abandoning the ravine. To secure his left he placed the 83d on the plain, where he soon rallied his shattered forces, his artillery on the right, the cavalry on the left. By this time the 3d division had come within range. It formed in line and by shelling the Confederates, checked their advance, when Burbridge began to rake them with his artillery and they retreated to the cover of the woods. The whole Federal force was then deployed in line of battle and pressed the enemy rapidly through the woods. Cameron with the 1st brigade of the 3d division sent cavalry to charge the Confederates through the ravine and nearly 100 prisoners were taken. Washburn moved the division upon the Confederate line of retreat about a mile and a half, but the men, having been brought up at a double-quick, were too nearly exhausted to pursue further. The cavalry pursued them about 3 miles. Federal loss, 25 killed, 123 wounded, 536 captured or missing. Total Confederate loss 181.
Bayou Cache, Arkansas, July 6, 1862. 3d Iowa Cavalry. On the march from Augusta to Clarendon this regiment was in advance of the Army of the Southwest, and on this date the vanguard of the regiment was Company I. At Bayou Cache, the company was brought to a halt by a barricade of felled trees constructed by Confederates to impede the Federal advance. Twelve men of the company dismounted, reconnoitered the timber, got in the rear of a squad of 18 Confederates, engaged them and killed 7 without casualty. The remainder of the Confederate detachment escaped across the river.
Bayou de Glaize, Louisiana, May 17, 1864. Detachment 7th and 16th Army Corps. In Banks' Red River campaign, General Mower commanding the detachment was pressed by General Wharton. On this day General Steele joined Wharton and their combined forces harried the Federals, skirmishing and righting until almost dark, when Mower drove them back with artillery at Bayou de Glaize.
Bayou de Glaize, Louisiana, May 18, 1864. 1st and 3d Divisions, 16th Army Corps. This was the last engagement of a series conducted by General Mower and participated in exclusively by troops of the 16th corps. "From the action of Yellow bayou to the close of the war," wrote General Dick Taylor, 12 years after the surrender of Louisiana, "not a gun was fired in the trans-Mississippi department." Mower was instructed in case he should be pursued, to attack and drive back the enemy. Being pressed in the rear he recrossed Yellow bayou, about 11 a. m., with Hill's, Lynch's and Shaw's brigades, Lieutenant Tiemeyer's battery of rifled guns, the 3d Indiana battery, and 4 smooth bore guns of the 9th Indiana battery. After advancing about 2 miles, skirmishing with the enemy, the advance penetrated a dense thicket and discovered a large force of Confederates on the opposite side of a field on Norwood's plantation. This force immediately opened on the Federal line with 12 pieces of rifled artillery. Mower put Tiemeyer's battery in position on the right of his line and the 9th Indiana battery near the left with two regiments on the left of it for support. The enemy immediately advanced in two columns in mass, drove back the Federal cavalry and got in the rear of Mower's left flank. At the same time the Federals drove the enemy in front. The Indiana battery and the two regiments supporting it were brought to a position nearly at right angles with the main Federal line and facing the enemy menacing the Federal flank; the remainder of the line fell back to connect with the right of the line just mentioned and the troops on the left were formed Page 94 facing the woods. Two regiments of Shaw's brigade, which had been held in reserve, now arrived and were put into position on the left. Mower ordered the battery double-shotted with canister and the enemy on the left were soon driven back with awful slaughter. Then after a few minutes' pause to replenish ammunition, the Federal line advanced. The Confederates had taken position in a thicket, through which Mower's main line must pass. A short desperate encounter here resulted in the rout of the Confederates and their retreat part of the way across the open field beyond, with great loss in killed and wounded and about 160 prisoners. In the meantime the enemy had again driven back the Federal cavalry and exposed the left. He was now swept from his menacing position, the Federals fell back to their original position and the Confederates did not attempt another attack. Hearing the cannonading, incident to the beginning of the engagement, Colonel Lynch, who had gone to the Union boats on the Atchafalaya, hastened to the field and was almost immediately carried off wounded. Colonel Kinney, who was in command of Lynch's brigade, had his horse shot under him, falling under the horse so that he was disabled and the command of the brigade fell temporarily on Lieutenant-Colonel Craven of the 89th Indiana In one of the charges Colonel Hill, commanding the 3d brigade, 1st division, was wounded and his son who was acting as orderly was killed. (Also known as Old Oaks and Yellow Bayou.) Bayou de Large, Louisiana, May 27, 1865. Detachment 3d Rhode Island and 1st Louisiana Cavalry. This party, under the command of Lieutenant Pomponeau, of the Louisiana regiment, surprised Lieutenant Boudreaux and 11 men in their camp on Bayou de Large. The Confederates managed to escape, half-dressed, leaving their arms, ammunition, and other belongings. The Confederate lieutenant was wounded and one man was captured.
Bayou de Paul, Louisiana, April 7-8, 1864. 13th Army Corps and Cavalry Division, Department of the Gulf. In the advance of General Banks' forces up the Red river, the 3d cavalry brigade, Colonel Harai Robinson commanding, drove some 200 Confederate cavalry through Pleasant Hill on the 7th, pursuing them to Wilson's farm, where Green's Texans, 3,000 strong, were encountered. Robinson at once engaged the enemy, but finding himself outnumbered withdrew his command a short distance, when he was reinforced by Colonel Lucas, with three regiments of the 1st brigade and the contest was renewed. After a sharp fight Green was driven from his position and rapidly retreated to Carroll's mill on Bayou de Paul, where the fighting was continued until dark. That evening Colonel Landram, commanding the 4th division of the 13th corps, ordered Emerson's brigade to the assistance of the cavalry. Emerson arrived at the bayou at daylight and the fight was commenced. Again the enemy was forced from his position, gradually falling back toward Sabine cross-roads. The Union loss was 11 killed, 42 wounded and 9 missing. The number of the Confederates killed and wounded was not reported, but 23 were captured.
Bayou des Allemands, Louisiana, June 20-22, 1862.
Bayou des Allemands, Louisiana, September 4, 1862. Troops belonging to the Army of the Gulf. A detachment of the 8th Vermont was at Bayou des Allemands as General B. F. Butler's advance pickets. On the morning of the 4th a detail was sent to Algiers for provisions. This detail was ambushed by a regiment of Texas Rangers, a number wounded and the rest captured. The Rangers then proceeded to the bayou, where, by seizing the bearers of a flag of truce and using them as a shield, they succeeded in capturing the entire detachment. In pursuance of Butler's orders Colonel McMillan, with the 21st Indiana and 9th Connecticut, and Colonel Paine, with the 14th Maine and the 4th Wisconsin, supported by Commodore Morris' gunboats, surrounded the guerrillas on the west bank of the river, about 30 miles above New Orleans, killing 8 and capturing 40 prisoners and 250 horses. This affair put an end to guerrilla warfare in the vicinity of New Orleans.
Bayou des Arc, Arkansas, July 14, 1864. A force of 1,000 men was sent out by Confederate General J0. 0. Shelby on the 12th to destroy the railroad communications in the neighborhood of Brownsville and Searcy. This force, at 4:30 o'clock on the morning of the 14th, surrounded the camp of the 10th Illinois cavalry, commanded by Colonel D. H. Wilson, at Bayou Des Arc and made an attack from three sides at the same time. The attacked defended themselves valiantly for half an hour, but were defeated by the superior numbers of the enemy, losing 20 killed, 87 captured, one 6-mule team and supply wagon and the ambulance. At that time the 10th consisted of 214 men and 7 officers. The remainder cut their way through the Confederate lines and escaped without being pursued.
Bayou Fordoche Road, Louisiana, May 29, 1864. 4th Cavalry Brigade, 19th Army Corps. The brigade, under the command of Colonel Chrysler of the 2nd New York veteran cavalry, moved just before sunrise, and when about 5 miles from Morganza on the Bayou Fordoche road, came upon the Confederate advance. Chrysler immediately formed his men and drove the enemy back until he uncovered Morgan's ferry road. The force in his immediate front numbered about 300, but as it retired it so increased in numbers as to require the placing of half of Chrysler's force on the skirmish line. He learned that during the past two days, the Confederates had crossed from 3,000 to 7,000 mounted infantry and 2 pieces of artillery, 1 apparently a heavy gun swung under a cotton carriage. Their infantry was crossing at Bayou Grossetete marching toward La Fourche, and their cavalry at Morgan's ferry. At a conservative estimate their forces outnumbered his 3 to 1. Consequently he withdrew his command, the enemy following closely for 3 miles, and arrived in camp about 2 p. m. with a loss of 2 wounded.
Bayou Fourche, Arkansas, September 10, 1863. (See Little Rock, same date.)
Bayou Goula, Louisiana, June 19, 1863. A body of Confederate cavalry under Colonel James P. Major, commander of a cavalry brigade in the army of General Dick Taylor, took commissary and quartermaster's stores, destroyed Federal plantations and recaptured 1,000 negroes that had been taken by General Banks from planters in Saint Landry and Rapides parishes. He added the adult male negroes to his command and left the women and children at Bayou Goula.
Bayou Goula, Louisiana, January 24, 1865. Detachment 3d Rhode Island Cavalry. A party of 13 men stationed at Donaldsonville undertook to return from Plaquemine. Colonel Fiske sent a lieutenant and 20 men up to Bayou Goula to meet them and escort them through, but before the escort arrived at Bayou Goula the party of 13 was attacked by 24 Confederates under Colonel Williams. Two were wounded at the first fire and the other 11 surrendered without firing a gun. The lieutenant and his command soon came up and pursued the Confederates 3 miles, but recaptured nothing.
Bayou Goula, Louisiana, May 9, 1865. Detachment of 3d Rhode Island Cavalry. Major Burt with 17 men, on a scout through Bayou Goula to Donaldsonville, skirmished with about a dozen of Captain Brown's men at the plantation of a Mr. Gilbert, dispersing them and taking 1 prisoner. Later in the day Burt's men chased squads of Brown's men, who found safety in swamps.
Bayou Grossetete, Louisiana, June 19, 1864. Detachment of the 19th Army Corps. The detachment under command of Colonel Crebs, 87th Illinois infantry, returned to Morganza, where Crebs reported to General Emory the capture of 5 prisoners and of Richard McCall, one of several persons whom he had been sent to bring in. He had also driven in 100 head of cattle and a few horses and mules.
Bayou la Fourche, Louisiana, November 19, 1864. 11th Wisconsin Volunteers, and 93d U. S. Colored Troops.
Bayou Lamourie, Louisiana, May 7, 1864. 89th Indiana Infantry. During Banks' Red river expedition, the regiment under Lieutenant-Colonel Craven engaged in a skirmish with the enemy at Bayou Lamourie and under a severe fire, charged and repulsed the Confederates with a loss of 4 killed, 11 wounded and 1 missing.
Bayou Liddell, Louisiana, October 15, 1864. 52nd U. S. Colored Troops, 2nd Mississippi. Bayou Macon, Louisiana, August 24, 1863. 3d Division, and 3d Brigade, 6th Division, 17th Army Corps. As an incident of Stoneman's expedition from Vicksburg, Mississippi, to Monroe, Louisiana, the Confederates attempted to make a stand at Bayou Macon, but were driven from their position by Osband's cavalry, which held the ford of the bayou until the arrival of the advance guard of the infantry.
Bayou Meto, Arkansas, August 26, 1863. Steele's Little Rock Expedition. Colonel Glover, commanding the 2nd brigade in the cavalry division of General Davidson, was ordered to reconnoiter and push the enemy as far toward Bayou Meto as possible without bringing on a general engagement. Early in the morning the 1st la. cavalry was in advance and four squadrons under the command of Captain Jenks were sent forward as skirmishers, which soon after passing the Federal outposts came upon the enemy's pickets. The Iowa regiment supported by the 3d Missouri cavalry and a section of artillery, advanced steadily, driving the Confederates 4 miles, toward their rifle-pits, killing a Confederate captain, 2 privates and taking 1 prisoner. When the retreating Confederates reached their main body they made a stand. After a considerable artillery duel, Glover ordered Lieutenant Lovejoy to advance his section of artillery, and while the men were doing this one of the cannoneers fell, pierced through the body by a solid shot. Recognizing the enemy's superior strength and fearing to precipitate a general engagement by continuing the fight, Glover masked the removal of his infantry with cavalry, and by covering his rear, abandoned the field in good order. General Walker directed the Confederate operations, with General Marmaduke in immediate command. (See same August 27.)
Bayou Meto, Arkansas, August 27, 1863. Davidson's Cavalry Division. Department of the Missouri. The entire division moved out on the road leading to Bayou Meto (or Reed's) bridge at sunrise on the 27th, leaving its baggage packed in a depot camp at Brownsville in charge of Lieutenant- Colonel Chandler, with his own regiment, the 7th Missouri cavalry, and Lovejoy's battery. The enemy was found posted in the position of the previous day. The ground not admitting the display of more troops, General Davidson brought his 2nd brigade into action, in command of Colonel Glover, while the 1st and reserve brigades held themselves in readiness to move up to support other troops as occasion demanded. Bayou Meto was a shallow, sluggish stream with a miry bed, abrupt banks, and heavy timber along its sides. It was spanned by a substantial bridge, which had been prepared for destruction by the Confederates. The advance skirmishers of the 2nd brigade met those of the enemy about 5 miles from the bridge. Before a brisk fire the Confederates fell back about 2 miles and made another stand, but were again sharply encountered by the skirmish line of the 10th Illinois. Here the whole brigade was formed for action with 2 battalions of the 3d Missouri cavalry, dismounted to fight on foot, on the right of the road in order of battle; 1 battalion of the 32nd la. infantry on the left of the road in order of battle; on the left of this the 3d battalion of the 3d Missouri cavalry (dismounted), the artillery being in the center. The 1st la. cavalry and 4 squadrons of 10th Illinois cavalry were formed in the rear and 6 squadrons of the 10th Illinois on the right flank. In this order, the whole front covered by a heavy skirmish line, the brigade moved forward. The Confederates fought desperately with small arms and artillery, but before this steady onslaught, made more destructive by the timely use of artillery, Page 97 they were driven from ridge to ridge through the thick brush on either side of the road, back to a high, strong position covered on the left with extended rifle-pits. There they checked the Federal advance and briefly held the ground. The 3d Missouri cavalry charged on the right, drove back the Confederates in its front and a simultaneous charge was made on the left. Flanked, beaten back in front, the enemy gave way and fled in disorder toward Bayou Meto, his columns being pursued for about a half an hour by a terrible bombardment of artillery. When they had been driven from their position at the bridge, the Confederates set it on fire. Davidson ordered the 1st la. cavalry to charge with drawn sabers and save it if possible. In making this charge the regiment was exposed to a terrible fire from the Confederate artillery and sharpshooters. The bridge was doomed. The regiment arrived on foot and skirmished half an hour, developing the enemy in a strong position in the rifle-pits, with his batteries effective, when it withdrew under the hill out of range of his guns. Meantime artillery had been brought to the support of the regiment and after a brisk cannonade silenced the enemy's guns and drove them from their position. It now became evident that the enemy in considerable force hung about the Federal right flank, and they were driven across the bayou by the 10th Illinois. By this time the evening was far advanced. Federal loss, 7 killed, 38 wounded.
Bayou Meto, Arkansas, September 1, 1863. Rice's Division, Department of Arkansas. Bayou Meto, Arkansas, February 17, 1865. Scout of the 13th Illinois Cavalry. The scouting party under command of Captain Norris reached Bayou Meto, 5 miles from the Arkansas river, where a platoon under command of Lieutenant Curlee was detailed to scout in the vicinity. Near the house of Thomas Farrelly, Curlee's men had a running skirmish with a party of supposed guerrillas, dispersing them, killing 1 and capturing 1. The prisoner escaped while the Federals were searching Farrelly's house. Farrelly was brought in a prisoner and his house was burned.
Bayou Meto, Arkansas, February 24, 1865. 13th Illinois Cavalry. Captain G. W. Suesberry with a scouting detachment, arrived at Bayou Meto at 9 a. m., where he had a skirmish with Major Watkins' command, repulsing it. Lieutenant Temple of Company M. led a platoon in a gallant charge. He ordered each of his men to pick his Confederate and capture him, promising to make Major Watkins his prisoner. He chased that officer three and a half miles, captured him in Bayou Meto in water of swimming depth, and 6 of Watkins' men were taken prisoners.
Bayou Meto Bridge, Arkansas, September 23, 1863.
Bayou Pierre, Mississippi, May 2-3, 1863. 17th Army Corps. At daylight General Stevenson, under orders from General Logan, moved his command on the main road to a point within a mile of Port Gibson. He then changed his line of march to a point on Bayou Pierre, where the enemy in force and prepared to resist the Federal advance were destroying road and railroad bridges. The 7th Missouri deployed as skirmishers, advanced to the edge of the bayou and developed a large force of Confederates protected by rifle-pits, with 12 pieces of artillery in position. After a lively fire had demonstrated the enemy's strength, De Golyer's battery was posted on the right of the Federal line and a battery of 20-pounder Parrotts on the left commanding the Confederate position. There was a' half hour's brisk cannonading, which kept the Confederates busy, while the Federals completed a bridge at Port Gibson. Then the skirmishers and the batteries were withdrawn and the Federal army crossed over and pressed forward in pursuit of the enemy. Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver of the 7th Missouri infantry was wounded. The 3d division bivouacked on the night of May 2 near the Grindstone ford, on the north fork of the Bayou Pierre. The suspension bridge at that point, which had been partially Page 98 burned by the enemy, was promptly repaired by men of the 3d brigade and was ready for the crossing of troops by 4 a. m. on the 3d. The 1st brigade, 3d division (General Smith) having the advance, crossed and moved by flank up the opposite slope till informed by a planter that there had been no Confederates in the vicinity since the previous day. Only a little further progress had been made before the advance, the 59th Indiana infantry, moving forward with Companies A and K, deployed as skirmishers, found the enemy in a strong position, his line of skirmishers thrown forward 200 yards, his reserves and artillery support formed immediately in the rear of 2 guns posted in a commanding position and masked by heavy woods at the summit of a hill. Colonel Alexander of the 59th Indiana deployed the remaining eight companies of his regiment as skirmishers, his line crossing the road at right angles and covering a front of 1,500 yards. This line, in the face of an artillery fire, advanced steadily and drove the Confederates from their first, second and third positions. The 10th Missouri infantry, after the enemy had withdrawn his forces, turned to the left toward Black river and after marching about a mile at the head of the column, was checked by the 1st Missouri (Confederate) battery, with infantry supports. The regiment was formed on the road in support of the 1st Missouri battery (Federal) and a brisk artillery skirmish ensued. About 2:30 p. m. the regiment was deployed as skirmishers to the left of the road across a creek and through a heavily timbered ravine. It was supported by the 18th Ohio and 17th la. in line of battle 150 yards to the rear. The skirmish line was cautiously advanced until the right rested on the left of the skirmish line of the 1st brigade, not more than 300 yards from the Confederate battery. The enemy soon retired and in half an hour the regiment reformed and marched about 6 miles with the division in pursuit. At Black river it bivouacked for the night. Meantime General Smith, while resting his troops after the repulse of the Confederates and the withdrawal of their battery from the crest of the hill, learned that his pickets near Prof. Ingraham's residence had been attacked and ordered the 31st Illinois, under Colonel McCook, to their support. A sharp engagement followed in a wood where it was impossible to estimate the enemy's strength, the 45th Illinois was ordered to the left and the 23d Indiana to the right of McCook's command, and after a rather hot skirmish the enemy was dislodged and hastily retreated on the Grand Gulf and Vicksburg road, leaving his dead on the field.
Bayou Portage, Louisiana, November 23, 1863. Brigadier-General Lee, chief of cavalry, Department of the Gulf, on the night of the 22nd, sent detachments of the 1st, 2nd and 3d brigades of his command, 650 men, to capture a detachment of the 1st Louisiana mounted zouaves (Confederate) under command of Major Dupeire, Colonel Lucas, commanding the 1st brigade, being in charge of the expedition. Leaving camp near New Iberia with about 200 of his brigade at 10 p. m., Lucas was joined about 6 miles out on the Saint Martinsville road by the 2nd III. cavalry under Colonel Mudd. At the road leading to Dauterive's landing he halted, waiting for Colonel Paine to join him with 250 of the 3d brigade. Meantime he sent Mudd down the road leading to Dauterive's landing with instructions to strengthen his lines along the left skirting the road. In the fog Mudd missed the road and failed to cooperate with him. A little more time was consumed by Lucas in reaching a wayside plantation, where he hoped to capture Dupeire and Captain Neville. The two Confederate officers had been there early in the evening but had escaped. Upon being joined by Paine and his command and 20 men under a lieutenant from Mudd's command, Lucas went on down the road and halted his force near the Bayou, while Paine took a road leading to the Confederate camp. After sending a lieutenant with 20 men to raid a plantation near by, in which 4 prisoners were taken, Lucas took a road to the right of the camp, crossing the bayou on a Page 99 submerged bridge. Slowly and carefully beating the fields on both sides with flankers under Captain Carey of the ist Indiana cavalry, Paine marched to the bridge over Bayou Portage, just beyond which he captured 6 soldiers who were acting as a fatigue party with a forage train. Thence he proceeded down the bayou about 5 miles and came on the enemy's pickets. His advance guard charged them and took some prisoners, the others escaping. Then reinforced to 50 men, commanded by Major Montgomery of the 6th Missouri, the guard galloped into the enemy's camp half a mile farther on and captured 25 enlisted men, 1 officer and the colors of Dupeire's battalion, 2 officers of the 18th Louisiana, and killed 2 Confederates without the loss of a man.
Bayou Rapides, Louisiana, March 21, 1864. (See Henderson's Hill.)
Bayou Rapides Bridge, Louisiana, April 26, 1864. According to Confederate authorities there was a skirmish here on this date between unidentified organizations of Banks' command and the Confederate troops of Bagby, Parsons, Bee and Major. Major-General Dick Taylor reported: "At daylight Bagby and Parsons attacked the rear of the enemy on the Rapides road and drove him rapidly down the bayou. Major attacked his flank at James' store and Bee at McNutt's Hill. The pursuit and fighting continued until night in the direction of Alexandria and close into that place."
Bayou Sara, Louisiana, August 10, 1862. Union Gunboat Essex. Under protection of the U. S. iron-clad gunboat Essex, a transport came to Bayou Sara ferry and removed a large quantity of sugar. The Essex had intimidated the small Confederate force in the vicinity by throwing a few shells into the lower part of the town.
Bayou Sara, Louisiana, August 23, 1862. The U. S. gunboat Essex and a transport arrived off Bayou Sara and the Essex threw some shells into the town, doing little or no damage. Bayou Sara, Louisiana, November 9, 1863. Major-General Maury reported that Colonel Maury with the 15th Confederate cavalry regiment, dashed in above Bayou Sara on this date and drove 300 Federal foragers to their ironclads, "with great slaughter. We brought off their wagon train and 25 prisoners from under the broadsides of their gunboats," he concluded, "only 3 wounded of ours."
Bayou Sara, Louisiana, October 9-10, 1864. Colonel Scott of the 1st Louisiana cavalry, reported to Brigadier-General Hodge, of the Confederate army, commanding the District of Southwest Mississippi and East Louisiana, that on the 9th and 10th, between Bayou Sara and Woodville, he skirmished with Federals whom he drove to their boats at Bayou Sara. "In my engagements around Bayou Sara," he concluded, "the enemy lost 65 killed and wounded; we buried 11. My loss was 1 man killed and 4 wounded."
Bayou Teche, Louisiana, November 3, 1862. Union gunboats, Kinsman, Estrella, St. Mary's, Calhoun and Diana and 21st Indiana Volunteers. Lieutenant-Com. Buchanan, who was sent to the Atchafalaya river to act in concert with a land force under General Weitzel, arrived off Brashear City November 1, too late to prevent a crossing of the Confederates, which he had hoped to intercept, and had difficulty in getting his heavy draught vessels over the bay. On the arrival of the Kinsman he crossed in her and grounded the Estrella in trying to get her over. Next day the Estrella and St. Mary's were got over the bay and the day after that the Calhoun came up with the Diana. On the night of the ist Buchanan chased the Confederate gunboat Cotton up the bay and captured the Confederate steamer A. B. Seger. On the 3d he took his gunboats up Bayou Teche and found the enemy posted above obstructions sunk in the bayou 14 miles from Brashear City. He engaged and drove him off and again repulsed the Cotton. The Confederates numbered between 3,000 and 4,000 men, of General Taylor's command, with 70 field pieces. The Kinsman under the fire of the artillery Page 100 on shore and played upon by the guns on board the Cotton received 54 shots. The Estrella received 3, the Diana 3, and the Calhoun 8. Loss 3 killed, 6 wounded.
Bayou Teche, Louisiana, January 14, 1863. Gunboats Calhoun, Diana, Estrella and Kinsman, and land forces under General Weitzel. The object of this movement was the destruction of the Confederate gunboat Cotton. General Weitzel's forces consisted of the 21st Indiana, 6th Michigan, 75th and 160th New York, 12th and 23d Connecticut, and 8th Vermont infantry, part of the 8th New Hampshire cavalry, one company of a Louisiana cavalry regiment, and several pieces of artillery belonging to the 1st and 5th U. S. artillery, 1st Maine, and 4th and 6th Massachusetts batteries. The fleet carried Weitzel's forces over Berwick bay, covering both his advance and return. They were disembarked on the 13th and formed in line of battle at Pattersonville. Lieutenant-Com. Buchanan made a reconnaissance and Weitzel advanced his force to Lynch's Point, where he bivouacked for the night under cover of the gunboats. Next morning, while the 8th Vermont moved to clear the east bank of Bayou Teche of riflemen or other land forces that the Confederates might have stationed there, he advanced his line on the west bank to attack the Cotton. Sixty volunteers from the 8th Vermont undertook to attack the vessel from the east bank and shoot down her gunners. A like number of the 75th New York volunteered for similar service on the west bank and as soon as they were in supporting distance of the Cotton, which had now been engaged by the gunboats, the volunteers and a part of the regular line of skirmishers shot down every one in sight on the vessel and silenced her. At the same time Captain Bainbridge, with the 4th Massachusetts battery, was enfilading her from the main road, while the 1st Maine and 6th Massachusetts batteries, under Captain Carruth and Lieutenant Bradbury, stationed on plantation roads parallel to the main road, were firing at her broadside. The 8th Vermont marched rapidly up the east bank, drove the Confederates from their rifle-pits and routed the cavalry that supported them, taking 41 prisoners. The skirmishers of the 75th New York and Weitzel's light batteries drove back the enemy's artillery, with its infantry and cavalry support, on the west bank. Meantime the Federal gunboats were storming the Cotton with a rapid fire. Under this onslaught she soon began slowly retreating, but came back once after getting out of range and was again repulsed. After that there was no fighting that day except slight skirmishing among the land forces. Early next morning the Cotton was swung across the channel and burned, her hull still further obstructing the bayou. The object of the expedition being accomplished, Weitzel immediately returned with his force to Fort Stevens. The union loss in this affair was 1 lieutenant and 5 privates killed, 2 non-commissioned officers and 25 privates wounded.
Bayou Teche, Louisiana, April 12-13, 1863. (See Fort Bisland.) Bayou Teche, Louisiana, October 3, 1863. Cavalry of Department of the Gulf. Major-General N. P. Banks, commanding the Department of the Gulf, reported from New Orleans on October 4 that "A skirmish took place yesterday between the advanced cavalry on the line of the Teche, under Colonel Davis, and about 200 of the enemy's cavalry. The enemy was quickly repulsed, losing 1 gun, which was captured by us, and the loss of the officer in charge of the gun, who was killed."
Bayou Teche, Louisiana, March 21, 1865. Detachment of 93d U. S. Colored Infantry. During an expedition from Brashear City to Bayou Pigeon, Louisiana, a detachment of troops encountered a body of Confederates on Bayou Teche. The enemy, 25 or 30 in number, rode down to the bank and fired a number of shots at the Federals and then attempted to cross, but were prevented by a sharp musketry fire. No casualties were reported.
Bayou Tensas, Louisiana, June 30, 1863. Mississippi Brigade of Infantry and Cavalry, commanded by Colonel C. R. Ellet.
Bayou Tensas, Louisiana, August 26, 1864. 51st U. S. Colored Infantry and 3d U. S. Colored Cavalry. Early on the morning of the 26th some 200 Page 101 Confederates made a raid on the plantations near Goodrich's landing on Bayou Tensas, capturing two scouts who were killed after they surrendered. They also killed several colored people and 4 white men. A detachment of cavalry was sent in pursuit, but the enemy was not overtaken.
Bayou Two Prairies, Arkansas, August 25, 1863. Steele's Little Rock Expedition. In the Federal advance on Little Rock, General Davidson's cavalry forces were confronted just west of Bayou Two Prairies by Marmaduke's and Walker's Confederate cavalry. "On the morning of the 24th," reported Marmaduke, '"I reported to General Walker, who ordered Shelby's brigade to report to me and ordered me to hold my force in the vicinity of Brownsville to guard the main approach (Wire Road) to Little Rock. The next morning at sunrise the enemy was reported advancing in force. I moved my two brigades, about 1,300 effective men, with 2 pieces of artillery, forward to engage the enemy, Shelby being in advance. At this time Walker's brigade, commanded by Colonel Archibald S. Dobbin, was encamped some 10 miles south of Brownsville, guarding another important approach from Devall's Bluff to Little Rock (Shallow Ford Road). A sharp engagement ensued between the Federal force and my division. The Federals consisted of about 6,000 cavalry and 16 pieces of artillery. Being unable to meet the enemy's forces in a general engagement, I withdrew my command, retiring slowly through Brownsville toward Little Rock. The Yankees were exceedingly cautious in their pursuit." Only Davidson's 1st brigade, Colonel Geiger, was engaged. The pursuit covered about 9 miles. Colonel Burbridge commanding a Confederate brigade, was captured with other prisoners.
Bayou Vermillion, Louisiana, April 17, 1863. 4th Division, 19th Army Corps. The division, with the exception of the 2nd brigade, with one brigade and a battery from General Emory's division, the whole commanded by Brigadier- General Grover, marched from New Iberia directly toward the Vermillion river in pursuit of the retreating Confederates, while the other divisions of the corps moved by way of Saint Martinville. About 3 p. m. Grover's advance came within sight of the rear of the Confederate column near the bridge over the Vermillion river, but lack of cavalry prevented him from pressing the enemy's rear hard enough to save the bridge. The Confederates fired it and then with dismounted cavalry and two 12- pounder field-pieces took up a position to dispute the Federal approach to the river. Skirmishers were sent out on the right and left from the 1st brigade, Closson's and Nim's batteries were placed in the center, and a section of Closson's battery under Lieutenant Taylor on the extreme left. The roads were so raked by shells and so effectually covered by the Federal skirmishers that the enemy soon abandoned his position, leaving only a few sharpshooters, who remained until nightfall. Grover's command encamped that night on Vermillion river and next day rebuilt the bridge. Loss, 1 killed, 5 wounded. (See also Vermillion Bayou.)
Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi, November 17, 1863. Bay Springs, Mississippi, October 26, 1863. (See Vincent's Cross Roads.)
Beach Fork, Kentucky, October 6, 1862. General Wheeler's Confederate cavalry brigade was encamped at Springfield. About 8 a. m. his pickets were driven in by Federals whom he engaged with artillery and small arms, retarding their advance and frequently compelling them to deploy their infantry. When the Federal infantry fire was too heavy, the Confederates fell back slowly, making stands at the Springfield fair-grounds, Burnt cross-roads. Beach fork and Grassy mound, fighting so stubbornly that at dark their pursuers had advanced only about 4 miles. Several attempts on the part of the Federals to turn the enemy's flank were frustrated.
Bealer's Ferry, Arkansas, June 6, 1864. 25 Men of the 8th Missouri Cavalry. This company in the evening skirmished with 40 of Shelby's Page 102 cavalry at this ferry on Little Red river, routing and pursuing the enemy 4 miles. Federal loss, 1 killed, 2 wounded; Confederate, 1 killed, 5 captured.
Bealeton, Virginia, Oct . 26, 1863. 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 3d Army Corps, and 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac. The infantry, commanded by Colonel B. F. Smith, was ordered to the support of the cavalry, which was engaged in tearing up the railroad between Bealeton and Rappahannock station. On the morning of the 26th the whole force was attacked by two brigades of infantry, a battery of artillery and a brigade of cavalry, the object of the Confederates being to carry off the iron of the torn up track. General Buford came on the ground soon after the Federal pickets were driven in and took command. The cavalry did all the skirmishing, falling back slowly with the intention of drawing the enemy into ambush. This design was not accomplished. For several hours Captain Reece's battery, Carter's battalion, fired at random in the general direction of the 3d brigade, injuring no one. At sunset the Confederate infantry ceased firing and disappeared.
Bealeton, Virginia, October 24, 1863. 1st Division Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac. Bealeton, Virginia, January 14, 1864. One company 9th Massachusetts Volunteers.
Bealeton Station, Virginia, March 28, 1862. Detachment of Howard's and Meagher's Brigades. Brigadier-General Howard with a force consisting of 3 regiments of infantry, 2 of cavalry and a battery, reconnoitered from camp near Warrenton Junction toward the Rappahannock. He drove the enemy across the Rappahannock bridge, which was destroyed by the Confederates in their retreat. There was skirmishing during the march and a few shots were exchanged by artillery without Federal loss. After the Federal troops reached the river, where they camped, 2 brigades under General Ewell, on the opposite shore, were driven off by an artillery attack. The 5th New Hampshire and 61st New York infantry, 8th Illinois cavalry and Battery G, 1st New York artillery, were the only troops exposed to the enemy's fire.
Bealeton Station, Virginia, March 17, 1863. 1st Massachusetts Cavalry. Lieutenant-Colonel Curtis, with detachments at different points, held the roads from the north to Rappahannock and Kelly's fords. The guard at Bealeton Station was attacked by a small party of guerrillas, but drove them off. No casualties reported.
Bealeton Station, Virginia, October 22. 1863.
Bean's Station, Tennessee, December 9-13, 1863. Cavalry Corps, Army of the Ohio. Brigadier-General J. M. Shackelford, commanding the corps, while in pursuit of Longstreet, reached Bean's station about noon of the 9th and found the enemy in position with artillery planted. As the Federals approached the Confederates hastily withdrew. Later in the day Lieutenant-Colonel Ward skirmished with the enemy on the Morristown road and drove him across the river. For several days detachments of Shackelford's cavalry were engaged in skirmishes with bodies of the enemy at points in the vicinity. On the 10th a part of a brigade took the Russellville branch and found the enemy at the opposite side of Moore's ferry in force too strong to be dislodged. Six miles from Bean's station there was an encounter between a Federal cavalry company and 100 of the enemy's cavalry. No reports of casualties during the operations.
Bean's Station, Tennessee, December 15, 1863. Shackelford's Cavalry. General Shackelford's command engaged Lieutenant-General Longstreet's "Troops in East Tennessee." On the 12th it had been reported to Longstreet that Federal reinforcements at Bean's station had returned to Chattanooga, whence they had come, and that the force vat the station consisted of 3 cavalry brigades and 1 brigade of infantry, the main body Page 103 of Shackelford's command being between Rutledge and Blain's crossroads. Longstreet planned a surprise for the Federals for the 14th. His main force was to move from Rogersville directly down to Bean's station with the hope of capturing the forces there; General Martin, with 4 cavalry brigades, was to go down the south side of the Holston and cross the river at or below the station, while General Jones with 2 cavalry brigades, was to go down on the north side of Clinch mountain to cut off the Federal retreat at Bean's station gap. Heavy rains day and night on the 13th made marching slow. The timely arrival of the Confederate infantry column surprised the Federals completely. Jones arrived on time and captured several Federal wagons. Then, not understanding orders to cooperate with other troops, he withdrew from the gap. Not until nearly night was Martin able to cross a part of his command, and that he soon withdrew. Federals stood their ground against an attack by infantry and artillery, but before an onslaught by Buckner's division, they fell back to buildings at Bean's station, where they made a determined stand. Next morning they were in a new position 3 miles below the station, protected by rail defenses. During the day there was much planning and demonstrating, but little fighting. A little after nightfall the Federal forces retreated toward Rutledge and the enemy occupied the defenses. At Blain's cross-roads they made a successful stand against Armstrong's Confederate cavalry.
Bean's Station, Tennessee, June 14, 1864.
Bean's Station, Tennessee, October 10, 1864. (See Thorn Hill, same date.)
Bear Creek, Alabama, October 26, 1863. (See Cane Creek.) Bear Creek, Mississippi, June 22, 1863.
Bear Creek, Mississippi, July 12, 1863. (See Canton, same date.)
Bear Creek, Mississippi, July 17, 1863. (See Canton.)
Bear Creek, Missouri, February 5, 1863. 40th Missouri Enrolled Militia.
Bear Creek, Tennessee, March 3, 1863.
Bear Creek, Tennessee, October 3, 1863.
Bear Creek Station, Georgia, August 19, 1864. (See Lovejoy's Station, Kilpatrick's Raid.)
Bear Creek Station, Georgia, November 16, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3d Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland. This brigade consisted of the 93d Illinois mounted infantry, 3d Indiana, 9th Michigan, 5th, 9th and 10th Ohio and McLaughlin's Ohio squadron. It marched from camp 4 miles west of Jonesboro at 7 a. m., took the advance at noon and encountered Wheeler's cavalry near Bear Creek station. The 10th Ohio made a gallant saber charge on the Confederates who were posted behind rail barricades, then dismounted and drove them in confusion, killing and wounding many with their sabers and capturing 20 prisoners, including 3 commissioned officers. Union loss, 4 killed, 7 wounded, 4 prisoners.
Beardstown, Tennessee, September 27, 1864. Bear Quarter Road, Virginia, March 1, 1864. (See Ballahock.)
Bear River, Utah Territory, January 29, 1863. Detachment of California Troops. Colonel Connor of the 3d California infantry, commanding the District of Utah with a detachment of 220 men, in charge of a train of 15 wagons was opposed by a band of about 300 hostile Indians, encamped on Bear river, in a strong position with natural defenses, almost inaccessible to troops and in which the Indians evidently believed themselves safe. They were in a dry ravine, 6 to 12 feet deep and 30 to 40 feet wide, with abrupt banks along which they had constructed steps from which they could deliver their fire across the level table land without exposing themselves. In addition to the natural embankments they had artificial covers of willows from Page 104 behind which they could fire without being observed. It was midwinter, bitterly cold and the snow was deep. Early in the morning Connor approached this place with his cavalry and reached the opposite bank of the river soon after daylight, in full view of the encampment now only a mile distant. Major McGarry advanced with the cavalry and engaged the Indians, who sallied1 out of their hiding places both on foot and on horseback. With fiendish malignity they waved the scalps of white women and challenged the troops to battle, at the same time attacking. After about 20 minutes, Connor discovered that it was impossible to surround them and ordered McGarry to turn their left flank, which rested on the ravine where it entered the mountain. Captain Hoyt arrived at the ford, three-fourths of a mile away, and found the icy water too deep and too rapid to cross infantry, though some of the soldiers plunged boldly in and tried to make the passage. Infantry were helped over by a detachment of cavalry with led horses and reinforced McGarry's flanking party, which soon turned the enemy's flank. The soldiers now gained the bluffs and advancing down them poured an enfilading fire into the Indian stronghold. A few Indians fled north along the ravine, but as they ran out of it were shot by soldiers who were in waiting for them. Cavalry across the mouth of the ravine cut off escape there, but most of the Indians remained fighting like demons hand-to-hand till they were killed. The soldiers found 224 bodies on the field, among them those of Chiefs Bear Hunter, Sagwich and Leight, captured 175 horses, some rifles and other arms, and destroyed large quantities of wheat and other provisions which Mormons had exchanged for property of massacred emigrants. Out of the 200 white men engaged 15 were killed, and 54 wounded.
Bear Skin Lake, Missouri, September 7, 1863. 2nd Missouri Cavalry.
Bear Wallow, Kentucky, September 19, 1862. Incidental to fighting between Federal forces and Wheeler's cavalry at Horse Cave and near by points there was slight skirmishing at Bear Wallow, no detailed report of which is to be found.
Bear Wallow, Kentucky, December 25, 1862. 2 Battalions of the 12th Kentucky Cavalry. At 5 a. m. Colonel Hobson, commanding the post at Munfordville, ordered the two battalions under Colonel Shanks, to Cave City and Bear Wallow with instructions to give battle and if overpowered to skirmish back to Woodsonville. Shanks attacked Morgan's rear-guard at Bear Wallow, while another detachment of Federal troops attacked his advance guard at Green's chapel. Shank's command killed 1, wounded 2 and took 12 prisoners, with no loss.
Beattie's Prairie, Arkansas, October 22, 1862. (See Old Fort Wayne, same date.)
Beatty's Mill, Arkansas, September 1, 1864. 3d Arkansas Cavalry. A detachment of 65 men of this regiment,, under Captain Hamilton, met Conley's bushwhackers, 160 strong, charged them and put them to flight, killing 2, wounding several and releasing a Federal surgeon and soldier whom they held as prisoners. Among the effects of the bushwhackers which fell into Hamilton's hands was a quantity of Spanish brown which they had procured to aid in disguising themselves as Indians.
Beaufort, South Carolina, April 9, 1863. Destruction of the Steamship George Washington. Soon after daylight the vessel, attempting to follow the U. S. Steamer Hale from a point off Brick Yard Point on Broad river, was fired on by a Confederate battery and wrecked, her magazine being destroyed and one gun dismounted. Captain Briggs of the 3d Rhode Island artillery, commanding an expedition in which she was engaged, soon learned that she was burning and ran up the white Page 105 flag to save the lives of those on board. The men got on shore and were there subjected to an artillery fire. Two were killed, 10 badly wounded, 2 were missing.
Beaver Creek, Floyd County, Kentucky, June 27, 1863. 39th Kentucky Volunteers.
Beaver Creek, Maryland, July 9, 1863. 1st Division, Cavalry of the Army of the Potomac. The Confederates had been driven on the preceding day to a position on the north side of Beaver creek, on the Funkstown road. Early on the morning of the 9th the entire division renewed the pursuit and took up a position on the south side of the creek, about two and a half miles from Boonsboro. Skirmishing was kept up all day. About 5 o'clock in the afternoon an advance was ordered. The 2nd brigade, commanded by Colonel Thomas C. Devin, on the extreme left, deployed as skirmishers, and Vincent's battery was placed so as to cover Devin's movements. Two squadrons of cavalry were dismounted and advanced and a sharp skirmish ensued, the Confederates concentrating their entire strength on the crest of the ridge north of the creek. The division line was now advanced and a charge made which carried the crest and started the enemy on the retreat. Devin's brigade and the battery pursued for about two miles, when darkness prevented further chase, and bivouacked on the field ready for the morrow. This affair is sometimes called the battle of Benevola. (For losses see Funkstown, Maryland, July 10, where the fight was continued.)
Beaver Creek, Missouri, November 24, 1862. 3d Missouri Cavalry and 21st Iowa Volunteers.
Beaver Creek, North Carolina, April 17, 1864. Detachment of 22 men of the 12th New York Cavalry. With this detachment, Captain Horn and Lieutenant Watkins, under general instructions to ascertain if there was a Confederate force at Trenton or any considerable force on the Kingston road, left regimental headquarters at noon on the 16th. On the 17th it was attacked by Confederate infantry and cavalry in considerable force and fought until completely surrounded. However, all of the detachment but 4 returned to camp, a wounded sergeant being the only casualty reported.
Beaver Dam Church, Virginia, December 1, 1862. Beaver Dam Creek, Virginia, June 26, 1862. The action at Beaver Dam creek on this date was the second of the Seven Days' battles. It is officially reported as Mechanicsville. (See Seven Days' Battles.)
Beaver Dam Lake, Mississippi, May 23, 1863. Mississippi Marine Brigade of Cavalry and Infantry.
Beaver Dam Station, Virginia, February 29, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3d Division, Cavalry Corps. The brigade consisting of the 3d and 5th New York and 18th Pennsylvania, under the command of Brigadier-General Davies, moved forward through Mount Pleasant, New Market and Chilesburg to the North Anna river, crossed at Anderson's ford and reached Beaver Dam Station between 3 and 4 p. m. Here the railroad depot, water tanks, storehouse, switches, turnouts and track were destroyed, the telegraph wires cut, the poles razed for a considerable distance, and an unsuccessful attempt was made to capture an approaching train which backed off before the cavalry could get to it. A slight skirmish between Davies' advance guard and about 25 of the enemy resulted in the rout of the latter after the first volley.
Beaver Dam Station, Virginia, May 9, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. At daylight on this date General Sheridan's cavalry was detached from the army for the purpose of opening up communications with General Butler on the James river. Just before reaching the North Anna river the advance guard reported Page 106 a Confederate ambulance train to be in sight, and that it was moving toward Beaver Dam Station on the Virginia Central railroad. Brigadier- General George A. Custer, commanding the ist brigade, ist division, sent forward Major Brewer with the 1st Michigan, to capture the train, after which he was to push on to Beaver Dam Station, the remainder of the brigade following closely in support. Before reaching the station Brewer encountered a force of the enemy, conducting to Richmond about 400 Union prisoners, who had been captured in the battle of the Wilderness. Without waiting for the rest of the brigade to come up he charged, recaptured all the Federal prisoners and a number of the enemy, and put the rest to flight. At the station the brigade captured 2 locomotives, 3 trains of cars loaded with supplies for the Confederate army, 90 wagons, a large number of hospital tents and several hundred stand of arms. After supplying the men with all the provisions they could carry, Custer ordered the remainder, amounting to about 1,500,000 rations, to be destroyed, as were also the wagons, 100 cars, the railroad station, 8 miles of track and telegraph wire, and nearly all the medical stores of Lee's army which had been recently moved from Orange Court House.
Beaver Dam Station, Virginia, March 13, 1865. 8th New York Cavalry. As the regiment under Major Compson was marching from Frederick's Hall Station to Beaver Dam it encountered and repulsed 300 Confederates under Colonel Morgan. At Beaver Dam Station it destroyed the railroad track, a mile of telegraph, 3 water tanks, 3 force-pumps, a steam sawmill, 100,000 feet of sawed bridge timber and 400 cords of wood.
Beaver Dam Swamp, Virginia, June 26, 1862. For an account of this action see Seven Days' Battles, particularly that portion relating to the battle of Mechanicsville.
Beaver Pond Creek, Virginia, April 4, 1865. (See Tabernacle Church.)
Beckwith's Farm, Missouri, October 14, 1861. (See Bird's Point.)
Bee Creek, Missouri, May 2, 1864. 8th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. A detachment of 40 men, under Lieutenant McElhanon, while scouting, crossed the White river at Forsyth and went down to near the mouth of Bee creek, where they surprised and killed 3 guerrillas, captured their horses and destroyed their camp. A little further on they dispersed a larger party of guerrillas without bloodshed.
Beech Creek, South Carolina, April 19, 1865. Provisional Division, District of Beaufort. The operations of General Potter's command, the ist brigade, had for their object the destruction of locomotives and rolling stock on the railroad between Sumterville and Camden, South Carolina On the 19th, the 107th Ohio infantry was ordered to march along the railroad, destroy all bridges, culverts and rolling stock and make the track impassable. The remainder of the brigade resumed the march, but when it had advanced a short distance it was confronted by the enemy in line on both sides of the road. The 157th New York was deployed across the road and advanced until it was met by the fire of the enemy's artillery. Then the 25th Ohio was deployed on the right and in support of the skirmishers and the whole force moved forward, driving the Confederates to Rafting creek, where they made a stand from which it was found impossible to dislodge them without heavy loss. The brigade halted and the skirmishers kept up a desultory fire until the enemy was driven by a flanking party of the 2nd brigade. The 1st then crossed Big and Little Rafting' creeks and halted for rest and dinner. In the afternoon the 157th New York was placed in line of battle on the right of the road, the 25th Ohio on the left, and they advanced .with a strong skirmish line, meeting no serious opposition until they reached Beech creek, near Statesburg, Page 107 where the enemy was encountered in force, but was routed by the determined action of the 2 regiments. The brigade encamped on Swighton's plantation. Loss during the day, 5 men wounded. Beech Creek, Virginia, August 6, 1862. 4th Virginia Volunteers. A detachment of this regiment had a brief engagement with Straton and Witcher's Confederate cavalry companies and Beckley's arid Chambers' gangs of bushwhackers. The major of the 4th Virginia fell pierced by 4 balls, Straton was mortally and Witcher dangerously wounded, and a few were killed.
Beech Fork, West Virginia, Sept 8, 1863.
Beersheba, Tennessee, October 3, 1863.
Beersheeba Springs, Tennessee, November 26, 1863. Alabama and Tennessee Scouts.
Beersheba Springs, Tennessee, March 18, 1864. 5th Tennessee Cavalry. A detachment of 200 men of this regiment attacked the camp of Colonel Hughes, 25th Tennessee (Confederate) infantry, at the foot of the Cumberland mountains, 2 miles from Beersheba Springs, killing 7, routing the remainder of the Confederate force, and capturing some property including Hughes' portfolio of private papers and some Federal clothing.
Belcher's Mills, Virginia, Sept 17, 1864. Kautz's Cavalry of the Army of the James and 2nd Cavalry Division Army of the Potomac. Belfield, Virginia, December 9, 1864. Part of 2nd and 5th Army Corps, and Gregg's Cavalry, with 4 batteries of Artillery. This body of troops, commanded by Major-General Warren, was sent by General Meade to destroy the Weldon railroad and interrupt the enemy's communications. Warren formed his command in line of battle on the railroad, and each division tore up all the track in its front, then moved to the left, until the road had been wrecked to within about 16 miles of Belfield. Confederates hastened cavalry, attended by 3 batteries, to arrest these operations and an infantry column attended by 4 batteries followed. General Gregg cleared the enemy out of the way southward and picketed the country north and east, while General Griffin, with his division, took charge of the train. At Three Creeks Gregg met the enemy in force, with artillery, found the wagon bridge destroyed and the railroad bridge on fire. He drove back the enemy, saved the railroad bridge, dismounted some of his men and crossed over. He then lowered the water in the river bed by opening the gates in a dam. crossed the rest of his force by fording and by means of pontoons. By 4 p. m. he had driven the enemy across the Meherrin river and was in possession of Belfield. The railroad bridge, 60 feet long, over a branch of Three Creeks and the one 100 feet long, over the main stream, were burned. The destruction of the bridge across the Meherrin could not be accomplished without first gaining the other shore, and there the enemy had 3 forts or batteries connected by rifle-pits, armed with artillery and manned in considerable force. Warren having accomplished his work, withdrew his forces toward Sussex Court House. A cavalry brigade under General Irwin Gregg went ahead to clear the way and watch the side roads. Griffin guarded the train, Mott's and Ayers' divisions followed in the order mentioned and Crawford's brought up the rear. Confederate cavalry and artillery followed Gregg to the point where the main column left the Halifax road and then followed the main column, but were held in check by Crawford. Gregg protected the left flank of the infantry column up the Halifax road, but was harassed by cavalry and artillery which he forced back without loss. The head of the column reached Sussex Court House at dark and the command bivouacked along the route.
Belington, West Virginia, July l8, l86l. Major-General McClellan had directed a movement in force up the Great Kanawha and other movements of troops covering nearly all of West Virginia. Incidental to this general advance, Brigadier-General Morris of the Indiana militia, with nearly 4,000 troops, charged with the defense of Philippi, was ordered to advance on the morning of the 7th to Elliott's farm, leaving his train at Philippi, to occupy Belington by a strong advance guard, and to cover the paths leading from the Confederate camp to his own left flank. He was further ordered to make extended reconnaissances calculated to convey the impression that the main attack would be made by him. McClellan proposed sending a strong advance guard forward from Buckhannon, on the 7th, to occupy the Middle Fork bridge on the 8th and to occupy Beverly on the 8th or 9th, thus cutting off the enemy effectually. Morris occupied Elliott farm, his advanced position being behind Belington some 200 yards. The cleared ground extended about that distance beyond Belington, to a body of timber occupied by the enemy in large force. Morris' advance consisted of the 14th Ohio, 7th and 9th Indiana infantry and Barnett's artillery. Skirmishing began immediately after its arrival. On the 8th the enemy appeared in such force that Morris threw several shells into the woods and attempted to establish a picket line there, but was repulsed with a loss of 2 killed and 3 wounded. This action is also known as Laurel Hill.
Belle Prairie, Louisiana, May 16, 1864. (See Mansura, same date.)
Beller's Mills, Virginia, September 2, 1861. 13th Massachusetts Infantry.
Belle St. Louis, Attack on, October 27, 1864. (See Fort Randolph, Tennessee)
Bell Mines, Kentucky, July 13, 1864.
Bell Spring, California, June 4, 1861. 14 men of the 7th U. S. Infantry. At daylight this party came upon some Indians on Eel River, nearly opposite Bell Spring, attacked them, killed 16 and wounded 1. Among the number killed were three squaws, but owing to the hour of the attack it was impossible for the soldiers to distinguish these from the braves.
Belmont, Mississippi, June 18, 1863. 3d Michigan Cavalry. In connection with the military operations in Northeastern Mississippi, the 3d Michigan cavalry on this date came upon an outpost of the enemy at Belmont. A charge was ordered and 6 of the enemy captured, the others scattering in confusion. The regiment camped that night at Belmont.
Belmont, Missouri, September 26, 1861. (See Hunter's Farm.)
Belmont, Missouri, November 7, 1861. McClernand's and Dougherty's Brigades, District of Southeast Missouri. Columbus, Kentucky, across the Mississippi river from Belmont, was occupied by Confederate General Polk with 21 regiments of infantry, 8 field batteries, a battery of siege guns, 2 battalions and 6 unattached companies of cavalry, all in three divisions, commanded by Generals Pillow, Cheatham and Bowen. The latter was at Camp Beauregard, 15 miles distant. The 13th Arkansas (Colonel Tappan) Beltzhoover's Louisiana battery of 6 guns and two troops of Miss, cavalry under Colonel Miller, had been stationed at Belmont, a hamlet of 3 houses. Grant had sent Colonel Oglesby in pursuit of Jeff. Thompson, with subsequent orders to change his course and march toward New Madrid, halting to communicate with Grant at Belmont from the nearest point on the road; and he had sent a small force under Colonel W. H. L. Wallace, 8th Illinois, to Charleston, Missouri, to ultimately join Oglesby. On the evening of the 6th Grant left Cairo in steamers with McClernand's and Dougherty's brigades to make a demonstration against Columbus. Early on the morning of Page 109 the 7th he was informed by Colonel Wallace that the enemy had, the day before, crossed troops from Columbus to Belmont, with a view to cutting off Oglesby. To save the troops under Oglesby and Wallace and prevent the reinforcement of General Price, Grant changed his immediate purpose, and, instead of making a demonstration on Columbus, attacked Belmont with great vigor, knowing that should he be repulsed he could easily reembark his troops under protection of the gunboats. He disembarked his troops (3,114 men) on the Missouri shore, just out of range of the Confederate batteries at Columbus, marched beyond some cornfields in front of the landing and awaited the moment for advance. It was now about 8:30 a. m. The cavalry scoured the woods along the road to Belmont and reported frequently to General McClernand. Polk was advised of the landing of the forces under Grant and ordered Pillow to cross the river with the 12th and 22nd Tennessee He was soon reinforced by the 2nd and 15th Tennessee, which with Tappan's regiment, Beltzhoover's battery and two cavalry companies, gave Pillow a force slightly greater than that of Grant. The remainder of McClernand's command followed his cavalry, the 27th Illinois in front; the 30th Illinois next, supported by a section of Taylor's battery; the 31st Illinois and the remainder of Taylor's battery next; then the 7th la. and the 22nd Illinois When the rear of the column had reached a road a mile and a half from the abatis surrounding Tappan's camp, the line of battle was formed on ground which McClernand had previously selected. The 27th and 30th Illinois constituted the right wing; a section of Taylor's battery was placed on the left of the 30th and 200 feet in the rear of the line; the 31st Illinois constituted the center; the 7th la. and the 22nd Illinois the left wing, masking two sections of artillery. To the right and in advance of the Federal line, Dollins' cavalry early skirmished with the enemy's pickets. The heavy fire of the Confederate batteries at Columbus, which had been directed upon the Federal gunboats, was now turned almost harmlessly upon Grant's advancing line. Two companies of each regiment of both McClernand's and Dougherty's brigades were advanced to develop the enemy's position. The skirmishers of the 30th and 31st Illinois soon became sharply engaged and troops were sent forward to their support. McClernand chose a new position and ordered an advance of the remainder of his command. In his front lay a depression parallel to the river, the bed of a chain of sloughs. Most of these sloughs were dry, but the 27th Illinois, the right of the front line, had to make a detour to pass around a slough that contained much water and thus made an opening in the line that Dougherty's brigade advanced and filled. Thus the attack was made in a single line. Pillow's line of battle was on open ground behind the timber. The troops of both armies were undisciplined and new to the battlefield and the engagement was in the simplest form, that of two forces of about equal numerical strength facing each other in parallel lines. The 30th and 31st Illinois and the artillery advanced promptly, relieved the skirmishers and were soon fighting a heavy force of Confederate infantry and cavalry. The combat was fierce and obstinate and in half an hour the Federal ranks fell into temporary disorder, but the men were rallied and pressed the enemy back, the Confederate cavalry leaving this part of the field and not reappearing until later when Dollins attacked it on the river bank and drove it out of sight. After advancing a quarter of a mile further the line came up with the enemy, reinforced by three infantry regiments and a company of cavalry and again ready to fight. An attempt to turn the Federal left flank was frustrated by the extension of the line by a flank movement of Logan's regiment, the place of Page 110 which in the line was filled by a section of Taylor's battery. Now a deadly fire from both infantry and artillery assailed the Confederates. They put up a desperate resistance, but were a third time driven back and forced to seek cover in the woods under the protection of the heavy guns at Columbus. Meanwhile, the 27th Illinois skillfully guided by Colonel Buford, approached the abatis on the right and rear of Tappan's tents and began a terrific attack on his camp in which the 7th la. and 22nd Illinois soon joined. A combined movement was made upon three sides of the enemy's defenses; he was driven across them and followed into the clear space round his camp and soon the entire Federal force was within the enclosure. Taylor and Schwartz now brought their battery up to within 300 yards of the camp and open fire, driving the enemy out of the tents to the shelter of buildings near the river and into the woods above the camp, under protection of the artillery at Columbus. The Federal lines on the right and left pressed up to the line of fire of the battery, which now became silent, and then the bluecoats rushed among the tents and chased the fleeing Confederates to their hiding places by the river. The Confederate flag was hauled down; the United States flag was run up; under the fire of the Confederate guns across the river the Federals destroyed the captured camp, after which the order was given to retire to the landing. Meantime the enemy had been reinforced by seven regiments and now interposed a line of battle between the Federals and their transports. But Grant's men, who had fought their way in, were able to fight their way out. Taylor reversed his guns and opened fire on the enemy in his new position. Colonel Logan ordered his flag in front of his regiment, which moved toward the enemy followed by the whole force except Dollins' cavalry and the 27th Illinois, which had set out to return by the route over which they had come. On passing into the wood the 30th and 22nd Illinois and 7th la. encountered a heavy fire on their right and left successively, which threw the 7th and 22nd into temporary disorder, but they were soon rallied and the fire was so vigorously and effectively returned as to drive back the superior force of the enemy and silence his firing. Forcing the Confederates back on either side, the Federals moved on toward the transports, occasionally exchanging shots with straggling parties of the enemy. At this stage of the contest, as admitted by Confederate officers, reinforcements had given the enemy more than 13 regiments of infantry and about 2 squadrons of cavalry, exclusive of his artillery. Four of his guns were in Federal possession; 2 were brought off the field and 2 were spiked and, with a part of a Federal caisson, left on the field for lack of horses. At the landing, McClernand noted the absence of the 27th Illinois, Dollins' cavalry and of detachments of the 7th la. and 22nd Illinois, which had been left to guard the boats, and ordered Delano's cavalry to the rear to watch the enemy. Within an hour all the troops which had arrived had embarked. Soon afterward the enemy in strong force came within range of the Federal musketry, and a terrible fire was opened upon him by the gunboats. Taylor's battery and the infantry on the decks of the transports. In this closing scene of the 6-hours' battle many Confederates were killed and wounded. The 27th Illinois and Dollins' cavalry arrived after the fleet was in motion, but arrangements for their embarkation had been made. During the engagement the gun-boats Tyler and Lexington several times took part. Losses: Federal, 80 killed, 322 wounded; Confederate. 105 killed. 419 wounded.
Belmont, Tennessee, March 29-30. 1863. 6th Illinois Cavalry. A detachment of 250 men under Colonel Loomis, started at noon on the 28th Page 111 in pursuit of some guerrillas, who had that morning temporarily captured a train on the Memphis & Charleston railroad, between Lafayette and Moscow. Understanding that the 7th Illinois cavalry would follow the marauders' trail from the scene of the railroad incident, Loomis went to Summerville, where he killed 1 and captured some 15 soldiers and suspicious persons. He camped that night 5 miles further on the Memphis road. About 50 of his men, some of them sick and fatigued, returned to camp with the prisoners. Learning that the prisoners captured from the train the night before had passed through Oakland, Loomis with the remainder of his command, pursued the guerrillas through that place and north to Murray's bridge, on the Loosahatchie, where he found 15 Confederates of Colonel Richardson's command, trying to destroy the bridge. He charged on them and drove them off before they had done any damage and after chasing them 5 miles captured 7 of them. About 2 miles further in the direction of Richardson's camp, he came upon a large part of Richardson's command, drawn up in line of battle; but upon the approach of the Union advance guard the Confederates fled. After a tiresome pursuit Loomis captured Captain Burrow and several men and wounded others. He then destroyed the buildings and everything of value at Richardson's camp. Still hoping for the appearance of the 7th Illinois, Loomis camped that night 2 miles southeast of Belmont, where at midnight he was surprised by Richardson with 400 to 600 of his men. The Confederates dismounted, approached through a ravine and poured a murderous fire upon the sleeping Federals at close range, but within 5 minutes Loomis repulsed them with heavy loss. Richardson was wounded, his major was wounded and captured, his adjutant and several other officers were killed, wounded or captured. Federal loss, 1 officer and 12 men killed, 4 officers and 34 men wounded, 1 man missing.
Belmont, Virginia, January 29, 1862. (See Lee's House, same date.)
Bend of Chucky Road, Tennessee, January 16, 1864. (See Dandridge, same date.)
Benevola, Maryland, July 9, 1863. (See Beaver Creek.) Bennett's Bayou, Missouri, August 23, 1863. Enrolled Missouri Militia. Colonel Sheppard with a detachment of the 6th provisional regiment, Scouted along Bennett's bayou from its headwaters to its mouth, sending a detachment under Lieutenant Faught to meet him at the mouth of the bayou. On the march Sheppard captured 8 Confederates, killed 5, wounded 2 and captured some horses. Faught's scout killed a Confederate lieutenant and Federal pickets captured a member of the Missouri legislature of 1860-61. The Confederates having moved south from the bayou, Sheppard advanced toward Big North fork and soon engaged Vanzoot's band, killing 2 of its men and capturing its outfit. Union loss on the expedition, 2 wounded.
Bennett's Bayou, Arkansas, March 2, 1864. 6th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. Under orders from Brigadier-General Sanborn, commanding the District of Southwest Missouri, Captain Eli Hughes, with about 100 men of this regiment, reconnoitered and operated against guerrillas in Arkansas. On March 1 he sent a detachment under Lieutenant Overman, of Company H, down an affluent of the White river; with 40 men under his personal command Hughes encountered a band of guerrillas not far from Buffalo City, killed an alleged desperado named Cain, and Lieutenant Smith of the 8th Missouri (Confederate) infantry. About the same time and not far distant Overman met and defeated a detachment of Tracy's Confederate cavalry, killing 2 men, one of whom was a Baptist preacher. On the morning of the 2nd, Hughes crossed the mountain to Bennett's bayou on the north fork of Page 112 White river and there engaged about 50 Confederates under Tracy's immediate command. Tracy dispersed his men among the bluffs and for some time they kept up an ineffectual fire on the Federals from behind rocks and trees.
Benn's Church, Virginia, January 29-February 1, 1864. (See Isle of Wight County.)
Bennight's Mills, Missouri, September 1, 1861. Missouri Home Guards.
Benson's Bridge, Kentucky, June 10, 1864. Kentucky State Guards. Some of Morgan's men in a stockade near Benson's bridge were attacked and routed by detachments of militia and the 1st Kentucky scouts, of the state guard, under Lieutenant-Colonel Craig. Loss, 1 wounded, 3 missing.
Bent Creek, Tennessee, March 14, 1864. Benton, Alabama, April 10, 1865. 2nd Indiana Cavalry. A battalion of the regiment participated in Wilson's raid in Alabama and Georgia. Under command of Captain Hill it left Selma on the 9th, crossed the Alabama river, and on the 10th moved out on the Montgomery road. Near Benton, a charge was made down the road after a body of Confederates, but the pursuers lost the way and many of them plunged into a swampy creek, in which Captain Goulding was drowned. Benton, Arkansas, December 1, 1863. 3d Iowa and 1st Missouri Cavalry. At 3 a. m. Colonel Bussey of the 3d la. sent a patrol of 40 men under Lieutenant Mills of the 1st Missouri cavalry to scout 25 miles out on the Hot Springs road. While returning the detachment was attacked by 400 Confederates and came near being captured in a body. Two men were killed and 2 were wounded, but got into camp. Benton, Arkansas, July 6, 1864.
Benton, Arkansas, July 25, 1864. 3d Missouri Cavalry. A scouting party from this regiment under Captain Ing, charged into Benton and killed Brigadier-General Holt of the Arkansas (Confederate) militia.
Benton, Arkansas, August 18, 1864. Troops of 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Army Corps. Captain Kehoe, with the detachment, arrived at Benton at 4:30 p. m., and his command was fired on by a body of about 100 Confederates, which immediately retreated across the Saline river. No casualties reported.
Benton, Mississippi, May 7, 1864. McArthur's Yazoo Expedition. Incidental to this movement a march was made via Hebron and Mechanicsburg to Benton, where the Confederates made a stand and resisted the efforts of the Federal cavalry to dislodge them until the arrival of the infantry. The 1st brigade, consisting of the 46th and 76th Illinois, under Colonel Dornblaser, came up and formed in a field east of the town in the rear of the 124 Illinois infantry under Colonel Coats. After a brief but spirited skirmish the Confederates retreated north from Benton, closely followed for 6 miles.
Benton County, Arkansas, October 20, 1864. 1st Arkansas Cavalry. As an incident of Price's Missouri expedition, Colonel Harrison, commanding this regiment, was passing with a train from Cassville, Missouri, through Benton county. His force, consisting of 170 men, met and attacked 600 Confederates under Buck Brown, who were awaiting an encounter. After more than two hours' fighting the enemy was routed with considerable loss.
Benton Road, Arkansas, March 23-24, 1864. (See Camden, Arkansas, Expedition to.)
Benton Road, Arkansas, July 19, 1864. 3d Missouri Cavalry. While the regiment was stationed near Little Rock, Lieutenant-Colonel Black had patrols posted on the Benton road about 4 miles from his camp. These were fired on by Confederates from an ambush and 1 was killed and 2 wounded. Black sent out a reconnoitering party, but no enemy was found.
Benton Road, Arkansas, January 22, 1865. Troops of the 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, 7th Army Corps. Captain Hawley, field officer of the day, reported that he went out from Little Rock and learned that the patrol on the Benton road, consisting of 15 men and an officer, had been fired on from ambush by a party of some 25 or 30 Confederates. The affair occurred within a mile and a half of the picket post. The patrol lost 7 men in killed, wounded and missing.
Benton's Cross-Roads, North Carolina, March 18, 1865. 4th Brigade, 3d Cavalry Division, 20th Army Corps. In the campaign of the Carolinas this brigade, which was in advance, approached Benton's crossroads, skirmished with the enemy's pickets and drove them in. About noon, after crossing a bad swamp, it met the enemy in considerable force posted behind barricades. The brigade was composed of three regiments designated as the 1st, 2nd and 3d, Colonel Way commanding. Way ordered the 2nd regiment to deploy as skirmishers, then formed the remainder of his command in line of battle and advanced. He soon learned that the enemy was moving in force on his right and rear and by changing front, moved to meet him. The enemy charged, striking the 3d brigade which was partly across the swamp. Way swung his command around to the left and with a raking fire across the enemy's left flank drove him off. There was no Federal loss.
Benton's Ferry, Louisiana, July 25, 1864. (See Amite River.) Bentonville, Arkansas, February 18, 1862. Brigadier-General Alexander Asboth, with a detachment of cavalry and 2 pieces of artillery, while on a reconnoitering expedition, came in contact with a small force of Confederate pickets 4 miles from the town. After a short skirmish, in which the enemy lost several horses and all their saddles and bridles, the Union force marched into Bentonville at 20 minutes past 12 o'clock to find it deserted. But a few hours before it had been occupied by a portion of Colonel Rector's regiment of Arkansas infantry, which fled at Asboth's approach. Within an hour or so 60 men were captured hiding in the bushes near the town. In their flight the Confederates left a large amount of provisions, arms, accoutrements, clothing, etc., and 36 horses. No loss on either side.
Bentonville, Arkansas, August 15, September 4-5, 1863. Bentonville, Arkansas, January 1, 1865.
Bentonville, Missouri, May 22, 1863. 2nd Kansas Cavalry. The regiment, commanded by Colonel W. F. Cloud, left Cassville the day before and early on the morning of the 22nd surprised a small force of Confederates at Bentonville and defeated them, taking 14 prisoners, recapturing 3 Union men who had been captured a few days before, and killing 1 of the enemy. No Federal loss reported.
Bentonville, North Carolina, March 19-21, 1865. 14th and 20th Corps, left wing; 15th and 17th Corps, right wing; and Cavalry Division, Sherman's Army. After the fight at Averasboro on the 16th the army pushed forward in the direction of Goldsboro, Sherman's object being to form a union with Generals Schofield and Terry, who were then on their way from New Berne and Wilmington. On the morning of the 19th the 14th corps was on Mill creek, about 8 miles from Bentonville, the 20th corps being about 5 miles further to the rear. Howard, with four divisions of the right wing in light marching order, was further to the south on roads running parallel to the general line of march. Kilpatrick, with his cavalry, who had pursued Hardee in his retreat northward from Averasboro, was still in the rear and slightly to the left of the 20th corps. Johnston, the Confederate commander, was in telegraphic communication with the different divisions of his army and knew better than Sherman what progress Schofield and Terry were making. He also understood Page 114 that the movement of Sherman toward Raleigh was merely a feint and had massed his forces at Bentonville, determined to strike a blow at Sherman before Schofield and Terry could arrive. When the march began on the morning of the 19th Carlin's division, being the advance column, found itself confronted by a division of Confederate cavalry, supported by a few pieces of artillery, under General Dibrell. A little later it was discovered that the entire Confederate army, numbering 40,000 men, was in front. As soon as General Slocum found this out he took a defensive position and communicated with the commanding general. Meantime Robinson's brigade of the 20th corps had reached the field and Kilpatrick, hearing the sound of the cannonading, hurried to the assistance of Slocum, massing his forces on left of the line, which was made up of two divisions of the 14th corps under General Davis and two divisions of the 20th under General Williams. Thus arranged, his line, protected by such barricades as could be hastily constructed, withstood six attacks by the combined forces of Hoke, Hardee and Cheatham, directed by Johnston himself, the enemy each time being repulsed with considerable loss. Owing to bad roads Howard could not bring up the right wing in time to be of any assistance. Late in the evening Slocum sent a messenger to Sherman, who was with Howard, apprising him of the gravity of the situation. This message was received at 2 o'clock on the morning of the 20th and Sherman ordered Logan to send Hazen's division to Slocum's relief by the shortest possible route. Hazen reached the scene of action at dawn and during the morning two more divisions, guarding the wagon train, also arrived. The morning of the 20th found the whole situation changed, for during the night Johnston had moved swiftly from his position, intending a flank movement but was disappointed when he discovered that Slocum had received reinforcements. He then took up a position with Mill creek in his rear and his left covered by a swamp. By 4 p. m. Howard's whole force had joined Slocum, forming a complete line of battle in front of the Confederate position, and Johnston, instead of making his flank movement a success, was compelled to act upon the defensive. But little fighting was done on the 20th, except by skirmishers and artillery. On the morning of the 21st General Mower, who was on the extreme right, succeeded in finding a way through the swamp in the endeavor to reach Mill creek bridge and cut off Johnston's retreat. To protect this movement Sherman ordered a general attack by the skirmish line to draw the enemy's attention. Mower was discovered, however, and repulsed by the reserves, but succeeded in regaining connection with his own corps without serious loss. That night Johnston retreated on Smithfield, leaving his dead upon the field, 100 of whom were buried by Howard the next day. The enemy was pursued for a few miles beyond Mill creek but was stopped by Sherman's order. The Federal loss was 194 killed, 1,112 wounded and 221 missing. Johnston reported his wounded as being 1,467 and 876 as killed and missing, but as a matter of fact 267 dead and 1,625 prisoners fell into Sherman's hands.
Bent's Old Fork, Texas, November 24, 1864. 1st California Cavalry.
Berlin, Maryland, September 18-29, 1861.
Berlin, Maryland, September 4-5, 1862.
Berlin, Ohio, July 17, 1863. Ohio Militia. In the raid of Morgan through the states north of the Ohio river, Colonel Ben. P. Runkle with some of the state militia was attacked by superior numbers at Berlin, but the enemy was repulsed with a loss of 2 killed, and it was thought several were wounded. The Confederates were reinforced by a large detachment of cavalry and several pieces of artillery Page 115 and renewed the attack, finally forcing Runkle to retire from the town. The engagement detained Morgan for over 3 hours and in the second assault 4 more of the enemy were killed. The guerrillas then burned the furnaces and moved toward Pomeroy, Runkle joining in the pursuit. No Union casualties were reported. Bermuda Hundred, Virginia, May 16-30, 1864. 10th and 18th Corps, Army of the James. Throughout the month of May there was more or less fighting in the vicinity. About 4 o'clock on the morning of the 16th the Confederates attacked the rifle-pits, about 400 yards from their works, occupied by the 3d New Hampshire and 7th Connecticut, but were driven back. The line of rifle-pits was then reinforced by Colonel Henry with the 40th Massachusetts Later in the day the enemy attacked in force and the Union lines were driven back with a loss of 13 killed, 17 wounded and 74 missing. On the 26th, while reconnoitering with his brigade, Colonel A. H. Dutton was mortally wounded and died on June 5. Bermuda Hundred, Virginia, June 2, 1864. 10th Corps, Army of the James. Cannonading was begun by the Confederates on the morning of the 1st and kept up the greater part of the day. Early on the morning of the 2nd the picket-lines, consisting of the 11th Maine, 39th Illinois and 7th Connecticut, were attacked and driven back, the enemy occupying the rifle-pits in which the pickets had been intrenched. Simultaneously the redoubt Dutton, occupied by a portion of the 1st Conn, artillery, was attacked, but the enemy was driven back by a shower of canister with heavy loss. Colonel Dantzler of the 22nd South Carolina was among the killed, and 23 surrendered rather than attempt to retreat under such a fire. The defeated pickets were reinforced by the 3d New Hampshire, under Lieutenant-Colonel J. I. Plimpton, and the rifle-pits were retaken. Union loss: 10 killed, 72 wounded and 110 captured and missing. The Confederate loss is not clearly known.
Bermuda Hundred, Virginia, June 16, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 10th Corps, Army of the James. The operations of this date centered about Ware Bottom church. Colonel J. B. Howell of the 85th Pennsylvania, commanding the 1st brigade, consisting of the 39th Illinois, 67th Ohio, 133d Ohio volunteer national guard, and his own regiment, moved to the front in pursuance of orders from General R. S. Foster commanding the division. Near the Clay house he was joined by Lieutenant James Gillen with the 5th New Jersey battery. The artillery opened fire on the enemy's intrenchments, drove him out and took possession of a line of rifle-pits which were held under a lively fire until about 4 p. m., when Foster ordered the men to fall back to the church. There the enemy attacked about sunset but accomplished nothing. The losses of the day were slight. About 80 Confederates were captured. On the same date the 3d New Hampshire moved out on the left of Howell's brigade and engaged the enemy in a skirmish, losing 6 killed, 32 wounded and 1 missing. The 7th New Hampshire and the 3d brigade of the 1st division, consisting of the 24th Massachusetts, 10th Conn, and 11th Maine, made an assault on the line of works extending from the church to the James river, driving the enemy from his intrenchments and capturing 36 prisoners, after which three companies were sent to the aid of Howell's brigade. These latter troops suffered but few casualties. Bermuda Hundred, Virginia, June 17, 1864. The advantages gained by the Union army of the day preceding were partly lost on this date by the unexpected arrival of the 38th Virginia infantry (Confederate), under Colonel George H. Griggs, which gave the enemy sufficient strength to recapture some of the intrenchments won by the Federals the day before.
Bermuda Hundred, Virginia, August 24-25, 1864. 10th Corps, Army of the James.
Bermuda Hundred, Virginia, November 30 to December 4, 1864. Pickets of the 20th Colored troops.
Berry County, Tennessee, April 29, 1864. Berry's Ferry, Virginia, May 16, 1863. Detachment of 1st New York Cavalry. Lieutenant Vermilyea, with an advance guard of 16 men, fell into an ambush of 22 Confederate cavalry, who fired a volley and immediately formed in the rear. Vermilyea wheeled and charged, killing 2, wounding 5 and capturing 10. The Union loss was 2 men and several horses wounded. Berry's Ford, Virginia, July 19, 1864. 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. The division, commanded by Brigadier-General Alfred N. Duffle, reached Ashby's gap about 10 a. m. and drove out a small force of the enemy, after which Duffie pushed on to Berry's ford on the Shenandoah river. Part of the division was crossed, when the enemy opened fire with 2 pieces of artillery and also a heavy musketry fire from behind a stone wall. Middleton's brigade gave way in some confusion in trying to get out of range of the Confederate cannon, leaving Major Anderson, with part of the 20th Pennsylvania cavalry, to contend with a vastly superior force. He managed to extricate his command, however, and recrossed the river some distance below the ford. One regiment of Tibbitts' brigade was dismounted and deployed along the bank of the river as skirmishers, but they were unable to dislodge the Confederate riflemen behind the stone fence. Keeper's battery was then brought up and the wall was vigorously shelled, compelling the enemy to change the position of his artillery. The firing was kept up until 5 p. m., when Duffie ordered the 21st New York to charge across the ford and endeavor to dislodge the Confederates. The charge was gallantly made, but the regiment was met by a destructive fire and forced to fall back, losing a number in killed and wounded. Six regiments of infantry and 4 pieces of artillery now came up to reinforce the enemy, though he made no attempt to cross the river. Duffie then placed a strong guard at the ford and the main body of the division fell back to Ashby's gap, where it went into bivouac. The Union loss at the ford was 12 killed, 44 wounded and 68 missing; that of the enemy was about 100. During the night a squadron of the 20th Pennsylvania, under Captain Montgomery, engaged in picketing the rear of the gap, was cut off by some of Mosby's men, 52 men and 55 horses being captured by the enemy.
Berry's Ford Gap, Virginia, November 1, 1862.
Berryville, Virginia, May 24, 1862.
Berryville, Virginia, November 29, 1862. 4th New York Cavalry. Beginning on the 28th a reconnaissance was made from Chantilly. The cavalry, under Brigadier-General Stahel, came up with a detachment of the 12th Virginia cavalry; commanded by Major White, at Snicker's Ferry; pursued to Berryville; carried the town by assault, capturing 40 men and horses and killing and wounding about 50. The Confederates fled in all directions. A wagon load of pistols and carbines was picked up along the line of their retreat, having been thrown away to lighten their loads in the flight. Owing to the condition of the horses the enemy was not pursued. Berryville, Virginia, December 2, 1862. 2nd Division, 12th Army Corps. On the evening of the 1st Brigadier-General John W. Geary, commanding the division, was ordered to make a reconnaissance in the direction of Winchester, to learn the strength and position of the enemy. At 6:30 a. m. on the 2nd he left Harper's Ferry and in about two hours arrived at Charlestown. where he encountered two companies of Page 117 Confederate cavalry. After a slight skirmish these companies retreated on the Berryville road, closely pursued by Geary's advance. When within a mile of Berryville two regiments were found drawn up on a hill. Knap's battery was brought up and a few well aimed shells dislodged the enemy, Geary taking possession of the hill. He then advanced the 7th Ohio and a section of Knap's battery about a mile under cover of the woods, and sent forward a detachment of cavalry to feel the enemy. After proceeding for a mile beyond the battery this cavalry force came suddenly upon the 12th Virginia (Confederate) cavalry, several hundred strong, who immediately charged upon the Union cavalry in three parallel columns, firing and yelling as they came. Pursuant to Geary's instructions his cavalry retired, bringing the pursuers within 100 yards of the 7th Ohio and the guns concealed in the skirt of woods. Then both infantry and artillery opened with deadly effect, killing 4, wounding about 20, and scattering the rest in confusion. Several horses were also killed or wounded. The lateness of the hour prevented pursuit and the division bivouacked for the night on the scene of the encounter. Berryville, Virginia, June 6, 1863. 67th Pennsylvania Infantry.
Berryville, Virginia, June 13, 1863. 3d Brigade, Milroy's Division. Scouts brought in word early in the morning that the enemy was approaching in force. In obedience to instructions from Gen Milroy, Colonel McReynolds, commanding the brigade, evacuated the town and fell back toward Winchester, the retreat being covered by the 1st New York cavalry and Alexander's Baltimore battery. The fighting was carried on all day on the Winchester road, the most severe portion of it being at Opequan creek, where the battery inflicted heavy loss upon the Confederates by the use of canister. The Union loss was 2 killed and 10 wounded. Berryville, Virginia, June 14, 1863. Captain George D. Summers, of the Maryland Potomac Home Brigade, while out scouting, ran into a large body of cavalry near Berryville and was compelled to fall back with a loss of 1 man wounded and 2 captured. There was also some skirmishing on the Berryville and Winchester road—a continuation of the fight of the day previous.
Berryville, Virginia, October 18, 1863. (See Charlestown, West Virginia, same date.)
Berryville, Virginia, July 20, 1864. (See Carter's Farm.)
Berryville, Virginia, August 13, 1864. 6th New York Cavalry and the Reserve Brigade. The Union forces were attacked at daylight by Mosby, who was on his way to Winchester. The train guard of the reserve brigade was a battalion of 100 days' men, who became panic-stricken, resulting in the destruction of the train and the capture or stampeding of the mules. Part of the train of the 6th New York cavalry was also lost, 5 men killed, several wounded and a large number taken prisoners. Berryville, Virginia; August 18-21, 1864. 1st Cavalry Division, Army of West Virginia. On these dates the division, under command of General Wesley Merritt, was engaged in devastating the country in the neighborhood of Berryville. In this work the pickets and foraging parties were almost daily attacked by guerrillas and several men were killed, though no regular engagement ensued.
Berryville, Virginia, September 3-4, 1864. 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac; 8th and 19th Corps, Army of West Virginia. The 1st brigade and 2 regiments of the 2nd brigade, 2nd division, engaged General Kershaw's division of Early's army, at 4:30 p. m. on the 3d, about a half mile from Berryville on the Winchester pike. About 5 o'clock the 15th West Virginia infantry came up from Charlestown and Page 118 the fighting continued until about 8 o'clock, when the enemy withdrew to an intrenched position, having lost heavily in killed and wounded and about 75 prisoners. The Union loss was 15 killed, 98 wounded and 5 missing. On Sunday morning, the 4th, the fighting was commenced between the 6th Michigan cavalry and the Confederates under Anderson and Ramseur, whose lines were extended clear across the Union front. After desultory fighting all day the enemy again withdrew, leaving a number of dead unburied upon the field.
Berryville, Virginia, September 14, 1864. Army of West Virginia. The only report to be found in the official records of this affair is the itinerary of the 2nd cavalry brigade under Brigadier-General W. W. Averell, which says: "Broke camp near Charlestown and marched toward Berryville. About 6 p. m. formed line of battle in support of General Crook's command, which had engaged the enemy."
Berryville, Virginia, April 17, 1865. This was the surrender of the Confederate General John S. Mosby to Major-General Winfield S. Hancock. General Grant had instructed Hancock to give Mosby the same terms that had been granted to General Lee, so the famous Partisan Rangers were paroled and returned to their homes. Berryville Pike, Virginia, August 10, 1864. Reserve Brigade and 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac.
Bertrand, Missouri, December 11, 1861. 2nd Illinois Cavalry. Berwick, Louisiana, March 13, 1863. 160th New York Volunteers. Berwick, Louisiana, June 1, 1863. A small force of troops under Lieutenant- Colonel C. W. Wordin, was attacked about 10 a. m. by a body of 200 guerrillas belonging to the army of General Alfred Mouton. Reinforcements were hurried across the bay and a few rounds from the 12-pounder howitzers repelled the assailants.
Berwick, Louisiana, April 26, 1864.
Berwick, Louisiana, May 1, 1864. 131st New York Infantry. A detachment of Confederate cavalry, with a field piece, attacked the Federal pickets, but were driven off by the gunboats. This affair was one of the constant petty annoyances in this district. No bloodshed on either side.
Berwick Bay, C S.S., February 2, 1863. Queen of the West. The Confederate steamer "Berwick Bay" was captured by the United States steam ram "Queen of the West" at the mouth of Red river while carrying supplies to the forces at Port Hudson. Her cargo consisted of 200 barrels of molasses, 10 hogsheads of sugar, 30,000 pounds of flour and 40 bales of cotton.
Berwick Bay, Louisiana, June 23, 1863. The small force of men under Lieutenant-Colonel Wordin, guarding stores and caring for a number of convalescents, was attacked at dawn on the morning of the 23d by a considerable force under Dick Taylor. The garrison, taken by surprise, soon capitulated and there fell into Taylor's hands 12 pieces of artillery, a large amount of stores, including a supply of medicines, over 1,000 prisoners, and 5,000 stands of arms.
Bethel Church, Virginia, June 10, 1861. (See Big Bethel.)
Bethpage Bridge, Tennessee, July 1-2. 1863. 14th Army Corps. As the Confederates were retreating from Tullahoma, Negley's and Rousseau's divisions came up with the rear guard under General B. R. Johnson, at Bethpage bridge over Elk river. The enemy fell back to a strong position in the bend of the river about 2 miles from the bridge. Negley sent out the 18th Ohio and 19th Illinois to reconnoiter. This detachment was engaged by Wheeler's cavalry and a sharp skirmish ensued. On the morning of the 2nd it was discovered that the Confederates had recrossed the river during the night, set fire to the bridge and placed artillery to guard the ford. While Negley Page 119 attracted the enemy's attention by a heavy fire, Rousseau, Reynolds and Brannan crossed their divisions at a ford above and attacked from the rear. The enemy then retreated, the skirmishers took possession of the bridge and extinguished the flames which had done but little damage. The engagement, however, stopped further pursuit for the time.
Bethsaida Church, Virginia, October 10, 1863. A Union force, consisting of a regiment of infantry and a small body of cavalry, was attacked by Gordon's brigade and Butler's cavalry. A sharp skirmish followed but owing to their vastly superior numbers the Confederates were victorious, killing and wounding a large number and taking 87 prisoners. The Confederate loss was not learned.
Beulah, North Carolina, April 11, 1865. 15th Army Corps. On leaving camp early in the morning the 1st division, Bvt. Major-General Charles R. Woods commanding, came upon a body of Confederate cavalry on the Beulah road, and pursued them to Folk's bridge, skirmishing all the way. At the bridge the enemy received reinforcements, tore up the bridge, which impeded further pursuit, and decamped, taking the road leading up the river on the east side. The loss was inconsiderable on both sides. Beverly, West Virginia, July 12, 1861. No engagement on this date, the town being occupied by a detachment of General George B. McClellan's army as a strategic movement without a shot being fired on either side.
Beverly, West Virginia, April 24, 1863. Colonel George R. Latham, of the 2nd West Virginia infantry, with 400 men of his own regiment, 289 of the 8th West Virginia infantry, 98 of Frank Smith's independent company of Ohio cavalry; 59 of Hagan's Company A, 1st West Virginia cavalry, and a section of Ewing's battery—32 men and two guns—was in garrison at Beverly when he learned that the enemy was in force at Huttonsville, 11 miles distant. Taking two companies of cavalry he started out to reconnoiter, but owing to a heavy fog nothing definite could be ascertained. About 5 miles from Beverly he came upon the advance guard of the Confederate column, and not knowing how strong a force he had to meet, fell back toward Beverly. About noon the fog cleared, showing a force of approximately 5,000 in front of the garrison. At 2 p. m. artillery fire was opened and two hours later the skirmishing was general. The enemy got possession of the Buckhannon road with a view to cutting off Latham's retreat. About 5 o'clock General B. S. Roberts ordered Latham to destroy his stores at Beverly and fall back on Philippi if the enemy became too strong for him. Toward) evening the order was obeyed, the Confederates following for about 6 miles, though the retreat was orderly and successfully conducted, the Union loss being but 1 killed, 2 wounded and 15 captured. The Confederates were commanded Dy Jackson and Imboden. Their losses were not reported.
Beverly, West Virginia, July 2, 1863. 10th West Virginia Volunteers, and Battery G, West Virginia Artillery. Colonel William L. Jackson of the 19th Virginia cavalry, at the head of 1,700 Confederates, made a terrific assault on the Union forces under Colonel Thomas M. Harris, at Beverly, about 2 p. m. Harris held out until the next morning, when he was reinforced by Brigadier-General W. W. Averell with three regiments of mounted infantry, and when the attack was renewed the anticipated Confederate victory was changed into a signal repulse, the enemy being pursued as far as Huttonsville, though the loss on either side was comparatively slight. Beverly, West Virginia, October 29, 1864. 8th Ohio Cavalry. About daylight Major Hall, with a force of about 300 Confederates, made an attack, Page 120 expecting to surprise the camp. In this he was mistaken for the 8th Ohio cavalry happened to be in line for reveille roll-call, and as soon as they heard the "rebel yell" they broke ranks and hurried into their huts for their arms without waiting for orders. The Confederates divided and attacked from two sides. In the semidarkness it was some time .before the Union forces could be organized, but as soon as the lines were properly formed Lieutenant-Colonel Youart charged the force in his rear and put them to flight. He then turned on those in front and quickly routed them, winning a decisive victory over a force nearly twice as large as his own, having but 200 men in action. The Confederate loss was 20 killed, 25 wounded and 95 captured. Among the wounded and captured was Hall, who had led the attack. The Union loss was 9 killed, 23 wounded and 14 missing.
Beverly, West Virginia, January 11, 1865. 34th Ohio Infantry and 8th Ohio Cavalry. After the attempt of Major Hall to surprise this post in October, 1864, a camp guard was maintained for some time, but was finally discontinued on account of cold weather. Before daylight on the morning of the 11th about 700 Confederates, wearing Federal overcoats and commanded by General Rosser, made an attack upon the camp, which was a short distance north of the town on the Philippi road. The whole scheme had been well planned and was admirably executed, the Union forces sustaining a loss of 6 killed, 23 wounded and 580 captured. Over 10,000 rations, 100 horses, a small stock of quartermaster's stores, and about 700 stand of arms and their equipments fell into the hands of the enemy.
Beverly Ford, Virginia, August 23, 1862. (See Rappahannock Station, same date.)
Beverly Ford, Virginia, June 9, 1863. (See Brandy Station.)
Beverly Ford, Virginia, October 22, 1863. 2nd Pennsylvania and 1st Maine Cavalry.
Big Bar, California, November 13-14, 1863. Detachment of the 1st Battalion, California Mountaineers. The detachment, commanded by Captain Miller, while on a scouting expedition to Big Bar and the South fork of Trinity river, unexpectedly came upon a small party of Indians dressing a beef they had killed. Two Indians were killed and the others made their escape. The next morning Miller's company, while crossing South fork, was fired upon by a small party of Indians. Two men were slightly wounded and the pack animals stampeded. All these were recovered except 3 but the delay in doing so, and the loss of supplies, prevented pursuit of the Indians and the scouting party returned to Fort Gaston.
Big Beaver Creek, Missouri, November 7, 1862. 10th Illinois and two companies Missouri Militia Cavalry.
Big Bend, Eel River, California, April 28, 1864. Scouts from 2nd Infantry, California Volunteers. A detachment of Company D, under Sergeant Wheeler, came up with a party of Indians at Big Bend, killed 8 warriors, captured 11 women and 1 child without the loss of a man. Several of the Indians flung themselves into the river in their efforts to escape, and it is believed that some were drowned.
Big Bend, West Virginia, June 4-7, 1862.
Big Bethel, Virginia, June 10, 1861. 1st, 2nd, 3d, 5th and 7th New York, 1st Vermont, and 4th Massachusetts Infantry, and 2nd United States Artillery. About 8 miles from Newport News were two churches known as Big and Little Bethel. At the former there was a considerable force of Confederates, under Colonel J. B. Magruder, and works of more or less strength were in process of construction, while at the latter there was a Confederate outpost, from which a squad Page 121 of cavalry was nightly sent out to annoy the Federal pickets, impress Union men into the Confederate army, carry away slaves who had been left in charge of farms, and) take them to Yorktown and Williamsburg to work on the fortifications. General B. F. Butler, therefore, determined to destroy the outpost and drive the enemy from his position at Big Bethel. An expedition, under the command of Brigadier-General E. W. Pierce, was planned on the evening of the 9th and at 1 o'clock on the morning of the 10th the 7th New York(Duryea's zouaves) was ferried across the creek and ordered1 to march to New Market bridge in the enemy's rear. At 2 o'clock the 3d New York under Colonel Townsend, and the 7th New York, with the Massachusetts and Vermont troops under Colonel Bendix, marched by different roads, intending to effect a junction at the forks of the road about a mile and a half from Little Bethel, the purpose being to attack that place at daybreak. Bendix reached the rendezvous first and his men, mistaking Townsend's force, as it approached in the dim light of the early dawn, for Confederates, fired upon them, killing 2 and wounding 21. The sound of the firing made it impossible to surprise the enemy and some of the officers favored a return to Camp Hamilton, but Pierce, knowing that reinforcements were coming to his assistance, pushed on to find Little Bethel deserted. The church was burned, the artillery, under Lieutenant Greble, was brought to the front and the whole column advanced on Big Bethel. By a peculiar coincidence Colonel Magruder had planned an attack on Camp Hamilton for that morning, had aroused his men at 3 a. m., and when the first firing was heard was three and a half miles from his works. He returned to his position at Big Bethel and disposed his forces to resist any assault likely to be made. When Pierce came up about 9 o'clock he found the ford on the Hampton road guarded by two companies of North Carolina sharpshooters, while on the opposite side of the road, protected by earthworks, were Stuart's cavalry and the 3d Virginia infantry with a howitzer commanding the road. Beyond the creek were two more howitzers, well supported, trained on the ford. After some skirmishing Pierce, seeing the strength of the Confederate position, withdrew his forces with a loss of 18 killed, 53 wounded and 5 missing. Among the killed were Major Theodore Winthrop, of Butler's staff, and Lieutenant John T. Greble, commanding the artillery.
Big Black Creek, South Carolina, March 3, 1865. A detachment of 20 Confederate soldiers, clad in the Federal uniform, made a dash on the flank of General John E. Smith's division, while the army was on the march, killed 1 man and captured Colonel James Isaminger of the 63d Illinois infantry and one private. Big Black River, Mississippi, May 3, 1863. (See Hankinson's Ferry.)
Big Black River, Mississippi, June 18, 1863. (See Birdsong Ferry.) Big Black River, Mississippi, October 13, 1863. Reconnaissance of Infantry, and Cavalry commanded by Major-General McPherson.
Big Black River, Mississippi, February 4, 1864. (See Champion's Hill.)
Big Black River Bridge, Mississippi, November 27, 1863. Detachment of troops under Colonel E. D. Osband, 3d U. S. Cavalry. For some time the Mississippi Central railroad had been the main' line of communication between Hood and his depots of supplies in Mississippi and Alabama. Several ineffectual attempts had been made to burn the bridge on this line near Canton, but the Confederates, recognizing its importance, had thrown up works about it and kept a strong force of men constantly on guard. When Colonel Osband's expedition reached the bridge, Major J. B. Cook with a portion of the 3rd U. S. colored cavalry, dismounted, charged over a trestle work 25 feet high, Page 122 with nothing but the ties for a footing, in the face of a withering fire, and captured a stockade containing the main body of the guard. The bridge was burned and several miles of track in the vicinity destroyed. Cook received a promotion to the rank of lieutenant-colonel for his bravery.
Big Black River Bridge, Mississippi, May 17, 1864. 9th, 10th, 12th and 14th Divisions, 13th Army Corps. While the battle of Champion's Hill was in progress on the 16th General Pemberton sent the 1st and 2nd Missouri brigades, Vaughn's Tennessee brigade and Bowen's artillery to guard the railroad bridge to his rear to keep open a line of retreat. The bridge was on a bend in the river shaped something like a horseshoe, across the neck of which the Confederates had previously constructed a line of rifle-pits. The bridge had been floored for the passage of artillery and wagons and everything made ready for an easy flight if it became necessary. During the night of the 16th Pemberton with his entire army crossed the river but the guard was still maintained at the bridge, with Colonel Cockrell's brigade on the right, Green's on the left and Vaughn in the center, their position being covered by 2 pieces of artillery. About 3:30 a. m. on the 17th the Union forces began their march toward Vicksburg, General Carr with the 14th division being in advance, closely followed by the 9th division commanded by General Osterhaus. In front of the line of rifle-pits was a bayou, and on the opposite side of this bayou from the Confederate lines was a piece of woods where Carr unmasked the enemy's pickets and after a sharp skirmish drove them in. The Union artillery then commenced a heavy fire upon the works, Osterhaus came up and took a position to the right of Carr, and a little after daylight the fighting became general. Cockrell's forces were the first to meet the assault, and drove back the Federals with a heavy fire. Next an attack was made upon Green's position but with no better success. At this juncture, for some unaccountable reason, the men under Vaughn became panic stricken and broke from their position. The Union troops were not slow to take advantage of the situation thus offered and quickly occupied the trenches deserted by the Tennesseeans. The Missourians, seeing that they were about to be cut off, started for the bridge, in good order at first, but the retreat soon became a rout. The Confederates lost 276 in killed and wounded and 1,767 prisoners, besides 18 of the 20 cannon and a large supply of ammunition. The Union loss was 29 killed, 242 wounded and 2 missing.
Big Blue, Missouri, October 22, 1864. Army of the Border, Price's Raid. Early on the morning of the 22nd General Blunt sent his 1st brigade, under Colonel Charles R. Jennison, to Byram's ford and the 2nd brigade, under Colonel Thomas Moonlight, to Hinkle's ford, to prevent Price from crossing the river. Jennison was afterward joined by a detachment of the Kansas state militia under Colonel McCain. Price sent a small body of men out on the road running from Independence to Kansas City in the effort to draw the forces from Byram's ford, but the feint was not successful. He then attacked Jennison in considerable force about 11 a. m. Blunt, upon hearing the firing, ordered the 2nd brigade to Jennison's aid, but before its arrival the enemy had effected a crossing both above and below the ford and Jennison, fearing a flank attack, fell back in good order toward Westport, where the fight was continued the next day. Losses on both sides were slight. Big Bushes, Kansas, May 16, 1864. McLain's Colorado Battery. A detachment of the battery under Lieutenant George S. Eayre, was attacked 3 miles from Smoky Hill river, between Fort Lyon and Fort Larned, Page 123 by about 400 Cheyenne Indians. After a persistent fight of seven and one-half hours the Indians were repulsed with a loss of 25 or 30 killed and a number wounded. Among the killed were the chiefs Black Kettle, Good-Eye and Tut-Tut. Eayre's loss was 4 killed and wounded. He also lost a number of horses which were either lied or stampeded during the engagement.
Big Cacapon, West Virginia, January 5, 1862. (See Bath.)
Big Cacapon Bridge, West Virginia, July 6, 1864.
Big Cove Valley, Alabama, June 27, 1864. 12th Indiana Cavalry. Captain Robert S. Richart was sent with a detachment of 41 men to break up a camp of Johnson's guerrillas. Leaving camp at Huntsville about 5 p. m. on the 26th he crossed the mountain by Franklin's path, went into camp about 10 o'clock that night, and at daylight next morning proceeded to the creek some three-quarters of a mile in advance. There he came upon the guerrillas preparing breakfast. Richart at once attacked and notwithstanding their strong position soon routed them, wounding several and capturing 5 horses and equipments. After pursuing them for 2 miles the chase was given up. The party then returned to the creek, ate the breakfast the enemy had prepared, and returned to Huntsville. The Union loss was 11 wounded, 1 mortally. The guerrilla force was estimated at 15, commanded by Johnson in person. Big Creek, Arkansas, July 10, 1863. Organizations not stated. Big Creek, Arkansas, July 26, 1864. (See Wallace's Ferry.)
Big Creek, Missouri, March 9, 1862. 1st Battalion Missouri Militia Cavalry. Captain Henry Windmueller, while doing scout duty with his battalion, learned from a negro boy that a number of persons were assembled at the house of a man named Hill. As the cavalry approached these persons tried to make their escape. They were fired on and 3 killed, one of whom was the notorious Tid Sharp. Big Creek, Missouri, September 9, 1862.
Big Creek, Missouri, March 8, 1863. U. S. Troops of District of Eastern Arkansas. During an expedition from Helena two portions of the Federal command came upon bodies of the enemy at different crossings of Big creek. The result was a Union victory with a loss of 1 wounded and 2 captured. The Confederates had 1 man killed and 1 captured.
Big Creek, Missouri, May 14-16, 1863. 1st Battalion, 6th Kansas Cavalry. This was a series of skirmishes between Major W. C. Ransom, with 60 men of his battalion, and guerrillas under Quantrill and "Colonel" Parker. The first of these skirmishes was late in the afternoon of the 14th. That night a considerable body of the guerrillas passed to Ransom's rear, burned 3 houses and then retreated eastward. Ransom pursued and on the 15th a sharp skirmish occurred near Pleasant Hill. Two slight skirmishes followed on the 16th, in the latter of which the guerrillas were reinforced to the number of 150 and Ransom gave up further pursuit. In the series of engagements the Confederates lost 12 men killed and 18 horses captured, as well as a considerable amount of camp equipage, arms, provisions, etc. The Union loss was 1 man killed.
Big Creek, Missouri, August 22, 1863. Missouri State Militia. On the 20th Colonel Bazel F. Lazear, with 100 men of Companies C, I and K, 1st cavalry, started from Warrensburg after some guerrillas that were committing depredations north of that place. At Chapel Hill he was joined by Major Mullins with 130 men of Companies B, F, G and H, of the 1st cavalry and Colonel Neill with 50 men of the 5th Provisional infantry. On the 22nd they came upon Quantrill's trail and followed him to Big creek, 5 miles northwest of Pleasant Hill, where the Page 124 guerrillas were overtaken. In the first brush 5 of them were killed and several wounded. They were pursued for several days, their course being marked by all sorts of goods thrown away in their flight. During the pursuit 11 of the enemy were killed, a number wounded and several horses were captured. The Missouri troops did not lose a man.
Big Creek, Missouri, September 5, 1863. (See Pleasant Hill, same date.)
Big Creek, Missouri, July 28, 1864. 7th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. Captain M. U. Foster, with a portion of the regiment, was sent out on a scouting expedition on the 21st. On the 27th Corporal Hisey and 4 men were attacked on Blackwater creek while looking for a stray horse, by Dick Yeager and 20 of his men. Notwithstanding they were outnumbered five to one, Hisey and his men bravely stood their ground, wounding Yeager and capturing a horse. The next day Sergt. Allen and 20 men were sent to drive the Confederates out of the woods where they were concealed, while Foster with a similar force took a position to head off their retreat. After a sharp skirmish Yeager and his men fled precipitately, having lost 2 killed, 4 wounded, and 3 horses. Foster's loss was 2 horses.
Big Creek, Tennessee, December 12, 1864. Governor's Guards of Tennessee. A movement against the Confederates in eastern Tennessee and southwestern Virginia by General Stoneman and Brigadier-General A. C. Gillem of the United States army, the latter at that time in command of the Governor's guards. In pursuance of this arrangement Gillem left Knoxville on the 10th with 1,500 picked men and horses to join Stoneman. When about 10 miles from Rogersville, on the 12th, this force came upon the Confederate pickets belonging to Duke's brigade and drove them back 4 miles, where the main body was found guarding the Big creek bridge. Gillem sent one battalion of the 8th Tennessee cavalry to make a feint of crossing some distance above the bridge, part of the 13th cavalry went down to a ford where they effected a crossing and the remainder of the force attacked in front. This assault from different directions disconcerted the enemy and he fled in confusion toward Kingsport, to which place Gillem pursued, marching 44 miles in 24 hours. (See Kingsport.)
Big Creek Bluffs, Missouri, July 11, 1862. 1st Iowa, 1st and 7th Missouri cavalry. For several days prior to this date the Federal troops had been in search of a body of guerrillas under Quantrill, Houx and Hays, known to be in Big creek timber. Shots had been exchanged, a smart brush occurring on the 9th in which each side lost 1 killed and several wounded. On the morning of the 11th Captain Kehoe, with three companies of the 1st Missouri, left camp at daybreak in advance of the main body, and when about 4 miles west of Pleasant Hill came upon the enemy in the act of burning a Union man's house. Supposing this to be but a part of the force Kehoe at once attacked and in a short time was surrounded by the entire gang. Major Gower coming up with the remainder of the Union forces saved Kehoe's men from utter annihilation and turned defeat into victory. The guerrillas broke up into small squads and fled in all directions. Although pursued many of them escaped in the dense underbrush. The Union loss was 11 killed and 21 wounded. The Confederate loss was known to be 18 killed and a number wounded.
Big Creek Gap, Tennessee, March 14, 1862. 1st and 2nd Tennessee and 49th Indiana Infantry, and a Battalion of Kentucky Cavalry. Confederate cavalry was engaged in blockading the roads in the neighborhood of Jacksboro, and Colonel J. P. T. Carter, of the 2nd Tennessee was sent in command of the Union forces to drive them out or capture them, and open up communications. Arriving at the foot of Page 125 the Cumberland mountain late in the afternoon of the 13th Carter learned that two companies of the 1st Tennessee Confederate cavalry were at Big Creek Gap and planned a surprise. Procuring a guide he divided his forces, placing one division in command of Lieut-Colonel James Keigwin of the 49th Indiana and marched over the mountain. At 6 o'clock the next morning they were at the enemy's camp. In the skirmish which ensued the Confederates lost 5 killed, 15 wounded and 15 prisoners, 86 horses and several wagons loaded with stores. The fugitives were pursued as far as Jacksboro, where 1 was killed and 1 captured. A saltpeter factory there was destroyed with all its stores. Union loss, nothing.
Big Creek Gap, Tennessee, June 11-15, 1862. 25th Brigade, Army of the Ohio. Brigadier-General James G. Spears, with the brigade, consisting of the 3d, 5th and 6th Tennessee infantry, while marching through Big Creek gap to join General Morgan at Speedwell, was ambushed by Confederate pickets late on the afternoon of the 11th. Advancing in the face of a galling fire the Union forces drove the enemy from his position with a loss of 2 killed and several wounded. Spears then marched through the gap and camped for the night, the men sleeping on their arms. Early the next morning the skirmish was renewed and lasted until noon with slight casualties on both sides. After proceeding about 4 miles a messenger overtook Spears with orders to return to the gap. He reoccupied his old camp of the preceding night and the next morning ambushed his forces so as to command the ford. He continued to hold this position until the 15th, when his pickets were driven in, but the Confederates declined to follow into the ambuscade. Spears then moved out, attacked in force and drove the enemy across the Clinch river in the direction of Knoxville, capturing a number of prisoners, 60 tents, and destroying stores amounting in value to several hundred dollars.
Big Creek Gap, Tennessee, September 4, 1862. Detachment of the 6th Tennessee Volunteers.
Big Creek Gap, Tennessee, September 10, 1862. Detachment of Spear's Brigade. Colonel Cooper, with 400 picked men, blockaded Big Creek gap and attacked a body of McAfee's cavalry on the way to join Kirby Smith's command. McAfee and 95 of his men were captured and about 10 or 12 were left dead on the field, among them being one of Kirby Smith's aides-de-camp. At the same time Lieutenant-Colonel M. L. Phillips, with 200 picked men from the 1st and 2nd Tennessee infantry, blocked Rogers' gap and operated on Cooper's flank. In the affairs at the two gaps the enemy lost over 30 killed and 230 captured. The Union loss was not reported.
Big Flat, California, May 28, 1864. Scout from 1st Battalion Mountaineers. An insignificant affair between a small scouting party and a few Indians in which 2 of the latter were killed.
Big Gravois, Missouri, April 22, 1865. 16th Missouri Cavalry. Major Small, with a detachment of the 16th Cavalry, overtook a party of 50 guerrillas on the Osage river, opposite the mouth of the Big Gravois, killed 10, including Captains Rountree and Martin, and wounded several others. The remainder escaped across the river in skiffs. Small took a number of horses and some side arms. Big Hatchie, Tennessee, October 5, 1862. (See Hatchie Bridge.)
Big Hill, Kentucky, August 23, 1862. 7th Kentucky Cavalry and 3d Tennessee Volunteers. Colonel Leonidas Metcalfe, in command of the Union forces, was attacked in his works at Big hill by the Kirby Smith brigade under Colonel J. S. Scott. Early in the action the 7th Kentucky broke in confusion. The Tennessee troops stood their ground but were finally forced to fall back toward Richmond. General Page 126 Lew Wallace sent Link's brigade with 3 field pieces to Metcalfe's assistance and he arrived in time to rescue Metcalfe and Lieutenant-Colonel Oden, both of whom refused to surrender. Link occupied the hill and remained in possession. Metcalfe reported his loss as being about 50, though the Confederate commander claimed that 120 dead and wounded were left upon the field. The enemy lost 4 killed and 12 wounded.
Big Hill, Kentucky, August 29, 1862. While the Union and Confederate armies were maneuvering for position just before the battle of Richmond, a slight skirmish occurred near Big Hill between two outlying detachments, but no detailed report of the affair was made by either side.
Big Hill, Tennessee, October 5, 1862. General McPherson's Provisional Division. This was one of the skirmishes growing out of the pursuit of the Confederates in their retreat from Corinth after the battle there on the 3d and 4th. The enemy's rear guard, consisting of three brigades of infantry and a 6-gun battery, was overtaken near Chewalla, but before preparations for an attack could be completed they retreated to the top of Big hill, on the east side of the Tuscumbia river, where they were well sheltered by a heavy growth of timber. The Union infantry charged up the hill in the face of a shower of grape and canister, while Powell's battery rendered efficient aid in shelling the Confederate position. The hill was carried and the men rested there all night on their arms in line of battle, ready to repel an attack at daylight, should one be made. During the night the enemy quietly fell back across the Tuscumbia, burning the bridge, which checked further pursuit for the time. Casualties not reported.
Big Hurricane Creek, Missouri, October 19, 1861. 18th Missouri Volunteers.
Big Indian Creek, Arkansas, May 27, 1862. 1st Missouri Cavalry. Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis, while escorting a forage train, met a small force of Confederates on Big Indian creek about 10 miles above Searcy. In the skirmish which followed the Union loss was 2 wounded, 1 mortally. The enemy lost 23 in killed, wounded and captured.
Big Lake, Arkansas, September 8-30, 1863. Missouri State Troops. Major F. R. Poole, of the 2nd Missouri state cavalry, was ordered by Colonel J. B. Rogers, commanding the post at Cape Girardeau, to scour the country as far as Big Lake in quest of guerrillas. Starting with 200 men of his own regiment he was reinforced at New Madrid by 50 men from the 2nd and 50 from the 8th Missouri, and at Osceola he received further reinforcements from Colonel Harding of the 25th infantry. From that time until the last of the month he carried on a vigorous warfare in northeastern Arkansas and southeastern Missouri, killing 13 noted guerrillas and capturing 30 others, as well as taking a number of horses, mules and guns, and a quantity of ammunition.
Big Laramie, Dakota Territory, August 1, 1865. About 200 Cheyenne Indians attacked the station at Big Laramie, killed 4 men and 1 woman and carried into captivity 2 girls, one 15 and the other 2 years old. All the cavalry in that section was sent in pursuit.
Big Mound, Dakota Territory, July 24, 1863. 1st Minnesota Cavalry, 3d Minnesota Battery, and 6th, 7th, and 10th Minnesota Infantry. The troops, under command of General H. H. Sibley, had been in pursuit of some Sioux Indians for several days, when about 1 p. m. on the 24th, some of Sibley's scouts brought the information that a large body of Indians were just in advance. The Indians sent out a party to ask a council, intending to murder Sibley and his officers and then attack the camp, but Sibley, having been warned by a half-breed scout, declined. Dr. J. L. Weiser, surgeon of the 1st Minnesota, was treacherously shot by one of those sent out to urge a council, and Page 127 this wanton deed precipitated a conflict. By order of Sibley Lieutenant J. C. Whipple planted his artillery on a hill opposite Big Mound and in a short time drove them from their position to the open prairie where the cavalry could get at them. After two or three futile attempts to make a stand the Indians fled in the direction of Dead Buffalo lake.
Big North Fork, Missouri, June 16, 1864. 14th Kansas and 3d Wisconsin Cavalry. Thirty men of Company C, 3d Wisconsin, under Sergt. Smith, while returning to camp with a herd of cattle for which they had been sent out, were attacked near Preston by a force of 46 Confederates, well mounted and armed. Smith's men were scattered looking after the cattle. As soon as they could be got together Smith withdrew to the open prairie, hoping to draw the enemy from the woods, but failed to do so. The Union loss was 1 man killed, and the cattle, which ran into the timber and were probably captured. The Confederates lost 2 killed and 3 wounded.
Big Pigeon River, Tennessee, November 5-6, 1864. 3d North Carolina Mounted Infantry.
Big Piney, Missouri, July 25-26, 1862. (See Mountain Store.) Big Piney, Missouri, November 25, 1863.
Big Piney, Missouri, November 1, 1864. 34th Enrolled Missouri Militia. Lieutenant D. W. Carroll, with a small scouting party, found 4 bushwhackers at the house of a man named Black, near the mouth of Big Piney, wounded 2, took 1 prisoner and captured 2 horses without the loss of a man
Big Piney, Missouri, December 2, 1864. Scout of 5th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. An expedition sent out by Major John B. Kaiser of Waynesville post, killed 3 of Campbell's guerrillas, who had formerly been members of the 48th Missouri Union volunteers. Another expedition the day before reported the killing of a guerrilla in the same vicinity.
Big Piney, Missouri, January 16-22, 1865. Scout of 1st Missouri State Militia Cavalry. During the week ending on the 22nd several scouting parties were sent out from Waynesville. One of these reported the killing of 2 guerrillas and the wounding of another in a skirmish near Courtney's mills on the Big Piney.
Big Point, Virginia, June 5, 1861. United States Steamer "Harriet Lane.' About 9 a. m. the steamer opened her guns on the Confederate battery recently established on Big Point opposite Newport News. After firing about 30 shots, which were warmly answered from the battery, the vessel withdrew. The only damage done was the dismantling of one 8-inch gun in the Confederate works.
Big River, Missouri, October 7, 1864. (See Tyler's Mills.)
Big River Bridge, Missouri, October 15, 1861. Missouri State Guards. Brigadier-General M. Jeff Thompson, with 500 dragoons, marched from Piketown to destroy the bridge near Potosi. Dividing his forces, part attacked a redoubt on the north side of the bridge and the remainder attacked from the south. The skirmish lasted for ten minutes, at the end of which time Thompson was in full possession of both bridge and redoubt. A quantity of clothing and 66 muskets were captured and taken to Blackwell's station. While it was being divided among the men an attack was made by the Federals and a bushwhacking fight followed. In the two skirmishes Thompson lost 6 killed and several wounded. All the Confederate officers were either killed or captured. Thompson reported the capture of 55 Union men.
Big Rockcastle Creek, Kentucky, Oct 16, 1862. 2nd and 9th Indiana and 6th Kentucky Cavalry. The Union troops in this engagement were part of the 19th brigade, Army of the Ohio, commanded by Colonel W. B. Hazen. While marching from Perryville to London the brigade Page 128 occupied a place in the advance. About 2 miles from Mount Vernon the enemy was discovered drawn up in line of battle. The 6th Kentucky was advanced as skirmishers and with a few shots from Cockerill's battery soon drove the Confederates back. Four miles further on they made another stand on Rockcastle creek, when the Indiana troops were brought into action in support of the Kentucky regiment and again the enemy was put to flight. The Union losses in the two skirmishes were 1 killed and a number wounded. The enemy left 11 dead upon the field, and between 30 and 40 were taken prisoners.
Big Sandy, Colorado Territory, November 29, 1864. 1st and 3d Colorado Cavalry.
Big Sandy Creek, Mississippi, May 5, 1863. 2nd Illinois Cavalry. While the army was on the march from Port Gibson to Champion's Hill, with General Osterhaus' division in advance, a detachment of the enemy disputed the passage of the Big Sandy at Hall's ferry. Lieutenant Stickel, with a company of the 2nd Illinois cavalry, made a dash and routed the Confederates, killing 12 men and taking 30 prisoners without the loss of a man. Another slight skirmish occurred on this creek three days later. Big Sewell Mountain, West Virginia, December 12, 1863. Scouts in advance of Scammon's Brigade. These were small skirmishes in connection with Averell's raid on the Virginia & Tennessee railroad. On the 12th a band of Thurmond's guerrillas met the advance pickets on Big Sewell mountain and harassed them all the way to Greenbrier river, wounding 2 and capturing 4 men. Of the guerrillas 1 was killed, 4 wounded and about a dozen captured, among whom was the ordnance officer of General Echols' staff. On the 14th the pickets on the Blue Sulphur road, near Meadow Bluff, under Lieutenant H. G. Otis, of the 12th Ohio infantry, were attacked by some of the same band. The Confederates were driven back but the Union troops lost 2 killed and 4 wounded. The guerrillas left 1 dead and 1 wounded man upon the field, the latter being Lieutenant J. T. Ross, one of Captain Thurmond's most trusted officers.
Big Shanty, Georgia, June 9, 1864. Minty's and Wilder's Brigades. This was one of the minor skirmishes of the Atlanta campaign. Being desirous of learning whether the enemy's line crossed the railroad General Sherman ordered Brigadier-General Kenner Garrard to make a reconnaissance in front of Big Shanty for that purpose. Just beyond Acworth the Confederate pickets were encountered and driven back. Wilder's brigade, consisting of the 17th and 72nd Indiana and the 23d and 08th Illinois mounted infantry, under Colonel A. O. Miller, and a section of artillery under Lieutenant Bennett, made three direct attacks upon the enemy, each time driving him back to a line of works further in the rear, until he finally retired into his works at the base of Kennesaw mountain. Minty's brigade supported Miller's flanks and held the works gained in each of the assaults. The Union loss was 13 wounded. The Confederate loss was not ascertained.
Big Shanty, Georgia, September 2, 1864. 9th Ohio Cavalry, on a railroad train.
Big Shanty, Georgia, October 3, 1864. Signal Officer Fish, from the top of Kennesaw mountain, reported late in the afternoon Confederate cavalry along the railroad and moving toward Big Shanty, where a small force of Federal troops were stationed to guard the railroad. A little later Stewart's whole corps attacked the little detachment, which took refuge in the railroad station and defended itself as long as possible, but was finally forced to surrender to the vastly superior numbers. The loss in killed and wounded was slight on both sides, but 175 Union troops were captured.
Big Spring Branch, Tennessee, June 24, 1863. 17th and 72nd Indiana Infantry. About 7 miles from Murfreesboro, while the army was on the march, scouts brought in word that Confederate pickets were but a short distance in advance. Colonel John T. Wilder of the 17th Indiana, commanding the advance brigade, sent his own regiment and the 72nd ahead to dislodge the enemy. Lieutenant-Colonel Kirkpatrick, in command of this advance party, soon came upon the pickets, who retired to where the Confederate reserves were drawn up under cover of a hill. Kirkpatrick, suspecting an ambuscade, deployed one company on each side of the road, while the main body advanced toward the hill, firing as they went. The Confederates soon abandoned their position and fled toward their fortifications at Hoover's gap. Wilder then ordered Kirkpatrick to cut them off if possible, and the latter, pushing forward with all speed, made a complete success of the movement, having possession of the works when the flying cohorts of the enemy arrived. Among the effects found in the Confederate fortifications was a beautiful stand of embroidered colors, presented to the 71st Kentucky by a sister of General Ben. Hardin Helm. A number of prisoners were taken during the day and a few on each side were wounded.
Big Springs, Tennessee, January 19, 1864. 6th Indiana Cavalry. Captain Jackson Stepp, with about 100 men of the 6th Indiana, was stationed at Big Springs, on the Morristown road, about 6 miles from Tazewell. At daybreak he was surprised by a larger force of Confederates, under Major G. W. Day, and before Stepp could rally or form his men 6 were killed or wounded and 45 were prisoners in the hands of the enemy, who also captured 53 horses and a small supply of arms and ammunition. Lieutenant-Colonel Matson of the same regiment, was sent in pursuit and after following the enemy as far as Evans' ford on the Clinch river, returned without having accomplished anything, either in the way of chastising the Confederates or releasing the prisoners.
Big Swift Creek, North Carolina, April 19, 1863. 1st Brigade, 5th Division, 18th Army Corps. This engagement was a very slight affair. During the siege of Washington, North Carolina, a Confederate outpost on Swift creek was driven in by a detachment of Spinola's brigade, without casualties on either side.
Biloxi, Mississippi, April 1-4, 1862. 9th Connecticut, Everett's battery, and the Naval forces. A flag of truce had been sent on an errand of humanity to Biloxi on the 1st, but had been fired on by the people of that town and the Confederate forces there. The next day General Butler ordered Major George C. Strong to take the 9th Conn, and Everett's battery, and proceed on board the steamer "Lewis," to Biloxi to demand a suitable and ample apology for the act. At the same time arrangements were made for the cooperation of the naval vessels in the immediate vicinity. Strong made the demand in strong English, which so incensed the Confederates that General Lovell ordered up the steamers Carondelet, Pamlico and Oregon, under Commodore Whittle, with a view of capturing Strong's whole force. But Strong quickly reembarked and hurried to Pass Christian, where, in conformity to Butler's orders, he landed his entire force, with several pieces of artillery, quickly overcame the Confederate post there, killing and wounding a number and destroying the stores.
Binnaker's Bridge, South Carolina, February 9, 1865. 17th Army Corps. About noon the advance of the army reached Binnaker's bridge over the South Edisto river, to find it destroyed and General Stevenson's division intrenched in rifle-pits, with a battery of artillery on the opposite side. Skirmishing was commenced by the 9th Illinois mounted infantry, Page 130 but upon the arrival of General Mower they were relieved by a force of infantry. A swamp lay between the Confederates and the river so that the arms of the infantry were at a disadvantage, owing to the long range. Mower ordered up his artillery and in a short time drove the enemy from his position. A raft was then sent across and about 500 yards below the old bridge a solid anchorage was found on the other side; a pontoon was soon constructed, over which the infantry marched, and at 9 o'clock that evening, after wading through three feet of water, attacked the Confederate works, driving Stevenson toward the North branch of the Edisto. The Union loss was 3 killed and 7 wounded. The number of killed and wounded on the other side could not be learned. One caisson and a number of prisoners were taken by Mower's men.
Birch Coolie, Minnesota, September 1-2, 1862. Minnesota Volunteers. The affair at Birch Coolie was an incident growing out of the Sioux uprising. Major Brown, with a detachment of the 6th infantry, was sent to the Lower Agency to bury the bodies of those massacred by the Indians. As he was returning to Fort Ridgely he encamped on the evening of August 31 near the long ravine known as Birch Coolie. Here he was surrounded during the night by a large body of Indians and kept in a state of siege until relieved by General Sibley on the 3d. The whites lost 25 killed and a number wounded. The Indian loss was much larger.
Birch Island Bridge, Virginia, May 6, 1864. (See Kautz's Raid, May 5-17, 1864.)
Birdsong Ferry, Mississippi, June 12, 1863. 9 men of the 13th Army Corps. Sergt. T. B. Robinson, with a squad of 9 men, was sent to investigate a rumor of a blockade in the road a few miles from Bridgeport and as he was returning to his command he ran into a small company of Confederates at the ferry. A slight skirmish ensued in which 2 of the enemy were captured and 1 of Robinson's men was slightly wounded. The two prisoners gave valuable information concerning the movements of General Forrest.
Birdsong Ferry, Mississippi, June 18, 1863. 4th Iowa Cavalry. While one company of the regiment was stationed at the ferry, over Big Black river, about one company of Confederates came from the swamp above and engaged them in a skirmish. Major C. F. Spearman, the senior cavalry officer, ordered a charge from a favorable position on the enemy's right flank. The yell and rush from an unexpected quarter disconcerted the Confederates, who fled in disorder, thinking a large attacking party was at hand. They were pursued for some distance, but owing to the rough surface of the country and the dense growth of timber in places, were not overtaken. A large number of cattle and sheep were taken by the Union troops as they were returning to the ford. No losses reported.
Birdsong Ferry, Mississippi, July 5, 1863. 16th Army Corps. While General William T. Sherman's Expeditionary Army was on the march against Johnston a small force of Confederates disputed the passage of the Big Black river at Birdsong ferry on the 5th. Being strongly intrenched on the opposite side of the river, in a position to fully command the crossing, the Union troops waited until nightfall, when they raised and repaired the old ferry boat, and sent over Cockerill's brigade, which drove the enemy from his position and allowed the march to proceed.
Bird's Point, Missouri, August 19, 1861. (See Charleston.)
Bird's Point, Missouri, October 14, 1861. Detachment of the 1st Illinois Cavalry. Lieutenant S. P. Tufts, with 25 men of his company, was sent down the Rushes Ridge road to observe the movements of the enemy. About 2 p. m. he reached the vicinity of the Underwood farm, some Page 131 9 miles from Bird's Point, and there came in contact with Company A, 1st Miss, cavalry battalion, under Captain Montgomery. A skirmish was at once commenced, but owing to the larger force of the enemy and the advantageous position he occupied, being protected by timber, Tufts was forced to retire with a loss of 1 man mortally and several slightly wounded and 4 horses killed. A number of the enemy were seen to fall, but the exact loss was not learned. (Also known as Underwood's Farm and Beckwith's Farm.)
Birmingham, Mississippi, April 24, 1863. 2nd Iowa Cavalry. While Col . Edward Hatch, with the 2nd la., was doing scout duty he was attacked from the rear about 10 a. m. on the 24th, by a detachment of Chalmers' forces, consisting of the 2nd Tennessee, Inge's battalion, Smith's regiment, and four companies under Captain Ham. The larger force of the enemy and scarcity of ammunition forced Hatch to retire, but his retreat was successfully conducted. Concealing his men at favorable points, and firing upon the enemy at close range, he inflicted heavy loss, a 2-pounder he had with him being especially effective. After 6 miles of this running fight the Confederates withdrew. Hatch reached La Grange on the 26th with 50 prisoners and reported about 100 of the enemy, killed and wounded, 300 rifles and shot-guns destroyed, and a number of horses and mules taken. His own loss was 10 men killed, wounded or missing. The affair was an incident of Grierson's raid.
Bishop's Creek, California, April 9, 1862. 2nd California Cavalry. During operations in the Owen's River valley the scouts were fired upon by Indians from a canon. Colonel Evans divided the regiment and attacked from two directions simultaneously in the hope of driving the Indians from their position. After futile endeavors for several hours he was forced to withdraw with a loss of 2 men killed and a number wounded. The Indians numbered about 700.
Black Bayou Expedition, Mississippi, April 5-10, 1863. 1st Division, 15th Corps, commanded by Brigadier-General Frederick Steele. Steele left Greenville and pursued the Confederates under Colonel Ferguson over 40 miles down Deer creek. Ferguson's force numbered about 1,000 cavalry and infantry, with 8 pieces of artillery, 2 of which were 10-pounder Parrott guns. At Thomas' plantation they received reinforcements from Rolling Fork and made a stand, opening fire with their artillery. Steele replied and advanced upon them across an open field, when Ferguson fell back to Rolling Fork, where a larger body of the enemy was stationed. Steele occupied the Confederate camp that night and the next morning, learning of the reinforcements that Ferguson had met at Rolling Fork, fell back to Greenville after destroying about 500,000 bushels of corn, capturing 1,000 head of stock of different kinds, and a number of vehicles. The Union loss on the expedition was 1 killed and 1 wounded, the man killed being one of Steele's escort.
Blackburn's Ford, Virginia, July 18, 1861. Richardson's Brigade of Tyler's Division. The skirmish at Blackburn's ford was the preliminary engagement of the greater battle of Manassas on the 21st. After occupying Centerville, about 9 a. m. General Tyler determined on a reconnaissance in the direction of the ford. Upon arriving at Bull Run he could see the enemy upon the opposite slope, which was well wooded and afforded excellent opportunities for concealment. Although distinctly ordered by General McDowell to do nothing to precipitate an engagement, Tyler ordered up a battery and Richardson's brigade—"to demonstrate the enemy's line." Richardson's brigade was composed of the ist Massachusetts, 2nd and 3d Michigan and 12th New York infantry; Brackett's squadron of the 2nd U. S. cavalry and Company D, Page 132 5th U. S. artillery. After a few shots from the battery, the Confederate artillery responding with right good will, the 12th New York fell into confusion and Sherman's brigade, consisting of the 13th, 69th, and 79th New York and 2nd Wisconsin infantry, and Company E, 3d U. S. artillery, was ordered forward as a reserve, but did not become engaged. The Confederate forces at the ford consisted of five regiments under command of General Longstreet, and in developing the line Tyler brought on an engagement of no inconsiderable proportions. Agreeable to Beauregard's tactics, the infantry fell back gradually to the stronger position at Manassas Junction, while the artillery continued the duel for some time longer. In this action the Union loss was 19 killed, 38 wounded and 26 missing. The skirmish was not without its benefit to both sides. It confirmed Beauregard in the belief that the general attack upon his position would be made somewhere near the center of his line, and caused McDowell to change his tactics to an attack on the Confederate left by way of Sudley ford. (See Bull Run, July 21, 1861.)
Blackburn's Ford, Virginia, October 15, 1863. Portion of the 2nd Corps, Army of the Potomac. The corps, under command of Major-General G. K. Warren, had been actively engaged in the skirmishing for several days preceding, in what is known as the Bristoe campaign. The arrival of night on the 13th was all that prevented Warren's men from an attack from a much larger force of Lee's army. During the night Warren withdrew across the ford, where he took a position better calculated for defense, and at daylight received reinforcements of three rifled batteries which greatly strengthened his forces. Skirmishing was continued all day in the vicinity but neither side gained any decided advantage. The loss of the 2nd corps for the entire Bristoe campaign was 50 killed, 335 wounded and 161 missing, but only a few fell at Blackburn's ford.
Black Creek, Alabama, May 2, 1863. (See Streight's Raid.)
Black Creek, North Carolina, March 22, 1865.
Black Creek, Virginia, June 21, 1864. 2nd Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. Early in the morning the Confederate cavalry under General Wade Hampton was driven from the White House landing on the Pamunkey river and was pursued toward Tunstall's station by the 2nd division, commanded by Brigadier-General David McM. Gregg. At Black creek Hampton made a stand and Gregg tried to drive him from his position but failed, and during the night retired toward the Chickahominy. No report of losses.
Blackford's Ford, Virginia, September 19-20, 1862. Part of 1st and 2nd Divisions, 5th Army Corps. The action was begun on the afternoon of the 19th by the 1st U. S. sharpshooters and Porter's heavy artillery. Weed's and Benjamin's batteries drove the enemy away from the ford and the sharpshooters crossed under the protection of the 4th Michigan infantry. The Michigan regiment then crossed in the face of a galling fire and captured 6 of the Confederate guns. As it was almost dark the troops were ordered to recross to the Maryland side, rather than risk remaining in the exposed position during the night. Early on the morning of the 20th Colonel Barnes and General Griffin, with the 1st and 2nd brigades of the 1st division, and General Sykes, division commander, with about 800 men, crossed and made a reconnaissance in the direction of Shepherdstown. About 2 miles from the river they were met by the Confederates under General A. P. Hill and driven back with a loss of 92 killed, 131 wounded and 103 missing. The enemy's loss was reported as 30 killed and 231 wounded. (Also called Boteler's and Shepherdstown ford.)
Black Fork Hills, Missouri, July 4, 1863. 9th Cavalry, Missouri Page 133 Enrolled Militia. A detachment of this regiment under Lieutenant D. M. Draper came up with a party of Confederates, commanded by an officer named Pulliam, in the Black Fork hills, and a skirmish ensued in which the Confederates were routed, losing 21 of their number, who were taken prisoners. Draper pursued them for some distance but without accomplishing further results.
Black Jack Church, North Carolina, March 26, 1864. Cavalry of the 1st North Carolina Union Volunteers. Captain G. W. Graham was sent toward Greenville upon a reconnaissance, surprised the Confederate reserves and pickets near the church and routed them with a loss of 9 men killed, several wounded and a number captured, the Union casualties being confined to a few wounded horses.
Black Jack Forest, Tennessee, March 16, 1862. Detachments of 4th Illinois and 5th Ohio Cavalry.
Blackland, Mississippi, June 3, 1862. 1st Ohio Cavalry. Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, with seven companies of his regiment, while reconnoitering in the direction of Ripley, met a force of 100 Confederates at Blackland, engaged them and drove them back, wounding a number and taking one prisoner. He also captured their live stock and wagons, and gathered up a number of guns dropped by the enemy in his flight.
Blackland, Mississippi, June 7, 1862. A small force of Union cavalry, guided by a negro, succeeded in cutting off an outpost from the main body of Lay's cavalry and then made a dash upon the post, killing 1 man. The others in their hurry to get away crowded upon a bridge, which broke down and 10 were taken prisoners. A number of horses were also captured and the Federals escaped without the loss of a man.
Blackland, Mississippi, June 28, 1862. 7th Illinois and 3d Michigan Cavalry. A cavalry picket, under Major Gilbert Moyers, of the 3d Michigan, was attacked a little after sunrise by about 70 Confederate troopers, who wounded a corporal and captured a private. The horses belonging to Company K, 7th Illinois, being saddled, Moyers ordered the company to mount and go with him in pursuit. He followed the enemy about 20 miles, killing 1, capturing 2 and wounding several others. In their flight the Confederates threw away arms, blankets and articles of clothing.
Black River, Louisiana, November 1, 1864. 6th U. S. Colored Heavy Artillery.
Black River, Mississippi, July 1-4, 1863. (See Messinger's Ferry.)
Black River, Missouri, September 12, 1861. Three Companies of 1st Indiana Cavalry. Major Gavitt, who was sent out to reconnoiter Hardee's position at Greenville, attacked Talbot's camp on Black river, near Ironton, killed 2 men, took 3 prisoners and captured 60 muskets and 25 horses without suffering any casualties.
Black River, Missouri, July 8, 1862. 5th Kansas Cavalry.
Black River, North Carolina, March 14, 1865. 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 20th Army Corps. In the advance on Goldsboro the brigade, commanded by Bvt. Brigadier-General William Coggswell, was ordered to make a reconnaissance on the Goldsboro road as far as Black river. The 55th and 73d Ohio were moved forward in advance and encountered the enemy in considerable force at the river. Seven companies of the 55th were deployed as skirmishers and engaged the Confederates for about 20 minutes, after which the two regiments were withdrawn, as the object of the reconnaissance had been accomplished. The Union loss was 1 man killed and 1 wounded. The Confederate casualties were not ascertained.
Black River, South Carolina, August 14, 1862. Union gunboats landed in Winyaw bay in front of Georgetown about noon on the 13th. The next day they moved slowly up the river for about 20 miles, where they landed Page 134 captured a battery. Major Emanuel, with a detachment of the 4th South Carolina cavalry, was hurried to the assistance of the battery, but arrived too late to be of service. He engaged the Union forces, however, and drove them back to the boats. One of the vessels got aground and two hours were spent in getting it off, the Confederates keeping up an incessant fire during the time. The enemy continued to harass the boats as they passed down the river, but without doing serious damage, as the casualties were slight on both sides.
Blacksburg, Virginia, May u, 1864. 3d Pennsylvania Reserves. Captain La Rue, with Companies I, C and H, was sent out on picket duty. Learning of the proximity of a body of guerrillas he deployed his men as skirmishers to drive them from their position. The enemy captured 1 man but La Rue afterward recaptured him. He also captured 9 of the horses belonging to the guerrillas.
Black's Mill, Arkansas, February 17, 1864.
Blackville, South Carolina, February 7, 1865. 3d Cavalry Division, Military Division of the Mississippi. The division charged Wheeler's pickets and occupied the town of Blackville. Dibrell's Tennessee brigade in turn charged the Union troops, driving them back into the town, after which the entire Confederate force in the vicinity withdrew across the Edisto at Holman's bridge. Black Walnut Creek (near Sedalia),
Missouri, November 29, 1861. 1st Missouri Militia Cavalry.
Black Warrior River, Alabama, May 1, 1863. (See Streight's Raid.)
Blackwater, Missouri, October 12-13, 1863. (See Merrill's Crossing.)
Blackwater, Missouri, September 23, 1864. One Battalion of the 1st Missouri Cavalry.
Blackwater, Virginia, September 28, 1862. 1st New York Mounted Rifles.
Blackwater, Virginia, October 26, 1862. 1st New York Mounted Rifles, 39th Illinois, and 62nd Ohio Infantry. An expedition under General Terry was sent out from Suffolk to the Blackwater, where it arrived at daybreak on the 26th. Near Zuni the cavalry swam the river and the howitzers were sent over in canoes. The enemy retired from the river bank after a slight resistance, with a loss of several killed or wounded, and 5 captured. The only Union casualty was the death of Lieutenant William Wheelan, of the mounted rifles.
Blackwater, Virginia, March 17, 1863. 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry.
Blackwater Bridge, Virginia, November 14, 1862. Detachment of Troops, Department of Virginia, under Colonel C. C. Dodge. Major-General John J. Peck, commanding the post of Suffolk, reports that a portion of his force under Colonel Dodge, reconnoitering in the vicinity of Windsor, had a brisk skirmish at Blackwater bridge at daylight. The Confederate guard was driven away, and the camp equipage, etc., captured. Later the same day at Zuni a guard of Confederates offered some stiff resistance and were only driven away when howitzers were brought to bear. Five Federals were wounded in the two affairs.
Blackwater Creek, Missouri, December 18, 1861. (See Milford, same date.)
Blackwater Creek, Missouri, March 29, 1862. 1st Iowa Cavalry. Captain J. D. Thompson, with Companies A, F and G, and 2 pieces of the 1st Missouri artillery, was sent on a scouting expedition from Sedalia to Warrensburg. About 4 p. m. on the 29th, the party came upon some 60 or 70 of Parker's guerrillas. A charge was at once ordered and successfully executed, which finally became a running fight for 4 miles through the woods and thickets. The Confederates lost about 10 wounded, and left a similar number dead upon the field, and 15 were captured. The Union loss was 1 man killed and 2 wounded, 1 dangerously. The company of guerrillas was completely broken up.
Blackwater Creek, Missouri, April 16, 1862. 1st Iowa Cavalry. A scouting party, under Major Thomas Curley, came upon a party of bushwhackers and fired upon them, wounding 2, 1 mortally. The guerrillas scattered in such a way as to render pursuit futile. Blackwater Creek, Missouri, July 23, 1862. A Detachment of the 7th Missouri Cavalry. The detachment, under Lieutenant Dewolf, encountered one of the numerous bands of guerrillas that infested the country, near Columbus, and engaged them in a skirmish. The bushwhackers lost 4 killed, 8 or 10 wounded, 13 horses, 10 guns, 6 pistols and a quantity of ammunition. The Union loss was 1 man slightly wounded, 1 horse killed and 3 wounded. Blackwater Creek, Missouri, July 27, 1864. (See Big Creek, Missouri, same date.)
Blackwater Creek, Missouri, May 20, 1865. Scouts from Pettis County Militia. The scouting party, under Captain H. C. Donohue, struck the trail of some bushwhackers and followed it to the Blackwater, where he came upon a small party dismounted in the brush. The men fled, leaving their horses and equipments to fall into Donohue's hands.
Blackwater River, Kentucky, March 29, 1865. Blackwater River, Virginia, October 3, 1862. Expeditionary Forces. Pursuant to an order from General Dix, commanding the Department of Virginia, Major-General John J. Peck, commanding at Suffolk, sent 2,000 men, under command of Colonel S. P. Spear of the 11th Pennsylvania cavalry, to destroy the floating bridge over the Blackwater river at Franklin, expecting the cooperation of gunboats from Albemarle sound. The vessels failed to arrive and Spear held a large force of the enemy at bay for several hours while waiting for the boats to come up. In the action the Confederates lost over 200 in killed and wounded, Spear's loss being but 1 killed and 6 wounded and missing.
Blackwater River, Virginia, October 29, 1862.
Blackwater River, Virginia, December 2, 1862. (See Franklin.)
Blackwater River, Virginia, May 6, 1864. The action on Blackwater river on this date was at Birch Island bridge, and was one of the incidents of Kautz's raid during the siege of Petersburg. (See Kautz's raid.)
Blackwater River, Virginia, October 16, 1864. 20th New York Cavalry. Companies D, K and I, under the command of Captain Carroll, of the last named, was sent on an expedition from Bernard's mills to Murfree's station, to ascertain the movements of the enemy. Upon reaching the Blackwater part of the command were dismounted and thrown forward as skirmishers. At the bank of the river they were met with a sharp fire from a line of rifle-pits on the opposite side, where the ferryboat was also moored. Private Joseph Lonsway, of Company D, swam the river and brought the boat over, having performed a similar feat once before, and a detachment of 25 men, all the boat would carry safely, was sent over to charge the works. This movement was successfully executed, the enemy flying in all directions. Carroll destroyed 55 bales of cotton, 39 boxes of tobacco, 4 barrels of apple brandy, 6 bags of salt, 36 barrels of pork, a lot of cotton cloth, a quantity of bacon, 100 stands of small arms, burned the railroad station and culvert, and the post office, several bushels of Confederate mail being taken back to Bernard's mills for examination, and all this without losing a man.
Blackwell Station, Missouri, October 15, 1861. (See Big River Bridge, same date.)
Blain's Cross Roads, Tennessee, December 16, 1863. Army of the Ohio. Longstreet's advance attacked General Parke's cavalry and drove it back to Blain's cross-roads. No losses reported on either side.
Blair's Landing, Louisiana, April 12-13, 1864. Ironclads Osage and Lexington and Provisional Division, 17th Army Corps. After the defeat of the Federals at Sabine cross-roads, and the return march to Grand Ecore had begun, the division of Brigadier-General T. Kilby Smith, then on transports in the river, was ordered to return at once. On the 12th the transport fleet, under convoy of the Osage and Lexington, was fired upon by Confederate sharpshooters and later in the day, near Blair's landing, a considerable force with 4 pieces of artillery opened upon the fleet. The troops on board were well protected behind barricades of cotton and hay bales and suffered little loss. On the 13th, when the grounding of the leading transport delayed the passage of the rest of the boats, the Confederates again opened a heavy fire of artillery and musketry, but were driven off by the ironclads and the artillery on board the other vessels. (Also called Pleasant Hill landing.)
Blakely, Alabama, April 1, 1865. 2nd Cavalry Brigade, 13th Corps. Spurling's cavalry was sent ahead to ascertain the best route to Holyoke and to open up communications with General Canby, who was operating against Spanish Fort and Blakely. He left Stockton at 5 a. m. on the 1st, and when about 5 miles from Blakely encountered a considerable force of the enemy. Dismounting the 2nd Maine and deploying the men as skirmishers, he soon determined the strength and position of the Confederates. Then charging with the 2nd Illinois the Confederates were routed from their position and two companies followed to within a mile of their works at Blakely. Most of the Confederate force belonged to the 46th Mississippi. The battle flag of that regiment was captured, together with 74 men, 8 horses and mules, and 70 stands of arms. The Union loss was 1 man mortally and 1 slightly wounded, the latter having his foot injured by the explosion of a torpedo buried in the road. The prisoners were made to dig up the other torpedoes that had been placed there.
Blakeny's, South Carolina, March 3, 1865.
Blake's Farm, West Virginia, November 10-11, 1861. 11th Ohio and 1st and 2nd Kentucky Infantry. Blake's farm lay on the left bank of the New river, about a mile from where that stream enters the Great Kanawha. Acting under orders from General J. D. Cox, Colonel De Villiers, with 200 of the 11th Ohio, and Lieut-Colonel Enyart, with 200 of the 1st Kentucky, crossed the Kanawha at different points on the 10th, the object being to occupy and hold the crest of the hills to prevent the enemy from obtaining a position from which he could destroy the ferry. Skirting the hills along the New River De Villiers surprised some 50 or 60 Confederates at Blake's and drove them back into the woods on the hills with some loss. Shortly after dark that evening six companies of the 2nd Kentucky, under Major Coleman, Were sent over as reinforcements, the enemy also receiving a reinforcement of 200 from the camp near Huddleston. At daybreak on the 11th the action was commenced by driving in the enemy's pickets, and forcing the main body, several hundred in number, up the New river in the direction of Cotton hill. When that point was reached the Confederate baggage train could be seen moving along the Fayette pike and in a little while the whole force was in a retreat. A party under Major Lieper followed them up the pike and took up a position at Laurel Hill, holding the position until reinforced by Benham's brigade the following day, when the pursuit was renewed. In the skirmishing around Blake's farm the Union loss was 2 killed, 1 wounded, and 6 missing, all belonging to the 11th Ohio. Of the Confederates from 25 to 30 were seen carried off the field either dead or wounded, and 1 found dead the next day was buried by the Union troops.
Blick's Station, Virginia, August 19, 1864. The action at Blick's station on this date was a part of the operations of the 8th and 9th corps against the railroad. (See Weldon Railroad.)
Blockhouses, N. & C. R. R., Tennessee, December 2-4, 1864. (See Nashville & Chattanooga R. R.
Blood's, Tennessee, January 3, 1863. (See Cox's Hill.)
Bloomery Gap, West Virginia, February 14, 1862. 5th Ohio Infantry and Virginia Militia. With the evacuation of Romney by the Confederates on February 7, the Union forces in the valley district assumed the aggressive and skirmishes were of daily occurrence, the purpose being to keep the enemy from interfering with the reopening of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. One of the most dashing of these affairs was the charge of the Federal troops under Brigadier-General F. W. Lander, on the Confederate post at Bloomery gap, where 13 Confederates were killed and 65 captured, 17 of the prisoners being commissioned officers. Lander's loss was 2 men and 6 horses. Bloomery Gap, West Virginia, March 28, 1864.
Bloomfield, Kentucky, October 18, 1862.
Bloomfield, Kentucky, November 5, 1864. 37th Kentucky Infantry. Captain Borrell's company, of the 37th Kentucky, surprised a squad of guerrillas at Bloomfield, where they were having their horses shod, after having pillaged the town. Borrell's men opened fire on them and 2 fell mortally wounded. The volley was followed by a charge and 3 more of the bushwhackers were captured. The next day while the prisoners were being escorted to Bardstown they tried to escape and were killed by the guards.
Bloomfield, Missouri, May 11, 1862. 1st Wisconsin Cavalry. The Wisconsin troops, under Colonel Daniels, fell upon Colonel Phelan's camp about 10 miles from Bloomfield, killed 1, captured 11, and scattered the rest through the swamp. There fell into Daniel's hands a number of horses and oxen, a considerable quantity of camp equipage, arms, ammunition, etc., and Phelan's chest, containing his private papers.
Bloomfield, Missouri, July 29, 1862.
Bloomfield, Missouri, August 24, 1862. Detachment 13th Illinois Cavalry. Under an order of General John M. Schofield, to kill, capture or disperse a body of Confederates operating between Bloomfield and the Cape, Major Lippert, with 200 men, made an attack on the Confederate camp, killed 30, wounded several more, took 16 prisoners, and captured a number of wagons and horses, several stand of arms and a quantity of camp equipage. No casualties on the Federal side.
Bloomfield, Missouri, August 29, 1862. Bloomfield, Missouri, Sept . 11, 1862. 2nd Missouri Light Artillery. Major Urban with a battery drove the enemy from Bloomfield in the direction of Holcomb's island, losing 4 men killed and a 24-pounder howitzer. The Confederate loss was not ascertained.
Bloomfield, Missouri, January 27, 1863. 68th Enrolled Missouri State Militia. Colonel Lindsay, with 250 men of his regiment and 2 small cannon, provided at private expense, dashed into the town of Bloomfield, captured a number of the enemy, with all the horses, equipments, arms and stores, belonging to the band of guerrillas that had for some time been committing depredations in the neighborhood. For his gallant action Lindsay received the congratulations of General Carr, commanding the St. Louis district.
Bloomfield, Missouri, March 1-2, 1863. 2nd Missouri State Militia Cavalry. Lieutenant F. R. Poole, with a detachment of the regiment, swam the Castor river during the night, surprised the town of Bloomfield at daylight, capturing the Confederate provost-marshal with all his official documents, 20 Confederate soldiers, a number of horses and Page 138 guns and a quantity of ammunition. Later in the day he sent a party of 20 to surprise another camp about 15 miles down the Arkansas road. The movement was successfully executed, 2 pickets being killed and the main body flying at the noise of the first firing, leaving their arms, provisions, etc., to fall into Poole's hands.
Bloomfield, Missouri, April 20, 1863.
Bloomfield, Missouri, April 29-30, 1863. Marmaduke's Missouri Expedition. After the repulse of Marmaduke at Cape Girardeau on the 26th he was pursued by the Federal forces under Generals McNeil and Vandever. On the morning of the 29th a slight skirmish, attended by a few casualties, occurred at the Castor river, between the Federal advance and the Confederate rear. That afternoon, when within a few miles of Bloomfield, Colonel LaGrange, who led the advance with the 1st Wisconsin cavalry, again commenced skirmishing with the enemy's rear guard, which retreated rapidly toward the town. McNeil, hearing the firing, hurried the artillery to the front, posted his guns on Walker's hill, within 1,000 yards of the enemy, recalled the skirmishers and opened fire. In a short time the Confederate guns were silenced. That night the men lay in line of battle and at 4 a. m. on the 30th LaGrange advanced and attacked the enemy in his camp. An hour later the artillery was brought into play, driving the enemy from the town in a precipitate retreat on the Chalk Bluff road. The entire Union column occupied Bloomfield by 11 o'clock, where it was halted for further orders.
Bloomfield, Missouri, May 12, 1863.
Bloomfield, Missouri, November 29-30, 1863. 1st, 2nd, and 6th Missouri Cavalry. A force of about 500 Confederates, with 2 pieces of artillery, under the command of Lee Crandall, surrounded Bloomfield on the morning of the 29th and demanded the surrender of the town. Captain Preuitt, who was guarding the post with 250 of the 1st Missouri cavalry, declined and put the court-house square in a state of barricade. The Confederates, being more intent upon plunder than fight, delayed operations until reinforcements could be received from McRae, who was near Pocahontas. At daylight on the morning of the 30th Preuitt was reinforced by Major Robbins, with 400 men of the 2nd Missouri cavalry and 2 cannon, and by Major Montgomery, with a detachment of the 6th Missouri cavalry. The Union troops now took the offensive. The Confederates were driven from their position and pursued as far as the St. Francis river, several of their number being killed or wounded and 5 captured.
Bloomfield, Missouri, April 1, 1864. 2nd Missouri State Militia Cavalry. A squad of men sent out under Captain Shibley came upon a small party of guerrillas in the act of robbing a Union man's house, killed 1 and captured the rest. They belonged to Kitchen's band.
Bloomfield, Missouri, May 6, 1864. Scouts from 2nd Missouri State Militia Cavalry. The scouting party fell in with 6 guerrillas about 25 miles south of Bloomfield and immediately gave chase, killing 2 of the number. One of those killed had in his pocket a parole given him by the provost-marshal of the New Madrid district in December previous. Bloomfield, Missouri, July 14, 1864. 2nd Cavalry, Missouri State Militia, and Enrolled Militia. During a skirmish between the Missouri troops and a band of bushwhackers, 1 man of the enrolled militia was killed and 1 of the 2nd cavalry slightly wounded. Of the guerrillas 1 was mortally wounded, 2 others slightly wounded, and 2 fine horses with their equipments were captured.
Bloomfield, Missouri, March 3-7, 1865. 50 men of the 7th Kansas and 2nd Missouri State Militia. Captain Campbell was sent with the Page 139 detachment into Dunklin county. About 25 miles below Bloomfield they ran across a company of Confederates and killed 6, 1 of whom was Captain Howard, the leader of the band. Campbell had 2 men wounded. On the 7th they came upon Bolin's gang of guerrillas and a skirmish ensued in which 2 of Bolin's men were killed and several wounded without casualties on the Union side.
Blooming Gap, Virginia, February 13, 1862. 1st West Virginia Cavalry, 8th Ohio and 7th West Virginia Infantry.
Bloomington, Tennessee, February 27, 1863. Detachment 2nd Illinois Cavalry. Captain Moore was sent with the detachment to surprise the camp of Colonel Richardson on the Hatchie river near Bloomington. He reached the camp at daybreak to find it deserted, except for 8 men left to guard the stores and collect conscripts, the main body having marched the day before in a southeasterly direction. The guard and stores were captured without resistance and several buildings destroyed. Blount County, Tennessee, July 20, 1864.
Blount's Creek, North Carolina, April 9, 1863. 1st Brigade, 5th Division, 18th Corps. The brigade, under command of Brigadier-General F. B. Spinola, was engaged in the military operations growing out of the siege of Washington, D. C. In pursuance of General Palmer's orders Spinola marched from Fort Anderson by the Swift creek road. A bridge was constructed over Little Swift creek during the night of the 8th and at daylight the next morning the whole brigade was moved 15 miles to Ruff's mill, near the head of Blount's creek. For the last two miles of that march a running fire had been kept up with the enemy's pickets, who gradually fell back to Ruff's mill, where a force of some 2,000 Confederates were strongly intrenched. Behind the first line of fortifications, at a distance of half a mile, lay a reserve force of 3,000, the whole body being commanded by General Pettigrew. The bridge had been destroyed and on the north side of the creek, opposite the works of the enemy, was an almost impenetrable swamp. Lieutenant Burke, of the 3d New York cavalry, was ordered up with a mountain howitzer to open the engagement. The 17th and 43d Massachusetts infantry, two sections of Captain Belger's battery, one section of the 32-pounder howitzers, and the 3d New York cavalry were all that could be used to advantage, owing to the condition of the ground. After a short time Spinola succeeded in silencing the enemy's guns, but was unable to bring a sufficient force to bear to drive them from their position. Several vain attempts were made to cross the stream in order to secure a position where the Confederates could be subjected to an enfilading fire. At 5 p. m. Spinola ordered the troops engaged to withdraw from the field and soon after began the retreat toward New Berne. Notwithstanding the heavy fire to which the forces had been exposed the casualties were very slight, only 9 men being wounded and of those only 3 severely.
Blount's Creek, North Carolina, April 5, 1864. Detachment of the 58th Pennsylvania and 21st Connecticut Infantry. Captains Clay and Stanton, who led the Union troops, moved from the garrison at Hill's point and near Blount's creek surprised Whitford's battalion of the 67th North Carolina, capturing Lieutenant Taylor and 6 men. The two Union captains received the congratulations of General Peck for their successful conduct of the expedition.
Blount's Plantation, Alabama, May 2, 1863. (See Streight's Raid.)
Blountsville, Alabama, May 1, 1863. (See Streight's Raid.)
Blountsville, Tennessee, September 22, 1863. Part of the 23d Army Corps. After the fight at Zollicoffer on the 20th the main body of the Union forces, under General John W. Foster, withdrew to Blountsville, where Page 140 they were engaged on the 22nd by about 3,600 of the enemy. The Confederates were defeated after a sharp fight, losing 50 prisoners and 1 piece of artillery. The Union loss was 6 killed and 14 wounded.
Blountsville, Tennessee, October 13, 1863. Part of the 3d Brigade, 4th Division, 23d Corps. About a mile from Blountsville a regiment of Confederate cavalry, with 2 pieces of artillery, were engaged by some of General Shackelford's command. The Confederates, under the command of General W. E. Jones, fell back slowly toward Zollicoffer, where they were reinforced by Wharton's brigade of infantry. No casualties reported on either side.
Bluebird Gap, Georgia, September 11, 1863.
Blue Creek, West Virginia, September 1, 1861.
Blue Earth River, Minnesota, May 2, 1865. A party of hostile Sioux Indians massacred a family of 5 or 6 persons on the Blue Earth river, and were pursued for some distance toward the Dakota line by a body of General Sibley's troops, but succeeded in making their escape.
Blue Island (near Leavenworth), Indiana, June 19, 1863. Home Guards, commanded by Major Glendenin. Blue Mills, Missouri, July 24, 1861. 5th Missouri Reserves.
Blue Mills Landing, Missouri, September 17, 1861. 3d Iowa Infantry. The Iowa troops, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel John Scott, left Centerville at 2 a. m. for Liberty, 10 miles distant, where they hoped to intercept a body of Missourians marching to the assistance of General Price. Upon arriving at Liberty, about 7 o'clock, Scott learned that the enemy to the number of about 4,000, had passed through the town on the afternoon preceding and taken the road to Blue Mills landing. While the troops were resting at Liberty firing was heard in the direction of the landing, and about the same time a rumor came that a Union force there was disputing the passage over the river. The firing was really a slight skirmish in which a party of Federal scouts lost 4 killed and 2 wounded. Scott moved his forces toward the landing, marching rapidly until near the river, when he proceeded with more caution to ascertain the enemy's position. The Confederates, under Atchison and Patton, were concealed in the bed of a dry slough, on both sides of the road, from which position a heavy fire was opened, driving back the skirmishers, and at the same time attacking parties were sent against the Union front and right. Notwithstanding the overpowering force—the Confederates having 4,400 and Scott about 700 men—the Federals bravely stood their ground, until ordered to fall back and then the retreat was conducted in an orderly manner. The Union loss was 20 killed and 80 wounded, that of the enemy being about 160 in killed and wounded. Blue Pond, Alabama, October 20, 1864.
Blue River, Missouri, May 21, 1864. 2nd Colorado Cavalry. A party of 9 men of the 2nd Colonel was escorting a prisoner to Kansas City, and when within half a mile of Blue River was attacked by about 35 guerrillas, having 1 man killed, 1 wounded and 1 missing. The Confederate loss was not learned.
Blue Rock Station, California, March 17, 1864. (See Red Mountain.)
Blue's Bridge, South Carolina, March 8, 1865. (See Love's Bridge, same date.)
Blue's Gap, Virginia, January 7, 1862. Detachment of Kelley's Division, Army of Western Virginia. General B. F. Kelley, who was in command of the posts along the different lines of railroad in the Department of Western Virginia, being desirous of diverting Stonewall Jackson's attention from Hancock, planned an expedition against the force of Confederates stationed at Blue's gap, or Hanging Rock pass. On the 6th he ordered Colonel S. H. Dunning, of the 5th Ohio infantry, to Page 141 make a detail of six companies from each of the following regiments: 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th Ohio, ist West Virginia, and 14th Indiana infantry. To this infantry force there were added the Ringgold, Washington, and three companies of the ist West Virginia, cavalry, Daum's battery and Baker's Parrott guns. The expedition left Romney at 11 o'clock on the night of the 6th and, notwithstanding the cold weather and recent fall of snow, marched the 15 intervening miles between that point and the gap before daylight. Selecting a hill overlooking the gap the Parrott guns were soon placed in position to command the pass. About the same time the Confederates could be seen making preparations to burn the bridge. Dunning ordered the 5th Ohio to advance at the double-quick to save it, and in a few minutes the regiment was on a bluff, where, with a well directed volley, they put a stop to further proceedings. Additional troops were now deployed to the right and left up the mountain, driving the enemy from covert to covert until a final stand was made in the rifle-pits near the summit. A charge was then ordered but before the men had time to fix their bayonets the Confederates left the pits and fled precipitately down the mountain, only to run into the remainder of the infantry force, who clinched the victory. The cavalry was ordered to charge but the fugitives scattered so that the charge was of no avail. The Confederates lost 7 men killed, a number wounded and 7 captured; besides 2 6-pounder cannon, a number of wagons, a quantity of ammunition, camp equipage, provisions, etc.. 10 horses and a number of tents. The Union loss was nothing. This expedition had the desired effect. Jackson, thinking an attack was about to be made on Winchester, withdrew from Hancock and hurried to the relief of Winchester.
Blue's House, West Virginia, August 26, 1861.
Blue Springs, Missouri, March 22, 1863. 5th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. A detachment of 50 men of the 5th cavalry, with an artillery company, under the command of Captain H. B. Johnson, met with a much larger force of guerrillas at Blue springs, about 12 miles from Independence, and in a skirmish lost 9 killed, 3 wounded and 6 missing. The Confederate loss was not ascertained. According to their custom the guerrillas broke up into small parties and scattered in all directions, killing, plundering and destroying as they went, and at the same time rendering pursuit impossible.
Blue Springs, Tennessee, near, October 5, 1863. Portion of General Burnside's forces. A reconnaissance, under Colonel James P. T. Carter, drove back the enemy's skirmishers, but finding the main body too large for him to attack, Carter withdrew, after a loss of 4 wounded and 7 missing, reporting 15 of the Confederates left dead on the field, most of whom were armed as infantry but wore the spurs of cavalrymen.
Blue Springs, Tennessee, October 10, 1863. Shackelford's Cavalry Division, and Infantry of the 9th Corps, Army of the Ohio. The cavalry advanced to Blue Springs, near Independence, early in the day, where they found a strong force of Confederates, under Colonels Carter and Giltner. who put up a stubborn resistance. Skirmishing was kept up until the arrival of the infantry, about 5 p. m., when the tide of battle was turned in favor of the Union forces. From that time until dark the fight was waged with unceasing vigor, and during the night the enemy quietly abandoned the field and retreated in the direction of Henderson. The Union loss was 9 killed, 61 wounded and 1 missing. No authentic report of the Confederate loss could be obtained, but it was known to be much heavier in killed and wounded, besides 150 being captured.
Blue Springs, Tennessee, August 23, 1864. 10th Michigan and 9th Tennessee Cavalry. General Gillem broke camp, near Russellville, at 6:30 a. m. on the 23d, and marched toward Greenville. After dispersing a small force of the enemy at Bull's gap and routing the pickets at Blue springs he came upon a larger body 2 miles further on. They occupied a strong position on a ridge to the south of the road. The 10th Michigan cavalry were ordered to dismount and move forward, while * pieces of artillery were placed in position. An attempt was made by the Confederates to charge one of the guns, but they were met by the 10th Michigan and repulsed with considerable loss. Two companies of the 9th Tennessee were then ordered to turn the enemy's left flank and this movement was successful through the assistance of a small boy—William Brown—who showed Colonel Miller a by-road, and although but a mere child, kept with Miller through the fight. As soon as the flank movement was made the Confederates began to retreat. Lieutenant-Colonel Brownlow was then ordered to take five companies of the 9th Tennessee and charge the enemy in front. Then commenced a running fight which was continued to 2 miles beyond Greenville. The Confederate loss was 57 killed and the Union loss 28 wounded, 2 of whom afterward died.
Blue Stone, West Virginia, August 13-14, 1862.
Blue Stone, West Virginia, February 8, 1864. A Confederate report states that a Federal force drove in the pickets of the 45th Virginia Infantry on the 8th. Rather than take chances of being defeated in his camp at the mouth of the Blue Stone, Lieutenant-Colonel W. E. Peters of the Confederate force withdrew to a better position 5 miles away. There he awaited the Union attack, and when it was made it was signally repulsed. Federal reports do not mention the affair, in which there were no casualties in the Confederate command and none definitely known in the Union force.
Blue Sulphur Road, West Virginia, December 14, 1863. (See Big Sewell Mountain.) Bluff Springs, Florida, March 25, 1865. (See Canoe Creek.)
Bluffton, South Carolina, June 4, 1863. According to Confederate reports, Lieutenant-Colonel T. H. Johnson, with about 240 men of the 3d, 4th and nth South Carolina cavalry, made an expedition from Fort Pulaski to Bluffton. At the outskirts of the town he encountered a body of Federal troops, which had just been landed from two gunboats and were advancing to meet him. An attempt was made to cut off the Union soldiers from the boats, but it failed. As Johnson followed them the gunboats opened a vigorous fire and he was compelled to fall back. The Federals then fired the town and fell back down the river. Johnson was investigated by a court of inquiry for his inefficient management of the affair. No casualties reported.
Blythe's Ferry, Tennessee, November 13, 1863.
Bobo's Cross-Roads, Tennessee, July 1, 1863. 2nd Division, 14th Corps. In order to take advantage of the situation made by the evacuation of Tullahoma by the Confederates, General George H. Thomas ordered General Negley to march with his division to Heffner's mill. (Negley in his reports says Hale's Mill.) The order was received about 11 o'clock on the morning of the 1st and was promptly executed. When about 3 miles from Bobo's cross-roads General Beatty's brigade, which was in advance, encountered the enemy's pickets, consisting of a force of cavalry and 2 pieces of artillery, and a skirmish was at once commenced. Several times Negley tried to flank the Confederates and capture their artillery, but owing to the broken surface of the ground was unable to succeed. The enemy was gradually forced back to a position on Elk River, beyond the Page 143 mill, where Negley, supported by Rosseau's division, went into camp. (See Bethpage Bridge.)
Bob's Creek, Missouri, March 7, 1862. A detachment of the 1st Battalion, Missouri Cavalry Militia. Learning that a camp of guerrillas was located at the Chain of Rocks, near Flint hill, and that its occupants were making forays into the surrounding country, disarming the citizens and plundering their homes, Lieutenant-Colonel Arnold Krekel, commanding the battalion, sent 120 men under Officers Windmueller and Heyn to break it up. The camp was found on Bob's creek, in Lincoln county, about 5 miles from where it was reported to be, and the men reached it too late in the morning to surprise it as had been intended. The Union troops ran into an ambush while approaching the camp and lost 3 men wounded. A rush was then made and the bushwhackers driven out before they had time to gather any of their camp equipage, which was all captured, including a large tent, 3 horses and a lot of blankets. About a dozen of the guerrillas were killed.
Boca Chica Pass, Texas, October 14, 1864. 91st Illinois Infantry. A small body of Confederates appeared before the fortifications commanded by Colonel Henry M. Day, of the 91st Illinois, but a few shots from one of the 20-pounders quickly dispersed them. No casualties reported on either side.
Boggs' Mills, Arkansas, January 24, 1865. 11th U. S. Colored Infantry, and a Detachment of the 3d Arkansas. On the night of the 24th Colonel Newton's regiment (Confederate) took possession of Boggs' mills, 12 miles from Dardanelle, the purpose being to grind a lot of flour and get away before daylight. About midnight Lieutenant-Colonel Steele, in command of the Union troops, effected a complete surprise, capturing all the flour, Newton's papers, 18 horses and 20 stands of arms.
Boggy Depot, Indian Territory, April 24, 1865. Scouts from the 7th Army Corps. A party of 20 Confederates, going north from Boggy Depot, were attacked by General Bussey's scouts; 3 were killed and a small mail was captured, the letters giving information of a proposed raid in Missouri.
Bogler's Creek, Alabama, April 1, 1865. (See Ebenezer Church.)
Bogue Chitto Creek, Mississippi, Oct 17, 1863. Portion of the 15th and 17th Army Corps. An expedition was sent from Messinger's ferry, on the Big Black river, to Canton, under the command of General McPherson, the object being to divert the enemy's attention from the movements going on in the vicinity of Vicksburg. Upon reaching Bogue Chitto creek on the afternoon of the 16th Colonel Winslow, being in advance with the 4th la. cavalry, found Whitfield's brigade, with 2 pieces of artillery, drawn up on the opposite side to oppose further advance. Force's brigade of infantry was sent across and deployed ready to attack, when night came on. Early the next morning Leggett's brigade was sent to the support of Force, while two batteries and three regiments of cavalry were sent across to turn the enemy's right flank, Mower's brigade being stationed at the bridge as a reserve. During the night Cosby's and Logan's brigades came up from Maltby to reinforce Whitfield, and when the morning of the 17th dawned there were two formidable forces opposed to each other at the bridge. The fight was opened by a battery of rifled guns, Force and Leggett at the same time advancing upon the works. The Confederates, seeing the force they had to meet, did not wait to receive the attack but left suddenly, part going toward Vernon and the rest, with the artillery, taking the road to Canton. Winslow's cavalry was started in pursuit on the Vernon road and Leggett was ordered to push on toward Canton. (See Robinson's Mills.)
Bogue Sound Blockhouse, North Carolina, February 2, 1864. (See New Berne, same date.) Boiling Fork, Tennessee, July 3, 1863. Part of the 2nd and 3d Divisions, 20th Corps. Sheridan advanced on Winchester at 4 a. m., driving the enemy's pickets before him. About 200 Confederate cavalry were drawn up in front of the town and Sheridan ordered a charge. The Confederates did not wait for the charge, but as soon as they saw it forming fled pell mell through the town, several of their number who were unable to keep up being captured. After crossing Boiling Fork, a small stream about a mile and a half from town, they made a stand, fired on the 39th Indiana, which was in close pursuit, and wounded 4 men. General Lytle's brigade was then sent forward to drive the enemy from the stream, which was easily done, the Confederates retiring in the direction of Cowan. The only Union loss sustained was the 4 men already mentioned, and 7 horses killed.
Boiling Springs, Tennessee, April 19, 1864. Scouts from the 2nd Indiana Cavalry. The scouting party came upon a small force of Confederates at Boiling springs, on the Charleston and Spring Place road, about 8 o'clock in the evening, and drove them back, killing 2 of their horses. Boiling Springs, Tennessee, April 22, 1864. Scouts from the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry. At Waterhouse's mill the party of scouts was divided into 2 parties, one, under Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart, was to proceed down the Spring Place road, and the other was to march by a different route, the object being to effect the capture or dispersion of a Confederate scouting party known to be in the vicinity of Boiling springs. Owing to a miscalculation in the distance the second party did not arrive in time to be of service to Stewart's men, who made the attack at daylight and succeeded in capturing 14 prisoners, 2 of whom were commissioned officers. Had the other party reached the enemy's rear according to the plan, not one would have escaped. The Union troops did not suffer any loss.
Boles' Farm, Missouri, July 22, 1862. Detachment of the 3d Iowa Cavalry. The skirmish at Boles' farm was part of a running fight as the Iowans retreated from Florida to Paris before a force that outnumbered them at least five to one. (See Florida.)
Bolivar, Alabama, April 28, 1862.
Bolivar, Mississippi, August 25, 1862. Bowen's Battalion of Missouri Cavalry; part of Hoffman's battery. When the expedition from Helena, Arkansas,' to the Mississippi and Yazoo rivers reached Bolivar, Colonel Woods ordered the men on shore. The infantry landed at the town but owing to the steep bank the boat proceeded on up the river for about half a mile to a place where the horses could be disembarked. A force of Confederates was soon discovered advancing from the front and left at the same time. Colonel Bowen ordered Lieutenant Crabtree to hold in check those in front and Captain Benteen those on the river road. The howitzers belonging to the battalion were placed in position and did good service until the ammunition was exhausted. A section of Hoffman's battery was then ordered up and opened a destructive fire on the Confederates, driving them back into the timber. The cavalry was then sent in pursuit and followed the enemy for about 2 miles, losing 1 man killed and 2 wounded by a fire from an ambush in a cornfield. The Confederate loss in killed and wounded was not learned, but a number of prisoners were taken, besides horses, arms, equipments, etc.
Bolivar, Mississippi, September 19, 1862. U. S. Ram, Queen of the West. As the ram was returning from Eunice Landing with the transports Iatan and Alhambra she was fired upon by some 700 infantry and 3 Page 145 pieces of artillery in the bend above Bolivar, where the channel made it necessary to run close to the Mississippi shore. The boats were lashed together and proceeded on their way, Lieutenant Callahan working the guns of the ram with great skill and bravery, silencing one of the enemy's cannon, while the sharpshooters on board returned the musketry fire with great vigor. The Queen was badly riddled by shells and minie balls and the loss on board was 3 killed, 1 severely and several slightly wounded. The Confederate loss was much heavier, as several of Callahan's shells burst in their midst, killing and wounding a large number, while the sharpshooters did not waste much ammunition by bad marksmanship.
Bolivar, Mississippi, July 6, 1864. A detachment of the 1st Brigade Cavalry Division, 16th Army Corps. This skirmish occurred during an expedition from Memphis, Tennessee, to Grand Gulf, Mississippi The troops on board the steamers J. D. Perry, J. C. Snow, Silver Wave, Madison, Sunny South, Rose Hambleton, Tycoon and Shenango, were passing Bolivar about 11 o'clock on the night of the 6th, when they were fired upon by a considerable body of Confederates from the Mississippi shore. The fire was promptly returned, though in the darkness it was impossible to determine the effect. The only casualty to the Union troops was the wounding of one man of the 19th Pennsylvania, and that but slightly.
Bolivar, Missouri, February 8, 1862. Bolivar, Tennessee, August 30, 1862. 2nd and 11th Illinois Cavalry, 20th and 78th Ohio, 20th, 30th and 45th Illinois, and 7th Missouri Infantry, and 9th Indiana Battery. Colonel M. M. Crocker, commanding the post at Bolivar, learning that a large force of Confederates was advancing against him from the south, sent out the two Ohio regiments, four companies of the 2nd and two companies of the 11th Illinois cavalry, and a section of artillery, under Colonel Leggett on the Grand Junction road, to hold the enemy in check. The first appearance of the enemy was a small force of cavalry about 4 miles south of Bolivar. Major Fry, with two companies of the 20th Ohio, and 45 mounted infantry, followed rapidly by the whole of Leggett's force, made an attempt to drive the Confederates from their position. About noon it was discovered that the enemy was trying to flank the Federal forces. Leggett in person took two companies of the 11th Illinois and some of the mounted infantry and crossed over toward the Middleburg road to head off the movement. This movement disclosed the Confederates in large numbers advancing over the Middleburg road, and Leggett sent to Bolivar for reinforcements. The remainder of the Union forces was hurried to his assistance by Crocker, who at the same time notified Brigadier-General L. F. Ross, at Jackson, of the impending attack. Ross hastened to Bolivar to find that after a skirmish of seven hours the Union troops had been beaten back by the superior numbers to a position inside the Federal lines. During the night the Confederates withdrew and Ross, fearing an attack on Jackson, returned to that place. The Union loss at Bolivar was 5 killed, 18 wounded and 64 missing. Among the killed was Lieutenant-Colonel Hogg, of the 2nd III. cavalry, who was pierced by nine balls while leading a charge. The Confederate loss was reported to be over 200, which was probably correct, as 179 killed and wounded were left upon the field. Bolivar, Tennessee, December 24. 1862. Detachment of Grierson's Cavalry. Colonel B. H. Grierson, who was ordered by General Grant to follow and capture Jackson, or destroy the resources of West Tennessee so that it would be incapable of supporting an army, learned at Grand Junction that Van Dorn was in the vicinity of Bolivar. Pushing forward he reached Bolivar about 11 o'clock on the night of the 23d. Page 146 About 6 miles southeast of Bolivar he saw the camp fires of the enemy and waited for daylight before making any demonstration. In the meantime the Confederates made a detour to the west and at daylight attacked the town from that quarter, captured some of the pickets belonging to the ist Tennessee cavalry and 5 men belonging to the 3d Michigan Lieutenant Ball was sent out with a small force and drove the enemy back for about 2 miles on the Brownsville road, killing 2 men. The Confederates then retreated in the direction of Middleburg and Ball returned to Bolivar. (See Middleburg.)
Bolivar, Tennessee, February 13, 1863. Cavalry Detachment . Bolivar, Tennessee, March 9, 1863. Troops not specified. Bolivar, Tennessee, March 21, 1863. 43d and 160th Illinois Infantry and ist West Tennessee Cavalry. Guerrillas had planned an attack on the pay train on the Illinois Central railroad between Bolivar and Grand Junction. It happened that a wood train passed down the line directly in advance of the pay train. About 3 miles from Grand Junction a rail had been removed, so that the engine, tender and 5 of the wood cars were thrown from the track. The accident occurred in a cut and almost instantly the banks were lined with guerrillas. The engineer of the pay train reversed his engine and in the midst of a hot fire started for Bolivar. He succeeded in taking his train back to that point, though he was struck by several bullets. Brigadier-General Mason Brayman sent troops to the scene of the wreck and despatched the cavalry in pursuit of the guerrillas. At Whiteville one man was captured who said the attacking party belonged to Forrest's command. No further casualties on either side. Bolivar, Tennessee, July 10, 1863. 11th Illinois Cavalry. A detachment of cavalry was sent out under Major Funke and at Bolivar about 80 Confederate cavalry were encountered. A brisk skirmish ensued in which the enemy was driven across the Hatchie river with a loss of 1 killed, several wounded, and a captain and several privates captured. The Union forces sustained no losses whatever.
Bolivar, Tennessee, February 7, 1864. Detachment of the 7th Indiana Cavalry. Lieutenant Kennedy, with a foraging party, was sent out on the Pocahontas road. When about 2 miles from Bolivar he came up with a party of guerrillas, which at once attacked. After a sharp skirmish the bushwhackers were repulsed with a loss of 9 men captured, together with 8 horses, 1 mule, and 7 guns and carbines. The Union force did not lose a man. Bolivar, Tennessee, March 29. 1864. 6th Tennessee Cavalry. The Union forces, under the command of Colonel Hurst, were guarding a wagon train on the road from Somerville to Bolivar. En route they were attacked by Neely's brigade of Forrest's cavalry. The wagon train with all its supplies fell into the hands of the enemy, Captain Moore and a number of men were killed, the surgeon captured, and a number reported missing. According to the report of General Forrest, four days later, the number of prisoners taken was 35. The Confederate loss was not ascertained.
Bolivar, Tennessee, May 2, 1864. 2nd New Jersey Cavalry. Colonel Joseph Karge of the 2nd New Jersey, was sent forward from Somerville, with 700 picked men and 2 pieces of artillery from Waring's division, by General Sturgis, to reconnoiter Forrest's position at Bolivar. Seven miles west of Bolivar this force came upon the enemy's pickets and drove them back, capturing 2 men. Proceeding on to Bolivar Karge found a Confederate force of about 1,000 men. After 2 hours' sharp fighting the Confederates were driven from their position and retreated in the direction of Pocahontas, pausing long enough to burn the bridge over the Hatchie river. The Union loss was 2 killed and 10 wounded. The enemy lost 7 killed, 20 wounded, and 2 captured.
Bolivar Heights, West Virginia, October 16, 1861. Detachments of the 3d Wisconsin, 13th Massachusetts and 28th Pennsylvania Infantry, and parts of the oth New York and Tompkins' Rhode Island Batteries. An expedition was sent out by General Banks on the 8th, under the command of Major J. P. Gould, of the 13th Massachusetts, for the purpose of removing a quantity of wheat the Confederates had stored at Harper's Ferry. On the 13th. Colonel John W. Geary was sent with reinforcements to assist Gould. The wheat was all removed on the 15th and the Union forces were preparing to recross the river the following morning. About daybreak the pickets on Bolivar heights were attacked and driven into the town of Bolivar by a considerable Confederate force, which approached from the west. The enemy's force was soon found to consist of infantry, cavalry and artillery. Part of his cannon were stationed on the heights from which the pickets had been driven, and another battery was in place on Loudoun heights so as to annoy any attempt to cross the river at the ferry. Geary assumed command, sent part of the 13th Massachusetts, under Captain Shriber, to prevent the Confederates from crossing the Shenandoah, while the rest of the troops were used in repelling the fierce charges of the Confederate cavalry, the infantry and artillery on the heights pouring an incessant fire into the town. After meeting three charges Geary assumed the aggressive, pushed forward his right and "turned the enemy's left flank near the Potomac, which enabled him to get possession of a portion of the heights. In the meantime Tompkins' had succeeded in silencing the guns on Loudoun heights, which gave him an opportunity to assist Lieutenant Martin of the 9th New York battery in his fire upon the cannon on Bolivar heights, against which the combined strength of the Union forces was now directed. Geary ordered a charge and in a few minutes the Federals were in possession of the heights, capturing one 32-pounder columbiad and one 13-pounder steel rifled gun. Immediately after the capture of the heights Major Tyndale arrived with five companies of the 28th Pennsylvania from the Point of Rocks. Two companies were sent to Gould at Sandy Hook and the others joined Geary. The captured cannon were now turned on the battery on Loudoun heights and did such effective service that every gun was soon silenced. The enemy then made a rapid retreat, having lost 150 men in killed and wounded, 4 prisoners, and, besides the 2 cannon already mentioned, a large quantity of ammunition. The Union loss was 4 killed, 7 wounded and 2 captured.
Bolivar Heights, West Virginia, September 14-15, 1862. (See Harper's Ferry, same date.)
Bolivar Heights, West Virginia, July 14, 1863. 1st Connecticut Cavalry. Major Farnsworth, with 50 men of the 1st Conn, cavalry, was sent out by Brigadier-General Henry M. Naglee, to reconnoiter the enemy's position and picket the roads leading to Harper's Ferry. About 2 miles from the ferry this expedition came up with about 30 Confederate pickets, charged them and drove them back upon their reserve, a force of some 200 men. A sharp skirmish followed, which soon became a hand-to-hand fight, and as the Confederates outnumbered the Union forces four to one the latter were repulsed. Farnsworth and 24 of his men were captured. Captain Blakeslee assumed the command and conducted the retreat in good order, bringing with him 1 captain, 1 second lieutenant and 2 privates as prisoners. Colonel A. W. Harman, of the 12th Virginia (Confederate) cavalry, was severely wounded and was afterward found and brought in as a prisoner.
Bolivar and Maryland Heights, West Virginia, July 4-7, 1864. Reserve Division of the Army of West Virginia.
Bollinger County, Missouri, January 14, 1864. Bollinger's Mill, Missouri, July 28, 1862. Two companies of the 12th Missouri Cavalry. Captain Whybark, with 50 men of Company F, left Greenville on the 26th on a scouting expedition. On the Castor river he was reinforced by Captain Hagan and Lieutenant Hummel with 80 men of the regiment. Early on the morning of the 28th the pickets were fired on by some strolling Confederates. A skirmish followed which lasted some 20 minutes, the pickets gradually falling back to the encampment of the main body near Bollinger's mill. Whybark, with his entire force, immediately started in pursuit. After traveling about 15 miles on the Fredericktown road he came upon a considerable force of the enemy and after a battle of half an hour drove it back with a loss of 15 in killed and wounded, capturing 2 prisoners and 4 horses, without the loss of a man.
Bolton Depot, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. (See Champion's Hill.)
Bolton Depot, Mississippi, February 4, 1864. (See Champion's Hill.) Bone Yard, Tennessee, February 10, 1863. 18th Missouri Volunteers. Bonfouca, Louisiana, November 26, 1863. 31st Massachusetts Volunteers and 4th Massachusetts Battery.
Bonito Rio, New Mexico, March 27, 1863. Detachment of the 1st California Cavalry. The detachment, under Major William McCleave, in pursuit of some Apache Indians who had run off about 60 horses from Fort West, came up with them about daylight on the 27th. McCleave dismounted part of his men and surrounded the Indian camp. In the fight that ensued, and which lasted but 20 minutes, 25 of the Apaches were killed, all the horses taken from the fort and a number belonging to the Indians were taken, the camp was destroyed and the band completely dispersed. The only casualty in the troop was 1 man slightly wounded.
Bonnet Carre, Louisiana, October 19, 1862. Boone, North Carolina, March 28, 1865. Detachment of the 12th Kentucky Cavalry. This was one of the incidents of the raid of General George Stoneman into southwestern Virginia and western North Carolina. On approaching the town of Boone it was learned that a company of home guards was to meet there on the 28th. The detachment of cavalry, under Major Keogh, was sent forward to surprise the Confederates. The movement was entirely successful, 9 of the home guards being killed and 68 captured. Keogh's loss, nothing.
Boone County, Missouri, September 10, 1862. 9th Missouri State Militia and Merrill's Horse Detachment. The Union troops, under the command of General Guitar, met a body of the enemy at daylight, routed him, killing 4, wounding several, capturing 5 prisoners, 9 horses and mules, 16 guns, 200 pounds of lead, 15 pounds of powder and considerable camp equipage, etc. The Confederates fled in all directions through the thick brush under a murderous fire, and it is likely that their loss was greater than that reported.
Boone County, Missouri, September 7-8, 1864. 1st Iowa Cavalry. A force of 200 men belonging to the 1st la. cavalry was divided into 3 squads and marched from Mexico, Missouri, into Boone county. At the county line the men were united for the encampment at night and separated the following morning. One squad soon came upon a camp of some 25 Confederates, routed them and scattered them in all directions, but without casualties on either side. That was on the morning of the 7th. The next day, the whole body of cavalry being divided into 2 columns and scouring the country between them, covering some 10 miles in extent, stirred up Captain Todd's company of guerrillas, numbering 50 men. A skirmish followed in which the guerrillas lost 4 or 5 wounded. 1 horse killed, 1 captured, and 14 guns. No Union loss was reported.
Boone Court House, West Virginia, September i, 1861. 1st Kentucky Volunteers.
Booneville, Kentucky, April 14, 1864. Citizens of Booneville. A party of Fred Gray's guerrillas, numbering 75 men, raided the town of Booneville. About 40 of the citizens hurriedly organized a company and thoroughly routed the raiders. The affair was reported to the department commander by Brigadier-General E. H. Hobson.
Booneville, Mississippi, May 30, 1862. 2nd Iowa and 2nd Michigan Cavalry. Colonel W. L. Elliott, in command of the cavalry brigade, left camp near Farmington at midnight, on the 27th, with instructions to proceed to the Mobile & Ohio railroad near Booneville and destroy it. About 2 o'clock on the morning of the 30th the command reached Booneville, after a circuitous route, via Iuka. Elliott found in and about the town some 2,000 sick and convalescent Confederate soldiers, with a guard of 700 infantry and 250 cavalry. The railroad depot was found to be filled with arms and ammunition, and a train loaded with both cannon and small arms, and a supply of ammunition, was standing on the track. After removing the sick to a safe distance Elliott ordered the train and depot both burned, and remained to see that the fire was not extinguished by the Confederates. More than 100,000 rounds of ammunition, several pieces of ordnance, with about 10,000 stand of small arms, were destroyed, the explosions being heard for two or three hours. The railroad was effectually destroyed on both sides of the town. The value of the property was estimated by Elliott to be from a quarter to a half million dollars. While the destruction was going on the movements of the Union forces were harassed by a detachment of Confederate cavalry. About 2,500 prisoners, including the sick, were taken, but as only about 40 or 50 were mounted, the rest were paroled for want of transportation. The Union loss was 1 killed, 2 wounded, and 6 missing.
Booneville, Mississippi, June 4, 1862. 2nd Iowa Cavalry. This was one of the skirmishes that occurred during the operations of Colonel Elliott's cavalry brigade in that vicinity. While on the march from Booneville to Blackland a considerable force of the enemy was found guarding the bridge over Twenty-Mile creek, about 8 miles from Booneville, with a section of artillery. The 2nd la. was in advance and at once engaged the Confederates in a sharp skirmish, which resulted in the withdrawal of the guns. The regiment then fell back to Booneville to "wait for the main body of the brigade before proceeding further. The Union loss was 3 killed and 9 wounded.
Booneville, Mississippi, June 11, 1862.
Booneville, Mississippi, July 1, 1862. 2nd Iowa and 2nd Michigan Cavalry. The two cavalry regiments engaged belonged to the 2nd brigade of Granger's division, and were under the command of Colonel P. H. Sheridan. Early on the morning of the 1st the pickets on the Blackland road were attacked and driven back by Chalmers' cavalry, numbering between 4,000 and 5,000 men. Sheridan hurried forward reinforcements and at the same time successfully directed a movement to turn the enemy's flank. Captain Alger, of the 2nd Michigan, gained their rear with four companies, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hatch of the 2nd la. took a position on the left of the Confederate position. Simultaneously the charge was made on the left and rear, the enemy became panic stricken and retired in disorder. Notwithstanding they outnumbered the Union forces more than four to one they were pursued for about 4 miles. The Union loss was 1 killed, 24 wounded, and 16 missing. The enemy's loss was much heavier, as the Union troops fought from cover most of the time while the Confederates occupied an open field. Over 50 Confederate dead and wounded were left on the field.
Boonesboro, Arkansas, November 7, 1862.
Boonesboro, Arkansas, November 28, 1862. (See Cane Hill.)
Boonsboro, Maryland, September 10, 1862. 3d Regiment, Potomac Home Brigade. Colonel S. W. Downey, commanding the regiment, encountered a large force of the enemy near Boonsboro while on a reconnaissance. He made a dash with a small cavalry detachment, which caused some confusion among the Confederates, but produced no decisive results. Casualties, if any, were not reported.
Boonsboro, Maryland, September 14, 1862. (See South Mountain.)
Boonsboro, Maryland, September 15, 1862. (See Antietam.) Boonsboro, Maryland, July 7-8, 1863. 1st and 3d Divisions, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac. The only action on the 7th was the shelling of the Union rear-guard by the Confederate batteries. On the morning of the 8th the enemy was reported to be advancing in force on the Hagerstown road. General Buford ordered Colonel William Gamble, commanding the 1st brigade, to take a position on the ridge on the right of the road, about a mile and a half from the town, to check the advance and at the same time ordered part of the 2nd U. S. artillery to support Gamble's position. As the Confederates approached the artillery opened fire, which was promptly responded to by the Confederate batteries. A sharp skirmish then followed but Gamble maintained his position until the enemy worked around to his left toward the Williamsport pike, when he was ordered to fall back to Boonsboro. The enemy immediately occupied the ridge, placed some sharpshooters in a stone barn, commanding the road, and assumed the defensive. Generals Buford and Kilpatrick then went to the front to recapture the ridge. The first attempt was unsuccessful and Gamble was ordered to dismount a portion of his command and charge the woods. This drove the Confederates from their position and they were pursued for three miles, across Beaver creek, on the Williamsport or Funkstown road. At Williamsport Buford captured a small wagon train and about 40 mules. (For losses in this action see Funkstown, Maryland, July 10, 1863.)
Boonville, Missouri, June 17, 1861. Missouri Volunteers, Totten's Battery, and Three Companies of Infantry. The Union troops, under the command of Brigadier-General Nathaniel Lyon, of the U. S. Army, had gone to Jefferson City to engage the state troops led by Gov. Jackson. Upon arriving at the capital Lyon was informed that Jackson had retreated in the direction of Boonville. Leaving three companies of Colonel Boernstein's regiment at Jefferson City he proceeded by boat up the river to within about 6 miles of Boonville, where he disembarked the greater part of his force, leaving one company of Blair's regiment and a small detachment of artillery to continue by water, while he, with about 1,700 men. marched against the town by land. When within 2 miles of the town Lyon found his further progress disputed by a body of state troops under the command of Colonel Marmaduke. The force of Marmaduke was not strong enough, however, to offer serious resistance, and after a short skirmish fell back to the town. The entire Confederate force there was then driven out and Lyon occupied the place. The Union loss was 2 killed, 9 wounded, and 15 missing, and the Confederate loss 25 killed, 50 wounded and 20 captured. This occurrence ended the power of Gov. Jackson in the state.
Boonville, Missouri, September 13, 1861. Missouri Home Guards. A body of home guards, commanded by Major Eppstein, was intrenched at Boonville, when the place was invested by a detachment of Price's army. Colonel Jeff C. Davis, of the 22nd Indiana infantry, commanding at Jefferson City, hurried 1,200 men to Eppstein's relief and the enemy gave up Page 151 the contest. They had been expecting reinforcements from General Green, but Green was attacked by a detachment of Federal troops while crossing the river at Glasgow and was therefore unable to send assistance to Boonville. At Boonville the Union loss was 1 killed and 4 wounded; that of the enemy was 12 killed and 40 wounded. No casualties were reported on the Federal side at Glasgow, but a number of Confederates were known to have been killed.
Boonville, Missouri, October 11-12, 1863. 9th Missouri. State Militia Cavalry. This was a trivial affair, consisting of desultory firing across the Missouri river at long range, the only casualty reported being the killing of a horse in the Union encampment by a shot from a Parrott gun.
Boonville, Missouri, October 9, 1864. Missouri State Militia, Cavalry and Light Artillery, United States Volunteer Cavalry in pursuit of Price. The Confederates evacuated Jefferson City on the 8th and early the next morning the Union troops started in pursuit. The rear guard was overtaken before noon and skirmishing continued throughout the day. At Boonville the enemy made a stand and a sharp engagement ensued, though with slight losses on both sides.
Boonville, Missouri, October 11-12, 1864. 2nd Arkansas Cavalry, and 6th Provisional Enrolled Missouri State Militia. The 2nd Arkansas and 6th Missouri cavalry, with 1 squadron of the 8th Missouri, were sent to the west of Boonville, on the Georgetown road to ascertain the movements of the enemy, drive in his pickets and learn if the main body had left Boonville for the west. About 3 miles south of Boonville the Arkansas troops under Colonel Phelps encountered a strong Confederate outpost and a fight was immediately commenced. The Missouri regiment hurried forward and the pickets were driven back toward the town, until reinforced by a section of artillery, when the Union forces retired beyond Saline creek, where they waited for the enemy to make some demonstration. At 5 o'clock the Federals again assumed the aggressive and drove the lines back until the artillery was again brought into service. Shortness of rations then compelled them to retire to California, Missouri, for a supply. The loss on each side was insignificant.
Boonville, Missouri, May 3, 1865. 50th Wisconsin Infantry. Captain Arnold of the Wisconsin regiment attacked a party of bushwhackers in the act of crossing the Missouri river a few miles below Boonville, killing 3, wounding 2, and capturing 9 horses and their equipments. On the same day Captain Putnam, with 17 men of Captain Miller's company, followed a party of 9 men belonging to Weaver's company of guerrillas, who had crossed the river at a large island about 16 miles below Boonville. Two miles from the river he overtook them, when the bushwhackers abandoned their horses and took to the woods. Deeming his force insufficient to follow into the underbrush, Putnam returned, taking with him the 9 horses and the citizen who aided the Confederates to cross the river.
Boonville, North Carolina, April 10, 1865. 2nd Division, 14th Army Corps. In the campaign of the Carolinas the itinerary of the division for this date says: "Left Goldsboro for Raleigh, North Carolina Skirmished with the enemy from Boonville to Moccasin swamp; distance 6 miles." This is the only official mention of the occurrence.
Booth's Run, California, May 2, 1864. Detachment of Company E, 6th California Infantry. Lieutenant Taylor, commanding the detachment, found on May 1 a trail of hostile Indians near Kneeland's prairie. He sent 2 privates, Mills and Berry, to the trail, with instructions to wait for the wagon train from Humboldt and accompany it to the post at Camp Iaqua. At Booth's run the two men came upon the Indians Page 152 and Private Mills was shot from ambush. Taylor, with the rest of his men, started in pursuit and came up with the Indians about sunset. Concluding it best to wait for daylight he attacked the camp early on the morning of the 2nd, killed 7, wounded 1, and captured 2 squaws and 2 children. The rest fled so precipitately that they left all their plunder behind, which was taken to the camp and turned over to Major Wright, commandant of the post.
Borgne Lake, Louisiana, November 22, 1863.
Boston, U. S. Transport, May 26, 1864. (See Chapman's Fort, South Carolina)
Boston Mountains, Arkansas, November 9, 1862. Boteler's Ford, Virginia, September 20, 1862. (See Blackford's Ford.)
Bottom's Bridge, Virginia, May 19-23, 1862. 4th Army Corps. In General McClellan's advance on Richmond the 4th corps, commanded by Brigadier-General E. D. Keyes, struck the Chickahominy river at Bottom's bridge. On the 19th some of Casey's batteries threw a few shells to develop the enemy's position on the opposite side of the river. The next day a detachment of the 7th Massachusetts made a reconnaissance toward the bridge and was fired upon from the rifle-pits on the south bank, 1 man being wounded. On the same day General Barnard reconnoitered the river for some distance below the bridge, finding the stream well picketed at the crossings by the enemy. Keyes then ordered General Naglee to make a reconnaissance with his entire brigade on the 21st and ascertain the strength and position of the enemy at the railroad bridge a short distance above Bottom's bridge. Deploying his men behind the railroad embankment, his flanks well supported, Naglee advanced through a swamp, his men wading through water up to their waists at times and drove the pickets from the railroad bridge. In front of Bottom's bridge the brigade was subjected to a heavy fire, but General Casey sent 4 guns of Bailey's battery to its support, and a few well directed shots drove the enemy from the bank of the river. The next day the headquarters of the army were removed to Cold Harbor, and on the 23d Naglee, and Colonel Gregg, with the 8th Pennsylvania, cavalry, made reconnaissances on the roads leading from Bottom's bridge to within 10 miles of Richmond. Gregg encountered a regiment of infantry and about 400 cavalry and after a sharp skirmish routed them, but would not pursue for fear of being led into an ambush in the woods through which the enemy retreated.
Bottom's Bridge, Virginia, July 2, 1863. (See Baltimore Cross-Roads.)
Bottom's Bridge, Virginia, August 27, 1863. 1st New York Mounted Rifles and 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry. The expedition, consisting of about 900 men of the two regiments, under the command of Colonel B. F. Onderdonk, left Williamsburg shortly after noon on the 26th, its purpose being to learn the strength of the enemy along the Chickahominy river. After slight skirmishes with the enemy at Hall's farm, Slatersville, New Kent Court House, Baltimore Store and Crump's cross-roads the expedition reached Bottom's bridge on the 27th to find it guarded by a considerable force of Confederates in rifle-pits. Dismounting part of his men and deploying them as skirmishers, Onderdonk drove the men out of the pits and across the river to a stronger earthwork, guarded by a force of infantry and a squadron of cavalry. By this time it was dark and having learned the approximate strength of the Confederates along the river, and that the main body was only 2 miles below the bridge, Onderdonk withdrew to Baltimore Store and bivouacked for the night. (For losses see Slatersville, Virginia, August 28.)
Bottom's Bridge, Virginia, February 7. 1864. 4,000 Infantry, 2,200 Cavalry, Page 153 Hunt's and Belger's Batteries. This was an expedition planned by General B. F. Butler, and placed under the command of Brigadier-General I. J. Wistar, the object being the surprise and capture of Richmond and the liberation of Union prisoners there. For two months prior to this time there had been no guard at Bottom's bridge and the aim was to reach that point at 3 o'clock on Sunday morning, February 7, and from there make a rapid march into the Confederate capital before resistance could be organized. The undertaking failed because of one of those unforeseen events that sway the destinies of mankind. Private William Boyle, who was under sentence of death for the murder of a lieutenant, was allowed to escape on the 3d. He made his way to Richmond and gave the Confederates information of the proposed attack. Consequently when Wistar reached Bottom's bridge on the morning of the 7th he found it guarded by a strong force of infantry, cavalry and artillery. The floor had been torn from the bridge and both fords in the immediate neighborhood were strongly guarded. Major Whelan, of the New York mounted rifles, made a gallant charge on one of the fords but was repulsed. Realizing that the expedition had failed of its purpose, Wistar withdrew with a loss of 9 men and 10 horses killed, being harassed on his retreat by the enemy.
Bott's Farm, Missouri, July 24, 1862. 3d Iowa Cavalry.
Bough's Ford, Alabama, November 9-11, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 5th Cavalry Division, Military Division of the Mississippi. Brigadier-General Hatch ordered Colonel Coon to make a demonstration with his brigade at Bough's ford across Shoal creek on the 9th, but the stream was found too high to ford, and another demonstration was ordered on the 11th. This time Major Horton, commanding the 2nd la., found a ford about a quarter of a mile below the main crossing and sent over the 1st battalion under Major Schnitzer, when the banks became so miry that it was deemed unsafe to try to cross any more troops. Coon then ordered Schnitzer's recall, and directed Horton to dismount the rest of his men and push them up to the bank of the creek to cover Schnitzer's retreat. Meantime the enemy was keeping up an incessant fire from a barricade on the bluff about 300 yards distant. Captain Blackburn, with a detachment of the 9th Illinois, crossed the creek above the mill and made a flank movement to the right of this position, driving in the pickets, which threw the enemy into such consternation that Schnitzer was enabled to recross the stream. No losses reported.
Boutte Station, Louisiana, September 4, 1862. Detachment of the 8th Vermont Infantry. On this date Captain Hall, commanding the Federal outposts at Bayou des Allemands, despatched Captain Clark of Company K, 8th Vermont, with a detail of infantry and a 12-pounder howitzer manned by 12 men on a train of cars to meet and protect the upper train which was supposed to be without escort. At a point nearly opposite Boutte Station, the train was fired into by about 1,000 mounted Texas rangers under Colonel Waller. The artillerymen and many of the infantry, who were riding on open cars, were killed or wounded. The Confederates had opened a switch leading to a side-track, on which the train collided with an empty passenger car with such force as to hurl many men from the platform cars to the ground, but went on at reduced speed. One of the soldiers hurried to the forward end of the switch and adjusted it so that the train ran out upon the main track instead of into the ditch as the Confederates had planned. Clark soon met the upper train, but, deeming it unwise to try to pass so large a force, ran both trains to Algiers. The Confederates robbed the dead, the dying and the wounded, slashed disabled men in their heads with sabers and in other ways treated them outrageously, then moved on Page 154 toward the bayou. Halting, they raised a flag of truce and Hall sent some men to learn its import. The latter did not return, and he sent others to inquire concerning them. Both parties were seized and placed in front of the Confederate column and obliged to march toward the bayou. Confronted by a greatly superior force and obliged to fire at his own men, if he fired at all, Hall surrendered. Casualties—killed 9; wounded and missing 182.
Bowers' Mill, Missouri, October 4, 1863. Colonel J. O. Shelby (Confederate), in his report of his raid through Missouri and Arkansas, says of his movements on this date: "Passed through the blackened and desolated town of Sarcoxie, * * * then to Oregon, or Bowers' mill, a notorious pest spot for the militia, which was sacked and then swept from the face of the earth." This is the only mention of the affair in the official records of the war. Bowling Green, Kentucky, February 1, 1862. One Company of the 2nd Indiana Cavalry.
Bowling Green, Kentucky, February 15, 1862. Occupied by troops of Brigadier-General Don Carlos C. Buell's army. During the night of the 14th the advance guard, consisting of Colonel Turchin's brigade, under cover of artillery, effected a passage of the river by means of a large flatboat taken from a flour-mill some 4 miles below the town. At 5 o'clock on the morning of the 15th the troops marched into the town to find that the Confederates had decamped, leaving a large supply of clothing, provisions, harness, saddles, etc., to fall into Union hands. Before evacuating they set fire to the railroad buildings and several public edifices. No casualties occurred on either side and the capture of Bowling Green was a bloodless victory.
Bowling Green Road, Kentucky, September 17, 1862. Bowling Green Road, Virginia, May 11, 1862. Harris' Light Cavalry. An advancing body of Confederates were checked and finally repulsed by a detachment of the Harris light cavalry. Major Duffle succeeded in cutting off and capturing a lieutenant and 10 men. No other casualties reported.
Bowman's Place, West Virginia, June 29, 1861.
Box Ford, Mississippi, October 7, 1862. 22nd Ohio Infantry. A detachment of three companies, under the command of Captain George R. French, encountered the enemy's pickets at Box ford, over the Hatchie river, and drove them to Ruckersville. No losses reported on either side. Boyce's Bridge, Louisiana, May 14, 1863. Cavalry of Weitzel's Brigade, 75th New York and 4th Wisconsin Infantry, and Nims' Battery. General Weitzel, learning that a force of Confederates was at Boyce's bridge over Cotile bayou, constructing breastworks of cotton bales, sent two companies of cavalry to reconnoiter. This detachment engaged the enemy but finding him too strong fell back, being pursued for a short distance by the Confederates, when the cavalry turned and charged them, driving them back to their works. The Union loss was 1 man and several horses killed. That of the enemy was greater, as three dead bodies were found and buried by the Union troops. That was on the 13th. The next day Weitzel sent the infantry and artillery by the gunboat "Switzerland" to drive the Confederates from their position. As soon as the Federal forces appeared the enemy fled in three directions, closely pursued by cavalry, and took up a position behind Cane river.
Boyce's Plantation, Louisiana, May 6, 1864. Provisional Division, 17th Army Corps. Brigadier-General T. Kilby Smith, commanding a detachment of the 17th corps, in giving the battles and affairs in which his command was in part or as a whole engaged, states that on the 6th it was Page 155 in the fight at Boyce's plantation. This is the only mention of the affair. Boyd's Neck, South Carolina, November 29, 1864. Marine Brigade. (See Honey Hill, November 30, 1864.)
Boyd's Station, Alabama, March 10, 1865. 101st U. S. Colored Troops. About 4 p. m. Lieutenant Becker at Boyd's station heard firing in the direction of Woodville Station. A small detachment of Company E was sent out in charge of Sergt. Bell to learn the cause. He found 5 men from Woodville, surrounded in a cut by guerrillas, resisting capture. The colored troops charged the guerrillas and drove them back and then with the assistance of the 5 men kept up a skirmish until night, but as the enemy were mounted it was not easy to get in fair range. One guerrilla was seen to fall from his horse and one of the colored soldiers was captured.
Boyd's Station, Alabama, March 15-18, 1865. 101st U. S. Colored Troops. The garrison at Boyd's station, near Stevenson's gap, was in command of Lieutenant Frederick Becker, of the 101st colored infantry. The Confederate Colonel Mead, with about 300 cavalry, kept in the neighborhood and never lost an opportunity to annoy the garrison and prevent the men from working on the stockade and guarding the railroad. On the 15th the men were driven in; on the night of the 16th they surrounded the stockade but left after two hours' brisk fighting, and on the 18th they made another attack and captured 9 of the colored troops. Lieutenant-Colonel Wade then sent reinforcements to the garrison, thus giving Becker a force sufficiently strong to repel the attacks.
Boydton Plank Road, Virginia, October 27-28, 1864. (See Hatcher's Run, same date.)
Boykin's Mill, South Carolina, April 18, 1865. Provisional Division, Department of the South. The affair at Boykin's mill, or Swift creek, as it is sometimes called, was one of a number of skirmishes that occurred on an expedition from Georgetown to Camden. The provisional division, under the command of Brigadier-General E. E. Potter, reached Camden on the 17th, to learn that the locomotives and trains had been removed to Boykin's mill, on Swift creek, 8 miles below, and that the Confederates, reinforced by two brigades of cavalry, were there throwing up intrenchments. On the morning of the 18th the division advanced on the enemy's position. Upon arriving near the mill it was discovered that the enemy had cut the dam and flooded the road, torn up the bridges and were strongly intrenched on the opposite side of the creek. On both sides of the railroad at this point there were swamps. The 32nd U. S. colored troops was pushed forward into the swamp toward the creek but were compelled to retrace on account of the mud and water. An attempt was then made by the 107th Ohio to turn the enemy's right, but it had to be abandoned for the same reason. The attention was then turned to the other direction. The 54th Massachusetts found the remains of a bridge, which appeared to offer a crossing, so that the Confederates could be taken on the left, but while in the act of crossing the creek were fired on and lost several men. Further to the left the 102nd colored infantry, guided by one of their own race, effected a crossing, while the 25th Ohio, supported by the 1st brigade, was pushed forward to the center, ready to charge across the railroad bridge. As soon as the firing of the colored troops on the left was heard the charge was made across the railroad bridge and the enemy driven from his position, retreating toward the south. One locomotive and some flat-cars were then destroyed by the Union forces, together with a large quantity of cotton and the station buildings. Page 156 The pursuit was continued next day. (See Denkins' Mill, April 19.)
Boynton's Prairie, California, May 6, 1864. 6th California Infantry. Corporal J. D. Barnes, while engaged in taking supplies to the camp at Boynton's prairie, was shot by the Indians and died a few hours later. Lieutenant John Oaks, with 22 men, was sent in pursuit. He destroyed an Indian ranch, composed of huts, but found nothing of the Indians themselves.
Brackett's Ford, Virginia, June 30, 1862. As McClelland was changing his base to the James river a skirmish occurred on this date at Brackett's ford over White Oak creek, a detailed account of which is given under the head of the Seven Days' battles.
Braddock's Farm, Florida, February 5, 1865. (See Welaka.)
Bradfordsville, Kentucky, February 8, 1865. 30th Kentucky Infantry. A band of about 50 guerrillas burned a railway train at New Market and then moved in the direction of Bradfordsville. Major Mahoney, with 35 men, most of whom belonged to the invalid corps, went in pursuit. Near Bradfordsville the guerrillas made a stand. Mahoney dismounted his men, who let their horses get away when the Confederates charged and were compelled to retreat. The guerrillas captured several of the horses. No casualties reported on either side.
Bradyville, Tennessee, February 16, 1863.
Bradyville, Tennessee, March 1, 1863. 1st Tennessee and 3d and 4th Ohio Cavalry. A foraging expedition, under Brigadier-General David S. Stanley, was sent out on the Bradyville pike from Murfreesboro. When within about 2 miles of the town of Bradyville the 1st Tennessee, which was in advance, came up with the enemy's pickets and drove them back. Upon arriving at the town a considerable force of Confederates was found strongly posted and disposed to resist the further progress of the foragers. The Tennessee troops, after a short skirmish, were driven back in some confusion. Colonel James W. Paramore, commanding the brigade, ordered up the 3d and 4th Ohio, and while the main body of the two regiments was stationed in front, detachments were sent to both the right and left. The enemy offered a stubborn resistance until the enfilading fire of the flanking parties commenced, when he broke and fled in confusion, being pursued for 2 or 3 miles. The Union loss was 2 killed and 7 wounded. The Confederates left 5 dead upon the field, about 20 or 30 were wounded and 83 captured. In addition to this they lost 70 horses and mules, 2 wagonloads of new saddles, 1 wagon-load of picket rope, and a large quantity of commissary stores.
Bradyville, Tennessee, June 24, 1863. Part of 2nd Division, 21st Army Corps. The division, commanded by Major-General John M. Palmer, was ordered to march from Murfreesboro to the vicinity of Bradyville, the advance brigade to occupy the ridge at the commencement of the Barrens. At 3 o'clock that afternoon, the 11oth Illinois, which was in advance, encountered a small Confederate force, near Welles' church, on Browley's fork. Palmer's personal escort, part of Company C, 7th Illinois cavalry, was ordered to the assistance of the advance guard and in a short time the enemy was at full speed in retreat. One man of the escort was killed and another slightly wounded, which were the only casualties on the Union side.
Bradyville Pike, Tennessee, January 23. 1863. Bradyville Pike, Tennessee, May 17, 1863. Part of 2nd Division 21st Army Corps. While General Palmer was encamped with his division at Cripple creek, the Confederates were in the habit of making daily excursions to Youry's, three and a half miles from the camp, telling the Page 157 people how anxious they were "to see the Yanks." On the 16th Palmer rode to Youry's with a small escort of 20 men. Knowledge of this was conveyed to the Confederate camp at Dug Hollow and a detail was made to watch for a second visit on the part of the Union officer. Palmer went out again on the 17th, but this time he had about 100 men in his escort. At Youry's he learned that a detachment of the 3d Georgia cavalry had just left there a short time before. Taking a side road he managed to get between them and their camp, charged them in the face of a quick fire, killing and wounding several of their number and capturing 18 prisoners. The enemy fell back when Palmer's men came within 100 yards, but after reaching a piece of timber made a stand. The Union force, after a short skirmish, returned to Cripple creek, having had 5 men wounded and losing 3 horses, though they captured a number of horses in return.
Bragg's Farm, Missouri, September 13, 1862. 2nd Missouri State Militia. The Missouri state troops, under the command of Brigadier-General John McNeil, struck Porter's camp at Bragg's farm, near Whaley's mill, at 5 p. m. The 2nd regiment was pushed forward as an attacking party and in a few minutes had the Confederates in full flight. Two were left dead on the field and it was known that several were wounded, besides 20 men, a number of horses and a quantity of clothing and provisions captured. McNeil's loss was 1 killed and 2 wounded. Porter's force numbered about 500 men, and was pursued until dark.
Branchville, Arkansas, January 19, 1864. 1st Indiana, 5th Kansas, and 7th Missouri Cavalry. About midnight on the 18th Colonel Powell Clayton, with the three cavalry regiments and 4 pieces of light artillery, left the post at Pine Bluff in the direction of Monticello. At daylight he encountered a Confederate picket at Bayou Bartholomew, 12 miles from Pine Bluff, and about 5 miles further on the advance commenced skirmishing with the pickets, driving them back for 5 miles in the direction of Branchville, when the Confederates were found in line of battle in some thick timber. Clayton deployed the Indiana and Kansas regiments to the right and left, holding the Missouri troops in the rear as a reserve in support of the artillery. After 2 hours the Missouri men were dismounted and pushed forward to the relief of the skirmishers. Going into the fight at a double-quick they struck consternation to the enemy, who fled to Branchville, where he was pursued and completely routed. Owing to scarcity of ammunition Clayton withdrew the pursuit and fell back to Pine Bluff. Clayton lost 2 men killed and several slightly wounded. Commanders of the different regiments reported 16 Confederates killed and 9 severely, besides a number slightly wounded.
Branchville, Arkansas, March 27, 1864. (See Camden, Arkansas, Expedition to.)
Branchville, Arkansas, May 27, 1864. Brandenburg, Kentucky, September 12, 1862.
Brandenburg, Kentucky, July 8, 1863. United States Steamer Springfield. The Brandenburg skirmish was an incident of the celebrated Morgan raid. While the noted guerrilla chieftain was crossing his forces into Indiana, the Springfield, commanded by Acting Ensign James Watson, kept up a fire from his vessel on the Confederate troops. Morgan finally planted three batteries in such a way as to command the river for some distance and the steamer was compelled to withdraw for lack of adequate support.
Brandon, Mississippi, July 19, 1863. Portion of 3d Division, 15th Army Corps. On the morning of the 18th, while the advance was debouching from a piece of timber, the Confederates opened fire from a battery of 3 guns planted directly in the road, and at the same time the cavalry of the enemy began making demonstrations on the flanks. Colonel J. L. Geddes, commanding the advance brigade, immediately formed the 12th In. on the right, the 8th and 14th Louisiana on the left of the road, the 72nd Ohio in close support, and ordered an advance, at the same time deploying a strong Page 158 line of skirmishers well to the front. Just as the forward movement was commenced 2 guns of Waterhouse's battery were brought up, one placed in the road and the other in a cornfield on the right, and at once began to shell the enemy's position. The Confederates fell back, contesting every inch of the way to Brandon, 3 miles to their rear, 2 hours being consumed in the running fight. When the Union troops entered Brandon the town was practically deserted. The Union loss was reported as being 8 men killed, wounded and missing; that of the enemy as 31 killed and 40 prisoners, the number of wounded not being ascertained.
Brandon, Mississippi, February 7,. 1864. Part of 16th and 17th Army Corps. The advance had a spirited skirmish with some Confederate cavalry, but succeeded in driving the enemy from the town, chasing him for some 6 miles. No casualties were reported on either side but the post adjutant was captured by the Union forces. During the day the rear-guard was annoyed by the Confederate cavalry under General W. H. Jackson, but little damage was done. At Brandon 2 miles of railroad, a bridge and about 450 feet of trestle work were destroyed. The affair was an incident of the Meridian exposition.
Brandon Bridge, Virginia, May 9, 1864. 3d New Hampshire Infantry. The regiment, under the command of Colonel J. I. Plimpton, was stationed by General Terry to guard the bridge, which was on the road from Petersburg to Richmond, instructed to let no troops pass, and to reconnoiter the position of the enemy. It was after dark when Plimpton reached the bridge. Halting his men about 700 yards from the river he advanced with 150 men deployed as skirmishers and met the enemy about 150 yards from the bridge. Firing commenced immediately on both sides, the Confederates using grape and canister from a battery on the opposite side of the river. Owing to the darkness but little damage was done to either side and in a short time the firing ceased. The skirmish was renewed the next morning, but Plimpton held his position until about 10 o'clock, when he was ordered to fall back, his casualties being 2 men slightly and 1 severely wounded.
Brandy Station, Virginia, August 20, 1862. Brigadier-General Beverly H. Robertson in his report of the campaign in northern Virginia in 1862 says that a portion of his Confederate cavalry brigade attacked a Federal force guarding the railroad between Stevensburg and Brandy Station. The Federals were driven back to Brandy Station where for some time they offered a determined resistance to the approaching enemy, who finally charged and routed them. The losses were 3 killed and 13 wounded on the Confederate side and 64 of the Union participants captured, besides a number killed and wounded. Federal reports make no mention of the affair. Brandy Station, Virginia, April 29, 1863. Two squadrons of the 5th U. S. Cavalry. The two squadrons of cavalry were sent out by General Stoneman to effect a junction with General Averell's division at Brandy Station. They were commanded by Captain Drummond and Lieutenant Walker. Before reaching the station they came in contact with a detachment of Confederate cavalry, supported by a battery of artillery. This force they drove back to the station, losing 1 man, but failed to see or hear anything of Averell. That night they rejoined the main body near Kelly's ford.
Brandy Station, Virginia, June 9, 1863. 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 6th Corps; 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 11th Corps; and Pleasonton's Cavalry, Army of the Potomac. Preparatory to the invasion of Pennsylvania, Lee concentrated his army at Culpeper, Virginia. In order to learn something of the enemy's strength and proposed movements General Hooker, then in command of the Army of the Potomac, sent General Pleasonton, with his three divisions of cavalry, supported by Ames' and Russell's brigades of infantry and six light batteries, about 11,000 men in all, to beat up the camps of Page 159 Stuart's cavalry in the neighborhood of Brandy Station and, if possible, gain the desired information. On the 8th Pleasonton moved from Falmouth up the north bank of the Rappahannock without being discovered. That night Buford's division of cavalry and Ames' infantry lay at Beverly ford, waiting for daylight to cross the river. At Kelly's ford, 6 miles below, were Duffle's and Gregg's cavalry divisions and Russell's brigade of infantry. No camp fires were lighted and at dawn the whole force crossed the river and moved toward Brandy Station, where the command was to unite and march on toward Culpeper. Duffle was to move via the Stevensburg road and the infantry was to be used to keep open the line of retreat if the enemy proved too strong to overcome. Buford's division encountered the Confederate cavalry between the ford and Brandy Station. This unexpected appearance of Stuart in his front somewhat disarranged Pleasonton's plans. A sharp engagement was fought at St. James' Church, in which Buford had to contend with five brigades of cavalry and about 20 pieces of artillery. Finding that he was unable to break the enemy's line Buford fell back to avoid being flanked out of his position and cut off from the ford. In the meantime Gregg had succeeded in getting to the rear of Stuart without being observed and began his attack just as Buford retired. For some time he engaged the whole Confederate force on Fleetwood hill, finally being compelled to withdraw, leaving 3 of his guns in the hands of the enemy, as most of the horses belonging to the battery had been killed during the action. Duffle came up as rapidly as possible, but owing to the distance he had to march, did not reach the field until the fight was over. Learning that a large body of infantry was coming from Culpeper to the assistance of Stuart, and having accomplished the object for which he was sent out, Pleasonton ordered his command to recross the Rappahannock, which was accomplished without any interference from the enemy, who had no desire for further combat. The Federal loss at Brandy Station was 81 killed, 403 wounded and 382 captured or missing. Stuart reported his casualties as being 51 killed, 250 wounded and 132 missing, but Pleasonton reported the capture of over 200 prisoners. One important result of this engagement was the capture at Stuart's headquarters of a desk containing a number of despatches, by which Hooker learned of the projected invasion of Pennsylvania, and was enabled to thwart Lee's original plans, compelling him to move through the Shenandoah valley instead of along the eastern base of the Blue Ridge as he had intended. (See Stevensburg, same date.) Brandy Station, Virginia, August 1, 1863. 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. The division, commanded by Brigadier-General John Buford, crossed the Rappahannock river at Rappahannock Station about 11 a. m. for the purpose of reconnoitering the Confederate position. Soon after crossing, Buford encountered two cavalry brigades under command of General Stuart and drove them back to within a mile and a half of Culpeper Court House, where he met A. P. Hill's corps of infantry, with three batteries of artillery. Unable to cope with this force. Buford fell back to Brandy Station, closely pressed by the enemy. There were several brilliant charges and some hand-to-hand fighting in which sabers were used with great effect. Buford's loss was 21 killed, 104 wounded and 20 captured or missing. The Confederate loss was not reported but was much heavier. Brandy Station, Virginia, August 4," 1863. 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. In the morning Colonel Thomas C. Devin, commanding the 2nd brigade, sent out two parties to reconnoiter on the roads leading to Stevensburg. The one on the Kelly's Ford road encountered a strong picket at the ford across Mountain run, with a considerable force in reserve. The detachment of Devin's brigade had been instructed to go Page 160 no farther than the ford and remained there watching the enemy. In the afternoon some 2,000 Confederate cavalry, with a battery of 6 guns, attacked General Buford's position, drove back the pickets for about 1,500 yards and threatened a general assault. Buford ordered the entire division under arms, repulsed the enemy with considerable loss, and that evening advanced his picket line 800 yards in advance of where it had been prior to the attack. Buford's loss was slight—not more than 8 or 10 wounded.
Brandy Station, Virginia, August 9, 1863.
Brandy Station, Virginia, September 6, 1863. Cavalry, Army of the Potomac. Brandy Station, Virginia, September 8, 1863. Brandy Station, Virginia, September 13, 1863. Kilpatrick's Cavalry. On the evening of the 12th Kilpatrick's division was massed at Kelly's ford, where he received orders to march early the next morning to Brandy Station and effect a junction with General Buford's division. In pursuance of this order he crossed the Rappahannock a little after daylight, captured the enemy's pickets and drove his reserves back upon Stevensburg, closely followed by the 1st Michigan cavalry. At Brandy Station the whole division engaged the Confederates, forcing them back to the ridge west of the station, where they had a battery stationed, which opened on Kilpatrick's forces. The junction was then made with Buford and Kilpatrick was ordered to move his forces to the left for the purpose of attacking the enemy's right and rear. (See Culpeper of same date.)
Brandy Station, Virginia, October 11, 1863. Pleasonton's Cavalry, Army of the Potomac. The 2nd brigade of Kilpatrick's division, commanded by Brigadier-General George A. Custer, was almost surrounded by the enemy's cavalry near Brandy Station. General Birney, from his position at Welford's ford, saw the attack from three sides, and formed Ward's brigade in line of battle, at the same time sending an aide-de-camp to General Pleasonton with the offer of assistance. This Pleasonton declined and Custer asked permission to cut his way through the enemy's lines. This was granted and Custer, leaving the 6th and 7th Michigan to hold the enemy in the rear in check, ordered the band to play "Yankee Doodle," and informed his men that they must cut their way to liberty with their sabers. The men responded with a cheer and with the 1st and 5th Michigan regiments in advance Custer led one of his characteristic charges, before which the Confederates scattered in all directions, thus opening a way for the entire corps. About the same time the 1st Maryland cavalry, belonging to the 1st brigade of General Gregg's division, was having a tilt with the enemy's cavalry at Morton's ford, Stevensburg, and on the road to Brandy Station. The Union troops were dismounted and deployed as skirmishers until the Confederates began to fall back, when they followed at the double-quick, driving the enemy all the way to the station. The losses in these skirmishes are included in the report for the entire Bristoe campaign.
Brandy Station, Virginia, October 12, 1863. (See Fleetwood.)
Brandy Station, Virginia, November 8, 1863. 6th Maryland, 110th and 122nd Ohio, and 138th Pennsylvania Infantry, and 1st New Hampshire Battery. The affair at Brandy Station on this date was one of the skirmishes that occurred during the advance of the army to the Rappahannock. When within about 2 miles of Brandy Station, General Keifer's brigade, which formed the advance, met with a considerable force of the enemy—principally cavalry and horse artillery—occupying a strong position overlooking the Oransre & Alexandria railroad. Deploying his forces and throwing forward skirmishers, supported by the main body of the brigade, as well as the 1st brigade, Keifer ordered an advance. The movement was well executed and the Confederates driven from their works, which had in the meantime been shelled by more than 50 rounds from the 1st New Hampshire battery. The enemy was pursued beyond Brandy Station, when the chase was ended by order of General Carr.
Brannan's Expedition from Hilton Head, South Carolina, October 21-23, 1862. In accordance with instructions from headquarters, Department of the South, Brigadier-General John M. Brannan led an expedition to destroy the bridges on the Charleston & Savannah railroad. His forces consisted of infantry; 300 of the 48th New York; 108 of the 1st Massachusetts; one section each of the 1st and 3d U. S. artillery, and 250 of the New York volunteer engineers, making a total of 4,448 men. The expedition left Hilton Head on transports and gunboats on the evening of the 21st and proceeded up the Broad river. At 4:30 the next morning the transport Ben De Ford and the gunboat Paul Jones arrived off Pocotaligo creek, whence a detachment was sent to destroy the Coosawhatchie river bridges. The other vessels did not arrive until late in the day, when Brannan landed his artillery and infantry at Mackay's point and sent two of the transports to Port Royal for some cavalry. An advance was commenced in the direction of Pocotaligo bridge, which was to be the first point of attack. At Caston's plantation, some 5 or 6 miles from the river, the enemy was found in considerable force. The 1st brigade, which was in advance, had no sooner debouched upon an open field than fire was opened on it from a field battery stationed in a thick wood. The brigade was deployed, the artillery ordered to the front, and the Confederates were soon driven from their position. In their retreat they managed to destroy a number of small bridges, which had to be rebuilt by the engineers, causing considerable delay in bringing up the artillery. A mile and a half further on the enemy made a stand at Frampton's plantation. Here he had the advantage of the ground, the battery being posted in a wood, in front of which was an almost impassable swamp. Across this swamp was a narrow causeway, the bridge of which had been destroyed. Brannan took a position in a thicket on the edge of the swamp, but his men were twice driven back by the terrific fire of grape, canister and shell from the enemy's battery. Seeing a flank movement impossible on account of the ground, Brannan advanced the 1st brigade to the verge of the swamp and sent a section of the 1st U. S. artillery to the broken causeway. This bold move caused the Confederates to again abandon their position. The infantry waded the swamp and started in pursuit, pressing the enemy so closely that he had no time to reform his lines. In the retreat the Confederates abandoned a caisson filled with ammunition, which fortunately fitted the boat howitzers, thus enabling Brannan to keep up an artillery fire after his other ammunition was exhausted. Brannan followed to the junction of the Coosawhatchie and Mackay's point roads, at a point where the former runs through the swamp to Pocotaligo bridge. Here the enemy had constructed a line of rifle pits and earthworks and massed a considerable force, evidently having information of the intentions of the expedition. The Union forces were here met by a murderous fire from a long line of batteries, to which no response could be made for lack of ammunition. The skirmish line was advanced to the edge of the swamp, however, and did good execution for a time, but without artillery Brannan deemed it inexpedient to continue the fight and sounded the retreat. This last skirmish is known as the battle of Coosawhatchie. In the meantime Colonel Barton, with the 48th New York and 3d Rhode Island battery, had been sent up the Coosawhatchie, with instructions to approach as near to the town of that name as practicable, and, under cover of the gunboats, destroy the railroad bridge if possible. He was also instructed not to hazard too much, but, if attacked by a superior force, to fall back to the fleet. Barton drove in the pickets and was approaching the town, but when within a mile of the place a train of 8 cars, loaded with troops and bearing 2 pieces of artillery, was sent out to resist his further advance. This train was greeted with a destructive fire of grape, canister and musketry, and several were seen to fall, among them the engineer. The survivors jumped from the train and took to the woods. Barton here captured several stand of arms, the silk colors of the Whippy Swamp Guards, and was engaged in tearing up the track when advised that Brannan had ordered a retreat. The Union casualties on the expedition were 43 killed, 294 wounded and 3 missing. The enemy's losses could not be ascertained. Brannan attributed the failure of the expedition to the information the Confederates had obtained in some way in advance of the movement.
Brashear City, Louisiana, March 18, 1863. 1st Louisiana Cavalry.
Brashear City, Louisiana, June 21, 1863. (See La Fourche Crossing, same date.)
Brashear City, Louisiana, June 23, 1863. Detached forces under command of Major Robert C. Anthony of the 2nd Rhode Island Cavalry. For some time the enemy had been threatening the post at Brashear City. When Lieutenant-Colonel Albert Stickney, of the 47th Massachusetts infantry, withdrew the greater part of the forces there on the 20th for the action at La Fourche Crossing, it gave the Confederates an opportunity too good to be overlooked. On the evening of the 22nd Major Hunter, with about 325 men of Baylor's Texas cavalry, rowed in skiffs from the mouth of Bayou Teche to a position in the rear of the city. About 5:30 on the morning of the 23d he was within 800 yards of the Union lines. About the same time the Confederates commenced a spirited bombardment of the place from the Valverde battery across the bay. The attack from both sides seems to have disconcerted Major Anthony, who doubtless believed the land forces in the rear to be much larger than they really were, and he surrendered without offering any resistance. Some of the 1st Indiana heavy artillery stationed there acted without orders and put up a gallant fight until notified that the place had surrendered. The number of prisoners taken was about 1,000 (accounts differ) and there fell into the hands of the enemy 11 heavy guns, about 2,500 stands of small arms, a large number of wagons and tents, and a supply of ammunition. The prisoners were paroled. In killed and wounded the Union forces lost about 75 and the Confederates 21.
Brawley Forks, Tennessee, March 25, 1865.
Braxton Court House, West Virginia, December 29, 1861. (See Suttonville, same date.)
Brazil Creek, Indian Territory. October 11, 1863.
Brazos Santiago, Texas, November 2, 1863. Banks' Expedition to the Rio Grande. The fleet bearing the expedition left New Orleans on October 26. After being scattered by a severe gale the vessels got together and on the morning of the 2nd arrived off Brazos island (Brazos Santiago), near the mouth of the Rio Grande. The place was occupied by a small force of Confederate cavalry, which fled as they saw about 3,500 troops under General Dana in the act of disembarking. Just at noon the stars and stripes were hoisted on Texas soil. Brazos Santiago, Texas, September 6, 1864. 1st Texas Cavalry. The action was really at the Palmetto ranch. about 16 miles up the Rio Grande from Brazos Santiago. Colonel H. M. Day of the 91st Illinois infantry, commanding the Union forces in the district, learned that the Confederates had collected a large lot of cattle in a bend of the river near the Palmetto ranch, sent out a squadron of the 1st Texas cavalry and a piece of artillery, to drive back the enemy and if possible capture the cattle. The Confederates slowly retired until the Palmetto ranch was reached, when they made a stand and a brisk skirmish ensued. The Confederates were constantly receiving reinforcements from up the river, when the piece of artillery arrived and opened an effective fire on the ranch, which drove the enemy Page 163 flying in the direction of Brownsville. The expedition was a success, the enemy being driven from the neighborhood and a large lot of cattle brought to the Union camp.
Breaker, Schooner, August 12, 1862. (See Naval Volume.)
Breckenridge, Missouri, June 9, 1864. Detachment of the 65th Missouri Enrolled Militia. Ten men were sent out by the colonel of the regiment to secure an escaped prisoner named Weldon. Five of the party went to the house of the prisoner and the other 5 to the house of his mother. Secreting themselves about the houses they waited for the arrival of the prisoner, with a party who was engaged in guarding him. They arrived about daylight on the morning of the 9th and a sharp fight ensued in which 2 of the Union men were slightly wounded, 1 was killed and 2 of the citizens were severely wounded.
Brentsville, Virginia, January 9, 1863. 1st Michigan Cavalry. One officer and 7 men belonging to the 1st Michigan cavalry were surprised by a much larger force about noon. Not expecting an attack the men were all dismounted except one. Two were killed, 1 mortally wounded and 4 captured. The one who was mounted made his escape.
Brentsville, Virginia, October 14-15, 1863. 1st and 2nd Cavalry Divisions, Bristoe Campaign. The 1st division, commanded by Brigadier-General John Buford, was assigned to the duty of guarding the rear and flank of the wagon trains on the march to Centerville. At Brentsville the trains were delayed on the 14th, which made it necessary to keep in motion all that night, frequent dashes being made by the enemy's cavalry, but every time they were repulsed by Buford's men. During the night march the 2nd division, under Brigadier-General D. McM. Gregg, was sent to Buford's assistance until the danger point was considered passed. At daylight on the 15th the wagons were all safely over Broad run. From there to Cedar run they were followed by a small force of Confederate cavalry, though no attack was made. After crossing Cedar run the wagons, through confusion as to route, recrossed the stream to the enemy's side. A strong force of the enemy's cavalry made a brisk advance, doubtless with the intention of capturing or destroying some of the train, but instead of striking the train on the flank he struck Buford's force, which was well prepared to receive him. By an adroit movement the 17th Pennsylvania turned the Confederate flank, forcing him to give way long enough to afford the main body of the Union forces to take a strong position, which was maintained until the train was well on the way to Fairfax Station.
Brentsville, Virginia, November 26, 29, 1863. Brentsville, Virginia, February 14, 1864. Detachment, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry. A party of 25 men was sent out from the camp at Bristoe Station, under Lieutenant Patrick S. Earley, to scout through the country for a mile or two beyond Brentsville. While passing through that town one man, who was somewhat in advance, saw 3 Confederate soldiers run into a thicket of pines in the direction of Cedar run. Four men were dismounted and sent into the thicket while the rest of the party proceeded on across a narrow bridge. Scarcely had this bridge been crossed when several shots were fired from a thicket on the right of the road. The formation of the ground made it easier to go forward than back and all those in advance dashed forward toward the thicket. Another volley came from the ambush and Major Larrimer, who accompanied the expedition, and 3 men were killed and 4 were wounded. Captain Carle, division provost-marshal, wanted to pursue but the other officers disagreed with him as they were unacquainted with the country and did not know the strength of the enemy. Some of the men reluctantly went with Carle to the place where Larrimer fell to recover his body. Several pools of blood were found on the ground, indicating that some punishment had been inflicted on the Confederates, but the loss could not be ascertained.
Brentwood, Tennessee, September 19-20, 1862.
Brentwood, Tennessee, December 9, 1862. 25th Illinois, 8th Kansas, and 81 st Indiana Volunteers, and 8th Wisconsin Battery. The Illinois and Kansas troops were sent out from the camp near Nashville on a reconnaissance in the direction of Franklin. Near the junction of the Liberty and Nolensville pikes they met with a detachment of Confederate cavalry under General Wharton. The Indiana regiment and the Wisconsin battery were then ordered up as reinforcements and the enemy retired, being pursued beyond Brentwood, both sides keeping up a desultory firing, which could hardly be dignified by the name of a running fight. About 5 miles beyond Brentwood a considerable body of the enemy's cavalry was seen blocking the road some distance in advance. The battery was ordered to the front and with two or three well directed shots dispersed them. The Union force remained there until sunset, when it returned to the camp. One man of the 25th Illinois was slightly wounded, which was the only casualty reported.
Brentwood, Tennessee, March 25, 1863. Detached troops of the 22nd Wisconsin, 33d Indiana, 19th Michigan infantry, and 4th Cavalry Brigade. The detachment, numbering 300 men, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Bloodgood, of the 22nd Wisconsin, surrendered to a force of Confederate cavalry early on the morning of the 25th. The story of the whole affair is perhaps best told in the following report from General Rosecrans: "The force at Brentwood was captured early this morning by two or three brigades of rebel cavalry. They crossed the Harpeth, 12 miles below, near Tank, and destroyed the railroad bridge and telegraph. Pickets were attacked early and vigorously on all approaches to this place, on the south side of the river. I immediately dispatched cavalry under General Smith, to save railroad train and Brentwood. The rebels had completed work; were moving westward; pursued and overtook them 6 miles out; sharp engagement; recaptured wagons, ambulances, and arms (one hundred) taken from us, and two hundred stands in addition. When success seemed certain, Forrest came up with a strong force on the left. We were compelled to fall back to Brentwood, burning a portion of the wagons and destroying such arms as we could not bring away. Smith reports 350 to 400 of the enemy killed. Brought in 40 prisoners. Our loss did not exceed 50.
Brentwood, Tennessee, December 15-16, 1864. (See Nashville, Tennessee)
Brewer's Lane, Arkansas, September 11, 1864. 13th Illinois, 5th Kansas and 1st Indiana Cavalry. The skirmish at Brewer's lane was one of the incidents of an expedition sent out from Pine Bluff by General Clayton. On the return trip the forces were divided. Company G, of the Kansas regiment, was some distance in advance and when about 18 miles from Pine Bluff met the enemy and forced him to retire slowly. A little later the Union force was attacked on the right flank, but the enemy was again driven back. The column moved on a short distance, when another attack was made, this time on both the flank and rear. The men were thrown into confusion for a little while, but were finally rallied and held the enemy in check. Captain Kyler of the 1st Indiana, who was acting as rearguard, was cut off from the main body but managed to cut his way out. For the next 4 miles repeated attacks were made on the rear, and the march was practically a running fight. At Warren's cross-roads the Union troops found Colonel Erskine, with the 13th Illinois drawn up in line of battle, and the retreat was turned into a victory. The Confederates were beaten back and after waiting for some time for them to reappear the expedition returned to Pine Bluff. The losses were 1 killed, 8 wounded, and 2 missing. Four of the 1st Indiana who were wounded in the fight when cut off, were left on the field. (See Monticello, Arkansas, September 10.)
Briar, Missouri, March 26, 1862. (See Warrensburg.)
Brice's Cross-Roads, Mississippi, June 10, 1864. Expedition under Brigadier- Page 165 General S. D. Sturgis. On June 2, 1863, General Sturgis marched from camp near La Fayette with about 8,000 men of the Military District of West Tennessee. The force comprised a division of cavalry under Brigadier-General B. H. Grierson—the two brigades of which were commanded respectively by Colonel G. E. Waring, Jr., and Colonel E. F. Winslow—and a division of infantry under Colonel William L. McMillen, whose brigade commanders were Colonels A. Wilkin, G. B. Hoge and E. Bouton, the latter leading a colored brigade. With the cavalry were a 6-gun battery and 4 mountain howitzers, while the infantry had 12 pieces of artillery. On the morning of the 10th the cavalry, Waring's brigade in advance, left camp at 5 130 a. m. When it arrived at Brice's cross-roads the Confederates, commanded by General Forrest, were first encountered. Grierson halted his column and sent heavy patrols out on all of the four roads. The force proceeding on the Baldwyn road had gone about a mile when it encountered the enemy in great strength and Waring's whole brigade was brought into the action to develop the enemy's force. A portion of Winslow's brigade was thrown out on the Fulton road connecting with Waring's right, holding about 600 men in reserve. The Confederates advanced upon Grierson's position with double line of skirmishers and line of battle, but the Union line held. As soon as the infantry arrived Grierson asked permission to withdraw the cavalry as the men were exhausted and almost out of ammunition. Sturgis oversaw the placing of the artillery, which had no sooner opened than the enemy replied. The right of the line seemed to be bearing the brunt of the attack and Grierson was directed to send some cavalry to support it, but the pressure was too great and the exhausted cavalry began to give way. At the same time the enemy showed more strength on the left and the center was badly in need of reinforcements. Sturgis was making for the head of the colored brigade guarding the train, to bring it into action, when the whole line gave way, and at 5 p. m., after 7 hours of sharp fighting, the Union troops fell back. Part of them became confused and the result was a panic, but by hard work Grierson and Sturgis succeeded in rallying 1,200 or 1,500 men, who for a time formed a rearguard and held the enemy in check. The road became jammed with wagons and men, and 14 pieces of artillery and 200 wagons were captured by the enemy. It was not until the Federal column reached Stubbs' plantation, 10 miles from the scene of action, that a halt was made and something like order restored. Early the next morning a complete reorganization was effected at Ripley and the retreat was continued in an orderly manner. The Union loss was 223 killed, 394 wounded and 1,623 captured or missing. Forrest reported his loss as 96 killed, 396 wounded and none missing. This engagement is called in the Confederate reports the battle of Tishomingo creek, and is also sometimes referred to as the battle of Guntown, as it occurred near that place. Bridge Creek, Mississippi, May 28, 1862. 22nd Brigade, 4th Division, Army of the Ohio. Bridge creek is a small stream to the east of Corinth and flows a southwesterly direction into the Tuscumbia river. On this date, as the Union army was drawing its lines around Corinth, General Nelson, commanding the 4th division, ordered Colonel Thomas D. Sedgewick to move his brigade to the advance of the division. Upon gaining a point about three-fourths of a mile in front of the Federal intrenchments, Sedgewick disposed his command with the 2nd and 20th Kentucky in the first line, the 1st Kentucky in a second line about 70 yards in the rear of the first, and the 31st Indiana in double column 100 yards behind the 1st Kentucky. In this order the brigade advanced, two companies of each regiment being thrown forward as skirmishers. The skirmish line soon drew the fire of the enemy's pickets, posted in a thicket on the left and some woods and a swamp on the right. Those on the left were quickly driven back to the main road from Farmington to Corinth, where a larger force was Page 166 encountered at the bridge. This point was of great importance to the Confederates, who held on to it tenaciously, but after a stubborn fight of half an hour the skirmishers of the 2nd and 20th Kentucky succeeded in forcing them back about 50 yards beyond the creek and gaining possession of the end of the bridge. Sedgewick requested the men at the bridge to hold on at all hazards and immediately took steps to reinforce them. Reinforcements came to the enemy also, his line/ was reformed and he advanced, fully intent on regaining possession of the bridge. To meet this movement part of the 20th Kentucky was thrown to the left and the remainder of that regiment to some woods across a small open field on the right, while Captain Mendenhall's battery was brought up to shell the enemy in front. At the same time part of the 31st Indiana was ordered to reinforce the line on the left. The well directed fire of the battery, with the cross fire of the infantry on both flanks, soon caused the enemy to beat a hasty and disorderly retreat, leaving the Federals in possession of the bridge. In this engagement Sedgewick was opposed by fully 6,000 of the best troops in the Confederate army, and his victory was a tribute to his generalship and the bravery of his men. He reported his loss as 3 killed and 20 wounded. The enemy's loss in killed and wounded was not ascertained, but in the retreat a number of prisoners were taken, one company of the 21st Louisiana being cut off and nearly all captured.
Bridgeport, Alabama, April 23-27, 1862.
Bridgeport, Alabama, April 29, 1862. (See West Bridge, same date.)
Bridgeport, Alabama, August 27, 1862. (See Battle Creek, Tennessee, same date.)
Bridgeport, Alabama, July 29, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 3d Division, 20th Army Corps. The brigade, commanded by Colonel Bernard Laiboldt, reached Bridgeport at 6 a. m. and was fired upon by Confederate pickets from the opposite bank of the Tennessee river. The pickets were driven off by the fire of the Union sharpshooters, but they took refuge in the middle bridge and a house from which they continued to annoy the Federals. Laiboldt then ordered a battery to dislodge them and a few shells caused them to beat a hasty retreat out of range. No casualties were reported.
Bridgeport, Mississippi, May 17, 1863. 6th Missouri Cavalry. Three miles from Bridgeport the Union troops, commanded by Colonel Clark Wright, engaged the Confederate General Reynolds, with a brigade and 2 batteries, and notwithstanding the difference in numbers charged so impetuously that the Confederate lines broke and retreated toward Bridgeport. Clark followed and kept up the fight for 3 hours when he was relieved by General Blair.
Bridgeport, West Virginia, April 30, 1863. Two companies of Federal troops and 1st Maryland Battalion, Confederate Cavalry. The two Union companies, one of cavalry and one of infantry, were stationed as a garrison at Bridgeport when the town was charged by the Confederate cavalry, led by Major Brown, and almost the entire garrison killed or captured. The enemy lost 1 killed and 2 wounded.
Bridgewater, Virginia, October 2, 1864. 3d New Jersey and 2nd New York Cavalry. The 3d New Jersey, on picket duty, was attacked by a division of Lomax's cavalry and driven back across the North river and through the town in some confusion. The 2nd New York formed quickly, charged the enemy and drove him back across the river, recapturing nearly all the prisoners and killing and wounding several of the assailants. During the brief but spirited action the Confederates used artillery freely, but without doing much damage.
Brier Creek, Georgia, December 4, 1864. (See Waynesboro, same date.)
Brier Fork, Missouri, July 5, 1861. Brimstone Creek, Tennessee, September 10, 1863. 11th Kentucky Mounted Volunteers. Colonel Love, in command of the Union troops, came up with a detachment of Hamilton's guerrillas at Brimstone creek, engaged them, Page 167 killed 4, wounded 7 and captured 2, with a loss of 1 horse killed, After the engagement Love withdrew to Rose's cross-roads.
Bristoe Station, Virginia, August 26, 1862. 2nd Division, 3d Army Corps. When Stonewall Jackson started on his raid around General Pope, just before the second battle of Bull Run, he left Ewell's division at Bristoe Station, while with the rest of his command he pushed on to Manassas Junction. Pope was then concentrating his forces in the neighborhood of Gainesville, and on the afternoon of the 26th the 3d corps reached Bristoe Station to find its further progress disputed by Ewell, who occupied a strong position along the little stream called Kettle run. Hooker sent forward Taylor's and Carr's brigades to engage the enemy and some sharp skirmishing occurred, neither side gaining any material advantage. Hooker then ordered Grover's brigade to form in line of battle, throw out skirmishers, and advance in front and on the right. Ewell's lines, which had been somewhat broken in the first attack, now fell back across Cedar run and later to Manassas. Casualties not reported.
Bristoe Station, Virginia, August 18, September 12, 24, 1863.
Bristoe Station, Virginia, October 14, 1863. 2nd Army Corps. On this date the corps was under the temporary command of Brigadier-General John C. Caldwell, General Warren being absent. After the engagement at Catlett's station in the morning, the command pushed forward to Bristoe, the object being to get possession of the Orange & Alexandria railroad, the line of which afforded a strong position for defense. As the advance approached the station Caldwell learned that the Confederates were advancing in line of battle to attack his flank. He gained the railroad and formed his line of battle with his own division (the 1st) on the left, Webb's (2nd) division on the right, and Hays' (3d) division in the center, the batteries being planted in the rear in such a position that they could fire over the heads of the infantry. Against this line General A. P. Hill sent Cooke's North Carolina brigade without taking the customary precaution to advance a skirmish line to develop the Federal position. As Cooke advanced he was met by a withering fire of musketry, while the batteries in the rear poured a rapid fire of canister into his line, causing it to break in disorder, leaving 5 pieces of artillery and 2 stands of colors in Union hands. The loss of the 2nd corps for the day, including the actions at Auburn and Catlett's station, was 50 killed, 335 wounded and 161 missing. A Confederate account says that their loss was 1,400 in killed and wounded. This decisive repulse checked Lee's advance and enabled the Army of the Potomac to take a strong position at Centerville.
Bristoe Station, Virginia, October 18, 1863. 1st Maryland Cavalry. Lieutenant-Colonel Ridgely Brown, who commanded the regiment on this date, reported as follows: "The brigade being in position at Bristoe to resist the enemy, my command had position on the left of the railroad, and poured a volley into the enemy's ranks; but they retired so quickly we could not tell the effect of our fire."
Bristoe Station, Virginia, February 1, March 16, 1864.
Bristoe Station, Virginia, April 15, 1864. Troops of the 3d Division, 5th Army Corps. The division, constituted mainly of the Pennsylvania reserves, was engaged in guarding the line of railroad above Manassas Junction, and was subjected to numerous petty attacks from the roving bands of guerrillas in that locality. The affair of the 15th was a trivial one, but characteristic of these annoyances. Three mounted guerrillas passed along the north side of the railroad and shot 2 men belonging to the 10th Pennsylvania infantry, who had been sent out with a squad to obtain wood. The same guerrillas then crossed Broad run near Milford. surprised a vedette of 4 men belonging to the 13th Pennsylvania cavalry and killed 1 of the number. The other 3 fled, leaving their horses and dead companion to the enemy.
Bristol, Tennessee, September 19, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 23d Army Corps. Colonel John W. Foster, commanding the brigade, reported as follows: "I arrived at Bristol today and occupied the town without resistance, except by a force of 400 cavalry, which were driven out of the town after a severe skirmish. I tore up the railroad and burned the bridges, 2 miles above town." Foster also destroyed a large amount of subsistence stores and then returned to Blountsville. No casualties reported. Bristol, Tennessee, September 21, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 23d Army Corps.
Bristol, Tennessee, October 15, 1863. 3d Brigade, 4th Division, 23d Army Corps. Brigadier-General J. M. Shackelford, commanding the brigade, reported from Bristol at 2:30 p. m. on the 15th: "I have the honor to report that, with the blessing of Providence, we have succeeded in driving the enemy out of East Tennessee, and are still pursuing him. Our forces now occupy Zollicoffer and this place."
Bristol, Tennessee, December 14, 1864. Cavalry commanded by General Burbridge. After the engagement at Kingsport on the 13th Burbridge's cavalry pursued Duke's brigade to Bristol, where the 11th Kentucky made a dashing charge into the town at 3 o'clock in the morning, routed the enemy and drove him from the place in confusion. About 200 were captured, together with 2 trains of cars, 5 locomotives and a large quantity of stores and munitions of war. Colonel Boyle of the 11th was warmly commended by his superiors for his gallant action. The engagement was an incident of Stoneman's raid.
Britton's Lane, Tennessee, September 1, 1862. Detached Troops from the Post of Jackson. After the skirmish at Bolivar on August 30, Colonel E. S. Dennis, stationed at Estanaula, was ordered to leave that place and return to Jackson. His command consisted of the 20th and 30th Illinois infantry, two companies of cavalry and a section of Battery A, 2nd Illinois artillery. Early on the morning of the 31st Dennis destroyed all the stores he was unable to take away, and started for Jackson, but before he proceeded far he received an order to march to Medon Station to intercept the enemy near that point. About 10 a. m. on September 1, his scouts brought word that a large Confederate force was at Britton's lane, near the junction of the Denmark and Medon roads. This force numbered about 5,000 men. while Dennis had but about 800. In the face of these odds Dennis did the 1 wisest thing possible in selecting a strong defensive position in a grove . on an elevated piece of ground, surrounded by open fields. Soon after taking this position the enemy appeared in sufficient force to completely surround Dennis, the fight being waged on all sides at the same time. The Confederates, dismounting part of their men, attacked as both infantry and cavalry. Early in the action they succeeded in capturing the wagon train, with the teamsters and a number of sick soldiers, and the 2 pieces of artillery, but the wagons and guns were later recaptured, except 4 wagons that were burned. The fight lasted for 4 hours, during which time several fierce cavalry charges were met and repulsed. Finally the enemy withdrew, leaving 179 of his dead upon the field, as well as a large number of wounded. The total Confederate loss was reported as being over 400. Dennis' loss was 5 killed and 55 wounded.
Broad Run, Virginia, April 1, 1863. Detachments of the 1st Vermont and 5th New York Cavalry. The Confederate General Mosby was known to be in the vicinity with a small force of men and Captain Flint was sent out at the head of the detachment to rout or capture him. They came upon Mosby and about 65 of his men at a house on Broad run, not far from the Leesburg and Alexandria road, and before the Confederates knew that any Union men were in the immediate neighborhood they received a volley that wounded 4 of their number. Owing to the arrangement of the fences Page 169 a charge was impossible, and while Flint's men were crowded about a narrow gate in their efforts to get through they were subjected to a galling fire from the enemy. This increased the confusion, the men became panic stricken and fled in disorder. The Union loss was 25 killed and wounded and about 80 prisoners, stragglers picked up in squads of 3 or 4. Mosby's loss was the 4 wounded at the first fire.
Brock Road, Virginia, May 5-7, 1864. (See Wilderness.)
Brock's Gap, Virginia, October 6, 1864. 3d Cavalry Division, Army of the Shenandoah. As Custer's division was going into camp near Brock's gap the 5th New York and 18th Pennsylvania were attacked by the Confederate cavalry under Rosser and 75 men of the New York regiment were cut off from the main body, but succeeded in getting away from the enemy and came in later. Custer ordered out enough of his command to repulse the attack.
Brook Church, Virginia, May 11, 1864. (Same as Ground Squirrel Church, q. v.)
Brookhaven, Mississippi, April 29, 1863. Part of Grierson's Brigade of Cavalry. The main body of the brigade bivouacked at Union Church on the night of the 28th and early the next morning made a demonstration on Fayette, to create the impression that Port Gibson was the objective point, and then suddenly turned and took the road to Brookhaven. Before reaching the town General Grierson learned that a force of some 500 conscripts and citizens was organized to resist his further progress. The Union forces charged into the town, when the enemy fled in all directions. Grierson captured over 200 prisoners, several hundred tents, and a large amount of quartermaster's and commissary stores. This engagement occurred during Grierson's raid. Brookhaven, Mississippi, July 18, 1863. Fullerton's Cavalry Brigade, 13th Army Corps. Major Fullerton's brigade consisted of three companies of the 2nd Illinois, three companies of the 3d Illinois, one company of the 4th Indiana and seven companies of the 6th Missouri On the 17th he was ordered to go down the New Orleans & Jackson railroad as far as Brookhaven. That town was reached on the 18th and a small Confederate picket found there. This was driven back with a loss of 45 prisoners. The expedition lasted four days, during which time 4 railroad depots, a number of switches, 40 or 50 cars, 4 locomotives and a large amount of public stores were destroyed. Brooklyn, Kansas, August 21, 1863. Troops belonging to the Army of the Border. The Brooklyn skirmish was one growing out of Quantrill's raid into Kansas. After sacking the town of Lawrence, Quantrill turned eastward toward the Missouri border. All the available troops were summoned for pursuit and he was overtaken near Brooklyn. A slight skirmish ensued there and from that time on he was so closely followed to the state line that he had no time for further depredations. In his flight much of the plunder taken from the Lawrence stores was abandoned. Several of his men were killed and the rest scattered through the timber upon reaching Missouri, where they were acquainted, many of them forsaking their horses to save their lives.
Brooks' Mill, Arkansas, March 27, 1864. (See Camden, Arkansas, Expedition to.)
Brook Turnpike, Virginia, March 1, 1864. Cavalry, Army of the Potomac. The skirmishing on this date was a part of the famous Kilpatrick raid. The 1st brigade, 3d division, commanded by Brigadier-General Henry Davies. crossed the Chickahominy, struck the Brook turnpike and advanced on Richmond. After proceeding some distance he encountered numerous small parties of the enemy's pickets, several of whom were captured. No serious resistance was met, however, until about 1 p. m. when a considerable force of the enemy was found intrenched in a line of earthworks. That portion of the works directly in front was commanded by Lieutenant- Page 170 Colonel James Howard, who ordered Rives' battery to engage the Union troops. Davies deployed the 5th New York as skirmishers on the right and left, while an attacking force of 500 men was placed in charge of Major Patton of the 3d Indiana, with instructions to keep well to the left until he obtained a position where he could bring his fire to bear on the battery and then make a determined assault on the works. The main body of the brigade was held ready to charge as soon as Patton made this attack. What the ultimate success of the plan would have been is problematical, as Davies was recalled before he had time to execute the movement.
Brookville, Kentucky, September 28, 1862. 44th Ohio' Infantry, 14th Kentucky Cavalry, and Kentucky Home Guards. Colonel Basil W. Duke, with about 700 of Morgan's guerrillas, while making a demonstration against Cincinnati, made a descent on the towns of Augusta and Brookville. The greater part of the town of Augusta was burned on the 27th. Lieutenant-Colonel H. B. Wilson, commanding the Union forces at Maysville, gathered together all his available force—about 325 infantry and 100 cavalry—and started for Augusta. Learning that Duke had retired to Brookville he changed his course and reached the latter place about 8 a. m. on the 28th. The 44th Ohio charged at double-quick into the town, while the remainder of the force was used to support the charge. Duke was in the court house, engaged in paroling prisoners. He rushed out, mounted his horse and with his body-guard of about 25 men dashed off down the Falmouth road, whither the main body had preceded him. Wilson then ordered up his one piece of artillery and commenced shelling them. The third shot exploded in their midst, killing 6, wounding 1, and scattering the rest. About 40 were captured. The Union loss was 1 man killed.
Brown Hill, Kentucky, October 7, 1862. Confederate General Joseph Wheeler reported that his cavalry ambushed some Federal troops, fired upon them at a range of 200 yards, when they stampeded, leaving 8 men as prisoners, together with 50 stands of arms, a number of blankets, etc., in Wheeler's hands. Union reports do not mention the affair.
Brownsburg, Virginia, June 10, 1864.
Brown's Ferry, Tennessee, October 27, 1863. Troops of the Army of the Cumberland. The battle of Chickamauga was fought on the 19th and 20th of September. After the battle the Union forces occupied Chattanooga, where they were practically in a state of siege, the Confederate forces being so placed that the only route open for the transportation of supplies lay through the Sequatchie valley, and even there everything would have to be hauled in wagons over rough mountain roads a distance of 60 miles. To supply an army of 40,000 men by this means was an impossibility and no one knew it better than the Confederate General Bragg, who was now playing a waiting game, confident that it was only a question of time when the whole Army of the Cumberland would capitulate. But there was one point that he had overlooked. The Tennessee river was open and in possession of the Union forces to within a few miles of Chattanooga. To establish communication by this route with a base of supplies it was necessary to force a passage across the narrow neck of land known as Moccasin Point and secure possession of Brown's ferry, almost directly west of Chattanooga. From there to Kelley's ferry was but a short distance across another bend in the river, and from Kelley's ferry the river was open. This plan was worked out by General Rosecrans, but before he had time to complete his designs he was superseded by General Grant in command of the Department of the Cumberland. Hooker, with the 11th and 12th corps, had been added to the army, and had taken possession of the Chattanooga railroad to keep it from falling into the hands of the enemy. Grant assumed command on the 23d and the next day, in company with General George H. Thomas and Brigadier-General W. F. Smith, chief engineer of the Page 171 department, made an examination of the ground on the opposite side of the river. He approved Rosecrans' plan for the capture and occupancy of Brown's ferry, and as the army had now been on half rations for almost a month, took steps to insure its immediate execution. The capture of the ferry was left to Smith, who had thoroughly reconnoitered the ground for Rosecrans. At 3 o'clock on the morning of October 27, about 1,600 men belonging to Turchin's and Hazen's brigades, under the command of Colonel T. R. Stanley, of the 18th Ohio infantry, embarked at Chattanooga in 52 pontoons and 2 large flatboats and drifted silently down the river. A slight fog aided the expedition to escape the notice of the enemy's pickets stationed along the banks, and at 5 o'clock the first boat reached the ferry. In the meantime the remainder of the two brigades had marched across the neck and were waiting to be ferried across, while three batteries of artillery, under Major Mendenhall, had been stationed in the woods opposite the ferry to cover the retirement of the troops in case a retreat became necessary. As soon as the first boat landed it was greeted by a volley from the Confederate pickets stationed near. The men were disembarked quickly and in order. Hazen formed his men, marched forward and occupied the crest of the ridge, threw out a skirmish line under Lieutenant-Colonel James C. Foy, of the 23d Kentucky, and set the rest of his force to work with axes felling trees to form an abatis. Just beyond the crest was a body of Confederates numbering about 1,000 men, with 3 pieces of artillery. Alarmed by the firing of the pickets, this force was hurried to the front and in a short time was engaged with the skirmishers under Foy. The men with axes were compelled to desist from their work and take up their guns against this assault. Just as Hazen's right flank was about to be turned by the enemy the men who had marched across the neck reached the scene of action, having been ferried across as soon as the boats were emptied, and turned the defeat into victory. By the middle of the afternoon a pontoon bridge was thrown across the river, works constructed on the. ridge, a road opened from the bridge in the direction of Kelley's ferry, additional troops brought over and the siege of Chattanooga was broken. In this engagement the Union loss was 6 killed, 23 wounded and 9 missing. Of the enemy 6 were buried by the Union troops, several were known to have been wounded, among them the colonel of the 15th Alabama Twenty beeves, 6 pontoons and about 2,000 bushels of corn fell into the hands of Hazen.
Brown's Ferry, Virginia, May 12, 1864. Expedition against the Virginia & Tennessee Railroad. The expedition, under the command of Brigadier-General George Crook, was composed of the 2nd infantry division of the Department of West Virginia and Averell's cavalry. For several days prior to this date Averell had been engaged in skirmishing with detachments of Confederate cavalry belonging to the commands of Generals Morgan and Jones. On the morning of the 12th he crossed New river, much swollen by recent rains and still rising. Soon after he had crossed a considerable body of the enemy appeared upon the bank he had just left. The Confederates, unwilling to undertake the crossing, fired a few shots at long range and then stood helplessly by while Averell's men destroyed the railroad bridge and tore up a long stretch of the track. About the same time the 17th and 19th Virginia Confederate cavalry, under French and Jackson, were making an effort to obtain possession of Gap mountain. They reached the vicinity too late, for they found the gap in possession of Crook, whose forces drove the two regiments back to Brown's ferry, not far from where Averell had crossed the stream. In their retreat they came between Averell and the main body of the expedition, and Averell fell back over the Catawba route.
Brown's Gap, Virginia, September 26, 1864. (See Port Republic.)
Brown's Landing, Florida, May 22, 1864. United States Gunboat Ottawa. Page 172 The Ottawa was acting as convoy for the transports Columbine and Charles Houghton, engaged in conveying General Gordon's troops up the St. John's river to Palatka and Volusia. Palatka was reached about 4 o'clock in the afternoon and after landing the troops there the vessels continued on up the river. The Columbine being the fastest was allowed to go on ahead, the object being to reach Volusia as soon as possible. Owing to the narrowness of the river above Brown's landing the pilot declined to proceed any further with the Ottawa, as it would be difficult to turn such a long vessel in the narrow stream. While the gunboat and the Houghton, which had come along for protection, were lying at Brown's landing waiting for the Columbine to return, they were fired into by a battery of 6 and 12-pounders from the woods on the bank. Lieutenant-Commander Breese responded with his 150-pounder rifle, aiming in the darkness at the flash of the enemy's guns, and after the third shot the Confederates ceased firing. No one was hurt on either side and the damage to the gunboat was comparatively slight. It was afterward learned that the battery was that of Lieutenant Mortimer Bates, one of the best in the Confederate service.
Brown's Mill, Georgia, July 30, 1864. (See McCook's Raid.) Brown's Plantation, Louisiana, May 11, 1865. Scout from the 16th Indiana Mounted Infantry. Major Hildreth, who commanded the scouting party, ported coming in contact with a small company of Brown's guerrillas near Andrews' plantation. After firing one round they fled in the direction of Brown's plantation. No casualties on either side. Brown's Plantation, Mississippi, August 11, 1862.
Brown's Spring, Missouri, July 27, 1862. Detachment of 9th Missouri and 3d Iowa Cavalry. Colonel Guitar of the 9th Missouri led the detachment, numbering 186 men against a force of some 600 or 700 under Cobb, Porter and others, at Brown's spring, intending to surprise them. Upon approaching the camp the enemy fled in such haste as to leave uneaten a dinner already prepared. A party of 10 or 15 men on their way to the Confederate camp was fired on by Captain Cook's company and 3 men unhorsed. It was afterward learned that one of these men was mortally wounded and another seriously. Aside from this the affair was a bloodless battle.
Brownsville, Alabama, October 30, 1864. 7th Iowa and 11th Missouri Cavalry.
Brownsville, Arkansas, July 25, 1863.
Brownsville, Arkansas, August 25, 1863. Davidson's Cavalry Division, Department of Missouri. The expedition against Little Rock, under command of Major-General Frederick Steele, left Helena early in August. When Devall's bluff was reached General Davidson was sent with his cavalry division to Deadman's lake, with instructions to reconnoiter the enemy's position at Brownsville. At that time the Confederates occupied Brownsville with two brigades (Shelby's and Marmaduke's) under command of Brigadier-General John S. Marmaduke. About sunrise the Confederate pickets reported Davidson advancing in force, and the two brigades moved out to meet him. A line of battle was formed on the prairie east of town, with Bledsoe's battery occupying and commanding the road and Elliott's battery over a mile in advance as skirmishers. As the Union lines approached Elliott opened fire. His first volley was met by Davidson's buglers sounding a charge and the Federal cavalry came rushing like a whirlwind across the prairie. Unable to resist the -force of such an onset, Marmaduke retired through the town to another prairie some 5 or 6 miles west, where he again formed his men in line of battle in a more advantageous position than the one formerly occupied. Here the skirmishing continued until nightfall, when the entire Confederate force withdrew beyond the Bayou Meto, where the fight was continued the next day. In the first engagement the Confederates lost 1 killed and 4 captured, among them Colonel John Q. Burbridge, of the 4th Missouri Confederate cavalry.
Brownsville, Arkansas, September 14-16, 1863. 5th Kansas Cavalry.
Brownsville, Arkansas, July 13, 1864. 22nd Ohio Infantry. A force of Confederates estimated at 150 men attacked the Union pickets at Brownsville. Colonel Wood sent a detachment in pursuit and they were followed for about 15 miles, when they divided into small squads and took different directions. One of the pickets lost his horse and equipments, and 5 guns were captured from the enemy. Brownsville, Arkansas, July 30, 1864. (See Hay Station No. 3.)
Brownsville, Arkansas, September 4, 1864.
Brownsville, Kentucky, November 20, 1861. Detachment of the 3d Kentucky Cavalry. Brigadier-General T. C. Hindman, of the Confederate army, in a report of an expedition to Brownsville, states that he entered the town with 50 mounted men and a piece of artillery and opened fire from the public square upon a "party of Yankees" belonging to the 3d Kentucky cavalry, killed 6, wounded several and captured 2 pickets and a stand of colors with a loss of 1 man wounded. Union reports make no mention of the affair.
Brownsville, Maryland, July 7, 1864. Brownsville, Mississippi, September 28, 1863. Parts of 4th, 5th and 11th Illinois, 4th Iowa and 10th Missouri Cavalry. The expedition, numbering some 900 men, was sent out from Messinger's ford under command of Colonel E. F. Winslow, of the 4th la. cavalry. At Brownsville they were feebly resisted by a force of about 50 of Whitfield's cavalry, who were soon driven from the town.
Brownsville, Mississippi, October 15-16, 1863. Portion of the 15th and 17th Corps. An expedition comprising Logan's division of the 17th corps (3,500 men), Tuttle's division of the 15th (3,000), and Winslow's cavalry brigade (1,500), was sent out from Messinger's ferry, under the command of Major-General J. B. McPherson, against Canton. The command left the ferry early on the morning of the 15th. At Queen's hill church, on the Brownsville road, Colonel Winslow was ordered to take his cavalry down the Clinton road, making a detour to the south, and join the main body that same evening at Brownsville. He proceeded down the Clinton road for 7 or 8 miles without hearing anything of the enemy, and then turned in the direction of Brownsville, which place he reached about 2 hours ahead of the infantry. There he found a small force of Confederate cavalry. This force was soon driven from the town but was not pursued, Winslow waiting for further orders from the commanding officer. As soon as McPherson arrived Winslow was sent in pursuit and at the forks of the road about a mile east of town found a portion of Cosby's brigade drawn up in line awaiting the attack. A brisk skirmish was carried on until dark and the Union forces bivouacked on the ground to be ready to renew hostilities early the next morning. In the morning the march was continued, the cavalry taking the right hand road and the infantry the direct road. Winslow had gone but a short distance when the enemy was found in a strong position, with 4 pieces of artillery commanding the road. He sent word to McPherson that he was unable to drive them back and General Maltby's brigade was sent to his aid, while three regiments of Leggett's brigade were moved across on a by-road to the right and rear of the enemy. The Confederate commander, seeing that he was about to be surrounded, retired to the opposite side of Bogue Chitto creek. (See Bogue Chitto, October 17, 1863.)
Brownsville, Mississippi, October 22, 1863.
Brownsville, Mississippi, March 3, 1864. 1st Brigade, Leggett's Division, 17th Army Corps. The Union forces left Canton on the 2nd, on the Meridian expedition sent out from Vicksburg, and the rear was pursued and harassed by Jackson's cavalry under General Ferguson and Colonel P. B. Starke. When within about 4 miles of Brownsville Starke came up with the wagon train and prepared to strike on both the flank and rear with a view to capturing or destroying it. Before the movement could be executed, Page 174 Leggett's division, formed and held the Confederates in check until the train was safely across Bogue Chitto Creek. Slight casualties on both sides.
Brownsville, Mississippi, March 7-8, 1864.
Brownsville, Mississippi, September 28, 1864.
Brownsville, Tennessee, July 25, 1862. Cavalry commanded by Major Wallace.
Brownsville, Tennessee, July 29, 1862. One company of the 15th Illinois Cavalry.
Brownsville, Texas, May 13, 1865. 62nd U. S. Colored Troops, 2nd Texas Cavalry, and 34th Indiana Infantry. Colonel T. H. Barrett commanding the Union forces at Brazos Santiago, sent 250 men of the 62nd colored infantry and 50 of the 2nd Texas cavalry, not mounted, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel David Branson, against a strong Confederate outpost at the Palmetto ranch on the Rio Grande. After an all night march the attack was made early on the morning of the 12th. The enemy was driven from his position in confusion, all his camp equipage, stores and a number of horses and cattle falling into Branson's hands. Branson took advantage of the situation to rest and refresh his men after their long night's march and remained in possession of the ranch. About 3 o'clock that afternoon a considerable body of the enemy put in an appearance, Captain Robinson, the commandant of the outpost, having received reinforcements from Colonel Ford. Deeming his position unsafe, Branson hurriedly destroyed such of the stores as he could and fell back to White's ranch, skirmishing on the way. At daylight the next morning he was reinforced by 200 men of the 34th Indiana under Lieut-Colonel Robert G. Morrison. A little later Barrett arrived and assumed the command. An advance upon Palmetto ranch was ordered, the pickets driven in and about 8 o'clock the Confederates were again driven from their post. Such of the stores as escaped destruction the day before were now destroyed and the ranch buildings burned. Again the enemy was reinforced and Barrett slowly retired toward Brazos Santiago, fighting as he went. In his report of the affair Barrett says: "The last volley of the war, it is believed, was fired by the 62nd U. S. colored infantry about sunset of the 13th of May, 1865,' between White's ranch and the Boca Chica, Texas"
Broxton's Bridge, South Carolina, February 2, 1865. (See Salkehatchie River.) Broylesville, Tennessee, June —, 1864. Detachment 3d North Carolina Volunteer Infantry. The detachment, commanded by Captain G. W. Kirk, while on an expedition from Morristown, Tennessee, into North Carolina, was met at Broylesville by a small force of Confederates, but they were routed and scattered with a loss of 11 killed and a number wounded. (The exact date of the affair is not given in the official records of the war.)
Brucetown, Virginia, September 7, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3d Cavalry Division, Army of West Virginia. The brigade, under the command of Brigadier-General George H. Chapman, made a reconnaissance on the Berryville and Winchester pikes toward Brucetown as far as Opequan creek, where the enemy's pickets were encountered and driven back about 2 miles upon the infantry lines, when, finding the Confederate force too strong to engage, Chapman ordered his command back to Berryville. No casualties reported.
Bruinsburg Landing, Mississippi, May 6, 1863. Troops belonging to 3d Brigade, 7th Division, 17th Army Corps. A detachment of the brigade was guarding a train from Bruinsburg landing to the camp on the Big Black river. A short distance from the landing a Confederate picket was discovered occupying the road. Lieutenant McElrea deployed his men and advanced, but soon discovered a larger force with 2 howitzers and sent back for reinforcements. When they arrived he again advanced. The right of the line fired and one man was seen to fall from his horse. The rest of the force retreated rapidly closely followed by McElrea's men for about Page 175 3 miles, when he met the 6th Missouri cavalry, who continued the chase, but without accomplishing anything in the way of capturing the enemy. Bruneau Valley, Indian Territory, February iS, 1865. 1st Washington Territory Infantry. A party of Indian marauders had stolen 8 cattle in the vicinity of the camp on the 13th and a detachment was sent out under command of Sergt. John Storan, of Company I, to catch the Indians and recover the cattle if possible. On the evening of the 15th the Indians were found encamped in a canon about 8 miles from Bruneau valley. They numbered about 80 warriors and at the time they were first discovered were engaged in dressing the carcasses of the stolen cattle. Storan immediately attacked the savages and after a sharp fight of an hour and a half, 30 of them were killed, several wounded and the rest driven from the field. Not a single white man was hurt during the skirmish.
Brunswick, Georgia, June 8, 1863. Confederate accounts state that on this date two U. S. gunboats and a transport towing two large boats loaded with troops left St. Simon's island and started in the direction of Brunswick, where the landing was successfully disputed by the Brunswick pickets. Captain Hazzard, of Company G, 4th Georgia cavalry, upon seeing two of the boats ascend the river, sent Lieutenant Grant with 30 men to protect the salt works some 7 miles up the river. Grant found one boat lying at the mouth of the creek near the works and the other going back toward Brunswick. After firing about fifty shots he compelled the boat at the landing to cast off and drop down the river. The Federals fired the railroad bridge near the salt works, but Grant compelled them to retreat to their barge, upon which he fired at a range of 100 yards, killing 2 officers and wounding 3 of the oarsmen. Union reports do not mention the affair.
Brunswick, Missouri, August 17, 1861. 5th Missouri Reserves. Brunswick, Missouri, September 6, 1864. 35th Infantry Enrolled Missouri Militia. Sergt. Henry Shrader and a small squad of men belonging to the 35th were sent out to get clean clothes and notify absent men to come to the camp. The squad was delayed by a severe storm and a band of bushwhackers, learning of their whereabouts, surrounded and captured them. Shrader and his men were subjected to the indignity of being stripped and disarmed.
Brunswick, Missouri, October 11, 1864. 43d Missouri Infantry. Colonel Chester Harding commanding the 43d Missouri, with six companies of his regiment, left Fort Leavenworth on the 7th on the steamboats Benton and West Wind, for Jefferson City. They reached Brunswick on the morning of the 11th and found the town occupied by Captain Kennedy, of Price's army, with about 80 men, most of whom he had recruited in the town the day before. This force was well posted in a log and earth work. Harding landed a portion of his men under Lieutenant Simmonds at the mouth of Grand river, with instructions to deploy as skirmishers and attack the works. At the first fire Kennedy and his men vacated their position, mounted their horses and made for the timber, taking with them 2 of their number seriously wounded. The boats then landed, Harding took possession of all the horses he could find, mounted about 50 of his men and sent them in pursuit. These men returned the next morning without having overtaken Kennedy, and the boats proceeded on their way.
Brush Mountain, Georgia, June 10-27, 1864. Sherman's Army. While General Sherman's forces were gradually driving the Confederates under Johnson back toward Atlanta, a position was taken by the Federals about Kennesaw and Brush mountains on the 10th, and from that time until the enemy evacuated his lines about the two mountains there was almost constant skirmishing. Brush mountain is east of Kennesaw mountain and the enemy here was confronted by the Army of the Tennessee under General McPherson. (See Kennesaw mountain and Atlanta.)
Bryan Court House, Georgia, December 8, 1864. Detachment 15th Army Corps. Page 176 In the advance on Savannah the 15th corps, commanded by Major-General P. J. Osterhaus, reached the Cannouchee river near Bryan Court House on the 8th and found the approach to the bridge guarded by a strong force of infantry and artillery, well protected by earthworks. The ground on either side of the road was too swampy to permit an assault, but Osterhaus found an old ferry some distance below the bridge and that night sent over troops in a boat. This detachment drove in the Confederate pickets and created such alarm in the enemy's camp that it was evacuated shortly after midnight. No casualties reported. Bryant's Plantation, Florida, October 21, 1864.
Buchanan, Virginia, June 13, 1864. Averell's Cavalry Division, Army of West Virginia. During the Lynchburg campaign the Confederate cavalry under General McCausland had been forced back for several days prior to the 13th. On that date the skirmishing commenced some 10 or 12 miles from Buchanan on the opposite side of the James river. About 8 miles from the town McCausland's forces broke in confusion and were followed to Buchanan at a gallop. Averell's advance tried to save the bridge but the retreating enemy had paused long enough to set it on fire before McCausland himself had crossed, so that he was compelled to ford the river to escape capture. Two brigades were hurried across the river and sent in pursuit, but without avail. Several bateaux loaded with provisions and stores were captured near the town.
Buck Creek, Georgia, December 7, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3d Division, 20th Army Corps. (Kilpatrick's Cavalry.) On this date, while the army was on the march during the Savannah campaign, the 9th Michigan cavalry was assigned to the position of rear-guard. The army had scarcely broken camp at Buck creek when the enemy made a determined attack on the rear. The 9th Ohio was sent to the assistance of the Michigan regiment and the Confederates were driven back. The attacking party belonged to Wheeler's cavalry. Buckhannon, West Virginia, July 26, 1862. Unofficial accounts state that on this date Confederate General Jenkins attacked Buckhannon; that the few Union troops at the place made a gallant resistance, losing a number of killed and wounded, but were finally overpowered. The town was captured and over $100,000 worth of government stores were destroyed. Buckhannon, West Virginia, August 30, 1862. Detachment of the 10th West Virginia Infantry. Brigadier-General A. G. Jenkins, of the Confederate army, reported that during his raid in West Virginia and Ohio he was fired on at Buckhannon by some 200 men stationed behind haystacks and fences, but that they were soon routed with a loss of 12 or 15 killed and wounded and about 20 captured, his own casualties being 3 men wounded. Jenkins also stated that he found large quantities of commissary and ordnance stores and 5.000 stands of arms, with which he rearmed his command. All the stores that could not be carried away were destroyed. The Union troops were commanded by Captain L. M. Marsh, who was among those captured. No Federal report of the affair was made.
Buckhannon, West Virginia, September 27, 1864. One Company 6th Virginia Cavalry. The company, under command of Major T. F. Lang, was engaged in guarding stores at Buckhannon. About daylight on the morning of the 27th the town was surrounded by the Confederate cavalry under Witcher, the entire garrison captured, and the stores, consisting of a large supply of quartermaster's, commissary and medical stores, besides 1,000 stands of small arms, were destroyed. Buckhead, Georgia, July 18, 1864. 2nd Division, 4th Army Corps. The division, commanded by Brigadier-General John Newton, crossed the Chattahoochee river at Powers' ferry on the 13th and on the 18th began the march to Atlanta on the Buckhead road. At Nancy's creek the bridge was found destroyed, and a considerable force of the enemy, with several Page 177 pieces of artillery, intrenched on the opposite bank. The Union batteries were brought up and in a short time succeeded in driving the Confederates from their position. After some difficulty the creek was crossed and Newton's advance skirmished with the enemy's cavalry all the way to Buckhead, where the division went into camp.
Buckhead Church, Georgia, November 28, 1864. Detachment of the 8th Indiana Cavalry. While Kilpatrick's cavalry command was marching from Waynesboro to Louisville the rear-guard was attacked near Buckhead church. Major Graham, with Companies E and G of the 8th Indiana, made a gallant charge and drove back the enemy, thus enabling the rear-guard to join the main body. Buckhead Creek, Georgia, November 28, 1864. Kilpatrick's Cavalry Division. On the march from Waynesboro to Louisville Murray's brigade, which was in the rear, was closely pressed by Wheeler's cavalry at the crossing of Buckhead creek, the Confederates trying to cut off part of the command. Colonel Atkins, commanding the 2nd brigade, sent the 5th Ohio, under Colonel T. T. Heath, to protect the crossing. Heath hurriedly threw up a barricade of rails, planted his 2 howitzers and sent a discharge of canister into the Confederate ranks. This checked the pursuit, and after the main body had crossed Heath withdrew his regiment, burning the bridge behind him.
Buckhead Creek, Georgia, December 2, 1864. 2nd Division, 20th Army Corps. The division, which formed the advance of the army, reached Buckhead creek a little while before noon and found the bridge destroyed. The advance was fired on by a Confederate picket on the opposite side of the stream. The 29th Ohio, Major Myron T. Wright commanding, was sent over to dislodge the enemy. Three companies were deployed to the left of the road, another line of skirmishers was deployed further to the left, and four companies under Captain Schoonover were sent to cover two roads leading from the main road. The Confederates soon abandoned their position, Wright advanced to the top of the ridge, where he threw up some works in order to hold the position while the Michigan engineers constructed a new bridge. The bridge was completed by 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the whole division was moved across the stream and encamped that night at Buckhead Church.
Buckhead Station, Georgia, November 19, 1864. 2nd Division, 20th Army Corps. This was one of the minor skirmishes of the Savannah campaign. Geary's division was detached from the main body and sent down the road parallel to the Georgia railroad to destroy the track, etc. While his men were engaged in destroying the water-tank, engine and railroad buildings at Buckhead Station about noon, they were fired on by Confederate scouts. These scouts were driven back across the Oconee river and the bridge across that stream burned.
Buck Horn, Arkansas, May 25, 1864. According to the report of Colonel J. O. Shelby, of the Confederate army, his advance encountered Captain Williams' company at Buck Horn on this date and routed it with a loss of 47 killed, 2 captured, who were shot the next day, and the rest of the company scattered. Union reports do not give any account of such an occurrence.
Buckhorn Tavern, Alabama, October 12, 1863. (See New Market, same date.)
Buckingham, South Carolina, March 20, 1862. 3d New Hampshire Infantry. Four Confederate pickets were captured near Baynard's plantation and taken to Buckingham's ferry, Hilton Head island, where they were turned over to an officer of the 45th Pennsylvania infantry.
Buckland Bridge, Virginia, August 27, 1862. (See Bull Run Bridge, same date.)
Buckland Mills, Virginia, October 19, 1863. 3d Division Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac. At daybreak the division left Gainesville with Custer's brigade in the advance. Skirmishing was almost immediately Page 178 commenced and continued until the advance reached Buckland. There the Confederate forces, under General J. E. B. Stuart, made a stand on the south side of Broad run. Stuart's artillery was so well stationed that it kept Custer from crossing the stream in his front, but by turning his left flank Custer compelled him to give up his position and fall back toward Warrenton. Custer's flank movement was executed with such celerity that the dinner already prepared for Stuart was left untouched and fell into the hands of the Union forces. At Buckland General Davies' brigade took the advance, with orders to move forward to New Baltimore and hold that place, from which he was to proceed as far as practicable in the direction of Warrenton. A mile from Buckland Davies came up with the enemy's vedettes, who slowly retired before the skirmishers. The Confederates were driven through New Baltimore and Davies occupied the hills overlooking the town. Here an officer of Kilpatrick's staff brought orders to wait for further instructions, as Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry had struck Custer on the flank and rear. In a little while heavy firing was heard in the direction of Buckland, and Davies took the responsibility of ordering his command to Custer's assistance. When within a mile of Buckland he learned that Custer had been driven back across Broad run and that the enemy's infantry held the bridge and fords. Davies sent forward his wagons, artillery, and his main column to the left, with orders to cross the run and make toward Hay Market. Then taking the 1st West Virginia and 2nd New York he attacked and drove back the enemy that was charging his rear. The 5th New York was engaged with a column of infantry that was trying to turn the right flank of the brigade. After these two attacks had been repulsed the whole command crossed the stream and moved through the fields and woods toward Hay Market, striking the pike about a mile below that place just in time to check Lee's cavalry that was trying to cut off the brigade. Meantime, when Custer was struck on the flank by Lee, Pennington's battery, of the 2nd U. S. artillery, opened on the Confederates, the 6th Michigan cavalry was thrown forward and deployed as skirmishers, the 5th and 7th Michigan were engaged in the woods on the right, while the 1st Michigan was held as a reserve and a support for the battery. Lee made a desperate effort to capture the guns of the battery, his men being within 20 yards of them when they were met by a destructive shower of grape and canister, after which Pennington gave the order to limber up and retire to the north side of the run. The entire brigade followed, the 1st Michigan covering the rear, and the command then fell back to Gainesville.
Buck Lodge, Tennessee, June 30, 1863. (See Butler's Mill.)
Buck's Ferry, Mississippi, September 19-22, 1864. Detachments of the 4th Illinois Cavalry, 29th Illinois and 70th and 71st U. S. Colored Infantry. This was a foraging expedition sent out by Brigadier-General Brayman, under the command of Colonel Loren Kent, of the 29th Illinois. On the 19th and 20th the cavalry collected 185 head of fat cattle; 700 bushels of corn were taken from Helm's plantation; and on the return to Natchez enough cattle were added to make 203 turned over to the commissary. At Buck's ferry on the Homochitto river a small force of Confederates was encountered, but was driven back by a few men from the 29th.
Buckskull, Arkansas, November 20, 1864. Detachment of the 2nd and 56th Enrolled Missouri Militia. The detachment was sent out to open up communication between Cape Girardeau and Pilot Knob. About 6 miles from Buckskull a squad of guerrillas approached the advance, when the 2nd Missouri fired instantly, killing 2 of them and capturing 6 horses. The balance scattered through the brush and made their escape. On the body of one of those killed was found a pass showing that his name was French. and that he belonged to the Reves gang.
Buckton, Virginia, July 3, 1864.
Buckton Station, Virginia, May 23, 1862. Detached troops guarding the railroad. Five companies, viz: one from the 3d Wisconsin, one from the 2nd Massachusetts, one from the 27th Indiana and two from the 29th Pennsylvania, were detailed by General Banks to guard the railroad bridges between Strasburg and Front Royal. This guard was under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Parham of the 29th Pennsylvania Companies were stationed at different points along the line, the strongest guard being at Buckton. A little while after noon on the 23d a force of some 3,000 Confederate cavalry, commanded by General Ashby, made a descent on the place. Parham, who was not yet fully recovered from an illness, put up the best defense he could with the small force at his disposal but the superior numbers of the enemy forced him to retire in the direction of Winchester. (See Front Royal.)
Budd's Ferry, Maryland, October 22, 1861. 72nd New York Infantry. Colonel Nelson Taylor was sent with his regiment, the 72nd New York, to accompany Captain R. S. Williamson of the Topographical Engineers, on a reconnaissance to Budd's ferry on the Potomac river in order to ascertain the number and strength of the Confederate batteries there. No fighting occurred during the movement except a few shots from the enemy's batteries and these were ineffectual. An embankment was thrown up by order of Captain Williamson opposite Evansport and Shipping Point. Budd's Ferry, Maryland, October 28, 1861. On this date a steamer ascending the Potomac was fired upon by the Confederate batteries in the neighborhood of Budd's ferry. General Joseph Hooker, who reported the incident, stated that he was unable to learn the name of the vessel or whether she was damaged. Buell's Ford, Tennessee, September 28, 1863.
Buffalo, West Virginia, September 27, 1862. 34th Ohio Infantry.
Buffalo City, Arkansas, March 2, 1864. (See Bennett's Bayou.)
Buffalo Creek, Georgia, November 25, 1864. 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 20th Army Corps. In the march to Sandersville the brigade, commanded by Colonel J. S. Robinson, reached Buffalo creek about 9 a. m. and found the bridges destroyed. The 101st Illinois was detailed to assist in rebuilding the bridges, and while the work was going on the enemy made a demonstration on the opposite side of the stream. Five companies of the Illinois regiment were thrown forward to reinforce the picket line and the Confederates hastily withdrew. About 3 p. m. the whole command crossed the creek and proceeded toward Sandersville, skirmishing as they went along, until ordered into camp by General Williams, commanding the division. Buffalo Creek, Missouri, August 7, 1864. 8th Cavalry Missouri State Militia. Major Milton Burch, with about 175 men, left Neosho early in the morning in search of a party of Confederates that had attacked Lieutenant Hunter on the 5th. About 1 p. m. they reached Enterprise, drove in the enemy's pickets, and found the main body in a strong position near the mouth of Patterson's creek. After nearly 2 hours' skirmishing the Confederates fell back toward Buffalo creek, leaving a small party in ambuscade which Burch's advance encountered. Burch then dismounted his entire force and deployed as skirmishers in hope of finding the main body. Finding that they had moved on toward the creek he proceeded cautiously until the ford was reached. While the men were watering their horses the enemy fired upon them, wounding 4 men and 4 horses. The enemy was part of Pickler's command, with some of Rusk's bushwhackers, and numbered about 300.
Buffalo Gap, West Virginia, June 6, 1864. General Hayes' Brigade, 2nd Division, Army of West Virginia. Buffalo, Hill, Kentucky, October 4, 1861. Organization not recorded; Union loss, 20 killed; Confederate loss, 50 killed.
Buffalo Mills, Missouri, October 22, 1861. Organizations not recorded. Buffalo Mountain, Arkansas, October 24-26, 1863. McNeil's Volunteer Page 180 Brigade. The skirmishing about Buffalo mountain was an incident of Shelby's raid through Arkansas and Missouri, with McNeil in close pursuit. On the 24th McNeil marched over the mountain and found the Confederates snugly encamped in a valley on the other side. A few shells routed him, but owing to the character of the country pursuit was postponed until the following morning. All day on the 25th the 1st Arkansas cavalry, which constituted McNeil's advance, skirmished with the rear guard of the enemy. On the 26th the same regiment made a determined attack on Shelby's rear at a narrow pass and Lieutenant Robinson was mortally wounded, this being the only casualty reported.
Buffalo River, Arkansas, December 25, 1863. 1st Arkansas Cavalry. Colonel Worthington, with 112 men of his regiment and a piece of artillery, was sent out from Fayetteville on the 15th to scout the counties of Carroll, Marion and Searcy. While encamped on Buffalo river on the 25th he was attacked by a considerable force under Major Gunning. Two foraging parties were driven in with a loss of 4 killed and 4 wounded. Worthington consented to a truce of one and a half hours, during which the wounded were brought into camp and the dead interred. Learning that a large force of the enemy was in the neighborhood and likely to attack him on the following morning he assumed the offensive and about 8 o'clock that evening made an attack upon Gunning's camp, completely routing him, killing 14 and wounding about 40 of his men. This determined assault drove the Confederates from the vicinity and the next day they fell back to Clapper's mill. Worthington then returned to Fayetteville.
Buffalo Shoals, West Virginia, November 5, 1864. U. S. Steamers Barnum and Fawn. Lieutenant-Colonel Witcher, commanding a body of Confederate cavalry which was operating in the Kanawha valley, captured and burned, at Buffalo shoals on the Big Sandy river, the armed U. S. steamers Barnum and Fawn. All on board the two vessels escaped except 7 men, 2 of whom were killed and 5 captured. Some small arms fell into the hands of the enemy.
Buffington Island, Ohio, July 19, 1863. Cavalry: 1st, 3d, 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th Kentucky; 8th, 9th and 12th Michigan; 2nd and 7th Ohio, and 5th Indiana. Infantry: 45th Ohio, 2nd Mounted Tennessee and militia. Land forces assisted by Union gunboats. Capture of Morgan's raiders. Morgan reached Portland, nearly opposite the island, about 8 p. m. on the 18th. Finding the entrance to the ford guarded by a little earthwork, of whose strength he was not advised, he decided to wait until morning before attempting to cross. That delay was fatal. General Henry M. Judah was then at Pomeroy, 30 miles below. He sent word to General Hobson, who had been in close pursuit of Morgan for two weeks, to push on via Chester and then started for Buffington island, reaching there about 5 :30 on the morning of the 19th. While making a reconnaissance Judah and escort were assailed on three sides by three regiments led by Colonel Basil W. Duke, that had been sent out to storm the earthwork. Two of Judah's men were killed and about 30 captured. The reconnoitering party fell back upon the main body, which was rapidly brought into position and a rapid fire opened by the guns of the 5th Indiana battery. In a short time the enemy's lines were broken, when a cavalry charge, led by Lieutenant O'Neil of the 5th Indiana, completely routed Duke's forces. He succeeded in rallying his men and reforming his line, in hope of holding Judah in check until the main body could cross the river. But just at this juncture Hobson arrived over the Chester road and struck the Confederates in the rear. To add to Morgan's discomfiture the tin-clad gunboats steamed up and opened fire on those who were trying to cross the river. Morgan then made a desperate effort to save his men and trains, meantime keeping up such resistance as he could. For some distance the withdrawal was made in fairly good order, when a charge by the 8th and 9th Michigan Page 181 cavalry drove the enemy into confusion. It was then every man for himself. As they fled they threw away the plunder accumulated along the line of march. The pursuit was continued until the main body was surrounded in the woods, where nearly 600 men, among whom were Colonels Duke, Huffman, Morgan and Smith, were surrendered. About 200 had been captured earlier in the action. General Morgan, with about 1,000 men, succeeded in making his escape, only to be captured at New Lisbon a few days later.
Buford's (or Beaufort's) Bridge, South Carolina, February 4, 1865. 2nd Division, 15th Army Corps. On the march through the Carolinas there was almost constant skirmishing. As Woods' division was approaching Buford's bridge, over the Salkehatchie river, a skirmish occurred in which 1 of the enemy was killed and 1 wounded. Before the bridge could be reached, owing to obstructions placed in the road, it was destroyed by the Confederates, who evacuated their works there upon the approach of the Federal forces. (See Salkehatchie River.)
Buford's Gap, Virginia, June 20, 1864. 1st Cavalry Division, Department of West Virginia. While the division was encamped some 4 miles from Liberty, General Duffie received orders to move forward and occupy Buford's gap at once. About 1 o'clock on the morning of the 20th, Wyncoop's brigade, which was in the advance, reached the gap and found a small force of the enemy guarding the pass. This was swept out of the way without loss or difficulty and at daybreak the entire division encamped at the gap. The railroad was then destroyed for a distance of 10 miles.
Buford's Station, Tennessee, December 23, 1864. Cavalry of the Army of the Cumberland. This was one of the numerous skirmishes that occurred between detached troops of the two armies as General Thomas' forces were in pursuit of the Confederates under General Hood, after the battle of Nashville. No detailed report of the affair appears in the official records of the war.
Bugbee Bridge, South Carolina, February 9-11, 1864.
Bull Bayou, Arkansas, August 7, 1864. Cavalry of the 7th Army Corps. An expedition, under the command of Brigadier-General Joseph R. West, left Little Rock for Little Red river on the 6th. As the 3d Wisconsin cavalry, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Calkins, approached Bull bayou some shots were exchanged with the Confederate pickets. The enemy then tried to destroy the bridge over the bayou, but were so closely pressed that they failed in the attempt.
Bull Bayou, Arkansas, August 26, 1864. 9th Kansas and 3d Wisconsin Cavalry. Bull Creek, Missouri, March 28, 1865. Bull Island, South Carolina, January 31, 1863. On the 30th Captain Haskell, commanding the Confederate post on Sullivan's island, with a small party of men, made a visit to Bull island to reconnoiter the position of the Union gunboat Flambeau. Finding two of the crew of the gunboat hunting on the island he took them prisoners, sent them to the west end of the island, and at the same time sent to the post for 50 men. Late that afternoon about 100 men were landed from the Flambeau, the next morning the two parties came together and a few shots were exchanged, after which the Confederates hurriedly left the island. The Union loss was 1 man killed.
Bullitt's Bayou, Louisiana, August 25, 1864. Brigadier-General Mason Brayman, commanding the Union forces at Natchez, learning that some 200 of the enemy were encamped at Bullitt's bayou, sent out three detachments, hoping to surprise and capture the entire force. Owing to incorrect information regarding the location of the camp the object of the movement was not attained, though the Confederates were completely routed with a loss of 2 men killed, 9 captured, 35 horses, 40 stands of arms, a number of pistols and a large amount of camp equipage. No loss was sustained by the Union side.
Bullitt's Bayou, Louisiana, September 14, 1864. 63d U. S. Colored Infantry. About 8 a. m. a small party of Confederates fired upon the Union pickets and killed 2 men. Captain Elliott pursued them for about a mile and a half, but the enemy being mounted could not be overtaken and the pursuers returned to camp.
Bull Pasture Mountain, Virginia, May 8, 1862. (See McDowell.)
Bull Run, Virginia, July 21, 1861. U. S. Forces under General McDowell. The battle of Bull run was the first engagement of consequence in the war. The seizure of Gosport and Harper's Ferry by the Virginia state troops; the destruction of the Norfolk navy yard; the Baltimore riots, and the threatening attitude of the Confederates toward the national capital had aroused general indignation at the North, and public sentiment clamored for a battle which would crush the rebellion in its incipiency. "Forward to Richmond" was the slogan of the Northern newspapers and members of Congress urged the president and General Scott, the latter being in command of the Union army, to strike a decisive blow. Virginia, by popular vote, ratified a secession ordinance on May 23, and the next day Union troops crossed the Potomac and occupied Arlington Heights and Alexandria. But this movement was not sufficiently aggressive to satisfy the general demand for a fight, and when a train of soldiers belonging to General Schenck's command was ambushed at Vienna Station, and a detachment of General Butler's forces was defeated at Big Bethel, the fires of patriotism blazed with a fiercer intensity. When the Federals occupied Alexandria and Arlington the Confederates fell back to Manassas Junction, about 35 miles from Washington, where Beauregard was assigned to the command on June 1. Beauregard immediately issued his famous proclamation, declaring the war cry of the Union army to be "Beauty and Booty," and called on the surrounding farmers to join his own forces. Some responded in person, others sent their slaves, and the work of fortifying a position was commenced. At that time the Confederate Army of the Shenandoah, commanded by General J. E. Johnston and numbering about 10,000 men, was at Harper's Ferry, threatened by the Union forces under General Patterson. To favor Patterson's attack on Johnston, by preventing Beauregard from sending reinforcements to Harper's Ferry, a movement was planned against the later at Manassas, and on June 3 Scott called on General McDowell, who was in command of the troops south of the Potomac, to give an estimate of the number of men necessary for the undertaking. Before the movement could be carried out Johnston evacuated Harper's Ferry and the order was recalled for the time being. This action again awakened the public demand for an advance on the enemy at some point and on the 24th McDowell submitted his plan for an attack on Beauregard. Five days later this plan was thoroughly reviewed by a council of war at the Executive Mansion, and was finally approved by the president and his cabinet, as well as the principal military officers present. Scott was opposed to assuming the aggressive just then, for the reason that most of the troops were three-months men, whose terms would expire before any movement of an extensive nature could be carried through. Notwithstanding these objections it was decided to make the attack and McDowell was ordered to have his troops in readiness to begin the advance on July 8. In proposing his plan of campaign McDowell estimated the Confederate strength at Manassas at 25,000 men, and asked for 30,000 to take into action, with a reserve of 10,000 more. His greatest fear seems to have been that Beauregard would be reinforced, for in presenting his plan he said: "If General J. E. Johnston's force is kept engaged by Major- General Patterson, and Major-General Butler occupies the force now in his vicinity, I think they will not be able to bring up more than 10,000 men, so we may calculate upon having to do with about 35,000 men." Scott assured Page 183 him that Patterson would keep Johnston too busy to permit him to join Beauregard, and added: "If Johnston joins Beauregard, he shall have Patterson on his heels." Events proved, however, that Scott was mistaken in his estimate of Patterson as a military commander. Johnston did join Beauregard, just in the nick of time, and Patterson was nowhere near his heels. Some delay occurred in the preparations, so that it was the 16th before McDowell was ready to move. His army was composed of five divisions. The ist division, commanded by Brigadier-General Daniel Tyler, consisted of four brigades, the ist commanded by Colonel E. D. Keyes, the 2nd by Brigadier-General R. C. Schenck, the 3d by Colonel W. T. Sherman, and the 4th by Colonel I. B. Richardson. The 2nd division was under the command of Colonel David Hunter, and was made up of two brigades, commanded by Colonels Andrew Porter and A. E. Burnside. The 3d division, under Colonel S. P. Heintzelman, consisted of three brigades, commanded by Colonels W. B. Franklin, O. B. Willcox and O. O. Howard. The 4th division, commanded by Brigadier-General Theodore Runyon, was held in reserve and took no part in the engagement. The 5th division, commanded by Colonel S. D. Miles, was also in reserve at Centerville, and was not in the battle proper, though it was engaged in skirmishing during the 21st and in covering the retreat of the army. It was composed of the brigades of Colonels Louis Blenker and T. A. Davies. With the army were 49 pieces of artillery. The Confederate Army of the Potomac, commanded by Brigadier-General G. T. Beauregard, consisted of six brigades of Bonham, Ewell, D. R. Jones, Longstreet, Cocke and Early; the reserve brigade of Holmes; Evans' command, temporarily organized; two regiments of unattached infantry; the 30th Virginia; ten independent companies of cavalry; and 27 field guns. The Army of the Shenandoah, commanded by General J. E. Johnston, was composed of four brigades, respectively commanded by Jackson, Bartow, Bee and E. K. Smith; the ist Virginia cavalry, under J. E. B. Stuart; and 17 pieces of artillery. As above stated, McDowell marched on the 16th, the men carrying three days' rations. The next day he drove in the enemy's outposts at Fairfax C. H., and on the 18th halted at Centerville for his supply train to come up, so that more rations could be issued. On that day Tyler made a reconnaissance (see Blackburn's Ford) that developed the Confederate position and demonstrated that the enemy was in force. The Confederate line of battle lay along the west side of Bull run and extended from Manassas Junction to the stone bridge on the Warrenton turnpike, a distance of about 8 miles. Between the railroad and the stone bridge were five fords, viz.: Lewis', Ball's Mitchell's, Blackburn's and McLean's, from north to south in the order named. Up to the time of the affair at Blackburn's ford it had been McDowell's intention to turn the enemy's right, then cross at one of the fords and attack the center. The roads south of the junction were found to be unsuitable for a flank movement in that direction, and Tyler's reconnaissance showed the enemy to be too strong at the fords for the Union troops to force a passage without suffering heavy losses. McDowell, therefore, turned his attention to the Confederate left. During the 19th and 20th he caused his engineers to make a careful examination of the ground between the two armies, and to gain as much information as possible of the enemy's position. Two fords were found above the stone bridge, Sudley ford, the one farthest north, being unguarded. On Saturday evening, the 20th, McDowell called his officers together at Centerville and explained his plans for battle on the succeeding day. Miles was to remain at Centerville with his division and construct defensive works there to be used in case of emergency; Richardson's brigade was to be detached from Tyler's division for the purpose of making a Page 184 demonstration against Blackburn's ford, to engage the enemy's attention in the center; the rest of Tyler's division was to march out on the pike to the stone bridge and threaten the enemy at that point, while Hunter and Heintzelman were to march with their divisions to Sudley ford, cross the run and then, turning to the left, force away the guard from the other ford and the bridge, thus clearing the way for Tyler to cross and join in the attack on Beauregard's left. Tyler was instructed to move at 2:30 a. m. and to be in position to open fire on the bridge at daybreak. His demonstration was to be sufficiently vigorous to divert attention from Hunter and Heintzelman. Unfortunately Tyler started behind time and his march was so slow as to hold back Hunter and Heintzelman for some time. Then the distance to Sudley ford was about twice as great as had been reported, so that the run was not crossed until 9:30 instead of 6 o'clock, according to the original schedule. The stone bridge was guarded by Evans, who had about a regiment and a half of infantry and 4 pieces of artillery. Tyler's demonstration was so feeble that Evans was soon convinced it was only a feint and that the real attack was to come from some other quarter. About 8 o'clock he heard of the column moving toward Sudley ford. Withdrawing all his force from the bridge, with the exception of four companies and 2 guns, he moved to the Sudley road to intercept the flank movement. This movement of Evans was made without the knowledge or the orders of his superior officers, but it displayed good military judgment, and no doubt changed the whole current of battle. He took up a position north of the Warrenton pike, on a ridge north of Young's branch, his left resting on the Sudley road. At 10 a. m. the head of Hunter's column emerged from the woods about a mile north of the pike and the battle of Bull run was commenced by Burnside's brigade and Evans' line. Johnston arrived at Manassas about noon on the 20th with the first detachment of the Army of the Shenandoah, and, being the ranking officer, assumed command. Patterson was not "on his heels," as Scott had promised, but he might arrive at any time, and it was decided to crush McDowell before Patterson could reinforce him. Beauregard, who was well acquainted with the ground, proposed a plan of battle, which was approved by Johnston, and that was to cross Bull run at the fords below the stone bridge with the whole strength of the combined armies and attack McDowell at Centerville. The troops were posted with this view and early on Sunday morning Johnston had written the orders for an advance, but before they could be carried out the sound of artillery firing was heard in the direction of the stone bridge. It was then decided to attack on the right from Blackburn's ford and assume the defensive on the left. Accordingly orders were given for Ewell, on the extreme right, to begin the flank movement on Centerville, the other commands to follow in order to the left, while the commands of Bee and Bartow were to support Evans. The reserves were to move without further orders to where the sound of the firing was heaviest. When the fighting on the left began, Burnside formed his brigade in line of battle and moved forward to the support of a battery in the open field east of the Sudley road. Prompt action on his part would doubtless have forced Evans from his position, but Evans was quickly reinforced by part of Bee's command and the opportunity was lost. Evans was also reinforced by Bartow's brigade and Imboden's battery. Porter's brigade came to the assistance of Burnside and formed to the right of the Sudley road, where Griffin's battery of 6 guns could be brought to bear on the enemy's artillery. Heintzelman also hurried up his advance regiment and Ricketts' battery, and under the attack of these combined forces the Confederate line broke and fell back in some confusion about half a mile across Yoting's branch. The Sudley road crosses the Warrenton pike Page 185 about three-fourths of a mile west of the stone bridge. At the junction of the two roads was a stone house. About half a mile east, on the south side of the pike, was the Robinson house, and about the same distance west of the cross-roads on the north side of the pike was the Dogan house, while further south, on the east side of the Sudley road, was another dwelling, known as the Henry house. South of this last was a semicircular wood, extending from the Sudley road to Young's branch, and between the wood and the pike was a plateau, over which the Confederates retreated. It was at this point that General T. J. Jackson received the sobriquet of "Stonewall." His brigade was in line near the edge of the wood, waiting for the command to go in, when Bee's men came flying back across the plateau. "Look!" called out Bee in an attempt to rally his forces, "Here is Jackson standing like a stone wall! Rally behind the Virginians!" From that time forth the famous Confederate general was known as "Stonewall" Jackson, and there are probably thousands of people who know him by no other name. This first repulse of the Confederates came about 11:30 a. m. Some time before this Johnston and Beauregard realized that McDowell's demonstration on their left was a real attack, the order for the flank movement on Centerville was recalled, and the troops ordered to the scene of the conflict. McDowell, who was early on the field, also ordered up all his available forces to the support of those engaged. Tyler sent the brigades of Sherman and Keyes across the run at the ford above the stone bridge, Keyes joining Hunter on the left, while Sherman moved to the right to the support of Porter, who was still pressing the enemy down the Sudley road. Along the crest in front of the wood Jackson, with his five regiments and two batteries, formed a new line, extending from the Robinson to the Henry house, and behind this the defeated Confederates were partially rallied. Hampton's battalion, which had arrived from Richmond that morning, formed on Jackson's right. Franklin and Willcox joined the Union line on the right a little after noon, and Griffin's and Ricketts' batteries secured a position near the Dogan house, where they could enfilade Hampton's line. About 2 p. m. Keyes made a dashing charge up the hill, driving Hampton from his position, but was repulsed by the fire of some batteries which had just been planted farther to the rear. The whole Federal line now swung around toward the pike, striking Jackson on the left and forcing him back to the shelter of the woods, where he concentrated his artillery so as to sweep by a cross fire the whole open plateau in his front. To counteract this fire Griffin and Ricketts pushed their batteries forward to the Henry hill, with two regiments in support. For a brief period there was a lull in the battle, but before the Union guns were fairly in position men and horses commenced to fall under a well-directed fire from the Confederate sharpshooters concealed in the thicket of pines at short range. The guns were placed, however, and fire opened on the enemy's lines, driving the sharpshooters from their place of concealment. Here a mistake occurred that proved to be one of the prime factors in the defeat of McDowell's army. A regiment approached the batteries from the right in plain view. Griffin charged his guns with canister and trained them on the advancing line, when Major Barry, chief of artillery, assured him that it was a regiment coming to his support. Griffin ordered the gunners to withhold their fire, the regiment continued to advance until within short musket range, when they leveled their pieces and with one volley almost annihilated the batteries. Most of the horses were killed, and those that were left broke away and went tearing down the hill through the Union lines, scattering confusion among the troops. The 11th New York (Ellsworth's zouaves').supporting the batteries, fired one volley and fled, upon which the Confederates swarmed out of the woods and charged the batteries, which now became the center Page 186 of the fight. Jackson's men seized the guns and tried to drag them away, but were foiled in the attempt. Arnold's battery was brought to the assistance of Griffin and Ricketts, but was compelled to withdraw. The Rhode Island battery poured in a heavy fire from the hill north of Young's branch, fresh troops on either side were thrown forward and for an hour the battle raged around the two batteries. Three times the guns were taken and recaptured and just as victory was about to perch on the Union banner the remainder of the Confederate Army of the Shenandoah arrived on the field. Kirby Smith's brigade marched up the Sudley road from Manassas. Smith was wounded, but Colonel Arnold Elzey assumed command and led the brigade to the left of the Confederate line. About the same time four regiments from Cocke's and Bonham's brigades came up nearer Bull run, thus extending the enemy's line in both directions until it overlapped McDowell's at either end. No more fresh troops could be brought up by McDowell, while the enemy was now constantly receiving accessions to his ranks. The guns of Griffin's and Ricketts' batteries were in Jackson's hands, Ricketts was wounded and a prisoner, many of the Union regiments had exhausted their ammunition, and now at 4:30 p. m. there was nothing left but to retreat. McDowell made the best disposition he could to cover the retreat of the army and the word was passed along the lines to fall back to the old position at Centerville. The disorder which had been growing in the Federal lines all the afternoon now reached its climax. Although the Warrenton road was open to Centerville, a distance of about 4 miles, most of the troops went back by the same route they had come upon the field in the morning, and made the long detour by way of Sudley ford. With few exceptions all regimental and brigade formations were entirely lost, every man being intent on getting to Centerville as soon as possible. Fortunately for the panic-stricken army of raw troops Johnston and Beauregard did not press the pursuit to the extent they might have done. Stuart's cavalry followed, but the rear of the army was fairly well protected and all the Confederates could do was to pick up a straggler here and there. Bonham was ordered to move against the retreating army, but the brigades of Sherman, Schenck and Keyes, which went by the pike, presented too formidable an appearance and the pursuit was a tame affair. Bonham followed, however, nearly to Centerville, where he encountered the brigades of Blenker, Richardson and Davies, and hurriedly fell back across Bull run. While the main battle was taking place near the crossing of the Warrenton pike and the Sudley road a considerable skirmish occurred at Blackburn's ford. It will be remembered that Richardson was sent here to make a demonstration to divert attention from McDowell's real purpose. In the afternoon the Confederates became aware of the character of this movement and Johnston sent word to D. R. Jones to cross the run and attack Richardson, in the hope that McDowell would weaken his forces on the right to strengthen his position at the ford. Davies was sent to the support of Richardson, and with him was Hunt's battery. About 4 o'clock Jones crossed at McLean's ford, a short distance below Blackburn's, with three regiments, and by a flank movement tried to capture this battery. Davies, from a strong position, watched the movement until the regiments were beginning to deploy in line of battle, when he ordered the 6 guns shotted with canister, and at a distance of 500 yards opened on the advancing Confederates. One volley was sufficient. The enemy broke and fled, not stopping until he was safely on the other side of the run. Jones reported his loss here as 14 killed and 62 wounded. No further demonstration was made at this point and the Union troops retired toward Centerville. The Union losses at Bull run were 460 killed, 1,124 wounded and Page 187 1,312 captured or missing. The Confederates lost 387 killed, 1,582 wounded and 13 missing. Bull Run, Virginia, August 30, 1862. Army of Virginia and Army of the Potomac. In this battle, known as the second Bull run, is included the action at Gainesville late on the afternoon of the 28th, and the battle of Groveton on the 29th. General Pope's forces at this time consisted of the Army of Virginia and the Army of the Potomac. The former was made up of three corps: the 1st, commanded by Major-General Franz Sigel, included the divisions of Schenck, Von Steinwehr and Schurz, the independent brigade of General Robert H. Milroy, and the cavalry brigade of Colonel John Beardsley. The 2nd corps, under the command of Major-General N. P. Banks, was composed of the divisions of Williams and Greene, and the cavalry brigade of General John Buford. The 3d corps, commanded by Major-General Irvin McDowell, consisted of the two divisions of King and Ricketts, the cavalry brigade of General George D. Bayard, and the reserve corps under Brigadier-General Samuel D. Sturgis. Reynolds' division was temporarily attached to this corps. In the Army of the Potomac there were also three corps, the 3d, 5th and 9th. The 3d was commanded by Major-General S. P. Heintzelman and consisted of the divisions of Kearny and Hooker. The 5th was commanded by Major-General Fitz John Porter and embraced the divisions of Morell and Sykes. The 9th corps, commanded by Major-General Jesse L. Reno, included two divisions, the 1st commanded by Major-General Isaac Stevens, and the 2nd by Reno in person. With this corps was also the 1st provisional brigade of the Kanawha division, commanded by Colonel E. P. Scammon. The 1st brigade, 1st division of the 6th corps, Brigadier-General George W. Taylor, was engaged at Bull run bridge toward the close of the battle, and there were some unattached organizations. The Confederate forces—known as the Army of Northern Virginia—. were under the command of General Robert E. Lee, and consisted of the right and left wings. The former, commanded by Major General James Longstreet, included the divisions of Anderson, D. R. Jones, Wilcox, Hood and Kemper. The left wing, commanded by Major-General Thomas J. Jackson, was composed of the divisions of Taliaferro, A. P. Hill, Ewell, and the cavalry division of Stuart. Authorities differ as to the strength of the two armies, but it is probable that Pope had about 63,000 men of all arms and Lee 54,000. By Stuart's dash upon Pope's headquarters at Catlett's station on the night of August 22, the despatch book of the Federal commander fell into the hands of Lee, who learned from it the position and approximate strength of the Union forces in his front, and determined to send part of his army to the right and rear of Pope, with a view to capturing or destroying his command, which was then in the vicinity of Rappahannock Station at the point where the Orange & Alexandria railroad crosses the Rappahannock river. On the 25th Jackson was sent via Thoroughfare gap to strike Pope in the rear, while Longstreet kept up a show of force in front. The next day the latter took up his march to join Jackson, and Pope got wind of the movement. At sunset on the 26th his forces were somewhat scattered. Reno, Kearny and Hooker were at Warrenton Junction: Sigel was at Warrenton; McDowell was confronting Longstreet at Waterloo bridge; Banks was at Fayetteville; Sykes was south of Bealeton, and Morell was at Kelly's ford, below Rappahannock Station. Orders were sent to the different commands to move toward Gainesville and Manassas Junction, with a view to concentration. Jackson had by this time gained the Federal rear and occupied the road from Gainesville to Bristoe Station. Shortly after midnight Stuart's cavalry assaulted the Union garrison at the junction and captured the place, together with the commissary arid quartermaster stores collected there. About 7 a. m. on Page 188 the 28th Taylor's brigade of the 6th corps came up from Alexandria and made a gallant effort to recapture the stores. In the skirmish Taylor was mortally wounded. Jackson was now in imminent danger of capture or annihilation. In one respect, however, he had the advantage of his opponent. He was aware of the positions of the various detachments of the Union forces, and could at least hazard a shrewd guess at Pope's intentions, while the latter was puzzled as to what Jackson might do. The general opinion of the Federal officers seems to have been that Jackson would move to the southward, fall on the wagon trains under Banks, then near Warrenton Junction, and join Longstreet near Warrenton. To unite with Longstreet was of paramount importance, and in order to do this Jackson resolved to move northward to the old battle-field of 13 months before, where he was well acquainted with the ground, and secure a strong position where he could hold out until Longstreet's arrival. Accordingly on the night of the 27th Taliaferro moved by the Sudley road and at daylight on the 28th was north of the Warrenton pike. At 1 a. m. on the 28th A. P. Hill moved to Centerville, and at 10 o'clock joined Taliaferro. Ewell crossed Bull run at Blackburn's ford, proceeded up the east side of the stream to the stone bridge, where he recrossed and by noon the whole command was together. When Jackson began this movement McDowell and Sigel were in the neighborhood of Gainesville, directly between the two wings of the Confederate army. As an evidence that Pope had no intimation of Jackson's purpose, he sent an order to McDowell at 9 p. m. on the 27th to move at daylight the next morning for Manassas. In this report he said: "If you will move promptly and rapidly at the earliest dawn of day upon Manassas Junction we shall bag the whole crowd." This order caused McDowell and Sigel to waste the greater part of the 28th in a useless march to Manassas under the impression that Jackson would wait there to be surrounded. McDowell appears to have had better judgment than Pope, for in his report he says: "I varied from your orders to march with 'my whole force' only so far as concerned General Ricketts' division and the cavalry of Buford and Bayard. Knowing that Longstreet would be coming through Thoroughfare, I sent early in the morning Colonel Wyndham's 1st New Jersey regiment of cavalry to the gap, and sent up other cavalry as fast as I could get hold of it, and on receiving word the enemy was coming through T detached Ricketts' division to hold him in check. This departure from your orders to move with 'my whole force' on Manassas I felt called upon to make to carry out the spirit of your plan of crushing the enemy at that place before his reinforcements, of whose position I had just received positive intelligence, could join, as those reinforcements, I thought, could be better held in check at the gap than this side of it." Before his advance reached Manassas McDowell received another despatch from headquarters, stating that the enemy was east of Bull run, and directing him to march his command toward that place. King's division, which had formed the rear in the march of the forenoon, now became the advance. As this division was marching east on the Warrenton pike about 5 p. m. Jackson, thinking the Union army was in retreat, sent Taliaferro's division and two brigades of Ewell's against King. The latter met the attack bravely by throwing forward a strong skirmish line, supported by the infantry in force, while the batteries were placed where they could enfilade those of the enemy, compelling them to change their position. For over two hours the two lines doggedly held on amidst an incessant fire of artillery and musketry, after which the fight waned somewhat, but was continued until 9 p. m., when the enemy retreated from the field. About Page 189 the time that this action commenced Jackson sent a body of cavalry down the Sudley road, to harass the rear of a retreating army as he thought, and this detachment ran into Sigel's troops marching northward to strike the pike. Here another sharp skirmish ensued in which the Federals were victorious. These two affairs are known as the battle of Gainesville. Reynolds, hearing the firing, from his position near Bethlehem Church, at once put his troops in motion and late in the evening encamped near Sigel, about a mile from Groveton. King took steps to hold his position, but late that night he learned that Ricketts, who had checked Longstreet at Thoroughfare gap, was falling back toward Gainesville to avoid being cut off by a flank movement through Hopewell gap, and after consulting his brigade commanders decided to fall back to Manassas. At 1 a. m. on the 29th Ricketts also fell back toward Manassas, moving via Bristoe Station. At daylight on the 29th Reynolds occupied a position on the south side of the Warrenton pike near Groveton. Sigel's corps lay farther east, near the crossing of the Sudley road. Reno and Heintzelman were farther east, toward Centerville, while McDowell and Porter were near Manassas Junction. Jackson occupied the ridge north of the pike, behind the line of the unfinished railroad, his left resting on Catharpin run near Sudley springs, and his right on the heights not far from Groveton. Pope proceeded on the theory that, because Jackson had left Manassas so suddenly, the enemy was retreating, and prepared to strike with his whole force. McDowell and Porter were ordered to move toward Gainesville early on the 29th in order to gain the Confederate rear; Sigel was to attack the enemy's right, and Reno and Heintzelman were to move forward and engage him in front. Sigel carried out his part of the program and opened the battle of Groveton by a vigorous attack about 6 a. m. The batteries began shelling the woods and under cover of this artillery fire Schurz and Milroy advanced, the enemy falling back to the embankment formed by the railroad cut, where a fierce conflict ensued. The Federals charged the embankment twice, but each time were repulsed. The Confederates then sallied out in pursuit, but were checked by the fire from the Union batteries. Meantime Reynolds had pushed Meade's brigade across the pike in an effort to turn the enemy's right, but the movement failed because Schenck, who was supporting it, was compelled to withdraw Stahel's brigade and send it to the assistance of Milroy. In the advance on the railroad a gap was left between Schurz and Milroy. This was closed by the latter, but at the expense of weakening his line. Seeing this the Confederates made a vicious charge against Schurz and succeeded in breaking his line. The men were rallied without difficulty, however, the enemy driven back to the railroad, Schimmelfennig's brigade gaining possession of a part of the embankment and holding it against repeated assaults until relieved by fresh troops in the afternoon. A little while before noon the divisions of Hooker, Kearny, Reno and Stevens arrived on the field. Some of the troops belonging to these commands were used to relieve those who had been engaged all morning, but aside from some skirmishing and artillery firing there was no more aggressive action until about 4 p. m., Pope deciding to wait for McDowell and Porter to come up. These two officers, pursuant to Pope's order of the preceding evening, moved at an early hour on the Gainesville road. At 11:30 the advance was at Dawkins' branch, about 2 miles northwest of Bethlehem Church, where the enemy was encountered. This proved to be a portion of Longstreet's corps. Skirmishers were thrown forward across the branch and a few shots exchanged, but a general engagement at this point was not desirable. King's division, then near the Page 190 church, was ordered to march up the Sudley road and join Reynolds, Ricketts being directed to move in the same direction soon afterward. Later McDowell advised Porter to attack the enemy in front, while with his own command he would move up the Sudley road and join the forces there .on the left. Porter assumed that he was to wait until he heard from McDowell before beginning the attack and remained idle all the afternoon. This conduct on his part was made the subject of a court of inquiry. Late in the day Pope ordered Heintzelman to attack simultaneously at two points on the enemy's line. Heintzelman sent in Hooker's and Kearny's divisions, the former against the center of the line and the latter farther to the right against Hill's division. Grover's brigade led the assault made by Hooker and the charge has been described as "one of the most gallant and determined of the war." With loaded pieces and fixed bayonets they advanced slowly until the enemy's fire was drawn, when they fired a volley and rushed forward to carry the position with the bayonet. The railroad embankment was carried in a desperate hand-to-hand conflict in which bayonets and clubbed muskets were the principal weapons. The center of Jackson's line was broken by this terrific onslaught, but Grover was not supported and the advantage thus gained was of short duration as the Confederates came rushing into the breach, forcing Grover to retire. Kearny's attack was delayed until after Grover's repulse and was made with the same bravery and determination. It was successful at first and for a short time it looked as though Jackson's left had been turned. Gregg's brigade of Hill's division held on with the bayonet until the brigades of Lawton and Early could come to his relief, and these reinforcements drove Kearny back. On the march up the Sudley road King was suddenly taken ill and the command of the division fell on Brigadier-General John P. Hatch, who arrived on the field, accompanied by McDowell, between 5 and 6 p. m. At that moment the Confederates could be seen readjusting their line and the impression was gained by the Union generals that they were retreating. Hatch was ordered along the pike toward Groveton to convert the retreat into a rout if possible. Hatch made a dashing assault on what he believed to be the retreating army of Jackson, and encountered Hood and Evans of Longstreet's command advancing to meet him. After a sharp action of nearly an hour Hatch was compelled to fall back, leaving one piece of artillery in the hands of the enemy. About the same time Reynolds undertook to renew the attack on the extreme left, but was repulsed by the severe artillery fire of the Confederates and withdrew. The battle of Groveton was over. Not until the repulse of Hatch by Hood and Evans did Pope know that Longstreet had joined Jackson. Even then he was inclined to believe that only a small portion of the Confederate right wing had reached the scene of action. Porter arrived at headquarters early on the morning of the 30th and tried to convince the commanding general that all of Longstreet's forces had been on the field since noon of the preceding day. This statement Pope regarded as an excuse on the part of Porter for not obeying orders, and, although it was corroborated by other officers, he still clung to his cherished opinion that Longstreet had not come up. The battle of the 29th he considered a great victory, and sent a despatch to that effect to General Halleck at 5 a. m. on the 30th. Flushed with this notion of victory, and believing the Confederates to be in full retreat, he resolved to continue on the offensive. Accordingly, at noon on Saturday, the 30th, he issued the following order: Page 191 "The following forces will be immediately thrown forward in pursuit of the enemy, and press him vigorously during the whole day. Major-General McDowell is assigned to the command of the pursuit. Major-General Porter's corps will push forward on the Warrenton turnpike, followed by the divisions of Brigadier-Generals King; and Reynolds. The division of Brigadier-General Ricketts will pursue the Haymarket road, followed by the corps of Major-General Heintzelman; the necessary cavalry will be assigned to these columns by Major-General McDowell, to whom regular and frequent reports will be made. The General Headquarters will be somewhere on the Warrenton turnpike." Jackson still held his position along the line of the unfinished railroad. To reach the Haymarket road in his rear Ricketts must march some 5 miles via Sudley springs. Had Jackson been inclined to retreat by that route he could have struck the road far in advance of Ricketts before that officer could have reached a point to intercept him. But Jackson had no intention of retreating. He knew that Longstreet, during the night, had moved forward to a position south of the Warrenton pike, from which he could call reinforcements if it became necessary. Hood lay across the pike a short distance west of Groveton, ready to move to the assistance of the right or left, or to hold in check any movement down the pike toward Gainesville. Behind him were Wilcox and Anderson. D. R. Jones and Kemper lay farther south, extending the line almost to the Manassas Gap railroad. This part of the line was effectually concealed by the woods and its existence was unknown to the Union officers. The engagement was opened by a fierce artillery fire and Porter pushed forward Morell's division, supported by Sykes, against Jackson's line, under the impression that the Confederates were in retreat. Farther to the right Hatch made a determined assault on the embankment, receiving a slight wound as he led his command to the charge. Both attacks were gallantly made and Jackson was so sorely pressed that he sent for reinforcements to Lee, who ordered Longstreet to send the required aid. But Longstreet knew that reinforcements were unnecessary. He had planted his batteries in a position to enfilade the Federal lines as they advanced, and now opened fire. In less than ten minutes the Union troops were compelled to retire, suffering heavy losses. A large part of the forces of Reno, Heintzelman and Ricketts were thrown against Jackson, but all failed to accomplish any permanent advantage. To advance against a sheltered foe, while at the same time subjected to an enfilading fire of artillery, was too great an undertaking. Meantime Reynolds, to whom had been assigned the duty of guarding the left against a flank movement, had discovered Jones and Kemper advancing from that direction and reported it to headquarters. He was first ordered to form his division to resist an attack, but was later directed to cross the pike and support Porter. This gave Longstreet the opportunity, of which he was not slow to avail himself, to strike the assailants on the left flank, and he hurriedly massed his unemployed forces south of the pike for that purpose. Sykes sent Warren's brigade to hold the movement in check, but it was swept aside by overwhelming numbers. All thought of "pursuit" was now abandoned by the Union commanders and the struggle became one for the possession of the pike. Longstreet advanced his whole line with a rush, Hood in advance supported by Evans, while Kemper, Jones and Anderson swung farther to the Confederate right until the line extended east of the Sudley road. West of this road was an eminence known as Bald hill, and on the east side of it, near the Henry house, was another elevation. Both Page 192 had been occupied by the Federal batteries early in the morning, and these guns now did effective service in checking the impetuous advance of the enemy. The possession of these two hills was now the key to the situation. Sigel was hurried to the support of the batteries; two brigades of Ricketts' division under General Tower and two more batteries were also sent forward to Bald hill, and two brigades of Sykes' division to the Henry hill, where they were soon afterward reinforced by heavy detachments from the commands of Reynolds and Meade. The battle was thus transferred to the south side of the pike, and the Federal army suddenly thrown on the defensive. Jackson, as soon as he saw that Longstreet's advance was likely to be a success, sallied out of his works and advanced toward the pike, but was met and turned back by Reno and Heintzelman. The fight now centered around Bald hill. McLean's brigade of Schenck's division was sent to the support of the troops there engaged in a stubborn defense, and held the hill against several attacks from different directions. Schenck was severely wounded while bringing up reinforcements. Schurz' division was then sent in and for a time held the Confederates back. In the fight here General Tower was wounded and Colonel Fletcher Webster, a son of Daniel Webster, was killed while leading his regiment, the 12th Massachusetts, into action. Longstreet massed his forces for a final assault and by main force of superior numbers carried the hill, but not without paying a severe penalty in killed and wounded. At the Henry hill a similar scene was being enacted. Here Sykes' regulars stood in readiness to receive the onset. The two brigades were commanded by Buchanan and Chapman, veterans of the Mexican war, who had stood together at Molino del Rey. Behind them were all the troops it was possible to bring to their support, as this was the last stand that could be made west of Bull run. If it were lost the Union army was doomed to utter defeat. Already most of the troops were falling back toward the stone bridge, and the possession of Henry hill was absolutely necessary to cover the retreat. The Confederates had exhausted most of their energies in the capture of Bald hill, but they charged Sykes with a show of courage and enthusiasm only to be repulsed with severe loss. Again they advanced and again the invincible line of regulars stood the shock. Before the third attack could be made darkness fell with the hill still in the hands of the Unionists. During the night the remnant of the army fell back to Centerville. The losses of the Union army from the 25th to the 30th, including the engagements at Bristoe Station, Gainesville, Groveton and Bull run, amounted to 1,747 killed, 8,452 wounded and 4,263 captured or missing. Lee claims to have captured 7,000 prisoners and 30 pieces of artillery, but the facts do not bear out the statement. The reports regarding the Confederate loss are somewhat conflicting. Taking the figures of the different division and brigade commanders they had, in the battles of the 28th to 30th, inclusive, 1,553 killed, 7,812 wounded and 109 missing. The probabilities are that the losses on both sides have been understated. Bull Run Bridge, Virginia, August 27, 1862. 1st, 2nd, 3d and 4th New Jersey, and 11th and 12th Ohio Infantry. Early on the morning of the 27th the 1st New Jersey brigade, commanded by General George W. Taylor, and the two Ohio regiments, under the command of Colonel E. P. Scammon, left Alexandria with orders to hold the bridge over Bull run at all hazards. The New Jersey troops reached the bridge first, took up a position on the west side of the stream and were soon engaged by four brigades of A. P. Hill's division. About 8 Page 193 o'clock the Ohio men arrived on the scene. The 12th regiment was ordered to lie down behind the railroad embankment, while the 11th was sent to the left to prevent a flank movement of the enemy by a ford in that direction. About this time, Taylor, seeing that he was greatly outnumbered, issued an order to fall back to the east side, but in carrying out the order the men became panic stricken and continued the retreat in disorder. Taylor was wounded and at his request Scammon assumed command. While he was endeavoring to rally the New Jersey troops the 12th regiment at the bridge was almost surrounded. In the meantime the 11th had crossed the stream and was advancing to the assistance of Taylor, unaware of his order to fall back, when the situation of the 12th was discovered and the regiment was moved along the hill to its rescue. The two regiments, with about 200 of the New Jersey brigade, then fell back to the brow of the hill where a new line was formed and the fight renewed. The Confederates made several unsuccessful attempts to reach the rear of the Union forces and cut off the retreat, the Federals gradually falling back to the next ridge, where another stand was made. The fight lasted until about 3 p. m., and the retreat was harassed by small detachments of the enemy's cavalry all the way to Fairfax station. The Union loss in killed, wounded and missing was reported as being 433. The Confederate loss was not ascertained. The 1st New York heavy artillery reached this same bridge about 10 o'clock the evening before. After an hour's rest and seeing the supply train of Banks' division safely on the road, Colonel Waagner ordered the regiment to march to Manassas, where it was reported a party of guerrillas were committing depredations. They reached Manassas about daybreak on the 27th. A considerable force of Confederate cavalry was found stationed about a barn and a shell was thrown into their midst, causing them to flee in all directions. They finally sought shelter in the woods near by, which were then shelled until a considerable body of Confederate infantry appeared on the Union left, when Waagner gave orders to retreat toward Bull run. Pursuit was given by the enemy's cavalry and continued for several miles, the New Yorkers keeping in a body to Centerville and repelling several attacks. But having marched all day the day previous, and having been up all night, the fatigue began to tell upon them and after Centerville was passed there was some disorder. Near Fairfax the 14th Massachusetts came to the relief and checked the pursuit.
Bull's Gap, Tennessee, March 15, 1864. Bull's Gap, Tennessee, September 24, 1864. Cavalry and Mounted Infantry.
Bull's Gap, Tennessee, October 16, 1864. A scout of 30 Cavalry. No account of this affair is to be found in any of the Federal officers' reports, but Confederate General John C. Vaughn, in a letter to General Breckenridge, mentions that one Captain Bushong, with a scout of 30 men attacked and stampeded 70 Union soldiers near Bull's gap, with a loss of one man mortally wounded.
Bull's Gap, Tennessee, November 11-13, 1864. 8th, 9th and 10th Tennessee Cavalry—Governor's Guard. The 3 regiments, under the command of Brigadier-General Alvan C. Gillem, reached Bull's gap early on the morning of the 10th. Learning that the Confederate force under General Vaughn was moving around by Warrensburg to attack him in the rear, while Breckenridge was preparing to attack in front, Gillem spent all that day in strengthening his position. The attack was made in front on the morning of the 11th, but was handsomely repulsed. That night the Union troops lay upon their arms and were in line of battle at 4 o'clock the next morning. Just at daybreak the Page 194 enemy opened with his artillery and a little later Gillem was attacked from three sides; the artillery and some dismounted men in front, Vaughn in the rear, while Breckenridge, with Duke's cavalry and a strong detachment of dismounted men assailed the left. Gillem arranged his force to meet all these assaults and again the enemy was repulsed, though some of Breckenridge's men actually got inside of the rude works behind which the Federals were posted. No further attempt was made that day to carry Gillem's position, but early on the next morning the firing was commenced all along the front and continued throughout the day, though no assault was made. During the night of the 13th Gillem evacuated the gap, passed the enemy without interruption, and marched in the direction of Russellville, where he hoped to receive supplies and reinforcements. His men had fought for four days without bread or salt and his stock of ammunition was almost completely exhausted. While Gillem was marching toward Russellville the enemy passed through Taylor's gap and also marched toward the same point on a road running parallel about 2 miles distant . About 1 o'clock on the morning of the 14th the entire Confederate strength struck Gillem at Russellville with such force that his men were thrown into confusion. Here many of the Union men fired their last cartridge and the artillery was without ammunition. The cannon, ambulance and wagon trains fell into the hands of the Confederates. Gillem reported his loss as 150 in killed, wounded and missing, 6 pieces of artillery, 61 wagons, 71 ambulances and 300 horses. He retired to Morristown, where he was joined by Colonel Miller, who had been left to guard the gap until the main body was well under way, and where he reassembled his force, stragglers coming in all the next day.
Bulltown, West Virginia, October 13, 1863. Detachment of the 6th and 11th West Virginia Infantry. The detachment, commanded by Captain W. H. Mattingly, stationed in a fortification, was attacked about 4:30 a. m. by 1,000 of Colonel William L. Jackson's force, with 2 pieces of artillery. A charge was made on the northeast side of the works, causing Mattingly and his men to fall back to the main line of defenses. The enemy pursued, but received a volley that killed and wounded about 50 and checked the remainder. The Confederate commander then sent in a flag of truce demanding the surrender of the works. This demand was refused and the fighting continued until about the middle of the afternoon, when the enemy withdrew toward Sutton, leaving 4 men as prisoners, 2 of whom were wounded. The only casualty reported on the Union side was in the case of Mattingly, whose thigh was shattered early in the action.
Bulltown, West Virginia, August 20, 1864.
Bunker Hill, Virginia, July 15, 1861. Command of General Robert Patterson. As General Patterson was marching from Martinsburg to Bunker Hill his advance was opposed by a body of some 600 Confederate cavalry. In the skirmishing 1 of the enemy was killed and 5 were captured. Patterson's loss was not reported. Bunker Hill, Virginia, March 5, 1862. 3d Brigade. The brigade arrived at Bunker Hill in the afternoon and found the place guarded by a small picket of cavalry and a few infantry. Most of this force was captured and sent to Provost-Marshal Andrews. No casualties were reported.
Bunker Hill, Virginia, September 4-5, 1862. Detachment of the 12th Illinois Cavalry. The detachment, consisting of 95 men, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Davis, was stationed about 3 miles south of Martinsburg, on the Winchester road. On the morning of the 4th Lieut . Charles Roden, with 10 men, was sent on a reconnoitering tour. At Bunker Hill Page 195 he suddenly came upon a party of 12 mounted Confederates, charged them and drove them about 3 miles south of the town, wounding 1 man and 1 horse. The next day about half the detachment met some 40 of the enemy a short distance north of Bunker Hill and drove them back to the town. Here they dismounted, took shelter in some old buildings on the bank of the creek, and opened fire upon the advancing Federals. Davis quickly led his men across the creek, charged up the hill and drove them from cover. He then pursued them for 6 miles, wounding 2 and capturing 6, all of Ashby's cavalry. No one was hurt on the Union side.
Bunker Hill, West Virginia, June 13, 1863. Part of 2nd Division, 8th Army Corps. The only official mention of an action at Bunker Hill on this date is in the report of Brigadier-General Daniel Tyler, commanding the 1st division, 8th corps, who says: "About this time (11 o'clock), information was received that the enemy had captured a portion of General Milroy's forces at Bunker Hill, 6 to 8 miles on the Winchester pike."
Bunker Hill, West Virginia, January 1, 1864. Scouts of the 12th Pennsylvania Cavalry. The scouting party reported that about 4 o'clock in the morning they captured 4 of the enemy 4 miles north of Winchester, that they were afterward pursued by 30 Confederate cavalry to Bunker Hill, where the prisoners were recaptured, but the report was subsequently discredited by both General Averell and General Kelley.
Bunker Hill, West Virginia, July 19, 1864. Bunker Hill, West Virginia, July 25, 1864. Crook's Division, Army of West Virginia. As General Crook was retiring from Winchester toward Martinsburg, closely pressed by a large Confederate force, he encamped for the night of the 24th at Bunker Hill, reaching that place about 9 p. m. Next morning the enemy's cavalry made an attack in front and also made an effort to turn the flanks of the Union position. Crook gradually retired toward Martinsburg, skirmishing all the way, and repulsing several flank movements on the part of the enemy.
Bunker Hill, West Virginia, September 2-3, 1864. Averell's Division of Sheridan's Cavalry. On the 2nd Averell moved from Falling Waters toward Winchester. At Bunker Hill he attacked and routed three brigades of the enemy, capturing 2 battle flags, 55 prisoners, 20 wagons, a battery forge, a herd of cattle and a quantity of small arms. On the 3d the Confederates attacked in turn, but were repulsed and driven to within 5 miles of Winchester. No casualties reported.
Bunker Hill, West Virginia, September 13, 1864. Averell's Cavalry Division. On this date General Averell made a reconnaissance to Bunker Hill, Gerrardstown and Pughtown. After driving the enemy's cavalry beyond Bunker Hill a considerable force of Confederate infantry was found in position. The object of the reconnaissance having been accomplished, Averell returned to his former position.
Bunker Hill, West Virginia, September 19, 1864. Averell's Cavalry Division. At 5 a. m. General Averell advanced across the Opequan to Darkesville, thence to Bunker Hill, where the Confederate cavalry made a determined stand, and resisted the advance of the division from that point to Stephenson's depot, 5 miles north of Winchester. Here heavy firing could be heard on the Union left and rear, caused by General Torbert trying to cross the Opequan with Merritt's cavalry. A rear attack on the Confederate position enabled Custer to cross the stream and take a position on Averell's left, the latter then shifting his division to the west side of the pike. A new line was thus formed and made a successful advance upon the enemy, driving him from his position toward Winchester. Page 196 When within a mile of the town another stand was made, but again the enemy was routed and a piece of artillery captured. This was about half past two. Shortly afterward Custer's cavalry gave way, which exposed Averell's left. The enemy was prompt to take advantage of the opportunity and attacked with both infantry and artillery, but without forcing the Union position. About 3 p. m. the infantry of the Army of West Virginia made a vigorous assault upon the Confederate lines and saved the day, as the ground was too broken for the cavalry to be of much use. The Union loss was 250 in killed, wounded and missing. The number of Confederates killed and wounded was not ascertained. Prisoners to the number of 83 were taken, and 1 gun and 2 ambulances fell into Averell's hands as spoils of war.
Burden's Causeway, South Carolina, July 9, 1864. In the operations about John's island, from the 4th to the 10th, the Confederate reports refer to the skirmish of the 9th as the battle of Burden's Causeway. (See John's Island.) Burgess' Farm, Virginia, October 27-28, 1864. Burgess' farm and Burgess' mill are evidently one and the same place. The operations here on this date were a part of the general movement of the Union troops along Hatcher's run in extending the Federal lines to the left in the siege of Petersburg. (See Hatcher's run, same date.)
Burke's Station, Virginia, December 4, 1861. 3d New Jersey Infantry. This affair was somewhat out of the ordinary course of warfare. On the night of the 4th Colonel George W. Taylor, with 50 of his men, went out on the old Braddock road to intercept the enemy's cavalry patrols. About 2 miles from Burke's station two telegraph wires were stretched across the road and the men stationed in an advantageous position to await results. In a little while a Confederate scouting party of some 25 men, led bv Captain J. F. Waring of the 6th Virginia cavalry, rode up to the wire. Taylor's men fired, each of their pieces being loaded with fifteen buck-shot, and several saddles were emptied. The fire was returned, after which the enemy galloped off down the road beyond the range of the guns. Waring, who was acting without orders from his superior officers, reported his loss as 8 missing and 3 wounded. Taylor's loss was 4 or 5 wounded and 1 missing.
Burke's Station, Virginia, March 9, 1862. At an early hour in the morning, while a detachment of the 6th Maryland cavalry (Confederate), was relieving the pickets of the 13th Virginia at Burke's station, the Union skirmishers appeared on the opposite line of hills. The fight was commenced by a squadron of the 8th Illinois cavalry, which charged a company of pickets that were slightly in advance of the others, and the main line of skirmishers quickly followed up the attack. The enemy fought bravely, but were forced from the field, 10 of their men being captured.
Burke's Station, Virginia, March 10, 1862. One Company 1st New York Cavalry. Burke's Station, Virginia, August 7, 1863. Late in the afternoon an attack was made by a small body of Confederate cavalry upon some Union men engaged in cutting wood about a mile east of the station. The wood-cutters were provided with 25 four-horse teams, and were accompanied by a guard of 60 men. The prompt action of this guard repulsed the assailants and saved the teams, the capture of which was doubtless the object of the attack. No casualties were reported on either side. Burke's Station, Virginia, April 10, 1865. Cavalry from the post at Fairfax Station. Early on the morning of the 10th Colonel Charles Albright, commanding the post at Fairfax Station, received Page 197 information that a body of the enemy's cavalry was south of the station and moving toward Burke's station for the purpose of capturing the trains at work there. Ordering out all his cavalry he immediately went in pursuit. Near Burke's station Go. K, 8th Illinois cavalry, which was in advance, came up with the enemy and a few shots were exchanged. The Confederates retreated to the woods, but were quickly followed, and at Arundel's place they were discovered in line behind the fences and buildings. Albright formed his men for a charge, which was made with such impetuosity that the enemy broke and fled. They were pursued to Wolf run shoals, where they crossed the stream, when Albright withdrew his men and returned to Fairfax. He reported his casualties as 2 men slightly wounded, 5 horses killed and 4 injured. Several of the enemy were killed or wounded and a number of horses killed. Five prisoners were, taken, from one of whom it was learned that the Confederates belonged to Mosby's command.
Burkesville, Kentucky, November 8, 1862. Burkesville Road, Kentucky, December 25, 1862. (See Green's Chapel.)
Burlington, West Virginia, April 6, 1863. Part of Ringgold's Cavalry Battalion. A foraging party of 40 men, under the command of Lieutenant Speer, of the Lafayette cavalry, was attacked near Burlington by a largely superior force of Confederate cavalry, commanded by Captain McNeil. Speer, with 11 of his men and 5 teams, were captured. (See Purgitsville.)
Burlington, West Virginia, April 26, 1863. Burlington, West Virginia, August 4, 1863.
Burlington, West Virginia, October 13, 1863. Burlington, West Virginia, November 16, 1863. Detachment of the 14th West Virginia and the 2nd Maryland Infantry. On the 15th a train of 80 wagons, loaded with quartermaster and commissary stores, intended for General Averell's command at Petersburg, left New Creek station on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. The train was in charge of Captain Clinton Jeffers, of the 14th West Virginia, his guard consisting of a lieutenant and 5O men of his own regiment, and a lieutenant and 40 men of the 2nd Maryland That evening they encamped near Burlington. About 9 o'clock the next morning, as the train was making a short turn in the road, some 4 miles south of Burlington, the advance was fired upon by a party of Confederates concealed in the woods. Lieutenant George H. Hardman, commanding the advance, was instantly killed and his men thrown into confusion. They were rallied, however, by a sergeant, fell back from the road a short distance, at the same time skirmishing with the enemy, who now charged in considerable strength. Jeffers, who was near the center of the train, started to bring up the rear guard, when the center was fired upon from an old house opposite. About the same time a body of cavalry attacked the rear guard, which fell back and took a position in the edge of the woods. The Confederates now interested themselves in unhitching the horses and getting away with them, at the same time setting fire to the wagons. The advance guard had in the meantime taken shelter behind a fence, from which position they kept up a telling fire, so that the attempt to burn the wagons was abandoned, only 5 being destroyed and 2 others injured. The Union loss was 2 killed, 12 wounded, 5 missing, 245 horses captured, and the 7 wagons already mentioned. The loss of the enemy was not learned, but it must have been considerable. The Confederates were part of Imboden's cavalry, commanded by Captain John H. McNeill. Their number was estimated all the way from 250 to 500, though General Imboden says in his report of the affair that there were but 100 of them.
Burned Church, Georgia, May 26, 1864. Cavalry of the 1st Division, Army of the Cumberland. Burnsville, Mississippi, Sept 14, 1862. Burnsville, Mississippi, January 3, 1863. Burnsville, Mississippi, June 11, 1863.
Burnt Bridge, Tennessee, September 5, 1863. About 4 a. m., the guard at the bridge, consisting of 28 men in charge of a lieutenant, was attacked by a force of 200 Confederate cavalry, the object being to capture a through freight train then almost due. The guard was driven off, with a loss of 1 killed and 8 wounded, after which the enemy set fire to the bridge and waited for the approach of the train. Two negroes notified Colonel Bryant, who reached the bridge with his mounted infantry just in time to save the train. The bridge, which was near Humboldt, had been burned once before.
Burnt Chimneys, Virginia, April 16, 1862. (See Lee's Mill, same date.)
Burnt Cross-Roads, Kentucky, October 6, 1862. The action at Burnt Crossroads on this date was an incident of the Perryville campaign, Wheeler's cavalry making a stand at this point, while Bragg's army was falling back toward the Tennessee line. (See Beach Fork.)
Burnt Hickory, Georgia, May 24, 1864. 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland. The division, commanded by Brigadier-General E. M. McCook, reached Burnt Hickory about 2 p. m., after skirmishing with the enemy for a distance of some 4 miles. The most important feature of the action was the capture of a Confederate courier, bearing a despatch from General Johnston to General Jackson, showing that the Confederate commander intended to make a stand in the vicinity of Dallas. This information proved very valuable to Sherman in directing the movements of his forces.
Burnt Ordinary, Virginia, January 19, 1863. Detachment 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Major W. G. McCandless, with 150 men, left camp at Yorktown about 9 a. m. on a scouting expedition on the Richmond road. Nine miles from Williamsburg 3 mounted Confederates were seen and a short distance further on a party of 16 men was discovered. The Union advance, commanded by Lieutenant Vezin, immediately gave chase and pursued the enemy to Burnt Ordinary. Here a large force of Confederate cavalry came up on the Centerville road, made a dash and captured 4 of Vezin's men who were about 300 yards ahead of the others. Vezin, seeing the fate of his men if the enemy had time to form, gave the order to "draw saber and charge." The movement was executed in a gallant manner, and, notwithstanding the vastly superior strength of the enemy, they fled precipitately after firing a volley which did little or no damage. About 20 returned up the road toward Centerville and a larger party took the Diascund road. McCandless coming up with the main body, the latter was pursued for some distance and 3 of the 4 prisoners recaptured. Three miles beyond Burnt Ordinary the chase was abandoned, as the fresher condition of the enemy's horses made it impossible to keep up with them. The Union loss was 1 man seriously wounded and 1 captured. Four prisoners were taken and at least 1 man was wounded. Burrowsville, Arkansas, January 23, 1864. 1st Arkansas Cavalry. On the 10th, Captain Charles Galloway, with 150 men, left Fayetteville for the purpose of scouting and foraging. The party reached Burrowsville, the county seat of Searcy county, on the 23d. As they approached the town a few shots were fired by some straggling bushwhackers, but no damage was done, and the town was occupied without resistance.
Burton's Ford, Virginia, March 1, 1864. (See Albemarle County, Custer's Expedition.)
Bush Creek, Missouri, May 26, 1863.
Bushy Creek, Arkansas, December 9, 1861. Union Indians under Opothleyholo.
Bushy Creek, Kentucky, April 7, 1864. Detachment of 14th and 39th Kentucky Infantry. The detachment, under the command of Colonel Minis, came upon Prentice at Bushy creek and a sharp skirmish ensued, but the enemy, being mounted, escaped with the loss of a few men wounded, some horses and stolen goods.
Bushy Creek (or Little Black River), Missouri, May 28, 1863. 13th Illinois Cavalry.
Bushy Knob, Tennessee, November 23, 1863. This is but another name for Orchard knob or Indian hill, a slight eminence near the City of Chattanooga, and is mentioned in connection with the battles of Chattanooga, Lookout mountain and Missionary ridge.
Bushy Swamp, North Carolina, March 18, 1865. 2nd Division, 14th Army Corps. The division broke camp on Black river at 5:30 a. m. and marched forward on the Goldsboro road. At Bushy Swamp the foragers of the command came upon a body of Confederates, which retired across the swamp, where they took up a strong position and opened fire with their artillery. The 1st and 2nd brigades were deployed in two lines, with a regiment from each thrown forward as skirmishers, and an advance ordered. As the infantry approached the enemy abandoned his position and beat a retreat. No casualties reported. Butler, Missouri, November 20, 1861.
Butler, Missouri, May 15, 1862. 1st Iowa Cavalry. Butler Creek, Alabama, November 17-19, 1864. (See Aberdeen.) Butler's Mill, Tennessee, June 30, 1863. Detachment 106th Ohio Infantry. About 8 p. m. on the 29th information reached the Federal camp at Buck Lodge that a party of guerrillas were robbing the house of a Union man not far away. Lieutenant-Colonel Tafel immediately ordered all his mounted men, 11 in number, to proceed to the place, under command of Lieutenant Berthold, and endeavor to capture the depredators. After pursuing them for several hours Berthold was directed to a house that the guerrillas were known to frequent and there lay in wait for them. They approached the house, but in some way discovered the presence of the Union troops and made their escape. On the morning of the 30th the pursuit was renewed and as Berthold and his little party were passing Butler's old mill they were fired upon from ambush by a force numbering about 100 men. Berthold was killed instantly, 1 man was overtaken and killed later, and 3 were wounded. Of the enemy 1 was known to have been killed and several wounded, but the number could not be ascertained.
Butte a La Rose, Louisiana, April 20, 1863. Union Gunboats Arizona, Calhoun, Clifton and Estrella. Butte a la Rose was a fortified mound at the junction of the Atchafalaya river and Cow bayou. At the time of its capture it was garrisoned by a force of 60 men. An attempt had been made to reduce it by land forces, but this was unsuccessful owing to the flooded condition of the lowlands surrounding it. On the morning of the 20th the gunboats, under the command of Lieutenant A. R. Cooke, of the U. S. navy, with four companies of infantry, succeeded in capturing the place with all the garrison, 2 large cannon and a large quantity of ammunition, thus opening communications on the Atchafalaya.
Buzzard Roost, Georgia, April 22, 1865.
Buzzard Roost Blockhouse, Georgia, October 13, 1864. One company of the 115th Illinois Volunteers.
Buzzard Roost Gap, Georgia, February 24-26, 1864. (See Dalton, same date.)
Buzzard Roost Gap, Georgia, May 8-11, 1864. (See Rocky Face Ridge.)
Buzzard's Prairie, Louisiana, November 3, 1863. (See Bayou Bourbeau.)
Byhalia, Mississippi, October 12, 1863. (See Ingram's Mills.)
Byhalia, Mississippi, February 11, 1864. (See Raiford's Plantation.) Byhalia Road, Mississippi, July 2, 1864. Detachment of the 7th Indiana Cavalry. Colonel D. B. Henderson commanding the post at Collierville, sent out a reconnoitering party of 20 men on the Byhalia road. When about 10 miles from Collierville this party was attacked by some 200 cavalry and driven back toward the camp. Henderson, on being informed of the enemy's approach, stationed 250 men at a bridge about a mile and a half from the town and sent forward a small body of cavalry to draw the Confederates into the ambuscade, but upon the advance of this second party the Confederates, thinking that the scouting party was receiving reinforcements, beat a hasty retreat toward Byhalia. No casualties reported.'
Byram's Ford, Missouri, October 22, 1864. (See Big Blue.)